Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 22, 1895, p. 2

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wKratf?? .^ ____,____; t j:vlp jj*>> "1^7 ' ' , '#fVBffh?R W" '"'VffVi*' v TH. ESSEX FRBE-PKES8 -THK SSE^C FREE PRESS "xjssaaac. ojsrx. Published Every Friday Morning Slfclrum thecfiloein tho Industrial Worloi ' llulldiutf, Talbot Bt, ANGLICAN DIFFERENCES. Special uttontiou in puid to thu puhlum tlon of matter of loual nnpnrtuneo, auonr- ato and re"uu.blo toportH of Town, noiijhbnr- Jng Towmbip aud County Council procood- ne, local and comity markot ronortu, ohi,, the carofu* and judiotoiin uumagomont of !Tuk Fai'ii: Pukhh, witli i-tHtpttut to thoHo and other currant mutt(ra of louul importunuu, has jjivnn it a widunpr']iid prufttiKo 111 tho oentro of IUrbox county, whioh ia j-ooo^tiiKi'd I- as ono of tho bunt iigrioulturul diatricU in Outanb. Tms I'uicr, Piniwi ih tho only modmni oirculutinK thoroughly m tlitH central portion of tho County, and ih con- aequontly.witlumt doubt,t!inonly Mioroiiidi "adyortiHiu^ modiuni~for Imwiiotm-ptiopltr Wialnti^ to roaoh rlmt oliuui of aimtomurn, r tiOUlU'hl>0MI)lN'( I*. Our columim uru ulwaya opuu for tho poaooablo diMounHtoii of mattem purtaiiiiiij; to tho nubbo'wolfaro Ablu oorioypoudunta in all tJ^^r^fciiind- tug looulitiod fm-^Jj yuWi?i top.^J-Tiif M^^y ffni|{nir*i"" thmr uovwrwl apd thu pmdiHhcr in ut all timut- plaaaud to reooivti inturotdmM itomn ol aewb from any dipnonod to forward contn utiotm. All communicationa of a privuto and nfidonthU naturo, uhould ho no matlud tho outaidu of tlio onvolopo. HUitHCiuriioN imuci:. 51.00 pur annum, Htriotly in adva uun, 1.50 pur annum if not o paid, ana all arreiii" oharf*ud at that uto. xrivmtipi'Mi'S'i'H. Transient legal and nmnimpid ndver tinomautn, noticou, oto,, ulnu^ed hi the rata of ton centa por lm\ for Hrnt iuuertion, and ilvo contn per line for GH.uh""uiibiu'<juant insertion. All imoh advortmomontfl uro nioiiHiirod by a ncalo or twolvo boon to tho inch. Local roadie^ and other noticou pub linhod amonu loual uowa mattm- ahart-ud ut tho lata of ton canUi por running hnu fur eaoh^njuortion. All noticou of uhureh or nocioty ontf 1 tainmontu of any doncnption, at which im j chant-, theio, ,nid nut iuip,i( inns an* bu", t. adkniiuiioii foo ih ohurRndrure regarded >.*. . or a , ui LhQ.oaLiouJ1_Lur_hpui!1^ irudi* Vhe 1 tin TuMll.l" Il4<t\V'OII tlio llttfll IHIll I.W 4!hUM')i)ut>n In Ottuviu, 6ita\\\, 1'iih. ], Aini'i'lhiK i to bo hold In St, (it'oiw'tt uhiu'uli hr whorCly to cllhciifii htmiu diniculMuH whloh aro brow ln^ bdtwitni I ho Iji^h iiud low paitlcs In tlio Olintch of En^lniiil. Tim dliruroncc haw iirUiou through tho Hcllnn of tha Aiohhlaliop of Ontario in piaotIcnlly rofiiHliiK t*> nx'o^ril/o Wyclilfo -UaMtWii, thc-uvmitollutil (o1I(*k of tho cliurch. The low oliurch pi-oplu ftul thut jl principle Im at t.takr. Thu ImnnMllato euuqn oi! tho propom>"d"ini)Voini'iT^ on .tho piirb of M10 low church 'fyiiiputlii/.uii wiih tho refii'ial of thu Anhhhliop to acnipt Mr, Gibson of Ottawa ami raiidlcliitu lor holy ordorH, uppuiontly hecausud lui piopoaed rocolviiiK hh tliiiolo;;lcnl cdni-iaion n't WyclUl'u ColU'^c Ilcv. .f. Al. Snowdon,^ pastor of KL Guoi^d's chinch, had couHidrrnble coiiu- Hpondciui) with tho Arclihlshop roncurn- in Mr. Gibson. Tho Aiuhbh.hop wan willing to urcrpt Mr. Gibson for linly onk'is iflio tookuurihiNu In citborTrinlly or