Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 21, 1895, p. 2

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IK tSSBl^X. FREE fr>JR*S*3fe> TTT THK- ESSEX FIIEKPRKSS 23&&3Z15C, OUT. ,~T" Published Evtiry "Frldoy Motrnln From lliucfliou ou Talbot Struet, next JUunidnu llloulc, (T- Spnoifil iiUnntioti ii( pti'd to tin: publica tion oE mutter of local iiripnrtanrjo, luauir- bio uuil n-hahlo roporln of Town, neiphbnr- ln(i Towm-hip unci (Jounly Oounnil promied- liUJH, loon I \iu( county umrltet reporta, iito,, Mm ottrofu- and judiuiuua umnupinmeiH of Tine Kiu'.k I.^hkhh, with roeipout to thawo nnd other current muttera of local importation, hfiu nivmi it a widespread prentice in tlui centre of Knuox. eounty.whieh in n-eni'iiizcd ua omi of the bent iiirriuultuml dintriotn m Oiiturb. Thk Vuva: 1'ukhh \i\ the oilly mod him oi veil lining thoroughly m thin oiitrul portion of thu Clouutv, and in con- Bequnntly,without duuhl,the only thorough advertininn; medium fur Impuiiphh_n^fffi* Wishing to rouuh thai cUmm "Vjjfrfmif-nu couiu:i>i'onoi Our colunimi uru uJ/(jlU for Lhu pauo.mblo cliHoujjpj^jj*^ imiIt(,l,H |R.|.[lUUh^ AbKoJroiipoiMlontii in all tin: hurroniid- ug tooalitieu funiiah ruliiihle repm-tii of ovoutw of intorunt, iiooorriimin -Bphorea; and the puhli.iher in at all tunei, lloiuuul to receive inu-n^tinu iltriin'. t-I fcwu from any deponed to forward cntri- btiomi. . All coinmnnhsutiuiiH of a private an< nndontial nature, ahuuld bo an uuulw-d tho ouudde of tin-- unvulnpu. mntHcnii'TioN' i'iuok. Jl,00 per annum, htrictly in a-lvaar-.. per milium if not ho paid; ana all ed ittthtLt rate. AnVKIlTl^r.MKM'H. Ti'anaient leipd and municipal adver tiHomontH, notice*, etc., clunked t at tlio iato of, ten CL'UtH per hue, for iinit iiwortion, and live ci-ntH I""' 'nur for ouch mu>ecjueiit luai-rtinn. All advortiHementa are nu-iiMirod by a hohIu of twelve hntJH to the hich. IjoohI readme; in"1 other notice pub- linhed anions local i.c.v* iiiiUttr charged at the rato of teu.ce.nta per runnine; hue for each innertiiui. .---------- All notices of church or nocioty cuter tainmontH of any doticnpiiou, at which un ndmii;idan fee i:> charged, arc regarded an lulvurtiH.iiiiciits, and full advcrtihhi^ rati* Chared in nil qnch raHfH, Notit-fiHof ^ath- Wrin^u or iriiMtin^-i not for pecuniary in-nt;- iltoraid, will bn choerfully publiahod fn-o Of cliar^o. Bpociid contract rnt-:i made.fur display or HtandniK advth. All li-tful nr ]>n- al cardH umlcr one inch, $"> per anutim. ' job on commj;iu:ui. ritiNTiNiI. STATUETO CROMWELL Vigorously Objoctod To ------tho Irlah Mombora. By Vtt IMPERIAL SEALIHG BILL oltli>ftf(l tn tu ttm 4:<mnnoiu n* N<it .it- kurilltiir h'r(ft'(l<ta In IliltUli Uul*- Ji'fU on tlui Ken iho Sit'HiltrtV 4^)IiiIihi of Ollivp Ciiuii\i elj. . l.mulon, Juno K,. In. tho f lonfn- r Cuniiiinn.j io-duy A. (,', "Klfirlon. r-i. i.i'.\.'ii to i-ialii.1'- Lb,;-' iiniii'iil fii-.iiii r r it:-' iinLiM.-naiioi; i.f l'.iicl-:ln^ii:i.rn I':.P : n.'.d .Murlbor ii/ii lloiiMj.n: p rt v 1 . r. : l:i.I i'rln.-.- >>. ii.l m !ny.'London, and illvrri. ^1> '.' - ' - il.-.'yr od Iioum-, t : :/T.i-i-;il.i- ih-L' in i"'ii;:l-ijr;.'.|i. r. I.a.b. .M--IHT r'iii'l h :,h' lo h'-.a- ihut liolyr ud Uoiifi \\.t-< ur io wivclt mimI ruin, isnd hn|i--.; i iiftEiin*' would !' don'- io .i.iv li. c. Pi-, t f adston , I-'mhI ( ' nu.ii lo i- lb* &,.Mod tbiLt tb"'K-nanlon riuti'ktHl tho nd\ ,'i.nci' .in conip]i-t'i)"HH or llndr Union, lb honed that bolh urctioiw would on- th'.' to iiiukw tli'- (il'luut'o iMTniancut, Th (!o|iM(ii-vutlv':i hail nrnvnd that th - wii not opt")tM' *<> KiiHoimblo rei in, and wf WHO WIM, l-KQHK/l'T Ml KT, LOI'Ih ? tVnu l-'oV sh'ti'lj4 ^,(...................__ _ . . placiv *na*t reniitlonury. Tho . hi Notrti I)ujjvj-trtM>i Ht, Ihniri, 'I !i" Ml . rai-tTiiloiilmu liuMl fonvaiM to oo. ! 'k' Naj-^on UmiuiM w..n hmii.1 l i ..r tlvi l.'f.'lHlutioiL . ____ | work WUm tlio t_raj,'iMly w/ui eniietr !, .