Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 19, 1895, p. 1

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k f-. '-**^, .' .. "*-xJ. -."n.- Vj; y WILKINSON'S VI) II Ohoioo Fresh GrnovU'init, ProVmloiiB, Ttmn, Coffooa and Spicon. rlpcuial linoa in Crockery, ES Christian Endeavor Sooit Kt. rtiul'H Church;'!/ '" '-: TUESDAY EVG.,A?BiIi23; : Kyorybody Come. vol J!X=Bro~TTr i (1 ' V ESSEX, QNT.~,FB1DA.Y,. APBIu~19%"- 1895. WHOLE No..637 FA Spring Opening Friday and Saturday, April 5, 6. / w We cordially invite tho larlios" of lilsaex and surrounding country to at tend and inspect our display of I'nrin Pattern lints and Jioimots. OurAlis.H Hutton and astu'stanis will be j^lad to welcome you. Come*! Our stock of Dry (ioods, House FnrnishingH, Uarnets, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Shoes, etc., has been rein forced by recent heavy importations, direct from tho leadi'ig manufacturing centres of the world, and will well re pay inspection. We are in a position to nerve yon us well us anyone, ;md better than many. We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction. Special attention paid to quality in our Grocery .Department. You can roly upon jotting fresh, cleanr well kept goods here. We stake our rep utation on this. Prices as low ita the lowest. IPoreytiiOi.- *r KSBEX, ONT. >'1'"' WE ItUTHVEN. Alex, Koiiyoa will-put, m tun aorca of to bacco thin i/fini". John Oriflidtn will lonvo uu thia month, llo intenda moving tnuth. Tho Ontario Gun Co. have unloaded tliroo uarloiulti of fjim pipo nt thia iitntion. flurry Wiub, of thev Toronto military uohnol, iti viuititi;! liin unulo, Win. D. Wiulu. DotLom mid Bamutd WntL, o! Poluo Island, urn vimtim; friondu horo thin week. Wnu Fox hi ali'ippin^ carlnada of mould* inn diiikI to Lha roniimuhi Car Worka from thih utatiun. Louia Bommoy, tho north ond burueoft deulor, Bold fivo Hrta of douhlo hnrncnu oiio day Iilhl week. George I. Jouen. fiold $2oQ worth of tino penuh tree* to John D. Wiglo,' of Kin^a- villo on Monday laat. Artliur Fox ban purehiiaod a hoimu mid lot from Mr. Grattam, itnd wdl remtivo in to it in a fow diiyn. Dr. Bluirno'u hither arrived horo lunt Saturday morning. Wo uro pleuacd to nay tliat tho doctor m improving rapidly in health. We venture to wniior tt banana that "Griff" will bo the "star of tho evening" ut tho lip worth concert. Friduy at, the MtthoiiiHt church. Jiyrou Smyth, who haft been NpondiuK tho wirilur at TitllahaHHuo, Florida, return- e:l to hiahomo hem litvt Thuraday. Byron wan delighted with the Htate. AMUliUSTIUniG. John Mamion went out to CoMioater litjhthoUKO on Friday hint. H. H. Jh-ctt attended tho mooting of the K. O. T. M at, Siirnia, thifi w'eek, ""* ' *-' J-ihti II. Sinedlcy, of J'Jutroit, viailed thin week, -with bin hi.nter. Mra. Walter Middlt- ditch. Mitisi T. o1 linen roturhed on Huturday last from u luontlTH visit to her home in Dutton. JMrn. John Giint. has be nil very ill tho pant two Wf-clu! with la grippe. Shu is now out e[ danger. Holouum King harf moved frum iMuldfii to Jtmeph Grondin'H huURe, on eoruer of (n;i)i-^ii iind Simcoo Htreetti. Mink Unuilt, wiio liaa beun witli D. W- Kuril ,t Co., in Woodhtocli lor flumn moi:tlih punt, lititi ruturned home. 7iIi"h. (licv.i H.G. Liviii^tom!""ruTurncd to In-.!' huni'j in H.i'rnia on Huturday hint, afLi-r viniiiitj' for hoiiiu dnj h with hi-r pur- uutH, jMnyot and Mrs. Fruncr. Minn A. A. .