Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 1, 1895, p. 7

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fe;Sw;>(";;.. ?$* ft*gf .1* ' ' itf^y .; >! uW.:v';; ' ^^#fc^W * I Hrtvo tnkcn Aycr'* -Pills. W, many - youm, mnl.kiwnys.derived the best re-: Fo* , U'mi' !<<r ;wv\ -fc>;-%tbo euro of headache '.nr.V'" . v-i-ml ,-y ii'r.'.f, ttcmngements, Ayer'a '."'..- 'i'll-i-ounil f:imiry. mPdlelnci I have orer i uiiowir.Vr-.Mrs. I^IaY J0UNB0N,3C8Hiaer . avu.. Now York dry. ' " '""^ OYER'S PILLS. ' ominnii _ . . ., . . rejpjjectihRl.: power. >;* * , l./^- ;- js td~ confess that W/U :<, ;;Wh reg-ard ;:)WTV'AWjerI6an; -poae'Sffionifi - /. If' .rn6rQ.#M:>the::fairJta^ Awards t World's 'pair. - ' ESSEX Has Just Received The Finest and Best Assortment of alue in s Shoes and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shoes .' and Oxfords. The; Cheapest in the Land; ^g!'^) - ; Cali and Eqamlne and be Con- ip.Jas:: Douglas^ -! Sltrn o(lbo oldcll IKot, ' ' ]1 * ' Whitney Block - Kssey . W*$b\nBtoni [ Cec. "-2Q. in , the SenaW to-vaay;;!M;r.^'^bigari,' broutrht upj tiiv: .WlViWrithe yepe^ueld:^'m^leplon'j H> ^fldid.-Ihe. I%elBij hc^atiphs, Co;inniltfo#;< *had .;p6^eVJnmen(itn;eht}ii'; IS ortnV .'-jji-1, kthptyK'jteV&s:^ WU A>; it cari^e' J^rom "th Tfojian;7 'These am^iifimerits fixed the number .of; coRfcmlsaioner9'<rit'three. t"> b^ ap pointevl. by rind ^ 1Jli the advlsi? an" C^\?ftt' ot}{t'he. Senate( whp flhall; ro- pbVetb'the Prefilderit; no tliHeTTor'tlieJr report is , fixed. Mr. Piatt (Rnp.; Conn.), thought the flpUB^ (bll Ipught not to be an:en'e(l. Tt ^hbuld be passed as It came' from the Hoiiee- Thfe Bubjec!t inatter'of the hnL,w>a ve,ry grave, and It nnould *bd treated ,aa8iich. There was no need, or .Wllcin^ about a prolvible wnr. al- thouch'the Ariierlean people would not Hbun It if it wan forced upoi'.'tncm. Mr. Sherman (Hop,, O,), said he could not for the Uf eol him si| the netcaarty PCha'ste'. CbrutrdsB -had a.rCtid/ en dorsed the PresldentMn his declara tion of the Monroe ediqt.; England was not engaged In a fre'ish, aRRreapion; on the contrary she-' was' taltlhg1 vei,y serious consideration'of the whole giib- Jcfit; she needed 'novosoitement;' to toufip her to heed> the sp/rit that pre- Vdlled here, Mr. Shenr.un eald he had no ,doubt hut that thri t'roabln -woii!^ bo settled by an amicahlo agreement ^between Grr?at Britain anil Venezuela; he had no Idea "there would be a drop of American blood split over this mat ter. .,. , Mr. Mills (Dem., ^px.), wanted to know where wo were to get tho reve nues to carry on a war. Let U3 not commit the groat mistake of under estimating our oriomy. The represehta-' tlvos of' ttie two Oovornments, aftei lng diplomatic correapondence have reached a point where they say neither. will yield; yvc are standing on tht- brink of waE-Jind sUouldl look to o\ir treasury box and aee.wncre our money. Is . to come. from.. An amendment