/ W' $-r Frrt 'Vr j i /,i.V,Jif.^*U| !^KK>. RH j.>- * A DHdfflD-fMK TliTeVr Jlrotherd Jind Two Sinter* Criueil Ovi-i* u,Sfraii(r Itollwf. flffl! 'WOMEN PERI^-lillllii BY THE PORTE THE MOTHER'S LIFE IN DANGER 1Jm<I*>i'ii idl.l"I'luit tin. i:u<I of tli World Uut lli'ii.l the ltrollmin Hml Muter* 1), vo(,<l Slirlit mill i>uy to l***iiy<ir A Ktrutil<> Cuso M*mwT Jtruniptiui,* 1 HlUMl'iON, TKob. li.'t On I lie 2nd con- ccisUm^wi'st, in the township of Chln- giiiiroiHy, distant from Hflfr H)JiJL_lU)OMfc three inlU'4, In i little roughcast hou>.o lived David J. Alrlmro, Ills mothnr, two brother* ami two hitters, all adults. Tho father died soine ten yean it^o. They woro uleady, Indn Prions and rather Jnlol- Ii^Cfmt penpfu, were doinu* well and woro highly Hpoken of hy their iui\t*\\hQru. About nix ut'clcii ufo they wens thought to ho noting fdriuitfoly, bedim Md/.cd with homo rolifiloii'i <;ra/.o. The oldest Hon had a rovolation tliat. thu end uf iIto world wan toconio on April 1, and preparations bogim to bo matin for the p;ieat day. Prayer and HlnuiK "T'"'o KiK H the time, ni^ht and day, until tlio wholo family aoomed to ho under tlio hypnotic influence of David. .Tint before tlio Id/.*; storm .several hoys were killed and casL to tlio doo;q. Tlio Hqv. Mr. Clatdc, pastor of Uio Tre'i- byterian ^hurch hero, of whieh'lho family worn member?;, has boon doinp* what ho coidd to corioct the strange butJuf of the - family and drove Dr. Moore outt to investi gate. HeunliPHttiitlriKly naid filmy woro . infiimo. [t Ifi reported that, the rhreo bro thers* and ulstora had arranged to -till their mother and it In a fact that Dave Mid j^rab hU mother and choko lier, but hhL man , aged to escape, and hastening to nyielgh- bor'H reported tiio matter to tlicrjp, and upon lotiu-niii^ thoy found ihoffwholo family in bed together aiid Jhivltfl stark naked. Hlood was found oa e^rythiriK around and it wn^at dr^ttdiotfghtfa doublo murder had boon committed,/ but tho blnod came from Dave's band,f\\ hidi ho lind used in demolishing the vJindow's and crockery. 1/ Constable HurKt wan sumn/ioned and lio brought the three biotheiy to tlio town and lod^.-d tbein in juil. 'I/hoy occupy the Mijm.J>)Vkk>)i' '<(! Walker, who is to bo t/Ied again at the spring assizes for thu minder oi Afrs. Williams Tlio trio cnti be licanl outside the jail singing and pray- Ifot Mprln^'H, AVk,, VM|<mI by a DU- iwhM'Oiw Holocaust. MANY BUILDINGS DESTROYED Ono of thn t/nrorMtiiifctn Wotumi flint.|I<Donth White I'hidmivoidiu^ to fiav* > II<r ./tiwtdleiy--Pro perry ti tlm Amount or W 100,000 DnHtt'iiyud. TuiKey Maid to be Kiidouvoriiiff to Kiipprens Hie Truth. j HEHQFFa* TDT-HE AifM-ENIANS >: s \h,i Who WMI^ Jteltirn thu llimty Tiikuti by tho , Ituidw, I'ny nit KiMl'tMitiliy, uiwl Un- IIUVM 'I'llflll fl'Ollk 'I IIX<"4 if 'I'lllTV Ktutp Miu FuftM I'riMit tli Oil, with .! Cur (- . V Hot SnilNOK, Ark., l-'ob Wl -KIre broke tV T.ONoN, Feb. "IJ.-Prof. MlnmTehenizo, out in thn Ledgerwood bakery on Ouaehi/l-y!Lm' nf Armenia., Ik Informed by n comi- It Is In the f,out li*1 *H"inV1"1" '" Arineniu that" cliu * Turkish f,a avenue ye',tordity. orh purl of tho city, w beie boautiiig liouseH abound, and In mi hour thieo women had been burned todeath, h\k boarding hoii'.ejt, huveral Htoro honf.es and fifteen eot tnges, In all worth 100(000, lind been swept away. Tho dinid are : Miu Jjaura Heanmion, Mi s. authorities nro making eveiy elVoitto liribu the families who suffered 'most keenly from Ihu ournitji'S last fall. 'I'fiey are da id to have promised tho Arnieniana in Siissouii in return tlio booty taken by the Kinds, to pay rhem JJ".0O indemnity and Henry .L MeLeod unTl Augustine'stlvetto to ^liovo them of t.iu K forseveral years in (colored). Mr. and Mr*,. (.1. D. Brownsfm, enj-e Uio Aimeniiuis ker p from tlie com- of Macon, Mo., Mn. Deaeoek and others i miiision ofinquiry all revelations f^ueeni- - - - - - - Jul; t )io abiihes of Turl isli rule. AtAmas- ida, 1'iof TelieraZe is iiitoriiied, tho jailors heoiii'Kd the Ariiieiii/m political prisoners dally. M. A.|.Tewott, the Consul of the United HUpesat hivas, Turkey, has written a let ter to tlio London agctm of tlie United I'ress denying t lie statement niado hy a United Slates Senator on January I, that -Ih+t-renson of the Uorle's iefus.il to allow Arr. Jewott to muke en independent lnvcs- tigatioli ofthealleged Arinenjan atrocities was'"tliat Mr, Jewell ps w Ife was an Ar menian. Mr Jewel t say.: "There Is no fnuinlet mn for the j,t euieiit that I mar- r'ed an A ne 'ii m >\ imiin, and a bet tor re. i*.i hi uii .'In to be found for the I'orte's objcitimi to iii^ ^er\iug in an independent capacity oa the atrocities commission. I regard the statement as injuiious and as tending to weaken my oflieml pnsition. To Hay tli.it I would report the facts as I found them, whether I hey