v;^?T$<" """>.. ':' '* ' -ip^, -Vy'Kfl fHE Ti>es&2f FREE JRHESl . f The Essex Free PreE8. FRIDAY, MARCH. 16. I80fi WORTH JBSKEX OON813KV- A.T1VKS. Noralimie nepacy Jads lYfciluuli um Xlilr ndldi* m HoUqn uKdriiHKd. Whe" the Liboraltf of North Essex hold thiroouventUm iti Wiuduor * fow wyokn ago those well up in political history said that it waa the lariat 30iivnkioti ever In Id *ad inlSTKwas;adpit&tUo*ll bar* Tb Bume ve*r ho formed a partnership in the law biiHincBa in Windsor, oniitiiiulntf until hf whh made junior judge a fw yearn ao. It la urn exugtfomtion to any that no man htauda higher" in th oatiination at tha po< p\m ofttvMX than Judg* Molfagh. Ub ia eiaontUlly * cleau man through 'and through.and whiU he h* been . lb the thi.iUt.at of political JtghtH ht> alwaya Woli tuo admiration of bin opponent* by. hltj Mode of warfare; n~1ir-conmd<rod-exr otiptloually brilliant, and while the honor of being made judgn m Canada iu one tuos^ Houjjlifc aftur, atill there wai a liu-tiaral feellntf of Marrow atnoiig hiu frlnudn wbun ho wauappointod, they believed that in bin aiiptioity au a lawyer hu wuh dcxtilied to become a foimoat flguru in b -th political in the county, and Bignifld that tho pHrty-| antj U^nl oirolus of the dominion. Tlo baa intended to put up the Kroatoat U^lit ih (heir career. Saturday tha Cuuaei vativo* had their mu)h|ju, and in no way oithor in onthuiiatmi or hi numbari, watt it inferior \to the ouo held by the Liboralu, and Kiiyu anmiitakably that Ebiiox in the coming eleotJou ia to be tbo arona of ono of tho greatext political njfhtB in tho hiutory of western Ontario, The representation at the convention Saturday was one of moro^ than coa-noon nolo, from th faot <,Yiat J*Ki| tae Liberals ftlwii^u"]-fc-" flouiplutu ' *anWioojy^(|yyoaptyt^ba Couaerv- nultwo mouth ago werodiaortftin. ized. At the Conaor.vatJve oeiiVHition held in January the iirat atop for organ ization wait madu, and Primidunt Caruoy BdhocretaySiaIoHtoel worecomplimeut- ad on all aiJit Saturday for the thorough- nHi of their work. The duloj(ateB from the country rtogan to arrive oarly and theru waa* general feeling amongst thorn that Odotto should be the man, -providing that Judge MctUu;h would not taitu it. 11c- Hugh'a friend* wero placed at adimulvuul- age from the fuot that tho pnniLion that ths Judge oucnpiud precluded him frcia cu teriflg into any d'tiCUOHiau ivhatiioovov, iind the only urfauroeot they could kring fcr Ward waa that he was the HtroimeAt man, and aa huoU it would be wuo to offer him ihe4?onaluation over all otherH. Odoite wna out hUutlin^w amount the dole^atQH, and hf allien ^nvootit that unduv< l.o coif aUerutton would MaHu^h uccipt.'aud that Odette ttli'oUld tluvo tt at iiny rate, beoauau of hit) leaR aeryico in iluip.frty'N oauuo. Tha-couvontion waij pallod forat 1 6'olock in Tar* hall, aud.Beoretary Biokleitot-1 and G. . White'were ut tbo door with a hut of delegate to igo that only tliote with the kvqliired ort'dcntinU were allowed iu. At half pawt twe President Carney called iho oenveution to order, aid the yearetarv naid that out of tins 14-1 dologafcyy, HO ro^ular oacu wero piescnt uad two-auUUtutci;ra rejeotk that was received with ohenra, It waa decided to exclude tho prenn, and a Motion v/a* carried to the effect that the oaudidatoH bo not