to the conHtltulioi should be submitted to the country, authorizing ConKtr^s to levy tuxefl oi: realty and porfonalty ; then, said Mr. MIHh, wo can carr on any conflict with lionor to the American people;' < Mr. I^o'dgo snld he thought tiieiti should bo no dlvlHlon In the Senate 'on this subject, ami, he would not.pve^ Mhe,a?nondutent of which he gave no tice yesterday, llxlng a time when the commission-'.h/rn'M rmyint, H. f,.....J od "tho~confirmation of .the- commit- Hlonern, for by hucu' iict ' the world : PPtMon .at mher, gt,\ the two Athericas, 5?1i'Wbod3r: ^leiuted the >Iccnt- Of' W* r^r?? ?**^i4 to defend. ^.i)yBta,telW A?ner]c&< whldh she may think It pror Rorin h^? Jritereata, to Aofetid. All-we maintain Mb-that we, are. entttlnri><t'V Prbtoct-, against Spanish aggre'fcslottr- frontiera: which . we , beUeve are. -un- queationably burs and which the peo ple of the United States; if Guiana were theirs, would slmUwlv defend. We are not: oven defending them against- the Uoltetd States, whose, .hcaregl-terrUory is 1200 miles distant, but against a turbulent little Spanish state which was born after wo* made our settlement in Gulaha and there fore Is in no way assaile[], menaced-' or our action; ' The spectator' quotes from Sails*- bnry'H note to p|lney, antl concludes t "Are' we; 'theife,for,' to quarrel,' posal-. DISEAS to Loan On (iood produoiive 3?urm Property at 6J, & C per oeut, straight.- _^ WV.S. w No Valuation Fees. l^'Oouvfiyiincinf,' Dbno up in Neat Bfcyle !'> '. ^r- Fire and Lifensurahce. A. E.LOVELACE, ES8JCX, ONT POWDERS Cure SIOK HEADACHE and Netmfgia ^[ fdlNvrBB, nluo Coatod TonRUO, l>izzl- jillouanoss, Pain In tho Sitlo, Coastip*tioa, Wa Llvoc, Bad Brant li. , to stay, cured ^Jso aato tlio .bo\vIa. very niob to takm* KicfM SG Cento at Drug Gro'km:^'- ssex Countyi' ft'"'- ' f Plum,: Apple .ancl/;': ^'Bosea,' Byer^rdone, .ispberry, Blacloerry , At^firG'.oIaB V, "wouJd.Joio\V that'the Congress endors ed the PrtHldont'ij. selection, and wore In 'accord with him. Mr.- Cattery (D., Ija.) concurred ' h: tlm: opinion of Mr.1 Sherman, that a con's or vat I vo policy should be punmed. Hh,mild war ensue, upon the two hoiifc'.V of. congress would rest a trumendeiif refrjionHlblllty.' *Hc agreed with Mi Sherman that there wan no need of hnsto. -wo wore not molested on . anj hand. Tho -very 'uppolri'ment of the commlEHlon wna a warlike stop, tun ovon that- ulc-p, which was a'forecast of wal*. mlffht' not lead'to war If u temperate and wise conclusions were: reached. , fc After further discussion the Rennlr paused the bill, wlthout-amcnrlment. fcj-nchburg, Va., Dec. 20. Oencrnl Plraluigh Loo,' the nephew of Oonpral nbbcrt TO. Lee,.wan afked to-day If he thought the nlUlcd States and Eng-' In ml would go to war. " No,'*v ho replied, " montha nnd months will pas^i boPore1 tho United- S'.e.tctt eoinmlSHlon will report. Tn tijr moantlmo the pugnacious wlnchi .will blow (hemnelvcs