Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 12, 1895, p. 1

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W3 ^WILKINSON'S Clioioe Freeh OrocorioH. Provisions. Toiib, GoITuoh and BpiCOH. Bpeuial linofi in Crookery. CMstian Endeavor Soi^rtjr^ ht. Paul'* Churoti; .'" "?M TUESDAY BVO.lAHL18."t| liyorybody Come. , '?M VOL XI. No 14. ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY. APBIl, 12, 1895. WHOLE No. 535 -VS :M Spring <3 Opening u Friday and Saturday, April 5, 6 *) NOHTU BIDGK. W. IT, Hilling, Jr. hiin put in il lot of tile drain thin upmig, T. H, Billing in putting in ovor COO rodH of tile drannt thin Hpring. Mm. Dorotm Johnnon If ft for yVoodiit.aok hint'Saturday, to join her huubund. Kielmrd Mnlcatjtnr, wife and oldont Hon called on rolativoH horn latii Friday. Walter SimmH, wifo, and family of two pule children, moved into our village iaut woak. Stephen MeCombH and family movod,last wcok, to tlia wout half of lot U7li. T. It.'-N. Ho in norno better hat atill in n vory weak condition. Mm. Gio. Muloautor had one of her flngora amputated at tho IIrut joint hint. Wednoiuiav week. A felon wan the cuuiio of tho bono decaying. Frank Jon on wan in Detroit for a few dayii with aci]unintai)con, lie haw pint had a nnrgical oponition performed in bin loft Hide for tho^ removal of u abficona, Ilonry Lippit died on Wudneday, April 3rd, at bin lata homo, 8th con., Goiiiield North. Ho had a ntroko of paralyflin tarty in January hint, aud ho hnd be.uu sinking wlowly but nuroly ever ninco. IIo had livt-d horn for tho lant oixtoen yaro. DeoaaHod wan bom in Gloucester (Jo,, neat* Briutol, Kug., Kopt. 17 1H10, conueqnontly was in liiH H5th your. Uo camo to Canada wlmu a young man, und aottlod in Godurich, whero ho ronidod continuously until moving to Ehhcx. Ho .wan married in Gotlorioh noai- ly -18 yourn ugo, Nino chfldron uro tho fruittiof thin union, nix daiitfhtorfi and ihreu noun. Tho miryiving children aroall reiHiduntnof Ehhox Co. at tho prouout tinio. Cliao. tho oldest, in a farmer of Got!field North; lU-nry, a ronidont of Wind nor and Win of KmirY -t^w* ^A-ll-tlm boyn arc Wo cordially invito tbo ladies of lilsflox and smioundintf country to at tend and inspect our display of Paris Pattern Hats and Bonnets. Our Alias Button and assistants will be glad to welcome you. Como! Our slock of Dry Goods, Ilouae 'Furnishings, Carpets, Clothing, Bats and Caps, Shoos, etc., has been rein forced by recent heavy importations, direct .from tho loading manufacturing centres of tho world, and will well re pay inspection. Wo are in a position to servo- you as woll as anyone, and better than many. Wo solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction. man-Hid and have families. Tho duughtore nro Margaret, wife of Win. Batten of' Col chuuter North; Isabella, wife of John rslitrt of Camp Palmer: and Mury Ann, wifo of Cliarlen Terry of Ehhcx town. Three riuuidi tern of doceanod died boido yearn ago, viz; Jauu, flrnt wifo of Goo. MulcagJ:r; Hannah, wifo of Goo. Wood, of Michigan, uud FranceH, unmarried. Tho funeral on Fri day afiurnaon wiw largely atteudod, ehow- inf; th rtiHpect and tmteam in which thL' iltcniined wuii hold by bin nei^hb^rn and frion-iH. Htv. Cbarlen