Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 1, 1895, p. 11

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~rf* 'Lynn Untoii j-dye '. Rom* fl4ilMMI '&ftw$rg$ekse-& of thinness &:)' -scrofula in ipmption in children, grown Thins- on V Sometimes Mn; kynn Linton s*ya:icl wise things that thu lover of bwpianlty-: wishes thoy mlKht lm prtutiirt and poatod tn QonHplcuouH*piieH all the world over. Sonieof'uor recolit mrcrancea on the art of "keeping love alive" are among those. Llntou dooB not, believe that any good IK-;- .-cod-liver ;hidden, the oil is He taste is ^. ,,,r.r^.M w..^ -.. ... digested, p- :';' $t is ready to make fat. When you nnk for Scott'n Rmutidon and your tlriufirhii ^Ivm yon it |t.ii:i.ii(to In u lijIrmin-ri)I<r<Hl wnipprr Willi (lui pict ure of tlui num ami itsli on It - you can' ftriiKt that inim I \-;rS--y ' 50 cuntu anil $1.00 Scott & Huw^h, Chemists, Belleville, On(. OAn-)ik\'i)H)i)()CToi; ' on pro fcjfe: . ; n-lNOUS IN HIS OW'N ' ,' lMtAUTNE. BollcviN ni iCernmiiiiiulIii^ Auyi "jTf yjlrlii-*' TJiui KfHiionu Will O.i^.i IIW I'* 'MIiluhM l\r. \ni|ltiii' FJu^*UiMu art i\t iiiuvt.M'ry. :[' " _ ' Aici.o i, l*\ , April 'Jltli, "Ufi. " Dr. ^ilSinms' Mod-ai io Go,, " OBliTriiatifiM'- While it. ih emm!y ;' trary to'lbn iMiutum of thu ni" ", _ :Se*M\ai\ tit on ifirm or r-oimmml an/ f the- H'l-oiilloit oi'upndtitry firt*|niratii>i)M, i flhall, lHWitrUi il-Hd. tii.ui you.'atr tioron-.r of HDinu of uiy wonderful ox^t-'fichouH with your ' pr.ipiirntion. Dr. 'IVilliamH' Pink ' Pills /oj* Plllo Po >J)l.l. L'tlH filtlt IH VV(i:l \knowu thab m<.:hml praotttiou(iCH do nor an a rule reao^nizu, mu:ih \u\m \u p'.'opar i4*QriH ot thin knii'l, ooHHi-qncudv tlm liody . oF thotwJliavij no ((.'(liiito kwuwlii )V>o of 'linn . -'VJrtriiror laoli of ir, .bui -ounilly oomlomn 'thttm "lj wirlion1, u truil, Bm:h u o:<urHi- is MJ(.:tl utid udjuhI, iuhI I, for >6no, piirpopo tr ivomy putiontt. tno i){;tii treiitmotXi kno'.vti, t.n moi for dm pirtif.'ului' hiutttr wiiatit. ii'. wli.-ro or* hrw olxjiinttrl |^>plevpOverty of blood in "m . ll----------- . iu , . -lfc F^ '^1^ A Tl +1 ' thinirffrfronT7~Hf--l^lf down, can-ftxiat Lv:^. ^lthen VIhey thrive...::jE>n..-vlthoufr|ipeotoi effort on tuo purtocth* *""' rieSS. Fat is the best peraon to-whom tnoy arolntruHUd. Bust-. >r<vitliout most elu- loiidaljip^ thtiy aru to "Too many," sayH , Mrs. Linton, "sup.,, pose that'a love one/ confe.syiid arid con- j iolldamd ncd nvi r more dxpreNwion tliat frlrndahlp ont'Li kuittud up will last fopjvur williout care to keoj* tlie loops from 'running' and llie tlu-ujuN /roui loONui'iln^, No gvtiiri'i' error,.and none moru UiK.isLrou.H to hnpjilnesH, can oxi-st. litivts and frieinlHhip iiotnl uh nmch care to It'enp nilvo uii'thaL Krifouhoiwn'(lowr wa ' Kpoku ol1 bofoi'o, or tht* huainesh which liven by a nm'n*ftxurtiom;amldle by bis uea- loct. How often youuy married people blunder in tills, and, ukirg marriage to muu por so adannuitinoBtabillty, neglect tbuNiniploat praoaudoim tolu.surcicontinu ance! *At homo1 will) each other as they uro, Huro'of each otli ar*),'they put uo res but'lot themselves uu> ln speech, habits, temper, appearance, an all of minor im- pot'UtiiCH, whern the main, thing, their love, \n all right, She, in a ontmpltd drewlng- gown, with untidy