feV. yHE feSK^_gjjyB PREDSSL Success IN Dyeing rneanii that you uluilild (inn . PROFESSION NOT RPAID THAT HAS badly ventilated schools - and contact with disease; PANE'S CELERY COMPOUND CLEANSES THE BLOOD AND KEEPS UP STRMliM-^fALlTY. It Banishes* Languor, Dospondoncy- anil Irritability. Tho majority oT our public nolioo! touch ers, malo and foaiula, have many diuif-jors to faco In a profuUHion that is nevor avor. l>aitl. Mmiy tcaohorn aro imitiJL-irtfj to-day from Mialuditm and UiHoavien oantractod in crow ded und.badly ventilated suhool huildwpja ; tho Hoodu of fatal troublcn aro takon into tho wwtouifrom iranorfnot <:raiuuQ, and oon'iofc with 6hildrou who carry infoctiotiH H'r/oiuaa (torn their homcti. * At thin, motneat hnndiedn of nchool teachers arc invalidu, or yo ubout their dutidti in a Uulf.deiid way. JNarvouu trou- blcn aro prevnlont amoumit touchoni ; headache, dynpepEda, languor, irritability and doHpoudoncy aro. common troubles,and umko lifts truly minerahln. Tho hoIiooI toaoliora' friend and lifo- giver, Puiho'h Celery Compound, luia dona a wondrouB work in tho raultrf of the uflliotod ones, Durini* Iho your of 1894 Hcoroi) of caoQH lmvo com a boforo our notice of tiicU and hufforintf onea have been rciitorod to uqw life, onerey and ac tivity through tliu ubu of muuru'a wonder ful rnedicino. Puino\i Colory tbinnjunil ht-J bono a truo ble^mnj; to every .luaohor who usr1 it, Tho jtroiit iradioilio han dunu iUi work promptly nyd effictiiuoufily. It aiwn,yn be- j^inaitnonar;Uiou at tho groAt nmvo control*; it cloaunou and puriliea tho blor.d, unti takes nil impurUicH from llm nyHtem; \\ ntreu^th onii oyory diucHtivo or^an, and builds up tho eut'ra uyatom. Kvery school toar.-hor in tha land, male and feiimk-, Bhauld iuo Painfj'H Colury Compound if trmnd huulth. und purfeat bodily btrenjjth lideu'rod. X <irami I^nturo O* Iluod'a Sarsapmlla iri that whilo it purified tha blood and Hun da it couth jug through the, voina full of riuhuosfa and health, it also impariH now lifn and vigor to overy function of tho body. Honco., Uul exprea.-uou bo ottuu.hoard . "Iluod'n riarsa- pariha made a now jicruou of tue," It oyerconioa that tirud fooling bo common now. > - - Made for Home Use Any Color . ........;.. Absolutely Reliable Direction llnol; and ,p !i;uuplcn of colored clotli, fre. \Vklls& Richardson Co., Montreal, I\Q. Diamond Dyes livery r'Molcign fully witrnuitiMi. Tuleu no othor. fr -,.J fll i-3 v> for .St) . Make a belt a than any 'other k-wv/n r.v ' "Fcathcrbon'j" Ccrr.ots am \> cr and mora eL:;r.ic i'.ian other make, as they :.ro v:;'.'., filled With quills (Fijauinrbcr.'r/ - / ,:\y To bo iiad at a!: ;ou! y Q: c;.j E-Ioi rr. WINDMILL ! "Wo aa?. Still Smoadixi^ tho trade in all Idndn of Building Material, Woodwork ftn* houses, (plain and ornamental); Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grader-Doors, Sash, ',. Chestnut Goal. ., . "ft ojy/p'Hole, Agon in in tho County,, for. Of Chicago, which took High out Awurdii at tho World'u tfuir. Caniurnjsh either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written nunrantoo with every Outfit. . Relief in Sis Uouth. IDiRtreHoiug Kid* uoy and Bladder diattaHeajrolieved in hix hour3 by tho -'Nftw Great South American Kidii'.