Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 22, 1895, p. 7

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I&!^^ /IB ;-4^j*-- -; &- "^" Kill, .'.' '.J-'fl PIREK JHRKak- HJS-BODY KXIIIMKI) Tho OircnmstancoH Attuchurt to Jfiy Death to bo Fully TnvcHtiiratcrt. . TWO IMPORTANT WITNESSES 8om lvl<l<iiico Thkfc Will Mnvv itii Impor tant Haul-lug ut tho Iiujiuml Nnmo- thliiB uftho i'uHt lAta of th Acoiiuml llymiiN mio- '>! /Toronto, Ifoh. fS.-Crown Attorney Curry, accompanied by Dr. Cuvon, Dotoo tlv Cuddy mid a broth'or-hidiiw nf youn Vulln, wont, to OmIiuwil yoitttmhiy imd exhumed tlio rtmmlufj. Thoy. returned Jusjt nielli wlLli tho body and ati hiriuoMt will [y undoubtedly ho hold. Tho Grown ortldiil.t nro now thoroughly urouHod and n'othliuj la UjIuk loft uiuloun Limb will norvo to un ravel tho inyslory HUrrnuntlluK tl tragic ^ "^i!^LVL.M!!Hn_oai:llH____................... Khonezor Aylesworth will ho an impnr- timt witness for tho Crown, Jl wilh boojt- ,kooiH)r for tho warulmUHO whon AVmMs was killed. Wlum talking ovol* Mm matter li'ti ( a:dd tliat on tlio nij^la before WuIIh was 'killed, Dullas/r. llyiuna cuinu to his'lionse rid hiHtruolyd him to o out to Toronto Junction on tho following morning bofnre coming ilown to tho wiirehouM!, Tho i.ypu- Vritor, a girl, was also given letters to d*.- llvor poisonally, so I hat slit; ilid not, git. down lato, Wi.dls. was-hisli-uriind-to bo down sharp on tlinu at Ho'ehtck, Hubert, Wright, of UKJ Voting hU-oiiL, will also bo a nmtorhd wltnoss. Jin kiimv.s tho building well, having put gas pipes in there, and says that. Wells could not havo ;'bftii'triiilhid by tint weight in tin* iimnner di'.'iiaibjd. Vr/di.". ;a;d: "Tin* weight v n. i 'jihoni, o Inches in thickness M in breath u nil I i foot deep, ami ran in a Ijux on th.o outsitlo of Mm (levator .shaft. Tlio hod.v wis fjund in tbo basement, at font < t tlio b ix in whioli tho weight aSVt;ndt:il and dosiHiidod, with tlui weight lying on tho lioUd. It' Willie Welbi was st anding on bin foot, us tlio Hymns people any ho was. when the woight full, ho could imi. have been found in t Ik; position in which bo was. If ho was looking-.up to .sou tho wi-ight, whon it dropped tlio wholt* si do of his fnco \ would have boon cut otV by tho rnn.ssive \ tyoy and tho body would have .fallen back- ' with his head i'fy, on tho floor directly at the foot of .thebaic,. : "$ mid that woight foil from tlio third -story, fOliw beadw'ouhl havo boon mushed to ;i jolly. " Moro thuu.. thi.s, there was no way ;S by which that weight could havo becomo **"' loosed.from Un fnstonings to fall as it did." Tho groat question now is whether nr | nob Mm. Harry Uyuin.s will testify against bar husband. She will nob gn to Xew York af) stated in other newspapers, but will remain hero. She is too 111 yet to be intorvlowctl, and oven tho authorities have not yet been allowed to see her. It la said that Wells first mot tho Hynms"~br6Ttnr*3 by answering uu advev- tteoment for a confidential clerk. They found that ho had money, and instead of taking bonds in tho customary way, made' im put up 81,1100 In cash, It is known at a abort time before Ins death Wells ns pressing tho firm to return thi.s money to him, and tho Crown will ad- vaneo thin as an additional motive. Sonic time before his death Wells had taken out a'u endowment policy on his life for $1,030 and -some timo afterwards was in duced by n friend to insure