Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 21, 1895, p. 1

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P^I^^^WIPI^^W^P^^ tZ^KffiW'y ',:'? f^w^W^trry,'-^sv- .' :|' ' '. .-:$ WILKINSON'S ro hi. ':t'- lr It"' K;;(; lv-' Oholoo Fresh O roooriua, Provudoue, Toaii; Ooffoou .. and 'Spices. Spoolal. hnuB iu'Crockery, Christian Endeavor SeeMy Ht. Panl'tf |Oharoh, TU'UGDAY EVG., JTJHB 21ST Everybody Oomo. VOL JCI. No 25. ESSEX ONT., FRIDAY. JUNK 21. 181)5. .WJEQLJK_Nft._616l. F LEADING STORE OF ESSEX. "Goods well bought are half sold,1* is a saying true as it is old, A merchant cannot buy dear and sell cheap, To buy right, knowledge, experience and ready cash are required. For our supplies we go direct to the source of produation, with the spot cash, thus ef fecting an important saving in coet. The days of the long-profit traders are numbered. With us it is not uhow much can we gOt/K for an nrt.iAlft hnf. fChnw little can we afford to take." We look for our profit in the volume of business done, and in the solidity of a business 'built upon correct principles. We have confidence in our values and can oqthpete'with anyone. We show our con- fide nee in a substantial way, namely: if you buy an article from us and afterwards think it is unsatisfactory or not good- value, bring it back and get your money; we do not allow any misrepresentation of goods and desire to sell everything just for what it is and on its own merits. Goods delivered promptly to all parta of town and vicin ity. All goods marked in plain figures. LEAMItiGTON. Mis. Waters, of Harrow, hi visiting m town. A. Ludlain ban arrived homo from thu north. IIi-h. iMonoy i viiiitiiif! hor nan, Kobort, at Whuutluy. Mm. George Mitaholl, Dotroit, io visiting her son, James. Mih'h Ada Fonter arrived homo Wedues- day from Iho wout. Aim. U.Mobwuou returned from Loudon oil Saturday. A. Applotou, Manning House, Windsor,' who in (own on Tuesday. Mm. (Dr.) Uoddintftou wont east Wed nesday to visit liar mother. Miua JoHophino McCarthy, Oldoa&tlo, in tho guest of Mien Jonnio Wigle, Mr, and Mrs. Elihu Witflo, Windsor, spent Sunday with relative* m towu. . Miua Klizu, Sibbald, Combor, spent Sun day with hor niiitor, Mrs. R. Kerr. Mm. M. Ketchum, Blenheim, spout Mon day with her uon, M. O. Kotchum. Ilov. F. E. Malott la spending a fow dayu at homo, recruiting after a uevere illnouH, H. F. Doming and Andrew Stewart, De troit Modioli Colkgu, are homo for choir holidayu.------------________ Mr. aud Mm. Jeff Pulford mid oati, Windsor, were visiting relatives m towu over Sunday. Mr. UoGreppr, BloDheim, lian takon the place ot Mr. Liddlo ut tho L. .E. it H. R. IX. station horo. Mihh Maud Johnson loft to-day for a week's visit with Mm. C, Goober, Howard street, Detroit. MrH. Jofl. Cnwnvnr ii.nnwmpe.nio/1 Mm.- Crosby at) fur im Samiii on Tuocday on hor way homo to ForoBt. W. Fullor, Blouhoim, spent Sauday in town with his paronts. Ho whoolod up in two hours aud forty mmutoH. Mnu M. A. Pinoombe aud Wra. S. ilawkou, of Stigmaw, aio viuitinij at Mr. aud Mrs. l\ Phiilipe, Ituasoll ntroot." Dowano Bo^utt, of Medina, N. Y., who owno oxtouHtvo nurHonos at Modiua, N. Y., was in town Wotlneuday floaunatf an agent to act for tham in thiu Hoction. Ho spoukii in tho hi^beflt torraR of Lho capubilitiou of tho oountv n.H a fruit district. , sANPWian. Hitibop ()'Oohur, of fjondnn, guvo con firmation to about uitialy uhildrwti, at AwMamption olniruh, on Friday Nth imt. Loiiitt Youngblood, tho oraoltHhofc ami onrn*n(,fn, wau badly hurt liut. Mouday while warluru'. for fi. Girurdot A' On. A. Allport, in (iiviuytbo Voniwr rumdHiuo a tborou/;li civorlifiuling, und it will tlinn proiiont ii vory nout iippoarauao. Donroohur, tho puttut modioino vendor, und IiSh cftiiuort band woto hnro ono ovou- iii(,'laut wuok, but hmunouH wax so nlira Hint hg did not roturn tho uoxt ovoiimg nH^'ho had prowiHtd to do. Tho Gtolliifi, of AaHumifition Collocn, uyniu doftiati'a the IlacordH, of WiudHoi, on lnnt Thursday. 