\h-f!iirthy. titiioher in tin.- K. C. Si!|>arai-' HcIhkjI, h.-ft Thursday to hpL-nd lici* K'.vii r liuh'in\H ut bei liomu m Ilamil- toii. Miiti Alhi-riinc tu'eomjMinied her. GOHFIKhD NOUTII. Mr. Itiohurd Milieu m vmttuiK bin rolii- tivou liuro. Mr. Arthur Hunny iipont Bunday with frnnnl4 hero, Weddine'i aio all tlio no horo now. Tho more tho merrier. . " Minn Margin Bruolior id idoppin;; with hor winter, Mni. Moo. Mr. 1>. Noblo Iiilh idiin^hKi the eant half of bin horiii! Eirahlo. Mr, H. Vaughn in liuny building a hoard fence around tho aehoul yard. j Wo are uorry to hear that Mr. .1. Qi/mio in very ill. Wo bono ho in not .dun^eroim. Mth. JameH liroidtor returned homo on Tuenduy after iipondinu two weeko with iior dautihter, Mn. J. Moo. Ch'an. Ililimr len'i roturnod liomu after Hpondiiif; uotno weehrt with hid father ut Dawn, hrlhn mill. Mr. Edwin Gammon returned home on Tnoyday after fipendliiH ft few duyu with bin aiiiior, Mm. W. Ilrookor, We are ^lad to hour that Mm. J. Mnti i" fast ri'eovtiiii from a Huvoro illnoHH, under the Hlulftil treatment of Dr. Brion. , Mr. 8. Church intendii osovinfi into bin now honno iioou,' and will limvn tho one bo in in now for Samuel, hiti olduiit non, who irf^oinulo take one of Mr. Armntronn'n nirhi from him. Wo wmh them every hup- pioenn. , NOUTII UTDGE. MrH. N. .1. JoiitH, of Wiudnor bpont Ea- ter at the homo other father and mother, at Nvrth Kid'jjf. ThornaH McCroery in putting in nearly m-ven'hundred rodu of tdo draiuiug thin spriu^. A. G. Bodell ami. Avifo Bpont Eauter Rnnday in the Gity of the StraitB. Tboy attended nervici'tt. in coma of ,tho Croat cathodraln. MiH IlaUib ElliHon ol ICinguvillo, form erly of this plaoo, wuii calling on old timo fiHindu hero thin wook. Nitnnv. rtdict ^ttjj lato Frauota NevUle, died ar tlio hom'o of liffr nonondaw, I'otor GifbbOf Mortli Rid^e,, Tuenduy "morning, ugoJ H*) yeurti and hix monthn. ' Tho do- ceant'd htdy wan born Oct. 1th, 1805. A. W. Iiridgon hun a two which gave birth to three tino looking larnbH, a few duyn ago, two of which are white and one black; nil three are Btill ulivo ami likely to live. Thin in tho'- third year thru this owe ht'h'hnrne tlin.-u lambn, nud nlie raiwed two each lime. sAxnvvica south. Mr. .la-. F(..\, uf rhiongo and Mr. (Jlno-. I'*o.\, llit- ol' Di.iniiiioii cud M-rviiiL'. Hpt-nt J^aVtcr holidays with Mrtt. ,hm. McUonidd, id' the ElfVuii-d ConccdHion. Mr. dun McUmuild recently returned htmi'i trnui u iri[> to Y/indtior, and aftor hialding bin bor.iL' went to liin Hupfier,. Af ter Hiippur, nu Ljoinn tu the out buildinj;H he found tliiit a wlicid had beun taken from hid biig-jy, nud imo'.h'.