allowed to MpiHk, and tho uouinaiiu^ and teaondiu^ ppeechon be lim it* d to fivo mtnuteti. KomiuatioiiH bciug called for, tbo following were named; Sol. White, by Job. Gibson and Eli Toarau^eau; M. A. Mottagh, by Joy. LeajpsranoQ and Dr. Ceventry; V, B. Odotto, by W. Dew. hunt and Job. Janette. A remolutioD wai ihm paused anking sho oaudidatoe nomin ated to aupport the nominee, and Jatnon Gibson, for White, aaid thai hii oaudid&to weuld. Dr, Coventry umd the narno for HoQuifb, and 1). B. Odette cam* forward and atatod ho would aupporl thedaudidttte. The dolugatov u ere (id to f.taud by the noru- inoe and then the balloting be^au. A. Bl. Ooer^oElIiH, of Windaer, Dr. lUohard, of Belle Biver, ud Dr. Anderson, of Comber, were appointod tellorn. Tbo votiug was done very qulokly, aud the a*orotary an-, uounced that iu oaie tbroe ballota wire iakeu tho ou having the lowest vote would be droppod. There ware 112 dele. ffatea, and 7'J wore neceaoary to choioo. Tbo work of the tellers was booh completed and they announced tho vote an foil owe: MoHugh, 7G; Odette, 49; White, 17. The deloffattiH. an hoou mu tbo auuouucament was made, begau to oboor, and when order wai reatorsd Dr. Coventry moved that the nomination be ma do unawimoa*. Thii _-'wa done in an onthnBiaetio fti&mutr, and Senator Cae^rain, Dr. Carney aud Dr, Cov entry were appointed a committee to wait upon tbu nominee, ltcove Durooher. of Bandwloh Went, tjok the ebair and oallod upon W, 3?. KillucUy, of Ubatham. Mr, Killaoky wado a speeoh v\.an tho hueo aa followed by tbo leadurn. Odeito was calkd for, but declined, my- !uk that the nomiueo tdioold apoak. A.h. Kirby Bpoke, and he waa followed by K. A. Wifl*, wbo made a very, untbuelautio ad. ^ dreefl, He aald the audloneo had a right iolieur from Odutto, and be later got up and oawe to the edgo of the platform. Ho gaid lis bad been led to believe by Judge Mctlugb'u ftmnda that MaHagb wae not a candidate. Had he known that the juflfiO was in iu a field be would not have run. He had dome d of oat bofore, he could bear it now ;uudif Judge McHu^b wan a nan- . didftt* ii would Klvu him his hoturtieat BUppo:t. Aft-r tho convention Souator Oas^raiu and Diet. Coventry and Caruoy waited on -Juduo MoHugh, and he asked time to con- aWfir. T>tt Coventry, who, with 0. E, riotniug;, marehatcd the Mo Hugh forces, ".^U^aid lopf- nightthafc in hia opinion thoro vat no doubt but that the judge would run. "T.iare id no meiubor of the bunob," said the docter, "that bettor realizoH the dignity of the position he oooupiea than Judgo Mc- Mo^hrand lio oou'd not identify himaolf with |>oIHJoa aa loiitf au lie hold a hie preeont petition. - jtn the Boleotion of Judgo MoHuali the CocsorvativflK havo drawn the utrougnat man the party could brin^ cut. Ho iu hii Eaaex boy,'haying been born in Maldutonu inlSfiS. He taught aehool nd tWtu at> ^a44f4 U- AaioUaal'a oolle^e ' iu . XoronU, been twico ulouted by uoolawation ohairlnun of tha board ct eduoalioi in WiudMor, bU luui ulootioa ocourrinn a^oouplo of wovk* uj;o. Wnatt houuoii ui!CMku. Judgr*' MsIIuijh, who wae nomiuated by th^r'tJonuorvativuH laHt Hutnrday to uonteHi Worth EruoX in tlmir iutyroJlu, Law dcoliu- od to tun. Tueiday afternoon ho eiht tht* followiiijjf latter to Bucrorary RiokUaUel: "Tho Ijibtiral Coueorvative Ahaooialian