Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 17, 1895, p. 5

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w;,Tr"wy$t ' M I <. ^j THR P5F:X FPEE / F>RRe* The Chatham Loan and Savings Company. [CAPITAL <- $1*000,000 Money to Lend on Mortgngoa |Of Proriudtivoi-aal ontat. Famuim 'wantllU.' '-*? [borrow monoy tit bent rate*. li>utit <m>iuiii ">"' Ino dnltiy mIhuiM Rpply tiortmmilly t Thu (Jhut- [hum Loan anil KavingH (Jo,, Oliiitfuun. H. *\ OAUDNUll, Muni.M'r. l'MUDAY, MAY 17, \W. ^y* TALK /rOFTHE TOWN ! ------- *y*m5^ GoHto pooplo will celebrata the Queew'a. tirthday hy holding an ontorUiuinont in tb ohuroh. Next I'Vidny will be tho Queon'ti Ilirth tlay. Kimex will pnntpono hor luuuml cole mtioii to July 1st [f you can't i>ut tp.lten aiiv olhm- (lav, fnio on tho 2fth of May to II, Kno^hoft, 'Hioto^rapluir, Khn&\. A now tima card ih piomihid by the M J, K. to take off.tct ou Sunday. Tliu St L'homtui accimiodatioii ^tmiii'i will bo put |OIl U^llU). Dr. Dewar rooontly removed ii tumor from tliu wliouldur oE R -T. Kowo, of Rj lohtwUr. Mr. ftowo ban miffeiod for nmuo [tiiuo, but }h now improving Yonuti Gliweo, who irmt with hiiuIi a hairbreadth eaaiipo from do ith by a bullet last weolc, i.yraoveriue vory. niooly. He |lu looked after by Dr. McKphzio. Monibora of the MiUhodiit chuioh choir [participated in mi entertainment not ton up Ion behalf of tho union Sunday S-houl at [Camp Palmor lank Friday oyoniu. Tho local ltiLguo football team LipocU to Iplay a match in WnmlHor on Su'urday hrbuy will bo nomowhat handicapped by Itho abaonco of F, Copt-land who ia ill. Jtoad Bnaith'u ad. - Wall paper 2o, roll May's IWar. M. J. WiUlo Ac Co. want 75,000 poundn o/ Ijjood oloan wool. A younij mm of Mr. Jno. WUhoh, Maid- istout), fell from a utonoboat tho other day, land fraoturad hio collar bone, Tho bon -wnii tiot by Dr. Dewar, and tho boy in dome woll. Euhvx oouuly had more inurrmuoH [and birthf), acooiding to population, than any lotfeor county in tho Piovineo m lh'Jl There wero 14 2 per 1,000 ot tho foi iucr and 27 7 .tho latter." ~ l. II. Olarko, of tho Stnudard Oan it Oil Compawy, Oiiyu that bin company by no 'moann iritund to leave IChhox field, but will bore wollfi an fant a posaible with a viow to Kettinc oil. Mr. Clarko Hay that tho Ontario Natural Gas Company caunntwith profit supply tho Detroit company with ^ie at 8 oonta athouHand fcpt. Satnrday'n Buffalo H\proHH advueat^e |,aallnifj Chatham tho "Hi an City " Tbm uamo would bo particularly approprnite, "bewovor inharmonious it may nound to florao oars. A oity that i tho oiMiLrn of a 'difltriot exporting half il milhon hnsliolu of [iboauw m oug BPiiBon ahoul.d not objatjt to boing called after thm important product. Boyw twopiooo HUita 51 at South h GIUL WANTED. At tho Uo>al Hotel, wiuat bo capable of waiting ou table. M. J. Wiglo A'Go. aro tho cloltucra of Eunev.. Fmo (*oodH, woll-madu, and ptifect fitH, at low pnoeH. HTHAYDD OH STOL! N On tb? uvV \ol May SUb, one pair ot I.