T-'mmaE? iv.j^W/u* - v-ViV'-' y P^^PPv'!";l-^i^^^'r'"-" -'7i rtiJbL, fcJWfcSi^-A FRflk_PKESfc, CLARA NOT GUILTY Tho Woatwood Murder Endod. Trial THE JURY WAS NOT OUT AH HOUR Willi ju-ipiiti'd t|1(, York Aurtizii Cci of Kmnk \Vi'tW(Mid, who (]]' (luiir of hwi Into by mrt father'u O.-t. (I lnnl Mini Tlii! eiiine. which UN I.ol-.Khli. Kmiiin-I lip HtriniL'-V AtfulMrt tlin>rNitui*r~ll:iiiiik'Kiilil<a K,,'"rt '" tfaci Cuurtntmii IVlH'ii Hid V*1*' lllcl >Vit ' j|f>r*ii. Toronto, May " O.-Hnm Ford, young mulatto tailiivnM, on Saturday nitfht 11 jury ut of tin* murder \Vi\n cilllcd tn hoiwr in pjirkil'*!" on rnthleunly Hliot down. luui created mieli u'hlenjireail interest, will be' forwottrii in tlm hipsn "I yeni'H, hut it will In- bared u go-in. by tlm roenrding ungul uii'I junti<:e Hiich mi ouLy <*! ran give will lv meted out ti> tlm guilty JUKI to the innocent. Tlw juront *itiiicl"tfiii*s tu thn.'L'-loi-ni;- nuittal wlu'll they retired, to'their rrmm. It look the niH]rti-Ity but Uventy'-'iiiUutUvi t-) bring over two o[ them, but the tu-rlfth juror held, out lor conviction for 4S. iiiiimttvi, when lie, too, mK'cutnbed. From tin' opening of the triJtl on Tueti- ihiy lt until tins jury rendered their verdict tlm primmer displayed not tin) nlitrhtent tiigu of fear Wlu'll the jurorn Hied into court th" fore in ii 11 (tuiiiiuiieml tlm verdict "Not guilty," not u mimcle of priuoiiorV fiiui* inovi'd. S!u- received announcement tlmt (,'nvc her lif-' liberty with tlm nil'! luul exhibit*' llllll ol tin* till! find nonchalance that ihrniiglioift tho trial. Not no tlii! Hpi-ci ;urM, however. 'Hut Htonn of applaii.- which greeted tlm wrilict Hlnnvi'il tint tlr- girMmd num- croim (iyiiipathizi'i-:; preHeut. No attempt wiih made to HUppivHH tin1! chipping "I lmndn and ntuiupiug .<>! ^"I-t by the t'on- ntnbh'H. WIumi tlm tumult ciMiwd Mr. Murdoch moved fur tlm discharge of Clara. Tlm jiriHoimr utood' up ' th.! dock Jiiid llin Lurd.-diipwiitl: "Clmu Ford.yourciifm hu been full of Htrnugcie-riH, and I am not eiu-prUed at the-mnulU Tor your mike I am Kind that tlm jury havt! cleared not only your good nana', but the good name of*the young man who was nliot. Li11 ni- nay tu von. bo kind to tin'child J-'l ra McKfiy. f*h- showed lior affvetion for yon wlii-ii tin; cviikimi! ajCain^t you wan Htron, mid hIm* a ttc'mptrd to idiiidd you fi-uiM liii^pmion, V'ou n rt disclmr^ud." "TJkiuI; yiiu," wiid tht! prisonrr, ia a firm, <:h'jii* vuit'O, . . Tln.'ii i!ii-i;r! ;* i-cnn- ilu1 lik'1 *ol whirl*, hn.'< never lier^tniorp Imm-h witim^od in /i. coii:-L of ju-tiri* in thin city, Tlm ilm-k w:i.s Hpi>4<i]i] v sin roii.nh'il. CloraV , roun- i;e| jiiioi.J; li'unls with l,:r and eoiij;ratu- la led lu;r mi lb: outc. oil'1. Kliz:i Ji'dd, ' ,r .mulatto Widtn!^ n t Mn. Uor- .Ki'y'Vi,-wliii' Hwon1 to the alibi f<r the pri.'iom-r, ki.-'Mi'.t l:or a I'l't'etiuiuitidy, mid the Hjii'ri.'i tor.-;, miny ot' uh.au hu'l im-ViT KCim U:e jfij-] li.-l'if--, vj-u'.\-l"il e.-.eh Other iuan efi'nr. ;.i)liel'ir.-L In .-.liaka hrr limid. heaiiii:^ 'mi the ' a nil "I KHza 11.-ill, and, ifi'iir i'il by two of her moHt en.l.i^iasli'- chaoil'i.'iis, r.li left til- court room, follow-.'il hy an iinnr-ii^'-1 ihronu'. Wi.cjj )i.' r-tii'h'-d .hi: .Mn-rt sh ven an ova.j in by tie ,-nr.v 1. whieli, apju-iH- for.r wa;i;.'.i ai'iii t: r;'et to >":-;\<T~ YorkV;.--: '!', a n iinin.'us in 'h. b ' l's i'i e yy :.i ,';i : Was re;n'];e.i 1... v.'ji v [rum c in h ; "'i ;o!d !; I 1 o volt,"' .:t jil ! ] c':in;cd riaTJ! in An many n^ * fi!;u;> did :-.), .'I!,'I bands TlnMi : he Mt;.I : lie ni.d) c] dot,' . ',;<>*, .i I," h:, ::i'i!k' a lit le .- " I . I'.aiil; Vi.ii J'of by mi1. Thin i!^>".- 111 In I 11 r:a .-..'.lef tnl. aliniur Ad'1 aide- T) ir-oiy'n re-ta ur.iiit. 111 ;-irl w iiH fullifwed hy u !:i-'ll swelh'd ill li'.llU- \Vi:en Mi'n. H.inioy'u tiiriniur filled tin' nanl- o iMirb. wuuUI br\:)'.x h-'i' Im'I; , ii.j :;is;i' r I)or.4:iy w;i nil embrace. I !