Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 1, 1895, p. 12

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or- hitn ,to _, acifc faim'v to J pair of flatiii rr. Jum :to blo.yv.; pi fyandkoroHieft^' im a-raackinto8ji-: ;'i;l'JJroteotion'.'V,',,,;Sf' 8uggat. thatryou'd 6'* ctfhim, bay hira a ybn'vo '* pin nod "your buy him a soarf pin . hero, Onr great furnish- rs salo* will'continuc until the aro over, no matter what ia condition )far.M*iien,Jtl***nd 3?4?Sn&o*H*W? Men's suits, ulsters A. ovorooaU, $6,' ' $7.60, $10, $13, 813, $18; . Youths' flurts and UlHtors,. $8.60,. $5, $7.50,. $10, $12, '. ( Boys' auits, roofers and ulsters, $ l .25, $1.5(1, $2, $8.50, $4, $5. Gemini leather school bag free with overv Boy's Suit or'.Overcoat from 84 up. ObrhV>nd"8'fifl'"the":-beantifDl...:iin<|. useful. presents we are giving awsy with purchases of $25 and upwards." ""xe 'Modern (3Io.thier~aird sano Men's Outfitter. AND OUELETTK STREETS,"' Oatherea to His Fathers. Mountain OHml>Intf junta, i>Ec. 2ni>, 1W. Tuo oonimun- >as shocked .this evening to learn of AVi^omiocfulfaHoimUlon for tnauy won. rndden daath of our oldeut, aiid one o( K>'L,a\ hlghor the mountain and-lino it iiTirij-- niiitrh^nH Tnhn \V , I'ntrflgki ^1 ih*irr'w ahmrt if., th'Vinnro LfSugh the dedtiusod had beon Elth for throe or four* years, cou flood to hia"1>ocl, and rto Jinn like a pleasant Hloop, ig "in his ohair. Ho only ra mi' h felt a ohill, and in a few rlife wan gone, before ho was ablo ika word to thoeo who gathered lie dticeaHod w(ih a son of tho lato Tho- bra Jtfulott, of (JostleM, Of tfunijly ' , oulyony of whom survives hitu, viz.. or^, of Kingsyille, tho brothers hayo died a* suddenly. ' Z;r.Oa the 18th of February, 1845. Jehn W. ? iVjfalott married Maria Hiokmeth, aud in sho following year thoy move'i into tho 4th mountains^ ordinary., man, .wiih.auy fiot to tho to'j.jg' lUfltuiatti whaUiVuir, to an iutoxiottkm,,fc mountain. Thoro ia it that pushes onet^r enthusiasm about od romolofl and inupVn' on, ami roatH Kir oyfirjatotlinjlykeep at rtx.KmnKcouruyG to roaabed und tho coolm** Jft.! tho- top ia the brow of tho mountain oa that fan throbbing temples. \-%er own Americans have thought' that.- ueceusary to go to EtiropB, to the . AvWae find auy-full Rrown mountains to ijAp. It'a nil moonnhino. Imi't, 1-1,000 feet bi&pafj" after iHdnjroookod. , v.;.,.l.,' __?'\v tlio mild lent In tlio 1 ; section which at the time was a wiUornefm. They wero iiidodj; tho pioneefs. of the jtiQUnfcy' and are the taut family of the sarlv ^.BetUerH atIio woro here fifty years ago, to bo forpiiuu tip, They were blesued iu their &jKJ"aayfl"'By'K' very exam plary family, who with thei* kind mother, deeply mbnrn the Jojfl of their father. he Hurviviua mambarnof thsfuuiily ave s. D. h. Wifile, of Windsor, Mra. Fred. oher and.Miua Sabina (at homo). Albert, o|l>., ao<3 ArnbroHo, ull of Goa. aijoseral, which was hfeld'on Tlinra- 26tU, was; in epite of the stormy dr,; one ot,, fcjh-e largest evpr hold in lection. v enough, with ylaoiord, thoao raukod, oraak- Y- ed uroutures of ice and Hnow, and orutere and Hhhui-oh and pfooipiooH tn oli'nb ovor and rotuid, the aame au in the. AlpB? Yos, they aro all fit;hr- hero nloso ae hand, and jfynunro interested to know whore and how and when, just Heed your uddrosg, atid nix ooiits in tttampe to Char. 8. I"kk of the Northern Vuciflo Railroad, St. Paul, Minn., and lie will oend you a book that robounts a ulimb up one of the grandest ruaka of earth, the goutloman who trade g|0 ascent,' , ... Tho chapter