which convoiied in thia city on Baturdayt whh kind oiiough to tandor mo tho nom- imtion for tho north ndiuj* tt IShhox. Aa iulimatcd to tbo comraittfio appointed to wail on mo, I bavo tlutarminod to di'oliue tho iiomiiiutlon. In view of all that ban Irauiipirod touch in tf my nemiuation, I d- riiro to uiiy tbut what hau b^en uaid and douo him not 1>qvu Bti^geBted or inpirnd by mo. I havo boon informed that tho dtil e^utcH to tho convention vtavo uutiurod on tho ono hand tbxtl oouHcntod to becoino a oandidtito, and ou tho other that 1 had aliHoluteJy refused tho profforcd houorn. Tiicuo coiifliotinu tttatcrnoutu compel rue to nay til ut I did not u<>rco to bceomo a can didatc, nor did I auihorisss unj'ono to give nana run fie that I hud iu any way intimated bithur in demro or intontion, to uock tho iiuffrauoH.ofjho oli-otoru of North Eauax'. On tho contrary, I informed delegates and oth&rn who qiillod on mo that I wonld not under any oircmmtunocn censout to content the tiding. I might add"thpt if even fro* to uccopt tbe nomination I would deoliuo fer reaHonn of a pomonal nature. Wlub- retiroment from tbo boneh to ontor th political aruua iu not without precedent, 'lie a course that dooa not meet my up prcval. X'olitioal conaidarationu have uevur weighed with mu in tho dieoliar^e of my duty, aud I cannot coneletontly accede tj a Toquetitwbiok_miuht-bo~cohotruod aa tbo outcome of .political prauauro or iuflui>noa. The convention no doubt acted in good faith and in motivoi of friendship to me, and in thiifc aenso I eppruoute the action * a tokea of tbuir personal rpfcard." What the party will now do in a lueetion. but the executive will bo uummoued and a call itfsued for another convention. Who will be tho eandldataa in aa yet a matter ol conjecture, but the namoa of D. B. Odette and Dr. H. R. Caagrain were uentiontd Tuosday night. Odette uaid that the course pursued by MoHniib bero out what he had said right along. He claimed that had he known the judge's name wae to come before the con voution he would not havo neon a oandi date. There wae a geueral good feeling j.aaungnt tbo roformeraovor the retirement of UoHugh, an thoy realized ho waa the strongest man their opponents bad. lOHWlLL Mav TunrOiifc' to lie a Maosuto of Great Importance. SPEAKER PEEL'S. RETIREMENT , The. oVoritiimiil' Nitvul foil ay lllaVily _ Htttlrflt<try >r^u.l Itav- " ,'*~~ atfoi of tU*t Iiilluiixi\ Tliei 1'rlnne at Wit'tm Hulnl to be Seriously Alllua'. FKOZEN TO UISATfl. Vfao Body of nu Old Colored Mau Pound Iu Dlteb. Early youtorday morning when Oeorgc Pattorajn wan coraiug to town, along th* Oowfiold ad Colcuoster townline, he _dni covered the body of an old colored man ly ing on hiu back on the ica in the ditch on the Houth, and UoBfleld aide of ths roadway, Heat oueu disoovored that tho body wao frozen, and huirying to town tun Jiuthorit 'fcfl were notiflad. OorouorMoKomde, Con stable SisHOn aud others drove out to tbtJ poone aud viewed tho narroundingo. The limbs of the body wore frozen utiff, us wan uIho bin face. A few foot away wfie fouud a half-tlllod whiskey Hank, which told a ooneiderablo portion of the talo. The old man, whose name in Thomas Smuli, wae abont town all day provioue, and evidently utartod for hi a homo in the big woods Houth_of-GoBto, ahortly after dark. Probably