\'n I 1)11:1' .(1 if.ii : \u> .' . j- mi \\ uri::*, ,i:ai ! i li-I.v t..... II . d liy f-r:inl i'o ' r-'i'a u':;. . : r, M i 'o 'H inn lo.i, .. : hf, h ni' .\i r. i d;id.-Li.iii. ^.(.; v iih.:rau'ii. '. ! layd-'ti, 'inomb>-.r ior K1 m:m\' (.1 tn ri'duco tin.- i-iUltoa L-- I l\Ui-;;l iiKUhlJt lil>' i'\J" iidiUiiv ui' li,- ii'uii'-y u pnii tlu- fun: t ru.-i ion si.itr.i' mi' i divr Ci Miu w<-Ii wi lib. I tvid-i. im "]' I \i r''-nt. \^ illl m 1' <lni ,'> il, uii'inb r I'ui' 'Mail-, prot i-t'-'l ;if;-ainsi t, e r,I < I li' >ii ol' Hi" m inory ui' iiiu - t'-ii! lis iii' i b-- iii'.ipl' ' ' I'd d a.s a miird'-r.-r. ,S:r \'-'lil iim I la. ro'.rt, the KM-h'-ipii r, .naid tb> in In- n<ivwiic(i 1 -y famous m i j. i DlllUlOll. ;,"IJ [i- a , ui- . i ;' :l Hi an I . 1 - i ma a \* h 'in of ] IV]il Ilil i - Phil i.o 1" r' ... 1 foil.;'- ().\ 'V tli" fact ih:it i ii- r n tn h;n:-;li;;h iii:^t <"Vviiu-ilVr* iiv N <!lWo- HhoHl* t Wfl 'I'rlt-d In O. (.>I"T-Irillc*nk4<l ViiHiirnticn. M.ntrtnl, .Tuly I8.-TI10 Ipqmwt >w (.' a yi'HtoiHhiy 011 tlio body of .V '. Diiiihiw, tVlu> wiih mwrdorod In c Id Idbod yooh'rday wliilrt aloiio with child ht IMlill Notrn Tin mri|-Mtrent, The wliolo cum; in Hln-otidod in doepiiat myMfory. The nv>nt iiffp^tionab> rela- t)nt\:i apjtoar to ha vi> tn-iub'd hot ween JniMhrirnl and wifo. Ifcr .'1-year-old haby van in lt_n tfradlo udion tlio dreadful ili-i'd wioi aeconiiriiHlit'd, and nlthon^li uutrvti of r*ithi 1 ii*ri li\i) all around, no nni wtin Mreii niiteriil'.r or h'a,viai< tin; Ih-imo, Dfteutivo Carpnatiir in worUinw iiji th wnie. hi-uiie time ulneo .lului A. Ciiiiho brought mi nrfioii aj^aiuHt ,T, II, W'oinl, whn in raii<d for having juaueil, no l)i*hnlf <i|* 11 c-'.apany, 1111 iiirtiiranei' p, licy liri'iiT'c. ,Jud;;i! Ihi^ati lim-d (lny . f'.'ii) 11 tji.1 c^-itu ui* Iwn i p|-h>-n. Tla- Uiid.-ion liny 0. will d- n'h < u- 1- I'iii-ii'in; lo llnu'.'i va. Hiipp!i.-ii dn- ii.;r (In- in* nl li uf .1 ll.I-.-.' I'.I:i liL-i-r lias ;;-| ! 1,1 nl ., fllis i\. i! |i> prui*.....I In I |-i'| Mid In r iPolo 111 - inti.t ii' ly pi*'a >>i :-'.]i.>i 11 ' 1 'I'll-' I :-i.-l .,1 the Id mi. vill i..i...i- phii-i- in t it-t.,|,iT. v..i( \v.. inn! 1 ,[! " -lu! nail a day b fore I Atiorney-' Join-ral pro.-1; irorv.: 'I tU,U .V3.l,I3>TY .IT A llnr i.h1k<*, (bo ixiiii' o/ii'l:v - 1M1 EIll nu-il 111 !)',' -;'; lll'll must 11 1 he di'to; mhifd by indi : >'ini ai 1 I \' m st also 11 l"T the ;-l iee th t st:;t. a .en oc ;.. 1 h" 1 i.- nf lie- nation and loo;, lie- 1n.1i.lor In a broad spirit. The i-.wn .' ' -ihli, h i a .0, w;is a j.- r-'at lei l 'V r|ij\Ve|l w:.^ a Kl'rat rtlhT" ,:i:-;a. jJLdl<jyju_hauiiiJJ-Uu-^Jji:oad. .Ilidi . r it, Idioral, said C:--'i v, ii' v-r one : diiilt:--d John I'. X-ulai:, 1 'a in II ii.-, d'-'.l.i. i ',t! 'I Ul'.i \ i 1! 1 a l Tho Fukk 1 dob ' I'ri.ntum Oc partmeiiL in utwor tho . nupurvihion of tboron^hly coin potent "rut chanicH, and upecial tLttention ia paul lo Mils branch -of the 'trade. Our facilities for tlio o>;oetitiun of all Iwnda of Hook ami Fino Job rrintin^ arc aiitixcelind. Stuttui power prenyl;. A call solicited. UUHINMHd Ur.OIJl.ATlONH. and Transiont Advortimni; aceouut.:, Htrictly wish. AdvrrtiHii);: aciaiuntM with ro^iilar pntrouH aro settled quarterly. Hub- bariptions <luu ill advance. 1 "No Hiibtfcriptiou to tho Fnr.n Piikhh. or advortihoinerit published in iU coluinnh Vill ho tlif-continutid until all arrears are paid in full. Chun^eh for adyertiHoiiu-ntH, to M-euro Irjfjertion in the ourrmit iiistie, must \m handed in not inter than noun uf tlio Ttum- day procodiii(4, ^nd notice of such iiitoutl- iid change ih rerpujred on tho Monday pro- coding. Notice of diriCoiitinU'iiior.! of ii'ivei tint:- rnontH miirtt be -iiven at Icirrrt <.mt woidi in advance of Lhe i:iMiio in \ybich th-jy arc dOHired to last appcur. AOVl.HTIHliKH, Hubnorihei'H and patronn generally arc eoquoHtcd to read tho above regulations! oarefully, in order tlmt confusion may to avoided, an they will in all ciihuh be adhered to, AddreHK all ciunniuuicntionfi to Bi. .1. LOVICLACI!. Pul.ilibbor thu Knai;x Fiu-'.m I'hiiho, Eiiiiox, Out $A <0 rcWfSJRnDEii COPYRIGHTS. CAW I OI1TAIN A I'ATKNT ' Tor a Srmnnt nimwnr and un lumi'.