Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 3, 1895, p. 8

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&?ryw*frr/' wftrttiB**rt.'ji > ftf^ii^wVEJfr -' ;^s ^ itVIr* JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co., BANKERS, Next to Aberdeen Hotol, Essex. t Monoyto loan on Farmoru' NoU:Nbtoi(bon(,'ht or Colluotod; Mauoy to loim on Morttiu.m*ti ut owent Yutau aud bout teruifj. Drafts lsBuod nnyablo lit pay ut all prlnolpul polutg. Ffre Insuranco Agents, otc- An Importunt JfwiMiro Ko^urdiiitf 1) lifter ami CJu-eno. Inn. Mv. CWtarau (lid Special Objicf of Attack ^ESFONP-ENCE THE TORONTO VOTERS' LISTS. THE PROHIBITION REPORT Amount of Aid Volud to-Jt^tlwuyd -T.iUf Huddlail '1 hn Itmllfnt IVotiiUntl Not lT.iit.4it' 1 liun u Wiwk Ifoiiiw) 'I ho Munltoliu U&> Mr, J. Moffalt, mgr. Oak llull, Wiudnor,' was in town ytmturday. Mr. JuddDoCow aauu homo from To rooto, for a holiday vitnt thin weak. Mro. Dr, Martin in vinHinpf hor. parentH and old fHendu at Kartell, Lumbton Co. Mr. II, Homo, nud brido, of Potroloaaro visiting tlioir'FU&tfor, Mra. W. D. Jieattio, Mr. aud Mm. DariuH Uopcood. of Wind- nor, v tatted fnouda in town for a fow davo thin wnch. Thou. Airtorfinn, cloik of Tilbury North, andgonoral produce deulor, wan in town tfodnoHduy. Ex-Mayor .Johu Milno arrived m town on Saturday hint and will hero for a. fow daya. Mr. and Mm. Cooper, of Wiudimr, worn gHOBtHof Mr. and Mm. KainoH a few dayu thin wook. MoHrH. J. W. Gibaou und W. McGuiru whfiolttd to tho city taut Friday night to hoar Gilraoro'u famous band. Mian. A. Clifton left louu Mouday, tone- copt nwtHation in tho dread making tt- tablinhmoiit of Madame Bollcperche, Wind- nor. Hadwin Gardner, lately employed in Diobol A Bnokor's ittnro, loft on Saturday for tho wild weHt. When hut hoard from ho had roaoboJ P^dtiao, Mich, Mro. C. Dingwall and Mine Bliudbury, of Dotroit, who aro to tippoar at tho concert to-night, are the guoiitu of Mm. U. E. Nay- lor. MniHUlindbury will Bingat St. Paul's Ohnroh OH Kniulny-mnitnin;;. _ Ilns Come to Stay. Dr. J. W. Bripn, hito of Newark, N. J., who haa ununited Dr. Itneti horu on Hevcral ocoftuionn, arrived in town hint Saturday, nocompuniod by Mi<*. Hrion, and intendn remaining iu Hsihcx. llo und Dr. Jan. Urlou,, ejt-M P.will form a partnership, tho firm to bo known in Urn. Bnun it Brion Dr. .J. W. Bnen lino hodu practising with iuwoli BUcoehH in Inn laic homo, and ,h11 no doubt make a viiuablr- atqnnition t<> the ranks of the busnif n and professional u t?n of EsHd\. Tin. Funi. Phjths lxImhIh a vvelcomu Public School Notes. W'. Principal'fl mom, betnoi ltl. clany; intuitu poDHiblelBd obtmnul . .I Delmore, H/l, 33. Itaine. 101, I: KichndhOH, 1 (VI, G Ir- wm, loH; J LuiiiM, 1.11, S Brown, 111), H. WilHou, 131, C. Haughtntiii, 1'27, L. Ihllu'r 118;L. Wih't 117, C Sluue, 111, J. Kdgar, 10G;B. riiorriHt) 101. G hubar. H7. N Cot ton, 81. Junior ltli dahB, hiiliIih poaKHihlo 70, obtained by hi^huHt ten . - J . Dowar, tlh, M. Millur, bl; II. Elliaon, 50, E. Muuro, \oE, Naylor, ,il, K. Lanm; 'J'.l J. Walhue, 21; W. FolU, 17, M. Terry, 11 Miua E J^ai'u loom, ac titcond chidu marku pounddu Kin Untamed by hinheHt ten: M TtioriHon, HO, A. \V\mali, 7'i, E. Wilson, (19: A. nobii.vm, Wi, h Buthr, d.I, It Beverly, i)2, fj. Wulo, (., ,1 Doinau, .V.I, D. illucEwan, fili, C. Gorml.-y, o'A. Muq Sjiuw'h rootn, jr hceond oIush raarku pOK^ihl SO (HtuitiLd \*v hi^hcBt ton. E Ktucj, HO, D. Paul 7t, E \.