Kennedy conducted tho hervicaH in thu Klford Mothodint church; preaqhini^ a Very iu:prefiHivo Hcrmon from J-remih,12cn chap., oth vurne,IaBt clatiHt*; "How wilt thou do in the uwcllin^ of Jor dan'?" Tho ch'jrch wan crowded. Mai F.iIIh aldy presided at the or^au. EDGAK MHjLH. , Laht, Moudy Mr. Tlioti, Uirtloy dinpoutd ofliiHfarm BtooH, uto. On WtidncHda\ lui hnd another wort of null und Ihouloop oiirno in with a new reaidont for' our lnimlofc. Hud thin only oijeurt'd on Mowiny it would havi been an April foM, bub in thin ouho it (umo too late und it Impponed to bo a tfirl. From the uetiojtxN of oim of our younj; men who went away Wudniwdav morinig and mturuod in (ho oveuuii from tliu Wll(ervillo diutillorv, wo have oorne to tbo aouohittiou that he imbibod too inuoh of Wulkor'u KoidH. Tne cutio unfortunato- jy did not end thoro but the dineaHa hecamtj eatoliiritt. Our young man.moat prcminont' in nocioty eircluH ar do^omirato. Mn. 13. -Hoadliouno iH now recovoriiifj from her rooont illneiia. . Mm. ItoadhouHe ban a vary tfuo'ient oar. poutor at work building a nw fonco about hr promiaou. A ifroat unany wor* of our aitizonH would do well to angiLi!* tlm vurno local"Jack or all Tradoo"fjr & like pur- pOHI.'. Tho mineral report at prosunt in that Mr. Albert Kuenu of Gosto will bo Mr. 11. H. Puarcg'u uoooBor a.B teaaher of the aciid- omy hero, if huqIi it) tho cauo he would profit bv yolug mto sand-bau tminiiif! aud hard rIovq praotioa, th* Doing nooenary :or hiit pornoiial safety. . It it, a lamoutablo fact, well rcenanizod here that tho fair box are excejetionallyfoW in our villafio, "than coir polliu^ our young nloa tu make froquont und Iony trips to hoo thoir adorablo ont'nr which the proaont woa- Bon tnakcn a pitiable task. Tho Hecord Biou. have their mill run- nin^ Again. Mr. K. Urunor, ot Stapleii, baamevod in- to town on expectation of rQiilization. Uu. fortunately h realized that tho chic lie no wcro already hatohod. Mr, J. Wnilc iicotlon foreman Iiur, anathor man' on bin aootion tiny Ht'ason. Now Joe is indeed bono. ao r bed lf'/- Spocial attention paid to quality in our Grocery Department. You can *ely upon'getting fresh, clean, well kept goods here. We staleo our rep utation on this. ... ^Prices aa low as tho lowest. CAMP i'ALLMER. Mr. Palmer hn>* uiovod iiiHida tlio porniiun. Mih. .John Jainea is confined lo lu-r with ptii-nmouia. Mr. JiunetH Jordan formerly au Ktiflex, Iulr movent into town. Sir. and and Mm. II. M. MiHiic wore at Detroit uu luiHiuuhu tliio wook. Humor Havti, look out for a wording aud perhfipH two. in tho near futuro, IMrs. A. and 0. Bur^ott of Rochtetor, Ind., uro visitiny ut Air. I. Koherln. I\Irn. Bouk who bus been visiting tier airttcr, of Windhor, hatL-m^irnod_ 11omo. Mr Aiih-h llondhouao attended tho S. S. convention held at 'Khhu, on Monday lftHt. Miim McKoborte ban returned to her homo at Detroit, after upending a Jew woelu with Mies R. Miflnor. Mr. J. Kunuin^ Iirb gone to look after his partnor who loft town a few dayii 'ago, Jaek nayH it la not good that man uhouict live alone, Miua B. Misucr and Mia. E. Dean wcro appointed dclegateu to reprenent CJulnp Pulmr at tho S. S. couvoution held ut Eubcx this week, Mrs. Ditriot Abo in roaiding with her *ibftlrfehtnr, Mm. J. Bailey,, ban been *ry low with pnf-uuionia, but wo uro"'pleaded to Hay in ldwly recoverini*. Thorn wan coriRldornhlo oxoitemont in town on Friday Gvoning of laab wet-k whi-n H. M. MiHtnwJr'H ntavo faoroiy wao die- eovcjri'd lo he on firo. but the tiro brifjado HW>r,ly Mjftpondod to the oali mid tfot the n.uiH-H i xtinuuinlicd beforD any Bcrioun ditui't^o, wuti dona. SOUTH WOODSLEE. Ttio fctivo mill will uc'on bo in working order, Mr ftoeo ban a largo . force of muu and tboy ro rutdiinu it rij-ht alout,', Thoro in talk of calling a meeting for lo. c itiu/r that urint mill, It'" buaiuoiiH wo auk gentlemen. Thoro bun been loin of taU already. Vfiy quiet about tho hotels at preoetU 'lauku aa'ifr,thoy ar^i waiting uutill May Dny. Vory poor attendance at church on Sun day owiujj 10 the rum, ~ Our Hurt day Bun reporter rhn.n -loft for tbo crout county to tho nouth of tin per. Iiapw it iti for our oountry'H (jood. Mitchell A Co., roportH imloti ruHhiud in Mie impliment tr^do. \yrrp;trt-iVrBuuth intoudn* f^oin^ cant an a-4'UHinoHH trip St. ThotmtH, Hamilton and Toronto. The brick uro on the j;round for our ldckup, Tho contructor will commence work about tho lirat of May. Public HcKhvoI NtM- marUH pomibli) lfiO, obtained :_K Itiabarduon li\',\, E Hainoii 1112, J Delniorn 121, 0 nautili- man 1'20, E Lain(j'll.j, C Irwin 112, H Brown 101, J EdtfurOl. Wituon HO, L Wil ftn. L Ililliar 75. It Th -uti- 71. N. Ouiton 01, <J Btone (U, O Tiiibiir 40.. Junior -1th eliiy ; iriarku pnu'itjihlo 'tlQ*,., obtalnyd liy hiuhoHt tun : - II Munro I'i, B ElliKon-1'J, M Millar :**>, J Dewiir I1H, E Na.ylor H7, 11 McDou-alt'.'Il, E Munro 2(1, It Hfbiuunn 25, K Lainj; 17, M Tarry 27, Minu WillupiH' roomer Itrd cIikih, inarUa J>OHiuldo,,^(i ; Obtained by hi^hoitt ten , "A"HS(iiy!'(kt l^c^i'l. r/i$iH"' bO, B Gree/n7',"a;.Wiulu ^il>.r*;.Tlvtrwin- -ft*i; ' 0- Yourn/ .1(1, (J. Lvneh M, A Campbell l\i, E Cory 1. . Mn-tJ Bhaw'M room, Hr, part iiecood ohmn; murltH poHHinlo 100. Ot'tntncd by hifjhout, Uu . 0 Itobinnou 100, M Baugbmati U9 W Klinbilo!ll. Gllall 01, C Viokara 85, K*Soiim 91, D Walktr 78, E Knowii 7i, C Fuller 00, N Wihihor 01. Miua Kdfar'a room; jr. noeond clauu, marko [mumble 100. Obtained by hi^hiM ton: T Tazzmun S3, V Burdiok 91, C C Wiulo 74, jjj jjujrd 74, o Itobinnou 7:),' A B Buck 71, A WiKhtamn 70, M Bobinoon 70, A Hoiiimiop 0-1,-W Nuylor fit. Mind GratiHWollorV room, jr. part If., mar lea pnuftiblo liO; obtained by hi^htsht ten: .E Iloplmru 57, M. RiohardHon fi3, N Lee 51, E Davia 19, J MoMurruy -17, M Gondon -lfl F Lamg 37, H OraBHwelldri *15, DoE Ells, worth 33, A Edgar 3il. I / Miflfl Duokley'n room, pai/l., marltB po- siblo fiO; obtaiuod by hi^hant ton : Souior, G Lno 06; L May 55 F Young 53. G Laird oit, 1) (Jlintfbilo 5:i, B Elford 52, It Hanniu ,52, II Wyraan 52, E Beam an 51, V tlwk. Junior W Samplo ul, E Pockham 52, P.Oliver DO. .1 VVorttey -IB. P Boowian -Vt E Buck 38, E Gardner .f10. Sorlouw Atrcldont ThoJLuto David Potter. It becoraoH our duty to announce tho dent-b of Mr. David Bolter, of MaidHtone tuwiihhip after a long and acrioun illiiem. Hi.' departed tlno lift) on March 18tb, at the ripo old a^u of 77 yearn. iX-oeuuod had hetu a rcHideut of thiu viomity