ih" -......>i -THE- ESSEX FREETRESS sasax. 03STOVpubMshod Every Frldoy Morning From tho cflico iti the luduatrial Worlia -- Boildintf, Talbot Kt, Special attention in paid to thu publica tion of matter of loaul importation, noonr. ate and reuablo ronortH of Town, nu'lidibor* ing Township and County Oounoil proooud- infis, iooal ind county market roportit, utn,, the caref a, and judioiouH nmuaH"mont of Thb Frisk'Juneau, with roapnot to th oho and other currant mutturu of local importiwen, has given it a widunproad nruiitii!" iu^tlio centra of Ehhoxoounly,which in rnoo^tiizi-d as ono of tho bout agricultural dintriofcu m Ontario. Tub Knicis Pkkhh i^ thu only medium oirouluunjr thoroughly in tlun oeutral portion of tho County, and m eon- nequuutly.without donht.tho only thorough adyortmhig medium for uuhihohh people wudmiM to ruauh that chum of uiiHloiniira. COUUUbl'OHDKNCIt. Our oolutnnH are alwayn open for>tlui pouacuhlo diwounmon of matter* purtufniiifj to tho puhho wolfn.ro. 3 Ablo oorcoMpondnntH in all tho Hijtfrouuil- tog looalitioti furmiili roliablo ntfportH of AventH of intoi^fttpJUJWwHnfrTfi^ TbtirirlT Ibtifftlm putditihur in lit. all time* ploaaoil' to roooivu iiiiurejUinn ituiun ol ewf* from mty disponed to forward contn TitiotiH. All onuimmiiiuiUona of a private and utliltiiTtial nature, uhould he no muikod tho cu^ido of lhn onvflopt;. HUltHCUII'TION 1'lilCIS.________ il',00 por annum, strictly in advance, 1.SO por annum if not ho paid; ana all ^irrear" charged at that rati). AllVKUTIHl-.SlKSTS. Transient loj^d and munuupid fidver- tiBcmeutH, notice*, cto., churned at tho rata of Urn ci-nts per line, tor firat iunortiou, and 1'fvu ctjntfi pm- line foronoh miuHennoiit unurti'm'. All nnoh aclvflrtitiumontu uro umkhuukI by a hchIo of tWOlVO lliniM tO till' iiu:ll. j vXiOoul reading '""' 'olhur imticeu pub liuhod among loual nwn inatti-r churned nt tho rato or tuu utmr. o-r ruuw.i;* line for oaoli insertion. All noticuH of church or society u:wi?r- tainmontH of any tlunorip uui, at- which hi. admiieuau fee is ohur^d, uiv rcijnnled :>.-- n/lvurtiKomunt.1*, and foil luUv.ri.Uiiiii nil.;.' ohar/.'!d in all Btndrcus.-n. Nofities ui muh oriUKH or nio-uiu^s not. U>c pth:uuiary huuv- ilt or aid, will uo ohuurfuiiy [iildmhud lar of ahargo, fipooial contract rates mado for diaplay or standing advb.- All lcal or pro'fcKuion- al oarda under ouoiuoh, 0"i pur annum. JODOn COMMICUCIAL VllINTINd.. Tho Fiieb Pkkhh Job Printint,' Do- . partmoat ia under tho auporviniou of thoroughly computeut mechanics, and opocial attention- ia paid to "thin branch" of tho trade. Our facilities for tho oicnontioa.of all kind a of Book and FinoJobPrintiutiu.ro unoxcolliHl. Stuam powor proHfjeo. A call Holicited. J10HLNEHS IlEllULATIONfl,. . ., All Job Printing and Truiihiont Advortininc ucconutH, Htriutly : oanh. Advoffcioipu accountfl with n^ular patronn ' are HQttlcd quarterly. Hub- Koriptiona duo iu. advunoo. No Hnbnoriptiou to tho Fuke Piikhh, or advortifiomuut publiftliod in it* colunniH will ho ditioontinuud until all arrourH tiro paid in full. ' Changes for adyertiHomontH, to nccurc inaortiou in tho current insuo, miiHt in- handed in not later than noon of the Tuoh- day preoodiiit.', and notice of Mich ir^tund- od change ia required on tho Monday pro- ceding. Notiua of dirtcontinnancy ff aavm i'\*u- meniH mun$ no ^ivc-n 'it --Ihuhl ouo-wooluiu. aqvanoe of tho issuo in which tli-jy are doHired to last apponr. AnvnirriHEita, SuhHorihfcra and pLtroti3 t-L-n orally are