\\en, 70. II. Allen, 70, I Dhms, o.j, M. Thornton. *S2; U. Titiutjliin in, u^., I, Tiwm, ,rjl V, Fuller, 51; A. Cry. ;>0 M. Dulm ic, ftt), L Dibbloy. :S8 -Y ,-JVJ-iail-GriihBWollei'rt loom, fr part 11, marlto pousiblo 00; ohtiiined by lu^huhl ten V. nicUn, .11; G. Cox, 17, G. Lapoirt, id, R. Hill, 1*2: M. Ituuh, ',\H, N. Gr^ou, )H, ,J Brown, -!8; B. Djan, .u7, G. Nu\lor, X~,, A. Wolff, .12 A WONDROUS POWER IN TEN OFNTS. Afovvdayn a^o, an Ontario dnmyi'it eaid : "Tho ladiuu an- hiiyiuti inorit D a- mond dyea junt now than in plHt y* ua Tboy coiuo to mo and buy o*ie pm'k-^o uh ano^iwrimont, and Jmd ih j dyo uo eu-*> to uh 'J ihtt. thov now oo'.ui inoit )t tlmu old c oibtnj,', ii nd enmo <mi wuli n'*w jvowuH, Hirak '. j >(. k' I". and huiih for tho wholo h-niily. Im my cpunonco of 20 yotir-i ui a diii'iit, I itjtmt buy that Dm raond J)von arc tlm only imcli i^* d\t s that have liv.'d an-i wo'kiJ Uiem-jolveii into tho hijifL point of piipnlanty.1' B* woe id' in.utat.ou pauka.e dyoH, tboy aro fraud t mi I ih ftMtitt.un, and whon tmnd Oiiinr a vutt amou ii <d tinul 1 i a" ^ dh;ip pojntni-nt. AhU for tho Diamond ; fioo that thonarao 'i'IJt.iJfj.ioin'1 '"i'rViiri htli pi,L^tu-o ; u fiiio .i 1 othdtTTno in'Uii r h iw u'louftly"'you ar" uriiod to tfivo tliLij. a tri'i'. AS TO NEWFOUNDLAND. Tlie Jt poll ol tin. Oii.iwu I>i>loi;ati'S it- VI l\t li 1)> (111- Wllltt H HI I'.ll l\. M .lohn*-,. Mill , \prll L'll. Tho LcfrU- Inluic ini I In in \\ i dm f.i ir ni^hl to ro- tol\f tin' ii ">-i nl ilu' dt '( ^.tii \\ Im \m,to Ht'Ilt lO OllHv\.l li lulisull tho miUiulH thin, in i'^aid to ('(inli'du ithin Tho di'li'^'iiti'-i inndi- a u'pnri uf ibcir mission, hoi tho Ifinis ]]jopnsid by Ciiiuulu uuro nut iiKiilc pulilh A Man im in was niudii |n lln 1'IUil ('lll.ull llllll ^llhimllld pin]m- als, \\ hicli i hi'> i< j* ( ti ii Tin di-ld- gatu-i then MihmliU'd (uiiiiii'r jiropo^/iK winch C m.ida k t-lill < ou^idiThitr. A1 lari;o ma)uiit.\ of tho WhtLnway p.ut\- is tippu >**d to Coiitinli'i'.Ll Ion and it in jhit nnpmbnhlo that tho di lei^iti s uill almn- ilim tin cjii'siinn ut I onfcdi'mtlan ulio- i^i'ihi i" Tim Ei'Klslatiiru adjoiivnod fP a luiMii\dit and will then hear Ganmla's mi .\\ i ; 1 nolo* I-Hto it <.<hmI Ofl'i'i. i ini.iln, Vpill lH\ Tin N'uw York CYnfc- r,il p. -nth anii'MiiK id Hint It wiiiud ii'o d1 i < it , mi lis Urn Iji-twti'ii Juifo and Ki a i InlK und ycsti'fdnj tin* Mhkuva ii i imi'i* Ciimiiany nmdn tho rnilrnud co i] nnv u proposition tn furnlhh It with jKi\i>r friii1, In Yoium fortlui 'HkIiX" of wi* fur thn Pmvor GoinpiCny't* tniolcH, ^ I mn tbnio Is a ul.ip of land (10 foot wldo nn ivml by tlio vnlUvay. It \n (julty m I,..1.1.> (hot tlio t\ifu\> mrlll lV" itrxt/iiif.i.l VUm f.nt'Uo X'nlintixu of )ivl<IiiicH mill unj Ainouiit i.l'"l Iiull.iL'" Aim! Ml)) JrH a t'oiiiiinhum Otlnif l'rfMOtHl- lniH In Viirllunifiiit Vtaitorday. Ottawa, April 20. "Bory" uroLnnnan Introduced it bill yoHtcrday of tho utmost hnpnrlnwu to rhooho and bill tor makorn. It provlden that nil packaims of t'hooMi and buttor Hhull bo htampinl showing daU) wlum made and thn name of maker. Mr. McMillan and Sir HU-hurd Cartwrlftht mipported the bill. Bon. Dr. Montaguo tutlil if tho bill fllni])ly dealt, with pivtlc- nKi'B for ojtporl, all njrhl, but If for limno coiihuniptlon ho was not hum but lliat tho local loodUatnroH ml|j;ht ha\OK()ino- thiiitf to wty. Tho bill iiahi.rd tho ilrHt roHtllngf. JIon Dr. Monliifrun, anflworliifr Mr. Cahoy, f.ald tho Toronto votorn 1 IhIh had boon jirlntod by tho OranRo