Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 15, 1895, p. 6

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kf*,r-,T,.-r-- ','." ^f^^^ ^ ^^if^B^KSQEX- PFBE PRESS S ' lW' LETTER. *^ *-n' plished in St. Anna's Parish. The Sick and Diseased Well by Pana'sGGIery Compound. Thoiinanda in tho Commory oial Metropolis know what/" the Groafc Spring Modi- cino has Done, tbo Kro|lt nrobdinoouo of Montreal, llhh of St. Anno'u iu -arm of tlio Jam- UHjatr-flTiJiTrtutil. Tiio piiriiih 1* n Tmt iunl tho worK of tho dojion or mora olomymnn who doyotn their time and talon tH to'tho Hplritual and chaiitfiblo *lUretn of tho paoplo, in hoiw and nover- eudlug. In tliiA thiokly nettlod mid conjjt'Htiid pariah tlut and hufforinj.'aruiiuMii'rmn, .but ohrbuiun ludp ami cmitmlatinu hi ivlt near in tho hour jt danger. In him-iius of iol;iic-4iu u.Ki'1 JiueaHo llin jj-v-u parish lma 1)0en lilot-Hud by an a^ my that, ban ituvod thouHaiitlri of hvt-'t* in our JJoiuinioir. Wo uow refer to that murvallomi medicino Paiii'j'H Cohiry Com| otind, bo well and favorably known in cvcr> Canadian homo. Tim popul.Lr tlirnviium of St.' Anno'ti hayo, from tuno t) tiin-t, linurd woudorfuj rapnrtu from thmr par inh ion era .of t lie , jiiujjuiiiuouti work acuum, lihcd by 1'iiinu'a Oojury compound. J1'.it h- n, miHlurii, broth ore and hjhUth havo boim rained to lioalth and iitreiiyth. TIiuju pronounced mcurublo by phyKmiatiH have b-nd. Hnatch- cd from tho juwii of death. Thu tt'jv. T. Itious, onu of St. Anno'ii mo'it popular clurtryman, ItiiDwin^ ab.jut tho |;uod wnilt duno by l\iiini'n Oidury Coinpi>uji], aiiii having expoiii.-neud inont ' fiatufactorv rudnlla fiom it,n mo in Im.h'uwh ouhc, wiitoHtiH folluwn : "I nni folly conyiiiizcd but.h bv pergonal experience and by tin: HtaU'imm'ta of many puriHbiouui'H inii a'.'itod tn my "oire, thai . thu cidrbiutu.t fin:-dicine I'uim/rt (Irlory Compound derftirvi-n j. lndi rem mmeuda- tiou. I, I liuiefom, u i.11n^l} iiuloiri t tno teatiuiomuU alroady uivi-n in H bolialf." yjffl3fpnmnia ii BEST OFFER EVER MADE. Collided In a I"<i|;. BalUmoru, March H.-r-Tho Bay Lin* steamer Danville crushed Into tho St. Mary'fl near Fovt Carroll hist ovaning. Tho Danvillo was bound out for Norfolk with it largo piiKSPiifftH' list and tho St. Mai*y'H was bound lip from ]iivor*.i Points with 75 passengers aboard. .Thclioavy fog prevented tho look-out inon from niioln ibo lights, but fortunatoly both vessels woro proceeding slowly. 'J'lio pilot of tlio Bt. Mnry's throw hor head to port and tho Danvillo struck her a ghineing blow on tho fildo. Tho olIlcerM uf tho St. Marys quickly discovered that tho oolllson did not seriously Injure tlio vessel and re assured (ho exehc.d passengers. Tho Dan villo stood by until informed that tho St. Mary's-was in no danger of sinking and proceeded on her trip to Norfolk. Tlio St. Mary's caino to her berth wlibout assist ance, a largo holo in her side near tlio wbeel-lumso indicating what a narrow cs- capo film hud from going to the bottom. , Will I'rm'imt lx]>u<lltifmtt to Cubit. Washington, March 8. Tho State 13e- parlnient has in.strucliMl Minister ilannis Taylor, at Madrid, to convey assurances to the Spanish Government t.hnl. tho Uni ted States is taking extraordinary precau tions to prevent; tho organization of ex peditious from thirf country to Cuba. ItitlVulo l'oru'imlerM I'nnn it I'ool. Buffalo, March H. After several sue- costiful elforts J3uffalo canal for ward era have agreed' to form a pool for the estab lishment of uniform freight rates, for transportation of grnin by cjuiul from this cltj: to Now York. 