j:^w>ht "I^RBK PRteto- Mr. Unrconrt Gives an Account of His Stewardship. SURPLUS OFOVHR FIVE MILLION A Spirited I>al>nle In XVhloli Oovarnn>nt mul Opposition 8puknra and tu l'ntrou I.cudor Tulco Vurl Th Opposition full to Sea a Surplus. T6HONTO, March 1. Tho IVovlnoUl budRotwAa prewntod In Iho LiitflHhituro yostonlny. Tho Houko wwj crowded -when Hon. Hlolianl Ihiroourt torn to do- llvnr bin annual flimnehil H*jtUsnnit of tho affairs, of tho iWluoot)( Oiitairlo. Ho promised to bo brlofiind tomako hlflHtato- mont lu a. olonr and uniwirtlwui Hplrlfc, JIo boKim by quoting thKOo' flgurou na tho n- ueta of tho provlnwi: AsBKTrf ov run pitovmcii. . Direct hm-atnionta - - - $ 484,328 78 Capital hold and dubbi duo by tho Dominion to Ontario, bouHntr InturuHfc -- - .- - 4,200,01ft OK Dnnk-biiTiinutiH......010,(174 14 Total.....- - - $5,201,011! 07 mwMTiiiy. Hethon Atmouncod that tho lbibllltloH of tho province ut prowmt pnyublo wore: JUaliinco duo to mtinlctpalttlug roaurpliiH distribution - -S 1,201 .10 Laud improvumont fund - - 0,028 31 Ouoboo'H proportion of colloc- tloilH by Ontario ro Com mon koIiooI lands according to population, 181)1 - - - . 17,7fiK<'83' Total........$ 25,075 03 BurpliiH of lustits nftor deduct ing liitbllltluB prudently pay- ablo .........5,209,840 U llKOKIPTfl. Tho recolptft for 180-1 woro given oh fol lows : Subsidy - '........$1,110,873 80 though tho wvemmenfc had Increased the grauUyonr by year for education, njfri- oultuw, hospitals, oharltlos, and largs Ntiinri upon tho orootlon of tho DrookviUo wiyf tun, tho Government had hMU noon ablo to rednco materially each your tho total nxnonilituro. ' IjiHfc year they had snout $67,000 loan for nil purpoBoa than tlioy did In IfiOfl. Tho total rocolptw during 1801 (ucouutlod tho total oxpendlturori by 9U70,M>; notwlthHtandlngtho foot that tho haavy Hpwdal uxpoudlturo of- $100,000 hud Jmmiii made for robulldliip; Toronto Unl- vrIfcy-ua~$70a,a0t-to-rottTCTaUivarftW curtlileatoa and |98l,<uUntho now parlta- hiont buildings and tho Brookvlllo asylum. llofurrlng to tho incrouaed expenditure under Uio head of legislation, ho pointed out that tho buflfnofui had boon rapidly Knowing, more - roporte woro printed, and tho cost of printing1 bllln had iuurooHod, Ho elulmud that, nftor paying all dohta at pruHont payable, tho Hiirplus nt the ond of 1801 wan *r(2C0,84O. Ho, oxpootod to re colvo during 1895 oh rovonuo from crown InndH tftifi.OOO, from liquor llconaofl $2fi0,-. WW, and from Huccoatdon duties f 175,000, Ho oxpoolod to expend $8,401,005, or $111,- 757 Iohh than hint your. Tlio year 1895 waft commenced with a credit bulunco In tin! bankH of $diO,(l7-I In audi, Tho honorable gnntlomun wan loudly ap plauded whon ho rowumed hlH scat. ibonld bo purchased by tender and con* tract, unlORH tho Oovornmont wished to do an tho patroun did, buy direct from tho manufacturer, Ho al.no n^roed with Mr. Mnrtor tlutr. tho Govortimont wits not do Ingunoiigh for piiblloHclinolK. Ho thought that tho fifth form should bo In . evory Hohool. Ho regretted that [fon. Mr. Drydeu had luul ro for rod to Mr.'"Martor iu* lio had dona at London, hut ho regretted moro that Mr. Murtoi' had huiui fit to drag a porfoctlj pergonal matter tuforo tho JIouso. .Xiicre-wao-ar-pauHo of Hovural mlnutoa nftor tho Patron loader romimod -hl Hunt. Tho Opposition ovldontly desired thai aoino Government Kupportor uhoiild Mpoak next, tut Sir Oliver wished that the Oppoaltion powder whould be quickly ox- plodod and ho tboroforo piuied round tlx word and forced tho hand of tho Oppotd- tlon, Th* ftleral>r for Kutli J.unnrk^ Mfa WE ARE ,<* Siwclno grant - - - Intuvout on capltnl held and dcbUdUu by tho Dominion to Ontario....... Interest on inveatmonts - - Crown Lnndv Department Algoma taxc.i .----- Litw stampa ------- . LICCIIKOH - ------- . Education Department - - - Public ItiMtitutions rcvenuo - CaRiml rovenuo...... Toronto Ijiinatio Aylutn sale of lands ------ Morcer Heformatory- capital account, rotund re expendi ture .......- - Drainage .works iiKKOHKnionts. Drainagu debentures - - - tilo - - - JlreworH* Licenses (Tt.S.O.cap. 104, HOC 51) ------ - 80,000 00 a1.0,020 oo .f3,7ttl 07 1,057,5:13 70 2,108 03 84,007 50 277.S30 14 48,000 57 70,il75 Oil 283,004 01 0,000 00 40 00 12,1)87 13 40.Wir.il 7.GJJ1 71 B4.O20 83 Total........$3,450,103 100 KXl'MNDmntKS. _ ...... Tho exporidituro f<>- 1801 was made up as follows:- Civil government) - $ -i0rm~10' Legislation ------- 1-12,30323 Administration of justice 418,740 03 Education....... 08-1,550 80 Public institutions mainten ance ........- 750,083 93 nmigrution *-- - - - |J - 8,140 01 lAgrieulturo - - - - - - - 181,00-1 71 HoHpUals and charities - - 1H3.003 51 Repairs and maintenauco - 71,548 00 Public bulldlngH..... 