fctfV- ^v^//?!!j!^P5/<!^^ THE EM5SEX PFEE PRESS. T-L ,r.^"~ 60 GENTS! rfiA^L.imiM^ Wit ho u t CI e a n s i ng Tta Is No True Life. BEST and Strengih OFFER EVER MADE. Panic's C tilery 'Compound, the World's Beat Spring Medi cine,. "Mnkea People Well." In Hpriufj timo nature* ortnnutiooHto tioii v. Uouh attire. Blioj nutti on nuw liarmtmtB ana (lfltikttharuull! with frowh bouutiuii. Shu 'mi tho doiLd una dull umiftiliun __Vintor witkj^i* acouniulutt'fl impurities, anil ih infuaod with nuw nn.l vigirouii HIu, la likumanner, ut tnta huilhou, almnld ull men and. women- baiiiuii tlio wmuh'n ami burdona of impurition with winch tho aya- t'em in filled. Th blood ih illlwd uiirl clo^uil with poiaou aud diHoaau; thu nurvt'v are w^ftk; illo muuoloH aro Hubby and relaxed. Tho wholo ryutum i ltuo a dutordorod houuo; it ra<ltiirH eleM&Hin-g and HutUdfjiu orduc that all tlio maobiueiry may work aafoly and harmoniously. ThouHandM who havo bowu clmuiHcd and Uaado Htrunjj by Paine'H (Jolory Cura|iouiid, willingly aupport Mio uiMurtio.i that humaiy nyHturn iu apnnu timo, in a way that w'o otbor mudioim* can do. It given now life, freHh wd blond, vi^or iiud Btrdugfili to tlio woak, nervoufl, rljcuinutio aud dyH- peptia, and multtn tho iilun of thono Mliffur- from blood diioflBi iih ooft and clan aw that of a little child. Mr. D, MoMubon, of Potcrboro, Out., thankful for uow and fruah blood, mid ro- uowod health, writou an followu : "I havg throat pUutmiro in testifying to the fuct that Puino'fl CMory (Joinpound ban oatiHo.J a rumarlutbiu uhan^o in mv condi tion. I wan troubled with a very bad typo of Eczotria mi my fuco, and in p*tuheovur my body for four youru; and wan under treatment of tbrro doctor*! at- different poriodw. I havu ulHO'CrleaTTttrem^niodtttd; but nil provod "riHCilt" b. Ax Iuafc-1 'bought a botllo of Painti'n Cbry Coir:pound, and put in Iodido or Potaaniiuu, n reAnmmorM 1 on t;io 1 tbel. 'I'll' onrt hoMlo ditTTtfo no much f^ood that I bought livo bottloa moriand now happy to my I am perfectly cur on, and c'lirij-lutely free from tho trouble- uomu diNoasH," THE ESSEX FREEi PRESS For the balance of 1895;for 60 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Show this to yourlneighbors. ADDRESS E^ JJOVELAOE, \ Proprietor, . Easex, Ont, mtttE&fr to fjiE IjEEDi 33^r OHIO; MA-lSTVIIjXjEi ^H33STi<r [TO 111! CONT1NUUD,] SIR HENRY PONsUNBY DYING- Tli Oufm*H I'rlviite HficrtiLary fiarlonaly III with I'urulyulu. "^ Onliorno, IbIo of Wl#ht, March 10. Sir . Honry Israel crick PonKonhy, G. C. Ii., K. C.B., P.O., prlvnto scarotilry to Queen Victoria and Kooper of tlio Privy Puree, who wiih Htrlcken with paruly^lo on Jan uary 7, ifl dying. IIo Is tho son of the lata Mnjor-Goneral tlio Hon. Sir Ki-edoriel: CavcndlHb Ponsonby^ Ho was horn in 182G and porved with tho GrenudiiTttuarda In tho Criinoa. Ho was pHvnto n-criMjiry to" tho vlcoroyfl of Iroland, Earlw of t?laivn- don and St. Gormanfl from 18W to 1855, and from 1350 to 1801 he wan uipiurry to tho Into Prliioo Albert, tho Prince Consort. Trade Feature* In tlio Htiitou. Now York, March 10. Bradstreet's Bayjj; There aro tower new and favorable trado features thin week thnn urifjivurablo odch, but in mot Inatunccs they out weighed thu lattor, whloh points to a contlmianco of small volumn at bnlnosfl and ^.ulot demand, Unfavorahlo wonthor which Iiuh fiorved to chock dainaud bo many weeks continuoH to mnko irsclffelt tiontli and in many p;irts of tlio \v!st. Tlio cojil mlnern* strike and luhor (llllleultles .at Now Orleans bavn ^crvc-d 10 i-tir Into 'bufllneHsut points depinulont. upon rhomi <iOiitrca of diriturbanct'. Ta aihliiinn to increased conipetltron