Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 22, 1895, p. 4

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J&1- j . 'W ,"' . !, |The Essex -Free Press. flP, FEBRUARY 22, 1895. ,rar# election protest, Dr. l>,*flrar wm on Mondny luiit Horvtirt fiwith a eopy of thu oiiui'ijcn contained In the p ttliou ef Geo. Thornton, to bavo hi* Estivation Bot aside, Thera urn in all uoveu- P tsuu oharcei, pnuoipidly of bribery "by J.'i lrinda, although thore aro onoorlwo dir ect charges apahut the Dr. Mr. Ohurob, | Who waadaputy returning, ofliuer for ward 'i&2, iaaooQ&od of irro^uhiritioK. [war naya beta not afraid to fao ' a o>v,,^f inquiry, and ohal1actf tbo full- ;oat iuvobtlgatloti, while Mr. Ohurch deuio* R'r* any irrogulariiiea ou bin part. Tho noral opinion anion** tbo biimuciit ^meu of IfiasHX.iw that tbo 'mutter annul rt K^rbedroppHrl. It in not believed that Dr. fe'T?ewttr uuueaUd, und in ouue ho j-Bhould bn nobody doubU thut lit) would f\ boro-oIcoUd probably |>y mi increased majority, if not. by acclamation./ If fcho protest in curried on, a tfroat dnrt'l ot tx pouso will bo UiuiiVhr}-^\^^^"n6mohody will bnvu to boar, ""^^PJjJfSjjyiioipaliiy Lwill alno bo iraiiwiiroi Jda."CJfa)nbrliLiu Jfove.4 tlU Aiuontl- moitt to tbo Arid rein. LABOUCHERE SAYS DISSOLVE Aii -Apju-nl to fch <U>\mlry, Uti TdliiUw, WuuM HfTKtilt In tho Itui'iim of th Kjlhttrulri l>y an Imii-uMml ftfii- l^REE PRE8 <c OOUtH. It ib bopod tho. prninolora of the protect f;'" Will hoc tluit ^nothing ih to b'o tffiiutri by Y\ proceeding fuithor. THOSE B UNO (MB E MO TIOJV'S. Lint Wflekn Kuho i'ayn : "On our third pB(i Win Hfolt, vc publish iui ijffeetiv* &nnwor by Uoevo ('o.-Ue, of IMaMcn, to !au" wooIi'h editorial of thu Kksi:\ Kkj:i; Pjikhh. id regard to thu County (JoiiiHjil'fl in ro 'funliifj certain road untiita. Tim wants of time at the County Council meatiiiyn over in ttiahy uatuu, inertly buncombe motiouo -for road ^rantft that hayu hud no oh tin go of 'ihtul pasfia^nriia.i o' ].!.' bc[<un to nppir almost ridioulnUf." *-------: Tina i" a very hariulu^H Iktla pilra^rupb, upparontly, but it rupiirefi hodio oxplaii ation. Tbo Kclio should have told h reader* what, it vury well known, viz.. that . .tlioaa/'Jbmjcombo" n otious aro brought m by fcho opponontfi of bottor roads ivr thitt county, for tbo purpona of killing tho Hiiiotro effortsdf the ^uutlomoti who tiro ilj:htm, uuuiiiift groat odda, a battle for tUo improvomont of tho highways of ~tliin oouuty. It iu juut tbLB way. VVhon a ruotiou i.-^ brought forward, ualiiu^ for a grant for improving & road in the uower dmbricta of- tho county, wlioro tliw roadu aro roally bad, and whnra oattloiooot iu requirud, tho op poaontfl of good roadu, immediately got to gether, aiid briug forward rowolutionp a^k- inn lav granta in tnuny parta of tho county whore tho ratopayorn uro woII able to tultti caroof tlieir roadu. An inntaneo of thio may bo citod in roforouon to tho grant aakod for tbo townlino road at the Just mooting. Whou it was loarucd suoh a grunt wa to bo uakotl, othur mom bora askod f* r grants amounting to over S7.000, -wcdl knowing tboy wore not nneaod, but merely for thopnrpoao of presenting a large tf t>J, and mukinc