Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 22, 1895, p. 1

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PB|I11^|W|^ WILKINSON'S von Choice Fresh Orooonon, Provisions. Tons, Coffees . and SpiooH. Special lines iu Crockery, ,: ::m Christian Endeavor So,cii St. Paul's hnrnh, TUESDAY V<J., FEB.'il Everybody Co mo. fv 1 it,* 'f- it*- VOL kl. No 8. F.A.&Co LEADING STORE OF ESSEX ESSEX/ ONT., FRIDAY. FEBRX'JARY 22, 1895. WHOLE No. 629 _ THE prico tendency koop^ "stoatlily downward. Your dollar buys naoro mow than ovor before, i A good yard wide Factory Cotton now for 3c YARD. A vory heavy yard wido Factory . Cotton, equal to 7c lino of a year ago, how 5c YARD. 57-inch Union ttovorsiblo Carpets, oXBollcat patterns, 25c YARD. Union Carpets, very heavy ntid -sfcrong. rovoisible, ever a yard wide, in very handsomo designs for - 500 YARD. r. Wall PapoaB 1 Wall PnporB ^ A full now Htock of both Canadian and Amorican now oponod up; choap- or than over bolero, commonpiug at 5c~KOr- Puro Linon Table Covers,8 ft long, fringed, with oolorod borders, oxtra valuo at " S1EACH. Men's Good Flannoletto Shirts ;tfith Cellars 25c EACH. Men's Fine White Shirts, unlaun- ' dried, only 39c EACH. ........^IILM^SLIiiE^^ A SKISVOH OFHOAUS OK TIIK Ono orilie Many llakidy iVudlntr <>n- tr of (K OuiiMty. Thk Fhkk Vv.vmu in devoting ooiiHidurublo of ita apace Hum week to a dettcription of homit* of tho loading buaineatf iiitrentH of thovilliigo of SnU'h Woodsloe, which bau hon for many yen.jn ouo of the tmidnm trading'posts of tho county of, Ekhx. South Woodalee iu situated on the mum Hue of the Michigan Central Hallway, at this intoruuution of tho Ruohaatrr andj iVtmdutouo towuahlp tine. South Wuodsled hiu voiy good train and mail accommo- dntioim, gutting out) mail por day catfh way, bGHidci the accommodation, local nud mail trains. Tho village has boon a 'raaojjuizHcl trudinjv point aud market for thu produotit of tho tiurrouudiug oiuntry for h grout uiuny years, and wan at ono time the point at which wan hold anmrally tho North Biding Agricultural Fair. bforo that so ciety wnu unit id with tho other uooiotiea now holding a Fair annually at Ewhgx. South Wondideo haw goad general uteres, ixiout market, tailor ' shopa, hotokfj black smith and wagon shops, extonmva ittayo and utiv mills,, agricultural implement agency, local physician in tho person of Dr. Korke, who recently purchased tlio pruotico of Dr. 'Richardson aud u woll equipped lurnituro atoro. ' Following arc nome of tho loading busi-' hohb inUroatu of tho village : THE SAW AND STAVK MILLS.. Thia m tho chief manufacturing induntry.. THE. IiAUKlUSS KMV01UUM. Itriw tmfc a little mora than a your ninoo Mr. Wright G. Bmlth oponod up an exten - nivo humous toro und horse supply dopot in South \Voodnh**.', and during that tmiu ho ban c*et with marked' sueomm and onooura^t'inout, Mr, Smith liaii had tiovor&l yuira' cxporiohao in hiu buninciiH on (J by fair and uprlfilit doulin^, ik faat Wuildini,' u^ un enviahlti tradn with thn pooplo of V/oodaUo and hruoundin^ county.. IXn kepn nu bund a full lino of lJL'hb and h>H,vy harueuH of- all Itindu, whipw, .robuu nu!, blanUutfl.ootnbd, brnuhou, and a .full linn of tuioli urticUiu usually found in a flmt-ohuw haruewM utoro. Hopairhiff and ordorutTwoik In ahio rnudo a'ltpoaUlty. 