Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 19, 1895, p. 3

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- t.iiM*,<r^-t-*" wr ' '" >\$\*XW- V ""^ f^J'H TT ^^yT^fT-^wffn^ ,-1i . ^T' Fw* ^VW* ,?^ TT,"".!-> i l' C !'"sW^c i-'KK^i 1 u.i ?"5E 910 Convent of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. kinUrom Testiminv of the Highest Possible Character, Paine's Gelery Compound and lis Good Work. The Sisters Gall it the "Wonder-working Medicine," and Strongly Re commend Its Use, CURIO IBL1NG GAivlE. L _ _, RAILROAD ROITERS. It U Appttr^hUy i>Uy<l In Nupl** <:ilnik|uii(l Npw>ior Kino. If Uif intforofttlnjr. aoihm of urticlos now lttdim i>(iblInlio<l in OioOonlmy* oti- titlutl "AcrfinH AKliloinrUicycln/'Hierti U a doaeiription of a curloua kiiwiu pluyod by the ChinnHo of tho lowor clan hOH, Tho autliorH, Alhmund SaohUobon, urn two yomiK Aniorieurw in noaroh of -ntlvtntin' inCottuatioH, both ol which thoy appear to huv found. They miy: "One of their (tho Chini'Ho) kiunoa ofchancrt which wo havo frequently In throwing tul **W iif 'llinni ICIIInil, iiml Twi. Woi,t i),,- Irtl1) U iiiiim|<-I liV I'Ik'Ii OllnM'. Idtlln Ifotk, April 111. A fitlnl riot nmirtvil vruoiday al Slloaui :-|,rlii;;t )H,li' hmi amon^ the railroad men um- plojod on (oiihlniotlou Work. Two nl iho rlotuw woiu -iil)lod In Mdf-defeiiH- hy l>n(iiity Unllod Slutim Mawlm! l'n.ct'iv and two num had inmlmiHly (jumudlrd woro fatally wouiuit'd by oarh nthor. Thn-o bun liocn trouhlu for muiio niontliK twhitt to Ihn lnbnn'ru heintf cll\lfliacL as to nationality, tlm nallvo American* holng iirmynrt itKiilmtt tho fim'bmon.. A mu-1- otii row hiaitcd two or tlnnr wivLs up;o anil wily tho prompt Imi'rveritbiii of tlm ist nl;dif two mop named Chuidonnhii; and I'Mcm- liitf quarrelled over kuiiiii private mid tern. IMhtolw wovo drawn awl each Hud at, tlm other. Both full fatally wounded. All tho nion In ramp worn iilir.u led to tho humutif llm HliiioLlnpr and iho cxUti- ntnnt preilpJtated a riot. Aliens and Americana fought furlounly wlihrlnhs, hnlvtw and Htont'H, and fTVro with much llrhiK at random on hotli hIiIcm hrputy Mai'sluil l'Wietor nrdcivd dm riot its tn dKpi'iin, lint hi' was sd upon \ty hoth sldch. N'i'liitf that his llfn n,h in ilimm'i he shot al IiIh assailants killing two Tho olhinr wan wrinuslj wounded twin', hot, hU action Htnpped tho Hot. A fow of tho rioien vvcro artvhtoil and tho others escaped. AN ITALIAN PERSECUTED. No medicine in tho world has nvor arud or recoived tho hud) and uimtiutod pruiHs that Iiub boon juofcly accorded to Taiuo'i* Colery Compound. Tnmtmoumln (many of thorn of uneertiiin authenticity and qusstionnblo voritrity) ipptmi fftali weak, ndvocuLuiK tin (mo of mndicinod. wcrthloriBUtul of no value to th msk uad fmfforiiifi. XJaiuo'H Oolery Compound t.tund on u. Hwmmtt of farao. far rnmvoil from all tho dectptivo medicmoH of tho ilav. I* i**t torn of tutiniouy count from tho h**ht pro plo. UMfl from institution!! v/hnuo liatHOH ure (iytion>inoan with hbnor nd npriRlil uoen. Araonu the lai^cand notod inHtitutioiiu whoso pooplo have het-n hlewsed hy tli^ curing and houIiK vimion of l'uiiit"h C'rl ory, 1H tho "Convent of ihu Holy fNiiiriui/ in-thociiy uf- Montreal, Thin thorough and tntiumhcpnily iqint- ped iiiHtitiitioti of lofirmnif. irf amount 'ho larROBtof tbt Kind on thin lontiotiiti^iilii1. : haw ovtr tiiirty brunch huiinUH ta C>tiiuiht and tho United StfttoH. Aftor a thorougli trulof I'aiuo'n Culorj Compound m tho lioad 1ioum#, ny tnntt-ru who nnffi't'ud from tho iroiibleu *i\<n rrmltt inimtiii life rnisoruhli'. anil hiinnu ilo- truly Crime! rPhtdtw heiilth, vigor, Htreiiuth uu'i otiong nor>oH it ivmh dufiiied adviuohlu in tbe intereiiiH of Hutfrnng htiuium y, to in ike Li deolaratjo i that would imvg com fort, aHHuranco and liopo to all Hiiffurerw in the hind, Tho Bisters huvo kionly w ncl ^incioonly written ud fnltowi Wti feel it a duty to told in ti mirnoi y in favor of yollr' wonilur **wniknijj wtjrlt- inn" I'aino'n Colory Comj">und. Muny Hititoni Hufformu from dihilitv, ilynpopwiit, Hli'oplemmt't.H and iiidiLOiiiinn liaio iy*'f\i complotoly rohuvud utter t'tUitij* it. 