Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 8, 1895, p. 8

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Plip^^ ; :-;^m^ I,, mi OXIAl&PERSOM *iiK Miee BnoWoy "visited friouds in,' Windsor 1m fc waek. . i Hr. G-. ArForsytlie la in .Toroute this week on business. Mr. J. Gourlay, nr., was in Toronto on- Wednesday on bayinona. Mrs. Feudally, of 'Loaming'tnii, visited * at Mra. Faul'a thin weak. Mrs. Faul spent last woek visiting friends in Leamington. Mibu Btono, of Comber Fublio School, peat Saturday with trieuds in town. Mr. J. H. Nicholson waa In town for a few days this woek, tho .fluent of Miss MabalLaiujj. Miaa Ciortio.BaruoH, of Maidstone, vis ited Mibhoh Lilly Millar and Borthn Robinson last weok. Mr. R. H. Brett, of Amherntburj/, at tended tho funeral of tho lito Uri Roho held horo ou Saturday last. ^Wesley Brian, of Now York City t [Wd for tho past two wonky, Br Urn hero. Ii. X*ark, Of Essex, wora ^Vt-.H. Vaipattor'a on fayT Leaminglon Poet. Mm. A. Kreijihoff, who hati baou yiiiitiric friendfl in Kbhox tho paet two monbbe, returnod to hor home in Youi>utowu, Out. Mr. and Mrs. .T. B. Lindsay returned on Tuesday from a two weoka'- visit with their sous and daughtore in Detroit aud Horthvillo. Mm, A. Douglass, accompanied by hor iwodautflitfrs, baa bcon in town this'woek owiatfto tbe sorioufi illness of hor sinter, Mrs. A. W, Gardner. U!hu ttugfjio Strachan 'returned homo this week from au extended visit with friends in Blytho, London, St. Thomas and other poiuU oast. Hadwin Gardner, who recently injured himsolf vory levorcly by a fall on the ioy sidewalk, oontmuofl quito nick at his mother's residence, on Laird Ayo. Miba Floranoo Hartley, who liau bean Japendiufi several months vitutiug hor Bister, Mrn.G, E. Henderson, roturued to hor homo at PriodYillo, Out,, on Wednesday. Harry Wigle i ia town this wook for a brief vihiI. Ho holds a position witb tho JBlind Itivor Lumbor Co., otherwise Mosnrs. ilayooH, Fader, HodU iindWiglo, of Blind Rivets Algoma-diiitriet_ ..' _. ------ .__ Public School Not*. Principal's room, souior 4th; marks pos libl, 100; obtained ;- , L. WUIa. 7fc S:'Brown; 9; E. Lain*, Wf J. Deluora, 00; O. Baughman, 06; M. Ellison, 63; S. Wilaou, 61; G. Labur, 61; L. Liaoh, 60; E; Raines, 56; J. Mdtfar, 56; L. ttlMor, fig; O. Htone, C4; K, Richardson, 50, B. Thomas, 'iS; N. OottonVifi; .f, Wallaoo, -10; L. iRoio, iO. Abaekit I X^. Adama, und W. o <a^.-^9i3^^B^i^gKBea ','V A AUudtitoiio Farmer Xalco llnuu In- j.. Junior-ith; marka pohRible 100. Ohtajn. el by liiKlieub ten:-K. Nnylor, 70; II. ftfuuro, OH; L. llobiusou, 08; )fl. Booman, flfi; II. Bobuuon, 05; M. Millar, 01; M, Tor. ry, 04; U. Fiords, fi:i; B;'MoDouall, 6.1; K Jijllidoij, 00; J.Do^ar, CO. Mii;a Wilhakuu' room; marks poaHiblo, f>o. Obtainud by higheht ton . Arthur J:ru-> er, IIQ; Harold Fuller, n7; Riahurd bilae, l\Ry NdHHie Alwitaudor; yfi; ISthel Bun^h- man, ,'15; Arthur Goarl*y, 3C; Arthur Th-a- y-umuu, .*M; Wllliu Thoruo, 32; Howurd Garduor. 1; Lylo Looko, 21). Allan Ed^ar'a room; nmrka posalbla 100. Obtiiinud by hi^heHt ton of Honior aeooud ohms : B. Boverly, A3; L. Louk*. 711; 13. Johkaon, 72; J. Walker, 71; G. Grooa, 70; II. Hioku, GO; B. AUxaudor. 60; A. Wyman, 08. Mmo Hliaw'w room, aooond olnno; mu.rk poHtiiblo, 60. Obtained by hi^hoHb ton : Eforbio Alien, VM Dora Faul, JO; Ana How- eon, 19; Lor-a Allan, 30; Laura DibbUy, 3fl_;jCoil Fuller, U5; florbort Baughman, 35; liOUiNit Tmvia, SO. Miflfl Cmuawollor'a room, aeuior part Hficoud. markit pOKaiblo 60, Obtaiutd by hi^hat tou . M, Diokinnon. 