fur over HO yunru and wiui reB(icotod by Ml who knew bun. Lie Iuuvch to mourn "bin ioxu ei^ht children tivu deughterH and three noun, Tbo family are au ioIIowh: M!hq Jennie at tho homcfitead, Mrw. II. Stowo, of Maidntune, Miu, Potter, Mm. E- S. Dean and Mr. Cornell ull of ..Detroit; Win. i.f MaidhtouL*, JameH of (Jottam, and Robert of KmuBVillo. Tho funeral, which was largely attonded, took phiuo at tho Metho- diat oliuruh at Enm x, on March 20, and iho interment at North Rid^o comotery, whre tho remains worn laid aide by nido with choco of bin beloved wife, who aepart- od thin lifo nijout H years ajjo'.'.......""" [Other pounty paperu pleiuo uopy,] Avery paiuful, and whit might hayo 'been a'fatal, accident, occurred to .lulm Webb, of CfittilnJ'.' oil Tuwlay afternoon. Whilo at Udeanrn. Willard '& Xjowiu' naw mill, in GontUdd, lookiunfor a situation, thoehaiu UHcd in baulmj^ up tho lo^fi from tbo yard to tho mill slipped, striking Webb in tho face, cauoine; a compound fracture of tho lower jaw and a fraoturo of tho up per jaw, also .inflicting aovcro woundu about tho face. Although Mr, Webb wan not employed in tho will, Mr. E. C. Lowin yury kindly furni&liQd modical^ftjjquduuce, and Dr. lIoKouzio waff'calhid to drunn the wouudd. """ " "".' Whilo Webb' ,wtt_t|; waiting to talto tlin train for Detroit; to'-bo troated at St. Mary'n hospital,John Gormloy.with bin uu- uul kind-bLiutedid.ipoBitioni circulated a Hubaoriptiou lint, and in allnomething over eloYeu dolluru wuu oubficribed ..for. M.r. Wubb'n ahbihtanco. Webb formerly lived in Eabex, and wuu couuectod with Goo. Sean* in the bottling worltH. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. ICSS14X 'I'OWN. EiiHiiX, Ai'iun 2nd, 1805. Coutioil mot'in regular iiohuioii, tbu May or in thoolulr. ^rosoiit ; Tho Mayor, tho IIkovo, tliu -Dtiputy-roevo, and councillor!* Geo. Burth, J. A. Ujho, D. Whitney, J. A. Uioku, Dr. Pottn, A. ItaiuoH, J. M. Uioku,'und G.J. Thouian. Tbo mtnutou of regular mooting and Hpneial T'iootin^n wore and adopted. Mr. Mill addrouHud tho oounod rtquoiit- ing tlm iiho of tbo.road uoraportp nt upon the Maldtftquo and North Gouflohl townhno, offoriug to pay tor tbo immo. Moved lv Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Thoman, that tho road ncrapor be loft in charge oC Mr. UoDougall, that ho allow Mr. Hill to hiivw tho hoio when, not re- quirod by 1)10 town, aud to eond a man with it who undcrHtanda lining it properly. Carried. Mr. G. E. Naylor addropiiod the council in roterenci* to bin wator niton itnd lire prq- tootion at bin idavo mill. Moved by Mr. Laird, ueconded by Mr. J. M. Hiokit, tliattlio matter referred to bj Mr. Naylor bo luft to a oomraittoa contiint ingof MeHsri). J. A. Hicks, J. A. Bono, und A. llaiuou. Carried. Mr. IIoiioman addreHned the council ro riitoliing done by him within thehmitnor the corporation. Movod by Mr. Itaiuoa, nccondod by Mr. J. M, Hicks that Mr. Honsman'n matter bo roforrod to tlio Board of worltR. Carried. Moved by Mr. McDounull, noconded bv Mr. Laird, that tlie matter of arranging for new road norapor bo roforrod to tbo Board ot Warka. Oarriod. Movod by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Bainoij, thattheoommunication from Bov-4 by Bron. ro