'ltn Striki-i-H Win. Pittsburg, Pn., March . Tim mviinrs , ot the Coalshnrg mines m-ai- Mnimnnaliela city have agreed to pay tin- a\ t-ru\ rat(! ilomamlcd by.thulr :.'5u men. The Mrihem \ will n-t.urn to work tit mv. N'<nvn of tho Day In Iti-l*i. A nest of siiiallpox has lieen discovered ' on West* IjmIco street, Cliieago. tuning colored men who came from 'IVmiiv: w a jnontli ago. Kive easeri have been taken to ihe pest bouse.'" Tlio .Imperial llonsn of (luiiiinna^ \v,> terday passed the item of i7,l;i>) i<> rover the expenses of tr.viiiA? to exlnidiie .lobe/, i Sponcer iJalf'our, tln7'*lT&lbi!i,ator wiTrj^er, from ArgeniIna.' "" ->- Track laying on tlio Toronto, llanii Iiojjl J& BuU'alo railwjiy brtwei-n Unintlord and '.'Hamilton will l)n completed to tho west- urn limits of Jlamilton by Saturday night und n^gular trains will koou bo iuu- ' ning over this part of tho road. The general- omignil loii fi-om Great Jiri- liifu eoetinuod. to inerease in P'ebruary, ' but einigpat inn to t'anada deidiued ono- fourth as compared with lust year. BtETiasWi SSEX FREE PRESS JJ^ABJ.I gFor the balance of 1895 for& xm&^:. 60 CENTS f3!TO JSTBW SUBSGBIBBRS. '/t-oiitu aw<i>', >ti*torI" growled thn t,A u : i,i hid iiht;,r ' X , ei', I Htvtmr you aro wrong," otb-d flu i. 1 U1-'.'. w'iiylmtw tlm oltun^n la yn^r i ani*" Jil 'pi.. Y"li Imi.rfl it tno. Omiy it jf yon ..... ' limrt: Wit . nib-iU' for it inomtntt, und Im. n-i" ujili hin oyiiH flxod upon tbo b-ttor I'm. itn if ' to son iho oovor of tlio j jl -ii'iVe, "I mi no), p'rioK to- -detiy -lt;ri>ir; I aitl iit'llr umni'mi." lln Maid, "jf bn jh Iikm* liu ^i'.'iTTF li' III" V ttm- liieli lino KuiHnii uf Mil uhufueo, fl IH ill- t|W I, I IMI1 Nil I it. " ' Ah " * np"kn li onoii inoi'ti Hoi/"d tli4 Uixio ,iir und iifiiL out a Itoavy ioiiIihIo. fbn utill Umth huh no reply, and, lukiuu bin Hinter'n liuid, i bo ailrniral ilf iw it. i.lit. n^b inn hi hi. "lilai"," in- Kiid in ji low gmwl. "V^t, tlio'miiviiriiig Ii' of u cow.oil or a car." "luu not. uiifl!1.' cried (Iuchi i.x<aiedly uHi. lIuhi^Iii, JliMiiiu] uurnut lu Uraia. ' I renminbi-!- now ; |hi laid a heavy hiuu of miimiy nn tlm taliKt when I wan lirn, and tiro-ii Iloavi-m ! in it tbut V din ihiLimi-r w'uh eonuigiiaiH, >nul h^ fnen i.i.iiv.yiil inn lonililt! thought!* i.u U\H .(,m- p Hllllilh. M.t'ii lU'rrnld c uiil'to iier laoilinr, mid '.ii 0>;i u't-icily pule, whiln u built ul JinsTur cl.i ra-'ied thu old innn'n hue. ' Y'iu--you don't think-------' ho hu'iii*. an red. 'I iliink tin- wni'Mt, nr my \n***r fi iimd ..iiil.l liivn Ijimmi hi; a an." "Min- -for (lu.i'i- ,r. i J;i* ibm'i, niiy that," l^tt-pi-d ' b" iiiiiiu'i. ^ji l.'ni'f,! ntfppi'd Iri'd-: to i hi* lull i-xtent of n ii uuniiiig. "Thar;' i>* K'Hiii; aivsieiv In" ," "Siop! What, up., y-ii ^oin't; to dot" eiiiiiSir Mnl;, caiehin^ hmioni. "Suiad ii-ode, nil- ; JLum gein^ lo burnt op.'ii that .dour." ,.. . ~-/*" "* - -- \r\rr'wm>:&Vi!tej^^ BliowItMs'to yonrlneiglibors.! ADDRESS E, J. LOVELACE, Proprietor, Essex, Out WI1']^E^1'0': TfE DEED C'HAITKIl VII. two YiiAiis Miiroar:, JIliii! fdty, the bin-sr nf lilu<* water, tanr- ^ineil H"itli jp'i't'ii ,itid ;^'iid ; g|ortoany ii;l'- ^" il. Hll'fply hblj'iliL,' h.eOllie ' nlptl, llnllrd pii.t in I'.-111 j t I y eifi vi-d eiiab-L-, ivrnlln-r- wiifa l-y miii and rain to a rich, u ui in iirowii ; lll^lii.i up, i ho t*<;bii bat it: t Ii-- Hinaaier t" irin--ieu(^; of tin; pttaMuntH, lound and ab'Mif. which ypiZu ^'itnile, Hoft-fiic<d CoiVH. i-iieli bi';ttin|j lis Hweet-loillld, llinill- C'il bell. Atpiin, iiij/hor atill. yrny er.i',' mid ll{,ditiiinjj- liI.LMled ( tan ite, bare, repel la Hi., anil Htnui^'K ; upuiud i.iill, nud in nook aim cc.'MliV p.iti:iieu of a dinejy uliite, HUn HweepiaiJis op of a great ii.ul.-oonii'; aii<<tlii r tlinuH.tad i'ei-t up, and the iicbin^ i:yi:n .'a/.