-.v Cure." ThiH new remedy in a great Burprif-e und delight to phyKiciano on ac- ouut of Uh txccidiiif; pitmptn-cm m rdfiov- ing pain in the bladder, kiduoyH, buck and vory part of tho urinary pahHuguH in malo oi'/ferualn. It, relieve;! rotontion of water and pain in pushing it almost lminediutoly. If yon want quick relief und euro this in your remedy. Hold by John Thurno Drug glRt. ------------.----------__ HliADACitn in generally thn ruhult of a cohhtip'ited or dijning-iil ouudiiioii of i.hu dieon'.ivi) or[*iin. To euro the lioudachd it i neaflHuary toytit ut tho rooi of the evil, aui3 for thin a toning luxatiyo \h much hotior. thau a yiolont purgative. A doc tor nayii, "I know of no butter modiomc lov thinpurpoao than Eaolj-ty'H Livor Loz- nRna. Tlioumiudo of new pitrona hava taken Hood'a HarHapurill-t, thi neaiion and realiz ed ita bcutlitiw blood purified and utrongtii Xoatored. Buy Tour Harness . . . OF . . K>NK'nUT TUB- Besi Stock Used I An3 miln up tu tlvVb^iv-in'MlU'^v Hia sto^k of Team and Ughk Harness >H ,|ow oompiots,." ONE PRICE TO ALL "Wright ^G% Smith. IIV CIIO, MANVlLt-Ii I-'UNN. (TO UK COSTIXUED.) "TimiiliH. Ali-!in ! a trifli* now. I shaH r t:in>:,iil>', r ynn wiiou t hiavu. I npolco n liu h: ti's'ily j.irtt thin minute. A littlo out of nrdcr; iviiiu-r. 'i'onch of my old fever, Oi.ll^ill Ul tl.lr IviSl ." Tint \tait-cr ninilnd tmd bowed aa ho piK'Uft>-ii a. nw live-ahilliug piocu, and lu'dir-i whn fri'ali' iiiLiTfst at tho fmodoolc* in^'. fbii i'l.'i'ldorlv man who kopt pneinpf i in: I'.-inh " nil a ucu'fipapur in bin hand uv h-. '. ,:l:rd; "Anything nioru I can do. Sir Marie, ba- ' h-o I luavo tho room V 'II ing it all,. no, wr," oriod i.hfj old <'H, ihiHliing out oiico moio iirituhly. "Tins i,i not a public d'nner, and I liavo giv.-n yot: a vail." "Of t'liiiriio, Sir Mark; uml I diiln't rritiitn------:' "Tin:n why did yon imu thl, coiiintniduil old st*,-i(;ot.) jt'id waiuir' ixprt!ttinn 'i I \\ ondiT yon did noi hit.iid i'io a intitlipicl;." "1 htg your i.ardiMi, S;r .Mark. I'm -nu-." ' " "Oo hum re ui 'l'titff Simph'i* and ialc I'li'i-U1!*, i in-It.iiiiKWiiin'ft. words to hi'ari." "(N-inntiiv, Sir Ma'ii," and Iliii winiitr I'uriii'd i-< iim- ihmr, it-avtiit! Adminil Sir H'lii; ^-, uii'i mi liino to ..d.Mii, u i;!n'.i iiii"giy ii14:r-t*<-<l, .fair-bonded hriilt .-i:n.iii] 'in p.Jt.-nt lilue, ami wi-ariu^ a b.i.jiOm>rux liiiunond lnc'm-L at hci* throat,and a fi;w liriyn;. pcni In on her clieelc.H, living ])-at hi, in.it, i^uanoii from hor protty, red- rini.'tind uvi*H. " *T:i'iic!in;r tcrapinu uqdciu carrying.' All, Kdiii,. ifiy darling all rciiilyV "Vet, uncle, ditar: but, oh, you do look cro.s.-t!" Shu clung io liio ih-jji and put up.hor lipa Eh': if-M'4 h'vn hiiii'.c "And her ' }mht now." '^'oii d.Hi'i iliin" ii'i, "inilii g lin (mi it .i.L'id v lr>11.*(i t.i i li on h.t. I'M'U nnljoily t-f), ni.ck'." niiid :he n li'ir ii-ji-h, iis mil' it}* t \-\ Li-, .u<i j."iVt! ,,. I>n ' nidi, ill* An.i yu her c.ii i'!'] >ni! '.v "i.i i-i ol hi-. I * I 111 1-r rtilpli fii-plnuii, i.- illic f nidi VliU wtsiil. I ' ' ' < tin' man *'"' \u' h all IMS In .Ll!.' in ifif! i-iiii1 Mill i), \'i i;i; : las i i......ii.ti. ii.n-iiMi: r - () U'" in- '. (I"'* hIi-- io I: !..ivi i v. (in 'V:> :si:i'< iiic mm n in it- i; it \ "u'd v'ni jnhf pui tj*ilt i no -d Sir M..:!: i.iL":rlv. in -in: aur .K' inir, i. akin kni!'. i;nd lotj'it'fl ' ' "V".' iii .-.ff, .ui >% ill imi. >.\ ,iny iiH'iu nil,ini it.. Siiowould iiave lit;r on"n w ny."! "Ili!