Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 15, 1895, p. 3

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f H "^ /?"Tt>^||^r^ "i /* ' MV i^ ji r-J i^ 4 *w. > > JI .- FREE PRESL (11 OTTAWA LKTTKR J'ro.spcCfa of tlio Tillicml INiWv In tho Comiiii!1 Kloelions. i BOSTON'S CON THIBUTIONS. THEY ARE OF THE BRIGHTEST 'MrI>oiml<l ]><.< lui-iiu 1I U'l!I'Nl"t A en In ha m Ooimnt-tiUlvt- 0<ll<lul Thu Qttuwii Govttiim**""^ M1U< uml XVntttr IMlloy Miown (/)>. Ottnwu, Mnroh 11.-Sir TJounltl Smith, M.V. for Montreal Weil, was In (lm edty on Saturday and had an Intorvli'w wllh Sit1 Muckon/do XlnwvU H |q Bald that he Ih thinking of coming out In opposition to tho Govornmemt for 1bo St, AWolun dlvlHkmof Moatmil. At alt ovuiilH lit) law deedorod thitt. Jut will not r.un an n Con- Moi-vatlvo candidate, although ho liaa miji- pottod tho ConferralIvo Clen<>rnmmit4 of Sir John MacdmmM and Kir .T. .T, C. Ab bott. IB> If jui'bhltMil of tho Dank of Montrt'iil aad ono of tho cllwotnrt of tbo C. J\ li., and in a l)UHln0h4 man ho prob ably roco#nlzo4 that tho tlnanulal atfalw of tho country requlro tlio Mrong band of un ublo ndnilnlutmtor, and an tbo roadpla of tho G, P. It rontliiuo to dorrojiui at thamloof 5(1,000,000 u ynir ho probably booa no hope of Canada ruHovlnfj* hcrwdC of tlio proMMit doprt'HHlon, unhwi thoru In a ohinip-o of policy. Mr. K A. D. Mftrpfftii, of Rnrel, Is hrm trying to fix HiltiKH so that ho can tarry tbo uounty of Klchedleu In tho Govern ment Intetwt nt> tho appronchlnpr olocf Ion. Ho watt tholr candldato Inthobyo plot tion in 1801, but wai dofe'iited In a hlrulKht fight by Mr. Brunoau, tho young Liberal xnombor, who in iift'iln in tho Held, and Mr. Morgan iVoN that, unlei-w hoemi M'ouro a bavrol of money or homctldng equally powerful with which to bribe t ho electors bo bus no ehant'o vv ith Mr. Driinean in a general oh'rtlnn In fiu t Ihu Information from tho Pro\inee of (Jueliee i*i Hint Mr. Lanrler will tome to Ottawa vv Ith a ma jorllyof twonfy In thai Province, and posqibly more. ' A gontleinan from Manitoba who in hero and eaunot bo described either as a Jjlhoml or a, Comorvntho, '-ay i that out of tbo wwen Heats Manitoba basin tho new Parliament, tho LdheiaK, ho thlnKs, will curry the. At present tbej only hold one. Tho Xiihornls in Marquette, Man , ha\o wleeted Mr. It. H. M>erS M.P!,il.r- 'popujar loe-'il nu'inber, as their cnndidntn for t lit) Common -i To Mardmiald, Dr. Kutberford.M. I' V., has consented to hear tho Liberal htandard^-and ng.ilnst him Mr. Hcvjd, the jircsonf member, has no ihaiue So weak are tho Constnatives In M.niitolri ih-UJjmy Imvo no candidate 111 two of ihe ennst It ueneiits, and do not initial to hi\o one, namely Selkirk and TjJ*""m'. In Si lklrk ihe-iv K a Tat ion and a! o in fjKgtir siron^r Liberal eMiidld.lies are (Hit in hnih const itnene'ics, Mr. Mae1- Hfiiv Tlmy ijr t bo ItlMpitMtra Of" A p. imlliilif niNti'OMM Unpen Id.l. St. .JohiH, Nfltl., March H. Tlin olerbul roliof leuumltton met, ye^tnrdav hi tin gene-iil pout ollho w|(h J)r. Joniw, the Anglluui blHbop of jSowfoundland, In thu chair. Mr. Pay lejul mi uuthoilmtlon from JtoHion to band over to tho commit too tho rollof goodn whim anangemoins for tho witlHfactory dlHposlllon of tlit! wwno Inul boon nnulo-_JUialiop Jontyjluuj. rwul a doMJrlptlon of tbo hyhlem now In nso In St. Johim iiih1ujc)i]il1iiu(1 It. Undur thin uyfjtom tho cohhuh of tho Island wan tiikon and a pro rata proportion wan id lottotl to uaoh mllgloiiH donoininai.lon. Tlio Uohton rollof goodH, iih woll iw all otlmr donatloiiH uro valued by tho com mittee. Tbo Dosion relief contribution was valued at, fcW.OOi), Por mny !,O0C tho Church of Knglund rocolvcH *1U8, the MethodlHtM Ji.W), tho Honnm Cnthollcn fK. and tho otlier chnwihoH &l and on ovoiy $1,000 dlstrlbufed tbo secretary and the Ituv G. W. SIdelal i-erelvo 5f) for their ohurohoH, Tho plan wan accepted uijhout altoratlon. TJiihe^Mil hallsfae-tlon in ex prensod at tho judhdoiiH bundling of relief contrllnttloiw, tlio outpostn getting tholt fthares from cloi'^viucn in tbo capital. Inipdsltlenih and fiaudH aro very few In fact, are mancly knotvn. Tho comnilttec aro jiiwMi'il by a Mib-commltleo of llvu hundred ladies In St. Johnu, Tho do- mand for relief In "\ory much greater than tho mipply. There arii^dlhcovoroil daily peojilo who would lalheu-htarvo than make their demerato hltuation known. Many of 1Mb el as** aro niemberH of tiadenmun'H families who ba\o alwayn hitherto hail plenty of comforts. Letters aro being ro- (i I veil dally tolling of tho appalling con dition of affair* in Holyrood, about fifty miles from St Johns, According to thosu let I en 1,000 persons in tlio placo aro actu ally tUai\ Ing. I urllilM' < outrlltiitionu, Doston, March 0. A special moating of the dijcctnjs of the Doston Mi'i'ediants Assoi hit mn wa-i In Id yesterday morn in j; anel n-> .i i l suit tin aiien lat lem is to i out il- Initc yJ.Vi to tlm JiiimI for tho rellil of Kew loiindland sullen in. It was alh() \oted" lluit e-ach nieinber eif tbo board contubiite ^.) and that all membcrn of the asM*(iait>>n be a^l;e>el to mal:e an inilKld ual com i^but ion of a similar amount. ('on 11 ihu I Ions foi l ho New lou lid la ml relief fund aie ^till e tuning in -lowly. They ikca amount to moie than ?Ji,HX) BEHRINGJKA CLAIMS JsciitLtor iMmxan Sitys Tbcro Is it Mls- tiLki'ii Viiiw of flic Mutter. * ^y*' *+ I UBILITY OF UNITED STATES Il OmIiiiu Tlntt tlKi^i'nMil AnioiOif Tlutt "i- jiiitun MiHj*./iW~iir*7o,oa4- hlWilMlllltlVt 1'HHltB Not in Hit itwiluilfd. A Db\STER ON THE OHIO. *-ti iMili'i s|i ikes it I'liT nntl { 1 M ||I.