damning factory ho reforrod to tho Einanco oommitteo to reply to tho name. Carried, A oommunioution. wau r<<nd trom W. F_ Muduo applying for tho position of Cliiof of Police, aluo an apphcattorrto bo appoint ed dog-tuiulQlh&iox*. . - ----- Gentlemen all take of their hata when tlioy wee our . . , - . New Styles . FOR SPBING, 1895. ;u- - ./ 16-' m E0SEX, Co ONT. -I* COTTAM. GiniH. Gilhoo iu on the idclt lint. Mr. Wurnur will noon ho through cutting Hpnkep. Percy Kellett ih nnpplviiiK tho ptaoo of ttho nintlijooncLjHi.ion teacher, who Is on tho hioIc,. Thoro ia a vaoanoy in tho Btjlo' Ilivar uohool, Mr. D. A. VVll on having Hcourod a equation in Detroit. , . A<i<IrosiM aiui Proueiitntloii. A number ot tbo Edhcx frteiido of Ernont, boh ot Mr. and Mr*. D. Hoptjood, North ltidiie, met at the hunso of tbo latter on the evening of Friday, March 20, and preHont- od him with a e,old pen and bolder, and tho lolluwing very flattering AOliItKHn. Mn. EUNii.oT-IIorf'ooD^.".!':.',!..: .* ' Dkah Fjiucsu, Wo, having loarnod that tliiu ia .in uninvomary of your birthday, thought it would bo plcaimnt to moot yen at your homo to culcbrato tbo event with you1, knowing tho deep iuloroBt and ploao. ur^ you take in promoting . the oiiuho of good fooling and lovo among tho young puoph- of your acQUiiintaiioo, an! that your kind und genial deposition ban ondeared you to th" liearts of your youug^fnendu who arc with you to-night. Wo all join in tundering to you, our heait, felc coiigratub atioiiH, und, an a Lokon ot eiitotiu in which yuu ro held by uu, wo aak you to uocopt ihm pun, not thinking that you will puze on aocount of ito worth but fcruot you keep it in romomhranoo of cho kind feolmgH wo have for }<iu. Ilopiuc that you may bo iiparod to hqo inany returns of your birth day, along happy and pronporouo hfo, and that wo will nil have the pleasure of moat ing at our Etttbqr'o throno in Heaven. Bignud.m hohalf of your many friendd;-^- .'NxiiMts StnA(iniK. NorlhUidgo, Mar. 2i>/J6Q5 Bee Kcci>era. 'ifho Wr.Mici-11 Ontario AHeelatlo to ittt'Qt at kcwnox. Tho annual mooting of tho Western Boa Ktcneru Auhuciaiion wan" "ITiilif tiY Tilbury laut Baturdtiy. All lh old voteranc iu the industry, a a well uh home new recruit* wora prtaent. Tho treuourer'n report wuu read, and on motion approved. It hIiowh tho ilnancaa of tbo utJHOoiution to be in a healthy condition. It wan docidod to give each member of tbie aanooiation tbu fidlowiob; promiuiriB, "Tho Practical Bcg Keepor," "The Beo Keeper's Royiow," "Tho B-o Koepar'H Quurlorly," and one live banded golden Italian queou. Among the reHolutiona. adopted wore tho following; Jteuolvnd that this aHBooiation dt-niro to place on record itn opinion that it would be greatly to tho udvautago of tho boe-koeping industry if tho government would appoint a travelling lecturer to at tend tho meeting of the l?armer'iluatitn- tofi throughout tbo province and give nhort talks au praotioidbeo.keeping. BcHolvo.thaD if chm be not practicable at tbiti time that tbo local aonooiation appoint uomo ono or more of thoir membeiu to at tend thoKo inHtituteu and tbun awakou a gruator intorout in tho matter and at tho name timd anaiit in romoviug Hotr.o of tho errononuf) exiaiing