bm t tho Turks of the Armenians, would be nearer tho truth." ing with great, fervor, many that a most atrt cious murder would have been committed if the mutter bad been allowed to rest, but happily such an ending has been averted. The two joimg women will be .sent to the Toronto asylum. Closo intermarrying of c'liiuilns is thought to have something to i\o with tliis lamentubio htate of all's ir'. were injured, but none dangerously. A htrong wind fanned the ihunct., but pre vented them from moving in the dii;acUoji of the big.hotels and bath hoTh.es. Tho Ledgerwood bakery was a frame building, in tho f.e< olid atorey of winch Mrs. Seanunon hud furnished apartments Charles Ledgerwood first aavv thu Humes, and In his oll'orts to LXtinguUh them neg looted to wain people in thu neighbor" hood. Nothing win beard of Mrs, Seam moii until tho firo win over, when her bones were found in tho asho'i ofberhouse. Mrs". McLuod was a guest of tho Laelcdv boarding house. She win aroused and with her husband st artcd out of thu house but before reaching tlio door remembered Homo jewellery and returned for it agains' tho advice of hot' husband. When she started buck shu found her way blot ken by tlio flames. Dei* husband tried t< reach her and almost lost bis life in tin effort. She cndeavoied to rush through tho names but fell down nnd peuslitd The remains of the colored woman wen found in a partly haved room In the same hoifso. Mr. and Mis. Urownson, of Missouri, bad a thrilling estapi?. Tliey lived on tlu thud floor of tlie Ouachita boarding liousi and when aroused found the house wrap pod in lire. Kscape by the stairway \\u . cut off. They rushed to tho windows and crud to the people below for help but nom o Mild be given tliem. Mr-.. Urownson tits, several sheets and blankets together, mak -thoughrby~i"Ing a rope long enongli-to-reaeli-down u. II/p 7-.r.-;sp t'.t 1 (zcio Po<if I'J t' 'VCiSEc. c o id'wi'H'.s cnll- in fact, /.jr ai 1 iti[C '*'" II i|u!( Scatta Howno, UfllLwIIo. Ail Dr.;jjist3. GOc. & $|. "IStuty Ktflr Mlud at JBiiso." I 1'i.t iMwl'iii it. ih when travcllittg on tio f i- i iinu of ioe (Ihuvtui*. Mdwimk^o & Ht. I'liiM II.i \w<\; ln*k-id(,H t beie lit no chalice to ' i i> I , ' 'or (lie iiuMiui'iiO'hitionH nro up to ii n 11 i |. triiiiiti kuep ii.'ivin^ri^ht it long and (.ii lie re on time, Tl.emi liu^ii ilior- oii(ddy eov. i Hie tn i i'ory In twei.t Cuomo, Jjll (Jione, -t l'^lll. MMIIii'j||ioH", Ab('t- d<en, ^1 i'i-Ik II, Siou\ I'^illii, Kion n f 'i' v. Vi'i kton ( nni.i il lllulln, 'Jrilnhii "iid N t- thuri MithitMn, AM tlio print ipi) n i>h hi.(i I- wo- m Hint tei ntoi y are lviiolud o> nut "r.f rani" liiuu, m nnnutiiiji at W.. i'nil Coined lthilf.1 nnd Oniulis. with nil j li- i s tor pmutf m-thn Tin wont. Wiito to ! A .1. Tiiylor, (^.o^dtau Uiifm'i- A^mit, H7 I Vojl:HtueL Tormitti, Ont, ,fr oint 'of rln-ir new mnfi time IhI)!oh and ajlii'oejmrn, (jiving I m 'I. i 11 pi i riri of tho Com purl inoi) t Hkfping ("ii 'I K 1'ijirt furniHberl hv any coupon i,lii.ni t at-' "i in tlio Unit( d Rtitti-u mid Can ! a oi, i I c fininf, d rime, (sin in the world j t'e inn on tlio fiolid vest ilaih d. tl'ltlic | bijdi d in ii s'< fliu lnsiiterl tiunni of the Cli'l- | i ago, iMilwmiltrt A' St Paul Jtuilway. CHURCH DIRECTORY KRUPP'S ARMOR PLATES.. LOCAL LEGISLATUJjei_ I*i- - i Short hcHHfnii Mr. YThlt- Tot.i-Mii, lVh."l:i Hon. Wm. 1 Tarty, Tho*. Jlobljsand .biuies Conmue were in troduced to tho Legislature yesteiday. Their appearance was gieeted with ap plause fiom tlie Oovernineut benches. The adoption of tlie Speech fiom the 'lbrone was moved by Mr.-Craig au<l .sec ond) (1 by Mr. MeXeisb. Mr. Marter criti cised tho address and was followed by Mr. HnjcoeJ: in his maiden speech. On Monday ne\.t Mr. Whitney will ask \\ belli.*r it is the intention of tho Govern ment ti> intioduco legislation in tho direc tion nf lessening the number of appeals fiom courts of first inst-aneo, increasing the jurisdiction of the County and Divis ion f'ouris, or either of them, cheapening the procedure and pnnddingfor tho speed} decision in matters ol legislation, and whether it is the intent ion of tlie Govern ment to take steps during the present ses sion to reduce the amount of Surrogate lees on probates and letters of administra tion. Mr. Wnltnoy on Monday w ill also ask tho Minister of Education whether it is proposed lo havo an immediate and tlior- ough investigation nf tho present .serious condition of nfl\iir-> in tho Univcisit\. Whip Willougliby will mo\o that a, spe cie] committee he appointed to look into the matter, with instructions to prepare and icport to tho House a bill for the pur- pos of providing for an investigation into Uk' (piest ion. Thu quest Ion of dairying and encourage ment to a butter industry will soon be dis cussed. All opinion seems to agree that tlio ses sion