|-i!, .C'i r.'lll'e ii one-." *'K", ii", uiieln deir ; I'll irr and fetch [i.:i- down." "A'lld Illilhn .1 p:intdi!.nf '|n;l' nil ihl'Ul^li this C<lllfi)llllilf!'i i;a7 i v <'>v( ('id "f ivi liw el.;" ci'ii'd tho old iit-tu i...ii y . "I urin';, ilduU tt'hv oho pomiblcd mi liavmjj it awuy limn lu.m." . "Yea, you can, illicit dear,"' Hiiid I In: nir! iiootliingly. "Il Waa v.tiy, vi ry natmal. llni do, do. In- gunthi with hci. Sim ii no irndv io burnt into l.i'iirs, mil I WiHil hor t'.' ij .:i !':t:ui\ im the <h-'.'."' ""'" . u, "i 11 '-:i v u .i"'i \ our mi ;t:i in-- J'ii noi 11-- :i ',V| I- u n. ol.l t* 'l ii.- ug- IlHll (ii ,.I1 IrlK'!, f II) Lav. ' r.ii i nif- l llni* ... ii'.iul f y hi- !'n' I n'iy, lit ;il i iin aiiL'hm*- io kivH tho old innn, wlio'jo fwcii softontid at kt-r touch. "No, no, my doar, not croaa j only i-i.rnod and irrHiihlo, Kang it, Ediu;, my pot, it'B a honihlu wr-'inili io losti hur. N'o hopu rif ('hat fiiiouiidild Sifii" ton brualc- ug 11in noclt, or ivpntiiing, or anything,' U . ;nur ?'* -1 "0!i.unc!o doar.don'L, Myra is bo happy. -Tli'H' v-iv ni'itrly \v.' mi". nn<:l.'.J \V:i-.l !" I'iMieil 1 I'.....1 ii "il, llltslili:'^ i-ic^iaoi.'1 th. 1 \\ "i.i -~-.vh;if n ( In, uni'ii-, p',,.,.n .! ! I,i nir I kid ll L ' ' uu-. Iim *' :nll 'ne going li"iiijii"t for m rrit'd wit.ii- Vl'noh ! Aw nut a hnnqiuu." "NTo, no, iincUt ! I'.ui I pent ,oll' n lin-u- 8ag(i, und Mr. (lui-ir brought it liiui^elf." 'I'Ikmi Ini li'i^ hi'.-ii ngain." 'Undo ! Why, ht'n Maieolm Slnitton*a. ] best innn." "11')'" tins wniKt m.m I know. I loatbo iim." , ..... 'Von don't, mioln." "Veil, I di>, mi il I'm not blind. Do you jiipfinki! I wuni to In) left to a doHohii.o old ago. Inn't it bad enough to lonn Myra without- " "Oh ur.elu !" ortfd ihctriil, wlioiio eliei)kn Wfti'i' el imH"ii, "tlicro tan't a moiiuiiit to iiimv," and alio diiri.-iLlo tho; door' leaving t|iu admiral chuckling. "A wiolted htilo pirain ! IJo,v noon nho Hliitwial tho rod flag aloft. - Ah, wcllv.itB n itiiru*-natiiro, and ono mufin't b uoUinh. Nob niuoli oliaiice. I dtm't know what wo'ro born for, unions it'ti to liu ulavoa to htlir pooplo." . "He turned ovur hia nowtipapor, and begun running down tho li.it nf marriages. - "Jloro thoy nfo," ho muttmtid, "aligning tho Haino way,".and ho utmiri minting Hiidly iii'on tho quoHtloii of tho young woinuu'n fioilljiiU thu old hivofi, till tho door win* opinion gain aim iCiio i-ornn iiHtiortut in h. r ouHin,'tall, grneoful, aud.witli tht in- dciioribuhle hiok of lovo and liuppinnm uu#n in ii bride'a *yea on hor wadding morn. "Horn alio in, uiiolo," tritid Kilio, who thou uttered a nob, und rmdtod away with a ruHtlhfg iio(bo to htdo tho toaia^ dim could not run train. "My darling!" ortad tho aid man huskily att lie Atovf his child to bis breast ; "and urn I to feel that it U qulto right, and that you .are hippy t"'"' *'0't, an hfippy, /athr j a<> content ui last j ab Ititt,"' hIio wUtaporml'aa alio jhing to' llim lo'vinnlv. "Only thiirn in nun Lliimj." "Kit' U'hat wiiat ?"crifld tin* ndiniml oXnituiH*'. "Loav^Jtf IHiiimaild you." Tim old man ilniW a donp hrinith full of ndiof. "Oh, p'ioli, pooh, iioiuiinwd, my p"i,"lm mini, looking at Imr huautifnt n nuivo fu'oV proudly ; "don't mind.that; 1 in glad of it.." "(Hail, fatli.T '" - 'Nit,-iio,-)i..t. lo lofin yon, my durlinif, but for yen tu icutway with thu man v" inv". und wlni InvisH you, 1 htito -him Jur: lahing you. hut ho i^ a wph'iidid full.ni/, Mvra, What a