-t osmuin, writu to l|f NN tV CO., wlui Inivu Ii:k] nuirly nti y yeard' OTpDrlencoin the patimt buniin>s.i. tJunmniiiu'i- tiiHiiiniricily cinitliU'iiiliil. A HiimlliiMilwif lii. lormatlon cnru'iTinnK rilcinn unii liny/tn (il>- tnl.Ttluanmait. free. AIhoii iiiiiilnijiK) 01 mia-him- lcul ninl hcIuiu Iiiu IiooUn h 1;0i inn!. X*-tont-ti MiUmi tarouuii Mmai U Co. rceclvi* imofiial notice In tho Scicntlllc American, und thuu nru bronlit wlil-ly k'Hirn th puhlli: with out cr>f<t (o tliu Inventnr. TMu.hnlniitiai nuiicr imaietl ^ooltiy. i;loiranily illut'i riitcii. han bv lar rlii'i !srf:uiit ar(iiil(itluu ot any tjcii:iana: Wuric tn Um world. tSa a yur. Siimiili: cnitiiitic;iit free. Jlulldliir; ItJciatoii, moiitlily, $-v.Wn your. Hlni'lo conlOH, 'Hi com 11, IGvery nuinbur coutuim tiuau- .tltnl plutrH, in coloru, unit plimnKraplis of new jioutKM. with plnntt, ontililliiBlinlliliT.: to Htmw tlio \atvnt '.!^uIl'iih 11ml hocureoniilrar't'. Ad(lri'^:i MUN 1'.t CO.. NEW Voillv. ao'l tlaOiinwAV i- oiiy.'"]] ! a.l phi, .-.I tin.' part ii- if ii rous Pro ml ti at Kir W'di a ar. oiiri bad bl'-iitiiii.'il liimsel:' -. . i. si ny of bis (( >. i.'-livi' iind 1 'ai mdlito l;u )rh;.i r.) .'1 b.- iii'-tlon introduced by .Mr. 1 in;< I- u was rejefted. 1T.2 to lio. -[i- l.ili\-,-, rd II c.. .' ;'i,'.i mentai-y ^e, j- Lary ' Lo tin- ]"'< '. i- 'e, I'lO'- lilt' pl"i Id III ii.ill o[ ' Hi'Jl lin .r e.-'u illLT Si1 ii dllrii,^' . .'eiMaill m'Jixiii '...! ai-ai lisliei-'ies r, :.. ,. li.nj. ': 1 lirorjV 1'ad u-i'ow.'lb vi'lio \'. a I 1 i 1 ;.sh r-aid Li; .. pproved the jr ( riiripj" i>i the hill, but it did n.M . i- a 1 he lirhnn^ t>:,-i. tribunal (ii arblii-: t it Ml. I'll.-111 i.-l O'lli.-oi, I'owh'H nft'i'i'i d ' 1 i 111n'-111 declaring that ia.> hill uais. i>" m li-iiaetury tho t ' wit luhou' l'.r: ii pi nfe-'t aai Imm llritiah subjeet:! on Ih M-h h.i-ii. and tliki rciidiTi'd lb'iLi.-di v-s -l,-i liable tu search and tieizuiv liy io: -i^a niival <ilHi.-ers, Mr, ilou'h'H Haid I. ih,ulited wlii'lliej' L'iiliOda'H objei'tio|jS 1 'in' bill had been removed. At any ra : : lie int'.-iHiii'e w oiild j-eljth-l' Ih'i Hull sub j'-eU, I'DLTa^i'd ill law fill pursuits, li:; hi. lo liiiiuilin tiii^ Ireatineat at the Imiid.- of Min.'i^ui'ra. Sir J-vilwaril (.irvy Hitirl that the l/il-: '.v:i,s only intiMideil to affect tlui exisLih;,' .. e;rc,'in,'iit ujth KiiHsiiL. It eonto ined a- i Li 11.41'.', for ut !mr jnirposi a. (*u nada ; I'oliHetiL tti the nieaiiiire. !iad not b'i'iie\- | , ; <-.-'.-, 1 v ^i Veil, but fVi'VY eildli.iVoi' run Htcnt ujlIi inlii:in:r th" ru-i'ivinueni v, ii liiihsia lia;> bi.-eu iiwid>- to natisl'y ih liuniinion. lb- helii vrd tliat tin- n-at: i \iona imposed w.'i" n ii.'.uuahh' even ii. i he inli'i'rHtu of Canadian w-ameu, ill' l',( >\\ lew' J i llie lU i til lit HUM reject' by a vole of <^7 to 11. The iiulkie Un. adjourned. Cnuioi * -il* s ^ a list* AuaJii on llom^ny, Lond'jii, Jurui 1 1. v.< says that tin- Irish ini-rulx-rs uf I a. u.i ue at will sprain rai.'^- i\\>- iiUi.'st.on > ' . dvt-r t'roinwell on the r jiort on sup I ly wbl Ii will i.rohubly be silbiaiUe on .Moral y, 'I'lo y i-xpcut lo d-foat Lie proje-jt wiili tin- b- li' of th- opit.H,Liou I-*fjlt \)\\v:v, Jon" I;.,.....m. r ; ' . I'.ru. mar, Ab' nw n ldr , Hi- I" 1 ri shhliee i-.\' tin: I )||Ke of I'l" , s . I law uf lin- I'rlnri- of Wales, v. a ! I to-iJliy. 'l lie lire broke Ollt 111 ill i l:. :i pl'iv a .< , Willi-r, th.- efSurt:- mad Ih-- Hani' n weru ui inali i,;; 'Mi spread Io ;i ii adjae.-nt wood, whi li !,. aiill bnn-.iufr. s.M'.'ii cut d-uy'ii lr . o> [ir-'Vi-nt tie- Hi-" ('oiiiiuiiidi.'albi. ! iii- it' ill. l>aIl-i-i>om and teids euur: l< ib* vicinity. '. -,.. "' Atii'in';' thos.