> i rt _ '-. I WILKINSON'S Fon JjHTOhoiee.' Freeh, GrooeriQH> Picvitdoue, Tunn, Coffees and Bptcou. Special lines in Crookery. v. ChmtianlndSI! St. Paul's huroh, ^lUESiJA^EV&t^.', 1MB. la^v/^ W Everybody Come. VOL XI; No 10. ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY. MARCH 8 1*9/. WHOLE No. 531 ',t ./ F. A. & Co LEADING STORE OF ESSEX THE prico tendency keopu . atoadily downward, Your dollar buya more now than ovor before. A good ya*d Wide Factory Cotton now for 3c YARD. A very heavy yard wido Factory Cotton, equal to 7olino of a year ago, now 5c YARD. 37-inch Union ttovoraible Carpots, exoollonfc pattome, 25c YARD. Uni< fnion Carpota, very heavy and strong, rovct oible, ovor a yard wide, in very bandsonao designs for 5oo. YARD. * Wall Papoaa !. Wall Pnpora I A full now Htoolc-oLbofch Canadian and Amorioan now opened up; cheap er than ovor botoro, commencing at 5c ROLL ,Puro Linen Tablo Covore.B ft long, ingodv wjth colorod borders, extra value at $1 EA-OIiL Men's Good Flannelette Shirts ."with Cellars 25c EACH. Men's Fine White Shirts, unlaun- driod, only 39c EAOH. MAIDBTONK. "wmr oimiBT, vau idittku." Weary? No, hot weary With OhrIat hr blaaaed 'ruat. No nohmii head, no languor, Bui wafo among tlio bloat. ~MaH.xi.a8.JJ0. Helpless? No not htdplese, Willi God's Strang anna beneath; Ho boro hwr very jiwutly Boyoud the reach of death. - Deut. zicxui, UTafl. Lonaly? How could that bo Among tho oounttaea kbront* Ot those reUeeuiid, beloved ours Wild join the angel's song. Hoy. iki/ Happy ? Ob, no happy Willi averlatttitig joy; No nerrow, mo more aickuotiH, iJo car**, wo fears auuoy. Pea. oxuv, 15. Bwlovad ? Yeahe oaratb; God gave bio only,Sou That ainromoved, Ho might receive Tub weakest, trusting ouo. Jrio. in, 1R. Gene 1 But not forever, Doar fnanda, wait, watch, and pray; Who trunt in Christ will meet again, Brighi KoBhurootion day! I Cor. xv, Martha, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mm. Thou. Kennedy, died at bar father's. horat, Tulbos. street, on tbomorniag of ilaroh 8rd, agod fifteen year* and seven month*. Sue suffered for norae dayu with a sovr* Uothaohe, wbioh developed into blood-poisoning. There wera uo sariouu remits foared until a day or two before her death. Hor Many frinuds and sehoel- matssjoin in extending to Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and family their sympathy, aa bar kind ind Huuahiuy diflposUioa j deared bar to all. The funeral took plaaa u Monday, the Rervieaa boiaj/oonduoted by tha Roy. Mr. Bavarly, of Ehhux. The palt-boarera wora Iforraat WiJuon, John Wyatt, William Barton, Ja. Klliott- Raiiaall Wiylo, aad flam we 1 Jolinaon. A larga numbtc of frtanda followad tbu r- naainH to the North Ridgo oowauv. A. fnnaral Hormou will bo preaohod at tho oharoh of England oa Bavday ovanipff, UaroU 10th. Hlx tonma otbaraoR and a faw men mov ed a houso froM Knsax Town to tlm ica*- road north, laut Wndntfiday, for"Oliarlea Jteid. Tho boa wan not up on baBHWood eklda, aud it aaovod eaully a Una; on tlio fronb luotf. Thoy fia&aod through this vilago f)ti ronto. # -' KliMSTKAD, . NfrH. O. Grant anoiit Sunday in lMke Crook. Mia Ntdlio Dutn npont Sunday m I'iko Creek. Mihb Muy Mero upcut Sunday at JIibb tri6o'a. Mr. AlliHon, of Ghathuni, i atayuij; at tbo ElmriLtiad Iiouho. Onoof our yauthful muidonii in taking loBHonH on the violin. Mr*. .7. B, AuHtin paid a flying viait to Windsor on,Saturday latit. Miiiu Hattie UaluonvilU has rotnruod. from tfiaiting rriondn in Windaor. MiH C. Iiunkiu bun returned to ho* homo at fui:o, aftor a f ow day a1 vluit hero, Miya Ilattio Maiflonvillo uud Miau J. Prioo npout Bund ay at Mma 0. i^rico'H. The yoiwft people of thin town uro buny (jetting up a programing for tlio opotiiii of tha bull. MrH. Wra, llaluoiivillu haa roturnod homo from VValKorvillo, whora nh ban buon attending tUo fuuorul of hor alitor, Mra. P. Roanmo. CAM-P^PALMER. rr"~ On March lft tho wife' of Mr. Thofl. Woodiwifln, of a dautlhter, Mr. A. Bar^ott, of Roohowtor, Ind. waa visitioK his aihtor ,Mr. I. RobortB this Woefc. "~~~ " ------- '" - H. M. MiHooor-a uiave factory in now ranuiug in full bbiHt. BuqinoHi in bo omnia iu thol ino;of muoio. Itongagcu two muoio-tlcaaharu of Ebhox. UnuRi-y Ellarbcok and Running hmvo pom - mon(3cd houuekcopiiig on North Lovorn Ave. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. R. Qnoon, whojiaa b<on yo_ry ill, wo ara ploaH- od to luiirn in recovonng. Wo ro^rct this wook to nnnonnco the doath ot JOf/u, vomicout daughter of Mr. and Mm. Edwardn'at tho ace of 8 " yonre. The child had contracted what was thought to ba a nli^lit cold, whioh deval* oped' into diphthoria which oausod hor death. Though to hh ttion can'it not return, We to thca florae dav ahall i*n, Moot ua lit tlio rivor, ECfa, Whon wo pain from horo balow. Municipal liiHuranco. upon Tho UranibWl GourfoV fuah rallfai Lo-ceaaark : "Tho thno Hoatna to liavo arrivud if in- .(laud it Iiuh over piinnnd away wbon an agitation ahould pant onan mora to b start' oJ looking toward noma uchctne of tnnn. icipn.1 luutiranco. Tho rfioout nvoro flroa in ToroutflJVflro ro^ardod a MtH(,'gorora."for all Huoh pr'ojuctM, but tliorr Ih not nuy ltn- itimntc reaiion why tlna nliould bo tho t,nto. That tbo regular linn oampapiati, uotwitli. Htandintt lu-avy;nomuuui)ionN to a^oUtHund otl'.nrH. tnaku a ^ood tbftijj; nub of immrahoo dooH not admit of a quaktion. They have mattorii ngurttc! ou a bnniimwa baiiin, aud. taking it year iu and. year our,, thny aro wr.ll uhrnd. Of courdo it iu ^ood policy on thuir part to aluira that a oity naay at any tiniM broonio ilia Uwupt. Ho it may- But tlio avoratjo of yoarH makeHup for all. audi loHHua, and If it pavaprivutu asHooiatloim to lunuiyn Huch riaks, tboro dona not Hnom to h? any valid rtaaou why uiuuioipalitieu ubould uot alao follow a)lik* pliLU. "wliattho roitidcuoo of Brantford fdl injimtthia. They havo a ^rout oxpeuda acquired a paid bn^adg, and the excolletioe of th HVittcm Ih abundantly doraoiiatratodl by tha fuot (hat in foMr yonrn tbo total Iohhou by fire have only reached 815,000 eouie of thin not liavincj any inaurttnuo-r- whilu tho companies in pramiurati liavo earned at leant KlHC ,000. In other wordn they aro eyer "5100,000 ahead out of thin city,'whiU) ad than oiti^entt obtain in rot urn iu a demand for moro tippliauoea to uiako tho olianccaof lonfl utlll lonu for tlio com- pania and tli6 oouatant annoyrtneo of having rales raided without anv apparent reoRon. The balance in thin matter ia far, too favortiblo to tha hide ot tho Uudor- writoru, ahd"it"ly""hTjiliIy dtTairubla that Alen's I-tro anted wool, for Hoavy Hibbed Uoublo- Slnrts and Prawers, nil 44c EACH. Men's Blade Soft Felt Hats, spec ial valuo, at 50c EACH. Extra values inblaclc Drosn Goods. French Figured 40-irich wool goodo 25c YARD. A lino of vory choice nil wool fig ured Drosa Goods, regular 75c goods, .selling at _____ 60c YARD. Ladios' fino Shoos, Doncola, but- Ipnod, narrow squaro too, patent tips $ X JrAIR. Special attention paid to Grocery Department. Give ua a trial order, WOODSLEE. (Crowdud outlast week.) Mirm Katio Barrio of Maidutono, in viuit. ing Mrs. Wm. Hogan. Mr. Richard Lambert ia home on a vTBit. A birthday party "At Homo" wao (jivon by Master De'lmout Hogan, at Hogan Houho on Saturday oveniu. Tbero waa ain/^iuf and danoiu^, an oxcollenb luuoh aervod, ana a uoatonjoyahleovoningBpopt. Tho