305,104 21 X>ublic works...... 28,582 30 Colonization roads - - - -. 110,870 78 Chargos Crown hinds - - - 111,158 35 Bofunds.....- - - 21,143 30. MiKCiillaneous...... 20-1,849 80 Draiuagu dcljentures - - - 10,051 77 (Tile) - 25,800 00 Hallway aid certificate - - 147,515 2-1 Annuity " - - - 71.200 00 Brociv.villo Asylum -" - - - 107,820 83 Land improvement fund (special) - ....... 502 17 Stationery bought, $10,080 12, loss distributed, $10,510 0-1. 3,160 43 ----------Total------- - - - - - -$3,843,505 23 Tho cHtlrnatod recelpto for 1805 woro placed at $3,110,1172, notwithstanding tho faot that tho estimates call for an expen diture of $3,401,005., . l^ho rocolptH from liquor HconBOH had boon gradually upon tho dooreafio for tho KioKon that tho number o! licenses woro being constantly reduced. In 1873 ono Hcoiiko wjw Isuuod for every 200 of popula tion, whllu in 1803 it required 0-15 of a pop ulation to recolvo a llconBo, In 1888 there woro 1,707 porsonH convlotod of drunken- iiosH In tho provlnco, whllo In 180-1 there woro but 2,271, -though tho population had largely inoroosod- Utfnmr-w**o only 150 lloonftofl In Toronto, or 1 forovcry 1,208 of tlio population. In Montreal there woro 621 HfionsoH, or 1 for every 840 of popula tion. Ho then rovlowod tho question an to whothor broworo nhoilild bo required to pay for licenses. Tlio matter was hoforo tho courts yot, but would probably bo pot- .tlod during tho year. Two-thirds of tho . money that would coino from this Kourco would go to tho municipalities. Ho then dealt with tho law which had boon pasnod, calling upon tho holm of estates to pay BUccession duties to tho Government. Last year It had boon estimated that tho nmount of rovonuo that tho Government rould rocolyo from this source would bo 70,000, but the actual rocolpts were dur ing 180-4 $150,754. Ho predicted that In Ffuturo this amount would largely lneroase. Ho promisod that all money rocelvod from , thOBO.duties would Uo" BOt aimrt and ci- . ponded pfiTJ" upon Inenno. asylums, Iioukch for deaf mutes and institutions for tho tillnd. Ho thought that within th*eo ycarrt at most tho monoy received from . these dutlos would bo suulolonfcln amount '" to dofniy all tlio oxponses of hospitals Mid all otlier charitlos. Wlion tho Govorn- !' inont had proposed to raise a rovenuo from thoeo HUCcofifilon duties a cry had beon raised that It would prevent citizens from making an effort to accumulate. Tlio ex perience of similar legislation In Kngland -and--throughout Kuropo had provod ex actly what hod been demonstrated In Ontario, namely, that whllo tho govern ment was HUccoHsful In raising a rovonuo from u source that, was felt but little, thou continued to grow rich. Tho Prov ince of Quebec received last year from ' these succession dutlos $110,000; Now York Stat from tho same source last yonr ro- colvod $1,085,504, or ono-tonthj tho total rovonunoftho State, Thp Inrgosb sum received from any estate during IBM cam a T from tho county of Perth. Tho sum of $13,500 wan rocolved from tho estate.of an unmarried man. Ono*slxth of all tlio rov- li<' enuos of the province since confederation . ., . . .. . h-Vtad Iwon spent for tho malntemmco of tho ! ^oon years the cost of living Mr, Murtnr'u OrltloUtu, Mr. Martor upon rising to reply wap greeted with cheers. Ho complained that a greater time had not beon allowed the members to consldor tlio public account* before being called upon to answer the statement of the provlnoliU, treasurer. He thought that an unfair udvniitngo had been taken by the treasurer when lie only gave (10 hours tlmo to look into tlio no- counts, while ho had months to rovlow thorn. He thought tho berth of tho treas urer of Ontario' ono of the softest in Canada. All he had to do was to recolvo a olioquo of over ii million dollars evory year.from tho Dominion Government and another million from tho sale of lamlH. Tho balanco Wiis but a small amount and but little effort of tho brain or body was required to coUectit.^ It was not dilllcnlfc to collect monoy whon such a rich mlno aH tho crown hinds was nt hand to draw from. Tho oxpondlttirofl had doubled since 1871. Ho would bo told that tho pop ulation during tbo samo period had In creased 30 pur cent. He drew attention to tho fact that whllo tho population had only increased 30 per cent, tho expendi tures had Increased over 100 per cent. Tho cost of civil Government bad Increased during tho ruimo period over 500 pur oont. This was a very bad showlngand tho peo ple would hold tho Government to account for.