- /.I'd by |ii;.il,, cn.ihioii, and jiia'ei of vvliili! and, nbovo ai:, llio gbn ioiiH Hiiii lieainiiif.' down, inching Ii'.iin Mm mum. a mi boa tiny ri vol ST, wiiirU 1mh- per mnl win/^ an llirv im \o eiiiiiini i:i for tie ir eotirt:M- and nn-'-i nn.l L-niueseu t.o il >w iiitiifiiily down, or ipi.iiri'l und , in(,'e "lid rn.ih io;:fi.ln;r, till, wnii it illicitly, echoing roar, lle-y plunge huni I'Mig down vh-- nfi m Ji'iier 1111i_j ty glueiei, How on foi odb'H, mid reuppeat nl. t Ihj foot l.nrnid, mdi-y, and liidea with sloot', I o linny b.'Jidloiig lo I Jit* i r pni ilieatioij in i,|H! |ovel\ hi k-* lieloiv. J '.".: ,-. blJilLll'i;'Liu^.4LbovH: I.iiaL 'bilie. cut rtT '. - ' 'It,: .ti <\::.~, I in e, ft in- uniiieil chiiirf, aed in I be Wm tii.ii bid; cu ly, leanbig \\\mi tim e.iivod rail,' und ( (to in-: coNTisfim.) coj. : - ihti. Oil- iiclp ! help ! . iae tljnj'it diiaM.'oiisiii biitrlt ho i Nat liar ._..;i'i n-htt-ii (.u .thu l.amgi', for a ilt'iiildy V|T"'obi:<MHV. "Vl-i- llu: biMilliful fm..-, tho . \<:s' 'wl'riv""half "diijyd, >endiag a ebili o| lerior l-i'i'oitgh tin: atattbid' yirl, who now inn* fralitieally at t im bell. "A dn.rtnr they ina^t f.-Uih a iloetor. No ; I'.-tey fmnw. luielt to lull lir-r llli Miibmbn S. I.til nil COIlbi IlOt, tl'tlllt lie!' ,IM HllO tllillKH. And I'eiey line-it wan on the way to put II 1.1 1>"; li-bl. - I-'.ir ^uiie; littl'i ili'"aiiee nol a word U'aH -M.nke;. iii the carriage, each of it oeciipanta oi itu nili ot bi?i or Iter n\vn tliouf;htH. Mi--, .b-rrold wan the fiint, lo break the -n<"...-. For,-un mIi'; 'ui thi'ifi utera and 'ii:':.aipi"ii.wiiy, t.niakiii;,' of iho duty she i....i voiniii.irdy iiinbri laken in ausivur to : ur appeal in her nb-cn'n eyes, which plain y ii.- ii Shu v.oabl aland in'tweon father um lover in any encounter which might ' il(.-<. place, mIid noted that she wnu utill :ia.i:ilg tin; ImiapioL of exotica Bile had . : i ;.c 10 lie: cjlii!|-;h. A look of aimoyaaco and disgiiHt croancd In-r l;ic*-. "Hen-, Mr. (iu-.'i-t," fib-' said t.hurply j "lut down thu window and throw tiitiiiO e lipid tlo v-Yti away." (in.-si ^uu'ie.i, iind lieailiLted about tiiitmff : In- i.oU(|i;i-t, inn il was piemed into- luu .t.iii.l. .uid bn wun atioiit to b)W<-l' tiie m indow . ii- n i In: lady iilterpohnd. "\o; IL would bu wa^le," kIu- oiiod. "W'.ili iill \vn i-ee huinc jiooi tlnv.ei gill, >ini nive it to her." Tin; window, on her rif,dit w.i;i let. down .Ii,trply; then lite tlowoiM weri- inmlchi-d 'nun li^i hun.I, ami ihrowo "ill inlo 'liu llli'l St.lilllfO'. "Veil have lirouiibt uh bert:," said .Sir M'i l Ii, htopjijlii^ Jtlmrt lit t.n-' foot of till) Miii. "<Io liisi] '. I'lc {'live lo (lueMt, win. led Mia (. r..J-t on iiM-l up riot t-.*n Ibghi.s .to too l-r ...i ii.mhn'4, iip"a wiiieli l in: doorn of lb .-! 11 in i i.on'iieliimih.-rrt opmied. ' (ji,. iiimiii in v\ i i..' 1 ne( in\ r Livatli," ,........i M iu ; .h-i I'm I."I. ^ you'ig .v3 , -.: -.I [nl . ! i . i Jli<-': I M- ml-M '..j f ini'iii'd, and n'.oini mawliiig ii lie.- ,!-,_ i..i "ii i Ii uoni, In: u il tieeaii'd i-<i d .i i, 1 o ii nl: mi.*, tor i a> ' wa.i no riy m| :;l|li^ oil* ,:].-.,i, All it*nt,.-l nmikv and giim_, and -rh.rnrii'i -;,< n.v n\ l-i<- ol-.i,-" uhm iiii]iri"i- -:i\ I- ,! * I 111) I. Ill It 1 i'HI ' '. A* 1.1' 'V Ml nod I lie i (* tin tin: l..lnt ii g (.Jliefjt ln'siia.iid for a tiennont or t w-. un uinb'lia- ulne b-eiiag of ib > liavmg at Mo'Uea hi in ; then- Man a carioiiH riug'iig in tho earn, and lip heart bral Mini a in-avy tlindi "lie vart brMiiL'iii hai.1: to Ids dutv hv ih* . mi, i-rern v. ic ri: iim iiilmiroifl. "W'-ll, .Mr. (Joint.