-. wtKi wltrae s-d ih d1- x:\. Olieen V'letorUi, who, as i-'iimi as :h h"ar<l of .th.- t'u-e, iIi-mvo iu th"' . r from llslniornl. Tho tf. lint; of th :i Ploj.peil th,. Hfi--ail of tlu- Mr-, l'-ii u". until all the balldlui;:i, exilept th" tmi1^ ' -t "f tbo 1'* and plet urvs In t ..o lod^'i; w're itaved. 'I'he property \.as tuaural. tatiii: tecaiii:, mUKITT.tX.'.i'Io.ll, (liHiiiir in tiif* Floral l'tiili'y r \(H huutii w.iifH. Sydney, N.S.W., Jane la. The vote' on the (.' ilil I y.-r^teidey ."L"'.d ".1 III fiOi,i' uf the laerLitli'i- to i'h'1 ;t^ ii. When h" iiitrcHlueed the hill is May !, !, the prjiiu. Minister n;dd that the!- lia-ilt w:is pledged Uiiihnlish the eu-iciim duties iinp,j'<ed hair yoar-i ae*n, ,,'ud lo esLablish a tariff on it free trade liasin. The i ioveriuiieiit Vy'-aa deieriuitit'il to tolas this i.eessiiMi to impose a direct tax af* I/IU'C. Then1 would be a I ami tn x of Id en the j and, ; ad :ill iaemile ni fid ou t iir I- and, \'. ith '".em pLiniis, There \via;!d h t, npi;ils, h'-'T, t(.h;M'i.'n and opium. The lil dm.-- -< IV' lil'l be let ,i i led for the pros -nt, !ni a ilaty I'll fill;; il 1' for ten viiius weuld he i inputted. I.SKoMmi. -<1> i'HHtlli M. he iPALAOkl SrAMHMO. LOW RAYQC CLEVELAND, ^ H El D PITTSBURG. ^ ra m BUFFALO AND ALL POINTS BAST MVBItY HVHNINQ IfHYWHIfH DETROIT $ CLEVELAND CouuecttuK with earlleflt tralun nt Cleveland for all points Bast, South and Soutliwcsh Sunday Vrlps Jun, July, Auguit mnA Septomboi- Only HOUH tHI^B fHN WUHtC TWHHH TOLEDO, DETROIT^ NlACKINAG ^BTOSKBV. THfl "SOO," MARQUBTTH, AND DULUTH, So atw nUel pjuwtiigtr steauiera lure Just '. fc built for our Upper take Route, gchiUuk >oo each. Send for Uluutmted pamphlet, ' pot, ' ' A. A. OWANYZ, , f. U y^a. UBtttOIT. UIOH. DafiCfT ft CLEVELAMD STEA1I IH. ca -lllluiire Mn* U<> 1Ialuialu4*0 S u [tiuci-r t>i' l>Kriiplitii !< I'iikI. Dondon.J'un*' 15.---Tie- National l.":i of i 'onniTVa: lv- Asaoclal inns wlv banquet In this eily la;,t i-ve. 1 .; AlllOIiK the j^UcSLs were Llle IjuI ' la-v-iifhir- and .to opb chn.:li rl I. Uboral-Unl irst ThfJJoki* of lu-vo." sbbe made a -sjieech. In the eutil'SS- whhh ho said this was the lirst .<e<-. sl-.ii on wliieh tl,..- Idlo. aUt niun si bad la en truests of the Naiional l.'m of C'onsi'rvativo A>flordataus. He eo ivebii the fact with Lb- rvce.ut. mil. i attaokti on Mr. (.'Imniberlain, and -'. that the leaders of both Heetl . : of the Unionists always had absulu: mutual ctjiilldonee. lb- dilated upoi, t - I'lMKr-Hidvi- ihniiKL' in tile atlltude -. the C.'onservatlveH, a'cibaiib' U to L, 1: lluenco of A. ,}, buhoir, tin- In: l.uid ltandid[ih Churehdl and in.-n lli th' m. and to closer eonla'. L with p'.b)i ll-.-llriK. The; Unionist Alliance, b add d, muat ha Htreuuo.n ly maintain' >. until tin: (hiK-.T uf disruption of tn Kinplro shall have jiassed. x\p anwln: the Unionists would try to effect hoc ;m rut'.U'niH upon which they were aroe.i 1 he time was nvarlng when a now Gov i.'niineiit would havo to be furinod, an- power shared by the two lioetlonn of ti. Unionists.Whether it would be a Unhe fusion or coalition was of nmall in: penance, for dlfllcultlcs would be In ourred anyway. Tho Connei-vatlv-: could not he expected to call themH-lv- ; Liberal, while the opinions ot man. presented thom fr .r. adopting tho name of ConHervaiiv.:; , hut thi-ro was a Erowlnr< dinposltlon oj, the part of both to adopt tho nana- Unionist to tho exclusion o the aid' and narow^r party term. Most of then, .were prepared to merRo CoiiBorvatlnm Llberallflm and'Rndlcaltsm Into the no- bior title of Un Ionium. Thin .inlp-ht r.- S>r*m**,il<iii itiitE < nrrt'iiry 1 ' .honstt A I hi nl, who was one of the llelLjlan lb lefjab'S lo i h-- I a tenia' Ion a I r.'fne-iary .I'mnVr- f no,e, li'-hl In P.russi-ls n ]s!'J, read a, no table eosoiole pa.p r ief. tli ! 