ff^ .......m ^'^^^BM|WBBPW^^^^^||^^B THE. ESSEX" WRB.B PRESS uw*1** CRSOIfAL MUNICIPAL COUNCILS* MIm Flo. Oliver, of Windsor, a .vlilfclpg in town. Mr. Geo. Lalngof Loudon, in hi town o baiineBR. -JCwa Uh\ of Gait, has boi viBillutf her -aiBtoi, Mtu. J. Gourbiy. Itaoord: Ilv. M. i\ Campbell, of Kh*qX, Wbb iu the city thin wonk. Vra. AudorHon.of fclt. PluaKaut, Mich, is visiting relative* anil frieudu hot*. Walter Laing returned on WodneHdiy venin from a viaib with friende iu Lon don. Mr. M. II.. ITull huti beau visiting in Leamington this wrck, tho gucet of Wm. ItobinHOui"""- "....... .Mihh M. G. ItobortiiDii.oif Wimlor, visiteil' Saturday and Sunday at Principal CriiHu- VfiKorV\tQwn. T "'flfies J. Wallace, town, e.ccompanigd by Kliia A. Cowlin, Loudon, is visiting friendu in WoodHloo. . Mihu Ouellatte and MihH Hoiio Ouellottpi of AuihurittburK, urn, tho jjuohU of Mrs., Alex. Wallace1. ____ aiuuTtttid Lila lttoUJ*froHT ol 'Detroit, are tho unwln of Mr. ami Mr*. W. H. Itioharduon. Mr. J. il. Joiioh, of Maidatouo, ban taken a trip to New Albauy, Ind., hoping to" im- prov* bin health". UiflnCummsr, who has boon viflitinu tho MiBos Robinnon for horio weoltH, ban re turned to hor home iu Wyandotte. THtr. KoamorWinU. of Blind River, wan iutown ou. baturday and Sunday, thu (fuoHto! Mr. nnd-Mra, M. J. Wii;lo. Mra. Wm. Patterson and non who havo been viwitiuK friondH in town returned to their homo iu Wiodaor en Monday. Mr. G. W. Cofttdwoth, of Kinfinvill*, who iu at present daputy license iuapeotor for South Ehkox wm in town oh Wednesday. ThoMieao* Ouelletto, of Varoker, have -bBmrvluiLTnffthoir meter Mwa Anna Ouel- letto, who ia attending tho High School bere. Mrf J no. Laing in in Toronto thla wouk tt ropretiontative of the Ebhqx Workmen, at tho Grand Lodco, A. 0. U. W., now in BCBflion ut tho Queen City. GOLDEN WEDDING. Mi*, imil M>. JTolm W. Malott, of GtfHilold South, Ct'lobruto tlioir flfltlutli Annlverenry. Ono of th/mo very ploanank evonta which tend to cement more .clouely the ties of kiMdred and frieodehip ocourrod laefc Mon day, Fob. 18th, at tho retudonce of Mr. and Mr. John W, Mtdott, who havo lived for forty-eight yeare nearly their outire wed- dod life on their prtmoiit humeutead, on tho Boetion road, Gokfield South, about a tn'ik and a half went of KintfBvillo. The elato mentioned wah the fiftieth annivoraary of tho wedding day of tho agod onuplo, and tho brothorn and siotora ef Mr. aad Mra. Malott, ae wall an tUoir noun and daughter* Krandohildron, and a fow otlior friends had gathered to celebrate tho event.' ' Thero woro preueut Mr, and Mra. Jacob WiU, of KincsvilU; Mro. Lydia Lone, Anderdon; Mr. A. E. Lovolaco, Enaex; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wright, GoHfield; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mulott, Gofrld; Mr. and Mm." Albert, Jason, Colin and. Ambrane Malott, Bonn, all of Gonfiold; Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Wiglo, Windsor;, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Belohor, Oliuda; (theBe ladion boing daugb totaof Mr. and Mm. Malott) and Misu 6. Malott, who riBidba with her parents, Ttior* wero alo preaoxit"Mr. and Mre. IT.