*i^li*-h i mg net k ItlovoH. KuWftrd if r(turned ti uwin r, Mia. i\V, D, Deaniau. ----- IJorc ih a aimnle baromcK i Tukm a [pioco of wtritii^ about a fool and a halt lon^ ;,"itirattt in n (juite Rtron^ Hotution of Hull ' y wator and let it dry riien nt'aili n ght wciiilit on one in^/aud I un^ tb-* ujj ai*uinnt tlio wall martini" with h IPj^oil wliort the weruht runch"*H oo Tin 4,light riHei for wor wonther and fulli for Thi' Htriuj; nlioulrl bo tujupi ndi d ou' loors. Jiint It v it unco and watch tin .for a fow days, in Haid on mod authority that tbu r 'of tbo Mnuit-obu, Govcrntin nt to Oi' iwtt ron tho Hchonl quontiou will he ; " ] hat m \%n much an ihia Jj^cialuture wim i*locLtd lo pnpport N'ttiounl Sohooli it mint wlhuru [to that polioy on account of wlnih it w^ ratnrund to powor, and tint tufore i In- iGoVorurrient can ^ivu n.ny otln-r annwui ibftU that .the Nxtionl School nynti tn in i<> in maintained it muut tluoovtr afrnwli tin uttlttido of tho people of \Ianiioba up n thi(t qutfatioti." THEHEIBNODOTJDTABOUL' THIS !ho bunt placo in tho weat to buy cUtibnit. is at the Windnor Oak Hall. Tlieit* y<, i rill find an unmonna rtook to Helojt frcm i\\ now goorlii made up for iIum uoituon u trade, oomprmui^ nil the uow.-at and he^t ftylea, and lit prieea tli-tt will miku )ou ponder how tlioy worn gotttm up fort h- l'onoy. Think of a hoy'u two piece hint ^ 91 50. Thon wo havo 'em at 91 7-r, 92 kDd ill) to 1 Mid K. Thn'o pioco twted Lnltaanrd tto&ati Hurt ft.s 93 75, 817.1 S(i M(L Up to $8. Wo m Lkn 'dotlimu woll and |aU'oloLl]ini;oltaap, Oj,k Uall, Windsor. tgtraw batB 7 oentn eaob, at Smith'n, [tobel ABrickur pay tho highcut omih fpr wool, idioti' Wftlkliia ehofR 7i contu, An kid ftfon boofco 05 oonta ^onm line- hioed or latter bIiooh 81,'jr. pur pr., at Bmitb'a. Kiiargaina in paraHoln at M. .1. Wiglo A Oo. tf yon want Pcruoti doorH ntal windown that will bint for yinitM to oohkj, i;o to LtuiiiJ, lll(1"" tiwv* Jlnilifl riiuolair'u in.le of ttiiluli cowu wau prutty well fvttnndod lnnt Hi*inrduy. About twenty eowu wore dupotu(l of, all lirin^iM^ fuirly tjood priouti. Alutlindiot ohurulu ^oorn hoathly- ap-- prooiato tho new pine wduwulU leeontly bud from Talbotntrmit to ilia uhnrdh build ing on Gordon Avunuo. Forwytlio. Amiernon A Go. aro open fo buy an uuluuitod quantity of wuol, eitboi wicuhud or unwanluul, and will pay thu hiMb"Mt pricou thorofor, oithor in oaiih m trade. Bi'o tiiftin before diupmiin^ of youi ulip. It iu waul tbat in Toionto, diphtheria much moro pievnUnb on Htiuntn whom o*-- dar bkiolc pavotnuntu ar situated than ou any other. Thiu uhnuld admrmnih all to ro- tnnve and bum all decaying wood orbnardn ubout tliLir pii nuatiii. A letter from Doputy-Koovo Win. Kllm, of Miudntono, r thu letting of the job of improving a bridge over Gedar Greek m Cnlubi utui fioutli, wan liamlcd iu tbiH wuolc, Imt in unavoidably oiowdedout, and will uppeur m n< xt luunn. Thi* bill of incorporation luui panned the Outai io