'vux- v--\a ('nun, rvallve Unin.i last eveiihitf. M. All.u'd .diiifil to prove tin- i-re pent pulley of prote ti n v. a : b*'* dr-'t result of th o- te<:tion of ooiuuiodlties, ho ism Inr- d, wad merely the outcome ai' perfection of pold, and tho luev- im-nt In favan* o pr.- hiblMv'e custoins dntht'i v as li 'iirei'l result of nionoiiust.- 1- rn. In .on lu- olon, be said the only remedy for iho pxls.t UK d' pros- slun i I' Ira !o was tin- i- _ habllibUIoh of sllV' r ami reti-rn lo bi metallism, a movement toward wliieh had made progress in every country, liny IktMiri on Hit: IIinol All Ml;1i(. Dundalk, June H. Mrs. \V. dropped d"Jtd. on the roadshh- whil- r-- turnini; from a visit to ln-r son. ier family, supposing she win '.cm. nl. & with her son, made im s- arch, and Lhe body lay on th roadside HI hutirs be fore . belli;*; illscoveretl. 1l.l'-n' ;.\cr* .. **rov'<! E':ilt PtTKUH, Jure"- 11. Tl "iiry Morlurtv, %K&\ :i2, was found dead in h's bed aft r n luriK evemiur's hard iraeth:e at f-.iiL- ball. WV-a! n b of the h art is a trlbut- ed as the mi use of de;itb. i urn'ntM Imvii Ihsmi made, ami :. ui ai- "lep;t! nuhdde. but the polira m'unt t. ' n tln'ory, ami prolund that, they ore ... , tlio prem-iHS) uf another Jiu:i; tli' Uim . cmmii. The vitUim was ,'tU yvwn "i .i ,' \ Jler two little ediildii'ii wen: h i. .. hlcediiiLC lunly when found. As predhted liy your omit up d u: the other day, Jud^e I'eli: j; : . u, o timed a ehaiij;o of vnne In tin- ;-'.bu. ii ea;ie*,.MO the Vn lleyrl' Id inui'i b r> r V'il! tried at Iteauliarnohi, The unf rtoiia e uwun's mother was Io th.- ofiit . of :.,. . <hs. O. T'Vifitor aa the u-ws of tie- ro- fUtml reiiched bor. Tho hh-r Minister of Justh'o at '-t- tawa and the little MlnisL'-r of Jusllce at C^\ielx-<j ar*> i-onibu; to finite ipiaiteiM and It mhtht be a e.ood Ilea J'or tln-ue (Von tlermu to discharge < oniriMtor St. Louhi and follow the sluivli'-hnndeij mh> W iithm of Harold th. Inra- If'Te pi what lb" writ -ti tu th (': own in oat. t iicit,'t'ea 1., po;o:-t ii^alma tin* Aitorin-y for tin- !"eiji-r;il <joveriini'-rit appeal Ihr: h'-juie ihe Crand Jury to ex plain lhe. east- or examine wll iH;a:-'t-.*-i. Thin Is ;i ri unheard of proc ftflliur. Th" irand Jury should he left lu'iln lt:j duty untraiiiiri'-h"I by sny outside iu- lluenc". If U il-r-Ir h an;, hbo. riintiun v h'liiilanei' It Si ion I 1 apply In the Court. 1 am eonsilt uted with Hirr ad- ministration of . rimiual Jm'tlce and you Hloiie are my repr si.-otat Ives, It would li- ii in-rlous Infrhi'.o'inenL on provincial rights to alloi,- tie* r'-pn-sentatlves of the .\ilnlsb-r of .Ins: Ier* to {uisutiie the Iturt whh h lhe law assl^rui to tho l'm- vinelal A ttfirne.v-i b'. era 1. (Shrmsl.) T, '.'base Cnse/ruln, a tnrney i leiii'ial," . Mr. Uvnn F, Au-es if ! h" o]d I out i'"d -hoe lirm of Anns, lloPhn t\>. Co. died to-day, siitnsi \ <r,ii' iib:b:inv< U^itniui; lilll** Ti\i iiml lijurv-* WlMcm <yt In" -. -'\fii!jIc.eK(tn',-Wieb;, Juno It. Up^litnl pj V'-.-deiylay afb-rnoi- > stria-i. ,,n.- oi' th tents or the Metis* 'i-; camp rne. iin-< tr. havmia, ln..-autl.v hdlli-'j; Mrs. i:-;r- .' '-am (>f W'iiylaii'l. I b*r si -ifi*. ^:'r^. lllihinl, was terribly sh.^-hed and enn- iol: live. .Mrs. Ill ;;l d'.i : o i wn.-- a i -', ..' .s, ',. . t r.-.:,.y ,-,,,.,,v. r. ^1 l.-eii nth.-rs i i f Ei-. a-nt. wei-.' lai'ii'-'-i, -he,..;; ami un,.-. i|- i'-s:i iMjureiJ. Tiie fn'i was tor,, i d'-'UL'S. Yin I'uro.i. yuTt v.ym s j j' Muniloiit'tt aicr Ciu.ti 10 Ols 4ruli Slif U H-a milt on, .Juiv J-i.-Ku.te KpiidhiM-tfi.*^- ihe ('nli-duma iriti whoa.- ehild \y is :;o Sunday, wa.s t hin laornimj I'uund rnilly nf ahaialoidn:^ if. I'!: w:ih ie- 'a-i.aded until Tuei-d.-iy im- s i:t"iiee. Tho j.iid \.i tiaid to he only lo yeur- old. ill's Jlitr.ilt-y >i;i-(^ .^ii one !t,-iirimi-c llraniiurd, June l.'k Mth. (aih-b Hart ley, m Iid wan n.apiitted oi th-- murder of her hiifdanid, been hand.