Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 17, 1895, p. 6

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^:m ii".-( 1 H fci, fc^iSSS fci/X ^ w k -- *-* HT H -=s^ sec / j^wTnm^tfi'ii'^iiiiiMii i BEST OFFER EVER MADE.. ^^.itmaK&fl^^n&m. THE For the balance of 1895for 60 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBE BS" Show this to your neighbors. JUJJDRES E. J. LOVELAOE, Proprietor, ICnaex, Ont. >Wfcr WTfffegg ^0 ^jiE' DEED. B"sr C3-EJO. M-AiitfTrix-iXjE ^itn isr {to ui: coNtintkIj ) Sfi . Xilti friend in tlie fl-nh, int.t"tnl of hi" mur derer, hurriedly en tore J and ein.-a-d th #uter door, "St air I asnilo, woman !" o: nd the admiral, fiercely wi'fniliiiR hitiiHiMf iin: in uie{overn fchle 1'iiji" 'm f-.i-i'ii.ij^ the n'iiii '.vliii imil c.iii.Hi'ii the mornine"^ tii.ultlf sunning there iiii- fcn.nnc'1. "I "J unin- lured and tu.iUMii; mo itiMiili inf.; a dejn ill maddened him, and, nei/ii. 1,1,4 collar, Un Wan bonrine; bin hank, when OueHt, 111 t*r- jjoiieil, aud i-[) ifated th'-m. Thi* will d-> 110 n<>nd, Sir Mark," he tried. "K<ir _ everybody'n, bi:, be %a.lm " "mIi'Iiii '." roared tin; old H-iilnr I nf">n-dy. "Yen, Mulic, oillli." wlil.-,pell;d bin mslei, eliii^uij: i" li'-in in inly "Is n the act of fttl lltii'J'T. Illld a ejeillil'JII.m li> hehuVO lilit: "Von d'in't. know you cnii'i!. find aa I do," 111! Yr^-i. "l<\lt Mvia'f .'i,l!u'," M'hl|i- I*'" I MlSSJ JtT- rold'l; i \ ; ;uid *dd mini mt.>te ;i 11 ef fort utui c duo il d'.wn. "'Let him r.Mil.i 'M then. L I iiiru -ay VvhaMi iiii-ii!::. A pir-ln- ,11:,.di. I'n In* <1'L* l'ii*M-<i :lli" llllv AllU ii!!iT V.' IH Jlit-t. Mm.liiwhih-- Si ration w.lh lookup wildly about Iii Ml. ! ui' MlV " ' I. Hi iumI in L'i't'iLl di'niK' liji'if hi.-: ii.i^'t! i.h'-, -thd a-' 1 bit d V.'i.I'lI'lV, tlnnl:.'il 1' '. .i|i[] U iM'l. lO Ill-'i iVli-isd Miit ii" w lilitiij iiiinl u. Ij: Ciiin |in:>':d. (i ui*- L . "Tn,ink V"ll, sii," hus.ild. ' Tlli-l'i: unisl,, .- OU I'llLlVl-, M'ild, I"* {{ .[i-.l-MUII im p"(.r SlnUi"ii'# .n". inn-,. l'iw.v l*i; |.:iti'tii .\'h liini. Y'ui h<.*. .".it- M "'- J, h i'< ill aii'l -vin<*iiu^. N'ii'.'.,( >. r:ill.i).i, im Xf*'lV*:l< ^ ". plum, 'i'tid S.r Mult ' " /'.T-il*':' t ll'*HI 'i W.i V," -id .'-i,'i' . lluii Ml A. xilOriuif \vlu-p>'i, "t.ikt" t h -in :i'.*.,Ly-"' iy h Mih-Uhny. Wiiiit. in l-^tSliirAmi, snddi-n nlt;u;k? I Vni*', m-il, njn ynu 1 il '.' ' ">;,, it- tOI]. ' 'I*inMi vnli muut liuvu uuinu cxplaiiulion to iii* ir.p, "N'..' -i;i). N-.ii*-. <i"!" ' \i..rk---iiiy du.if hi'iJihor," whinpijrod Minn fK'iTold. __ Ki.ihIi uii.i lilond'l. HtiiiiJ it, y'nl"," ' 'ho p.inn-d, wii-h di- vtdnu in n\< tcrnploH purpli:; mid Hriiiiuluug hiniKHlf iiw.iy, In: tlu'iiHt (itn-Kt .-iHido 1.1 nd oiiuo inuro at-i/t.d St.r;i"T 1 on- -1 Inn timo by tin- ui'imi, "Nir.v, nir(" Iw Huiil lioarmily. "X lin'w f might 10 h-av. vn in conti-mpt f"i your ^iirmtd tiliilly-HhiLllyiug, pHBilUuiinoiiH cn- ^uut.biit wi'di my pour child's agoiiizud puttt Crforo mo,I uaii't lw.*havo ao a politlietl mm- lUiri'i-Il ii'inui'i. Stiaitnn glured tit him in Hihiiicu.with L)ie pallor hu:l".-aMin^l n'ml hia fuco unuuming a liiiiisli-gniy liuge," "1 iMiiin hirti 'dii'ving no, trying 10 bt-licvt! thut thura way good rcinun for my child buing oncu mure iiiC|Jonod to a cruol publio ghanna thut. mnat malcnjiur-the byword of eooietyr I fudc'ynu fur an explanation, and in tldu cnrnod'ly cuol way youaay you havo uono.-to ofl'nr, Ynu iuu ntc ill; you have not, qu'wo tfearod, beon ftttuckcd fur your inpnty for tlioro it linn on tho table, Tliere 1b nothing wrong, elion, with you, and good God? -wlnu'ti ihia?" Ho Hiuriod away iu horrov, for thu tuind lie hud in bin anger shifted to 8tratton' nhoulilftr waa wot, and, hj he hold ib out, Kliati Jurrold uttorod a faint ory, for it wan Yod with blood 1 and, rele**ed from the orcit (frahn wlilah had hld him up, Strut- 4*imwayd iorward, t-wled, and 1*11 with ^ <ralh bit to th oarpai. ' JiU&' hurt VTouqded," o|ii4. QumW iiut'pii'fj '"' "I1,> Ittiiiti by ids friend'.'] Hlile, bin w.ily to hi ui t up :uid l;ifih" into tho iid- joining n.'