[..K I.. 1'U-CfM OiiiciniM'l, olno, M.ireh 0. Tho hand some j) I. ' I- >n 'I'dlow, wltiih plies In t\.i i n this t it \ .uid N'iu Orleans, struck the < ! line] pn r oi ihu t'hcviipenke bridge nliiiiii i h'i Iii k \i ti day mot inng and in ihu ! ii.i-'iin * * ink in about thirty feet iff w it- rh> hid onboard out J no pt-o- ph. li i hi !m .id that 1 ho total nuinbi r .....-li sii elonull in Sill^lrk and Mr. M.rTjiiren in Lisgai* Mr (' \V Spcerv, a \ oung farm er, has been iiominalt d ,i<,ran,-d Mr U.ily, tin Mlni->ti r rd Inleiiui, and tin it li also a Palron in the Held In the Norlln.t .1 Ti nltoin s the Li In ntl prosjiec ts' ai e ns^brlgMr'as in Maiuioha Mr Pianlv (Jliver has just e'onsentid to run as the Liber it eandidatti in Alberta, and be is proh ibly the htrongest man in the Noiib'Wt -l, so ninth mi the Con- f,ei'\.iti\es .ue begging Pit mier Ifnultam to resign and run against him. Alberta in then fore as gooil as won for the Li In r- nls In Kastt rn Assinilioi i, tho pn m ut ConservatUu member, Mr. Maetl maid, lias a strong Opposition candidate run ning against bun, ami ip Saskate hi wan they have noniinuu d the Llbei il 1< ,wV>v, Mr. Jjuirier. Mr. Davin, in Wi-tern Vs- Blniboia, will ha\o a hard fight for hi-. beat, and it is not an o\e,* siatenieiil to wiv that out t)f tho four si Usinilie 'LVrniuiK-, now held by tho f!o\t nime nt, tiny will bo lurkj if thej it'lain one Itoports from JJri(i-h Oolunibja predii t tho ledum of three Liii i d- uiil of the ^\x members from thai Pio\ im e ini lulling the certain elect ion of Mi Tt mjili man, tho editor of tlm Vn turm Tin us, who is one of tho two Li her il < andidati s lot t lial city- Thcro are h '\ en teen p irliami m.u M'ats west of Lake Superior, anil of ihce tho J^iberals a\\\\ hold [lie pn < ( nt day. Tho probalu'ilu -, aie that in tli.> now Varliamout the Lihi ia]s will Jia\e at least eleven of thoso n/ihiinil pi i haps thirteen, 'J wo illustrations of the lenelent v of tho OoM'j'nmont t< niaLe trouble for Ihwn- Cohci and banish trade beiwii-nihe pi ople will Hbow tlui pcltj chuiatterof ila- awn now in power. Pindin^ that booms em ployed In te>\ving lo^s hetwtj n ( and Michigan woro beingenteit d on both Rides of the lino freo, as the liouinsweie towed hack and forth coiisiunih, liu t'an- udian CJovi'rniiient inipoitd a (ii*-tonis duty on the booms and t bains every time tbi'v were k turned to Canada, though the v vih J or this most pai I ow neil m Canada is ono illustiat ion. Milk is on the fiee list hi the I niteel Slatt'- tanlV. Welland Count v fanners ha\e a largo market lor inilk in the City of BufVnh) for all the mill; they < .ui *aippl\, and the Lull.ilo dealers lurnjsh Hit ians free, but tin- Deparimeul ol ( ihinins ha decided that il the, Unite.d State-*: uiin lUt used they will ba\o to pav a t i\ e\en time tlie.v aie brought inlo CunaiLi iqn il to about la on caoli 10 gallon can. M ike tbo < jiiis in Cannda, hu s the Ctmd d!i i of Customs, and ilien llicy mn eome'ia free, but tlm Yielhuid tbo DulValo luiiki n n cans anel onl.v waul IilHtratlon niiniber i . policy onl\ In maimiilnt tl f-u- a' hoi I While, anel the Omrnmuil li.ive lain compelled to d ehue boom*- ior logs fiee, and tho chains hi wiiich l he> aie at lathed With regprt-d ~to the milk i m-, thai i^ u case oij^ill fours with (hi Xi-w IJruiiswiik huekleberrlc-, which crop gave- eni| Inj rncnt ton largo uumber of .\i\\ Iliiins wild; poor j eopio anel was sold io linii de-ahrs In the United ^lates who lurin \, tho j ar ka,;es in whith the iiuit w.h ii.m r.poitid." Tin' Ottawa f-iuve-rnme nt e\ n |M1 aduly on tlio jjackages tho menu nt li was brought to tholr attention, but iLis policy raised such a Morm oi indignation tliat it wa speedily ropeah d. Make ,\our packages In C.tnaela, tlii'y*aU|, bill whai diel ihu piie)]* berry ptclu r-i w.ini \.nh manufuctuiing pae k/iges when they wen mipplled by iho dealers In th'e Unllpd States free ol charge, and mi it is in the' c is' of in ilk (ans in tlio Niagara disiiiet. The whole thing may be ajipi opi lately deMi'ihed as u milk and water policy. g will not exceed eight .i . ! was hoavllj ' laden hipiiiciil of reapers and oiulu There viin a dense at the timo but it is thtui' In thai iln le.d (iiuse gf tho disaste r was it\. in r lit l hi lu< t thai the vessel was of eh .id and nil or u n TI* \v it b a hug ' line,, i 1 . 