Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 14, 1895, p. 6

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^^^^r^^im^mM < . ./: -' ' W$^ #p* Wr * H fc, tt. esk* . t^KEh PMEftft i v 60 CENTS! BO BEST OFFER EVER MADE. THE ESSEX FREE PRESS V Jrtlie balance of 1895 for 60 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBE RS 1 aShow this to your neighbors. ;iftJlDEES. E. J. LOVELACE, Proprietor, Essex, Out, Mf^E^ TO tfjlE. DEED. !B*V CKEuO. DMAISI^IDCjXjEJ W&281X. 'to in: cowtinuhd.) I tV * 4,Tb foir goodncia' lake get Borne mlioi tor to loid you, and thon b ^ aI1(1 "b00* ioniithing. "I wiahyou would load mo, Miu Jer- *old." "WoU, lok horo, my dtlar boy. We "*om to. hays .guttled down to & belief that VMalcolm Strattou hai been a great ucpimp, 4U1<1 tliat he drew buck on bin wedding 'Momiug in counequuuce of thu interference f eorae lady wlu> hud a nold upon him." "Yi, 'that U what we thought," iud 4}ueat nadly. "Aud then triad to commit uicide out of vniserv and ibamu 1" . "Vh, I have boon ablo tu gttt uo further, poor fellow. He m utterly dunb, no aoon mm I try to got anything from Inm." *'\Vliat doos that friorid of hia that Mr. Brottinon euV V "Mr. Brettie'on ! Umvo imi nuou him." "Why not ! He hint kimw Mr. Straiton *nany years You uhould Iibvq connulttid him, and tried to lind out from him what wight have happuned iu dayi gonu by." X did think of that." **And did not aai ?" "I have had ao chance. Mr. Brottiaiw i* out of town, I hfkvo not noon hiin liuoe |h wed------" "Ah I" criod Mina Jerrold waruingly. "Silica that unhappy day." "On that day !" "N. It wti m. day <*r two hefora, but I think T hoard Station ay Mr. Brettiion cm mi v ico him that day, and that ho was U gninL' (Ut. nf town." Ifnmph 1 XhaVaairangu Iw Why V aaiil Gueifc. , *iJi- 'wmi vory fond of Malcolm Strattou, w-n't-lie I mean, isn't hot* *'Yff, or courao." - K't<v tthould he go out, on Strutton'a ;. hi cutiiug day, iniload of stopping to con- , ^ratuUto him!", "I don't know. It wau odd, but Mr. Brottinon is ecconiric." "It's more than odd, Porcy Queul," gatd %iua Jerrold, looking very kuen and in- ^t*t; "thu clow liea linn way. Mr. Brot- iion tmiit have known nomtithing and uuuirelud with Malcolm Strattou, it tn* io n.o." You thinU eo!" <-\>n; hw conduct suggests it. Out of %own ? Haan t he boon to his ohambtirs *uio.r - -1 think not." "Theifl'n yniir olew thon- I've loaded "And tiim Mr. Broitinon " "l)f omirse. Tlurn try and got from him 'I) i-hv-o want that information, Mils Jep- *oiu '.' '*'(){ couifte w do, uir. Malclni Strat- tou'i* ncioMH may b<' pur^t-il irmn thoir ({i(i>in i-h. ami' imppiiioa l'Oiik; ufti-r all." ' * i.l fit von ur iut it riiu\!' cnf-i Oncii., "Vi fi u, liif-ii, y>,i\ \)uv<t u'.|iiH)t|i.ijg.<ion;. stblu i.p do; h -r'iu'r limn nlwaytt iu lint! hurt* in yuur hi*i:culutivo vvny. (In to ivi>i It at onci1, and omn uiid cniuiiiuiiiuai u"**^ n i. Gu'nt. wont nif u- mi , 'it-l iimi h Hint i driv u to IIwiiciKM-' I it, whi'i'ii < *! n--; imi <( I*- Si nil \<iu'h 'Ii>. mii uii' n d "il t Br<V| ''lt. Where u ^HU Mnlh mi-' -i IciH Jle-kll tl'liUtl. "'I. ".If M !i- ti..... <ii'i*(i.'lii' v" i i.t Sr-i tMti". ihi i, wii.'i - tlMll II ' tt i t1 i <).,... f > : ' hnt they are to write.'