- B. Callander atoJ ohild, Windsor, toyethor with twouty-two irrandchildreu; alao Rutf. ". E. and Mrs. Modd, of Ruthven. Th party of yuasta (atherod early in the day and at the projoar time nut down to a .uioit bountifully oprond table, to wbicli cowploto juBtice wrh dono, ufler which tlio tira* waH spent very pleawantly ia rocouat- in(j iuoidonLH of the paut, c<nnctocl with tho Hvrii of many prenent. Many hand^omii and cOHtly prtHentu weru givcu, but tlio Kut*Ht had decided, in order * to avoid a confuaioii, to present Mr. and' Mt; Mu-lott with a purne, not becanuo of its nood n the family aro in very comfor table uiroumttancoe but that thoy might bay Bouio article to tiuit their fancy, and treauurc it a a memento of tho happy evont. Tlio procoHtation win made, accom panied bywoll-ohouen remarko, by Roy. Hr.Mcdd, who wished theUoHt and houtoaa many moro years of wedded lifeiu which to '+ enjoy and to remorabor the kindly nenti- moutfl' expreciBGd by the frioHds prcaeut, Mr. Malott was very deeply impioiaod, but alter a brief period, made a mofit nym pathetic reply, and ninceroly thanked thooa preeont tor th kiudnou* nbown by tjioir wordo and by their ciftB. He accepted the puruc in the spirit iu which it waw giyen, acd would over remember tho kiudueBO of (be donorfl. He hopod that all proHeat, aB woll ab himBolf and wife, mifibt bo wparod '. kuuny'moro happy yeara in which to remember each other'o kiudnotin and fnondship. Tli* perty dinporiod at an early hour in the nveninc. aftor oonpratulationB, and brbt ' VihfH to Mr. and Mi-h. Malott. Mr, .Mulotc, who in be^in-ninRto eUow fionKTfiii'uiiot bin nj*o, in one of tbo pioueor wottltro of.tho township or Goftfh*H. binq connootod with tlm fuwiHov ot MalottH, "Witllou, nd otbera, who runae to .thin county, from tho Staiwt, more than a. coniury a.o, and havo dono qnuuh to tsaiftt in itatiettlcmontiiiid advauofmontto Ua prueuut etate of Keueral pronperiiy. Towh Hill, Wiidt6nk. Feb. 10th, lSttS. OoudoU met tbie day pureaant to adjonrn- mnut; all the wombera preaoot. Miutitoe of tho provioua meetinif Were re4J and cu motion of Meaere, Ellis and Plant, adopted ae-read and alined. H. K, Wilaon addruaitid the uounoll wi'h the object of Culling for oorporation pur> pOBUH onu of liin Wontern RoVurHlblo R'oad MuuhlnuH. With the aid of a mdtlel, h" explained tho working of hiu mnchiue, itiitkinix*n favorable impraaaion on Lho council, but failed for tliti proawttt to uooiiro an ordor, Thu township auditpm prfaneiitod thoir report on treusurer'a account with the towLtilnp of Maidatonn for thu yoarend|nf* Deo. Hint, ISO"!. Said report wan road^nd nn motion of MoHHra.IMant and EHinadopt- cd, and th olork order*d to huve.Htiijf'ro- port printed in pamphlet form Mid to ueaum tb* uwiml number of copioH for diw- tribuiion".""""" On tinotion of Mmrnra. Kllie and Dam hi, Mat-Khali, a pnor porvon wa granted 95 on charity account. MerntrH. Vox and Clarke, on behalf of tb.o Stundard CJau and Oil Co., addriiased tlie council relative to tho panning of a by-law yvvinK tliom (the iiaid Htaudard Oan and Oil Cd.) tho privilege of laying pipe alonjj; the roadn in tho townahip of Maidatone. On motion of MftiHrH. Plant and Datum, it. Mctluf'.h v/iu j;runt;rt a roleuns of Htat- uto labor for lflOl for work porformod. On motion of MooirH. Plant and Damm, Thofnaa Painley wh givon 83, Maidatono'a portion of amount dao him for oloariuu channel of Bollo River. Tho roovtt introJnocd a by-law to con firm the appointment of Edward Kendrick m tho cfiioo of Tilu Drain Inspector ot MaidHtonoin tho room and.uteo.dof Mr. W. J. JobnHton, \vhono i|*nntion had been ucceptod by council." Bind by-law wau pu1 llirough tho usual uuwbor of readin^D and pitBied. Mr*'Ellin iu tho chair. R. F. Boymcur addroased tho oownoii relative to cortaiu drainage mutt era com* ncotd with hifl landc. On motion Mr. Seymour'n matter wkb laid over till ueit mooting of oonnoil. The cleric read