'Wo Hlitill fdrotitly rtcommcud hh tino in all our houHuH, M tho hunt .oedicme to ro- tor bualth, uud yivo tnui and viunr tu Hie nervoun Byntom." MORRISON DECAMPS, rim Chief Operator In tho lltu St ami* NwlnOlo Suddunly |)Uui>i>imra. Buffalo, April il.-While tho United Btjites Si * ret Hi r\he deteetives and I'ost JHUo Inspi'ttorri were-earfhltigtlie eotm- fry for (jeo Morrison, iho chief operator In tho gi^nnllo bogus iitwUigo stJimp bwindh* that wily individual was resting UtiU'tly in n room at a cliwip boarding house in South IJivishm street. lit' made frequent \ jilts to tho jtoj-t ollico and always inquiivd if there wan any mail for MorrLson. This fact wim brought out whnn on Wednesday a tehgram wii* re ceived from one ol the Inspectors ^1 was working on tlie ejise in Hamilton, Out., asking if any peivoiis hml tallodat tho Uuffalo ullli o fur f;enoral delivery mall for Georgo Morrison. Tho clerks wore cmuiuikU and It was Icariiotl that a man by the name of Mor rison had hiqulrtd about some letters, but had not re,coned any that nay. Tin* information was wired to Hamilton Tho mail bont to Morrison from bin assistant, Mra. Mack, was addiessed to Morrison at tho gouural dolUery and "as tlicro wuh nothing for him Wednesday ho luul re ceived ovorj thing up to that time. Mor rison evidently be< nine frightened and huddonly (lisuppeaied Post Oilho Inhpoc- tor Kyan arrived lure yesttrday and found tho room where Morrison lived in South Division htri'tit where all tmoo of him waw lost. Mioiti'iit'fil to .Tail, Halifax, April 1U. Judge Johnntoa finished tho Tutt-Gaio bigamy cjiho. In the wise of Mrs. Gale'H second htiHband, counsel moved for his discharge on tho grounds that It was not proven ho was mvnro tlmt tho woman was already wed ded when ho married her It won allowed and Galo was roluasod In caao of Mra. T. Tutt, Ida honor eald sho was quito younpr when llrst married and ho had read her uilldavlt in which she stated hor sor row. She had lately undergone, a painful operation. Taking all theso thlngfl into tonslderatlon ho decided to eentouco her to eight weokH in jail, sontenco to com mence from time of committal. It will bo remomborod that Tutt canio horo from Boston to prosccuto hiB vflto noticed Hooum to co^-n- - .---------.. , ln|(im, their angora out ut ono another, urn (,m(,ir4 |n.lIV( lt|lfl i(]nlltihlH.(K Bbouting ut th top of thoir voicou. It ia really a matclilng of numl>orH for which tho Chiimmon makoa nigu* on their iingrtra up to tho immoral ton. Now, tho curlouH thing in tlmt tliiH identical gam In pbiyod by tlioNoapoli- tium and called "niorra," but it is not with thorn, and probably not with tho ChinoKo, a mulching of numbers, but an adding of thorn, Tho two plajera, Ktanding opposito cucb otbor put out ut tlio namo moment tlioir right hands with acbrtain mnnbor of tho finffflrs oxtondod Hboutint; at tho Hiuno time any nmnoral up to ton, tho huiu of tho angora on tho two right himclH. Thopluyer who liaa happened to cull tho correct number of tho ex tended fingora wina, for it in, with tho Neapolitans who are invotorato gam- blorw, a gnmo for a certain iitalco. For iiiHtnncc, A puta out two brown and uHually dirty digits, und shouts-"Fivor At the hiimo timo II puta out four of tho muuo aort and calls "SixI" B wins, for hix prove* to bo the correct number of tlm fingers diaplayod. An tho motions of tho htind^ and tho HhrmU of both players aro simultaneous it is all puro chance. How did tho Neapolitans get thia game? By importation from China, or ih it a coincidence of