ticntlnol, tho Cathollo BoRlHter, tho Mall job nlllco, Win. J3rlffB, Thomnn Moore and J. H. WlUlainri. Tho entire Hutu worn printed. Up to April they had cost $!18,U87 t< barrister*; to printers $1)5,100, and tW.OOO moro remained to pny. lion. Mr. Hap;f{art bald tho total amount of aid voted last t,oHHion to rail way mwao Mr. Hold introduced a bill toabollnh tho prohcnt chil f,ervbo examining board and to allow tho Deputy MlniHtnr to ex amine; alho to ralho tho limit of ao for ontirlnp; tho honlio fiom 115 to -15. Dr. Boryln introduced a bill providing that in Dominion olectlonti tho returning ofllccr may dlvldo a polling (UvlHlon where then) aro moro than 1100 votorh. Hon Mr. Poster pionilsed tho budpjot fipoeeh not tator than Prlday wcok Tho estiimttch wero not ready, but would ho down not later than Mouday. flon. Mr. Bernlor, In tho donate np- pro\cd of tlio action of the Manitoba Gov ernment in adjourning tho Houmj to gi\e tlio Ministors timo to consider tlio remedial order. Ho hoped tho unanimity of opinion nt Ottawa upon tho Mibject would brliif? tho Manitoba Go\ornnu'nt to a proper whim* 11 j* duty and responsi bility in dealing with the question Ho ditnli'd that any Separate ficliools;in Mani toba had willingly returned to tho public Hyhtem All had been compelled. GREAT FIRE IN MONTREAL. Mc'imiiiilu'H TobiMiro 1 untnry Vtnmu^od to tlio Kxttmt nfM'rno.OOO. Montreal, April 2. Montreal was vKiied by another big lire last euming, wlildi dtstroyed sommmI hundred thou- R'unl dulhus' worth of property .shortly hi l*nrr"v|x u'cToTTTTiinies were dihcovorcd in Mi Dnnald'fi tnbu<io factory, an nu- mi'ii-o (structure tmenng t-e\eral acres of gi on nil on Onlaiio stn et. The tlamcs, nhuh started in the tower of iho build ing, made mpid himhwiy and in a short hliiiie of time the ulmto upper portion of tlio building was in llanus. When the tiro bioKe out the factory was crowded with hands, many of them girln, who worn ju-t about finishing their day's wwrk.nud jjreparmg to loi\e for their homos Tho breaking out of the fiio cause'd a panic. Tin* t "vlt wan i ut off und many of tlie glrN had to jump from the upper storeys of the building In oider to ki\o tliuir Ihis Tho ambulanci s weru calh'd out and se\eial girls wero iemo\ul to iho hos- ]iital badly injured. It is reported that out gill "was burned to death, but tho report is not confirmed The flames on- \eloped the whole of the upper htorcyn and workid downwards Tlio firemen ini-unii'd to he ptiwet'lesq, and, as thn flro \u Btill burning it looks as if tho whole fac tor} will bo dt httu\ t d. Ihuloss will bo yei> he.t\y, probably ^ToO.lMHJ, and thero is ' uhl to \>l n i lnsuiamo Tho factory is tlie propel ty of \V. C McDonald, tlio toluuto man. There was a tower built, in the build ing for tho uxpie^s purjKJso .of allowing the bands to esttiiu*, but In tho confusion a panic eii'-ut-d and tho girls instead of going to the tower, made fur the exits and thi'ir i -(ape was cut nil by tho donso binohe It is stated that Iho girls worJJ cunuitid and ilevtn trirls weio taken to tho badly injured by jumping. I..Iter. EU'Nen pi isnin ^\ i in brought to tlio hospitals sullering horn ltijurn s sus- liiln d in the fin and -t m lal aie 1 lively to dieliuni iheji- lnjiulis Tin- following is ji list ol the Injuud so far as can he niu d ^ l i-, t'haput, both log-, fnutmed, [)i .M\ fital, Napohou Klomlin, left aim and leg 1 rat tilled badly, l-'ueman Jost pb ('.i{.'non, leg fiailurod wlillu try ing to jump