- 'lIl-.K tilt: li '.Ii-.ii' i";il'il nil 1 ml; :i;-- 11 Hi ihioi way .1 -a ; M. " i'leep r,n:!, -11.: t Then re it m : \'t * 11 stnu 1 il I'oruiito 1 f. cn'di'.. r U.ntil: Aj; 9 oVhiL-I: III- nddr* h - to ti. fji'ii-ati-m of ti.-- wii.s jtroliab'y llv -red ii^a.i :m jiin.ici.'. T..:.- l:/m two .sbl "i bin ill'tf i:iiii:.i. x 'a-L'lu ilei] by tiyih jronil d '.'il lin.'t, b and pidi-a- office in thi^ ciniiitrv Vi til in lie a . 1. .1 ti. I. .v > ci ' ill .t la eil hi^ ' |.:v- iia :a'(i de - 1: t 1 f tat en ll.'l ' en . IN. We hi i' viileii"'- sin i\Lh.f sin " ': a;;' to II i.'cl'ie... La V-- to r, Th"i- are in t" " .1! pri: We ha mi r.'i . Voll a.il'l-l'.'- ia c- UllT li. 1! e iMMl'd. i-rc.l In Ml Will w ci ti UK 11.1 not < re ia a ;nl Min-'i lie 1 b. r e i:i them1 official*, but .in loir; mm v. crime wi? miut ha v.' * 11 T'ji't of the ^iivertiine 111 oi \ - < -ft are e.,:i . I eiifori'i'iiieiit of t.li- ' ni country, ho are pdlia- .i.i:- . one disputes tlm t a * ri 1 o" ^ a-i Witted. tUy, the rrian to the pr; mi 1.or 7 The e videii".- show .- t o a demonstration tiiii t th.- sh , >'. ia::' r phmti at l.U minute. will not, tlierefn.- furtimr im to tin- t in". pccTiliur cii'cum.s a hch Iloth the deeenn-'d and t jrood i'li!i,nirti;r,i hi far as . Certain matter.-" have 1) with iv^arl to her wnirh luivo to ia,u-ldrr. There b- t! of tho letter'. She sny.s sin- know youn^ W'e.it.waod. There m duimo that tilit- did know Iiiui. Th. OvidcilCtJ that sn,: spoke to hiia, thuru in U'uliiauuy ilm .-ilie li>M Crozltii' that lie k,.cv; h.ia ever hi to WIW BO -hi^h, indicu Lin^; the h-iahl" wai.st. Another hlran^c .-ii,- i.-.a-.tan tUie autn-iaortem -'tm> m- nt of the dead boy dt*-ei-ihiii tin- |i.>ri,', \.ho shot biiii us a man of mi.dimii hei-;;,. wiih tl jmwtaclm. lb: nl-u nui'i ih.-;, w '.Mnu.-t Imj)licjitiid with any kh-1 .. Vnn have to jiuitfn wht'thor ; lii i sla le,,: -ltL 1 1 -al's Cl:im Ki^i'd, VuU ' t>. jie!,','e Whuther \\'e,.-;Uvo:id could .; .<T-,kJ.i wlio hIiol him. Tlm niylit v\'..-; >!ni:. ami tlm light in tho Jiall, 1 .-diould mu'.-.s, WOJlId not illimiiaati: tho l'aei; oi Ui- iiHKaamn. Then yoit must, iciimiulier t hut- thu pornon wli.i shot him, if it w.is ('Lm Ford, way digitised. Jlin *i lite-iiiorteui nhowtJ that he did not place, iiiuc.1l re- lianco upuu tho Mippusition In: OUtoHaiimd that it win (inn Clarke cltiirn. Ah for Wistuood, wo ilon-'t know ,>vbotlmr he conunitted tho luwaillt on thu Cirl or not. 'A ^i-eut many ynuntf men are yury' kooU at lioiim and different away. It iiuiy . lit* that Westwotid did licit romnmbei' the nosault or did not place much imjior.ane,; ujion the fact, and criimcqueiilly did not aii^oewite lier with tlm, tniKcdy, or he may have niiH- peut'od her and did not. wink to ^rievo JilH pJireiUii by iiKiJociiitiib; her nume with ilii'-doed. . .a.'great dual lum bei'ii naid nlmut"*lior" ieroio .conduct in the witimnfj box, Vou Now you uro to oxorclao h (rood *1ul of caution In tlm ujimo of n woimtu, eoni- lup; into Iho box, ltuowinu that her life \h at fitake, you aw to ^iimmjiei' tho miyhiK nf Job lonjc no: "Hkin ("r Hkin, yi:a, all That a nnui hath will ho tfive for hid ..Ufe," Vou are not to Hweep away all tint other ovidenoo with out -dim coiiHiderntion. The OetcctivoH ait men oT Innp; experiiumn on tlm fovea. In tliiu priitoiwr a woman to be awed by the i|iieiitioiia of deti-'cliven, or in "he on tlm otlmr hand, not a wonmii who eould nwiJto upjiiitt)Vy of thin kind'/ Pritionor cliiinui in tho 'witne'in l">x that aim went to the theatre with Imi' <lJiiihti!i". On the other liaad, in her confi'HHion nlie uay,) iihn' wan at Park- dale. In thin commotion, tlm evideimo of the Crozloni in very important. All the family nay iihu wan at their [dace for inoi-e than an hour on that Maturday niKlit. AH of them nay that aha wan very niiich excited. Or counie all thin in ,vi)ry iueontiidtent with her beintf at the theatwi. Ho hi the ntory of Flora McKay, who n;jive her evidence with ap parent truthfuliifufi and ' candor. Thin jrirl, whom the primmer referred to an tlm cons who would clear her of beinjr ut the U'entwood'ii, admitted that who had in the finit place told tlm detective.