Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 31, 1895, p. 8

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' - ' ifliOV '.' ,. i 7rp ,,,.,_. ' "'.< i.^j-j'1^' * -i.' ^'^.w,,'-t,-*:.^**^7 y-c itU-K. FRBi^ PRESi, i / 3AS. D. ANDERSON & Co.. BANKERS, m * "^lxt to Aberdeen Hotel, *..*?"If onoy to loan on Farmers' NoUrn; Nolo* bought (ST^HC Colluotod; Uumy to loau uu Mo)rtt!*li<i at <>' ^wBfc rates and bast termu. ffh-afla Ibbuo.1 payable at par at nllj principal Ta?olntB. f'jjre Insurance Agopts, etc* * i- OSCAR WILDE GUILTY Sentenced to Two Years at Hard Labor. STUNNED WHEN THE BLOW FEU. OGAI^J>ERS0N/VL Her. M. P. aud Men. Campbell aru vii- <GB{( in Toronto. Mim Ida Jolmu, of Detroit, viiiitod Khhcx ttfrieruii on Sunday and Monday. Mrs. (Dr.) MoKoyJ &<! family aro " tinting bur par.btsat Poplar Hill. . MmH. W. Barrio, of Detroit, iw iu town, .-tfco i^ucHt of hor %inUr, Mrs, ,)no. Milne. ^Wniri-JBfn;. XuHpeotor of publio ,*choolu lor Boutb Ebuox, wan in town this cek. ' - Mr. and Mrs. IYimIc Groeu and. family, 4DlKiut:avill. vioitud frioudu iu town Utit weuk. Mis StollaRobiniicu spent a low tt-yn Mbt thin wuok with fricudti iu Windsor and (TrValkomlle. Mr. attd^Mra. W, M. DCrw are- in Sim- >*X)Q, Ont., this week, attending tho weddjnfi Df a friend iu that town. n. W. Mian, Esq., M. P., upGut th 4Quooii'h Birthday and a. faw dayu following .jSii town, returning to Ottawa on Monday. JTrank Stotim, of Windsor, is in town this t-.jtsyeak viuitius; friaicds- Frank dispmmos ;>ijhU refraRhmemtu at tho iiritJHh-Atnori- MiQHEraraa Biclclo, of Petroloa, viaitod __Jii)r uuclu, Mr. Janmw May, and family, on - Alio Qncon's Birthday, loftvmq again en { Jjstouday. Mr. k. E. Ewary and wife, of Toronto, IfSpout tho Quqgu'h Birthday in towu, tlao - fiO(iiiU of Air. and Mrs. O, H. Brioker ^i'Jiuy roturuod to thoir homo om Tueuduy. Mr. nud Mrs. ,1. H. Lawaon opont Suu- : iay and thu Qaosn'u Birthday iu town, tfadlintf ou many old frioiuin and acqmtin- vJUnceii, TUoy wore tho usata of Mr. and aitfrs. Jfc E.' Stons. Mr. Milford Wifile, a nainq young quad- ^Soloiat, ol Ktnguyitlfl will bo m town on JSunduy, tho jjuuut of Vrinaipal and Urn. ^ odoreou, aud will mnjj in tho Mothodiut /Uiburch. ' Mr. P. Boyd Tytler, taller iu tho Ontario ,, JSunk. at Nowtmrkcib, Ont., spant th Quean's Birthday in this vicinity, calling kn hin many old-timo friendH aud acquaiu- .t*noon. Ho, laguthor with Mr. A. T. VJC*niu(j, of Toronto, whoolod into town on JTJiurutlay, on thoir holiday tour. Work, My Boy. Beraeaflhor, my aou, you have to work. ^Whethor you h audio a pick or a pen, a -Wheelbarrow or a out of diohen, diHtjiiiK , JOitcheeor oditinga papnr, rinmm; an auo- KHlioiu bll or writing funny thtngH, yoa munt ""Work, If- you look around, yon will aeo tho .iiaon who aro tho moot ablo to live tho root > tlio'ir days without worlt aro otau who Twork tho hardobt. Don't bo afraid of kill- -iine y^uraojf with overwork. It iu *hovond 3ronr power to do that on tho onnny Htdo of ttbirty. They die KometimeH, but it in Do- .e&Ubu thoy quir work at C p. m., aud don't :gt homo until 2 a. m. It'a the intorval that ItillH, my Ron. Tho work given you an mppolito for your maiH ; it lends nuhdit-y to ynnr idumbbiH ; it ijiven you a pcrfoot ***,d ( rnteful appreciation uf a, holiday. ' Tit n t- r t yuuuj uiuu who Jo not work, j. l-j n .vori.l iu not prou I of thorn. lb jd-' it aini- ;<'li! .