goniuH? At any rate, it in tin interesting thing to soo tho picturesque utreot groups in Naples on- gaged in playing it, for tho wonderfully quick movements of tho fingers, tho shouti, tho rapid adding, tho constant shifting of place, all coinbino to mako Ad u CoilHfi|iii-iM<) lift 'I It rim Jllniimll' lit 1 rout of a I'i i-lflit I ioIii. Seoltdale.Pa., April W. Mldero Orflno. an Italian lahorer.coinialtted sub bin joh- terday hy throwing himself in front of a freight train 'When ho lived In New Orleans several yean ago he incurred tly enmity of the Maihi ami in a light stabluM it number of the soelety of assasMi.y. Then ho wandered north, but tliey fol lowed him everywhere and ho returned to bin old homo in Judy wln-io his wife ami family lived. Ho bad been thorn but, a short timo before bis enemies discovered him and ho sailed for this louutry again. His landing In New York was noted by the Mafia there and he sought safety In tho coal region of Western I'ennsyhunia. About a month ago hoohtaimd i inpay ment, upon the const! ticthm of a sower. Ilo told tho story of his prosecution to some of his follow workmen who wero ., ,. , .. ., , , Americans and akl ho would never run the scone more enlivening thim it prob- j Iiwuy from lh(, M(lfl(l in Thl v W(trn ably is among tho more phlegmatic Obi- , lncredulmiH and questioned some j'talians nese. But the strange thing is to find on tho subject. Their doing mi was fatal 'tlfu~flnmo~Bport imm~Italian city and tho ' to Oiflno In a few da>s- he reieived a interior of China apparently nowhere Mafia letter warning him to leave tho plao. coke region or sutfer instant death, lie preferred to take bin own life. Mm. SimcHti'i' on Vfnmtm'a Work. It has hodn assorted by physicians in good and regular standing, that tho health of the avorago Bocioty and pro- iff BURNED TO DEATH. U Mothtir mill 4'liiltl Ilnnlbly J$urnl C'uiihimI by n OhhdIIih) Stove. Philadelphla, Apri 1 1.1. Whilo Mrs. Mary Kurvsohonkel, aged L8 years, was preparing supper in tho kitchen hack of tho little bakery kept by her husband at -No. 171 North Third htreet, alio replen ished a gasoline stove. Tho fluid caught flro and in an instant tho woman's cloth ing was ubla/.e. Shu rushed through the dining room, sotting flro to a baby coach in which hor eight-months' old child was asleep and ran on through tho bttkory Bhop to tho street and foil horribly burned upon the pavement. Tho bouho was soon ablaze and passorsby who attempted to outer wero driven hack by tho flames. jXuvzschonkol, who was asleep on tho uppor floor, was taken from the second etoroy by moans of a ladder, Tho firo wiw eoon gotton undor control and the child was found terribly burned in tho dining room. Mother and child vvcro taken to tho hospital whero they both died. SUCCUMBED TO THE COLD. .-,- A Squall KJnmit a Hunt With V\vo Men- Only One ItttKCiiml Halifax, April 1U. Tho story of tho ' torrlblo battle for life comes from (Jata- llua, Nfld. JKho men. Josoph White, James Kady, John White, Stephen Kady and Edward Kady vonl out bhootiny In a boat and a squall upset it, but tlm men righted it. Time alter time this oumrrud until tho moncuuld do nothing more than cling to the upturned craft, which was threo miles out In Trinity bay. One after another bucoumbed to tho cold and seaa that wero constantly breaking over thorn until but one remained, Joseph White. no was instated more dead than alive, but will recover The bodies of tho other four have not bu n I'ecoverLd. ^Vvli-r in \~. u titlco raol'cuio "or1 1 j caii'-f v >> i -w ioU iiml ullntt!^ i < . '| of cmi< '. T on iem<-mbor, Hood's -hi sapai'iloi f mi m. j.