-r from bin demncriLt \vngon, togothor with tho burm for hold, lug them m place. lie hun never found trace of lliem niice, ulUiuugli is Miapicioun of curtain peihoiiri in tho locality, and if the articled uro i*ot ahortly roturncd, pro- oecdm^s \yill bo iiuslituted. Tliia nort of tiling, if allowed to go unchecked, spewdily breeiiH trouble in uuy corniiiunity. Tlio Ihddnlpli horror of moido yearo ago.wati tlio climax to mich uctiouti, together with the tin piling ot l>uiIdiugH and dunt ruction of [iroperity genet ally, and the uuthuritien Hhouhl loio no time in Htampiug out Hueh lnwle^M uutiottH. COTTAM PLAINS. Kant week Mr, Henderoon erected alur^o fraino burn on tho rvar of Mr, Henry IJurk'rt farm, On Friday, the llith iriHt., the wife of Mr. fJumL-n-MucuiLgiLve birth to a daughter. Qu-i'ii Victoria's Hint child was a uaugh- t'-r. Her hnnhand nuid ho winhed it wan n non. Tim Queen replied, "Never mind Al bert, for tin' next one- may bo a non." Burt oikju^Ii, .the next uuu was tho Prince of Wnioa. Hon*, an well aa in other localities, there is a good deal of underclraiiung being done, Mr. IJownio in making comudjrable im- nroveu.ent in tlio appcarauuci of the places he rented from Mr. Aheicrombic. About three v/teka ago-tt-ttw** btd*+HfiUig to Mr. Hon. Squint, of Olinda, gava birth to tour live hunb.-i, aN d;iin^ wull wbcu yuurcni-reMiiomluiit. ht*t luuird from thoiu. MAIDSTONE. Mr. and Mm. O.near Squiro tment Eanter with Mr. jiiiJ Mrn, John Ilyhuid. of Maid- wtoSVn. Mr. Henry liilliv; left on TueHday for M:iiiUolni. He will be mbmed by I:1h friendu of Miiidatope. Mr. .loueph Oox in abo'it ready to move un tlio new funu, which ho buu lately bought. George waym he wihhen Wi11 would gut married. It'- miyn lie in .a.tiout tired of keeping liiidiednr'n <p.iurterH. Ur.v. G. 1). Gray loave.H for bis homo on Saturday, and will be absent about a wook. Mr. and Mm U. Wiglo outorrainod ahoutlilry of the young' peoplo of Maid- Htouo on Monday evening, and uu enjoy able time wan had. Tho oecamnu wan tho birlTiduy iinuivorHiiry of Mr. Uuaaol Wtglo and MinnAda Wilnon, An timmjing pro gram -io, wku Htdeotod Tot the cvouin^, und tliu party 'was u liroat uuoquhb, , . OAMFPALMKU. The lulaiil won of W. Greenwood in ini. proving. Hurry, only tu;n cf Mr. and Ttlra. Henry Sterli-jg, in ow thy iiick lint. Mr. MeGladory, of J'Ihmcx, conducted uor- vico huro on Sunday hint. Mru. W. Ray. of Detroit, ut viuitmg with lier ptirontti, TVTr. and MrH. Misner. Misa Bengal Hpent Easter with frionda in Detroit. Mr.4. JoHcphua HoadhotiHo, acuompuniud by Mr.-TmneH Jtay, have returned home after upendiug Eautor with rclativon at Sheddeo. Mrn. Otto Iloyt was at Detroit on bum-- ueas hut week. Borne thiugH wo would hko to know : When Jack m going to bring hi* woman here to live ? When Doo MoFarhmu ia going to bo murriwd ? If Running ia gping to get married ? When Goo. in going to Edgar aguin ? If it would not bo udyiaaMo for Jack to keep away from Kanex ? H'Hjril A'OODHUK'l'l. Aldrn.i aiel Mr. Hurrv Kem- Jiutor, o( Wiudaor, npimt Kfiuter holidaya with AIihh Pfdla Smiih. Farnurn are \eiy hun> pntiui^ in ":i"J. Our llrani* Hand in u, be re.orgaiu/. il at, once. -" W.