henj by Australian wools, iluimind fur tins raw htaplu haa . fallen oil', and word is mvlvcrt that Anmr|mn dr*:ss goods inanui'jicrui-ei'H aro T35lnpreonBidernbio Australiaii mixed with the Amorlcji'n HtJijile. Tho dry gondii con tinue.1! de-pressed, prodnotiou bning in ex- eotiH of demand; cotton goods Ixdng moved gonoridly only.at concessions. Wall Stroofi ubdihK to |ako a fiivoniblo. view of tho abwmeo of -gold shlpnientH, tho improve- jnent In prioon for agriculttirnl produoLa and the " disposition, of both bitumlnouH and imthraclto eoal intorestii to como to an ngivoment. Tlio bond syndicate con tinues to control tho ninrlccL and thu fear for gold oxportH lum docrwisod. Silver ia higher onoxpec:tatloiH'of an international unonetary conforonco, Biink clearings throughout tho United States amount to tSOtot007,000 tbiu week, a'decrea^o uf tun per 430111. from the/ weolc. /before, Jfntorlal iniprovemont hi the iron and Ktcol indtm- trloH 1m Indicated. Exports of wheat, flour included as Svlleat, from both coasts thli . week amount to 2,701,000 bushols com pared with ,t372,O0rt-bushels last wool:. thrown into the society c! bo iivr*ot a ------'" . H'y "That will do, uir ; thui will .do," 'hi' itiimind, frowning. *'Tlir ; I' girl cniui u!n. goini* ia quarrel with ym, Mr. Jiurrtn.i.' 1 'iirt ruling onco my belt, I wub a good hailur, I'm lold, but tliia iiort of thiitp; is out -of niy luttiudc. If my poor .ifu hu(l""liv- , (j------I'ticw 1 it'fl growing hot, isn't it ! *J.ilJ)"ili)ruL(irin, 1 imppuHu," 'I'm veiy Horry, Str Mark." "So inn l.Bir." naid trio admirnl "Tliero' tin onn in unr trip.- "Sir M.uk ! ' Don'r. talk iilto Llmt., Vlloave tint htitol io-inrrow. I wnuld not on auy.cniniidttritioii-------'* "That Mill do, Mr. Uurron ; that will do. J'ni ii mini f fiiw words, and whut I aay I Mfrtii. Tlii" can go no furihor lioro." "Ynii tltm't utiian that you will go a.M nv." "li.ick ui Knglaiiil, uir. a.m\ home ai fait n^ I *ati." "Ilui- my propofial, uir T ' "I jiivi; a uiitur thoro, ir, my ooun- .....i in all timttorH concorning my two Urm ?^-nrmirmu naillv, in at tho dtioi w.ty on t!u> lff lidu ti tlj<! lirV;; "and. I Impo u will luiir out Ml riylit, lim- "y xpiiutioo f pip.- i.i liwit they uiwuy.-* bunti in the winter, and' .d.iowim uli your nfdtflihnnr <Vut mi liio next 'll'inr." '- v. y "Wnll, I liopu this- will-be mi ?j.-c(ipiion," Oil id SuilMDM, l;iUL,rllillQr. ma* t't, a'u'i f'M my .part urn", 11 . H. to call ia in a your POWDERS Cure S/Off HBAOAGHB, .jwCKevnlgla iu ao MiNUYmg,'o.ho- Coiued ,1Tan|finj, UJI- dobs, UiliousQiis Pul In tho ^idi,'CiiitlpaUoii( Torpid I-lvor, fiad Hceatb. .t6 stayoiitvd also. regnUt^ the haw/At., y$R*,Ntap to .TAX** I .*," ualmry, puflinc lido .Barron stood "Itui ymi will give me leave I'jtiy il*.rnl ?" "'I chuli, man ! You'll forgot it all mnnui. ' Uurron mriiliMi. "Vii: *nll give mo laavo ta null at ii"ii-^ 'i' "An ii guntlenian, sir, 1 oim iiurdly rofuio thin. ' Jlirron Binilcd'ond bbwnd. .. tl'i- mm, sir. I huve Iteun too chanty, 'Adiniiid .lerrold. -' 1 auk you vas a favor, if y-u d- i-rti ry out yuur hasty deuiHion, to .nnUti rtniiM) ii-fjuiriea rvupecung Mr- Uurron <i Triniiiail," "1 chilli, i-ir, of courBii," aaiii tint udniiiiil. I'm going to join !! > n- it.*- mill tiaught-er," II-; h'Fl the veranda >h .,v.\\ ,u his cigar, wl >t /tic iin^ hi in. . ' 11 n. or uiiuH V he uiulteied. "Hit, I :ii>ul;, mid yiuno worth bringing down, riiir.'o .'old.. .Well, naturally, I don't think 1 managed it no badlv nftor uli." a , *. _ . !.