Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 24, 1895, p. 8

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'.\v;t. 'C' .'*; ^> ;; ' tf^, <$*;$ Xf $ Y t. ;, 1, < I Ml I .11 J AS. D. ANDERSON & Co., BANKERS, J Next to Aberdeen Hotel, EusoX. Monujr to loan on tfimnnnj' Nfotnfl; Nolmiboui;hl *>r Colluotod; Mo any to loan an AtortHii^oti at owuut rutou ami bout lormii. I>mfta lnnuotl nayriblo at par at all )irlnoii"d Fire Insurance Agents, otc- PAP FOB T1IE PRESS. Disclosure Mado By the Audi- tor-Gonoral'a Report -------y MJBSEUVIENCY MEANS SUBSIDIZED ft^Uw-u,. 0gAI5fJ>CR50MAL - MrH. .Tolm Gourlay, iu vinitinjj (riondu m "Detroit tlim wnok. Minn Molvor, of Walltofvillo, in a tfuoBt i Mini M. J, Luinn thui wulc. Mr, H. Blmrp, of tho funic Piihhh uw,-i U SioHdnym^ at, hi* homo m I'cttolcn,, Mr. J. F. tiiuplionn, of Iioamiutfton, iu willi Mommi. Diehal A Rriokor horo. itulovA iu iu town thin week, and "iiJ akreungintt to re-opon a barburwliop horn. "Mr Young, of Toronto, in behind the couuUf ill Foraytho, Audoruon A* Co.'k *Uro. Minu May Lncklmrt, of AmuorNthur^, * -Jonnor Uih FJchool pubil, I vimtiiiji Minit JSoUford, town. Miaalluthirington, of Leamington, ban owcurod apottitiou with MeaHra. Fovnytho, 'iAndoiHon fc Go., horo. Mr. Jan. Oliver'H many Khhox friondu %vrill vogrot to loam that ho iu dunfiorouuly tiofc bin home in Windsor. Mr, 9. MoAnuny, now of Chicago, in ^visiting hiit mother ami othar frioudu and I'jrolativon thin weulc in town. Mr. T. L. Brodcrick, Grand Chancellor of tho Order of Kuifjhtu of Pythian in On tario, who in town on Monday, with a viow 4o QUtabliHhing a looul K. of P. lodge in ^^CTGhhox., A uuiuborof ^entlemon havo w^- tnihod ti deuiro u> hub a lod^c of tho Old or .'4ioi-o, and tho pronpocts u'o that ono will twdiortly bo 08tablinbad. ,1 million mill it ifckliiHi'ir- Hp*ltl Oil til*1 T**V I'tllHTK < (\ II Servants' Tri.v uiinu i:vim')ihi-h i:vr*'Hni\*' in* ti>r4>i4lluL Iti'inlltikf 1'iir th" 4kv<'k*l)iirili'ut'il lii\piiy4-t'H. Public IjihruriGft. 1. Undor tho aot p&Hnod at tha hint hok iou of tho LnKiHUtivoABsomWhrevery fro- TJibi*ry and gvery library known rh u^'Mo- ^QshanioB, luntitoto" will bo known by tho manse of "l^iiliHc Library." It ia oxpaoted that from thin ohan^a of namo that the ^public wdl ^onorftlly oousidor a public hb- ^Ctrary nndar ita ikjw desiRiiation au noma- 1 thine in whiuh tliuybavo u rij^nt of une that idid not portain tn a jtfuchamuH1 luutituto. 2. The aot uommiU of throo partu ; Part "X rofora to public libraries tbut havo buen >w>r may bo ontiiblifihi;d undor a by-law. o.f - tho mamcipality by whiuh provision hau ^be^n mado for imtablu buildin^u, and [or an annual ruto of tavation lor tliH Himntou- Cdinco of ttiu librnry. In thin part of Lho 'jaot.theru haw boon no chitn^o. 2. Purt II of the aot providuu for thii -----transfer of the-public.-library (formerly .iouGohunicH' iintit'ito), to a riniiiieipal ooun- tscil with a board of ruana^ornont, ooiuponcd ct- ; inout! tho word "inembor" nhall uiuau ^fonly BUoh purwoiiM as are 21 yoarn of h%q. Xt iu oipeotod by allowing young poruonu 12 var of ago to become momboro of tho Jibrary, that a grantor mtorost will bo d*i- ' voloped in tho utio of tho library, whik-the "iimitation of tho yotmg powor to thnm* nvor -91 years of ago will or/curo tlio oliioiout wiauaijQirieut of too libiary. Hoards aru Ullowad to tix thu fen for tuuiubarnhip, or to diopuntio with fuflu alto^oiher no Lhuy .Wiay doom oxpudiont. '.), A chan^w Una buon tuaila in thu ba.