Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 3, 1895, p. 5

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[ t, 1 .-.,-J* -v V7 . 1 l ,! nupMUUH, / f'f"Af' The Chatham Loan and Savings Company, CAPITAL - $1,000,000 Money to Lend on Mortgages 01 prmluottv real eattite. BWikiM' wmthm to borrow itionoy at boiit rutua, loant oxpotmn ami no doluy ataoulil apply porsonnlly to Tlio Chat ham Loan and Having Ca,rQimUiniii, H, V, GAnDNUH, Mu.niM(or. FRIDAY, MAY n, 1805, FTHE TOWN ThiH in Arbor Day. IUad Sraitfc'u advt. Farmers iu thinuoation want uioro rain. Thk X?hkk Puisbb is now comfortably nut- tied in itH now quartern, Don't rnako a mmtuho und put off your winter clothing too early. Don't miHH St. Paul'ii ohuroh ohoir con- ourt in IVoIl'h Hall to-night. Tlio Miohiftmi State Lcgiulaturo talk of adopting oapita-1 puuiuhmanl for murtlorortJ. Linon Holler Bliudu, 42a (it Smith's. A lot of o\almtu from Windsor, Wulkfr- vlllo and Dtroit,vimtod Kmicxluut buuduy. Mr. John M, Xliokn itoopii a fast horua. If yon don't lioliovo it, try to drivo paat Inn: on tu ottoot, That now iipriutf timo card for tho M. C P.. \ iitill nmoan tho poiiHibilitiui. It may bo uuuouuoud tiny day. D. II. Terry will bu in Ejaox noxt wook to tttko pbotngiaphs and will remain all week. Itcmoii bor my bout photon $1.50 to B2.00 por do/on. Printer's Ink nays if you can't afford to advertiao, dUoharfio opq clerk and put lno natary into nownpapor apace. You'll short ly have to kilo him back again t> takoaro of tbe ir oroaiiod trada.---------- Oak Uallolothinfl mftnafaoturorn, Wind sor, aro Railing a nice Barviooablo young man's Quit at $3tG0, worth $4 aud G, ana moii'aauitH worth 68 and $10, at 95.9.1; huMdroda to wdoct from. Thoy aro tfoinu hka hot oaken. 'The1 annual rnftotinfc of-nfn-ccrn.dircctorH uud racmbora of tho MetihanicH1 luatitutfl will bo hold w tho readmp room noxt Mem day o\fiuing, M.iy G, at 8:30. An iropur- tant businenn la to coma up at thin meeting all membero lire rcquefltod to attond. Hoar, Mra. J. Perry Courtricht.Rold me.1- -atliat ot tho Detroit Bohool of Elocution, at 'tfeok'fl Hull, to-night. In ordor to meet too prcocnt lively de mand for good railcu coWfl, Bailiff Sinclair lift* broufilit in a lot of Rood fretih Young miloh cows, and will offer 25 or thorn Tor Bale, by public auctiou at tho old hveiry barn bete on Saturday, RUy 11th So1 peatoru. Now thut tho cow by-law w being en forced by the town council, property owu- orn will fool uu-fo in clouninn up and tantily arranging thair promiaeH. A number of Mnaightly old front fuucea mijjht well bo re moved, with tho ppriug rcnovutiori^ ami tho gonoral appeilianoa Of tho towu would bo ienob impio;od thoroby. A loading church momber of a town not oyer three thouftand railen uway happened to bo out late the othor night, and when pasoing lna church fioing homo waw aaton- iahod to find tho orfianmt in her place, pluyinK lively muaic, to whiah thn mein- bero of tho choir wuro holding a dunce. !No rjftiBC this time Choioo raiiiiuD, 201bo for 8. at Smilh u. 75 aorofl Land lor aalo ; toruiH u8y, Gj E, Bmitli & Co., EH6Xt ParaDola, Urgo aauorbment, oxtra valuoH at M.J. Wiftlo&Ca'ii. The Detroit Fro Proaa eayu : TIih Standard Oil A Gas Co., about which ho much ban boon aaul and which