Ki>iino\:villi) colU'^i s, but wonTd not aoci'pl him it' ho took his thoolo^iciilccmisc Jll^VjcUttU LOlkUL'._TllU -COll'l!ipUlld(MlCO inthuoiiso ^m j.ihl hi'foii1 a sinitll com- luUti'eof cliiirclinioii horn tho dlH'i'ieut city rliurcho i, and tlm icsiilt lina hei'ii t ho niovomont for tho oi'^ani/aliou of u chin chimin's union in thu dloc< sc. A t ircular sunt out call in;,' 11 incotm^for this parposiv says: " N it fair or icnsou- ublu to n'fuso ii'cn^ninon to a collejjo w liosn p'iinoiplun,pMnnt idriitliul with tho tiuthoi Hut ivo standards of our church; whoso position Ih similar to that of uvcty other ctdlcgn in Canada, \\ host* position has bi'cu o/llomllj 1. (u^ni/cd by tlicLhurrh at lai'^e, and \\, ^ nuluutes aro not rofusid admission to any othei diixcsu m thu Dominion? Tho cliiiicli is calling out fur nu'ii to cuter the ministry ; why, then, refuse tlio luinlstiatioiis of podly younp men \\ ho ofTcr tlieiuscl^ us fpr tlie worlv. on account of the college t bey attend ? Mora- o\er, thu laity aie calling for umui^oIicilI clurj^ymen from all parts a( Cniuul l Can tho bishops refuse to answ ei* t his eon'-taut appe.d ? Tin yum thj ^o nnl^ by adopting a pohi y which if peisistcd in can lm\ e but one lesult. Thu pcoplr, already (l..(on- teut( d and to some cMiiit nliumU'd, '.\ill leave tlio eluuih to thu bishops and tho cleri;y. 'Ii'iidt* in tlio Dominion. Ni:w YOKK, Keb Hi ~.Moie< weaLlier m the I'mvnue ol Ontario It e st nnlibiteri n hetlt r lei lint; .1111011^ nn advcrtiHuinoutii, and full advortinins ratea ohartiod in alt audi cantti. Notuen'of ^atli- eriufia or moetiima not for pecuniary bone- Ut or aid, will bo choorfully p iblndiod fe( of ohar^o, Spoond oontrnct ratoa mado for dinplay orHtandin^ advta. All lef*ul orprofonmon- alcarda imdor 0110 iiioh(i85 pur annum. joii on couMUiciAL vniNiisd. Tho Fiikk J?iuau_ _iIob Printing I*)o- partmont ia under tho auporvimou of thoroughly oompetentr mechanics, and upuoial attention ia paid to tins bra.nob" of tho trade Our facilitifH lor tlio oxooutiori of all Uiuda of Hook and X*iuo Job rrintiu^ hvo unoxoollod. Steam power proaaea. A cull nolicitod. uaniHKHa nitmjiAiioii.H A.U Job l*Tintiu ftfitf^^TrauHient Advortiainc accouutn, ntrioily canli AdvorkiatUf! accotinta with rogulai patron si aro eottlod qnartoily. * Bub- Borlptiono duo m advauco. No uub3cription to tho Fmeh I'iilhs, or advortiHomont publmbod in it3 colunrma 'will bo discontinued until all arreara are paid in full. Chanties for advortiauinontH, to aociire insortiou in tlio currant ishuo, mtiafc bu haudod in not later than noon of tlio Tuoh- day preaediiM, and notice of huoIi intond- od abaugo is riquiiod on tha Monday pro coding. Notioa of discontinuance of mivoumu mentH muBt be [iivon at leniat one wank in afjvanco of tho iaHiio iu wlncli they arc dusircd to hiflt uppuar. AUVBlinOEllfl, Subtuinb'TH and* patrona tienorally aro rcquuatod to read tho ubovo regulations carefully, in order that ronfusion, mav bo avuidol, an they will in ail oanoH bo adhered to. Addrons all conrnunicationa to Pabliabor tho KnaitxTiu.i: PunhH, TjHiiex. Out ULu li^truo at Munlical, u ltli the exeeption that less sties-, is pi h 1 d on tin j>i ub.ihilu) as to Liiu futuie of jnisiness Jn Nova Scotia punural tiudu has been unsettled by the character of l lie ue.ither. linnL 1 Icsir- inps at Winnipeg, Hamilton, Montreal and Tlalife-V iif^i'i'^atu ^r^riCS.OOO tldiMscck