'iBUAM UEDIlICiC. Ono of tlio principal induatriH hi th JMon'a ]u*easted wooU for IToavy Ribbed Double- Shirts Rnd drawers, all 7 I'. ."' j. ' 44c EACH. Men's Black Soft Folt Hats, Bpec- ial'Talno; a.C " -50c EACH. - Extra 'values inblacft Dresn Goods. French Figured lu-inch tvool t^oodn 25c YARD. A lino of very choice nil wool fig ured Dross Goods, regular 75c goods, ..*. ^-'- " Ladies' fino Shoes, Doncola, but toned, narrow square too, patout tips $ X Jb^AXit. Special attention paid to Grocery Department. Givo us a trial order, One Prictc fox* All. Goads marked in plain figures. '. .3gSSJ9Xr-':'L ONT. of tlio villufo of South Woodiilon.Bnd.wUli. out it tlia villttfjB would bo at a uUndmill, in no.far as labor for tho worldnt; man ih aoHcornorl. During tho buny neuHorm of HiD'yaar, Mr. H. G. Kohh, tbo proprietor of 'Jii induHtry, employ a about novunty laborcm uud mecbauicH. During tbo winter souiou, tit* mill fiimiihoa mploymont to many noon and tonma, aud pay out larjjo iiuniH..iu-cai*h, for .tho hauling and buyiuc of ttocJt, wlnlo in tho Humnwr tbd btu\e ciitcoraro in full operation. An thin i th only fitava mill in this vicinity, tti pronperity of thn laniberitiii interowtii do- pond ^rnatly upon its oporatioo. l\lr. ltun haaoocduotud thir< bumaoso for about ninu yoara, and but a fw dnya u^o, sufiorod a tisveto *ld*a, owicj; to th do- BtrucLiou of tho mill und contentii by fire. It iu hii intention, howdvor, to erect a now mill at ouco, and th cmployorn will not suffer a lack of work on thia account. Tim nw mill will bo one of thu bunt in tho went. C. W. HANCOCK. It i now nbont nnvau yoara hiucq tlio abobe nauicd ^ontlsraon firat xtartod ia the (!cii(*ral utoro bminoHa iu South "WooiIhIVq. During that time, however, he wan out <f bumuuHH fcr a period of about two yearn, but lant fall he purohatiod the larqs ^ouoral stock of Mcuutb. Allinon & Ghriitie, and ia enjoying a jood trade. Mr. Hancock io woll known to tho peopl of Beuth Woods lee and soroundintf county', and bear8 roru tatioti for bonoaty and fair daalu:*; that-in not oKctiUud by uiiy. Mr. Hincoaii koepo a fl'itl lino of'Dry Good* of all kindH. Choice rrenli Grocoriog, Boota, Shoes, CapD, Hato, etc., tiia,, bfiBidoo a. a took of general hard ware ftlr. Hancock carries a largo utook, auU if ho line not not what you want, bo will uupply it on short wotioo. MR. J. A. SMITH. TliiH |;ontloman is proprietor of a very extensive tadoring oatabliBhmout in SontU Wooduleo, whoro ho bau oujoyod a good b'loindfln reputation for the paat fourtoon years, and is Htill giviug entiro atisfuutlou to the clo thing trade, a hiacontinuod larjio trado bearH wituuao. Mr. Smith dooa im oitousivo bnumoBB in ordorod auim from a large Htock of oamploo, which ho Uoopa on hand. Duriun the busy soason of tlie year bio OBtabliuhmont given employwont to a half, liuzou bands. Mr. .Bmith'ii ubop it tbo ttrat atoro north of tho Michigan Cent* ral llailway. Nothing choap or trashy is kept in acock and tho propriotor tlooa pot cftro to risk -h'i* roputation by .handling that clua of (joods-. Mr.. Smith's patrons oan depend on Rti.