^ fcwo hlHtmu Found UoikI. Haverhill, Masq .April 13. Two maiden sisters, Mary J. and Kllzubeth Bryant,, residing ntlono at Hi) Kent street, worn lound dead in their chamber. Kli/abeth having been burned to death and tho other suffocated. Mary had boon ill for homo weeks past and it Is supposed that KHzaboth early yesterday morning lighted a kerosono lamp to go to her sister's room and that-tho lamp exploded, as- pieces of it wore found in her room. Why tho fires went out Is a mystery as tho room.s wero full of light fabric, clothing and papers. Another theory is that the houso was entered by burglars who endeavored to hcb tho house on flro bo cover their crlmo. Tho bistort wore worth consider able monoy. llooiu 111 OH. Pittsburg, April l!l.~As an indication of tho aetUity in tho hunt for oil It may ho haul that there wore 1,101 new wolln drilling and rigs in cmirso of construction on the ilrit Instant oh against a monthly average of .13 last joar. It is estimated that about #1,000,000 is being oKpomled in now work in all the Holds. Men aro in the field day and night looking for possi ble developments. Derricks aro being built wherever there is tho slightest possi bility of discovering the greasy fluid and tho Standard Oil Company people are ready to buy any wdls and leases at good II gurus. Mi|iponml tn 1> Muntiir and Sulcldo. .St. liouis. Mo., Apiil 13, Yesterday iftornoon tho dead bodies of a man and ivoumn wero found lying t>y tho roadside near Manchester, a western suburb of this jit3'. Tho bodloH wero lying about fifty fed n-pari and wero badly disfigured. Tho police have been unable to identify thorn and it is supposed to ho a caeo of murdor and sukide. An empty carriage was found a few hundred yards beyond whero the couple worn lying and it Is thought that the couple drove out from St. Louis So tho seeno of tho tragedy. I n IhJieil In tin* ! looil. Angel Camp. U(,1-i April Kk Fifty foot if tho Utica mining camps dam, threo miles from hero.broko yesterday and Otto Uindt, an old man who lived on Antonio Cnek,perished in tho flood. Ho ro-entered Ins bouho to hooure money and jewelry when the mass of water swept away tho st ructuro. The company's loss is $70,000 llm Ilody MtntiUVd. Guelpb, April Hi Tho unknown man who was klll'id Tuesday morning on tho railway between (Itielph and Klora ban been Identillod by Mr. Burger, of Fergus, us Joseph Moore, of Georgetown, a farm laborer. I Cholma Aluittii. London,'April Hi Cholera Is abating nts Makuukung where there -are ft 17 old- -uiseo. 2H vw mum and ill deaths. I MRS MAUOAUKT E RANGSTEIt fcflsional woman breuks down after a enroer of five years Tliis is important 11' t rue. But it is open to discussion Profes sional and society women who have been questioned admit tho strain of tiioir lives, but deny that its effects are so serious us tho alarmists claim. Sev eral of them go further, and claim that a woman can retain her health longer in a professional or social life than in tho wearing routina^of domestic cares. Mrs. Maigaiet 13. Sangbter, who has bet ii tho editor of Harper's Bazar for hix years, earnestly aflirmud that a wo man could keep tho best health while leading an active professional life. "Ibavo been in the field," she* said, "for twenty years, and my boalth has improved all the time. Professional life is tho healthiest hfo in the world, and it is a grave mistako to think it al ways1 involve*! irregular hours. Of courtji'. a professional woman needs to euro for her health, needs exercise, nu tritious food m fact, every requirement necessary to tho comfort of u woman in any other condition of life. She should not dobar herself from social life in moderation, but such relaxation is equal ly necessary to the well being of every other woman. Bent of all, I think, ig tho fact that a brain-worker gains in breadth of character, in depth of thought, power of better understanding and of helping others in the ability to develop every faculty. The CImuH Vt nmnn'H Opinion. Mrs. W. J. Baird, tho famous cheaa problem woman of London, dooa not