will be a hdiort one, as there is no great amount of work in sight, unless the Pat ions may have something the} intend bringing up, w Inch lias not 3 d bi.un mado public. T, 11. ,f II. Trniilili) bctflcil. HAMILTON, l-'eb. 3.'i. The si rike on Sec- ton ^Jot the T. 11. ^ 1$. Kiad is nt .111 end. The county constables,have been with drawn from the scene and a huge bnce ol men are at work. Tho const i-in 110*1 oi the road will be pushed on idl the Lue be tweeu Hamilton and UiMiitlord is iuiii plotod. Jlraeey Ilros. & Co., w ho assigned to Lawyer Ti el /.el, wiy thuie will be 'joO, 000 coming to them when tin* work is ftnlHhed, and this n ill more than pay all indebtedness, leaving a good stii'ptu,. tlie window below She went down fir-, and cut" red the second fjnor window atn. escaped liy .1 b'ick stairway. \Viicn hci liusb.irid.re./('ht't| the second floorway the HffiinwH was blocked by flames and l< hadtojum|). lie received sevoru bruise- and the woman whs badly lacerated slid ing dow u tlie rope. Twent \-eight buildings were burned m< luiliim fifteen cottages, Tliree hundrei men, wiunen and children woio driven ti 01 ia 1 ijii uleis for bulging am! most ol tbeni In --rail their clothing. BISHOP FALLOW'S BEER. Noil-All nlmlle, Itut 11 (,oml Ik ii 111c A Nim i:\perI111cnt. Cim.-\i.o, Pel) U.I. Ihshnp Fallows, a, the Ueformed I^])isco|iaI cimrch, has open I'd Ins "place," It is c died "The People' lust it 1110 Heme Saloon," and it is design cd to gi\e men all the accommodations o j a saloon, without tho alcoholic a< comp mi moots. There was a fine lunch, and lou pietty waiter girls were in attendance Many old-tlmo friends came ia and give; ed the bishop warmly, as he told them o, tlie nutritive properties ol tlio nou-iilei> liohc beer, which would flow from tin. spigots .is soon as thu pumps wciopiuper l ly fitted and connected. '* It's a pun I browed exir.ut of bops and malt," be e.I plained, "and w hile there is 110 alcohol in ! It, any beer ill inker will declare it to be ;i good, bitter drink', ami 11 closo counterfei ' of bet r, without any of the bad effects o alcoholic bee 1. J am satisfied that it is go ing to bo the drink of (he place " lie grew so enthusiastic that " Hilly" Bradley, tin colored porter, was sent down below- f tapakcg.and bung up a sample pitthe of tho foaming beverage. It is- called t in "Bishop's drink." Then* was a great ru ,. all day, and the lunch .suffered severely. Hi" <Utiiiian I'lrm Has Dlneov i.-reil a Now I'roccHH of Uiu-tlenlng., IJiulix, Feb. 2-1 Vica Admiral JIolI- niiinn, secieiiity of t hi,%*AiI mi rally, was hi the budget coiiimitlee of tho Iteichstag jesteiday during tlie di-cu^-siou of tho naval esi 1 mates. He told tlie deputies that the Krupps had disco\ered a new harden ing process w Ineli materially increased tho resisting puuer of 11 mor plates. Tho te .1 s ol nnnor preps! 1 I by the new pro cess had show a iciiiiii k.iblu results. Ho spoke also o| the inlormution gained by tlie Admiralty h'om tlm naval operations n the war in the east Of all tho foreign AfHcer.i ii]ip]\ in^ tor jiermissjou to accom pany the ChiiicM- fleet lie said thefc0'ermauii alone \\ere allowed to inspect tlio war ves sels minutely. The budgiit Luinmilteo of tbe Jteichstag voted the' second inst a I men t of i.V">00,000 marks tor thu first-class ironclad which wHl replace the I'li'Usseil, Tlie tolj.'.n 11 ia\ lull passed its first read ing in the lieielistag and was lefurred to a special (onnnitteu of twenty-eight. BY-LAW No. MKTnoDiBT. Dir, Puooq. Pastor. Service,,, ivory Hunday ut-ll u. m. uuclT.-p. m. Babbftftoi Hohool at!J.:Mip. in, C- V-. Naylor, BuporintoKft : oat or Aahou]. Llpwoitb I.oaijiitirci7Aj-lX)0tl M' ruoaday ovonfliH at ti o'oloolt. Uenu/i luoutfnifoii 'X'hurniluyovoiiliicC. Hi Cnunon ok" FNOiiAND Iutv, A.L Uuv0vly,-ii. tiuujbout, Bt. 1'iiuIh, VluiniX.- X>lvim>aorvfcc ovory hunduy 111 7 n'olDrIr7~p m flnnday "M, Holiool at 10 u. m. i'rliiibv Churcli, North ltld$ I)ivlnu Htii-vhiuM ovury Hunday ntll p. in.: Bao< du.y Hubool ut t,l(5ji. in. TJ10 liublia uro cor- dlally invitiidi VttKUiWiVMAN, W. M.Ii'h.inhitft VrtntorBev- vluuii on Habhiith iLtll a.m. ilikI 'l.'Mp.ni Sot>- niit)i Kehool ntii:tlO p. m. 1'roytjr uu ftlngaDd PuhIov'h Itlhte olnmi 011 Tuowday ut7.:tt) p. lia. H udiil Union on Wiuluondavat 815p, lUi'Tittr (Jiiuiicw. Jfov.Af. P. Oairtpbulb Pas tor, hiifvltieii euob Hitlihatli ut 11 11. )h, itud 7 p iu. f'-rnyor innotlug on Woiliiondiiy oven in jf lit Ho'clouli. Hoiitufreo. Allure liordinlly wol- uonHel, Koma:, CxrnotAiJ.