Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 24, 1895, p. 4

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^gff^^r^yMr^eggpWB^^^ ^^1N'^vj*fegR1^>-5.'^-'ggjg w/^[^f, ' * [i THE E>^3Bi5& FREE PRBS8 This should bo tho duture of ovry ono "Yonr home it* your kingdom and ahouJd bo juub ay oornfortablo nnd*(uonutiful iim" your msaoH wilt ullow. Little- nxponiu>|m nueufl- aary to dooorutu yourJeooniH with our J>l Wall Papers Bund for HamplurtlbTul poiuwrH ou |Puper Han/jin^. Consumers' Wall Paper Co. Wliidnor, Out. rnnnisTBiAi. Ninth Day of tho Trial of tho Twins- THE CROWN HAS CLOSED ITS CASE. Tho Essex Froe-jPresSi FRIDAY, MAY HI, 1HPV CHEAT SOUWVVKSTKlt*. ' w& I'ropurulloiiu for -.ul!Attrucllvu fult -hlH Yonir. (Crnwdod out hint wuok.) A. mootiu( of tlio tuumbordjOf tUo I-ixucu- tive Board at thu Great Houthwostorn Ex- htbition wnti hold at P-iolt'n Hull, Towu at Kbhux, on Friday alti-rnoou. Aluy 10, with all cUa-taornborH prouunt> LVu-iulont liaUuiii' in tho chair. Boforti proooodm.t; toj btmiucog, it wat tnovocl by A. W. Cohoo, nnoaiulr d liy Wm, Millon, tlJat tlio mumbors afjtliti Kxuuuttvo Committo of tho Gruat SouthwuHtoru Kx- hibition avail thermal von of thin opportun ity to t (mil or their mout heart} cou^ratula* tioiin bo their lJruwil<jiitr tho Lion. W. D, Balfour, upon hiH uppoint'iHmt to,tlio very honorable ponitiou of Spo.ilcjr off tlio Loy- ialativo Amiumbly of Ontario, junrl ut tho tmma time that, thoy oxpraun to him thoir sinooro ploaoure to loarn thatjhia hoalth m greatly improved, uud thai bo in ablo to oontiijuo to taku thu act'ivo paL't^thnt he-j-\'0]'}:" has ulwaynuoeffoctivoly takon iu (juefitiow* oH impprtanoo to tho w<aU'ar ofjtho agricul tural oi'iflHou of thia I-'rov'noa, an wall in in Will* \fvlW rictuv* tuUt AlBtM iiu hliiill hi <,<url-<*riM'M**p, WwriH- Ihrt* Wu M oUtrurilon In (In Hliu->lr-* WUU4-U VoV Toronto, Un y 20,-Tlio enwo tar tho Crown iLKitinHt tin- HynmiV iwiim wuh bi-oiinlit t "- r Saturday iilterncwn. Kiwu-dnyH. worn required to wold tlio cliuir which 'tlio imniflcutioii clainiH, coum-cU th-'u two moil with tho butchery *> Willi'im C. WVlbi, nnd in tin- uwtul jwril of tin* co:id union which tin1 Gljsuiuji' will n/.l; tfii' jury to druw from tliri,.' Ini'tn thi' .twiiiM utand to-day. 'flu- Kivutor part of Kuturtlny wuh tnltoii up with tin; twitiniony ol uiirgi'tuin fr tho pruiu'ciitioiii all of whom tcHlifiL'il that thi in- Jurifii to tho bond aliowi-d -n-wdi'm;-; nt luivhitf ho on made by vvrll-dufinoil llii"" of furcu. It ujih pi-nwu tlmt tlwiv \vt\n on olwtriK-tion in thu uvijjlit Hbnit. D.-ti'ctiv.' Hcrn'-.iiit Ili'idi'lbi t'K. "'"' I'iuiH' fnmi Nru- York city t<i KiVt' tlit- criminal r/i'urd of th" prinoii"r.->, wuh p.'illi'il tu Hi' witin'H* Htnml. Mr. l.i> oh j<'ft i-d tu Iiih L-vidi'iii'r hi'iiin t.iKi1'h Cduti-udiiiK tliat the Crown had nnt^thc rii-'lit to put in evidence an to previoin iiclH of tli.* iiccihi'il. Mr. Urtlcr rlninn-d the iler-ure had rained the i|lie una of eh ir.icter in their i'i'uh -ex;i inin.i t ! >., of llnilu-r (Ira hdiffe, wh i, in re p!