Wailnr Im would luvn iniuhd" "Ych, clear." "Ii ilry hinl tint. Kpoileil lijm by'ui tmji .ll that, nn'.ural -HiIV in hin Inmd. ftut I .lay, my durliug," ho cniiltnii d an hu hehl liis child at ann'ti leugLh, admiring hur, hub [mulling up tiin liamL "YrtH,-|]Mir*" "Jmii'i. Iiin a littlo, too rnn ptinoiitinu.'t? Yi-iy lov ly, ihiaii you Inol: all that, a ui.n i;onld winh for, but it'ii a. wadding,- my pot, ano V"U--von do not quit look lihn a btJ'h. " "Wh.it do thu I<i<ik matror V lio t-aid with a ilinaiiiV loidc in hur lui'go cyiiH. "Well, I d'lii't. know, 'WtHn-.n ougtit io |i',i:,iku hoi liudMiid, and iiii't il. ,i inwitnko to iln-'in well, to [laiHM" that noi.hciiHO ahoilt y- ur lining a widow. "Ndmu'-'iihc, ilour ?" iiaid Myr.i, hiniling Hiidlv. "It wii'i no iifnniioon1. \Vliati;vi;r i hut, man umy iini'i* lic-n T iiworo at tliu ii.lt.ii- i" If ii :aiiiiful wife." "Till itisn Ii did you purl; i:h * Ych, yen, ye.-;." i.a,d the mitniral ti-itiily, "but lio'o dt:.td and goini und ioigotf.on ; ihof'o ia no ne. d to dig iilin up again." "I'apa !" "Well, 1 mo in by going to. what will bo a real wndding in half mourning." "Miihiulrn nun-ed that I wan right-, di'ui\" "Oli, t lu-n I'm u-ioiiL'. Only, if I had kii'iWn, 1 nhfinb.1 liavn put rny foot ih.un-- haul Why, eviiii Kdin wan hinting at it jut;', now," "L"t the pat rent dar," naif! M>*r Hiiii.ly. ".\ft,i*r thin iin'roiiiq yon, my darling. Mill. I fil way a feel nti if I ou;;!it to npol.'jj /.y to you, Myni." "Xii, no, dear." "lint I miv yi'H Tlio e'ever, ph*<iMbIa nfoiin-li k1 dtt/ztnll me, u*1.*! 1 thni:jht your |.|T", HI LJOTl o|l':_V 11J: " -.. n " V v h ' i ll li 1 llg. Yt'J, ii,',:/,h'd iiir.-, i.'di in-' wit and chemy man- in-i-, kunwh.I^f! of tin. world, .mil m'u:Ii a i;.vui\ '.ii", mi he played fti pKjliet. It W\t!l 'i'ji-i', yini m-. 'uul lio wan ton miiiih tor j'fe. Jf I'd' 111in" at Kin it wruild have bi-en ,', i IriJ'. V'-u. forgive ni'* all the mifiury I L'liuat.'d you :" "My tliiitr father !"------------------ "Ah, I hen; I inn crunhing your dn-." aj*iiin.' Si r.irtan'n a lui.-Uy Hog, nod wo'll think it w'-i.-i ill fur the huHt." "Ol" eoiiiHi', doar." "Showed ull't l g"((d t riit'-hoiirU'd fel low he wnti -rtort of prolal i-viior, eh V M vra tuiui'd hi*r Ii.-nd. Hl^-.o i;- u'd not ispenit- oulv clung.to tho parmi uhu w.m mi hooii to |iiaii, "Thwn go'ubbyo to .Tainetj llairon, alias Hi1'., ninl ull'hirf win leu, Myra. Oh, dwar n n ! In a very uhoja time ii will hn Mi. ,M.di"diii Ktiatioii, and.'I- flon.ll bu all alotn-." "No, yoi; ".in. not, inndii,'1 said luim, wtiu Inul .i-'utvired niiobervrd afl'-r h-i'ing od' a fiudladn of uohti cutwiilo tliodnnt, and { lit-r pri'd.tv gray eyp*- a lillle redder, "anrl vnii'are im; to till; liL*- that to Myia ; ."Im wants com farting. (Judo will not iu dotie, de.ir, 'or J jhall do all I oiiu to mako him h.-tppy." ' "I'nh ! A judo, a chant, my deiir. l)>o't beiiovr her," crifid tho admiral men My ; "she hi'*? Hot ipur-- IVroy. Look at.her." 'Don't, Myra diNir, K\hh undo uml onnm hack t... ymirruotii,". and afii-r a loving i>nt- biiiei. b'jiwoin iatlu-r and daugliier "ihn hi:def.maiil cirrit'd nil' the bride to t Im morn ulii-l . e.d, the biidid veil -n a ehair ; and afier the hi.st K.uvliiM had b -<-n given to tho hride'n loilfli, the coiiHina w-rc luft, ilIooo. "Now,Myra darling, any umie comionndR foe nm alauit lineie V W'u limy not hitvo anoi her clianee." "No. (U'iir," Mid tin; bridit tlioughtfullv. "I ueiild miv notl'ing you will not think of for vouraelf. iJon't lei him mi;. me, d.