-un jOU whiuVi tho ^uvurnniunt ^rant is to bo jmid. Section 1(1(1) provideH that tho sum *'- of Ul bo allowed fur iwury dollar uxpundi-d ' qu tho purjhiiHO of bookn, bin ho an not to Jtco^d 8200 in tho i;aHo of oition, Sl."30 in the cano ot 'owiih, and iu till uthur uilhoh $-100 not morfi than 20 ',, tborwof whall bo tjxpondod for worki of Jiotiuo, ( > ) a Eur tber nm o( fcl will bu ulhuvod tor uvorv dollar oxpundnd on nowopap<-rH and ni'ura- "jisinos for tho purpo^uH of rutiding room, but BO a not to exoncd 8o0 for oich ruailin^ yoom; thoro i uoulmnnoin tim >ict m rourd to reading roomn. (;i) Tho hoiu of &;i \vill bo uilowod for every pupil wliore evtriint* -<jlanaen havo boon ostablin|ied uiidt*r lho not ..for clauaeHof 2o pupilu and undor, with thu Additional allowiiioH of 91 pur pupil over tho number of '2H, bur, so an not to oxc-jod $100 for ovonint; c)anHOH. 10, Evening ohiflHUH are boraaflor to bo "limited to toh-ncal mibjoctttaH But forth in tho regulation. As tho education dupart- . Yttont unw given an annual grant for avoir ing olansBH iu tho subjects of tho public ' aohool oourHe, it waw uot doomed necoanury to dnplicatu thin work. 11, Tho now regulation roqmroa the lioard of ovory public library roooiying jgovornmont aid to placu over tho door of tho library, or iu Home other compiououn |daeo, a Hign with the wordii "Public Lib Vary" in lettsrs iiufiioiontly largo-to bo coadily oon by tha public. 12, At tho noxt annual mooting to bo 3iold on tli* first Monday in May. (1.) Momborii should elect a baard of manage- Vnout. (2.) Tho board whould oloat a prosi* -4ent (who mnt bo u mftnbtr of tho board) and appointoifxcorH. (:i.) Tho board ulionlcl, Innttuot thi librarian to keop a reaord of tho names, agan and cnploymonta of tho YdomlurK m a book to bo nuppliod gratia by tlio education dapirtmont. Book* OBpooialty imported for tho bona 'ildo uh* of inoorporutod mocbunioH' innti- Hatoa and froe librarion avo now froo of -duty (ueu Canada ouatoraa tariff [olanno v.1518] 1894). , .------------------------------ -.>** A Iluaioioua FiiCi Ahout Ho*d' SarHaparilla it xp*li bud huii'or and oimUn itnnil humor. A battlo tor blood is what Uood'a BaraaparilU vig* otouyly fi^htH, and It IB * I way a victorious jo expulliuK foul.tu.iuti andgivioi! the vit- , al flojdtli* quality and quantity of parfoafc -hoalthv ft aura* iarof ula, salt rbeum, boils ' ^nd othrsr blood dJ**aaea Ottawa, May 20, It. in f|iiitc mm ousimi- tial^tliat thi1 pivn/i,whh'M-wmir i to tliiiJ eiiwi public afhiint frunt i\ Infty.nnd dit- iutiri'Htoil |Kiint of vii-u, ftbould be nti indi-pendinil of the Ciowriinii'iit n[ tlii' luy mi tl' nuMiilwiTH of jjii linmcut, ur tin' privato citiKun wh > mi n'rtaki'ji a -;.nlir lvtip.mmbilUy. A iium r a .H'Wr-pipor may lw ni'.i:uni'd oi' party ti<* Hid MiL lw oiitittod to credit for ilhuu- intcriiHtod nmtivi'ii, but when tln'ie In a fiiilMtniitinl itecunlary iudiici'inent t<> Mipp n*t a partioulnr iidmiiiiHtrHtiun ami a liiu- of policy, tin-it Ik rrti'ii good groiiinl for tlwi iniHpkiou flint tin' motive in M'Tirth rather than piitnotic. In tin- vncaii.diry of thu politician, tin' fxprc^iiMi, '*niilwidiwd prt^H," occupU'H a pntiiiineiit plico, and it-s um* him h"* come mi li-'icUm-yoil thu.t in the mimic ol many pt-opli> who linvo not had the op- p.,rUunty oi [nMMinini; tlu- pag'-M of tin.