\' ' " (jueHtiiue- put b.V Mr. I."Ul.Cr Kiid li< h: d n|\\ii\rt fun,id ih' in Iioihhm lih' in'ii >n nil their trauHiictiuns. lb- qunti-d aii- tjin'itiih as HhowiiiK tluit if Lie- d<'f. n-e t'Vi'lj titt-'injit to provi1 tfnnd chmMe .< !* th" Crown hao tliu>rrpbt tj* put in iv- curdH nf ]ire\'ioiw convietimi-*. li\* Luid- niup iistjcd timo to consult autliurila .. L; ter llib J,i)rd--liip held that the evi- deiici* uf chir-i :Ler put in h>" ili^ de- fi-i,ce dill not i*a to til ex tent of entering into th' ,i;<jii- erc. 1 reputation u f tie- jii-isiiii"!'-*, and, therefure, the Crown enuld not tf<> into e\idi'i.i-e ji.m to clinr.ic ter. The teptiiiiiin.v of Ih-tectivi! lleiiielherr; nnd of Hubert I'eatvon, ji .lfi*M*.v City detective, thi'i'eloiv, rr.led out. wr. lleiilelbere; nrri-Hteil lh fniirtet'u recoi'ilH in tliniv that i_\\ ,:in in New yciir.i ;i^ii. '1 he the ilet< ctlw* bureau Hairy I* and Dallas Ilyauw were (0, 1MS1, by Ih'idi'lher^, on a chaise of t<ra'nd lar- all m'LttorH of intoroHt to thoU'J'ioral public. | ceny. Tliree. other in -n wcru orro^to I Xhm roHolutiou wilh carried unanimously ! ^j.1'1, ;il|'1'1 " I,tl'ft Hl'"1 lrK. Tli.-y J , "'-re John 11, Ihnly, Hitiihmi bin-lue and by a taii(liu(* voto and wan unit ably iti:- know]od|;L'd by Mr. Balfour, Tho roviuion of tho priao list war t).u entorud upou and Hwvoral aliangoa and ad- JitJOJl" wore ma Jo_________ Dm Chill. Tin' eiiinplnilinlit apjaiiiHt tiiem \\-jih .Manuel F. Martini}',, who lived at 1127 K'tat Fifteentli^treet, The HyiLinn brother wero allowe 1 out on'trial by i-Iti't'order .Sinytli, l)iit the other three each received a Hi'ntenco of threo J yearw in State I*ri-< jii.. and were abm fined $2a0 eacli. The IlyamH* brothel^ Tho time for ontrietP will oxpir'o on Sat Urday, Beptotubor Urtth. Such tiukotn uh \ were about 25 y-eui-H of u'k'i' at the tiim1 aro ueobHHary for ftlteudauta will bo iKf-uod ! tll'7 WL'ru arruUed by Heidelheri?. , i , . , 1' JL" attempt in made to out in evi- and puooo. abolmhod. (kllcu aa to t,i(i Bjii|iir a (,h(LI4t(;r (), tho An udtlitinnul ol i.srf of bornos to no called eciu,ed Heidelberg may bu called in tho lloadmor Chum wan added. 1'orcheroni x,,,'lttal, 1 he nii'uicol ovidenct aro heroaf tor to ho iihowu in tho hei\ y draught g1ilu;i, no entile liorao in to 1 o Bhowu an u bu^wy hireo and a heavy draught team nmat woi^ti not loin th<>u 2,800 lb. A trial of npuod will tako place on tho WJifl continued with Dr. (irnwMot in the box. The wit- iieaH took the k];uII iu Iiih hand, nnd after BjKjnkin^ of the various lines of fracture, Air. Owler miked: Have jou formed any opinion of the location of fore en applied to produce the fractures found t here ? A. There ore evi'ieiuM'H "f t\v<. hlowfi; one applied to the eeoond tiny for horueH to ho owned mid ei,j(.( nnothi'r to the [nmt| oi the face. drivon by farmora, wbilo thore will b- a | Wliat Hurt ot iithtruiueuttj do you thinK trial on U.g third day between 3.-U) Ilh-boii *>I'I ^/I-;'1!1" f ciium..^ thone A. 1 think the blow on the an^Hiuolhor Olio open to all, in all of which fiMit WJU1'with 1L ,It.Ilvy n.Lt j11(,lnnnent. 