Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 1, 1895, p. 8

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' ,'i'i ;.-3ji"!;'.....,' ' ' ' . - '.'.7, [895. liOadon,1anitjWr)eo. 24. The Mauohes- Ur Ouumt ujiSfttordara have beon (jiv- jn at the VfootolclSpi Davenport arwm- .Ub for a latRtt quui^kv of ammunition to- I'gether witW bRtta\. iShflber of Mutfazluo, (arttni-Honry *\\\n mM other kuum ** hprooufc' to OanaiU in\.lauuaty, 1'ha. *Gouri*r u-lup Itmrna tWut iU^ dofonoH of are to bo gnuluuMy u'treiigthouod. fat: * n* ^_^OWleatie;- .-.-*...... layVhe/d .graduate and ftln' .name,'. t ,' jMila intellect go; bound- /fame, ' 'aTlersTBrriart," yHuVowi' and ho .Htartbd onu thhu;. was For .Known' to quit,. Tit.lis from the uollego, and I 'IwU'n't to our r.urprlae, t ho.had-KOne In train in' for il Ht- ,' .tie oXerclHo. Hie ctudlos they bad I<*-pt hlKi olojto, he wanted recreation, Which wasn't full an'ordea, by the aum- mcir's Hlioft vacation. He' Bald the.tiXi.-relHc wait thin 1 dla- roni;inbi.>r all A-lctckln* round upon tho. ground u lit tle leuthor ball. Well, he's oomo homo to us at hurt at leant, 1 tf'H'W' lt' Jhn Ho looks aa'lf a cannon ball 'd boon Kportln' round with mm, 'VVo'vo trtod in every way-wo could to nave hlH (,'omitltuHon, And lllb-d him full of BtUohoii tar to hinder dbiHOlntloii. .Why, sir, 'i lit at Oottyuburtf, have murKs on every limb, Cut I'm a menhir, beamy show -com pared along" with Jim! 1@0& ~t-*^t*t* M Will boa OiUKiUlnto. Hhkex, Ont..Dh<j. a(J. 18l).fi' To the .Editor of tho Kukk Vubbh. Dear Sir. I have beau unko'l to state ddihiituly my iutautibiin with reiormoo, to th mayoralty. Until reaonfcly it had boon my flrai determination to retire^ and loave th* Hold opouforauy cundulato who might he tnoradoHirouK of thejfioaition.bufc during tho'puflt wnuk I havo boon ho strongly presuud by many of ilia luadinir aitlxima of tun^towjijpjujuio oTfor rayHnlf.uH a oaudi- baVo made to do to :*t ^ Mantly w.ittheB V ntf u> mi fair pretty trd_6H.j3i,r dato, that I have coimoutod. no uanvaaa of uny kind nor do I intend to do-Ho until ttfeof iiomfnatioQf. but aliouid th altisioiiH a^aio uo fit to ojoot mo to tho pomtion I shall faithfully obdouvor to diH olmrgoall thu dtuioB of tho offioa to tho beat of my abilit-y. P..A. Dkwaji. I don't Know what you wire call tho mutter mjuuro; ." They.tell muthero'a ho precedent.that'a quoted anywhere. ........-....... Me luui Kot a broken, finder, and hoa Hot a Hplliitorod noH'% ITn'n i;ot a Irjj tio awollen that ho ean't hit in IiIh i:lotli; His h'wVn ho. badly battered that you utin't no outline trace; I-Jv'h nvfii lout .th frouklew oft from "what wan once a. taco. Tho only thlntf for you to do, an I am on my mettle, la to lltfure up tlie dnraaeca and bch1 mo check to . aottlo. Per when Jim wont to eollega ho wart atylhih; p'irt and trim, And woHn't no Hiich imuKe an you've niad'e outcn him. r am In for damairoH and expect a' Pfoodly ntim, olauKhter.wnrm't mentioned'In your blamed cuiTleulum. r-S. H. Gray. Ho Am To our host of friends &nd patrons in the Town and County of Ennex we deaire to express our sincere fchankH for the v^ry. liberal patronage'which you have accorded us during the year how drawing to a close. 