Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 1, 1895, p. 2

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TO^Kl// ,-.'.*..::'._'.; .,.'.'."..,:".;"";" w^fep-" M 't& iHCS3fc/7t F*'JREDE I^Rl2/fci ' i . ES^EX FREE PRESS aa2aDi33c; - Puf-Hshod Every Friday Morning J'.'jm bbii ol'lluu in.tho Imlimtriu'l Worloi UuiMiiiix. Talbot St. Bpuuiul uUmuion in raid to the puhlkvi- tion lit mutter of loeal unpnrunuu, iic:nr. utuuutl rfhublu reports of Town, nuiuliboi mp; Townatiip" ami County Council ..ilitlt't local 'Hid county murkut, rnportu. otu., tho outbid- nod jinJifiimiH luiinuw-moot u( Tub Fhkk Phkhh, Willi renpool to thuwi and' otlior current umHom of local important', )i&h fjivtm-it a wiuowpruuil promise in the centre t|f 1'hinox county,which ih n-ciuipii*-il mi onoof.tho beet agricultural d.HtrmUin Ontari'a.^TiiK h'liv.K Pit Jinn ih the, mil.> Imodium oinjutnunjj; thoroughly in tin- cotitrul portion of tho Cimntv, and ij am. Htquuiuly, without tluubt,tlj.u-Oul>L-t-"..1.U'iiii]-li_ a(lv'i'tiiii[f medium for Ijuh:mui>h pen pit- wIhIhii^ to 'reach that chum of oiuitonit'rtt. MR. DAVIE"S APPOINTMENT. AXVuitM Only laurel aIxmiIimhi'm Slj-uuturo I>t)*vilmty Muy l>n I'l'tiuilnr, OTTAWA. I"ob. 2JI. At fi niHutlhKOf Ulii Cabinet,. Vrumltii* Davlu. of Hi'Ltlith Co- lumhhi, \vmi appointed chief ,juntlen of the pro\lin:e, in plu(u) of Mm Into Sir M". lleuhie. Tin* order-In-eon 1 mil linn not- yet ln'nii nl};niii- by Lord Abordeen. . [Ion. TlitMH.oii' UhvIo wtw bom at Brixton, Snv- my, .KiiKlimil, In lKa'J. His fatliitr, John (J. Davie, wuhji member of tho r,e.tthduUvo AKHiimnJy of HrlllHli (.'olnitibla at (ho time nMihidokth In Ibtlll. Theodore Daviowu.'t udniiUed to practice as an attorney In IH7K ami cnllml to,tliu bar in 1877, .For novum! AyVARCORRKSPONDEN THE GriEATJAP-CHlN ONE WHO WAS DORNIM CANADA. tlit* Sinv Voile World- -<S?SSs2 L'OHItKHl'ONIH'.NCH. Our ooIumihh are ulwuju upon for t':.e pi<aoi"ihlo dincuhHion ot matti'rrf pta-tiiiniuj; to tho pulilio wo]t'ui*fl ut itimii'i. tJrccl- t ^^Ol'I'l'HpOIMlKUt *)t - I't'lulor, Ittiportoi' lllid 'I'llI'll I'lidHonn'iiul iitKJUtOtU, .Tumi's CJrcoln.iin, wit onrroHpo^iddnt for tin! Xcw Vorlc-World during Mm holyMi of tlin liost.iliiltiM Iji'tu'ccn .Japan and China, ..................... w'iiM lioi'n in Montri'.'d, <;anada, In 1HrH, yi'rti-M lie* was a, liniolirV of thii LawSocIdty I When tweLyt: yj*ars old ho van away from of Briiisli Culiinibin. lie was linir. rotura- ; hnidc mid 'itartcd to walk t-o Ni;w Yorlc, a feat, In* ncrniiipli'ilmd by virtno of a vide now and thou on an occasional train. 11. was IiIm j(ood forlo no soon after arrlv- in;c th'ii! to attract. Llm attention of tint lli'v, Dr. .William Augustus JMi;ldoidiovf<t who look tin- boy.up and made u favorite of lii-iu Cnnlnmn had a vrrnarkably ftym- pnl lid it: a ml powerful t-oprano voltio ana liny, mid it was Ibis jjifl, which draw the nl lout ion. of t ho em In no I. eli'ri-cynuili. Tin; you dm fidlow's llrst employnusnt waa "nt-yft-irking- f.ypi* in I lm-oHlcitof (Jhurcli and i tin! ollloial orj.;an of the I*i'ot- hieupal (,'liurch. ' Ho learned thn f a printer Mioroutihly In various lenis, Mniilly (h'lftliiK Into Iho e Brooklyn Ma^le,' wiioro be mot in-ella, who (.'iieonraKcd him to "procured CITIZENSHIP RV hH/KUU. A <;uiiiulliiii VutU-r A > L I" lliil^li-AH- 1-lM.b' timuUliiii tint Inform*'!*. Hiin-'AUt, Koli- ^l.-.-Albert II. Kliowlen wnH nrreiited at ' Warmiw, M. Y., and hrnnKht'. UvtUU city whnli wiih arraign ed before tlm Cnlted'WlitteH CnrnmMoner tm mthnhiw "f Ilb-Kidly obtain hr.c nut urnl-- iKalloii paper.!. Knowle.-i cani..' Hi ra::-.d:i from Kuulaiid'l'ii W~> and liv.