little red Opera Ilouue wag raovod from Mill at., to to London ave., and uow utanda in front of the oarriago faotory. Minn Ada G. Halford of Maidstoao, and Mr. Dell Evana of Coubtr, ware the gueute of the Mibboh Hog an last wook. Frank diuappomtod a aloi^h load of boy* and Rirlfi one evening lait wook by getting something in hi* oye iu tho aftornoon. One Price for All, Goods marked in plain figures. orsyfc&o., mp COTTAM PLAINS. Mra. Wm. Malott has boon dangorouely ill, but-at prenont ia ali^haly ime-roviuc, Mrs, William Cowoll, who baa been aflliotad with lung trouble, is, wo are tflad to aay, itnproviut; in health. Mra 0. ia the youngeet daughter ef Mr. J. L. Quick. Mr. Albert Viokera has a wind mill-ereo- tod. Tlijn ib the third one in tho vioiuity* Rev. W. H. Hhaw i holaliof weakly ptayot maetioca in the home of Mr. Jool Whitney. Mr. Down 10 ban moved ou te the Abar- orombia farm. OLIND1. Arthur 8quireB and Mieo Carrie Joffory, only dancbtor of Ed^ar Joffory, were mar ried on Toewday of laat wack. J. IJ. Stowtrt, who ia aojourning ia Flondu, ii entertaimnfl hia friends bore witb long lottem dyecribin^ that flowery land. Mra. J. Smith, of Gittam, who in in poor health, ia upending a fow weokd hero at tho homo of^ior father, Zouan Orton. Mra, 'Zouaa Orton in quite ill, Miaa Maggie McDonald who ban boon upending a month in Windaor ban roturn- ed home. It ia rumored that revival services will open noon in the Mothodist Clin rob here, tba Pov. Mr. Bhaw is vary popular with bin congregation in this place. The Late XJrl Kose. NOKTH RIDGE.- . Mi'bh Jonnio Manly, of thia plaoa, called on friends in A'rner laat week. ONT. William Henry Billing, er., J. P., pasaed the 78th milestone in his life's journey, laat Saturday, March 2nd. Be ie as a mart aa a. orldkefc yet. - David MoCreery aud family moved from tLia pla.c^ to Gotileld Houtb laat week. Tamea Oamm|ford ie aiok with oonffeV- tiou of the luuga; we hope he will atay with ue till after the Dominion election*. Don't no galavantin^ off to a f#rei;n coun try till bettor weatbar. Aibmeo, W. Brldgnn want to Yottnsj Ir*. Uad laat week) be.la thefeasaln tbia week, outtinKatove wooa for tha i0ue of Brla with hia roaohitte. - The menth o? Maroh n4 Marob weather bam a upon Mil hand in haud; lait Monday I wan a rami winter'a "ay, eomeiaia^ like e. ' norih-weafc Maultop* blieaard. The fuuaral of the late Uri Itoee, wee bold horo laat Saturday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, tho aorvicco boina; conducted by Bev. M. r. Campbell pastor of the Baptiet Chnrnh, and waa very largely attended. -Mr. Knao, who was aged nearly 71 yeare, waa one of the flret aottlere of Eswx, oo- ing to thie place, al|cttly after the con. etrvotiou of the Canada South a r Bull way, aud haa lived hitro for nineteen yeare, De< aaaied wafl of Iriflk birth and parentage, but oame to tbie country wbeu quite young. He lived for a tiwe ih Eaateru Outario.and owned pro party there, where he uoed to apend hie aummere, after cotum* te Ktf&ex county. Mr. Itoao lived iu KinKayillo and Goafield South for about thirty yeare be- there should bo soma aort of avauing up. Aa it ii now there ie altogobhor too muoh ofort to nquctae thia particular mnnloipal Mooaelu order to get au evon larger yiold of goldouegga. Our own view ie that the pariod has arrived for tbo uoble bird to do a httlo laying in th* homo baakafc." There ie muoh to be oomrnonded in the remarks of the Courier. Thin Fire Under write ' Aenooiation is bogimiing to be look ed upon as a naeroilH tyrant. The Town of Eaaex, for ittBtauco, baa not had mure than a half do^sa Uree during its oxieUnoe of abeul twenty yeara, and, partly for the purpose of