'It has been our constant aim" to Bupply our cuatomerB with firat claas goods at the lowest possible prices. Thao our efforts nry appreciated is evidenced by the large and wUady increase in our buainw-H. We hope by cdnrinuing the same courne1 to merit and receive a Btill larger share of your trade in the future. Our Annual Stock-taking- Sale Is now on and we invite tho ladies to call and Bee what wo are doirJ in fine Silks; IJr.ejSP., Goodn, Sealette Mantle Cloths, Furs, UnderveBta, etc. Gentlemen, it. will., pay you to in-' vestigate if you ueed a "suit of Clothes, OvereoatH, Shirts, Ties, GJovch, Underwear, a fine Porfiian Lamb, I'ur or Sealette Cap, or an extra large Robe. Many lines are being *old at- gr'e atly reduced pricea. WiWiingr yen a Merry Christmas and a Happy Wew Year, we remain, Yours for Bargains, DTJITSTJSL1T BLOOZ, BgSE2T. NJW ADYERTISEMKNTS, STRAYED. UNTO US A CHILD IS BOON. ** i^SSU; a/V Aim, u 'ft^o c/hifut iuquT at lu^ij UeKnowlediio that oti ware eutirely ueoalJad for, Wu wore iformcd by pttrtioo whom wofin^ponud familin- with, every pltaRo of tho ition." The licaruiugtoa post waya thoro hun feeu noma talk of Hturting a Reform paper rin that town, hut tbut tho projuot hun ro coived Vdry litito bucourajvemonb from the i^Binoafl men. Leamington ban a goed lot^l paper in the Font, and hftu no .more atod of a party puper than a wiigon Ijiih of fiya wlioels. Tho fact that the adi'or of the ( Poafc happen a to bo 'a CouRorvativo .J^ciutorforo with bia putting out a ' Xpor, which nhould bo heartily uun> /by tho buamuHH mon of all partioa. in a small field, inioh ugLoam- ' rmo uround, mid itu adv-irtiHomjutiu uaoh of wo-moro valtio to tho avora^u buaiueHu Itnau tbau an advortiflonoonti in ono. Tho I b n h in (J ay men will ooutiult ttioit* own into- JetH by ignoring tho now project. mi l7uiK Pinna: iu Sin. I had hoped that your timely- ,Ie oq tlio above Hubjoat, of tho lHih \,would huvooulluu forth bomo undariiu. (*f iudi, that the (' jphi your reudara. ,bo that the uilonuo i9 not a Hi'i>u 'joe, hut, rather an ahflurance Tlio dutttiU may if not older hoadu. A.cknowlert^e>nont. Noawoon, Oht. Drc. 23rd 1805. Tbomib Rum. TreuuurorEHBnx'ConnciLKo, ': / 610.0. C. F.. : Allow'aoknowlodRfl t-,1: Jreooipt of cheque for "One Thouflaud Ool- J . lara" an amount of bonefioiary carnod by my late wife in your noblo order. "*~lt bttH reached tno in abou.t ten dajo 'ftftef tho papora woro coraplotod bore, i Btiob promptnoBB will oortamly Horve to g'watly iuoroaHoyour alroady Jargo room- berohip. ' yoHr ordor shall alwaye havo. a vor'y IV warm plaoo iu my hparfe"ifa niuo" aUidi1 thti' offioiota and aiemhetu of tlio loeal loil/io, whono kiudneae in tbie, my ^roatont earthly trial, oould never bo forgotten. Again wish ing you a well merited growth, I am, Youra very aineerely An-niun S. Soorr, M, D, ,,,.,' mon aoneo proposal roado by you will Mfc ,, , . , - , , , i .... 'ally bo taken up and noted upou by tbe.