52; E. Phillipy; dO; A.Naylor, 4G; V. Hioka, 43; W. Wdfo, dl; A. Wolfs, 4.0; D. Wifiht- rann, 38; E. Doraott, 39; 11. Davia, 37. MJhm Buokloy'a room, part I.; raarka poa- Hiblo 50. Obtained by highest ton: Senior. -id. Wyman, 10; G. Loo, 31; F. Clarlco, 29; F. Hart, 20; J. SiMon, 24; E. Irwin, 23; F. Yonug, 23; E. Bdittio, 20. J.nnior: K. Haonan, 42; A. Packhaw. 41; P. Oliver, 30; E. Gardnar, 30; S. Gri-an, 32; C. EvaHB( 20; W. Buruplo, 25; P. Baoman, 21________1 Kn>'tou VuKii 1'uittwi' UjiAJuBm, Witltyout* kind ptrmlauion I llltflt School NotoH. J: Mocikanlcs* Instituto. Tho last ontortainmont civen in tho reading room of tha InHtituta on.Friday evening. Fob. 32, van well attonded,p and a good program w*q prcfiontod, . Roovo Laird wan to have occupied ihe ohtur, but owinjf to his ubuouoo from town, Aldorraao G. J. Thorn an, proHidud in bin atond. The principal foaturo of tho ovening's prz^ram wio a half-hour's talk from Dr. Dawur, who took for his Mibjoot "Tho In fluence of tho Mind on tho Body/' aud bandied it vory ably, indeed, from a purely phyaical at&ndnoint. Othor numbers of tho program included an. organ nolo by Miae Millar; vooal hjIoi by Mrs. C. Whito and Mr, Shorrin; road- - .lu^s by Miuh Fjd^ar and Uian Naibitt, a recitation 'Tho Polish Boy," by Mian Buokloy, which waa excoptionally well rendered; a trio by Miaaefl Naylor, Rush, -and Hal], aud a harmonica solo with guitar nccompMuraout, by. Moanre. Ediaon Laii % and J. TnHoy, which waa vooiferoualy on. eorod, aud roapsuded to, Tho prosidaut of the Board of Director*, Mr. C. GraaBwellar, annouucod that tbe w-noxt Gutartainmont would taka plao* on March 15, aud would conuint of a debate, 4)t a reaolution, "That tlio Extouuiou of lb Frauahiao to Woman in Daairablo." MX'he afiirmativo to be sufltaiuod by Me^aru. G. E- Hendoraoa and E. J. Lovelace, and " th4 nogativn to bo taken by Mobbm. C H. *,J?allor and J. F. McQueen. Tho meeting r<^*^lofied af tor flinging, "God tiavo the Qiu-on.' Mr. Olapp u Tempomnco Man. Tho followiiije lattorhas juut boou ro- ttelved by Mrs. C. E. Naylor, of this town, *nd fully explains itself. TECuuawH, Feb, 23, 1805. Mfta. G. E. Nxvr>oit, Eimitx. Bftin Madam, Aa Patron caudidato for .ifce South Riding of Einai, I am iu reooipt ^i^jon* eaUamed favor of the 18th innt., ^j^ifcui^faia ou behalf, of the W. C. T, U. ^mfy'-vaj views are with regard to tomp'tir- '^iSboq/and e*pffsii; the bbpe that I am in ^fa^rorl'of thp ttol prohibition of the liquor traffic. ',, In reply I beg to atata tbatlhavo always -Iwwn acnaiateut eiipportor o[ tho temper. -ander movement. I btliovo that a great p.*ude*l of. lujnn m^ery m ouutod by the kquot traffio aud am ready to support any tnaaaute providing for total prohibition of -^both-fWo aalo and manufaotura of intox- ^ointfl.iaoluiattor from what party h may --ef^a&*rtMV9ri though it dooacomo up Vy we.y ofVSOTfrgri for want of oonOdonoo iu -the GoywrcfuTont, be' that Govornmonb Libri^ or ConBcrvativo. ,",y'. . Yauravery trtt:y, ,-:".:' j, S. Orarr, . r . tyjaj--------------T-------r- , HalpDI^ajo Boliiv^d m 0 Miuutea. <Ua* relieved iu 30 minutea and qaiokly -<juradby Dr.'A^new'p Care for tbe Heart .^^Ctaa eloaa oodvitto^e. J. Theme . Tho following is tho reault of tho oxam matiou whioh took plaao laat weok. Form I. Arithruotic; maximum 1G0. F. Arnold liti] P. Jaokaon 138, S. VVifiht- man 135. Literature, maximum 150. M. Jnoknon 121, S. Worthiy 120, ,1. Batten 100, AJgobrd, maximum 100. H. Ruanoll 01, S. Wightmiui 82, M. Juabson 0p_........