- Auditnidi.'uer.-.l's report, it i" mei'i'ly a rlictoricil phrji-.e, incapable of literal ac-- ivptaun'. Tbat it ukmiiih junt what the woids imply, in hIuiwii by the ritatoineiit of i'.\jiciiflit ure, during tin' 1 mt year. 'I'lie a/lverti-iiiiu; and printing neeoimt _of the (hivt:riimont amoiliitivl to the enoi'- iimjiw Hinn of $2ll!>,7l!H, a hi rp;e portion of which w.-ui difitributed juuoiigHt the Tory --orgaiiH uf greater and b-wr degree, from ikiu .'iid of th" country to tho other. The public hi not concerned iih to the dinpo- tdtion of thu upoil, (in fur as the ndnium for coiirtiderntion of the varioiiH organ" go, .but' It \* justified in proti'iding itgiiin-st the expenditure of itn own money to the favor of a rcrtahi por tion of the prenn. When tlu' (hiveriiTnent pnyn over the penphi'n ciirIi i't iiniati not mill delivery of the gondn to the people, ~bTir~tn IthTlf; It -rnqnirPH nflliene pup- fed new.MiuiperH u mibservitMit auppnrt un der nil circuinstnncoH, no matter how un patriotic or humiliating the Hervice may be, nud tin* public known only too well how faithfully the contract in kept. .Mr. Fonter. Iuih confoKied u deficit, pre sent end prospective, of $7,fi()0.01M); lie him iwn>nned the taxation to deviate the (uitieipntod shortage of next yenr, mid ho Iuih indulged in noun' talk about pro- ducing an eqiiilibriuui between revenue and expenditure. If he in really in ear nest iu liiH deHire for t'cononiy he could ~uot~lTTgin at a better place than tho prch-, Hiilnidy fund, but ho would no more think of reducing tliia expenditure to a legitimate Iiumn than he would of iiieur- i-iuir the enmity of the combined by re ducing the taxeH of the people. In the p,it li\e yearn the Goveriuneut linn hjient of the [n'ople'ri momvy n 1 inunt a mUlion and n (|ii;irter of dollars fur advertising and pi luting, a large portion of whi<"h hiifi gone to keep the Tory pre** up to itrf work. Here ia the record : Advertising. Printing. lfiflO .............>.|0,701 65 $l.^r).'/7&6C ll'Ul............ 60.21^ 77 Lil^.bOa li I lKl'i.............lOTlildO 10 iUnttG.r.01 It,!).......- ... ... <U,Bii0 3B lUo.olU^J l.i'j-1............ 4-J,0U0Uo W-\,(J >.> M Totiul ............$!>6\);ilb\10 007,123 bfl Criuul total ...... $i,10o,8iU6i A few exaii)|)le,H may be given of the metlujil adopted by the 0o\ enunent to lecure the favor of HiiliHcrvieut news - piipi-ri.. Thesi> fifrnreti are taken from the AudHor-Genernl.'n report for ISiJU-l : Uliarlotti4,own nxiimlner, Adv. .