au'excuno for throwingout tlio wholo thing. The Echo liaowo u\\ about t)i\t-\ thou 'whynob put it in a proper light V Lcomox, Fob. 10. In tbo Uouho of Com- t>Tfin*yarurdHy Kir Kdward Givy, midor- ForolKu Hmirotury, naid thut any uro- munt with Bolglum which avo to Franco or uny other powor tbo riht to pro-nmpt territory in tho Congo Statu without tbo coiiKont of tbo groat poworw wan nni, valid. Kofiuch coriHont, Sir Kdwnrd adilod, lmd boon given in connection with tho nj^roo- nimifc hotwoon Belgium and Franco .jn:it; published, and tho rl/jht of priwMii|ii.I<>n ovtir tho Oonj/o'Statu claimed by Prunes" bad not boon rncoKiiixtal. ,- " ' '. Aft*. Clmmlmrluin moved an iimondnieut to tho' addroKu^tliat. it Ih /.'untmry to tho publio that ot I^arllaniont bo occupied hi tho (Ursnuwdon of n4.ouHuro.4 xvhich.nocordtny.'t',*, thu Klutoinunt-H oi! Urn mininLorw tlm-.^oivos, tlu-ro Ih no prospect '^A^JS^rtC' which .propoHiiW, involving '"^ KroiiT constitutkniai olmngon, luvve boon announced, upon M-hkh tho judgment of X^artbujumtidinubl la- taken without delay. Mr. Clmmhorbiin, nrguiti|j; In favor of liln motion; donomtcfd thu lMuthnda oH tbo Govoninuuit.H'ho he sniil wore wuHthn: thu tlnii! of tlui Jlousu in i-JscushUi;; iimusurcs which wtito not cxpoolod Tho"miit* Intry, according to their own ndmlKslonM, thought It hnprobjiblo that any loading bill other than the Welsh church dlwsntulv lhihnient bill and thu Irish laud bill would becomo law. during iho present s^snion. Tho dovi'rnmeni,hi- < umin_ui'il,hii(l thrown the nmui of tbo hilimtioii upon the IIouso Of Ijuj'tln. That bring the ciiho let them not delay in nuhmii uhl; t.o tho Iloimo of ComtnuiiM a rosohiiiori dealing with the JIouho of Lord.H and asking tbo country imniudiiitely afterwards for a decision up on the question. -Why, ho mnUi.i1, did the MinMry clinf.; to tln'ir pn-nMrion.s and in. glorinu.1! exisieiu-i.'V, them no longer shrink from i lair liit'vhnbU' phuiKo which would hi' thu mitre disa.^t'oualile tho longer it wiia dehiyed. Jlonry Ijibouchere said it could not be truthfully denied t'luit. their had been "a change of front in ihh Li bo nil olllchd world in regard to home rule. On other pointy, too, Lord Hosebcry did nob boom firm. With reference to tho vonolutlon in the JIouho oT Lords matter bin uttorancott worn unrortHln and there had boon such ineoiiMKtoneit:s in tbo Htiitoments of tbo MiniKtiu'.i tb:it ho (Laboucburo) would like to Unow whether tho IIouso of Lordu question' had ever been discussed by tho CabiueL Could any ono wonder, ho asked, thiita irtilk and water agitation carried on an LhiKliad been Khonld bavo fallen flat r lie thought, a speedy d'lHsolution would bo nn excellent thinj.', beeausn tho Liberala would then be retunied to power with a larger innjority timu they could now com- niand. It' they Mayi d hero doing nothing it would be worse for tbeni. An appeal to the country on.