* be Miini ntriin with n :a!.i lonii-iliiy of tone, 4,yoii have brought ,!ii aiae'" ind ho vvaicd bin band tovttud Uo: dooi, dami fiotJiii!,' forwuid, knoidted sharply, tad Mood hiei; t.niwii;, vslnh- .M :si .lermld drew a loii^', lil-.-ln'n' breath, pei fi-ctly Ulldi- hle in thu ml le-'e. Tlicro \vH do ir*p -as.;, ami 11m (diiipiiig of thu inn Bfiati-tm.-i cmin! piiuifully inml ihrongh an open window ^oia-Wieia aliove. "What a diamal plao- for a niau lo ihooMi," inutlini-d Mini .bt rold. "Had /nil iiut.tiet let Uliei-k :iy illi * ' (i n i-M i i'"i" an d iii'" sainiiiriim( a n 11 tin: i iijii-l leaned lonv.Ltd, lii.t.-niag iitteal ive- Sull tiiiTt wa-t no tep'y; and, crinvm^ .,...1 li. Itun-l, ,00. ll.rowo o .,.,.,, o.a.i I .y mi Mark, vrl..lntugn-l tho iviudow . i.,_ ,'V" Neural|!a 1:1: Toiinne, I)ij;/i- i!n ii, i'lii'fV'!.*, CbnittipatiDiii U;'.:.iih. 1 1 -..ny uutt'd alsn . vir/fv riicri vo yauc:* hroAT Ontua &tokbi "h : . 'ii m it li an uiifjry frov* n. \. v..11 pirate, M.nk," H.i ill the lady 1 ii.-. m ; "bat t.iio Houei'.s loi.jiiL haVo been .. m I .1 .-11 illmiirt lo hoiin- poor hi 1 id." .Si < no-; reigned otie<: inori' a.s I lie wheels .ri,n io'und. llxfora Htr'fisi vva re.iomil .ml er-'Hieil, 1 ii** eo:iennmii turning down into iiiiii aei o'ii-i linwvuiiiir Sipiaie, ami tlnoi in .iini mil, avui ling lln: Mi..Ill .st.]'i't!l->, ti.l .'. bufi, whi'ii [lie busy t iieinil/.m. i'o was ' , e.ial<-Mi eiiil,uad I i." eai'- 1 ul' Wnii diiiwa lip at a ll'iinav, coiliL-like 1 tiled inn. .. . _.__ Iii:.n.(>. \',e;e uii'iird d'u-i-tly, .onoii.: l boa '.' II"-.-: a I Itilll hilt Wi'l- t.llk' 11 I" " L' l l.Itl'I'ihl 'T ' r^'i.jir,- ^ i'.rr.v i.\|-f. ,ji;,*ii,;.- iii.Lak wuii giving fijf ,1; 1.-i,i iotf..tij ,.. u.i'nn:.' ease. "" "M'e.N .I.-'i-oiif s,i\v ihe 1'. g..| g.sitleilllia'^ -nllif i;il.-M,od il - an-.Lj:!. '.;. "I! "i - , ,'i-,-. 1, '1 hen. a:-* t im 1 -e Li 1," aid wh^o-tVii hin-i n-ttjy, - ihaesliijiid . ill b(JM li oto \ cur nrr.ial. IM 1 J ul, ImOll. Ir" in" fiivor di.^aprieiii. .I m i;,.i lioui1 wnu \n ,ir<i ,ut to : m-n, 1 eeoi" _ , - .eg hi mm if, la- tin ned iu In ip hm itidtei1.- . . 1 : 1 1 t I till, he vviiH loo I,ito. .P.-ie.y Cochi had ,i'T;o;:n<"l t hut dot y, nui ' l.e im. v molt hi' 1 111 aad follow ltd lln: iniinii .1 no mui zm> ilm alb'lii:-' (if t hi! old, pn..l tin- porn.-rV tlio'*,' iinnoiieed by i!m ot cup. ai ; ;aen 01.' .1.Hi the tapiarc, tlii'i'i' U'i hli .dy plane :.i((. loM'anl l tin fine old 'v.| ;bi'!r!{ mini - II in the e ini'T, wiL'ii a.s 1 on maip s\ij. c: .ind caiioiiM old lih'U' c.vtn.eipHliora'on 1 n.-r 'Bid**. ,' -..- 1 1 hn pliee wan nt'i-rly ib-.-o-i i .o, and no t l i that I ho uieaking of 1 oe e-.ti'ii new oliiT' tliulcd loud and- 111 , aiii_-e..' i.'iiile an y tnoimlial. t lia'ivoi a iiop i-> d miterei in: gloomy hall of tne old' pin.-, it i.tiiirk ' tilly anil damp, whllu lie- Meat Htnin-. ,iii'ciiH'i hm\ a Innk tiiao auomoW forlHihUlie,. twK? 1 r;.'. ^ "'i .1;^ ^ll^aY tii &-3iii "V->< :'#*ii!!!i^'^^-." |i n.iiv, u .1 li the 1......11 i"ii of iIi.- kiioekei', leloiiy piaio'v "f 'I"- r ".'-In-r^ hand nf him v. In. niciMt ii. iiiul ii- 11 I.. 11. il ii drew bail;, 10 m -mi ilbtuaing iutuutly ;ili M \\n At'.a ul 1 ! l:e. "He tnuiit ho nut"," wild the lady quietly ,'KnoLdc again, Mr. Ouciit." , Tin) khocltor oneo mom riUHnd the czhot? i 1 he' m oirtbhioUiiig aid iitiiiriiiiHii, ai.d thoii diid mil ului with a puculiar ivhitipeiv whilo (.bient'11 liuurt fianlc within bin breiuit .ui a dozen bmciea now took. poawrzHimi of Inn, mid horror pruvailutl. "Wo eanifot. atay horo," uaUl Mi'mh .lor* .. hi. , '(Mr. Guoit, will you aco nin to,my '""iVi'iago 'again! Mr. .Htratton miut bo a', (infiu to llourno Square, and ,wii fihvo punned hill) on'tho Way.'