.m, to <: .iii" ULtdi diiuctly with b i^ 11. S|i(in^(* : 1 ml water. "IS 11 '. ' r.t'^'d tin: rtdmiral, "wliut, u hi'u'al ii;inpT 1 havu. Pour lad ! poor hid- \-\--c,: (i do.;-.-!!-, 'Iiiest. Xn. Tliat'n ri^ht,, -*)i. iiifji' hlH, ' Ilt'ijirn. (iond girl. !') .n't- fiittdi 11 ihnMur yet, (.i-.n-st. . I am a 1.1!. it a qil <r.U. I,.'t iiii: Ht'i!. Ib' Wi-nt. Indnud 1 lie pi'" luan. who ivh" I-iv [)"ii"i ilv tnnnii.nbl", and lorpt on Ml kr n hill ; i.idiy an In: tonic mit a piMilcmle .lh,1 ii'.nl it fn-fly t" ^ot at tho injury in iii-- -diou d.-r. "Win Midn'i he .-pea'.i? Yuu wi;rt* right, 1 h,-n, ' iiii^!. S.iMin m'ouiidnd ta'.n l)--(M) ;, . rui^-'h-in ! ve-'ll l'i.iv him hiiti^. 1' In: Mil it -.1 1 u ih't g-1 ui' u^hi. thrmiuli h-:. i'riui>-.i'!y phi'.vi'd Ium tl"*ih. Think 1 ! c 1 veil', Hi' ;i d.vM'.;: ! '.111 w<Mmd. I ran inn 1 I:;-- ii. r.ui.ti'i mui-li f-ir a i/rulr- ,;[.,' H in.oi '_ 1 il I'oui- I i'! 1 \vir In [., own liiiiidki-rehiid and ., p ,; fi! hi,' (.isitT'tt, hut thcHi! v/rvt n. cii-.H..h "Looi; hem, l-t,,:b"cra," Ik' rta;d : "'. "U'd l)i:l Li;i' go and h-av mi." "'vi .i:.'i, 1" -j.iul tiif lad iUituiv. "('/ on wiii; n a dn:i nr iiiiifll b<> h '. ;i".i." h-11, if yuu will Ht.ty. J'h'-i -, d'in'i irV t" '-vjv.j him V-'t. L^t'n iiiiii'*,. ( I u ', in v li. d, 1 '1 kn t nat kidfc .onI id:t....... t.h. 11 i-i widis. mid ,iv Imi^ .! .t'.np l.h blend mi/, .uid In: won': hurl." Ail [ib-red,and 1 he baud- ij^" inii^hly- tixc-d, Kiaituu peiftictly in- umiMhl" I In- whih . "jlciT.i, my di*.ir (ho-ttt, nij lad," naiil ihr hhii:m'.I huiliily. "N'.'Vci i.-!l <> uorry in tin lii"J.." Th.m, ukin^ Sn atton'^ liund ln-Lui-<-d li'ith iii own,, In: fi.ud, in ii low v<)ii-i>, "] I'.lvu '">' la(l, luun- bly." "1 ii<.n't !.i;-.i rliis ^mig iiuicntnlnlity, Nliirk." Hiii.i- M :H'i .Icrrold. "X"; i'. .1 inn i"fit^ lias he any rum 01 in the pliu'i! ?'J " ^ im," . Hani < 111 i-nt t:,i u<:i Jy, and h> but 1 1 nd to lb'- d""i' of I bii bat h closet, tiiiiii'd the liniidle, hut it win locked. "How tiresome !" be unit U-red; _*,VIeiv, 1 kiinw." Ii" dropped (juiok'ly mi otio knee by lilt fri.-nd, runl t brunt hjri.hiiid into bis coal po:k"t foi hirtbunfh-of |o:vs; when bin hanil oamo in c.ntaet with hoiii*:' hing. which he dri;w nut with an cj.ieubition, and looked Up at, Sir MurU. "A pistol !" Haul tho latter, and. thuy utared in each other's i>yes ju-.L an Juration bewail ubnw nigiiH of recovery. "Why Imil Im a pistol?" whiupurcd Minn Jorrobl; and her broihr-r'u wbolo imniuor charged. "I wiih thinking fchut you ought to havo fotohed the police at once", my lad," bu tmid; "but it'H im well yuu did not. There are thingfl 111011 like hunhed up." "I-'itw-dou't know what, vou mean," fnl- terbd Mi Jerrold, while Oneat olowly laid the weapan on tho table, hiohing ghautly pale, and fooling a senaation of heart-nick- nonfl and dewpair, "plain fluough," aaid the admiral coldly. "Thoro in aompthing inoro, though, behind. Do ynu know what? he cried atornly, aa he fixed Guout with his vyca. "On my bonor, n'o, Sir Mark," "It daen not matter to ua." "But it does, Murk," cried Mian Jerrold piteouily; "and I am 0011 fuand. What doe* U all mcanV " Heaven a a J the m&ii himielf alon* know." " But, Mark, dear j. I oinuot ktudr- Uttd.M "Noi with fchU before yoa pUloIy atamp- d," ii4 tb* Umiral bitterly, "tiom. old trU--*; My I >rtpj-^PMii we all k"n't my ni.iuyri'Kikhlw thinjjM to you. Orv* ltk ijburo wan an rx^H/ini iiiiniiinii't, ! oj( ' up the k-yu. You'd be liotiur foi' a drop of pot, knd he i.oii^bi. a way out of it idif 'trimly." eowiitd'i: Hny, and win too great, a curt* tuke nini i,t,r;.tr;bt." Ih"v all In.