(agtho very, boat tho trado nupplioa, and at pncoa to cumparo with the mot oxton aivo city oetablishmontn. MITCHELL &COWELL. , During tho past few yoara, M*. Jaoob Mitoboll banoondnotod an exteniivo apri cultural implaraout trado with tho farmora Of tliiu oeotion, that Imu kept onntluually iuorsaaing. Having a-cuud tho aKouoiea for a lart;o number and variety of itnpU- monts lis haa entorud mto partnership thin year with Mr. P. F. Gowoll, of Goitnold North a]ao a doulor in variona agricultural implement*, and tho flrra will be known an Mitchell 3s Gowoll.' Boaidoahandlingbind- .d'an, mowers, soodora, raltoa and futl atook of parts ai*l ronaira, thoy hav* tho anenoy jor the oolobitttfld Bain WaRon, aud SBVoral diffotenfchu(iies,of atandard maiiufaotute. Tliay ask |tho privilafjo of quoting prices before you buy olsowhare... villago, aud ono whjoh it would bo a hard ship to ))o (loprivod of, is tho extensive hlacktitnithiiig and bnruo-ehooing; shop mtuatcd on tbo west hi<1u of Main street, und just north of tbo railway. Mr. Hod- rick the proprietor, 1ft a practical work man and itinoo ho coramenootl buuineaH about two y^ani aco, ho bau mot with marked nuocetiN, and i building up an en viable and profltablo trado with tho farmers, mill-owners and others of that locality. Ho linn tho only whop in South Woodaloe, and docn promptly all kinds (f repairing nd other work that may be brought him. FURNITURE WAKEttOOUB. Ono of tho nowoHt, and on* of the most promising buiinenn intercuts of Routh. Wooduleo, iu th* Furnituro buoinoHtt recent ly oponod np. by Mr. A. Walkor, who haa had nonuidorablQ experienoo in Inn line of buninoaa. Mr. Walkor jut opened out hiu utock about tbieo months ago, s,nd haa on hand a"mc* Htock of upbohitBrod goods of -V-ariouij-aiudH. All kinda of Parlor, Exten aion and iKitclion Tablon, Sideboardrt, Bed room 8uita, Iloduteada, oto. Ur. Walker aluo bau a fino lino of l*ar]or -Suits, on which ho wotiId quota priooa to any intonding pprohamira. THE CllOBBY HOUBE. . Tliiu ll0^oj bus rcoeritly boon purchased by tho proRont proprietor, Mr. Bobart Boggn, from Pfitor Cotter. Mr. Bogga iu- tenda to provide the boat of accemmc- dationo t >v tho travelling public, and koepa a woll Fpruad tablo, while the bar is atockod with the bent of everything uHually iouud, Tho Crosby Houho ifi aituatud s, short distance north-of the railway track, and the proprietor is always ready and willing to raceivo callrrs. THE SOUTHERN HOTEL. This buainccfl haa recently beon purchaa- od by Mr. Simon Hofjan, who auccoeded Mra, Cotter, tho propriotrofls for many former }earn. Mr. Hogan has bad coneid- eraUle oxporience in boiel-koeping, and thoroughly uuderntandn bin bushiesn. Good ttcomodatiou ia furninhod the travelliui; public, whilohm bar is alwttya atocked with choicest lit]uora and ei^Mira. Mr. Ko^au has a Livory and Feed Stable in conncc tiun will) Jim hotol. BLYTHEaWOOIX Won't it seem buhint>s lilin to hr>ar Imtb of our saw mills humming next stituiunr. The young paoplo out, v*uin^ Unt w#k anjfiynd an^thur danuo at tile homo'cf Mr. Criok. J. C. Barrowa reports largo Haled of con*. Vnrnation lo/t'Ugcti nince parties are being huld -tti-wc-akly. Ben MoMuIUm Hpont last Babbath with hiu parents, and Sunday evening with well be told mo he would not like me if I told. Ho i progrwriaikig niooly ttt Ehhox Hinh Bobool. John Thonipnon lant wuolc purokasfd John Mdlor's farm, which hou opposite Mr. T'a presnnt. horao. It was