reqin*ated to read tho abovo ru^ulatiotiH oarefully, in ord'ir that eon fusion tuny bo avoided, an they will iu all catieH-be adhonsd to. Ad dread all e-j-nniunia'ttioiig to rubli-iliDi- thu I5dr.itx'Fitnn Puhka, J'haicx. Out THE LITTLE CENTRAL AMERICAN RE PUBLIC THAT DEFIED MEXICO. I'roaldviit lUrrlci J'Iyl JUtrnpamt,* <mmi> Hut riiinily <'i>n>t4iiiii<<l to ICut ___)Iiuiil>lu J'Io-TIib roitMlliIo l-*4irniutlon o( k'iuiuiiiit C*utru\ Amitrluum Union, If ovor tharo wan a coUntryfortUlaad with the blood of rovolutionlstH lb la Cen tral Anmrlca. It lmi Very qulot wook, lndocd, \vlilehdoeuotwltuoHMau uprising of aomo kind or other In Guatomahi, Nl narayua, HondufaH, Salvador or Coata H'cwi the five iilleKod ropuhllcH known m Cehtral Ainericu.- Prior to IBiK) theiw ulatoH, toKothor with thu two Mexican provinces of Ghhipau and Roconutico, coil- Htituti'd tho viuo royalty of New Spain. In _ that, your the Central AtnurlcimH revolted and drove tho hated Spaniards oat of tho j country, hut instead of dwelling together j In unity, as brother:! i.bould, they bo^uti to COPYRIGHTS.^ CAN I OIITA1N A PATENT? For ft KI^xt"^'^ ni,tt lin llfl"of- Opinion, iri-ltu to M UNN m <A>.. \v!jo imvn luiU ticarJi'llftv vc'ira' oxparlonco In tlHM'ifctit liusincshH. Coinnu'nilcu t.ioiiBBtrit:tly coiiililDiitliil. a llinitlhoolc of In- fornintlon conenrmnir MiUkiiim and how to oi>- tal.i ilKtm itmit I iff. a l?o a cat ulnguo Qt moutaan. "up fioiifioa, with pliinn, tii'iiblinir miilfii*!^ '-o Blinw'tTiu tttnpf n^ltfiiH and Hf)(."jrontrncc*. Atldro.1)'! \ivti,i& CO,..Ki:\v,Voi[U-, ritil Dkoawvav f'iiody Rested, Mind at 13iisc" Thr'. in what'it i;i whtjn:.travel!in^on tJn? ^ttst trains of tho Chicago, iMilvvaultoo it St, Paul Railway; bosidoo thoro in no chanco to Mfiokl" for tho acaornmodationa are up ^p d . to, tlio traine koop inovlnfj rij*ht aloufl and got thero on timo. Th9Ba. lihaa ibor- . putfhly cover the torrUprybotwayn Oliiouco, LtiOrosHO, Bt. Paul, UlmniRpoiia, Abor^ cleon, yLitDlaollf Sioux Falla.. Hioiix City J YftuUfcon, CouhuiIBluffa, Omaha arid Nor* thorn Mioliigiiu. All the principal cities and towus iu that territory aro reached lly ilio "Sfc. Paal,r line*,,' eqanootirig at St. Paul, Council Blufif* and 'Omahu. with ull 3inou for potato in thb far woat. ^Vrito to A. J. Twylor, pnuadfan Paiia'r A^aut, 87 York Street;, Toronto, Ont., for one of tlioir - new iu*p time tables and a)broohuror Riving a doeonptlon of tho Gompartnie'!bt"fllopIn(i Oatg^j^Ticket* ilarnishod.by miy, coupon tlcket'ageut in .the Uiittd ^tatoa ana! Can ada, 1'he fluoqt dining oinfju.tito Worldi tro^ ru^ on. ^' ^oH^.^eptl^lpd^el/jptViei' . lighted and ateara-boatod traina of tho Clu- ^^p.JaUwankflt^Bt.^ajttl^iiailfray rOHKIKIO DIAZ, I'lirsiDKNT OF MKXICO, (piai'iid ainonj,' l.bi'iiir.tdvcs, and organized tjie Hvo ropuhUe:i whose niimc.'i have al ready been Kivon. I'lvtu-ybody known that anions tlio. aui- bliioiK and proud of all nations.tho Span- i.sh-Aniei-icnn stands at the bead. \Vlth his inordinati' junbitinn ho coupler elm- ]iUTi;i'i i'.'j]ni',iiii:(! as far acknowledge of tlm pi liiioal projii'i'.-.s t)t (i'llntr pooploa ia cont.