1 could not ^raiii from the evidence of the four bornofi muni atart. - In thaSwinodL-partmonVhL-EE^ux (dum l'ii,ll,'-tj0e'r an intelligent iui(lrrtaiidinH' , ,ii iii of the outer condition of the face, and, wuh fltruck out, and third prizun adJod " , t} .n fore, cannot po iin opinion t^ to tho other chiHBflH. j what iiiHtriiuieut inflicted the blow on Several additions wore mudu to tho poult- , f""'<-- ry ola^B, ..iwl no pn/.en hr..iftor will bo I -tcr n lengthy conHultation the de- *>> ' ' fence nniiounced that tle-y did not WinU Riven unloHHtbe fowln aru ..liowu in c(if.eH tl) cro.^.s-exainine the witne. with wiro fronltt ' ^'*. McFnrlane agreed precisely with . G,W. Coatmvorth, A. ti. Woodbrid^ tlioM- who hud pn-e.-ded him, that the Ul ,Y ^ ,u,v ' n two lini'.s uf force were neeeHiwiry. The mid W. W. Ililbom wore appointod a ( [r.,L.tnr(^ ti[ thl, int,.rilHi angular pro- nuacial committee* to rovihe thu fi nit prize cchh of the miperior iua\illa and of the .* . ,'...... fronijil Ijimic wore cau-jod by the blow libt. to report to thu hxcutivo. f[.(im t].(i fn)nt W. D. Buainau an i G. J. Thnmau were J)( Su,.(.tliani a,H() ,.(>int-itl^d with what appointed a i-pecial ciiuinillfco to re-arranuo had been naid, with the j nubile inodifiea- tbo uri*' 1 hi for ladieu' work. | Jil" 'I "ttributiuK in home measure the mu pi 'fractures of the condyles at the bane of A. \V. Goliuo and W. Mill iu were up- t,:i. b]iun t(1 thl, Ull)1 ()f [orril lltnrllHi by pointed a ooiniiiittoo to Hecuro fipocial j the blow di'Ii\ei*.'(l on the front of the priSE-i-i and it wis d^.trmmod that tho I [}* _ provided it had a downward teu- Bpooial pri^H-ahouhl follow tho awardn u* I "^ > ^l.y crosH-exi-iniiiatiou war, de- rQKUlar prizuH, oxcopt wbero a upooial prize . voted to an etfort to iheit from the wit- ill offerod for an article for which no n %- ' '"'HH tl:r ^ilmiHMoii that, provided the skull t w an eoiiipi 1'hnud into a -pact uf two iu- uUr unite iBOllero-l. ^ [ cI,4,M tlj(1 inu.tur,.rt nii^ht remilt from the The lPrniwluiit roported that he had ii - cnid:in^ pre.stuire of the wejilit. The torviowed tha Lientummt-Govuruor and ! l'"'-SH 'l""lifi"d hi nnswei-*, but finally ' T . i- i , ,,. , said it was pondb]e, but \eiy improbable. tho Hon. John Drydeo. Ontario Mmihter ( Ull.r |ilHj .l.t(1,|. h(11i pn.ved that of Aiirioulturo, uud he thought they (Mild the weight weighed ex ictly 200 iioiiikIh, bo induced to officially open our next , x- I>r. Maeken/.i,. wan called, and nwore that , . the woimdrf indicnted applied to more bibition, . . . I than on" direction. lie agreed with Moved by G. W. CoatoHworth, Huconded { the opmiiniH of Di\ Caven and JoIiumoii. Dr. .1, Cotton of Lnnihtou Mill" and Dr, i'ri in rone, lUinociate prof ch air of iu.atomy in Toronto Uni vernity, Hworo there wan certainly a lateral force* und a force from the front required to pro duce the iujitriefi iu the hUuII. "If a criihnnii; force came obliquely from in front it could not produce all the frnc- turen in this Bltull," H.