believe in woman's "intuition." She culls it "jumping to conclusions," and she recommends chess as u corrective to tho tendency. She alao points onb that choss is a domestic accomplishment. "No woman,' she says, "is compelled to leave hor own fireside for the sako of choss, and, lastly, it producod no fluting and general frivolity." Mrs. Baird could scarcely have said anything; that would make tho average woman cure loss for chess Vrenhlcnt Clnvnlund will I'ny IMu Tny, Washington, April hi. President Cleve land has filled out his income tax blank and will probably make bis return to day. In it lie included his salary of $&),- 000 as chief executive on which the tax will bo $(KU deciding- to leave it to tlm propor officers to determine whether the payment of tho two per cent, assessment will ho In violation of that provision of tho federal constitution which says tho compensation of tlio President shall not In) liureased nor decreased during tho term for which lie shall havobeen elected. As to the payment of tho tax Mr. Cleve land has until tho first of July to do It and as tho constitutional question affect ing his salary will undoubtedly have boon pamed beforo that, time the Presi dent will wait for tho disposition of tho matter. Shot liroiiKh tli Head. Alliance, Ohio, April 1& At Minerva, ten miles south of hero, John Yengllng, son of G, F. Yengllng, prosldont of tho Minerva banking company quarrelled v\ lib his -\\ifo yesterday and attempt!d to shoot her >hn escaped from tho houso v\ ben Vint, mg began to beat Ids little daughter. Thou, hi. Booth, ono of tho host Known citizens of the town and tho largest wool buyer in tho state was al tr.u ted by the creams of tho child. Ho attempud to rescue tho little girl when Yengllng fired two shots at him, one bullet enoterlng Booth's bead , going out through tho tongue. A crowd soon ar rived and Yengllng was subdued and placed in jail. Tho jail is being strongly guarded as Bootb'ri condition is critical und tho feeling against Yengllng Is In tense. Uobhi i Mn Kit u Itieh I Inn], Creek. Col , Vpnl l!i At 10.J10 o'clock yi sti rdav morning tho overland Wo 11s- Fargn neasury wagon from Crassy sta tion, tin leiininus of 11] Midland road was belli up by two masked men and rubbed. The rubbers took all tho valua ble^ with tin; treasin-v box, containing $].">,000, bills of lading ami way-bills. They then shot and beat the guard, Robert Smith, so badly that ho will die. A riot to Uurdr Count SIhhi\ nlotf. Berlin, April liJ, Despatches from Warsaw say that tho pollco have discovered there an exleiislvo plot to murder Count ShouvalolV, Ceneral Gourk's successor In the government. Numorous citizens, Including two women, wero arretted. ]N(any secret presses, which have been issuing Nihilist manifestoes, liavo boon illscovercd In Warsaw anil elsowhcro in Russian Poland In the last few days. To Piotoot Ainnricun Cttl7ciiH. Constantinople, April Hi Tho ordering of two United States men of war to tho hillclau coast has ciuwd much comment und some uneasiness here. United States Minister Terrell, when questioned as to tho (dijeet of the order.sald that tho Wash ington government's solo intention was to protect American clti/.ims In caso of nood. .(tinipfd OvorlmurtI, Queonstown, April 13. Tho enptalu of tho steamship Adriatic, which flailed from New York on April U and arrived hero yesterday reports that threo days out a steorago passenger named lOrlcson disap peared and sttpposod to havo jumped averboaid. ARE STILl LEADIN iiS'% tho trade in ull kinds of Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, SbiiYgleff of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chostnut Coal._______ WINDMILLS. Wo urp Sola Agent* iii tho County for THE ABR.MOTOR, Of Chicago, which took Higbont Awards at tho World's Fidr. Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A writton tfuuratitoo with evory Outfit. Laing Bros., Essex. BY-LAW No. A HY-JjAW to provide for drainage work in tho lownnhip of Maldntono, in Iho County of Kuhft, ud for borrowiua on tho credit of tha municipality tho aum of 8789.00, Muuhitono'n portion of tho cent of oonatruotinu tho Uyliiud drum. Provioionally adopted tho IGth day of March, A, D., 1891. Wiiimuau, Win. I Jon uni an und otboi-fi, composlMtr * majority iih uliown by tbo last i-ovlaed aw- iipritmnntroll of tho TowiiHhii) )f Matilutono, of tb* iiartlmi aiuopmid for tho oonutruotioia of tho ifyliiiid iiniin alorminlf), votiilotied tho munloljial council of tliu Tovnfiliip of Uliddvloan to ooo- ntruct, undor tho provinlonn of the l)mint.'a Aot of 181)4, udraln to carry off tho tiurphm Wkter of tho arim (lonoi ihn 1 in tlio petition. And WmuiKAK, tbfiraujion tlm oahl oniinoll htiu prootircd an exnmbmtiou to he hinds by J.8- Luird, I\L H hoinu a poyiton compotoot for tiach lairnoim. of ilit> huUI aroa liroponoj to be drained mid tbo iiionniiBiintfontoiJ for tlin driiinuito thernof, and of otbor laiulu und rondM liable to uiinaniimioitunrlnr tlilR ant, and ban ulno proourod nlann, ppncificatlonn and nfithnntnn of tho drainnjio work to be miido by tho hhIU J, B, fjalrd, and an iiHnouHiiinnt to U miido hy him of tho lamln und roadn to l>o bonoflttod by imcli dialnnjfo work, and of other lamlw and roiulH Utihle lot enntrihntion thornto, iitiitlnu, uh noarly an ho enn, tho proportion of hunullt, outUt liability in a injiiriDc Hal illty, which, tn biu oplnion.wllt bo donvod or Ineurrorl In counemmrjco of uuoh drain- ntio work )>y ovory road or lot,or portion of lot,the mid rouaiaimeiit no inadn bdlntf thn HEUoHBuaent horajiiaftnrhy tluR by-law oiiaotnd lo bn auimnuod and Inviud upon tlio roaiht ana lota and parts of lotu lioroinaftflr in that bohalf onpuo'ally uttt forth mul dooorlbod, and tho roport of thn said Jan. H, Laird, in renpoot thoroof, and of tbo said di iiinugo work, bolnu aa follows; To tlio liooyo, Doputj -roovo and Counolllors of the Towauhlp of Maidstone hi Council aiinomblttil. GitNTr.Kio'N. with Imttruetlonti from your lionot*blo body, I liavo taken tho potitlon BtRiifid by Win. Ilonnman and othora, and havo oxamlnod tho locality deuorlbod lu nald pot ition and bon to report thoroon aa foliova: I ftml that tbo iitdd doncrlhed locality id very muoli in nood of drnintiKO. I would thoicforc rite o mm on d that a ditch bo dug on tlm north side of tho townlins botwoon MaUlntflne nnd Coloboster North from tho west nhlo of the Michigan Central Hallway, vent to tho at nldo of tho townlino botwen Maldstono and Handwldh Bouth, and alao ono ou thn nnnt tildo of tho road allownno* botwoon-tho 0th and ]Qfh-conH. from tho aaldt townlino botwoon MnUlatonu and Oolcboutor North to tho eoutu nido of the year south of Talbot road lotu. tbunco woHtorly nlonc tbo dltoh on tlio aonth nldo of fluid roar road to the ditch on tbo naiit nido of tbo townlino botwoon Maidotono and Qandwtoh tinuth, thoiioo north alouif the laflt montionod dltob to tho contro of tho ranee of Iota noutb of Talbot road, having the name outii and bottom vidthn na nbown on tho n-unoxod iirofilon and npocificatlonH. I find that the coot of tho nald drain, all oxpoumm Inohidod, will bo 00!). Of thin amount 1 havo txd tne Town- Hbip of Muldntono, for benefit to roadn with f'iWi; tho Townnhip of Colohentor North, for benefit to tho noutb townlino with $87, and tho Townahlp of BHndwjali h'ontb for bonotH to tb weat townlino with fcal). I have andtiHKod tholandu of Malditono forbonoflt with Sllfl, and tbo lands of Mnldntonofor ontlotwith i?fift( an nhown In tho unnexod ooliodnlon of amiuanniontH. Ancom- panyitiR jou will find platin, nroilirn, npnclflcationiiaiid iiDHOBfimontaand ull paporft nooociBafy for ({uidimco In the oonntruotion f tbo iinid drain, havo