-crui'd. iiv tjousidersliisown Utile toy" natiun tin' ;:;tjst in-riVor. /<ovi?rnincnt on oavtl'i. ' liu ha-, uni! f(ii)d quality, like the a\vi-/ir:i- ilrMslicr, liu never know.s when ]]i^ i-> '.viiipiii'd. Tht'i-uly foreign powiu- fot_iv.hkli_tho.. ])iM.q:'!e ni ('iMilral Anici'ifii show real eon- Hidrr.ition U (Jreal- llritain, which, many ye;irs ; j; i, nbiaiued lujided jtossefinion in that pan. ol" t.hu w*udd, ainon^ them BritiKh Jlouduras, which adjoins Guate mala on tlie east. Another peculiarity of the Cent nil American is that ho \h never'.so happy nn when qunmdlng with Homebody. The high caste duscendiiut.s of the contjul-stadorca never work, 'i'liuy devoto themselves to runnlnjcthe fionji'iinuuit, and let the half* ] bipeds linirinilnins earn a liviuR for them. : Occasionally thoy #ut tired of doiiiK abso lutely nothing, and then they "work up" a revolution. Ltkt- the haronfi of old they nether aliout tlicn'i their retalnera . And , ateal whatever they ean lay hands.on. If they succeed in .stcalii.^ enough they usually oust, tho president of tho republic and beeome (lictator.s on tlioir own ac- , count. If not, they run away to some ; foreign land where they live in a/llncnce ' on the prncefds of their military ami poll- ' tical cumpaiMUH. Their poor dupes aro , duly ux'L'cutL'd by tho powers that he; t.bclr property, if they have any, bein*j seques* lured "for the ^ood of tho ,statu",-^-i. t\, for the benefit of his excellency, the presi dent. Once In awliile tho "soldifu* stnte.smen'* of Central Auiltlcii ultenipr. tohriiiK down blj^er bailie than is found within their own limits, bur, their j;amu of blull never -frightens, liio. panics UH.saileil. A^ few weeks nixo ilie republic of Cuatemalu, whose a/Tairs just now aro administered by President Jomu Alarin Keina Barrioa, -undertook to frighten tlieJIexicans by de manding, with a great deal o( bluster, tho adjustment, of a border difllculty which, everybody supposed, had beeii settled in 18H'.\ Guatenulan trnopH invaded a strip of Mexican territory h-don^ine; to the state of Chiapas, de.itroyi-d a few liven rind much property. When President Barrios was called to account by Mexico he proposed arbitration to fix the boundary lino. To this proposition Mexico replied that tho qui-.st.iun of tho boundary line had been settled in lS2!)and hod firmed in 1882, and demanded from Guatemala an apology and the payment of an indemnity of $1,- 800,0f)0 under tho threat of war. From the day on which President Por- flrio*Dinz, tlio able chief executive of Mex ico, sent tho ultimatum of his govern ment to Barrio's until th(i_adjufitment of the trouble a few days ago, both countries were making active preparations for war. Tho population of Mexico ia estimated at lii.OoO.OOO. Jtsarmyis well equipped and drilled, and, If necessary, 100,000 troops could have boon dispatched to the,.Quale- ____,ft-eM!*..:us era of that city. It baa bn wild that Haf-' Ino Barrio* wim'TcUIod by offlcera of hU own army at tho buttle of Cnohuhualta in 1885, but this charge hut never boeu prov en. It In au IndlMputahlu fact, however, that whilu aotinR aH prt!Hldent and dicta tor ho hont ndlMons of dollars out of Oua- tiirimbi. Bla truatisil llouttJnauta know that tholr chief wiih fuiiUierliiK his own liPHfc at tbuexpouHo of tho pcoplo ho prc- touded to lovei but hmieiul of calling him to account followed his oxamplo. After "tlitTTiattTo~or Ciiohnhn:iltnrtha Gnntcmnlnh Bocretary of tho interior wont directly to tho capital mid Htnlo ^WK),000? tbo entire ciuth balance left In Miu national treawury. Kvemluon thu country haa Ijueu In ihian- claldlHlcultlen. .