^ht^ to bo tho first thing. One'good bill passed, Mr. Labouciiero do- elarod, would to of more use to-tlio party than the -showing of a dozen measures which they could imt. ^et passed. After Holm; Secret aVy Asqnith. Sir Rich ard Webster, cx-Aitorney-General, and hovltuI other m'jmbcr* ^pnlceoo Mr. Cham- berliijn's, motion the iiou^e adjourned. The division on tin: motion will probably take pbico on .Monday. jCgRKESFONP-ENCEi Mr. OoCow Sponlts. BRITAIN'S SEVERE WEATHER. Tho Ontario Legiubttitro met jeitor^ay"' . for tbo lirst Hotision of tho howr~Uonffd"-Df ruproflontativen, W. D. Balfour, member London the verdict* h:iw btien t liar, death " for E^outb Ehhhx, wii uiado Spoakorpr the ThitumillUH-of-Wnrluiiisri Itlo Oreut ._S.1l.r-. ft-riii^; AiiiDii,' thu l'u(ir. J Lon'UOn; Ft.'b, 10. The coldness of the weather contiauei to cm ho wiilo^prond suffering and many h?at lis. The thcnno muter was four (k^riy-i h.'lpw the frc' point, ypstih-dny and.-tbo air is raw and penetrating. In oigjily iinpuists hold iti Hour*. was accelerated by the cold. It. is impas sible to keep dwelliiii^-; of the poorest classes warm, and although no case oC death by freezing has bmrn reported, dozen h of casus o pneuiuunia iu the under-he/Ltiid or flreleas rooms are brought, to notice daily. Tho Ico packed tn the Thaino-i still im pedes navigation. Work in i,ho bnjldiii^ ; Tho appeal of tho Cdtliuliu minority in ; tho Manitoba school cano will bo heard next TuofldayUfHh inat. Mr. Ewurt, Q. C./l will be couoHol for'tlio Oatbolicn, while tho . Manitoba. Govornmout, it in euicl, will to trade has huon susuend -tl and th-j contrae- roprouted by Attorney.aenoral BiftM tors Hay dlsmis.^d their i.u,n fur Uni pro- )nrt-tluit:Jtj1OUO and Provincial b^rotary Canierou. ..o Uu;ir mem|)Cl.s in D.ulxi are unablo to -------------------------__ I got employment and must' remain Idle uu- . ' ... ^ . ,,,'.., ' til tho weather shall moderate. A meeting of tbo Prerainr and Miuiators i Iu Liverpool, Mauchcim-, llirmingham of tbo Dominion Oabiuet was held in Ot- and several other manufacturing and tawu on Saturday last, proiiiinaably for tho Vrading centres the. unemployed aro mak- pnrpoHoofdeoulinjr whether another ea !" Ktreet demonstrations. : In all these - ,. ,. , .... , ", , , , cities tho soup kiicieiis are erowded i rum Bioa of l^rbament will be hold beforo an moPninK to nighi, yet are umiblo to .satisfy ^.aippo^l to tbo oouatry iu made. At the tho extraordinary demands- npaut them. oIoho of the meeting no olliaial aunounce- GhiK^ow alone is feeding more than -10,000 ment wan made, but Goyornmoat puporn ' Pul'HonH.__________________________ are announcing that a abort noniion will tms iiHint ut \vkton. probably bo bold.' A jury was empanel led In tho town hall yesterday to enquire into the circumstances surrounding the death of the Pa to Fntjik Joseph, tbo law yer who lost his life iu the wreck on the CAUP-PALUER- Mr, and Mro. H.'GUrlc vinitcd frioudu at : Grjuid Trunk in Wanllaw's Cut last Fri- ;.-.Cowbor on Sunday Ifttit. i da>'- 1ll"rin u,10' HtornV. Th? 1"IllU',miH i crowded with citizens, all unxloim to hoar. sou who iriony at -,JM[r.J. Sutton and family, of Kd^uv, . the evidence of tho /fanny wituessea who' vnritotl ralatiyca and friends hero on Buu- bavo been summoned to give testlm day lrntt. Miofi Lottie Aumloy him roturued homo aftor spondmg a fuw wecko with relatives at Dotroifc. E. J. Iforna vlsltodliis purouta at Jlar row on Batarduy laut. G. W. YoaUfJ took