-d a els (pin for ;?1MI>0 from the A.U.U.'A'. Th- il.' h- .lisn h.eld a policy lo. ,*>lil.)(JU nil ii.. i-1ley's life. Half of this haa been poid to Mi-H. Ibirtloy, and tin.' other ha.If iuLo the eoiirt. Thin i-H dim to tho lurtioa of PTed Hartley, hoi! o the do- ^e.'iJied, who elaiinn that tlio original [xdiey provided that he uhotdd havu one- halj of till.' MIiHiUIlt. Hlt(iiay*H l,nu Kill. St. John's, Nfld., Juno Hi. Tho Whito- way (.jC'Vcramiiat-iatrudur;cd_a.-.laau bill in the heg'ijla turn to-day. It (Jnipoweni the llereiver-tTeueral to by a loan upon tiie credit of tho colony $2,()7G,O(J0 ill -t per emit, per annum, to run -IO yenr.H. The hondtj aro bis lug floated liy ;.London .-lynaieate at UI ceatu on tlio lobar. ___________ in |,i,l5i Uhllo HnlliliiL'. St. r:itlia i-ineH, J ii at! 1.1. A I ail named 1 !a .-vcy llurteh, a^ed 12 years, while !m.tiling at the Fiftia-n Mile Crenk hint veiling, ^ot beyond htH depth and waa lrmviii-d. .i:i'.B-: ;.iititUK ut'iii-t-jw. Two Aiiurieiili ,11 ml Srws <aiuurttl St-ar l-'orl i;rl Fort Krle. Ont., Jui e 11. and two scows ironi Ulltfala, hi tin- .ot of dumping their d-hrls lib th~*- Nia/ari rtlv(-r on the Canadian side, was s> I:, d by a yfu-hi se-nt by th Canadia.i: ilov- ernmeiit to watch tlnir lvniccillni 3. The tUf-s;, a-lonw with the two s- cuvs wi-re tow d down to the Tut- rnatlo- 1 HHdKe and tied up there, and the i.-n-.v Qcnt to the look-up.- I'lvn Xvnr* l*r 19 Vi'nr- 4Mil Tlilcf. Owen Bound, Juno M. Harry C- urt- ney, a colored youth V2. years of anor waa sentenced to live y ars' imprison ment for et. alius HOim; hose and oihor thefts. Toronto Marlif-tu Toronto, Juno 16. nornand rntji- ttr ilnck. Strulfrhb rnlloru (piotud ut $4,60 to $4,70, Toronto I'relghti. IJriiai nnui lumdnid , at ?12.G0, Toronto tr^i'ffhtB. Short* wiolumgod nt $16.CO. WJutuut Tim fAlhi|f 1b umnottloil, prloflM ratlH* oanlor. A oar of white nohl an th Midlaml tvt $1; it or(i>rii on tlio Nnrthitrn nt OOo iuuI saloi woro mado wofc ut 07 1-i.o, blah fwlRlitir No. iMiunltolwi hard Iowoe ii* OSfl.ITort Wllliiim.iiMil ut 1.04 Toronta rxv>l(flit, u . , ,, I-vi a mmloruto demfcnd.witb twri anotfttl at.62a, woBfc, ' . .. llurlry-Truilu dull hji<1 pr!u , nomtnully tyiohniiKwl, , t ... . . OaU-Tho markofc U -qul*t.< with prlcoi of, whlfco ab 17 to 37 1-20,. . fowur. Hidon , _____ . BUH In the alllanco hecominn: perman- w.ufc, and mUod at 30i on track* ont/ancl tlio'forrriatloh-of a party tc I Uyfr-T**ad dull, with prlco* noiiil. b called a national onvj. Mr Ohamboi'laln aald ho conourretl i the t^markfl.of tho Dulco of Dovq.n^ilr,., ./. had tit 62rt ttv 63a outthlo. - Onltiwail-Markofc U UWU With prio4 t*iM\*r at $1 to MJJ0 ou krmak. tax, ordU i. r -*' '------------ ' " I-ill -tn^nlory >\vcillHlt Social lit .Inllf'd, Stu^UlKilm, June 1,'J, Iljaliiwir Brant- .u,;-, ii'.idor oi th" Swi'dinh ritxdalints, was 'oiideniueii in court tiiin niondn^ to threo u mi it Iih' i in pr imminent for le-it: mn jertte. i'wiiiiliii.^'H ofl'eui'c was oununitted on M.iyday, when in this courai of a npcecli lie refeiivd to the [act that the Cuiwiir- v-.tiye |*rens was urging tho Kinff to end troopH to Norway, In Id.* ilentin- i .tion of mii-di u couifja, he asla-d: "Who and 1. IlIi imi' hid let ji re vent one inwi from , ii!--;-iiisr i Ejousaatl.'i ni but lots fired at nur lovlhien'."' ______________ < i- iinl liUtln't I-'itili SmjhIji> . V.'Umi; K'oii, Dtd., Juno 1 1. Tutf.qdny di-dit, in a led tin- at Dover, Hev, Dr. \brrltt [lulbui'd of this eity having referred to the Rtat1 ment In a Wa,uhinp,*- on th spatch that i'rosideiit Clove-laud 'iU lsiit Sunday ilshliig". the editor of I lie Dover Index telegraphed Secre- :ary Thurbcr, who rcpliod: "\n an.swer ;o your telegram, I boy to titatw that if [lev. Dr. llulbnrd Raid that thu Presi dent was flshlnR on Sunday he told an absolute falsehood." tfioltl llnvfsilientH 111 IhiUlftiMl London, June 13. The larpo increan-i :n the Hanlc of England coin and bul lion this week relloctu the return, of sash from the country after Whltsun- ;lde, the Imports of paid belntf only ^0,000 not. The details are: 102,(100 Imported from Australia, :t;i,O0O fr m Egypt, In barn bought and 200,- DOQ exported to the Cape.