partly overoomo by the liquor, apd prebably owing to tho stormy condi tion of tho night, ho lay dowuI on the loo iu the ditch aud dropped anloop. The ice on whioh bo lay waa partly fchawod from tho warmth of tho body. A coroner's jury wp, ompunellod aud drove out to the eooue, aftor whioh the body waa taken to Undertaker Hioka' oeta> bliuhmont, At the luqueub held last night a verdlot Iu accord with the foregoing was found. ' Thodeouaiud was ngod about 70 years, and had Uv-jd in Andordon and Coloheuter for aeveral years. , Ho left uo family. The Cliatham Loan and Savings Company, C&PITAL - Sb000,000 Wlortoy to Lend on Mortgages Of oroduotlvo rnl eutf c. IParniera.' wanting to borrow money at l)et<t. vatoa, Ui\it expt-Uae aud uo delay wliould apr-iv "t- ^n-.i to The Cbtl^ baia Loan and jj-"nt/> <* ! h'^am. London, March 11. ia*t wook the Gov- rrnmoiifc produced their grtmt miuaumi of tho KoHflion, No ono oxpootd tho Woluh DliHUtUibllHlimont bill to be com o law, and tho wuno remark npplloH to tho lciciil vtito. Tho conciliation hill foruuttllnu; lithur iIIh- putCH Ih voluntary, not oompulBory In prlnoiplo. Hut tbo Trlah Liind bill may turn out n HHuiHuro of^rojit lmportnnco. It Is baso'd largely on tho i-oeommondu- tlons of tho commlfclJMi tippolntod hmt ytuiv and conUiluM concotbdonu to tho XJnlonlHtK, in tho hope tluib tho Irlnli Inndlortht In tho Upper Olinmbor may bo oonclllatod; NovortholofW tho hill ombodloa propowila which w<*ro one wmudlatXHl by Mr. Glad- utono, and which tho pnuuuit.Ijord Cliun- collor donouueed h.h rovolutlomtry. Tho provisions of the bill dtiillu with 1m- provomontH aw* exceedingly drnntlu, and Klvu tho tenant mora advantaged than tho landlord In tho witnto.. Kvory Improve ment Ih virtually iiHsumod to bo tho ton- nnt'H, -unloflH tho contrary Is oHtabllshed. Whilo tho Opponltlon Aro iw a whole not unfavorable to the bill, tint Irlah factions aro divided In opinion ronpootlng It. Tho orthodox, or untl-Parnollltftfi, accept the moaDuro with nthualuHm and tlielf nowfl- papev organ declarer* It will doal n doath blow to ltindlovdlmii. Theao viown are HUldclonfc to provoko tho Parnollltos to adopt tho oppofllro view, In tbo courso of Mr. Morloy's dcucrlptlon of tho cbaotlo condition of Irlrfi land loglHlution ho ntatntl that tbo cost of tho land comralfl- lon kIuco 1891 bad exceeded a million Htorllnpf, whllo tho romlsfllonn Kocnrod un der tho fair rent elauHo but (dljrhtly ex ceeded thot Hum. Ono principal feature of tho now land bill will rolato to ovlctod tonunta. Tho Govurnmont propoBo to ro- onact tho thirteenth claUHO of Mr. Bal- four'H land purohaKO bill, which was In- tondod to oncourago voluntary agrooments between lundlordu and tenants who bad .been, ovlctod. That objoctwwna hot achieved, owing largely to tho advice of Mr. Dillon, Mr, O'Brien and otborn, who recommended tonanta to remain by the roadside until tho Ghulctonlans cjimo Into otllce. I'oFnlWy Mr. Morloy rollos upon a moillflcatlon of Mr. Jlalfour'a proposal, wlileh will Invgely destroy the voluntfry prlncdplc, for the operation of the bUT will place tho landlord at tho moroy of tho liuul coimnisHlon In irogard to the piirchnBO prloo, ThlH hnmpom tbo freedom of action of tho landlord whilo Imposing no similar rontrlction upon the tenant. Thoro In no Ktron# a