a bu9inenu trip to Detroit Jafct week. The Gamp was well ropronented at tbo ta mootingntGttdto Ioqh than' C6 being preaonb from hore. Thoy roport haying a good timo, Mr. Eli Tinlin, aooonopanicd by.hia rnofcusr and: nistor, visitoa rolativoa anoi frleudu in town lnt wcok. tho luqueat. Gnrmany'a Ant|-Soclullt 11(11/ Bkkmjt, Feb. Ki. Th'e special parlia mentary commission of 118 has adopted paragraph 112 of tho anti-socialist . bill. The paragraph provides for the punltdi- montof personH spreading seditious doo trlnesiu tho army. It was amended in the commission ou.tbu motion of tbo Clur- icalssp as to'aj)ply only to promoters of uoehtlism and anarchism. OOTTAM. ; A very pi*Bant and uupoeauful uooial bh given all the reiidonee of Mra. Alvin Ortoa, on Tneaday ovenlng, Feb, Vi, aud**r tho auepioee of the Ltidie* Aid of the Metba^mt obufoh. We nonuratulato the sooioty on their Rood work aud wish them every auc- ^oeJ^iWtheiuUre. M::--<- AnHtruhiulnii l^uturiitlmi. BttlBnAMK, QnuoiiKland, Feb. 16. Tho Premier of QuetJnshiud said in an lntor- viow yesterday- that tho Sydney convention bill would be ttTO'lmttiu of tjio fedor'atioa 'arriuigoinuut. Kverytliin^i'K.'ponded upon, tho attitude oT Now South Wales. lb would be ridiculous for Quoou'sbmd to join any federation not Including Now fcjouth Wnloa. U'o IMu In tho lCIectrlo Clmlr, ; Rocukbteii,, Feb, l(5.-^\VUUam. Xjftke^ who lias booiion trial at Albion for the brutal murder of Kmma Huut, a young girl with whom be was in love, but who rejected him, was found guilty of murder jntiuiflrftt degree by the jury laat night jwid yriufientenccd'to iWtho death pcimlty . 4B<4iflftOtric,cb4drat Auburu prb*ori dui> Mill tor li*re Vruu* ; Hni. ryud wh1' inuoh iuleroul your oditorial entitled "T.-u Couhty Oou'n- ell-*' alno /'MivO.)HU-u4t. ply," l-eamiot rrifrnin from aHkia^ you for a abort. Hpa.-:n in your pupnr to eudormi muoli you'have huid km to tbo Indi^natiou f tho ratopay- orn a^ainwt our County Council, It iii a notable faot, and one deeply to b" n.'i:rottid, that pir County Council falcated und paid by the puopht to lajmikth Jar the UiTnoral (io*.d of tho people) ba'^'throinjlionli iln ^utirn biiitory, to utterly uoijlooted and diwroj{^"dtd- Vaiu all important quonth)i of '"^ .itinii eood roadu, u matter of Mich vital ioiportuuen to thu lioKtiutorcMtn and welfare o( the County at Jarjiit, und ho nuoiimiary to tli fidvunoenient, prorfrimH and riroHpority ol tho pcnplb, thut it Khnuldhiivoboon ftrut and foremost of nil projects to domnud tho united notion of thut body in itiiimmmg ay a County tho control oT ut loant all the nwnlinn vo^dnj und liy tin appropriation ot '200.000 or whatever amount may bo neotH- anry to put lliOMO loading riMidn in liriit>ol|ts hhap'e, aiid to isHiie iltb*nti)n*!i for nay 20, ill), or -10 yeurn, or whatever tune may be dceinul udvuiahdo. Tho bot.dn, iBsuod atiuiiiHt a Comity froo from debt liltft KhHex, would roll in auy murliut at a yraut itdvuti- upi to tlio Cmmty, end by no doii c the onhiinocd vnlue ulono would py off the tloht. Ilud thin boon JotiolliKon, oven ton, yours n^o, I donbt not. thut cur uaiitnretl value would rcueh 2U or 2~ [iiillirni:i inhtuad of la million*-, the