01oudn of dust aro no more noon Hying urouud on Htindwioli Htrcot. Wra. Gray, r., lian tho tontrjiot for Hprinklin^ tho above montiouod thorounhfaro. Tho Commonuemoiit JCxoroinsH of AttHumption Colloyo took plaoo 0:1 Tuotulay thoiatb ioDl. Wo Uuyo now a lawyer roHidiut; iu our tuidftt, Mr. Martin, of tho firm of O'Connor A Martin, Windnor. JamoH Kouu Ualfour, Prinoi(Mil of No. I pohool, jh quite t, gai'douor and hortioul- turiot. Ho has tbo fluent display of flowarn and vopotablen to be man in th* noitjhbor- hood. Park of thin id duo to tha sprinkling faoihtioH affordod by cur wator supply, OLINDA. Mrw. It. DuWH'm iw ill Umvuruilitit ('oiiv^utiou v/au ludd hwro on 14, IT) and Kith lunr,,, a nntnbot- of dol- ALtiiteu from tTJbiiWL^o. Dutroit., und oIho* wlioro biting pruHunt. Mm. Irwin n\al mm Earlo huvo luirfi al'mr a two rnouthrt utity in Ihitroit. T)iui Odntti-, of Windnoi-, in horn viditin^ hiti uuoloE. G. (Jork'i.t, Mr. Olinnworth and wil'o, of Dtroib, tin* horo vinitii^ at I. Ilutuluuuonu. One price for all. If not trading here we licit a trial purchase. 60- V^1' ' ESSKX, . - ONT. AMHEKSTBURG. D. D. Wiglo lifts been *oudiHK bomo day to Kitigarill*. Ma,j'or Fruaur left on Tuanday on a buii- nuiiB trip to Georgian Bay. Capt. F. B. Hackett wont to Fronoh River, Georgian Bay, on. Wodnonday. Rov. Mr. and Mrn. Wye will will prob ably upend tho summer in Atuhentburg. Jamen A. Atkinson of Bault Bt. Marie vinitod thiH weok with tho Mibror Norvoll. Mrs. Joaof'h BaHtien of Dotroit, was vuitiog with relatiyod in town laut wook. Mn. Wm. MoGreeor of Windsor, in visiting hur many friends and rolativoi in town, Mrs. Warner of St. Catharines is yiniting in town with Iter lieitor, Mrs. (Or.) Lam. bort. Miss Dolla T. Park lmu retained homo from Toronto whoro she huo btou for iobjo aiontlifl. J. W. HuHMih, barristnr, of WiudBorand Mm. llannali and son bavo beon viuitmu at tbo Lake Viow, this wook. The Winn residence on Dalhousia itrnet hnn buuii rontod to J, W. tianaa of Wiud- aor for tho montbi of July and August. Robert Bell, raodioul utudont at Ann Arbor Uuivonity, arrived on Wodneiday and will spend the numiner montbu with his mothor, Mrs. John F. Bull. Loft no Cuddy haa diepoBed of bie briok roBidenao a-ud proporby on the nvor front to a A. F. RooUrn of Dotroit. Poisoiiion jB to be cii'n in thirty dayn, at tho end of which time Mrs. Onddv aud oliildren will roturn to Cleveland and reside there per manently. Stork'H.Powdors, onch paakago of which oontaino two proparatiom, pno in a ronnd woodon box, the aovor of wbiali forma a rooanuro for ouo duso, ao iminodiato relief for QQHtivoDd9, Hiok Hoadaoho und Stom ach, also Noumea and all kinds of nerv- oun puino, and another in oupaul*Bi (from i to 4 of ono is an ordiuarv Hose) whioh aou pn tho bowola, Uyor and atonoaoh formliifj anovor failini* porroot treatniant for all head and atomnoh oomplaints. Tboy do not, an most pilln au' many otbor modi- oiuoo do, Iobo thoir effoot, or produco aftor constipation, tboy aro mao to tako. 2ISo a box at all medioino dealers. KINGSVILLE. -----MuH-Mary-MoCura of London ib a miont at Dr. Drako'u. Juu. Wiclo and family have moved over tho Arobio'Adara'H Store. Mr. Wm. Oroinor and son aro onjoyind a thru* wookn' viaib with Rid^etown rob ativeu. Mr. and MrH. Luolcbam and daughter ef Potrclea are upending a few day* horo with their nan, F. B. Luokbam. 