-keii ilavn u; horror at M*r/il 11111, tie hi !] my, t.o soi! t h it, in- wan now iieiir.ilib- tu tlioir wordH, ami glaring w'llv finm fuinj to /lire, CMMM'l'Ul XK11I. '; St 1.1> li ui r*):'"- h;<a> I y, loci hti Wiui evi i nil "Xo," i.ivd r-ttiaU'Hi huritlly. "(Io "d le,. Ve ii|m u"W." "bn|Mi,..-.ibb: You nun-, havu tli iloo- lor.' - . ' "I 1: i|llje>; ; 'I -. ib not," "lint y,iu muut." "I>i. y -u .bene aii.11, I 'My V' uiied' Ktrat- Uln ii 1 civ. k'\'i'- 1 iii: r i no i.e. i -mr Mi fly niii a I me 'i'1'^.i, mi 1 1 in. i u .1 1 -' 1 vice. " I 111 g nU Y..11 ly eMufiini'il und ilo (pUl e alib. to . i/r ,4p 111 tl,a1, loul been going mi, 111! 11 jiair,' Iroio In-, Injured slioiMicr h 11 or red Id;, hi ,i m. H:n ligli1. bund Went up tu Hie li.unla^e, und he bi-g.ui hastily 1.0 arn.iijo! bin dl'iun. 11;) wan 1 v ill u ui ly ui'hc mid fa:nt, but t" ru'i'ii" Inn guni'iuiii wai for a moment the duiiuiiuni. idea "IIpmi unoioei tiioiuibt '.'limn, and ho link ed v.,Idly round, baidly nppoiring to graup the /not, that iiienii und vi-iinra bad drawn back fruin nun. \%-1 iiu the lothh-i'ulowly uu- eui'kud the revolve ami earitliilly exuaotiid l,lie imtlr.dgi-H, nuting four Were fl led, and 1 wo empty. (ilKUii kin^V the billet of (mid of ill'1 hulloia, ant he iiivi.liijr.arby looked round fur l hn'. lie liml not fur to iiuiik, ttie nint.-- OoVoi lug-1, bo wire. 1 und tin Mini .-d buiieji of an ailuient ex null bird iitauding on a cabi net 'iin nhuMi'icil, and t fn: hull- I had cut through .ho iiei-'r vei teinn;, and then bin led it(-.f in 11n- o ikeit paneling. <Uu.i(i. lo\ver-'d 111 -1 even to bis I,iik au.iin, ami slowly pl.iC'd '.lie eirmdgeM iii 0110 poeUct,, Llin piMtul iii : lie utliei, v.'iu-n, rain- ilig hli: eyi'U, he met, the uduiiral*!! nhudo.t'- ud by the heavy brown ; and the old idlicei gavt: |-. im a und i)t ;.pp:ov <1. "Well, Itebeeei,' lie mid, in a voice which mi.ucJ .0 Ind.I tne dying inut'eringJi of tlio vi.dmii wllieh Irul riged in bin lire ant but It tdl'.I I tllllC before ; "w.> may go. cau't juup on a hilb-n nuin." "Ytm, ' inii 1, Mtrtn Jerrold, with a look of i uadiinHs and lyinpatby at Siratton, who jLund bUpportint! biuiHilf agaimtt tlie table ; 'we had hotter jpj, t) Malcolm StrilttOd," nbe ciiud paH.'iionately, "and I did *o bo- liew iu ynu." He iMiimd kJJ.face, with a inouu-ntary flu^ll .f phtiiure bringing -back souiei hing of itu former aspect. Hut tne gloom of tie- - upfiir Ciiiue dortii like a el-.nd o\'or a Lll'.ani of Hunyhiiie, and Inn chin fell upon bm client,' tliuuj;h a inoVeiuct now and t hen told thut he w.i:t h.'iumiiijj bittiirly to nVeiy word. "AJ^i.'i^aid Sir Murk ;, "ii-'naii well you tlid not get Hi tin: polu;-, (Ce-p it nil ijuiot for L**i"ryuinj'.-i mike. Tho iiootor nulHt linow, 1 ip-ugb " StiMtion h fan" wati a.little .I'niuodjvt t<hiu, und he tut tied slightly' (.lue^L yaid : "Of einiiMo. It in not ada-tigecuiu-u'fjund, hut. look at liliu." Stratton'.i ciiin fell again upon lint Ijiuaat, "In a few hoiii'n," continued tho admiral, "fever will probibly not iu." A low, eutchiiic; breath iihook; Stiatton, und t>\\ti hand ^ru^ped tho txblo odgo vio lently. '.'And bo wili be dolirioim." Strattun ;i! rove banl to oontain luiiiielf, but he ii tar led violently, and raiding bin'.t, face he. pas^-d bi-i right hand acro.ia hift | 1"'"M k' dripiun^ bi ow. "1 emtio!, :-,top. here, Client," naid Sir Mark. "Conn1, Reb-cea, my dear. You inu:it not b.-ave linn alone. Shall I iiftnd in n luo-liciil man ':" "Xo I" criert St ration lioarnely,' in no tierce ;i voice that all star ted, and tbu iid* hhruguitd Iiih iiiiouldem, and draiyinjj hiui-ie|[ up crositicd 'o the doort hifl Ht.ster tolinwiit^ linn \ulii her faco full of pur. ph-xi;v. .Hoi coUiiniiiLTation. iiiiL file; turned iiii ttlie ruinjhed the door, heritnited for * inonieiil, and ; lie rijid liard- iie-ri in her face, with it anger again**- the man who had done her niece im cruel ri ivnilit,', died aw*y to give phice to a fj', womanly of U' rrmv and reproach au h1i* lniri ii'd iiai;k to where Sir.titnn wtoud Iiii back to the tible,. (^-impi ni.' ltH . ,,i I . I o tl 1 ;,n'. ui' 111' 111', Iii uf delinimi, lli ,k1<i 10 /etch i ,...