-.u-!" "You know I will not. Illeua you, pert ; yon ii.-ippy darling, you'vo won th h.-Ht luihliiiiid'in tlio world. IJut how funny it ne; ms to li'ivi) io go 1 hroiigb all thin again " "IJindi, ileur Dn::'t pray don't m!k about ^." "1 _?a:i't Indp It, Myrii; iny longUe will laic i.hi:i niorninj;. Oh, I am ho giail mar, it will lie ail rigid thm time." M vmi'h brow cimtractod a lit I to, hut her (">urdu rati led on. "It, I.ui idwiiyn Herinod t inri inich ntnll' to tnlk of you as a widow. Oh, Myrn don't look liko that. What a Mnpid, ihi.tiLiniltiHR ihing I "in." She Hung hor urtii't ah.nit Iom* iiniik'ii, and vias again bniMliny into ti.ar^ ^ I.m there wtm a Lap at Ihu door, and hIui hlnank awav. "Come in." Orm of the lady'n maid.'i appn.ired. "Sir Marl; miyn, nia'ain, lie. t llm c.f.-, :hige-< um wiLiting, and Mian Jeirold will :mt. <: l *ip. Mvra took lier hnuquct und turnec", o.diniv' to Iter oufiiu an the maid burst inji who; "fjoil ill pun ym, Mian Myra I moivn ind'ime. May V'U be very happy" Tho iieonnd uniid wan ai hand to weeond the wind, and tho p-iir perfomied a limit in inh-s an thu oouainti awi-pt down .tho broad iilain:anoto tho adiniral'ir room. "Tiniu, my dear, time," uried Sir Mark jovially. "Couio, K:lio, aunt will bo furious if you keep her any longer." ini:.. .....I, I,;., .....rt l..r Ar CHA IV. THU aOBNlD OP HUAMR. "Poor old ohap 1" anid lVroy (iiifat, with a laugh. "Murriod T L mkwd ar-(f Im vnt going in ho hangod- Wmidtir wrmthur I bIiuII :>o an imrvoqi uud upf I 11 11-"I iniffhi, tn nay wht'n it com on oil"! No, not lik-ly, bh.HK Imr. Might bo ull in r iidgoi to goi it nvfi* for tear of a Hilp, bi.t I don'l think ) should In.d; liku that." 1I' wj,h npproiiohUi^ tliu ehureli as tlienu Idoan ran ihrougli hu huad, and a uhuicu ui tliu tdnek uhowud..biiu tlmt hu win half an hiuir too noon, euiiiuquuiit upmi lining hur ried etl' by IdH fiii-M'- ' \Vhal i.hall tdnV" ho thought, "No limn io no aiiywl.ero vUe \ II. iliop in .ul Imng ul'out, in t int'rhuroh a- ii I d;d not ho Winu In llni jinrty," ICainer jiaid thun dnn. AImmiIv ih-. " win. a lit thi ciowii oollecling, aLlia<,-hd >>- I liu i:ri |.et I ml up llm titepn a littlu-eii' li< r ing ui (lid puiiplii who iilwkyu do alU.-ml Mt:ddini;n live* and then hurry in to huh tho le.-iviee, und ilioxa who, hmug in idiaigu ^f perainhn- lutoiH, kiufp entirely '.nittihlu Hud block up pivi.-unniL and pot oh. Then, loo, there wore tint eimtomary in lidn-i ladien, tha oflie.iaU of idle ehiiieh, thu l<el' ringuru, tho woinaii from me ci'ieuting ..t thy oornei* of the nquaro in a eleuii apron, tho bulehei .i', buiteru', uud linbuiongiiru' boyn, und iim children oupodnlly thono In a tnn.Leuvy condition from carrying othui- children, nearly ilh big uit thomaolvea, Percy (luivit wiih couiioioLUi of a wbinper and a buying uniiild an htt u-ullii'd through tho gatij., in what he intruded tu be a mm- tilia)utit fn.thion, hut wMoh proved to be very cnnuciouii, and thou mout commioim aa nbov oriud : " 'Kreho i% Will '" .' h'urtuuuti! y tin; church door wr.ti clone at -'brind, but liefo.'"'; h-* nlured .hn-w.ui awaro that thu turnCrtrtit had joined the thr-n'i; with thren bneliL iuitritllieiitfl over hi* _ uliotddor, a-i if hn s-rvice;) worn likely to bu war.ted