* . "N'o !" tlmuderad tlm admiral J "lio la .vihi..; tliero. hiding, like tht* jar ho Li, .ad a r.Utl to i'ttOH ma j" (innr tuniad upou'Anm.iuigrl ' .v*. "iVpa in im l\[tfryouiif. He liwien'joy . nd (taeiii'ry ati ovli' 'Im wodd and bknn r. hi now, and n g.iui.'V etinln," "- "I wnu iini. 1 iiiuVitnibout utiole, deal'." ' Ahtiiii, Mr. Illrioii, thou? I>--hi- me Hhut 11 Mut'iKiioaii i'Yil, Kdiii diiiir, 'Inn i. ttniili nut I'.tnouiei a, \ f^n.'u enjoy tin: initt- tor of fuel 11 pi* n-ul. Himily far a walk?" Kiln- In hi up hli Iini. by one Htiiag. an pat ii. on in dv 10 d'an.-enil wit h'Iter eauiui 10 11 low it biili-ony, on anotlntr froat.nga < ' the hoii-e, uoeie, him toil ttt a tahbi, wit'" b*.:!h 'wlmra , ntnl, fJnjiit^-|iii1|(-jui--.ttbni' hi'avi.y "MllT^TiTn, ^nn mooiii prill tjliainti'iH |n belli;; i'l'ii'i'o.o:.'. lie wns plainly nud wi'i: """ " toioe.l 1.1, .,I. !(.in|, ,,f Honioty, and appii nmly inih-r piuini al hit while, win fnll> 1 t-nd".l loin In, Ah le- 1 n 1.. i ! to t.b.i ligiit ii be.ul n;; t-. i- m .-- , ii'r- .ib"- ! : ..',' ilniued in Ina <dHly .0 \>-n->*\ ami 11 nip, dnrU liuir. Xiijitldino. '" * " ie eoriioiH ami beneath hm nyeii, thu woi |- on- oi mi in a imiiih Jim tlmniigo. -. Am lie torn* m repiiiin thiwjigur bfllwVui ' bin llp^ In uni: e.l eiuib-Hiny, " " "LueU'" m uh V"ii today, udmir-d,*' .In Uilid J mnl In- i^.ii ui tlio not (if llhiilllitie; h . e.ildl u'lfll be i::iiiulll. lligtlt (if hU i'iM1l|"io I'iu'h lian.iliiiir und niece. I n mi imm'nor, tlm eiirdu wr thrown town, aa.l 1 hu incur ji:rki:d out of ilia win. dow, " "Who, *h the iimitor t'1 iinid t|, lubniml. "An, girls !" "VVnVf ei'unn 10 mile yon tn go for a wiilk with nn, paj a, bat, if-------" Myra'a ey-n 1. iu,.d for ti moment nn the udinindV companion, and thou' dropped to tlio eartlii. "On 1 V Hiiid th ymincer man qniekly. l'On. tint h ; v.>- I'H'V urty limim, AiliH ii'iroid, nv.ii tin' woatbnr in lovely now. Why not ucuom puny the l-idicH, Ir V "N'o, ihiink^; I ct't more walking than 1 caui fur. l)ou't go f.u, girlfi; the mouniami 'im full of gobiimi and lir.itpaiH, whieh...ib- Vourpieiiy m'tidmn.. I'm hai.'k m en, ami I'll gn mid if.t, down wit h yon by ihe lake. Now, Ilm i on, Vt.ui' dcil. " .......... 'lln- ^entleiifLii adibe;*ta*d Inokfd at tin- Indies, ami ahrii jjg'fii Id i siuMil'li-i .-i .'.lightly an nitiuh a;t lo Hay, "Yn,u ma: 1 hav-! no lillt'iiiiUivit." i.' a i iiffl 11 aLiTiit tlbrovery litho txtstlinow.i rcmtrjyfor'" '!!.aid all Sloiaach and LIvr Trouble*, such ., Headache, l>ypepila, ludiKe*iioii,' iiiir.i Jllof^l,, Xheiw Loienjjea are plcawiiit I r.."iiiilr:,'i( mnl H,0iiKl| |K)werfi!l to promolo H .Iihyactl'm oftliobowtsb, Jo not weaken UkopUffl. ' yur toiisttc U roatrd yon need tboin- stents a box; At Xt-h lllttli WTOUKH. "Then you wid not M v ni uh uh.. i i^t i d til- f-11!^ gn7.uig at the wnodrouu view iierorn lake anil meadow', up and away lo tho hjuiw* covered inniintniini till thfiy blended' wbb thu lleeoy eloml.i, uiotul Myra .lonold and 1'Miu 'l'errin eoiiHiiiH by birth, j-isHth by 'lahtt reveling in their liiat x~a.-^it lo the .and of tbt; ic<; neidc, valley,'and lake. "I could Hand here, I think, leiev.