-d In the D"- lainina iiniil IWiI. In Kehniary of thai. yajir be eanui wiLlL hi.s ramUy from Dunn- vllle. Out.., and took up hia ri-Jildencn la Tonawanda, \r, Y. On October of that year he aeipdrod eitl'/i-nslilp by I'jibusly nweariaic to a llvo-year'si conti.iuoiis re:l- dciiiiH in tins tfniLiid States and by tba false >,uppnr!Tm< testimony of wilues^e-;. The pri.suni'i- lining asketl lo plead sabl" be did not. kutju* '.vhat the penalty wan, but t-ho coniinih'iiuiii'r put down a plea of not -^uiliy and n-uiiuidt'd Kuowleit to Jail -in default id'iM.WHl bail far exami'ind ion on .Monday. An ox-fcllowcotiiitryinau named .lames Walton is responsible for luiowh-s' prosi-e.ui ion, Kiinwlc.-iilso lived in Thorold, Out.-, and for a lime, in easleni Ontario,. POVERTY IN HOCKING VALLEY. Anoihcr BDy's^Lifo 'Raveci Health SMcJvt'id-by yorofu':; rx-A PcKoct Cj:'.:;/.;.:;,'.^!:.; :-.. r,f." " :..-..i'_:. Oivon \rj . -t........ '." .. < A CiiinmliHltiii lli'pfii'it .Munli Dtrit il.ol.ion ,1 iniiiii; III o M In*- rn. f'of.i-'MlU'H, Ohio, i'Vb. :j;t.- Tho imiiiiiiiv hIchi appointed at the in^titnci; of (lov. ,Mc- ICinhiv by ihe lUmvds of Trade and Chiiiii- i the publio wolhire. f;-'YM^w"!^ ^'^?7>^V'v^ Thomas K'in^ella, who euconraKcd him to i.l!rM ot- Cnimin-ivc of Cincinnai 1, Clcvi- Ahlo-eorroKpondontu in aUtbe hiirroand- %^^f^:V':'*%"'^/'^t"'t[: ?*,ltj. ^.i' ^-it- ':;^v '^fc"^ write, and to whom be submitted bin /i hnid, (Joliimbiis; and 'Toledio io make an 'K loalitiii^iuxh^^nni1!^ I'-porU .1 &&$'?'$ fc:}!,y:^^ . poem. Creeiman, at the mku of sixteen, inVl>',,,[., ;i;,ion ,,' \ i,,. inn of the inin- ^^"JbajjJ^aifr^urrinyiii \l is-i.'-:'^-? . was v.*ry ambifnnw of lyric lioin.r^brit JM-siuiin; iIoeKinrs Valley' and Humlcy "'or Valley have tlise-jvcred some .ueauod to rcciiivo interoftui^ ituinn ol towh.from any dinpaso'1 to forward contn Utionti. All communications of ' pL'^'ntt: ana lilidmitial nature, idiauUi bu iu iuliiK.l' tho umtiiilo ol theciivdlopu. hUaoUHUTIuN I'lUCH. 81.00 pair annum, utricily in'a lvn. ma-, 1,5(iper annum it not, ho puid; anu all j,rruar- charged at that rate. ADVF.IITIMMMI-.NTS. Transi.-nt le^il' and nui'uiidpid .advi r UheinoutH, noticon, eto.", oIiiu^l-.I at tlfti ivito of ton .tHfijtH1 par line, for 1'n.r. itiHCHtion,.. livo cuntu pm* hi.r for cardi .aul)N(i,rpiLMit-:'in^[;rtiori-."";.\l! sucit .HdvurtincmoiitH aro uiostKiicd by a Kuaie. otwidvii linos to iho inch. LoqhI. rciuhuii and other not men pub Hwhed,amon<j local news matter charge.] ut tho rate of ton'd per running line f<.i each iiiHorfjiuii. All notices of idmreh ov -ce.mly euw-r. taiuniout.4 bf-uny d:.'sonp:bm, nt whiim a. adniiHiuoH Ice iS\0lunged, iu-l- reiianled .: udvurtiHoin'unt'*, \mil full ndvcrti^inU late- Clmmecl in iill.uuuh eases. Notices of ;;iUo- orinnu or ni'.'etiau;* not lor pi-utininry ben. IHorai'd, will ho hucrfijlly p ibllshe;! f. i of cluuixo. Spooi il contract ratoa mailo for uinpla> or standing ticlvtb. All P^m ar pi-ofonuioii. al oarda un'dor ouo inch, ft;j per luiutim. JOU 0U COMMIillCUIj I'lUKTINO. Tho riiEB Piu:nH .Job l'rintint! Do parttnont ia midei^tba l^nj^eryiyiai. o! thoroughly" compotcnt aud Bpooinl attuntion iu branch" of tho trade. .-,' ^y tiUr.c'lnui.ic^, paid to tin* Our facilities forfcho oxoontion of all Ichuih of ItooU aud Fino Job Printing aro unexcelled. Steam power preHaea, A call Holicitud, HUHlNl'Sli llIiOULATIONH. All Job Priii tin ff and Tran^it-ot AdvortiHin^ ncotJUute, utrictly canh Adyortioiuji acoountM with rngul n patrouii aro nottlad quarterly. Sub- Doriptionn duo iu advance. No uubflcription to tho Vitm: Paicss, o: udvcrtiBemcut puhhshod i*j iti columas will ho discontinued until all nrrears iir-,- paid in full. Chan^e.i for adyertiwumontH, to pectin hiHertiou in tho currant in^ue, must n. bailded in not later than noon of the 'I'taa- day preciuliuK, and notice of such intued- ed ohiiuevj is requirod on the Monday [ire ceding. - NoLicn of diseontinU'itiRfi of advei pr.c ments imidt bo j^iv/jn t Uuat one we.ik i' anviuioo of tU(j i^sua in do;iired to last u'pjuair. winch thov fc ADviru'riHnsi', Subsoril'errt aud p-itrona noun rally *>'< retjucBtcd to read tho ab;.