a fine dun! fAr Mr, Thompson^ being no couvenieiit for him, and pnufcosiug tibiber tn tbo extent of 20 Borca which will bo utilised by Mr. Thompnon in his mill. Mr. Miller throw in tho old storo building, which tbo pres ent poaaiSHor will move acrona the street ar.d repair for a dwelling, or for Dome other jturpow. AFTKK TK 1HI-L I W mean that bnll in the town hall re cently. It witti aemotbmg truly bowildor- intt. It pawned off nicely and orderly. Of course the girla failed to materialize, but tho balls in tbo hall are always for genta only at leaat we uevnr saw any girla thsr#, Tlio door tender, ticket agent, floor ohalkor, muaiciaua, ftc, aro all- gouta. Sevanty-iWe tiukots, we undaratand, weru priuted. sad ull but nBVeuty-four were Mold. Wo had juiit a , lovely time, girls ; you ithould attend next timo it will pre- lon? youi life. AT WOOOSL-IQE. M. N. MOUBSEAU. Mr. Uouspieau opened up a. merchant tailoring oHtabliuhmaot hera about threo voara ago, and ahvaya ke.opa on baud a stock of tho UUet samples and bunt qoal- ities of cloths forgentlemon's woar. Mr. UouaseauTOBiarked to our reporter, with some eujphiiuiii, that he was well pleaaod with botb bin large ciiHtom tailoring trade and tho town in which ho lives. Although trado with most people ia qwiet, Mr. Mous- ueuu'a business shows an luoreaao over thia time lant year, and ia steadily grow ing. The people are getting aware of the fact that Mr. Moiiauaati does not, or will not, handle inforior qualititn of gooda, ia prdor to mako olioap Haloa, booauso thero ia aoither pleasure Or proiit m suob goods. Ho is expeotnig a smart trade for tho com- ing spring aud summer, whioh be iu well prepared to meet.. Mr, Mouaaoau iuvitss anybody who wauta. a bargain in a eood artiole to. pay him a visit. Mr. Moueioau's fit ore is situated at North Woudslee, a few doors east of the Catholia ohuroh. KINGSVILLE. Jeaeph Quiok has rsturned from Ohio. Miau Nnllio Ilowler.t ia ill with vcarlet fevor. " Mra, Geo, Foster haa recovered frosa a uavro attack of |a grippo, _ A coupleof-gentlemen from Detroit were in to wo this week buying horses, ' - Mr. andMry. Edga r Jeffrey of Olinda spent Tbttraday with Um, Jackson tlo- Hunali. Mr. and Mm, lHaao Terry have returned front their visit at Tilaouburg, All th* conntor-hoppora with tlmir t^ir]n took a drive Thursday evoning to tho Leamington skating rink. Several ladies of th* town wanhod tho diehon and otherwise improved Jan. WijjU's stock, which was" rescued from the recout firn. ; Mrs. Peter Conover, who hat) heenoicnd- ing a fow duya hsre with her daughter Mrs. tlmm, roturned, to her homeatL^am- ington Thursday. Tbvre is nam* proapoot of tho defunct braia band bsingrosurrsotod. Lasder Art Austin* purohaaed a fine oornot Friday and in propared to start tho ball a-ro)Hng. The mayor called a publia meoting Monday evening. Tho object was to show Leamington that abe in not gassy enough to ilira-flam no out of our evaperator. Tho aitit^tiu of thia place are of one voioo and willf;rai)t thronghour conncil any reason able ooncoMBioua that Manager Oraham may demand. 