# ' - *...... *. "1)1., huru'a unele," |aid Kdio half au later nit kIhi waw the big, burly figuro of the ' hi sniioi approaching. "Oil, you dear, i:-i.'i ni.) uncle. (,omu aud ait down here, <iii>l you oiln iiou the color changing on tlio |UJ Ji'MlliH." "Ni, no, no. Coinu back, girls, and uiu-lt up. Wo're olf by tho'firut train to- nun mw." ' \Vht'i-*i to now, papa V J "Uuiiriie Square, A\., my dear, ao noon an wo can gut thorn. Come along !" * # w . it **Myry Mr. Harion patuiod as wo oame iv.lu tlio hotel, and only- rainutl Ida hat." "HuvQ papa and ho hud aniuu- miutindur< quintiiiig ovor tho cardy?" '/ over the hoaria." ;'"Editfl" oried Myra, coloring. "What jlo you moan?" ; "Ha lini been proposing for you, and Undo H/iid no; and now lie in going ui enrry iw off homo to ho safe." ! "Proposed for mo," said Myra thought' fully, and in the most unrufllud way, an hit eyed assumed a dreamy, wandering look, ; "Of course, and you lovo him dourly, don't yon I" ; "11 0b, no," Bitid Myra cnlmly. -. "What a Mtrongo cirl uha ii !:'thought Kdltb tliiit night m (die went to hud. *. ' And Myra liald to heriilf ugaiu c;ilmly and thooghtfullyi "Proponed for ma. 1'ur- hapi Kdit ! right. Rr.t how utyaU^ 1" ' CUAYTKK VIII. b'i'katton'j* nr:;'isioN. "Yep, iiir, k'u' dmie," ndil Mi f: . i ni loihiMi'have n rfti* t to do an i \\n$ iiU< __ hn.k ihTit i' nothing bki- a hilt* flu', ziiiciiitt |i p.tinitui .oak out, and white-in, r,nt nn a pK'i'i! of.tjilcloth in a gtint'tniuu'ii hcilioMiu... .-Then yon've'your h'nr suont/o, anil"iwV'iT ni vvra>r. >.o tmublif about ilum gel ti-|'.!>Ut m1 nrdur;'! . "li.,i the inndile, Mra, -Brado," aaid Sirnrum. "No filling j no any hing-'V . '."No, air, o.f course not.; but you're al ways at thi mt.-rcy of the pluinhorn ; and if theito inen don't a hi* ay a leave their work ho lliat it'll niak" analhur lob boforo long, I'm not a Ciu iHlian woman. *'bh, you object 10 it liecausa it'* now- *aHhionod." mtivl Kirat'on tnorrilv. - ** mnn, join |>aiuuri, i , noil t ifr. What 1 do olij.-ct to ia youi-toking up a beautiful clo-i*;t to inako intu a hath room; and out of your nil*, ing room, and noim too muoli cupboard romii* before. If ilhad-luyni a cupboard in your bodroom I Mmuhiti't havo oaid a word." "lint there wan no cupboard thure, Mra. Brad if, and thut ehm*-t fitiud 'uxaoily, an Biiy no more nhouHr,-." " "C'-riainly not, uir, if yon don't wiah it; ttnd oniy too glnd am I to lia\* got rid ot tho workman; inongh an -I lay in bed lin-t night I naid to- my liiuduitid: 'Maik my word, John, if Mi. Uruninun don't go hav ing u hatlt iimtie in hi-* umui,. tor thoru'ti the fullow-oionot iia, malciiea Mr. Strattou'a OKaoily.*" "To" l>o mire, I never thought of that," hi id Strait on merrily. "I'll give him a hint." "Mr. Ptrutton, uir, if you hnve miy r. pect f"r mo nod my rhr-umatimn, don^t. '1 lie place brrells lmrrld ua-tb ia*'of paint, and French p-dili, and plumbunv wiiboiifc counting life iii-'j-b limy umde, and if you'll ho guided hy me you'll buy a Hixpumiy hex of piiHliiles anil let me bum one every day till thu nmeil of .worknion'a gone," "Oh, I don't mind thoHinell, Mra. Brudo, By Oeorge, yo,. Mi. Brottieon ought to I.aveii huthput. in liio." "Mi. Straiton, nir, don't, please. He's aurii to if you way a word t and If tho work- men come t'gaiii wo iihall be -having the wlmlo pl'aca tuin.bhng about our eara.,f "I hope not. On, the old place ia strong enough," "I don't know, nir, naid the pnrtnr'n w'ifw. hiiaking her head j "itV a very old and tumble down nbrt of place, an(l I've heard iioibua, and erncklngH, aud rappttiQii; Rouiotlmea, an havo made my IIohIi oreop. Thev do my tho plnco is haunted." With ratH?" "Womo, uir. Oh, I'm told there war* Ntrnugu ftningM on here in tlio old tlmm', when a Lord Mnrrnn lived hero. X^ve hoard that your, cupboard " - u "Bath room." "Well, !.ir. bath room,' wan onoe a . passage > into Mr ;Bft>ttiaon'a chuin- bori, ' and hia , cloaeb wug a. piiu,"i Into youi*,' and they iimil to havV" dm. nem, and f%ata, and . dancing, >*"^ inubkyd bulla, at which they nncd tsi play tlominoea. 