-r, and never tiro of drinking' in the 'heautiea of mii.h a iu!i-iiii, laite. It niitke.i mo fo happy; and yet there an: momenta \\\\<u tlm tears eoine into my- eyes, and 1 f. el sail." "Yes I know, dear," inplwd Kdie, *'Taai.'a when yoii want your luneh or din tier, f>rre feels fniai." "I|ou ean you be bo nliMurdV" cried Myra half repi oncbfully. ' Tnen it'u indigeatiou, fiom eating old gout." ' "Kdie!" "It ia. dear," Haid the murrv, fair-hae d fill, Bwing'iig hei' htraw hut by onu hti.n.' in*iT Die btl'-otiy.. "I'm nam they aav ep the e/imtH ivhen thev'io too old to give :n.y mill;- !n took U[) for the vbnt o:h, and then call itchaimdu. - I wish Aunt derrnld had been hero t.) have hodiu of that diidi last iiiph'. I s:1>'i s'l(' wniilH to know wlie.a Wil are onmiiiL' bank tn liourno SipiUre." "1 don'i-know," haid t\tyni I hniightfnlly. "I mui in no tnirry. It* in vory beautiful here." ' "Hum, y*^- You like it an wnll/na H'. Male, the beating, mid that quaint. woman where we lodged ?" "Ofenilise. Tint llowt-ru and tho pine wondit it is onu glnrioim guidon. 1'apa like 1 'he yaiihtijig, though.". '" "Yih ; nut tifter-three-inontlia out hern I i-hiili bo glad to in'O'dimtiky obi Londo'a ngiiin, "YefJt"said Mypi meaningly, "I iJuppntio an." Rrlio ghmoed at her aidewino in a qniek, nhurp way, but wnu mlunt ilor ii fow uiiu- uti'H. When In-r cnnnin apoko ; "Lrtu gonad cn.ix papa on , for a good rntnhh. nil'dinner -1 ' hii nupper timn." "Nn good ; bo would lint cuue. Vapuit, eollee, and eig-rii, ,U> you like Una Mr, Itarrnn, Myra '!" "Old, yea, yvidl -unnnuh. , Tie i vory clever and well infeirnied. H ean tn 1 u ple-,K,]y ilmni iinything, okpotiially ahem yie|itiiig am! the una, and of eaitr.-ni papa^ liin'K ilmt." - ' "'iVkt too iniioh, I think. I'd rat hor fjit nnd I -i-n in quiet; thoughtful' Mr. Strut Mm." "I fin pos *." ,Hnid Myra rather dtyly il and "him h.iHteind to add, "and .Mr. 'Gnent." "Yen, ami to Mr fluoiit," nabl Imreotixbi, nL'ain h.ok" gn' 'h"i* uharply, and' im'if .the wordii h"d m i;ng.. - ' . Myra ni"t| h>-r glaiicni, and huni"'ily clmm;i*d the eoiui'triitinn. . "Lafdc; u olmugo there in on tho lake, dear," h.' iiaid, .'"IIow1 Ldnwlug tho water in." ' ' - ,' t "V*1!*^ iiiiii yniEoniH poonlo prefer playing ouj-da lo artidyitig natiiroi come, pJipa? naiil In-r hainl.n on in., Bhoulder.", "Xo, my ih'Hr; tori i,neil. Don't, upoil tny "lthTli' l>y M'nppiiiL'; run along." "Uliei.* luik.-J to Hi lei ll u t: u ere L'o bit"; ! f thine.", \!yi_v," ani.l Kthe at tii-y cionftid I l.e hotel gaiilim. "Well, why Hboold we not nlway.i;bn t" him liLe the guU be hives unit pl!U,!', Janni'i-ll.irmn I Ii- n^ht lie- mhim* m I'ldn. iih he dealt I be, iii]s, ' ant h'v.udd'-d to hiniHidf : "She resenla it; I could si-- j - * - j brow M tinkle. That HollIii.i It ; I'd ebuiiin the throw." "(la! i\nw we ean beat jniw;.- it^.da," cried the inimical iui \\o K'ttli-d hinis;-if t>> hi'i lituid, which be played (nil, and eaneu by winning the jiatiie. Jatiiea;|!ation took up tin- p iek n- :iui neivonily, threw it down, ihrti^t hi:i ban I i/ito hia pouket, and then pinned a coup.eui 4<aiin iL<aosH tbo tabl". "(Ju!," naid tfie adn.iral. IlisViB-ii-viu hlinok bin bend, look out a cnM\_.ind e.fciefnlly heleei-ed wition he if r-'i'ded to rut and hi/hl-. "(ti, noiiMtue, ii i - ii ! That hick.\.ill ch:tiiL'i'} tnv tuin to-d.iy, votir'n to-mor row." "1'o'h! lt^ iBii't that, Sir .Mark," Hidd Ban-off tbiowing hlniMdf baelc in hia chair, "I can nUord-to lone n few bans. I'm a bit binned out <T nor m." . '"'Hotel living." 'Xo, air; brain. ' Th re, I'll upmi. phriliiy, even at tin- rmk ot \ 111- lail'_"-loo lit tl.f, foi Wit ll'lVI; beta I fltellll-. lloW m r-.-V- oi'tii pl.tcctt during tlm biii thrt'ij inont: - mn-ai I met you in .S;. A! do.' "1'b'aaaiit unpiii i nl an ce, I'll ," n,i.] | . . admiral, melajihoricully ino lue ii laaieal Ii thu Hheil of bin f'luu' 1 inu r i \ .- "Milt aai liiHlt'.H -y.iein int'. Aequ.uot.oi. e- air/' "I Ih-l; your pardon; ncqaainl um e., UllMl." * I'n. re uiiu a pnmii-, daring which lie- n : oni-.i! abo lit. a li e*ii eiyar, ami bin b:.. tuitehed a little. "Sir Mai k, I'm a pain man. and I thud. by thin liim; yon pi ei .y w<dl kanw nr ha;t.nry. l ought to b * 0%-ur in 'I'riai.i.iti Biqiorioti'iidrng the enooa*te my [.....i father left int.