$ 208 Of, l*i Intiiiy ( *li:iHott-".t<tw, ti Pi int in;; Herald, Adv, Hal If.ix: H"inld l'i lntinjr iiad .Mall. Arl\. Hamilton t^jn-ut i tor, Ail v. ]'i i111 i11 '. ^ Mo"in;li.n Tlni ', l'i luting Adv. ISol SO OH 00 7H0 7O 11GB40 Good W .T/12'l u8 Hbd 'in G67 70 M.175 'I'd M. Hit mm I < lii/.ettil, I'lintimr Adv MniitiouJ h:i Mlm-rvo, Atlv, OLtiuMii (Jlti/."Mi. Adv. Atlv. iJimdieo Obronlel, pi lutiii1' . Sll.G-IA 01 877 01 ^11H;- l."i G85 b'J B21G/ 6G1 OB S128U G7 (J,.fihee Courhir da C.Lninla, Adv. Piliitluy...... It' glna I,<\'idui\ ,\rlv. Pi luting Itfgitia St:iiuliird, Pi luting . Adv. St. John Hun, Adv. Print lYar Toronto Kmplro, AdV, Toronto World, Adv. Yarmouth Tim- n, Adv. i^O-U SG Gl>0 16 lb! ail 'l\ti IG 17.1 U2 20217i ;.r21'j5 GG ;M)i 02 UK12 28 ^G.-Wi 30 720 :, Ddli) 21 I'rlntlng Total tflO,G70 06 23'I0 0.i lioy 40 136 OB 1117 80 ?12G3 C .$G2.0U 67 Then: are in tlio AuditiVr-Genernr re port Koine Lute renting dctaiU, hIiowiiik how royally the civil H^rvaut innintuint. the dignity of bin Htntion at the ex- peime of tho overburdened taxpayer, and with what a lavish Imud he dinp-nscH the bounty of tho Country t'o oUs-eqtiiouH car |M>i-tera and othem who con tribute tivJiu* comfort. With the air of a multi millionaire he (iliowern about him the hard-earned money of tho jieople, nud bUpportii n otyle that the awruKG man i!iiuld not even afford to think of. Tha country would not quarrel with a pub lic officer for maintaining hiinwlf de cently while trawling; on tho publio [iiKiliiOMi; it doeii not rcciuiro nieaimoHH Ui dicliitrginB tho-ordinary obligation* of tho road, but whoa bo hun-tho effron tery to clutrgo agafnitt tho Trenaury Ida laundry bill, hlfl biirbtsr'a bill and the foe of bin bootblack, trifling rm tlicuo itenm may 1)e, It 1h timo to pjwtcat, Tlio [>etty HinudlndHfl ol Much a protuiedhig Ih almost as gwat an tho Impropriety, and the tuitoid&liLug part of it U that tlio superior olfUara of tho men who, mako ucb charges Will conwmt to initial them. '.Ptilu U . *a.mpl an^on^ score* ol tixpHMB iu;coont# uj in by civil ier- initii Mint Vvi | * pin of Canada are lille'l up il to p: . ai,'.. II! tript : Cnb.. to Ottawa HtutUju ^,, i.ta- |y to Hla- timw .fid.BO, fiom Ottawa Hlutloii SlO.KO, HlindrlcH i(ll.i..7ri-$.l,.)JH). Mingle rui-on $11.12, parlor earn $M.fi0, uli'i'IM'i-M $-ll.l!C>, car pur lorn $rt.7B .filVil. Jbmi'il ^ITfi.TH, iioi'vantM ,f 1/1,1)ti; Lcnn chnrg.'d in- iKbii-.'t $H.Hn '$|rli.HM.' Iiurhor, 117 timet, $[J5; U bntliii Jji.'l.lK, 11 htmkx $-1,115, hiMtU 10c $l^.]in. I'npeiM ^li.rili, pniitaije .YM.Oa, til graniM WH'J, levjitur.i d !<: .VH.1>2. Street .:; -.. $7.80, pnn:eU $1.70, hih l"e, pli ii,-1 :U>, furrieui' IpI.M ^1 l.O'.l. T t | .^titH.OI, Here i another (ipccinn'n in which It it in ; > re -ling to compare the n mom 4 >peii.f'l in travel with th" cub lull, piiieiv,' tip-* mid mindry nccouutri d' :h*' otiiei,i[ iMiiied: d. 1>. K. Itednrd, two trip': Coh : Onici' to homie ^1, hoiine to ntn- linii Jrl.fio, j.tiittmiii to hoteh .^2, hotcii- io .sUitioiu $1/11), paying (iceoiiuU i; Ituekingh.oiii $I.Ufi, -intion to IioUjui $J,7fi, mi. .r,\ .'i-i.r,o- $i;i.r), Hii-f;I ijiri-i $0.70, return tiekntii on >,, jyirlu* enra $!1, jinrteM r)(ic-jiia.7ii. It i.. i- .'.7r0. telegram" 2Ih, juiporti B"r hootii nitlnud oV., mindrii'f), in*: natned, ItOe -.lil. Tutai :-;;i:i. il. It w;J, In- oh>erved that in the ftdtow- ing ace unit the Count ry h-n uaid $U1 for tho of a lur overcoat for a gentle inn n named Cote, and that it him I re. ruled him with ji, now uinhr l\: nlui'd nt ^2.5o,- lhi Htateiuent o-f tra veling expeiiM'H [ollowa: 1. (.'ote, p.'iynuuiter, ittl tripn. CjiIh: J)nice to tin 11.10 .