-> ' , . ., ' t *ver that bo", Pcruonally I ouiinot but fee. . , . , ,mt tho opportunity will bo a gratia oun'i, l . , . -,.,.. . '. U to wvidwnoo their chriatiaiutv ui.d con.' ... <}<" hrothorhood. ,. A, loft tf wilier btill a not be out of plaoo. OiiunoK* niHtuad of beioj'hcla always x- , r t. i o a the name plaoo, ba made ponpatotic? Out. . , tho Mothodiati oburuli, another: ProHbytoriau, and ho :)ii, all other^ee. for tho week boiot* omitted, '*' -., In liou o^ ii&rmoim or addroauea. Itmgfci or otherwiHe, why not nubfttituto live orten \ \\ jind miuute tulka bright, breezy and iiiHpiriiifc j^^ he taliiutf up of coui-ho tho vaiioun to pi en ^n?'^/ ^ oullinod by the iilvan^olioal.Alliance? , Also, wopld IK. oof bo durable that brevity rathor.than difloumivoneHH murk tho viirioun prayorn offorod nuoh pmyora.. where pohHiblo, to bo arrangoil fot.previ- oimly ? Youra fuithf ally, I)oo. 24, 189,0. Thcuo two wordB bring" uh ho near louether'at thiti happy Chiiatrhan tlmo: ^jlLLljljjj; horn ruin uh a W Son \a. irlvcn." I tnuat have, told yoy more than once that only what we can aiiure la the hebt. I cannot think of u.y' circle, of some that havo mo much h'kh than othei'K In the wame circle,.and 'my joy be full; but when I comu INTO THU ritMMrRKfl OV THIi 1/NDEIt- 1 ulftnari, lot :i:i imd U, cornoi- H. M. H , Col. aliuHter North, on or about tho lat or Bnpteuibvr lufit, ono youvliiiliolfor; Hpott<i(l,..r<Kl uiulwlilto. with tho neclt all rod. '1 ho owner 1h xctyumtMl to prove nronorty, payobaro and tnko iiwny. It T. COOK, KinpX 1* O. "~~~ STRAY EOT" ~ INTO tho prfnilPtui of tlio undcrrBlainal, lot U3 B, M It., CoicbeifU-r North, on.or luljoutNov. aiftt, Jfiet.aBinall yomrliUK null, dark rod color, U'Ihi owner \nym\\i6ht n\ toprovo twoporty. Ony ohaWB,U,aUko)llmT^K0IBBW-WKT.. to So tborpufih ifl tho oxoollonee of Ayor'e Hair Vif;or that it oati be ueed with beno- \ At by any poruou, no ntAttor .what maybe the condition of the hair, and, in ovory cane, it oeuhaaiona eatiiifaotiobatid ploanure, [[..In udditiou to tho boueflt which iuvuriably aOmes from Uh una. CnturrH lu tlio Mattel Ih due to irapuro ujoc-d and oanuot bo cured with Jtioal appliuatiotja. Uood'a S-iri-apariUa Iuih omod hujulredn of auhch of culiurrh hcoauau it ptiriflea 'tho bluoil and iu ihin way rumovea tliti ouuho of thu diMuaKO. It ahio' bu'Tlda up tho Hyutcm and proventH attaokt) of pneumonia, riipli. theria and typhoid fovor. chrlHt, and tldnlc Ho io for "Uii," ana litat each ono or uh, ho to gpculc, can have Itlm ull to thomaolvoB, this lo bll^a indeed! JJld you ever look lonj; ana L-urneatly into 6ne ot the Chrlatmaa- [jictures in tho dear old book Simeon with Christ In bin armuV I do'not won der that he tfalii; "Now, Lord, letteat I'hou Thy servant, depart In peace, for mine eyes have ween'.Thy aalvatlor..'1 .Some ono sayfi: "All heaven and earth are hi oui* arma when Christ \a there." A.t thla bleflscd Cludutmaa -tlmu .1 .want to thinic or you all us aaylny: "UiVo ua il Child 1b horn our King!" Oh, U.wo would only jutft echo what God f.aytt I lived once whure there wan an echo from the top of tho hJU-iwar our houNs, and I had a dear little hoy, and he loved tho ocho bo much, and nothing ploaned him like my calling "Willlo!" lfl tho echo would come hack, "WH- and then tho groat dark eyes bo lifted to mine with ouch a oy and wonderment at boar- IiIh own name. Tho Chrlutmaw must rinir our name, wo must fic^->e wordo "Unto us'." That meanu you av mo. W0"mUilt make thla per- aonal.,, Jieara a