____ Latin, minimum 100. J. Batton 03. M. Jackson 01, A. E. LainL' 7G. Drawing S. Ruunoll 92, P. Jaoknon 80, N. Sla'tor 82. Book-konpinp, 100. P, Jackson 90, S. Uufl9oll93, S. Wiehtmah 82. Ql Froooh, 80.-S. UasioU 75, 11. Trimble 0G, S. Cuuuingham 65. . Form 2, Algebra ; maximum 300. B. R. McMulloii 103, J. J, Boeraan 151, W. Wightman 148. .French, 200. A. Owollotte 153, E. Dor- sett 148, A. Hiulu 115. Grammar, 200. E. Dorset* 100. J. J. Boaraan 150, L. Milla 148. Latin, 250. J, A. Joues 107, B. TnrviUo 159, J. J. Bcemau 154.' ' Litorature, 203. L. Milla 101. B. R. Mc Mullen 100, N. Clifton 157. Arithmetio, 200. B. R. MoMullon 105, J. H. Quintan 152, M. M. Maxwell 150. Form H, Algebra, maximum 150. J. Mills 97, B.Lyppa 00, E. Smith 00, Hiutury, maximum 150. G. MoKoo 114, L. Mills 104, A. T. Cushinc 89. Latin, maximum 200. D. Gillies 131, M. Altworth 123, F. Leak 115. Poetical Litoraturo, maximum 200, H. Araold 140, G. MoKoo 128, F. A. Leak 124, Physios, maximum 200. G. McKoe 100, J. Mills 127, E. Raid 120. Rli o tori a and Grammar, maximum 150. F. Leak 111, M. Arnold 107, L. Roid ICO. Arithmotio, maximum 200. J. Mills 154, IV Lyppa 142, E. Roid 126. Euclid, maximum 160. G. MoKoo 143, H. Arnold 05, F. A. Loak, 05. Form 4, Gorman; maximum 200. M. Allworth 128. History, maximum 150. D. H, Trimblo 129, A. Gardner 111, D. Gil'lioo 100. r>rGillieu 103, A. T. Cuuhiac 80, A. Garduor 40. Euclid maximum 150. R. Barret 42, A Gardner 41, M Allworth 60, Political Literature, Maximum 200. D B UillioalGi, M Allworth 160, D Trimble 153. . Trijjonoraotry, maximum'150. M All- worth 109, D. Gillian 98, A Gardner 85. Frenoh, maximum^ 200. M Allwortb 101, B Campboll 140, W Cunningham 84. Pbyaioa, maximum 200. O Barnes 90, R Barret 83, D B Gillie* 82. BiliouHueHB should nt bo uoalsatod. To keep the blood pare it is neaeHsary to tak- epea-air exeroiso and koup the di|jotiv or^aiiB active and tho' sjfitem reular. A dootor sdvisos for a health iflving laxative tiause of Esoljay'a Livor Lozen^as, The proptriiee of Esoljay^ fjiver Loa- i^eu are tenia as wall as I ax at We. Tuose ramedies that are violubtly pii^ativ*, wnkan irtetead of atreHtjtbaii tho body. Eieijay'a Liver LoKen^ea are plaaaaut, harrulasa a'td effaotiy^.- 25 cents. RfAUUlKD. SQWtnKR rW. . H, . 1 taw, at the rexideboe of . 4jia b jd-j'a father, on the 26th L"eb.a Boujamiti A. , Sd'iireM io Carrie, eldaet dantthUr f Bl^ar A, Jeffary E94., all of Ohada. ; wnul'cl illio to .y a (o.v woiiIh witU rH|-*r:t to lliti iiiiiiun ot ihu Cuunty CouiHiil utita ^raiirfl to road hnpiovo- rni'iiiH, also as to Mr. Coatu'u uLtumptu at juuliAcuticn of^tliti ttumo. Tito G'io'J UouIh improv"mut ur^ituina tion in no lon^or u local matur, mit iu fust &nuu:i)ij Pruviuoiul iwpoitaijco, *ud it i* 1111 avidvuou ot yrent eiiterpriHo aud pro- tjruHHivoiiOAU timt the puoplu in Llin Toivd of Euriox und vicinity ulmulrt hn tho firt in tlio County of IChhok to titko hold of th liiatlui* 111 lli6. bUiiuwKH way they Iiavo done. Tlit-y ouitlit lo h ooiiKratuUtudahd uktuuur- avud. They aoeiu to auk on thw provrrb, "God hulps tboas who hn][i tboiuaelvi-M," and in tli spirit of th* Good Uoadw Ay\o- oiation and ita sympa.thi/.f.V!