in another company. This he ilid, but made ar rangements to ha\*e tho first policy can celled. It, is said that tho ir-'H1,!"'1" u""-s put on bis life, about two weeks after be met tlio ITyams, .showing that be did not euro to have more thiinSl.UOO on bin life. KocentNow York despatches assert that Harry I1, and Dallas T. Hyanis started a roul estate ollieo on Ilroadwny, in that city, In 1SH1. They were arretted by Deti.'et ivo Sergeant Ileidolheug on'a eliar^'ti of .swind ling Kmmanuel .Martintiz out of ^1,-lDd. This case was withdrawn, but, tho"T) rot hers were arrested in City a month later, charged with another real e.stuu.' swdndle, [i and their bail of $T>,U00, according to the despatches, was estreated, mi ueeounl of their non-appearance for trial, Montreal has reported that the Messrs. ^Ilynim; are also rn;ite well, known in that place. On the charge thatjiarry llyams 'inserted the worda, '.'witK inti-rest from date at 10 per cent, per month till paid in full,"' in a note after it was signed, an ac cusation of forgery has, it is said, has been _jmude against him by William Morrison, a reporter on il7e~^fontri';d Star, and .Indite I3ugits luis issued a warrant for Ids arrest SniHrio at (JliurluiiM. An unusually Add death occurred last evening at the V'sidenee of Mr. Walter Savage, Lonio avenue, it. bidn^c t hat of his wife, uln Imd a very jiainful and sudden end from taking a dose of arsenic asiu is supposed. l?or'tIio last eight or ten years .Mrs. Savage has been biihjYut to fits of melan cholia, and wink- in this statu she twice attempted to take her life, once about jiino years ayo and again last summer. She had been in a delicate statu of health ifor koiih' time, ami yeitorilay afternoon 'unknown to bur sister must have taken 16omu irrithnt puison whon in one of ht-r ilts of mehuiehuliu. A pliy'sleian was called and asked her to say what she had taken that lie ini^lit be tlio her.tor able t o help her, but. slie. refused to'tell was Bho had taken. She evidently was determined that the poi.son should do iu work, which it did too well, for Mrs. Savage, lived only-about an hour after the doctor saw her, and passed away In grout agony at seven o'clock, bho was -H years - of age.' - _________ CiU'rlHgo VTorltrt lluriiotl. MlLUmooiC, Out;,. I-'ob. 15. About ton o'clock., yesterday flru was discovered in,the workshops of tlio Clarry carrinye works. Although tho firemen wero promptly on band abdflucceoded in saving tbo adjoining buildings which were soveral timeHon fire. Tho carrhtgo works were completely destroyed. Most of the cur-. ria'goa in tbo buiiaing worn wivod. All tho tooln and a quantity of material waa burned, but Mr. Clurry'B loss will ho heavy. Tlio loss will bo partially covored -by insurance. . . lrinod for Knoptng Optai u Sundny. - New Youk, Fob. 15, In tlio Court of Special Sossioim yesterday tho case of Geo. E., tho billard ball proprietor, wbo wnpnrrflKfciHl,,fdr keopiiig opou on Sunday, yvtiH docided by Presiding Justice Iloguu /li'o ImpOBodii flno of *10S. Thoflno was Jiaid under proteHtr"*"ii appoal fa to ho 'taken by Sloksoad-o tbwcano. "l / WKLbS' TKAGIC EM Turllior-DcvoIopiUon.tMTIiat Wuy Toll AiraiiiHt the Accumul. BLOOD-STAINED SOAP BOXES A WUmtiitf Tui-iii <J| Who Will Th \VIrtl Htt Suw lii tlio Ktornjiti ItooitiM In tlin KimhUiiI , Ktofny Ui)t*itlVii* Smmihlnir for u Jlllsu- iui; H'tili;ht. FATAL DYNAMITE EXPLOSION. 'f'ouos'i'o, lAd). 