7ok in tlm vanguard, altrtiidod.tho U^fnrsn rLouvoiitoh at Windsornn flntu'duy, ~ * Mm. V. Murphy U viw'itmg hor UauuhUr', M.rH. BlaVk, in DoLroit. W nrci |jli'iu,cd lo N-arn that Mr. II. C. Henct bau fully decided to rebuild hla Btavo mill whiuh wiih reoeutly'doftroyed by fie*. Mr. Jacob 'Mitchell, .who dono a largo l.owiuwHH iu iimohiuei-y uud mriatiltuial irnplr-mentM lant n*ion, having had lua territory extended nomewhat, has luken iu a ri'i'intr in the p^rmm of Mr. IVtor Covv- t:Ii. Tlio new. lirm purpoitwH carryin^.a lar^o hloek of ugricultural implemeiita, volii<:!H, itnd nu auHOi>tmnt-of ropairn in thtM hue of buHinoim, for tlia accommoda- tion of their natronM. Tin) U-atli tnnk place on 14th iimt., in London Mary, wife of Thorn an Pea roe, and mother of Win. l'earco, of tLiis place but owing to tbo pnn^nnt illnetnt of bnlh biivbi.j'd and ton. Mr. Win, Wilcox weut to Louden und accompanied tlio ro iitiiinfl, which arrived Baltirday evening, and wan interred in the Hapttat cemetery, Weodnlou, on ^^nllday. Tho It, C. eliuroh, Woodaloe, _w_aa. the ecane of a vi'ry liappy event on Tiiomlay mominv, thn ocoiihioii hoini! thu marria^o of Miaa Molho Hogan, eldest daugliter of Mr.-J.'A. Ho^An, to .Tobn Jfullinn, nf CM- oauo. TIi.b ceremony waa performed by Uov. E. J. IIodgkinHon. P.P. Tlio brido waa dreimcd m whilo nillt, trimmed with whito laoe. Thu bridooinnida worn Mif.n Gertrude Hogun, aiater ef tbo bride; _ Mioa Btfll Galviu, Detroit and.MJHD May Stevenn, Windsor. They wore prottily attired iu win*.*'costumes. Tho groom waa attondod by Mr. Frank Hogan, brother of the bride. Mine Molho wan well and favonrably known throughout- this' auction^ and few joung peoplo thero arc, who enjoy tbo eateom of bo largo a circle of f rienda; all of whom join PBGK S i GREAT Mid-Winter N. in wiahinghor happinoua in nor now nphere Of hfo, Tho happy oenplrrlelt in theoyon- ing for Chicago, thoir futuro houi*. Every Overcoat;,-every Suifc. and every pair of panfs in our Men's and Boys' Clotftmg. Department ip included in this -S aler-Yo u- can- n owe a ve-lVoEa one-third to one*halt from reg ular prices. A chance 'you cannot afford to miBB, OLINDA. thJnkH far *v Gomplliinehtary Party. ------ v Tho distroaBing combinationa of worldly troubl** aro vory much lighfconed b/ tljo good wishon and oateom of our Boighbors. Tho reupeot aud ootoem In whioh Mr. und Mrs. David MaOrsery are held .wa exew- phfledin a vory marked degroo, on Friday cvtning lant, when their numeroua friends organised u Burpnse party at tho residouoe of Mr. Jaa. Cummiford, J. P. Awongxt the gueatti woro Mr. and Mrs. .Goo. Belull, Mr., Uru. and Misa Balt/or, Mr. and-Mra. Stephen MoCoombs, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oummiford, Mr. aud Mr. John MoOroory, Ur. and Mrs. David Hop- good, Mr, aud Mrs. Grove Hopgood, Mlm Etopgood und Mra. Todd. After refroahments wore aoryed a muaiaal programmo was disponed of, Mra. Johu MoCrewry contributed a recitation entitled "Tho Sottlor'B Sfcory^ iM a very pleamufi style. The party broko up near the small heurs in the morning highly pleased with the evening's eujoymaiafc and general goo a wishes for lir. and Mr* MoOreery. OoM SOUTH WOODSLJOE. L:mn are still coming iato our mills. A brand new choir laat Bunday in church Mr. Simon Hogan given a graud ball next Montluy ' oveniug, ilib lant of the season. Our. young bather, Mr. Alfrod Smith, ia around enaiu, and with good work is do- lug a good buainQtm, Now for tho grint mill, aurply