$111.50, to Oltn- iv;i Htution $.,t0.2rl iitntiomi to licit* 1-- ^72.or>, to atatiouH $(i(i.75, mindry ^7.75, lroui Ottawa iitatioir .^511.2^- >t0-l.fin. Single fareji, Ottawa and Montreal, :im t ^; Mindry ^.n.n-t $0(17. Pidlmniia SilO. car partern ^Il.GO $121.50. StejHiu-rt $o7.Jl0, boat hire $5.75, fer ried #y.rjn-:f(,ri.iiu. Hnr.x' hire $57, tnnm, St. Anne to Mur ray Uuy, etc., twice at $U5-$107. Ihmrd .^-lOM.lO, tel-jrriuiiM fti 10.87, plume :tnr-$-ao.:t:t. , Fur coat, 2<I ihiyn at BOe, $13; unibnd- li $2.55-$ 15.55. Tol-.l $ The private ecrtary of th' Minister of i'ul lie W'orlcH ih Mr. It. C, Demticheni, nipt if anybody doubt* that he in a jolly good, op*ii-handed, free, and enwy fellow, let him read the following accounts: It. O. Dmnu.horii, Prlvu-to Secretary, 27 ti tp.t : ChIih ntatloiiH to hoti-U. ^21.GO; li..t.dn to HtatloiiH, !pl0.85; Bu:udry. $5-1; froin ortmva ntntinii. >2U.75. . Slngl" funiH.Ottawa and Montronl, 40 iLt $.",.fiO. 3161; Pinidry. .'f08.70. l^aron to N'ow.York, Alureh 28, ii-ipl p-tuTti, :p22; ti. Culuinet and rottrrn, two at '$.1,10. . . . PiiillimuiH, 40; portent, $'1.0.5; HtiMtnorn, $5. ^ THugTnTiiH. $L5.2fI; 'plionoii, $1.05; ntatluiH Ty, .?1...... IWllWuy to -t)\\ltmgHi .Ui.ii:t lyonmli .VI.50 ; fcJ-Titi:rjic- tb-K.jts "/4J Wfold'n I'.ilr, . . Iloiiid, $25:;.20, Am rii-un pont.tip-, *2......... SUiiidrl-.H nut divided (waltni'H, pOI'tnl-H, Iwll Ilir.Mt, papio-ri; Oil'., in **urly accoi-titi)..... Wnitoni, porterit, linll hij-^. cur lio.m, $0 10; iH'WHpap.'iv, .-*; j.o5, Jiarh'-T, $I.o0, lui';idi-\. $1.0U,i l.-.iii- lllg lllJutH, .fl.Oo, tWit lluoKtl, $1, NEW-ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Ill HKltKlivnUVKN TKATTllK SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES iu tlio Town of MuHfti Iiuh heen adjourned until TuosclaV* tho 28th day of Mav 1895, at lho hour of Tl.N O'UMICK IN 1HK Voill'.NOON nt roolt'u flail. \V. U. Hitman, 'JVoiih. Town of Kimox. NOTICE. T IIKltM IH IMPOUNDED IN MY POUND ON lMlilHi, N. T. Jl., Iu tlniTowa of Kuunx, ono bay mino. with wlilto hind fool, ttnd ouu (troy mitr. Tho tiainu will bu- 110M at publio nootloo- on thu BlitL rhiy of Ahiy, iwiin, ut one o'clock p. in., nt mikl pound, inilogu tha iiiimo n*a uoouwr ro- plitviiuai or rodimiiui'l. P1IOMAH UtWIN. Pomiduoapor. Town of tf fiunx, May 3\!ud, 1MW. COURT OF REVISION. rOVVNHUIP OF MAIDSTONE. NOTWK IH IIKUKHY OIVKN THHT THE flrot fdttini'of tlni Court of Hoviidon of tho lUiHOiiitnumt roll of tlio Tnwiitthip of Maidhtouu for fclid yoar ih'.yn. will-bo hold nt tho Towu Hull* Mitldhtono, on Haturilay, the nrnt day of .fimo lhtl5, nt ton o'otnclL a. in Clorlt'ii olllcu, Woodiiloo, May 10, ivis. M. McIltlGH, ao.l Olcrk Munlclpnlity of Miiidtitono. DIEBEL & BRIGKEl Oommence Saturday, May 25, for 30' Days, A Gigantic Slaughter Sale of Dry Goods and Clotliiiiff. AT PANIC PRICES. :4j>^ Ml fiG 220 7 J 2B 20 07 2G 17 i3 J 5' Uu7 Li 1 1 4i VLLV G 10 _a_"____ From tho bill o[ Octave Dioniie, no - eiitiiitnut in the Public Work* D-'imrt- IlKMit, it it 11 pea I'M that he hpent .