-C. T. U. Uuv. Mf.. Vat-Wyek, in Goru Street Gbnrcli, l:int Sund"y i-voniuu. pri ached a lorinrin r-futii g ibe ..nti-tonqiorHiii'i: tiont- imoutii uxproHind b\ homo alderman at the hiiit eoumdl meeting. Ho took lor hi- text, "Woo unto tliem that call ovil good and good evil." It. 5: 'Mi. The npnthy of Ghriaiiann Lowardu tli h<[iior que-ition wan tho crowning iuii of lh<* age. The idnul GhriBtiiLu wan not a coUt-blo jdd rcittounr, but. a warm-hearted muiidonury, who wuh nover con tout with rumaining [hlmhivi; whllo hiH broLlierH wi-ro being ruined, 'JVni- pnrtmon agitator.i were not crunlui, aa nomo of our aity fathera B'-crried t>) fancy. On tint ooiitrttry, ponih of the g rent ok t iiuudH th world has evur known hiivo been ad- veatt-H ot this import uit roforrn. Hut how vofir couRintently ol>- ject to public HiirvuniM talking in this wiiy, when thir votow kept nuoh men iu i liico? Wttu that Chriittian pittrioMmn that could camly mo in. n hurried to diunUiird'a graven, and wooum' und belphuH children robbod of food ami clothing? It wan n Bbriukinfj and cowardly plea to any that it wuu not tho buuiucHri of a Chrnuiaii ta pro- tnct ilia fullowH fron. the miloon. It wmi abaurd to put--tin* liquorhuHi'iiVna oiiTi~p;ir with any. ot the legitimatu brauchea of trado. Ita efU'etJ ii[;oii the couiiumer of ita tfoudH.-upon thb boiuo and upon tlio church wro pwnuoioun in tho highoat dogreol Ita history proved this. It progrosa in all ages aud in all CMunlrieu wuii marltod by poverty, niiu, iltum&ir uud-rfidi;ath. Tho amenta of this holl.triiflio could-not j^capo teHponui- bility for'lt'n ravngta. If murder and. rp- OiH^pavorty, d'lHeaBu-.rTuid . .d^Htb rc'tiillud from a. drunken uproo tho imvii \vfro"acrhi the drill-It wiia auiely iut. guihleya. iiut were' the GVu iutiau votern who pcrnjittud thiu drtad thing to work ita ravages fmo from tho utamu of thet-o orimeu? Only thu ChnutiftH thai waa eul*nently" bpiuoubci to thin evil.waaguiltleriu. One ot tho hldur- mon, and a church member, hud nought a rofugo for hia couduct by attiting that hin church wan not av*r.e to Lulling aubttcrip- tionn from liquor men. He did not believo ill who u tho Htate men t wua nmde. On waiting to the lutu puator of thin nldeiinau ho laurncid that that (jontleman liad col- Uutcd a ^llUubhotipthm from a Mr. (Jrouka, living in i>uiidurn (J ist.lo, who wmi. not thou tinew.i iiy the to t,u in the whiskey trtnuj, al^.i a So UU hubiscriptieu waii taken fr.-m a Yurk alret.t t-aiooitkei.per by an (jtli.:hil oi the chinch, wlucii broiiglu down ui!ii;ii tuvdro trmciain ficiu tneuiberu ol th.i b-atrd, and it wutt doiermin- t-d to tul'U no more money lrom men in that bunincrtti, Luvu wan the winch word ot f'l'ritttiauu eoiiitatiing thu evil drink ttatlic, I huniHo.i exchange. Iiihp. i!,nr t.':tin| tiu tnia been down to LeiiiiJirigi iii niv -tiiig'ting a case thai me^niM, if r.he i: <i;i \ piiriy in fnun I. a long term in the peiiiienrmry. Walter Taylor ia an extcim v.