- .in r-,, 1 loildd it." . hill V"l| life a paUnilt 'BMW, ! bi- : Iiim ic. [ can reiul y.oy )',-. 'in: I'im ,-,., .: - Hi'- a hnol'.," Str.iit.,n h,o|['-il up at linn "n'liiujiTy: " '!C. i:^'7^ (^ J ..l1! "i.vr, - ----,->*, -,.-' . ll-. . .-----./ue' .::. -'-y^- -."V i^'i "Ynudntii want ihednrloi' to iim* your ai und kimw how i' e.iini-1 , don't hi Me in ibiH wilil u ,,y io. It, W.'s .11 ao::id' nt. Y"U w>ie inoiiiifj ahniiL wild 11 ni'.diV'T. (-teiiiuii^ (fi, fiay; and- it W.-1.1 olV. Tli-fT .-rail th.' (I.Fe.tjVif-need know." "No urn' inu-a even know thai." "Ihil. yinir iv.iund must iju prnnnrly 'dM-.-Mcd." "1 mil not, haV"'ii inuuhed,1'cried Htrnt- ton deci-d velv. "Now, unci' more. I am not much iiiiri.. (io." ( iuiielleii lilt l"l lv. "No, my h.,y, v'Mi don't (,'et rill of inc. I'l. fitiek In y,.u like yoiu (MUHciL-llCO." St nil Inn -i nVe.'i dl i.ll.'il. ' "And 1 111 u'.onu' i" b<: ujiiHtnr Imro till you ate .\ t I bcdiiy ,uid men tally." "I tell -, mi 1 mil nof inucn hurt. Mon- tal I'-mli, I'm UI! We|l us yuu in-,.." "IJi'tii-r, of course. Why, what i)onni!tine you at" t .ikn.f; !'* cried (luem, pointing t<i the olio r ii Wounded Klnnildcr. "Cotne, ibni'i, ht u-i atjfiie more. (iive in .icmiihlv, iluic'iia L^ind Ji-'ilow, and let mo do my bent f"i vui. I. know .yon -.- l/hiu^n iti a vm"i;i.^ b^';t now, Inn. you'll thank urn bomIu .l..y.,C They wa!ebed eacil other flll'ti .'ely, .Hid iinext 00uid see how hard hi-'t fricu<! wa evidently pl.iunne; to yi;i rid of him, while, 011 hoi own pan, li wuh cnlenlaLini^ bin ehanciH. i le knew-tluit nuul pi-oplc wore nu ',n:i biiuiuniy slrniif.', but tln:n.. in npiln .of hi.v >' mine, be cotilti not in bin own mind y that Stratton wuh mad. It wan a ii. , of whiii. coroiMTH called "leinponm iiKj.nt.ty," 'iu-' loiiMine trouble winch bad nl iTTTieu ; .Liid it there nhoiild bo a ntruf^ie, (Ine.'it, felt that Im ivoiiid ho more than a nna.uii lor iiin fri-ud, injuied aa bri a*,. 1 Sltrilion v;:in'ili lir.'iL lo npnik, in. a low voice, wbieb riii^ee ,Led hi-i benip; buut and in great p.iin.......___ ,".\*ow I'm betti-r. Will ymi go and h'uv^ nt..!" \'li|. -(' and plaeiog itM becl: ip;.'"Ute 10 bi-i irient), Bi r n'lo it, .uid K .-[ "> i l:\H ili'lu-i oil [ lie tail, 1 I .O'd; hei e, Si ra t ton, old fid lew ; i' V u filwiiv-- titi'tton you, iitm \eu'vn aiwayi Lrnut ml inc." "Y'"+, 'd," s.tid Suaitoii hurried- iy. "Well, tlr'n. a 1 your old .'hum tin: 111'i 11 who h .! s **1U"k to Viol olid i;\ geing to utielt to yon -di ihton-,'11 tnls holioie ;iitn nliicii l-d'g", w il'iUTThe object* "tilermm "trelnblcd | y"'1 ^" K i;_ y^\l ":!l |7H"11'1 ]J'nu , """J4 'J mil tottered from tho motion counnunicatud vvi.uid as Wed to malt'J a clean hrea.-it of by th" maii'a quiveririg muacb . -, "IitMVim forgive yon, Malcolm Strat um !" uln- said aluwly. "I cannot no.v. I rim '^"lug back tu her. Men, ymi havo brokt'ii Lin* hciirt id us true aiul Hwet a woman x^ evei lived. ' Sir,'J ton did not stir, but utood there h'-ni. and a.i ii" crushed,, li.iteiiing to the runLn! of hi:; v.mtor'H rich Kilk, -i.!i she hur ried back to her bi other; then the door wiuj op-nod, closed upon them, and a dead ni-leii.1-.- reignod iti Stratina'H hlmly, 'ih hi, ami (J licit, tjtoad lifitcuutg tfi t he faint houiuI ol the 'b^cendiii(j Lop.-i ii.1 tiny liid coin- pb"ely died away. Tlien truest turuod to bii friend : "Xo'."," ho said coldly, "'p;IV<: ni" ymir aru.' N; Btop. Wliero are your keyti;" Siiatoii raiVd Iiih beail sharp y. "Wti'tro are your koya V "Wiiit fin f1 "1 w- 1 to ywt tho Hplrtta to giv you u drum." "No, no," naid Stratton licuilv. "N-.v 140 !" "t )f u ,n:--4.