reduoinf ita mauranee ratea, haa oonatraotod a tirat clasa tyntara of waterworfce, auuljiout for all tke poaiblo requiramente, iucanaof an outbreak of Ore. Now however, the Uuderwriteri' Aoeocia- tiou want thia !fowa to put on a night watch, polio* foroe, new pumping outfit, aud a score of metropolitan aire, otherwiuo ttoy promise to retae ear rates. Iu oaso our ratea are miaed, they kindly inform ub that it will bu a diifioult matter to get LhetJj lowered. The Ontario Legialatare mi^ht take up a liro lnaaranco bra nob aud make money out of ,;ib. LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA- ri-IYislCtANSTOBlfl V(m llorreraur*! Tlto*o nl u Llvlkkif I>iHli Tho Vlrtlni IVofplowN, III. 'B'urttife MtttviHUii ljttuH C**uirr>l of Klotcclu utid IKluddf r nud la u Mvufcn of t>UNluiit Worry (o VmtnUf a kid frlt'iidu a Itciiiedy (or <)i kilnna kblNt'ovcrcid. Ooath of Mrs. A. W. Gardner. After a lingering and painful lllneeH of about' Ave weeks' duration, Mre. A. W. Gardner died here oa Tauruday mornine;, in tho thirty-firat yotr of her age. Tho de clined had boon auffariug from a compli cation of diseased, and in opito of careful uumitig and medical attendance her death waa tho reanlt. Mra. Gardner waa a daughter of Mr. and Mm. David Whitney, of this place, and had Uvea hero moat of her life-time. Kino yoara ago last December ahe waa married to Mr. A.. Walker Gardner, now nuperin- toudent of the Easox Waterworks, and lo&vor two areall children, aged eiifht and tbroo years, bertidea hor Borrowing huaband, to mourn hor untimely end. fiha was a member of theMethodiet ohuroh, and bore her Bufferinc* with a fenuiue Chrietian forbearanea. Tho fuuoral Horviaci will takcjlaoe at the Methodiat ohuroh on Buuday afternoon, at two o'clock, to bo followed by interment at North Ridgo Cemotry. m. , .. . . , . . .fore coming to Esaex Centre, aethia place Thepolitical pot iW****to****^kut^iutemw , . The deoeaaed leavce a widew, wboeej maiden uawe was Cecelia Brett, a alitor of tbo Into John Brett,- of Auabotithurg. Tbo children of deceased were Jobs A., a member of the town council; George of Harrow; Aire. Arthur pindeay,' of Detroit;-] and Ellen, who haa lived with hor parents. Hia remains were interred at North nidyo cemetery. IHreeJ, trak, N*rv*ue, Msana impure bloed, ana evarwork or to* maob atraiaon brain and body. Tha only way te cure la to feed the aeryee on pura blood. Tbouaaaida] ef people certify that the beei blood pMri@er.4ba bent taerv. lenlo aad atrenctb builder i a Hood'a Bar- npfHIla'. Whai it b*a dona for otbera it will alao do fr you Hoofi*e Ourea. The new method of preveutine; and our* lug diphtheria by auti-diphtheriMo aerana, or untitoxlun, continue* to attract the at tention of the Medical world, and if ottsea are seen early, good roBUlts may be ex- pootedfrom this 'method jef troatmant. It ie nqv/'beiug tried m Detroit and Torouto where diphthoria is prevalent. A aupply of tho no rum haa be on aeoured from the Provincial Board of Health, by Dra.' Dowar d' MoKonsiie. Hbkdujitxbm Cuhmd w a DjLY. Bouth American Rheumatism Cure, for Hheumat- am Neuralgia, radically ontwhi 1 to. 3 day*. Its action upon the-ayefcem ie re markable and myeterlouB. It removes at once the cause aud the disease immediately disappears. The first dose grn*uty beno- fits, 7r>oon,tav Sold by J.Tborno, drag- Mr, JarnpH Moljnun, u rrfident of Lfroy, Simcoo County, Out., in known to every man, woman and child for 'milcm around the violnliy of hia homo, aud all know of tho lonj^ yourj during winch bin condition bun been that of u living death. Mr. Mo Lean tolln of bin injury, bid yeara of torture and bin HMbu*qiH'iit ruleaynirom tho agonies ol locomotor