>vn rti^nlaliim. carofnlly, in ordi-r t-lmt confimum tjui bo avoided, as they will in, all case:-! b adhen-d to. Addrensall o ruuuuicitiona tr> K.. J. -VOVKIjXCJR. Plilr.mur tlm Kiii.rcx'KiiKi; Pukhs,' Khhox', On i 1-Ul gcAVEATSJRftDEMicii# COPYRIGHTS. -^ CAK I 0IITA1N A PATEN'!'* For n prompt nrciwer timl an Uone.-i. ojilniuii, wrltn in 1U1JNN A- ('*.. wlin luivc tiati ihiiirlviiit)' voiira' cxpcrieano In llm piiii'iiri biirttin:.-a, <'oin:uui!tr;i. tt(imii<irM-t!y eoialilnni !;il. A HiiiHUxxdc ca la- format I on iinnci'iinnu* l'ati'iif+ niO hov/ to ol>- tiii-i them mint inn. Ali-o a ca'iOo^u^uiiueutria- anil Huit'iiTliid iifjiiku x-m ii\-e. Putunr.H t:ii..'ii tlirr.iiuai .Miniii C-z Co rew've Opecial ;iotlr:ou: tips St-irnii Hi- Aeieiiean. ;asl tuna iii'O brt)ii:;!it.wliUtlv bee.initio pnliiic-,-iiii- l)Ut corti to tint Invoniur. 'Ilil.-i ii:.l'-riili<( [uipi- lfljaif-d wijoklv. eU'aiiilviIliiiiTriitc(l. Iihh hv fur ?! '(* InnroHt (arciilall-ia ot rrav t,ci"ULi:ic work t,i ij'u worlU \*:i a year. . fc=;i:niiir> {!(;.icn t-x-.\\x. :rc" Ililildlia- ]':Omoil. Uloirttilv, :t-.;'.lir. V;lf. Klnpli- njilr)H, ti."& caata. l-h'L-ry )funif:r Ccat ;iln:i ln'-uii- tlinl pluten,' in colon.), nail pliinu^j-p-ii:);) ; i-t.\.- IinnHCii. witli T'i.ins. enalilinsr t'uti'S- oihrnrtiji: latec* i~ali:iii< aihl minurn.f irariit'i-'. .^aen'.-!, Jnur: . v, i:u. Nv.w vvy.u. '-'>! c\omm'ay hon. 'I'liiKtiHiiJ^: havii:, ed to the le.uisla't ore hiNJ^v.! for Vie! oriil city jind al'i iTW;irds in lSSil." 1 le Miecredi d Ids hi-uiber, the .late ,\. } ). li. Davie, as nt'ioniey-.m'iiiTa.l in 1V:'.I, l.)n On* d* of the Ibiii. Mr. Ibdisou he became I'reiiiier. Mr, Davio is a (aaiservat ivo in politiesand a Roman Catholic in religion, althoutth brought u])ii I'roti'^tnnt. Tdciitrnnnt.-Oovtrrno!- D-'wdney, of llri- tisli Coliimbin, will likely re^i.^u his posi tion ami enter Um lee.i-lai are :is Premier. It is also .-aid la-re that. lion. T. M. Daly will be the iu'X'. litultmant-i;overiior. .The (liivt'i'innciiL informed the delega tion'from' Miehi^an, which waited on some of the inini.tters, t hat Lbe (piesr.ion of as- s.isfmu the seillerswho wanted to come to the NipL^sim; district from Michigan "lay more wiib i lie On'tario (Iiu'crimii'iii. than wi: ii i he I ifiiiiiniou. The confi-renco be- t.v.'i:ci: deleL;*H-f**i-;ui!.L_.l Im-Ootario I Invtira- ment and t,i:e Itoininioii aud C. I1; II. -will likely \m bold ubuut tho matti'ir sliorily. MRS. MONAHAN'3 DAMAGES. Tlic fi. T, U. Iti'iio^itl/i-H Iter Claim fur Ilnr Iln^l>ji!i-l*s Death. ToiioNTo, h'eh. ::ii. Tin: C.T. It. signified Its WiUiiif'hess to reeo^nl/,,! the chiini 'if Mrs. Mouahitn, of "Oil l.lrcathvlbanc htrect, for damages on account of the ileal h of her, J, S. Mrmahnn, who was fataHy lajuri'il iu tjbj^u^udent near Weston. r^K li. (jslTJi^QTcV^iniT^rr^rr-Wallaeb arc actaim for Mrs. Mdiinlm.i, and it is said that this Grand Trunk pnople, m n^poiiso to a le^nl letter, intimated their desire to tfivo tho willow a fair settleinimt. Tho amount of the claim is not yet fixed, :il- thoimdi ^:iU,(>(_MJ bus been nam6(k. It. will bo calculated on an actiulal basks. Tho expectancy of Ufo of tlm deceased, tho probable duration of life of the widow,, the time that, will elapse before the child ren can support ihoiuselvei and other mut ters are all to be considered before any formal claim is presented. It it a certain ty that there will be no suits in connection with the accident. As to the lute Frank Joseph's ease, there is no person to sue or* make any valid claim as ho left no father, mother, widow or children, and i.ho.