*; that aim wim in the opera honim, be- ( aiiae nhe winhed to clear her mother. Thi wflu the evidence thut the pnnoiior wan not at the opera hoime. To ntipport CliLra Ford that nlm wnu at the njx'i'a hound, Mm. Dornay, herilati^b- ter mid KUku, Iteid were ciilled, but nei ther pr' ' the liit.nn'i|tloiiod fmP robo rated Mnt. Donuiy'it utate inent that Chira returned at 11. o'clock the nij-ht of ort. (i. A^aiimt thin evbb'uce you iiave the admhudon or Minn Keid tliat the hull door wan generally locked ut 12 o'clock. Thin would allow a full liour from the time of tlm hIiooUii-j; for the tfirl to return. The officer" my it took them .1. hour and f>5 iftiniiten to traveme the ground. Of iiouihc, a per- flon,having cominitted a crime of thia kind, would be in givat liuste to get n wu.v from tlm ucene. Something hud been (mid about water along tlm waterfront preventing n, pewou traverHiufX tlie grt>und en wily. , (f counie n ji"iMi>ii HiK.'b iih the nJayt:r of Wentwood would not he.-iiuite about rushing through wjiter or even taking off her tdioc*. As for Ijily llluck'H evidence, no p-i'MHi ln-- lieve.s that nlm npoke to I'rank \\'ent- wuiid. She did not know \\ >-~\ wood. It in j.o.'-Hibli- Hoiiie iiei'Hoii jiaiiseil liim- mdf _ off an tlm dead boy. Hi;' Lord'diij) then reh-rri'd t" the i-x- ir.'rijin'iitH with the revolver, a:i ! imhited out the fact that innrkiii;^ im the \V-Mt- wood bill In t were also loiind on ot-h'-r buIh.'tH diHeharged froai tie- pr:'r..'r'H revolver. AKain ndverliuK to t'lani'.H t'.-^.iinoay, lm iKUlKed out that nlm i.'oiitradie I ;d the Mioricrf of many other 'witnerie.i. . la cmi- irti vutiou of this i.i the ilyinu' deposition (d Wcs'.wooil that a younj; man with a iiiuwuielm nliot him. There 'm nothing to prove that Clam had n~nimd.acLm.-.... . Coming hack to the evidence of the CrozierH ngniu, he called attention to the friendly terms which cxiste 1 b.-ty.'een the I'n inily and the pri saner, and asked the jury to' j\nlgi: whether the ('ruzierii ctnild huve any'<j'Kj*-e-r-tu tcHtifyin.L,' false ly a^aiuH'C tlie ncus;e.j. 'I'lieu I here 'Jis 'tlm aliseni-i> of motive, The only inoTiVV^" tin t has ! -n shown i'i the one givi.Mt hy pririnut-r hiMN'di. In conclusion, 11 in l.tinls'.ip i old th- jury that if they found the pri oner guil ty it was udvirtublt! that limy hIhmiPI find a!^i> whether tlm.y would be ' dis- jM)iied to find Imr guilty if the evidence as to the cnufetwion had not lnmn admitted. This might a-ssint the court in arriving at a conclusion ia the reserved ease iih to the adiuiri.^ibility of the coni'enioii, Ilh-i LtJi'thdiip't) tiliargi! tmi'iljiital i!5 luiniiLes. .. Tie: jury retired at 8..To. Mr. Jtdina - ton ca lied attention to neve nil inn ttern which lli:i Lord.Hhijj had overlooked in hi* clni rg-, and req united thut the jury be ivcalh'd and the evidence of Kliz.-i Iteid, that (die kiuv Clara retiring at II o'clock the night of the tragedy, and that of th-orce Crozier, that he wan at hiri inolh'T'ri hou.se at H o'clotdc nf Oct. 0, and ilid not nee |ririoner there.be pointed out to them. TTo alno" united' that the" jury he told that if a reasonable doubt existed, that if tliey thought the tux-, tiiiioiiy wa,H cijuaTly divided an to Clnra'a guilt or innoccih'e, it wnu their duty to j acpiit. The jury were again brought bark and ho directed, and again retired. In -IS ininuteH they returned with their ver dict of. nut guilty, and It wnu no re - corded. roKivro i:v 14 !' 