TOV-V .. ,. pppjs^^Pipp ^ O^ffffi^^ dV " ?"WP ' :'.: .1 '_ KV-.i WILKINSOFS Ko'i Ohoioo Ifrfmh 0 rnacrioH, l*to\iaiot)n, Tmhh, OolTt.'uH ami Hpicmt, Special -lifim. m CrooUerv, Christian Endow Socit Lt. ISluI'h Church, V|! TUESDAY' tya, UAY^ Everybody (Jomo. ,': VOL XI. No 207 ESSEX, ONT FRIDAY. MAY 17. 1895. WHOLlJ-N-o: 5411 .MP-, ,.-'." Q&rC>---&*<- -:',^- D LEASING STORE OF ESSEX. Wo dosirc to draw special attention to OIU' DEESS OOOBS BTOC1C at proRoiit. Wo uro making a special effort to p;n.ui triulo iu thin depart ment and aro oiTo infj n lur^e variody of tho moat desirable,, reliable Goal's at monoy-Rrtvin^ price-'. Iie- iiidos all the new thind-jn in"plain and fancy ull wool Goods. This depart ment includes the latest makes oi Wash I/abrio^, sateens, Chailie;-, Crinkles, Duckings, etc., as well as a a complete stock of Linings, Laces, Trimmings, Woiinc silks","" ,^'-. at the very edoeti.T prices .obtainable. Ladies, We Invite'..Inspection. NOIU'IIHIDViK. Geo. Vmk lufL l.iuL MondHy for WHuhinj*. Ion Ht.ntet on tho Vnoiilc eoaijt. J.udt Krout paid nu an unwoloniiia .vnut liiHtTiinHtluy tii/rjit. T'otatooii and ntlior tender von^tabVoj unci fruitii wcni kinsnd till tln\v turned blank in tho fare iieoii after tlit mm romi. John \<\. Krocd and wifo loft our town- nil ip n iihortlhno mju and wont to tho liuul oT tin* fron and tiio hoini: of tho limvo. They uruuKttlud in T'tludn, Ohio, and Kd. htm n j^nod uituation there with j,'ood wajiea. From OH0 in tho u Liar lit lant I'Vidny ufter- nooii, ro :j0" at li on Wndnuuduy morn- ini; wast a very Ho-rioim drop for tho youiij; fruit and ve;;otabliJH, Tuuio wan icem-i thiolt a:i a tdlvor dollar on water which h:ul bran out all niijlit, lut Wednesday morninf*. Wo notiiMj with ploayura, the nimiuH of John Killing and Michael S/4mimm, in tho hint report of tho Dairy mon'a and Cream- criuH A^Huniution of Ontario, latidy inaned by tho Ontario Lotdidatnrn. 'J'ho ubnve naiijod gentlemen are both fanntirh of (ion- held North, und are moniboru of the WoKt- t,rn Ontario Dairymen's Amjooiation. t>.,-.w LADIES"1 BLOUSE WAISTS in Print, l.-iu-'i, i-'iitoiMi and Dimity, hand. 'i.i"iy iii.\.dij"ii|r, from d;"c e;ieli. LACS CURTAINS ii\ y,\.u\* ! ('[ all ro.tnd, '/uod }iatti!J'i;s, ..' , < ,.'-li. JIAIDSTDNJ:;. . .Jnini (aiviiimch in |n-f|iarni{4 tu liuili a now liount- on J);ivid Unrroii'y pluoil. 'J'hii Ruv. llr. U';} iinldn upon I a fow dayn witli lilii family IuhL v,\ok, iu DuU'uit.. Aliaii I'hu/l't; llylui.J Iiilh ruturncd from vmitiiij; Ju;r HMU-r, Mtm. 8i|uir-!i, in j\Litliiorj, Churh'H Tiiiif lil, jr., i rjiovin^ |iin p(> naw mill into JMr. L'aro'M old mill utniid tlii'j vrotk. I\Ir.. tin 1 nt!S Klliii in ,\h<.\ proud father of a youiij iJaU^hLur......Jim ban a i-bar; lotalto 1 iu utttMitum now. Tin: now hotid ?.t I\I:11r)- toim (.'i'osh v/.im -TT^f-tt**tl l*-it.~ Th'M'u w:l 1 a lively ti:ii--, '.\tv. \\\.b\> \y. iii;4 Uim ri^fil-'iutti-. rd.ii. ,1-i.Hir.t, SlUW.H (l"0\O OU1 Li) Ari-.liJi-Jl mi Too:: i'l ,y !.". u v> ~.\^n ii..;r o:i, who ih v.Miiun^ I li J ;~i|unc, Aft-r an i; ;ii;_; l,.u t*;oi-: ui.-.'1 ajid IilliI t,ii6 dnct'ii' on .Siunbiy. H l'i Oi| Oct- d nil O Will L'.l Ul>i'j t./ CJ.;M1: ll.Ui.C tin Krulity uf 1 hi.