on ieel; heitpban Senet, 18 jea s, bail, bmken b\ ]um]iing fiom to]) hton \ , fnt.illj mjuied, KuMrna Duau- ilninip, lh \t us, collar bone broken, and inttrnal ln]uruis, jirobably fatal; Ado Konlm. inn rnal injuins, probably fatal. Alpho me Tlubaudi an, ISO > earn, back broken, probably fatal f.w; Kllenno Gulllimlle, May Gelinas and Mary JJoi- riei, moie oi less injuiid Mr. MiDnnald (o\i!ied liU own In-iiirauce on the bullu- Ing Tin loial lo-,,, it N now said, will iinl i \i i ( d ? ', as i hi low er port Ion ot the btilu in ' uui ^,i\i ([ MMl. KELIXVaURE. Ottawa, A pill Hx In tho Ilomio o Comiiiiiiih yestt rday Colonel ()' (lib i find hot nhot at, Hon. Mr. Costigan and i luudmnd In bin eventful life. 'i lie Mlnli<"i>i of tlin i;1vh<i) Im Hulcl t '** u C'liiM'uihitf AVouiuii. Wo may wiy of tho wife of tho now pro- Mltleiit of the Wrench republic, " like a for- iiumiii (ounliV, she has no history." Mine. i'VUx Kiiure, Wi'lLowa oorroripoiul* nnt of (he Gentlewoman, iw Mllo. Mario Mathlldo llelluol, ihiughtorof n Hollcltor and niece ot benator (Uilnol of Ambrolse, In the department of Indro-ot-Lolru. On July 10( IHU.), at thoaguof twimty-throo vcarrf, Minn JJolluot bocatno Mm. Kolix Kauie She wiih a beautiful brunette, with Jot blade hair and sparkling eyes. Two daughfei-H have bhiHuid thin union, and Antoinetle.the younger, in wife of a milling engineer, Hone Ilorgo, roriKoIlIor- genetal of tho Selne-Inferlouie. Allliougb, uh I have Haiti, Mine. I'VIW Kauio Ih but lit'lo Known, thai, does not mean haw not symput hl/ed with her Certainly crealed a Konsatloii. He said that then wete men In | he Cabinet who ha I not lla brains of thlid-ejasu cloilcH, who had hi i n n]>p u nit d hi caiiso of race and ( reed in- flueme, and that Mr. Cosllgan was a (hilling i xainplo. Sir John Maedonald was ,l Wise Mileeter of men and for 1 his reason had refused to place Mr. Comlgan In a responsible ponltion. (baugbter). Hon. Mr h'ostor laid the HiolnblUon C'oniinls-ilon'H report on the table. Ii in cluded fl\e large voltimes* of esldunen and about a million wordw of finding. The jobn is that no one hint }t 1. dlsioicred whether Ihe ConimlHilon Is in favor of prohibit ion or not. Hon Mr. Laulrnr asked If tho Govern ment had entered into a contract with thu Hudson Ilay ItauSvay Co. and paid or agreed to pay thorn over two millions ol -dollars'. Hon Mr. Fosfor mild no money had been \ aid nor wafl a contract signed. Ho would not say whether money had been promised or not. Mr Laurler advocated oompollng rail way companion to hIiow what thoy did \flth Go\irnment grantn. Mr, Langeller asked if tho report In Sir A 1*. Caron'H Quebec paper stating that1 Sir C II. Tupper had been snubbed by' the U. S. Seoretary of State during tin* | n cent negotiations regarding Uehring j hi a, was true. Ho said If truo it was a serious mat ter. 'J hem was no answor to tho quoHtion Mr. Casey asked for moro copies of tho,.J. _, Dominion statlstienl year hook to Ijo sent to the people ui the country. Sir Hi< bard Cartwright said tho book was usehss, distorted, misleading, and oiily_tlbL'd for party purposes-. Hon. Mr. Daurior asked when Hon. Mr. Foster would mako an official statement uhf'iii the changes In tho Cabinet and if ho would toll about tho trouble with Sir 0. II Tuppor. Hon. Mr. Kostor replied that ho would gl\e the inforinatlonsooii. (Laughter). Mr Charlton introduced a bill to repeal Iho Dominion Kranohhso Act and adopt the Di<ih< ml lists. Col O'Brien, in tho