-ita extiwyiingncn.1 According -to-tho- presonfc rate of expenditure, drawing as tho Government did upon crown lands and timber, it would bo but a short tlmo bo- foro all tlio timber resources of tho coun try would bo demolished and tliun tlio Government would have to resort to direct taxation to carry on tho atTalrs of tlio country. Ho mid that compared with tlio administration of tho John Knnd/Iold Mno- donald Government the Mowat Govern ment was most' extravagant. Tho treng- urer had gone to tho United States to make comparisons, Why had ho riot con fined himself to tho administration at Ottawa and tiio former governments of this province. Ho blamed tho government hecjui.se they allowed timber speculators to go upon tho lands of tho settlors and take their timber from thorn. The result was that settlers were not Ailing up our "northern country. Under tho Sandflold Ahvcdonald government settlors woro al lowed to use all tho timber upon their hinds. Ho maintained that though tho amount por capita for maintenance of public institutions in Ontario was less than in tho United States, yet It was not as small as it should bo. Ho said that tho government compollod all purchasem of supplies to go to friends of the govern ment. In this way a largo amount of money was uselessly expended. It was not tho proper business method.1 Why did the government not do as tbn Dominion Government did, secure tenders for all supplies and grant the contracts to tho lowest bidders, regardless of politics? Tint public accounts prove that tho supplier furnished tho public institutions of thn province havo all beon paid for at a much higher rate than they could bo purchased for In an open market. Tlio government gavo contracts only to their political frlondri, paid high prices and In return demanded contributions to tho campaign funds. If this system was continued It would result In direct taxation. What was tho succession duty but a direct tax? This was tho thin edge of tlio wedgo. Ho said that tho public schools of On tario wero being ruined simply bocnuKo tlio government dovoted all their money to the high schools. Tho public schools were not as efficient as theywore 10 yearn ago, they, had been continually going down; notwithstanding that 05 por cent, of all tho pupils in Ontario wont only to thcseSschools. Tho tendency was to mag- nlfygtho high schools to tho cost of tlio, public schools. Tho government grant to publlo schools was only 50 conts per head, whllo lb .was $1.08 por head for high schools, notwithstanding that but 6 per cent, of the pupils of tho province attend ed thoso schools. Ho wanted to iyyj moro money oxpondod onjtho public schools; ho wanted to soo hotter teachers employed In them and moro Attention paid generally. Ho referred f,o Hon. Mr.Drydon'a speech at London, ddrlhg which ho liadromarltod that whilo lio did not -wish to call Mr. Martor a liar ho would eay that if Mr. Marter spbko tho truth ho (Air. Drydon) wao n liar. Ho (Mr. Martor) thought that tho statement was indecent and unparlia mentary and quite unworthy of a man occupying tho position of Minister of .Agriculture Tho House adjoumod nt 0 o'clock. Tlio I'atron Lfmdftr Sjieabi. Mr. Haycock resumod the dobato on tho budget wlion tho Houso mot in the even ing* There was no applause whon the lion, mombor arose. Ho said that ho con sidered tho effort of tho Provincial Troas- urors a grand onn, Tlio speech did the Treasurer and tho Govornmont credit. He thought, howover, that tho Treasurer should not havo used in comparison the oxpenpos of the State of. New York as ngninst thoso of Ontario, slnco tho popula- thm of Now York State was 0,000,000, whllo In Ontario wo had but 2,000,000 of a (population. Tbo Treasurer had said that jouroxponsos'were but half those of Now York State. According to population tho expenses of Ontario should bo but one* ;tbird thoso expenses. He blamed the Government for nob having rcducerLtho 'salaries'of officials, slnco within the past in Ontario fC public Institutions. Tho per capita cost |[(/Jn Ontario for lWH-of inmates in publlo SstltutlouH, Including salaries of ofllcora tnd maintenance of the institution*), was $187.29, while In Now York State tho per |';; capita cat for- similar Institutions was Er$|&l77.' The salaries of all olHoialH In the *'?Aiitteri<jan 'institutions wore* vory much 1+Tfikr than'thow paid to CaHadlanff hold- had boon constantly decreasing. Wages wero loss and price" wero loss,' \yiy then should Oox'ernnipnt officials continue to have their salaries Increased? Ho had been upxloua to hear Mr. Martor's apoech, but when it wasdellverod tin found that it was simply a rehash of gpeechoB he had been delivering during the post three years. Ho agreed with tho jwlarof th ODPoaltioa U|at U bupdIIm Mr. MathoKou, tho now 'member foi South Lanark, then claimed the atten tion of tho Speaker and bogan his criti cism of tho finances of tho Provinco. Tin thought that tho Reform party In On