'Mro. W. II. Wiglo and family of wind- iwrh'tivo boon Hpondiufl the week horo with Uor parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fox. Ura. Wulker Norvoll of the 'burg is here taking oare.of hor mother Mrs. .7. 0. Wifilo. who is ill at L. N. Saratoh'a. Btnnd aisy uow 1 Tow Wa^ott in at work and will soon patent a bioyolc whioh will run by a gna engine. It may tako Tom a year but he will fiat it oure. The Rocordu of Winduor and the In- yinoibloH of Ruthven will play baaobal' hero July Int for a purso of 825. Kinf*eville to a man will gamble on Ruthveu doinq 'em up. NQItTIl RIDGE. David MaCruory and v/ifn, of Arnsr, spont huit Buuday amon^ tlioir rolativuu bore. Mrs. Trethway, of Windnor, called 011 rolativosTibrb luut. wook. John Woodiwina, of Kin^^villo, oallod on old timo frioudN hero lutt wook. John Loe and wif, of Maidstonu, woro Ruosti at tho of William Cohlcy, of thin place, last Sunday. Mra. Oharlou H. Paynu and son, Charles, und Mihh Emma, of Goufiold Booth, wore tho (-limits of William Oobloy last Sunday. Thoy loft Essex on Monday tor Southern fialifrhiaJ , ___ Tha MisHtio Bily and Floronoe Minor, of Goufiold Houth, wora tho (juenta of Oharlofi Louiiflbury and wifo last Btipday. Mro. JumoH Curnmiford is away to Do- troii vioitiuif roIntivoH. Aftor woarinn x fino manly board for about a decade undo Jimmy haH shaved, und bo says that in couH*quenco his wifo has loft him aud gouu away to the Amori- oan city of tho utraito and will probably stay thoro nntil bin board urowo ayain. COMBER. 111 Miae Snyder, of Aylmor, is visiting towu. Mro. Kaufman, of. Kin^svilla, i in the village viaitmy, Laruo Smith. ofBlonhoim, wua in tho village Saturday. Miua Niffin, of Oranyovillo, is viaitinii her aiator, Mru. Goorgo Miller. E. Hoffman rotucuod Monday from viu- itiui) bia brother ut Morpeth. Opurutor Hnudloy, of St. Thomas, is ro* hoving Emory Kinu for a faw dayB. Mr. and UrB. II. Evans np*ut Sunday in Leamington with their daaghtor, Mr. A. J. DtniinQ, Uor. Oeo. Elliott and Mra. Elliott left Tuoaday morning; to spond a wook or so with Mm, Elliott'a pooplo at St. Thomm. Oanaila'H Grout Fair For 18O0. "Greater and hottor than evor," **EX' coiling all others," aud "It draws liko a raa^not," aro tormn very ai>propnatoly ap plied to Toronto's Groat Induutnal Fair, tbo novontuonth of.whioh will bo ht-ld from tt.o 2nd to tho 14th of September next, and the Dirootorb announce Lheir dotor- miuktion to make thin year's Fair eclipse nil formor onus. Tboy have ifianed a very neatly gotten up pri^o li<it, a copy of which can bo procured by auyonu who ao deuiroa, by dropping a poHt card to Mr. H. J. Hill, tbo Manauor, at Toronto. Already many applications havo beu reooivoj from manafacturon both in Canada and from abroad for Bpaco to exhibit their producta, and prabont iodicatioua pniut to a i;retiter and grander Exhibition than any of the previous onon. Cheap exouraionH wdl aa uHnal bo run on all railroads, and this will undoubcodlylbo tho most popular holiday outnifi of the yenr. Numerona now and interustiuu attniuiiona will be provided. Almost everyone who claims to keep pout ed on tbo pro^rsMB of our country goh to tho Torunto Fair, whioh in generally ad mitted to be the boat en thio continent Koiul MalclHtr- Thu tiotison of the yiiar iu about at htii'i for iho aunnitl utatuto lahor to ba per formed upon tho publio hiuhwuyu. It in a pity tlmt, in many purta of tbo country, tin mnoh of tha work dono during thu :n- tiro your m batnvi antl flnmbod in 10 day:' or two woiikii. (Workfdiould he donn who*1 rnjuired.) Tho rosnlie aro'(.