* "H'dll, tliut'u rnaninihlu oiwuigh if ihsy hav not mmle njipoitn rui'titn, Mth. Brado, so pn'iy ii'iji't uhiiku your hfud lilto ihat.'.' "(jfirt.iioly not, hit, if yon il(jii't winh it, hut I't. Itt'lp thinkiiiB ho'd ho botuir noi left tlone." "Wliy V iinid (iuimt impuinouely. Mm. lirmU' tuppml her forohoad, and (iui'Ut fi'uwiicd angrily, "don't cxupgeraiu, and pray don't jump at cnnelii-unuH, Mr. Strattfin is no tuorf mad t,hn" you iin:." "Thttt ain't imyitijr much, mister, criod Lite p.trn:r ft- m 'ho next room, whoro ho wan mn-iiig up for lule houm couiicquont ui>"ii titling up lor iiLcupanin ol the ion. *'Mv inifRUH is nti mild .tu a hailor." Mih. liiudc ilurid'i io ibodoor and cloned il with a heavy bnni, following it, up ry Bn itching, moro ihun drawing tho cuiauin tiv-r thn opening u cunaiii originally pltiuud tl.i:ro to l.eep oif draufrhtu, bin no n-u'i by Mru. Uriulo *i^ to givo the onlookor tiie mea iliut b'T tiUbbuntJ was a puruonugo Ut-pi on cxlnliiiiou.and nut shown Havo u a frvMir and for uuiuoy | aid. "I il- n't know what I cuuld bo thinking of to marry a man, air," nhu luid iudinnaiit- )y. "Ma , indeed! Noi in-nl <n"iigh to la o uioi'e'H lIuui'u (joud for me, ni>l pr*otly if en, ion " "A l(!HHon for yrm, ^TrtL Brudo," said (iiiiiut siunily, "Vmic nnoi urn Icon m"re puinful <<r dinignntu.i uan-Tinm uhout it por- son ilmu iu euy thut a puraon or poiuonago is .....>\." J. Slr'v.t I'" 'I*-, ,*>' u I r '^ii, l'i -| j- ..-(. -.ot m*' r \h*> ' mii I-v.. , "jNIi; }> r>.HbiMKt tt-1'. .' . '. *'M'<|, M^ 'Mr t"*""'*! i..... Ii.. UHAPTKK XXVITL WAI.ICISU IN THE IlAKIt. Dimippiinied in hia vmit to the inn, (111' -at wm hack to liin own chum hern, wlo-rc hi firm net on rtieuhmg hia room, v*-nh itrt lookout over the old ronkory, was io lake out hit) pncltctb'iolc, aud corofully "*aamino a photograph a pruof iutrustod U I'.iti caro that day and wlnuli ho inmiintly pruusod to his lipn aovoral timoo tielttm ru> noring it to its envelop*, aud roiunting it io hio breftnt. Hia noit prooesdina Was to light bin pipe, lin hack, and think ovor Mibs Jor- and the niom ha tlinught ovor hem thomnro they lAomcd to fit with tlui illusion. Ono though^ be;at another till h gnnv -'artled at vh growth omanating from Mib Jorrold's nugcos^ ion. ' Stmlton l^id always b*cn greatly at- tuohud to him, ha knew, hut'he did nni.. al- Wiiy* oonfldd la him;,he had a way of hrdug trmely retiB]b# especially ov** money l'J alarmed, for he could get uo tidings of Btrniion. Tho ohamboro Wero always clon- od, and no notice Taken of idio Utters; so ho went to Bounin Squar* on buinon ho mudo a ^oint of Lfning tho^e on businois whenever lio could uud wuh ahown into tU liiiiwing room.wbero Myrn,"greeted him veiy kindly, though ho noted a puculiar, anxioun, lok in hor oyca two or throo limnB beforo who roao and'lofi tho room. "Now, Mr. OutiHi," fluid Edio aa noon at thev worn alono, "vou havo something to communicate?" "Something I wank to say, hut don't be quite uo liiiainosB-liUo, "I iiium," she iiaid sharply. "Nriw.tell me ; Boirpithiiig from about Mr, Strat tou, *' Ho iold hor of hia ouocuaa.and she frown* d. . "Wu