the honor to ho, jjontlomon Your obedient iiorvnnt, Knnox, Kov.23, IHU. JAS. B LAIRD, r.L.H. And Wmsniug tbo-uald-GflUHod i of-HHunlnjM.lmt dralnafio of tho arcaB doaorlbod 1b do- nirablo. . zz Tberftforo the nald rouniolpal council of tho Bold Townnhip of MaidHtono, parnuitnt to tho provlnionn of tho DralnaRo Act, 1B04, onuctn as follown: lot. Tbo noid report, piano, npcitlcatinnii. nmioiinniontfl arjd oDtlmaton aro horeby adopted and the dralnaito work an boroiu indfeatod and not lorth flhallbomado and conBtructoa lu accordance therewith. Grid. Tho Iteevo of tho naid Townnhip may Imrrow on tbo credit of the Corporation o! tho oaid Townnhip or Maidntono tbu num of 97W.00boir(c tho amount nooonnavy to pay Mald- Htono'a poition of tho oOllt Of tbo nald-nruiu. and may iimuu dobnnturofi of tbo Oorpov ntion to that numBot not Ichh than *?C0OO oach, mid payablo within five joarB Trom the ditto tl moot, with intoront at tbo rate of ft pur cent, por annum, tlmt jh to way, lu flvo equal iiiHti-liMiitu, uuoh dobontuxcy to bo pa*ab]o at tbo Imperial L'unUnt tbu Town ol Kubcx and to havo titttiDlicd to them conpona for tlio payment of intoreiit. 3rd 1'or pavhift tbo num of 8il\ tho amount ahurgtrt auniiiBt tho nnld landn and rad fOi bom tit. and tbo onra of $B9.00, the amount oharRod ugnlunt tho naid lands and rontln for outlot liability, and tbo num of 8 , tbo amount ctiurnett njjaiuHt tbo naid landn and roadu fo> injuring liabilitj, apart from tho lands and roadn boloniuuKto or coutroUott by tin- municipality, and for covi riutf iiiteren: tlioroon for flvo yeura nt tho rate of nix por cont. pur imiiuui, tlio total hi i oiid tam, over and abovo all otbor raton nhall bo nnH0f.nod, loviod and oolloctod (In tho Harao niunner and ot tbo ii^mo timo aa tuxen aro lovieil and colluotod] upon aud from tho under mentioned lotn or partii of lotu, and rpado, and tbo amount of tbo caul total upeoial raton and intort'Ht nhnll ho divided into flvo ootittl partti, und one tmch part nhall bo annoonod and levied an nforeiinid, in each yem for flvo yoaro after tho final panning of thin by-law, durinu wbioh tho naid did rnlurcf ha\o to rnn fc ohedtilc of L and a AoaehHed for tbo Ilyland Drain. II 3) u 1/ CO a o o ** u m & l-i O 3 *- IS .s D o 3 ya a- 4) Qj o > ? M "Z j -J tJ Li in a QJ c. 1- *** > - <-> u a d 3 StM < S.o a oCi p a 3 "1-3- D *J a o ** o 1-1 u V < .10 910 > (3j 5^ n o u c $ 7 ro o 10 27 00 8 ft 10 00 " S17 CO 8 9 59 2H n pt rii) ;t .i 78 00 7H 00 11 H0 02 HO 18 5(i JH fl pt .v y. .'0 (iu 00 0."> 00 12 35 77 35 15 47 11 '2>l n w pt ;to:; 5 10 00 10 00 7 (10 17 00 9 52 'JH M W lit 80 Il- 5 -10 00 10 00 7 00 17 00 9 G2 2H e pt "0 HO !1 :> :r 00 :i.i 00 0 Bo *n m 8 Ho IM 82 00 Hy 00 15 (10 1)7 00 lt) 52 ST112H.-J u hf 100 <>0 00 20 00 3 80 93 fit) 4 7fi SHoBhf 20 no oo :io oo 5 70 35 70 7 H 2Kf Hoqr fiO 15 00 1.1 00 2 85 17 85 8 57 '2Hh h w tjr ;>o 7 :>o 7 fiO 1 15 8 95 1 70 J87 h bf 100 ir, oo lo 00 2 85 17 85 3 57 '2HH o w rjr .")0 7 CO 7 no 1 45 8 95 1 79 >H\i siilH 2.* :i 75 3 75 70 1 45 89 ^Hil w bf ti e <ir 2."> 3 lo 3 In 70 4 4 b 89 2811 oht n w It '2o 3 1* 3 75 70 4 45 89 'J81I h w I *i."i 7fi 3 7-r> 70 1 15 80 2'JO B o pt 2fi 3 75 3 75 70 4 45 89 '290' h w pt Total on luiulu 1)2 10 2.T 10 25 1 (J5 12 20 fiOO 75 2 41 4 b" 00 59 00 501 00 Oft 75 119 9fi Total on rotida Totaljon landn lt^rood^ 285 00 285 00 789 00 64 15 339 15 07 S3 7UU OO f.i) 00 149 00 088 90 187 7a A Muni AlxiiiHho Anlilc. Tho arilclo fthonhl be nllo\v0il us- much opportunity for lit sibility as tho wrist- Do not wear HTioL'HTbjit "fiawu rjJSovo tho nnklo; ulwayrt wear iloxiblo*" siioos,-so that yon may bo ablo to aea your tocu movo. "Bvoinioftleatlioris too thiolt fur tho hoiiHo. Discover Komo nrtiRtic'bi^dcin or1 cloth shoo for your bourn of ea&o And iest. Merely llown. Thoir lip mot. "Tho tfo'tl atbtsfc." ho inirmurM(l_. ' Touchdown," b1iq obHorvud, gently, corroctiuy liini in i^ccorduuoo with hor iimlorBtandliig ot' tbo footbuli tormin olouv. 