pronuaaJ to revolntionizo tho pneo of natural Ran oil both tildeH ol tho river, haH practically f*ivon up tho ghoafc. This io what K. K. Harria, tho rnanagor of the company, naid yoatorday. Ho olaimod that the roaaonH wero that tb Ontario Gua Co. had arod to atipply the Detroit cocopanioa at the xaio of oight contb a tkoutumd foofc.andjthat thia waa below compotitiou. Mr. llama said, bowovor, that hid company had al ready commoucod drilling both for gaa and oil and that it would onpplv tho former to tba townB ia Sotith Eusoi. If oil wao iound in paying quantitiob a raflnory would ba built, Thoao on iho inoido, however, cay that tho oomiaay is only bluffiui; and to prcvo thoir atatomonta dtclara that thoy oonla not BUpply either Leamington or KingBvillo witbgaa, cvon il thoy qot it, and Eaaox ia not large ouough to pay to pipe 3t tnoro. ______ BicycloH. *~\?TD. Richurtfiion wao in Branford ;iaat wook ttiul wont through tho Goold Dioyclo factory, Kotwithatanding tha faot that thoy aro turning out about 50 whoeU per day, thoy wore mill about 500 ordora bo- hind, whioli npoaUa woll for tha popularity of tho Branford whoole. With thocxoptin of thowoodon rimn, tires and tubing, oyory part of tho whool ia wado in thin factory under tho poriional nuporvlnion of t mi nod meobanioF] in each department. Th wtmost care i ahown ij tha umallDt detail, and . nootpouris fa iparod to mako a whool that any O&n&di&u nhou1d b prqtid to rids. Mr. BiotmrdHon hall the agonoy for thoHO - whools iu this viuimty, und in boiling thr.w - faster than ha oau gt> them. iA. i ),^i&tL Curd ol* Th ii a ItH. I wih to tlmnkttiooIti/uhHnf ISxaox and f the nurrounding towim for tho l:iud pt- rodagolhiivo roocivad wlthlu thu past year, Hopiug [or a. oontiiiuanoe of tho aanie dtirlntf futuro ynara, I remain, yourn r^Hpocttully, 0. Kuiuuiioiw I'hetofiraphar, lliwex, May 3rd 180G. Lace Gurtuina, UOc puir at Hmifch'n. On Arbor Day uvorybody nhouhl do nomc- thiugin th* way of troo.planting to improve tho appoatauoo of their hoinoH an woll hh thoHohonl grounda, for which It U onpooiiil- ly intmulod. It ih uHtomahing the largo ttadu Oolc nail olothiorn, Wmduar, onjay. Thy aro aolliug 2,r0 boy'u auita at 81.B0; 91 boy'a Muitaal 83; Mmonu'aiutfl at 81.60; 8 9! mid 810 uuita for &5.i)5. Dvory garmont all wool aud wmII mado. Ifri. 'Jphomloy, tho I'roviuoial Pron'.dcnt of tho W. O. 'X'. U , in oxpootod to bo in Amhonitburgon luoaday, 21at of May, to or uduot v hciiooi. or uiu'uona. All tho mom- born of each union in tho County aro In* vit(d to ittond an it will bit a mooting of very ({rout intermit JVLra. C. IJ, Nayfor, Boo Rl. J. Wiglo ct On, aro tho olotlnora of Knuex. Try them, Whnn Helling your wool call on G. 10, Smith & Co. IiueHt pnoo paid. llr. S, J AlnoWuttore, baritono,f BuHtnn MiHfl llhndhury, contralto, and i\lni. Dine; wall, noprano, of Dotroit, at Pcok'fl Hall, to-ntgbt. Diobol A Brioker hivo coMtruotod to de liver yr,000 lba. oT wool to ono of tho larg- ttiit doitlcia m tho United July 1. Wo arc pteparad to pay tho In^heot caah piiLO forwuHhod audnnwaahud woo], would prefer it all unwatthod. Wo alao want aovernl agont'i to purchase for uu in tho conn try diotnctJ. Iho Kickapoo Indian Alodicino Co. liavo been entertaining orowded Iiouhph to very gon I