- frui :, :i id oin* night laat wot-di Homo p in v " pat'ii i*s-* cut. in tWo over a tiundred young i^ach tieori. Thoy wore heuvily loaded with lilo-iaout.i and Wcro vulueil at, &-J (A) \i piece. The treea had been bout over, und then cut with r. hatchet. '\'\ui tcwiialnpcouui'il ban offered a reward, for tie cmvictiou ut tlie guiTly party. Tins Mayor ol' I3sk4>x. all tako of theiv hatB when they wee our ..... New > Styles 'FdiMSKRiNGuaas- The (jvuniiig recard, of Wiudnor, roenntly ynihlitilimlpnrlridtH of tlio Myar of Kunex Coutitv, with alinrt iikctcliuii of cuoh. Tho following wan nail! of tho third mayor of tho town of liuHujt; ' Mayor Dr. Duwur wmi botu In Lauibtou C.i. Sept. t, lHMi and b, t.horoforo, ;tr> yoara of ago. Edneated at Sarnia Model School and Trinity Univemitv, from which ho graduated in inodiciuo m April, 1HH5, Uk- iiig Or-tt honorn. Iminodiatoly after graduat ing ho began practice in the town of J'limox and utill < njoyn a lar^u praotioo in that place,'boing fteuior member of tho firm of "Duwur ^ MeKeiivdo. IUj liau alwaya taUnn an active part hi public ufiairH, having bo,n Hucrotary of the II. S. board and roprouftnt- od in council ward No. 2 tor a number of ytutrH. At tho pronoun time ho ia vicu- prcHident for Soutn Kmex Reform AHiiocia- tion. In .I.muury, of tho preneut year ho waa elected mayor over lib) popular op^o mint, Dr, llritui, ex-M. P. IIn ia ot Scot- tihti birth, mid in-one of tho ehleruof Kaaex Prenbyteriaii church." The portrait of the Dr. wan not aa accu rate an the idtetdi, conucqiumtly wo do not re-publiiih ic. INDKPKNDKNT ORDISU OF FORICSTKRS. A Vcur of f; ire ut E'roupi-rlly. . Tho following intoreattug atutomout baa bnon handed ua by Mr. M. J. Wiglo tho oatoemdX>ourfc Doputy of Court Royul No 212. We ara oure tho information wo give will bo read with intercut, not only by.our manv roud.prH who aro Foreutorp,, hut, by all our oubHcribcrn : Up to tho proHont it baa been tho good fnrtuno of tho Iudopondont Order of Foi*. CHtora to find onch ymrr'ii Jiihtory of tboOr- dor better tlinn any preceding your. Not ably ia UiiH true of 1801 ; the rocord rIiowh a higher gain than any other yoar. Al lowing for duathn anti Iitpni'H, Till'. NET OAIN IN MKMIlEIlsini* IH 10,lj)l. , Tho total meraboruhijjrttood. on lUat Do- cembot, at G8,-1C8. . Another faqty-aqually pfatjfyinjVj in that ttlthough tho Order ia now iu the 20th year .M^JffiJiSi of itahiutory, nn ago whou the death rato ; F^^j^iy^Cifi might refinomihly ho expected to bo incroaa- u<a--,' ^k25 ing from year to year, tho riK-UH II AT I'. I'OH 18t)t WJLQ 5.:iQ I'KIl 1000, AH Ml.MNKI' iV-17 I'Oll IS'J-'b Tiioindi tho Order iu a year older than i^ was twelve moutha a^o, yot, owiaf,' to the mllux of now member*, the uvorugo ago to- dy ii i)'t HJ an ugainat .'15.31 IuhI. year ; iu other words, v.'e am growing younger uu wo gro.v older. Wo know of uo fratcruaj organization whtruj^tt}) averago age of membera jh aa h:w. It i-i an order of JKfE are solo agents nr^ytd- sor for the following;bCoTo- bratec] makes: Lincoln Bennett.& Co., Christy & Co., John Buckley, Wilkinson 6 Co., - Henry Carter, which includes the best Hat* made in England. &ue83$S& THE LEADING HATTER. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. In J,he window of a Winduor drug atoro art: ii pair of animala that oamu tlir,ouub tho nuz/ln of the -hone white the. department waa practicing on tJnollotLo t.ijuaro Friduy. Onu ih a hideoua lookinM.Hzard about nino inchoK lout;, and tho othr a liah about four inoIuMiloi^. -Oun ot tho firemen- pioked tl'utin up mid both wore alivo, '.Vator Coili- miimioii^r Hmith ^ot thorn aud Haul them to Medical Iluulih Ofilour Govonf,ry with a note tliat tlioy would not make a bad Good Friiluy d-innur. Tho doctor haa for yoaru miiintttinod.iluit Wiudaor'H wator waa nwt pnro, and thuHVorilyroliahodtbo^ift. Tho mutit of.tho pair ih not inollnnd'to drivo a p.Miion to drluItv-\yindHor wator ^t nny i-aio. i JrtiiKi* tC. NlehoUon% CANCER ON THE LSP OtJRED BY l9(T*^ Sarsa- pariWa i "T eomulU'd dortora who proscribed for rm\ hut to no purposi'. I auUore<l In lijmny seven loin; year.-). J'liudly, -1 began taking. Ayer'a Harsiiirirlllu. In a wi!0lt-tor two i, ui'lleod a derided Improvement. Kiieour*"* ;r d hytlih result, 1 porMovorod, until in a iini'^ii or hu tlio .sore bemin to heal, and, m'torusln;; tin. S;irsaiiarlUa fofalx montllii, Inst trniMi orilioiinm'ordlanppnaroii."^. .fAMKH I'. Kii'moi.mon, Fluroncovlllo, N.3J, fit iu'Ltllv'.1 : Aiiwtttfld' a.% tho Worl&HJgalr: _ AXJJ&'V J'JfiWGtf Mvt/uUito the MowcU* ih ih Jt.'W. it i-i an yount; men lor yoiu:j4 mini. One of thu uumt e;ratif> in-,' facto m the year'u liif*t"iy in thu rapid 'growth of tho Ke- aurvo Fund. Aftor puyinti out all death elan oh ond nick aud otlmr buuctitH, amounting to&r>ll,102 - ;10, tho Order haa iMciuufii'.n Tim iu-:ai-'UVK iiy 2118,1107. 22, and Htiuida now at jjl.', 18H 67. Thin ra'her contradicU tho aaaortion1* of unanciiLl junnmla that lmvu been predict iij all nlon^ I bat the reservo could not oontimuMo ^row. Four yeai'Miifio we wore toll tho end-had been reached, growth would ouukj, and the domauda on tho ro- aorve to piiy olaiina would wipo it out. Aa a ina.tur of fact, thu urowth for IHill of tho recurve, tdiuwh the Ur^obt increaae in Km hiatnry. . . Duriu;: IH',11 the Order haa boon greatly cxUunk'd both in America and Great Britain, thu new oritunizatioiiH of thu Or der for th year being t man coimith and 37(1 fitnioimiNATU couifra. Tho Suborilinato Court* institutod ahow an uvuraue of over oiiq per day, and tho rato ia iuu"refiHing. Fqually jjrtttifyiufi in, tho fact that tho utmost harmony proya-iln throu^hout-tliM wholo Order, The mora, hcrship hayo tho fulleat confidonco in tho adminiHtrativo ability and hi^h mtofcrity of Dr, Orot hyatekba, tho Supreme Chief Hauler, aud bia colloajruoti on tho Supremo Executive. Tho2fi Hi^h Courts'uro work ing cordially and heartily with tho nup- remo JSxGouttvo. Tho 2.00C Bubordinato GourtH aro doinK their work . hotter than ever, And thu letter* of thunka, publiehod from nrionrh to month, ahow that tho fraternal h\>\t\t of Uu? Order is not only profuHRed.but praotiuod. Tho Exnout'.vo, too, mako tho pardonable boaat that thoro in NOT \H,?JULK ClUM IS