ataxia, in tbe following vivid languiigo ; "In the year 1880 I wan thrown from a hcntt'ild, fullim; on my back on a utono pila, I wan badly hurt, and narrowly HPapi d doath. PluBteraand linimeuta wero applied, and X nenmod to get aomowbat bttU'r. . But tbo appnront imptovomnnt wah tthort lived. My foot bog an to get untiHiially cold, and uothing that could bo done would warm thorn.. Tho trouble then aproad to my logn, and from tho w.tiut (.lown I ft mi attackod with uhootiujr puinu flying along the neryou in theuaando, and causing tho mnut terriblo torture for day a aud nighto at a time. I could got no relief save from the Injection of morpbiuo. Six physioiann treated mo at different timoH, but apptnirod only to faintly undorHtand my trouble, and oonld do nothing for my relief. Homo of tho doctors dealurod my trouble waa rhonmu- tinwi, put two of them wild it waa'a dioeaMo of tho spinal cord, that tho troahlo would get.worso and that noouer or later my nrm \\puld beooine nffeoted. This prediction proved true. My loft hand dropped at the wriat joint and bung dead and cold, and X bad no more control of it than if tbo hand wero uot on mo. Fly blistorn and' eleo- frlcity were resorted to without avail. My stomach wati next attacked with a burmnr', aohing, nansoating pain, causing th'o most dlatreniiiug vnmitind and I eften thought I wna'd not sea morning, I havo voraitod almost continually for thirty-mx 'bourn, aud nothing but merpbine or ohldroforra oonld"deaden the nnguitih I Huffurcd. But worno trouble wi'h in store for mo. I lost control of my bowels and water, and my condition becumo mont horrible, necotoita- ting coniitantly the greatest care and watobfulnupa. I was now Buffering trom the top of my hoad to tbo point of my too. I aaw donblo, aud had to keep my eyea fixed steadily on tho grouud to mako a step at all, and tho momout I raisod my oyeo I would etugger and fall if I wero not griinp- iwg Homethin". I could Hot tako a single Btep in tho dark. For nine Ions; yoara I Buffered all tba horrors of aliving death. In 16801 was admitted to the Toronto Gen eral'Hospital, whore I was troatod for four months. 1 was told that my troublo was locomotor ataxia, aud incurable, aud X ro- tnrned home no hotter. Aftor returning homo I had furthor medical treatment, bnt with uo better resulta than before Finally. X wae given tho following certificate of in-"t curability CudrouixiL, July 27th, 1803. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that JameaMo- Loan has a disease ef the ftpinal cord (in curable) that renders him unfit to obtain a living. A. T. LITTLK.1I. D. About thia time I waa Htrongty urgod to try Dr. Williamh? Pink Pills, and oh how I wish I.hfld.known of thia great remedy yearn agol What anguieh and tortnre I would have been spared 1 Soon after be ginning tho use of Pink Pills I found my- .solf improving. Tho pains left me and I was ablo to disoontinuo tbo hro of the mor phine. 1 regained eontrol of both boweU and bladder and gradually a feeling of life returned to my legs and arms. I can uow walk without the aid of either crutebea or atleka aud can tako long etridea. My atomach trouble has all left me, and 1 can eat as heartily aa eyer iu my life.' My friends, who never expected te see m about again, are astonished at the wonder Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla have wrought; in mo. When I began the use of Piuk Pills tuy woigbfe was reduced to 1.10 pounds, aud it is uow increased te 1C&. .1 am a new man aud it ie not possible'for me te say enough in praise of your marvellous .raed- ioiue PECK'S GREAT - Winter SALE is-Notr Every-Overcoat, every Suit and every pair of panis.irx our Men's and