don't want hia name meutinnsd here, and uko not thu slighting in lores t in hint; but aa you ar intit'Stn<l,nnd as neWs, of enitrno you can toll mv miyilung. But ian'l. hi- conduct vory strungu?" "More than tttraugo." "And you can't, find Mr. Brettison, eiih.i?" ' but I'm nm lurpriaodai that. He's collecting chickw0<l una 'gruudnol.'asMrs. Ili.ule aalls it, sonu'whuro. But I shall bo plud whiMi ho cotnua back." K io But ihouffhiful.y for a few mi nut mi. "You sue, ilirutH'ly you cannot yut i use him Iii'Ciliiho his dooro are shut you begin to thiiilc Kumothing in wrong." 'Naturally," Mr. OueBt." 'tNo ; no ; don't Uko it back again like (mm," ho pleaded. ; "Mr. GuhU," aho sai4 emphatlaally. "Now look hero: ho must eoin to his obumbaronomotimcH, booauao he would want hiu lottom." *<PoyibWi"iah1 the viiitorooldly, for thai formal "Mr. Guest" aunoyed him. "And he cninmuuicatei with the p>opU at ttm ihtititutiou." Vud, but ha h> given thnm uo fresh addrottit,**, **|'hai nalurally th*y writ* to hUi fiham- hers, iind Mat------this mun gets) *>isi laiiern from'time to lime. There's nothing hook ing the matter.., He is avoiding you1, atis wanutohroak off th intimaoy ' ( ki*iii.^.. .* cidatf *" 'Then Uo hi not w a<I.OM itirtttein, Mid lui.iecullod a little upset they had omit) had about a tiinu whan tiiratton Wuh hitrd orinmnd to gut hiu rout ready aud had Hiimul tlio money In what he (Uumi) had duhlidd it dinrnputal)lo way that is to' iiny, ho had borrowtid from "a rolativo" in- Htmid of from hia friond. "Thu old ludy'H right," muaod Oiwst,' nftor a Iniif; puriml of tliinUing, during whiob bin idoaii muiihwhI to ripun. ' "Mr. lliottiuon niiist know, and doptind upon it, ho,' being suoli a particular, lijirh-Hnulud hmn, wiih angry with Miration, and would iiot'oiiiiiu to iho wodding. Of couru; I rt- tnomhur now, Strattou did nay that- morn ing that Brottimm wan off, out collooling. Now, how to tind out whm-o ho ban "gono," Noidoa came, for Brottiuoti wiih one of thu uiout niTanc aud ontliuuiaHtiG of boingH. Ittdiuj very wealthy, and living in the iiim- plerti way, money wiih tin object ; and ho would go oil unywhero, and at any cont, to ohtiiin a few tninphi and rLreplanlii for Ilia hurharimu. Ah GimjuL ihiikoi) over tho mut- ler, ho roeolliicted that Scruttou Haiti uomo- \l<itir/ ultoitl llw tirtnrL l.ufc wltut.loo* it, wu mmlh of ['jif^lanil, Frauuo, or Italy( no could not mnemh'T. ."Might ho thu Smith Pol*," ho muttered ptittiuluv. 'K.ncy that, old chap buying 'nothinu butter to do wiih his nimiuy than Sptnitl It ovor .woeiiit !' "Now, if I hud Imi:," hit Maid, afttt_r rofill- ing bin pip". "I cou (I l;o to tho old admiral and Ha'y------ Ob, what a fool X am !" liul Homehow that idoa about BrottUon and hiu money-ufomed to pervudo liiii brain for thn mix!, few duyu, and to bo mixud up with Stratum and tiio ti^ouhloH. flu recol lected tho money lying iu t-rinp haiikuotuu upon tho Lat>h>, -iid rocalhii tlutt it was a' hoavy num. That vua an entirely fn;ah view to titan i could StruMon havo borrowed that money from Broitiaon? Liktily enough, and that might havo canned tho enlrun^ornunt.' Paoplo did not like lending money. They would oiFur