-," Maid (Im-Ht bit tei ly. "'J'h.a'n -ny wav \v'heii you're in trmible. \'mi 1111,11'. aide tool ! \mi nouliuun !"' he roared, Hashing on: iiudb-nly with pju:iou. '-W'n.u JK It '.' Two yen I'm iii'n, when I came lire and ....itid you With Chat cyanide bulllc on the tabb-., anu the g|a.-iii reudy v.'ittl lis dnoigiii, I Ht.opped yniijt.ben, you coward. Thi-i time you were aloiu; t.o uttomut your Wtct eh d wi.rk," Hirailoii glaied at him wildly. ' And here have we a 1 been beared in death, fearing shut you hud been uttiieked. The admiral iciid *Vnu "were a uUMorabiu coward ami you arc. W.h'-rc ii your inau- hnoil '{ Where i-i v'or honor, to. carry mi lik.M.hio with poor Myra till the last mo ment, and then do this '{ If.uig it, man, why didn't you uiui straight and tied it, iiiMtuLid "i bringing 11.1 to nueh a nceiiii an tbirt?" Stratton drew bin breiih hard. "Thero, !i"ve (loin'. It'n jumping, as hu naid, 011 a fallen man, Hut 1 wim obliged to upenk. Now, iIhhi, t-lniHe keys." "<lo !r cried Stratton Hiernly. "Do. Leuve ino!" " To play some other prnnk ? Not E. i want those keys to get out the brandy." "1 tell you no 110." "Very woll. It wan to .save you from fainting. Faint then, and be hanged, (iive me your arm." "Will you go ?" eriud Stratton fuiro'dy.. "Yon, whon you nro on your bed, and then only to tho door for uBniuianco " 'What?" " To futeh tho neirnab doctor. Conio along." "Percy Guest- fiercely. It- io im* ! St rai/ini'i eycrt dliiH erl ii h be spoke, und his he.i -.'. a., so ,-it r. 1 lure thai t in voi un- till il'.' ['I' p.l'eil 'him.'ie.f 101 .-onie on t b re :i k." "'\' ill IiUmI, me," ri'lltilllled (, and in' '.1.'.. 1 budi of ib'ipiir eooin into bl^ friend':- eouulenaiiue. "(,' 'in*, old chap, Wllat'.i tin. UT-ie nf ;i j'i 1,-lid if le; IM UoL IU litlip V' > 11 ? Vi 11 know ] w'unt to. -" boffan Stratton, "It's of no uho," aai'il Gucnt. Only wtuto of words. Coma along," .Rtnillon mftdo a quick movomont to avoid him, and &taRKor,,(l into a olmirj whuu his oyeu clniiod, and he Uy back faint ing. "Poor >vrelob.l" muttiwd Gucot, Huatch- ing the bauln itid ipoiigu to begin bathing' tho already dump face. "1 oughtn't to have buUred him." Id a few mftmenU Stratieni opened hli ----------.... , ^- . ><* D > book. 4 i|rt^ to a len." SuaUi.n'.- ill)-- [j.irted in an alumni in- Liudll'ie, "Vim." "Well, ill-.11, inf poor Myta's fnke," S! 1 .11 ' arl eil ib it he haii bi-fji M miL'. "I ir .[i'l help biirliiiL; you, und ,. for her Hike. Shu i-'i a woman. S,i- loVi'M V"il." "For pity'.s r-ak<>, don'r, don't," ^i iatn-i|'Mi ill a vou,- full of lltliil tei ill; le ,111- gm.'-.h. ",--h" love.i vuii, I J-ay," eoniinni'd lio nt fliudy ; *'i.nd, wil'dever Ins bucn liiocati"', 1)1 llll:i liiailinl -.-i, idle Will fi.LMVe yon." St r 111 on idionk hi:; he;id nlowly. "l.Iilt 1 .viy ntii: v, ill. (,'"lli-, we ;,i'e none of tu |e.-riee!-, I tell vui 1- ,illl ItgiiMn^ fnr yoil iid", \\y. woll 11.H uiVrtelf. \oili' act ihiu nioliiing inju.'e-- 1'Mn- and mi', too. So Ink,. it. like liufi, ohi fellow. You have done wrung :n m uie w.iy.; i noi un nttcm[it, to in,dee tuiieud.s the first Hlep toward hbewioji repi:iit:inc<-'." "Y-'U don't" ki.,fw you ilmi't kniMi','1 grnam-d' the wretchi-d 1n.n1. "Not \'t ; VOU uill not be open, ('o-iKi now, be wHm me. In your utter di: Hpiiir,-comu:ipii:ut upon your iiul Ved. bci!