donlre on tho Oppotd- tlon gldo and among the Ulster Unionists -to accept tho bill that paeslbly somo com- promlso Will l>o ovolvcd. Mr. Pool's retirement from tho Speaker ship dooa nob occasion surprise Ho Is reckoned as tho atrongoflt spenkor since the Into Lord Evoraloy, and his control ovor tho turbulent spirits In Commons was complete. In nil tilings ho was dig nified, but was not without fcdtour, which wns^ Bomotlmes roficntcd. Ho will, of courco havo a poowigo. It is remarkable* that thiH honor wan declined by his fathot;, tho great Sir Robert, who also forbid hla widow and holr to accept any Buch dis tinction. Tho naval programme of Lord Roae- bory's Govornmeut 1b rogardod by most advorso critics of tho Ministerial policy to> he highly satisfactory.. Sir William Bar- court has ylohlod to tho gonoral domand for a largo Increase In the naval defence* on thollnos laid down by Lord Salisbury and the Unionist party when in office. The plana aro far in advance of anything oxpeotod from tho present M-ln&try. Thoy have nhown Franco for it Is ngalnBt hor aggroslou that all thoRo preparations uro mado that where sho builds ono ship Great Britain can build two. Tho influenza still prevails and with In creasing virulence. It has loft Its mark upon sooloty, and tho doath rate of the motropollfl has distinctly increased. In fact, Bpoalclng roughly, tho mortality of London Is about double tho normal fig aro. Tht) CountoRB of Warwick Is lying dan gerously ill at Warwick Cnstlo. Lady Salisbury Ib a victim. Tho Turkish Am bassador is vory norlously ill. Lord Roso- bory, too, ban narrowly oscapod from tho clutches of death and will havo to glvo up all official bualnofls for omo weoka Hla condition has been mora grave than tho nowfipapoiH havo indicated. Whilo all tho world Is thus Buffering, Mr. Gladstone. escapes. Ho has had a touch of cold at CimncB. but thifl young man of olghty-flva climbs hills, walkfl out dally, and his lost recreation, has boon tu publish a commen tary upon tho psalter. Mr. Lubouchoro is rejoicing in "Truth" ovor tho discomfiture of his ouomy, Mr. Cecil KhodoH, who haa lioon blackballed at tho Trnvclor's club. No ono seems ablo to explain why such a man na Mr. Khodoa has boon plllud. Ah a coriKijiiuonce, tho Prince of Wales, tho Duko of Fife, Sir Robert Herbert, ICurl Grey and others who had backed tho nomination hnvo retiroii from thia oxoIuhIvo club,. , Reports to the contrary notwithstanding thoPrlncoof Wuloo Iu grovlounly ailing through fjomo troublo with tho voln In bin logM whlcii haw assochitod ItKolf with previous varicose nmnlfostationfl In liltt lower limbo. Theso varlcoRo symptoma havo developed very much recently. In consequence of hla troublo it has boon armugod that ho make a prolonged stay In tho Rlvlorn. New Spring Goods 1895 During the past ten days we have been very busy receiving and passing into stock large consignment of new Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings and Shoes. Other lines will follow in a few days. ---------------:-------------:--------------A Better Value than Ever. In tho vordii t of thoEto who ho-v* Boon our now Print*, Now Ginghams, Now Uhambrays, Now 8atooh, now Groy and White UottonH, now 3hivtingfi, now Cottonadus, now Laoo Ourtuins, now Laoos, now Veiling**, new Hoac, otc. Our Men's