* v/oll known to nod ropoatin^. Huoh iu tha ^ay^t0"1. and until a butter is nulnntitutod tlY^r^or, lot its mnkc the bent of it. Huroly ull tlto- Good Koadu Association literature that, ban boon oiroutatbd, and all tbo Iuutitntu talk ing on road im^rovntnant tlmt btiM bann done, will help to arouee a more livwly in- teruiit and a inoro tliuii^btfnl uM:<;tition of tho Annual roadwork. Ouo of tho first und most important duties in tho oomitruotion of a road is to fiuuro proper drainage. UiiIubh the water (jntu away from tha road-bud before lb be- ootno ' werked up" by travelling, it is im- jioHHiblo to koop a highway in anything like f^eod condition, except in dry time, when oven the fluids would do to travel upon. Tho amount of drainage required by a road will dupond upon tho noil aud aut- roundiu^s. Ouo fchinf* is eortaiu : thore need bo no fear of jotting water away too quickly. The road bod sheuld bo so graded that thn Hiirfaoe water will readily run aft, and in cane of a low clay or "springy" soil, it will require tile druiunge bestdea, with frequont diaohar^u into the side draiun,' whioh, if made of fcilo, will obviate the nacossUY for deop, abrupt ditohes, a fruit, ful uotirco of municipal litigation. The great point is to semirc u rapid removal of all water from tho road-bed and tbo eideu as well. On clay roadw the frequent Uho of plank lovellers are vory beneficial in amoothin^ down ruta, and allowing wator to run off. Boad miiohinoB aro already workiuft a great reform in nanny plucoi. It hau boen Lino ouatora to yrado tbo road pines by piece, year aftor year, with plowe and norapor^, Ae it tnkoB SHveral years to jjet over a boat in" this way, it eoemod; ncoeumiry to mine" ANOTHER IN WINDS011. Yon ronierubnr hew vti tho ttnemy on Ovotece/-' winter. Well, tha **-, ' I it! lit in now on ayu MEN'S SUITS- Wo aro ayain maHlors . of tbo situation. . . $3,95 $3.05 Io our price for men's Buitu,well made and trim- tiuid und as good in every way us otbor stores are trying to |<it $0 ftli for, and at the sarrn time toll yotl thoy aro nollinft ohoap. ELFORD. Mr. Wm. Rowq haH the agouoy for Jumbo goiiie-borriefi now. Ilomeinbor tho toa-meetinti to-night. The sUve-mill of Mr. Chaa. Naylor n bomt repaired to start to work again. Mr. Audrew Chapman hen purohnned a now Martin windmill and will have a fall syitom of waterworks put in. A Urge number of E1 forditon will oole* brato the first of July on Cedar Baeh. filro. Oh as. Cottln ta on tho aiok lint. ttulld J|>. Wbou the iyakem iu ruu dewu, a perooa bo com oh an oay preV to eeiiBHinietion . or orofalu. Many valuable liven aro eaved by ueintf Rookfc'e Emulnion an soon ib a d*-. oliue iu health ii ebaerved. 1 "" Newspaper I>cud BentB* A Umtod States joutnal holds forth tiiunly: Every newspaper pulolidior ia cursed with an occasional unbaonbor whoiie eoul hoomfl te he mndr of tbo faRond of the material, aud a skimp pattern at that, We aro tbauktul wbou such lift tbnmeelveH from our list. Tho snouer the better. Tboy culturally rofuno to take the paper from tho olfioo, after having takeu it for two or throe years without paying a oekt for it or elHO they move away without Eaviuc a word or payine & niokle. Or thoy at owe* di8u;>var that thoy never ordered it; uoyer raooived it r*Ralarly and won't pay for it. A London Druirclst. Mr. D. A. Mitoholt. tho well-known Lon don drutfKiitt,' saya of Shirk's. Powders, tho yrout now oUro for sick and nervous Uoadache, Conntipatiou, DilioaanoBO, Coa- tivenoss, Neuralgia, tho Btomaoh aud Liver: "My caBtomois report that thoy aro nn invilnablo romedy for those din- eaQ. B. A- Mitoholl, dru^ist, London." They aro uico to take, immediate and per manent. Two preparation* in each box. Bold at 25c a box by