--i; are the only relatives who can claim damages under Ihe Act when a por.son is killed on a rail way, Mr. Monahan had about. :^i,000 a year from his. bus-linens of court reparian^ mid besides received .'rM'.'UiJO or .;'-;n,UU() from his father's estate in Ireland In the lastiifteen years. J le was too liburabhearted, how ever, to save much. lie lost a ^ond deal, it is said, tbroH'^h advan(!(!S to friends, aud the e.Viate- he left is rather small. Kver since the nceideat tin: renuirl: lias been commou in Ic^a! cirides tlmt; the ac cident was a ,L bad thine;lor t he ra i iways." That was on aecoitnt of the judees and prominent le.^al men aboard. The acci dent i^tve them too vivid an idea of tho terrors of a railway disaster. Thr Inniic^t. lit Weston. Wkstdn', I^ub.u;!.--Ve.-lerdy the Mdjoiirn- nl iti*[iu-t to asivrt ain. wliat killed I-'i-ank flo-epii i n t he reci-o I. .1 i -.n-.tcr i ii Wmi-. I law's Cut was opened by Coroner Charlton hi t'le town ball. TIi-tc was a crowd of people present anxiuit--, t o bnar I be I t:s- tinioiiy ol the wiMies-,"i. . (am nt j* Crown Ai'torni'y Di.-wari. al tended to look aTter the intere.-ts of the Crown, while several oliicials repri'seuted the 'r. T, Ii, i/ati, and the voting man was sensible enoii;;b"to itiiniohite his muse. Ci'eelman's iu-.\l departure was to under take, a course in ihi.oluLry hi.TaliuiiLjc'.'i lay ih(.>olo,:ical college, hut, not, with any in- trnliou of n-cimdiue; the- jmlpit. In 1S7H lie wmi!, on I he Herald as a reporter. In the winter of 1H7S Captain Paul JJoy- ton arrived 'in New York with his famous iile Mivint suit, then u-inuuh doubted-, novelty. Civebuaii was assigned by the ih-r.ihl to te.-l the. elticaey of tho suit, and (jul- iiiylit ho and Captain lloyton donned line; bids. In the localities Kit fur visited the com mission has diM.'oveml that each .uiiin.-r last, year earne'l only from .;7."i to Vb.'o, largely be'.'aief: of the j-^reat ualinJial. :.rike. Of tin; PJ/iuO .in: l-.o'.Ji) miners, in tlie l.\vo valley; fully uue:!hird, to pre.-/.: ill.* in^ wilh t hidr huniiie, nearly la,MM p.-r- sons; ure in j^n-aice or l^s-, disLre.-;. Wil h ndei'eime to future prospects all tho min ers declare i lie}' aiv no;, eneourapine;. They i, : almost a unit iu declaring that there ar:: a', b-as; [if; y per e.-nt In mniiny inimo'- in'i he two valleyi for ihe amount;of work I lial. can be .supplied and many tit' Iheinare nmkiii.e; pn-jiarat ion-* lo locale on farms ur seidc otlus' empioyme'iL. SEMDING OUT THE S^ALEHS. A I'i'.iilttih!,. s ii! 1 ,ST: Jo'n>. Si'iihIhi ^N" II) Wmi; (innd lit;- Cur Ni'\y f'tinm! laixl. :;-Ki!iS c'll'-e T-i-3 iW'^H Cte';^.' !' --,-."" """,.1 J-:?:-!1.*, :'. :. "('. :. I.'nr.-|,"_-r:^.; j.,,-,,-. ;;, 7- ..... . , "* I cr.nnot pr::l :n KiaV/:-, '.':; , ra"',t.".' ha- lcr:rdi:::.i f.;,- y.-j P--y. ,ir,:.,. ; years a;;a. v.!e:\ :;r; y>;a". r\ ,, ':"- . a'daclicil by ld,> di.;; t 1-.'. h::dto :'. j !i-j v.'.:;. ;.kk: 11 laov-j ;;' - .,, -*, k'la'i"I j'ML ::!i.,'-': \\\-. \;.\'-\\ I i ; : :' ' .".eeninl !.i:"i) lii'i.ue eul, ti,,'1. i1, :: ' W- Acniibdii'; prthn pi'itra'"! l,'>'.,, |....-: i:].\ :, i ; to he miAL I, his ;;;*n.y:.a v,,l. I'.Jaii; ..- 1 Tie li::d no rpM'-ik", ; ' v, .', ma!:e hi:a e' . l';;;(liisfl-. ,:u;:.".- ' , - (iylit riiir.ii:; ':: ;* e for l,::;i. hat. h . .- ,-.. . th. ;;-b v.-' !:: :.':" i; I'dr.o.,.'.'! v.;. .: :'::.. ; - . . 11 & i HA PLACED ' (. wiiich wid e "/"-".'.; :. A I loll I. t U'eljt V SieOIllLTS il\\"'/ ' ..