to do no, but when tho demand was imiile thny won- a little hittur. " 'Noitber a borrower nor u londor bo,'" muttered Guest, qimtiniv from hia favorite author, and thon adding, "if you can help it." "Bah I That upuoU the idea of the lady, in the flano," ho muttered impatiently, "What a fool I am ! As if it was likuly that poor old Mai would try to muko hia quietus with a bare bodkin modernized into a nix- shoutor buuaUHe old Brottison w'ia bu'mid at hio borrowing monoy. I mut pump it out of thu poor fellow Homehow." Thatuvoning he went to Strutton's clmm- born, butcouldgot no reply ; and ho waited about oo thoutaini till, growing uncuity and sunpiciguH once more, ho knocked again, and listened at the letter niit. Juat then hn hoard ntcpu, and tho occu pant of the upstairs chambers nnuended to the UtuliiiR. "How do V ho iiaid. "Mr. Slratton's out. I met him ou the umbauUmont not half an hour uga" That swept away tho black, montitl cob- wohn onco more for a time about Gumii'a brain, and hrf went away reliovod but not before writing bin intention of dropping in obout ton ihntnigbtj and jhruutiugma csnj in at tho slii U tli'no at hia club, after which b* went into tho library io road up Homo old legal caneu,' and think about Kdie. Uo was punctual to the time appulnied fn Bcnchor'Ion, but there wan no light in Stratton'a window, none in Brottiaou's, and ho WHitod till eleven in tha expeotation of seeing his friend como hack. At the above hour ho became oonviucod that Strattou had returned uurly and gone to bed, co ho wout to bis nwu chamhoru vexed and irritated, after dropping another card into the letter box, making an ap pointment for the no it evening at seven, "Tako him out for a bit of dinner. Hn Btteinn to ba very busy juat now, or els* he in bohaviug very mnsibly and taking eier- cise to get back hia strength. Guedt went to Benchers' Inn tho next evening at Devon, but tho outer doof was cloned, and after waiting for some time he went off to his club and wrote a letter bog- giug Strattou to make an appointment te ouo him. Next day glided by ahd there was no reply. Tho chamber was still o oaod, and the Bradea had not soon their occupant} neither had Mr. Brettiaon come-baek;~ Gucet made light of the matter, and then wont and called on tho admiral, who promptly hogged him to stuyto dinner, but the young man refused, glanced at Edio, and stayed. ThiiVdelaycd the visit which ho had in- tonded to pay Miss Jerrold, hut he went te bur on the following day to report hit ill buccobb, ami then le tho great institution whero his friend ruled over the uuiural his tory Hpucimen*. h To his surprise Strattou was not there, one of the officialo informing him that hia chief had taken a month's vacation, to re cover his health, "Ho seamed uo broken down, sir, by study, that the oommktoe suggested it." "And never said a word to rae," thought Quest. "Well, tho man woo sayi poor old Mai is mud is a fool, but be certainly does act very queorly. Never mind. He'll como all right in time," Moro days gilded by, and Guest became PAPER PULP FOR LEAKS. i'lipi-r pulp In om> ol' Ihe tnont UHt'ful iirtltih'H within th rcuh or miintdn'l. MUimI with K'luo ami phiMirr t,( piirlK or V^irlliuid ci-mciil,' It in tin* bi-nt tliluj; to Hlop (ii'iloUh hiuI In'ciiUii In wtiod. I'uin'i- pulp and plit.'iter almitt uliculn lie Willi III tlli P'lU'-ll ol' every lUHlHi-- keopi'i*. Tlui jnilp rrrnnt brv Ic-i't - In a ckmor. iitfippcrfd tiotllo, In nrdei- Unit (h<* nioltt- lin-i- mny not ovnp"nite, ____ When, rcqulrefl for inn- nnI;o it of tho fori'UMh.'ncy at thin Ki'iwl Willi lint wnti'i' ; ii.dtl jdlLMtor .