-- Vv. I), 3'. Mijaiouatnin Pioitor. fmwiot ovury other Btimlny ittti.U0 in, fJutultiy -lohoo] ut "ii. hi. , Mauva'iwh Aiimy,- T, II, MnTiiiod, tfuptala, Hidvation tn/ictliijai 00 VVuibieiubty, Thursday nnd mindny (ivniitnijii; J"roi> ami Kuhv, Waturduy iivoninii iiml li p in. buii'luy; HoHnchH nuttings ' for ohriHtlni.H I1 mhiv evinniiKiuui 1111. w. Buu- day; Kuoo JJrll) 7 11. in, ovoty Hunday. a)1 uro wulconio. LEGAL. JL. PBTI'JIlfl Ilurriutor, Holialtor. Notwy * Fubllr) Monoy to Loan. Otlieo utcr Elollaltor >a Btruthorn' Ihuik, Jdiuiox Coufro, aettlnd it by Mrrlugf. Xiagaka Palls, peh. ! The caso of criminal assault proteneil by Widow Claflin, of Lcwislon,.ngaJiisb iier cousin, Wilber Sheldon, came up before .Judge liobinmm, and was suddenly terminated. Sheldon, who'was.vury nervous, gut up before tho first wfitness left, the stand and startled tho vUbigors.bj saying: "Clear tlio court and I'll marry her." The judge bad the room cleared and marriml tho pretty v, idow nnd Michigan bncludor. A Clortfy'nuiii'H rail. Buffalo, Pub. 2!J.~JIonry Koebler.agcd 6*3, a clergyman, was sentenced to 20 dn>s for vagraucj*. llesaytihe has lectured iu Toronto, Port Elgin, Paisley and othcr_ Canadian towns, lie was married in Port Elgin to a lady who is thero now with her parents, Ho wi;h while Iu Canada hu yielded to Ids old Inclination to drink, but htiH not Indulged any since he loft Toronto last Saturday, lie claima ho was unjustly arrxsled'and conn nil tod. tJIilHjUiic; Tlirli- i'jiujH'i'ti t'31<intriil. MON'l'llKAL, ]Vb. 23. Mayor Villcnouvo ba9 complained that'paupers wery being Vuent from tiieStutesto this city. Two woinuu called on him yestenlay Mid .sniil fhi ,thoy had come from Tewkesbury. The jrff/"uthorltieHtht'H* had paid tiieir Jartis to T^; Montreal aiul ejlveu thorn fifty cunLs each. ^'.."Oqo Ji,w a young cliild and said her liun- C<ilelMatlni; Wimliiri^ton'ri Itlrtliilny, New Yoi:k, Peb i>l. Washington' birthday was oljserved hero as gonenill.and with as much spirit as usual in tbi city: The city bore a holiday appearand in tho display ol Hugs and hunting-. Alonj. the river front the di'play w,i general and efTect beautiful. At sunrise yesterdnj Christopher 11 Porbt-s, groat grandson o Sergeant VanArsdale, of Hevolutionarfame, rai.sed "Old Gloij " at the Iiatterpark, as he has done lor many years. Hi- \vns assisted hy tho Anderson Zoiiuva.s ol the (52nd regiment, New York volunteer-. Gieat enthusiasm prevailed while the (la wan being raised, cheer after cheer boin;. given for tho father of our 0011 utry and !' Old tjlory," by those who were present. Jell Into Bellin;.- Water. XnwAUK, N. J., Peb. aa, Peter Pitzpat- rick fell into a \at-of boiling water at Dwyei's Tannery, No. 7(J Poigusoii street, yesterday, lie splashed about wildly in his awful bath and when fellow workmen Ciinio to his aid he was still conscious ami screaming 111 his agony. Ilia body was literally boiled, ft was difficult to handle him as at every touch his,flesh dropped ofl in large, fragments. At length he was /^ot into an1 ambulance ami taken to thu citj hospital. Last night ho was at the point of death. SfliuUoi'H Oho Tlioir FJmIh, Pi:nvi:u, Col., Pub. U3, A row occurred in tho State Sonata yesterday. Senium Mills in tho course of debate called Sena tor Peaco a liar. Mills thou throw a papei weightat Peate an<| tho senators cllnclteu and fought viciously. The result, was four black eyes and a lively How of blood. The contestants'were dually separated. Tlie Senate ordered an investigation of the fracas and adjourned. Pled to tree II U Wife, Sf. JosiiMt. Mo., Pub. 23. IL J. Mil- house, a stock miser hying near here.Ji.id his wife arrested on a chargu of bigamy. Yesterday bo commit Lod Miioldo, leaving a letter in wlddi he declared that, be took hhiownlifu In yrder that, Ids wlfo might bo free to live with the man whom she hail imuried in violation of tho law, A I'llot J*ont MlHMlnjj, l NWW YoilK, Fob. 23. Tho pilot boat Gool-go II. Warren, No. 5, Is still mowing. Hho waw lust seen on Ptibruary 7 jtmt be fore tho gieat storm* None of nor h\x' piloln has yet brought a voshuI to port ivhich would hidtcate tliat aha hay been THEIR nELATIONS QUITE FRIENDLY. J> 11M111 in Itoen Xia Credir tlio III-IVtUlMg In J> rliiirfl TiiUimlH I^i)e;luinl, Paims-, Peb. :.';!. The Marquis of Duf fer! n, IJrit isli Ambassador to Prance, made the principal s])eet h at tho annual banquet of tbellntisb Chamber of Com merce last evening. IIo said that despito certain current criticisms, from which It may be iufeirod tliat Pranre and PnglamJ wore taking an antagonistic course in politic-., these had never Lien a time sincu his arrival in Paris when the relations of tlio two count Hes were more friendly and more ob\ lotisiy (onciliatoi-j on both sides, lie cited as an illustration the recent con vention as to Sierra Leone, which, he re marked, showed (dearly the reciprocal do sha to discuss international questions in a just and generous spirit Tlie convention should be regarded, no thought, ay a most favourable oinenof tho settlement of other stubborn questions which were awaiting international treatment iu Africa. WANT THE TROOPS RETAINED. Ciiii'o l'rotcHtft Ai;aliint tlm Withdrawal of tho I.iiiH'iihlili t> Itnttallon. London, Pel). 