liair and" discolurod lunwlK-rrliw, in broken ullpperaund .shabby coat, Uiibi'uahod, uiulmvou, unkempt and both unuppetlilugio the laat deyreu; thin bcttiua tho ilrat pnniBBi* of degradation. Sho, peovUh and' dUicontpnted over small multerH, whereof, w'avo nhewUe, he would 'novel* liavii heard tjic very euho he, pre occupied, finnpphth, uuaympathetlc; and both without jteir-voHtriVhit or reticence; thin lwg\uh the second proceas of dlbhitc gnitlon. -Tint thry lioino together nguln after thoir little tlffn, and In the Iwglnuinje of thing!! the old proverb about tho quar- rulH of lovura holds j^nod but. only In 'tho beginning ol tiiinyw. By 'dcfiircas- that- comiiiK tdjicthcr U Hlucknr,'"and the elas ticity of rocovoVyialorfhiKdJilIy..' -The love that Is-between thum' heel us' to die for want of keeping allvn by cure, and aoon the sorrowful terme Is changed a.nd for 'Is1 wo read 'was.' "So with friendship, which Indeed re quires us much tact and care to keep alivo -mi love Ituelf, ita cftaence love without the patrol on* that hiHames that oCliiM- form. Two frlnndu have all faith m:'d couftrlence In ouch other, That does not exc-uso the nft^loct by which otin, we will May the younger, tries tho aUiblllty.-^bf; tliu eldev'H uiTuctlon. titii iti'mvi'timTor but yean ii ly replied to when utjlcnowhidged reticence oyor_th,osD .pleas- - -nti-litde oecurrnrte6s"df "daily Hfo which keep the liitevcKk active, and which seems when told to brink the two parted upbore* Into uloHor contact tognther-Hp>;u' Wr6^.4>' .acKlect, though only in Mmalf and trivial mattorw, as Kiirt-'ly kllla tho sweet growth iB'l.fii'*i> " ja! p%^ . n 'I ' /ft! ; I . The next two '.weeks'-I -will give 20 per cent, offal! ;uh^.btb""ihw ^ articles for 80o5 50c articles for 40c. Gome and s^ S!ci-'rHiotioMM tu'J, Clocks that yon can rely on at prices to suit purchaser. 8U""t oa tl",,nMlve"' A fine gold ring for $1. Knives, Forks and Spoons. Silver Tea j*.- > ,^^^^^^^SM per dozen upwards This is a rare, chance to buy goods that are suitable^ gifts. Silverware of every description. These goods are bought direct frc# and the middleman's commission is not added to the.proper price. ^ m , J, 1\ AMIKIfiHT, .",H k,,.. -was iiraC bronchi! to pe'tni-ib ) Dr. WilIiaiOB '," Piuk 1*1111 about tw> yy-tp^ a^o, aftor hiv- inn Boon Hornft rcmarltablo roHulfco from their njift, Uy^^Vr-^KfWri7TTolv"7Sril'tj7i/r" inn Pa., wiut a piamiiiLMitr tending th.i work of t'rflctjut,' a hug'o building during cold ,woatbor bo ooutriicbed wluie waa thought .to be a^iatioa, uot ii-iin^j :^b|o to iin^o frcra his \ii><i. Aftur tho unim) truutmcut for this d won an h-j failol to improve, but on the contrary mi'ow r i\>i IW, thu en so developing into boiniphlo^ia or partial pamlyrfiH of thu onttro ri^nt nil;; of t1 o body. Electricity, tonka itnd niflaHa^o, otc.Vwcro all uivou a . trinl, bun nothing a,ny/ bouoflt and the parnlyimi uontmuod ,,. 'T^tn despair.ho wua compollud to bear 4hh \$' (' 1 physician anuounuo that itH-aaau was hope- /;:";) 'lloifti. Ahonb that time liitt wife uoticed '"' '"i.1* onoVf y.jar ndvt;rfcia,'iuoiitH uud oonoludi n ' to try your Pink Pilla. ' tlu'lutd r^ivou up hopu and it required , a great- doalor bu^giugon tho part of hn- wife-to'pi>\riUad.liiin to take Hum regu lrly.' 