-, n-a. n;: w ^-'tlp WAS A NATIVE OF QUEBEC. An Why Iloiiti'fl \vIiim. Prowidflut Lincoln paid, "You cannot fool tho ponplii a hccomJ time." They arc too quick to recofmi/.o real merit or lack of it, and cling ouly to thoiio thiugn which "tboy find to bo what iu claimod for thomu It ih onpcoially KriLtifyin^ tluit tho bal of Hood'H Bara:iparilla indroaouo moHt OKI Man AtUaiipls Mis 1.1 f., With Opium in 1'il-Ifibtirj*. ' PlTTSlW'Ufi, h'eb. \l\. Kd'wanl h'rnscr/ns I years old, was discovered bn the bank of j the Mnnon^hela riveron Second avenue in an unconscious condition from t he effects of opium and will probably die. lie was j removed to the. Mercy Hospital. A. letter "M^ft by h'ruser dated February '$) indicates that the act was calmly 'considered. It. htntes that he is a native of Quebec, Can ada, and wa.s tlie favorite son of Capt. Tbomaa I). Fraser, formerly Mayor of Quebec, and of iter Majesty's Tilth llegi- mout. Frascr clinic to I'illsbui'K a week or so ayo.from Greensbnr;;, 'Pa., when: ho had been employed by a music dealer for the past two or t.hree years. Nrtll Vurk Coti.<:i'VntiVfs. AlUloitA, Out.., Feb. L:i.~The Conserva tives of.'. North York held a'convention pldjy ia^hoKO Kection- Whe,Bv,, h bmt SK^KKJ:'"11"8 known. Tho inforonoa i plain, riood'u SarBan- .. in the comiu.u; election. They selecuid I)i\ Strau^0 of Toronto as their standard hearer. In arillu ban p'covon that it puanoaucH coiiuino ! tll ^veiun^a puldic meeting was hold in Mechanics' hall^airilrc.sscd . by.the ciindi- It m&intamuB a high ntamlard, which othora cunnofc over approacli. It_ in tho {jQoplo'a fayorito blood-puHfyin^ Mid btiilrhng modioiho, and iu mora populur tbiH(your than oveK. bofo**. All tbiti bo oauo Hood'o curoa. . date, Hun. N. (..'. Wailace, Controller of CuHtoius ;. Hon. J. F. Wood, Controller of Inland Revenue,; Dr. lleattio XenbUt and C. C. Robinson, of Toronto. _ .. '"---------------'--------------------------------TT"..---^------" C. 1*. U. IMd Ni>t"ji(iuluro u Dividend. MOXTK'IUL, Feb. SiV Tluiro \h coiiHlder- AWoHpoBulatioiiJw^hiiWcliil circles ks to whbthor tho , Ciomdian Pacillc HalKyay. will dcclavo.a dividend this your or not. A mooting of tho dlrcctom wa. hold ycMtor- day but nothing wa^dotio. Anothor moot ing will be hold to-day when it Ih expected tho tnattor will bo flnitlly Hottlud. Bftpoctd of Hidntf u ItljriiinlHt. 6l'. CATHAumKH, X^ib.' 2a, Sort, Shea huff ruHlpcnotl' hlH pd.sltlon on tho pollco *l --* ^-i. n m x * .... fovea. SorKt..Sb(jft wjw married recently flfcB. VScdnta, -Sfll^.by J. Thoeoo, drofi.J.wldth Commln.donora dooldud to hold an f-liti' . 'Invontlgfitioiit as Mra. Shbn No. 1 Ih ropprt- B11HUMA.TI6M" OunKD rw a. Day, South , Atoorioan Ithoumatmuo Curo, foi' Hhouraat* um Nonral^ia, raJioally ouroa iu 1 to ;t days. 2ta notion upou tho Hyutom ia ror Tmirkablo aud myatotioun. It romovoH at onco the oauno and tho dinoaBn immediately diHttppoara, ihe li rat doo ..^t'n^ly bone- it JAMKS < .;i;;;i,M'.\S. the life :ravine; armor, .and jinn r.ln.rivor at the Hattery allow selves to drift down into tho bay, ir^'ht was very cold aitd tlio river full of ice, Mmhat when the swimmers wished to reach tTiT; shore they found themselves un able todoso. Creeiman wrote thoaccount of ibis niurht's adveiuuro for tho Herald,. and the publication created a veritable . eiiHat.ion and nmdo ISoyton's life saving 4uit f.'iiiiotiH, As a consequence -of this Creeiman later, as special correspondent for thuJIerald, accompanied- Tioyton on his famoij> trip from Oil City, Pa., through the Atrrtdinny, Ohio and Mississippi rivers to the 'Gulf of Mexico In 1870 the Herald undertook tho su premo task of exposing tho treacherous practices of tho oliicials in charge of dump ing the city's re-fuse. It had lone; been suspected that tho harbor was bein^ shoal ed by the dumping 01 this stulT in tho bay instead'of lowing it oulvtOKOii. Creehnan was selected by the Herald to superintend the work of exposure. . Acting under instructions Creeiman chartered the hteam yacht C. T. Wells, and, securing 11 letter from rhe Collector of the Fort to prevent interruption by tho revenue cutter.