'Tho gambling aud noiiiga no wo* ahamoful. ' But, pleaie, nr,. don't \ay a word to Mr. Brtti(iom .IVvtroiiblovauiinh' with him- now, Thro ratver WM,.ii;cli,i. gentlflmaa. for obWbg to belu^ duBtril. and the wavtl^oM big booka of hla thut.he frtmm hi* bito pi hiokwa*4 and. groundiel hi do hold thr HiMi-UaWlni^f ynirtfl*ihi>i! 1 to 'In hint uiiio- Ki't'lti-tm'-yniiM Ui him fcW-iy tm ii. li,:t, *" o*i i. ( c-iilii i # i.o- r'iiniiiii.inHiii" el muih.'ku " ,Min. tti'i'i-- I'm i H-,i uil,(vi::ti-i 'Ii..ii' o l.'li'liwl 11 ii|omi-i i-iio 'in- 11*a itinl ll|Oi '1.1" i-Hil: -ugri'lv i'._l.n, ni" . opruiid, H|.(j hh w t bur. iln'M.- wh> in *-' elm mux in I'M i L' I o .\'t"i | i gtiimip, jml w i> . Il'lji "(lOO't lllr'l lliri(f. J-ilv" f,llit .MrVlll 'illl,'lM" down lo 11-*- tint-i/h jn.ijj^ , _ , MiiKiohii .S r ii'.oiiV hnnd tunnMed mv he i iiiti'ti l Ii" i. "u-r over n*l ln-hri ite'l to upon ii. . . ' "W'liat a m u]y band tho- oiil- hi<iy wiii , iiiiil I. w f-'iiil mIiu I si tdup n I HH't in (r nniiM," h-j -ni inued, hh he lud-l up ine gn-nl, 11 ni ,i{ i y I w.i x carefully ikkiIihI ovt-i U|e .>iiii'->-ive lj..|) of l.lic ciiVt'l'ip'. Tii'ii t iii ir:it m "|ii ii lie rend : ".'trtrJ'orr.NB ^miticu, Tlnin-tl.tr, Mv hr..oi Mi.. Si',:.'.r:o.\ : Tii-mK vou for iir mug anil Iti nowu, Ac'i-fit iih t:*Li.uiomlftiifiiiM.- lini I'l-ruihilv ilc^irrvu to u.'iiri t'f I'i*-i idi'win. MilliMM f)**i ^iiiiti-niul, inn] ll'Mili If.vu ..in* U!i ii,!,-, 'iij-i-y inr i-injintf t'it,vinir Hlinl'i'-. . i- i I. - |;>.( ;i,t; .v'li .ii li<? iiiil-.')ii'ii(|oiii, jMHii ion 1<-. \. Ii i'li \-t:l. Ii .! , in-ri i,lit n-.-.ni i ,i - h"(ilf(iii.in,-v;ur ii|i)i.in-r( ii.i'J I.Vui J'J it- IlIT I m. \ . M'-fi-.M, Villi till NT. U<> "II unit wilJi i'*iiitii.il\-iui.i,|,-nii.', ami dmiliiii [Ii.lt. hijiti.'.h. v-mt i\\i<i ,.|y ynir*, HM.iWCK Juci.'ti.n. Mi'l'.'iilm S'imt'oii, V.*'} !'.. , ( -i nit, in.it l.rinjf yofii- (rieinl. S'iO>n<it> ill ird Ik rt> Imt llt! Kirlx, u-no wru unltiu to yln- )ri(i 41 litt.t- hi 1 ,1:. iv. my liin'l'.<.ir iIiim-h out. ,St ni tiinV \t:* i'niH\<*t] U11 hilly, viid In- ulofii iMMIig I o'if" hith ill. I lie ^ liniuvt. *'I i!- nltl aiiL-iit' inre now," he nuui'ifil, "wiilt nt HiM-ii \i jhi; old .man (lrt. It won il 1101 h Ii .iu-i.i lile, I nuvint to witii, lint-------- i nin t. Bpt.-at; ut once." He mm e ni l.h** W'Ker, fttul IllH V(IH Hpar- lileil \t flti I' .t*l" (:'. "And I it-ki-d her point hhink, untl who linen Hoi, iiven leier 10 ii. Then it uu'u Iter lining. (imt li'vitu her ! Snti him hoeo UHinu iir u.tnii'fil, (tint wot king for me. iL'nhi-r work, and hImi intuit approve of il." lie hinrnntly Llmut thu leitirr into hi.s brenut a u duuhio rap came Lo bin door unl, upon opening it, I'eruy Ouont oama iu. "(Jot- your wire, oh] chap, and came mi at nnci!. H'imotliiiig the muttarf* "Vcir, Homelhing uorioua." . "My de.ir old 'mini. I'm no tony. Want hlp nioiny ? Don't keep ma in Bin- pellflc. " "No, old Mlinv," orietl Siratton proudly; "the new* i'.uiie liitH morning, and I tulu- KriifilH'd lo von direotlv." "Yt'H, I 1.111 the wuRucugor of poor old Pi oh mi jr Riiymorid thu inrw cum tor of ihi* Hind'ey Mtimotin.'1 "Iluirny!' eiii'd fiueut, anatuhing up a po'iit. Innl iikiii bv 1I10 brmk und wuvmg it r>-niid hi* hourf tiil he n rung itii neck riiht oil. "Oh, hoilnu! Throe ehocra for l'ro- fesBiir Si rat ton! Bruvo' Whv, you'll ho an awful Hcinntdic uwell. Malcolm, old ehtifi, f nin glad, he continued, flinging tha c'loiee and vahinhln Hpeciimm up on tn a l><")|;iMHet mid grunpijiL; hit* '^' >u eh ill dine with mo we'll imiir nut chumpiigne libntiono to tho (Jfliltl " "Sit uou'if und he quiet,"~"*aaTd""Stration , (Itaveiy. "1V0. obi follow, 1 can't (lino with'yiii tonight; I've anmelhing purticn- liii 1 o iln." "(.' 