-, wuijk, Mr. \:\ ( ru.d v, (r 1 .iwi COTTAM. iui.l i" i mi|i, oviiifi; r:t.pul ly, MUN 1CIIML councils: Ktui'.x, May 7, I rtii;., Conuoil mail in roj^ubvr m:nniou, Muynr in tho' idi'iir. Prty-nt thu Major, liorn'o, Oopnt.} Ibuvo aui'l coiiiicillorri Goo. Bnith, .1. A. IIicliu, IJr. 1'otiii, A. Uainou, J. M. IlicK.'i, Frod. It'ihintidii and O. !. Tlioiuaii. MimitoH of hint niodtin;! mid Mnecial nioiitin/; wa.t road and on molioii adoptud. A communication wiut load from tho ruuiifary iniipnotor nrrui'iin^ ouhdi baunm, ' 0] 'aiiij;,' ditchcH, oto. Move I by Mr. Luird, ntoonded by 7*1 r. Robinmnt, that Mi" Jiarth bo rmpowcriid to Imvi) tiles catob hiiHiim rabitsd lit oncn. Oarrii d. IUoyed bv "Mr. 'L'Iiokiilh, nocorwlt:d ]jy Mr* .1. M Hioloi, that tlit; (dorlt notify mill mnn \o roronyt; all pbHtruiitionu from tljo urainu oppofljlo tlinir proportion. ('nrrii'd. -A ooiiiniunication wan received from Moshrn. I'lt'inint-, Wnlc ,t Koi'.d ro mditry of fornu r (own fiHiioH^or. Moved by .Mr. J^aird, Hi't-onlid l>v Sir. Tbnniaii, that tho ul'>rk notify Mohnrn. Fl'.'inn^', Wifilc itr Hodd that tha town duaii not own Mr. UuhsoI) anything; for ii'K.oi.runtj tin' towiw. Carried. I\IovW-4ty-Mtv+rfi-ird, soc:ontloil by Mr/J. . \f .'"HtcHti, Unit tho coinminiia'i.tioii ni tbt Kiro 1'ndorwriTerH A-*iij,a:iation ro rating oT tin1 town bn roforrod to tho'jMnioioj C010- Tnittro to uuMwcr. (Jan u:A. MnvtKi by i\lr. Laird, by Mr. KolMUnori,' i but J,l:o communi'ia'dun < ( Mr- Krdjwifrk 111 rci^uM to (a:ttj*i l>o n!ii<rr'.-d l.t .l coToinittiai unnipfHt'd of tho Mu.yur, Mr. Thoiua-. .:.lid_M.i'. M::I!'..';u]( with I'lOWfl1 lu ao!;.---(; irritd. fllovotl by Mr. .J. M. JL.difj, .^-ooiid-d hv Mr. I.'.arth, that tho waici rut.) ho ari'aii;;od I'.'itli Mr. Juniii:' Nitylnr for Jiiu in|ll, uml wifli K. J. Lov.duco r'uj- prhiti[.'jfJpr,rHM, \,y tin- Kiro, Wittf-r and Li^ht (Joiiiniittci!. (Jarrioii. Moved by. Mr. Laird, i;oc:oinloi| by Mr....), A. Hitditi. that IX. J. \i>i\ ]o. ami Ccu. li- r-i hi-allowed until tho iit.ML pay d.y to -oUio tlo-ir taxo-i, owiii" to. tho f:,ot ilmt liot h of Lh.nn hwr b/.-,.n niin-ldc- u,*-..i; tu tin-ir rt',.ulfir bu-i:;c-,i, havim; bn n laid up for !toio.:' ,-ni'e.--<'!'ii nod. M'.\{ d by Mr. Hud-<t, -L*ciii:'b.l b\- Mr. Mr. Ilartli, that Mr. '?\<-.^i\ bu paid S!i" au C'hicf of I'olioo, and l'i.'.' be h- appnirtttid to (!oll<j3t dojr tux at (hi' in-op,i coion.iitijion. ('urriod. iMr. Lninl introduced t b- liy l.i v,- of which noiii;-j had Iweii |;iv<Mi"af fi fonn-r ciBotin^ to rnodiil obmno orui und two of lly-hiw i!l!l whiidi after bidnu rend lb-: uoiiil nnmiior of Mint'u ami ibonninhly di.^iono J'wiih do" fi-uted u,nin ih'u third rMuj'MM. 't'ouiioil tV.'-n adjoiiriiijil t) no.xt, ri;;uhir nuutiriji on 'I'lHfiidity, Juno Ifh. M.'VCI , r'VvrJL'ht on tli- !n'lustri.'il blut liiip;. J/i^Ii School Not(ls. iooi.-r in" U'ai'.] X"o. 'li Lu: a.lii c.ilillH; lllrt tii'dttulln .111." .'Ill ?lli"r.. A. II t!"1 ' I1-' " fiiilii ii|M r, on the 1 l.Ll; mil., broij^ .'1 ; h- >-'l to isuhl I .uli. . ' !': " :;i,i.-i: .COTTCHfUO-SE uc a paic. YOUTIItJ' TWEED surra ti'pii.'fo. !oi 'j; rant:-, ^' '< a -nil. l-'ine \'alei.cja I'ai.di.;, G lh b.r !!" Eine ('virniM,-, ."di. \>>y Sir J.Jr'jtihh C'.ilnmbi.