absence of Mr. jMeCuithy, introduced tho bill to abolish lla dual language In the Northwest Hon. Mr. Foster, answering Mr, Kdgar, s.inl -0,;i7n had alieauy been spent on the prohibition report, but. that was not all. Answering Mr lUchaid Caitw right lie said the Co\ernmunt bad f,"),it*J{l,rOJ rash in Canadian banks and SIKH, 172 m Loncloir I) lllks Mr Smith (Ontario) will ask tho Co\- I'lnment to get a veterinary surgeon from Kngland to visit Canada and itiipett all cattle, to provo to tho English tiov- crnment that there Iri no disease horn. Senator Power, tho leading Liberal for Halif l\', in the benato yesterday said he agrei d ^^ ith tho (ourriO of the Covornmont In pasiing the remedial order. ThoGo\- ernment had simply acted as a sherilT in seining a writ. The judgment of the Im porlal L'nvy Council left no altern-itl\e, and the Go\ei nment had done its duty in the mattei lie atlvls* d cant Ion in lakin/ Newfoundland Into the Confederation Hon Thus. MrCro(\yis expected here to tal.i his on Friday. Itlsrumoied that the Llbei ils will piotost He was oxpelb d liom the House three sessions ago, and a big point in law Is involved .Mr Ta>lor's iJill to prohibit the immi gration of foreigners or aliens under con- Liact wa. road a UrHt time. tho larger nhiuo of M. Fa urn's suceeiw \u duo 1o the helpful Influemo of his wife. The homo life of M. and Mum. Fauro Inn alwajs been charming. Mine. Fa mo Is a \iry Intelligent woman, and her wit and humor are proverbial. She fines not cam for the gay world, as sho dej rlyjlovcn Iinr boiue, but sho knows lmw to entei tain with perfect grace. Tho niual olJhers who at I ended her receptions In the minis try of marine wero charmed with Mme. Faun) s manner, ana hostess, and all who know her say that she will bo an or nameni to the Flyseo palace. Mnnv Kama alwajs ininaliiH in hi r tnvn apart- nionlH until noon, the hour for dejeunera la fuurehetto, but tho preiddenr ilses at fi o'doi'k, and at (I ho Is In his study. He then irads the documents lefl over from tint previous evening, and while, perusing them he smokes a curved pipe called a pipe de IU'gularly at tea mlnuto'i before eight tho president returns to bin dressing-room, changes bin clothes, and at H o'ehu k ho Is ready to give audlenco or to work with his secretaries. JMmo Wili: & Bricker's SIXTH ANNUAL SPRING SALE! IS DRAWING A MTTLTITUDE OF DEMGHTED BUYERS A Dollar will Buy a very Big Parcel, . .'fj'*!ii."',-t" li^tL.t-'jiit^.t.'S THE GRAND TRUNK. sir CluuJrti Uhrer-W-tlunn'w Cliiinct'ii <f Hi Inir rlot; ted I'i <ih1(1<iiiL. Montieal, April 25. A Star .special cable from London says. 'With refeieme to tho statement In the Times yesteulav of the securing of pmxies by the com mittee- Which is running :-dr Charles Ulvors-Wilson for Ihe piesldoney of the Grand Trunk Hallway Company in op position to Sir Henry Tyhu, it may be .said that tho committee base their le.i- souh for their succpri upon the fiocurlng of tho adhesion of piojuhtors Jiolding J.Mt0OO,(XX) of scuultirs to their eandi- date They also claim 0,000 proxies, which thoy say wero seal to them for use against Sh Henry Tjler bijieaking of this Mr. Lindley, the secre tary of thu G, T. H. Company, Infonued mo that thin was probably a wild and lough intimate, for the bond ladders have no means of registering their beddings of bonds. And further, he said, proxies aio not lendvid until just befoio the meet ing, ho I cannot sav what Hiipport tho anti-Tyler pi oplu vslll have. ilur tlio (ajiltal of the company is about 57,000,- IHiO, of width, on iho comlmtteu'H own showing, only il 1,000,000 ban boon pledged Mt,ahisi Sir Henry Tyler. Of coi.ino, i onf limed Mr. Lindley, wo shall fight il mil. The annua! minting of the company lakes place, on Tuesday noxt. TRINITY'S NCW PROVOST. Itiiv. Jlilwnrd Aiihiiiht, ui t.uti-nltouU, JCny;- luiiil, Aceitpts tin* I'omIiIoo. JCingiion, April lifi Lottei.s from Iflnjr- linid i on\ey word of Ihe aecejitancn of the prevoslship of Trb.lty College, To- i',! in, by lii'v Fdward Ashhurst, \idir . I' liin t huiih of tlm Venerable JJede, ( 111 1 ead,dmi ese t)f Durham Tim seh i - ti i i was made by tho Aichbirihop oT C<n- iiu- am, and liihlmp of Durham, ami iiri-cptaiiLe tuok place hi fore tho Bishop 11 '[ oionto ventlied Kngland. Tho now I ni,ij.-.i <r print-i])al was a scholar of kings College, Cambridge, and toui; tho Hell 1'nHtuslty scholar pil/e, ^.'^,O00. 1!N ehurch t mining was-received In Heeds 1 heob gie d scliool and ho has been tlomos- tie (hajdaln to Hidiop Jjlghtfoot. IIo as made deacon In 3HS1 and priest In I >s~> and is tboruforo In tho prime of life. Tho Senllnp; Kloot. North Hydnoy, G.H.. April &>. Tho fnllov lug in the tatch for tho sealing vofi- i v.hb li arrived m Iho channel last iuvv- (Mmrming bass |,I0(), Ain/oon !, 7t. ^I.ij (iuoon sou, United Jlrothorn , I'i.eiyn 1,1100, Van (It), Candid (WO, . ,'gle A. l,00t ttltar-'Ovor of I^irgoo l,e0. Tho CuTollnu WWori: Alb&rb-*1. und Anna May havo boon oruahod in tho mmi i vt i:i;. Filix Fa urn Is hi lug gieatly assisted in her duties as "flist lady of the land" by her t hirst drughter, Mile. Huelo Fauro, a \iiry be iiulful girl,' 25 years old.1 Mllo. Lucie i,, ]ik,j her mother, Intelligent, wi t ., talentf d and very literary. Sho Ih in ui uf 1)0011,1, wines' poems with gieat fnility, and w lllingly recites them to hor Irh 'ids. Mile Fame Is often bur falher'n Mtri'iarv, and last year she accompanied linn to Fgypt, wheie both wero \cry well reielved. As I have said, tho second daughter Is married, M. lierge, although by profession an onginoer, (iocs not prac tice; ho is very wealthy and owns lm- im use properties near Havro. In winter M and Mme Bergu llvo in a splendid Hat 12 Hue Pierre Charron, Paris. M. Beige is \eij nunh inteiested In agiltnl- turo and cattle raising Became of their youth and enthusiasm Mine. lierge and Mlle-.-Knnro are giving a tone of ga\i-ty to tlio Klyscq receptions. This is a dei id ed change for the bettor, as tliese uei'ii tions were alwayn \cry cold and formal. TATTOOED CLOTHES. Tlio Sitmt)iin<v are Voiy Cltnur I'ooplo untl I.lUc Ilifilr hummer stilts Mls-q Marie Fraser, after a visit It Samoa,has written a hook on the island-, in which uppem . the followdng naive lit tie essay on tho philosophy of cloHies "Though the tattooing In J-mtuu m.ij vary a design, the drioratiou l- alwuya, in..thti r?tpe of kneebrei chi s, rtentlingfroni tho.walst win restiingstiid in knots and ornamental fastenings ae tattooed on tho skin, so thorough U the fiTllst in his work to below tho knee Tlio pattern is very ulaborato, with stripe- of natural skin intersecting. It Is cer- tulnly a great improvement, to their ap pearance, for In wot or stormy weathoi they economically leave their best lava- lavas at home and wear only a banana leaf or a ghdlo of leaves; and should an Islander bo (aught in a heavy showei while wearing only a garment ot tapa the tattooing stands him in good stead, for dailv i loth does not