Jje^iulaturo aurl buoamu law and now ( hatbam m eutitlod to tuku hor plaoo in thu Hititoiheod of citioii. ThiH date of Inaiifjuration will ha Dominluii Day, July 1, awd the oooahiou will bo onuuivid with icjouinjr. II. (iardiK r, rrnnidont of tho Hoard of AuriuilluiQ, ropli iu^ to qtierttionu by Sir .Inhn Uinlynob uuil ilobert Farqnli unon in tho firitmh I'lirhuniont, Bind there w-m no oliaticu whatever of Canadian yattle bfing mirontnttrdly admitted into Great Jhitaiu thm Huauou A iiLWoroHQiu^ ia badly netdeil at tho Talbot Htnaut and Landavouuo cronning Di. Pottn, the Htroot cotniuiHhtoiier for Ward '2, lniH the authority ot tho town pur. tiament to have a now eruahiny c'DnHtruet- od, and will no doubt pioortd with bin cuutomury piomptituda. TrnnK LmnAiii, The naw board of-mn,n- umui.uiit IilIiI thoir lirt nidotiu^ lant Sat nidav uveuiPft, 11th niHt, at which they olLOted their oiiicem tbuii : President, Mr G. Ur ittttweller, Vice-Ficti., Mr. Alox. Jjfun^, Treaii., Mr. W Goo. Wyman, Spo , Mihh UuhIi, Libraiian, Mr. .John Wultam. Mr. Thornlov, tho I*rovincial Pieiidcnt of tho W 0. T. II , in expected to bo in ALuhurntburHon Tueaday, Jl^t of May, to conduct \ hi ikjoj, or mi uiojih. All the mem be Open! .- ON - siMLt 34, less. C.KRIEGHOFF, PHOTOGRAPHER DSSKX, GNT. biH of each union in "thu"County aix "in vitt d to attend lis it will bn a meeting of very t^rrat intt ri'itt Alru C. ]*i.Na>ler. Sec \Vood wanted, bi^hent eash price pud. G \'l. Smith it Co. The mcinborfl of tho Woruona ('hnstian AHHneiutiou uf'J'eionto wboucentl> ptihliHh- ed tlic Woini'ii'ii edition ot the Globe roali/. ed ?4,(HJ0 from tboir HcbonifcH. Thm amount will be uacd in pujiiiR off a debt on then building Thu piipor wan oditod by women and at) win k in coi.ueotiou \wtli it whh aU# demo by tbuni. A fo'jlball l atch was pln\fd linrn hint Fiitlay ni}.'lit, botwo( n the LoagiH' and IIIt^li School teami, for the benefit of M rn (Jlascti wIiohu boy w lb nhot tho day pi o - vioua A omall adtniflHinn feo wus ohatged and 9-17,50 wan realized Tho game whh a lively ono throughout, the ucore ftuixiin^ four qr.ala to two in favor tin* League team. Seventy flvft acren butdi land for Hiilu, G il Smith A Co. M .1 Wijilo iV Co will bi\c a fir Inn 1 of eVrn line potatnen at tlnj utation on Tues day and \V edned lav, lln ilit and '2'Jtu J. One of tutir local lo\Lri of iritnie, who is a clnhf dihsur\ er r f Uil i turn of the bndfl m ilio u|triiii4 from thuii tn j .urn in Urn ho nth, infot tiiH u< ill at biiu' bird-, ar- ni - OMUally Hcairo thm Mpiiii^ 'I Iim only louson ht* can ri\u fur it n, th it the littk bluecoatid (uIIdwh inu<tt havo k. n au^ht in 'iHt-vtira fltorm on tin n nu^ratitjn norih tin 1 pyiiuhel in hugf nun.Ijith. 