-i :-: lIukh! 'I'ruiii i".c lb (ioml japan Tea 7 lb.-; Jor ^1 glen's liod Ilnj-vfd. h1;o,'-, slrou^ a-'id conilort-.i,hIe, yj a pair LadiCH' Fine Unn^ola r-hoon, Oxford Tics, and buttoned, special yalno, I -t v \ I j W 11 V thrir: ". .L..;a;i.. 'I'll., llM::li1 ( 'of lr.10 '.-I (-.;: than ( .\pl1"iI C: illC!'.: v:'.- nl c ; J.r, C:.i;: ; el. ati'.i do- i,[, Uli:I l'i., t: -lali- 1 0 ; >. M lu y wlio iit-l LaiU'H 'Jill. ',' I'v ,,'buj 1 ,j hi lii^ tln.-iil in . y "f mil It br..o-l, l 1 1 Liio ,, ,(ii.i", ory l.Li.L V. ia:'.'. W.;:. lmt;i r I, ;l:-.,1 r-\ji t;lai.loii'i 01 a I ii':V ,..-id. .- t ; o-l-l! i;1 Liij iliMll'jn llOl.'-.r ajJli l*i Itaiuo^.tJi'il. 1 In- ('oniiii '.> iir. end to crniiplni ;l, m ,]. MulX.-a'all, ivil h power to i. (', u-rii-!. .M'ovi d by Mr. L'uiVl, ocuon- h-i! by Mr. M:lou(^ii! tI,on (Mririm Swoot ho rofunl- >td fj2.ll), p.ihl to tiio oolloclor mi a et'rt.iin l<)t v.diieh U I no! bfloi.;; In h nil. . J fI. If! l-'Olltlli'i- Ci.MHoil t.fl! r.!pOrI'^l |-|;0')tl|- inoiidii!;"pr'yrn< id n| 'dit- ] o'Io-.m ii;; :i ,-i:uniiIm: I J. lb l.ifdnfiy, r-'ip-:M!i'- :>ideW'!:;, ;::>. I M',( ""il If o ,. ,v (' ! ok 1'i.r w.u, rv.oi t \V:11 I. . Tho Mi.y oxiLVuimitinnii in I'unnn If, III, and IV wctm hidd hint wouk, and tho reiiultii of iliouo in tlit! Primary work aro now corn plott;. Thtiiu t'lftniiuatioiiH aiu upi:uially vuhlabln at thin tiiut-of year an indicating approxim-ittdy thp pronpuotw of (Iioho wiwh- iri(! to writo tut tun Departmental Kxurnu. Tho follov, irm lu tho Pnn.ry Cbom oli- taincd ovor 40',';', n a totitl of I'Jof, inarlm: Kdith UoriMftt 7!)-I. Ldibio AIillo 7H0, J. J. 771, (j. A. Jdnuji 721), Knm.a Dud. (ion OUO, '.V. Wiuhtmnnfi.-sH, D.J-Loa-ibary I17H, A. U. Jl'ddimri 1177, Htelhi jMcLuiitjhhn (.175, JJ.ortha Yoiii1),; ti^t, Mand MoGonimn r,lK, Annio JJ. OaolluUuCI.'J, J*: IiichariUuu 1)27. K:itu Sinclair MlH, Jonniu Janniu oKO, Myrtlo Wijjluman fit'.I, M.*llio GJift n titf, J. II. Q'liu'anVjO:!, Uertha Honor 52!j, J. J. Tully iV.'li, Iaifila (irilli.b olo, A. Jj. J'(,t. turodJ. In dpocial ,-iibj-!(:tJ tho lionurn worn : Knfjliidi Orunitnar, M ax. 200,--- h\. Dur- nctt 127, (1. A. Jniit^ I Is, j:. Dodiion 118. l-hildi -li (..'om|)Oi-iuuu, Mn\'. lO0~-A. li. OllL'lUjLli. 70, A. if. I.iu!ii:in 70, J . II. Quiu- 1 mi 70. I'oi-Liua! Litoiittilii;, M1.';. lii >l}, ]], lludi- ard'.uh l.'il, iJorrhd Voun.: VA'J, N. D, KJ-it. c-r 1-Jl.. ^litiUij-y arid Gwdjmpi.v, Alax. lo'l. A If. Ih'oii-un '.is, \V. \\fi('tbt!ui- *11., K. Dod! - ii'ii rt'i, ....Irlthu::-!**, Mi-x. 'JOd,-- L. M\\\n 17U, (1. A. Jou'.-:.' ltjo, J. .K ilHunan 14 t, \V. U'j^'hT man ill. Airubri. and 1^ iirlitl, . :M!0r-.'[. J. Iheiuan \:m, l. Mil,.-, i;,7, j;. d.ji-.u-m l ;i. Phujii-H, ?tl ,v. KM), S. M. Mr,L:,u- din : i!-,.i *. Iloiaiiy; .\I:i\, [Oil, li, v A\t)g i;i, L'ni^hhn iVi, J, J ir-nin r,)r'l'.Mujii, M!i-\, -jtji) - l;. |)ii it.j-i l 1 t.-rm-u"!.':?. .\: l;. On. itvur- 1*J l, I.Lti.', M .\. i-iai, ...\). 'piii-viiiu l::t,G. A. ,, o? Kadu-M* i:y<;ltnc T.xiiiis CDib. A 0 M.ii- no '. Witl* ardo \v to A in'ii, '}:::;.:ii. ', h !:wy b-r A]i."ll( - ht. i . *: ^.('0. !d;.{iir, !0'!"\vall': on Gonion ;iv. r.