______ Jt Ih posnlble, therefore, that yannti B"*** rlo.H w/ih in cavnout. when ho dolled Mexico. A war ml^ht have won for liltn tho HUp- portof tho tax-paying impulatlon of Oiia- tenmln, and thus Insured hlfl continuation In olllco. Bolni; nn ablo diplomat ho uiltfhfc ajiio have Hucceednd In Inducing tho other Central American republics to eapouMO hlu cauao. Such iin alliance would have made the threatened war a more equal HttuptKlo; ulthough even then Moxlno would liavo had the advantage of numheni, Tho republic of fiuatomala Is divided Into twenty-two dopartmonfcM, ban nn itren of -1(1,800 sqimro iniles, and, In 1800, hud n population of 1-UI0,017, Inoludin*; Indlims and half-breeds. The capital is Santiago do Guatemala.Homotimes called Now Guil- tcuuila.'a of ty founded-in 1775, two yoarfl after the destruction (f Old Guatomaln by a Hreat earthquake. The new capital him a population of 00,000, and contains a num ber of remarkably line bulldiimH, among them a cathedral which is considered n model of architectural beauty and Krau- deur, Tho old city of Guatemala Yftm founded by Pedro dc .-Vlvaratlo, tho famous lieutenant of Cortos, who con quered Central America. It waa de- Htroyed by a Hood from tlio volcano do Agua in 15-11, A year later it waa ro- founded, and remained tbo center of .Spanish-American culture until 1773, when it wan wiped out by an earthquake. The town of Antigua, a prosperous muni cipality of 1-1,000 people, now occupies the sire of the ancient Central American mo- tr'ipolis. Anionp: tho other Central American vo- publics Nicaragua I best known in this country, owinj^ to tho projected Nicara gua ship canal. It has au ana of about 10.000 squuru mi Ion and a population of i.oO.OOO. Co.sta Kica is the southernmost of t ho Jive republics. Its area is estimated at :31,000 sipiare miles, on which it. supporta a population of- Honduras con tains -10,-100 square .miles and a population ot';J80,000. Salvador is the smallest, hut most thickly populated of the quinlotto of republics. Its area consists of 7,^."* square miles, but it Iiuh a population of about 780,000. Together tho Mvo republics havo a population of about a,235,000 souls, fully .V> percent, of whom are Indians. Tbo pure whites constitute scarcely T3 per cent, of tho population, thu other J13 por cent, belnp; half-hree-cln. Should tho Central American republics have concluded to flyhfc Mexico, their Union would have proved permanent, pro vided tbo allied covurnnients lmd succeed ed in defeating their powerful antagonist. Had, on the other band, Mexico been the victor, President Uiaz would, no doubt, have gratified his army and people, by an nexing tiiu richest ami most fertile stiiteu of Central America. But, war or no war, it is reasonable to hope ihat tho Guate malan agitation will lead to tho forma tion of a confederation as-soou as tho five littlo oligarchies can rid themselves of their dictators, at whose head stands tho ambitious Barrios. IN THE IMPERIAL, HOUSE. Tht CInlmo nt th KwUri-Ottiadi'l Cost of the Arbitration, IjONn-oN, March. i.~In tbo Houho of Coimiioiirt'yeiitrriliiy, Sir Edward Grry, Socri'tHry for the Foreign OfTlce, ruplyliig to Sir George Badou-Powell, acquainted the llou^i' of CommoiiH with the fact that i Ii.--M.oHHr Ih'proHontatlves r. Washington bad Mj*u;U'(Jji'ho approi)rlntlon of Wyii,(K)0 m tho eompuiiHatlon numod to be ylvon thn lhltUh Columbia uoalorit. When pnmsed for details* further byBlr Goorso Biuleu-Powoll, ' 'Sir'15. Grey wald be wan not, quite uure If UiIk Htop wan final, but If mo, t,hi'ediilms would have to he enqulrod into by a (*nmmlNsion Iu detail as previous ly arrauLjfd. W. A. Bandall Cromer, tho Badlcal Hrd'ormer from Sliorditeh, asked tbo Govenimont. what part Canada bad paid of the 1'iwuol the Uehrlng Sea arbitration. Sir.