. \. ^^^PlSll^SRIipSIPW ", r,-y ....... r-v+i&fa ^WILKINSON'S von , Choice Freeh GrooorioH. Provuiona, Tomw, Coffin and kpicuH. Special linos iu Crookcrv. ,.p.' Christian BnfleavorSociet^ ... , . 6*, Paul's Cburob, TUESDAY EVCbrMAE. ;i^| * Kverybody Coiffi VOL XI. No 11. ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY. MAECH. 16. 1895. WHOLE No. 632 r^nfVQ... ,^c^yj^sr&.^: LEADING STORE OF ESSEX CAR CAR CAR THESE THJREE Cars are to rep resent three full carloads we have re ceived recently. JOno-oacbof Salt, Sugar and Potatoes. Whenever there is a saving by-.buying in large quantities, wr? are in a posi tion to got iri on the grourid ilobr. Our saving is your wav ing also.. MEWS HATS In men's Head wear, as in everything else, we aim to get the best hence in Men's Felt Hats we have the celebrated "Ghristy's." New Spring Styles at hand, prices no high er than for inferior goods. Three grades in etiff hats, $1:50 $2.00 $2.50 WW^m SOUTH WOUDSLKI3. W. fi, Otmmiiford'H lum.o rim awuy on Rundny mid did some dunnine lo u vory now bu(;y, uh well uh (o ituulf. Our funiiluro doa]or, Mr. A., Wutlcfr* Have a birthday bull ou Monday"tfveuing., All who wore present enjoyed thottntolvus/ Mr. Booh bail a liir^e foiou of men work ing on bin now mill. TUv. Mr. Houdonmn preached avnry iiblo Hortnon on Sunday ovonin^. Mr. L. Young's team ran away on TiU'ii- day, but no damago wau dono. Tina is tho uocond runaway within two daywr Kvorybody should tio their horiiou. Mr. A. W, VanEvcry iu (joirifito open a hardware utoro nwet door to hi iipnoral storo, t _ .,-- ' , .Our barne'iitf maker, l W. G. Smith, is putting iu n fino liuo of trunks, (jri(>. etc. It in roportcd that Mr. William Allinu m warned,'bin Billy fc*yH it isn't ho. - 'Thoro in a |roat. deal of oioknoifH' in and around tho village-at printout, but our doc tor iu cqiiul to tho occiudou. Mitchell A: Co. have moved that old sal vation army barracks to main struet, and will UKu it an un in. ploraout abow roara. Tho livery bun ugain changed haii'-H. Hubert Boggs io ruunmgit now. (From nnotbor corrunptmilont.) Mra, It. tfopan in viuitinn friandu in Montreal. " ' . MrTGoo. Hunt, fororanu for Mr. II. C. j Reou, spent a couplo of dayii nt tha Witter- ouh Engine Works Co., Branttord, last wiiok, with which firm Mr. Jtutm has mado contract for ruaehiuory for bin now. ituvc mill. Ho v. Gl-6. A. Fair aad wife, of Chicago, a.ro viniting Mr. Fait'ii fathur, Thou, Fuir, and other relitivow in Huh vicinity. Tho infant hou of Mra. L. Oornton, aged nine months, diod Saturday morning, from cou^OH'.ion of tho lunjjs, Ou Sunday afternoon, Mr. W. S. Cummi- ford'ti pacing maro mnabbod her record of 3:C0, and aloo bin buggy, by running awny. Pornuuiitoly tboro wan no ono in tho rig; ut thotiuio. Khitnlay, 10 h liiui. llo'v, Mr. Madd prtiHuh- ul tbu fuuocul wurirtim nt tho Oitlifornia Mothodiot ahuroli. Duoi-awod It'nvi'H a aor- vowitifj huabund to rnouru bor Iomh. OrJlND:V. Androw Orton in iiilm^ ti^iin. Ooo. Uynll in movinjj u barn on, bin farm thin wuok. Mi*h. T. O. Irwin i* vihf tini! lior daii^htt r in Otitruit. * " Jtuv, &fr. Hliuw, of Cottam, opened'rovi- Val'HorviooH liuro on