'ine and have a big lunch, then j we uiu>tt c mud uoiimhoiv. Why, it'* glori- ouh, on! man ! They'1,0 hiwMiigjr-*'*n*ift*r- bahldit'aded old bullera thorw before Vugu- lnr old drvav-dn^tB. Cumo 011 1 vou eau't uiu 1 ran b wiiri , , .... 1. u ...j w.* ** fiiivVV* JMti.<l;i lo-nighf., mid , "Sittinwn, I ull you, and be aerioua. 1 Want to UlU tn you." "AM ri^lu I iiiiiv emoke !" "Smoko! Yen."' "But are you sure you can't soma?" aaid Guoat, takinc out n pine. "Quite. I havo mude up my mind to go to Bourno Squiire' tb-niglu." "To the aitimral'o?" cried Guoit, Btart- ing innl uhingiug color n little. ' * "Vei; thoro in an .invitation jmt eonin for uiu to Q'i to Mine Jerrold'a to-morrow ui|>ht ntul take yon." ., "Shi nay a in a poutcript that tho lad Jen will lin there," Well!' "aid Ourri uueafiily, and bogiu niii(7 <o tnuolte verv hard. "Doii'i, you underataudT" -s. " "IIo? No.'J "Thou I niiinii npnuh plainly, old follow. For a yuur hofnro they went,out to Switzer land we were there u great deal, and met- themaft-r." Guest nodded and bis pipe did not aecm to draw.' We havo mot them often during these 1 three inonrlw that they huve hoon back;1* Gu^hi lunched mid struck a match. Bit pipe ,wafi mil. ' Well, have you not aoen anything 7" : "Yen," anid Gunit iiuikily, - "I felt that vou must havu sevn it, old follow. I havu no no ore La from you I havo loved her from tho firnt tiuui 1 aaw her at M-88 Jerrold'a, ami it li'ia gon( on grow-' ilig till at tiinun I havu boon almoin in i)e- apair. For how could I Hpeak, poor am' hard p aa TWns juat a etudont, earning two ortlireo hundnid a year ?" ."Alw'aya netned uttontivo enough." aaid Guoni, looking away an hit friend paced tlio' 'room'with growing oiceiteimmt, "Perhapa j but I havo aohnolod tnyaolf to hido ii all, and to net ag a pnntlnnian nho'n!d toward Sir Mark. It would have been dia- honorable to act.otherwiHO.than na-anordin ary fritmd of tho family." "I.. auppeaa an," said Gusat diatnnlty, "And now V ... 'My poaitiou la olmnged. Poverty-doea not bar tho way, and, fooling tins,.I can .tint truit myaolf. I ennnot go und meet hi*r io mm row evfiiiug at hor auut* with out teeing tho admiral fir at aud aiie'ikiiijr out to liim like u man." / "A-nil^and -caro 'for'b^r eri much?' aaid Gueat bouraidy; und, ,Ktil1..hi troultlo'wiih bio pipe, which rqfuaed to (i'raw. "Care fr her ao much t" e^olaihmd fitranen, flu^hiiig. t.*\i\... ,. , - ,- ' "Hbw can I tt*U f 1 can only hope. I, think she no, it sounds preauinpiuotiw, but I iiium temp'- my fitU;" . . And if th.- l'dy------" ...... .i *Rifufia tnw-^the ndiolral Jooa wot p- provef* : , "Yo-; What thenr: - UX nmat try-ai\d hour It liko airian." , ij>iwiii^>i|flJiR'- th-ttgli vk->taiJly';aitVa)ATA-;moinot.> whew Qiieit ; M>kanlM: In a eWrlounlr changed ton* of ^0^'>e-'\ . . .., ' -tw.'t U'rfJ.n.w,v'r .." Hut nb m nn.i.Miv.BuriMi, Btiffiiiu " ; \ ii-,; 111.. hi 1.1 tii-i.; ' "II" 'in, |i tr ,-iu'.',.m a' Sir Mmu *, ^ ' i i * ; ' 1.1 -i.ii , ji ..i*i jji-ut.ltiini.ii i-usi-"; " , It unit. '* "I' ' 11 -': " I ' " *" .11 n.'ku ,' ->'.:' t:oii ,i i ' - . . ,li'-* '* " " i..... I i-'ii.i > I'v n i-ii hi-i- ,.f im Uw Ji"i-n,u. U'V -vnnL'ti Lint Hint ei 1 "Iv- .' i'>-. I ill .*i i; ii.