out, and the nnjvrv tutors subside, and a common ground he revealed upon which each of . the great Engllsh-p-pealclng giants honorably stund," flg,ht, and .p^ajJibly yuln "bae ai)0+h?r about nothing'? We cannot believe that the American people*-despitet.the" language bf some American politicians, 'desire, such a. struggle, as we are, ab solutely certain- that our people re--, gard It with horror and detestation. To Englishmen, war with th'TTnlted States. Is a civil war which they wilt never commence unless they are .driv en to ,It by^ direct .menaces to their' ow nterrltbry. StIH, Britlfch.Giilana to th(TT3ch0iribtfrk line Is hettvowh;M< . Thet';/Speaker (Oladstonliift): says: "We haVe7'vho': reasonV*to 'thank' ftfr.., Cleveland that the peace of the world Is not disturbed by . tha Incredible crime of war between England ,and the! United States. He ha* brought the two countries Into a position of Bucn extreme danger and dlfTlcultyi that only the good sense and the ffo.od 'feelioj? that arc at the root of the character of the two peoples . can be trusted to avert a fatal collision. Who Is responsible for bringing the two" countries to the point of contomplatlnip a struRirle which would ruin both for a Korieratlnri ? Not England. Hay she shown nny disposition to tropajis upon the rights of the people of! the -Haltod-fltatmi^-Hajcshe failed In the usages of diplomatic courtesy ? No ..fair-minded American dare' iinnwor In tho affirmative. If Lord flallabury had wilfully provoked public feeling In America, It would not have been left to tho Americans, to rebuke and.punish him. We- are not among the adher ents of Lord Salisbury, hu't we- munt adirm thaKwefall to nnd In hl de spatches a single lino to which roa- sonabio'Americans can object. The trunipcry quentfon of VenoiiU'dn, which Is made the extuise ^or ^Tr, 'Myf^i^TO'Vr^nrlfT "challenge, lt- olf the morost subterfuge. Tho--rAaw- oeuvriy may'succeed an a partar. stra tagem foe ROciirtng Mis Clov.ola'nd'H election for himself ot* bin no'mfnee, hut ho will,havo. bought his .triumph at n. price- which few men' would care to pay. There Is no nocd to dlwcuwH tho monstrous prdt^nwlons - contained In President Clcvehuid's mesaage 'and Secretary Olncy'ft despaich. Tf thov mean anything they mean that notlco to oult th(> new world is Bervud In the rudest manner Upon .Great'. EhMln!n. Surely Mr, Cleveland rnunt know' that a great power will not .accept such a notice until ahe hns oxhaiiptr-d nil of the resources at her com'mund for re* Hlutlng ngprreofllon which If Huceessfiil would deatroy her status, beforo the world.*' London, Uec. 20,^-The P*nndarc! pre dicts that'before many doyii Mi^ro will ho a utrllclng revulsion of popular non- tlmont In ;the United Stares. The- Am erican mind, It nayH, is dear..nnd logi cal, and Americana ,fullv nhr"-" with the British In what they bath "all lovo of, fair play. It addH : "Wo feel confident that a vnst majority of the Americans will soon .