toward the end, Purey (limit breathed more freoly aa he Mtuppod into tin* gloom of tlio hiluiu chinch, but win iigain diHoniccrtod by tin: bundle in bin best gold-hnndud coat, holding open n green btijzo door "'.id two paw ofxtmn i (.top ping forward apparently boot upon Allowing liim thu way up to tho chancel. "Tlunku [ I'll just look round," ho nan'.,., ourolna'dy ; but tho words did not convey bin moaning, and an Im walked idowly into ono oft he nidi) nnilefi to ntudy tabletu and montimmitH, b could not read a word for thinking that tho two openeru had Been through him, "What a fool I am !" ho muttered. "Of cnurac tliey know. Kvon amell tnu. Wiah I hadn't u.lcd that neent." An urchicolngiHt could not, liavo takon more fLppurent ,intor*Kt than hu in that la blot eovurod with liuas of all length^, " ICdio tm'dc hi'J arm, but dropped it again to ran and kin.'i her couuin mieo agiiir.. 'I'lii'ii tripping to the old man's side hu lod hei', down tho broad utairoaao and acrowii t'nu hall, now pretty well thronged with visiiorn, and tho ecrviiniu in the background to new r.bii doparturo, Acarciafio woa in waiting, with a tall, Htern loekint', gray huly hinidr, ^ "Lato; I.hirlc," uhc Raid nhurply, "C<ime Iildie. niv child, and lot'n get, it over." "You're idl alike," uaid the ailmiral, an the hridaamnid look her ,pluc, tlm ca'rrhitjo hlai ted, and with huad erect tho rid miji.-.r utrodo buck, tn'cing.nobody, and went up to bin room, to rottirn noon after* amid * lur/j; of whiiipering, proudly leading down the hrld.t. 'And only onn hridoflmaid," wbitiporcd a lady viHiior at1 tho hotel. hv llm lady'ii winli," wai whiiiperud buck loud ly, enough tor Myra arid her fatlior to hour nil I hoy panned down the iilupH, "LnVthem tihitter," H-id ilui old man to diiinnutf. '"They haven't HOiiti mioh u b'iuo f<V^ar8." - - -QuifCu a liltlu crowd followed to tho \\-U fliiqr, thorp wan a irwu'ial wuvlug o( hatnl- IcorHliiufH, and ono lady tbinw pouqimfc of. whim nwoH im tho oarriugu d^of/'waa anut with'n bang, u nervunt apntng up; and tho next moment tlm odmirF.ru huii^ouie g^ir Betting fo'lli th t- r>d <j 11 lilt ': of Itoboi'k Knii'h, "n le f -ii pur * .." in ilia dlilily wuh ai> uipanu'U by lii'tive nhmeo at a wiuch during thu lnngcnt quai'.ei i>f an hour thf voting man ever iiiUUMnbeied to **ve uptne. But it nded ut last. "Hn'Jl Boon bft hem now;," liosaid tn iwdf a", eftrrying Irn new bat behind In. he londc for a:iutuer tablet imirer the. chi)in-el, whilu divert whisperH hohind him tnhi'of pijwa lioiiie; li.l(!(l by thnnu who wieh- uil to have good placou, and aoanoihcr livo minuit'H proaied. "Tim* he whb hnrfl," thought tlm early arrival ; and Huiniiiouing Ilia fortitude ready for beintf "tared at and commenied upon, he walked quietly toward the chaaeel, fiiceil round, and waibbd, ataring bl.uikly at tlm three or fonr Micro ot face,'] waichiug him ci.geily, -T^j;________ "I'lni-iuit !"' ho paid to himself. "Must bu iinuio ofvlm fi'ieinla hero, but how emi- ffmudedlyTKvUwi.nl I do fool. I lmtu these quiet wli.ijngH. C-mpuny'd guod, oven / you're g"iug tn bo hanged. Why isn't Strut ton here ?" Thero went fretdi arrivals evorv minute, und Oueat ciiztid unxinunly now toward llm1 door, bur. thojurivahi wcro all fcmidu ; ami *ave that thu clerk or vorgcr wan arranging ciiHhionii und bnokn up by ihu oomiiiuuion table, lin wiui almii', mid thu coutur upon which all