imprcaaioun regarding thm important iuduotry. Roholvod, that the neorotary bo and io boreby iiiBtnioted to forward a copy of these reaolutioiiH to tho yeorotary of tho O. B. K. A. and rcrjuout tbat tho muttor bo brought to tbo at'ention of tho directors. N, II. Smith wan eluoted pruiiidout, T. N. Leigh, vion-proHidont; C. A. Ouolleuo, nocrutary- troaourer, Tliu next meoting of thin annotation will bo held iii tho town nf E;inox 011 tbo first Friday ot December next. -*H- T!i Foot Buli.Scliedulc. X'lia uohetula oommitteo i( tho PomtiHula League hiv P'l-jcted tlioao datoa : April 20. Mf. A. A. vn. Enhox jWindftor VHt Dfarnoti^s, April 2,7. Cal- v, Dia- Movod by Mr. Lnird, H<jconded by Mr. MoDougaIlf that tho appli ationa of Mr, Mudgo bo referred to oo%imittou on Police. Carried, A communication was read from Mr. Barrutt ro flnanoiairaattoro betwopn Town of Emuok and. township of Colohuator North/ Movod by Mr. Laird, seconded by , Mr. Bartli, that tho communication of Mr, Bar. rett bo referred to tho Finance Committey _. ..^ A eonViinniicaiion was rocoivod'ftbai tho Haoretarv of tho underwriter^ itHHOcintioo ro tho writing of tbin-town. " Moved by Mr. J. A. llickn, Hucondcd by Mr. McDougull, that tho clerk bo refiuented to -write tho undorwritor'ii tumaoiatiou iu replyf.o ton Ifttor"rif-r.iieir secretary. Oar- Moved by Mr. Rainow, ntcondod by IJr. J. A. HiokH, that Mr. MoDongall, Mr. Whit n*yraui&J?r. Potto be appointed.s0f}f^.Qomr. muoioueru in thoir eeyoral warda. Car.' Mr. J. M. HiokH, chairman of tho Charity committee, roportod verbally iu favor of ro- nutting tho porcentago which wan added to urrmirH of taxed of certain widow ladiou iu tho town. On motion tho report of tho Chanty eommittoo wan adopted and oaid porcentauo ordorod rortiittcd. Mr. J. A. Ilickn, ol:airman of tlio Firo, Water, and Light committee, reported in regard to mendm-j bailor at waterworks, rteommending that it bo repaired in a eat- intactory mmincr; thm would rtquirn that tbo ilueH bo taken out, which ofter tho re pairs wore made, would have to boro-wold- t?d again, that to make a aatiufaotory job would probably ooat peventy-fivn or one hundred dollars. Secondly, ho recommend el that tho largo pnmp bo rained and plac ed upon the ourfaco oloao to tho boilor, which woul 1 effect a great oaving of ntearn aud conaemiontly of fuel, bemdon prcnory- iug.the inaaluoery by romoving it from tho oonataiit dawputoa of tho deep well. Mr. HiokH further rtportod having oloaed aeon, truct with Mr. J. C. Dixon fur coal for waterworko at $3 00 per ton, delivered in tho bin. Tho foregoing report of the Piro, Water, and Light committee wuocouaiderod obiUHO byolauoqund on motion clause 1 waR uu animously adopted. J ClauQo'ircaomraoudiugtboraiKingof the largo pump wan taken into caiiuidoration. Movod by Mr. MoDou^ail,....Heooudtd by Mr. J. A. Uioku, that thu noeond part of tho Firo, Water, and Light oommittto ro- port bo udoptod au road, Moved in umendmont by Mr. Thomas, Hcoonded by Mr. Bartb, that tho aocond part of tbo Fire, Water, aud Liejit commit- t(to roport bo hot'adopted, and that the matter ho laid ovor for further; oonnidera- tion. Tbo amendment wan put and lohb. Tho original motion wau thon carried ns followm yeUK