-tid Dr. PrimroHO emidiatically. He. admitted that ho bad not ohncrved the Hecond lino of force Until it wmi invoHtinnted at a meeting of medical men in County Crown Attor ney Dcivart'n office. Charley Unukcny, who cut of! the nnp- ptiMud projection in tho weight nhaft, Hworo that there wan no obstruction whatever iu tho nhaft. Civil Knfrineer Gait, who examined the point where the flawing took place, tentifie.1 that tho board wim flash with the joiHt. There could havo been uo obstruction in tho bdx. To Mr. Lount tho Vitueat waid if tho weight dcscuiidud {wrpundietil Lrly it couldn't catch, but if there wius a vibra- by W. Millon^ that Lioutanuut-Goverunr Kirkpatrick and Mra. KirkputricU, and ahm tho Hon. John Drydou bo cordially invito 1 to attend our full fair at I'jhuox, on the '2nd day of Octobur next ami oQloutlly opou the aam9, and that tho Proeidont convey tlvto invitationH. Carried. Oq motion of Mouoro. Dowbimt nd Contsworth, tho Promdont and Mohhts. Cohoa and Millon woro appointed a coir.- mittoe to wait upou Lho Coauty Gounuil nt tho Juno BOBaion, und roupooofully ho- lioit a rant of 9600, to ouabls tho Bourd to mako tha exhibition a buoqoru and to proporly rooolvo tho viuitor*. It in aleo projiOBe^ to auk for mu nppro- prmtion for fclnu purpouo from the Town Conn oil of Euuex, Tho following roooption oororaittoo wan aamod:-Hon. W.D. Balfour. M. P. P, ProMidtat; Wm. MoGreKor, M. P.: a. \V. Allaa, M. P.; W. J. UoKa, U. P. P.; M. Barratt, Warden: P. A. Da war; M. U., Mayorof jhk*x; J.< U. JJaird, Rot>vo nf K*bx; L. Wliilo, nx-U. P.; N. A. Con to, XiientOol. J. Ef, Boattio-,,Dr. B. A. Kine, M. K. Cowan, W. Uillen lud A. W. Coime, with p*w<ir to add to tkoir number. -Xho I^iKidtnt and flooretary Jleaman wer uppoiniod a oouimitteo on printing Iknd advortiain(. Tht SacrvUry wan inatruoted to intor- vIW thu Ladior*' Aid of XUaex iu ref ard to furnUufatt dinuitd on the Krouuds. The Board adjourned to tho call of the ?rsi(Unti. 0 tiou of even a-u inch to tho caat it might catch. The wan flindi. Then Tho World wan again brought Into the viihq. Thoro wjui a commit atian between Mr. Otder, County Crown At torney Curry and Detective Cuddy,jmd the officer abiontod hiinaidf, returning Hhortly with u crayon iwrtrait of Wil lie Wo 11a. the victim whofio head' bad boon hanlod for two daya by tho medi cal exporta in tlio caao. GearKo Peart testified tlmt ha know Willie Well* in- tlniatelyr-aud tliat *** t>'*trait pro duced wmi a. fairly acejirato one. Wf'|i wnii Koeft to bo a "thin^ weak boy. r*orablluif In muty mf>oct bin.two hIh teri, T|he object of tbbi picture.. wa. V ' (o rftiou tit il He^'Mi'ieil wuh of'no (Creat- r *^t tui-e Ihnu eiHr'v of the pii-ouern. ,j,> of U'cIih' iiO>>e wn i of a l^culiu,' furmntloii, ihrnwlner tin- kIih"M Sinner i i the f'icn on t he nuflil ^tde of Hie heid. A lilow iidini:.i'dei-ed oil thi'" ride of ijp face, however 'tie-lit, wou'd I'tt Hiiffi-i'iit to lainclc tlf ul XH0>1 *"" '1'hifJ A. .h the emu,1 for lh.