Hominy mx-mnji \nttl. "IJQoo. Wbalry liad the miHfortuno to full ono day ItHt wcuk, broiikin^ a rib. Mr. Uoubon Uruiu'r tnado iibtiHinoNH trip te London lant week, romiimii] tbrtio tluy. Mr. A. IJruuoi* Man Hold lit* farm to J*31 - mor-Hyitll, and wil] rornov to Nttpanci?, qm. , Klmer KyulIIiiuJ twonfliiu tutu broken by plank falling on thorn in a mill whir ho wh working. Mr.'and MrH, Konnoth DawHOii.who linvo baou.viHUini; frfandtf in Wimlnor for thu .paut Cortni^lii;. ba'vo inturiird liomn. Kd. OorUtfc loft on Tnwndny of thin weoli, for WiudfiOr, whuru ho will remain for n fowcbcyij, and then (ja to Birch Hun, Mich., to viHit'biB broChor, Pr. H. I1. Corlott. I'aotn of wbi;li w woilTwTi7i~rn~bt rp- piniiil: Win- f-fivd. WKt-n'i n fr ibe "t'orncrrt" ItHt Htin-'n^ ui^ht V VVbki 'I'oimnifj mid .Johniijo tho in; bt of .b' (t'l.pM-',' VVbt-rn Unrcy wi nl. Sunday m.:uirg ! V' riiai'D Adi con Id aiuiwi t* thin. Ib-iv'J'illwt Hi.'n lur new adnnrt'r, and ,1 111 VNJ(* \'r't*"i V Wi ii n-iniK.'"M. IJ-n limnly Mumbt v 'ven- it-f'/ .'mim'U >' tviiMu'i- ('i)f'il.Vt Ijiisiu;-. U'Jwit (! |ii<jIm o( b'uur (l.tu dtir- ill J " l( I'd ijirt- ? -MWtcrPMTCOTJKUIIS: KINGSViriLli. Mr. IlilMii and .wifo aro vinitint* in Goor/;8town , Mm. IliiliB' mother iu vory ill. Trio Connorvntivo oruanizntion of tbiK district waa woll represented ut tho Con servative convention, Windttor, on Satur day, there being ten 'doloj^atoH from here. SPECIAL (DFFER. We have a - very heavy stock of goods,; all the year round, Tweed Suits for Mn and Boys. We could get along with half as_ many, and to reduce tSehr number we will sell them for one month at very low prices. If you will want a suit within the next bis months, it will pay you to buy it now. At any rate come in and aslc to see for yourself. ONE PRICE ONXY MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES * r EB9BX, mr. SOUTH GOHFIJiLD. Mr. 1C. Grainier, Htatioti ^er.t on tlHT L. K. tt D. B. It., at Blenheim, auoompani- od by bin Ki^tL-r, "Emma, paid a flying yiait to their parentB ou Sutujduy, March ltb. Bttzz-aawinj;, or bees for nawing tho 'KoUHoVb wood, liayo beon quit** numcroun. Tho bii* day'H work waa at Kobcrb Lcetn- IDC'"- In leaa than live hcurfl, thnro wan over seventy cordo of atove-wood cut. Moss . Grain por and McCrso havo a woll-ritocked mill yard. A lur^'a yoanioro tree, which was cut iaMr. Grain^r'o bnuh, meaunrod nearly !i,700 fott ono twelvo-foot cut. alone, raeaHUriug over 1,100 feet. During tho'pM.it two weokB thu farmcru havo boon interviewed and nolicited for thoir patronape ih thcohoeso-faotory inter- eutu, Kcprcnentativeti from both Cottam and Kin^uvillo factories proaontod thoir r*fipeouvo olaimn. Just at prevent the utility of dairying in boinc thoroujjlily Lbreubod out at all the wood-been. No doubt th'e majority of the farmers will era. nlato tho uyntora bo long and uucceaafully in nee iu many other counUen, Amonjjttt thquick wo are glad to atate that JVltH.JameH Barnot io fnat, rooovormg from bor loDg and dan^urouH illncuu. LikowiuB, Ami Eliza, tho little daughter of Robort Lcomiug, is rapidly recovoring from her lllucnu. We aluo regret to'ptato that Louis, tho