MoHiira. D. Whitnoy> J. A. Hiokii, J. S. Laird, J. KtoDougall, A. IUIuuh, J., M. ttioiiH-fl, " Nays McBHra. .T. A. Bono, G. J. Thoraafl, Dr. Pott*, and. Goo BartU 4, .. Mr. W. F. Mudgo addremad tho eounoil re the ruithi;; of a room for thomoaliug of tiroinau. Moved by Mr. Laird, seooodod' by Mr., MoDougalK ibat.tho ftrerapn be Bliowei to WE are aole agents in Wind sor for the following Cele brated lhakea: Lincoln Bennett & Co,, Christy & Co., John Buckley, Wilkinson & Co,, Henry Carter, which includes the best Hats made in England. . THE LEADING HATTER. rent a room m which to hold thoir moot- ing-l.tind that the council pay ftlO per year towarda tho rent of tho name, and' alee furnish wood for boating purpadca. Gar. Tbo Finance committee recommondod payment of tbo following accounts which, on motion of Mr. Luird, nuooudod by Mr. McDougall, wao adopted : J. n.AUidu, hardware and nil for Water- workrt, 97.(10. A. W. Gardner, imtiiry for"Iffurcli^Jbl-Jj &x- . ';H pren charges 0B ceutH, ft-10G5. '; '"* "l*'| -Wm. Wolfo. lamp etc. for-lockulv-10 etf John MoFwau, collector, rebate of tax en, 810 00. ' * . John Waltoro, ualary and expreoa charj;- ob, 025.71. J. M. Ilickfl, goode to charity committee,.' 80.70. J. MoMurray, water flohncoH, 51; 13. J. Lovelaco, printing, $28.71. Tliu Financo oommitteo farthor roportcd iih follows: To tho Mnyor and Cotinuillorn : Gi:MTW':in:N, In tho mutter of Mr, C. Swoet'H application for refund of taxoa for IH03 on lot 27, plan 23G, tho Finanoo com- mittao cannot recommend the sumo for tho ' following roafionn: Those t&xau woro not paid to tho town ttcaauror au part of tax Halo, therefore b oould not add thereto and colloot them with tho amount paid in for rod'omptidn of ' said lot. Tbo taxon should havo hosn paid by Air. Lewis to the cUlootor. They were paid to tho eolleotor by Mr. Swoot who wout into ocoupanoy.of tho lot. Therefore tho matter is roally befcwebu Mr. LowiHand Mr. Sweot. We think tho council would b<j exceeding their poworri if thsy should refund theHa tnxeo'in tin manner aakod. (3igiiecl) Gico. J. TuoMAft, Chairman. On motion tho foregoing report was -, adopted. On mot on tho request of Mr. Bctdiok for gravol to lilt in croaking on a public.' street' , wao grafted. ' :' Moveo by Mr. Laird, ooondod by .Mr. , ,-%. Bartli, tlrit tho oolleotor's time ha extend-.'- ~'xr ed to noxi rogutar mooting, Carried* ' Couuoii 'id ourued t May 7th; IflOS. '"' John VVAtitrciia, Clerk. Sturk'H Powdora', ouoh paokaga of whloh oontuiiifi txvo proparatioim, ono in a round wooden box, tho cover of which ;forms a, mtiiuuro for ono doye, au , immediate' relief < ,, fur cflfltivenuss, Siok Hoaduohe aud Stomaob, ulaoNouralgiu and all kinds, of;nerv-, . ouh paiuu, and auofcHor in capsules,-{from, X,\;^ I to i of one fa au ordinary dose) > whiolv ': .:'M ap-B on tbo bowels, Liver and stpbiaaht ,"Mw forming a unvor failing pbrfeot-troatmeiit XM for all Head and Stomach oomplainta .';;^jl They donot, avmoat pills and bo many ' '.fy*] ottier medioiuea do, lose thir ^SuSot. 6r'.'"' pioduce/afterconBtipatiou, thy>W*;:lcq";.',.,';lM to tako._2iSfl-a box at all medioir,-de*UrB \ . t"; '<.'.:i^\>y/. iiiiaay^itela^^ 541

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