'i.jj', Killed Him In s<>lt llnfc'iieo, Covington, Ky,, April 13. A coronor'i ury has tdearud Hoiudor tJuubul of tho hhnothiK of Cash lor Sanford at an inqnt'Ht hold yi'sLiuday monihijr tho jury found fioohol KlHotl Sun ford in wdf dofunr-o. ------------------------1------ Vordletof Suleldoj' ^^------- Bfllovlllo, April 13 Id tho nlloRod flululdo bt Mys. th-row, of Codar Inland, n voulUd of sulci do wna brought iu at tho inqiu'. 1 yt'stiiriluy. Heavy SnowHtorm in Mlehlmm, ICsciimibii. Mh'h., April 13. A heavy mow strum 11 i i<: nj;,bu\'(j,(ind bld.i ti\\r lo jflv<? potal Hlolt?*iln;.;, * The i juv'u Ooivtiiiitlim. St. Potis^bmp;, April' ill. Tho Czar lmn douldod thai. Ida coronation hha.ll be :olobratod iu Moscow uoxt August. 4th For paybm the hum of fiD, tho amount annefinod nnalnut the nald roadn (and lands) of tho municipality, and for eovorinu intoront thereon for flvo jearn at tho rate of nix per oaut. Per anminj a ipocial rato on tbo dollar, mifflclent to produco tho irnulrod yoarly amount therofor, bnll over and above nil other levied and collected (in the aaroemnnnoif ond at the Bttm6 timo'aa inxou aro levied and collected.) upon and from tho whole ratoahlopropoity of the eahl Township of Mulrtatino in oach voar for tho poriod of flvo yonra aftor tbo final najBlnB of tblo by law durinc which tho naid dobonturen bavo to run, fill That i hereby appointed commlHSionor to lot tho contract for raid drain and worldi connected thorowith. by public to tbo lowont bid dor (not euooodluc bo futlmute), but evory nuch contractor .with two [jowl and notiafoptory BUrction,flhall btt yonuire3 forthwith to ontor into bonda for tho duo performance an<l oifmnlotioii of contraofc tiocordlu to naid plana and niiecillcatlonti, and wlthlM the timo montionod with n Buob bond.unlonB othorwleo oXrod by tUo council; and it uhallne tho dttty ol nuoh oommlnfllonor to oauaa nnld drain and 3 ? connected tborowitb to to mado and ooiititructod (n accordance, with uuoh phinfl and Jm.cfloat o.V not later than tho A. .. ?, . (! othorwiBO ordered by tho cbmelljand to timo tooaoh contractor, loHfl per ce t of the amount duo. until tho contract in fully completed and duly accented; and for dte porformanoo of tbooe and all other dutieu of m !"1?^!1^ U" titlod torooolvoacoimnliiuionof porCGiitLon ho np^l cont ofo work. H\ n >. tlm PnniniiriAionor bo rcoulred fortbwltb to ontor into noniiu in tho num or C for am dui;icomp?etion of'tU?5?ikToeordiBfl to the plana and npoclQcutiona, and witblu the timo "Pjeiflja * onSiXi; bo published ouoe In every week for four oonBocutlvo wta. in the and after tbo final pniiBh-G thereof, and may bo cited tlio Uylund Drali> liy-law. M. McllUGH, Clorlf. _____ t t7, .t.w pimtoit v that tho fou robin f ,l ,1U<) cl>y of a Dy-biw provisionally adftptoa by tbo mu^o^d^^SoroVtTio^a^ MaldUouo on 10th djjr o^h^A^K ^ 3Sf OTIOE, vottpimh berobvtlvrn tbat a Court of Ro\ it-ion held puvBunnt lo tbtii provIiiIonBOf thoBraln- \nV tJit Vni- the Warluoiiid trial ot nppralH nmdo nuuinut tho abovo anuuBsaieut or htty inl't the roof w A hiSS Vh ASSlHlPun at the 'Vown Hall, Waldhtonu, ou Raturday the iiOtb day or wn iffi? ut Jio Sour o?10'"olook, In tbo foieiioon. und lhat an\ poruon intondlii to, appeal ,Vitf;Lt iL abovt iu!i?.BnmiSt. or any part thm* ot.mnut, not laterthitnttm daya before tbo tinqo Hio Uo -iho hSTSh I Mffooorf, pow on tbo OlWk of thi Muuidnallty, a bitten itotleo of...,. ftuehamio 1 oVomonvhohwiin'itoobttotoboheiirdithatboliam , uuoh appealer oLiiqrwnea------'vCn that any perneii JnUndhitf lo jnnlte application to ha\o GKO. A. WINTBMUTK, Itoovo. Dtitod at Maidstone tho lOtll day of Maroh, 1S9S. ^ ,'i t~,

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