1(1. Now and aemmtlonal disclosures urn said'to havo developed in coiincetlon with the death of William A Veils and Important discoveries haveilmon nuidoby (Jotmty Crown Attorney Curry | and lieteoflvc Cuddy. i'W ten years Mossr.i. Imrlo & Gmlinm ooeimutd tho proiniso-i, Xo. *2i\ Colhormi street, and In IHHM, the building wtw do- stroyird by firo, fio that a now hoist, with rope and weight attached, were construct' ~i;dr~l,iii's"ii""wtyro""ni'"inMy~ir(iwr~w!ioti~"tlur Ifytims hrothcrs look possession. \Vh<iH Iilirio Lt (JniliMiii gave up posucHsion in November, IM*:J, the wtdghtwas boxed ill from garret to cellar, tho weight having a phiy-nf nbout three inches, so that it would not tilt over sufficiently to let it oft1 the hook that held it, .When tho accident oci eurrid, it has hue a found, tho boxing had been removed from tho collar, leaving tho weight free*. *Vt the., investigation, yesterday Itwiw revealiTd the weight found bosldo tbo J)ojdv_of Wells had, disappeared, and anew and liglTfer-mic; now hangs in its place. Cuddy Is now lookine; for tlio old woight. Hut the moMt startling jiieco of ovidi-nco yet.djseovered throwuauow li^ht on tbo tra^tdv, and leads to the theory that Wcll'-dd not meet his death In tho cedar, but that bo was killed,-either accidentally or otherwise, in tno second storey of the building, wldeh was used (is a storage room. .Among other things Ht'ored there were a numher of soap ho'xes, and a wit ness has been discovered who will swear that, on the day of the accident he had oc casion to visit the shii'iuiu room and found a number nf the soap boxes spluttered over wit n blood to such un extent- as to satisfy him that there was something wrong. j Some of the sides of the boxes were halt | covered with blood, the floor was stained j in several plao^Kf-nnd the covers of .smni) i fdiowel that a st roiiL^ stream of blood had '"spurred over them. I In view of this evidence a theory is now j formed dial, Wells may have been killed upstair-., his body lowered in the hoist; and. j after t he body had been placed In position ! the weight was unhooked and dropped on ; him. Tho i lu'o'ry is a horrible one, but it is entertained and the witness whoso iden tity will in it. be -disclosed lit. present will teMii'y as a I io ye at tl'ie trial. Mr. I'riali Jones, uncle of "William Wells, the dead youth, who lives in Pick-. erim;, will be an important Crown wit ness iti the case. There is to lio no inquest on the caso. Crown Attorney Curry remarked that there was no necessity for one as lony as a post-mortem examination is belli. Coronei'Johnston will assist at tho post mortem examination to-day. . THE Ti. AO.'S BIG STEAMERS. A huboror on tho T. H. Si II. Unll^uy In- Ktiuitly KHlmt, 'nAMH/roM, Fob. JK. Wm. IiaVlon, n laborer, mnployod oa tho Toronto, Kaiull- ton nmlTIulTalo Hallway, near Ulnkluy'H Hollow, about four miles from Hamilton, wan killed instantly by an explosion of ilyuumtM. "' Baviou wau thawing iiboitt twolvo pounds of dyuamito when it exploded. .Jffl was carried nearly, one lhmclroil yarda, .and when picked up it was found that bis bead and one- arm was blown off. Tho arm wast found at a considerable distance from tho body. Tho force of the explosion nciittorod a largo pllo of ties aTm ono of ilium almost Htruok ti farmoi named John SuroruH, who was driving along tho mud near thu soouuof tho ox- plosion. The nohio of tlio explosion was heard In Hamilton. Deceased had only been em ployed on tho works a short Lhno, and leaves u widow and three children in pool circumstances. Injured by u Oynumltn ICxplonlou. Hijnhah, Out. h'el). 