*' profoundly Rorry for what Mr. Cloveland bus done." f*')Ml 'BIPHlVJ'ff '". . "I cmitrsUfdn'fliyero coin/which Bottted..- nn nty lun m; h{ 1 dlilwlmt Iw.^fien dene l:t nduli'ti'ii.c!), lvgTflctoT K..: i. t n;ii crtnjiiilted ; Hid Hiipiir ivu-fi-.W tlv. lett HiliK was badly. . uii^-Xi. The ni' d'-bir.*) - \tny* w .d-f*J.' . f.Vnj.lo do niv ::<"..!, '.im I urteiadncd to, ir> av-'i-'s C!i- n-. "(,'. ! tw*Jn.snv rr-....... -a..-,mlloved, and be- ior.T 1 Dd tlntrii'-i >ii-t\-\^r 1 w^.f"^;.' ,. i-A. l.uvLAi!, Wfuul.n. '.i.t. unrr.gevlUO.piit. Hlp:hrit Awn-y*!^;' nt-WcTld's Vaix* i***j** h .Iyer'a "' Ulg'jCti'M jftidtj/catfoni USEFUIi IN ARITHMETtO. 820 rode in a mile. 8 furloncs in a milo. ' 8 jnilds'iil aJaagu. 5380 .tfet*>ui a mile. ' 1700 yards in a milo. .040 acres in a square mile. 100 square rods in an acre, 4 roods'in:on'aero. 22 yards in a chain'. 10 equate ohftins in an acre. 0i square yards in aeqaare rod, pole orperoh; A gallon of water weighs 10 pounds. A onbio foot of water measures .25 quarts. >^. A cord foot contains 10 cubic feet or just ffp"f-a.oorcl. A guinea^ai shillingB. A soveroi^n^ao Bhillinga. 24i cent)? in a shilling. $4.86H in one X. . ' Long ton=2240 pQnndB. A orownfefit;anillingS. A pound'Avoirdupois 7000 grains. A pound Troy, or Apoth. =5700 grains. -(Tlio grain in these three tables is the same weight. In converting weights of ono table to that of .annfrhn'r bb Qii ^flu' and Haw OTentngfti for cbriBtliti day: Kijao^ yeloomf. Is II .a. wiBBitiefirhiSI lv l'abllo <fto; Moui tun Utook, o^>vtuU'iir:E] I L. PETBBB PaxrlMUUfr _ ;* PablWTtfooey to Loan? itrothers' Bank, ^9x Oantxo. h CiiAItKfe;-vBABTt^T &IB*B'niEf,"Bar(i" ter,BW; O0joci(l{fl(lbnry blOok;Vf\pdtn. nivuto fundstifJoan ". ___-ror / ' .' A. IJ.Cl-AKKBAi.L, U,f " V.-A. BAIITZ.II1 A.'Jl. Bi.KTX.UT. H. A. , HKNKV p. WAL'lltihH, Ii.L.B.;Attorney umi Cpunmlor ac Jaw, Solicitor Id Gbnucorv, I'roaior lu Aduiiralty, Patent Kolfoitor. witb AtkhiBon <t HafuhOBOouRt-ofts st.'wost, Detroit; Mloh (<;anttdfan oIoIiob it gainst person n iu tha llultod,Status colkjrtadj . HoH*teDwn'linp9t\ai Bunk, Kfiner, Ont. J h. Peters, ftnq , Hojrrlater, to,, Kasex, Out B.A. W,liner( l.h<i., UarrJbtr, etc, E^sey*. Out moi Visit COI D UH. BH1KN * JJHIEN. Jim Brlon.M. B-, I-. Il.,O.J\ fl., ffrndnato of Queen's pnlverBlty.'-KInijBtou, number of Col- ln of PhjBloiaiiB and KurfiooQR.Ontttrlo/ Grad- uatof Now York. Pofit Qradaato.Mvdical.CoI-1 ' J. W. Brlen, M.D., C. M., F. T. M. O. Honor' gnuhiiitn of, Trinity, MotHoal Oollwg". Bnuor- (.'rnrfntli" "f Trinity Unlvurfilty-imnbor of tbe (JoUkooC PiJi/HioiaiiBftnd Hurgfldna, Out 'Ginrt-- nuto ofhew York Poat Oi-adiiUo Modionl Colldgo. Oflloo over Ehbox Medical HalT'drun' btoro, CotiBttltatloii rOomn, both ou yrouoil tloor njnl flrnt Ont'iibovoj Telephouw fn both office anil rfaldouae. AM onlla uctaudud to frqui oflloo, <(rii Btoro, or reeltlenco. itaulduace, Talbot trout, front of fnlr nrounda, ?