prcn:nt valuation, und all our non-reiiidout. liuidw would now bo rouident lamlit; the public bUfitied witht*ood roadtr, and the ratcrayor paying n hit*lur rato on tlio llinn hu (loon at the present time; and Ms;,ex County mailo t'ue fjiirden f lounty of tj.inada, i;i^y in well nn io limn*, theiokiy encoxiraein^j nor prereut population, insteadef driving them to the far went; aud inducin^ltnuiiy thrifty fl!iHtu'ni"firrmerB~of"ar country to forgot tlio weat and ta malfd their hoinoa with uh. I cannot but hold my fitteomed rnend, Mr, r.jiit.o, largely rvupnuNibbt for the pretont deplorable fttato of tbincti. Ho who boaiits of lioii)|< tbo oldest member in me Council, the aoltnowloduod father an it wcro, the leaduifi apiri^, tho mouthpiece of ibu Council for 10 yourn {a tjaiarter of bin life time in tho nervico),' wliv haa ho not iu ado nome exir.i'efforta iu 'this impurtant direction'by opening up tho Ci naty with, (toed leading rettdi* ? Why hao ho not Mao V liiu ^re-nt abilitioB- tbwurdu thin ^.neh-no*d' rid reform? So able and yet no unwilling , whoso abilitidu properly applied in the * i^ht directioe wouid bavo hotm f>uoh a boon to_ mi uh a'peoplo, a'i this Count.* ubovu all others, with ih! very level land and rich clay noil, rcquir'nu (ipecial atton (ion to thin ull-abaorbmc queatiou of qood roudH. But inatoiid of giving ua bin aid, inuuenee and cupport, we fiud in bim our .iommoii ouerny, Ou tho iloor of thb pailiutnent of F.tfoo.t, in tbo Jiublio pivna, and thewhi-re, bo leiniadn one nf the four hour npeoch made a nutubor of yearn apt,- by an able man id Illinoin u^ainut thu first Railroad thut wont into Chioaco. Now/Mr. Coflto, lot me iutk vou to talc? a jvlauco-iiCthehiuiory of our-Uto ebieftain . bir Jolm A. McDomild. whoito memory you hold moHtdeur, and do you not find in him a road mt*lo:r ftum mart io linish tbrouwhout bia whole netivo caruor-atart inu with loading, plank and gravel roadn into ICin^ston, aud oiidint" by biudm^ to. f^othur this grout Contodor;;:ion of ours, from oucau to ocean, with that iron band, the C. P, liy., one of tho yrunlett achiey- rneiitiH of the in'o. Can you not taUu a leuhon on road building rrom that illuHtriouH' life, and get yuui'Ju'IE riyht about fae; wheel into lino, and wlion the next depiita- lion of rattipayurn waitn on your honorable bo'Cy in June next, to peek rodrona for tx- intinfi wrong'*, lot them iind' iu you an ardent advocate for' thiH badly ueedt-d ro form. Wo iisdt ym\ -to ijo your duty to your County wJihout feur, favor, or ufrVe- tion, aud if thoro in no lcgialattou oiiHtint; to meet the tuievt-uoo ootuphiinod of-nud you admit thore is a grievance I bun promptly introduce aomo, and lot thiH com-, ing fl*iou bo ono of tho atoppintl utouou for- a forward1 movement io thia direction* Now Mr. Coeto, you are thore to loKiolato for lh0' County, not- for llaldan iiloue. Uuldou ia all r|u;ht.A kind Providaaca, ban done oo'nBidorablo.for.Jior, tfoographioally, an oil6 hue but two tuwalinn roads, not att ftore of non-residun land, and only one tup dTain, Surely ahe will not object, if vou ohoose to.Iay.t_be matter nquarely and fairly balore^lier^.to-.aantribuvo her mite to tho gejerul fund