15. o& ....curreddn.,scctionJyj.ofd.ho.'l.\jr,_^..TL._ltall-_ way, by which tbrt'o men worn injured. On this section thero is a night gang at work, apd Mr.'Mack, who has chargu of the blasting, usually after thu day moil leave,sots oil' about 15 holes to onablo the night gang to work. On this occasion hi had about !!(> pounds of powder bus ides tin usual quantity of dymimlto in the blast. i Tho battery ho was using bad nnlHcIenl ! power to se*t oft only seven of tho charges, j bub the concussion .discharged tho other : eight. Mr. Mack, Mr. Korston, of Jersey- villi*, and another man were injured. Mr. i Mack is the most seriously hi juried of tin j throe, having his leg badly hurt. FROM THE CAPITAL. \) Thuy May lii Put. on tint Toronto Uiuto (HIlHlIb! I'l'tltlOII, Ottawa, Keb. HI. James Swift 4md--M. Connolly, of IClngston, are in town on private business. I loth were questioned ail to the report that the largo new steam ers at present running heiow Montreal on the Kiclielieu line, were to ho put on the Toronto route, running as far as Proseott, with'smaller steanu-rs from there to run the rapids. Mr, Swift said that the mat ter was bidm; considered, and would bo decided at the annual meeting of the com pany to he held in Montreal next'l'uo.iday. lioih gentlemen M-etiied tu_Lhink that tbo stockholders would oppose the chaiiL'o, and' M r. Connolly added, signifi cantly, that extensive improvements wore beiiiK mad*: to i he boats which have al ways run on the Toronto route. The petition of the Catholic laity, pray ing the government to grant'remedial legislation in the niutu-r of Lhe Manitoba schools will he presented to the Govern- mtmtatthe Cabinet meeting-to-dajr. It is a monster, but would have been lunger but for the terrific storm of last J lis Grace Archbishop Duhinnel will re present tin; hierarchy and Uev. .leather Allanl the CatlVoUcs of Man-it-oba. The JiulL'itioiit In Mm Seliool f.'ano Wuttfii'M'Caho ALTfiln f'i)nt]<iihk]. Ottawa, Feb. 15. Sir Charles llihborl Tnpper has received from tho Colonial office the fulftext of the judgment of tbo Judicial Commit too of the I'rivy Council la the Manitoba School case. The first step which tho (Joverumeiit will, t.nko-la the matter will be to pass an order-In- Council asking the Manitoba Government to give the matter of the grievances ro-' furred to their attention, and to pass such legislation as will remove the said griov- aijces, Hon. T, M. Daly has returned to tbo city from Caughnawajm, where be wn;i visiting the Indians on the ruservo thero. John Askwith, one of the oldest real* dents of the city of Ottawa, whero ho has resided for 50 years died j'esterilay. Ho was H*J year.i oT ai.'o. lie fought under Sir Alan MacNab during tho rebellion of i7. The Low Church party . among .tho Anglican bodies here havomado tho first definite move hi the history, of this dio cese. Olteiieo has been taken, at the re fusal of Archbishop Lewis to ordain a graduate of Wycllffe college, and this Is tho basis of a movement calculated to Hocuro tho election of dhow Church bishop for. tho at Ottawa: Tho case of Thomas J. Watters, Acting Commissioner of Customs, was again called in tho Police Court. Mr. Ferguson for tho defence asked for a postponement until Tuesday next. Mr. O'Cotinorfor tho Crown consented and tho caso was there fore adjourned until tho date asked for. Bail was renewed. _,f A "BATTLE FOR LIFE. TUK IttiSCJUl'VOtf A CO.