a communication from tho oonnod of GoruoIcI North, ntatin^ that thoy (tho council of Gowfield North) had ko intoutiou of appealing agaiunt thoir uassHn- mout for tlio Puce or No. lfi Tap Drain-. On motiitti of Mcaary. Plant and Ellis, tho clerk was .instructed to publudi in the EhitiiX S'iiku Pnnan for four woehu tho Puce or No. 10 Tap Drain By-law and to c've notice thiit a Court f Roviaion for tho hearing and diitpoimig of appoalo agaiunt tho aid bylaw or any part thoroof will be hold at the town hall, Maidatone, on Satur day, the Kith day of March nsxt at ten o'clock in thu furonoon. On motion Mrn. Ward waa fcivon 35, charity. On motion council adjourud to uotot aijain on Saturday. March 10, 1895 in Court of Ruvihiom on Puce or No. 1G Tap Drain. COLCUISKT'JKIt" NOUTU, Giibto l'*i;n. 9tu, 1895. Council mot uh per adjournment. Pres ent Rouve carrett and CouncillorB Cayu, Kvnnedy, Rodd and Thomas, miuuten of previouu meetiug wan read and on icaotiou adopted. Communication read from olork of Col- choater South, htatin^ that. Richmond Drtiiiu wan completud aud our proportion wuh due. On motion Roovo and Clerk, appointed to auttlc with Colchoator South on tho dif ferent, druinn and awardn ro tho two town- hips. Mr. Goo. Molooho addroanod tho council,>nd exhibitod bin patent fluod cato aohoiting the council to purchase ri^ht for tho towuehip. Ob motion laid over fer-futuro ctfuuidor- ation. Reovo reported boiii(j aorvod with plaun and npecifidfltiorio by municipality of Maidstone ro the north town lino driin. On motion we comply with aHBenoraont on con-jitiouo than wo ahare in proportion of rebate "an oottntruution of naid drain and olork notify thorn to that efioct. - On motion chocks fjrantei for the fol lowini!: Mrs.l Lafratnboia, charity $fi,00 Mia1. Lair, charity 8-1.00; Wm. Trimble balance on ^ravellitii* Maiden road oaeL 1894 H.32, and com. on gravelling in 1891 51.20; J. S. Weldoni poataco to date $5,27; JaH. Loo, error in dminnfio box 1893 8G.40; T. Caya, over charge in equalization aohool rato 81,97; E. J. Lovelueo, for printing and anpplioH ao per acoount rendered 88,00; 'J. B, Laird, balance on plana etc. on Foator dram iuaprovomon^ '$19,50. On motion collootor'a time oxtended to March 9tu. Council adjourued. J. A. Codltru, Clerk. TRIAL SillKEX-iEEN Lllltiokiilaiti DenicH A]I Knowlcdtfo of tho IiiHUrrcctloiu V. W;-ASHFORtf FOUND.GUILTY Curl XVIilciiiHii, CciiVldtil ot1'rmuM0ot U t . tin ItmiUIU'd 'I'lui Murli>au. ItrliiKa AiidLIho' 11j(I1 Wf*ii at tli'ti Cnilclolklltod lluv*) V(tt Ran Fu.\Nn:-rr>, Cal.-, Feb. 1(1. Tho fiti-jtittiT Miiripnsa, from llonnlulti, arrived yt'H'.i'nliiy with niiWH that there Imvii boon no cxDcuilouM tin yei. VVilllum Franco, chared wiili cousplnicy, was thu only ninn deported on the MuripoHa. On thu Aimt.mllu, leaving February fJ3, a mimbur of tithern will be deported, in- clutrtnjx Peterson and Crol^htou, ex*Cab- Jriet. uMlcers, unci. Wurdcnburj.;, ck-Poh1> luasti'r-f-iriifjnil. NOR rU ESSEX Lii&tiVtAliI Cltomutf Win. IflcOrr aellicIrCnu- (llclnto forllift VtmXi ltlretl+n*. When Lao Moutruil, preeldent ol the North Eaiex Liberal Aanoaiation called the meeting to order at ten o'clock l*t Batur* day mornnift in Tra ball, WlndHor, nearly1 evvry aeat contained one of the well-known Liberal! of the ririlug. About 1100 were prououi iuoludlni; tho dolo^atlm to th Cn- Viintibii and othei't*." JJynry' townubii> w*i Wall repreiionted., Mr. MouLruiiil ai(i the object of the meeting wuh to appoint the efftcerti of thu aiifiooialion, Baoretary Radd fnd tho minuto* of thu I a tit two ooiwoutimut whioh were appretad. KLV.CTU)M Ol' OVVUDtUH. jHiiictj'AntloCBitn naid that Mr, Moutruuil had for two yearn ocedpiod the ponition of prdmduuL with i^ruav iioctiptrtiiCD to th a'-sooiation. Now ho proponed to mavo Vnlncy \V. Ashford and John F. Howler havo |ji:uii found ^uiliy of mwni-iKon of ' him a atap higher and propose that he be. treaHon.' 