>t they will ul timately Hud that th waiitu af thu ^opli/, properly oxpruHnud. ar but th prophooy of the ftillllruutit. I waa planned to read your ouitanal whioh so dluturbtd thu equu,' niunity of tho Kuovo of Maiden, wiioau lonj{ opimlos to all the luoul paaru 10 the oouuty wako it appiar to mo as if no in*, inoi'u put out motive waa uuderljiny hiu opuleiitioi|i, for any purson whoaould wri'e as l>*< liuu hij plausibly writtwu, could have writiiii . lnuoli utroiiuur in favor of tli moyomont than u^ainak it for while Wa aro u]l woll, >jood uud true, law^abidinji oitizeuH, with good ri-Npoot for atatulory lawH, wo havo juut as frtuuh Tmhpuoi 'fpr thu lav qf uiiHtom aud pretiedsut, aud*'l'- lieWfit ro'b'fj an jjjobil aiid binding;, a'rid'tho oouuty of Ea^ax havo udapted it iu tliwir pmotico-from, as it wtiro, tuoo immgm.orial. Eveu after thuy paid tor lu^al opinion whiuh did uot juht concur with their pr&o- tiun, tlity Htill havo continued to ubberva the old rulo.of cualom and precedent, ?; %.Sc. C. lUbn.Hon'u, Q. C, opinion oh .UpadtLnnd lindgua in 18B8. Now, I do j.ot wieh to diffuse nor di- ^rtinH much on thin matter at prtaunt, but. will rofur to Mr. Conto when hu aajs to Mr. PuCuw that hu '>tarts from a correct aaiitsntion" [Tbankn for that admisHiou' "but you como to a vry incorrect aud nu- fair ooualuiiiui)," etc., but whan oucoura^e' ment und aHUiatanoe is .aakud wo umkk it frem the wron partira tba.CoHtity Coun- oil," Nov that is where I join issue .with Mr,..Cuuto. Tho Couuty Council aro the right par-lion tb ^o to, who, by tluur louu. prauticu, custom, and preaoduutu, luye continually iipejial grautu for Bpnoial work Did you not, when chairmajuuaf.ibe Financo Committeo in 1889, reoommeud a sjtooial grant of 9100 to Bauor Collate at Ijtoaey Point as an ^ccourafjoment ? Waii not the grunt iu 1891 to Colchester North, aud Goi- Gold North and South, an onoourogement to individual enterprise? Ilio special grant now iitdud for 10 but a Hupplummt to bosl individual effort by way of encour- agemnnt, and I maiutain it to be the only true way, which doas away with tho pooei- bility of any Doodling being attaohod to it. Any ^rant Kiyen in this naauoar is but an investment. tbatjwiU yiold aormsnsnt returm in nuiuberleai ways, both iooally and geuerally, to thecounty far what bnue fits a looidity must iudiroctly benout all that it is.oouucotol witb, Tno loaal is only the beginning of an expanaion, provid- inc it iu loadins! from eno business centra to another ou this road does. You speak of Maldon'u position. Well, it|is Rratifying to know of hor prosperity and oouteDtmeal, an aha is part of tho County of Etitx. We oan all rsjoiou with bar, but when yon say aha reoeivod no county aid, are yeu uot a tr>fl miiiluiidinc ? la it so loan ago that it has escaped your memory ike Kraut of #1.600 sho^et away back ia the aixtlas? You say tbat"Mal. dan baa sot asksd r beuped troui the couaty councilorothora." Woll, to that. I say Mulden has reoeivod ber full share uo- aordiag to ber teriitery, und sometimes contrary to by-law, as this extract from the Fiuauue Cummtttsu's report iu 1882 ohowa: *'Thu payment to Malieu'a trcaiurer of a lump sum ii> 1881 having been contrary to by-law." The Windnor Record reports the pro- cooUiucs in connection witu a bridge at Kilo's Comoro, which you admit did uot 00ma quite withia the statutes, but yet yeu aided it by your vote audi influence, and it K#t9800. '- " Now, at far Ualden' uot asking from o&hurv. Bid net Maiden grant a railroad bonua of #15,O00,and alio botfged aud aohum- ed in every way, to get it basic a^ain ? What would wa think of the individual a w 10 bu