1 j! I he I i ' 1 \.iihn ' WaHhitiKton, March O.s Tbo inteiroga- torloH addressed to Sir halward (Jicyiu the* House of ('oninioim on Thin selay udn- tlvo to what tho United Slatea JireipOMul doing in Iho matter of paying tlio lioh- ring Sea M-lziiM) claims, and tbo nnHWur madobytho Under h'oreign Seoiotary, It is thought lieie, inl.^hL have lakena wldo- ly different turn had the Senate permit ted Mr. MoiK'di, t bairninn-of tho Com* mtltconn Foiiign Ittlatlous, and ono of the arbitrators on lb.! pait of tbo Unltod StntcH at Iho Paris tribunal, to linvo Ktatcd tho account lad ween tho two ttov- tirnmentu in be hail prima red It anel an ho Houglit to publish It in tho n-cord during tbo cloning hours of Congress. Mr. Mor gan aslcod to be permitted to print in tho lecord an account which ho wild showed that tho claim for damages made by the BrltlHh Government for tho capture of Mealing vi'ssrls in Dt In log Si a was gieally cxccshlve, but objittlon was made. Kx idaining his action Mr. Morgan wild- "A very mIMakon view ejf thin matter in on- tertnlned. The agent-.of tbo two Govern ments- agreed npoii a state of f.iciu which tin* tribunal of arbitration found to bo truo and emU-ied it on tee'ord. That ntato- ment of facts Include d only tlio iiainos of L'O m aling Vf-s'i Is that were t-ci/i-d by tho Unitt d Stati - The tribunal Jiad no nutloiltv to jiiis^ ujion anv qui--lionii tout hing the li ibillt.v of tin \ nlu tl Elates do\i i iinu id lor b l\ lug made mji-Ii mu/,- int-s. 't'liti Unite d Males has not a light to arbitrate am hh li t laim or deinand and has nevi r admitted tiny liability to (in at I III tain count i te d with any such i In I hi or demand It was only ngreetl tet ni-,;ol late ie pt < nif< it i'\pr ssly ivm*i \ ing the quosijon of hin li liability as the hiib- ji e-L of such negot hit loll. " Mr Margin -Lhen gave in detail the names of the vessels and the claims nuulo on tin ir behalf which was the statement hede-iie'il io intitule in the ivcord but w bit h vmis Otut out In' Mr. Tui*|do*H ob- jection Tin -l.itt im nts-IuiwhI that tbo iimoimt -tlaiHied iirOreat Diitain with interest vw - ' il,\ H.U'ii; the ainount pro- Iio.eil to In all'-wui by Seen taiy tiresliani w is ^1 ,-),(iiiii Mr Morgan e .1 niiaied lhat Iheejiit -. pi ipn-i d to bo allowed by See:- r. tiu.\ do slum was fully *l*i2,000 IIo atltli il "T'u above; llgtnes and, com pari- m ms an In < ti nl inly upon tho supposi tion that every vessel included in tbo hcbidule of (Jjiinis submitted by Sir duI hin Uaunct tote was owiu tl by a-Dritlsh hu1j]i rr. It appears, however, fiom tho United States euunter case; subinltleel to tlio D diring N-a tribunal of aibnration STILL LEADING tho fcwdo In all kinds of Building Material, Woodwork for J'joubch, (plain and omumontal), Barn J'^iinber^ ShingloH'oriiUgriulefl, Dooi'H, Snyli, Chestnut Coal. CHOROH DIRECTORY MBXHoomT.-Mr. PusqAO, I'aBtor. Harri vitryHiindnyiitllii. m. nnd7. p. m. Hftb* flohool util.UOty. in. 0. w, Nuylor, Baprlll( cut of sohoitl. Kitwmih LiJi*Kiicrip|rayof in* ruoBtlay ovoidny L H o'olook, Uftt "" uaeiUnuou Thurmlayuvenluu. Ciiuiuni ov J'NOLAiJn Itm- A.L.IJeverly,in* oumbtiut, Kb, I'tmli, IiIbhhx. DiviuvitenrlM' DVi'iy MiiHliiyuL 7 o'olo-li, p ta BU0d*yih Hohool (it 10 a in. i'rinttv Ohurch.Noitb liUJg*'* DlvJno BftrvlouH bv<.ry Htimlay at II p. m.: 8tm-i tliiy Heihonl at l.Jtp. m. Tho miblto arq oor-^1 dJidlyiuvitiid. ~ 1 VyiNDMILLS. WAi ure Solo A^oiitH In tho Comity for TDBCHS AEtlMOTOTl. Of Cluc'ir-o, whloli took Ilujhunb Awaulii at tho Worlds Tuir. t Can i'unu-ih oithor Pumping or Power Outfits at lowost priciis ritten gunruntco with ^vory^bitOr. A v M BY-LAW No. A BV JiAW to provido for tlrmnnfjc vvoik in the Tuwimhip of MuidHtone, in tho County of ISictcx, unit for horro wini* on the t rceht of tin municipubty tlm mini of U220.8G. J'rovisioimlly idortod ihu 17th Vt\y of Nov., A, U., 1801 Win m ah, Jioury J owe II ow nei of I't 'i'i,ln tin- fiHwsfm (if tlm Invviaddp of MiiidAtr.tin.iinrifld upon tin rniK icipfil Lounril t f tlm im'il toi\i flii]i, il vviittttn nniico tlait tlio I'uuo, or No in Tap Dl iiitt, r-i i/;innliy count in 0 il unilnr llio pi ov Inioiui t>r tl.o Oatai io Drill t>ii[,u Act, Venn nilicll out of repiitr mid ri epiohtcil thai it ho icpnlrt tl iiiunodlutoly inul ro pretvunt driunneo to Me hiniln by mi ovi iiliiw nt wutor from th" hu1I dndn. Ami W man ah, tin rtuipf n tlm unit e-imnt-il htm iirotioid un e ximilimtlou to bo intnln hy J.R. I,i onl, P 1/ S . linliiit n pt i rut hi 11 mi pel il lit P j i ul!i purpeti)'. of (lift i, ij 1 ui oil )j|0]ji ik il |o lio i ml K tl i i il the in i i us nr;L<" tt il fi i tlm (It in mum then of, inul of olhnr In ii'l it ami ioilHt 11 -Itln io ji <ti ki i i I uniler th is in t, inul hfi't nlfnt eiotitn il l.liitiH, i ] me I Hi at I'm ii noil i-mouk ti ft of t h u oin-pi i oi! tt) bo niiiilii \)\ tho mn 1 J h liiiliil nutl till ut.'