uyi'a wore lixed. "I've done wrong," innttured Onunfc an he mastered a strong desiro to look at Inn wateii, wldeh hu knew "Mia . now bu within fivo minute* of the time, "J on .t to liavo gone b.iek and brought him nn. It'fl ton } -bud io luiivii me hum jike thin." If hu could liavo takon out hia handker chief to, have wi^H-d tlio gathering drops away from hiiT'tompleii ho would not luvo cared no much, for they p o'neud a torri* hlo'itching aemation. But no; bo muut eeour'Oool and collected, Ho.wan armflcious now of talking aoino where hohind him, iu thu voatry evidently, a deep utterance Buggontivo of intoning a nojvico, and a haiah, uharp voice. Tho clergyman and juut thru dio cl*rk oamo down, puonod cloao by, looked at bttu, went and opened a pew door, and return ed to approach bun again with a depreca tive cough, an if hu woro about to speak, but bu paitpfd on nguiti, and hi) WOllt back into tho voutry. "Took mu for tbo bridegroom," muttor- od Gueat , to himnelf. "Stiatton, Tiiu icoundrol, why don't you come! Ob ! I'll pay you out for thla," At hist ! For a figur nppoarod at tho othor eiid of tho church. jSo; it .turned into a pew halfway down tlio contuK ttjiio, and CluoHt beomno cold with nprlrohonnion iu tho orgftii ha%M\ to poal fnrtji its noftoat notca to u hurthed, uhuddaring Iiubb, whiU flunat lookod wiluMy down tho church, 1 whuro, to hia horror, tlioro atooil a figuro in company with it tall, Hodato, gray haired lady dnii*wed in gray; and an thuun fignrea iipprouohud hu for afow momoiitn forgot Ida agony in " I'niR, rapt eoutumpliUiuu of tho bridcBinnid'ufaoo. Then ho could boai*it uo loi.gor, and ho. wkb about to rush out and go in qua ph ot; Hirationwlion hn / ItihKt it wa'8 too "late, for ajroadv tho admh&iw*is at the door with the hridu,", and Kdio hndMua Jerrold woro .He gave Edio una quicic ghmca full ot . A>:,a t - ./.-! ".\t:, .....ri '$ -ur.u\, ill'covery bthebestldiowu/'inicdy \oi .n#:"* :md :dl Stomach and Liver Trmilnes, nich ^*d.)iiF ..I'jurn illo/id, tic, Theto LozenRi* ora-pluus.mt j.,'l h.'irmlt!-^, nml tliu|(h powerful to prumoto ft |is;ihby.*n;tion ofihe LowcU, do hot weaken like pills. Ii/ your '(oukuc u coated yoa netil tlii*m. ^ENTSABOX; AT A.VL ttUVii HTOItEH. Vtfe> are Kiglit in, it IN'OI.Y cull "ml ijfc indent. Wti will ho lihune.I to ilinw yen *:UMU^h our oxUuihIvo, Wiiriiroiini-, wull llllnd with (.'o>d I'UVilitiir O our own innnul'iie.iiro. JUST THINK! Fine ExtoiiHion^ rQ}h\u9 hard-, wood^ 8 fb. long, ,$&; Good Bedfttfiiida, SI,75. Parlor Suites, (iao plush, $28. Anil ovurythlm; in tlio uhiipn nf Vnriitturu at prlcoii cioher thun miyv/licru lt.o, for nmtJity. Good Lurnbor* takon Inoxchango. All Goods dollvorod frooof charge, Undertaking and Embalming a SgieciaJfif, PriccH rifilit tlown in Imuplni; with J, I HICKS & CO., ussrcx. ONT. A IJoon to Ilor'r.fftVio:^ ..Olf-' bottlo of Kn^lihh Sp'i'vi:i Litiimont corn pit) toljVj-o, movocl a curb from my hortio. Intake pleiiHuro in rocuuimcndin^ tbo remn.ly, no it aotn witli^inyHterioiiH prnmptnehn in tho removal from ImrHcn of hard, ncft or cal- louHod lumtifl, blood npaMii, tipliutn, ourho, awecny, Htitlr,n and hpraincn. Geo. Dobb nrrrior,. "Nfurkhiini, *()nt. Bold by John Thorno; Drut'^itit. ' i TnMtlmc IiIn IKonnHty' itit is hnnorit if when you awlt hina for a bottlu t-l Sjott'a KmulHion ho Civgh you _ jimt what you utile for.' Ho known thin in ih i hen6 form irr which to tako CJod Jjivor Oil; " Tito Niauara Fails Jloui&JOOINQ BAHT v t'altfnjj elfcct Nov. Ifith, 1H04. next moment, tlm an mi mi viiungAoiw pMr i -j-- , , jaa'h"uirlea:whlpw to the Knd.ohuroh. Mall Rxp. Exp. a.m. a.m. U, m, EfiHOX....... H.l:i 7.21 "io.ao Woodalce... H.i>:i h.