tario had done tiling" that as individuals they would have scorned to do. Thny . had scattered the money of the people In millions among their own political friimds and had wasted tho timber resources of tlio country, lie pointed out that in the public accounts there were lump sums amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars said to be for meat and fuel sup plied public institutions. I In said that the accounts of tlio Dominion Govern ment were In detail, so that any elector could turn up and trace whore evory dol lar spent had gone to. IIo hold that the 'accounts as presented by the Government failed to show whether or not the expendi ture In the Crown Lands Department was on the Increase or decrease. The public accounts as presented this year, bo hold, were Minply In a hopohisa muddle, de signed for the purpose of hoodwinking the electors. lie then proceeded to ro- view the history of tlio Government since 1880. lie claimed that since that year the oxpondituro Inrgely exceeded tho receipts. These deficits had been made up by sell ing Crown lands. During the past nix years the deficits lias amounted to $2,070,- 000 and this largj amount had booU- covored up by selling the timber lands ol the province, and yet tho Govornmont claimed to have a smplusof ovur $^,000,- 000. Ho said that tho Provincial Troas- , uror hud claimed ibat the co.st per capita of maintenance in the usylums of On-1 tnrio was but $137. This ho denied, and' quoted from the rupnrts'of the inspectors to show that the actual cost was $114, _Jff_coi idem tied the Government for ex pending $240 pur head on boys under sou* tenco in the Penetnnguisheno reforma tory. Ho said that honest hoys, the sons -ofchjinbworkiug citizens, woro supported at a much less cost; there was not an honest boy in the province who could not be sent to Upper Canada College, expen sive as It Was, for less money. Why wan it that so much money was expanded upon these Institutions f Simply that tho poli tical friends of the part.v plight become rich by supplyiug provisions without ten der or coutruet. He claimed that tho.sur plus was a myth. Ho' took tho public ac counts for his authority, and claimed that thoy showed that the Government had ex- ponded since 1872 S7.ViuV,), whllo all their receipts had only amounted to $72,- 822,500, leaving a deficit of over $3,200,000, and yet they claimed a surplus of over five millions. Ho defied, the Treasurer to "show ..where Ids 'SuVplm was. The increase in tho expenditure of tlio Domin ion Govornmont during tho past five years had only been one-third of one per cont., while it had been 20 per cent, by tbo On tario Government. He gavu tho Govern ment credit for pushing tho settlement of accounts between Quebec and Ontario. Ho held thq Government responsible for tho present troubles iu the Toronto Uni versity, claiming that appointments had been made upon a party basis. Ho advised the Government to relinquish co itrol of tho affairs of the university and allow tho governing power to bo vested In a board of graduates. Mr. Conm6 In Reply. Mr. Coiimeo followed and said that ho agreed with the Opposition when thoy condemned corruption. But whero was lb found? Was it found in the Mowat Government or was It found nt Ottawa? Thoro woro no Ourran bridge or Caron scandals in Ontario. , Tho members of tho Opposition ab election times rushed into Algoma and condemned tho Government because thoy did not expend suulcient money thoro, and then came beforo tho House and blamed tho Government for 'spending tho money up there that they had. Referring to public schools ho said that If they wero to bo moro ctficiont tho matter rested entirely with tho pooplo. It was for them to eay whether or not a fifth form should be added. He denied -absolutely that tho public schools of On tario woro not In as ofllclont a Htato as thoy were flftoon yearn ago. Thoy would compare favorably with tlio schools of any State upon this continent. Ho also denied that supplies wore not bought by contract. Ho claimed that nil largo amounts wero by contract, hut It would not bo wise to purchase entirely by tondorVor'tontract. The markets might fluctuate and in c/iso thoy wont down, then tho Government would lose money by contract. It had been urged that the Govornmont had spent too muchjnoJifly in tho northern districts of Ontario. Ills complaint agaiuut the Govornmont was that the Govornmont did not expend suf ficient money up thero, and -ho would'bo surprised if tho Patrons did not support his demand that moro monoy should bo spoilt on roads etc, in that district; that agriculturists might bo kept ab homo In Ontario. Mr. Howlind mov.Qd-tha adjournment of tlio debute, and Houso adjourned at ton o'clock. " - Notoi of tho Houso, Mr. Hardy introduced a bill cntitlod an Act respecting tho verdict of jurors In civil causes. If passed this Act would provide that In. civil cases an agreement by ton of the twelve jurors will be miffl- cient to secure a verdict, Tho bill passed its first reading. The Attorhey-Qonornl haa given nofcico of a bill respecting tho consolidation of certain offices In tho High Court, Mr. Strattqn will introduco on Monday a bill to amend tho Municipal Aot. the trade in all kinds of .... BuiMinp Material, Woodwork Por houses, (plain and ornamental'). Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doorn, Sash, Chestnut Goalt . WINDMILLS. ' " "~ \\ o urv Bole Afjotits Iu tho County for T3E3C3E5 AER.MOTOR, Or Chicago, .which took Highent Awards at llm World'uFuir. . Cmi furnish" either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A wii imi guururitoH with every Outfit, Laing Bros., Essex. OHUROH DIRECTORY t MaTnobtto. ivory Bvn&nYWJMm;'ati<Uttov, m. Babbftth School at8i80p7t&rO. K. Naylor.BtiporinUiifr ant of BOboo). Kpwoitb Leaguepr&y)rtnMi' Tauiday evening at 8 o'clock, Gene/tP'bit] meet In son Tbundayevenlng. Onuxton or Enoimno Kov, A.Lj.Heverir.bv oatiibout, St. Pauls, Ebbox. viywo wrnbtr every Hundayut 7 o'clock, p- in Bandar School at 10 a. m. x'rlulty Ohurpb, North nidge- Divio* Morvtoan ovary Sunday at 0 p. m.: San- day School at 1.40p, m, Tbo pnblto arc cor Jlft1lyJaY.lt*!.________________ _____________ . -it y, y .-'if BY-LAW No. I'uKBiiYTKiiUtt. W. M.Flotalnff, Tiuto)" Br- vlooa on tiabbatli atll a.m. and 7,80 p. m. Bab- bath BohooJ at 2:B0 p. m, Prayer UKetlugaad Pantor'abiblo olaas on Too*day at7.30 p. ;m* BoolnJ Union on Wednesdavat b\15p. iiirniT OutjBon. Kov.M.l*. Campbell, Paa- tor. BtirvlooH uuab Kabbntb nt 11 u, to, and 7 \>. in. I'mycjr.'iiimtthig on Wcdnoddny evening ut B o'clock. Hoolufreu. All aft* vortUaity weC- coniud, ltd id Ah OatuoUO, Fr. 1). V. ML-Moimmln Pastor. Her /tot- every othor Bundny atB.BO u, Sunday School at dp. in, , Captain. Tburadfry . vonmga; * roe ano Mirny, Huturday uveiilnu and ii pin. Bunduy; IIoIIuobm uicetlugB for obrintlurjK l-ildtiy uvunniKiincl II n. m, ' "3 'if ' -u ".1 HxttVXTion Ahuy. T. II. Mcfjood Halvatiou iotbiH8 on Wodnoaday, uiid Hutiday ovoiifnga; Free and Kimy, Huturday day; Knuo Drill 7 u. in. uvory Bunday. Hud. All are LECAL. T Xj. PKTKIIB BiorrlsUr, Bolioltor, Notajy 99* Publlo Money to Loan,, Oflioe oter Btruthora' Dank. KHaex Oeatre. EA. WIHMKH; tTarrla Publla Aa. Moneyto atan Itlock, up'HlairK, KbhoI. [tary Vfti iMi CLAUKE, UAHTLKT Jk MAKTJCjKT, llnxrit toru, oto. OfllOdM, Mndbnry Blook, WlndM PrlYaUi fundB to loan. A. U. ChlUKK, Ii. h. II. N. A. hXUTXMVt A, It. lUllTJMiT, 11. A. HENBY C. \VaLTK11B, Ij.r,,B.f Attorney and Couimelor ut law; with AtkiuBOu&Ualcbcw* OonjfrudB nt. went. Detroit, MIoh. (Canadian olnluiH tioiiiniit pemouti lu U Unltod BtaUii colliu tod.) ItuforouofRi Iumuiial TJuiik, Kmtox.Oiit. ' J. h. Potora, Kwq , Ilarrlntdr, oto,, KkboX.O* iu.K. Wltittior, Jbh(|., IJari-lster, etc., KbuqK.'Oi MEDICAL. A HY LAW to inovido for tlrtiiuat'o worlt in tbo Xownnliip of Mnidntono, in thp County nt hihHi'.i, and' for borrnwin'tf on tlio orodit of th municipality the mini of 5220.80. Pro\ ieinnully idoptod the 17th Dny of Nov., A. D., 1801. . Win; itkam, lU-m-y I'ovrel), owi-cv of let 2(Mn tlie 6th con. ol the Towmdilfr of &IaldBtc)io,nervd n|ioti tlio H-ur Icipal cmmoll of tbn mild lowiinbip, a wrttlon iiotloe that tlio Pneo, or No in Tup Ibnln, oi)i;iimliv cotiBtirii tf-d uiidur tbe provJidoun of tlio Ontario DndnaRO Aot. wau much out if repair, i*iid rctpiiifctiul that it he n*pulrnd lniuiGdlatoly and io piovent draiuugo to bis landHby mi <tv* iib'w nt witter from tbn mild dviitn. Ami \\ inuiKAH, tberoupon the t-ultl council biiu prooiird an examitiatlou to bo made by J.B, li >ird, T JiM bwin^ a peruou oompototit fur Hiich purpouo. of tbn didd aron proponed to ho n nt'icd ii nil tbft hi mi UHftii((Rfiut ed for the drultnifie thorenf, and of other Inudii and rondu ll'ibjn 'o iiHkcmnri-1 l under tbtn iutt, and ha abio proeinrod platin, npaoinoutloiui and eatlmaton of t\n 'liiiJOHiiu wnrk in bn mudo by thn nuld J, H. Litlfd, and au oHitouflment to he mdo by him of t-ie larjiln mid rniiili) to be boneflttod hv aucii dialuar,'o work, and of other hmdn and roatlH liable for ooutribtitloti thereto,.atiitbur, uh ncnrly im lu* can, tboprooortlon of bene tit, outlet liability and injuring 1UI llity, wlitoh.In bin nphiieti, will be dunvr.d lu oonn^tiuenopof Rueh dralna^o work by evory road or lot, or portion of lot, the Biild umioaHment no made bMne t'10 a8Heanientborelrjafter l-y tliln ny-biw eiuiotnd to bo iumtnaed and levlod upou tho rosn\a aud lotH and parte of lotu bora- imifter Ju Unit l>e)iiil|.eHi)eofally