23. Tho Daily News cor- lespoudent iu Caiio sa>s: The local piess isopposed to the impending withdrawal of the Second South Lancashire battalion. A feeling of insecurity undoubtedlyexists and the depaituro of every British soldier will strengthen tlio position of tho Anglo- pjiohist party. Caiud, Pub. 23. The Cabinet met yos- tenlay with the Khedive presiding and passed a decree forming a new tribunal empowered to deal summarily with na tive offences against British oflicors, ooldicrs and sailois. Tho aim is to pievont a repetition of tlie recent assaults upon marines in Alexandria and elsewhere. North Victoria labunilH. ConocoNK, Out., hYb. 23. The adjourn ed Liberal nominating convention was held here yesterday. The meeting was convened m the Oddfellows' hall, Mr. .Tas. Dickson, wdio has hold the position of pres ident of thu association for some flfteun years, oceup} ing the chair. Mr. It. .T. Mc Laughlin, ot Lindsay, and Pie^idout Dick son were nominated, but on a voto boing . taken it, was found that Mr. McLaughlin was the almost unanimous choice of tho ; convention, lie will oppose MajorJIughes. --------------------- '** \ Ii> LAW 1 iv 111 ovule foi ilr 1 imiL'1 wm h in tin- 1 o\. jutnip nf at" id .loin , ii' the LmiMity 1 1 L -1 *, ,ii d da but 1 (a1 inj' < a tin c n ill t of tin n nun n idily the kii i 11 if SilvlJ.Hfi, y l'un isii imllj i.doi tod the I7th Day of Nov , A, D.. \HUif .Win in \*, I uiJi I'oucll o\. 1111 of h t l!'t, In the r.lh Min t'ftliL1 '|uvni-bi]i <>! Mai(thtMie,nili veil 1 1 en tin- " 111 l el |iii] r 1 1111 ell of I bn hit Id lew im-Iii^. a ^ 1 ittcn notn < liuit, thn J'ucn. or No Jlf Tup l)i ni 11 01 if; 111111 imii i.f) n led uitdiir (In) pl(.\u.|onn id f ho On tin io JJnih illi- Act, uiui niiicft nut '1 1 "i ' i i\ n rjiiMhti d thn' it l rc]inlitnl 1111 inediululy hi d ki jiievt nt di nuoii;o to l u luijilii liy a 1 \ 11 il.'w ul wuti r fioiri tli > Mild drain. Mi W ui.ul Ah, tin idupm Die i-nid (jodiu'M linn prntur* d 11 u 1 xn mi n 11 thai to bo in ado by ,JH. I, 'i 'I, I' Ii K , belli 1 a ptinion ci)(0|ii)tuiit ftu ftiujb |iiirjuit', of th'i Ha Id aieiL ]ilo|n nod to1 ho mi 1 ti 1 1 1) I If liKiiuibhlMiJeiil ( d foi the dndU[ic,o tbcreor, niifl ef ntlmr liuidB and lead ', lnrlilu ii i<ii i'i \\ ej!. f o lie niiidn by 11 to moil J. H, Jaiirdj anil iui iis^nM-i.iont t^i lie nmdi. ! Ii lit 1 f 1 n 1 a tuts and iiiinls to ha bniielltti d 1* v mu h dialT.uct) work, and ol other liuidii and it.udt, Imhlii tur < nidi iliutn.n thereto, i.tntlnj!, ah Dcinlj iui be tan, tlu )u npc) t U-ii of lienelU, outlut, hnlnlil \ tin 1 ii jin int; li if ilif *, wlih h, In bin (ipiiilcni, uil1 be t'ei iv t| io musi rjuencc of Himh diiiliiii^n \wirlt liy i mo \ i()"d oi let, oi pot t if oi uf lot, tin' nali 1 ax iliimic'iii no inudi' l>elojr tin1 uKtim Hincut beicinuftt r ' \ tliln ii\-!n\v muictiid te bn ut.f.i hiied nnd Invind upon the a mln and lotm iu d parta of Iota lier)>- ni.ft* r in tlint Ijidinlf eiiu'M-iullv rait, forth and duourlhod, nr.d tlm i< port of thu naid Jiui. H hitirti^ 'u m fij t ct (lien nf, iind of tho nriil dinlnnf^i win It, Ih-iiij: as foliown: i i. the line \ i', Dt'imt>-ri.(iVo una Council tin a at thn Town ildp of Mnidiiloue in Council afinonildf d: (Ji stu'mi ,- In ficcorihinco with itifitiuctinna from your honorable body, I havo talton tho ikiIiihi uicim d )>> lb id v llowoll nnd biLVo i^'LMilned tlio Nu. ltJ Taji Pniln, louiwii an tho 1'iico IhuliJ, fiom ihe townlhie bidwotn (imifh'M North and \laldatono, north alonil thn curitro of tho r,t)i ron , Mntfiiitomi ti the Mnlcoii road, and lieu ti> uiport tlioroott an follown. I find that tlio liuid driiiu wiui ronfdiuct'.d uliout 1(1 vnam uj;o ami tin t tlirro hull bcun uothlni; done to it ulnco, Kxcrpt ii few li'j;s tnhi n out \ery few j eimi. f nlwo find that thn naid drain fil fircntlv lllb(lti|i nnd niticli in ih- 'd of bn]novi'iiiont. I thai that thoro am only uiioiitJi.'iO nuyon In tlio laud tnwn- i-bipof Alaidhtone tout cun lino f ho imld dudn, and inanoof that to a very iillfjlit Oiitimt. Thoro iin 7 'n aciiiH hi Out TiiuiihIiip f,r ('oiiHidd Not th iitidx'Kj iicron In tna Town oT H-rinox that will uhd hind (hum ihiuiii.hniil it-> entire h iigth. I hud that it will coi.t, all (jxpiniioo inohuhid, i^757, ia put M'litt dri.hi in a c.oml ulat.