coinpurud with ^ID.oGU.OOU a weclc ago, and with 15,107,000 a j oar apo. Tho "total number uf business reported from Canada in the past week is tf!) compared with 51 hist week, -17 in tho we,ok a year tistu and -H two years a(;o. CAN I OHTA1N I'ATJENT? For a ftrompf nnswer ami un linnuHt opinion, wrlto to *""TM I! N N jfc CO.. who have luul ucurly ilfty ycarf YHlUiritmao hi tlio patent btininimB. Conimunlca- UonSfitrlLtly conlldontliil. A HiiihUxioU at In* formation conrvjimni: 1'iiiciiiu and how to ob- utl.i iliom Bont froa. Aluo 11 ciitnlocuo o( mciiliun- lcal und flcloiitillo ItnoUa hciii lruc. Ptttunra taken tlnonnh Munn & Co. rccelvo Bptiolal nollRiiliitliu NcltiiillUc Ainortrnn. aim tuuii nru brouiilit wldiily burnrotho pnhliu v/nli- onfc onat to tlio Inventor. U'hla itTilcnilld piuwr. iBHUoa wooltly. otettant ly llhuirrated, liaa by funliu lartroHt olionhitlon 01? imyueic-ntHio work In tho world. SU n your, fcaintiki conn>u oont iron. f" Iliilldlu? Kclltlon, montlily, t.1 r>0 a yonr. Hlnt.16 coploa. *i& conta. ISvory miadior contntmi huui- tlrul pl(itM, In colorn, utid iiliotojtrapha o( imw hotiHCH. with tplniift, onabllnc lnilldr/. 0 onow tho ltttodf ii*ilpiiH and Hcourntnntrnnc. Addrcu MVti 1&CU Wl.W YOKIE. liiil IIHQADWJ1V Why kflwod'tt wlnu. Proaidnnt Lincoln said, "You cannot iool tho pooplo a HGcoud timft." They are too qo.udcto recoftniKo roal morit or laok ,of it, and oling ouly to tltoao (diingn whioh thoy find to bo what is olaunod for thorn It iu GBpooiallygtatifyiug that th nalo of Hood's Bariiaparilla inaroatioo mout rapidly in tbono Bootionu whoro;ifc iq bot^t linown. Tbo inter on 00 in plain. Hood'n Suroap* arilla ban proven that it poimoauen nomiine It mamtaiusy if hitlli standard, which others cannot over approach. It m tbo l>aopl6'a fayorifo blood-purifying and buUdlug niodioino. and is morn popular thin year than! ovr before. Ali thin be cause Hood's ouroa. SurlfiiiM Co^HLluu; Accident. CiufiLOTiX'io^N', V.K IM1M>. 10. While boy.s woiu coasting dow u a lull at Munay Ibirbor south, three teams approached. One of the boys jumped from his Meigh and it went umlur tlio horses' feet, which so frightened tlio hor.sethat ho sprung for ward and ran over Francis, lhikur's sloiKh and inflicted such serious wounds In tho boy7s sc.ilp that he died thu following afternoon. {'aught hi tho Storm. CiiAiU/>TTi;io\vx, P.r: I., Feb. 10 Mr. Sarah Hobertson, a^ed 71, a widow of North Cnrleton, left here about a week ago for a neighbor's house. As she did not return her fin nils Mippoiul alio had remained owing to iho storm. Search was madn and the ijody uiis found near tho hou^t she had suited foi, wltcro it had lain ilvo days. _________________________ A l't Itiht s< ntriM'vd t<i I our ^loiitho. Quliu c, IVb 10 A Catholic priest named I'.uinet was condemned tt) four months' nnprisonnn nt for vagrancy and obtaining mono, under false pretonrcs. Itcconler Oorv adininisterud a ver> f.e\oro rtmninand to t he unfori unato ilergyinan. One of the pi list's Milims is Councillor Gignaei, of bt. Koch Wind. VI 4'11-KiuMi 11 Hormmian Dmttl, WOKCI si 1 u. Mass , Feb 10. Charles F. Abbott, one ot the best-know n horsemen iu America, died in tlio city linspilal yes** torday, after a bnef lllnosS, ufpneiuuonia, BnBDMATiau OunfcD- iu k Dxy.