*, cruised around the bay at night without lights. He was in this man ner enabled to detect the scows in'tlio act of (lumping refuse in the prohibited spots and to secure a quantity of cumulative evidence of the most damaging character, all of which was duly jjrinVcd in the Her ald, creating an enormous sensation and resulting in the punishment, of tho offend ers and tho Amendment of existing law.i in relation to dumping. Governor liohin- son removed the fcMulo shore inspector, and there was a Ihoroiigh reform of har bor, regulations inaugurated as a result. In the Hinie year Creeiman went to Montreal lo accompany Professor C. II. Orimley in the first aMcen^ion of Page's iron air ship. The aeronauts nearly lost their lives in this adventure. Tho ship burst ami dragged its occupants for many miles In.'fore they wen: rescued. Creeiman acapud with a hrokaii arm and a^TtHrpaiii- ful bruises, but Grim ley" was confined to his bed for many a long day afterword. Creeiman investigated the death of (len- crul Custer anil interviewed Sitting Hull and nil the lighting chiefs.of that day. Ho also was sent to write up tho Hatfield- McCoy fend, and was frequently shot at by the Hntaclds, who refused to allow hint to -approach their rendezvous', com pelling him to .sleep in the woods or where be could. Mr. Creeiman Was called to Paris in ihu fall of 18SI), and thence sent to London to nsHUino the mauagtug editorship of tho London edition of tho Herald. In the coin-so of Ida employment Croolman was .aiiit to Home, where }\c obtained an inter view with tliu Pope, and also an exclusive inter vie, w with Stanley on tho latror'.-t re turn from tlio Kmin Bey trip. I to visited Louj:. Kossuth at Turin, and explained his aims and mode of. Ufo. Ho wont to write up tho reception of Ericsson's body in the harbor of Stockholm, and to Russia- to investigate tho so-called persecution of tho .Tows. Ho yiHltod Count Tolstoi at VasniuPoliauin, -In tho heart of Kmsia, and wrote a vivid account of the famous Russian's lifo work. Mr. Creeiman, in November, ISOU, went to England to foun.d and manage tho Jiritish edition of tho Cosmopolitan Maga zine. Xle remained there, however,, but a Tew months, and on l.iis return, or shortly thoreaftur, nceeplW nil otYor from Mr. Pulit'/.er to proceed to Japan and net im war correspondent for tho World in Coroii, China and ,Jnpai. Ills Inborn tlioro are .too well known to require* rehearsal in tbla article, "While in Parinin 1801 Mr. Croolman. married MinfiBuol/of Ohio, anotod beauty, and mild to resemble, in jippqaranco tlio celobrntod Lady Hamilton. Ono month- after \\av. hufibaiiiPs dnparturb for Japan MiU'Cruolman.^giivo birth to. n beautiful buy In hcr.mot-lior'H Jioiuo in.Ohio. ,' ' ' HorlouM QlutHtloit. Which Ih tho moHt Injurious to the fair wx tlglit shoes, tight lacing or a tight 'Siubnndf M'l'e \v:!>. 11 .