- of rpa!r. Of tbiy iirnouut I lia\o tuxod tlio hindii III Maldfltona for I'^nilit ifith ?'ii! f(i, and for outlet buindlt with SlU7 KJ. thu lamlirfTnUnnflnTnTJouh for outlet -"V-IIOU. nnd ihe hind ii in tlie I'tn/n of Khhox with >r 1 a I 05 for oiulut. Acuompiinjiuu >mi will find liliuiH, pioillcM. FpieiacutioiiH, iii-ncitfmi ntn. (3iitimittff, ami nil other papora ntcoiimii-y for nidd iincn in tho cleaning out of tho Hind drum. Thin drain filial I bo liojit in repair liy a bit on tho ii miu and ron da now iiiiHofiued, and in thu namo proporti n, nxecpt tho cn^ineor in oinrco of tlio i li'aiuiif* out In of ophnni) that f bo proportion ounbt to ho chnnjjod. I havo tho honor to bo, ^uiitltinoii Votir obediont iiervunt, r.hux, Oct, Jut, ffUl , JAB. H ItAXlW, J'.IjU. And WiiMU'Ad, thn mild ilniln nhall cxtond bom tho townlino butwnon tho Towmhlim nf Mnidioono nnd tiuidlold Nor lb, north throuab tlio centra of thofith con. of Middnto^w.toiho ninth i.ule*f tho Maiden -tail, a (llhtuiic/LOf OKI voda, and idmll havo n bottom wftltli of il fi ot tlnoHRh- our (ho ontire Icnidb- 'Ib dtlplb of tho hiiWI drain ahull bo an followa At wtalto 0 (pluntoil at onth end) I'VJileot. ntak-U li 1.) foot, nU|(oi! 4 60, UtaJto i P70, ntakofi 4'Wi, Btako (Ifl-10 ntulto 7 WO, ct koHI'M HtnkeO I (in, iitnkn 10 I t'B. ntnlto 11 fllO, utaUo 12 4"!S. iitnlto .11 fl 45, iituko 11 G fc5, iitnlto Ir)5Mi fttnltn Kl.'ltto, ntnlto 17 .Via, ntiiHOlH Jtt5. ntako 105-JO, otidto 20 5 00, ntnko 'Ih 0*10, htiiko 2'J 1 15. ii'ulto 2.'1 r, liO, ntnko Si I) 00, [.talio 'IT, f hB,Btako *'0 5*b0, otako Efl fi-HDjifitujeo SB 6J.1, ftako 'in i'M), h ako uo:i no. tital'o t] fat Maldon voo'iTTTIwriiiid ilDit ITITivo an ovo^i^opoyrom thu top of the' pn nont ditch to tho bottom of tho flofiihod ono. Asu WiiBiiK.ia tho linioicipal corporation's of tlio Townnjifpnof Miiitlfltono and Qnajlold^ortii and tho Town of V.i\hax urn ikiuofhoU tor tlio ropa.fru of the nidd No Hi, orPuoo Drain aa follow MiiidHtoii", for bonoflt S'la^O, and for outlot SPI7 -Jll OnBflold Ncrth, boncflt $1 00 for outlot 33831!> Total 87.17.00 Town of lainov. for outlot i:ii 0."j Anii WmuiKAfl tho niiiil Council In of opinion tl at dmbntfe of t).o arorio tlonciibcd in do* fdrahlo, 'Ihoroforo tho naid mnnioipiil council of tlio j-nni 'Jownthip of Slfticatono, puriaiant to tho urovifljammf th(j'JDmhtoo Act, 1804, onttotn hh foliowi.: ~"~~ Int. Tlio onid roport, jilann, npocilloiitiuiiti, iiFHi'Minicntn ni^d ciitlmatmi aroltoroby adoiitod ami tho ibninnfid work an hurein lmlicatod nnd not lorth ahull bouliido and conotiuotod iu iiocordaiico thcrowitb Und. Tho Itcovo of thn naid Townphip may borrow on tin* credit of tho Corporation of tho fluid Towurdiip of Rfaldotono tho hum uf TSSOMi belt K the ftnidn nuGOuaury fcr Mild- tddno'ii portion of tho oont of repairing tl.n tndd drain, and niiiy ih^u-* di-bcnturoa of tho Corjior aiion to that amount, In numn ot not Umi than <"fiO (JO ouch, and pay a bin within two yotira fiom tlio date tl oreof, with intorouti at tho rato ol 0 pt r tint, per aoniun, that Irtto flay, In two iiihtulmentn, nuobilobonturcn'to bo payablo at tho luipi-rial i auk at tlio Town of Eiincx and to havo littnohod to them ootiponn for tho paymoru of in tori ut. 'Ira. l-'or paving tho niim of -J02.10, tlio iimoiiLt chared atjaiiiHt tlio Fidd liitirln and ir^ttdo foi mil lit, ai d the mini of Jia7.-l(l, tbo amount cbnrcud nijuiiint the H.iitl landa und ronda for outlot hi till ty, and tl^ Lmn of S , tho amount clinrijLd iiRainnt tho Raid hiudn and roada foi injuring !; b'lity, apiuLii' m tho landa androadii belontjliiK to or controlled by tin* municip ilitv, and for i m lini,'hitorra: thoroon for two voimt nt the rato ofalx \ or cant pur annum, tho total rtj (oial raio, ovorund abovo all otboi- l.iton idudl ho aiiioiiiind and Io\iod (hi tho niimo nittnnor and ut thu lirtino tinioaa taxoH nro knit'd and tollootod) upon tho undormontiouod iota or par to of lots, and leada and tho amount of thu ftaul total apncial ratea aud lntorunt idiall lit) dividod Ii to mo oual puns, nnd ono fiuohTnrt thidl iiu aiu.oiuiod and Invind an itfornnaid, in each >ooi r. i two ytaib after tho llual paHtniiu ot tbia bj-Iiiw.duriuc which tho naid dehonturim havo to I till. v 7? a.XTiHmm, ihurh -*lJ#' ruhlic d-o. Monov latoMnilo"2T' !NOtiBry .. joy to lotttiV*Tfn -*' Unn' utun Ulock, up-iitalrfi, Kmiox, 4: pl.A.UCK, IIAItTLKT & BAnTLKT, Harris KJ torn, oto. OIIIowi, Mi dbtii'y hlook. Wlndaoi PHvatn liuidii tolonn A. Ji.CYAiiKK.Ij Ij. Jl. k. A. Bau-ilut. A. Jt. IUuimst, J), A. nKNKY u. WAI/JKIlfi. Uh.ll., Atfornoy and Coimneln/ ut law, with Atkitmon Jk HuTohr'.u Coni;rGiiii ut, woi.t, Detroit, "SHah. (Canadian oialnui ajadnat poriioiiu In tl United fdnti a roll" iui ) Iteff ronei nj J1111 rial Hunk, Ki nex, Out. J Ii PotLIIJ. 1' Hj , llm II, r.'l, ttd., 1-,HH,1X,)| lb.A. Wlmiior, bm,, luiiru.ter, cto., Jm,i .hiaix, Oi MEDICAL. f o .UJON.M. li U U C, V.A. H,;KiiinafC MnmbfM'Cnllcfninf Phji-fcldiiH nr d Hur- Out. .Omiluutiiot Ni w Yoik, Vattt Qxatl* a to Midicul Hchool. All calJii promptly nt- c i.idod to Abo npteinl tittentlon ivou to dhioaucHof the Imifii, thioat, iiom), oyu atd oar. Oilho ovor biicn & ( o'n Dni Hto. and all oalla, iiliibt or day, hit thoro. Tolophono in romioctiou. N. b.