'He. howovor, did as she denired, -i d if a ppe a ran ot)n iudiautn lmaltb itt tln>< m -i. one would think lm was buiior than b<jfoii . hie paralynja. *;WhyiW*ii> ho'i 'I hogmi to improve in 6 dii^^K.)u< iu four or tivo weeds I with end at .work. Tit; Boon thoao re.-mltu I ooucluth-0 that euo/i a riiniedy jw surlv worth u.trm- at tho Eiilodn of our piiyiiician, and coimr ibuently vjion a.nhort Lima "later I wi a p'.VOaUtjd u(fiJ to trout a lady' Buffering "-with ^.';', pnlpitatibb of tlio hourt and grci.f nervotii- l ', prowtratior, uftor tbe uhiiu] romodio* faill"! ..;to.relief. I oi-^ared ' Dr, VVilJiuraH* Fink JPlUu. Thu mutiitH waHHiniplyauron;iibiii(i:. . fler attacks beoanio 1i-hh irtqiiout and alsi- fcj-t'A': ';ieBB soverifcj, until by their ubo for aporiod Vi'v'\V:'. of only two iiicjnth?, hIio wau tho picture oj r.^iaalth, rooy-ohoelcud ami nriahc eytd-. iU ever, and'hbo haa ooutnmed au until io d.iy -more than one year since sho tOMk ay V noodioino, I havu found tht'no pilln ^;.V *,(' apycifto foe onoron, or as miro oomm.^uly fcv.i'A :y ;l-|J0wn, St. Vitns daudo, as btinuuuiivi have in alloufion uiarlcod tuoir um*. pring tonic any one who. from over work or nervous strain during a long . winter Iiuh liuoomy pule and languid, thu .";; Pink X*illa will do woudors iu lirt^bteuing lithe oouutenanoo aud buoying the spirits. !^Jf*niilbff r'oBOd to the pallid lipn am) re "nowinw ibe fountain "f youth. Ycura reupcotfully, *;/.." m l^'i/' :--,/i^reriulta ha InmatiHin n caused by Iaqtio acid in Jood. EfoDd'B Sarsapurillaneutralized jid *ad-eijreiirhearaakUm. of frlondftbip. tin personal ncghmt arid uu- j-cstraincd tenrTperH'kiirtHat"of Iovb. For uothinff on earth la immortal and nothing In uncbanKoablo. No affection Unit llvey in the human breawt i indentructlhlo, and ..even the wothnr'a love can be chilled, alienated and elentroycd. If thin bo wo with .the motif) lut-enae, the most deeply rooted of all, bow much mora then will otliem which are in a mimner what may bo called Kruwtlm.of HUpcr-lmposltion .fcomcthitiK that cornea after and upon thu more purely iuytlnctlvo and prototypical? No] Friondsliip and love have to bn Icopt alive by a Httlo care, a little attention to details, a little .sulf-roNtraint, keopiu^ one buck.' from un ungulnly amouut of boll- ii)dulj;nce," Tho.sej^iro^wlao wnrd'LjjMvl-IiJiiuflE^ar/l rovers everywhere will do well to read, ufiark, Icurn nnd Inwardly digest (hum. <n I'lilatiihlo Klhnrlmi I))Oi. Tliera~ltf~a~""Siberian -dih-. called "pill- itntu," that makes good eatinc; in iiuu)jj on u cold day, and can bo made to utilize ncrapsofcold meat, thoupb thu KushIuu tllsli calls for fresh meat. Chop quite fine about a pound of.cold meat ' you itvo fresh meat; put with ir, mui mnt onion and sfltt.soti well; thonadihi, ctip oj rich gravy. If tho ih fresli, cn\>]z for a few moments In tliif griivy, for the Caua; dlan palate likes well cooked rnear.H. II tho meat hart been cooked, nim;dy beat it through and wet aside to cool while yon make tho pnfito. Beat up one e^ic; then ndd it to a pound of flour, salted ali^hlly, unil work into a Htifl.', toui;h dou^li, with uh littlo water or milk as pos-sibler'T^oT the dough very thin and cut out round piccos, in the center of which put two tablcspoonfulH of meat. Gather the edgca up and pinch together, as for apply dump- lilies; then put a kettloof boiling Koup stock. As .soon as tliey come to the Burfuco of tho alock they are rnrfiiciently cooKed. Servo them with u gravy broth made of mclt&u butter, with a da.