*. It WEIGHILL IS CONFIDENT. ] J'uiroim or south INirtll. SbbkINOVIUjK, Out., ITob.lfi. Patrons ?ofrSpu6fiI _3(i*oVbli mot hero, and after a hot LlRcuwiion.' nomhintud Mr, Donald, of d| ua their candidate for. the Com. rat roii Nominated In V.n*t It met?. Wai.kkkton, Out., Feb. 1*3. A limcliug of the J'atrnus of Fast Hruec wa-- ludd here yesterday for the purppM! >>i seh-et- ing a candidate to contest lhe riding at' tiie next election for the House of Com mons. Their choice fell upon Mr. ..I nines Tolton, of Hrant, a prominent farim-r/atid formerly warden of the county. Mr. Tol ton is at presold president of the Con ,er- vative Association of Fast Jlruee and bus hitherto been an acLivo su[iporler of Mr. Cargill, the member for the riding.' Mr. Tolton has taken a week to consider thu nomination of the Patrons. 1'utrouH of Went Itriien. TlVKIETON", Out., Feb. 10. The adjourn" ed convention of the Patrons of Industry of West liruco to nominate a candidate for the Commons met hero yestenhu-. Six candidates in all were nominated, but the' choice of the convention lay as bi*toie, be tween Mr. Tolmie, of" Kincardine, and Mr. Valens, of I-iUcknow. On tho third ballot Mr, Tolmie receivetl 51 votes and M.r. Valens 50. The former was declared thu nominee of tho convention by a Htaudlng vote. ......'____________ flfiiitoncdd to Tltlrty ^loutliM. HAMILTON, Feb. 10. < Margaret Mo- M-abon, who was found guilty on Thurs day, on a charge of- passing counterfeit inopoy, knowing it to be counterleirj was yesterday .sentenced to Kingston peniten tiary for thirtv months. Prisoner is a white woman but is married to Prof. Wil liams, a colored barber, and the latter wanted to nerve tho, sontenco in her place. Although tho record of tlio prisoner U had' dm was a Sunday school teacher in tlio Baptist colored Church. I>lplitlim-!iL at Hhluwiiy Penhxl, Buffalo, Fob. 10. Ji. M. Disher, a mercliantoC Itldgeway, Ont., writes that tlioro is no diphtheria in .that villain, but thoro havo bpen a fow giihoh In tbo neigh borhood which woro thought to havo boon* [Uplitborla, but now in bdllove-d to . ho dimply another form of throat ailihont. A OaiuulluirH Dtiiith In Iiulfnlo. ' Buffalo, Fob. lfl. Albert Lof tun, ageil &!S, a Canadian for sdmo tlmo roHldont of Buifalo, HtagKor.odintoa ton centlodgln^ iuniHo, paid /or bin bod and went to nloop. Ho waH found duad In bod noxt niorniiig and tho coroner made a c-rU(l*,.*iito.- of. ' IIo 1 m Surn of Acquittal of XtenpouHlljlllty i'r tlio Wntiilc. TonoXTO, Feb. 15. Albert Weighill, whe Is held responsiblo for tho accident near Agincourt, arrived in tho city yesterday. Tlio agont and his friends turned up at Crown Attorney Dewart's ofllco in charge of Constablo Jtobbs. They announced their intention of making an application for bail and the Crown Attorney directed tho constablo to take Ids prisoner-over .to tho County Judge. Weighill is a littlo under-sized man, with none of tho appear ances of a man who would perjure-himself to escape conviction. Ho has secured T. C. Robiuetto as counsel, " I am prepared to put up $20,000 bail," salil Mi-7 Weigh ill when seen by u reporter, " I have a clear consclenco about thia thiuu'v and I think I will not bo held on the-charge." Tho Wohton Inquiry. Mr. Popo of