* Crown. Mr* Jc-li.irttfiii wi.died to know wliy Ihe corn it wiut not called, ft W (rue Ihh iriei wii4 not on tli' bael; id the iii'lielu.i ; t, but ciiuii""", tl.ou -h'. tjl't in- tin* Coroner w.i .lliM'e oil (he in or ii in of 11| * ti"jj,":dy it w 'is f ilr t" the p: to c.,11 him. Ilia Lord hip naiil mi Coi'ouer Aihin-i' name u .ih not on the Ii iel, ' [ t li-> lu ll ictm"nt he could not or.l -i* !iin e'lll. Mr. ')-,! -r -.ii ii| ii roriu.i t ion hid n'neh- ' d lrei th it Dr. Ail.i in h ol a * coI'iuiit, Up] I I fill' Jieriui'l-ioj In L'iV' 'V ih'I.Ci' tlri ji n r>* pen fur Lh'- d- fen.'e I'h ! ' w ,the ren-or iiin uaini1 \yim nol o.i ih- in dletjue-it Dr. Ai'jin-i wan then rnlh-d. nnd miid (hilt h hnd n eonv. r -i t'noi w !th tin* _ D'pHty-Attoniey-tleiier il n i to th" advi <.,liii;. v of ^iviii:^ i.\|i rl . i.V.e1" Nir the di'l'eneu. The D 'pi.ty - A' 1 >rn y- 'h' tlioii'/ht hi' hnd he'tei not . do " o, and he had decided that lie woiiWl not. ConlinninK. Dr. Atklnu nnid tlmt le* roreivefl M telephoii" nie-.'i'i-je from l'r Kiiij; nb nit 10 o'clock on the ninrnii!1: of .Ian. 1(1, IHti.'t, and went down on a tit reel car. He made enipiirien from one of the twin., I)ut did not know which one. lb> did not notice Unit the ni'iu'n hand.-' wcre_hl<t'iMn^. lie hnd a dim recoil, elion that Fox, the exprei.s- mun, wa.~ tlien-. " I went down into the bti mi'ut," nnid tin) eoroiier, " mid r-iwi a body then*. The body w.n lyir^ nort h a nd eolith, tin- head a foot or it foot nnd a half from th.* hoi. contain-' the ra^v. There w.i < n > ivi-,^!it hox in th,- lm.,enieut. The ti;imh of-the liudy wa l\iiij< partly on its left iddc .:nd partly on i th baelc, the ri^ht *-idi oi the luce up. The c'lhtcrly *iide piece of the weight huTt wiu ii iihe b.i'i'-ineut, but ther,- \\ .<* no front on the hox of the whal'l. Tin' weight nan lyin^ oh itn Ionjr; nanow fide elo'fe.-ilp against the I'lln'i' fill:ii 1 L. I'iie hi ad looked a^i if it hud' heeii drawn uirther from the ca^'e, Tliere wi'i'f two [mol.s of blood, there hein# more hlood \'> I.ere the head lay than iu tin; other II" examined the'head and found it very '.lie h hhattered, badly 1 rue lured, the i'-'alp wa.y brolci'u more at the toji ,i:m1 pu.^nhly ho iiu' at the back. The niile;. Were eriiHhed together ax iT had he m I i*e^.seil by Home n,de prci.-iiirt1. It wiin nii^nh-rnbly ilattened. The head w:*h MiJ-ry mul reheuibleil a bau; of. hou'-M. \>iin Mitt material around it. Tin1 li'in- l'>i*al'. nd p'lrietal ri-^ioiiH had In-ea cru-li- tliat he did not mm- Ii" eye.s, the eyelid's nneit have heeii "iiVcniij^ them, otherwise lie vjaibl .vc f). fu them. He didn't nee any npictaele'i on the '-ice ui* tiny cloven on the hoil^. If eiUmi [ (.Ineh'H or e:LoVeti had been there lm '.liinhn he would h.ave seen. them. Aft t * i XJiiiiluin*.': the body he went iipMain' n i d xiiinined tin- top ilat ai d found the rope 'lud hook there. lie could uoi i'i'uieiuhi r \\ net her In* had ex amined the fh-;ii. there iu couHeqiieju'e ot a reqiif.^t b^ Dr. *| Kin^ that he hhould . e..\ain.iTi* U he could hold ah inqu.'-t. rud' I'ireuiu^tiiuriM 1 e could not t .il; ! lie m 'I'.isary affidavit under the |mv. In i'ni ol dentlL accident, nil.