-:li oi vinegar iu it, or w'jli a boat of the broth lu Which they were boiled. An Original Doctor. .pjrofeHuov ZiikhariUy ono of tho most -celobratcd doctora in RiiHsiu, who was in atturidance on tho .O/af, is an original cifiiracter, whoso fent.s of! eccentricity have added to hia fame. . When thu atate of *,! fimperorbocamo alarmitiK,, the Govornoi of Mokcow received from St. PeteiMO'iir/f n Lelcifrum orderlntc him to wend Dr. 2i-k 'bavin "without delay. Tho Governor din patched hid alde-do-campto him. uln twe banra;" anld tho o'filcer, "the expr<\sn.u*ftiH twill Htart." "TheexpreHHl What do you 'moauf" exclaimed tho professor. "The Kmperor is ill, and you talk to. m<i about n train leaving In two hoursl Go to tho rail* way manager', and command him to #et n apechtl train for mo In twenty miniuea " It waa done. . , ' . . " 'J'li Xlulflfnl Illno-Ky*. Blue or ligbt-colorfld oyea are popularly HuppoHed to most frequently carry the baleful influence, and to. counteract thin blue beadaarc sometlmea worn, Canon tire cited oi men able to 'overthrow a carrhijju merely by lookiuK-at It,' to wither up'n beau field, and so on. It in aaid that the belief In the evil eye 'among ChriKtiatia, Jewaaud Mohammedans in Ntrongor even than their relfpjoiifi boliofa, . The poaaiintfl try to read good unci bad luck from the color and growth of a horao'H lmlr. This habit th,cy. aeem to hu'vo gob from the Bedouin Araba, but are not so export in the yltfna. A cheatnuthorae, for 'good diiuk; must have either both bind leeH or el^o. the hear leu; white. If only thu oil' hind leg ia white, tbut is bad. liiok, Tben by the way the hntr erowe on the fetlock it Itt augured whether the owner will ho killed., by n spear or a dagger; and, if a.horau beglna to dig with Its feet, that means that the own er U rood to be burled.- All the Ye^r Round. Free t*. From now until 1897 f<^only ^o0: to naw subscr^018. "STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY W YOU ? ^S^S^S^SS-^ RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K A K. JOHN A. WHIM. JOHN A. WANMN. OIIAB. .POWERS. OHAB. POWEK8.' ; ;1*5^: If you wish to keep posted, now is your chance. Send in your dollar to-.the Free Press, vwhich gives all the local news,,and iiews foreign. The Free Press is clean and^at- ;.v;; ly printed, and is one of the leading ,; | paper^of.the county of Essex. As' this, chjance .holds,good only for a ;: g short titoie, you should not fail to. take ad^ntage of it at once. E'd' UUKMUeiUBA'IUKNT. AlfTU XaUAUi^ST. , , WtKUUB l-HMATJlfc-NT. A^'XUXXH ^ .NO' NAMES OB TE8IIM0n/aL8 USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. . h varicocele; EMISSIONS "AMb |,ViPOTENCY CURED, ^^Js^]^^&&M nK VftiinMh- AKeraan. 1 commenced their NfiW-Metnoa.i fe wA m 5i Ad:dr ess a]A orders to L or.-. :'/'W;i^ ' ' " i'.\\/'i',V( , -v ivn.'.'ii' I ' "The vicert of early bosfcoo* laid tho founoaHon. of mV m 1 m 200,000 CURED. ,,.,,,,, |}|JWMEjUjS!^HMyomBJ<^^ .,! ' i; &V.:-.-At; .- V.W.'.'.'.V V^t*T^ fatten!" i8wwwrJMWr, The O IlMIMIilSl

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