'I he severe irontH o( thtj pruHont wtek, ft llown n tha UiihuaHonable will in \vi athei \.hith (ttuitud vc^'ct iimii in rapidly, have ( iiitii d inutili injui v to th I'm 1 , vuj< tabln and fi Ml ( rops ot Wuhlu n Ontario, ace<ji d lut-1 to upoitH Gi upon, siiuwIjli rit 4, and hiij til f i in la' in tt h nd to he totally dealt oy til but it la bopLfj by Hottu th it fitnh huda will aj pern', and that aciojt nuv yet be obtaliUJ 1. Muiu suitH cloiliea, &.f '2*i at Sin th h, Win SiiMon hua bueu appt)intul chief of poluX for thu town of Mflsex, lie will alno uiilio the Justin for IHHj winch m due aini jittsuhb* aflur Ma) Kt, Tim council hculd niHtruct Mi Biiuon to onforco thi tint, w by I'tw, The Hchool board oiif-ln di do a I'ooti tliint* by en^aejuiK hue to iM a-, tinaut oiheer The youlliful ol- tniijn tr tbiH tinvn, of both pjouuern, baa tiitu^L t'mr tttn inui ll latltlldn. Lt will bo lem noil Willi pieaitire that Mrn .1 |*urr\ Cuuitrii;bt, of Detroit, the t dt-titud idoijuiionint who fo dtlliihtod and I'hiLrrm-1 her auiheuce at ilie concert given tvUmohn.r ot St I'uuI'h olmrch a few evfiiiPt,- hiiu'ii. b> her aplendid i-xeoutiou ota number of diitmatio ard luunoroiiH rnciiatnniM, talk* of forming a oIiihh m Eh- hux. Ii it auldom that ihoHu living ouundo of tnd laryof citiuu have tho opportunity of implov inn Lhtir taU-ut uudor tbuiuHtiuo tionn ol mi thoiou^h a uiiinruaa of bur art iih Mrs CJourtnuht buy pruyud tiurtiblf to bo, and wo tbn.K aini wnulu hi*v no UiOi- Liilty lit obLiLint'nn a uhihi* lur^o ouuue,h to wanant lioi in cumiutf here. Lt ia io be hoped i,hu wiU in.iUe thu- effort. Job lot Hltirt nmbroidnr|eB a^alnut 1 H trcuular price, at Bmith'ti. The town umuiHiior oxjiectH to liave hm work oomplotod iu ahout two \\ -eliH, or pi obably in lenn Lima. Tho town treiiHiiiir'a Halo of lunda for ta\0H in arrearn taken pbiou ou Saturday of thin week, May llltb. TrTO Doard of work* find it ttLCewmiy to construct iioiuo drani'i^i) works in Houthtr- ly part of the town timing the coining auiii- insraml will pioceeil forthwith to have th* work completed. Burntary Inspector Goimloy waiita the town authoritieu to laiae tho mmer catob banntH, to clean out the opun ditcbuii on tho oiitiikirta of tho municipality and to place thu town in a complete (military cundition (jenuruliy. Tho iHulioritiea havo ijiven the niBpeutor powei to procued. The ooinmenafiimnt oxorciiiod of tho Do t-roit ModioiLlCollo/iii wero hehl ou Friday evening, May 3rd, when Heventy-aix veiing men were awafdtd the decree of II. D., of whom thirty Ihn o wuro fiom Ontario, m clu luij^ tho followin,: from K-iatxceunty 7 A. V. IU neteaii, ii. J. Colhoi ne, T 10. D GurHft, A W. Kenning and G. M. Le.uun, of Windnor ; A. J% Girardot, of Handwich, and A. .1. Roy craft, of Kuhax Town. Tliu difference between the two llouuea of the Michigan Lhtfirtlatute ou tho mutter of allowing mi^ruioiy duck to bt- huuiud in wpiin^ havo been ccmpromiHed. Thu op- poiionta of apriug duck Hhootinj; have oon- uonted to attach an amendment found m l\m lawn of 18H'J, to tho effect that all rod- huudu, bluo-bilKeanvaH-baek, widgeon and pui'tail ilucUn and wild fieose m iy bo ahot hi twet n Septoiubor lut in oaeh y*f ar nod May lwt following. Mra. .John Hopgood met with u noriouu accident under aouiowhat puculiar Liroum Rtanonii hut I* nduy uvenuij.'