**M.r*~ - ISIS en* Taking effoet MayjS8^>iWr - I>troit....... /S^Sm 0A v.; dft' 10.10 Pol ton.:...... Miildntonee Kuaot.......... Woodflloe KtlBGOUlb " Cotabtr ; '" fit. ybWM 7.2fl aos 0.11 s.fli......":"'"" f-*rL can niiti; Nr -v\it.ii>'9:c:i:. Sir. 4;ind^ot)r-w ICrlfl' Itill U richly tifit\y on tBiit Alt-Kitiimiinnt OtK'^'lou, Now, Yorlt, Dec, 20, Tho Hccorder has 'received the foilo-i\inpf/cablo?,Tim from. Mr.'Gladstone I'n ahuweiv t> i"-'. request for tils comment on the Vene zuelan -dispute : Hawnrdeii, Dec. !i<>. U!!)5. To Editor Hocorder, Now Yor): : Solo ponaible' reply, -dare .nm Inter-, fcro. Only common eente roqulrod.. '.-.. G^'ApS'L'ONlC. Till; VXKIk SI IflOOl, ^HKftTHrtX- Avoir. to lbs.'Troy, itia necessary'to ro- duce to grains, afl a grain is the only wojght common to tho two tables.) Yon <'aii IlelleVe The tustimouialn' published iu behall of Mood'a Sarsaparilla, They are written by houeot pooplo, who havo notnully found iu ,th.(|ir own oxporionoo that Hood' Bmraap arillit purilk'n iIih hlood> oreatos iin uppo. tito; BttonttfchtsoH tho nyatem and abBolnte- ly uu^l poi-rnautnitly ouroA" all dlaeasoH oauued hy impure or dntioioot hlood. . Hhnd'nPiilH.ror tho liv<ir and bowelo, net promptly, r-any and effectively. Ec' t._"oE-2L . - Mills. -Unlvoralty of Toronto* M. B :Trlnlt BltyM.'O. P, H. O", late of Ht. Hayth Hohpitnl- and Moorliold'ti Royal On HoKi)ltal, London, Kngland,. B|ie*jlul; itlvt'u toillBOUBoaof tlieove.ear, nooea: OQl;o hourH tol'Ja in, 1 to U and 1 Oliluii uml v8lilonco(05 Ouullotteaye. 0|ipoHit St. Mr\'H AnadiLiny. ', 15.10 41)7 6.110 6.U, 6.W O, V.H. DEWAB * MoKE , Coroner, Now TrJnit* Aiodlcal P.A-.nvjtn,M.D.O.U,1F.T. Aa Trinity univortiity. M( ol^nii and hnruoonn, On ;>t. Kant, (J. McKknziu. m. D York I'pnt GrftrtUHtnjp/'U,llvi,rsjty OoIIoho. Gradua^j>T$Wt of M. G, U, Hm, ilt-nuo: Talbot, tygfa,, i to y ami II to H p.- tu OUloohourH-&to4fllK hlrck eromul flhor. >nio In ln)i">ri*^KKtoru ' noxttoTliotpe^^otjo,! with ofllae iid row! lelomion d?cttm JFflt 'l'hovno's drua ttorn will ht piouipt fendeil to. Uk. fefe:FItg^:!'. hrjeeB. We -wilI>.roheer-> pii.hy irotqrn raail. ';',',- r^V'1'l"-V.-,,:.T,:"..,'.-,i Boston, DC~i.2p. At the tanquet oi the New En&lnndtJP,.ree Trai'lo Lfnyin* tnla. ev'enlnff r^olulloha were ndopted flueotlohlnf? the rUvht -<)C the Uu ted Statos to-InterCere In.-the clfapiitd-he- twoen iSn(fland nnd Venezuela- All the speakers voiced this uentlment find William Tj. Oarrlson' warmly'defended the' o'ourHo ot AmbaHfiad^r, bayard in Kneland.' . . ' AnV.ttvIUHtiiiu t*lfiitiii;s i'1h-Etnilrnml* VVanhlnrlon, 'T)ec. '20! Bthlcmetitr have'rvut'-hed WashinKLbn that.the WI:' earaffuan dovernineut^ hao' 'egneludud ,<Wth";an Kng'lhUrban 'iinmcd ' Siron;an an arraniirehieni' through which he>e-- ourofi r('ou'm)l, b actual.puriRhuKe, .ufi\l)' tho railroad lihoti In ,'thit .cnuhtry.