nut forth mid iloucrlbod, and tlio report of tbo iiald Jan. B, Laird, in rinprct theriof, mid of tht* fluid diuluaije work, beinu ay follawa: To tbo Peeve, Doputy-reovo mid Couucilloru of tbo Townaliln of Maldntone in Council anaomblod1 Gknitxumisk, lu accovdauco with inatruoiiouH from your bonorablo body, I have takon tho notloo m^iicd by Honry Howell and bitvo oxamlnfld tbo No. 10 Tap Drain, known aa tbo Puoo Oraln, from Iho ttiwiilino hntwneu ftouAidd North and Muldntotio, uortb uI0K tbo centre of tbo Ktb con , Miiiddtono, tr tbo MiiUu>t) road, imd lii-K to roport thereon an follown: I find that, tbo imid drain wne eonntructud about 111 vearn n((o and tb. t thoro ban beou nothing done to It nlnoe, imoopt a fewloi;n talcun out ovory'fow yearrt. I uluo.dnd that tho nald drain in roBtI> filled up and in nob In.nood of tinprovommit. I find that thoro aro only about ytSO aoron In tbo ariid'town- (.bipof Mafdntono that nan uflo The nald dratu, and nomof that to a very olfolit o^tout. Thore an' 7^0 aaiontu tho Towni-hi)) of Oonfitld North nud'Jlfl uovoh In tlio Town of Khkox that will uao ^____ Hitid drain ilirouiilioiit ltd ontJro lunutli. I find that It will coat, all oxdoiihoh Inoludoil^eVfiVrto-rTVRHTiTlWAu* Mnnvw/ri,' ' ~" put void drain In u Rood ntat of repair. Of thin umount I have taxod the Undo fu Maldntouo for \J *'* "*' aiuniiiWAiij. P, A. Dkwi. M, D. G* M., P. T. W^fc - Oradi* - < ato Trinity Univorfllty. Mombor College Pbyi lofarjH aud Burgoono, Out. Xtonldouoc, Talbd St. East. O. MoKknmib, U. D. o. M., Fellow Trinity Modloal Collcgo. Graduate Trinity Unlvoraity Honlilouco: Talbot Htroofc, wett of M. O, M, OUIcohourfi^StoOa. m.,1 to 3 and Ctoep. w. >U EN, M. D-, Ii.-n. O. P. A B.,lKiuHH Hfombor Oellej/o of Pbyttiolune uvil Buy- Out. Gradimtoof Now York, I'antGrad> Mcdlcnl Bohool. All oalln promptly ot to. Aleo miocfal attntion given to dinouBAHof tliolungu, throat, noao, oyo and oar, OOlco ovor Krien & Co'b. jOrug Btoro.andall oallfl, night or day, lurt thoro. Telephone in connection. N, II. Consultation rooms ground lloor and flrat flat abovo. ; -OL ato tJwdod irnrllt with StiU-IO, mid for outlet banrflb with $1 .'17.-10; tlm lands in Gognold'Nortb for outlot $'iQ(}Q. and ibo landn in tbo Vo\/h of lZunax with dl!M OS for outlet. Aoaonipanyluu you will find plnnu, profllou. upcolfloationp, Rftn(JH(>uiculH, entlmattiK and all othor papor* noceaiary for gnld inicc In tbo clunmngout of tho fin id drain. Thin drain uhal) bo kept in repair by a tax on tbo landH and rondo nowaauounod, and In tbo namitpronortl'-u, oxof-pt iho onidacor In obargo of tbo cleaning out In of onlnton that tho proportion ought to buchaiiGfld, I have tbo honor to bo, gontlomon Your obodiont norvnnt, Kiinox, Got. Jut, IfjOl. JAB. B IjAHID, P.Yj.B. And WnEiiKAH, tho uafd drain Hhiill cxtond from tbo townllne botwoon the Towiudilpa of Maidmononnd Goiiflold Norlli, north through tho contro of tboGthcou. of Uaidutono.to tlio liouth nido nf tho Muldou 'fad, a ilJitunee of 010 rodn, and ahull havo a bottom width of 0 fcot through out Iho ontlre length. Tbo depth of tho nald drain nball be an follow*: At atako 0 (planted at tontli end) 4'70 fot. stak" 3 6 ]o foot, atako 3 4M, stake 4 i"10, stake fl i'b&, etako ft C'10, Htiiko 7 4'tO, nt -ko 8 -PHo. stake 0 -I (in:Htako 10 1 m. dtako 11 f. 10/Btuke 124-70, atako U O'ifi, Btako 14 0B, ntako IRttO HtnliA 10 !rM>, DtftkonK'<niMtaltelBmrstako.l0tl^B,BUko-S0-li-0, Ukfl_aUil:C0, atako 23 r.-in. BtakoSaBGO.HtalioQtOOO. atako 25 fi'W, stake lia &'H0;. atako 2fl 8B0, ntakoas B7tt, tako SO -J'Ofl, nf-iilio HO 3 00. Htal-oSlfatUaltion road) 4 80, and aha 1 lmv* au oven alnpo from tho top of tbo pr< Hent (lltcli to tbo bottom of tho flnlabod one, ' And Wnuni'iAB tho mnnlolpal corporatlona of tbo TowinblnROf Maldntone anil Gonflold North end tho Town otKuwx aro imoopood lor tbo repairs of the said No. 10, or Puoo Drain aa follows: . Muidgt.niK'.'for bonout &i>2,'0, and for outlet SIBV.-in) . Gonflold Ncrth, bonoflt 94 00 for outlet $880.10 I Total $7K7.00 Town of EtLBtx, for outlet 81B4W I And Wiiumua tho eald Couuoll la tof opinion that drainage of tho aroan oeuerlbod la do- iilrablo. Thareforo Ibo Bald munlolpal council of tbo raid Townr.hip ofMaicatono, purtiuaiit to tbo riroviaionn of tbo Drainage Aot, 1804, onaotB an follows 3St. Tbo Quid report, plann, npioifloatiouu, nnac'Pnmentn and ontlmatcn aro hereby odoptod and tbo dratnago work an borolu lndfoatod and But lurth nbull bo mudo and con o true tod in aauordance therewith. 