-'f, Von ivm..'. it'i! p"..... Hi- uo-i'Mii 111141 nry iliiiix 1 iih .1.1 li-e liny." "\ e. \\j wis 1 I'm .i .\ 1 ill y ii'iny, I'i-i , 3 ; Ion' t-ii.*1 i 11 i>r im-,"' * i\ , 11 11 . ' "A- <1.....ui.1 J.1 iM.Mtftii.ntij t<- 'ii h vou ..Hunt L-1-111.it r-'W 11 mill. Tii-ni); ', 11 | | .n'l go. Mi.11 m 110 num>i 1 why y on cmmi'ii Mil, . - "X", of <*:i 111 r>jt>- 1 im 1 in------~," f.iiliti. i| < ..lini, i.'Ok m^j iii Inn f 1 Hind Hlruni;t-i) *\ ioiii-bvu, m ' " ' ii' ml loii'n 'h 1 i.-i.ijjtd, ?' "*\ ', IM i,"i . i\ik uf '")'.iti'Mi, Hi! limy ' < oil oi UiduiiM-l Wi.-iil' inn lll'-k, t'l-i I.-'.- !..w." *'\n," o.ti>l (iui'Mi l<i\vly, nh liij ileHCund- etl inn ir.iui*., . ittL in ir c <re vv'urn mid wn-ii;!,- d. 'T illicit., iu i.rtv.t kii'.wu butter. Tm-v wor 4*1i*y 1 milium, innl kImi likea hum Oil! I Uutl.ti in-.T-k Ma iM-ck, N' i,I coiihbi'l. I'm only .1 i.ml, 1 mipii-Mi., lo, nkim,' linn. I've alM..y Ui.'u hi. 11 I wan Inn (|.i(i" Omi'n own and on y frieim .0 coim- Ii -iwiteu. Oh, wlrnt il crni.ku 1 wurld it la! R-.iin.i : Il.uii! Il'h 1.0 rtii.ip.- ..I uii, i.r it won In have h> e . evenly brt nihuii ,i,.il fair. Gouil-nyi-, little 1 dii'j you'll jump ut, him, ../ cmrne. Ue*H won h hiif 11 ilu/un 01* mich poor, weak- tuiiidtid hnjii/ara uh 1 mn ; but 1 lnvod \ou Vin y dentiy iiiiluui], indeed. I flliicii'l." g , and make a IuiIh in tint water, liltie 01m, ml thu name. I wonder, though, whether an enturpt JHiim ymnig bai/mter would have any t---- 111 Piji or the Caioline IuU* I*. Percy Ouea*. went haolc to hii flkml>era in Gray'a Inn, and about half-pint throe * oab act down Malcolm Strauon1 an thu atUniral'a dior. 'CHAPTEU IX. "VOO I.ATK !" *'Sir Mark at b..me, Andrwaf" naid Hlratton aa the door waa openud by iiiw but lor. "Yea,, air. Mi. Barrmi'u with him, bm of conrHe he'll utw you. Will yuii top up in tin* drawing.room * _ Ouly tho yonu^ ladieti there." "No, tlmnliH," aaid Stratton ' hurriedly. "A-ik Sir Mark if ho will una mo or make "% hii!" l appointment, VVliere \a Iii tin lihrary.-urr^1------------------- -------- "Mr. linrron with him," thought .Strut- ton hh the butler allowed him into the tlin- inp[-rouiii aud oloond tha door. "Wonder wlint-ho ia likw. Oh ! impiHihle. How uiiBily a man can he jealoui." ,. Aa It* KI.0O1I looking at the portrait id a laily h? fane mil he lieanl atops in the hall, and directly after the but'or enteipd. . "Sir Mark will nno you, air," auid the butler.'. "But Mr. Barron in thiire *" , --*^rnr; h>-^jbiH tli* lailioa." . Sll'itton winced, innl tho uext niniiiciit wan uiiowu into thu library. "Ah, Malcolm Si ration," cried the mi- mind bluntly. "Cmim in. my dear buy. How aro you ! (Jlail you'vo callod. My fiieml Mr. Barron wu bore I want-oil tn introduce you two. Traveled ^jiucli, but be'ii uhnry of making imw ft iendn. You'll like hi111 Uimi^n, I'm auro. Wonderful lellow ni tlio mututge. mt!Ut of a yacht, and a iiiu^ntlietMit tiwimmer. Why, I hyliuvo limt man, nir, could uwini ftir niilesi." 'Indeed, Sir Mark." '.'Oh, ye; Imt it down, ft L rail on; you ate quit* a llranger. Want lo wee mti on bUHilnH.l?" "Ye*; I------" "But bi'fore he could put any further the admihil, who Riomerl in In^h njii i> h, in> ierruii.led hiin. "I'iiy >"U weri iml ton minutes sooner. Birrnn u uh tjlin^ mo a mont niniuiii!/ nioi-}' of nlave life in' Ti inidud in the o d daya. Wondorful fund of mieudoio. lini you it 11 id hiuiuesa or an appi>iiitmitnt, my riitur boy. Bid man to come to mil can Il'h about-tho Boa, What ii it'" Stiatton nudo no niiHWer ior a fow nm- incnta. Tho dilTerence uraa how to begin.