^' woak with mental worry, you uh.iI ilia pistol." Stratton buried hi- fuee in bin hand". "Thu old man waa right," mnitiiiued GlU'Ht, ; "it wan a cowardly way to g.t out of iho diiViculty. Let 1110 helpyou, ('due, once inuie, make a clean bream of it." Stratton'bi hauila fell again, mi'! thorn wan *., f.uirar \rn,\t It) Iuu face : bin Unu Hi r . and be wuo iihout to npeuk, but the liok faded away and in a deiipoiident, weary wav ho Bank back once mora, "Very welt. 1 will not preBu you now." naid Gueut. "You'll think butter of it, old follow. I'll wnii.. Now, thou, let mo help yon into your mom." "What for?" cried Stratton uuHpicioiudy. . "llooaiiBo a wounded man must bo bettor lyinp down." "So that you enn lock me in and go for people for doctora?" "He ia queer," thought GuehU "Tim cunning of a man oil" bin head." An ho thought this ho rooo, walkod tn tho bedroom door, opened it, and took* the koy out to hand to Mr friend. "There, are y.ou.ttatiffiud ? Look lure, Mid, oven to hotter you I will nob play unv treaahorou* trick like that I" ta: "I bftliuva you," said Htration ; and ho waved away the hand holding the key. "So far, bo good, fcbe. Will you come and lio down while I fetch a iloctor ?" "No. I will not havo a doctor. It la n more Roratoh," '*Vory well. Oott|*uAfe down, then.*1 Stratton shook bUhuiid. "Invalida mUit be .humorod, I auppnae. Bit whoro you are theU. aud try and liav a aap. YouSU fce wlmer afterward I hope/' he *ddod to -bUmlL w thai Stratton wav waUhlng him konly. "Don't do tbat, I Want you to lunVe tne now." "I kuow you do," uald Oinmt qulotlyj "but lam not going." Htratioii drow a h-iavy,. oatobinK breu-th, and lay back io hlM (!bairtwhilo Gueut open ed the book ho.bad takou at r-ndoro, and *ed from it half u. do^eti roinauoiu* which b tnudo up um ho wnl on. Kor -lio oould not htm a word ol the .priiited__inattur, and in ibeun'vorumioDH bin friend wait th huro. Who whm lining bunted to denpmation by iniim woman with whom ho had become en- tunK^il. From time to time lie glanced acrnini at bin friend u tho bourn wlidud by, bup- lnjf to not) tluit Ito nlopt 1 but hu lwayi< oaught a glimpHa of a pair of eager uyon watohintf him. At. laui, alioubnix o'clock, faint, weary, and oppronnud \iy the tumble mUnco in the room, Gueut hi id down ihtt book. fURNITURE, "Goin^?" naid Htmtlon oar(jerly. 'hu. iiii "What fori" 'No. Gnly to send for Mi do." took j> dooIl m# uroiij 10 a lenin,, "To get her to run to thu Peacock, and tell them to briny nome dinner und a bottle of Ilaiu. You cim eat nnmethilltf t" "lU-inj; ilinnor " gauped S'. ration. "Yen. I -havu hud nothing ninco early bruakfaut." "You cannot have it hero," mud Stratum, knfcUiii^ an effort, and Hpeakiiie; (irmly. "I am botter and ciilmurnow. After a night's truut I uhall bo inyiiuif aipiin." "I hope no," naid Guout ipiietly. "So f^o now, thorn'H n gnoil fnllow. Ill vpliiin irverythin^ to you iioinu day, and I eball bo far butter alone," "Ych j you are fit lo trust !" "You need not, niifler. YoifThTiik I lihal, kuakfl Home inyaiiu iirteui)>t upon my hie." GlirtHt looked at 1dm (ix-lly. "Yet.; you have yood reimou for douininiv tne, hut 1 uwoar to yuu tliat you may itunt MB." At thut moment iitepn were lieurd upon the Hlairii, abnoiit iiiandibln ; but whoever it wuh wbiatlftd uonio melody, arid bofoiu EtraUoii could ntay him, (jinut thiew open thu dunr, and calletl to the whistler to come back. "Want me, nir ?" Haid a telegraph hoy,' appearing in thu opening. "Yea," Haid laical, liiving the boy nix- ponce ; "iiak thu W' at the bxl^o to euiiii: up hen! dirocily." 'AU riLMiL, idi." -- ' Gucnt returned to bin neat, ami naw. that Hiratton'ri face wau averted and bin cyus fltu.-ed. "Kindu Im miiHt give way,'1 naid lbs young o-irriiiLor lo hiiiimdf ; and once mo; u there w.ih mlenco, till Mr.-j, liradc'd knock wnu heard. " Giimit admitted her, and cni nbort, a fftriui; of Wondering excbunatioiiH by giving licr bia erder.'i. "On, curtauily, nir," yho cried \ "but I thought------" "Yes, of eour.-ie yon,did, my dear nwi- diim, but uniortuuiituly Mr. Stratton wuh auddenly lak<:ii ill." ' 'Oh, poor deal *" cried Mrn. lir-ado, iu duep concern. "Lot mu (fo and my doc tor to-------" "No,"cried Stratton hu fiercely that the woman ytarted. mid turned pale. "Go and do an I naid,' wiimperod Gtient, ; and after a .