. Mr. Uop^oud had boon having nemo painting done about tlio vtruudab platform, and placed a chair near thi entrance of the liouno, to bn uufd until tha paint U'comu diy. In topping fiom the doorway to the chair, the latter uphill, throwing i\IrH. Hopf-'ood to the ground, breaking bn arm near iIil winn, and othorwiho ocverrly hruiMin^ hr. Tim fracture *\aa reduced by Ur Dowur, an I film ia rixovei nit', from the l llgi:t of the fall. Gut out pucca on wool boFore yelling, G. E. Smith A- Co Drenu gondii double fold 11 cuita )d ,ut Sin nh H Moi At Uiookor, nn May l'i, the wife of W Moo, a dangbtor. Pvvwin, At MoGiogor, ou Tii'*ridaj, .lay 1 1th, thu wifo of F' lix I' ujuortu, of a rtou. ll.ivu n Oreut Ri'putiitirn - ,1. n Taylor, Kh[ , merchant, Wolland, sava 'Suirk'n Powdoia have a gruiit i < p motion ubout hero ui an immeiliato, aa \v-l11 ab a ptrmuiKiit ouio for Headache, liniuiiHi gmi Ntuiali^ia, Lneraiel fciloimich ('ouipI'iiiitB CoMtiMiueas. I know of pooplo who h ivh been ^'leat jiuiTareih, who h ivl irn t tihnoHt Lvir\ihm(;, ami havo ljL**n (lued by thi in Wt- havo u-ud ihotn m om uwii family Willi r. marluiblf iiKimi" Tv upiL-puaUoiiB in eacli box .Sold l>\ ad oirdicioe ilcn.l.Mrt at 2.")C a box -J iiOIOri for <fl Nieo )o takit .3 6 |)()fj dOKS AM) TI.V T10KS VAMj. 151,1 S- lEnl One lPo.o or souili Anirrleiin Itliouiiiiitluiii Ou re llt'llevtM, ^iitd MBalf u hottl* 1'iiri'U, Jiobt-ri 1" (Jiliuoi1, Pcmbiooki'h well known merchant 'I couiracttd rheu matiHUi in very Ho\uro[uim iu 18SH, unit ha\e ho lit ltd tHitold lULheiy oaeli Mptiuy linen I havo u pi a edly ippJh d liy bhu u im ^vnli bm litilo i ucn'hB. JJ tetoit whom J cuinmlti d hkowiHu fulled to reh-vn. I wa-i iii'lucud to try bJouth Ami-rieitn Khun mutiu (Jniuln VV. T. C. Uetbul, ut ih. IJh HM3ii Dru^ Company Too Ursi ilmc ^a\ e ii stanl loin I, and hall a ho tlu omod ' As a euro foi rhinmatioui, thm rt-ir edj n i eitaiuh pei riens ]"ur Hala by .1 Thome, Dru^imr Voiir I'liyNlcnl <Jnn<ln ion Needu utLonliun at Lhln tinic. Ir von are tirt-tl, Atiukand uuhouh, it n rluai that your b'ood ih luipnie, and without doub' there ha- b-en t ohme-h oyor-w7i It ,i utruui ou brain and body,. The courno of "r*al mi nt ft i ttiicb a coud-rtion in plain nod Himplo. The blood munt tirHt he punned fin that the nervotm nynttm, mid m fuct nl) the <rijain will bo ftd upon pure blood, Tntolhprout ptoplo without uumhir havo to"tifb*d that the beut'bbod punfl.-r, uervo toniaund utronntli nnpurtiuR luodloine iu Hood'H Surnapanlla. NervononoHa, lonn tt nloepand nonoral dtibility all v&ninh when Hood'a Uaruaparillaiti jpuraiHtunny takon ; Ut n. word, lmaltlt and happiiieuu follow aftur taUiny HooU's Suraaparilla. w I*ul>ll<* Mhrnry The annual uuietin^ of the K <-i x I'uh <( fjihraiy (formerly oalhd Ihn Miolmin j Institute) wan hold in tlio readme; renin on Monday Bvomn^, May ll, ami "'tis lutr Is attobded, prtyideht Oraierwidlii' oconpyMi^ tho chair, The refiorto. Hihiuuial and ' li-'i read by tho woiinita-iy, Mihm II Un dioatmi tlio Vnrybe.lUiy c.....mio . Inntltuto, and weui n-- leilo^ ; 111" I IlM't, H ilanco riu hand ... b Momburn' feed........ . , U Govuinment urunt....... .. '-' Municipal do ..... . . , County do ........... Halo of M imt/tui'it............. I i Kuturtamuuuutu .............. ua u Other Hotircew........ . II Totnl............ i't" i ItXI 1 MjIHMI -> Hftllt ................. > .h 1 n Lighting...................... Im ll lloatuif'..................... i ~i ]b)okn ......................... Im l Mueja/.inuH and papuin........... U2 7 MibOtdlaiieouii ................ JJ o HalariHH........................ 'i > <>u Biilanuo on baud. ^ in Valuo ot furnituin........... Ir do of bookn............... l CuhIi on hand, ^............ Ill im .1 'i 1 jH ,1 rl. ' (hi -> i hi 2i . 1 ii * - RooUb miiued during tin yuai, b raph", 77, Kioinm, liiftl Llniiry lie il collaueoUH, 2'JH, I'uctiy and Drauit, .M, Kuli^iodH, Do; bun nui an i A11r .1 i, Voy . n and Trayelw, !)((, T ital i.bii). Meniburiilnp I.{',(. Tho tioaHurer h rqioil, an Mtcd u> H. ^hi n C. H Fnllui and \V II JtieUnuiu m, . i lead by the lattm, showed a biiami .n hand of 8'Ji,!ll witli no ouitttandni^ h i bihtiea., en moiion of MthUh .1, V McQueou and II. J*, Martin, wau rout i\.>d and adopted. Tho preaidejit loprem ntinj^ the director^ yavo a verbal report of tho yeui'ii work calling attontiou to the chari^oM in tint pornoiinol of thti uiana^t rnont, whiuh base takou place. The resignation of i\Jr. I'owrio had been followuU hy the iLi][iofutmL'Ut ot Mr. John WalUrti an hbrauau, Mr. \\ in. Riddick auoct'edih^ tne lator on the beard. Tin- poyition of f-t-ciotary vaoated b> i\liaa I'jiHcrick in Novnuber bad bt,on acc< pied and tiiuou thou anly illlud by Mihh Ituhh. IIo Loiif^iatulatuii the muiiibors ou the vui v fuvorabla ruportti uhiL.h hid hoau ttubmiL ted and adopted. I'm re whh a renpuctablo balance with no burdi iimoiiio dnbt to bt^m tho mw yoar with. The* wau largely tint* to the Htneu ot eutei taiutnontH yivoii dur inn lllu winiLi, which bad nettled a clear c ihIi t"ain of SdH.UO.fJvMr III) new ho dti h id bomi placed ou thu idielvou, the utal liiuii ber ot volumcu now boiug 1J05 AttLiilnju w at* called to tl.L Act leeontly pawnod by ihe Le^itilativu AMijLiiibly and Home of thu i harintn involved. Tho uamu "Public Lib- i try ' lb uubstitute 1 foi "Methauic'ii In- Htituie.' The "lioaul of Uiructom" ih to bt uallotl "lio ird ot I\I nia^ oment", mini boaid toolect Uh own ofikuiH. That au> over 1*2 >ear4 may become a member, but in the emu el tho Llcctinu of a Hoard ct \Iana;ioment tbo word ' membir" uball only mi an mich poiKOUH afljait '21 jearw i f 11140. The morit'at rioun change, liowtvor, h the uducuou of the j^overuiiioiit f^rant by hfty dolhufl Tbia will entail very in- tiotisi d and'liL'iivy reHfonhibihty upon the K\i cutivo T lio oh ct 1011 