on -this mountain is pro- ejy illustrated in half tone otobincfS ba'kcn by a photographer who aooompamorl th() party for that purpose. If you are iu< tor'effted enough 'in fyour' own country ,tp desjre to know about its wonderful scebio foat^ros, you want this. book.. * tuNBR, At Arner, on tlio NiiiL, to Mr. 1'ojths SK6d with tfaoir poor appetite, feobloVoirculatloo, andiropovcriehecl blood, .Ayer'sXHi^rattparilla & a boon boyond price, Its effect is to cheek tlie ravages' of time, by invig\rtttiU(? every organ, nerve/and tiaaue nftVia body. See Ayer's . Almanp for the txai?year.. "" ' ^oplp'/'niArV^i'a^/fths'obiiiilpineini of -the J^ipanuflo rugs which bnvo 'pAon thrown on tlf^itaarket In eueb quantttiios during W/e Inprjk;tyro or: three years. 'Thnscoroit, of K is 'that they are mndo in Jnpnnj and tiha-l^borers employed In .their nmnnhipj*, ture nrt'TsmiHrott'Tlils'la ar-ae'w; industry In the Empire of ^ the. MlVftctoi and the oontor'v oT U Is the city of Osngft. The oarpots are of all pattorns and. of oyory lon^tiU nnd wUlth. Many of them nro niosfa oiuoD'ont lmltatloris'. of Turkish- njid Kpfyptian rugs.,.The mateWals. employed .ni-Q'htnnp aud cotton. . M * ' V'JJho United States Consul at Osaka ; says in.;a Ibttor luUlroBsotl to tho'Dopnrt- inont. or.SrutLi. that, all of these carpotsj ore mavlo by ehlitirbn.' In thelOw-strnrtdod and gloomy tpoms of tlio.TopanesD hon^os troops of little hoys , and girls work at '^Ms dUsty trinln all day longr,'. .TJid litfle wurkmwn antl workwojnbn " almost nude, tlio, standard of modesty In JnpiU) tiotng dUl'eront from that wlilolt lH_iiccopt- ed in the United Stated, oven, for grown pooplo- The wrkors aetftom 8 oentH to 10 conts n day, which is pretty good pay In fclioOrlon^JVn^os vary wlth'tho Intulll- genoo and ilptltude of tho young elu- ployos. Mont of tho rus and barpets whtoh thoy mnko go to tho United States. In .188*, $l>i}7,00Q wortn ofthpm woro imported into that country. . Wichin tho last few yonrs the Japanese havo oiicohjo grout papor-miikorR. "The paper they inanufaoturo is tho very beat on tlio nmrKot for fine typographical prints and engravings. It. Is very Htroug,- and ts'turned i,o a surprising variety of nsos. lb is mudo from the hofl^pf three species of plants ohlofly, which nlio'thbwn' as "JnHmiiimtrt," "kozo.f ami r"gampi.'* .These plantH Krow on poor soil that 4 unsuitable for other purposes,, and for this reason.'papor-Krowlng is important to tho agricultural luwrestH of soveral lar^o districts, ifrom paper, tjio.lapan- oho make rich luiltat Ions of leather fop wiiUh, as wall ns; heavy oil-papers, which toJ.h OjCtont servo.ns a subutltnto fr,oli- oloth. It Is suhl that tho coinnnnptton of paper Is tho measure of the civilization of n ponple, anjl so ltmeans someLhlnu to" Bay"'th"atThc .Jajiantino ubo about G0/- 000,000 pounds of paper apaimlly for their own purpoaos. , Tho consumption of tobaoou In .tapan is 'enormous. In thufr oo,untr>i>lie women, au 'well as tho num. arc groat euaokurs. Thotobaooo Is light yellow In color iiml bus a HWOuttiiKto. Owing to tho olioap- nefls of labor In the fields, It hi soltl at a low prlee^lintt a good ileal .of It Is. export ed to Knglnnd, Hong-Kong and the United Btatos. Cotton-growing Isarapid ly developing industry In Japan. -Tdxtlie manufactures aro holng turned onti at a' great rate In the' Mlkatlo's rthu. Indian cotton fabrics ' can *no- loiig^ir. co'vnpo e with the Japanose. Xlie .Taiianese ImUate all Kuropean'- novelties and ijnprbvo- inuiitn. Foreign maohlnory has no protoo, tlou