liberally eontributad tawards the favetliafef the H&A between Colohefater K i.rth and Gaaield North aa4 tho' otbar munioipahties, if they were to aalc far their uvjuey back beoauna they eeaso to live in iheneiehborbood,. or don't tase tk road. Uany who aulflnoribeel to thai, asd ta the ltts petitions, were only tenants, But a loughl Comparisons aru eaid to W" olioua. Iu oouoluslan I would say, don't item the tide af so threat a uavaraent by suob ape* atjua arfuweut.' The county couuoll has dincratlonury powers if aba aies lit to use third, and "wbeie there's; a will thera's a Wr,'.' is aa old proverb. If you would have us btlieve yon were as Bjaloun in all matters, aa in this, why do you uot raise your yolaa egainst the out* ratfeous ootid ml anion a oh&tu*d by eauaty ooamillors for BuporiutendinR ihe expand!- tors of the coanty'a share in the coaaty .."'." V '""':v: bridK<m? Why nr they iiiit'p^U'byper-, oonta^itt? F tii'iy tho ooono-'tiy pra'itiaed at thu Caiurd bt-iil^', Ih 1 ojiiutruotion of whiuh <.'oi. 91.0ii"2,70. and thn cotrimiesiouH wre $B2!e.2U;Kuupp'ebrld|{u, S103.34, 00m- Cdar Oiouk Btoe) brittle aotonaty, 9800 ippropriatlon, oommideions $'J70; tbo ouuaty at Its late nauaiou granted au additional 9150, and I pruftimu the uommishion mi '.hit will Ixi aiiothcr 850. Thesu woi'kN.gsb no liical aid trvo, aud thu roiufn horn ur jimt as ir^a for Maiden put>hh to t.r.-iVhl ovur an will tho/ie hrid^aH b.i. lutfroat 111 tlii-4 fjroiLt Provinaial inovj- infill in my only plea, Mr. Editor,for writ- iun or nntioiiitc y>j<ir uorroHpondeiit/4, uud my prayer iu that tho litLlc leaven_m.ty yet. laaven the whol k*a-ion and show to tho ' Dominion that w are a pro^rcDHivtf people, baoa'isu w s,r wilhujj to holft ourselveu. For Mia date of the flrut. aettletnont of .this aouuty, aud )U uutural advaiUa^uu, w have u.uoh yt to do to como lo whare wo should bo to khw front.. I am dear air Yours rpnalfuliy, R. T. 9kvuouu. MArusTONie, Mahom 4, 1895. New Spring Dress Goods! * l Policy. KniTin Fniiii Pniins. J)k,ui Hii, -In tho yar 1881, Jjowjh Wiiilc, M. P., of Mouth Eusox, dolivured a speech in tho llouuo of CommoiiH in favor of tho National-Policy. He aaid "Protect- Iiuh hmm tried over ftvo years," In the Hiiniu addruiiu hi> frui'kly* admitted tliat "wli nil know that wo aro 111 a depressed state at tho present time." But the Tories had repeatedly doolarud "that tbo N. '-P:; would rtmove cjprnuuion uud prevent its rot'irn. Mr. Wi^lo contended that poor oropa eauHed lite depression. Ha said, '"when ihey havu pooroiops aud have no money, seme people blame the National Policy for it. (Chuors) But if wo have a .good orop auoi-hur vnar, 1 guurantoo that you will ate tho National Policy como out all riyht.",_ Well siuoo 1884 wo havo had. several nood orope, but the National Policy has not yot enwe out all riuht. Will the ^rect ^uuruntor ploiuo explain why it has not 7 The many promises of its anthora and promoters . have have not boun voriliod during a trial of sixtoan years. Tho dupruMsion low prices of agri cultural proJuota tho exorbitant charges or tho combined aud tho exndns still exist. Mtfny persona.of varioun calliLRS, who are quito willing to work, are out of employ- merit, aud cannot proctiro thoir daily bread, Boup kitchens uro previded for the starving multitudsH in several aitics of the Domin'-- 1011. It wiu promised bv the Torion that "thaJJ. P., would furnish tbo people with tbe means of nupportiog tlieraHolvee in comlort