of tliu uuw "Boa id of Man- ULii'iueiit" then followod, the proHiiiont up pointing Ml.hkih A. Ji. CuhIiiiiji and tim, M 1I< 11 del miii, hci ut 111 cc 1 s rl heir ti> rvii l- liowovi'i, not mpuri'd hi, on moLion ot Kov W. M l'Muiuiu^ loLtimled by Mr 1j A ^Vianier, the follo.viui: it lOiutiou 11 b tiuauimtiu-1/ ci.i j uh 1, il c 1111'inbt rd it t lie ri-quoHt of thi. May01 ( Ui Duw u j all nt uud ltti-olvi'd that a vote of t unnlu bL loader nl to 1 Iim pi iHhlt nt h.i I I) 111.1 01 Diicclom for their ellniti'f inana^i'ini'ii of the Iimtitule during ilio yt ir uol tlmt thty Ou io olcutod ao tnu Huard ot Muiiulc [iiont for th coming v< ar, 'li.( lii urd *h thuy re 'leelfd, a^aii Ht the idron ' dc-ne of aoim* ot ibeui to bo ic nv o oi tin, r - tipOUMhllltl 'rt Ot OlllCM, UIO - d 1 ht H Li'UI x iind UuhIi Mt hhtp. (' ('r hm \ 11 ji 1, \h > Lamn (' V,, 1 L' \l 'in J ] Mttjn 't-n, Win, Hi ion Iv .ti 1 VV i, VV 'Ilttli iM 1 t' L I Vuh,u ll r iL . 11 ' 1, , 1 dui Hon 11 Ih. Ht Sl ,,,,,, ni , 1,1 L v h 1 h Will [in 1 1 1 .' 11 i pi hh 11/ tt 1 Im It mi V ll 111 11 "MUM follow I u i,m t I I llU hfrtl 111 -t ' t'd 1 f Tallin ' ih 1 in "t< man f I III 'Is 'iT'ii Willi il ' In* 111a ' 1/ liu-* oid p-l lo l'i il-t WHO } 1 tl Wl.ll_r ll O 1 I \ K'\i) Wi-IO "-'ijl, til:' H iV ill. 1 S L K I H.llOU uil Ui.tU.1 Cl, 111 .mount it .Ii/- I beiut' $'2l,l'2 Tt ' tn 1 he the new win no now dm* iod it wiM nil ver\ in tub 1 > 1 h 1 0 ui von it'oci nf tin iiiuiiu^oiiit nt it lllu riioiiibeti io oiompi in pijin^.' the inilii' i INVITE YOTJ TO PEGT THEIR STOCK H' -iiMiui. i- DreHA Oood, such as Dot MualiriH^ Fancy and '.1 n Du^ks, chambmH, ZophyrH, etc., wllli Lace and other 1 mMiniL'H t match. Our stock ifl vory complete in the abovo In Staple Dry Goods prices are low. lOxtm ffood Shirt- 'j- " owl Iui/jjh, PrintH, FlannclettoH at fie yd; stnndard shirt" l()- \d (regular 13c ^oodn); heavy cottonado 15c yd; irking 15c; all wool Tweeds 30c. H .lf)l"l ue overHtocked in ShooH. To reduce we havo cut iiitton Boots Avorth Ijpl.flO for Doc; Walking s4ii iob lot ladies' Shoos find Slippers nt about half reg- ~**- ii'suri) iksti-o Ann ruuis. MidiimiihIn Know ol ilio ilulelt nul 4 i'tit 111 Uellel 'I'fUt C'oiiit-M iff tun Moittli Aniorl<'uii Kidney Cure, 1 In-, ni' dicwiti Mill not t.tiiu nil tho ilhi 1 in- JIuhIi iw btir to, nut it vyill ourn Itidnuy iioublo of whatever kind no aaiio too 114 ir avntt-d. It will cum npoodily huvo roli"f 1 .> m'x h'liirH. It m noli in tiuuhu poworH, t<nd wlnUt it qmoUly given mmo/whom P*m fxiBttfi boioru, it hIbo mvoa Htroitjjlh '<i iho wiiult uud (leiiinuuil Or^uun, makirifi 'no o'H',1 coiri|ile',e aud I ami lit.'