- It wai, not, that ho wna atrange with thu admirul, for, conueqiieut upon the friend- nhiu fornn rly oxiatrim butweon Mimi.lornihl and hia motlier. Sir Mark'a liotia* iittd h'*en open 10 him limea enough. Seuiog bin hi-nitation the old miilor Hiniiod encourng< - -mviit, "Come, my lad," ha said, "out with it. In noinething wrong ? W.mt help ?" "Yen, wir, you 1 n," (mid Straiten, making 11 in fihiirtje, and now speaking quickly. "The fact la, Sir Mark, I luvo bad uowa > thJH uioruiug K'fiona nowa-for mn.". "(iUd of it, my deajSKoy, But you lunked junt now aa if you wero going-to court-in it riiul for running your Inn aground.!' "I mippoae it wan natural, Ur. Year onlay I was a poor ntrhgtfling niait, to-day I have biul the hitter announcing my appointment to the Houdluy Muaeum, and it ia not only the a'ipnnd hub the poaition that m no valuable for ona who ja fighting to imiko hie wuy in the fluferalitio ranka." Th't udniiral ytrotohed out hia hand, and hoolt Rtratton'a warmly. **GUd of ii>, my dear boy. My cnogra- tnlaltanfl on your promotion. 1 ahull aee you an admiral anions; the HnieutiuVbigwigu yet. To bo aura j of course. I have been ao taken up with other thing" being abroad and o muoh worried and occupied ainco 1 came back, that I had forgotten all about; it. But my aiator toldvmo she wan moving heaven ami earth, and going down on Iioi handa and kneea to all kindv of groat jjunil to beg thorn to nalute you." "Then it haa bcon hor doing," cried Stratton oKoltndly. ' "Oh, yea ; I think alio baa doiio nomo* thing in it. Do th*.irle know!" "No, air ; not yet," aid Stratton haatily. "I folt that it was my duty to come to you firat." "Eh? Very good of yon. I'm nuro. 1*11 end for Ilium. , They'll Ik*.delighted." 'He- roao to ring, but Btratton iuterpod. "Not yt, sir, ipiaaio," ho cried j "I hv*i aomething ! to aay." "Waiita to borrow a hundred for hia out* fit," thought, tho admiral.. "Well, I lik tho fellow; he ahall have Jt- Now, my la<l." ha aaid aloud, an ho resumed hi* ueat.- ' WhatiaUr. 1 Stratton heaitaled. for .a few momenta, add then hurriedly t 1 "Ihava met MIm Myra Jnrrold and Mia Ipdrrin fr*;qiiuntly at their a.unt'a, Sir Mirk,aHd, to great trx>eut you have made mo iroo of your Iioubo. Ynu will, grant, I hope, that fueling* luch an have f;rown uii in mo yere quite puturah It w^a fripoaaBdo for mo to . bo in , tbolr anclety without (prmlng fn atUohment^ >dt-' I .gWtj yoii, my word, air, ^aa aaum,; tb*t arr'hy word W.,|oo.1l ' M t ,*freepabd up tha> kludnew f^ hT* aewrd^WT: acrfut d 'covery iidtaLiHafcnow^-i^iiO-lji-Cai. <. i .,i.m nd all Stomach and bluer Troulilts. hkIi .i.jauip-Uioii, HtHlafllie, Dyiptptla, IndiHriio, ...... .iwuun IJIkwI, cli;, 'J'liens IvwoiiReit aro iilo.-iwit mil liiii(ulei.-i( and tlmuKh towerfu! to proutolo a liualtlyoaiauiif the bowels, do not weaken lilto iiillA., , Dfyonrtonieunlu coated joanredtltcm 2 5 CENTS A BOX AT AIL UlLtil BTOKRH. pi/^Il'lJRE ! We are Right in it KINDLY cull mid cot m'IchH, Wo will bo plea-oid to uliow yon Miroiiuli nur oxtutiinlya Warnronmi, well flUod with- lioud Vurulturo o our own mniiufauiuro, JUST THINK! Fine Extension Table, hard-j wood^ 8 i'fc. long, $5. Good Bedsteads, iii.75. Parlor Suitea, fine plush, $28. Amlovorythltu/iri tho iilmiio of Furniture at prioon oloimr thuti miywhoro nleo, for miality. Good Lumber takoh Inoxohahge. All Coods delivered froo of charge. Undertaking: and Embalming a Specialty, Prloea right down In koo[dn(( with the tlmog. J. At & CO., J3BSEX, ONT. A Boon to Hornemon. Ono bottla of English Bpiivin Linimont oonoplotoly re movod a curb from my horeo. Intake ploacniro in rocomrnondiuK tltn ronao3y, &b it oota with myHlorjoua-prornptnoHH ia tho removal from