-in 10*64 Klilnetown. U.50 H.^,*: n.r,r> tit. Tumour. ll.4.r> tr.s.1 ftOINO WEHT. i.oa - -----K*v~- -------- ------ -Hall a.m. p.m. 11,5J IlL'O Mnutntone Oohh ... *B.JM>. I'ultou ............ i- 11.10 I'J.20 7.00 lOenmliigtoii niul Wi iiidHor. J." OUT 11 aoUTii a.m. p.in a.m p.m fl.2fi 5.10 -"WindKOf 8 115 fi.HH H.Hi 4.fl2 I'olton Xiiifi 8.&I- f,M 7.5 r -l.l:i AlaidHtonu Croun 0.01 e.-irt 7,17 -l.!);i I-'hekjk 0.10 S.64 T.'lfi i il-'J Wood'Hlco 11.21 O.Ofl- 7.27 -l.lfi IillUCOIllI) (MO OQfi 705 -1.00 . Comboi-,... 30.00 o.no V>X> 11.60 ItoHdlvn ...... 10.1U o.io., CIO 'MS........ 10 10 0.40T fl.of fi.ll :i:ii) ... .:....*Oiikluijtl ,. , 1(1 li I 0.10 I.Ii'J ... ...Pljtlmnwood .. 7.01^ fi:ii ;i.j(0 ..... W'elo ...... 10.31 IjiiIio E & D K'y 11 ti5 3 20 LDumliiBton, . .. 10.10 7.10 ,*I'Ju(' Stutiou. . * Amiiortbui't>; fjoeul Trnlnti, WHHT. . . KAI1T p.m. a.in, a.m. p.m. 0.WT 0.15 Ubhox 7.1S 4.as u.ar> . O.-A'i Ktlfiara 7.00 4.10 - 0,1Q 9.J12 IjK & mixing fl.M 4M 11 A'\ 0 " McftruRor Amhoriitbur'ff UAH 4.00 7.Wi I0.0II o,ao 8.40 ' All trainti aro run on central Btandattl tlmo, wbloU id ulvty miimtoii ,nloWor thau Mbuox timo. For information auft raton , to, Oolbn- iiitu mbvlufi woot apply to John G."Xavori, PaKf ooncor Acont.'Bt. Thommt, O. \V. Kui;k1oh, Gon- oral 1'ufinouKcr and Ticket Acont, Ohloiiffo, 111 ' or A. O. Btlmoni, Acont, Kasox. L..*D.R.Ry 1,IMF.,rAUr-iEN0.17,takInf( offopt ou. Monday, Nov. "'". 180-1. 'I'mitm run by Kantorn Btaiid- urd Time. Dallv oxcopt Sunday xi S o "A o P. A V M (1:20 0.U7 UM fl.-W A. \t A M 0.2S;il.OQ i).na;ii.i3 0.3ft 11.2/S n.-i.'di.iio D.C0 11.40 a 51 0.07 n.as ti.h 10.(i2jia,0rt 7.0!* 1D.00 ia.20' 7.10 ll.l|ia.4B' 7.17 10.27J 1.011 7.CH 1.U0 7,!!H 1.4fi|7",TB 8.30'"/BO 2.4C 8.13 8.0B a.ai 10,!I7 10.4K io.ro ll.U U.00 n.aa UM 11.4:; n.tA 11.(18 .13 04 12.11 12.10 vs:ii D.llO 8.BU 4.1& 4.4(1 n.L'fl GIB ^6.40 B.S 11.10 1*. it. H.HH 0,1X1 H.i* ftM HM DOS o.m i.1T .25 30 r.M. Btjltionb. T>6p Walkory'loAr Walkorvlllo Juno. .........Polton...... . ......+ Oldoantlo...... ......i t'aquotto...... ......IVIoGroKor...... .t Now Canaan... ... t MarablloW ... ...... Harrow ...... ........I Amor.....,.,, .....;KiURivnie..... ...... Kuthvon ...... ... jOenmiotfton ... ./, .. Wiieatliy ...... ......I lloilwlok ...,., ,.....Coatuworth ... ......I Qleuwood...... .........Merlin......... ......r Buxton....... ......BandlQon ...... ...lOotlarHprlnRB... lilonueim Juuut'n ...... Dlunheim ,.',. ........{WiUtlo.....;,,, ArltldgotownPep A M 0 10 11 04 H67 HM1 8 47 8 42 8 30 8 20 SOS il II 8 01 7G1 7 40 7 at 7 15 7 10 roo (140 aai (1Q4 0 2(1 ii 10 a oo A.M. i M ,oo 4.4S 4.34 4.28 4.-i0. 4.11 4.01 3.4H 3 41 11,23 3.11 3.BB a.40, l.M> 1.3H I.IW 1,00 1Q,80 laie 1300 ll-'ifl; 11.S0 11.15 10,10 10.00 P.M. o * M '7.00 <SM 0,47 0.43' 0.37. fl.ua 0,19 fl.12 fl.01 D.61 0.41 0.30 B.14 B.05 0.00 4.M 4,42 4.S5- 4.30 4.21 4,14 4,10 > 4.00 8,60 p.M tjMug Rtatious. Tialns stop only wben there, ttroipHFHcna^r^ ntorfor thoeo scattona. Mixed: , trauin aro at al times bubipot to ba oanoolledj ^'i WW WOoiitATT.: vdonerol BapeH^lon^eiit^^ moSkt ,;f i " iiiiiM^ 47 02 3639 08 5396