tlioro agalnut patent.'infringements'/ . Kven Ulurope Isom; of the -raiio as to.i6x- tlles. Good cotton ,nndorflhlrtB^ai'o Hold in Japan for 84 cents a dozen," urfd cotton umbroliaa are on the market at t&60 a do'/on. ' , Xiiitely Japan has gono into tho tnnmi- faettire of matohoa, and this imilitary also hus.nttniuod great Importance, owing to tho low prices at whibli the product is Bohl. IJrltlsh India, China and Coroa aco usinK .mpauoRe matches almost oxcHisuvo- JlLjJlJS^^ y^ywUiiU worth of.thom wore exported from .lapaU. " / " " I Moat in" little 'used'for food (n Jupnn, and it is eaten only In tlio military nor- vico. Only In'rooontyears have nxou'been killed for food, though (hltlierto they liavo boon employed largely as draft iminialH. During 1801 only QOMtd .meat Mittln. K,2flH . horses', 5,-i08hogH und -W sheep woro sluughtoreil for food InToklo, the capital olty.whloh has 1,1100,000 fu- habltnnts, Sheep do not prosper in Jap an; and thpfewMiVmdrodH killed annually for foreigners aro all Imported from China. '1'ho Htaple war food of,.tho. Tapanoso .is rice, whloh Is compressed'into amall com- Whon ro-oookod l|ers In tlio Hold It expands to \lv times Its obmproHKiHl Imlk. If. no jn'KJnloneos for. cooking are handy, It tro.Ttot<Hifc up and oaten without further soldier^. In the rations of Japanese ImportaWed-Ush and canned meats are at large nrtynents. While the Japanese moat rtffuhfKntnrlahfi, ho"Js6idlerH eat town In Japaiisjiml atVovory garrison tlio sold lorn. Tlio'l" are fihiuglitcrrod for salmon, and thls^anese;oiin their own soldiers when Uioy.ux\'lirnl8nod t(*t,noi in that country are oiL ho,noi..People' ploklos, and lhaiils]BhaRJP|3r:'fo.n^^ all KorfcBof vegctaldoH/pari;loVey P1*P0p6; of turnip that has tho.sbapoT^J'* 'fcln^; and grows to a length of tihroafe^M* culture of peppermint in Jnpan^,i^ie' ly, increased In hub years, owinS?^*' demand for prpmirm'lnc ouVondrSfcOT crystals, Germany is elio prih The foreign eomniuree of Ji extended that of 180IJ by 80 wiolilug 3O,W0lO0O. Tho.exports' atiSK from Yokohamft. alone exceeded tli'dso^of the preodbjg year by l.OOo.OOO podndsi Ihe outbreak.-of the war .-with Clitha brought aummxpeoteri demand: for.Uiiit from ,t;hn United States imd Canada: pro ImblJ on uooount ofan6t|on tlmt.ihe , ^ A eorrespoinlen.; aslffl^f,jt.igyft;pm0r .tloahlo for u person ^o Mr&Un'^i vim* Jri0Hy ami urn. it for thopiirpqab^f hont- IJig the b*ly l>y rnoansjif^jloOfrlo'heat. lngtapparatus plao^unuw^the^ietiilng. ^WiVprpsnme it .is. A.^w.B00 ampere-hour {Oflll.s.Heatterod amoiiir. tho, pdbkom.-cbn- nected, In Rorlos, ought t(> d0, r,ho'business. >,Thoy would probably ,weigh; 600, pounds .Hi .Ti^ie^.wuio4^i^TGo^ i t'. .wotilil hayo a,, man grent in great' tlungs, and elegant lu little things, . ' Thought lptho hlOHHomi: languaRe the opening bud; action the frilift behind U. ft You cram these words \nto mine ears against the stoinaoh of niy Bensa V: "' Great minds must bo ready nOt only to ako opporttin Hies, but to make thorn.. Mvory roat writer Is o; wrltor of his tory, let him treat, on What subject he may.... ',',.'.. Tho friendships of the world nraoftcon- fflflortipitis In vice, or leagues of pleasure*. Nor cell,,nor chain, nor dungeon apeaks .to tho jmirclerer like tho TOice ofaolicudo. JCVory nnse occupation mnkos one sharp in its practleO^ aud dull in every other. An-intolUgonfc class can scarce ovbr bei. an a olass, vtolous, and nev*rf as a olaaa,' indolent. , ' . : - Mot,liltig can constitute good-breeding whU.