-oi HiiiOllt If) It" linn It' la loin nt I >o iiniiliULiiil itmilh to I ji* lit'imtl ttt tl lt\ lai, li iliimm^o unit, un<] uLutlitn laniln and londii Imhlu lor i oiitrlliiHion tin i * l ri, tit i tin j , /im nt in \\ un Pi i in, tlm in ouorUnn r.f In in lit,.,nu tint hielnhtv ami a )lli ui(j li il lllt\, w hle.h, in Liu oju iji i , \\i1Mj t del iviil in i-iiii<'(plt>lu i' fif lUloTl <l) nirni|,'n u()jk hy tiii'i y loud oi lot, oi * oi tloti of Jot, lli miiil uhi 11 hiih at ho nuulo bi-lnp; tlio u mn itim nt PernlnfJtur oy thin |jy-ld\v eitiieii d to bo un,t t hi el nud Imlt-d upon tht* rninJn and leip, i" d purtn of lotn htiret- niifti-r in tliut lulling tinpci 'r11\ iu t forth nud ilpucrliiml, anil tlm ri port nf tlio nnltl Jim. tt Jjftird, in ri uptc t thereof, inul of tlio iinlil ih aiiiii^f Mtult. In-uii! au TollowiC 'J o tin' Itcfv o, Do])(it>'l( nit) nun Con in II Ion, of tho rowimhlp of Mai Intone Id Council n>>nnu*Mod ("ii mm mi y.t~-Jn iii-Lorilnm'n with luntriititlruai from your Jionornhln hody, I luivn tukoii tlm noticii nif nt d hy Ileiirv Dtiu/oll and have t xn ninntl tho No 111 'J'up iJialo, known tia tlm l'ncu I inoii, tioln tho town lino hi twn u (]t>idli<li| Noi th tuid uaitllttouo, utn Hi ulnna ton runtro of tho rth e on , Muioiitont'. tt the Mu t< <-o loud, iintl Iji ti "f" re'l'ftt't .thoioon mi fnllown I Otul Unit tho mill tJrniii wnfi coin*(rut-ted about hi \<u i u nj*o at tl th t thtuo hitu bt <tn notlunj; dnnti to it wham, >cnpt a ft vv JopH takiat out t \t r> h w m iliu I nlho (1 nil Hint tho Haiti elrniii in (,'rinth fill'tl up uml unit It m m i il (ifimpinw ineiit I llntl Unit tlmri) are only nhout .'150 noli ti in tho mud town- vIdciboji Hahhuth iltll a.ui. unit 1 ,lto p, m Bab*!1 oatii Kehool at !2:ut) p. m. l^ayor im etbiu and.' I'lHtor'ii blhlo olunH ou TuoHeliiy nt7.30 p .m, Hiotul Union ou Wuthmmliiy at H.lBi. ' lUi-iiHr Unnucu. Jiov ]\f. 1* eunniKjU, P#-j| toi. Horvlejtm mieli Hahbath at 11 n. in. nno 7 jt in I'mytiu- uu.dinf! on WudiM nhtv ovouldg at H o'dlnt-k HiuitH tarn. All tiro (ordlully weP com Oil. Jl llOM.U, GAIMQhW.-'Vr B. V McMonamia fantor. Rcur/loi ovory oihcir bmiduy ut6-80 ui. Huntliiy >Johool at ft p. m. SiLVATioN AitMV. T. It. MoLnod, rnptftia. HnlvutUm raoi'tloufi on Wtnhie.inlay, 'luurstlay mid Kinitlay oviiiiltiifii; X-'n)fl aiic) 1-atnv, Hnturdoy ovonlii|{ nntl ,'i p in, hiiudnv; I lot nu ad nmetitifffj for olirliulntiH i-HiJny iivmunit'Uifi Jl a. m. Huo- day, ICmid JJi-fll 7 a. in, ovuiy HumliLy. All oW WtllCOIIU). LEGAL. Y L IM3TKIIB llanrlator. Bolioltor, Notary J r> Publlu MmiAy to .Xjoad. Omo piv*>f& RtrutlHiftr Ituuk. i;nuolCetro. . > .. 't%^ |7 A. WIHMKIi, \lMfa\- ^_ J'j i'u Idle do. Monoy to loan, atan UlocK, uji-iittilifH, Kmux. 4-ly CIiAUKK, itAltfLKT & BAIITI,I3T Uarrlt torn, oto Otlliji u, Mcillinry Jilnolr, Wludsai. I'liviUo tunilii to limn A. U.Cr.AItKI'.L U Ji. N, A. liXUTLET. a. u. llAJii/j.r, tl. A. Y.jIIMtV O. WAr/i'KUH.U^H.Attoruoyand JIJ CoiinnLlo/nt law, with Aikiimon Allad'hlt* CoiiKiiihi it wbiit JJotioU, \Uc\(Cnnnelhiu nlnlniH n/raliuit iionoiU! hi tl Unitt il Stuti i titiju tod t i:i PniiiJi i im I no oi ail Jin nil, l!i.i.e.x,Out. , I ,km>x, I^.A. Wiiunor, 1 wr., Hin i Mi), etc , Kmuuc, Ol MEDICAL. i iii r.N, jr. i),h. u <; imh, kiuruu MpihI ei Cullyjm of 1'hyr.ltliitiii urti Hcr- ', o. Out Grathiatc ot Nt w York. Punt Qirud- ito Mteliciil htliool. All callH promptly ut- cj. dcil to AIho hi ccinl attintion nivoii to (luicnuLfi of the Juiifcii, tlaoiit, imBo.iiyo ar tl out. Oilluo ovor bihn ,v (u'h Uiu/j htoro. end all ohIIh, liitdit or tiny, lest, tlmro 'l'i>lo\ihot.o in I ipof Vaidstono ti.iiU'iin iu.o thoHioddimn nud tniooof that to a vor> iilifht eniteiit Tlimo I n^^TiL^ii1! "7* '|fiuIt,ltlon *oih ground ii. ' 'fjiiMe- in the To i ii-Inp ore; >hf\i.lil NoiUi amU'n iirvon ip tlio Town of I krox tlmt will nun I ^^__ lid eliiiln ijiioiii hotit itt ontiio h nijrh 1 Had th it it will emit, all oxpiu neni jnuhuli'tl. ^7.07, to put im id ihiun in il ctitiil i,i at' of repair (If thin n mount I hu\o taxotl tho Jaiulu in M> Idntonti for t . in fit uith $r'l Id, mid for on tint bt-U' lit witli \'.ll Hi, tlio Iniitln In Goulhdd North for on tit t - f-'l U\i an I tho lantlH in tlm J'ov/n ol Lbftix with -^1 !1 0.7 tor ouclot Acuniupanviint you will find elitn-i, jnollli!'-, Hpt tiltlt-iilioiif, lei-iKi-ijit ith. (htimat.'f, anel nil otlHil* pupoi n in cenKntrj for (^ind m c o hi tin1 clc'iiuiiiKOiU nj tho naltl tlraiu. 'X hin_tlrain uliall bu Itopt in lopair hy a tux. on tlm i ml and rontin now u-ii (Kiml, uml I-i tho n,i,ni p~ro| orl i u, Oicopt Llio t'licim or ia c aai j;o of tlm ( Ii lining out ii of ooinioii Unit tho prop trtinti oii[;ht to bo edianKud. 1 linvu tlm honor to I u, (^ntloinon i oui ohc-tliont iiciviiut, f'hM'X, Oi t. Ji,t P-'H. JA >. K liAIHD, IMi K. hei imwirW v!k. U4Uwiiu-iUiiuiUuifjii*_JL*U"*al**s' t,i!Lt lc< ^i'^'U weio ill fact able and fie pilut-, v\eio unalde to control her. 