-, bill Iileiest tbi- West In dieH, and I lovo life. ' It m my mibfortime to bo loo ucdl oil. Km rich, but l'hiive a eomfoitnble, JuinleuL income Nuttuailv idle, 1 >in p ..He." "Is'uin-uiiHi!, air!" .-.aid , tho ndmim: prullly. "(JiiO'V or'^:tiin inMt active .men I i'V r met." "Thank you. Well, idly, aceonling to the accepted idean of mmm of the Aanoi caiiA we meat ahi'iiad. Dollara in.-ku p dolluru n oi Im confounded coin, und their bidi.-v dietujeii rtiHtlo with greunbaekt;. 1 bait: (notify-mulling, but, J bho nmney for my bIiivc, which hoaru inn into good bocio y and aianng tlio beaiititiH of nature. Yen, J tun an idler full, perhaps, of dillettani.- " "RiLihc.r.a bmy prcfaiai, Mr. liilrron," nud Si' .Mark grnllly. ".\bk'j headway, plfTitH:. What in ii ynu jvith to any ?" "I think you know, Bir,' a.tid the other warmly. "1 lived Lo thirty-uoven, Imnlly giving a thought to thu other nox, nave un agritenblo eompauionH. I met you and your daughter ovor ynider at Maimgnaga, and th" wlmlo world wiih changed," 'Ifimiph i" "I am not a boy, nir. I apeak to you a a man of the world, dud I tell you p' that I lovo lu-r an a tarong man only can love." "Kdith?" "Don't triflo with mo, air !" . cried Bar ron, bringing hiVhaml down lnvivily nnoti tho table, and gazing almost fiercely iu rhw olu Biiilor'n eye.-i. . "ITainiih 1 my daughter., then. And you have told her nil thin?" "Sir Murk Jerrold I Havo I ever given you causa to think I wan other than a gen- tlenna':" "No, no," aaid tho admiral lumtily, "I beg your pardon. Jliit tlda in all vei-jr muh den ; wit are nueh noiv acrjuaintiuie-*.." "Yoa-might call it frienda," aaid itarmn reproaclifiilly. "Nn.; uequaintancflu yot," naid tbo old Bailor Burrdily. . "Then you do givomo aonio lippi?". cried Barron exodedly. ' . _, "No, I did not, 5r. I'm out of aoiimliag'i bore. 'No; hang it, I mount to Hay, in Bhoitl wator. ' Itang it, man, I don't'want tli child to iliftilc about nueh thingn for yentu." "Kir Murk, .your daughter inimt b*' twenty." " "Eh? Twenty? Humph 1 We.l; I HUpnnnb lio in." ' ( "Thoro in no hurry, ir. Lot matlwrn go on hb they aro, ouly lot It bo on umloratrtod thing -that you do, any iu a latent may, im- oouriigo my an it." ..... ' .f'N.o, nir* I'll' bhidrmyaolf to" nothing; 1------, 0ht hitngitall, man, why did ynu flpoil a plctfluut trip like this?' ' "Spoil it, Sir, Mark? Have sotno .opm- paaulori for tbo u*tur*l feoliogs of a man F^II'llRE 1 XNf& arc Stiglit in it KINWiY cull nml i^t miuoi. Wo will bo plea-nil to i-hnw t'jroiiiih our nxtauHlyo Wiuuniooi-, wall tdlod with yo <d Furtilturo o our own miLiiufia: urn. JUST THINK! Fine Extension Table, hard; wooc^ 8 i'c. long, $5. Good BtiflBteads, 61,75. Parlor Suites, fine plush, $28. Atul otfiirythtaif In th iibnpn of Furniture at priCDi! oloiior thfih imywliero olfio,* for quality. Good Lumber taken.In exchange. All Goods delivered itaaof charge. Undeitfakin^ and Embalming a Specially.'.................... Prices rii;ht down in Jioopbijj with tho thnun. J, h & GO,, KS.SKX.- ONT. A .11 ban lo Ilorhemon. On*1 hottlo of rOijgliIi Kpuviii Ltmniriit ccmpletcly' ro ir.ovt-fl a curb [rum . my horpo, l^tako pleariuro i u .I'ecpnuMMidiiig the reriiojy, QH .,1 it i-cts with biVHti fioim prumptnohH in tho removal Ironi harh(.'n nf hard, dcH or cab hini-fcd bim'ns, blond wpaviu, nplintH, curhH, fiwe'.*riy, i-tilb'H and hprainu. (Jco. Dobb armer, Ularkli'im, MJnt. .Sold by Jobo Thorno, JIrutryinf.. - 'i'tihtluu; lilt* IIoiiOMty * Your drngyiH'. h bonoHt if whim you Uhk him for a bottlo * f .Sl-oU'h KmulHton ho givoii you .jiiHt what you atik for. Ho ImowHtbifi is th-i bent form in whioh to. talto Cod Ijivor Oil. ' '/'./..