-i of thi.. olub :i!:;:{ al. Iioj r.n- 'pla, lo,.; dm in;.; 31 A Mof'o.tlC, r-ltlMH" -1 J . (.'. 1 >i.\-;,'i, colli ior ..'!iH;r\Vni K^, "Id 3'Vi", .I-:l .i.t'H (Jn moiion t u: !o', work on ,\ji ci' iViii U,., ^ | .,*,(! f Air. I; nah, onnde y IlighcHt ri-ict- Paid. I ('.. l8"' BSBEX, ONT. ' ;ini'j i: li i m >:; j'; i. l i i. >. < iaiiilui,.]. li:tj- built all additiuii' lu u,.^ :i.'tr*-j. Mr. K.ii.l, .w'oe hn-i moved noru:-/i the l'"ui DO .ill, I: Jl.I 1'iCt- Ij 1 K O'COplrd tlV oJi-Hi=fh. \',i.u;;hii and Wiubj, , \\'i, 11 r'-rri from in. \Viiid-i.>r fl-'Cort cil.i1 our Sent,i riii^mii nl woik, neU-ial:. 1...ti .vc i: 111 -i l.-r wll'-To il. ooiuot I r.u u. Ni;;ht owlsaie u^aiii at wto'k in lii'iniUta1 Sell 11 ii l. W'-ih- v i i|-i*<ik'. r l:iol a lai g of oai,h Htoion from hi-* wnjiun kbtal la.-il. Siiiurday nij.dit. Il Mr. thiol *vi)| picuhu r^lurn ti.ti b.i^ purhapu Air. l^ruokor will lund bin a iu\v hiittbtdu of oata and bare him labor at ni^ht. 'I'liat man bojirjvcu m tho tdd i>a>iri(; "Tho L".rd nulpu tliowo who tr, Ul ludp thlftllHL'l VUH." "Ten pL*o( its out of a dozuii arc; invalids," i^ay-! u rooont tnodioal authority. At ltaut oiuhtoiit ot ihoHD tun, it ih Hafo to allow, urn biifiiiriiiK from houio form of blooti-diu- tniho which a, pur.Hihtfut, noo of Ayor'n Btw- Haparilla would bo oura to euro. Thim,. don't ho an invalid. Mr. Meli ii,, , jj f ii-' r,'jii.u'i, of I ii,; ] 'p... m ( ooiiuiid leu .-.ii.! adontod. M..i-d h\ Mr. Laird, ..t-eoud.-d by Mr. .1. A, lliok-i, th.a the A|,i\tirb-j ompiov.o-rf'.l io b,d m any loLi on Lt li't If of lln- t:orporu" t ion i f i al do jiol Or 10 ;.', 1 lie it in uO lit. of i \.\i u Oil t upon I iicm i.t tin: ih,iiiii:i.; t:i.\ ,vi Ju. Gun,-!. Tllr liii-iiil of V/urk:i liandnd ill til.: II.,!- low in;;' ro, o- L ; I'o tho M iy or and Gonooi I of the Tow u of Ivi-,.'X in I'imnoil tf--!'iiibhd . o (. e.-.i I'oit. I'.'Uiit'lcnt :' I i"^ Oi I.Ik: CM'la! 1 '.' >' .". " h'.' llfl^i. _10'."I.. Lilt' .-,< a;,.i.'i. I'lli' iu, 1 j v,'i i:;; )'ii '^r . w Al r-i. I I Jr.j ".! W'-iiXl , - 1 .Mr.; C. L .Nl . ior, -Vi Mlir. Jho!... 1 i\ !, :..'i'r':aM. (" lliilio,: hi.d A: i .i-,. Ltjidd-'v. -->-!"in-y ,'jwi l:'r itlay j von id^.-i liavu 'li'p.'iid.od _ n :,'iib'.r ! ni^iit. The p'<p:,| o it V ,,f !.;,c (;]:,!, | ,'C[|| HllLi^iunal {.; applit.-iLion I'ui' liooi'i'aiy in, mi.rri.hip, \viueli v/il! be , und alio tiio O'jI'O'-.i "n ij.; :i doptL"t bv Lho club. o 'Oil ' '. :ii"n( Crlwrcii Mir B'rriilliT inn! fii. Oidi ti i :. '.{ ij'ii <.iern o ii> uml "In -'M-liil!f/. a 'rcuiid 1 ('Mil ' iy itiiOrn' >.: :i,inhi*i- of V.r rn-.'c]' 1 * t.:i W.'l. M IV l;:.~.l Miure U.::il (H'ditl- 1 '-'.V i iii-'N l :i I'.v : i. b' -.'.l-fV, e|o :.: i'.i- i,v i.i-.'ii,. a "' ; ' onijO i,, c.jj,; :: iu:',' < I "' I' '!' ".' ('d.di'.l., '-' """li i k". f'oM'i"i:i::,-ii, ]ms tl.'c.a :-,-\\ ;I ,i( 'l.t ioi, of inaiid.-iiiiiiiLC to . ' ' Ib'e f>( \\ ;i< . \,y ,di|- j;;, ),,, |-d r'.i id - ' ,- ' -it ii.i lio:,. Sir I* if ii - 1 I'd wa.+ in ,- p'..i,,;id fin-in. juid iii.ol" n :'l' IM"i \\ L'i h vvi!I :*:n down in : lie mm d V1 " irreat'^L id- "."'""' (,f lli( 'if--. It i- true Gin t tlr pn-' 1 bin of tin' '(bi\i'i-niiieiit Mini. tl;e depdir- ' ; " ';f l; 'I' Wr-n'A Liio mi1 iit .