'lit r the t iIIn.oii the *>te .Ulu* wemed Iii< i.ill.v in i i-unihlt) to pictt'i, tho bow of the litiai sinhni^ and the cabin and hi em ( iii^" a'vay The Uitf Carrol, vvlih-lihad LoiiLrlelloy, in ttivv, lemU'rcd e\ei*y assist owned by cMi/oiik of the United States. " Ho il^uicd up tho Kcni'ral lestilt iw fol lows : Total amount claimetl by Great Hrltam lol-^KJ!). 1^, lotal amount" of claims of riuted State*, t Itl/ens presonted f.foO.Vi;! ')<i Halanto i'i Milting bt Ing lime pos-ablc. Most of the passcnp;i'iN and Hinnunt tlaimediby British imiier^, $1SJ,- crew ulxMsi ipi'd jninpetl from ono boat HI." r..'l, Hut of this-amount eJaime-dby British subjects speculative dauuiKes aro to the otlier. The (Jjirrel remnineil in tho nt i^hhoihood ior about ti n minutes, huty ilneluj.'f thai nothing nnuo eoulel bo dono steinu'd hath Io tlm company's wharf, vv heie l he pa-.*>e n^er^ vveiti placed on shom. They vvm- tau-d for by tho eoin]ianv'M agents ami sent to their thiVertnt, elciin- alioii'- ^ Thv jib i upon which tlm Lonprfellow fitrueh his In en a constant menat o to river un u vv believer the vvati'r is abovo its iitu-mal station. A thorough invesii- i;at nm of the disaster land c.mim 4 leading In IL Will bo M.lilo by tilt ( io\ CrilUK IlL authttiiiies Tho pvnoral supposititm is that tin both' , nf the missing are in tho cabin. The h si on tins boat ih estimate d at- (0,000, lull.v liisiiu'd. THE GING TRIAL CONCLUDED- .r farnu'is re ]>1^ Inai alie'ady have tin liio milk This il t f-n riila iilniis ji MlllV* 1 (vimillttrtl fi.l 'Jiliil. Rm'Utor,. Miu'h l:. -I-'n tl shaver, a yoi;: '. , h\ h \-> \h > i, einplnye tl as porlt i I'i A 11 luhd. , Wiisoh .vw ('n. ',s di upf warehouse,' v ,i . on .- irutd.iy e-onimltled for trial hy Mui{lhtUop iloll'h on a churyu iila bomaiv Indlanaiiolls. Hla ddiijrhttu', uf huoemy tit a tmant'lty of vnliuiblu<hug .Mn.. MoKpb, h;m UtH* mmmwjnoa to bin Unity T. Iln\uaitl round e.ulltj "Vliii.iii in iho I li>.t !>'-(; ....., Minneapolis, March 0. "Guilty as clun^id," was the \nnliet lendeix'il jes- teidayat tho close nl ihe I rial of Ifai ry T. J J ay ward for tho i mi i tier of Cut hen no Gin*; on the night of December :i 1 ist The jury took ono ballot and tound linn guilty of murdei in tho (h-il do#ieo. When I lav waul appt ared ho was fault lessly du -.sed as usual and iippareniTy )is cool as ever. When tlio veidleit, was pie- hentt el every evo was t urne-d to Ha> waul as tho clerk Marled let lead the paper. There was nothing in his faeo to inehtato that ho hail lit aril a wurel uf it fie- ihievv his head back as tho "gulliy" was mo notint od bin it; was only to atlpi t his collar bund. Ho did not ehange eolor In the slightest, Sontcnco will bo pronoum t el on Monday ji iiiiii'h'iiii 'I ruilii Itt'poi I. Now York, March 0. JJradstreel's to- da.v sajh. Tho geneial business ion hhows inoro improve mont. Gains .no f>hovvn ui improved demand for lumlnr and ol her biulellng inatcrials ( and In re ceipt of larger orders for structural iron anel btee!, together with the absorption of availaljjo Monks of JJessomer pig-iron. Thu tendency of prices remillm as herefo- foie, an advanco bt nm; reported in slptes, v\lueh b is cheeked tho volumw of busine-ss for fall delivery in cotlon, duo, asallegetl, to a spread of confidence In the piospect, for a reduced cotton acreage, peak, laid, refined sugar, Indian corn, live hogs anel Icat hei'i tho latter having advanced sharply, Bessemer pig-Iron isuneliangetl, despite tho market being < leu red of avail able supplies-, and lumh'r, whilo nominally unchanged is firm, with an upward tenel- cne-^w Cotton goods aro "weaker and punt cloths orteo mom down to S'_e lor tVls. Wheat and tints havo each re.teled, as havo bumr aad eggs and live tatllo. 'J'ho ro- duct ion tn tho prlco of steel billots at 1'lttsburg Is a surprising feat me, Kx- ports of wheat, both coasts of (bo United States, this vwok have) iin ieased sbaijjly, I'^gn gating ;[,^7J,000 bushels, against IVSYl.oui) bushels last, week, '.',b'd,(((K) bush els in the) week' a \earago, aboul tlie saino quantity in iho week two years ago ami as eoinpared with :i,7.-J,0o() bushels iu the fb-st. week of Mairli, WrJ, Jmslne.s fail- uii's hiiye limn tseii stanevvhut within tho week, the total for As bu-jiie-'-iI ivs being UTtl against in ih. ,,^ um k nud Qiiii in the wet k a yen ago I X-I'I i t* >d rill Mill i iH'ili St.i Itniulj Jl|, Now York,.1 Ala.ill t). ITuirhon is re; n.ttd to bo stitousl) ill at inchuhd to tlio ainount of $dll,:ji)l, tlUiH having tho amount claimed by British Mib|eeis, less hiiecukitivo damages, $70,- VGl.Tti. Tho total amount of clalmn of British Biibjeets which, as Mr. Morgan contends, could possibly bo recovered amounts In all to &70,Sr>!. But ove-n this Mini, which is friTl.UiJ less than tbo Britbh tJaimpn- t-entert and *lif>t(07.r) les*, than the amount that the Seerelniy of 'state junposes to give in settlement, is ululoubtt elly exces sive. Of that amount ^H.IJ.Jfi is feu "por- sonal claims" and in all probability some of these tlaimaiits aro oiti/ens of tho United Kiatis or some other country, which fact has been established- by lnv,efi- tlgatinn Deducting tho "personal claims" from $70,1).