-'u'haa not good nature (or ltn fnunda-. tlon.' . '- ' ' Ho'po la like the sun, which, as we journey toward - it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us. I,ikn a maUTtp double.buslneeB. hound, I stand In pause Whare I ahallilrHC begin,. and both neglect. ; .- Knowledge dwellsin heads Teplota with thoughts of other men; wisdom in minds attentive to their own. 'Nature U an Aeolian barn, a muslual Instrument^ whose, tones are tlio . re eoho of. higher strings within us. 'A, strenuous soul hatee choap"success; It ia th*_nrdor of the assailant that makes the vigor of the defendant. He that forocelln his own calamity, nd makes events before they come, doth twl6 .endure the pains of evil destiny. If w steal from the moderns, It will be, orloil down as.plagiarism; if from the ancients It will be cried up an orualtlou. Tboso who attain to' any oxcollence commonly'spend life lu some tdngle'pur- sult, for oxoellonoo Is not of ton gained on,easier terms. One principal reason why men are so- often useless Is,.. that they divide olid shift tbolrattentlonnmonguta multlpllo- ltyflaf objects and pursuits, ' pJTen infinite wIhi I tun established tho mfelel right and honesty, IIen,w to It that justice should be always the liTj " expediency. It Is a poor and dlugracoful thing not to be able to reply, with some degrocTbT certainty, to tho HlmplequoKtinnf*, uWhat will you bo? What will you del""..; ' There is no work of genius which has not. been tho delight, of mankind: no word' of genius to whloh the luimap heart and eoul havo not, aoonor or- laior,' responded. './/'. Tlio re i a nothing in life so Irrational that good Honfiji and chanco limy not sot it to rlffhta); nutiling so ratiomd that folly; and olianco may.not utterly eon- found It. f * The wontil Is a great flyfftom of work; tho snmo dpty ls,notrlald upon every ono; but upon every one "is laid tho duty to fool an the brother of hlsfellowmon.' ,, . The only'liberty that a man, worthy of tho name, ought to ask for, Is,, to have all restrictions, Inward or outward, re moved that prevent his doing what he ought , 1' , --n-,.-i...f~~ ;' ! ,:'Wa**>:^l , if" I V'- 'if!?.'.' - '(ft*?." For the montli of December^ wiPf ' ':y'"\--An:f^A mfeJ wm f.l> $25,000 wm.m Of New Winter G-oods. We wunfc to make December the banner mpnta(P^ the year; and offer the greatest genuine bargains'iJ[n.V '.;new up-to "3ate reliable merchandise ever attempted 1^1. lis. Thifi Gigantic Sale commences on Monday . morjgK^ ing, December 2. Come early and share in the plu*^' 'KDRESS GOODSDEPL^; pltito with the finest French novelties in Columbia Olotlut, Two Toned .itffeotfl, Novelty Twoeds and Estamaino Sergoa. .:. 10 pioces Taifotta Silks, reg- \ular price 40c,for 80o yard." Begular H0c japanose tvaah- ing Silks for 50c yard. , , Beat $'l.a5 Poaa Pe Boi dresH 3ilka reduced to 95o yard.. Double -fold/ 40-iu-"Boston twilled dross goods for 16c yd, $1 quality lacing Kid Olpvpa in black and colors reduced to ^ :" :,-:.- pairs Coraota tor 25c each. Mfr 8llirsV0.*.l3J.Vt*--n Wo have not apace to;;tett', inft Stock. VVo bIiow. tho 4)ig-;;' ^oat solootion of .stylee, Bliadcs^ pattornBt materials, aud makes, in Esflox. Don't buy a suit or Overcoat for wintor until:', yoijt 'see oar'stock and nriooa* '; LADIES MANTLES^ t8f) Ladiou Mantles roauood from . $4'60.,to $2.75 each. JjadieV'tiRht-ftttmsj .MaatlesljyaiC' front, double-breasted, eloBed. o^lUi large mandolin aleeve^.roduoed from , 810 to"86.7C........" " '-"'\r-' ' -p:-47 Milljnery Dept.^^?9^i V trimmed and nntnmuied Ham and, Bonueta. ' ' * |Boot3and,aho$fl.