-Kd wart (Jruy replied that tlio total expendii nre by thin country was l!10,(7l. This included the payments shared by Canada, hut the accountu with Canada were nut yl:t finally adjusted. The Widsli iJiscstnblishtncnt bill passed Its (iisl ri*adhig In the IIouko of Commons i'-Vst. evening without a divisiiou. Tho Irish Jjuud bill will be. IntroUuced on .March -1. . ALASKA'S GOLD FIELDS. Aiioitinr v*:]iioi'iiiio inn) rhci iii'Nt l-hul tit It .-' ,.. Ik In CauiiUti, Ottawa, March 1. Kly K. "Wearo, presidfiit, and John .f. Healy, manager, of the North American Transportation and Trading Company-, doing busineas in the Yukon Kiver district, TTriPhere_to sco the Government, and got post olllce, eua- toin hoiiMt and mounted police facilities." They nay that the Alaska gold fields aro bound to Mirpnsi those Of California in their pnlniie.-t days and that Canada " has lint be-,1. bu.it end of it if she would only vako up " Miivrs can work four months a year jLiidxan niako i?10 to ir> a day. Tho othot eit^ht mouths work being I m possible, carouNin^ is the order of tlio day and the gam hi in i; and the lawlessness bids fair to surpass; ihat of the Western States during the gold fever. -.t. .'<t.: MwXW. pyl?Q to [::. fit. {Jeor/;e, >;r.v; !': After thv Wo Stroncth- ^o Arubr vJ. X jc Hood'o r..- . .\ ('nun of Sn ppotii'tl Sn li>l<l<, LoNPON-, Out., March 1. Mrs. Barrett, who lived with her husband and five youik.': children al the conuu- of ()K-feu'd. and ('olboriie st ree! -1, is siqipo-.rd to'have com mi i. ted suicide, (.'ire u in -ttun-s p.iiut very s; roui;ly to t his theory h.-l.i,; rorreet, hut a .oikoa'.i-'s jury will etiih-avoi' to de cide, tin; matter in-day. The uul'orl.un.'ite wotneu tiled at tin: hospital on Weifn-^day, and sjiorl ly hel'ore dea; h.wheu u-.'.i'd by Hcrdt'.i. Tho following |e',l'Tl; W'.'.n :i v.;::,-'. merclianttailor of SI. (h i'.,-;.-, :,". ];.;* " C. I. Booil & Co., bowed, M::.n.: "Gentlemen un gl-id to ,wv thutl. Rarijaparlllnand Hood's i'llhi 1.1," {[<,:: . 1,'rcntdcalof good. I lnni ; tlio grip la tho whiter, iv.-A ; .... fever" I did not.'iei-m to ^:i:i.:a ^.u. ;J(,;,.. . .. no ambition. )'.> >:'s Marrip :-;:I!:l j;r"v--- :*, Just what I needed. XI:; i.....d! '-. Hatl.ifncfory, and I reeo!;-:;; ;;.r, tins ma>.-:h" all who aro aOHettd v.P.li j": .!." f i ta rv >. afilletlon'icruir.'id by poiiu>n ;mI p" .. "always l:eep Hoo'l's. ^ai'-;a;i:irin:'. '.a :::> : and ur.olt when I iic-.-d ;: Hood's 1'llls on hi\:\ 1 nun lid":- : .. '<*v o; J. W. h'r:u;:, Capt C ::uir ih.-i. >7 \. T _ ' V/"?."Cv.. "Alioui :iycr.. ;.,, ) T r*.-. attiiel; of fK'hitio r^-Mimiiii most n< tlio :ji;:r.un::-. I v .hdin,K. Jj.,daiiiy p-n-l.-;. hidphfajj and in ri:':'.i ;;i.!i",'.'. ;;i!t outof'the i-u'.Au. '!":. : ii'diooiiiT'Ciun'.: >rr. ' , mm'Io gjt liiy.i'l .j ...:: ) ..: r.:>and sjiorlly hel'ore dcn;h,wheu a-.'.fd by ,-, L'^ tft /*^v {'p^"^ r:'.';"-V-, ' /'. ]ihysieiaji if sin*-had takt'ii the m >m it ie i ;UStvi ftf y]': ( *pi tl !"' " -',',:, acid by mistake she he-dla; hi^ly e.n --Ac'.-i'ii K^j [t ^^jf^ V^'y \WC--" '..:-' Solar IiiUH*j;y, 5^ a "yes." The 1'arret ts cuii'! from Ivi^ltud a few months ago and ihefni:; naHnts band bad been out of work renntf ly, eont- pelllng them to apply for a id from tbeeity . ki'ciuk to have troubled the pnor woman. lnvio.1.1 cut lot: f"'o IlewHiui's in-nth. I WlN"nscm, March 1. Aid. Ilewson Is j making au investigation into the terrible )'death of his brother Boljcrt at London, i While be admits that it might, have been : an aeeidcut be inclines more to ti.e . ULpr- 1 ilcr theory. Miss Tuiett, the. young ! wonian to whom llohort was i;nj<a^(.il to i ho married, says lie bad between .