lielloville, who will repre sent Mr.'John Bell, Q. C, solicitor for tho Grand Trunk, at tho enquiry into the Weston accident, arrived in tho city bint night. lie left for Weston this morning to attend the enquiry, t Tim Church Fire* In Tjimdon. London', Out., Feb. 15. Tbo managers and trustees of city churches have gener ally become thoroughly alarmed over the recent church fires, Furnaces and other heating apparatus are being subjected to careful inspection, and janitors have been instructed to take the greatest precaution. Ill addition a number of churches havo been more heavily insured, and stops aro being taken in other cases. Tbo board of nuiTiMgers of Knox church moo and order ed that 5,000 more insurance he placed on tho church's property. The Aakin street Methodist trustees havo also decided to add $2,000 to tho amount of their .in surance. Ijlout,-Colonel Hoe; Houorufl. PlCTON, Ont., Fob. 15. On Wednesday evening, tho Dlth Inst,, the ollicers of tho 10th liatt. assembled at thu Hotel Tectim- Hcth to uieet Lieut.-Col, Cotton, D. A. G, Several matters of importance, wore, trans acted in connection with tbo regiment, notice of which will -appear, later in geu: oral orders, in regard to reconimoudaCions for promotion, transfers, otc. Afterwards thoyworu invited by Lkmt.-Col. McDon nell to an oyster supper, during which a committee of tho ofueerH'prosimtod Llout- Col. Bog, the retiring commanding officer, with a very handsome gold headed cano, suitably engraved, and a nicely "worded address. v. ' North Itrimt Dairy Auuoolutlnu. BitAXTFOUD, Fob. Iff. At tlio fifth an nual meetiug.^C tho North Brant Dairy AnHoeiation, held at Trauq.uility school tho following officers Were ulected: I^rofil* dont, UV.W. Charlton; Vice President, W. S. Campbell; Treasurer, T. A. Good; Soc-. rotary, J. W. German. O'llrhm'fl ltuuienutfnii Uonlfiil. ST.'John's, N"fid,, Fob. 10. Thu report that Governor O'Brlon had handed in hla resignation Is emphatically donlod by hl Honor's siicrotary, who - iys thero is no foundation whatovor for. tho atory; . MnGniuvy to CmiUwt O.'-itiltoo \Vt. QUKUKC, Fob.; .15. Hon. Thomas Mc- Greovy, ux-inumbor for Quoboo west, will ayalu be a cnintldate in tiuit constituency. The iianm. of lion. Joly da Lotblnloro la uunitiouodas Mr. MoGredyv's ounouenfc. kllpies uiul UvitlrrldcUu trnf Wo>ntli p2K& itont In Mudlcul Truinieiil Without ATull-MIor- ICurly t>-vmifu to*ICnrtlora. IncvUuM-IHlt llaiillli mid Ntrengtli liuvo hm>m K^Htok'tMl,. From tho Owou Hound Thnoii, Ijiisfc fall wliou tho Tlmotf gavoan uooount 'oY'thtt rniruoulouuouro of Mr. Win, Bolrono tiirou^h tho mho ol! Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for J? id a People, wo Imd littlo idea that wo would ha called upon to write up a cano which in yoii moro remarkable. Tho mum referred to Jit that of .Mm'John C Mounoll, when* our has been effwutod by by thoHo maryellbUH littlu meiaieuueiK of bfeidth, Tho Times' reporter wt\n mot at tho door by Mm. Mounoll, who though showing a f uw traoen of thniuifferiiig she tinri imd nicotic, -movod-abou t- very: upright ly. With appannitly all tho gratitudo of a man who had btaiti savod out of tbo dcop- oHt ni'biotion, Mr. Mounoll MttV1) l!l follow ing account of his wifo'n miraoiihmH euro. I havo boon in tho employ of thu (). P. K. at Toronto Junction for nomu timo. In August Itiut year, uftor conliuotr.ent, my wifu took a ubill mid what in commonly kriowuaH milk-lot; wot