and prosponty;"- Our public dobt waa ta bo reduced to 9100,000,000 by'this tirno. but it has uone un ta 9950,000,000. Suroly thofailuro of the National Pohoy may now be pronouueed complete Not- withutauding, many contend that the pro mi no that tho "N. P. would inaugurate an era of prosperity, und indefinite dur ation,'" bus been fululled, Even Cabinet Ministers constantly proclaim that wo aru living 111 tho halcyon days, which were long desired uud prayed for by the people. Tory politioiaua say they are amuzed ut U10 porsihtont opposition of tho uugratefnl Gritd, :' ------------------------....... . "Who'daily .at somo triHes point To provo tbo N. P. out' of joint.." But The Standard, which is an EugHeh Tory paper, siyw. "Tho glowing forecasts by whiotiibe National Policy was com manded to the country, have not been realized," Col. O'Brien and Mr. D:Alton McCarthy who'ware for some years supporters of tho N, P., now say tho name thing. Yet tho Empire just a little whilo boforo it amalg amated with tbe Mail said: "In thu main, tho expectations formed of the National Policy, have boou realized." Tho Empire was not altogother wrong, for thu Tories did oxpoot that by premising to iutroduao tbe N. P,, they would bo re turned to power they realised that in 1878 Thu Grits havo certainly realized just what tboy expeotod; (hey always believed and uaid, it would provo to bo a cigantio hum bug. Cottauitk. Cottam, March 5th, 1805. ARE NOW TfiXlftlilMNG EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS INT HIGH CLASS PARIS DRESS GOODS ..,..; The assortment includes the newest effects in Tweed Dress Goods, Cheviots, Satin Cloth, Silk and Wool Novelties, Venetian Mixtures, Black and Colored Soliels,. Shepherd Plaid Checks, etc. PRINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS! In this department business is boom ing. We are showing new and; exquis ite colorings from 5c yard and upwards. Fancy Crepons,warranted fast col ors, worth regular 25c yard selling for 12^cyard. _ ......- ^ * i The Great Corner Store, DIEB E L & B RICK E R. Have you seen the Solid Oak Fold- ijig Furniture we are giving away. ^ ii " ^i >(* _..: Public School KoiiortB. MA1UWTONU S. S. NO. 4. The position of each pupil has been de. terminod by the marks they obtainod in tho weekly examinations daring the last .month: Clans 5 : M. IJ. Rorko. Clans -i :-Wra. Mills, Ww. Alhaon. J. Ohristio, G. Allmon C. v7olt^, J. Hillier, T. Wiglo, M. Handoook, A. Bobson, A. Sobooloy, B.tfiloox. Class a: S. Kenyon, O. Wigle, E. Sohoeley, O. "P/iloox. Ciaa8 2. W. Swith, k. Joyce, C. Hil- lior, C. Smith, M. Bennett, 6. Hall, A. Hoatein, G. Christie. Junior 2nd: A, Lend on,- J. Barbam, W. riehooly, P. Wilcox. 2nd part 1st. H. Itobsou, L. Hillior, B. Allison, H. Christie, E. Beiauett, L. Hyland. M. Ooopsr. Engular a^toudunoe during month about thirty. No puui*ha.onU have boan inOioteel during the month. , J. W. Kotows, Teacher. a. u, No. o\ uAinavoxi. - Claas d, Literature. Mark* posslbla, 100; ohtalned-: I/. Greanway G9, J. Wyatf 61, B. Qpeenwav 6i; V. Jonea CO, F. Wileou u.: ' ' Claa 4, Grammar. Marks poumblu, 100 ; dUfeait^d. JV. Burton 57, J. Buun 7. ClttW 3, Litoraturo. Murks possible 100; obtained. J. Bonn G7, M. Hall oh H. Wile.ou 54, J. Greonway 31. ClaiJ'2, Arithmetic, Marks possible, 100;obtained. B, Ellia fi5, G. Wilson .15, Part.2nd olaa, Arithmetic. Marks pos sible, 100 ; obtninod. W.