*ireiini>(ane-. , l,l! th" i: a'r'uiou .a:i ! not mvr Mirur-u ' i! ' . I"'-! lor a h-ply ol' more I i,0 !l oi'di . i',v pi.w.'-r on'! . ..:,,[ | teii'- . = . T1 nl " I. i,.r SoiiLli ' , u ,r 1 ,\ . f""i'e th'i n ,, i i.t ol, fin- | |k.-. 1 .., ,U:-i u,, ' h ."'"i ' - ' 1 ' o'.t I lire !ti Si eh w,i -. 'hot b'H'i in wbi 'li i; ,- u-,.m;i! , ho",vei| -to whit an eMoil Gi -' " pnrj'o-.e i f "; 1 I'-ri: up il.- hn'iii p. In-y of fh" G ,- id-a i:du- 1 'at .return - tl:'er- wi-n- 'J-y.i l-mittiM* i ":i'or ia" riunn-l.i, 00 in :,.,va Si-olia, "f ivhhdi. ici were ere lit,-il to 1h,' b'oiiMv "/ S];. 1-.tu-;;-.- -Tli!- W b.dii-iirii.l <d:.h-' h hni 'id., in i,ibj'>i 1 " f" l'i <i IL'O hands, an n p:rii^: "f I -'A ->out|,t i.oi 1 hi'ri: were l :> ioeI irie.-,. "' < . wii;?e of.SLUO n v.eeL It, I".,',rl .Voif lliepe "' 7 Li . I,.and:-, U'il-!l ;,;, ;', Vt.|- rr.t w.,.-,. ((l' .St.Ol', a V.'O'li. J>. t'-e r,r,7 ; l!e-e : , (.d n.aiMiinet.f.!'-. ro"e*~riir.d H N'e w_ br :. , v.-itii .1! h -ii I > ioiHi. "n t';.i :i".' 7' oe.d, -'a'i'.'iy. 'I'l.e;-- ;vi'|v lot; -"'I 'I'f.VH to ,V .-.'iv,^ I 17 lio ud.-\,:i yr, e.-ndi :,-1. hi -a \. . : y that tli" Op;,o;o-; :(,:i li. ir-- n o !l!-\\ iH tow. rd- ,-;'1 IN' :,,f:"'. ii; I'i'n i, n idn>s. They linil pro.sp -red nior.' :u II. '.'! i.'.t ,lp to IST'-i ' i-it s:i,,e. |l,. wool I not ci or.- '.'il from ": '_ Ib'ii- eii-donih L'l'iff iu.I'd if e;;ii:l--d for HV lilU" U> '"'O'l '. hut II m ; -I tj.. |* d-1.,-. ,and ^'f-e.'-I !v filmed i - io;r -- v-'iiii" into t li" TiM--ej-y, aiel not ; ' I h'- 0:ela tioil" of t.11 od lir.'I h' ' ., _ \, j...... f d i hflll --i-rv,' nt a ::i! unndbpi-..'.. th" -r ,. . 'lid \\ lio dupi .,1 i;, . j |.1(1,| .... ... , h tli.- ' """ nniieni u:,jiHily nbt.dir'd Im m the ANOTHER IN- WLNDSOR / You i,, |0( itiliti- how wo downed tho t ocidA "" Gvfi'coatu IubI- wii 11 or. \)/,^\\ 'ho k b;.;lit. in now on oyor MEWS SITITS. - Wo aro nfain ronnlorrf of tho RiMiatiou. , $3.95 $3.9. In our pnoo for mon'M Suitti.woll inaflt! and trim med and an good in tivoiy way an ovbur- utoioti.aro trying to-fc C H'i for. and uf U.o hiune tmio tell yoa ,1 thoy uiv i-ollin^ ch6np. - OUJt . BOY'S 'SITITS- A' >I fin mcliiflf) Knits from $'.\ t $im |f >ou want any of tliowo l>io barjjainH COME OUIOK ^.^i.^. -..,.....rr,. ..,..I.....,.,........ GUSTO. liuvH. Bn oil und Clurko urn vifafTti^' fritindn iu Gunto. Mr. Kallick, ono of GcHto'n old ruBidontb, i;i vibitiuy at Mr. IXurno'H. Mr. Jutnoo Crai^, of Kmfirdalo, Parry Sound Diatrjct. viHited liihHon und otlior frioiidn horoaboutu thin wook. GeMo fritttidu am fjoing to li'avo tlndr aniiuul tou, and public mootiuR.on tiio 21tb iiiHt. Itov. llr.'Mqdd, of Ruthvou, un woll au Mr. Sncll.will bo proHen^ Ouo-'Ofthe bost evhloDooa that Ayor'u Bait Vior i an artiolo of xao[itional murit iH tho fuot fhat tho demand tot it is oouBtantly luoroaaiutf. Na n who obbh tliis hioompiuAble druumiiE' thiukaof trying aay otWer prcparutiou for th^ Imir. (i i.\'n.i:Mi'- Your Hoard r*f Wnrhti com- mittt-e l.'t^ I-.-,lVi: to roport tliPii we bavo Hood tin.' drain oil t-hn north .it d of I fan l.Lii !