-elia are or na tural riniMN a coroner iH- not 'Uppo ! to ImltLnu inqiKMt. "Am it pr*'*'iited it .ieIf to me entirely uh an accident from enquiricH n nd exaininatioii, 1 tcloploiii- iJr. Kin/; that I did not think I -o.. d l ij;e tl.e mcessary iiffid.fvit." er iou didn't l.:mw of the p.,- Uve, you Tlriln't know of tie Im-e i.i Mirauce policy'. Ti"re was nolli'.im then to ijt'LT.'iti ve or excjide murder '.' A. What !o you men n ".' Mr () I 'iiieiui exactly wliat I ay: U'a.s niliriler neee,->i .j'.ly celuded '.' A U'ell, in /iie-uer to that, I i'-.Di miv llat I could form ,i.n idea of < '. '-e iiin-.ta:te- - oecui'i'ihL,' tlei-c which me."n mi.r der, hut I don't tl.iuh tie- cond.tion. < : - iht i11lt iiidicn ted inui tier. "And what }nii were told a.'-i':it"d yi i, in arri\iu!^ at your coitciusion '! " .- Y(M." " You \\n\ e been coibii'.i i n^ " ith 1 h inedie.'il men fur the defeuee V " \ "No. '* Nor communicating with t he in '.' "~ '> " I'vecpt in a |_rr]ieiMl way." " And you Mjfrjrc^teil an inijiient \v;e i"' '.i.^'ihlc alter the exliumiu^ of 'Ie* ho .. Win it because of the new li-^ht tlrov i. n the ca.-'e 7 " '"There \\ ere no '.' I did pot hce any kIovch," Hiid t lie eor- " .\\-^ you pie pit led to nay vm- i'e e rl p. Ion (jf tin* place i\ he r i> tie' m " '\.i-- lyiiur i--' correct, uh a^iin-.t tli t> . I iinouy of others !" "If its II uinphr ,, yn, 'let , le-lly." " Voii'Jl jj;*) for 1 (umptii*. \, the v Have v ut it rill ff'eie ally i iu piVM el u. wiu:* mind to wnrrmt you at contra ii liim; a ii'* titer u itn A. "No." " How do you rem'inher after t\\>- ji'ius that it \v:\\ H) n'rlnc1. \\h"ii \o received tlie telephune me. s.ij^e iroin Dr Kiiiu: V"~A. '* '1 he fact that I ha.: n plti'lit at Pai*ndii| an I 1 \i*nited him 1 .'Ip' in ." Mr. It dou't help me a lilt." "Can you tell in", Do*'tor, how inan: ii.(lii":-th you ha v held thu-* 3 oar'.'" .'. " Alio ut t-W." "Will, t. 11 u.4 the hour at. uhi-h .m.m received the to (jo to tin* fu t inqih'.st thih year." "'W'i'll I really don't bee what th! has to do witli "the cam!." (Lau^hU r. 1 The Doctor eon Id not . recidli ct, an intimated that Mr. U-der wan 11\> 1 u;< to rattle him, whilu the counsel deni.'d tl.. illii>eJielini.'ut. Tim Doctor continued; The 10 wa.- 110 clear explanation given linn 01 how the tragedy occurred. He would not say w lie ther he oxa mined to tico if tin- weight could fall oil the hook. lie did not rememhor mudiu^ a bloc!, there ut the bottom of tho w'eisht ('haft, and, not kuowiiu? whetlu : there watt a block, ho could not *,f courao nay whether or not there w...* blood 011 the block. Uo luul no recollection of ti.