'J'hu (.mveniniiMit just prior to made honorary pronident. tho ^ailiiiK--of-tlie-Mui'lpui.a- decided to banish Carl Widemnu, convicted of trea son. The trial of tho ox-Queen began on tho, fifth instant. Over WJ0 pcrMoiiH woro pre. Kent, a majority being hulieK. Nothinp; dlHt.ln^iiished the entrance of tho Queen or the pi'i)C(M:dingu Croni thono of any other accusal person; Her counsel, Neumann, niiidc a serh'H of objections to the jurisdic tion uf the commission and to trial by ita meinluMs, hut 1 hone were overruled. Tlio charges.and'imeciJlL'Htidiis weru read, tho Jiceti-iid being pennittud to remain Kuatcd. Neumann then united for a poHi.poneiuent for aii-other day beforo pleading to tho charges, UK he had not had time to for* miihtU: ulijcetioiiH Lo tliem, Thu uaae waa continued to thu next forenoon. The American, arid British representatives were present ay usual, alao a largo number of nJUidalH and naval odlcora. On February (1 it wan learned that from 8 to 9 uYInck on the jiruvious tnnnilng tho ex-Quern hud been visited byCupt. Robert I'arki'i* of tho police, jiud Urged to niako a full i-<iufi;s-,ion >i' liee kuowludgi; .ami of wlntt p:irt shu tiiuk in thu lute rcljellion. lie thought such an upon avowal mitfhb secure the release of many of her partizaim now in prison. Ho Inhered without auc- cuhs. The ox-Queen maintainetl tlmt sdio wiis innocent.of the wholo uH'ai'r, and laid tho blame for the uprialng upon Samuel New loin. Parker appears to have acted on liisown responsibility in the interest of many prisoners. Neumann begun by objecting.], on thu ground that, no order convening a 'military commission had been served on the prisoner. -Major Potter tuHtiiled that it copy of such an order waa with tho papers seivi'il. Xeuniaiin then repeated the same objections to the. jurisdiction of t.lic cnmmission,j.vhlch he had been In all his ffTrnreF^tTise-s, htiiuelyplhat. atieh a tri bunal could try only military ofToiicea and that, treason and misprision uf treusun wero oircnees anains_U the stittute law and could only he mud by a jury in a civil court.- Tin! Quci'ii through her counsel declined to plcail to thu thirteen upcciUcation.') ami charges The court directed a pica of not guilty to be entered. After tho evidence was in Mr. Neumann spoke for an hour, maintaining that tho evidence failed entirely to provo tho nc- cusml hud any knowledge whatever of tho uprising. Judge Advocate Kinney re sponded for, forty-five minutes, treating with derision the possibility of her ignor ance with thu' chief conspirator Nowloin living under her roof and official docu ments passing hack and forth between her and tluliul; relating to tho establish ment of'hu new government at, tho very LiinC when Waunapolu was prepared to land the arms and the insurrection waa ripe. Thu trial dosed ai. :'i.;jl) p.m. A'M-iAif/. urn powering the marshal to ex ecute tin; sentence of the military commis- Hioiris'bcingrapidly pu.slied through the councils. A UlHlioiHHt Slutlnii A[>t>nt Suicides. Si'i;iN-<;i'ii:Ln, 111., Fel>. 