Well-known. blahop aay >n.i^ ^ short ttmc ago, when Bpe wave Him's^ a groat parj wonderful coiff^^^-^^^'Vho "rar- eftt exotica In ^ ftnd-waa. told that the park belong t a1, the lft to the city, woi.d..1t,mvc thc en:Joy. menfc that wouldH;i, .jn,n ,f Qn- my return homo I foim, ft mt]o Blmplo oh lid had. plaeod thehs\ltlt im. mo And no, I think, in thla sjiu riivlatmiis Rift of Christ there la a Wv^encHH a feeling-that Hfi If. a gift f^ (ho mee for humanity. Unto mi thes Child la born;, that ia to bo rrtVyift or dftn through all eternity.-\,,i'iAM Homo Journal. . ,ig from "The f3on of God for mo;" "If I went into Vnd In that park woro Vtxa Jird.lSOa. B! Htcil STRAYED. CAMK la to my prom hton; lot lj con.rt, Ganflold B-.uth, on or about Nov. hit hut. a rod yuar- lUirt-hoifor, with (i littlu wlilto 'i'ho ownorin rotjuoHted to prov proporty, pay cbarflon and talto boraway. JA^IISS.MABON, Doo.B, lbOC. Elfcrd P.O. . . ESTRAY. CAMR to toy promlHOtt.lotSO.S.M. K. townabip of Colebitntor North, about Doo. 7, ono 2 yoar old roan liulfor with ownor'u marks, ono ycnir- Mnubull, rod and wliito,. with marl(r>, ono rod Yearling bull, one yourliiiff atoor, risd and white, with luarko. Ownoi- in ioquontod to pirovo inoiiorty, pay oxpenuon and tulto tl om tiway. . JNO Mir.liKK, Doc. 'J 1605, SO !ti tJesto f. O. NOTICfc Tfl_CREDITORS. Iiurmiant to an Ordor of tho Hiijh Court of luntlco, Chanoory Dlvialnn, in ado In a (MiiniLi, Andortion va Alorrltt. tho eruditorii of Elfjali Ilarvoy Morrltt, Iat of tin* Township of doeflold North in tho County of Kuuox. Fimuur, who died on or about tlio 1th of April A. I). I8fl3, uro on or Imforo thu 2nd day of January IHOtl to Kiind by pout propald to Clarke, Ilavtlot it Hart- lot of tlio city of Windaor, tho B&Hoitorii for tbo' I'lfimtlir thoir Christian and aur names, atl- (IroHttOH and doKcrlption. with full partlaulam of thoir qIiuhhi, a ntatuuiotit of their aacoiintu and thu nature of tluiir aoourlby (If any) hold by tliitm, or in dofault thorn of - fchoy will ho per- i/mptorilv oxoludod from tho bijnoftt; o.tho.naid oii'lor. 3'lvoryci'ij'ditor holding any tioouvitv in to product) tho itaino before m at my Obambora at tho Flemfnif Blank hi the city of Windflor on* 11m Htb day of January lhOO at tun o'olook hi tbi forunoon, uoing tlio titnoacpohitod for adjudi nation mi tlio datum. Dntfltl thlHlth day of Dnoonibor 18<W4 fid UI (niflnod) O. It. HOItKT!, Jwlftn of Couuty Court of County of IGhhox. Wo are Belling Goods cheaper than any house in the weafc, in Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Clothing, Boots and - Shoes and Groceries We are Belling DreBfl Goods at cost for the next thirty days. '. ' - ._..,:. Ladies* Vests for 26o, 50c, 75c, $1,00, all worth 25c more 25r, worth S5c, Gloves for 15c, 20c," 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c, 50o. Boots and Shoes away below all others in.price and; values. Men's Gloves ior 50o worth 75c, 60c worth .90c; $1.00/* worth $1.25. Suite from $3M up to $12. Overcoats at ; $5.75, the best value ever shown in Essex.. Groceries .