two-yoar old and yoaneoat oliild of H. C. Cottcll, i Qtill so ill that it will requiro tho moHt careful nuraion to routorohim to'good health. Eov. C. It. Matthew, M. A., B. D otill holda Horvictis uemi-montliiy on tlio -Uh couofcBsion. Kecontly ho' oalled a uaeotiuf of iutwra&tod {JariBhoucra for the purpose of building a- miaaion church ou the 4th coucCHsioti. The aim and purpoao iu do- oerving of public tujiporfc. Wu hope tho revuroud ffoutlemau will meet with tliat nucatoflthat Ida enlorprise muritu. Apart from tha intaroiite of EpisoopalianEi, it wonld load many young; pooplo from their preaonj waywarduoaa to think of thin^a spiritual, aud to loud a better life. On Saturday, Maroh 10th, thopooplo*f thin vioinity wuro painfully fiurpriacd on loaruiiifiof tho vory sudden and almost trajrio death of Mra. Wru. Daldwin, of tho fifth oonofidniou.' It would; Hogm that the. decoHHCd waH in her uuuul hoalfli, and Waa at .Kiugavulo tho 3ay preceding hr death. Heart fuiluro ia aupponad to be tho oamio of doatb; alti)0U(jh iu tho pant aha wan eub- jbot to fltn of paralyniH. Tho remaf ur wore intorrod m tbo Kib^avdle cemetery on Tho Hpecio] ocrvices in the Baptint church ari woll ittteuded. Tho church was pack- od Sunday ovoniut,', On Tliurudby Itjbert Moluaho of thin* p] ico met with a puinfcl accident at a mill on tho 0th con., Moraoa. V/hilo work- iiiii around a email huw by eomo moann lui band eimo iu contact aom)letely Bcverinu tho forofliu^or and badly outline tho othtVB on bin loft hand. There wan a fair aUondunao at tho tcnyn hall Saturday at tho mooting of tho South Ehhox Fruit Growora* Aft^ooiation. Mr. McMickin'tr of tho Walkorvillo Baoltot Factory, Mr. Hilboru of LeiiminKtonv^-Mru Baldwin, W. A. Gruuvillo, -Mr. Pulmorarrd Mr, Sherman all made useful and inHtruc- tivo Rpcccheu. At four o'clock Uouday alarm of firo or- Kinattd in a framo Icau-lo kitohon at the rear of tlio bvautiful D^Jinm blok on North Main ntroofc. Tho flro laddion ro- Hponded promptly aud in lew thuu iiftacn ra<i'Utos hud "it out. The Ore wan uuppoocd to have originated through a amall boy of Mr. Woir, merchant tailor, who waa play ing with matcher) and throw a lighted ouu in a box of refuno paporo. The Idtchon wait aharredall oyur inuide but tho dainaj^o will bu umall. NOimt III UGH.' Mrtt. "tVuliu* W. C'donutt, of Wiwlfior, C'lilnl mi leluljvtft ln.ro laf.t Tucnday. Mim. .lorn Ij'ckmun, of MaitiMtcme, called on r,.],u;,v, m h- nt bint TutMduy. L-nao Hu'KcUbanjmf'r, ot Olindn. 'untied .on for.mer uccjuiiintancoH hero lawt wcuk. Jeremy Ji.1uih> ihhI wifo came hoimo from Florida Jht Saturday, a/tor rwHidinj,' in rlin lurid of IHwerw for live monthfi, or more ; Guonu Ehm-x ia' not tuch a bad p'lice afl(>r%alj, alvania^eu aud diiiadvan- ta^eii tfi ciiHidwred, evou if wo do not Urmw niMiJt/QH and aili^atori*. Did you aoo the total oulip^e of tbo moon lat Biiuday nijdit ut 11 }j, m. ? Gneiia tho imqi in tbo moon ^ot very inodoi.t last Sunday night, did you not notito tlntt Uir. emidltt wan (muffed out be- foro bo imdrH|it:ft[l. Potoi'Gilboo ia at Sandwich tine wook attondinj,' court an a j^raud jurer. Town IIxij,, Cottam, Fi:imoAHV Cvit, W,i">. Ht>ouiiil inaotiiifiof thu cnunail.' All tbo uiHmbora jirwiunt, oxoopt J. F MilIeH. A. II Clarke, Enq.