Mirvivo wet and rapidly dissolves Into rags. Xo matter bow scantily they may bo clad, tlm tat tooing makes them look thoroughly clot bed and 1 rim in their appeal ance After leaving tho Navigators and visiting other islands', whoro tho art is only used in the most inartistic and disllgmlng manner, wo missed the clean-looking tat- tocd native*, of Samoa In their decorous kneo breeches " Otipmi ltiuhol Ih'h <><><)children. It Is said that Queen Isabella has more godchildren than, any other woman In the Catholic Church,. Sho was never kiunvn to refuse to act an sponsor when ever asked by parents who had any sort of claim on her 111111111044. Her hitout god child was christened on Tua.sday at tho Church of St. Franeia of Assisl. Tho sponois were the ev-()unon, represented by the wife of tho Spanish Ambassador, and Don Fuiueisco of Afcblsl. Tlio neophyte Is- tho Hon of tho Marquis do No- vallis first secretary of tho Spanish Km- bahs,yf and received tho names-of Joseph Hope/ Francisco. French boys aro often called after thoir godmothors. Tho late M, (iirvy1*. real muiio was .Tudlth. Tho eiintom Ih ant lent, inasmuch an tho Con stable do Montmorency was named Anno, after Queen Anno, Duehobs of Brittany, anil wife of Louis XII. MIhh Ililgnunl, of Hydorabad, tho first Mebammodan girl to try a unPvoreity ex amination, haa passed tho first examin ation in tho arts at tho Madrn.s university with honors In Arabic. Not being allow- od to loavo tho Venaua, sho pursued her BtiifllPH by her elf under voiy gieat diill- eulth's, as sho could not attend collogo leoluie-. She took her exaiulnatlon iu a' glil*a sohotil under tho cyo of tho head nilstrcss. Sii\ ini; Ui>. Tbo waiter had thoir orders. "Dearest," ho whispered, "do you re ally moan it whon you hay you will bo minor" Sho was a bit Impatient. 11 mix Maurice," sho replied, "did I not jltht this moment say plain 11 tow whon I mlfrlit have wild terrapin?" That was certainly eonclunlve. i I Here are a few examples of how we are selling Dry Goods, Clothing, Car pets, Hats and Caps, etc. * 4 2-in. Tweed Dress Gooda, all the newest colors L5c yd Double fold pure wool serges, worth 35c our price 25e 46-in Cashmeres all new.slmdes worth 75c yd for 50c Black Novelty Dress Goods 50c yd. Special 20 pieces of ivecklins all wool French Shallioa, best in the world, worth ^Jc yd, during this sale for 25c a yard BoyB* 2 piece suits wool, sizes 22 to 28 for $1.75 a suit Boys' 3 piece suits worth $1.50 a suit, for $3 a suit. Men's all wool Tweed suits for $6.05 a suit, ' Men's Black Worsted Goats & Vesta worth $8 for $6.60 Boye1 Knicker Pants GOc pair. -~-*- GENTLBMEN See our new assortment of Scotch and English Tweeds and black worsted Coatings, perfect fit guaranteed. -J**1-4 (J*t. 100 pieces of new English Prints worth 9c yd for 7c yd Tapestry Carpets at 35c, 40c and 50c yd; Ilerop Carpet at 10c, 12}cand 15'cyd Call early and share in the good things we offer. The Great Corner Store, DtEBEt^BRICKER. Aak to bee the Solid Oalc Folding Furniture we are giving away. and Mir; Clay oi Paine's en the Rock of IndigestioD, Stomach Troubles, Headache, Sleeplessness and Anxiety. that I am indebted to your Paine's Colory Compound for health, Htrcn^th and life* For ovr throo ycaiH I v;an a terrible suf ferer from jmhtfofitjou, no/oro pama in tho Htomach a id headache. In addition to thetie fcrinuH trouble^, I had no uppotito or n huh for food, and hardly know vvlnit itwawtohave a full nighf'n refit. Thin condition