tho peoplo of Wooduleo will taho hold of it and not let tho village, dopoud upon one man. Bev.. Mr. Honderaon haa a Httlo trouble with some of hio flock, but it will no doubt paaB on aud all will be (imootli a^iiu, Mr. Roob huo deaidod to rebuild hinutavo mill and hae alroady cnmmuiicod, work on the buildiag, lb will ho tho boat stave mill in Ontario. With audi buttineaa men lh Mr. Koon/Woodslee will still be alive. Mr. Olive*'Dawson,- of this village, baa boon eleotod County MaiUr by the County Lodgo of Eitaox. A bettof choice could not havo hcen made as Mr. Dawson is a good local Orangeman, a flrat-claas oitixen, and an all round jolly good fellow. From nnotbor-CoriroBpomlciit, Mr. <J. W. IjOZQJi Itidftotowu, fermorly of tho firm of Keea it Lo^ar, spent Hundny in tbo village-. Mr. Thou. Ouilletto, lumber Merohar.t( Dotroit, paid our vill|; a visit ou Friday laat. Mr. H. 0. ltroa apenfc part of hit wek with friends in "yyindeor. Mr. Wm. Riadon, of iho Erie Iron Worka St, Tuoulaf, wai in tbw vltlaip, iu the interest Qf his buiiincsfl, SaturJay. Quito a larco delegation, with our old Hamilton Stewart OVmkH Olinda ahead of Florida. \^ ( . What wonder that wo ha*l io mubli io- _dement weather, wedding after wjddln taking'-placf* in our mUat.' Ada G'aacoyno has fjone to Mauitoba, to bo absent two years, with her grandpareuta Mr. aud Mrs. Selnoon P. Pox, formerly of this locality. Orvillc Duke and Nora Fox; Alfred Whittle aud Jennie By all; Harriiou Whit- tlo aud Ploifliice Upoott are among the number to join the benedicts. Humor has it that our venerable friend Uriah haa ulno oboaen a partner; but we dare ot say ho for a certainty leat ho bhould indict ua for alandor, defawatien of character, or some other eerioaa offenoe. But comming' ovents caal thoir shadows before, and Buoh a flit- tinu of akadowB we noirer saw, but possibly it may he a falue alarm, or we will say, just a little prematura. Earl Irwin is home for a mouth of play days. Since he went away Earl'a legs have nproutod aeveral feet lander, and tho snow barjlcn appear like orioket balls under hiu prodigious etridca. Normau B. Fjx ia advancing rapidly at Datrcit Medinil Cotlego. Ii baa been reportod in a Windsor pupor that D. M. SquiroM thinlca of leaving Ohnda in tho opriug.. Wo do not know what his intentions aro. Windsor's Loading Clothior. LEAMINGTON. Mra. Andrew Hartford in soriowsly ill. Tlie CoBgrovo concert was fairly woll attended. Soott Derbyihire, of Wbeatley, was in town Bunday. St. VaUntiuo'a day waa celebrated hero iu good atyio. B. G-. Weatcott and wife huvo romrntd from thoir wedding tour. Wm. Dunbar lias made an aosignmont for the benefit of his creditors. Harry Mooro, of Alma, Mioh., formorly of this place, ih apoudiug a la* days li*r*. It in rumered tho W. C. T. TT, haye given uome partieu notice not to open their place of bttsinosa en Sundays. Look out boys! Bev> Ur.Beaanen, of Detroit, haa been assisting iu tho revival service* iu oea- uection with the Baptist church laat week. Itevivcl aervioou oommouced in th* Msthodint ohuroh Sunday evening. We hopo our Methodist fiiendo will do an good work this timo as they did on* voar ago, whon aonio seventy peraous started to do right. Mauly Wilkiuson, one of the mauy who want to Florida laat fall to work in Jhe orange