in. Whan I came home from my work I wuh informed of the fuct, and next murmn^ called in the family phyniciuii. Tbo limb Hwollod in a very short timo to an onortnoim l'v/m. Ev-ry moMiia known wau adopted to reduce thu inflammation, hut without uyuil. Commit- ina pbynioiaiiii ,voro ciilltd in, but oil tho HtLtufactiau thoy could tfivo mo was that thu doctortj in attouditucc woro doing their utmotit. A tank v/hh ri^ed up, adoug.lino of rubhor bono attached and wound arotiiid ihu afflicted hmh and ieo water allowed tor trieltla down tlrrouyh tho piping to relieve ihe pnm and reduce tho inflammation, above thu knuo. Tho K-j; was opened and putforated, il tnho inserted from the (high to tbo ankle with thu hopo that it wcmld curry ofidjiupua which formed. For five lon<i ittisiouH months 1 watched thu 3* LAING BROS. '"^^jiirt** -'. ;'. AM STILL TO THE MONT. ___________..... And-^hen You Mant ^timber, Lia-bh.^ @b.ia.glee^ T>oox&* Saab, JMCoialdingej,. Elto., Call and get Trices and you will be Sure to Buy, EH n .*** J. R. For the bonofit of ovory ono who wiahoH to invowt in a few shares of ..',.. . Ontario Permanent BuiMm and Stock, J.--R. Oliver, oroncnil ii^ent, will bo in town ibr a lew weeks and will be pleased'to explain (lie working!? of this Association. A. post card or letter mailed toEnsox P, 0, will receive prompt dtteiilion:* OXIVER, AGENT. J..GOTOLAY & SONS, 3ESSEX,. ONT. il X walcbett thu tune with denpuir, wliilo my wile wub unabluto inoyo herself in bed. At thu end ot that lima ^ho wan placed in a chuir v.bcro she .-j'Ci.t auothcr tbreo montliH, To thu cpnipiiuitiionH ^an^i'i.-ut 'it m, and for wceku thero wiui a litjbt for li!u. iVtlmit tbo (ihyuioianti jjavo up. They mud tho only bonu wan in tho rumovnl of my wife to tho hospital. After a brief con- mdtutiou abo oiuphaticully refused to #o, nrtatmf/tUatif uholutd to diu aha,would-dia- amonj^Bt htv littlo outia. At thin time oho could not put her foot to the ground, fiwr nominal wej^Jit...wan HIS pounda when in (40id health, but the affnobion reduced her to a living fdtuhtou for (die loft I, 05 poundo in thy fiva uioiitba. To all human intolli- Koucoitwar munply a cano of waiting for tho woriit. Up to thin timo I Imd not thought of Dr. Williams* Pink Pilla' for Fala Ptiople. until ouo day I oamo across an advertisement and determined to try thum. Thia wuh two montbu n^o, junL about tba tirnu we woro moviug un hero from tho Junction. At thia point Mrs. Mounell took up tho Mtory of tho miirvellojuouro, uud corrobor ated whuthor huuhiuuliitutud.g Coutiuuinf,' Bho'uaidy "'Aftur uaiu^ a few hoxen I could work on crutchcx, and after thoir further tiHe I threvv away my orutchoa and am now doiun till my own houtuwork. Tho limb in entirel yhoalcd up, and tho oordn, which in iho torriulo ordeal- had boeu forced out of thoir plaoaa, have oomo buck to tbotr natural poaiybu. And to show how com pip to baa huen my ruuovery lam ploaned to ttay that I havo recovered my lout weight and fivo nounda moro. I now,woi([h 140 ijoundu. "Wo spent &U7JJ in dootoro' fotu and other oxpennoB wiibont availrbefore-hy^inniug tho iino at Dr. Willi ami*' Pink Pilla," said air. Mojinoll, "and it Koemn rmtrvolloufl -ttHrtrrnft wife, who a fow tuontlui ufjo wan oouHidured pant hnraau aid, ha by thi wonderful midicino bean restored to health uud atreofjth;'1 and tho Times conouro in tbo concluHion. Mr. Monnoll iu otafT of olorkH at thia port, ond bs la