all dru^ietn, 5 boxen 81. June 7 LiANS. Who IKave Veod Dr. Affnw> Gaiarrli al CowdfirK, and Vn llie Kutovewta of ttMir. rluit IKwinanllyNuy liowltlueh It IXhm Douo for 'Jflioiu, Iu the ocelosiaitiaal history of Gunada the names of the Right Kev. A. Swoetnoau, D. D., 1), 0. L., Lord Bishop of Toronto, and Rev. John Langtry, M. A., D. C. L., itund out prominent, and within his own parish may bo addod to hbone the name of tho Hov. W. R. Williams, Dr. Laujjtry'tt papular on rate Theao gentlomon bolievo 111 aotiugoub tho axiom of the Good Book, that, having learned of that whioh has boon a source of he no fit to themsolvoR, it in their duty to tell tho good uowa ta othem. Those three clergymen of tho Epitioopal Ohuroh have each used Dr. Agnow's Cutar rhslPdwder, and found that for cold in tho head aud catarrhal troubles it in a groat helper, and over thoir own signature they havo said to tho public that those tliinftH aro so, that others may bo likewiso benefit ed aud helpod. Onu short puff of the breath through" tho blowur, Buppliod with each kettle of Dr. Agnew'B Cararrhul Powder, diffuses thio powdor ovor the uurfaoo of the Basal pas- anfeeu. Painless and delightful to line it VdliuvoH iu ten minuten, and permanently flume catarrh hay fover, onlde, headaoh, bore throat, tonsillitis aud doafuene. Sixty couta. Sample with hlower aent free for %vfo threeoent etarapH. 8. G. Dotobon, 44 J.TaoiiHB, Aft. In oitlior caho it ia a cowardly act. suoU au no honorable peruoii would be guilty of. j Ohuroh Street. Toronto. The proper way to btop a newspaper ia to pay up tint, and then atop it any way d- eircd aftirward. If the ubsorlbr in & gentleman and don't owe a een he Wdlke iute the office, looki *be olerk full iu tha oyoa, and tolle bim he don't with it or oap't nfford it. If not hofceat he puU it VaUkinto.the pOBt effice and marks it ;'refaeed/' Byron U8ed a great deal of haJt-4reHi*;, but was very particular to have only the beat to b* ferine) in the market. t( Ayer'e HairVlfor had keen. obtaiuable. then, doabtlen he wouli tested ita merite, aa'rio many dletlUfulehedand fashionable peeple ore doing now-a.days, .' tho oontrc very mnoh higher than the sido'e, oo tkat it would not'became hollow bofore ith turn onme for another firadm#. Now that many beats have access to a road maohiua, whioh will tjrado a mile or moro in a-day, ho that a wholo beat 01.11 be ftono oyer each yoar if uecuunary, it is not wiie to raise tho centre ao mnoh above the sides: juflt a uico ronndiuc top, whioh, if given a ooat of gravel, will make ordinary country roads much bottor than we now Hud Lhpna in many places. Gravelling nan beon very carGlassl) aud thoughtloauly done in many instances bg- fore a proper grado was formed. Another common mistake haa boon that of patching roads, by putting dowu loads and half loads of grave] hore and there to fill up depras- niohe. This lllla tho depreasion too full, vory oftou making two deproaHioue one iTtttftnther end before throe months. It is a muoli hotter plan te perfect a certain din tanoo oaah year, paying careful attention toaprpadinfi the gravel. Another aiiBdiroot- oi. piece of work has boon that of hauling upon *ho roads huge utonoB aiouR with tut- gravel, and allowing them to be stumbled aud driveu ovor aiOBt of the summer beforo thoy are ^athored together and broken. Honda repaired (?) in tbie way eoonoruize labor on tho atart, and dieoura#o travel ling ; but tbore is not much economy to these who must use thorn, an it only re. qui ran a liUlo of Kuah travel to rack a vehicle aud lume many homes, aud au for easy draught, or comfort in driving, suoh things are out of the quostion. When the balk