. Thnuiuuidu who know what South Auioriotin Kiofney, Onitt him done (orthem will tell you mo, For Halu by d.Thorno, Drugiimt. pi ii*es# 7*>< ; a I*-*) ul,c price; Gents' line Lnced or Gaiter Shoes $l,2o, worth ,y2. Oar block in made up of the Intent btyles in Tans and ".itcnt Lctiher Trimmed, In fact we are in the lead in (jollity, Mf^loand price. K-'ady-made and Oidered clothing -Wo have had great -iim hs tins reason and want to close this month, balance of -(iring purchaHiis. To we offer 2-pioce Boys' Suits for ^J; nien'f ail wool Tweeds, regular price^G.SO, for $-1.50. Phi- lino iiiis no equal in Essex; $8 line for $5,7; $10 and ^J2 f\r $7 75; 14 ind ^6 for 0,75, Space will not permit uh to jrive Pull list of the good things we have. Gome and sen, it is no trouble to ffhow goods. WOOL ! WOOL !' ! WOOL! ! ! We ar** prepared to pay outside prices, either cash or trade, tor any quantity of Washed or Unwashed Wool. Don't sell until wo give you prices. G-E SMITH & Co. WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX h IS SELLING Wagons, Buggies, AND ALL KINDS OF Farm Implements AT RIGHT PRICES. Fence Wire, Nails, Paints and Oils, EflPEKTMeVER. - 1. Kickai'dsoii UAHDtVAKL. : LSHKX CALL AT ~-*~^w&& M- AUKETJ Wh at red per bmihel Wheut, white Corn OlltH ____ Timothv Seed (dover Seud AlBilte Hay per ton....... Jiief per cwt....... L'urk ........ Aluituu ........ Hides ........ ijhioJ'tius per lb...... Uutter ...... Laid ...... l^'J.U.w, per do/, ...... 1'utnto. h, pei biirihul Onionn Applet] Turnip r CariotH Beetn PumnlpH Tuilccys p r lb...... Dueltb ...... Celf rv"Tc^d( /. ...... Cubb t^o ..... 75 to 1% 50 :io to 310 2 GO 5 75 to 5 IS 5 50 .j 00 to (i 00 t) (10 to r> 50 5 ."it) to 5 5ft o 00 to 000 6 00 8 a U 13 b 10 .M t O flO 7" to aa bOto 10 10 50 id to a a 1 oov 25 I'OH ALL KINDS OI Window Blind.s ctwuy down 1 Jhinavvare, linc-a-Hrac, Kancy Goods, Novelties, nooks and Stationery, ichool Supplies, I iliii Uei ie|oi*t No ! llyv, pe> biiblitl .... .Jf; 1 Corn .... 15 OiUh .... 2G Tim aliovo pricoh mo paid b>. II, Wulkoif hoiiH, Walktrville, One. oys ol a il kin Uh, mgoVin" -iioriiu vVooly and Wall Paper Prom 2 cents up. *t^rrr To Smokers T.uueM th'- wn-hi-H of then ouwtomoru, 1'iib (b'o. K Tuolteit A Bon Co., Ltd., llumiitin, Out, have plucml upon the "Hjn* r A i Jombination Pluff of "T & B." SMOKING JOB A CG0 BAKER & CONFECTIONER, lLivine; built n new ovou >V'- aio pri p'ired to furmuh hr-tehiih liifl'id untl Oulioa J Uukuru' Strong Klour. G odi dt'h viitd to all P'u u of Iho town. Speeial attoncion (jivnn to all orJeri. GIVE US A GALL ! Two doom otiiit poutotlleo. WCODSLEE ----000- SMITH, Tuts BiippHos ii long felt want, giv ing tho ao-'Riinu'r ono '20 cont plutj-,- 01* a 10 ooi fc piocp, or n 5 :' nt pioco of ilio ramouB ktT 8t B" liiund of pure Virginia Tcbaoco. The tin tag -IT & B" is on every piece. WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD, Tho beat of Loii'Iiav and nrat-clima Workw mauiihip. All hand work. Every UiirmiH t-old by m mitdo in Wood^ tho. My Bipck of Licht uud Hoavy Iluruonft-ii now complete, and a Hplen- did Htook of uil Ootuo QoodH1,^ Ilepttirinc lioao jp*cotwpt|y uud cheap. ~ WRIGHT G. SMITH, South Woodsfee. / rJ ^; * ,i '..<t '.l* 1 ) ' ><.' >,&*>..*<* ^

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