*! there is left, as Mr. Morgan says, $,WfB>U Of thin sum fcl0,500 uppi.irs ui tbo chum of tbo HenriotUi (less speuu- lativodainnges). Tho Henrietta was seized in tho Behring Sim in .September, ISM, under the provisions of tlio inoihis v tvendl anel therefore no (laim is allowable. Senator Morgan therefore concludes that Gieat Hiitain claims tho sum uf S512,109 find that tho amount duo with Interest is but &Jd,102, making an oxc ess in tbo claln over tbo amount due with Interest of $Hu,0(>U Tho Secretary of Stato pro])osed to allow$125,000, which isaceoid- ing toSonalor Morgan'R figures ^J*,N,s )7 in excess of tho total amount duo Biitish fiuhu'fts with tho interest computed. "When tlio Governniont of tlio United .States," Bald Mr. Morp-an in conclusion, "has mado no agreement, and no ndml*,- ulnn of any indeblednt ss to Gieat JJiitain on ac count of thc-o claims and has not ftdmittod any priaciplo on which tlio claim of Gieat Britain Is based I must insist that thoso matters should bo dis- cu*---eil in negotiations that tho two Gov ernments nm bound to conduct. I could no( agree that hpeeuhiti\e> piuflts or dam ages tir personal chums should bo Included In the accounts unless that, is in accord ance with tho lavva of nations. Such a precedent would foou develop into tho most bitter and \lolcmt contentions be tween nations." Kettl^iH'tl from tint Club. ITuiullton, March 0. Tho directors of the Hamilton Jockey Club met yesterday and u.uisueted routine business. It will not bo necessary fvr President J. M. Lafc- trltlgo it) nsign from the elnbj as ho tiiK.itened to do on account ofthoglovo contest which took phico at. thu club house hist Sunday. At. yesleuday'.s meeting all the meniheiN who were Implicated In last Suml.iv *s alfair, including b'egmald Moro- titn and Major A. I). Sit wait, Iho secre tary, sent m their resignations. A t ircMiUr saw Ituihtt ultli I Itt'miltH, Glial ham, March P. Simeon Gagneau was instantly killed yesterday afternoon by the l>re iking of a circular saw which he was at ten lliitf inSheaff'H mill in D vor township, slv miles west of ibis placo. OLhor men working near by had a narrow ose.'ipe. ^Vnjiiqunst will be hold to-day. Mn,)or tn Mr,, 11 yumn. Bondou, Out., Maroli n. At tho Llh- oril-Con-eirvaiive eoiivuntion lioro last night Major Thus, Beattlo wnu uiuml- mnusry-eJienen *tt) contest tlio city in tho coming' Dominion oh-t-tion. '* '. M ii'1' n is l nnio.-t _* 'i ar, j A J. ji.i M I -.1 of v, ..U dSJ olYering hlmmlf tut 'tn Iuik>i indent urn- ;liilato for Kast Slmcoo. Tliid woulc inulco four candidates hi tho (k\{d.r Ami Win in ah, tlm Hind ("rafn nluill r vteiul bom tlm townlinn biitwo'-n the TnvvnshipH of Miitlsuiiifi iiiuTtJo-rrli Itl Ke rth, iw rtb I lir* n^-li tlm rnutm of tlio Gth con ot ahiitbittajti to tho i-oiith Mile of thu Muldon t ml a tlistuiiro of (UH lodn nntl fdmll havn a bottom width of'() fi ot Ihioujjh- ont tlm cntiio It'iiKth 'I bo depth of thn nuiti thidn tileill bu uu follnutr At ittido) 0 (pbmteil nt i outh 1 75 ft ot iUak" 'J tl 1 f.M-t, ittalm '1 1 TO, Mallei i 4 70, iitalte* fi i h&, Htldto 0 fi 10, utidto 7 i .10, it leu 8 I Ki sinKt 'j J di), ii'iilto Hi ] ti, i tnki) Jl fi Ui, nt'dto Iii -17fi, Btalu. 11 (J-I"), fitiiKo JIGSfi.Btalio !.."'() iihrl.M 10.1 sm, titala* 17 r pi i.taltn IH 115, atitlt" 13 5*16, iitulto 'Z0 fiflO,'Mtnlio 'ii 1110, i,taltti IM r. Ti iriilm 23 M.0, Btnlii) 2*(. UU, HidcoUS ftSB, fctatei*i(i fi'r-0, ntiilio liOfi 8(l,tBko H fi 7', rtnko Vt I tit), ,'i l;o i]o;t i,i). hta o ii fat, MiiMmii lonri) l so, nijil iiha 1 Jmvu an ovoa olopo troin tlm ieip oijjio. I i' m nt dlti h to thu bottom of tlm nuioliorrouei. "1 I AM) \\ in ni ah tin muniuipil ct rponitiouit of tho Townoldpn ot Maidntoiio nml (Ion(lold Voi th inul thu Town of 1< iionx urn nFtnomcel lor *ho ropulrii of tho fmld No IU or l'uco Drain au foi low t Miudtitoim, for bi-ntfll JJil '0, and for outlet sU7-tfi) OnMluld NcrtU, horn nt tl CO/tir outlet ^blVJ \ Total ^7.'.7.C0 ' Town of lluuix. tar otitlut Sl'liOl J And Wukim.ah tlio mild Council in of opinion tint dmuiifio of tl o uroan doficribcd in do- tarnhlo. 'Jhproforo tho Huiil unimcipnl connoll of (Im m nl 'i'<mi.hliip of MuiCHtono, jmnaiiint to tlio nioviiuoiiii of the Drahuico Act, Ib'll, iuinctn a a lollowi. lut Tbo mud loiiort, plium, p cifmajinuli, um nmii<-iiln m d o&tliriiLtQn aro Imrolij ndoptod nud 'di. diaiiiafjo work im luusn uiihcatud mul hi t Joiih bhullbMiuulu and uunstuictotl m iLcceaelucco tllf lOM/illl iiiul. Tho Itpcvo of tlm no id Tovmhip piay Imirow on thi credit of tlio Corporation of tin fluid Town oh ip of MiiitlHtoiio t]l( hiini of *.*Jl* Ho b* li g the fiindR luceRHio > fir Maid- -inuo'n portion of tlio oout of rcpuinr.L; tl.o mud tlrnoi and iijuv is^n J tlnlitUituu'H of tho Coi ptir tion to tliut iimouiii, in imniH ot not J hs tlmn ^'0 00 uncli, find pnvaltlei within two fiom i lei datei tboi i of. with intort e.t at tho rn'n nl ' pi i (' nt por iimiinn, tlmt into nuv, hi two n/ht, Inintii, finch tlplmnturcn to ho piiMildo at tlm Inipiuial i ui.K at tlm Town ot IhiHex and to h ivo iittiipbcd to thorn oouponH for (ho jiuyiiitnit ol lutein 'it. .