flolda, ha*i returned horns. He re ports thitigs pretty dull there just now and that Harry Truix is erymj to oomo home. TUT CJlllB OP THK SKINT. In an artiole ou tbo cultivation of beauty, apUyaiaian'writes: "The best method* of kweplug the sklu in a healthy condition ia frequent bathing in coKwater and aoio%p anno of cUe Ubo of oomplbiibn ponder n- .tainiug arssnioor load, proper dieafc* correct habits, plenty of sleep and opep-alr exer- oiao; and it wo wight add on* articlo of medioiaeusUeiaa; epsoiaHy valiiable tor AddrosH and Prcnontntlou. A vory plcunantovonintj waa apout on Friclay laat by tho members of the Sabbath morning class of tho Euaox Methodist anarch, who met to bid furewoll to Mi*, and Mm, Jamoi Elliott who are noon to leave ' Esaox for tbo neighborhood of Goderloh. Many woro tho wordn of i egret at losing bo worthy a family from t)iu ohuroh and . from tho t>wu. Daring tho evening the following addre<Jn was read ao- oompanied by th proauutationyff a hand- no mo biblo and hymn book to Mr. and Mru- Elliott: AnnnisB's.' Doar Brother and Siator Elliott, We, a few mombera of Graoo Methodist. . Church, and more espeoially the oIiish- inn- dor the leaderahip. of Brother Bate, th* . olena with which you havo so long been identified, havo met ber* this evening to exproaa to you our deop regrot, that the timo has aim oat. arrived when you have) decided to loavo us. Wo truafc fcho bonds of Cbrintiau frioudahip by whioh wo have so long boon united will not ba severed. We shall in tho ohuroh feel your aliRonca, but more foieibly ahall wo miaa you from oar Sabbath morning olasa. Your dhrintian oharaoter and deportment haa alwaya been helpful to your olasa-nsates andtho ohuroh in general. Wo trust that wheravoryour lot may be cant Unit you may bo found v.oalouH in tho oauao of your Heavenly Master, and may your zoal aud ohristiad charaotora bo an inoantivo- to good workB to those with whom you may associate.. We beg of you to ttor oopt thin bible and hymn book, ai a ehghfc memento.of lovo and mapaot frotn the membora of tho class you aro c.ouneoUd with. Wo trust thin Holy Book will ever bo your guido and Oouusellor, that it may bo a lamp unto your foot and a light unto ~ ] your path; wo pray that your lives may long bo spared to bo a blessing anto your, family, and to thoao of your fellow-yjbajiigflVj with whom you assooia't*..- ^.*^ Sigaod on behalf of tWo elans, '. Jonw Batb : , " W- GOSNOLL. Easox, Feb. 16th, 1895. This was followed by the serTing of LW- ;.| freahmontB to which amplo justlb*!: wsb';j dqno, after whioh the mooting dispersed, feeling all that the Booial Bide of their ;, nature had been stirred, and Ukat.^the ! "Love of the Br*thern" aooordmg to the/ Word, ia a trait of the christian ohamt*r; .v;3 -Cow. > i >. yuitoa iaro aeipgaiion, witti our old fcUpBrw^ir^aVb* Bseljay*..-Li?' frieads W.S. Cummiford and Henry Hell- Loz*ngas.". ,. "'".'.' . Mr. and, Mrs, Kltiott expect to laav* iv \$ about ten day* for their future horte/ .','. '"w Huron ooonty. Mr. Kilibtt.haa lived, \- ;;'^ Eaaexfpr ab*uB'flve yara, anc(, l>y .V; V terUtj'gohriBtiahoUairaoUr,. ha* won th^ reapebtof all^baknow ; him.', ftnd b) , ., r family.,. ; "iV-.^v-VlS ' '. '.: i-:^-: :'---i:^S::\d,<i:> \-:^M

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