-Hba newRainins 25c, or 8^c lb; " Every person who tries our 25c Tea says it is the best in the market. Gall and try and if you are not suited I will refund the money. We are sole agents for the Salada, the, best Ceylon-Teas. Highest prioe paid for produce. iV'l '1 . "ft j. i. FMiei G-0 TO THE SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY Cor. Talbot st. and Victoria aye. i Tbo ItLteni improved maohiioery (ov [' Ironing Collars out/CutfH. Will not evank |i;or break tio wlufi. ^"'Panjily, work cheap, Parcejo a filled tor r and delivered. , t Pleaeeoall and try. If,not Batlsfaatory r nochartfe willbe mado. If oar wbrk anite ' roa, recommend ua to your frienda... - Glaus ITae loft al th Eapex Medical . Hall a firoat variotv of 'fanny Oiods in PIubIi. Ivory, woe'd Loutlior. Mirrbrfl, riotuio frnmos, Books* Dolls, and .Toyw of all sorta; all sold at tho lowoefc prioos. . The dog doesn't ent cranberWcfl. Country coimina havo turkey home. The fruoftt who hn no chploo hniftt take tho wnlUhiR- beam of a drumstick. Ah tho cook will expect hov dinner to materialize let her get It for onoe in tho neck. Rich relations will show forelvenoufl In thoir will for anything except dys- popBla.- Don't overload their platen. If you have any literary trlendu 'pres ent remember that well, that you can't roast a turkey In a qliallng-dlah. omitii Tailoring Coy, bouTH woodslee; Vance's Old Stand, Esgex ammoth FURNITUR 'VI ,,'il A Coui'a- HVInn.-i' In -Collium, "When 1 open the front door upon my arrival at homo at night," Raid n. man who lived In a Hat, "I .inhale' tho fragrant odor of a delightful tioup... Passing In a lolnurely,manner up the" first lllght of stuira, I finish, the roup at tho , Heeornl floor, and then 1 mid, that the fish hau boon served, I tako tho huh as T'prooe'tsd along the hall; and up the second flight or stairs. On the third floor t (hid tho roast, and on tho fourth a dainty dessert. When I roach my own.ri.6or all i really, want Is a cup of cpfl'ce and a cigar." Sun. eayy Overcoats, Suit\ Fine Pantinfes, derwear. and To Smoke _ - ^ J? Tomeot tbo wim!w\ of their ^ou'stomora, Thu Goo. K. Tuokotv-^ Son- (Jo., Ltd., Hamilton; Out, liavfT/piaoad upon the marHot A Combination" Plug of "P ui-<t>i^ < win*i,, First Corypheej-Did, Vou hang your fltocklng on-phlrlstnias fiy.e,Z ...Second, Corypifieef No: luihk up-"nry Jeweled igarter. Got fifty on it. "Where do you - thihld^yp>iyi ChrlB'tmasr-"", : ^C"""* > ......"" ""\ . V SMOKING TOBACCO ' . "TMiyinppHoB'a long felt want, *giv- inif tl>i| conaumor on 20, oftnt pl"g Pr;*Jfij cent piece, or a ,6 bent ^>ieca a fampns "T At SEP* brftno! of fur0 Virginia Tobacco. ; o No Sng,ps but Real Value for y Greater Bargains ih useful and ornamental Fnrn^ Essex counfcy'M hi&tory. : We are the price makers for all dealers ir^jjl A solid polished Ohk Rocker, spring s^'ai .300 fancy Roekors and Setting Chair3,,oi aj^VlvthouBands of other useful "articles at, fact) Remember a car load of.I^urnittire coimpi dtqck iep likepaying.20c on a' dollar'fo'r ypurg] Wb have train loadn for which we pay li doMaiV'With large cash diCounts, which en,abh factory prices. /:% v Our Boli^ay &ood8vare of the best in\:$$J < vij j< Opposi Who live HipiO ,,,,,,,,,s Orawford;;^pu80^.,Vl| ":'-,','!':'w/M Tlw tia:bzJZ i r is bb aVafy piiice. aa^nf.26f!^fiil^K 6n;M^ .. , >-\wWm&M^

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