$Hi for PuIInuin ("urn and tippeil tue |iortern to tin: fXfiiontu.s MiiioiinL of ijiH.'JO, or about .-pi -jt-r tip. Tin* eriuntry paid 'Mi Ceiit.- lor hliaviii^: Mr. Dion no, $1 for hi aching Iu'h boots and $(( for the " umr and leiii" of his coat and vent. J. liuurt, n-iitant to the chh'f architect of tho Public Work.- Dejia rune nt, churned the count)'}' ijil 1 for n h.'rj: ami .^o 20 for now.-.pnjvrs. Chief Architeft Kn.Ur chnr^ed the Trcn- Miiy u ith ,^17,(15 tlmt he had tfiven in KlMtnitios to hotel jinrtiTrt mid waiters dud $10.2^ to our porters, Sued tfo-ne-ro- "t'ty ii ailniirnhle. l-j. 11. Gooilwiu il- cciwil from the Tre.i^ury $^50, wh'eli lie hod to [lay for nr-dirjC attendjinee, in eoun'ipioiii'f of n cold contracteil while I'ei-toriniii^ Ins duty .it (iotler'n h. In tin- ->Ljilenient <j[ p, M. ITane'l, cx-okhj .tout Lief enjrincer of tho Public Worltn Pe pn rt nifMit, there in an item of ^loO "not .cc.i il ntt'd for/' Mr. Hn tue!, w ho iw Lhf , ei'-.i hi Hint defaulted in bin return of '.lie ilueh collected on the I>: Lieure loelc \lieb |n> wan oorapel,h'd to pny up, sp'iit >72i in trn vi'!iii}j:, and tfnve nway $l.'to0 i'i tip- to portej-H, .Tn nii'a How dim, oi- jieri ii tendi'nt of drede;in^, wii.i ^mieron 'o the .si'i'Vfititfl who attended upon him !hi frnvo them $Xi of the pubLie'M money V rt li in- St Lninent of the Pub- i.' Wo i I;s Department, whom' lii-ndqt!'] rti-r p i.s credit ed with ^.'ts 1, of wliicli $1-1 \vi\n for '* rent o| k tun at Ottawa for cloth-i. and trunk while nu'.iy. nt $M it Wrt-L" In the neeoimt of J. Ii. Laurent, jr., !.- ! Iih item : "P.ip :, nliiii'n^ hoot.-*, waiter.-, portfi-^, himdries (dtttailn not k\m-ii) $l(i.'.M." TIi mt'iaiiil of J. r Tachi', I'liiriiM'tV HUitiuned at Kimon ^i L. con tu in" til-: .*?' m : " Wio-liin^c .^11.' The i.ntvi-liii^ cci^me ncconuts of J. ^V. '! Watts ajimimteii to ^J'.Sl, of whie'i li."i ct-iitji went to his burlier and $l-t 7o orhrid^e of'Ot- buva for a new vf* Ii -. for him. There aro many t rifting mm units in the.-,.- necomit.H, but tin.' report ih full of hi eh dihtfrneWiil charter,, wh.oh, in the ;i^;^i-.-fj;.Lt'i;, matco a laij^e suiu of nionoy. The {uibj.^-t is one Unit nhould calico l)il- taxpayei* to reflect. MORTGAGE SALE, - 01-' VALUABLE PROPERTY - in thi: Town of Essox, Cosflold North and Colchester North. Our regular high grade Stock, augmented by special Lines just opened, and purchased at bargain prices, will all bo slaughtered, regardless of cost or value. 60 pieces of all-wool double ibid Serge Dress Goods, the regular 35c quality, for 20c yd, all new shades'and black. UNDKlC AND 11Y V1UTUB OF TIIK I'OW- tun of Hiilo ooniiiine tl in cortuin moi-tftnuoii whifh will bo produced at tho timo of milo, there will bo ottered for unlubv public auction at tlio Abordnon Hotol In tha Town of IShiiux, on Tuesday, May 28th, 1895, nt ii o'clock iu th<i Rftornor.n, tho following nro- portion, vi/.: AU (bono curtain iiarooln or tractH of land and promitioH HttunLo.lylnRancl bolnR In tho Town of Ktooix, ii ml helnii uompOHOtl of: I'iUHTljY I'art of Lot No. 10. Plnn No. IHl.of part of tlio ntrth hnlf of Lot No 'iH'A, tiouth of tlio Tiilliot roii'l, mid inoro purtlonlarly dtMi- crlbed ari, fohowic Coinmonciiu! at tho iiorth fiitit unKluof