of stceplcstmcHH and anxioty made mo very uervouH, aud I was fuut be- cominfi onfUttd for my rlnilv work. After all oth* rnodiciuoH had failed, I waa for- tnnattlv udviHcd to unc your Paino'rt Cel- oiy Gntiipouud , .ind now, I am delighted to that it Iuih no equal in tho world tor roinovmcriiuch danuorbua troubles an I huffurod from. ' I am daily gaining in Htren^th, ifoop woll ovory nijiht, and my iippetito iBfjood and healthy. I atroufily rocominoud Vdui&a Colory Compound to all who uccd a reliable and bonoub modi cme, and one that in a tiro to euro." The Great hpnng Medicine Sweeps Away These Trouble.^, Inalmoiit evory Canadiau home, ono or tutro^raomboiB o^ftar from iudl^oHtion, dy- apepoia, headache, ncrvouanoHB or .nleep- louaDaHB. In tho groat mnjonty of onnoit tho dootom havo fuilod to eltcot a porraan- cntcurp, aucrthi) common patent madioiuua of onr times havo only proloR8d BuffonuR andnfjony. How di0oront tho n duHd with Ihono who havo mod Pamo'HColory Coinjiound I thoy havo In every oane boon raiHod to a con acnJition of pcrf.iot health, robuutnoDS and jnontul vigor. Thuumnda of renewod and ro-orcatod men und worauu In Canada, will ovor remorobor tbou Hvoh wero imvatl und mado happy by Paino'u Calory Com pound. Mr. IliiRh J. Uiloy, of 4'2 Agni'H Stroot. fit. Ilonry, Montical, i^ ono ot tho many who havo givon public teutunony for tho bonofit of Mifforora In Olinada. Mr. Kiloy vvntoHiin folloWH: "I wish to publioly uokuowledt^o tho fnofc Short tJouriicys on a LjOI1 Koad la iho Lharuutcriotio titlo of a profuooiy il- luntrated book containing over ono hundred pageij of charmingly written doBotiptionH of Hummtr rouortiiiu tho country north and west of Chicago. Tho rouditig matter m now, the illutitrations aro now, and tho in formation theruin will bo now to almoot ovoryono. A copy of "Short Oournoyt ou a Long ltoud" will bt) Hout froo to anyone wh will oncloHO ton contH (to pay potitngo) to Gro, II Hnvrroiui, General PaBaongor Agont Chicago, Milwaukoo & St. l*awl Hallway, Ohioago, III. FOR YODB OIJTIHT, GO TO PICTIMSQI1F mHCKIH06 ISLHHD. ONE THOUSAND MILES OP LAKH HJDH AT SMALL EXPENSE. Visit thia Historical Island, wlilcli ia tho grandest summer resort on tho Great Lakes. It onfy cants about $111 from Detroit; if 15 from Toledo; S18 from Cleveland, for .tho round trip, including meals uml berths. Avoid tho heat and dust by traveling on the 1). & C, toting - palaces. Tho attractions of a trip to Iho Mackinac, region nro nnQurpntiaeU. Tho island itfaolf Is u gmnd romantic spot, Its cliinntti most invigomtlng. Two new Ktocl imssenger stwiniera linvo just been built for tho upper hika route, costing ijiUOO.OOO each. Ihoy aro equipped with oveiy modern convonienco. umnnuItitors, bathrooms, etc., illuminated throughout by cluctilclty, and uio guamnteed to bo tho graiulc-u, largest -imd Bnfent etcumers on fresh water. These stcamerH favorably comparo with f ho great ocean Hncrti In con- Btiuctlon and ppeed. Four trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Alponu, Maeki- iHic, Bt. Igmtco, Petnskey, Chicago, "Soo." Mnrquctto and Piiluth. Daily between Clovciund und Dotroit, and Cleveland and Put.!n-Bay.,, Tho palatial oquipment " makeq travoHng on theao ateamers thor- ' m ough y enjoyable. Soud for Illustrated ^ descriptive pamphlet. Address A.. A/^jSS Schantz, 0. t. A., D. & 0., Detroit, Mtah5-eh3 & 'N .L, iltV^^I \fi' i ' ivtt im*}^,;^ ^# 80 45 60 51 38 93

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