( of Windsor, and 0, G. Fox, Ehi| of Gouheld Kouth, mado ap plication ou behalf of the Standard Oil and Gau Company, of Enuex, for permiHtdon to lay dtiwn pipurf for tho oouvoyoueb of gaii oroilal.int( or acroiu tho public rondn of OoHlleld North. Ou motion tho rflijueHt wa granted ai.d by-law No. G7 Hiving tho dnuirod pormiii- aion wuh read tho ntfooniiary nutnhor of of throw aiifl piiHBod. Tbo f(*lloWiii(j ordor wan iiiHutul oa thu truanuror to rofiluoe'au onlor fur tho damn amount itimied on Oat. 2th, 1801, which ordor waa lout by Air. Itdey. .80, Iiiiiacltiloy, for oloauinfC ubntmotioim -from T. U. GH 5t.-uUliU:. D 6l, $%. _, '" Thoamouutato in charged an follow n, viz.: 9i to n i lot 10 on 10 and ti'i to u ^ lot IO, eon 11, .7 no. T. Bjiowm, Iteovo. Ihaac Jackuon, Clorkt The <T Public School Notca. in oorupletiug hia now for a wedding in tho MMDSTONE. John McDowell has beon beautifying hm farm by ert'cting a now windmill. John W. Kerr bonne. Look out' "spring. IUvival norvicoa TOiii start iu thiu placo Hhortly. Minn Gertio Barnoo has roturnod homo after upending a couplo of wcnkn with rel ative!! at North Bidgo and Ennex. Jamea Arnall utteuded tho CoiiHorvative convention in Windoor Saturday. Nothinj? like aiarliug young Juroon. About thirty-iivfc youurf people gathered nt tho homo of Mr. aud Mra. John Barnon, jr., on Friday night, where a very ploanaut evening waa upont iu mHiiio, reading, recit ation* aud jgamftu, it being thoir flrnt oc- caoiou to call on Mr. and Mr. Bunion, They nil went homo well pleased with tho ovoning'fl enjoyment, hoping to moot there Boon again. MAIDSTONE CROSS. (From a now oorrcunoiidout.) Mr. C. Collma, of Detroit, viuitod Mr. T Boston laotwook. Mibb Mary Lynch ii oponding a few day a with lur mother hero. Mr. Miko Soxton in quite id with la grippe and pleurisy. Vr. Dowar i* in at tendance. Ono of oar oldeat and most respeotod citizt'iio, ih the porvon of Mr. A, Hal ford, diod ' on Suiaday ,moraine, Fobraary 24th. He was intorrod in St. Maryla comctory, A largo cottoolirwe of people followod Ilia romaini to their lant resting placo. Hia wife and family havo the heartrolt nym- patby of all. May hia coul rent iu poaoe, MiimEUeu Doolan, of Chatham, ia tbo gunt of bor couuin, Miua M. Hcnrminv. MIbb Addio Devlin Hpont Saturday aud Sunday with Mies N. Moynahan, Talbot at root. Mra, F, McCloukey ia spending a few day* with bor daughter iu Tooumaeb; . , Little iSlmerO'Coni^olltU alowly rcdov. orin^ 'rnm a never* a>tw^;oE^puBunuruin, ' Mr. Theii; McCarthy bUrlinLbiH ipfaut child laufc Sunday afternoon. ' """'"" MiBit Ii.V.Mcdloflktiy vieiUcI Misa Dooley last week, ' Mra. 0. McOlorkey if tbo proad poBBeaaor of unotber fcirl, "little Mmi Madolono." ; Minn Willmrna' room; rnark>i poHniblo, 00. Obtained by highaut- ten . Aunib Laintf, Frank Gourlay, 47; Florence Staooy, -Hi; Godwin, Wiglo, h"; Nollio Hall, 4-1; Lorue SiflHon, -14; .John Domett, 48; JSIisi&Trowin, 4il; Gortlui Young, 42. Mies Kdgar'a room; nmrka.pOBHiblo.lOO. Obtained by hjghaKt ton of junior uoooud oliiM. A. Itubmaon,.aO;- ArBr-Htick, 71?;"~TWight- man, 70; F. Bnrdick, 67; C. Wiglo, 67; G, "While, 07; M. Robinson. 