>lo0 and } $300 hi his pockctbnok the day prior to i Ids death. Thu pocketbool;,1 logelher. witli a gold watch and chain, are missing. Del.eetives are working on '(Tie ease, London, March U Tho inquest on the body of Kobi.Tt. Ilewson,. the ytiiuig man found dead on tho C.J1. It. tracks the early part of this week, was still further ad journed until Tuesday next tg await any new .developments. JUttnil I-'iirrdtiire Dnnlri-n AH<t(tt)intion. Hamilton', Mutch L At tiiu meeting of the furniture de ilers in-hi at t\u> Hoyal Hotel the Canadian Itnt.ail h'tiruit iir*s Dealers Association was or caiiiz.fd with oflleer.s as follows: Preside n,.] -uu Jlo(nl- less, Ilamilron; 1st Vice 1'n^iient,, W. Wihh'irt., Toronto; lind Vice Pre'shlent, W. Ch.-gg, Peterborough; JSrd.Vic..- Prsi- deiit-, .1. Kilgour, London ; Sijei-./tary- TreaKiirer, W. B. Rmcers. Toronto, l^xucu- tive coinmilte If. V. Xott, Colliugwood; W. II. Krasr, Uclle- S-ille; J. Kratt, Oiinv.-a, and \V. Mmiauil, Mom real. A committee was appointed to draft by-laws and a const itut ion to be suIh mllted at a meeting to be held in Toronto. Planetary Generation and Transmission of Klectrienl lOnergy B. electrosplioro showing circles of gradually j diminishing rotation; K, intorpIaiuHary I 8pace;D,curve of gmduully diminishing! rotation; F; r, currents of electricity flow ing to tho sun; S, direction of tho sun. From Dr. Ileysingev's "Solar Energy." Dentil or it I'l-ionhii'iif Jup. Hamii.ton', March. l. .ToshihuuU. Snito, a Japanese artist of great ability, who lias been living at Duudus since last, spring studying and painting Canadian scenery In that vicinity, died here- after an illness of two months, Mr. Saho was a cultivat ed and exceedingly intelligent gentleman and'contributed several very interesting avticlus to the press on the strength and. prospects of his country in the stnurglo with China and his predictions havo Ihmju largely fulfilled. His fathorwas a colonel in the Japanese army and was killed iu an engagement. Duceaaed. was well known ' and highly thought, of by members of tlio profession in this--country. **\1 P V t4 TISh'."", " ' M cured him when ho waa r.> had that hit viie had to food htm. I sentto Boston for two hot- ties, which dhl for me nil I had been lol.l i loo- ;\* Sar-iaparllla would do. I valued VrtpKHs^-i^^l whenX had taken tho twcboWes Iv.T.^ai.:.!*jt worlf, A great many people hero h:iv*lal:en Ilood'.iSarnaparilla since it cured me, and all PTioalchliilily-oflL" Cai>t. S. McGha.vaiia.t. MarEarctvlllQ, Nova Hcotla. H^od'J'SarJiriparllla l.-i .sold. by.all drugKlsts; SI, ' l'rfjK'red only by C. I. Hood & .'.:o.f Loweu, ;-.iniia.,U. S. A.________________ Mood'fl Pills nrn purely vegetable, and di not pur-ft. nnln or xrrlnn. Hold bv all druachiiu; AUCTIONEER IlfKNKY HKDItlC'K,. Auotiononr. B a 1 a i> 11 promptly attended to. Audrey Soutlj Wnculiiliio, Ont. PeriionH deiiirlnu to titjcuro me may lonvo word at tho Vhkk I'iikbr ollico." tf II. UKDRICK I OUN OOUM1.KY. 