-. ko of them an "(Jl.l Hn aud-So'n 1> . Nolody oarew for thorn. Tho ureal !] ' voil I loan't t-vun know tlmt tliuy aro 1 H.j hud out what you wunt io bo UMa Uu, and take off \ourcoa> and maku u iaiasti tn tho world. Tho busier you urcs. '-Afao-lohH hurru >ou are apt, to i^el intu, the -OBiweatiir you will bleet'p, thu brlghtttr and -flappivr y >ur holidayu, an * th bettor sat. abfled tho worl.l wil^ho with yon. lew Suits for 10 Cents. "There arc Mrs Brown's hoys all out in -jfsew suit? again. I never saw such a woman ! *Sliey nre the best dressed family in town, and :asybocly would think her extravagant if they .'juHUn*t know that she did it all uriia Diamond Dyes lii*3ljc hoys' clothes.are wnde from her husband's t (sold ones dyed over, while her own and, the -t^ffiW AtWRt%'wtt dyed over, and many of the .suits and gowns-do not cost her over a dime, lllie price of a package of Diamond Dyes." Wo xpr!*nr U tn*e<lfV to <lr> ?"'! wnrk with YJPiamoud Dye*. l'litiy.iuMlto beuutliiil colorn lliat MM bOU-fnillnfr. inul nvo. jircDarml for all L.I:nU ni a;ood. Tlwlrthn-oftin-cUl lilack dvoBfnr dhferent - -jeoodtf, nuittt tlio biaisk'ciitunil fnttoutcolor known. "' -----Olrvctlou book autl <0 li&miilos colored cloth U^.vl^r- ruuluhturul- Tbf! l'ublla iiu.i it>ii*'vit nun'tiuiuy aud I (toll UU JllMl. Loudon, Afjiy 2K.-T1H'. trial of O^ar Wihlo wjtM rt*Miuiuid iu the Old Ihiilify Court MjLturday looming, Hir Knuik Lock- u'noil continuing h'm addniwi to thu jury fur tin!' priwwcutiou. H; dihiUid upon tin.' iiitinuicy uf WiluV .with Taylor, and tyiiil tluit UmitMiey tui^lit not to ho Hhown to ouo uud not to tins other Im.'cjliiki' uf the. nufdtiou and inlelli^t of one. o, iu mimuiiiiu UP M"id Wilde hnd eoiifi'iuusd tlmt Iii conducl iu re-, fjnnl tu I^ord Alfred I)i;imla-i hud liet-u mich that ho (thu juiltfi') could not imk thu jury, iut iu tlio ]ritvion.i trial, to ttay that tlu'ro wan no ^i-ound fur cliarffhiK liwu with luivinjr jumed iui a eriiuiim.1. Tin; juil(;t'i iu the emiwe of liiit cluiriji! to tlio jury, dealt with en eh id the cluir^i-H contained iu the iudietimMit, bin ujiiiiiou IkdiiK pin inly and Htrun^ly nKaiiiHt the priiuini'i'. Iu n^ii.r.i Id Wilde' letter*! to Lord Alfred Duii(;hin, he tuiiil they might he "iirnw imruu," but. they wen.' nuiie the. \vnn ji4ii,-iou ton yiiiine; liuuiV mind, and the wrller w/ui clearly imt a de.sirahlu eomiiiuiton lor the yuunir. lie hi re the jury retired the foreiniui niilicil thu court if u warrant hud been i^mieil jur the arroiit ui Lord Alfred D.iiiglnw. The judjjo lULid no warrant had l>een idmii'd, wliereii]>u'ii the foreman naid: "Hut if we miwt counider thene let- ter.i nil evidence uf i^uitt tln-y mindy filurtv that Lord AUred'n guilt in equal to that of WUdiVH." The jury ocoupied two hourn iu the conttideratiou of the cane. Alter their verdict had been rendered", Sir Liiwurd Clarke, on behalf of Wilde au'd couime) fur Alfred Taylor, mad.' application fur a jji jut pone men t uf .-eutence. The judere peremptorily retimed tu e;rniit the ap plication and, iu bin re marks, donei'ib-d tin; offi-nci-H uf which the prinuin:rn were guilty oh the uiuKt heiiio\in that had i-viT cuiue tu hiit notice. This vbtw waa ap(j;irently ahared liy the wpectatorw, an, whyii. the jiidjje Heuteiiceil Wilde uud T,.yliTr to two yearn', imprisonment at hard labor, many peniuiut prenent cried, "Silianit!.'