Shirts at Twenty-five Cents are very Oheap. Wo ald< havo extra valiiou at iJOo, at fJOc, at 7fio. at $1. Wo aro Allowing a largo vango of (JoutH1 Fine Silk Nock-wour, in tho nowoHt makuH of Knots, Derbyn und Bowh. At Twenty-five Cents Each. Our now Htylcs in UdioH'Oxford and CongroHH Hhoofi nro Nfoat, Stylish, Goo-I and Cheap. Whiit moro id nocosHiity ? . _ 1 Extra values in Men'H Strong and Fino SbooH and Long Boota. We are the Clothiers of Essex; If you want good Styliuh Clothing at low pricoH, 'corao to us. Wo do tho Grocery trado vory fino aa our hnat ol patrons know. J ' i HaxLdaorcLo DPetxlor Olooka ooid Eixio FarenotL Mirrors 3Pree- :____ Yours for Bargains, DtTXTSTAlT BHiOOK. ES3E2C- MNAN rnri^n f Burvivorn of tho Sossoun Masstacrcs Kclato a Horrible Talo. A PRIEST'S EYES GOUGCD OUT TurkMv Sohlicvi TUn Chlltlrcii by tli Fet ttnd I)|U Yhnm A^iilust Stonog Otlior DtttmlU Ton HotTll)l tu T' '""Print. llnnnhory Goiu to Wliidaov. London, Maroh 11. Lord RoBolwry will go to WindKor to-day for an audlonco with tho Quuen. FINANCE AND. COMMERCE TonoNTO/Mnrchll, 180X In Chicago on Saturday ovorythinff fivvoitid whoat and tho short Houston closed Ht'ronB with a gain of % contfl ovor final fl^uron of yoKtorday. . . Inferior to choice sheep sold nt $13.50 to |l).fiU on tho 'ChlciiRo nuirhot on Satur day, and lambfj at $41,50 to JC.-10. Canada country bavloy mnilo-86. to t)0o in Now Yorlcnn Saturday. UulTnlo malt- 6MirK liavo Mifllolimton hand to koo]i tbeiu poliift for.Komn thno. Kwirly 5,000 bush- olaofNiv-l Canada cold'In BuiYalo nt, IUJ<o, and mow could havo been wild at' tlio price. Boiler* are ilmi In their \ioww on doHlrable lots. No. 1 Canada in quotwl t S&a, No. U t. mo awl Xo.-a-extnx at tia . jyjnOon, Ifti^h 11. The Dally Tele- .ffranb ban n, dopati)h which was tolo- jfraphod from ICars yeatorday sftylng tlu# a deputation of tho flurvjvorfl of tho Sa*- soun ntojwacrefl havo appeared buforo tho commlfialon of onquiry and have narrated tbewholo Htory of tbo butchery. Thoy presented * written Htatoment of which the Telegraph will print a copy. The fltatcmont raontlomi tliataoroes and Blblo were Hung at tho foot of an Arm on Ian prloat who was ordorod to trample, pn thorn. Ho refused and thereupon the I Turkish sold torn gouged out his eyoa and | flung hirh into n pit with othore who i were dying. Of tho COO portions who were . taken at tho wuno tlmo with trie prlOHt, I only one, a morchant named Aval;, oa- | capod. Ho aaved himself in an almost i miraoulous manner. Tho corrcspoudont tuiyM tliat tho Rtatemcnt has impressed the ' tlolegatos powerfully but docs not mention : tho day on which it woe presented. An other despatch dated at Kara yesterday : gives tho testimony of Kurds who saw Turkish soldiers tak children by tho foot and dash thorn against $tonos. "A Turk ish sorgoant," says the ddspatoh, "bound an old Armonlan hood downward to some branches and slowly out bis throat with nn axo. Tho same Kurds say tbo soldiers take pregnant women, ofor bets on tho ec* of tho children nnd then out tho i womon open. Tho monoy was paid to the man who 'guosecd correctly." Tho Tolograph. will say that It has received other dotalls too horrible to print. , A third despatch dated at Kara nnmon forty-one villages which Turkish soldiers have burned but does not glvo tho