poifonnancos in PccIc'h Hall during the proHont week. Au ndmiwaion feo of ton centu was chargi d on \Vedneaday o\o- uiiiMt hut tho crowd did not diniiuinh. They will roraain in Kanox for-a fow daja longer hut will tako in no mo of the H-irromiding yillagen. .hidgo MoMahon, m Toronto, Monday gayo JudgajQHt iji t-he cijnn of JDeGurno \h< Windiior board of education, diemniaing tho injuneliou nguuint tha luttor and dm. holving tho interim injunction, bothpartioa to pay thftir own cohIb The judgment ia considered a verdict for tlio board, [lr tho action was for cohta, Thia.actirjii wb tried ut the auai/ei a week or two a^o. Stiff hatn, aolt hatu, straw htita the lat^t t- at M. J. Wigle and Co.'ii. You can got bargain's at Smith's in b0Q and clothing Lawvor ^lukloatuul, Ot Windsor oamo to town hut Saturday, and after iutoryiown g Hovoral pereooa prominent in tho election prottHt. it was decided to outer an appeal against Judao Horno'n deciHiom, anu Mayor De.vur hasaiuco boen eorvod, Moot people in town had hoped thesa proooodings.whioh nlinuld nover havu boon Hot on foot, xvere at an end, hut it Hoema tho partieH thereto ar not yet HatiMded. Ilia oaHo of Ch-tnout Mnilloux, ox troua- urerof Tilbury Noith, who 10 cliar^od with miHiippropnation of township fatidn, had a preliminary boarin;; at Windaor on Satur day mornini;. Two witnenuoa woro ox- amiucd, Eli Quoenvillo, tho proaont treas urer, and G. A. Ouclotte, auditer. Tho magintrato committoa Uuillonx for trial at the next competent court of jmmdiction. Bail wiu takon. M. -T. Wiglo & Co. hayo Hpecinlivaluoa in hone and clovoa. Itovlpath'a boat granulated aUear, 8Jota a pound by bbl at Kmith'u. J -A. Franciu haa juat opened up a luruo aiiHortmont of iiBwewt atvlosm Heady-made clothing for Men, Youthn aid Doyu. Tko stock ih from tho very boot Baannfaoturerp, and tho good* aro nuuruutood "rHt claaa jn in o?oiy roHpuot, Call and ginoe no. Tho i,w BtDro. J. A. Francii. Huoak thief ae aro bocotmug tronbleaomo in Lsdox and citi/,oiaa uhould bo on iboir ^>uaid npainat loavmg; movable ] artioloa lying about, Ono evening laat wook Mm. Alex. Laing loft nomo droaaoa and othor articlua hanging ou a clotheulmo. Boforo tioinjr to bud, aho wont to bring them in, but ait thoy woro not then on the Jlino alio Buppoaod naras othor rrjorabora of tho fam ily had takan oaro of them. It waa not until the following morning that the fam ily becamo awaro of tho fact that the goods wero stolen. No oloo. ATTACK UPi A NUN Exciting Kronn in a Toronto N\va- pttpcr OHlco. AN INSANE WOMAN'S FRENZY. With Xtuvolvur hi Hum! Hh K|.rhiC Jt-lUo uTiu;r<iMu U|nm tli (fnHupnitlirNiMto*- uud XutlUtH lUw Afttir Itlnw- lltuoly Iiit<iriHiwHIoti of ii <JtititIoinuu. Tho lattof the Mcohanioa' laBtituto not iuh of "Popular Friday Evoninyn" waa held on the 20th mat., with JRoovo Luird pre aiding. Ttaoro waa not so largo an'attci d- auoo an usual owing tooonuter attraction* in town. Tbe program, however, wrm fully up to tho atandard, and tho addriBH by llr. Hush, on "Footprints" provod both ontertaining ad inntruotive. The thorno Iprinoipally wao tho works and traita of oertaiu authora, und tho ugoakor dwelt on tho adviaabtlity of tho atudy of biography rather than of notion. Tho pregrara in- olufded a ohort addraaajby tho gohairman, Boloa by Moesra. Bherrin, Kneghoff and Mion Ohuroh; rooitatioun by Mils Hut ton and Mr. Thompion, aul an harmonioa and guitar duot by E. Lainij aud J. Tully. The meetingolonod by Biugmn God eavo the Quoan." LOST: Between Emox and Camp Falmor, ou April fith, a ludica* blaoU alitp plug ba^r, contahiing pureo and ^5, hik! other emoU articho."