*Ulii Dr BluKluun " not to make up bin lumd, a., there wim money iu it for the deieuce." " Will you Hwea.r you did not ? " thun dered Mr. Osier. " I have uo reeollec lion," Huid the witiuni. " Will yua--uven..' you didn't?" thundered tlio counsel (or the fourth time. Said the Doctor: " Jokin^y, jeutlutf.y, ,[ may Iulvc made thin remark." " Vim," uaid Mr. Onler, " JokluKly, yi-'." "Did you Apeak to any ductom to act for tlio dofenco V " " I luul no authority to auk anyone to act for tlio uouiiico," "' Did you, wlietbor you had authority or not 7 " nnid Mr. Onler. Yea, I may havo," Bald tho wltnomi, and lie wan dropped thcro. To Mr. Johnston wituoa* mild It war oiily In a general way lie had ttpokon to Dr. Powoll. Mr. Oarer; "How many tlmon did you Bou Mr. Johnnton, tlio prlamier*' eouimo'., in'roapect to thU cane Hlnoo tho prelimin: ary oxamlimtlon and tlw tlwo of outor* Iuk the bo*i?"-A. "I cannot toll. yq0 Uow many; perhaiH hall a dooo." -J i WOOL! |w w Want 75.(100 pound,, of good ola,. wool, fo, which wo nro nroparoil lo pay tho hiRlioHl market, prico; wo cany a full lino of goo.H. from tlio Kmu-villo wooIom MiIIb. wbwh wo noil nt mill 1-ik.o,!. WAIT FOR THE WAGON. 'Jn a fow tliiys our wa^on will be on tho road with Twoctln, also 'IllaiikotfJ, (ihoutin^fi, yui'nfi; oto. from tlio Tvhigavillu AUHb, to cxcban^o for wool. POTATOES. .Wo will htwo 11 car load of oxtra (irio pritatooa, which wo will all at clono prices for cash from ho car Tnosdiiy-and Wcdncisday, iiUt, 22nd. j V nwrsTJXix BUjoaK. esse^c- *-We Have the Knack of Hatiafying ciiHtomor.4; p.rhap.s that in why wo do such a lorgo clothing trade. This is clearly tlio peoplc'9 store, lient, is tlio word, that applies to rroadH^uft_muke, trua, ntylo and wear of onr yarniontH for Men, Hoys, Youlheand (Children. Kvervihtny now; made this year, and to sell Huh your. SpeciaLBdoea on Clothing we handle tlio best make in the mirket. (_'all and see for yow selves and prices will suit. Guimioteed rhe greatest values in the country for tlio mon ey. Take, a buij. Imnio compare with any other yon can buy injhe west. Il' you nru not, satisfied that ours are not thebc-jt hung back tin* Miit~and get your money hack. straw bats a.-, low as oc. standard f-hiit-mgH H)c p**r yard. Urepons in all -diaries for waistes. we carry a full line uf Pry 'iood.s nnd (iroccries, hats and Caps. A. FRANCIS, Vance's Old Stand, Essex. CAH'T OUGT DfvT ujuiMOis Huncwi it cawn rnau \\\i-\-itH*'wmttd FEATHEBBOHE SKIRT BONE FOR GIVING STYLE TRUNKS, VALISES. A large stock, all now goods and latest Noveltioa. I take no back seat on prices, SCHOOL BAGS, I havo a large stock, cought at bottom prices, nnd can beat'thorn all for prico and quality. Call, and see them. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - Farm Harness, Truck Harness Heavy Harness OF* EVERY DESCRIPTION. A large stock and it must go. Call nnd roo mo boforo buying elsowhero Everything in the Horse Furnishing Line. .--------0-n F. S- Adams, two docrt #Mi 9t l-iU's'xW^iwV.Wociu, Simx. A lifihl, pIptbiL', "iiiHtic ltatie^umdo from qniUh. It, i^ hofr. ><uu yiulDitiK, confirming rciidilv to d'ldu, yot Hiving proper shupu to Sinn or Dii-t-n. Tint only Hkii't. JJoi.t; tl.ut (uuy ho wot without injury. Tho Celebratocl Feat he r- fe9I|t?LJ?.QIS2lS. are corded Ijadie^ Dresses ! with this matoriai. Por fliilo by InadlnR Dry Guotli* Doulurn. TO SHEEP ESTRAY. KPT MY P11EMIBE,B-W \ LOT IS. CON. \J 11, Tp, GohHoI'I NortlJ.on Tlnirmlay,March 11, iiovfiu owt* iihoo])), fouv I'oiiif* yonvliiiRH. bul- auco ol<)r. Maati of thorn hun a nolo in tho mixam\ a 1*111 cut. Ono hah ruthor a brown (iloo. Ruit-iblo rowuril will ho civon tor iuforuiation linuUni! to tbi-ir rooovoiry. JtOltT. 