liorucH of hard, nc't or cal- lonnod lumpn, blood npavin, npliutH, curbs, nweony, fltiflou und FpraineM. Geo. Dobb armor, Markhutn, ^Utit. Sold by John Thorno, l)rnfff;l"t. TONtllllE IllH IKoiiOMty Your druy^mt m honont if when yoa auk him for a bottlo of Qcott'fl Emultuou ho tjivoH you juat what you nsk for. He ItriowBthiB ia thu bout form in whioh to takfrCod JjivorOil. .j Michigan fTFjgiwr. "Xho Niagara fallt RouU" OOINO KABT Takinc oCfoct Nov. 18th, 1^04. rasp. a.m. Erbdx....... Woodalro.,. Comber...... ItidKGtnwn. St. Thonin.il Mall a.m. H.m 9.2,') 8.40 U.60 1MB 7.U1 D.A5 Ttiiflox..................... Muldntono Croirn ... Polton .................. Wlndiior............... OOINO "WI10T. Exp. a. in. 11.01 li.SO a.m 8,25 8.Gu 7.-17 7/Jfl 7.27 7,05 0.35 0.B0 fl.44 0.40 0 34 ]fjnmiiitoti and Windeor, NOHTH p.m a.to 4.C3 Li:t iXi 4 at 4,15 1.00 3.50 3.45.... liO . QJ15 , a.20 WintJiioi* Polton Xlnfl MttidBtono Groan Kbpox Woodfjlbo Kunooinb ... Combor.... KoHulvn ...... ..... tituplon ......-Oakland...... ...BlvtboRwood .. ....; ' Wlulo ...... ............ Laka M & 3) ll'y .................. n.flo '120 ...... LaominHton, ... 10.40 7.1o ' li'lUR Btutlon. Exp. lp. in. 10.35 10.M 11,65 1.05 Wall P.m. 5.20 5.30' 0.40 7.00 nouTft R.TO p.m f.31 fi.au H.6I 6M 0.01 ti.m .0.10 6M -fl.Ql fl.OB 0 40 can 10.00 6.110 10.1(1 0 40 10 10 8.40 10.31 G.C1 10.25 G.5ft 10.31 7.01 WlillT KAffV p.m. O.CA fl.lW 0.43 0 4-1 7.05 ft,m, 0.18 D.iA 0.33 oai 10.00 Kane* EdKare LKA-1) K XlUff McGtrotfor , AmberRtbur^ a.ra. 7.10 7.00 6,60 0.4R .30 p.ill. ' 4,25 4.10 - 4.02 4.0O 0.40 All trains avo run on eentral aUhdard tinae, which'Ib olxty minutes Blower than Bnaox time, i'or iurormatlou aud rates .to ooloa- Iflta movlufi woat apily to John G. Lavon, Pa*> senKor ARoufc, Bt. Tbomaa, O. W- Itni/gloH, 3on- oml Puimnr.Kor innl Ticket Ajfont, Oblougo, 111 or A, O. Btlinom, Acont, Kbbox. L-E-fc D R. Ry. TIMK TABLE KO. 17, tftklna offoot on Monday, Kov. ai, 1B01. Tralna run by Eaatorn Stand ard Time. Daily oxaent Sunday J: en ; * 59 XUX II 0 25,11.00 fl.9Qii.in fl.80 11 25 0 4*111.80 5.50 0.57 10 oa 10 00 lft.lfl ao.27 10,87 30.45 10/5 11JI 11.20 11.25 11.85 13.4!) 11.50 ll.M 1904 12.11 13.24 10,85 P.*. O P< V M (1:20 fl.27 1.I10 R.44 11.40 0 51 11.55 0 5 12.08 7 03 lfl.M 7.10 12.46 7.17 1.01,7.2a l.BO! 7,.1B 1.4517,40 3,45 UIU 8.05. fl.l BOO s.sts 4.15 4.40 '4.40 B.t'O AID v.40 6.55 8,10 P.M, 8.1W K.44 651 (1.56 006 fi.Pi -.17 ,25 !t(i fton V7allarD,loAr Walkorvllte Juiuj. ......... Pelton,....,,. ......t Oldoafttlo...... ......f paquette...... ......McGrogor...... ...t Now Canaan.,. ... I Marsbfleld .,. . ., Httwrow .,.,.. ........f Axoor.......:. ......KlDRBVillO...... ......Ituthvon .. ... lieaminctod ...... Whentrey .. ......+ Henwlok,.,..,. ...CoatBworth, ,.j ......fGloawood.,;,,. ....&v.teeplln\........ ......1 Buxton......... Bandlson:.,',.;. ...tOotlarHprlnga... Blonbelm Junot'n ... Blenhohn,.;, . ......tWllkle.,.;,'.,,, Ar Kldgetowii Dep I H *i O o 'A 'A A U X M 0 10 5.00 ntn 445 H57 t.M H Mi 4.a 8 47 4,ID H4U 4.11 HM 4.01 Hi a.48 HOT 41 HU ftfl3 H01 8.TI 751 0.55 740 2.40 7 24 1.59 7 1 -1.S8 7 10 l.W 700 100 6 6*13,813 6 45 13 JO fl 40 1300 0 HI 11J28 6 24 ir.so 09) 11.16 610 10.10 0 00 10.00 A.M, r.M. 8 to d r 7.O0. 0t54. a.47. - S.4S 0.37 tt^a o.ao B.10. n.iu S.01 B.Ct B.4I B.M 5J4 5.05 5.00 I.MJ 4.49 4.35 4.80 4^1 4.14 4.10 tJOO MOV P,.H/<V { yiag BUtlonij Trainb atop only, when there- are, paiBnaer.ator for-tbaae Btafton; 'ICiMd-,t>^ tralua are at al Umea eubjeot tfl be oanoelloJJ )d]M ::.;:;:a ti, If; . ^^^K^sMii^^ Si Iu^;MM^ ' -iSi ,i--Zi;^\/: :"::'.f$fci ::^i . .'.',-'," "'f"V'ilffite* V! ^^^"^wisJWWaaal 57 64