10. While hii accounts were being audited CJ.Bowman, station agent of the Wabash Kail road Co. at Itoverton, this county, Htepped outalde the office and inserting the end of a revol ver i'ii bin moutfit pulled the crlggor. His death Vvus iiwtantituoouH. He acknow ledged a deficit iu his accounts of ?100 which he had taken to further an inven- tiou-he was perfecting. Colombia Kovolt at an KimI. Washington, Feb. 1C The- command ing officer of tho United 'States- steamer Atlantic reports to the navy department from Colon under date of I;Vhrnary It that the rebellion in Colombia is considered at an end. MANGE AND COMMERCE COUNERVILLE. Tho people arunnd bore aro wiahing for mora miovr. Mib J^nuio MoKennoy who baH been ywiting hor purontn lor tho lant two mouthtt ha? rotunifd to Ottawa; Ur. U. U. Sears, of Ehhcx in working for Mr. Pattertton. AlrInaao Hieka in atill workiutJ 'o? Mr Loitk, but he vitiitH ono houuo oh-tho corner quit** oftim. Mr David Thnmiiw and eon, of Tilbury, Hpont h few dayn with par^ntrt. Mitiu'Nanoy J.uiiiiHuniof TOnncx itpant a faw dayu with bar friend Mins fiitrah Fat* teraon, Mf. 33 Cook Is bunydrawinn Wood. Mm. llormau in fpiito ill. / ToiHiNTO, Feb. HI, IS'.J.V The local. grain market is still quiet. Wheat, prices an;unchanged, with a limit ed demand. AVlieut is qu tted at fii* hi oSu. west and white at the saini! price, iiur'cy market is slow. No. 1 is 'quoted :it. .-i.'n-. and No. !i 111-to 41c. and feed at 117 to 'Ma. Oats are quoted, west, Jvhitc '.liic, and mixed aye. In ispito of hcaVy buying and firm cables wheat closed weak mid 1-8 to 1-1 c, lower. Corn was easier on account of largo re ceipts and tho close was 1-1 to 1 !;:. lower. Oats wero dull and closed l-8c. lower. Although thu demand'in UutTalo for barley is very liKTifclibldors are in a very comfortable position; tlio amount lor sale is limited and owners, instead ot wishing to meet buyers' viewy, nro inclined to tack on another cent, especially for desirable lots. From Canada reports tiro that bar ley is well cleaned up, but there are seve ral lots hero which do not move at the figures quoted. Quoted: No. 1 western, !lc; No. ^ western, 01c; No. 1 Canada, OTie.; No. 2, (Wc.^ No. a extra, (SO to (lie. . At Kust Uufl'ulo there were -t cars of cat tle on sale. Cuod heavy tthipping atoovn 'Hold.at $5 per cwt. and extra fat butcher cows at &l^ to $'1.05. Ho^h, U7 cars on sale. -l->*dl -for nil kinds. Sheup and lambs mar ket still dull becausp stock ran nob bo. taken out, but prices aro fairly atoady; oxtra OS to 08 pound lumlJH at $5.85 to $5.00: fair to good Canadas at 83.25 to $5.75. Some disappointment wiw felt hi Now York stack eirclen at tho defeat of tho Wil- Htin gold hdud reaoliition In thu House, but tho prossuro to sell wan not pronounced. The general market hi tho. final deallnga wan Hliylitly butler and left oft! steady.' The Loudoh utouk' iiiarkutH wero Idle. Americans wuru.dull niitt \vuiilc on; tho crushing defeat of tlio gold bond bill' in the Houso. Grand TrUnk'H wore flat on the. stutemeut of GarnluKS ' coming **wluv Thia-wm curriwd- amidut -yreat cliooriuc. filr. Montranil thunltod the Liberal* for tho honor. Tho following ofiicem w*re .thon oluotdd ; FraneiH Clcary, proaidout; J. D. A. Da- Kiel, rouve of Kuchuijtor, vice president. ' J. U..Itodd, hcorelary-trt*nnurer. Mnuicipal vicoprvuidontH ; . Andeidon AaLoiuo Yormillo, aaudwich W.-- John B. Couaiuo.au. Beudwiob S- Johu llolden. Sandwich K. Alex. Itumime. B*udwioh Town Gov/ Wataon. Windsor Dr. J. A. Smith. ' WalUorvillo Alex McNeil. Maidatnne Peter Ccrbott and 'Richard Mooney. KuohoMter Sovoriu Dnoharme and 11. Hudrick, Tilbury North. Walter Welah. Tilbury W. l)r. Abbott. Tilbury Ctnitro Dr. FargtiHon.