-liiarp aiivanc" m seal oil a lew day-i ago. Good re -iu; - from tlie fi-hery will hel[i mueb to relieve tlie dist i-i';,s prevalent ia t he coa,;;y, Thu number id' destitute ptiople i.T iocrejising daily. About 7,0ijU 111 e now receiving re lief.' ' Right Rev. Michael Howley was yonter- ping into day installed as Roman Catholic Ipshop -*ed'1 hem- i ^ *^r' 'f'-'lui's, being tho first Xewfouud- The : binder to attain that.dignity in this dio- ' ccse. " fiftrnuoi l,]oy<|s A^cntH on Thoh' IUifrncit. LoNIJON, Peb." U;k The agents of the German Lloyds have a letter in to-day'h Times repudiating tho implied and ex pressed accusations that, their alleged ar rogance as to the rule of tho roads is duo to an overstrung desire to make fast pas sages. The company's instructions to their commanders,' they say, is to place safely absolutely before speed. They add: "The proof that these instructions are ob served is tho fact that during thirty-eight years of tlie company's existence, its lines have been remarkably free from serious accidents in tho Xorth Sea ami even the crowded roadstead of the channel, while on tho route from Southampton to" New York and other tracks it has never loiit a single passenger or mail bag.'1 . llnd Tlmlr Troiibln 1'op Nothing, Sim:ixi:i-':km, Mo., Feb. ^.'i, Tim east- bound train on the 'L'Visoo road, duo here ut 10 o'clock last night, was held up by robbers near Aurora, thirty miles west of this city. Three men gut, on the engine when the train was five miles from Aurora and compelled l he engineer and li reman at iho point of revolvers to go back to the express car and open ii. Tho robbers found to their disgust that, the car was empty, the .safe locked ami the messenger not in .light". He had disappeared iu t.iiuo aud the robbers left empty handed. Much excitement was caused at Aurora'and this city by the news. A prwse of oilicers was organized and' started in pursuit of the rubbers. American 'rtiniMi'.s-* Convention. NJW YoitK, Feb. Si. Yesterday was the last day of the convention of .the American Ni-wspupcT Publishers Associa tion. Tin.- morning was spent, in discus sing Im-iine-- alVairs of the organization behind do-^/i doors. At the afternoon"' :;e:,-,io"n the eXT.-lni'g 1U-'-1.^L(!.wm of the seve ral were dUcussed. No formal action 011 the matter was taken as there" are pending before tlio ' legislatures of I many suites bills providing for needed re- 1 vision of libl laws. O. W. Knapp, of tho ! St. Louis Republic, was elected President, anil d. A.' liutler, of the Buffalo News, Vice-Pre>hh:ut, Tho convention closed with a banquet at the Brunswick hotel. A Whole Town Swallowed Up. LONDON', Peb. ii!'.. A despatch from Odessa to the .Standard says the town of Ivoiuchat, near Astrahad, Persia, has been swallowed by an earthquake, and several thousand persons havo perished. This seems to bo another^version of the report conveyed in a Tehorau dospatchto' the Times on January. GO of tho destruc tion of. the town of Kuchan, wheroby..... nboutCJ.OOO persons wero killed. l>ur nf Smallpox Killed Illin, St. Louis, Pub. till. Henry Quinn, color- mi was suU'oriug from intermittont fovor '^eVuearie^ofh smallpox was found'near his houuT !'h doctors of Llm health de partment/ called to examine him, which convinced Quinn bo bud taken tho disease. Hebjcaino delirious and died last night ot fright. A. burial certilicitto was Issued giving tho'cuuso of his death a^Hhoclw" rrontfear of HimUlpox. . ,-... / ^ i:hfvuc;o 10viUt*ntly Monnn ltuulnaa. Chicago, Fob. 211. -Tho police raided an- oMmrpi'ly.u light horo last night'iiud took f,ho principals, togothoi* with about 75 HpoctafcorH, to a pollco Htntlon. The light, was to ho botwoun Joo Brownly and Danny McMl'blo,' and tho mou aro mild to havo boon hackod for $501) a side. Emli'utlmi Wan u l"allurJ*. Bonpom, Fob. 23. Tho LordvMayoc of Tjondon has lasuod an appual for funds for tho'ivdlof of tlni unompLoyod. Sooluf-C tho faltnro of tho "MaiiBion Houro umlgfrfintH. at Moutrunl laat yoiii*, ondgyatlon to Ctin- ada aud all tho colbnloa la expressly ox- oludr.d from tho remedies to bo adooteiL ! '. 1 ;.: -,\ . . , -. : , , '-. , v" 1. i::y\ liv ehv;hl!:.(:ily t: :: .:..;.: i .- l.:.ip rem;'.;.me; 1:, 1 saiaf'n : . II:;cd'.i.S.