* When tho flenteuce wan jironounced Wilde upjHJiirL'd to bo iitunixMl. As the hint wordn of the liciitence were uttered the apostle of aestheticSum wan hurried to hin cell iut a fvlon. 7 Vaiw A IticmrtHOM Co.. Mohtukai,, r,Q. i'lilillr lVfJinlma lllm <;ull(y New York. May 2G. Tlio Sun's T,o t- don cable Hays: An Old liulluy jury. eautluiiHly emijanelled, and, aiiUX-i^un-i i-d carefully coac'hed -by the Judi^o (jf the HIrIi Court, has declared Wilde cuilty of the abominable offence. . harmed aealiutt him. Public opinion, v.-hlch is often on the nldo.of the accus- i d, and alm..t invariably nympath - :>: in rKard to any priaoncj* n>, n Kv.ond. trial fur the wimo offonce,_ hid ::'om the first pronounced, with m'arh ,:bHolute unanimity, that he wns Kullt;.- ,.( evorythlnff set forth In th" Indl .t- ment, and of much more. The country _,iidK<Ml him out of hin own mouth, and o did the jury to a lurtjo extent. Any otlier n-ault would have been a ui^pace to the lntelli""ce of Kn^Hs'i jurymen, and a crying Hhame upon IlrttiHh JiiBtlce. It iu hnposHlbk*, h w- * ver, to conceal th-* fact that from th- flr.'it the coinmnn people 1 ollove-l ,th:i: Wilde would never he convicted. In- ;;tlnrtlvely, they felt that the Infliii-nc- behind thin Hhameless friend of prin<" and nnbles would prove to powerful for ordinary Judicial procedure. Tie.' poll e had placed the Government In tin- posHCHslon of tin- nnmOH of men of rank, wealth and f. rhlon who unde niably shared In hoiih- of Wilde's or- Kii.s. and had collected evidonc-.1 amph. sufficient to place them in the crimlna dock xvlth the h'-arty apprrivnl of all clean men. But the Secretary n' Ptaie took nu Ktep iiRainst them to vlndlcat'.- outraged morals ur avenge flouted jus tice. Tho passionate shout which went u;> frim the nation when Wilde'n liipud- <-nt action, designed to aiop th mouth of his accusers, Ignobly collapsed, com pell'd th * Guvei ntnent to take a" Ion ngutnst him and his t- ul accomplice. Taylor. But Lord Alfred Douglns an ' oth"r men whoa * evidence would huv made the fane against Wilde and oth : pvfn moH* ' omplete and Irrefu a!d- w-ere allowed to leave the country. Tho> are still "abroad, but d 'ii' tl h- the will nturn to this country In a si or tlrn", secure against punishment. Pos sibly It 1h hh well, for Wilde's con viction can scarcely fall to prov* mi < ffcrtual deterrent for years to com . end It will be to th" public Intere ' l i l-*t this awful scandal In c m for gotten. Honest men have f-oln th first d s- pir.yi-u" unusual, p*rhnps un h'-lstlan < g far c 'jivlctlon In 'hi-' can-, :')i 'a t two or- thr-e days fierce a"d "'(vf>K 1 r'Hintm nt la" ben spolc n :rd hown at what, nppeurei to super 0i lii .ibHi-rvers almost colb-slon on the "iirt.of the juiU'^'_ and the 'awyeis In o-der tn H-ivi- Wl'de. Rut .Tuftleo \Villl' MimnilnR up, which uricvjie tedly p-ov- ed to lv a Htrlc'lv ju l-Iil pi- e of wnk, to-other w th rh Rillcltor-O n eral's ma-uerly speech r nd the ccm o,i sense uf a jury of plain clt'.zens. flnully prevailed. Vllde wfiH full of con'ideneo to the last, ho that th- icruM m- s n r-; g^e - <u.p hl-.w to Mm. IT H'rov- t(i utt^r something, hut his tongue .dove to tl e roof of his mouth, and he H'nk h-cK In ..his chair, a mental and phvsl-al wreck. Tlio final scene was truly, per- hapw, fittingly, dramatic. Tom * ut/i.ii to Tiir. <;keoi \i VlTiy IVruonw Ullleil by hii KarUtiinubf l, V.nrtiftenn Turkey Constantinople. May 2(1. earthquarhes Saturday virtually railed the town of Paramythln, Knr pea> Turkey. Fifty pcniona were hill >d and :r-o seriously Injured. The total r'U'nurv of Bhoelcn was 20. Th.