dates. Thoso flros have boon recorded in the ovl- donco before tho commission. Tbo Telo- . graph will not print tho dates on which the despatches mentioned above wore sont from Kooah._____________________ Killed oa the Itallway Truck. * | London, Onfc., Mareh U. The Loudon Bankora hockoy team playod a match in , Woodstock on Saturday night and whllo the train was passing tbo Etosfc I^ondori ; station about 4 o'clock yestorday morning ono of tbo members of tho team, W. B. Oarmlohael, a olork in tho Bank of To ronto, was soon to step out on to tho platform of tho car. This was tbo last soon of him by his frionds. It is supposod that tho young man, for tho purpose of reaohlng homo moro quickly, jumped and was rendered unconscious by the falL HU body lay on tbo track aud was knocked off by tho onnt bound oxprowl. Tha injured , man was discovered about 6.S0 a.m. and removed to tho hospital, where ho after wards died from the Injuring sustained, Carmiohaol's home Is In MarkAam. I Tim VutttiV tA*t All Im Hilt.On. ' Ottawa, Marcli 11. Saturday's Canada Gaxotte say(* 01 voters' llutff liave boon recolved, so tliat there Is ono still missing. This. announcement caused quite a stir horo among politicians, tho majority of whom concluded that tho missing list ! would nooofisitato an olootlon, as tho Gov- ornmont could not legally rooolvo It after f Fohriiary B8th. A spodlal Act of Parlia ment will havo to ho paRHod>for tho rocop- tlon of that list,' and tho fooling conse quently Is that'a WBflloh will he hold. slutrtlK yEmiiiivil t Montraul. | Montreal, Mnroh 11. Sheriff Laborgo nrrlvoo at Bonavonturo station on Satur day morning with.Cuthhort V.F. Sliorfcls, whoni thoy placed In Montreal jail. Tho ;Valloydold murderer was drosmid In a ' t\yeud'suit nnd had a nuVwwh tlod around hiu waist. This in not a ohango of vonuo and ho has boon, brought horu simply for Ha'fo-kceplng. Hugh Wilson is dolii^ well and bciclns to talk oloavly of thu 'tragedy triil r*wdhMit detJiUs tluit.ho had fftraot.^w " ie /itil l>"n M>ili*"' hUo" M'-rd'e SttrHiira'r- b. Try H." TREASURER'S SALEJF LAND FOR TAXES. IN THE TOWN OF ESSEX. TOWN OF ESSEX TCvV'iT, J .. , ...; >^-^- WiitcnvAH, by virtue of a vrarraiiMuiied by tbo Mayor of tbo.Town ofE^]^:^ t|1# Canity of ErtH&x, nnd autlnutiostod by tho corporate soal of tbo H^d Pp^nf boariuc rliao the SCth dny of January, 1895. and to mo direoted, sommoMjW 'mQ to levy upon tbo following lotu or purcolu of laud for arroitrs of taxoa duo thorooil, witboosts/ I horoby give notioo that'anloaa the naid taxoa aud oosta aro sooner paid t sball on Saturday, the 18th day of May, 1895, at the hour of 10-o'eloak hi tlio foronooo, at Peck's Hall, in tha Town of lEuaox, prooed to soli hy public auotion tlio naid lands, or an much thereof an may bo nuffloinut to pay siioh urroiira of taxeH and all lawful ooots mourrtfd: Plan. Lot*. - _^i- Toxos. ll 2M 247 07 3W 70 23(1 8 .2!J0.33 307 17 20 25 2fi 27 28 20 44 I) '-'J 277 177 07 277 170 2J10 170 285. aoo 235 2B8 288 170 200 247 72 110 61 55 66 67 58 98 20 flO 32 G sr 7 8 9,10 5 38 21 02 40 00 --^71 a.i 11 81 lfi 44 3G 22 30 1'4 41 08 63 18 35 35 19 87 38 80 Co.hts. 3 00 5fi 23 30 67 65 Total. 