mud Lot No. 10,-tliouoo wonturly nloiiK tho iinid Talbot road .'i'.i ffot. tbfliico HOUtb- rrly purallol with tlio eiuitorn limit of said Lot No 10, H0"ffRt;tlH*iic4i panLllul with tho Talbot road lit) foot to tho onotorly linilfc of uuid Lot; thonco nerthorly uloiif; "->d uimtorl;* limit Mil met, to tho jilaco of bouhmiUK. uubjnct to a riiOit of wny on tho wcHtnrly l'J ftwit ofihoabovo ilinicrlbed hLU'lniuiiliirimiiHOH nuid rit-jhtor way huvuiFj liiiun luirotofnni iirtmtod by the mort- u'liKor to otlmrii. thodilfornnt ownorbof putts of Lot No; I0 aforoiiitid HMt'ONPLV J'oini* compoiieil of Loin Koh, (Ui, i'.( 'onl 7-1, hi niLid Town uf Mhhox, an flhown on it jilun of u Htil)dlviHinu of purt of the nontli hair of ]jOt No. i!H:ir Hontb of Tulnot road, which iliin wui. rc^lHtort'd i" tlni rfl(*itry oilico for tho 35 pieces of 48-inch Henrietta Cloth*, regular price 66c and 75c a yard, for 39c a yard. 25 pieces of fine all-wool rich ArmureCloths,novorwere sold for less than 75c, all the new^tints and black, reduced to 39c a yard. " 300 Pieces of Cruras1 Best 32 inch English Prints, every piec<^geauiac^nd_,.stampGd^(JRU||J-S^at~ex^ actly wholesale price, 10c a yard. Every yard of our 12c Prints, reduced to 10c a yard, It is simply impossible to enumerate them; you must call and see tho sacrifice we are making in all de- _____p&rtmentft----------r __ Conntv oU*amoj$ no No. iliiii. THIRhLY Huinj: partly* In-.-tlm Town of Kniox and partly in tho Towmdiip of (iofiilold N ..... - .. 8 t'orth, ami boiiiR composod of Lotn Non 1, '2, 7, . if, 10. 13, 11, 15, il", 17, IH, IU, 120, ai, -> >.{>, 117. 2H, 2i,!w, m.ij'i. :i'J, ai. as, m, :t7, :im, ;v.), w h, I-', -t:i, 11, -IS ami 17, a hhown on a pbtn of a Niib-diviu- lon Of part ofl.*ot No. 24!, north oT Talbot mad, which pluii wan rem't(inid in the ro^ifltry olllco for th Conntv of Khhox uh No. *ttJl*. KOXJltTFUA' Lotn Noti.79,80 ami Bl, uh idiown ou rnciHtci'od plun No. 1"0. FIFTHLY Tlio woHturlyftft foot of Lot No. I, nil fibown on reiiintiired plan No. I'll, bidun a" frontiiiiO of :io font ou Talbot Htmot, and oxtoml- liiK to tho Voar of mild Lot. KIX'l rtLY Tho Bimth quurtor of Lotn Nou. l!fi unl H7, uh klmwn on rcfUhtoi'Gd plan No. 1T. rlKVKNTHIiT-L"th Noh 711, r,u, rd and Sii, an rdiown on nadHterml plan No,'/it. l'lICUTJILY Lot No. -i:J, oh hIiowii on plan No 181. NINTHLY I'livt of tlio wont half of tlio Hontb half of Lot No. 'iH'l, Honth of tho Talbot rood, cotitiiiniiif; 27 iiuron, niuro or lenu, 1 oinK bloeku 2,:t, -1, r. and 0, an Hhown on thu plana of tlio Town of ICuhox; and uhc that portion of Haul Lot No. 1>K1, bouth of Urn Talbot road, in tlio Township ol ColchuHtcr North, m mud Comity, lyme- wost of and unmudiiuoly udjoiiiitic tho ntnreiiiiid blocH^'-i U, h > tind 0. TKNT1ILY AlHotho uotith Imlf of tho emit half of Lot No. ill, north of tin* Mubkm road, la tin, H-iid Towuuhip of Cnlchtihtur Ninth, contmu- hif; 50 aoroH, morn oi Iobh. TKIiSIS OF RA.LK: Ton per cont down and buhtiico in HO dayn,pr an nmy be n.i'r'i>d upon. For further partiuularo apply to DANIKL BINCLAIU. or t M. A., Auctioncor, Ku.sox, Voinlorh' Holiuitor, '20 '21 KhhOX. .ti (riiipied<if, Hn nillto'u, (Jut., May 20, Knasnii Em eu t Iti.