-: Iheso fcoadft rur. from Cicrona'tht-,, to' Managua,, the capital,. and from. Mo- motUiribo- to, Cdrlnto.>..- " / ' Tht'i; ri\1prt haii It that^ratb'th" e' }ln-: -'are f.h*o. included In MiiKlUi'at, : which, In addition,' fftvoti .Mtyrgah thtMdijht:,to build, nillrondw., 1'yom ', ^uit'r* Kama apd to Itlo Orande. ' of thoctjiiutry. , WiLl: 'K^P'w^j/i}r:;'.RF-.ii-:.^ I'll* inlud HtjUon >tfiKC,no ilmiv In KluU-." ,:--".K<nd-'ni:M;Di,'K,'tnd >VIII Sv.t ,\:. .*';.,;,I ," :'. ;' '.rjbn'dpn,"li'ee'. 'My thi), war. fevtH- ;ln. Ahib'rle'aJ'aro 'rie'lther.. iitinitrouH'*iioi., lJir^Jx,phlve;^'II^^^he'\t;nit^d,'fitalilt.l1ill.yl., ' niuflti' up -tiielr .iiilnds'-j.', t'o.,..istewL,(,.,;.ih"',I ..U'fyithwd^VVh'^ YAMi'lH NAYLOH *akou tills oiuiorttt#fn?l tt annonnoin , .u tint peopltf cf tho Tar. ?' Comity of I'lBFior, that ho hns romodelflff"-, k box Holler MillH uooordlns toidaiin nf?rr'1^5 It. N, ?rloo, fit. TliomaB, and W jJ?' "JJIJP tbo BOrvIoOH III HOUBHT BTBAOHAlKvi flxPor* onood and thoroiifihly oomimtont*L*Lri" '*' Thanldnif tint people of ihd toir fttf jSu?iK fen-tbo natrona^ bentowod rijP. 7 /"' punt, will un:irnntooHatlMf.ii;*ffni tuo IU ro Gristing and THK BEST GRADE COHNMEAL KKP AT BJ lopping a v,,v-.- ;' :... TjOUB, FEEDANP HTOOKANB S0L.0 patioES. Gash Paid & H WOODSLKE ia*Minwny (Jevcrinutiif "Htit" an It Pour* Hour*. VrHlerduy IVInil Ar*-lSaIip Lniicvla iVuniH Wlnnlppff, r>ec. , 20. The Provincial Cabinet had a four hours' session to day preparing tho reply to tho Ottawa Governmental communication on the achool question. The task watt not completed; hut the Ministers will re- Biime consideration of the question to morrow morning and hope to have tho. documents mailed at 12.-I0 eo it will reooh Ottawa on Monduy. Kdmonton,: Dee. JiO. to an address from Roman' Catholic cltlstcnH, Arehbisihop Lan/revln rel'orrt-d to the Kcliool fliieotioiL In thu-'following word;;j "'Itbmfln i<?athch<o'iV"rt'i^Iro' that, their 'chHcTron';Shoiild>receive a relljrlomi edu cation, not the riioriRre half-hour wpokon of In the' address, but every hour and nil day-Ion^, to make their children fh-Ht good.' then lo-.irncd." fe^or ovary porsou savn that, , , lie ridiculed the Idea of appointing ,f/-- J / . .... a eommlsslbn on tho uchool The rjuoytlon had boon bofora. tb?; courts and the'country for live yi/Hr and' ho honored tha'mon now In IV^f In Ottawa who -were pfopar'ofl brfflvc them thin Hlmplo .act of jnnt right' to.educnto their ehtldrei l"g to-thoir convictions. * -A IT MUST BE TRUE f he Lccord- ' \ASi'H MAMWai'Pt M-J^h"' f/-,' tfvidonco at the Kiutwet* h/' .Tlia* <ho Marlthtim, pee..SO.-^jpronor boherty held'an lnqucHt' laa^evenlng on: the 'body^f.Nancy JVfn/V1-' u'ho waa.bum- od to dnatlrJn-h*>u<).'on"VVcdiius:- ' . Evidence'wiu/.l-rlvcn showing that the.decim'HcU h/l been intoxicated that ' affSrnoon.. ' V J'J . .After vlewlltf the promises the, jury returned a. vHd let that. Nancy Ma- lone came to hV-d'ottth/.by suffocation by ,Brc nnd. tmefce, apd that ihc lire. "waaaceldental, aVl]had,ovldfcnlly;b[Jou. caused,:,by'-the':i)acK?slon of.alamp. , . Amii^ from ',Vi!MM.Kir"|.'