<nl I eli puvlog the imm or S'.VJ ID, iho iiuoiu.t clnir d uidimt tho raid lundn and r^iuln foi i i i lit ui dtbo nun of $1J7 )IJt ilU-niJjtJUni i baitioil afjainht ihe Kidil bu du tind lomln for outlot i I'll (j, una: ii . Rum of S , tlm amount, i tiaie.titl iii-iiiunc tin* mud lioitlu and loueln f( injtuiiiij . i Iji Ii t \, it pi, 11 iroin tho lands nnd roadt, Iji Ion uui to or control led by th unnili tji ditv, uutl fur i "v. rhin intort u: thoroon for t*io Mint at llio ruiu uf ni% | or t nut. jior annum, tho total i i end laeoii, over and abovo all ot ho luti hhall bu ahuos'i-d and lovual liu tlm biinm iniinnor n ml attljii Hnlim tnno nfi ta\nn ui o 11 \ j. il ui o i (jllnclod) iii>ou tho uu li riuiUitioned lotn or purtK . -f lots andioailfi and thy amount or ihi naul total Hpt'olal i ati'H and intrt Ht Hindi bet itivulnel ii id uu t fin nl pin Ui. (imi mm hiilIj | in l hhall t>o imi-tjithod and lei. imi u" n foi t Haiti. Hi one h 30m 1 \ iwu jcart, attor tho final pauin o' tbrn b\-lutt ,during which thu 1. ml etuhciiti r** havo to 1 un Y\HH, VLXVAU & McKllh'/IL. ~ P, A.DKWAIi M. D. C. M., F. T. M H. flmau ito Jrinitv Unlvornlty. AUnihor ('ollimo 1'hVi mi,trifi and Hiirjjoonn, Out. JUoBhlonce, Tidhd O. MoKumzil. M. P. 0. jr , Follow Trinity Mpflhul (Jollotpj. Graduate Trinity Unlvorultv I(u1ilLM,;'j|,]|,othtrt(|lWlJtojM 0. It, mncflhoiini Hto'lii. ru., i ton mid a to ftp. m. fllro ii;1 inipcH, I Jluik bh c-k f.ioum) floor, noKl toTlioiito'iMlniM htoro 'toltudioaoni conut'otiou with oilloo una raid- (Jt TICilf Ordum loft at tliorno'H l ru ar ntoro will ho promjitly iitruwdodto. .DENTAL. -chcdiile of Xiandu Aisehfetl in Aluidtiton ^ for tho Puco, or No. lb' Tup Drain Ropuun --------------------------------------------f ~------------ ui oi .j , N 'J' K IM> W lit H'i 0 |i iii. vv bf till ohf XI bf 'XI vv ht ^H vv hf ^H e hf 2U vv bf _!) c bf ^H pt vv lit '2H2 11 pt 1011 an 100 uio 100 100 117 S14 31 i I 11 ct v a i?i:i ,'o (j CO vi 00 f. 00 li on 12 00 12 00 ono 1 00 2 (10 ito 80 o ~ o a *sgs 11 ~ 7J v. ! 3 cd 5^ tn U. *tj OJ C/3 -- a* C 0 Jl 0 a c: c: n c 3 a H -q T3 Total, on lundti......... OU 20 Total ou tun lu......... l no 11 JO 15 00 ii) on IH 00 la 00 J OS l'i.l oH ;()8 Total on iundn and roadb'JU 20 ]3(1 G(( ei7 oo ft .V2 818 02 S 0 01 2:1 TiO 70 21 20 12 10 0 CO 18 0 18 a 00 27 00 H2 27 H'J i:> 01 0 00 IH l> IH ;joo h 00 IH (1 18 r> 00 ."<2 00 1 .-its ;> ,1fi 20 78 00 00 1 80 (il 80 .jo no 0 00 18 (i 18 3 00 HMO oH 10 5H 0 to 2 00 00 2 00 vtn 2 98 08 U0(i 1 fill yo 02 82 Jl 228 78 (1 86 23'j (34' 117 82 1 OH 01 1 12 .1!) 229 80 (100 2:1(5 70 118 :h HP. B.,L. D. B. Giiielnota iu Dcntiiitry, Itoyii.] C'olloRe 01* Doutnl RtURonim, Ontario, inul Univoridty of Toronto. ChiURen.modorato, OOlco, ovinr Brlon He Cos Irva Htortt. lft-ly VETERINARY. \\r Jl, ItU'IJAltDHONr^erTi^iuy Buy- Vr . in on. Ciriuuiiito of tho Out to Jo Votoy- inary Colli (jo, Toronto, trcittn all tluioiuuiH of iloinofitlcutod mi J iiui hi lolophono hi connoo- tion. iJontuiti'v UBjunalty Id ti.duuoo, loui- ootirn houth of Grlat Mid Otllco fn 1 ontoilloo huilduii;; Inllrmary directly ojipoitito. BAKEJR^ rpIJK oldont buniiibht] pi towu. Kiitablmuo J. 187fl. rirt-clnH broad mid cukeu of al Hindu. WoddiiiR oulmu a HpoeJiihlj . urooonoe proviiilonii, Hour, food, oklt mil poit. Conlftio* Siouory.orochpry i;lfiitHVvaro (htiim tl fiuttli and voKfltiiblonof all Itlmhi. Goodh promptly d* livorod toallpartnol tbo town J M. IllCKH Ifll tf SOCIETIES 5" O. O. l-.-l'NTJ'-hrHIHn Lodfjo No MB. I . umotHoyory,cvouinK at 7.110 iu ^delfollowH Hall, In third ntoroy Uuuntan Block vliiitiiiRinoiubornuf other lothje-nwill ronoivo * j rn torn nl wolcomo, .7. JOIlNhTON Kf. G nVJ;N;il,AL ENOAMPMKNT. Ko. (loriTTutt.aa' fJddftdlowfi'flnll.DuiiBtiLn'n BJoclt, on tho llrat ind third Tuondnv Jnouoli month. Visitors *or dially rocolve'd. Meiiiborii of auboydinuto lodfee In tho juriudictioi), invitod to joiu. 'c IfANNAN. C. P.. G p. niLL, G. B. J ESflKX CENTRE LOEGK, Ko, 10, A. O. U.W Mootonocond and fourth Slondaya in ouoh tbo Otltlfullow'n null, ut 8 p. m. "JnUiHf, brotlueii will hcRivon a f*atoiril wol- porno JOHN LAING, atnfitcr Workmarj C. II. PULLKR, ItnaonUr . T^lltJi; mtJftADK-Tho Vita BHfindo uuwts A (iccoiul Wodnr&rlii.v ovtnind <ivvxy nionfh, at 8 p. in. in tho tumiied) chnmbor. All fln'marr' reejmif.tfd toatt.