of tho work ie done, a fine uniah can be given by adding a light ooat of fine sharpcrayel, which will work in .among { ancI.ViHjd tbo other raatoriala together, leav- t 4imr*4tnootb-i hard and Rritty eurfaeo. Where fir a vol contains ntonea larger than will pasa throuub a twe-iuoh riHg, it shoalu eithar be aoreoned, or men eheald bo era- ployed as soon an it if* put upon the road to rake the atonoa into the wheel truokB or tho oeutro of the road, and break thorn with a hammer. Thoy will then beaowo eot into the now gravel in a vory ahort time, aud make a better road than if they wero not there. Another needed charge iu that of putting more dispatch into the work. The opinion Beomn to havo bocouae prevalent that tho work iu deno for "the Qua on," and that tho more easily it can be gouo through with the bettor, sinco Her Mafoaty won't objoot ho long is the statutory time is put in. Surely a momeut'a refleotion upon the Bubjeot will convince any senaiblo parson who has to haul aiillt, or grain, or fruit, or drive for pleaaure upon tho roads, that "Bbrinkiuc" work, or simply "putting in time," is nothing more or leas than shaft- sighted folly. Onoewe get hold of tha idea that wo are really working for our- aelvea, we will not be bo anxious to get the Btart of the Queen or tho State by ahirk our roadwork. Many of our old cjravel reads are also badly mismanaged. , In tfa Ant-plm. they doaot receive anything like tegular attentien, tbat email hols* booo heoome' dangerous tuts touch morfl *JX kn end to reaair. Sand or oliiy.v f raiwlly, works from the *rNewy, forming e. rtdg^, (wtually sodded over On tbsj id, thai OUR BOY'S SUITS At ftl.Ofi lnclndo Hnitn from 3 te S4. If you want any of thoMO big bargains COME QUICK holding the rainfall on the roadway with the moat dtfplorablo reaultB. Whareyer there in a hill or declino, tho *atr actually forms a onrront down the centre of th road after every shower, washing away tke sand, leaving bugo rough atones expotwd to dostroy rigs und haracH' feet, aud make the liff of the toaroster a burdeu. Tke grader or road machine, with a little sub- eqtiMit hand labur, is most efuflaoioua iu romoving those odgea, and giving the road a gentle plopo toward tho ditoh. MICUIGAN CENTJtAA. IVY. Duniliilou liny (txcurklsuti. An excursion Tale of one lowest first-class fare 'or the roand trip iu authorised for the above oo- oaHion to territory aud upon conditions named bolew: Dates of salo ; -June 30, 80 and July I- Limit for roturn: Uutil July 2, 189B, inoUuivu, An e)tcur8ion rat of ore and ono-third lowest first- class fare for the round trip is author ized for tho above ocoaaien to territory and upon eonditiona named Utdow; Date of Halo : June 28. Limit for return: Uutil July 2, 1805, inclusive Children five yearo of age and uneer twolvomay be sold tickets ut ena-half the adult rate. Kotgood'on limited trains. TicnniTonv. Between all etatious in Canada and to Detroit, alao to T. H. A B. By. pointar-" For further pwrtiqulara apply U A. O. Stiwkhb, Atfont at Essex.' _--------------------------------: The JOolImioator For July contains: The Etiquotto or Vifliting, Training SohoolExperiencQe, . Trofitablo Poultry KeepiuK, Kindor(arton Papers, Burnt Work, ' An Artiolo on Alma College, St. Thomas Ontario, Tho Coilotfe Settlement of New York*. ' ' Voice Culture, ' ^ Relations of Miatreis and Servant, Choosing'a Boy's Career, '- V Cookery, . "HfcaiBB and their Belvouts. . A Sunflower 'e*, AmuKetuento for Bamuaer Eyenings, ' , f Siitchee and Bmbroideriea, v,1:^ Knitting,. '.../ y^rSM -Netting, ... . TattiDg, Laee-Making, eto.,eto., '.' -r ^r^m -^

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