DIBrUTE OH UKI'AID. A nhowum. auch an tho ab'ovo in oortain* ly onotoaaHUrottiomemboraof thootroujith and permtmenoo of-tho Order, ao well ao of tho tflioieucy of ita management.' Aud also one will fitted to iniipiro tho public with ttio fulleat conlhlenoo in tho 1. O. F., when it appoula'for support, and pro'aoutfi tho bmulira it ot'foro iu oounoctiou with mcmlicnihip. ( GI3STO. Mr. und Mrn. Butt, of Wlndnor; wero^ in Geutoon Sunday. ' ' >* Mr. W. nornp.ol Windaor, apent Sun. day withTiiafrionila horo. .- Mr. W.Blitilifc; yeoman, and Mrn. Vuu- ildHoti, oEBt. ThomaH woro uuited in mar- ria(*o op Wodnoaday laBt,.17tU i.UBt. GKtiTO, Afuil 13th, 1835. Council mot as par adjournment; all the membera. proHont. Minutoa of.provioua meeting road, and on motion adopted. On motion, MeuwrHV' Kodd 'ftiid ThornaB appointed to expend tho 'surplus on tho Qth oouct-Rfiion drain in repairing it. Gecrgo Colunutt havinj* mado complaint a^aiuat fmiceH boiug on tho road allowance* canned by'tho planting of hedtfo fonoes, rosolved t'nat all partiea having foucoa on ) road allowanced, hiivo thorn removed an noon aa circumata.iceH will permit-tbow to du so. Fetor Quick made application for about (10 roda of ditoliiuff tu be douo on Houth rear road. On motion Mr, Caya to act in, tho matter. Mr. (Jaya roporta culvertbrolton' down ou, old Maiden road and 13th concoaiuon. On motion Mr. Caya to havo Hamo repaired, alao obatrnotiona taken out of Wilton drain, Mr. Thomas reportH oulvort on uoutb. roar road complotetl, leao Hpikinfj down plank. On motiou Levi. Jarrott granted gran Led check for SO for samo, $1 1bb thaa'.| contruot price. Thoa. Woyburn reports 21 trooB felled in-, to Snyder branch druim on lot 1*7, cou. ii. On motion clerk to notify Mr. Rotfortftb,] attend to having thorn removed ut onod, aluo Mr. Thomao to confer with him re uouth towuliuo. ' Communitiation from MrotJ^,(Il.DoiBoy'| laid over for further counidoratiou. By-iaw No. 808,,impawns a tilo drainage! ruto on n w .f, lot 10, oou.'7, road thenecMr:] aary number ot tiraoa, pasaod.und adoptedcj Rl'cvo to iuano oheolt to Thoa. Woybur&.i for 080 for work dono oij Bnydov branoh. drain on ordar of Commiasioncr Ijaird*. On motion tho appointment of road over4 aeora, oto.,. pootpoued till uoxt Saturdavi* ut 10 o'clock a. m. On motiou cheoltu ^rantod : 1'\ ^Poirier^ for'ovoraharuo in nohool tux for '01 and '9VJ 87:iiO. T. Cava for Mrs. IJaframboiu, ehurity S5.,| MrH. Lair, charity, 81. . (." '-. Wm. Irynio, quavtor'a salary aa janitoV-a 95. ' 'J On motion council udjoumod to May lltti 18fl"j. ' : > " J. A. GouI/4ttllelei:k..,;,: : Kotieo' to 'Cohtractoi;,*; " ......- ' \r\iri I will offer for buIo on Tuenday, Apfflj 23rd, at ton o'olook a. m., at the Malb^oS Hoad, tho job o bloarfuK eut'^o,. lO'Tft^J Drain in the townnhip of'MalilHtblitfM^;^ , PlanH and spoDilloations of tho .woik'^rte (jHirodmaybo eeon ut my oilloo, or at'thaij 'otlluo of. tho towntiltlp olurk', at AVooflfcleel /' J. G.XiVUtD.Gotnmi^oniqryv^ '^BBei'Ont,;.'^^j mM^^i^^ 855

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