- South Amoriaati Rboumatwm Ours, foe Jlhoumat- ' Am Neuralgia, radically ouroa in 1 to 3 day. ItH action upon the system ie re* markablo and myatorioufl. It romovoa at oflce the oausfl and tho diaoaaa immediately diBappoarH, The fltRt done ^rflri<-ly bono- flta, 7C.oontB, Bold by J. Thoruo, drn^. Well aacl Stylishly Clothed in tne Hard Times, Tbouaauds of women in Canada with very limited tupuiui lmvo found the aecrot of dresHiim well and stylinbly 111 their liomea and for tho streets, Tboho fortunate woman have foiltid out that, by upending ten cents for a puckatfo of ou of the fanhionablo colora of Diarooud Dyes, they can ro color an 1 Id and faded dreaa, and mako it holt like a now pioduo- tion -A lady recontly informed ua that oho h td not purchancd new matoruil for a, drefia iu throe yearn. Thin aaaio lady ia always noatly and prettily dreaned, becauao oho uhch tho Diamond Dyou. Slio ha Govoral old dreHucH and dyou oacb 0110 twica ayoar' and produoon as ood colore with the Dia mond Dyc'H a* cm bo found in new fioodo. It; Ih wonderful, tudecd, the intvinR in dob lara that can he cfhicUd by a judioioua ubo of Diamond Dyeo, * --------------- Keliuf in Six IToara. DiutreaBinR Kid ney and Bladder diacancn relioved in bix houm by tbo "New Great South Amorioan Kiduoy Curo." Thin new remedy in a flroat Burprlso and delight to phymoians on ao- ouutof ilBcucctdirf; px mpti.cin in rolioy- ing pain in tho bladder, lcfduoyn, back and very part of tho urinary pinunieou iu malo or female. It Ye.liovoa rotantiou of water and pain in patising it almost immediately. If you waut quick relief and euro this ia your remedy. Bold by John Thoruo Drug (Ji. "__________ Tho torturo of dyspepsia n^id aiok had- aoha, tbo atfonmog i^ohtu^ and pain of salt rlium, ftte removed by Hcod'a Sar- sapatilla. Fl\i)lX(^FA.TK IN FKKT. fKVCLA DOrV-3 THAT WEUr MADE TO A PARTV^ OF PRETTV GinLS. Hm Otitchi lli'juli* Thtilr i1*!! iirw Uy Itcn I'xiliil ICK I U~|llltl<M Km 1 11mi1kuiiimim l.isiil>4 mi a Sura+'pn'oii of OUm hh.. n,si o ... it.on. Who w** (tuoli' i:vpiM-.'i. ""t'h Wi'iih vmvbit had diuappear' d nniiisli e ol IimV nor a -.ifyn of eliens was le'L only dm chafiiu^- di*V) and n nil of pi lies to indicato tliut 'Uich .1 |ii\iii \ has I) 1 u line 1 U'lTt'i 11 tiling like initg-pie-i T 1 "* n 11 ' u'li r 'ilr !ov ]> 11 tv wii Hun r 111 1 .1 d 1 iislu n How end) hon'iti I dh I. s it, si 0 1, it , |io li i|H, pel eh 'd h 1 s 1 \vi liMijuniin^ 1 eeklosNiii"JS on hibln m ivit dou 41! 1 is e isier nna^i.uid th iu de hci lb d li A ti nti 1 i f t 11 d tins h i-tesi, tu I u'ilfi dillii ulf H(i]iie"thrii^' I'liiotd. ro niiidin, oin* ot sil >iien was Sftine-I 'The pi'\t lluii^' on the pi0^1 mil ll t" loiistrtrih 1 Ui-jtt-e Now, who will h 11 e li r mi tune told liist . "' Out ol thn "^iwvyMiU* baliblibg' an ' h.ib I sounded the (dear voce of Mi que'li ol the pait\ "On, K;rb, yon must t I1 1111 1 , b 1 nirii' you l.>i\v I ^ 1 1 tor KtliOjn* li ihiee ilavs i lulls know ui\ late, Inn I tell vnii hWnriihn-id I \/ill not lake <ui\ Hung I ss than :i old 01 a H' II uiuli ,1 li.'iu- li nit " I!\ wiurl'- t," pioelniin-d tin-01 H-h' " I \v il 1 '.ui \ (itii 101 tu no from \ out Inn iu.i Ah ' . 11 ti 1 this line dov pi l\ I d1 to 1 00 11, .is 11 11 mini Med u it 1 1 lot o oil , but delight! ill s )i 1 1 ui . and 1 <M 11 Jiving body disappeai'i d nit 1 Lin* nooks .....s k\.;-/i'Wli[:', vj--^......-1' A- * s m MriM:T.T n mimi;m \i Mini 1 1 11.m - <d 'a 't 1 le' 1 ^n i|) r mi ut to 1 jii.