> . '.",': '.'.Collln'twood,. JJtec.r 20>nT^eVy,steamr;. ersare ]aid:Up'Jte'thi81^irt-L'W(1:.0 >vlu,* ,'ttir, ,'. . .V ' t,hP .aeorffIaa,--'-^.ay'insVi;,fj-BoWff^9*Sab",^ lrbnti .'/v'"' rV- *'" '. v ."Tr"*",','^v".:":i,"'v'-"' \ *ili'. Ged'ley.' irid :-a 'staff-. if i'?*1V' h^ye; "ier^; , they WRIGHT 6. SMITH Milken tlio hwafc tlarhoso in the County of , "j....':\ vBHsex.:;"'- '. .. .' Ik will puj.youto'oom" lo.SouthjW'oodsleG j. tobuyyoui'TfurneHH. ,'*; StoobJReoo'ud'tO iiouejin tho'ebuuty. ".' Pino KtooU bC-'IIorso nlanlkcts jueti opened . '.' THE AMERICAN HOTEL. -,- .' MBS.O.witiSIWSON, PROPfilKTBEBS; has boon tiiorout;liIv pahited and ronloniabod with now furniture by vr^Bont. proprietyeaa, , ' njuiofl BArtN m connection. Fhst-OlaBoAobbiiiodatloirQuttranteoa, "T: A TRTTf HI ij* 1 lineal and TravellnG W AN;!. &l* SaloBmea tP, handle our Jlanly Oaaadlan GiowaNuraory Qtnckt-.W>, ffimmntoo aatlefaoticni to roprasontatlveA nrfd ouHtouio'K' tbo lar76Bfc>hT tlnvT)uinIuloh;ovor.70f)aoreB. ' Ho. Bnbstitutloq, PENTAL. 1*. MAHTlNtD.It.1B L.'i>. 3, GraUunU -_ iu Dentiatry, Itoyal College of Dental nii'CoonB.Ontiulo.ojK) Uuiverslty of Toronto. Obarana, iiiodoratu. OUioo, over Prion & (Jo i JruB-ator. ... "-1Y WETtlCmAltDRON, 'VJiJVBKl^AHY HUIt . GKOK, Honorary Ki-afiuate of Ontario Veterinary tlolluofl, Toronto; mouihar of: On tario Veterinary Median! Koolotv: Dinlomibt in liptitUtry; troiita uirdlBeaBOH or doinoaticatdd niilnjele; en trie dehor ued by tho lateHt improved lioavltt ollppor. CallB by telrphone or topi. uYupb promptly (ittended to. RoBhlonoo, four deofd south of rlflfc mill; :offlee in nost officii: bnlldlnit; luflraiar>. directly oppobile LAND SURVEYOR. YAMKS .8. LAIRD, JVovluoial Tjand Burvoyoi fj antl County. WriKlnoor, Hbhox Oontro, Out OUloe, l)untan Block, upntidra. AUCTIONEERS. rjKNHy BKOltICK, Auetloueijr, -Re 1 e lirmii'ptly nttemled to. Audroaw ' Soutb Woodaloc, Out. 'Pel-Hone ileali-ing to seunre m* may lohyn word atthoFaKK oilleo. ft 1.06 a.m. P,35 10 Sf [2.10 "12.4C Akniaerelbure Local Trail WJlftT"" BJ pm (i.2.1 (S.SH asm 0.60 (t.ui. a.m. a.m. Al 11.CO aifl Essex 7.1B fl.l VJC1 H.V5 KdoH-VH ;7,00 D.l 1'J.IO .U.1B LMiiD n Xlc e.oa 0./ mm HSS MoQ)oeur - ,48 0.31 liS.Nl B.M : ArahofBtuarg ((.qo 1.K All trains are run on central Btandjardj which Is ality miuuteB elower than __ time iTor ln/ormatlon and rates to ed Iste moving vest Apply to John G. JJaven,JP| nongor Aont, St. Tiiomaa, O. W Buffi/le^'ag oral passenxor ana Ticket Agent, Cnlcptfrf. or A, O KMuierB, Atfeii^, Eftiox, ' " L- E. & D. ft.Ry. T1MW TABLE NO, ^.taking offeot, RaturflBJ June M.IHM: Trains mn by Maeteni SJ ard Time.'Daily exoopt Bundi Ma A at o 'A HTATIONB. AM/ W 04,ia.oo o.'ir'ia.jjo OjOV 19,40 \i.m 12.40 10.041 10. i:i HMH 10,!ifi ia.aa J0AH If).3'2 10.50 11.10 11.24 11,31 11.44 11.82 U.r.o 12 01 iaia J 8,18 12. ya IWJ 11140 V M 6:'20 (1.37 H.Utf H.40 12.03 fl.47 l.lOitlM i.2s!e.0 1.4017.07 .2.00 7.14 !i.lfl! T.M a.B0 7.B4 3.00;7.4a 3.45' 7.62 4.10.R.0 00 fi0 B,Q0 G.4rt ft. (1.05 0.1S 6.2ft 0.46 O.BTi 7.10 8,17 8.8S we B;40 6.47 H.ft 000 0.07 11.12 20 b.ui r u. P. M, I\M Pep Walkorv'lo Ar Walkervillo June, ......... Poitou,:.,.,... ..,.