8. FOX, 18 \i Smith Wooiluloo P.O. IN THE HIGH IJOURT OF JUSTICE. CHANCHiUY DIVISION. In the'Mnttor of tho Wont Halt of Lot No 2.' m tlio 5bh cnn. of tlio Townnliip of Gosfluld South, in tho County of Euhox. NOTICE IQUM11HIBY GIVKN THAT SA-Uf- nol Ii1. Ha<loriion, of tho Olty of Detroit, In thofltatoof Mlahii'ftii, Au-nt- him imulo uppll- cutloM to tho IliKb Court of Juptloo for Onturio. for a cortllloato of title to tho abovo taontlonod Eroporty, under tho Qulotlna Tltlon Aot, and an p*o<mood ovidonoo whoroby ho -arpoaro to hothoownoy thereof in foo, (roo from all on- oiirabrawooB^. Whorofor* auy other porson having or pro- tondiiiK to havo any title to, or inturCfit in, tho Rjtid laudu, or uuy part tharoof, Ih roqiiLrud on or before tho 10th day of June, now next onau* fnrt, to fllo a Btatoinont of hiii or liov claim, vorl- flud by uttHtavit, at my oliamborn in tha Xdoni- ititf niook, lu tho Olty of Wind-r> In tha Ootiuty tit lSefiox, mad Ut norvu a copy on UoHuru. eUrlce, 11 *rtint Jk nartlot.of tho Cltv of Windsor, Solic itors fer tho naid Bauiuol ]ff. nendori-oa. And lu .1 of mi It ovary suoh fllalm will ho barred ami tha tltla of th* laid Hamuol l\ Hendsrsoo Will hocom* abtiolute aud imlofcttHlbU at Uw. and in equity, mibjeat only to tha rewrvfttloaj' lnontionei lu the iflth Bootlon af Uo sud Act. Dnt<l this Hrd day of May, A. 1>. l0o. sJU-31' *-^$% uax. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF COLCHESTER NORTH TUB FIRST SITTING OF THE COUHT OF lluvinLuu mi tlio iiuiiHKumout mil" nf thft Town<-hip of Ool:hontor North will1 HrfJTiola ft* tho Town Hull on ** ' ~ SATURDAY, JUNE I, 1895, at tho hour of 10 o'clock In thp '*0ott J A. OOUIjIIuK* Towunhlp Clutrk< Gonto,Mavli,1805, ^^ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IH TUB MATTBTl OF TUB KBTATM OV KOBBRT HOOPER. Okoka*kd. tSSn/i?nf Hmx. Karmor. doooaHod. who died 2?OT l5)5 rffio SWW day of Muroh, A D.!* , hnribv voflulr*rt to bot.iI hy yoHt, propald, or &* HV A WlHinor.WHHOX.Out ,ou or befora tlifi SJth dav of Wuy.A.D, IbOft, a Btatemtfiit in wt-itlntf of their namon and addroHAOH, oud fall nkrtlanliirH or thoir olalmn, proparly vorlfted, .., and tho noouritles (If auy) hold by them. And tl*o nntlco that.afbu tho ntld itflth d*y ,, oi May, A D. 1B05, the admlnlqtratrlx.of tha guld *Btato will prooood to dltitributo the> aaC^, ', -^L of tho naid Htata amoiiRHt tho poreon* enttted( :;\J thoroto, haviiDH raard only to anah olaime tf* she shall havo "<td notloo of, and alio -willnot m.<^ Vj llablo for tha said aantite. or any psrt tbaraof.ep^ any liornou or wimoiiM "f whoao claim nr olainw,-; notioa uhaU uot havo be/i Klvn ua*foMMid.iV<v i9| Datadat Hssax May 18, M? . ^S4 ' . A ,WIBMB1R/1 \ Qffll 30 Ql Polloltor (or tli AduilulstratrU, KMM^.%1 r- i^te^'v^i: ;^i^^ 4 79

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