57; L.'Garrow 50; G Aobinnon, fiG. . Miaa Craanwollur'a room, Honior part uaarka ponaiblo, CO. Obtained by higheafc ten F. Bep- buru, 40; E.'Davu, 45; iT. Congdon, 4ti; M. ItiQliurdaon, 40; J. McCaffrey, 85; H. Crauti- wollor, 80; DoE. Ellsworth, 20; W. Davio, 28. ' Miia Slmw'a room, Sr. pt. aocond clap; marks poaaiblo 80, Obtained by higlicat ton :- David Walkor, 7o; Wlllio Klingbilo, 72; Minnie Buighman, 70; Goorco Dibbloy, 70; Cooper K )binBon, 08; Roy Sears, 05; Willio Clmtterton. 02; George Hall, 61; Charlie Vickors, 59; Earl Koown, 55. JSlJMi Buokloy'a room, part I.; marlts pog- a'blc 50. Obtuinod by higbtiBt ton : Rauior.-M. WywaH, CO; B. Elford, 42; F. Young, 'il; B. May, 38; F. Clarke, 38; G Leof U7: 1'. Dioki, A3; F. Brown, 30; E. Ir- wm, HO; J.'Siaaori, 27. ------- -'" Junior. E. Boamau, 42. T.-Ghiy, l}9; E. Buck, 38; P, Oliver, 35; U; Gh-.ti, 30:A. Puclilui'm, 20; W. Raraplo, 29. Priiicipal'H r*oin, entrauoo claim; raarko poH-ib!o 100. Obtained : E. RichardRon, 71; E. Luing. 70; G. Irwin, G7; J. Dolmoro, CO; S. Brown. 54; J-.. Hillior, 44; C. Baupb. man, 41; O. Labar, 40; J. Ed^ar, 34; N. Cotton, HO. AnaoDt: L. Wiglo and.E. Kainca, . Iutermediato fourth, aumo paper. Buaie Wilaon, .1.-!; Lilla Linob, 27; C. Srono, 25; J. Wallace, 11; Wra. Foltz, 11. Abnont: B. Thomuii, Jj. Roho, F, Adams, V. Gourlay, aud M. EIIiho.j. Junior fourth, marko posflihlo 00. Ob. tamod by highest fivo, E, Naylor, 5)); D. Robinson, 3; J. Dowar, o3; M. Millar, 44, Porcy Gi;baQ,'of Wba&tloy, in a lottor to the Toronto Mail and Erapiro, oayn that Mr. Olapp, tho patron candidate iu South Ebbox, baa boon put up by the Roformera uo that Cowan, thoir oaudidtiie, can boi elected. Hiram Walker "8 on a nro contemplating tho orootioa of an immonso toba.coo factory in Walkorville uud aro at present fjottihg efitimatea for tlio raaahinory. The firm for aorao time havet boon engaged iu tho growth of tobacco, and two yoara afto'eold their ontire crop to tbo tbbacoo factory in Jallotto, in tho provinoo of-.Outario. Last year thu market wait dull, and thoy hayo about 120,000 pounds on hand. They have conduced that tboro in a largo market for tho home tobacco m Canada if properly manufactured, Tbo tobacco ia made up in r>aakagH both for nmokin* and chewing, tho houyloHt hiiIoh arc in Quebec, the poo* plo thero prttforringtbe horao grown to the other, and bealden it iu a great deal cheap er. Tho Walkora aro, in a raeaauro, foro- ed to otigajjo in the tobacco.buiineHH, for it lHojlyin the aulture of t|u.tljat they can diupOHoof tho large quantilbiaatitiianur* from tbo cattle bafos. Thoy realise that tha oUauofN for aoPiiif it mauuraotmod aro far 1 hhtor 1,1)an hi the ijtoak. The pro- poseut worka Vill (five t^r>)jo'moafc to a large iiumber of pi-ople,' ak ' twice tbo Town Ham-, Cottam, . Fkh 2Um>, '9J. Tbo council mot purnuant to adjourn- mont. All tho memborn preaout except J. F. Millon. The niinutoa of tho hint roj;ular nonnion *)f January 2Ut, and of tbo special Boiiaion of February fitli, wore roud and wore on motion adoptod and