* Fhnlor plflaae rdturu to Fbbh Pwiai Ov wca^ Toronto, April DO. Thorn \vnn mi excit ing flceno In tho tiuw onlcojjorn ycitordiiy whun an Inaitna woman giving her namn uh Mr. Kllen IJrnwn, mado a furloua uttuclc upon a nun wholiappnned to he In tho IjuhIiiihh olKlto. Mia Jhown oiimo In from thn Htroet and, crcoplng up to tho nlator, drow a heavy rnxolvoi' from under lior cloak and dealt blow nftnr blow upon tho nun, who full biudc, and thu furloua xonuin %vhh about turning tho rovolvor ho An to finish her work wllh n bullet When Mr. J. K. Krafts, mi advurtNlnK nine ut for tho Star, sjirang; forward and dragged her away from her victim. In tho Houfllo tho rovolvi r fell on tho llnor. Two pollcenum Mcured thu woman, who talkfd liR-ohcn ntly of tho atValr, hut pornlhtod that ilin nun had tried to hhoot lier, and that hint Juul Rlmply taken tho wenpnn from hor. Hho gave her namo aq Mrs. KUen Ihown,. of *JO Caor- Howell atreot, and ^.ild her hii'ihimd had boon dead for three 3ears. In 11 rumblliiK v*ay sho aald ihat 100 yoarH af?o her family In Kraiuo had bi>en robhod of ^.SO.iHio.doo worth of property by tho Hoiimn Catholic Church, and that alio only hoard of it. a fow montha afjo, lonvlnjjf tlio Cat hoi ir- Clinrch In conao- quonro. Thn Archhlshoi> had admlttod Iho theft, hlio f-ud slin was an Ameri can, mid In her (ounl ry a woman could Hhoot a nun down and nothing would ho wild. AH ahii wnntcil was a fair trial in opon court. This wa-. tho nineteenth con- tury, not the J)aik -\;^s, and bho wiui auro all unprnjudhod peoplo would ho- llovo linr htory. Mie declared that tho Ttoman C'lthullc would kill ono of tliolr own denomination a^ soon as a Protoa- tant for $1(H, ami incrml that ejnisaarlofl of tlio Chun Ii had iried to provont her pruMii^ her ilaini to thi trlfllnt? fortune of two hi tnili ul and iifi.\ million in Franco. They had e\eii k hiu to the extent of try ing to khliuip her. She kept up an In sane harmjme as wild as tho wildest anti-Hoinaiiist eiaild well eoneelvo When the woman -vwis examined at polu e ]uadr|uarters, -] statt d that bho liad < nine from, and did not remember e\i 1* ha\ inj^ been al tho nrtdroM ^ho flrstf*gi\u as -O Cner Howell btreot;. There ^uin J') 1 \'ti l <.irtridgeH found in hei jioikits, and iln iv \olvor was lllleil. Mr- \\-v+uj '. 1 Cm i'-IIowpII htieet, with whom Him lalyiK, \ri. Brown hoardid, savs thai tno w u m often acted m a enzy mmin r, iu.u waa always talking nliout nuns :tnd '-liowlnp; unmli-Uikxhlo- enmlty towards tin m. Slio had boon out of wurU all v. Inn r BPITAiN AND JAPAN. IlHflMTy anil KIiiiIm rli>y Sid to Ilavo Got I lie llest of tint Other J'oiUira, Xew York, April ufl. A fipoclal to tho Herald from Loudon says: The real big- nltkame of the joint protest made Tues day by Hiissiii, Ceriuany and Franco against tho ratification of the Chinese- Jajianese treaty of peace la ta protost atrainst a secret Hiltlsh-Japuneso uudur- HtandinK