______ Kcrov-H tlicr .Uhintic In a HiiirI! Itnnt New Torlc, Ju o 13. Ttobeit McCal- . um, tliu 13-year-v.'d Nova Seotlah, atarted'.'on hla trann-a ' antle trip In bin 19-foot sloop IlichPAZ K. Fox, tliLs ttf- tornoon, _________ .- '__________ Toronto Mnrkcu Toronto, Juno 16. rv-imwnl rafcli- or uluolc, BtralKhb roUor qivotod ub $4.60 to $4.70, Toronto freights. llran flriiji qulift at S12.60, Toronto fre-lrrlitg. flhorta U'liidianirod ttt $16,C0. Whioat Tho miirkot ronuilnu vory 0ll*r and tlu* roolIaK mi80ttlil..0ar lot of whlto Mid* ml Hold oitUhlo at $1. Munltoba Ntu 1 hard U unobiuig^l at $1.05, Toronto irtdfflitn. , . . ... IVkii-Thoro U il modorato domicul.wltii iMlihkra wklutf- Wo, wont, and bi>ym-ti nt Vurlivy-Trtulo ilu31 fciul prlco- Mtuily. wt ipiotod at B2 to BSa. ' Wrin** Onti-Tba murkot I. iwUt, .with *c$l. void at 38o to 38 1-20; w5r2<ron t*u* h*f tb nm>t^ ervous r'>pl ihoiild riMilU* tlmt the only trno and poniiRnrnt our for 'tholv condition ! to bo found la havlug re Blood Ileonuats th hortlth of every organ oni tlmuio of this body dep**ndu upon th* purity of tho blood. Thu wholn world knowa the titandurd blood purKlos U arsapam8a And thp-roforo It 1 tlui only truo nnd rolhihlo medicine foif nervouw jxople* It mftlcnii tho blood puro and hcullhyv o.ii(l than cure;! iKirvouHnenii, iunU.ct} tlio uurviMt llrm.ond titroni;, kIvojj Hwcct sleon, mentiil vl^or, u good appetite, perfect direction. It doun all thU, and cored Scrofula, Koy.t-imi, orHtdt Uhcum and uli othwr blood dinenuea, bocauuo it MakoB Horsemen. Yniir kind uthrtiThm ,H napi^ied rnrnirtfihiimt, wliih, T rMn,ilwi yim . . of tbo r-xeelhint, virhio ()f our cole- hmtnd Derby Contliiiosi Powders. They have hml tlu, piitronnuo of a niiinhar f vehiinnrv anrcroiiH for a rpiarter of a century. I'rice i>.")(itu>' per lb. pickiijV'. Youru truly, C. A. SHRR|N, E^sex MedicalHalL [pyre Prnnltfi pro^'o every word w hav* iinid. ThouFiundn of vohintnry tctl- xnunlnhi fully intnhllnli tho foci that IIuuU'ii Snr:iupiiril|iv curtis. Cfoatoe An Appetite. "My hufdmnd whh f(wllnn;mliiorabloBn(l lmd no rulliih for food. Ho began tuhiuy Hood's Baninparllla and Hood's PHU and fid1-, hotter at onco. Hood's Baronpavilla gavo him a (;ood appotlto." Miifl. Joili* STiiWAUT, Karclny, Ontario. Suffered 20 Yoam. "I havo been OHUffcro*t from llve< and kidney complaint tot twenty year**, I whh ttdvlmid by my druffgtot to try Hood'ti Burnfipnrlllri find did bo, nnd t am thanks ful to Hay that It 'hits ftlvoo mo [rtwit vollof, I conlldontly rccommond it io any puffer or from thono complalntn," JfANTHfl llNmauT, 121 Koblnnoa at., Toronto, Ont. Hocjd'a Sarsaparilla Ba th-OriLjf____ Prominently In th public oyo lodav. Propared bv C. I. Hood & Co Lowell, Mass. Bold by drugging, flj elx fojr |6.' Best Little Purgative I evor asnd," wtltM ono lady In rcfjuyd t<i Wood's PUl*. They are no mild and do thoir work wHh>* yoli any B^plaii i recommend tfctm to all suf- fifhl{f fcfow ttoa-1 tlvxnacas, fhoy willoeiftaljaly bitaffyoa* hahltii reguhus W \uttt oo othe# c*tluw- tte.** Etood'B ^llla arawpidly IncrcBolng ta fasKnr. filSe- AUCTIO^EEr? j r KN RY ' 11 KlVit'll' K, " Auction.-ev. 1 I promptly uttdtnlwl tn. ,\ii Ire^ii ii I e >: ptiy uUHiilwi tn. An-iri'yi Soatl. WoodHlee, Out. persmiK 'lei,iriti|{ to si-cuvn nif may loiivti wunl at tlio t'lu-a: fae- -i- iiilict*. U 11. IIKiHtUIK T-\ RINCILAIU, hKir.NHl'.D AIKITIONKKU I ), for tlm County of Khui'X. lluilufoi Knihtli I>iviniin Court. All Idiidn of Farm tunl otlier Hiilur, u-iiiilutiteil promptly. ltate:i reuMjimblu iui.1 fni'iiiHlwd on unpliciitlnu. Kiupiirurn may applv ut \\'\ U. Houiniiii'holUce. or (it. tlio olliuB oi pi'viim.if Court Oba;k.Mr,.ri)hii Milne. tnTIN (iOItMT.KY. 