* Oluoastlo...... ......i'Pft<]iietto...... ..,'. MdGroRor....... ...tNewCanoatii,. ...'f Marulifletd, ...... Harrow ... ..... :+'Aruor., ...:... ....;. Kinnaville...... ...... Buthven .., .,. Leamlnston ... ......wlieatley .....A Itenwlok .....v ,.,,;.Coatrworth ... ......+ Glnwood...... .,A...,,MerlIu .,..,.... ;.....+ Bnxton......... ...... Baadisou ... ...iOedarBprlutJff... Blenheim Junot'n ...1.. Blenheim ...... .:.......fWilkle......... ArlthlBotownXJep I A M 0 10 04 HG7 8 63 8 47 H42 880 820 823 6 11 8 01 7 61 7 40 7 21 7 10 7 10 7 00 B'62 0 40 0 40 am 6 24 020 (I 10 GOO A.M. V: ,<A 'X'O- SINCLAIR,:IjIOKNSED' AUO'l'IONEEIl -for the OonntyofBHaox. Bailiff of WiBhtb pfvlHion Court, All lilinlH of Farm uuil other Hales 'conducted.'promptly. Katoa roa^onablo and fiirninbttd 011 auplioation', JGnaillrorn may apply at w. D, heaman'a oDfloe.'or at the offlue of DivlBion Court Olbrk, Mr. John Milno JOHN OOHUIjKY. IiICIuNBBp;A0OTlONKKltloathe County of Kbkox. .AllkjUnla of farm Btook chIob, etc, oouduotedpromptly and on shortn'otioo., Uaten rwtaoi'able. 'PeTBdnB desirable to urranno salott' tuay id Bohy'oalUu'sat the, IfjuiK.I'nKBs ofHoa or by upplying to *, P,'Q. BoxJl&5'/ KBaex,pnt.: . IpHANK . MoOLOSKEY," Maidatono,., thirty- V eoveu years' experience as anauotioneerm thoOonntvrtiBBBex. Sales' conducted promptly^ ind on reasonable terms: 'Parties desiring to Ox tho date for, a sale oun save, tbecieelver a drl? by oallina at the FnH OPttKes Office, -wo have arranood-with Mr. MoOloBkey aud will &x thodateo for Bales by telegraph, entirely froo of oil ohftrRoto tho parson holding the eftlo. Aa- areasPrnnl:MoOioakey,MaW8toneOroaBfPnt.,:, T^^niol&est/Jbaalnees it:' <own. .""BstaMl^/ 1678. Fhat-fclaaa^bread -and. eakes.of ai; i^U^^t^W'S^^ ,;^etl^leB;ofyi andi.V -;Giwda JR^KSVSgS > Hvoroi\toall wttiotth*; town.' &;p& m>*%: (Thn;ohly nurtery, ii\ 'Oanada,'.$*ytAKstMWj \rtt$ ' . i" "" ,':.'^,' ', '/.^r.]!,hh^',-':tit3D^ t Plug Btatious. Trains stop only wlf are pusRitncet* at or for these atattuenj. trains are at al times hubjeot to be cnncenftdl WAf WnOLTjATT. General, ftupfinnaaden|J J&I ..... . .,..,.. .,:m " v"" - i.,'ftM : Now ie the time U you waut abarfliwj A line Block and well assorted, and'prid right,:'.'Ofl.ll and^nepeot.'..! .y?il,l fio*^ nothinir'. ,to (jOr.'thrpng]a.i;^Dd:J.f&p'l-pr* Beai Valtie:in' tbe.coupW}, I'n-f'phan& ^dodly ^Vipsfij ,v..;:Hr., \-...,, v:vr(.^V.^^^iis tfnaerfipI3-f;.by>nyd^^

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