-.Cavananfjh, 50. .. .......Mihh M. BoTsvonn, Teaohor. ' . j>. --------------------- l5Rer MlnstrelH^- Owing to the doubt of a fow who have oaot a reflection on tno Essex Minstrel Club, I take pleasure in publishing a state ment of the ilnanoou of the olub, viz;-- Keservod tickets, 171..............950.85 Single tiokots, C8................ 17 00 AdvertinouaontH for programs...... 7 00 Total.........'......'..........583.85 Total oxponsBQ,................ 78,72 Balance ea hand,..............S 5.13 Auymombor of Club wishing a detailed etatoraont.may obtain same by. applying to C. Kricghoff, Manager. THE BELLE OFTHE EVENING. HER LOVELY PINK SILK DRESS, YeiiiijFuou ouHprltta'. We havo ine word of Alfrad Teunyaon for it that in spring the young mau'e fanoies lightly turnod lo thonehU of loye. It is siufiulir that the great laurata omitted to mention tho faot that it is in the s^riutf that a oonsidorible portion of the human raco turns to taking Hood's Sareaparilla. Probably nothing but the dffioultv of find ing a eood rhyme for that mvalwable re- raody doterrod him. Cortain it is that the old-timo domestic romedies are ^eaorally dieoardou in favor of th standard blood purifier, Uooda- Barsaparilla. whijoh has attainted the greatest popularity all over tba country ae tho favorite sprint; medi cine. It purifies tho blood and gives nerve.raonUl bodily and digestive strength. Eneljay'e Liver Lozenges do uot weaken one like pills, Eseljay's Liver Lozenges ar* tbe best blood purifier. CALL AT eM May's Bazaar, Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, JFanoy Goods, A few weeks ago a ball was given m a flounahinjj Cntaria town. Youth and |, ... beauty was filly rppresonted, and many of JN'Oveiues, thfl*ladies wore eliarmin(f costume. The belle of tlia eveviiug was a young lady of twenty yearn; she was tlia personification of uraoe and beauty, and won the admira tion of all who were present. Her brother, an intimate friend of the writer, told the following aoovet; "My sister looked charmingly beautiful at Mrs- Y 'a ball last evem. From what I had heard about her ball drees at homo, I fully expooted chagrin and disappointment as far aa I waa oonaerned, because 1 under stood she wan to wear a dress that had boon dyed with Diamond Dyea, "For eome timoahe had worn a oroam silk, bntit>ad become somewhat soiled, so mother and sister determined to dye it a luWt shade of Pink, aud I fully ex; peotod a failure. Ba^ora goint; ta tho ball I was called to s*omy alitor in her new dress, audi ooald hardly believe it was the oli elress re- dyed. Tha lovnly liRht pink wee a war yalloQS nob shade, and tho who!a costume w, becoming that I was fairily deliRhtad, Yountf and old at tha ball, were charmed with sieter'e Rood taste, but of ooursa they had,no idea that Diamond. Dyes playact aa important a park in tha-^aooeas of the oostnma." ^\ " - MoRtL.j-'Whenyoureclyo.aay valsiable material always use the Diamond Dyes, if you wiek iaoceas [ they nerer fail to give goed raaulU. 11 , * Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering. Yarns, Wall Paper from 4 cents dp. To Smokers To meet the wishes of their oontomsra. Tho Oflo. E. Tuokott A Son Co., LttL, Hamilton, Out., havA placed upon the market ,, . . A Combination Hue of "T & B." SMOKING TOBACCO This -supplies'a long felt want, giv- ing tho coiiaumor one 20 cent plflgi or a 10 cont picoo, or a 5 cent piooo of the famoua k%f!V & B" jb^apf pure Virginja<Tobacco.', : Tie tin Ug *T 4 B" ra irgiy

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