^O'ft^ Michigan (Jm ITIfc Wi " Ilw Nuwara Sails lie- U." i-^ OOINfJ ICA15T TaliinRtlTect Ncv. ffttli, 1834. Mail Kip. Kxp. n.m. a.m. ['. m. Khhux..... H.i:i 7.U1 10.115 Wnoil.spin... ' H:\ ..'.... L'otllliiT .... H .|() ...:., 10.54 Kiilt:eto-'-a. ' il.."o ' .fi.-l.'j. __:_..... -11,55 St, Thorn ib- 11. '15 ii.oa l.ur, . . """- "'ndiso wixt. ..... - ' V'_ -:,... - -Mxp. Mail ' a. in. P.m. Kwox^.!..'-........V... . 11.Si 5.U0 M H.llitnUU Cl'UliH ... ...... fi.30 PiiUnii .................. ...... (1.40 Windmir ............... V-i ilO iImoi-, 7.00 Lcinnlimton nud Win WMITU south ii.ia. nm p.m H 2.1 fl 10 Win.lno- e.:ii a.2d h.1.0 1 r>2 Peltoij XhiC K.I. li.JI.l 7,.ri' l.-tt Aliiitiutonn Cxoar, D.ut O.JO 7 17 4.:u Kwitnc 11.10 R,M 7.'Ill -lit Wo.mIhI.-o I a.m 7.^7 J 1.1 buiiconib 11-H> o.2ft 7 e.ri -IM) ... Oomhur..;. 1(1.00 B.:m fi ".l :ir,n ...... Itnaolvu ...... 10.11) nit) (1..K) :i-1j............ Htunlon 10 10 (1.40 ii.-lt !i:m .........*Oitklii(l...... 10.21 U.fil fl.-ni .Tyi ... ...]JI>tbiuiwood ..... 10.2a C.B5 i:ji ;i.2'j ...... W'ylii ...... 10.1(1 7,01 ...... .......... Lnlto RA I) K'y .................. ti'j!i .'120 ..... Laimdnctoii, . 10.10 7.1a I'lagSt^tlou, . . WKBT '\ I'.AflT...... ii in. a.m. a.m. . p.m. ti.'J.'i , U.1R ' FIhuox 7,15 .1.115. It;j-. 0.2B 7,00 . 4,10 o..i3 .:w LKifc D uXing . i.oa (( It* "Iti MoGrrifjor (1.4 (J 4.00 7.03 10.00 Amhoriitburfi 0.30 11.40 All trainn aro run on central (jtainlard tbijo, whloh iu iiUty niluutoii Hlowor than Erwox fcluio. For inforimitinn ar.d ratoo to oolonj iHtnmovhiR wont apply to John G. Lavon, Pas Bonuor Atjuut, Ht. TlinwiMi. O. \V. Ructtlon. Oon-1 oral PunnonKor and Tiokot Anoiit, Chlcuno, 111 or A. O. fltimoru, Aeout, Kdbox. TiaircTAnLH'NO.W.tnfeliin offoct ou Wouday, ' Nov.^'l, IBM. Trnlim run by FuBturn Staucl; art! Tima. l>nJlv oxeppt Bunday I M . il *T* 11 . *-< o p. % V ll 11:20 0.27 ((.no (1, A St A M O.Vi 11.13 iijiiriiiifl 0 4:)'ii,!io 9Vi():lU0.Gl 0.B7!ll.lWi lift una 13.0H 7.on loos) ia.ifl 7.10 10,10 11! 4 7.17 I0.27i -WU~7.2H 10.JJ7I 1 Wt '7.HH I(W5!'l-41i.7 4 10/fll 0.0" 7fii: Btationu. T)op IValltorv'lHAr Wulliurvino June. .,.;'..... pulton......... ......t oWoautltt."... .....f pnquritU;..... .... Morti'ottor...... ...| Now tJanitiin... . I' Mitmhtlold. .,. .. . Tlarrow....... ........( Armr......... .... KttiKdvillo...... ..... , KlltllVOU ...... l-fiimliuiton lldl1 H4G .8...... ^Vh'iitlfy ...... 11.1W1 n.cB.fli'l JI.JU OHO H.20 11 11,1 11 B2 ll.M ll.W ]'J04 mil lU.Ifl 4,1" 4.4.1 fitti 1MII ft.O.'i O.li1 V M T. T .....1 ItmiWioK ,..... ......iJoiLiuwortli ,., 8.1HI......tGb'tiwood...... Ji.44.........'Moritu.......,. HfU......t Ituxtoti..,'...... K.RIl...... Hiiludliton ...... tlOft ...lC<nlar8|rlDK8. O-lQlUoiiliFim' Jiinot'u .17......Blonhotm...... .1!JS........IVVllUto......... nil ar llklt<otowu Dep & A M 0 K) I) VI 8 67 o i :i H 47 H4S H !!fl H() o a-i 8 11 fi ri 7'BI 7 JO 7 01 7 Iff 7 10 7 00 A M a' l1 ! KM 7,00 i.tfl' (t.Ri 4.114, H.47 4.il8 M 4.10 IU7 4,11 4.01 H.1H II-U W 8.11 a.65 2.411 l.M) 1-.IW 1.W 1.00 0 tS3|1Q,l)ll 0 4!i;lal 11.40 il :n (1 'Ji 0'.W (I 10 tl IH) A.M. 1ii 0(1 11JW lbWI IMC 10.15 10.00 ( fl.ijj ti.oi K.Gl Ml Ui' ft.oa. oxo- j. 4a ' # 4.21 i 1.14./. 4;l0i;',;i .' -I'to^j-.y^aflaTai^.ri-j1'.' f 1 111 li JYMii^ni1l"^^^*^IYi!i'l^ "^'^ '^-Mvr -mm& .r.i.'i',. ] 1'1{! HftuluiiH.' Trains oiop pnly when tboro;^ arupat-aimi^rirH at or for tliquu'etauooe. - Mixediji trulua aro at id tlmoa tmbjoxjt to bo pbnqoUdi ,,^j WH' H'oriULiATT. Gonorkl Buporlntoni]entU0|j -- MF?'^M 05 86 9077

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