<i root from Viotoria :.Lrot;t to the JfJin KiohardHou id.lo road and rcooiiH.ieud ilint it bo- cleaned out tho wholu of tlu ilifitrinoo so an to (lean tiio pipiai on C_!eiilio ntroi t, Ijaird nvei.uu, and Lrion uvtMiuo; am.1 aiiiO lu taKo tin* waUJi" from tin* John Uiuhard- hoo iiido fLi-.d. Wo would roooui/jiond that tho itiich bti niado tiin-o foot witlu m tho b -t'.oni, and hix lncboa tlorpor irom Victor, ia ijtioet to Coiitro utret-i., nino inclieii donp- orirom Contro Htruut tu IJritin avoiiati, and twtdvo inohoH dot'per frotn lirien avonuo to tho unit! iiiobardiioo hidorond. All of which is roapoctfully Hiibuiittod, (Signed) J ah "'M H. JjAinn, Ciiairmun. On motion of Mr. Laird, tiuooiidad hjr Mr. MoDougall, tho' report of tho Hoard of Wqrlm wan adopted. Moved by Mr. Lniird, Heconded by Mr. MoDouyall Ciiac Mr. IJartli ho uppoiutcd to hnvo tbt* Haulau HtrJot difcuh cleaned out necordinp to tho ruport of tho Board of Work*. Currjud. iViovodbyMr. Barth, nooondod by Mr* Lditd, that Mohbhi. MoDoufjaU uud Thouiita bo uppoiutod to repair tho outoff uud alao repair tiio otoiiiiiriy, Oitrriod. Moved by Mr.-Laird, oooonded by Mr. r.obinson, that a oraimini; b*i put in at J. A. Hiokn* oornoi, unut that tho ooraaiiuwionor of that wtrd attend to it,^ Carried, ' Movod by Mr, Laird, neooniied by Mr. McDdiiRall, that the colieotor'o tima Iwwjc- touded to w#xt reftulur taeotlagf( Curried. Movod by Mr. J. k. liio kg, aoaeisdod by n'tibin^ School Notes. 1'rineip-i i'n room; iHnnr -Lh. Tut a rtarl-.s- ! I',-V. o'otaint d : - l'i Lai in.,:-., ILi; K. L...-.i;4,; ,L [o-iriiore, l'_'l; (.;. Irwin. HI; (..'. L.uud nmn. 110; L. liioiiani .sun, 1(h); I,, J Wliile, ]|H; C MtoijO, HjM; S. iJn.WU, <'H; J. Ldj-ar, US; li. TiioHi.'Lii, Db; S. Wibion, 7!l; <d. Laieu-, (;.v, L. liiltii-r, c;:i; N. i.Vittot^ c,-l. Jiiuir.r-1th, To'-d marln, 72; ubtaiiio;i by liiKiitjut loud J. Wulbiuu, 57; M. Millu,r, *ili; K.'Lain;;, l-V L. Niiyliir, So; J. Lev.ur, a;".; Win. ludu, 'll\ li. WoDoufnll, 15. Mitiii WilIiani.T room, junior third ola-ut. Mario, pin-bibl^, -In; ohti.i.iud . IStnio Mo- Cui'troy, .'JH; L jrua Sinion, :t,!i- AunioLainfi, si-t; Ltbol Wiule, M\ .loiiiiiu titraohn, 'dJ; Nelliti Hall, ii'J; Kov Irwin, 3L'; Willio Uow- ah, 20. Aliau Idd^ur'H room, aonior Hoooud clayo. MarJiH pdriHiblo !J0'; obtainod by tho higuuut ton : B. AIoxuudur.BO; K. Johoimon,7U; B. IIiokn( 711; A. Wymim, 71; L. Lndko, 73; G. Gtoou, 7.'l; L. BuHor, 70; G. Gortnloy, 70. Mint) SIirw'h room; muriro pouaiblQ 50; obtaiut'd'by bj^heut ton:- J). Walker, 00; (-. Kobiuooii, 40; II. 8oiu;h, 48; C. Violrora, N- Willahor, JU; C. Fullor, 40; E. Koown, 30; G. Hull, U7." Mihb CrftBHwollor'o room, ponior part 2ad, Markd poBBiblo CO; obtainod by UiRboflt tn in ohuiu : U. Kubh, 45; il. Youn, 41; Q. M.Oox, 43; A, Naylor, 49; W. Wolfe, 41; R, Hill; 81; A. Stacey, 1M; A, Wolfe, ,*!0. Minu Buokloy'a room, part Int. Marks posHible.60; obtaiaad by Ui^Iumt tou: Soalor, B. BIford, 44; G. Luird, 40; y. Harfc, 30; R. OakiuatitOl; I*". Hioka.UO, '| JunIor, W. Stople, 26, " , ]!" b.-lb-v-d ||M[. at liod tli- followimr l'"'!Uiln Wer- p.-. tiy W.-H .-^i.Inded: Ti:l- ieoi:*- tn:-rlr-t--frr:-'T'l,--T(if-(|:-;i:,'o - ior icon. " uy frail'!, th id...:u b'y.illy iraini. t h- '! .' -j .T- :. i:i I'1""1'-" hy re.i ,n;i ,,: i,;-. ;r i.., v ,; f,-ri ud. Ll tile eol!ipr,dL.