-nd. .T. McAIUItlUV, Ghluf J. ! pUUKT HOYAL, NO 2J3. I O. F. V J Muotu neconel and fourth Tuouelav'fl in oaol* month in 1 O. o. F. Uiill ut B o'oloolt p. m. Vibithiff brethein will bo Riven a frutcntaf wol como, h Mt.CtiUfbnid.O K , W. 0. fihuvv, Booy. M. J.WlLla.C.13.11. O.H. 1th, Por iiajlnu tlm tinm of *?l 09, th umount iioiifu.hori npuiint tlm onid roarln (anil lantlH) of too muuieupality, and for envoi in a In turrit tin n on lor two at tho rato of 11 x pnr cojjt pt>r annum, miiKuiul into on tlm dollar, (.nlllcitnt to proiluco tho ninmioil yoinly iiinouut thouifoi, Hlmlhovor and abovo u 11 otlmr uitt'a.lni loviotl antl eolh oti tl (in tho iniiiio rutin nor mid at tho muiio tinioafi tnxoii aro lovhid nnd colp'otod.) tmoii and from the whol6 rutoahln propoitv of tho no itt t'ov/iiidilp of MutdHt"iio In ouoh \011r for tbo poi ind of two jourd arttir tlio final pti'i-In of thtti by luw, dun nf* which tho paid ihibonturoti Imvo to tun. fith That J 8 Iiiiiul,!1 Ij H . Ih lint bv uiipojntud (.01111111 htlo 11 ur to lot Lht-1 mttrnct for lopuiriiif; ,niii 1I1 am and vvoiUn oonimctfd thoiowith, hy publlu to tlm lovvont bfddor (not oxctodint: I bo 1 hiinuttu), but (ivery miol tiontiactor.vvlth twofjoe il and fiatibfnotexry imiutii n,nball ho ie rjulrtil lorthvvith tountm* ii to bondB for iho duo porfoniiuuco an I oomplutlon of coutroot nccoidiiiR to udel iihimiand upicilleliUoim, and wi'hhi tjn* timo monticnod within imoli bond, iinlej,n oLhcowiuo ouli-rod hy tlm council; und it uhall no iho ilutj of imcli oormnlHamuov f.o caimo mild drain antl Morlui coniKcteul thoiowfth to ho mado and conutructod In iiccortlinioo with (inch pi mm and eiJfciitoatfoiiH, uot lutor than tho *. J>., ^0 , (uiilcnu otburvvniy ordered hy tho t ouncil) and to in ant ooithlcatcp to the liotvo from tnno to' timo to oaoli coutr ictor, leiuu 111 cent of tho iiiiiount dim, until iho ron ti not in fully completed unit dulj KLCoptud, find lor duo pi rforiuaiion of thoiio nnd all nthor diitloH of Loinnifiiiilonor, tho nnid conunlfifiiomir nhall ho 01- tltloel to luocivoa comuiI'i'ion of poi cont on tlniuctiud emit of tho work llth. 1 hat tlm Ooniniin*.ionar lm rocpiiu-tl foilhwith to mtor into hontlii m tho inun of 9 fo to thu plumi mid ripcciilcuHauo, and within tho tiuiei iipcoinpil In mieli ho lid. ?1h. 'J hid byduw hhall bo pnhlMmd nnoo ni ovory wonk. for four nmuiPtnitlvo vreuilm, Jn tho Khi,i x I'mj, Pin 1 f., new ni "pt 1, piibliihoel in tho Town of Umvx, und uliall loom Into forco upon II d alter tlmliual pnhidi.f! tho'ocl, and may bo cittit tho "I'ueio, or No. 10 Tup Drain llupairfi By- MWMtHUGn,01uilc. GEO. A. WINTKMUTK, Kcovo. | X Hriti hyCi luii-v tlmt the U i'ntnrr in a tiuo otp> of a By hivvprovlfiloiuillyneloptotl by tho tonI7ib dnv nf Nov. A D. IMH lANO and loan agents G330KGM J. Til Oil AB, Convoyaneor-, Com- miimionor, in Ili(;li Court of <f tint too; donlor u lEonl Juitatu nud MprtfUiftOH, Alonoy to Joan ut tholoweut rati) of intoioiit. Kiurao boncht itnd aoUl. Innuranco tiduni Ju tho inOBtrolluhlo jDnipiudOB. DriLwliuf of dooeltr niortRnKoa and lounofj a hpcoliilty. tbait/joh ru odd rato mul all bufduobfi pomptly nttcudod to Cull at tho Oontiul lolcnboro ofllco, I'.fmraCoutio. BO-iy IVIARRIACE LICENSES; ITT IX BIUatAN, InouorQf-nfai'rlafloJ'ilcouBPU. Imiunmcn auiieo- Nlflht ofhoo at Bwcllinif, TAihH OT bTHBET, KfiSKX M PAltRKTT, Jiinnor of Alan.^o LI con rob, , Coiiniiiunionor h* O.J., oto. Gonto, Out- niunkipul t,( unci] of ihu Eiiid tow iiidiip ol' Maid1 tout) M. MrUUail. Tovvufihlp Olork. 3KTC3BJ1,a:<03E5. Nf "tfTiln lmnhy fdvi ti that a roni t of Jlovitioii ht'Id imrfiimit to (hopJovlHlonii of tlm Drain* Act, isih, fir th" hiiininr,' an i tilal ot npprahi nuulo n^nliKit tho abovo nflfliimuiOHt or nuv imri tVi' ifof, will hold ltnOrhtKlMli'Kii nt tin* i'owii UnlJ, Matilviroiiij, ou Haturtlay Uio tCltli day of Miirrvh, lHri,iit tliu hour or Hi'clock, lti Uin forourJun, und tlitit nn> portinn fntmnlhitf trv p>ionl it (ii hiht tlm ahov.> at.RoRimirut, <m anv pm t Mi"-i(.rjrl jnimt, not lattir than ton dayu Imtoro win timo il\ d lor t-'o h-' lu ;: of pidd Coiirl.HiMv'on thodJI.'tlc ofthlH Muidoipullty, a wrltton uotibo of iiuoh uppoa1 1 1 1 /I 'M ' tto ho wld lm too Into to bo lwnn-d In tlinfc buhtilf. And fin liar 1 o*h-i 'H hfi'ohv pivi u tlmt nny povuon hitciulbur to umlio npplloation no havo t,utih bvrlaw.ov nny pint tlu'reed, diiHHhiMf, mini not bitt.i- tluin ion days oftor tho tbial imfciiliu*- /ilioioof, diirvo iilif tiro Jiuwrilini/upein thivltoe-vn or olKoi head oflletyr, and U)>ot> tho olrk of Mm Miinlclpnllty of l\fal lutono, of bin Intoutlon to iiudto aupHoatlon for thac purptmo to tho llluti Co ircu*- 'X'oiotitq, elminr.; Iho i.tx wccldi uoxt oi.Mn,'t thjLfliutl iiaBHlne of ihtfH bydaw, MotTXHIi fliamjail, -i'ownahlv Cloik.^- Ihitod at Afaielari im tliv fflth daV of Feb., IfiOS, - 1 , V. MA11KIAGM LtcciiRooor WtddhlK llincfl oa bo proourod nt V L, Park'fl. tho old >-- linblo jowollor, lifiiiox, Out, TAMEB fl. LAIUD. I'rovlnoial ljnu<] Horvfiyor nnd County Itltiifluonr. Umbos: Cunt re, Out Oiuoo.DunBtimBlooltiiipiitalrH, -> 1 j*" ARCHITECTS. |onw A. WAYOO0K, AlbOHITKOT, &o., Kooni 10 and 11, Hem lap Buihllnif, WlndBor, Oul 'Phouoflid. 11. UNDERTAKING. 1>JjUMM1iJR( UndortuUtn and Jf^mntin: . Doalor. CoOIub, homo nud factory mrdo rom Si* to $!J0. McfJroGor Qnt M h x ^ ,i&. !,'

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