| t w m -iti! - 'it 1 li **ln ' Li . " p.1 dv li' i\ 111 h d 11 '.u - th 1.1.1 it- .1 iii iiscK ' ib un th loom u,d aw iltfi Mini* turn to no pre svutod 10 th grand ouiele ofl.ito. "Coin i'n th, ' the M i"^]ess < 1 i^d u ilio niig- t , 'xfTTl Mi. nib and Mmw lh\ I -et. ' I'h Mdi i in ived, and as il lor plnnneij the other si\toen bodi s su ived biifk /I'dfoitb m I ji'ln.ui d disiMillv, cinling wn'i i Wild UiaLs nt the eohl elplU 1 ilinuiig up and dow 11 t he b.n klion Dunt teet tin v We'e, small inipid d liL'rh, pink t ics and huh inst >ps? bur "Ah, m *!" sighed Mi-' Oracle, " \uu ,u vain, \ on aie Ion I ot dres-, an<|\oui pi id * has made you sutV-r; \ou w 1' spend \ our last |>miii\ lor pri tt v things Jin I satdilir' \our lieihh loi an all night diilico " ^Valls, came liom tbo uluto wraiths shout, and the u-ilortu nnte one soldi d Inrrerly. " Vonr little te is iiibli d ov 1 l>v tight shoes until il over laps the thn'dtoe And the bi", to ) has 111 nlo .1 ni^a'ar ( Inderal a uiu ol Mi ilisr to , .-itid^he punt stands up siowmg \0111 shoes"have bet'ii tor sio 1 lu this ites vanity and gi it e mi age " Th -ohs censeil mil the wailing" di"d nwa\ u ilh a jo\ on "oh !" ' l'1! mil till' top o| lb litlle toe to the 111 si jijint of t lio big toe ther is gr sir wid li.-lgoilMiig'ih it \ou an' fond oi ualkm^ ami atli'etu- e\euiso; li >ie wui will eiijov good hi-nlth The pink (oloi.iig* on th meat toe joint decldivi to 1 ne Mi it a s u. r eneinv ih now 1 ir- illiin ntiug'tliee " Tin drap d i sten eis with one nccoid aios and made as Il to kill an unseen lliing, but a uiotmit oi the nitu It 'h band onl retl t.iein back to tin ir lanni'i' positions "Thi eonls- art) distnietlv^ delined, which te'ls me ot great d dei tniual ion, and vu w ill live to see wnu wi-li s hilly uaii/ed. You will liu lutk 111 lu\ii, nianied twins, and vou will die Mm mother of H( ven childnsn, ior seven toe n ids are sunke 1 miito deep into thn llesh Now get thee lo thv 1 esting jilace." This was done amid gho-als g"iuglii)g's fiom her K! eonipaiiions. Tlio next foot had prominent ankle boms. "You are masculine to a eer tain degioo 111 your tastes," prououiiei I the foot reader. ' '*Vou llko tailor-mado Milts, you w.'.ir the whito shirt and foiu* m-'band tin" An audible g'g^gb- interrupted tho ornclo "Vonr ankle is larg-o, you come lvoiu a wnrlikn taimiv, more bravo than mistociatie; \ our heel is narrow, and tho hollow behind tlio ankle in exceedingly deep, indicat ing' that vour I'mtunu" will begieatU impaired by matrimony." A howl of delight nigniiind that tlio his r ss h id struck homo lack "Your foot is long, broad and lathorflat; you will uev. r (;ut into no tigrht a place that \ou will uoC got out with uauo. I note, too, that tfQfa: WAGOUUNB VAKITV. yon will onjoy hfittor fortuno in old npfu than hi yoiuh. As you prews your foot down, I 800 tlmt thn toes aro elastic, and as you moves tho flint, second and third together, thoy display tho cords to tho ankle bone, which denotes" that you will bo minder of whatovor you uudertalcG, and alwaya put through 5 our midertalcings." Tho hitoroflt boeamn ffrontr JlHd thn third ("oot whh phintntl i'nv IiiHpuction "Your health ia not good, becaU^u,,thi'ro In a damp oolcluwi about thn UMi. Tho many blue vahw that stand out ko prom- Inemly maik youaH vorv uorvoua and nn tho vorg-o of prostration. Your work la njonial and by your toon dinging ho closoly together whim you step with full forco on