Giuuod. Tho olorlc wait instructed to propuro a by-law formmti . new road diviaiou on tlie wotit town lino. Gordon Stood to bo pathraaBtor, also a by-law to forbid cattle to run at larrjo be* tweon November IhI aud May 15th. On requoKt of Mr. Holkie tho name of William Viokera was omitted from lint of pouudkeoporn for 1895. Tho narao of R. Banes wan Hubmitnted for W. H. Smith Iri tlio hut of pathmaBtoni. By-law No. 08 contirming tho appointment of municipal oftlcors tov tho current yoar wna then prrb od. In reply to tbo roqueat of Mr Gullivor,. Mr. Holkie was appointed comniiaaioner to uttend ta attend to repairo on tbo 7th con- oeflHion road and on the 8th cohcoHuion road wnatof tbe Hu^hon drain. On motion tho reovo and clerk HiRijod a putiuou to the lefiiolativo asoombly, aflkiug for jiowor to inako aHHeHampnta on a differ- out bafuu from that now emplayud. A written complaint waa made to tbo couuoilof the exiatonceof black knot in ohurry Injun, i but Baid complaint wan not siguod. Tbo auditors proaentod thoir report which waa laid ovor till no%t mseting of tbo counoil. Dio roport for tho repair of the Puce drain won a^ain laid over. E S. Irwin asked for a opeoia! refund of tho Hurplua on tho Rnnaom to those rate- paycrn who had njt bet-n boneflttod by tho amounts Hpant on tho Euaoom Hinao tho ongual ooHstruction of tho drain. Laid ovor. Tho followin^ordoru wore isauod on tho treasurer: 95, I. Buokborrou^h for tielf and wifo for March, charity. $3, J. Campbell; lor March, county. &B, T. Buvia, for March, charity. 63, J. Lyone, for March, charity. 93, B. G. Brookur, Btamps. . 51, John Hawkoa, valuiug sheep killed by doga.; 3.06( E. A. Wiiimor, costs m tbo Wort- ley auit.T.D.10. 91. J- H. Smith, refund error in dofi tax. S0.50, E. J. Lovelaco, anncoament noticoa aud etatiouury. ' 83, W. Moou, refund btatuto labor. 92, W. Sifioon, rofnnd otatuto labor. 612, Petor Inman, anlary aa uuditor. 812, W.B. Kellott, do 8115 03, ratepayers, eurpluH on T. D. 7G. 829.23, Jae. Bain, townohip'o portion of surplus en T. D. 7fi. 850, trojieuror of Mnruea, eharo on T. D. 70. . ;. 835.50, treasurer of Gooflsld South, oharc of Durplua on T. D. 70. Council then adjournod to March 30th, atone o'clock,,p. m. - Gut- Clothing Parlor Now Open for CuaineRs with a full *?(, and Drameiitio Suiting and PautUf^S which will hflj made to ordor in ftrnt-olmiH atylo at Ready Made Prices. Fit nuariiutoed tor money ro- funded. Innpcction invited. No, 19 Sandwich sfc , , directly oppoaite our Mammoth Clothing Houfle ..... '-gesto. -. Lawyer Rodd waa in town on Sunday'. Mr. and Mr. 8. Butt apont Sunday hore. Mr. Butt, Br., is tmfortunatoly ou tlio tiick Hut agam. Mr. Clifford paid Geato a flying visit cu Tuesday last. P. H. Cunuiiigbam, jr., ban taken Ida do. parinro from Gesto to livo noar Ruthven Mr. F; Gago has purolmBod a ufty-aoro fo,rra from Juo. Milno, Eq., of Easex- Acqulttod of IiiciHiultHvltiu). Montreal, Mnrch 11. John Robortaori, who wiw churgod with having sob flro t^ tho Mechanics' Institute buUdlno; on tlio ovonlng of January 28, ho having a wwk previously boon dllflohargod jis cjirotakcr, and lmvinp; threatened vongeanco, and noted