arrived at before pcaco was fin ally arranged. Jn a word, Knglaml haa mado a hard and fast combination w Ith Japan, and tho other gnat pouors havo joined In the late piotnst to prevent thu poasiblo con- fliiniiiiiitiim of tho alliance. England and Japan ha\e been In jierfeet accord since the pea< c iieRottat ioiisTjoim7 Kn^land, after tho cuutinontal powors rejected lior o\urtures at tho commence ment of tho war, set, to work safe-guard ing Brltlah interestH in \iew of tho ulti mate fiiicces.s of the Japanese It la stated on good authority that Lord Klmhorley has been consulted In evory step during the piaeo negotiations, and that Kngland will support Japan by overj diplomatic Inflnonco in tho 1 at if 1 ca tion nf the trtaty as arranged at fahl- monosoki, Japan'a concession to England it ifl im possible 10 leain hut a definite under- standing has been nrrhod at.and England will support Japan if tho latter Ignores tho protests of the tontinental powers. fupiin in Keenly IntercHtml. London, April Tho Central Nuwa correspondent in Tukio says the Japaneso Govornmenl watches witli ki en Interest tho course of the Eurnpoiui powers ro- gaidlng thn Sldnimioseki tit at y. IIu ilnd.s that Iho Japam so diplomatists aro not particularly appu Iieiisne of tho out come. Tho laat despatches from St. Petersburg are hardly in Iwumnny with tho wmguino viows held lu Tokio Prlnco UchLnninUy, who accompanied tho present C/ar on his tour in the Fast, has wiitten a* long communication to tho Moscow Viedomostl oxplal ning the threatening fuaturua of the situation in thu Orlont. Ho declarea that llusaiau intervention ia inevitable. Tho Morning Post lias thia deapatch from St, Petersburg: "Japan has repliod to tho joint protest of Hunsla, Franco aud Germany, She declares that if sho should yield ahoNvould bo exposed to tho danger of an uprising of tho peoplo, who are bo elated over thoir victory that they would not cotihont to any concORslon. Thia reply does not nffoct Huasla'a attltudo. Sho adheroa firmly to her demand." Tho Standard Haya that Japan'a roply trt'-tho 'joint protoat, although not a definite rofusal, ia an omphatie non poa- fliumifl. It diaouasoa France's and Gor- many'a adhesion to ltusala and concludes that thoy are in financed mainly by a do- alro to bo agrocablo to tho Czar. "But whatever their motlvoa." nays the .writer, "tho coalition oxiatH and mind, bo rook- ouod with. Whllo paying all roHpeot to tho prowosH, capacity and reaourccs of tlio Japanese, ono foola like reminding thorn that tho threo allied powera uro able to bring a roHlstloaa forco to compol thorn to rollnqulHli tho wholo territory that thoy acquired. Thus, If tho powora remain rosoluto, there will ho only ono courao for Japan alio nniat rest content with tho ndvantagoa to which no ol^ectlon la raised. ^_________ ninvnnicnt Against Conrtiitir- AUlanco, Ohio, April 20. Tho faculty of Mt. Union Oollogo Ih ondeavorlng to provont courting nmoug Mm wtudonta. govoral of tho young ladloa and gentlo- mon wore reprlniaiulwl. President Marah remarked : "Ir U aald that marchea aro made In heaven, hufc 1 think a hiiinoh olllru ha IWiin opanod it Mouns LMlon 1 r ^>C3 MHWa IN SHORT SHAPE. (lANAIilAN, # Navigation la now open nt Bouthamp- ton, Out. Thero la now no destitution