tho floor I know That your tautuu ibu^ttb^^ aro ar'inth' nud you worn n"ver meant to do jihyhieal labor. You will make a ^ood wifo for a ileh mini, but \ouhav* morn sentiment than j'udgiiiein. and will bn inclined to dr'M \ our cliibh on mnro In a dainty, pi ot tv way wani|l> and conilm'tiihly. Til'iie\t foot whoii plae il upon th floor I It a boll'W siidbinndy lni ,- Ir neatb It lo permit m| the band s ipping under "^ mi ,11 dote greatly on aiiceslrv ; jiro uieli n I o bo oViH-i-'ti-iiiv co s i|\ a1 time- vou ni'o ver* 11 ih i|ijh w tliout < us Ynil ar li gli -tin 1 , w II b|* d a* d al' hoi hid ;;i' 11 e s 11 t, You u 'I iiiimn iiuiii unt It "1 Mi 01 ,\ our-. \,\ ,\\nLia\ i'i m 111 11 d * I'll i!i ip d 1. ti it 1 1 1 n ' 0 \i w .is t n| . , 11 ml 1 11 t . ) 1 \ ll b lull i I 1 I o| III . it mi l' i-V, / 11 I 1, (] i ill w 1 v I ji' 1 10 k ' \ 011 ir '.1 In. d lo It ia 1111 haul * 1 o 11 I , 'iu t 1 * iwvo of ,hI 111 *iii 1 i ui 010. 10- Ch'l^ ill I * - II I Hill 11,1 I pll jtO - V ) 1 HO I U|lll III !| I .1.' 111L . 11.' !' - I , I >e ('inn e I, p I il ,1 il it b v ' e 1 0(1. .- il. C . > U I 1 - null* I 1 - ull lowing h iavo 1 ism, u lii iii . 1 1 p i u |is< slipei.oi' I il 1 - -i III,1. \ 11 1 11 Ilk Ml ' toil |o\ ill III iii '.I'l', alio 1 -, ;n i ,i li ti ,1 .,' i 1 t oppoi tiint 11 s , n 1 w ,I! a i\ ( nan pio- po it on- Oi in u 1 1 ^e, inn \ ml wi'i a I ovi 1 t' e hi 11 \ ii 111 ind he 1 hud \ * 11 * I: g 11' 1 d " \\ 1 ,1 'Us > i d 1 Mil v.., >', and tli ' "ii 1. : w 11 1 1 and '.'.'> \ 11 ' ' . 1 d ! Iw a < *' clone, and I 11 I ill 1 - 1 I " 111 tin* 1 tio . . .1 * > .1 I ol ,1. |e '.i I 1 1 \ 1 ut "\ oil hi 11 1 u ill II I li. , 1 ii I and nlli u . I 1 1 '1 n 11 , 1 1 i.iuI 1 tin 1 1 to II n li 11 o'M 10 is tl U Mi gi 01i1.1l 1 oil .1 1 i"t 1 1' a'l lie 1 I'i U o .III ! 1 1 I '.alt loll II ba\ 1 beii" lo , I - r -v 1 11 1 ah' ice ] 'a iled p iiiloinim ', Lb but tin UH kllOV llll'll 11 ol hue lui , tlo\ u I ", I <1 tu itiii 1 al iu 11, 1 o un ul g ii, s i\ing, "Ponies: 1 oino 'to any hot' u bo al oi i 1 , 1: h ui \ o Hci tho 1 1 1 11 tlllH'S in! 1 ^, - u 1 (1 11>\ mi d, ud w 1 h b ,0 e th "i,i, le wi.u'i s 1 o i\ 1 \ 1 d f' t ntild 1101 wait ; Mi v l.l-o So til ' (*i ic e no, ! ii'mr, an 1 sin 'i .in I . I 1 I 1 wnh I le ( oitttoi r 1.11 the -hi con I to humped up abt v-- all tli- 1 sf, at tin sim. tinio eaeapin^ ft 10 ,1 li ihe nghl foot Hpiisjdn yuito a i,e mi' mo/' ihau tlm / ,'--" *V v*w po uiu; tu two loot ntii ' ' un! s that noin tfoo'J ^g wiiebiug* over you, _^ ""^ htuhhy loot with rathei i- the 0110 on iny left, g v" ttutt is indejmiulout t niiij' iiignig' and alTee rv (onfidin;** ' iiitudi I'xecitLivo ability uu U^nf, severance." " Now notice,' s,wd 1 ho Orach*, as nho toik a pieu^()i papi'i* and otitlimd with a p -Hell oneTil Ui" fei t that \\ id not \ et be 11 criticised "You notice that tli h m 1 spreads1, s \\tit)<' a^ does tlie loot at lb hall. This is -ouii'thiug wn seh oni (llld, and it g.nei.nly (Mints out the 11 ill li ol thy it,item nt that the owner of siieh a loot is pi'.iper 10 a pain,ul degiee. A foot that is so well ktut and linn that when oi w.i'ii ic-ting with lull Weight 011 'in llooi' It '-bows mile tdifiug,<* m tin 111 b 1 1 i_,s to a w Kin 111 \ lio isviv fond o, .a 1 -t id lln ts. It 1 lu*- woti'd li ' a ( uis- t 1 a p 'i s-o.i m lio h ,s no si^ht hollow link ol the nkhs bo 1 , and long, nariow sb dl lue to- tiaiN, mi eh is th 'st'," s.iel I h , point 11 g her ling 1 r to two ol lb ntii lift le t ill the 101111, 'iiull nt'W'i oe 01^ itn\ uiu's (.un wii.1 lit rarryin^ wtlh them In k'en s. 1 1 lo\ > ali i" s.' Loud l.iu ^ht'i gieet d tli s louinik. ^W^^.