^hop, a youue; man who wiih din- eharprd from jail Friday, wan urrohtetl by i'oljce poiiHtablo Zcn,tn Saturday while uttoinptiiii; to hnii(; hiuiHelf with a rope. J riiiirr 4>l>Jci'(it in a HiiHKo <hlmr llurbor Piirin, May 19. La Laiitonio, in an article on the Japanese aituntiou, ox- prenw'H tho hope that Frn-nco will doc lint' to wiippnrt ltiwrtia if that power iuwUtu upon having an open port, fioo from ice, iu CliinoKO territory. Turonlo !HitrIi<>(u. Flour Thoro ia a good doina-iul, with pricca rilling Ktrong. Stntigiit rollonnu't- $ 1' to $4.10. lirau -Trado dull and pricca nominal at $13, Toronto frulght. Sliorta $17, To ronto freighta. Wheat HuMerH aro vory tifl iu their .viowH, mikiug ilOc.for whlto and rod at pointii of iihipniont. SjiIoh at BDe. Mani toba No. 1 w qiiotod at OBc wuat, laku and will, and 07c Montreal freight. Bar ley Thoro ta a good donutud and prLceH ai*, livm at 40c to <t7c for food. Oata Tho demand in moderate and prieoa fltcady; whlto sold at flflc to B0 l-2u wcflU, 4Uid mixed at QKc. Pejui-'XJio dwoaud iu lair anil prlcoit unchanged, fiJilca bodu^ mado outaido at 60c. Bjo Butaea dull **thd prlco',uoiiiiual at 68c to 60c: Buckitti64)r'Fxl*. mit, jausXt wuiibuiL Or Not to Dye that is the question : whether it is better to wear that faded, bhabby dress and endure the .scornful looks of all your well-dressed neighbors, or to purchase a package of Diamond Dyes and restore ils freshness in another color making a new dross for ten cents. Diamond Dyes aro mado for homo use. Absolutely reliable. Any color. RnM cvcrywlioro. 10 conta n pn^kape. fV~r)lrec Hon Hoot and IU f,ainplu:> of coloicii cloth, free. "Wkluj t lliciuitDSOH Co., Montreal, P.Q. ' WOODS LEE JOO- W. G, SMITH WILL. NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Gall Early and Avoid the Afternoon Rush. ~~ The Great Corner Store, DIEBEL &BRICKER. WOOL FOR THIS COMING SKASON, AT THE iSttngsviUo Wootton UllU t For which we will pay.the Highest Price, eithor in Cash or trade. Something-New this Year in Dress (roods,./ Flannels, Flannel SkirtH, Shoulder Shawls, Halifax's Sheetinga,BlanketB,Yarns, Etc,, all our own manufacture^ Important. BROUUN R/WIGUE KINGSUILLC Having boon much annoyod by fchia . county soiling fipurioua goods aa our manufac ture, wo havo adopted tho annoxed trade mark whioh will hereafter appoar on all our blanket ' tiokots, and ovory Bkoin of our ynrn will bear our label. Any goods not having our trade -l-.-j mark will not bo our manulaoturo. M. J. WIGLE & CO. ARE OUR SOLE AUTHORIZED AGENTS IN ESSEX. Th boat of Loathor and 'nrnfc-ohiHH Work maniihip. All hand work. Evory Hampauaold by mo made in Wood' nloo., ^Iy Stock ol Lmht ^id Uoavy IlarnoHH iu now complete, and a splon- . did u too It ot all Uorac Goodn. U^pairinn doaoprouiptly ad ohop. ----3O0---- * WRIGHT G. SMITH, South Woodsle. X Our Peddlers will be out on thii" usual routes this summer. Wait until they call on you and show you our Goods and giv$!& you our price. Only our authorised agents handle our goodsi^f Don't he deceived by false reports* See that our name ia opf all our goods. \1 BEOWN & WIGLH KingsvUle WooUen MiUs. 0 >&m ..i' ^m^Si^v^:. 'md^^^^M^miM^dM 96

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