-|;-.\(. ;.JU .;;,|;n -,d 'a 11 i 'i Il(' Kto-Vi'd 11" Mel luftl tin- !':..:,!|eial fd)- I'.:-Cationrt of l]|.. cidnitrv l;'< ii. ni'-if" inrri'V tint {.!,.- ::is,5l7,- = -. iodep-'ii i'-id oi l|"ie Hiij.p!--uii'nt:!nois. ;;n- $i)!);:, 1^7 i ox. b'-ndeil ,,i JS';t d: tint tli- deficit for ) 1 ":! > tlmi. I I- ' est m:i Led i] -tii'it i'o' b.i i vi','1!' \n t .Idi'.'a 1 i--n l'"1' i"'ih\:i.V Huh id: -,i n ;,.| pvii'ie w<>\} i; t'""-'i'-"i uii: iii'.-.ilv ii in'tli'!' out "I :.JJI V^li.f-d. :, -.: ...! ,, i ave been di.-e[ i-iod 'this w.i.duu of tap' de.s]i,;rati: po.-iiioii of tin- Loverunumt. Lr. U niri:iut,(i l'i'k oi' the Ilou.,e (ilConir. nioi,-,-. win, in'!i.-er.n:L onoil^li to1] t*Apri!.i a portiauu opinion upon u'kuW j'^'t o.' jN.l--..' ii i:o.iLrovor.-y, duelari's, tii.-it tli' u:.:-:e tliu ;,tnte-in"ut |_or th-' por* ; oi..;l ^llidaliiJi! of IdlMl LlOUl a t-.G: J V'f rjjaj .Sidiidlz. In the fai'o oi {.hi ;' th,. lionuun'iil i^ iijii.e- li.iitdy Coiii;nin.;i:a.iml to i*r,-ipiflr. Liiv. 1,, who j;oeri pe.idli.llLT it Ollt to tlit) e ,rre. pm lenU of I ho iloveriini'.-iit or/raurt ia ti.e biM-'^-rooui. CouU anyone fum- -'...' on ho far foryot- ' -__ij;^--di!^nity . uf hhi olfku ay to to rr v ( iv/ aiioui n. (.'oeunieni. .vnn'ti nii'u' h "'it v'. r. ) l!/;; ni<: for th- I'.-d AMmtie Mf-mdiip ' idn-i.t:..;., y. jl! , i. t :! i I :iij ad d'io!is to :'"' nlroiiiy ... :- -. ' -lVv a, i.n d f '.ed h i- ' " that, in- ' , of ut'iaeV '" ' <><. !e ,',f ] . d p '. : ,u... lh.- ' -il"ipi "" in'-1 p-if renb r a: d ' '.....: i i- \y iiiei'(.:in -J. rual of 1 he lit - ;n of : ' ' o.onii ,':\ y ( ii:. I ii'i d only i di.. o o l th'- ]" " l !'\l.i'i|'.(i!.,,".!|il i'N pi udilUit-' i'e di- :'f fh 'h htit dial ![ ,iild r. deeed r.-i largely aad on h ' -:ibb --il i.-; r.\ -.eilienl thai in making I'!o\ i.doi, [o ri'Htiii'i' iln* I'ipiilihi'iuiii be- 'iiViu'i; reveiiiie and exjienii. Lure ii.*i n'tinm- -'" loh-d in the .-'p.Hdi IToiu tho Tlmmo tli' exi.-.iin^ bn ho uuidil'iod thai T may bu in-id.} a ta-riif for revenue o.iy." The un war routed and luie.on.^t: tutionu! nlerfei-enee o; Ld'ut.-Go vorii- ir ISohilL/ - til Mouitoba, and Lh,- r.on .j L.u:y i,,tt) wliioli t ]o,,l;a n.i if |!.. !jhm.entered wjtll I'fL'- .iin.T UiMvtdl to turn Premier Giveaway tit of oi'f e.e, Wa.i. ' mi! .subject i :i spirited ami norimoiiioiw 1/ I <: v\ j h- w eh . th i ., . --._-- ...... MVl NllVJIIIUU^ b.-eij.-.NUMi mi Tiiur.iday. That the b:<'iiL.-Gn\vrnor oi" Manitoba oliould "iui u> OLLiwa and, cunHult with -ii'ii who aro m>t hw itmiKiitutumal ad- i'.ni-H ih an uld'eiiey which nhoiihi be de- ilun>d by every good citizoii who beliuvm: -u ndjjon/Hiblo ^overnnioiit, but whoa' io taken cmuiKol of men who jh-o tho avowed polirtiejil onoiniori of his MininLom -In? urieiHu; fa iinpjiivUloled. In the.fjnit plaee. Dr. SohultE ia not renpoimlblo ior tho HettJomout of tho Manitoba .cluiol [qut'Htioa. That rciipoiuubility i-'^ta upuu the uhoulderu of the uieiiilirt'ru d 'the Groonway Govununeat, wlio will have to mimver to tho people of Manir loba for the maimer in which they have tjiriclmrtfed their t'riwt. The punpl.e of Oiniula ai*o too doiiiomitle to tolorato tiio iutej'feroueo of jv