for tlio uouoral welfnro of tbo County. Again Friond Ooute, you kicked a^;tintit tho $t_00 epcoial (jrant niven by the County Council a year ajj to North Got-fluld.' You aj'.aiu kicked, von harder* in tbo following HOHtdon, whan Mr. Barrett' Iteovu of- Colobculor North,, carried ovtr your bead awd -hrooi;h tho council ntiothir Hrant of 8200, uotwithotftudlugyour ihreatH to itifiuo an liijunobimn against tbo council. I pruautne thu uunim thing will have to be repeated next Juno nuHHJon, or oau you be convinced to ao the error of yb'ui Way. that wo may have tho pluaanro of your aaeist- aneaby tho Way, fori can assure you, my lunrnad .rioud, the time bae ooroo when the ratepayer* afu fully aroused to the atfenby of the hour, and j&ud fcho only way u. to take tho bull by the horns aud fi^ht until victory i aqhwvedo So'you and your worthy follo'qati' may. linow jat where we Btand, aa we aro ficiua to do tQtneUusig in the *> -of tetter roade ia FOR TEN DAYS WE OFFER FOR CASH: IJ(6jib' extra fine Gapo Overcoats at $2J)5. Young Men'H OvercoatH, (velvot collar) at $2 95 FINE PABLOB CLOCKS FBEB. Men's Cloth Overshoes, (Granby) 85c Persian Lumb, Fur and Sealetto CapB at coat, Boys' 2 piece suits at ftl, $1 25, $1.50, $1.75 SpeeiiH .Hargaina in Bemnants of all kinds. FINE FEBNCH PLATE MIBBOBS FBEE Kingaville Blankets at loss than mill pricoa. LadieH1 Pine Opera Shawls at $1, worth double. Ladies' TTur MulTs at 50c, 62J-, 75c, worth double Uidies' Fur Storm Collars $1 to $3, worth double. .Ladies' Fur Gapes at exactly half price,. Yours for Bargains, :Du:rcrs>riusr blocsb:. esses- of usiness :<wszsms*z*~-'X~3 IEjESSEISI. -^^rasma/ - TBffi - Will dispose of his entire Stock of Cloths and Men's Furnishing Goods at cost. We want to close out rapidly. It is our irtteution^o leave Essex and the present-prices asked for our goods will make them go; We welcome all corners, Don't wait till you need the goods. You will not make money faster than lay ing in a supply for future use from our stock'now. CASH ONLY CASH ---- -,-g- * N. B.-All outstanding accounts must be settled at once. * Wc J. BEWAE, Dimstaxi Block, Easeac. lrr TilMhMafrrfMiH IHIUir|M U this County, and thut right away. We are ever rnddy and willing to do oar port, whou %70 ipiarantoo a private nub- Hcription of 1,100, pr^vidinu thondjeinint; munioipiilitiiea will 'pay #lt(!00, and tbo County 1,000, nmkinu tb-i Ol.OOD'.reauired to put teu miloii of thin tboroughttiro in iirHt-oldHs tihapft. an under tbo oxuitint! fitvorablo cirouuifitunceB wo oan build it for Sif)0 n mile, whde tjie townliuo gravelled lutJt year coat oVilrly doublo that sum. Aujc evory iiitel|i(.'unfcreader oTthio paper if wis are not worthy of the mnull amount' atdtod from onr County, which in so able {indl trutit willin^uoxt June), to grant it. Now it netma to mo it munt he quite a hti'-iliation to our rcBpcolod friend to lell oh through tbo public preau thut ho hurvuy ed that roud <10 yearn ago, aud haa to admit that that road raunitifj throusb bbo Town of I5nox, through tho Shuel Sottleinent. into Auderdon (bin . * political stronghold), and direotly on to Wiudapr, and beiuj,' tho dividing lino tl th two ridingd, iu tho heart of thu Couuty gardon of tbo wont, in utill full of ntuuipn and bruwh, no diuhon to lob tho water off, oto. No wonder tho'wriUr' oannot pel) . Mi JGbhox landtt for mora than 10 to..12 dolUrw per acre.