(if purl-, in i.inke it HllKhll.V piiidy. iind ii'ir II :..' onr--: Km- Ic.'ikiLtfeH iiroiind piper-, in i\h\i the. nverlh'w* at wat-in* in Htniinnary w.'iidi- ntunds When- the l.mwl nml llio npp'-r Hhtb Join, It hi Invnliinblc TTjH'd with bare It will ;dop nirmN leukh In Inm plr"'", pi*'vlrli:d tin- water can ha .'dint ofi' IcmiT ennuijli in alhtw It to H'-1. Arnuii'l the empty .pipe wnip a nini^e thlcknt-Mii or two rtf rheem- cWith Jnnt wl(h;. onoup;lj to rover the break, then apply the edinpfmnrl, [ireiiHlni; it In pbut'e. nnrl maklnir an oval of it noinewhat al'ter the ffialihiii of P-ad-filpe Joining, only liLi'irer. The Ht'reiiKth of thin pmito, whin onoo It in tlmrouKliIy lnirdfiried, lit alinont l>- ynnd bellct*.. The bit of cheene rluth pnn'cntM nay flit^dnw r*f tlie ^Ij.e by tho pnsti! wnrklnjr th'rou^li the rracksi. An Iron plre thnt .iiipidh'd a lutiifu-- hold with water bad a pleci- In^dcen out by frei.'zlru,'. The piin-e was put In pluci-, hound with n nirlp of muHlln, tlioii thor oughly packMl with pnpftr pulji and rorthirid cement, and wn, to all ap- penrance.'i, an kooi! a.s now. Paper pulp and line imwrlimt bollud to- Kother for hourn and mixed with |?luo dlHHolved In linseed oil maknti n. per'foct (llllni; for crarlcH In flooni. It may bo imt an iind left until partly dry, thon covered with puraillne and amoothed with ft hot Iron. Tho Hurface, If properly mnnap/od. iti wpial to a polltihed wax floor. Alinont every day new uoii for panor pulp aye HUKtreHtotd. New York l*d^ cer. pnKMKiii:\#A';' minx hhith. A F^tiimu^iiC Holtcttor io He l^mpluyftl *'> tin r^.nt A.u .kiuiiiiH Townilo, June H. A mecthiic of Hh' Kxi'eutivw of the l>nntidi'Ui iVemi Ai'MOJ-.lfitinn wiui held at thu QumtuV Hotel yi'Mtorday, U \V. Mhiumou ol ..Tim KinKntm Newn lu-O'iidlnjc. It waM decided to hold na uxeUtHion through tlm MnrltluM* Province^ during tint flrnt WtMik hi Amcimt. Hjnnial arrnnKementH haVe lw*jtn madu with tin* rallrtiadti and the holding pbu'OM to 1w vUitwl are Kt. -Jfrhn,--NdU~tlui --^Viiuaiiioliu^_Vullt!y,__llm_ llnui IVOr IjlI((h4, L^HiiHhui'K^ (iliiLrlotta-^ town and QuoIhhj. It wan diMiided h) form u jn'oteetivo imiifW'iati'in, to employ a permanent w- llciUir and counitid (or tlw tuniinion do- fe.iiCe of Ulk\l Hiiibi. A |i!Ho]utkm wow uhto p^uiued to tlni offeot lluit tho rocent il*;clnion of X>elliiii<l v. The Moritroal Htxir was a Korioun lUIIIWiOO to tho lll)Crti*t Ol Uli! priJiii (Uill to tho nnhlit: iuteHuiU. A BRIDGE OF CONCRETE. Which IH*< Au A^llllclnl Comiwnt|il(Hi plilren Kono, A roncroto bridge having a clear spnn of 1C-I foot and 211 foot wide, wan re cently mnntrueted over the Danube at Munderklnip-n. in Auntria. Stone la ncarce and dear there, whllo good Port- land eement