In Bt. Jolma, Newfoundland, and the Roup kltohoiiM huvo hcioii olonod. Geo. 1). Wlgglna, townnhlp clorV of Jtnwdon, died yowtowhty at Cardinal,Qui., after a long lllnonn. Tlio Dominion lino steamship Mariposa from Liverpool is the Ilrat vosmd Inward roporhul at Kamo Point this Hanson. JamiiH O'Noll, of Th 11 rfo'w, dITul yestnr- day, a god IL!, IIo was tho fifth member "of the family to die from consumption. The Jlrantford eleotrie atreot cars It hi expeetud will be runulnp; to Mohawk Park and Mohawk Lnko nob later than May Int. Tho Queon'a Own of Toronto will Join tho 111th Battalion of Hamilton In a de monstration in 1ho Amhltloun City on the (Queen's birthday. Mrs. Mack, who Is wanted In Chicago In i oimei.tlon with the ( ountorfelt postage stamp caw) and who Is in Hamilton fight ing extradition, haa aocurcd a remand for a week. A horso from Cutcllfifo BroH.' llvory at lliantford lan away yesterday and tho buggy waa badly smashed. Later on Dr. Cutelltfo hltchetl tho horse to a cart to drive It, when ho was thrown out and received some had bruises on tho face. The Chainilnm mill men huvo boon given a top-hour day by tho employers. Although the day has been shortened tho wages aro tho same as latit year. l'Tvo hundred men procured employment by the opening of Booths mill yesterday and over a thousand more men will get work 110*t week when all tho mills will bo open. A Newfoundland dc spatch says 'that iho seal fishery has turned out to ho the largest, In yiars, and tho cod-fish markets are alfio reported better. The Belle Isle Iron Mine will open In a few days ith lng employment to a largo num ber. Tlirre is now little If any destitu tion In M. John's, and soup kitchens mo praethally closed. I'M'IKI) STATIC. Tho lumber yaids of P. 13. Newton In Clo\ eland were destroyt d by flro yester day Loss $100,000, partly Insured. _ Prank I hid way, of the London, Ont., 11 ley el" tluli,' 'bus been entered for tho Martin road race in Buffalo on Memorial day. Hold, Ford, tho murderer of Jerry Biown, in a quarrel ouni game of carda Inst Ontohnr, was hanged yesterday at 2snslnillc, Tonn. At 1 p.m. yeslerdav the thermometer registi led HI degrees in Now York city. It was the wannest April 2Cth In Now York In 10 year. The notoilmis Brll Cook, train robber untLtlespuriulo of Kansas, haa arrhed at Albany penitentiary, where ho will re main 1.") joins if'ho Ihos that long. The Detroit Dry Dot k Co. has secured tins 1 oiiti.u ti'to lujlld n new hteauu-r for llio ('le\eland and Huffalo Transit Co., for the Ulovohind-Butfalo route. - Ailenj__ tho proprietor of the higgfst bucki;t ' hoi) business In the Unl it d ^tati 1 and Canada, was arrested yes- terd iy in Buffalo on a charge of grand tare ny and .i.imittcd to ball. nnri i^m a>i> 1 uKi.roN, (Idi, Sir Bohert Low telegraphs that Chit nil was occupied by tho Brltl-di last hat iu day. A telegram from Pekin mys there Is a crisis tin re. Thn ratification of tho treaty of peace with Japan Is uncertain. Six dead bodies of- sailors havo come ashore near Plymouth, Km?. An oar and small boat marked ".Steamship Marie" were found U0 yards from them Thn Norwegian steamship Mane, l,i&0 tons, Is tins only sreainship of that namo pass ing loguhirly through the English Chan nel._______________________________ MATTERS IN KINGSTON- IiitnroKt in tl* ^ ' iiriisrniin IHttimtf-r-Tlii) AmliorNlhiii'^' < liinrli '1'ioiiblo. Kingston, April 2<S, J. C. lnnos, form erly city engineer, loft his homo Sunday evening for a walk and has nut sh|co re turned and no traco of him can bo found. Por somo yoara past ho haa boon quite fooblo in body and mind. Much intoroat is felt horo In tho Nica- raguan dlsputo booauso of tho faofc that Commander Stokes, of II. M. S. Itoyal Arthur, Is tho husband of Mrs. Stokoa, now viaiting with her parents, Mr. and Mra Isaac Simpson, of fhls city. Tho hearing of tho appeal of tho rector and churchwardens of tho parish of Am- heratburg, against tho findtpg of tho ecclcst laatlcal court of tho dioeeso of Huron, and tho sentence of tho bishop of tho dlocose, by which Kov. Mr. Wye, tho rector, waa withdrawn, waa begun yoa torday and will probably bo continued for two daya. Proceedings aro private. Tho facts In connection with tho easo at issuo may bo briefly stated as follows: Tho rectory of Amhertabnrg having bo- LOino vacant, tho Bishop of Huron ap pointed Huv. G. W. Wyo. This appoint ment was not altogether acceptable to the congregation, which desired tho bish op's nephew, Kov. Mr. Baldwin. Tho bishop declined to meet tho wlshoa of tho congregation in this rospoct,on tho ground that the pobitlon was ono which ougnt to bo given to an older clorgyman. On Mr. Wye taking up Ida now chargo, a hot op position was developed against him. Meetings were held, and othor moans of creating agitation used, whloh, being continued, resulted in tlnoo commissions being sent to tho pariah to investigate during tho flvo yoars of Itev. Mr. Wyo'a incumbency. A diocesan trial was finally held and it was deoldod (ono member of tho court dissenting) thittHov. Mr. Wyo'a usefulness waa gone. Urion thia finding tho bishop revoked his lieonso and Mr. Wyo and tho churchwardens are now ap pealing against tho sontonoo. The court of appeal Is tho creation of tlio provincial synod of Canada. It la constituted of tho bishops of tho nlno dlocoaos In Canada, with iho Metiopolitau as president and three asHOSHors who must bo barristers of not loss than nlno years standing The bishop whoso doelalon is nppoaled against U of course disqualified from participa tion In the doliboratlona ot tho court. Tlds Is tho ilrat instance In which tho court has hoonj^mvoiied^___________ A Vol y NttlT'tW 1 HCIipO A landslide occurred, on the I. O. H. about a mile thin side of Grand Narrows Wednesday evening. The express, which was coming along n-t full apoad, ran Into tho earth heap before the onglnoor wiih aware that any obstruction barred tho way. Thoy wow In tb6 act of baolclng away whnn another slide of earth und rook, quite as large aa the first, took place, and at* the ol Iff hero Is about liiO feat high, *id not the onglwar not been very quick a frights ftil enuiHtropho mnat simrty have roaulmd. Ah It waa, they had very Uiirvnw VM'tity*, ihM ido&oMi Cttll yut known on thf* . E. S1VIITH & Co, Still B Advance! *f ^atitih: _3^_-_=?-0_^-iiNrs! We quote a few of our special cuts in colored Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Serges, Tweed effects, all of latest designs........ Hegnlar 50c line for 30c. 50 80 1 oo it G5 regular GOc line for 30c 75 " 45 1 25 " 75 In Black and Navy Bines wo are nhowing a Bpooially (lno assortment at extra low prices. See oui^dtHjjjlo fold Lnss Goods 12^ c per yard. Job lot Prints regular L2^c for 8c. To be in style you must got a fancy Duck Dress. Wo biw a fine assortment with Lace and otber Trimmings to .matui. We havo over-bought in clothing and meari'to reduce at once, if pricoa will belp.^ Men' all wool Tweed Suits $5, regular price 8 l^oys1 2-pieco suits $125, Men's suits made to order, Scotch Tweeds, $15.50. In Shoes we carry only'the "best makes, and at prices that sell them at bight,' Ladies1 button boots worth $1.50 for $1; walking shoes 75c; Gents1 iinc laced or gaiter shoea $1.25 pr. We are reducing prices in all shoes for balance of month. It will pay you to look at ours before purchasing Luce curtnins 30c; curtain poles and fixtures 25c; carpets trom 10c yard up, & S*a a WHITNEY BLOcWvESSEX IS SELLING Wagons, Buggies, AND"ALL KINDS OF Farm Implements AT RIGHT PRICES. Fence Wire, Nails, Paints and Oils, CHEAPER THAN EVER. W IL Kioliardsoni HARDWARE, ESSEX. CALL AT ay's Bazaar, FOH ALL KINDS OF Window Blinds away down Chinaware3 Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, BooIcb and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, . * - Wall Paper from 2 cents up. ftRKETJ To Smokers To moot tho wmhofl of thoir outttoraors, The Geo, E. Tuokott & Bon-Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont , havo placed upon tho mai'Uet A. Combination Plug of "T & B." SMOKING TOBACCO Thia anppliofl n long folfc want, giv ing bho consumer ono 30 ocnfcplug, or a 10 cot't pioce, or a B oenfc pioco of tlio famous UT 8c Bw l>r*n^ of puvd Virginia Tobacco. n8UnUglMr&B"isoD6ywy piece. Wheat rod por baohel .. -. $ 75 to 75 Wheat, white .... 75 Corn ____ 50 Oats .... ,10 to SO Timothy Seed .... 3 fio Clover Seed .... 5 75 to 6 7fi Alailic ____ 5 30 Hay per too............ GOOIoGfiO Beef per cwt............ 5 00 to 5 B0 Pork ............ o .10 to C 50 Mutton ............ n 00 to IS00- Uidca ............ 3 00 Chickens por lb.......... 8 8 Bottor .......... i i Lard .......... 8 1# Errb, pop doz .......... (i Potniaoit, por bunhol .... C5 to GO Oniona .... 7fito 80 Applao .... qoto e* Turnipa .... 40 Carroto .... 40 Boetii .... Co Purnnip .... 40 Turlcoya por lb.......... 8 to 0 Dnckfl .......... s Celery por doz .......... 1 00 Cubbago .......... 25 Hiram WnllcefA: Son;niai*kfitUeKiok't No. 1 Ryo, por buahol .... 5 1 Com .... 45 Otttfl .... 2C Tlio ftbovo pnooB aro paid by, 33, "Walker Bonn, Wftlkervillo, Ont. W. H. EVANS, BAKER & CONFECTIONER, Ilavin^ built a. now oven wa are prerjarsd to furuiah nrntolaiifi Br4&d and Oakoa ^ Bakora' Strong li'lour. Goods dollverad to all parts of tho town. - Special attention given to allofderi. GIVE US A CALL ! Two doors 011 nt pout olDco. WOODSLEE Harness Emporium. - w. SMITH, WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. The boat of Loather and flret-ol^H Work- ma.nHblp. AlUmtid work. Kv*ry IInrnoBK *oId bv me mado in Wood* eloo. My Stouk of Dfiht and Houvy - Htmion* 'S how complete, aud a uplen- ^tlul uimok of ill Horso Gooda. Rvpairmg done promptly and oheap. 7 WRIGHT C. SMITH, South Wootiiiee, \S \ - "v -. ',<

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