^vhile^ tin;__rofjciiu-nmir.s were brtiUglit, partaken <>l\ uml, in Hpilii of Uf:'~ friynij'.i pi ou-hih, insiMied upon pant ing the night iu an cn^y-chair, dropping ojf to .sloep oceaaioijally, to that Strut- -ton-wuh threatening to de.itr"V bin life, and *, wa U-bi]i to find liihi in hi-i eanyohair thrunt back to thu eide of thu li rep! ace bctwoen him and tho painded door. It will pay luiyimu lo call and exaniiiio our I.ari/e (ind Wolbim. mirtt-il Stock uf KINK X'dHNl- TIJUK, if thoy. wiiLt-ti) j/ot auy thiit npiioLi, JUSTREAfc . - Tine Bodl^oorYi SottudUmiiplidi'l . , . -diifiH-JiKLj-l *|o. Pino bxtcrtaian Tables, ^ h ft, Ighk ' 5 Good Bcdstuutlu - And everything at .'. CUT PRICES XXX All gnoU.t dellvurei] free of churije (iooil Jntinboi"taken In exeliniice for tuiiiltt| Uncloftaking artel Embalm a Spoclalty- Tricon an low, 1( not lower, than anywhere for quality. J. 4, & KHSKX, ONT. Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralfc, In so MiNUTiia, ah.o Coated TonKim, \XizA ne:.!i,JtiliousncH'i, I'aln in tho Si<l, Conntipatiol Torpid Liver, Hrrailn to may cmod Ia< rcKulntu thu binvelu, VtJFtY NtOB TO YAKl pRtoa ZG ccnyq at Dhug GronrtfaJ A ]Jnrn to riorHumcti. Ooo bottli Knglitdt Spnvin Liniment complotelyl mnved a curb from my borne, 1 t| pit ariuro in recommouding tlio reioejy^ it nets with inyntcriouti proinptnoflii in removal frorn Iioi'hch of harU/fioft or lout-cd lumpH, blood Hpavm, ttplintu, ouJ tiwctny, stilleH und hpruincH. Geo. Dl armor, .Markhum, ^Out. Bold tby j{ Tboriio, JJruggint. CIIAITKU XXIV. TWO Mi,UTS of WA'l'l.'lilM!. *'ThanU goodiio.-irt !*' naid Giiirst, to him- uelf, an In: moved slightly ami naw that lii.i cinnpauioii appeared to be|)i(ip- lnavily ; but a be rose Stratton followed his ex ample, looking very mde, but like hitiiHclf. "Morning; how are you '!" aaid Guest, "ilytu.-r much hertiir," "You abouhl have uiidreiised and gone to bed, and you'd havu been butter hi ill. IIow'ji tho nbouldcr ?" "Guv-: mea good deal of pain .leveral tiiiie.i in the nighi, but it ia eaniur now." "Glad of it, but take my advice ; let'a havo iu u doctor, and lot him druHa it prq- pe.-ly." "Tbere'a no tiord," mild Stratton quietly. "A wound only'nccda to bu kej>t fiom eit- poaiire to the air to heal ituelf." "\Y>dl, of all tho obstinate- fidlown!" "Oh, no," Hiiid Si rattou, with a wan Binile. "You nee I have been very obedi ent. If the world ia disponed to turn bad, u.h I ahull Ko.m know, I will have medical advice. If there ia no need, mire'iy you can Hpiire mo the annoyance of amtwering a Burgeon all kiudn of ijueatiunii, and being tied down to bin routine." "Well, I will not worry you, old fellow, for V(Jll do (a-eiii t.o Uu 'n*.'t..r " "Mticli," laii'l Mraiton quietly. "I only want to be at peace for a time. I think I almll gn into the country." "Will you?" "Y--c-n. 1 think I will." "Willi iuu. .Then He'll go aa noon an you can stai t." "\'n, no," oried Stratton excitedly. "I nhoiild be poor comp.uiy, und would lather go" "X'oi tit. Look here. Iluppy thought. I'll nnk Jji'etf in." "No, no !" cried Stratton exidt.edly. "lint ho'n the very man Quiet, calm, mid don't talk. Go and piolt buttiueitns and dairtien along with him for a tew dayn, mid then come back lo mo quite compog mentis, and we'll see what can be done." Gueut made toward the door,but Stratton intercepted him. "1 till ymi no," ho naid firmly, "and and KrcitiRoi) is out." "Out';" "Goiio into tlio country." "Humph!" ejaculated Gtiest, looking afc bin friend curioindy, for there \vn some thing in bin manner which" puzzled him. But Stratton aid ebourfully : "Nearly nine, Willyouordur some broak- fauL from tho tavorn?" "Kb, to bo sure. Let-'fl go. No; afraid you aro not well enough. I'll uend Mrs. Blade. But no nonuenuo,"Bai(l Gueut. *'I givo you my word," gaid Stratum quiojtly. "I tnko