b; j.n.dnced in larK"* quan- titles. The centering was covered with oiled paper, on. which the concrete'was laid, connoting of 1 part. ocmont. I 1-3 partfi Hnnd, and 5 broken ntone, all thor oughly mixed. Blocks of thin ooncroto have nhown a ronlntancc of 187 tons nor Hquure foot In 7 dayB( 236 torwi in M dayn, and 30fl tons In B.wiotvt'bn. The oonr-rtte,waH applied In layent IU tnehea think, Htnrtlne; at tho abutrnenta and working toward the crown, where It io a 1-1 Tt'OUtldokH-rt>4dwft^^MrW*rT<ro^i7rni' 1h -1 1-2 ffcct thick. The time pent in laying the concrete was only 10 .dayH, nnd 10 days later the eentren were tdrunk. The deflection proved leas than I 1-2 inchea. TllllUlMfl WfUHCtl The Tunisian Moor delle/hts In cotor, but haw a Hcrupuloim reRard for har mony and a preference for hah* tones. It wan rather a shock to me to learn from a wealthy Moorish merchant In the Soukel-FaraPhln that mofit of thope ilove-^ray, olive-brown, olive-preen,palo blue, pink, puce and apple-i^ren roboa. which I had admired an ho distinctively Oriental, wero manufactured In nir- mlnKham and In the French midlandfi. On the other hnnd. tho Tunisian women, or the better claBR at any rate, are without f^race of flpnire, elegance of cjir- -rlnpre or taste In dreRH. Their parmentn, often of rare worlt- rnanHlilp and beautiful texture, Hoom a3 tboug-h they havo been put on any how. and even with a dint I net aim at un- comellness, and the cub torn of the ladleR to walk with upheld distended veils lulda to the general impact of an almost ludicrous unfmlnllnoHH. Of their fea tures, one win judge only haphazard, for T'juropeann have few oppoituntles for HeelnK Tiinlslan ladles fuce to face. Those whom I did Hee were HometlmeR comely enough after a fnshion, but with expreHslonn ho Inane nnd eyes bo hiHtre- lcsH that the yashmak mi^ht well l>e. considered Quite unik'ces.sary as a pro tection against the lujense of audacious nialu evea. / l(Cllll4,UH Of II l-ri'Ill l*HlKM<Hti. The MetternlchB In Tarlo during- the Second ISmpire made their mark at (,ncc by the Rtyle of tlxdr e<iulpae;eB. their artntoe ratio mode of spending n.tiiK-y, the elegant figure of the Prln- l e.^H, her wunilrtniH chick, her air of breedInK, her wild spirits, cleverness-la repartee, Independent ways and Inso- k-nee. Mo.v BtHUing, but not dlHafrrce- oble ugliness wiih also In her favor. It i^itve cine an agreeable Hhock the first lime one saw her, The face hardly neomed human. The flat nose, wide mouth, extending literally from ear to i:ar. poor forehead nnd curious eyes worn a survival of far-back Hunnlsb ancestors on the Sander side. The flfjure wits Hh'iider and flexible an a willow rod, and everything ishe wore suited Per- Bhe said and did exactly as she l-K-nsed ; laid down the Hoelal law by tfolng In for social lawlessnosH to the Kmprei'H KuKoni*-*. and made Theresa the fashion by taking lesson* from her, Tl ei-esa went to the Embassy to give them. The Princess expressed astonish ment at Uncling that fumouH singer of t'e Alcazar trees comme il faut, nnd Theresa at finding the Ambassadress London Truth. Itrtvtiiu: u llm-uiilu- The mean man occasionally o-'^r- .euches himself In a way that Ik delt-M- fvi] 'o those who have no use for sll'igy p ople. A Jjondon Journal tello a ntow of oia* of tiiiB claaa of personn which is most amusing. The man went Into a Puteher'ii shop and enquired the price wnip bone. 