'I WOUNKKD AUCTIONEER for the County of Ehsex. Allldmlfj of farm ctoul: milrfi, ntc, conilnoted promptly arid nil lOioTirnotieH, Itnti>n nv.noi iddo l'oif-nnf! dCKirablo to ornuijto salon u.iiy lo no tiy cultiof; nt tho KitHi: l'ui-ifitJ ollico or by iii'iplyiUK to A J. GnilMLI^V*, P. O. Bon J55 Ji.khux, Out. IMIANK MnCLOSKEYj MaUlHtoiio, thirty- iiovon yon.ru' uxporlonoo an an iiuotfonoor ui iho County nl ICnnox. Saloa conduotod promptly, ml on roimonablo tormti. Part it n rlc-niriiig to nx. tho (Into- for a oulo unn nave thuniiudvcf a iriv-eby oalliiifl at tho Piu-m Pnr.sn ofhuo- Wu hnvu fi.rrun(;ocl with Mr. McUltmlioy find will Ox f.lio daton for naleii liy tnlo(;raph, eutiridy fruu of ill tihiirgo to thd tiorROti holtlinjj tho ratio. A(b IroHB FrauU i\loOIo(ilcuy.Matdittone Crcnn, Ont hi5 TH c K. C. AMERICAN HOTEL Esfiox, r Ontarlo- LUCK, PJlGPUIErOR, HAH BERK thoroughly pain led it ml ruplrninliwl with now furnftuio by tho prenout propriotor. XiAllGK IIAJtH IM' CONNECTION. Fii'Ht-ChiQD Accoinodfttion Guaruutcod. TIlU HUB SteveiiMOii. It wns difUcult to name a living artist in wordn that could be compared with him who reminded us at every turn of Charles Lamb and William Ila/ditt. Thero aro certain who compel words to horvo thorn and novcr travel without an imperial bodyguard; butwords waited on Stovopson like "humble servitors." and ho went where ho pleased in his simplicity been ii ho every one flew to muiciputc his wishes. His style bad the thread of gofd, and he was tho perfect typo of the man of letters a humanist whoso great joy in the beau tiful watt annealed to a flue purity by hia Scottish/faith; whoso kinship was not with Boccaccio and Habelais, but with Danto and SpeiiHor. llin wua tho magical touch ' of'ngo. Tbo only cause that can bo as- that no mancan explain or acquire; it bo- ' Hignod for-tho not is temporary iusMdty.' loiigH.to thoiio only who havo drunk at tho A proloneud. Blekncss had Toft him do* Ati Khbcx M)rc)iittit Jltiirjvlurlznd, Windsor, Aluroh r. W. J. Dewar'a gouts| furnishing store at Essex was broken into last, night and goods to tho j valuo of about S200 wero taken. Several j milts-of clothes belonging; to customers " us well as a lot of cloth and furnishings wero carried off. Thieves entered by r boring a largo panel out of a rear door/ I They loft no cluo. Detective Cumpau at once wont to work. Ho sent Out an alarm througont tho country and ofTorod 1 a reward'for the capt two of tlio burglars. A I,nb<> Ffirmni-'ti Itanh need. Lo>'poN,-March 1. Arthur Thurwall, a fnnner.living on Concession 1TJ, Lobo, is at tlie point of dentil as a result of injuries Inflicted upon himself. On Sunday morn ing i\tr. Turn*well went to tho hay mow, wboro ho was found by his wife with a lar^o gauli in his throat, and suffering from loss of blood, Thurwall was-15 years IMuriiin spring. There Is a phicu at tbo marriage fonst' for every Imnest writer, but wo jodgo that our mastor will go to tho high table and sit down with Virgil and Shakespeare and Goethe and Scott. Tho mints of his native land mid its wild tradUlona paused Into his blood o that ho w.pnt homo.In two wotdda. In one book he would analy?.o*humnn churaotor wltdi apeb weird power that thu render shudder/) beciuiso uatranger hnu boon within hla iioul; In another ho hurrlow you' along a breathloHH Ktoryjif-adyohturo till your Inv agination falln for oichaustion. Never did he weary Us with tho pedantry of mwlern, Hpondent. I Tlio Quobeo Mlni4try. ' QUKPEO.-Alarchl.-^}Jx. V.' XT/'-Hnoltett,' monibor for Stanstoad, wan worn -Iifyo^'-1 torday as X*rt*Hl*lpiit of tho Privy Council, and Mr. A. W. Morris, member for Divi sion No. 4, Montreal, Mitiistor without* portfolio, Hon. Mr. Talllon takos ovor tho Tivjasurorshlp, GeoegeX CfoSi NURSERYMAN, HUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY 'Vt. Poaoh, Pour, Plum, Applo and Quicco Troon, Hohoh, Evorfireonn, Borry BubIiob, Eaapborry, Blaakborry and Currant'Bnahos. All flraUoIans . Htook, Savo agonta" Big Profits ! 