4Ti:i>. Mfiirnciia Villi l'nj il.e Iinteninlty in I.oiiihui in hv<) Yfrelix. U'a.'-'hinghin, May C,, According to ad- viceH received here the evacuation of Cor- into by the Uritinh fleet wan quietly uc coinplinhed to-day, and the port wan re- ntori'd to Nicnrugiiun autbority. Short ly nla'r midnight Satnnlay Minister (.lii/.- uui n recei veil u cable message Ht/iting Unit nil tli" jiri'limina riei? had b'-en n- tislactonly arranged with the britmh nd- m ira !, 11;rough i he i nteniiediii tiun of S"'nor l'"ia!l.iH td llouilura.s. In thin nnm- ie'r Nicaragua wan spared any appear- a ime oT iiiimiliatiou, and friction who avoided. Nicaragua will p:iy the indeui- i;i y in London within t In* two wcekn h i ;.u!a ted, and the remaining teruin of he u[11 mii turn will be tmtitifuctorily nr- ra iigeil. Mr- \f\v b-j.sIitii 0.u<'Ntlon a <;ravc One T.fMidon, May II. At tho annual ban- qn-t of the ll-oyal Academy Saturday i'v-aiiiL', Lord Kowehery, in tlm eour.so of a inin-political npeech, referred to tho <d I I-j.ititt-rn quehtiou an one "wo have i I wiivh 1'ndenvored to lull to rest ua iioiiiething too portentou.H fur imagina tion, lint now," he continued, "there in the new Kantern quentiou ou[)eradded, which, I eonfcHH, to m.v appreheiiMion, in in tlm dim viuta of futurity infinitely graver." Knrl Helliorne nentl. I^indon, RLay (i. Karl Selhorno died nt ' ' ctnoury neat, Klackinoor, l'eterHfield, yeb.erday, aged 82. lie entered Pnrlin- ! meiit in 1852 and held many high nffici-H 1 in hiH long -public career, having been made .Solicitor-General in 1-S01. Attor- iiey-tleuura! in I8fi5 and Lord Chancel lor of Kiiglaml iu 1872, and again in 1SM0. IIo repreHiTited Great Ilritain. an cotm-sel before tlm Arbitration Court at Geneva, in 1871. Ia IHHii lie refilled to join the Oladatone Cahinet, owing to 1mm diwn pill-oval of tlm Pruiuier'H Home Unie policy, and niiice that year he had rank ed ninoiii; the Libcral-UuiouiHta. Lord Salisbury.) daughter now becomcH Mnr- chioucua Selborjic. <ilng Rnrlf n I'lifnm Itn>vtii. WcHton, May 4.-Thero in a gathering of ratronn of Woirt York at tho Kaglo IIcniHO here thin afternoon, and it ia Haid tho object in to lay before Mr. John Brown tho view that bin nppear- , auco on tho McCarthyLto platform, and 1 participation in a fccctarinu content In Huldinianil, Jiaa destroyed Jinn utieful- i-nctur tui a candidato of the IVitron ortloy 1 in:\Voot .York, It io naid that i! Mr. Browa ilpo apt voluntarily noo t;ho mt^A^ {^x^*ss ,h?ss rare^>- v;^ay from (act* a worn- ajrniiiyt lior. THE AND THE WOMAN. Ollll. llllll In (|u. Mill * iirn I'i a ; 1,1 'tu i.'Ol- .lelTl ::t- The I'all JMnll ItuMei i........... ' " an nrlhde by ^trliidb.rK U'. " ' "" '. eu. "The liil'erlorily >.( -t. la a i'7i"in"' hb'iiec tl.nl if U l.f,nl; |,y I'lM'Z-l I'lirt (in ' -.:.. hind "The P'voluC'on " '1 !;r-iu- t wo fee In, pin en I !'ide li.. *-;. lulu;; home to uH nt once Ibe n11 tillty ol' lh< eii'llim 'lliicinaloM (. !.. .ilalivj; poiilllons of man and Wo \. Tlio ilefi'iuu: of men la umleiU o la n m 'i inn.li. the deteniio of woiocm o woiunn ; they- urn both iqn-cial pi :i i ir., and (im mii'h rim be no more " piu :n! vociitcM ; It |u iinpo.'edbh' for I' mi in tu-t t bcilimdven lip Urs jUilg'C--. i 'It vt '.'(! being, neither nam nor v. i <: -i v.l !h both, can be broii;.'hl i il - e (! ( ..'i;o. ' "he fact. N, l! I- Im- < :\V ' < \' I. i'h do not contain a o.i, t ."-' I "t: 111 kind. II. I." ir* 1 - i man un a wiiolc \ i rr n an to chilm t ).< -.d'-eled hy- th;; " ' 1 " ' : a^.aclty. All r <' :e evi. It, and It ". i ' l* We V< ^.1 rif Hi ll I he V , . ., . [ .|, ' i1 e ma'-:-*, v.i.al i'o wc !ln-l V ' ' . :.:i i'y iiia'n d' < la n-a th*- \.'i.e. :. n I . . ..... i;( ration a lid jil V'-Tis :* '.':. \-- dull, .laehlng In lini" i, I : - * ' ' ' i . 