'Oh, I'll let you have that for notb- ng." replied the butcher, a more or p ^s generous person. '! \ e customer wan nllghtly deaf, nnd nibsed tho answer. "Can't you tako fiomethlnit off that .'" I e aske<!, never nuppoalnB that the but-, eher bad offerod to lvo him what ho unnted. "Oh. yen," replied tho butcher, with a rnhtlo. "Call it twoponoe." And tho moan man paid tho twopence <or the gift, and departed thinking how oJever he woa tiata>wJs Young People. o^ a>sk>oi4. Chrliitbiito, Juno fi^-Ttw Bliftrtlit^ tov day, by u Vo*e (d 00 to U-t, oiJopti.'d/ it reaoluUmi declarhiK that tiki txiutin^ rtolitkuil Hltiuition ailln (or the reirH>val of lite dibcordri in tho union, aiwl ajliniv IriK Norway'h rljjjht to t^OAlity uikLds tlw.1 ti^rnW of tlio luiioo with &wed<ni, iu- eludliig a iv'parato utaMukitf fwrvico und u wparute lorolgn mhiiiU*, Tlw p>*wiv lutloii prop/men that iy>(?oti*>nn Ui en,rH'l on to clear up tho duqjuto Imv tw(\ei tlie two oo tin trie*. Tiw oxtreuu) ItailwiaU r'^tjvMfwl "i\m ro#wjlutiou an nolnp; too fiU* in oi-Amt* ia bring alKMit a rcconetlliLtluA. Tl^v Cort- *:rvutiww ami Modoratiui nupportod It ni\ tho .grmuHl thiU a polity of iconv lromit waH lx>nt for lH>th ruitiotw. Tlw (argrnwri ol tlve malority awbHinded tho ItinliealH. A iK>inpr*>*uiw) miuiHtry bt now expftctwl* ! nniUi6U W1H *+iutrh.l+ Fr-nn \V^*t-*rth Hamilton, Juno ft. Tho city and.ooiv ty are unable to agree aa to the divluioo of exponw-'H fo* ruunlviK tlwi Jail, and aa a retnilt the ratopayeni of tlvo city voted the num erf $45,000 to build a hew Jail for the city. In thin event the ootinty would be middled with an exi>enHivo IriftitutiiHi toy which tt ha_t Mttle uw, and it offered to noli Ui Qvt city for HO.000 and pay 37 cenUi iM-r day fur the kf>ep of lt pultionern, 'T/ho city offered fciCOOO, iKJt tlio county re}octu the offer aa belnjr too low, and ban- appointed a committee to take proceedings for the completo neparatlon of tlio oounty from the cky for aJl purpofleii. Hvrul Ilor<1s -of HufialoeH And' tlioiiuitiidH at iiUw, dour, utc, aro to hround in the.Yellowiaoiif Vnrk. It la thu rmly jda-no wlmru thn huHalo HUn bQ '"ttijidl."-'*^ o aircih.knlv b'uvn tkuy boen idiLti^htored, Thoy iir~,ton(! from thu plahm nnd pruiritfii.find the ruirmaat now Uttcm thank tho Unitad UtitteH fioverinnunt for iho privilono of livh.i; Th- VoilnwiitONti Park In thuir homo find thi<rn thny imiHafa, 'VUv Purlc pi pntrollod by Moldiuru both Niimmer and wintur to (iiijitur* j'oaohu and ei'fondtmi nnd Mtjvtrfr piiniidnutini, iu nuitod out tnintrudi:ru, ~" In Hummer tho buffalo ran^o in tho highhiridu, near Yullowmonp Lako. In win tor thoy work over into Uu-ydun Valley and Hurroundintt country, where tho hot ttprintiu and wattru keufi^ho mi(*w mlted away. Poor and oik rati(jfj ovftr thu ontiro YollowHtouo Park. Thuu huuiduu tho Ltr#ut rnarvwlu of linturo mot with in thiu woudpr- luijd,tlH;ru firi: alw) the lino (it Hpncimunu f ourhirgo p;arne. Timiu and dooilo, thoy four not man. ' Hkatuhuii of VVoudnrhind, an llltiutratad hook puhlihliod by the Northorii Paoiilo Railroad tltHcrilniH thih wondorlaud. It will hn nont hy Ciiah. S. Jj'hb, the Gon'l A(jj(int, Kt; Paul, Mum., upon rucoi^t of hLx auntit in utneipu. 