* GrcdU Church. which wan built 300 years Jg-i, w h moved several ynrda, but Is ntili Ing. __________ ' ItKflrr i?H<*f,* nm"'er ikivot-rnl Ghlngo, May 2fl. Mis, Aubrey, th" oldest dnuprhter of Chief Jmulc* Fuller of the United States Bupiomc Court, was granted a (I v' re* f.-orn her;'hu.+< hand, JT. Matt Aubroy/ Satu*auy .... HIMCOr CRTft a Hconcniwct Inn. u.vt-u 1iuI11Iiiuh llUrixil Hti4 1St1-v Unmiiunl lllr l^^rx WIK.OUO-lllniiy Hlmco)', May ^ri. H 'von bolldlnga were wiped nut, and twelve diumijc'd by fire yesterday mo.nng. Followmj; are tlie loused and Insuianee: Nam > L<k>h. T. I'.nitiriln k..........J 200 G. O. Wenett.;..,........ 100 .1. H. Lani?on horse...... aouf) '- H. Spain.............. 1500 Nf ti'-on If us , M s. O r.i ' ui i ......... annlo I mm , ,i. H. b"ii - n, eonti-ntn..... * a.les Hiide ........... 10. ! :. <*. 11ns............ 3000 ,iOM '3000 aooo 1500 ^'00 200 10)0 K00 nn no 1!00> ;tr.o '. i:. ' "ad, .h.......... floor e fonk....... w- "^1 .............. Mrs.'i,, i.; KondeiitJ.., ..., f. ^-- i ottH .............. no r,o<> , C.C. Bac- '-ns' liM' ..ill e, Jan. S 1th. bilfiy, C M^lMier, bale-ry, Ja:i. IJnaly, harm-sM' l op, li, \ olmon, alioo store, Salvation .' rmy^Kioeory, Win. Mather, tailor nhop wen Mar. Jj 11, po k, t 11 damnped, Cutt k bio k alh-'hlly (Jamatf-d. Ori gin of fire not known. aicva wini:< oiiv. I'lnm^t >nlta WrveU l**tructii>tt n ttt MUUU+trx VlIlMfifl Arva; May 2R. Two monthn ngo 14 of the tMiHinewi bulldiriKM of this vlllafro were destroyed by fire, and at 2 o'clock Thursday 11 ro a^aln broke out, and completed tho destruction. Tin? villa ire present*! a very forlorn appearance;' Only a few dwelling!! ar left standing. Chilpanclaiifro, MeK., May 2G. Thfci town of Contepce wan completely de stroyed by fire Monday nitfht. Blxty- two JiutldlnKS were burned, leaving the pop libit hm homeh'ii'i. Several peraona were seriously injured. *+l\lj llnruei. ItUfiitHl AIIv. Chl-apo, May 2G.. Sixty horses be- lone;ini; to the Chicago Curette Com pany were burned alive early thw morning by a fire flitch broke out in the stables, 150-1CO Green-street.' I'lnt-fin**1 On*nil Hlnrf <-on. Florence, Ont., May 24. Fiio In the general store of M.-J._MprrlIl destroyed the building, one part of which was oc cupied by William Thompson, tailor. Lo.-fl JfiOOO, Tiinolnl *lirpi4 nt V.ovrifi. Gorrle, .Ont., MayM. I^ast night the Peoplo'o Cheese and Butter factory waa burned to the ground. Unm unknown. "( ire Oiimnitr by Wntrr Tlinn 1'ir* Xnternatlonal TRrldge, Ont., May 24, FIro In Vain y B oh', to e burn*d the /. ( le ro-at' and destroyed pnr of the dwel ng.. The 1 as will be 4reavy on ,u uuunt of-Hi<rt3ymagc to the goods by w:i er. I'etFrhiiro lkwellliice <-on* Peterboro, May 21. An unoccupied dwclHui', ( wned by ceorge Thlghe. was destroyed, Th" fl "* extended to tho h us s o V..