50 01 1 71 2 17 2 00 3 71 07 78 a 20 300 206 207 ,170 207 234 285 300 292 200 203 28 29 30 31 23 25 20 East part 14 40 ___ ... ------- 01 12 9 0 7 8 9 28 24 25 22 " 27 28 20 35 30 87 38 39 40 42 43 44 Block 122 Block 93 Block 08 . Block* 45 40 47 60 66) Lot 2, plau 267 J Block 109 43 83 4 29 2 30 3 20 20 3 20" (18 48 87 65 39 03 21 21 21 21 35 1() 15 15 15 00 23-01 42 02 8a fil 23 73 25 85 20 42 5 41 41 or, 3 51 88 00 81 55 2fi 45 10 47 48 40 2U *l 127 09 103 00 10 47 189 tr......9-7S 40 3fl 2 45 49 12 55 W. D. Bkiwaw, Treaxurer, Town of Emox. G OS 25 25 43 20 - 76 00 13 B6 18 15 37'33 32 li *48 30 07 15 38 IX' '22 20 41 12 48 U 43 2S 27 41 27 41 38 30 10 8S 19 08 24 8fl 45 07 92 12 25 61 27 91 22 2S 6 Ofi 48 29 , 292 40 132 Id 199 12 12"0S 198 84 48 81 SPttrNG A8aizjaa. JTHHilce Uo*e opeuoal Willi m Small Civil Ueke. The Spring IssizftH opened ou Tueaday with Justice Heite prniding. There aro no criminal caaen and only four civil oasM As follows: J__ Payne vb. Boxtil, aosn In which alau' dor iu alleged. Tbe parties aro Mra Payne aud Mrs. Doxtal, who, it will-b* romembor- od, had a tnru in the Windior police court, id which fllri. Boxtal was flnod forabusivo lnt;uBgo. Warren vs. Ontario Natural Gas Co., a suit for damacdfl iaataiued iu an explosion lasty*ar at Walkoryjlle. Thiw hau been Mtlled out of court by the payment to Warren of $300 for debt and damagei. Jos. Martin vs. London Mutual Inanr* auoo Co., a suili for allotted malicious, per- noution growing out of a fire whioh *o- enrred on the farm of the plaiutiff. Adolph Martin vs. Mutual Fire Immr- ttuoo Co., it uib to recover taeurauoe for damages Biislainedia tho fire meutiouod in the last oshiv W. H. EVANS, Baker, Confectioner, etc. Fresh-made Oandjea, Bread and Cakes, Pastries on Saturday a Speo MORTGAGE SALE ! OF VALUABLE TOWN PKOPfcRTS:, YN'THR TOWN OP 15RRKX, IN-TRK COUN- X tyof Khhpx, thoro will bo Hold on Friday, April 5th, 1695/ ut 1 'o'clock In tho nftornoou, at tbo Royal Hntri,le.thu. Town of 1$hbux, by vhtuo of powers aX calo onntatnad In n oortalo mQHfjuno, wbtob wtll bn nroducflclftt tba nalo, tlio followiuu jivo- Kiorty: ... 1joi.h57 niid fiO, on tbo oant aldo of Oamormi hvo., m tlieaWil Town of Kwiox. liavintt * 'rout* ftlionf 100 foot, by a depth of 100 fdo*. as nliowti on pluuNo. 170. Tim follnwiud Uuildini; Im ful'l to be oreoKul ou th iirnnorty: m. two-to?y bHoU olad dvellliiB. TKHMM, 18 pur onwt. of the pnrchano money to b^ palil down ou the day of tale. For bilnnoq tirittawill bo nmila ](uo*n nttb'* said, Far f urthei nartl<iulnr*> apply to JOMaH,M\OK;ENZfBtoI.KON\ItD. . Solid tore, Toronto at.. Tureuto* 11-Ui or to <$KO. J. THOMAS, Kuu, All Gooda delivered promptly. Oppojlto Duck Si Fi-auolt,' Mi.rvt 8hoi>_Uaae. WOODSLEE J Emporium. W.6. I WILL ,NOT BE UNDERSOLD, . *. - "- $ feyfe^M^fe The beat of Leather nud Aratolaas Work- in an h in. AH bund work, * \ . . Every Harness sold by pie made in Woodk filwo. My Stock of _ Light aud Heavy Haniaw im now complete, and a Bnlon- dld htock of all Horse Goodn. Repairing doao promptly atid cheap. , ," -1 - WRIGHT C. SMITH, South Woodslee. OBINOrjVJW, rjIOKNBKD' AUbTIOKBBB . for tho County of Kaiox. RoiUff of ls)ib*t* Dtvlnloji Ooutrt. All Icinnu of Farm and otfcav ttaloK eouduott'd promptly. liHtes/rea^dnablf. n.ud furniHbud on ttoplicatloQ. Knqbtrejia rear. Apply BtW. D.Baumao'aoiUoa, or^ti tft oflko] ot UlvUioa Court 01k, Mr. John Mthjfc T^^L -.'/ ""^\':^:/&^0ik