2nd. Tbo Iteevo of tho eald Towmbln may borrow on tbo credit of the Corporation of thn nald Township of Matdntono tho hum of 8220.8*1 bolrg tho funds nocoHBary fcr Maid- htono'n portion of tho coat of repairing tho mud drain, aud may iauuu debonturon of tho Corpor ation to that amount, in buiub of not Ices than 350.00 oaoh, find payable within two years from tho date thereof, with Intoroufc afcthorato ofO per cent, por annum, that into Bay, In two imitiilmcntfl, such dobonturea to be payable at tbo Imporfnl i;ank at tbo Town d( Ebbox and to havo attnohod to thora couponu for the paymont of lutoreot. Hrd. For payhtK tho-Bum of $09.40, tho amount charged againnt tbe-sald landn and rads lot ^oneflt, ut d tbn cum of $187.40, tho amount charged againnt tbo said lands nndrondii for outlet Uiihjl ty, aud the rum of 9 , tho amount charged against; the aaid lauds and roads fo Injuring, li.bihty, apiirt fu in tho lands and roads bolonulng to or emit rolled by th< munioipulity, and for cmvi ring lntoroo: tboroon for two voars . nt tho rato of six por cont. pur annum, tho total iipcoinl ra(cs, ovor and abovo nil othor niton shut 1 bo aflBoaaod and lovlod (In tbo nauio maunor and at the rutno tlmo au taxes are lovled- and collootod) uiton.tbo undorraontlonod lots or parts of lotu, and reads, and"1 fho anioutVt 'or tho said total spooial niton and Intercut nball bo dlvidod into 'wo i nun] parts, aud ono rmoh part uhall no aasoBiiod and levied as aforosnld, lu oaoh yoai for two years oftor tho final paaBlnB ot thin by-law, durlnfl which tho said dorontureo havo to inn. nffleo fn Iniperinl Bank'blbok, round floor* uoxtto Thorno'sdrufi Htoro. : Tolephonoin oounaatiou with oflloo and roal- dencn, Ordora loft at Thoruo's dru store will be promptly attended to. DENTAL. HP, MAKTIN.D.D.B., L. D. B. Graduate a In Dentistry, Boynl CoIIone of Dental Burffaons, Ontario, and Onivorsltyof Toronto. Oborflfls, m odor ato. Ofllco, over Brian A Go* driiH store, 18-ly . Sohodnle of Lands AHHCBRod in MuidBtono, for the Puco, or No. 16 Tap Drain Repairs Cm O V. 4> i- O < a (O 0 "si > ^ or \1 r, 4J c "BP? H-l ^ ^ s o td at: Ol *7J ^ ' ^^fl^G..... r..w...??. <0 9' "3 > 0 37 (No O l- a S.2S 9 ttl cr 4-1 43 Ll a eA bh A E a Met NTR 2-1 w ^ UG w bf 25ohf 20 w hf 20ohf 27 e hf 27 w hr 28 w hf ., 28 o hf 29 w hf 20 o hf 28 pt w hf 2B2 n pt 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 on 07 814 31* , 1 8i:i GO 13 00 (100 12 00 bOO 0 00 13 00 1200 COO 4 00 2 00 DO 80 *'4 11 00 JO Total onlanda..........03 20 Totul on ronjfl.......... - 15 Q0 10 00 18 00 15 00 2 09 ibo m 108 V 817 CO 231 fiO (SCO 27 00 0 00 COO fi2 00 60 00 - 000 19 CO 2 00 eo Total on Janda and roads 93 20 ISO 00 228 78 1 08 229 80 818 02 2-i 20 0 18 27 82 0 18 0 18 63 60 0180 0 18 19fi8 2 00 a oo 82 235 04 1 12 . 8 9 01 12 10 .3 00 13 01 00 3 09 26 78 110 90 a oo 0 IV 103 1-58 41 117 82 50 w. VETERINARY. II. KIOEAIIDHON, Vctorinary Bnr- Boon, Grnduato of tho Ontario Vctor inary Collr-flo, Toronto, troats all dlsoasos of domontioatod anlmnln. Tolopbono In connec tion, liontistry a spooiaHy, lUsMonoo, four doom Bouth of Grlat Mill. Ooloo in jiostonioo buildinRjInflrmary dlrootly opposite. BAKEjn TIIEoldost husfnoAs in town. Kstabllabe 1876. Flrst-olasR broad and oakos of J> kinds, Weddlngijakos a speolallty. Qroooriea- firovlalona,flour, food, salt and pork. Ooufetf- lonory, orookory^lasawaro, Cannod fruits andi vogotabloo of all. kinds. Goods promptly j liverodtonUpartiioftho town. J, U. niOKB,. JOl-tf T 0t L* 1 0 00 230 70 118 08 the Fined for I'uraoimtloti 1m Mjcnrnv. MoKTitEAb, Murcli 1. ni tho Polica "Courtrj'cRtertlair John CoIIIuh mid Wm, Kelly woro arrnip;nod in .connoorjon with n civil Horyico oxnnilnution hold on No- vombor H, 1898. Cotllus had paid Kolly f2B to poronnto him. .Kolly had puwaod In Collluu' kiumo, and Collhis hail #ob a poBltlou in tho postal service, ' On the 4tb. Tor payina tbo sum of l 08, the amount aasoBsodiiKaliist tho said roads (and- lands) of municipality, and for covering Interest tberoou for two yoars at the rato of six per cent, nor annum, a spooial rato on tho dollar, uuffleitut to produoo tbo rceulrcd yearly amouiit therofor, cliall,ovnr and above-all othor ratoMio levied and oolleoUd (Iu the laraamanner and at the same tlmo an toxoa aro lovlod and oollootod.) upon and from tbo wholo ratonble property of the Bald Township of Maidstone in oaoh year for the period of two years after the final paaslnjr of tula by law, during which tho said dobouturoa bo*o to jun, ' , J .... , , ., 0th. That J.H.Lnird.lMi.B., Is hereby appointed ooinmlBaloner to lot tho oontraot for^opnlrluB said drain and works connected tborewitb, by>ubHa to tho loweBt bidder (not exceeding tho estlmato); but evory auob contrabtor.with twWood and Bitlsfaptpry BuretieH^ihall be reouired forthwith to outer Into bonds for tho due performuW( and eomnlotloa of contract noeorcllnff <o said plaus and Bpecifloatloua, and within the tlms m\nenod within such bond, unlofls