'c-Mi'T dust _^ UABU18J HOUofiT'lT COWKTnBir F. S, AOAM^ HAS PLACED PRICES AWAY DWK i - ON - I Farm Harness, i Truck Harness I AMD ' Heavy Harness OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, , ' A Inrrjc stock find it must g*'. (Jail *ind kgo ma . befcro buying ' Glflowherc Everything; in fhe Horse Furnishing Line. F. S- Adams* Two iIooih f ant of Uuto'n CurrJiii-jo Worloi, Khhox. Has'Just Received ' TheFinest'and' best 3ssr{ment of Boots m& Shoes In Essex, Great Valtio ia -. '-A Men's Shoos and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords. Cheapest in . the Land. Call and Eqamino n.nd bo Con vinced for yourselves* \J&lS. The ouglas, -SItri of tln> <;oI<lcm Hoof, Whitneu Blonk f BSQV WAN TEB {.xvr' ZVSt our Iluniy Cumuli..n OiuwnNujiit-ry Btoolt. Wo KUiiriuitcn iiiilhifuetion tu rt prcHoiitiitivua and cubtoiuuui. Cur nurmaJi'H ttm tho laveflnt In tho Doininion, ovor 70a ucron. Set suhhtitution in o/tlorfl, iSxoludivii tnn-Jtory ami litjuraltoriUB to wliolo or jiart tirtm ntjiMittv-Wj-ito ua. KTONh ,ti WELLINGTON, (Hi nd oiliuu)Toronto, Ont (Thn only uiivRoi-y in CuiiaJa nn.vln|[ ttmtlnff orohiirdo.) -1-1-am Most Atodern and in-ocrosalvo ;. r r cnialoiriai or liifornmtlou 'writ.u to :\:2 mauun Pmq arms co.t New Haven. Conn. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YSARS s /> TUB SKAT OF THK UKCRKT THOUHT.K. malan frontier within twowoeka after tho declaration of war. ' . < ,.I?TeiiLdent Barrios wns nwaro of thone facts, but may. nevortholos!! havo been nnxlouu to flight with Mexico. Ho known hla country to bo bankrupt and his pooplo to be generally dkHHiitlaflud with tlie olig archy created by tho older Barrios and por- pobuntod by hlninolf, "" ' * -Tho oldorBiirrlofl was a wondorful man. HocMtuhUHhetl r.iillrondo and telegraphn In ,.G;uatoniala,, Kayo .tho country, :rplijgIoun Itlwrty; but ruled It with ahand of lroiL . Hl (treat niiihitlon wiik the unification o tlio Central American republic* Into tv; pnwevful'confoderntloii, witH'VhlmseJf as ,dUti;i|taiv rn,tl|h MU'Hdl ol'thlu Hclimuo Jiij' .,-.,. .. .-; * iilHiil'teu tluali:ivV. u = lloUU'of Sahndoi', ti(t i el. \ precipitating a I Turra cuttft aleepoiM ^Irti.hi 111*0 on Japan ' JJuii vrai, MarcU i.-^'JL'bo qolorado.i^euata Utu* by the Hullfiix l<*Jr' IIAUVAX, March t Conaervatlve enti*. wiiton of Wt'dnouday'ii ilro phico tho total Iohh at about &1GO.0OOV Jt U aa)d thoGov- L .1 erimiout will t\t. once reoonatrUcQhf? Wr^ .probLm*. Nordld hqdally with foil vicog mi l)uiI(1|n(?(f wharres; etc, Wh on a'. to^rvotbo^ndBofpurit^r-banMaclarfan. ti|fl>6rttnt ' . .. T" u,an(i:st{.vifco*for pricflH, Wo will FutrynuBwor you by roturn'muil. Iioor- Splendid Apple Trees, Al in every rupee*, $12. - pic- m THECOOK'SBESTFRIENO Largest Sai-e: in Canada. ' riu.de iuqie world for young men nml woman to eeouro a Bualnert Ednofitlmi, Rhortband,eto., I&th* Detroit HuuInoBB Uuiyersity, T)o- ivalt, Allah. UltiBtrated oatalogna l-'rt'O, Koforetncfw: All Uetroii, W. F. .THWKLU Pi-en. ^- SIlINCERt8oVr Best On wood prodaQtivoIVrtn Property "St 64, & 0 er oeut. BtrttTgliit No Valuation Fees. m I3T Convey anoint Done up ip Ne&fe Stgrlfr/ Fire and Life nsJMrincai;^ "' 0M i^nM IBHTBMflllnfriiMnBWBBinWJ'ii iH' ;<> AfiHHHBHflBHiBiMMKUUfwl^YairkB^ 34