-^m^ 0 fflt\NK LBAKE Oslmwn, (iiit ' Pairas 51 the Joints Causae! by Inflammatory Swelling A Perfect Curo by Hood's Sarsa- partlla. "It utfnnlsjno much ple'asuro to recommi'inl Hood's K.irmpai Ilia. My tioa wiei aflilcti'd with ^ pain In the Jiihits, a c com pan led with swelling so laid that ho could tint fif t up ntaln to ticil lUthmitorawlhiK on liauiliand kuooi. X iww very iinxioui about him, and liavln^ wad Hood's"8^ Cures ',' iiiuih alanit Hood's Barsapirllla, I dotor- mliii'd to try it, and got a half-dozen bottlei, four of which (iitlndy luradhlm." Mita. U.A. Iain', <^ ih iu a. Out nlo JJ. ll.r>hi Miit* t<> net Hood's Sanaparilt.i. BUBT DAT *1*IUW WUDW, |T C0MS tBlM' Hood'G Pilla act easily, jet promptly and oUl< lently, on t'u* h\ur and howola. l!5c. AUCTIONEER HKNKY IIKDItK K, promptly Woodnlou, unt. Auotlonom S 11 I 0 n promptly attondi d to Audreim Knutlj lulou, unt, I'crnonh ilisiirind trj hi imho tne, may loavo word at tho Fitnr. Piii.hs ollirrt tf il JibDWCK JOHN (iOR\11>KV bICkNHICD AUOTIOKMIIR for thu County ofKumt. All Kitiiln of lii'l-m utoi I: huIph, it( , contlucti'd promptly and on nhort uotlo.i, itutisi roniioi'iililu 1'iiiKojiu ik *ira))ln to iirraii[; h iIlhi may Jo no by u lliing at thu J'm.i, I'm si. union or hy appljlnc to 4- J.-OOtEMLKY, P.O. Jjox 1M JtciK'x.Oiit. TMlANK McCLOHKIlY, Maldntono, thirty- JU novon yoanruxpoilonco uiian iiuotknuioriu thoCounty nf IjHhox. BilIoh oomluotod promptly, and on ruiinoimblu tonnn. Purtien Uoiiiriiitf to fix tho data for a nalo can mivo tbomindvoe a drl?o by calling at tho I-'iu k Phi'hii oihco Wn liavo arraufiod with Mr. McChinItoy mid will fix thn datoH forimlniihy tfllnpraiih. ontlrly froo ot TilItjWlrnSTBTIio'i 1'uiunn hoidiaf{ tho nalo. Ad- drDHB Frank MoCloQkov.MaldiituuuCrciiii, Outt F. S. ADAMS HAS PLACED PRICES h\U1 DOWN V - ON - ~^ Farm Harness, Truck Harness Hea,yy Hariiessr r_ :: -- *-. ' OF EVERY DESCftlPTlOM. A largo atocl; anil it muflt g(. Call and fioo mo before buying olsowhoro Everything i.j the Furnishing Line se Tm S- Adams/ Two doom on.Ht of Uato'ii Ourria(( Work*, Khhok, ESSEX THE AMERICAN HOTEL Essox, - Ontario. Ec. luck, ritorninTOit, hah ju;km v tl'oinuchlv p u a tad and roplnntohod with no in 'U ' (* tho proiiont i)ropriotor LAIUlia HAtwN IN CONNECTION. Ii'lmt'Glanii Accomodiutlon Buy Your Harness ..OF.. ou\h Woodslee. Hss Jur4 Reemved TBie Finosi ?mt! lies! fissoHmsnt o? - Boots and Shoes In Essex, Great Value in Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords. The Cheapest in the Land; Call and Eciamlnoond boCon- ^ vlncod for yoursolvo's. Jets. Douglas^ M:m 01 Uic f^oidiMi IC001, Whitnev Block - Ers&x -00c som: m 1 rui. Best Stock Used And mado up la tho h-'fit manner. ongd^ud to pitoi'j.i!^ a rr.ntr. "Sim, for I'xniiii'b'/1 conciuih'd tho Ornclo ul* l\iiii "is usually ttt*(> pin sons ;i nun' " r[ his and ill In1 it lordlier woro lou much lor (lie l.i'Iiitui^ ol gliosis and tlii'v rlimw n^ di1 lh' .shoi'ts and p n' formed ;t .ir ilan .ihout tho b din who had been so c iudl\ I'Miosi-d. K\VU KlJSSlNGl'ON'. TO HUSBANDS. A IVoril <>f Two <>f X.lvldd r llto Hcutl it T i In- |] mm1. Love niidnnpri't mtion aro to a woman what dMv and siiiialiiiii* aio to 11 t\nw i"- Tli *v IVijslu'ii aud Ini^lit.