vory fluaplclouwly on thoovonlng tbo library >vafl doHtroyed, whs on Sjiturdn-y acquitted in tho Court of Quoou'a Boncli, Judgo Baby charged Htrongly ngalnat tlio accused. J, *>. Ilonald Acqtilttoil. Bollovlllo, March 11.' John O. Ronald, of BruRRoln, Ontario, munufacturor of fltcam Arc onglnoR, baa beon acquitted on tlio cliargo of offorlnpr a brlbo to llobort F. Houston, roovo .of tlio vlllngo of Tweed, to induce him to voto In thu council for tlio purchoRO of a otoim llro ongluo of hiH (tho accused's) raan^facturo. A similar cliargo as to Frank CampboH, a mombor of tho council, was docldod in tho samo way, , j Ilwlf Calf, Half Hour. "Wlarton, Marcli 11. A farmor nambd Sam Wilson, living bIx miloa Rauth of horo, baa a cow1 which gavo blrtb te a f rtwtk a week ago last Friday. It was half calf, half bear. Tho hind logo aud foot aro a boar'fl also tho uobo and somo otlusr parts whllo tlio rosfc of tho body Is like a calf. Tho color Is red and white. It died last night. Tho cow has boon In tbo habit of foodlng in tho woods. , -' Wmit a Now 1'>iiii<]|iJmo. Niagara Falls, N.Y., March 11. Tlio Electric Light Company a"t Niagara FuUh, Ont,, wants a now frauolilso from tlio town for ton years although tbo ono H has now will run throo years yot. If itiirJ granted tho now franohhso tho company agrees to furnish aro lights for tbo muni cipality for $28.50 each per annum Instead of $35 as now. \ '.*' . A Yuluablo Doe: Imiiortod. Watford, Maroh 11. Tho colobratod rough coated St. Bernard Scottish Xioadorri Jr. baa boon eooiirod by tho Watford . konnolH. Tho animal is tho boat bred Ho": of tho kind In Canada and wolghod 107 . : pounds whon 20 months old and is greatly,.;- admired by all who havo soon him., Tho . highest prlco was paid for him of any do# ; Imported to Canada. ".' Miuli|iopuflr.Wl|l ?Jt Uuii. - '; Kingston, March H.-^Chas. N. Spoonsrv tlio noraineo'of tho Consorvatlyos of FrOn-; tenao for tho Dominion Farliament; has rcslgnod. Ho states tliat after consulting his family and Immediate frlo/ids and giving duo conBldoration to his own busl- nesfl Jntorofits ho cannot see hid ^.way olear to being a candidate. amount will bo rowo then an at present blood. Notblnc Slrnngo. lMtellignt people, who reabVo tb> im- jjprtant part the blood hpjds iu ,keeping tbobody iu a norwantcoothti0"' *nd n"*n* tutf "Bfc?ango iu tha i trtlttbQt < of. dlBeasoB Hood's Sarsaparilla ia able to cure. So many ttooblea raanlt from impure blood, tha bent way to treat them ifl throne". W& blood. Hood'a Sawaparllla vitalizes the mtnvov Murttur. I\Ir. Go. Ef. Bnrdnk', Po^traanter ami Mayor of'Woluuwl, On^,"aava'i /'From ex. ponVnpo ih wiv own family I oanhot Bpak ,: too bicbly of flUrk'w Votrdera aapieaaant, ; ihHTiodiath and pormartent^'ur* for Bfead-aehr*, Neuralgia, Biliounnea**. alu^ Xliveft*""" trouhl*in. lam also aware of eeveral 'ijf'* yeroiasfHin our own town and utiebbor- hood whioh have been on red by them alter tho patbnte bad offered for ytara, Vafl. tried ul! binds of remedies and , had beoo" treated by doctors, Oeo. H, Boegab. T,wo preparations Iu ahe box; nice io take. Sold by'wll medioino daalera at' 25^' *C *o1 ..l^^^:^^^