-Coniatltation rooirni sroimd 11 Dor and first Hat abovo. T\Bg DKWAIt A MoKENZIK. ?,J",r\YVrtl;*X- D. 0. H., P. T. M. S.- Oradd ato Trinity Uuivornity. Member CoHoro Phy< folanti and Hiirueoim, Out. luuhloncc. Talhd Kt, Kaat, O.MoKHKaiK, M. D. C. M Follow Trinity Modlcal Collofjo. Graduato Trinity Uwivwulty Il)hl(l<iiicu: Talbot htroot, wutt ot if. 0. It, Oflloohomfl i to a nnd to a p. m. 'ifllco in linpurhd Hank bkelc, (jroimd door, noxl to Thorno iidruKtitoro. Tolanbonaiu commotion with nfllco nnd xobI- donoi). Ordcm loft ut Thoino'n druxc utoro will be proni]tly attondod to. Schedule of Landd Anaenfiod in lUJddHtoiu1 for the Puco, or No 10 Tup Drain I -"ID Tl O ^opuirH 0 a 3 ct i_ oi -3 ; rr\ S <n u l_ t/I 0 u r a d 11)7 IU / a) 3-S 0 - a. " u ~ _ > * a ^ 1 CI -1 '-' j3 a 13 a - 3- 71 w c'E O a a A O S ^? P n u c c n 1-1 < v- r* Y~ HOw H 0 iri in 5 21 W r| lOfl &i;i 00 S -100 &17Ti0 U 63 $18 02 s 0 01 'Jfi whf 1U() VJ, 00 11 10 2:1.10 70 2-i 20 12 10 . 21 ehf 1C0 UPO r; co 18 (J 38 HOI) 20 w bf 100 V2 00 15 00 27 00 82 27 82 13 01 2ehf 100 dOO liOf) ' IH (J 18 3 09 U7 e hf 100 0 00 ii 00 IH fi 18 a no J7 w hf 100 12 00 it) 00 r/2 (10 1 o(i B'A m 20 78 aa w hf OK 12 00 IH (10 00 00 1 80 Gl 80 U0 !I0 2H c I.f 1)7 0 00 ono 18 0 18 3 00 29 w bf 31^ 100 lfi 00 11)10 m 10 58 !) 70 ^i) 0 bf SM 2 00 2 00 0(S 2 00 1 03 *JS pt w hf -1 90 2 OH 2 08 08 3 00 1JI3 N T n 282 n pt ii 80 ao 02 82, 11 Total . 1)3 20 Klo fiH 1 OS 1J1G (HJ 228 78 108 229 80 0 8fl 01 (J 00 235 (14 1 12 230 70 117 82 3'otal Total a 9 20 - m on Jundo mid'roat1 118 38 DENTAL. HP. MAItTJN.D. IJ.fi., U B. B. GradunU in Dontintry, IJowd C'oIIora ol Doutal. Bm'Roona, Ontario, and Univornity of Toionto. OliurflflH,moderate Ofilco, ovor Drion 4 Cob drii|* ntoro, I8-ly ----------mr-~ VETERINARY. WII. ItlCHAltlJHOK, Vot^rhn^'^fliir"' . neon, Craduuto of tho Oiitniio Votflr- inary C'olle[;o, Toionto, trout 11 all dihOutoH oi domoiitiuatod nniinalii Tolophono in connoo- ' tion. iJontintry a jiptcialty. jtt'rdotioo, toxvt oooru tiOiith or Orl'it Mid. Ollico hi rowtoillro bitUditi','; Intlrniary dnoctly opjioidto, BAKER^ 1*111', oldoat bUHiaeuu m town. Kntuhliauo 1870 Firiit-elaim broad and 0 alt lb of 1 kin da. Woddinc cakoua fipociality. Uiocoritsa proviolonn,flour,food, milt aud poik. Confoo- tionory, crooliory,i,dannwaro, Oaninul fruitfiitnd VQRotablonof all Linda. Ooods j-rtajiptly la llvorodtoallpaitt. 01 tho town J M. IlIOKU, 101 tt SOCIETfES f O. O. F.-KNTEHPUlhrc LodRo No lti l mootnovory TburGday, evoniiiK at 7,30 iu Oddfollowii Knlli In third atofuyDuiiBtan Block 7lHltinnrnomhorB ofotlior loddnnwlll roooive 0 irntorniil woloomo. J. JOflNfiTOK, N. G. OKNTKAL KHCAMPMKKT, No.tiO, niflotaln Oddfollowfi' HiilbDuiintan'ii Block, on tho first and third TuoHday Jnoacb mouth. Vialtornoor dirtily rocoivod. Momborn ot nuhcrdlmito todfiet In th*. Jurindiotiou, invited to join. 0, HANNAN. C. P., Q. T. HILL. G fi ESSEX OENTJIE LODGE, No. 10, A. O. U.W Mootii nocond and fourth Moudavu in oaob month, In tho Oddfollow'a HiilJ, at 8 p. ra, VinitinR bri*thro will botftvon a fratovimi wol-- como. JOHN LA1NG, Mantor Worlcinaq C. H. FULLKIt, Jtooordor. FIltE UniGADK.-Tbo Firo Bvifiado moata nocond Wodnofidav oviMiinn ovcry montbi at 6 p. w. m the council chamber. All fireman roquobtfd to attond. J. McMUKIlAY, Clifof, J. P. McQUEEN, Prorotory. To l'ni*<dniNit Cai'lylo'M Kotioe. Lon'ijon-, Kob. 2. Thu JiOid Mayor pro- Hided tit tlie meeting hold ub thu Mansion IIouso in support of tlio plan to raiyon fund for thu purchaso of Carlylo'H houbo, which is to bo Jilted up us n Ourlylo iiuib- 011m. The moating way hirp;cdy attended. AtnoiiK those present was U. S. Ambassiir dor Thornipt l-1, linyard, who Hpuko olo* quontly oi' tho debt which tho JihiglUh- speulvint; peoplu owed to (Jurlylo, <"hliM'Ht I*Iit Unem-tlied. L0Nl>()N\Fub.23. Tlio Tlinos correspond- out in Hong Koiik lolugraphH ; A wide spread plot Lo overthrow tlio MimchiuJw bcuti di.sooveml in Kwanp;-Kiinjr, Kwitni^- Si and oUiei* noutliern provincuH. Tho British Connnl wan uhhuiiIuuI during tho blade Hub riots at Talcnu. Tho rlotH woro quulk'd buforo tho Morcury arrived /md 25 ot tho leiiclui'H woro boheadod. ,' 4tii. For pnyina thn nuin of 91 03, tho nraount aiiBonnod aitaini't tho naid roadu (and landfi) of tho municipality, anil for covoilm* intoroitt thoroon for two yoara at tho rato of bjx por eoiit, per annum, a opooial vato on tho dollar, (oimclonb to produoo thn reouirod yoniiy amount tborofor, hhidl,ovor and above nil othor raton.bo loviodaud collootod (in tbo-uaraomunnor and at tho fiiuno tlmo nn taxoa am loviod and collootod.) upon and from tho wholo ratoablo proportv of tho anid 1'ownnhip of Maldiitinn in oacb yoar for tho period of two y0111 a aftor tbo fluid pauiihiif of thla by law, durbiG which tlio naid