always will- iu to toll ol 'tli* euro effected. But Ultra are hundroda of witueaseu to tbo truth ot Inn atatdmehtuboth in Owou Sound and at Toronto where ho ruBicUd two months ago. Dr. Wiliiumo' Pink Pilla aro offered with a confidence that they aro the only porfoub and unfading blood builder and nerve re atoror, imd' whoro nivou a fair trial diKoauo and HufforiEU muut vunieh. Sold by all dealura or tiout .by mad on rocoipt of 60 contH a box or 83,CO for aix. boxen, by .ad- drtJHuuiy tho Dr. WilliumB1 Medioino Co., Brockvillo, Out., or Soh^ucotady, N. Y. Ucware of imitations and mfune trunhy Nuhutituieu ulJogod to bo "juut au t;oud." SHELLED TlionuBut dinuovory ot Dr. JBacIjay'u tho bent remedy for biliouanoaa and all Hioiiiiicli and livar troublow. Wiiilo re(j- madm' tbo di^QHtivu ayaum ISaoljay'u Livo,r JjriKuii^dH aot un r. tonio.and^dp ,nqt woulienliko pilla. They urothu boat fam ily medicine on tbo market. 21 aoutri at all drtiHiUHU. Tlml mruaircollue fa a durc;roua condition directly dus to ioptotoil or >mpure blood. It idiould Dot bo allowed to continue, ub in its debility ho nystem ia cApboiulty liable to suriouH tttftokaol illnonB. Hood'H Karnajmrilla in lio roaaedy for sMch a condition, and abo lor that wutdtuenH wldob provadu at tbo iliungeof tien80ti, obmatQ or lite. WnodVplIU are purely VQfltablo, oarr- li'lty propared froua tbo. beat inj^rcdlontH. jflc ' ' .' ' . . THE TRIUMPH CORN Thi^ Machino uonaiat.s of a horizontal cast cylinder, with wrought iron bniB, with Btnfil'tGotli bolted to the cylimler r.> as to bo rovorBiblo whon tho tooth hocomo worn'on the .fra'nt ri'lIi', running in n performed coneavo iron'"* i-hell, which tho s'ludled-corn'^u^ofl through into a shoot iron onso, >vith fan or uloincr attached hoJ"W, which takes ail tlio dust from tlio grain. Tbo chcaposb, bc.-d, most simple and durable Power Corn Shelter in nso; shclla: corn perfectly c!oin in any coi diticn >helling and cleaning from one to twp' thousand bushuls of cars per day. according lo power. ' Dime.n-hions.' Pulley, 10 in. diam eter, fi'in. 1'iice; Motion, uOO to 800 vevolutiona por minute; Weit'ht, 550 lb3. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J. GOUIT.AY8& SOSSIS. FURNAC WOOD und. GOAL '.. FOR ALL SIXES OF BUILDINGS .. Gapacii? from 10,000 fo 80,00 dnhic ^cct -^3> .-. - "GVCLONeSTtEL RADIATOR" WOOEI FURNACE OXFORD WOOD PURMACtf <a * 119 <*a HEAVY ORATE, OKpocially ^l* adapted for wood burnliHf -^Mt9- Heavy Steel PlnteFlre Box Domo^'-'J mid Rudlntor, wbloh bcat,^"'-? quickorand aro moro durablo ^J RADIATOR of ModflrnConm.ruc-Il^r, ' tlonondtiroat Hoatins Power ^ j. LAROEASHP1T -^/> G0AI FURNACE ^SS: Largo Combustion ChamIbGS'"<tW> Look- Flro Travol.onolrotlnK radlalor Lnr^e I1cjitln( Surface Largo Food Doot* Sootlonal FlfO Pot Rotating BnrDumplnK Grate DEEP ASH PIT ^2 Full Guaranteed Capacity : oiTjaooufe oiuitestihomial aooK. Stindfor... ._. --------j - 0ATALOCUE amlTESTIHOHIAL DOOK.-^j. ^> ....Mannfaofrurodby.... ** e CURNEY FOUNDRY C0MPAMY Ltd., TORONTO.'. =3' Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Bposltlon Stai twxeot Unn> (or our 34-fMge CUIojuo-A worlc o Art. ';.:.', iVlonarch Cycle ^mpany, v RoUtl Salesroom, ttSo'Wabart Ave;' ' "" L&ke ^.ItalltCrd 5t8,, CHICAGO, IL& \S-!A XXX***^^^ i I 1 > -It - y> '...':^-< . .j-'I.V - **-.. ^,_ \M^M^^M^^^ unitlouodus^lr. MoUroovv'souuoucnb.^,. :^:^^^':^:i:^S^

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