~^ Dello River Joiiipli Lupion. Xhe vico-presidentH' woro called to tba platform. Dr, Cruiokbhank sunmittcd a ronelution approvinc of the Liberal platform an do**t- d at Ottawa in .7line, 1893, Tho motion iQuondtd-bj.LpiiinTretubly^rilWuryCentrc; Dr. CrnickakitnLc epokg of the motion and an id it was time thin couuty was emancipated from the prcHput trade aluvery with which it iu ootmd. The ooun^ look ed to tho Liberals to do it aud ho wan con- fiduit m*t thoy were squal to tho tank. Mr..Trembly made nu eloquent Hpotch in French. Hu praised tho policy of the Lib- oral party in proviuoial and Dominion tiffuiru. At tho.mention of the names f Uowa't find Lanrier thoro wti great ebavr- iC- Cilln were made for John Holdan and ho made a short but lively upeoch. He Raid wo wanted a obaugo and to cot u we would have to Werk. . Iu olden tituee .Towcpli wti Hold into ulavery but by faithful uervioe aud work ha bocamo.tht ruler of Kuypt. Bo if wo waut to get rid of the trade alavcry of thin county we musk work, He followod the Reform party because it waa going Iuh way. He wan a free trader, pure aud mm pie. He was a Britiah fruo trader. R. F. Sutherland wan called upon, and mado a vi^orotm addroBU. Ho was a free trader out aud out and believed that, had the Liboral party adhered thia polioy with out wavery it would be in power today, Notbihf; but poverty aud want of work followed the proUotivo polioy adopted by Canada. To day we hoard the cry for work add noup kitchenn woro baiuc eatab- lishod all over the country. Tho Tory party are not learning aa Sir Hibbort Tup- per naid & few duys b;;o in Toronto that they were tho dycd-in-tho-waal protective pn-rty- Mr. McGrotfor itaid tho Goverumcnt Boeraed in graat quandary as to whether theywsuldgo to tho oountryor hold oh to thoir Halarie'n a while lender, Briefly be pictured tho-cocruption of tho Government and the prenent stagnation of'trade wad tbe rcanlt of tho proientooiameroial polioy. Tho largenc Liberal convention over held iu the North Riding of J^aiioi took plaoa iu tho afternoon for tho purpoao of cbooaina/ a candidate to rcprioont tho arty iu tho next couteRt for *.bo Coramonn. Au informal ballet was tn,kou whioh avo McGregor 9;j, Pacftnd a5, Sutherland 10, Kilroy8(Smith 8. - ' Mr. Paoaud moved that Mr. McGregor bo the unanimous choice of thuconvontioo, whioh wan aooonded by Mr. Manou. A gteat majority wore in favor of thia motion, but it wan thought advieaable to have a regular ballot. Mr. McGregor wa theohoioo, thVvoto boing: McGregor 135, Sutherland SG, Paoaud 16, Kilroy 3. WINDSOR. About" fivo o'olook Vrieay aftomoon, several hundred people watched a thrilliug Roeue oa tho river oppouito Church utreot. The ice took a move down the river, aud four boyu woro out ukating when tho move ment begun, Two of the younKitoru took warning aud mado for the uhore, which thuy reached witb little or no riik, but tho other two paid no attention until the Hit- nation beoame dau^eroua, whou thtiy mado an effort to get shoreward. They wore wsjl-o^itaiid no one expected tho.boya to (;ct to land, and m uteppim; from one cako of ice to another thoy aoveral times Hank to thuir knoee lirwator. For a conuiderablo time tho^anxiety w*e wan intoueo and eevoral pep^Ubad to turn away unable to boar tbe utraiu. Tho boya got aifoly auhore aftor much dodging aud oonhtleoaeaoapoH; Tho boye we Normatt, yomigeat Mn of Detootivd MoKlo, and Valoutine,- boh of T. JoMee. & New Spring Dress Goods! We aro soiling them at low piices TO STIMULATE BUSINESS. l.'