- Thoa let mo auk liav* tha rato- payota'uo caiiHO forjmt iudieuation ? It ill booomoH Mr, Conte to whow no- littlo public epirifcandinoliuatioi to further the very bcBt.intoro&ta of tbniCaunty, by fight- h\ tooth und nail, over) effort in thodu reutioa of hotter roada. Kyou ohum you oanuofc loyally ^rant this 91,000, then, for goodiies! euke, yet your cbunoil, oupoolally your fo'lowerH, to work aud giv9 usaoitiQ Ic^al JeftialAtloa aud hand tho uame of Costa down to poitority ad bairjuf^ dona lor the County of Esaax a ^rand and Doblo work; for wbjoh th op-; rireaaed ratepayer wiU be ver thankful. ';',.' '" TiiaraKeapaotfoiy, " V":""'" :' Ewax, Feb. 20, 1805. TREASURER'S SALEJF LAND FOR TAXES.' IN THE TOWN OF ESSEX. I TOWNOFESSEXl '- TO Wit. J Wiikbuah, Ijy virtue of a. warrant isflnod by the Mayor of tbo Town of Eabox, in the C.uiiity of Erinpx,.and autlioutioiitod by tho corporate aoal of tho tsuid Town', beuring date the 2r>th day of January, 1805, and tome diroobod, commanlmij me to levy upon the following lotri'or parcolw of land for arroaru of taxo-j duo thereon, with' oodtfi. I heioby ^ive notice that unlonn tbo oaid tiixoa and acuta are ^ootKir (mid. I uball on Saturday, tho I8bh day of Hay, 1805, at tbo hour of 10 o'olook in the forenoon, at Peck'n Uall, in tbo Town of Eanox, prooeud to sell by publio auction the Miidrlnuc]a, or as much thereof ati may bo suDioionfc to pay auoli arruars ot taxon and all lawful coats incurred: Plan. Lota, 181 % I 33-1 07 f 21! 2i5 26 27 28 29 217 X07 OO'l. +j ut.J 2fi 2110 307 277 177 207 277 170 530 170 2B3 300 2;ir> 288 28fl 9 70 8 3 ' 17 U n 29 no fii M 50 57 58 28 20 30 .12 0. 2 3 31.....: 7 8 9 10 170 2(10 " 247 73 n00 38 29 30 31 3 . Sfi.28. 13'iftt pavfc tl 40 230 207 170 207 931 285 BOD 202 200 SOU 91 12 1) 0 7 B 9 23 24 25 2fl 27 28 29 35 HO 57 38 39 40 43 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 Bioouiaa- } Btoofc'oa . Block 08 B(ookfl45 40 47 W 001 , Block 100; / TtlXOH. COKtH. Total. ,1 :M 11 11 90 50 01 5 118 I 55 ,6.03 ' 21 02: i 23 25 25 ; ..40 no 2 30 43 20 71 33 3 07 75 00 . 11 81 1 55 13 3G 10 41 1 71 18 1G ' 35 22 2 17 37 89 30 14 2 on 32 H 41 Oft ft 71 48 S9 50 18 7 07 G7 15 35 3S a 78 38 13 . , 19 H7 2 39 ' 22 26 :.: 38, B0 2 2G .41 ia .. : '13'W.....4,^9 48 11 119 03 - 2 30 43 -2 y. '2i-2i: . 3-^0 37.41 :' 21 21 20 27 41 '. , m i 2 20 38 36 15 15. 1 08 10 83 . id. 00 48 19 08 .' 23 01 I 87 ] . -12 09. B 05 45 07 . 88 01 , a 51 fl2 12 S: 23 73 1 88 ' .afi'81'.' ' -si& 25 85 2 00 27-91 .:-Ai !20 42 1 81 . 22 23/V- - 5 41 1 55 v-'8'.96-v-';^a 41 90 C 20' ' 48.23 ..'^.J 27i91. 20 49 292 40 || 127 on.t 4 49 133 18 ,3ffl ww-"381 193 00 'V0.12 10, 47 vl '55 ;^:^ivM 189 12, ,9. '73 'iW'ffiM/M W. p. Suwiii,*r,: Town of 4G 86'-'. 9'?4tf;^'M a^a^a^a^aMiOhlfll^^tfi^ -QMgffiJWiEfil iii'MlpHWIliiJfcHUMJatfefcJVjCi^^ J^ftTmtlMyiiwaJClMiBMaMBBJBfflCfc ^JBa^KllaMlftMWaBMaMawa^BalHlMBri^ "**^PMlflT.-ir^X(l*lfiffllBBaM ^Cv^J<9rKIui0flk^^HHpn9juUBV

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