*irsrip;ui;:.iI.i J.: . < .'>,*. 1",::.\cv':>, aud )-e ! ,.: .'"1' I ('(i]ar. He rill. ; ;.'i .1:; ; ,e'. \ ] ,/ . iSf lycllllil. 'iY0 feel r-n iiie\|H'i-.-,-,il.|i- jov ... ha'.nfr o".- h-v 1 > |;; m,. ;,.1(f %v :il.V*'." . :.;(t:it( j:i " r-. ' .. l!i::,..v '.>'. -MfiU'.ie, In .,. -. i-lOOd'S P 1113 tn'O pr-liiipi and efllcleiU, yoi *;; 1 jis -Je. AUCTIONEER HKiSKY IIKDHlCKi- AnetionutT. 9 111 0 u Iiroiuptly uttmidrid to. Aiidrosti flontn Woodfiloii, Out. PorfiouH CeHirlni; to sucuio uic muy lotivo word uttbo Fium I'anns olllcu. tf 1. UU1HUCK. JOHN" liOR^ilA'.Y. ......LlOlsNKIil) Ah't'TlONKTHt for tho County of Khhox. All loinln ., cotid|ieted promptly iiml on nlmrt notice. Hattn re-(,oi aide pdi-Knua (iL^irahln to uituiico Bttluii may .io i-.ii by calltnf, ut tlio Faim Pai-'a-iS olllou or 1j\ la'plvini; to' I ,T. GOKMnKY, P.O. llOX IM iWAUK, Out. VMIANK McCLOHKKV, Middiuono, thlrty- i 'luveii yoitrn" (ixnui'lunce un mi aiictfonnei-i n :!H:Couritv "t Khsicix. Kuluticouductod ]>romptly, unl mi HiufluuuLlu turuui. Varticn douiriim to li*. tho ditto for a mi lo can imvo thenuiolvee a hi.'o by-cullinM at tho Fiikv: rai:fin olliuo. Wa Imvo iLi-niiiaed with Mr. McfJloaluty ami wil.lj.lx tlie dntoH for luibm bv to]egniph,oritlroly froo of ill charKOto the pur'hou lioliliri({ tlio Halo. Ad- li-o:is Frank MuOlonhoy^IaidBtont'.CvoiiH, Ont 10(4 the AwaeraacAN hotel Esneu, - Ontario. |,-* O. Ll.'t.'K, 3JIHHM;IMrOJt, HAH Itl'.KN J J thorouiddy ptiinlod find replenished wiih lmw tinnitiuo by tbo pretiunt m-oprlolui'. I,AIUiK I1AUS IN eONNKCTION. First-Ohisfi Aciomodatiyn OuarantueU. e-2L-a NUnSEBYMAN, *^p dUTHVEN; ESSEX COUNTY Pencil, Pear, Plum, Applo and Qtiinco Trocfl, ItoaoB, EvcrtfreosB, Horry BuhIiuu, Kuspburry, Blackberry ~-$lik1 Ourront Buobon. All flrot-clasB Htoclc.s Savo n^entfl* Big Profits^! and wrifco for priocn. Wo will - uboor- "* fully iinnwer you by return mail. V FRIGES SWAY OWN. - ON - Faim Harness, 'Truck" Harness A?1D Heavy Harness Or EVERY DESCniPTION . A larm: ' .nck^and it liiunt l',". (^H.11 Iilld K00, Villi bu!.;ro luiyii. ykiowlim'f! Everyirhing in \\\& llmse .Furnishing Line. 3E\ S- iUIani&'i. .Two door.-* ( (,f UntoV. (*irnin[:i: \Vorl:L', l->.i[tjx. ^^ ..... ., ]iimiSkelore Boots and Shoos Essex,1 Great Value '-ia..- ' Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Lndies" anil Children's Shnea -iuk\ Oxfords. The Cheapest in Ihe Land. Call and Eqamlnn and bo Con vinced for yoursoivos- Jas. Douglas, Nh'-I! *l l!l' ^Ol<U'll fllOOl, VJ h i t n a v G10 r. k H s e our ll.oiiy L'liii.alniii (h o'.'n i>Ui;;oi\ Stuck. Wft. (jiuiriiiitt-u f,u tm (act imi, to ] pi L-nenliitivua anil 1'iihtnimo!:. Cur iiur;ir>ri'rt. uid Lii' 'liiri'dnt in tho Dioiiinion, ovor 7ui.i miivs, t\-i i-ub.-.i itution iu ordiu.t" ,Kxeltiylv*j irr-aL.,,: y unit lit.ur tl tormu l() WllOiU U.' I'.ll t, l 111.'.! rl^ ||-" . W ! m-.i. H'lONK A .vKJ.I.\t;pON, tM\ :.i\ ,.ihci'j 'ri'i'tiuto,Ont (Thu nuly nursiory in i, nuinl.,, naviusj lotitlni; orclairibi.) im - ^v r-'-y ti THECOOK'SBESTFRIENIJ Largest sai-c iw Canada. Pliioo In tho wm-UHor youii|*H4BS imn v/MitU'ii toartoiir*) cl ltiiHln#iio rcihiuiitlmi.PhortlmiKl.oto./lHWio, pctaoif. IiiiBlnPiiti (hilvnvulty, lino' ___ ^. _ tro|t,MIli' IMutrutmloiiUlo(fiit Freo. Xtit/yfcnof n : All Ildlrclyv W. F. JEWEIirj, lV*m. 1'. K- 8l'KNC15It, So|_ . ," ir cHtaliirrni! or Information v/rloi lo ' ". MS, MA^LIN FIR'K A^M'S, CO., Ni:*v !I"\'"i. '-inn. fOR TWENTY-PiV,e Y "A^ ^"fr.-"'! j On fibo'l prodriollvo Furm Propotty at fii, & G por oout. Htra^bt. Splendid Apple Trees, Alia every reapeofc, No Valiiation Fees. &r Convoyanoins bono up in N*at'Btiy|ji Fire and Life^nauranj^;;^ $12 ',* PER 100 - $12,

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