1-. 1 :ill II Im iiecaiiia- 1 ' el.- ! : ..: olflVn-nUy conntitnicij -. I.- ., .> i i i! .' nun bis earliest Kchool tiai ,lln his luuinen life, the boy and "* been forced to concent. ;it> 1 1 nlioll, however, rcpngoanl i! c |iii > be to him, or t lie penalty -.vill I-cun- uralile, ho vll In: left aliofii.-LJa-r be-, ! in' tlie race. And no with the i)ltlen. 'i'ho ordinary w-nian, oh- ant, to get what, pleasure sk" can : of trlU- s, to make her tnvn liitor1 :!.s, " ho I' in malty will be excels I \-c, | ho ' - of a life loo d'lll to he I-"riU:. - are all familiar with the_Ui'iIIij.ut. -.' -ept Ion., tho woni'*il who, wi t lea:!, ail vfinlngcH of the iie-n-, have n-;'.- ;anped them on tln-ir own ground. We '-a 1 " b Wwm: ; tb.-y an- getting u liti b* i 10 : : lie runs to Im lightly thrust a: hie : ides the-m -any of iih have met' women ..ho "er liina.' done nor will do unythltg . M.'int, but who are Htroiig in tie: y t|unIit!cM man claims for bIoe'"!f. i:i.-:;s-llke, Heir-controlled, with ad- rnhle ju.dKni-wiit.'-ca-pa lib:-tti-t* v<*ry .; - et. even If they hav.- lived with all ir llvoj; at home The petobn-m l 'h tdu^s'-s tin-in hi a ma^n v.'ii h "groe.s and children" shown hiiih"- iu,' of the fretCuInoHK of a "sick child" If. 1 "nt H we fan find our a:i;r die vlslt- .it who ].<i to -tell us ib'-lintt'.dy onee - r, 1.1 tin- truth of the nattier, bt it not it to cease iiiiaiTclllng and allow U sex the fullest oppoi-tuiJly for de- I-iplni-c what capatilltba it baa '.' oili'll Oueell. Corner <raln. A Itlinti^h a lover of fun, and over full ini\ i-di sidilis, he would ic-ver p'-ri.ilt liberty to le taken with him. I'":t:?: 11 - ! ity was tlie one tiling he resenteii ia most unmistakable form. X lm' - \ an unforiunatc hilarious youi!:. o after his first lntrodiict ion t.'i (J re.i n, i him on the back a.nd ('till hlai ruey." flrain would ^\\<- thaUyouth ok, tir valhi.-r a glare, with his h!g j. siadi as a Ibm would give hefore '.'-'lag on his victim. The look was i .;(,, Tli hilarious youth was In- !ly trarif-'fermed Into a fioher, solemn Ma. I heard tlmt.onee drain wis lag an eritertnlniiient at ("'amhi id..-i- :i-m whenre ho bailed, and where he an enorinotiH fa v or lit* the uml'T- nai.-s wero shontln.!g to bitii for -, and milling "Knenri.', i'"i'iiey -aa- ! i respond. Presently one 'grad s'lotii- "I'l'-ase give us another, *iir !" -Ml "Kneore, sir !" .in then came on, and obliged ticm r'.elr henrt's con-U-itt-. ;i:oiig his ini Iniitte friends he was a|- , . i-a ll.-d " I dek"--never "Con ley." .. , nhvays rather envied tho cb-\ t ism of tin"' putter tn -lirU-nkctrhim. .- . '. to he rebuking a badly-behn vee - ul'iin afternoon party. Vou nm!.' aost see I'.e hoy slnii'Iiiig hi front ol .1:1. The rchuke, as far as I riMiifiriber, "Now, look here, my boy, yon iinmt ' p.ili when people arc singing. Vou only a bo.v, and such conduct Is \-' r. ", and ill ruai.nejred. (If course w!e ii i ere ;a-o:,\ n up it Is u different 11T:i; , ( i it, It'.-: e-,-pe.-teil of yotl the.':." it a hue piece of satire that Is ! Jib- i! ninn. en Is were era mined full ui .. gnus .-I'all .Mall Undget. Wiuilril---l liiral.- ! ' e rector of a hundred years a "a ; .'ouiowhnl peculiar ideas as to ike ..i a.iions of a curate, if one may . fi-oiri the foilowhig eurioi'M ad- t. .- ' * 'bronlcle of .May -I, 17!)a : ,XTKp iiuincdiatc'ly, a n'oi'd, . '. 1 nny ninn in act In the rn,riao;iy urate. lie must he subject to the log particulars, vi:'.. : To have no .in n to act as . . d "cea.-Tinal wl.ipperln. . . Whom 1 he Ill.oVe I1K1/ Stlil, " i in t-. .Mr, I!., at the dru y's '"iri " Id ui.'M, 11 elhof'.i, may meet. . :::, " illaie einpbiy. N. !'.---< Tar:i' t-i imi Vie ho much ro'inlr-il r,s i - - i '-'kill, and none m-i-,1 n pply .'