'I hlCKNKICD AUCTIONKI'.U for the County nf Kf4KMX, All kimia of iiinu mileia "tc, conducted promptly and on short notua:. baton re.iHni'idjlo. PernoiiH dc.iinil.le to jirrion-c ^aleH may lo no liy cidlinp-at tho FliKK 1'itiais t.lllcu or by apiilylnu to . 1'. l). HOX 155 b\i-M:K. Out. K-UANK McOLORKKY, Miudhtoii". thirty- V huvoii yfliLrii' oxporjoiici) ilh im iuu:tiiiui;ariii dloUoimtvnr Klifiux. HaloilGomluclod proniptly, mil on roiifjonablo tormn. I'lirtit-K dehirin^ to llx tho date for a inda can navo tliuintielveF n dri*t by cidllup, at tbo Fitm: Phf.hh nilico. \\ i luivo iLrrunijoil with Mr. MoUloitltuy nnd will tlx t.he diitoij for (iidoH liy tcilngmpb, outlrolv freo ot all oliargo to tlio porson lioliliui^ thu ale. Ad- Iroua FrunlcMcCtoflkuy,Maiiltiit>uiiCi-oni-,,Oiit 1n5. : 1. J'o^e r NURSKUYMAN, RUTHVEN, ISSSEX COUNTY Peuch, Pear, Plutu, _ Apple und Quicco TreoH, Kohuh, Eviirt^rteriH, Berry Bunheit, Raspberry, Bluokborry aud Currant Buahen. All ilratK-luun Btook. Bavo tiflenttV Big Profits ! and write for pnoou. .Wo will ohoor- fully aniiwer yoii by return mail. Splendid Apple Trees, AI in ovory rwpwt, ^|2 PER 100 - $12, 23SSEX Eotbr liS* JAMl'ih NAYI.OIt 'i K.e. tion o|ipiatunity Of anii'juiaun p......Ie / f tlioTown un.l Comity of "J-:.f^.x, U,,a !..; ), ., roeioihil.itl tlnil-hh ,.i'X Ilotlur Mill t "( ni' :irj:i iu plan1! in'iijianid by 'H. N*. -'riiffi, hi. '(')......i .. .i.:,i inn uriJil tin- -,i>rvieiM nl Roi:i i:; h,TMi ha,',', no oxporV i-i "'-d nnd t Ik.i nuj:..: v < oi. ji.# l*:nL :jiirttrir.-- -r l'liiuiluac tlie j d,|,!r ,f h<! fiwii mid ctjmriy rVi-tho l,i.-i-,-..i-.i iip(l(I iiim in tlia jaiht, will cu.iriijilei: i.ut.t.tnL'tioii in hk- Cut urn, .Gristing and Chopping a Spacialtv. THIe lll>Tli|! M IH (>] I-'J.Ol.'K I'l'.KUAND CUllN.MMAI, i-;:.:-'i' IS KT.'iCKANJi HOLD AT l;.';HT I'iilOKn. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. THE AlWeRICAN HOTEL 1 Eaacx, - Ontario. |^ V.. LUCK. I'llOl'IUKTOH, UAH iiKRM 1 j t !inroii;;lil' j.nintod and riijili.-iNHlind With noil1 fmuiti;-!- I'V the pnihciiL iirivprlotor. r,Atn;i' hm..v IN ('onnkotioK. FiiVit-Chui'i Aceinnodiition tiiiarantodd, , ESSEX s-?.s Just Received ' T5'j0 Fiaesf and QodS'and Shoes In Essex, Great Valine in Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Ladies' nnd Children's Shoos nnd Oxfords. Tho Cheapest in tho Land, Call and Eqamlno and bo Con vinced for yoursotvos* das. Douglas, Nl^il of Hi*' IJoiifi'ii Bloof, . Wh n e B i i - 1 F.saey ,1 rjnT'ins T'{:'11 un(1 Triivollnfl I JLjyjJBJr Siihnmu-ii to hundlo our Himly Can ail inn l.iiov.-n Nninoiy Htoolt, W0 t;iitLrji.iiti)o tmLibfmn.ion to leprcnontativoH and (jUHtouioi r. (.ur inuHcricn lire thu lan/out in, thu Dominion, ovur 700 uort-ii. No imhhtltution in ordoi'H. K:.uluuivii tcrritnry and. lihoraltotmul to wlioii) or part tiua; ucontB, Writo un. STONK A- WELLINGTON, iid i:d oinuu)'roi'DUtotOnfcj (Tho only iinraiiry in Cnnada tiavinj,' tontlnj) orclu:nin.) -M-Um Snfc5t, Simplest, Strongest, Solid Top Receiver* Moat Modarn and progrcsslvo For cutuloffuu or Information wrlto to TUB JVURLIN FIRE ARMS CO., Now lluven. Crnirw REPEATING FOR TWENTY-FIVE Y AR8. s AfitING POWDER THECOOICSBESTFRIEND Largest saue in Canada. IMacw hi tho world Tor youu men midwoiuon toBfloui'd il UuBinosa Kiluciitinn, Shorthand ,('to., 1b tho Dutroit HuninOflH Unlvorfllty. Do* irolt, Mloli. IlIufitratuiiQiitaloguo- ^ Kr,.0l TtofprouocH : All Detroit^ W. P. .TIfiWISLh, Pro. V, U* aPKNCIfltt, Seo^y, to loan On (ioed produotlvo Form Proporty at 5J, i& fl pot COM. atruiejit. Llchtesi, niisiu&t , Working Most fr '( Accurate, ': $ Compact, - -:i ' No Valuation Fees. tar Oorivnyanoms bono up ]p Neafc^Styto >-W Fire and Life nsurance- ",m -. ,y*> \-: ?&{ MMd^M^^^^^M^Mi srOfflof! Wbitiipy- BWtokr,Mpiitai*8 ', 'ji ....' :'M

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