-rWt* e^; the ouJobfuted J. D. at popular prices, . W m .'ifi-1^*. >.'+' :^i >rl ^w. -,* it.*.,1 ifl ing; fodtwoarV; Xr\ ztfr The Ne* Furniture has now lor your inspection. FLOWER LIFE. ^ft/'jiUnj**"*, nf sonle sehsltlvu plants are as senitttivn as the loaves. Tho catalogues and floral dictionaries give the mimes of Vfifl.);lndM of rosea, ' Every saint hi the calender Is said to be provided with a lloral oinbleni. No plant,, will proilneo (lowors tiTilow tliere is iron 1" tho soil In which it grows. '"'"..' ICvery anelnnt hero and god has a flower spiielally consecrated in his honor. /Cha Venus fly trap predueos juloo that i> nearly ah insoots Is a deadly poison. Tho marigold #oos to sleep with the sun and reinalns quiescent until sunrise. *The flnffron Is valuable as a dyo, It growswild in many parts of South.Ku- ,ropn. In'all mythology and folk-lore wlilte fi'owera are supposed to Hprlner from tours* A flowering plant Is tut 1<1 to abstraat frenO the soil 200 times Its own weight otwater.* ; '.' The' 4 ooral ilowors. so called, are animals,' A ooral reef refiumbles a bed iOf anemones. ,, '/t^bnnv pltintH, as the poaoh tree, send f forth their flowers before tho leaves have ^' tatted, . ."Double flowers nre Reuorally. tho renUlt Tot' oultivution and always nn abnormal ; wth;, { the llomans was tlie niblern of scoroey, honco tho phrase sub *oSfl.' i In: all mountainous countries.- flowers .are' found growing up to the line of per- The Gash Grocer, Confectioner and Baker. fBE people of tho Town of Ebbox and eurrouudin^ country have of a plsoe where thoy could go and purchase what thoy require/ CASE PAID 'EOIl"FittST.OLA.SS UUTTBB A^D ^REBU: EQa^-'f^M OTHER PRODXJCK. .;.".'.. . ,-."1v:.>^"^ We have decided to bold-our book uooouiits for seUlomeut.horo unttyjtaxy Kindly call early and settle aud oblige, youra, etc., ; ^["!^'^t M m GOODB OEIilVSiWED PROMPTLY;. J. XX. Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Esserf per, contwkVfltual snnw XMA8^iilEW^EAfi$^!3f *;Flrit3i*ta>Pare . roos^FOnn Hum At Eaetx.'P'-o. 24, .by1 JJev,'Ml P. CsmnMll, Mr. E'r.s: oie Joseph Stodfcfqrd to Midi*" ftl'jfca; XJlon,'both ;of' 1'or ,yrn6ro and to. fill In iiidstbo ailtlucl the wel^lic of- Intnc apparatus; .^ho latter Jo'^i^^iiit^n'riaoB, Iti wophl^lbt'look W>L "^^aranc<s, to carry nbqy-RnopedbOattir .OerjOHsHhe Htom;ich Caifo mUsO be talc on lreuHin(r,! which mlgh*; to.doath.j;-,^'- } ^ VUIjWi;')i'-' '.', aaifcKvin ;tho yen'.Qf, .wBUttftn ^flpan,'. ^AcordiiitoOvld, the white anemone Ktfifif trow tlio tears Venus shed , for ^"^Vs. .-." .' Tlii\iC(, known aa the. common olove Is the uluavfdoped bud of tho^enryophyl-' lus uroinili^pUR; . .The oolnVjg prlnoiple of tho -madder affoots even tU bouos ot nnlnials that de vour the plant. In Sumatra (hure grows a flower, of a seiimi bo yllo as to'be oompamble to nor ill hip but rotten enrrlqn, .".'. ' , Thw.IvyOeaved lettuce opens Its leaves and Hewers at 8 0'elooW In jthe morning und Ktuierally clones ugalh'by~'tr.V V; ; ; All pliaiin are provided with flowers, though soiuetlnuHftheso^ro ^-iiffalCand so hidden as to Oficjiuo notice,/,; ". ",. 'A Tlio.orel'ita*t.-ifU.V, truo'paraifltes, growing In ofchor plaii^Hj. '.aii^^dra^ihff.their sub-, stance from, clioin and'.fronn . GOLDEN RULE pmOVER68. '*=^.\V; Gem and .v; Heart pure,; fltrop^tJI ^Iftvo.'", .to-'- ^'tpopmall,'eln,| i"'.i.<> ' V'" |g|i^bBooo>^^^ v>^.:, Are ao*nowI?4Jged,iJjE^ "y-"y or??U^iifi^^j||| ^"/y'^^ vga ' , '$\"kfff ,' ! ."" 'J'**t? ,"," Mffi ^xmfl^^

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