. : " r.ot iiuder.'r'i'iiii- a eia'apleli- - : I a.l ei l.i- " Mb' 1 o.'Ue.l I i'il"!. ' - o-e for use t ban . n lite other way a .e 111' JJ.'J.",. Tit-lUis. W. It, WattX, A LIFE SAVED BY TAKING 9fh CHERRY PECTORAL "Sovorul yearn npn, T caught a tievere cnM. ntfemleil with n terrible- cough that allowed me no rest, either flay or night. The duc tus riromnmred niyriisehopeicHH. A friend, learning nf niy tmtihle, stmt am n, bottle or Aver's Cherry Peetorah lly the tlmo I had med-.lhe whole hottlu, I won completely cured,;mill I lielleve It tiavoil my life." W. II. YVAim, a yiiiniby Ave., Lowell, Mass, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral I9'lffhot Awavdfi at Wnvld'n Fair. * - - H'.r'n Villa tha Hunt'Fatuity X'hyule TJiJP.H HOW TO HOE, Vim nt: ffrlro l.tiis Un: * u llni'it Tlrnt' oiiilaiii:;' * a \ Mini' .*. " II. V^yi\ jnits I'orwa:'-! In an eiectt'1 .;ournal a strong dlm-bdmer of f r. | :r s ' li ' II. M ("I setioii .. ,.m,., [,,. iri t. * i r ft'- t--n ent which '.as I ' -n ii a.!" i ". II ail lilt lieli] of .-h-et !'ie;i ] i-|l'-.i I"" of;."-:--- a or,.- [e-oiei.':.'- of ai'-r"-'- t b' '.'.", :.in "orslil[, tl'ie .gi'oi-ery Puf ill'-,- kr.l:.-.!-'i iiniiii.^." .Mr. I'oid says f* i io'-:; liiii-ii, \:i u-lng d.,,,, Pi t tut,nl hold iug up of l :. ,r I the elect rb-al engineer nhoost uuliitiit.-d po^----i' .ilii i 111:t f ri* of ; ' l,-en. TV'e ct-e-1'ig of i-.aoy biT"'" financial V< -:j1 Ju,.or_pa t- gail m. 1 as ;hrn'.vn .- mI "o ir.en nf loifi ' !......oid ,,itaiity tlie market, and t he suppk of cl;-dn. Is In e\ecSM of tl|C ('eMiaral. Th" Ml ale fi'V place vyhldi ' lias na turn " lowed has forced down v. age:-; : '. Ilia! the uvej-rige I-U",ineer eri'iinot e i-.nnrl n li.-tte!- salare than lb-; In hi inJi-keepm' '-f :1 l-i i" :"v w'.i die-ale < rot n. The young i:.--n e! eel rlcal oolvP' --ri n.ust be pi-i-pai'.-d long", and for 'v."mm 1!;.- be eonsid..red V efk (lone. I ! ) h it . ov ri Mi ; . t 1 or i ill I 1-" .-I'- t ri'-r'l ::- In, J. t! c i'('a | ).; \\ lib bii'i-re s,".hi rii" I', bo (llbd by him I nrc hut u feu- high : bf st. and they an who have la rgv e; Influence with tin- cupii.iibd c i > r t'orupuiiy. -['lie youni.; eb-e! ' ghioor Will he obliged to :.:,i.|W ;- c-:i earn enough to han-ly pay 1p j - o find nearly all this lime lie will h-- big riut nioin y insleiid nf c::--;d- The ynung eueiiT'e!' usually has ' - h'i:dieL's fa- PiniS'l.' vh'1 \.-l\' " ir '-td'ordlna l" position v hP '-o;--- |":;ii,\-. Tlero Ills best bb-a'- ity- " "h l'-f t work, n - > for the be'ii-'ll ..f l.l-i .-tuple ha<i to fuifer for b!'-! rnlbr-'- wi'i' 'worhiu;-: for hlms -If. ..Mr. ir.alnlaius that tiie rlenuiud In eh city nt the present time ! no- edncaleil eject idehins, hut !' edu- . fij-i -ifo'-i!-". ; bns-.l :>' 'lid o-diii'i " 1". .! -m;|-;1|. for tie .'. eneirieering fo ood. n tie)- In ;inv brunch of it tie -i'o fire p< i-df ii >rr at tfiche*! v/aitm- s u inlsiak-e. 'Ph'-i- m^ ' or-M-pjoil Pv I- ;, . I-,', - who can uinb-i-sti'ii'I run it will pay them f iit-" the services of capa ' n 1 UjJlb*!1 eb-" rnpltnllsts, In tin- h ue l-rdt. r to . no,,., ;h. wi In- iImim '. in nn v- ia i' ;t id Im'-i " I'.an the s ' :cleiit ire thlnkf" 11 le <- -. f-flllCil le. worl* 'lone and pa,1- trl'-al eugliMi.-r \v with that of I he lawriter and tin.-* merehnul. I'll"' Cnlai'iiMtit>i '" I'i '-I poivn, down, down ! -M' > "ijilpiee- ., I.,. .. -1 p, ,, -; cnly i] thut !n il. nt". oi f' . .-'lie' it.iy bl- .-:. i'i."Ilt. Il HUH 'Willi li'l !-;iux.ill;i utlr J'riuiy l*(i\[ Is dream of postal re Conner). 1 fact, as far back as the your h , i .a.t. period nVISt.'M of vemieiH > .enmriea tiFCd to hung up bags- e> . , ...y Iiiai.'ms for tin.: r..-c--plli,n of v '.Mik-h they wen: gho! ehoir-". /. "\- neros.-i the ocean-a I t'ie i-ite .'. ,,e'.iny each "hIukIo," or t,v...p' : ".louhla '.dter.