Boys' Clothing Department in included in this Sale. You can now save from one-third to one'half from reg ular prices. A chance cannot afford to miss. Zyou Windsor's Loading Clothier. chronic erysipelus, scrofula, etc, They are alao a specif io for tho troubles peculiar to the female nystom, correcting irrirnlar- ifltioH, RUpprosaionH and all formo of female weaknosu, building anew tho blood, and restoring the glow of hoalth to pale and sallow checks. Witb men thoy effeofc a rudioal euro in nil cation arising from Men tal worry, overwork, or exceeros of any uaturo. Sold only in boxen bearing tho Arm's trade mark and wrapper (printed in red ink,) aud may bo had of all diu^giate or direct by'Ynull fi-onr Dr. Williama' Med icine Company, Br'oohvillo, Out,, or Schenectady, N. Y., at 60 cents a box, or six boxes for $2,0, Tho Delineator for April ia called the . Spring Announcement Number, and is au excellent spooimen of thia moat popular woman's magazine. Supplementary to the rogulur iaaue of pattorua there is a timely actiole ow-bioycling, wffc .Jl!M*$*AteUB- 0^- Cofiturfcsi that will iuteresT allkver^ olf the wheel. Tho papers on the voioa, which wero interrupted by Uie illneflB of the author, aie rosumod ; and there is begun & aiost practical aeries on Prenervation and Innovation, tbo first instalment; treating of tbo putting away and oareofturs, Mra. Hoger A. Pryor writes very entertainingly ou etiquette of flret calls aud introductions, giving the accepted usage* and formulae; aud the second paper on the experiencas of Training School Lifo inoreasev theiMterest' already felt in the mibjuot. The Dean of Barnard College contributes a charmingly written article on a girl's life and work at tho University of Chicago, 61 which abo wo a. Fellow, 1803-04; Belle Piereon Springer wHUb foioibly ef Typeaettiu^ ae an employmeut for woman ; aud Sara Miller Kirby givea further inatrnoiiou In Kiudergavteu Toaohmg. How to make dolls' Ilouaea ia shewn in crepe and tisane pipare, uew aud exceedingly pretty tieaigne are) fiveai iu venMlan iron work, knitting, tuttiag. netkmg and crochoking, and the. chapter oa burnt leather work givee illUe- traiious and iuforuatiOn of the neaeesary toola aud implemeats aud aalvico to begin- uer*. The eooker.y atUol* gives recipes for orae new dishes. There ie a paper n the My wife also joins use m thanka, I BervlD; of pineapples. b4u|I grape frnit, one Pimples, boilf aud other: bnmora of the blood are liable to briak out in the worn) weather: Prevent .it by taking 'Uood'a lanaparill*. and aaya it was a happy day for her wbeu I begau the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, as eiuoe then she has beou able to get fat pat night which she baa not ^orie for so many louff ynra before", I hope Heayen may direct thia into the hands of aome other peer bufferer, who may find as I did, release from a hViug death through your great life-iaviug remedy. Youra wery gratefally, jAMJte MoLiUM. Dr. WiUiams' Piuk Pille oro * oertoin Cfir# for fjl diaeaBfe eucb a St. Vltua dance, locomotor ateaia, rbeumatiBm, p*x-, alyaU, wuuioa/tho afwreifefteof Ufiippo, on table deooraUou and iuV"ueual oontri- butioa on fleral oulture. Around tbo tea- table ia height aad euterUinieg, Mothc* and Sou ia earnest and inatrUotlTe, eaiolii novel Salmagundi party suggests a dolighP. ful evening'* amnaement. There ie also a review; of the ueweat books, aoaio inatrn- mentai muaio and ah KMtorOarol. Begiu a suWoiJptii?P with ifcia nurabor. _ ~ ' I, *eply to gbttV ^uestloB do my ohfla- reo oWectto,ieJtla; Boott'o Emnlaions. I My no 1 ou tho outwjf. .ttf ft>4 <w it and U keem* t^ans plctnree of bealth.1' ^w 1/ -M "* '(, > m!M ' ~..u , jt.' \