.;j;"j-X:;Vi:ri v- > All the new creations in plain and fancy Dress Goods. Ladies'New Spring Capes. . Early inspection invited hy 'i- DIEBEL & BRICKER- Do not-forget to see the Solid Oak Furniture we are giving away. * '.. _ Wo aro Sole AfiontH in tho County for _J3f CJucago, which took Hiftbent Awarda at - tho World'y Fair. g We aa?D ^w* the trade,in all kinds of - Building Material, Woodwork for houses (plain andornamental), Barn Lumber, . Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. I Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written guarantoo with, every Outfit. - Laingi Bros., Essex, Conservative Organization. The LiborabConuervativo Association haa about completed the organization of Branch Aenooiation* throughout North Eaaox. Tho following 19 a lilt of tljo dia- tnatB or^auized with tho o file em olootodin eaab: Sandwich Woat, River Canard Dintriofc Preoidout. Jao. D. LajaounoHOo; Vice-Proa. Leon Boudy; Sic. Adolphue Lajounoaue, Eivor Oanatd P. O. Sandwich Wcab",TJekiU Cota Diotriot Preaidont, Joa. Duroobor; Vio*-Vrei., Sam Bergorpn; Beo'y Honty lUaume, Petite Cota." ' ' Sandwich Wont, Grand Maraiu Dietriofc Vioe-Prea.- Job, G. Dumochelle, Seo'y, Arthur Dum- uohollo. Sandwich East,- Town Hall District Preaidonb, Alox, Ut, Lenis; Vioe-Pwa., .T." B. Lauxone; Sio'j, Paul Morand, Teoum- Bob P. O. Sandwich East, Tfloumneh Dielriofc Preuideni, Viotor Hobinet; Vioo-Proi.t Pierro Duobaryit; Soo'y. Johu Dusal, Te- oumBeb. Sandwich South, OldoankU Divihion Proaidonfc, Wm. WolfCe, r Vtco-Proa, Kiob Barrett; S^'Yi J Moyuhan, Maid- atone P.O. SaudWiah Bontb, Uaidatone Liettiot Preaident, Wm. TJOoylo; Vioe-Prea,, Alex. Mert'otiVfJQo'y.^/ae W. Arnold, Maindtone Maidntouti, Pront Diyiblow Pr-aideat, Dolway Parvia; Vioe-Prew , Job. Grander; Sec'y, J. Amifclu, Elmitead. HoohoBtor, Front DiviHiou Peeiident, H. Boaulln; Vice-Pren., Abram MaiUoqx; Soo'y, Theophile Em eric, St. Jeaoblra. Hoohgetsr. Rear Divuion Proaidout, J, J. Duwhirot; Viofl-Proa., Jno. Mnicray; Soo'y, B. Middloton, Habemb P. O. Tilbury Woit, Cowbet Division Prn. C.N. Audenon; ViooProe., Joseph Hull; Suototary, 6. T. Auderuon, Ooeebar. Tilbury Wont, 'Xilbary -Division Pree. P. Daboia; Vicc-PrM., D. Hurloy, .ISoo^y, Thee. Loigh, Tilbury Centre. Sandwich Vioo-Pren. Joa. Allan; Soo'y Oban. H. Har wood, Sandwich. ? VVeUerville-Prfisident, C. M. Walkiy^ . Vioo-Prc. M. Waloh; Seo?y, SydneyRobin- ston, Willcorville. liello Xlivar Prcfiident, D. BeOhard, M, I),; Viofl-Pr., Naa Memaaau; Sec'y, J. J. MoAuliffi, Bella River. "Wiudior, "Ward 1 President, D. :B. Odette; Vioo-Pfea, Sabi Buobauau, Jr.; Seo'y, J. A.. Campboll, WiudHor. Windio'rfWard2 Proeideufc, O. Ia. Flem ing; Vioa-Prai. A. St, Goo, Ellia; Seo'y, J. E. O'Couuor, Windsor, .' * . Wiudnor.Ward 3-Predidenfc, tJ. W. Etauna; Vioe-Prou. A.L.Kerby; Soo'y,. .W C- Armnutt'oui,', Windir. ""Windsor Ward 4 Preaident, 30. C. Mo. Keon; Vioo-Pro-., A. Whittakor; Seo'y, O. W, Proeman, Windsor. In additiou to -these "authorized by the Couatltutiou recently adopted WytboNotkb/ ' RtdUft LiboraiConiorvatite ABBOciation^-.' there ie tho Younfi Liberal OoneervafciveeV Aatooiaticin for Wlnclior, recogmzed by the .;|j ConBtitutlon as an auxiliary body; ooTeriajc '^ the ground oorrcupoudin^ to that in ohare\ ^ of the four city branohea; and- orflanized- ';'j| lor the puVpoeoof affdtdiua more frequent; mtarooumo, exohm^e ot vieOe by dieonjA piouB, und op|>ortamtleh to present 'tK-V-'f- varioue pUuka in the^ Governmoet pla%iijAj form ia an intelligent, oompreheuaive^ V'f?, '" .', ' w "%U i>.,Ato