~-Uel.)er Lm'1 ' 1 *-.oi. r< fie b m:i' :i sib-t: " fa I';: oil f.e fdllftl Then, alfi jl-,1 P .' wilh lb i - -; " " fer.r, tliey swn y ca ,-ird through a ;- laillery. Hock' on either Hide of tie--- rock iiIidvc tb.eui, her,- hare rind a- there slimy with oo/.lng- wut'-r a:e" f growths. The p:iM;aa"e I n-o.-i ilcns o-m I narrows, and pvor and <-y--v t'n-re ! t' black line an th--.ro.if that narks 1'- rood. ' Hud i'i only a hl'iek shadow c the left, or to the right. TI: e-. pji.llifgt'?! Into t he dent ha of Ihe' V:-'i rofalsi, recoils nghrist at tholi1 mysterhv:' gloom, The lights tile mi. .\ t>if gM'- lor fionm.i u dark' gap with a flickering hrolcon lino of llglii. "Ah !*' says the guide. "Ves, a nbaln." .Still forward, the shadowfj to right and left prow hi size Roinn-tiiive 11 sentry silently guarding their oh- ncurity from rash ohstruslon ; where thorn is no sentry there is a chain. A Riulden olino.lt fronijthe front broakr- the* continuity of Jhe forward move- niont. Wo move: nn again, nnd Jo ! the rocks on either hand contract, change color, break out into the grim-Mime iferu/rn of n pytnmetrleally built wall of bono* nnd skulls. From the level of our bonds down tn the: level of our feet, fdtull rents upnn skull, and leans hack against the myriad bones behind. The sdiiverlne candlo-light falls wllb/monual rnvs up on thc'formal tloifi ; It flnshon coldly up on the grinning teeth, penetrates the mortarless criLnnlen of the wall, and over shows .bono of'many shapes anil cur'Pft. Now it lights up a rent In some bIciiII, a ghastly, jagged wound, which' haunts ono with tho thought of foul murder. Anon It shimmers with erratic pkiy on tho trickling water that, pursu ing its silcgt wa" from. year, to yea.; linn cnifltcd v/ILb a smooth gloss thti skull beneath. .- zino^ ' ' ' . TREASURER'S SALEJK LAND FOR TAXES. IN THE tOW 0.F ESSEX. TOWN OF ESSEX) TO WIT- ' ' WiiKiiiuu, by"vi'itim of a wurrant imumd by thu Mayor of tho Town of Hmtux, iu tho Coumy of Khhcx, uml mitluiiitiniitud by tlio curpomlo until <>t thu mud Town, bearing datu tin, :35th day (if January, Ml'.iit, and to mo directed, oomnumliiitf mi) to lovy upou tho following- loin'or puroebi of bind for arrearn of Iuxoh rluo thereon, with U0Htn. I beiehy'pivn notiuii that tiultim Mm naid taxon and ooHta am hiioihi. )ialtl, I tthull I on riutunhiy, tho JHth tiny of May, 1H!", at the hmir of 10 o'olook in tho foronoon, at Peck'n Hull, in tho Town of limtox, jiroeeed to hoII by piihlio auction tho rntid lukidu, or tin much thereof ilu may b iiuflloiont to pay imeh arraiim of taxon and all lawful coats iuourrod: I.'lun, Lota. I SI m yiii y-17 an7 2-j ;i 23IJ :t07 277 177 207 277 17D 2.'1 (1 1% 'JBfi 300 nr> 2B8 28H (17 2d 25 2( 27 28 2'J 70 B '.) :t:j 17 -M 11 2ti :io fl*l a, fio M r,H SB 20 :io ilu o ilo 7 0 Tux en. a' 11 a :m 21. 02 10 !)0 71 :>3 11 Bl Hi '11 115 22 :t(l M i-i OB f/J IB :i5 !JD 10 B7 3B BO Coiitn. n 110 Total. CO 01 1 55 1 2 a no !1 07 1 r>r>, 1 71 2 17 2 00 :i 71 7 07 2 -7B 2 'Mi 2 20 -ill 82 -i 20 170 200 217 72 :ioo 230 207 170 207 2,'M 2Bn- ;ioo 202 200 203 8 10 2*1 30 31 28 23 25 21) , ' ' laud* [iart 11 10 01 12 U 0 7 fl I) 2U 21 2o 22 1 27 2B 29 35 30 37 38 3*J 40 -12 '13 4-1 45 '10 17 'IB -10 J JJIock 122 Block 02 * I-ilook OH BlocltH-15 -10 il 50'GGLot 2, plan 2(17 J Blocli 1O0 39 03 yt 21 30 10 15 IK 15 00 2S 01 12 02 BB 01 23 73 25 HO 20 -('2 5 11 41 00 2 30 3 20 3 20 TVo 1 G8 3 48 1 87 3 05 3 fH 1 BB 2 00 1 Bl 1 55 0 20 271 01 20 40 127 00 103 00 11) 17 1 40 0 12 1 55 180 12 0 72 JO 30 2 45 fi 03 26 2fi 4*1 20 75 00 13 BO IB 1C 37 Hi* 32 14 48 U" 07 IK 38 13 22 20 il 12 48 It -12 2:i 27 4t 271 ac 10 83 10 08 24 88 45 07 02 12 25 fit 27 UI 22 23 0 AG 48 22 202 -JO 132 18 109 12 12 02 108 84 18 81 W. D. Bi-amam, Trcuaurc-r, Town of Enf-ex. r* ARE STILL LEADING tho tnidn iu all kindo of Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doom, Sash, Chestnut Coal. windmills:............. \\ 0 h re Solo Atfcutu iu[the County for Of Chicago, which took IlifihcHLAwardu at________ the World'u Fair. ' Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written guarantca with, every Outfit. H For the benefit of every one'who wishes to'lnvewt in a few shares of..... Ontario Permanent Building and Loaxi Stock, J. B. Oliver, general agent, will be in town for a few weeks and will be pleased to explain the workings of this Association. A post card or letter mailed to Essex P, 0. will receive prompt attention, J. S\n Agent True and Fulso CoIiih. Bullion rings, initio coinn emita a dull, mullied nound- Cmntorfoitn in oviby ^uibo aro met with frtqnently. By tho ^ulliblo tlieao are received tin the kouuiuo artiole Traders unon tho puolio credulity are ruoiit dangorotiB when they piejudico health. There aro hobtn o irroHpouaiblo tleiilern who do not hoBitato to repreaeut choup uootrumu aa identical with or akin to titnn- dard rcmedien, and thuH inflict irreparable damafio upon tho invalid community. Be- Iiovo no drufigiut or storokcopor who lolla yon.that uomo preraration lie Iulh in btook ia uuperior to or tho biuhb thing n Soott's EmulHiou of Cod Liver Oil with tho Hypo- phoaphitea of Limo and Soda. Ho ib try ing; to foint ftileo coin upon you. Denaand and only fcakb tlio trno which loam tho btamp of KenmnencBii, ltud hait rooeived the endoraement of phyoioiaHB at a romody for throat and lutij* disQUBen, and a iiouiislior of tlie fooblo, uoivotift and dynpoptic. Par ticularly adapted to children iu thin famous HUHtaincr of ntrcu^th and increanorof ilooh. Thin youn^BtcrH jrow fat through itfl bo- ni^n action, and cinco il- iu an palatablo an milk, they novor rofitird it with tho avor Dion they huvo for mcdlbincn uuaccoptablo to tho tiiHto. Amembi ia tho uania fiivon hy tho medical frutomitj to a condition of tho BYBtem indicator by a loan of flouh and ptamiiia. Tho toutitnojiy iti abundant and convincing that* Stiott'n Jinoulmon of Ood Liver Oil pudfi tho hollow plaocn in tho hu man framo with lUm, lioallliy Hoah, a qua lity which GHpsoidlly coramonda lb toladic-a domvourj of roundiiifj unflraooful angles in tho ilKuro, lUul'aoquUh-f a oaptlvating plumpnosH &h woll as honlthy atututpa and nound diyostion. 0,000 Feet Aliovo tlie Clouds. Njiudy throo miles abovo tho noa, and 0,000 foot above tho whito, mlonfc cloadtt that Ho in [sweeping plain beneath you, in ttouiething'.to think about timo and tirao- njjain afterwardH, lon't it ? In tho cummer of 1894, tho PaHBGUger Department of tho Northern Paoiflo Bail-, road fitted out un expedition to olimb tho highest mountain couth of tho Canadian boundary on tho North Paaiiio Coast, and tho grandest peak hi tho Unitod States '. Mount Rainier or Tacoma. Tho party reached tho highest point of tho mountain, ' after a, long and dangorous olimb oyer rocka and snow and glaoioro that wero .. giiHhbdby orovuDoon, aud returned in mdoty.' Thia magniiiicont peak ia batwcod 14,000 and 15,000 feet high, aud indood may bo found in tho future to bo ovor 15,000 foot, or nearly throo miloa in hoigbt. In a beautifully illnutratod book, jnnfc publiubed, tho Btory of thifl atioont iy givon iu great dotail, totzothor with many faotn'*-, about, thin old mountain that wan onoo a . oeothing volouno, Tho Yollowutono Park and. othor partH of the great North-Wont aro also illustrated and written about, ' In ovory rofipoot thia hook iH uoWi and oontuiuD nothing wthin Itailroud Oompauy . .hiiB horolofoto pubJiahod. lto namo in "SkotohoH of Wonderland" . ard hy Houdlnff tl^roo two-pent Htampa--- Hixconta .' oral I'ttBBchgor.Agout of 'tho Company o^t ... St.lX'aul, Miwn,; you will receive the' book in return. ' ri \1 'l-"vfl ' "'(J "f-4 m- "~ -.'...(J ^i-ZJ:.:^iv^^ >l;.;k^.^