it;" aud after a visit to tho bed room'Guest camo back, looking refrsabed uivd ready to go out and Order tbo meal to bo brought. In duo timo this was at tho door, aud, to the yoini'g barriotor'a great natiafaotiou his friend-drank a cup of coffco, und'ato spar ingly of aorno dry touitv btrdcing overy min ute more and more bimaolf. Thoro were moments when Ida face, twitched and bia oyos looked strutigoi bm that Guaat unt down to the paiu of hh> wound ; and in tho course of the morn in'g, fooling more und more relieved, In* said : r. "Look here, old'felloW, J think if you'b give me your word,of honor tbr shall bt- no noiiBimso, I'll g<>- baok'to my place and change"~lio glanced at his wedding gwr- meatu n.a he spoko. "Ye, I would," amid Strattou quietly. . M "You are not going to be ill V "Certainly nol.*"And I oaiTtrusi yer TeHllnu. liU IXoiinuty.* Yuur drnggiHt ih honoHt if when you him for a bottle of Scott'ii JEmulaion gTveM~you junt what you imk for. knowH thin in tlio bent form in whioitl lake Cud Liver Oil. tf v Vt VUUjA'HlUWMkH ** The Maj/ara Falls liouitJ' OOIN'O EAflT J'ukiiiH MTect Ncv, Ihlli, 1NJJ4. Kshi-x...... U'oml-ilen... (.'oniher___ ICi.lj:. town. Ht. Tltoiuasi M ii il a.m. H.Ct H.'j:t H.-ll) !f..")ll ll.t.-; a.m. 7.1.U H,ir> ! 1.5.1 I'iSMt.'X.................... M.Yi.ihtone tJroim ... I'eltou .................. U iniUor ............... (iniNO WKKT. IL. Ill, 11.51 l-J.'JD r Leamliiutoii and WiikInoi*. MlllTil I10UTK e.l li '. ..i 1 V. 17 7,;ii 7.'.!7 ".',)', ii.'.:) n.r.i! ii.-ti li.-lll ii;u >'< :'5 n-'la; P m. ii.'j,r ii.;jr> li.-li < - .i-i 7 (w p.Ill ll.UI S.IO Windsor H,!15 \.?f> I'eltoti XiU[J H.5I jMaiiliitonn Crosfi tini l.:,:i ICkhhx 11.10 t.-j:i Wooilnle.i 11.21 i.i r> ltuncoiub <1 10 1.1 0 ... Oombfii*. ... 10.1)0 :tr-'i ... ItOllfllVIl .... 1(1.10 :j i.i....... .... Htaplflii .. . :o in :i :;'.i ... .....*tlnldiuul...... i( iX> ... ...Hlytbcnwooil ..... HLtW" :i.i*j .... \V:j:lo ..... io.:i Lnko K & 1) H' 'Ljiimiiifjtoii, ;i -jo ..... 10.10 StuMou. AintierHilim'i; l^ocul 'X'rulnu, wi:st 13A8T | - a.m, i li.lfi Kiutox 7,1.1 i j. i.i lOdfiarn 7.1)0 '.i.:i'i ]iK*lJHXfng 0.50 . I '.>:i5 MeO*.'flf<or (MR A JOAiU Amber lit burg (i.iio *M , All traiu.i are rim on coutrnl utitl which ifi Hixty ndimton olowoji tim.. l-'oi- iutonnation and vaTair intH niovhif! went apply to .Toli^, G. X,a HoiiKor Aont. tit'. 'I'liomiiF). O/W. Ilu*_ oral riiniiongor una TiokofAfiont, Oliiofli or A. O. Stiniom, AKdv/i.'jRoox, L. E & DH R. Ry. TJMKTAllLKN0.17;tRlnK ottoot OH UoNov. yii, 1W\. Tralnii run by l^aatoni 8t avil Time. Pnilv oxeopt Sunday H5 o c 'A A Jt A M !l 25 11.00 'j.aa.'ii.ui .3ir 11.2a o.iitiii.ijo O.SO'll.^0 0 51 o.07 ii.aa ah 10 oaim.oH-7.0:1 10.CH1|13.3U 7.10 10.10:12.10 7.17 V M 0:20 O.iiY 'i.IIii I0.U7 10,37 10.15 10.*S 11.11 11.20 u.:i5 11.43 U.G0 11.B5 13 01 llill 11! 111 19.U1 1.011 7.GH '1.80r7.:ifl l. X-10 U.20I7BU lufi aia 8.06 fl.vl Stations. 11.110 . 62 i. IB 4.J0 i.iti n.oft B.ltl r.-if) 0,10 v wr. v. w. H.2U ft.mi 8.41 .C1 H.Ktl oor, 0.1a .17 .2.1 110 Pop Walkflrv'lo Ar WalltcrvlUn Juno. .......:. PoUon......... ......+ OUloantlo...... .....t Pf.duotto...... ..... MoGrofjor ., ...+ '. Now Canaau... i Marubdold .; ., Harrow ..-.. .....-t Amor........ .. KtiiuBvllIa.'....' .. Ituthvan ..... I-namiucton .. ;. WhtMitlcy ..... ......I Itouwick .. ......CoatHworth ... ......I GUmwood,...., .........MorHn......... ......t Buxton..,...... ...... Bmullsou...... ..dOotlarBprlnsa... Blenheim Junct'n ......Blenheim...... ........tWiHtlo:;....,.. Ar Idagetowu Den ......'/sn A 010 11 m 8C7 9 BI- M7 8 49 BG Hi" 1 8 11 B 01 7 61 7 40 7 21 7 713 0 46 6 40 0 81 0 21 a rd- |>MiiB Stations. Trains Btojp on^J are. paaHcncera at or for tbeee'MaffmUL trains are at at times subject to^M^S WH wooiiLATTi ' General' SopeiSfoiji ' ^Mm 34 61 3

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