'tAirf Muar dkt l.v;yo6 Utu>*i*lB or hflVl^-y ttunu^l. Appleton, ..Win,, Jkino t Two eleva tors belonging to tho WtncotiHin Mart and Gram Co., with kji -offioo buildiujr, wow dVfitroyiiMl hy fire hint Digbt. In tlio eievntorn woro 1BO,000 htiHheUt of wrUt and baj-loy. LtwH $ltW,000; humwd, . > half 1 WM III*** Ybftfl WoinHnM. Tito euplortlon of ft lamp at -l.lo thin morninff CAiwod liro on tlw prciniwua nt 282 Quponrfltroot woat, oocu]viod by \Y. Shaw. Ditrniige $2tt Vo#iO HiHrLeta. Viaxir V*odo U (pilot, with domand r- Htr4oUul. Stralghk rollort Qiwtaxl ut 04.7S Toronto IroichU. p>au ntutrw> lb brfcu quUt ami prictui 913 to |14, Toronto tralffhW, BUoru iuv CitlJLIlffOid nt $17, WhAati tha tnarWftt bo-^lay win qult, hut,(Jut (ollna Bonoruliy In llnnor, owinv to lilviwwe. [ (ondgu inark<itn, Wldta and .iMMl'Quntod- auWhlft at *1 t*> $1.02; Monl- LQba (km at $1.06, Toronto frolfjhta. fljuUiy-Traih) dull and prUlu* uUaxAy, STooO tpiotOJl ut 69i to S3o. Oatn-Tlio marUot la quiot. with prlo anobanffejl. Gar lets of vhlto aro nuotd nt, 30c, weft. rtyoj-Himino (piI to, with prto*i noml- unrvbwUAuit VtiOTfl l nothlnt? dolncr o mi} a \ oinm Itlio , When frotn i.vt-r work, pomildy nnniuled bv an ihhciiod wti-KiK-iiu. rbo healih failu and n-M or medicul trtiii^iiieut must be re wort'd to, tlidi uo medicine enu bo C'tn- plowd witn lire p-niMti buuelicial ronuUs as tiuott't- lOuialwion. F. S. ADAMS Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES. A largo stock, till new goods and latest Novelties. I tako no back seat ou pricey. SCHOOL BAGS, I havo a largo stock, cought' at bottom prices, nnd can beat thorn all for price and qunlity.. Call aud ace thorn. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - Farm Harness, 1 Truck Harness S LZ AND ~S Heavy Harness! fe^sa OP EVERY PESCRIIPTION. A [large Block and it miiBtJ go. Call and see nao before buying elsewhere Everything in ihe Horse Furnishing Line. T. S. Adams. wo dooua eivit of Bato'u Carriaau Work a, Ea*wa. v: I; \>.tho trade in all liindn of '.iuildiniz Material, Woodwork fbr houBew, (plain and oraamental), Bam Lumber, <.. Shingles of all grades, Doorfl, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS. \\ o o re Solo Atfontu in tho County for Of Chicatf0. which toolt Hinhdat Awardn ut the World'u Fnir. Can funiitih either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written guuranteo with every Outfit. Laing Bros., Essex. 1m >r fn ii tin- benefit of every one-who wishes ivent in a few shares of , , ... Ontario Permanent Building and Loan Siotk1 J E. () iver,peneral agent, will l>- in town for a few weeks and will b pleased to explain the workings of ibis A Homntion; A. p<^t card or letter mtiiled toBsse^. }', 0. will receive prompt attention. ,>i J. R. OXIVT.R, Agent -jim wry mIooui ki ituiu*. Mituy uopl tkmi* ^* Mk fbr bteu tad I iw4 thm bli mcc: fa*

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