-ii hoi wliobi lib* Thoy m.ik hor htron^-hoariod nmt k(* *n si-hti' I in cvoi'vtlun^' alV'i-t iii^ Ihn widliii of In-r homo, TIimv mako ht'i' to cli Midi Iht liu^hniid when tlm cuius of IiIVitd i'-,s bojivdy upon him, and to bo a vaiv jn'ovidonroto her (dill dron. To know that bor hu-bniid loves her, and is proud of hi r, and b diovca in her ; that ovon her faults aro looked upon with tmi(loriH'4 ; that hnr hicn, to 0110 nt least, in tho fairest in tha wltoln world ; that tbo himrt which to her is the ffrontmtfc and nnbloHt, liohln her satii'i'd in ilfl innermost rocefwrw nhovo nil othor women, trivea her a Htren^rh and eourn/re, and enor^yand HweotneHH and vlvacitv whioh nil tho wealth of tho world omiUi not b Mow. Lot a wonmtfn lito bo pervadod witli such an iiiilneneo. and her heart and mind will nov'r irrow old, but will blossom and Hwnoteu an 1 hvi^htou iu jiorputunl youth. Uobrew Standard. Hin stock of Team and Light Harnoss lH mv oompieto. ONE PRICE TO AIL Wright G-. Smith. e3?g IE- *^ W A.!* XJCjMJ HaloHmen to hundlo our Ilindy Canadiitn (tiown Nnnutry Rtoolc. Wo Kuariiiitnu iintuitiiclinii tu n prtHciitntivoti and cuBtomoru. Cur nuniurhu mo th htri'oiit In tlio Dominion, ovot 700 iniroii. No htibbtitutloti in ordoni. Kxctuolvo toriitaty and hboral tormii to wtiolo oi- iiiirt timo aGtint". Wrlto 1111. HTONK ii WI-hhlNOrON, (LJuud eilic J'iVronto.Ont tTho only nurnury in Cumuld uuviu(,'tuntinu orchuuhi.) It -Un At\ Sirn if Itffrtrni, In tltin lira of reform uo aro irettine: bo ifnoi), Tlial lillluiiilu 011 huiiduv uro utriolly tuboo'd; And liu u'hn ba<\U tmipliiii had butior liituuro, Or lio'll end bis c.iroor in thu DlooLrin clmlr. U'it oonuldorod rotil wicked to emoko on tlio btrout, And a orlmo to look twloe at tt pr*tty irlrl'tf lottt; It In uromifl for laiHulcioii to lmvo it red iinBit, And mon uro arroatod for woarlne land olothOD. Wall-utreat flnaiioTora Ma'U so itraiidit itowtulavH. That uveti lint clergy spaalc loud in Ihulr praUn i Vor thov all uo down Kmajiu Strout now, *a ili^y **y, Juab bocduuo it'a tho fltrlghtet d *mrrowut wv I Evening Bun. Ul VPki.e. Liwlv^-Why don't you look for work ? Trainp my oyi'Hljrht has always been bad- D.i- troit Froo Proas. T NUItSEUYMAN, RUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY Poaoh, Pear, riuuo, Applo and Quiuoo Trooa, Roaoa, EvorRreosn, Borry Buahoa, EaoDborVy, Blaokborry and Currant Buahoa, All flrat*olanB Bfcook. Savo agontn* Big Profits and writo for pnoeo. Wo will ohooif- fully antiwar you by roturn mail. Mont Modern and lu-ogrckslvo Tor 1 iiodoiruu or iuforamtlon Wrlto to T/.i: MARUN FIRR ARMS CO., New IHvcn, Cimn. FOR TWENTY-FIVE Y^ARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. lMaijo hi thn world for yomuf mon nnd women to ooauro n Uutiinoaa Kduoatlon, Rhnrtliand.oto., istbo Dotroil. HiibIiiubh University, Do- Irolt, Mlcti. XlluBtratodoptaloguo Froo. ltaforouupH: All Detroit. W, P. JISWEbL, Vtcn V. H. SVKWCKM, Soo'y Best Money to Loan On tfood prodnotivo Furiu Property at fij, A 6 per cent. Htritaht. Splendid Apple Trees, Al iu every roapeot, $12 - PER 100 - $12. No Valuation Fees. fSr Oouvoyanom*; Done up in Heat Style Fire and Life nsurance.. A. E> LOVELACE, ^^M^Mkfk ESSJ&) OUT tarOSiot: Whitney Block, PP*tjjira^^^ uwiti..,., %ZVZsa.

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