doboutnroii biutp to run. fith. That J.SXaird.P.L.H., f lioroby nppolntod coinmifieloiior to lot tho contract for ropulrliiff cidd drain and worUn oonuootod therewith, by public to tbo lowont bfddor (not oxcoodintj thoontiniato); but ovory iiuoh oontructor.with twofjood and natinfuotory Biirotieti.Hhidl ho ronufwu forthwitb toontor IntobondB fortbo duo porformanoo and complotion of oontroot nccordiiifi fo naid plana and npooitlcationy, and within tho tlmo moutionod witblu ouoh bond, uolons othorwffia oidirod hy tho council; and it ahall no tho duty of cucli commfnalonor to oautio bilIi! drain ami woilta conncotcd therewith to bo uiado and conotructad in noeordnnofl wltli buoU plami uiitl ppiiolfloatlonii, not lator than tho A. P., 169 , {upIobh othorwido ordorod by tho aounoll) and to (jrantoortlfloatot'to tho llonvofrom timo to time to oaoh ooutrnotor, lonii pot* cent of thu amount duo, until tbo contract in fully completed and duly aeooptocJ; ami for duo ntirform 1111 eo of thoeo and nil other dutiun of cotumianlonor, tbo naid ooinmhiftfoiior nhall bo on- titled toiooolvoa (iom mi union of ]ior oont on tlio actual ootitof tho work- lit h. That tbo Oonimitmhmor ho inquired forthwith to otitorlnto bondn in tho o*mi of 9 for tlio duo oomplotion of tlio woik according to tho plana and spec 1 float ion u, and within tlm Limo opoeiiloil In auchboiid. Uh. Thin bydaw Bhiill be publfabod onoa in ovory wool:, for four oonnoontlvo wuoIib. In tlm rcwiKX PnniiPjii an, nowfipapui, publifbod iu tho Town of Ennoic, and uhall 0011)0 Into foroo upon and aftor tho final pniitjinu tho-.ocf, mid may booitod tlio 'Tuco,or No. 10 Tap Drain Jtopairfl Jly- u.WMcnuan, oioxk. geo. a. wintemute, hoov. COURT HOYAL, NO. 212, I. O. F. Mcota nocond and fourth Tuoaihi.v'0 iu oacU month in it. O. O. I*1, Hull at H o'clock p. m, Vir,itlur( brothom will bo (*ivon a fraUiroal wol- como. E AfoCautiland. 0. It., W. 0. Bhaw, 8oy, M. J.WIcIo.C.I). II. UB. i,AND AND LOAN AGENTS GEOHGE J. TnOMAS, Convoyftiioor, Oom- mlBionar,ln 3I(;b Couri of JtiHtloo; dealer m Ueal Eotatoaud MortRaRoa. Uouey to loan attholowoot rato of intovont. Fa ruin boimbt andtiold. Iniiuraiioo tnlion In tbo moot reliable oompanioH. Drawingr of dDotlB, movtfiageu nnd Ioiioob a npccialty. OharnoB raodorato and aJl biiBiuorai promptly uttcndod to. Call at the Dontral xoleuhoiio ofllon* KHBosCoutro^ CO-ly MARRIAGE LICENSES. rjtr D. BBAftUN, Innuor of Rfarrliif-o Linaneon. Iniiurauoo aepao- Nlf'bt ofilco at DwoIHuk. TALBOT bTRttBT, KBSBX M. BAKHETT. iutnior of Muro^o LIciJobob, ComuUHDionQrlr O.J-.oto. OdbU/, Out- I ni:naiYCi'HTii>Y tlnit tliofoi'ii'OlnnifiKlruo copy of a By-law pvovinlonoHyndoptod by tbo municipal crimed of tho cidd towuaUJp or MaiiHtouo on 17th du<y of Nov., A. D, lbtM. It. UoUVQtt, Townohlp OlorJf. 3St<D>*SyXO,JE3* IT- NOTTrE In hrrobvGlvrn that a Court ofKovIaloii held puritmint id tho provinlonfl or tlW.^rft(P"' Act. 1001, f-<r tli honrhiRu^t triul oi apnoalH mado ftjtabiat the abovo umibm^ f *. !K part thereof, will hold Unnrbtfltttli'KaiitthuTown Hall, MaldBtono.on Hitfcdrday tho JOtli uity or March, IKOB, at tlm hour of lOo'olonk, in tho forunoou, and that any parson lutoudinB to aoiioai Ttilu J'tdnt J'i'iietleiilly Sottl^d. , Lonpon, Fob. a'l. In tho Ufouso/olf Com- moim yeitorday Sir Edwurd* Grey. Uudor l^oroi^u Secretary, Hind tho Government bad no powor to doiuand that Bolyium ___ aud Germany forniihato Uio oporatlon 6t ] tilghCourtatTorou tlie'lclautoHoC tludr ttiiatlos of commorco JU|LrUlr> J(1WU| MU Hill I'UUl Ul JUU tllUUH, til IIIII IUIUIIUUII, (LUU tlltVU U1IJ r""11" 4wu"-r. j-. - - ajjuirat tlio abovo n^HiiHHmont, or any putt thereof, must;, not lutor than ton dajB uoforo too imio llxod .'or tho hoI'^niE of aiild court, Kuivc on tho OUrlc of this Municipality, a written iiofioo 01 mioli appoab or otborwi'eho will bo too lata tobo hoard Qi thatJbohttlf, . ij . . And furthoniotioiWri lioroby idven that inty povflon lnteudiuff to malio opp fqation xo> oavo ihioh by-lttWt r nny pau thorortf, minHued, imiht, not lator than ton day* oftor the ai t BiJ llioreof, gftrvp auction' " " th Munlafpalltyof MAltBIAGE LlaouBfinoi- Woddlug JKluprtf can bo procured at E. b. Tark'u, tho old *. liable juwollor, Emiox, Out. LAND SURVEYOR. JAUls'B fl. XjAIKD* l^rovinaial lioud Burveyor and County BuKlnoor, Ebsox OentP-a, Ont Oftloo, liunBtuu Block, upBtain. jts: ARCHITECTS. Iloow 10 nnd 1). FlemiuB BuUdlnff, - - WludBor, 0il phono S10, . ., , .UNDERTAKING. H PLUM MICH, Gnderti-kcet and Furatnitf Dealer. Co fun 8, home nnd faof&ry mrd reus a,to 980.< WoGraiiorOut \ M h ;;;r| i '.I I l&Wldtwtodhor. Tho Mayor Buy* Mown far out of tbo oounw of the traut*.; wlilch prcoludu preferential tariffs bo- Da^d M MiiJdgtoo. too Iflth day 0? Fob., 1S05, ^'wStwi^ J.tween Grout Britain und their coloniea. < . .~. W^ffiyt'tPi: ,l>-"".