-, Fletchc - nd Mr. SLan- :on, the* orn.e beinir badly wicoked. Two others were scorched. uoNoitr.ii iev nu:uiiin Henry Irvine, l'"U Itorrlu. \Valler Oei- ntit Uulghtrd Where the' Other llniinrfl Wer* "C<mfi'ri,i,l. London, May 21. Among those kn'ghted upon the o. casion of the tjueen'u Birthday are Henry Irvine;, the actor, and Walter Besant, the au thor. Th'"* following were a's > knighted: Lewis Morris, the poet, and Dr. W. II. Russell, the war correspondent. Right Hon. Baron Playfair of St. An drew's, and Right Hon. Jus. StaaStead, members of the House of Commons'for Halifax, were created Kidght* of the Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. Mr; Hamilton, Receiver-G m-nil of Brltioh Guiana, Mr. Pile, Speaker of the Assembly, Barnndoos and Mr. Sweet Scott, Colonial Secretary of Hon duras companions of the Order of St. Michael nnd St. George. The appointment of General Lord Roberta na Field Marshal Tn succession to the late Sir Patrick Grant, Is ga zetted. WIlirKWAY'H ANNOUNCEMENT. Newfoundland Will Mrei IU Abllcatlatii oh June .10. St. .Tobn'ff,- Nfld.. May 2.1. Tn the As sembly to-day Premier Whiteway stated that information had reached Uinr with in the- jwiat 2-t hours which jiiHtificd lum In anikouncinff the probability of the colony being able to meet ail of its obligations on June 30 and thereafter. Moot of hin hearers cotwldoroU the an nouncement equivalent to information that Colonial Secretary Bond bad ob tained a loan, Othern regarded it n isitfnifyinp; that he had failed, and that the Government had accepted a royal eoinmituiion. PLOATINC A M;UIO|\I>L,iM> I.OA.V. Bb Haberi Itoail Auulu NeRutlndntr Willi Montreal Drnkrrs Tbe' Bcoulta I nkuovin. Montreal, May 2i. Hon. Mr. Bond ar rived back- this morning from the Un ited States, and at onee opened up ne- gotiatlonn with Hanson Bros., leading brokcra here, who represent large Kng- llsh cnpItallatH. Hon. Mr. Bond wub with these gentlemen from 10 to 12, and bad another interview this afternoon. Neither Mr. Bond nor th:1 h okers w U npeak to-night, but there 1h little doubt that thej-e gentlemen are n gotintlng a loan for the colony. Short Tourneys on a Long Road* la tbaohurautoriitio title of n profuafliy il* ltiatratod bookooutainiiu,1 overono hundred pug on of oharmin^ly written deeoripticiiH ofoWmmer roeortoih tho country north nnd wont or Ghtoaa*. Tho rsadmg mattr is nw, the illnotrationu aro now, and ihe iu> formation therein will be new to ahueufc ovryono. ' A copy of "Short .lourutty* ou a JJoug Road" will h mint freo to driyOkiv wlio will onolowi ten contn (to pay po(ttnd) to Gko. H. HuAyvoun, (ItineraI Panaonfer A^ent OhfoHUo, Milwuuliou ,tc Ht. PaH] Railway, Chicane, III. THE. -NIGHI-BLOOMING (JA15TUS- A <UI*iiliJlc mill Kritiillidl Hhioiu Hhlrta IHourUlieii Hi i.nn .tn^iM-H A flower grown our of doors th" year found MUrpiutses one which Iiuh to spend half Its yvnr In an nrUllenlly heated renin with Iltle sunehdie lind lesn "ixy- L'erir.t.h*'snperlorlly of f'nltfnrnhi lluw- iu-;; bi iin miracle nrtd no 'accident, hut the high-til mid Inevitable r'sult nf more r.'ivurable surroundings. The night-bloom cereur, pi a plant inurl' ndiiilivd hy numb-urn In the Kfinr, wbei'i>""lt Ui hlfUHiiIng ns n. ritelnl us well a.i Imtanlcal event. It Is needless t-i n.t.v, however, that an lOastin bivltntlon tneohie and see our cere us bloom tnean^ nil Indoor affair. But It Is not so here. Oerens ti-lnngulnrls Is one of the most showy of the ulght-hlnnmliig enetl. 