otherwise, 'ordered by tbo oounoll: and It shall bo tho duty of sich oommieBloner to oauso.eahjr drain abd worka oouueotsd therewith to bo made and constructed in accordance; with suohplans nnd spooifloatlons, not later than tbo A. D., 160 , (unlasa othorwiso ordered by the council) and to rant oertlfloato^ to tin* ttaeve from time to tlmo to oaoh oontraotor, leu por oont of the amount duo, until tho oobtraot is fully oomplfttod and duly aoooptod; and for duo porformanoo of those and all other duties of com mission or, the nald conimlssfouor shall bo en titled to resolve a commission of por cent on the actual opsfc of the work. fith. That tho Commissioner bo required forthwith to eater Into bonds In tho sum of 6 for the duo oomplotiou of the woilc according to the plans and specifications, and within the tirao opooifted In such bond.. ' ., 7tb. Tbla by-law phall be publiahedonoo in evory week, for four consaoutlvo wooks, In tho Ehhkx FinsM rniflBH, uawanapev, lmbliihad in the Town of Ebbox, and shall como Into force upon and after tho final paulctf thereof, and may bo cited the *Tuc, or No. 10 Tap Drain Kopalr* liy- BOCIETIES O. F.-ENTERPM8K Lodfie No fl. mootaovory Thursday, evening at 7.801a. Iddfellowa BolblnthirdstoreyDnustan Elock- flsltlnffmomheraufothor lodconwill rooelvecu ^rrffcoftfal...walionie. J..roiINfeTON. N.a. OENTItAIi KMOAMPMKNT, No. 80. meets Inn Oddfellows'Ball, Duuatan's Blook, on tbo first and third Tuesday ineaoh month. Visitors uoi dlally rooolved. MomborBof subordinate lodge* In tli*, juriadlotion, invited to join- 0. HANNAN, O. P., Q. F. HIIiL, G. B. 8RBX CEJNTBB LODGE, No. 10, A, O. U.W Hoots Hooond and fourth Mondays in eaob month, in the Oddfellow's Hall, at S p. m. Vlsltlug brethren will bo given a fraternal wel< como. JOHN LAING, Mastor Workman O. U. FULIiKB, lteoorder. IBE IHIIGADK.-Tbo Fire Brlgado mwiS uecoud Waduesday evening ovory months at 8 p. m. lu tlio councfl cliarabor. All flr^man roquontod to attend. J. MoMTJltBAY. Ohlefi J P. McQUEEN, Seorotary. .--------------------- COtinT lioYAli, NO. 319.1. O, V. Moots aodond and fourth Tuesday's in sack* month In 1. O. O. V, Hall at 8 o'clock-p.Ui. Vudtiugbrathurn will bo given a frnUrnal wel come. E MaOauRland. O. It., W. O. Shaw, Booy.. M.J.Wlgla. O.D, H. an. 1.AND AND LOAN AGENTS GEORGB J, THOMAS, Convoyauoer, C0n*i mlssiouer, In High Court of Justice: dealer in Heel Estate and Mortgages. Money to loan' at tbo lowest rate of interest* Farms bought and sold. Inauranoe taken in tho moat reliable companies. Drawing of deeds, mortgages and. teasos a specialty. Charges moderate and all business promptly attended to. - Call at the' Ocntral TolenUona offloe. EuboxCentre. tW-ly marriage; licehses. '. i'j w. D. BEAMAN, )hw." ?'q M. Moll tf OH, Olork. GEO. A. WINTEUUTE, Iteevo. X nuMWYOKiiTiyy that tho forigoiiig Is a-true copy of a Hydaw_ provision a Uyadop tod by the moidolpal council of the said towuidilp. Uaidstona on 17tb day of Nov.. A. D. 1604. , M s U, MoHUGH, U'owuublp Clerk. NOTICE. Issuor of Marriage Llconees. Insurance a Bpae- Nlgbt office at Dwelling. "T TALB OT BTBEET, E8SBX, ^J,_________________;-------------------------- . Issuer of Manitgo Ziloense*, Geeto, Oht. MBAltBETT. ^wum u 4u*>*< Commissionerlr O.J.,6to. MAltHTAOB Licenses or Wedding King* cok bo procured at E, L, Park's, the old Y+- liablo juwoller, Essex, Out ; v JAMEB 8, L'AIBD,ProvinojujdLand Survojc* and Connty EnprnewyBfteeVOentre* Ont Office. BunBtan Block, npatoh% NOTrrE Is hereby fllv#u that a Court of Baviaion bald pursuant to tho provisions of the Drata- Aot, lfilU, for th bearing an J trial ot appeals mudo against the above uNUUMt oxmj pari thrreof, will hold ita Orstslttlns nttheTown Hall, Moiditone. on Saturday th* Ifltb day of March. 1803..at tha hour of 10 c'clook, in the Torenoon, and that any person intending to >Piju uKair-ofc the abovo BoaoBsment, or any port tbweof, must, not tutor than ten days before cue unaw fixed 'or tbo holiHnc of onM Court, eerv<* on tho Clerk of this Unnloinallty, a written notice o snob appoab or othurwho he will be tod late to bo hoard in that bhalf. . And furtbei uotU^o Ik hereby bItcd that any person Intending to make application vo kav* - , such by-law; or any Part thereof, auoahod,,mus .i.uot lateh than ten days after tb JnU V*ff* - fraud beliig diacovorod fowr months niro.'! thereof, oervc anctfea In writiognpon tho.Heeve pr otkorbd 9*?***t <s *P*? T1 flollbiH wail Immodlatolv dlaoharo-fld imdf '* MnBlofpality of Maidstone, of his intention rto make applieattob ?' "j^mjom.w fined$2Sortwo months and Kelly $50or Dotodot U*UstMMm IBih4*7^Veb;, 1M3. ,';.'.". i tha oiwk. v^ YOHN A* MAtCOOK, ABCH1TEOT, Ac toom 10 and U, *)**** %A&orf 0nt ThonofllO- rtM' ^SMkiMmk^ .' i 1 -y^M^