Ileuloiwint-ffovornor '-M* tiny other otato fi^rnro-hoad i-a the not- lUimoiit' or qucatioiw Jiffoetlug their w-ellaru, ami whoa it uomoa to tho point of a Uoutoiuuit-govor-uor proatitutlhtf .bis IiIkU ' office to tttcuro jiiillttcul fjivord for liiuiaoll they -wuul.J bo Jiicking to their duty whleli Uoy own* to. tkotr* oltiwiwhip if tltey did uo't rtaout It. The liio^t diHgracuful, fwttuhs of thL'i oplsodo ia tko part takeu In it by Sir Muckouile Bo woll. It Ib but another of tho. many ovJjloiioe -which :; . '". ' ,' Tor tl\" pei'joni.l, .jui officer <vf ;t n te, [ o ? Hure- ! be ..u'fii'ieiit to Ideuti-.| h;'i. the:',! .in still more /tc *l,o;' S dllllt/ ti|)f:|lt HOVlU'lU va, :iud it U ciiinnion tall; ; of Wf, vinit was -to eij-J d'-ov.^r ,n p'eva:: iiprud Lhe Goverii't^etitj t_n :;iv.. "him n Heeoud tonn of oiTicu^fiiji \\ ' '-'.' i hh, fi. ,vi.':-!itni'iil in not . . lrid| 't:"" h-hi!, of bestowing fnvoiii without;] I1 _ ' 'T a ;.[ ia! r-tuiai, hh itii tariff lotfr-V ;;--;: "!:_ .md U.-d Parlor Fund ha\[e/j idn-v., ;mi;1' h,- as.ioriioii in nnide 'tbatl di overdiu* .'rovenior ha Un'-J ' fli'ii'liwuV Gov fi'inneii: in e(,u>! , of liiii ootitiilllJi-. ' ,(. V::"fe'd.ion lun'i boon! "';|d" ,hai ilii.-i is the t'ii'Mt nteji iu the coi.fjpirucy, ho it i.i douhttu: iT, uftet1- the ilevclnpuieidii of the week, th-1 partlca.J u it will- l:.'iv- t!ie cnurajie to curryt4 P. thnoorh. tSL- inte'-e.-<t in the wclioor.i] <l""w ion lui.-; h^j iui:reiised by the- nn-'j ilou.-n- ; men of (.)> projected 1 rip' '"". 1*1*0- J fuLr G;'iM'::*.v:iy and A .toiney -tieuerul:'*] Sf on to Ottawii. ......-i~, Tim de-'i.:.,.,...,.iV \n the ealihre of tho. l";-il'*i'.4 on tii' Government 'dde ol'thfl'-' Ilotn <b:.v, wIiimi Mi-. I'nit.'i* mad * nu osldbi-" thin of hiH iiK'tnaoitv for tin -p'> dtloii.'.' Il1' Mho It i- exp'tdi'd that a'y'e:itIo-/J fn-'io oeeupyinp; s.ndi a-i .'-sited 1,1 'ih the lea-Lr-ot'-Lhe. truv.*r 'ineiil . hall.jj eondnct hiniHelf with he.- ju' ut,- til ;",dty>'"3 coudue't hinis.-Ji with hei'.,ini:i'j; db-Jidty^.j ':ukI 'that bin' eoinuriUKratio i. Lo ',tht';2 rioiiHe shall at le';i.-it.. li char:t.cti-V[Kdi'A l).y cmndi'H.v. The. Mini, iusL.-d o^3 ivid.vii'K mnirt 'oindy to a rea oirthle re--:;'j spu-fil for inl'orpiation regard! -^ the N'i-w-'dl fouiitilauii negotiation,!, n.!lov,\*,l h\a':M ti-inpi'r to run e.way with lihi jiul^mut, ^ und iiidnLvd in a tir.ide that uoul^'l nave done cr-dit to a fl0ijldiii.'r fi.hwUo,;'^ L. JI. Dtvien of Princo. Ldwavd InlawV'-l tool; the Mltiiutur to tmik and mndo Mm i'-fi fiiel very uee'oiiifui'tablo before. ho >;ot.v^ tliroiijrh with ddm. compound; , A trocout dlseoTOTT by'aol(j3isi lihyulclMX SucatBtfutfy NjW'.'ld Xo*e*. Ik Aoonly peffftfgMWM covered. Beware'of unprinclplod draaUto.w" ortor Inferior teodlolnos ta place ot UUi. dakfiL Oeok'v Cotlot^ Hoot <lotnpa*an<t tmjto noiuMfl tuLe.ov indiuiedlnnaocontiln poit^o'la'leS^..r anil we wtUaondi sealed, by retarnmaJL }j*'"fll*jal-f.^.,, parUoiUorg m, plain enTelbpe, t ladleji "tfWt^-!??Sl tarnpa.. Addre*. Th',CooU CoVnr. 'i-^Sj ',.- oiuMi^ : Bold in Eur* fcy Ul ^M%uJW^:<m :,-'.' i-fo ' '"-'1-'i*JfRfflt"i' i "'.ii"i'* er \v\kiii,i'it'i"'ii'iiiiiifiii '<jiMyite^^iltMMiflitoMMiMM