'l'h JiniiM'bes are triangular, very thbdt /ind benvy, with few nhort spines. Outside, It grows ' to Immense proportions. If planted near a dwelling Its great branches (bitten themselves against the idde of tlie hous*, sending out lonjir, pale yellow, adventurous roots on either sldt., whlclv attach themselves tightly tn the wood, until the stoma become hardened, when they lofiien. tury gray and hang Iiici> frlntren of string. IMantn bhmrn fmrn cuttings In a few months, The time of blooming Is from July until November. The buds arc at flrnt like rough balls'. An they Increase In size they develop Into a gorgeous flower, with a scaly and pale green stem. They begin to open at about Ii o'clock in the evenJng, nnd close at 10 In the morning except on fr.ggy days, when they reran In open until the nun enines out. The llowers measure from nine to twelve Inches fnmi tip to tip of petals, nnd twelve Inches In length. Tin;.sepals are green- hili yellow, the broad Inner petals line creamy white, like satin. The stamens lie tn the centre llk<- a skein of silken (less, their creamy anthers surrounding a magnificent large, light yellow velvet pistil. In thlH country the plants gives no peed unlcstt the flowers are fertiihied by hnnd. When this Is done Ii hears a splendid large fruit of a beautiful deep lose color. The rind Is '-runposed ('f urge, pointed scales, tipped with green the blossom end somewhat resembling that nf the pomegranate. It Is spherical and measures from seven to eleven Inches In circumference. When out open a-PiUl,'.yi_JLrnns1ucont centre Is dlscloned dotted with shining black seeds about the size of large pi abends a;id soft like llg seeds. The pulp is cool, juiev snd delicately aweet. It is surounded oy ii brand band of brilliant carmine about three-eights of an' Inch wide, vvlilrh maker! a striking contract and renders It n most picturesque fruit for the table. Cut in halves, sprinkled with .- ugur and eaten with a spoon from ltn deep, carmine cup, It Is dainty enough for the most fastidious. By some tho taste for this fruit might have to be cultivated, as Is the case with oliven and figs, but It looks good enough to eat-7-nnd almost too pretty. From the Land of Sunshine. Can legal tnaolimflut ohtok tko trtating uyttom ? An Attempt in nbont te ho made* One branch of tho State LoKiidataro of Miohigan hail panned a hill to stamp treat- inc uu a wiwdtmoanori the bill in how be fore thi Michiuan Sonato for connidoration and prominsK soon to beoomo law. The sot impospu a penalty of nob Iqhb than 85* nor moro than 925 for the ofnoo, witW or without Jimpriflonmont for ton days on the offender at thi option of the court; ICr. W&ite, tho author of tho bill, itated in thu Anjombly that "tho traatinff syitsm was reapannibU for Host of the drnnkennesa iu Amerioa," and also romarkod that "iu foreign oountrieo, liUo Germany, whore anoli man paid for hi own drink, thore wuo flooiability without inebriety." Thin is unquoatiouably a Renaihlo viow. of the matter, Muuy will uppland tku timoly effort to grrapp)o with tho troatinc evil Thoriiditof an individual to cull for a claim for hin own one in of oourse untouched by thin bill. tldve you Boea those new privato poet oardi. Thk Vtikv. Piiubh keepa them. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PEDIGREED BULL FOR SALE. 'pbo X'orllcreocl Snorthorn Bull, *'Champion-cf 1 Gotmold," reatiitorfld in tho Dominion Hhort horn Hard Hook as No. 101'ifll, onlvod June GOtb, IH91, Inofforod for bilIo on reaaonablo torniB. For further partioulnirfl apply to tho ownor, ALFRED J. FOX, Ollnda, Ont. IsTOTIOEl. Im IIBIIEIJY OIVKN THAT'TUB SALE OF LAND TOR TAXES in thu Town of Esbox has been udjonrned until Tuesdav* the 4th day of Juno; 1895* ut the hour of Ten O'clock in the Foiiknoon at Pock'M Hall. . W. D. Bkaman, Troon. Towh of Ebuox. WOODSLEE W, G, SMITH. WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. The beat of Louthpr and nrut-clauu Work mauuhip. All hand work. Kvery tlampan nold hy rao mado in Wood- nleo. My Stock of Licht and Hoavy , II11 tn ohm io now complete, and a n pi en- did Htook of all Horse Goodii, Jlfpairinji nono promptly aud cheap. '.' WRIGHT C- SMITH, South Woodslee.' GREAT SUMMER OF NEW SALE GOODS. Last week wo Tilled our atoro to overflowing with Special Low Prices on Drews Goods, and our efforts were appreciated. This week we have opened 5 cases of new Dreas Goods, The lot comprises Silk Dreaa Oostumes, Blouse Silks, Wool Dress' Goods and wash Dreaa Costumes; newest creations in Dimities, Chambrays and Sateens! Very special, 60 pieces of pure Wool double-fold Dress Goods, regular 35c goods reduced to 20c yard 15 pieces finest Armure. Wool Dress Goodw, regular 75c goods reduced to 49c yard 50 pieces Simpson's best GhalUea, regular price 20c, re duced to lOo yard All our regular 12c Prints, including Orumm's best iCngliah Prints, reduced to 10c-yard' 50 pieces of regular 8c Prints reduced to 5c yard 15 doz ladies' fast black Hose reduced to 10c pair 4 doz Corsets odd lines regular price $1 for 50c. 15 pieces Veiling worth 20c to 40c yd reduced to 10c 10 doz Ladies* Summer Vests reduced to 5o each 15 Ladieb* Capes at about half the regular* price Our Grey and White Cottons are proving a wonder ful drawing card. We offer S3 J- yds for $1 and a reg ular lie Bleached Cotton for 9cyard Extra good bargains in Boots and Shoes ' Wanted, 25,000 We pay the highest price-in Cash or Trade. DIEBEL&BRIGKER. I WOOL! " "-.....----------------------" -HUTU FOR THE CUMING SEASON, AT THE Kingsvttle Wootten Mills t For which we will pay the Highest Price, either in Cash or trade. . i Something New this Year in Dress Goods, FlannelH, Flannel Skirts, Shoulder Shawls, Halifax's Sheetings,BlanketB,Yanas, Etc., all pur own manufacture. Important. Having been much annoyed by parties in thin county soiling spurious goods as our manufac ture, wo liavo adopted tho anuoxod trade mark which will hereafter appear on all our blanket tickets, and every altoin of our yam will boar our label. Any goods not having our trade mark will not bo our manufacture. M. J- WHILE & CO. ARE OUR SOLE AUTHORIZED AGENTS IN ESSEX. Our Peddlers will be out on theirj'usual routes this summer. Wait until they call on you nnd show you our Goods and give yon our price Only our Authorized ngents handle our goods. Don't be deceived by false reports. See that our name is on all obt goods. BEOWN & WIGLE, Kingsville Woollen Mills, 1 4'VT -.M.;< f^:-S 09 56 70 C$0C

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