.s - *' " .-/ ' V . .1 5 Hb r^^>;*.>fc;> FRK&Afc PREa*- Miiut Flo (Hirer, of Wiudior, wu visiting irUacU Id lora Ut wk. MiiIBIUOoaUwrth. of Kinfiavllle, i< --^ p*ndiBK*rwd*>iwlth*Mr. O. E. Han- (tenon. *lard; "Mri. Wm. Pattnrwm ai iou are p.ndinf a,' mouth with friindi in Essex." Mi OowlEa, of London, in vinUinpf Miss Januio WfclUoo, town, Mru. Alex. Wullaoo in pudnrif thu Woek {n Detroit, tho jjuaiit of MIbs tUoknoy. Mr. and Mfg. F. Itosobroggh, of Harrow, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Alox. WalUco. MiBU Joniiio Neabitt, of Walkorville, put Sunday m town. ' Mr, O.BarW,>6*{ Detroit Up<mt,.a fow <Ujri with hiH puroutH, of thin town, Mrs. 0. MoMahoti, of Gottarn, spout aflt week tho ^ueifc of tho Minuet) Gordon, Meanra. II. W. Allan, M. P., atid W. D. Balfour M. P, F., aro mjl'oj^fff^^ia wook aUandinjtthe Lba^gJfi^ngH;1 Mrs. 0, ^'JjjajfuTwttii called awiijMMd- ftn 1 y~o d' 'X'uoiiduy to uttend tho funortd of auintar, in Chatham. Mlas Ida- J. Emnriok in homo n*>aiu after m uaoath'o utny in Toronto. Wo mirier. atatid it i* Mum KmririoK'H intoatioe te take up foreign missionary work. Itoov* Wiglo aad wifn, of ICinUnvillo via- tod Frmaipal Ilondurijan ou Saturday and Sunday laHt. Mr. Witflu wan aluo attend ing tho mooting of tlio Groat BouthwBlorn Fair dirrotorK. Mr. T, H. D*Cow wiw: in Toronto on baiineiti thin, wook and saw the thernoonc- tor rogiuter2l0dceatmbjlow tfero. Mr.De- Oew Hayit EiiMex is cold onougb for him jUHt now. THE QLENWILUAM3 A38AULT. I I lfc,l|lll J<U MoMuUr OorpmltU*! toStaml Hla TrUI and HaiUd.^ GKouaETOWWi. Out., Fab. 4. Joa Mo Maater, who aaiaulUd youh^Turner at Glanwllllama, waa brought from-Milton jail yeatenUr and arraigned bofOTTMagia- tratc* Kennedy and Barber, charged with aaaaultlng with Intent to do grevloug bodily harm one Albert Turner. County Crown Attorney Matheaoti proaoouted, Tho prisoner's httoraats were looked ufter by Barrister John SMltou, of Toronto. Turner, who looka anything but well, aald that he attended church at Giauwil- Uama ou the evening of January 20; that after the narvice, and a ha mid Mia* Whoelor Wero moving itway tronr tlia church Btoptj MoMiwter jumped between thain, MliovJUjg. him (Turner) off the aide- walk. Ho regained hlu position bedde tho lady and' they Walked peaceably along until they leached Mr. Alartlu'a house. Minn Wheolur bore uxatiuidliergolf, HtntutK tlmt rihu loft iiorwrupu in MurtinV Wbilo wultiu^ lior outeominfc bo vucelvod a blow which felled liim to tho ground. Ho at tempted to rim), but wan atruck nnd wuilb down tiRHln. Tho pounding continued until ho bociimu uncoiinciouM. Sovural other witausHoa wi""jexamltied, all of whom aworc tlioy a *w MoMnuter as- wtult Turner. Tholr worwhlpH ooiiKldored a oloar ciwe had boon made rut uKaiiiHt McMitHtcr and they commli.-ud him to stand his trial at tlio Hprlni, aani/us. AfLer coimultiitiou they decided to accept bail. Thin wiui foKLhctoiiilng. < ----------------,____.______.___________, ----- China's Peace Knvoys Sent Home From a Fruitlegg Mlsilon. TERROR IN MEXICO, QnarllUa Raiding; tha Frontlar 8ttUfa Troopefor tha Kprilar. St. Louis, Fob. 4.- A apodal from Oaxa- cn, Mexicdt atatci that the government ia rapidly concentrating all federal troops stationed In thai Southern Stateg .on ,the Guatemalan f ron tier. Hegtraenta are ua-t riruTiwr at wet uai u/r, !"Pwing through there almost constantly, HOT FIGHTING^AT WEt-HAI-WEI j en. route to the Stato of Chiapas. Courierg ' T"who have Jaat "arrived bring information Ml . ._ -. \\ of the further depredation* committed by Mn--ttu Khold mi rtiaeUildli Un(il| ot GuatomalanH o.itho Mexican aetfclern of . tho frontier. Many murders and robberlea have bosn commit ted. The whole Mexican country ia in a atate of excitement and terror. Tlmt J'olnt, Valla llafora tha Vlo- tolrloua Japa TUalr Vlaata fiHgl^g*^ tn n l>ipar at* J-lBht- liONDOK, Feb, i. Tho Contnll Newa hna UiIh doHpatoh from Shanghai: A Chin- Klang despatch dated February 3 uaye tlmt a email hunting party from the American warship Concord accidentally allot a r.fttlvo on Friday and was ovor- poworrd and carrlwl off by other uallveg. An *,micd force wjlh atmt to roHoao tho puity. Nothing furthorwuH known of the** affair when tbo duapatch loft Chln-Kiaiig. Tho Central' Nowh corregpondunt in MME. JONIAUX IS GUILTY* SALE! COMMENCES Monday, February 11 u Th lUlglan k'oUoiUf Will Huffer k'anal Srvltutl. Antwbh?, Feb. . Mrtie. Jonlatix on Saturday Wa* found guilty of glxcountd and Wa wontenced. to death. Thla m\i- touce, according to tho Belgian law, will bo commutud to penal aorvltude for life. Tho wotuan waa tried for tho murder by poison of hnr alutor, Mile Luonlo Ahlay ;' METHODIST CHURCH DESTROYED. Tlio Kssex ICtelstry Ofllee, J. Wallace Aukin, Kotjistrar of Ksaox, ban fiyled bin ntateinoi't for 1B01, and paid the County Trfliinurer, on the 15th of Jan uary, the county'H share, Sl,G2(j.fi0i Wtud Bor^eta $427.18 and Walkervillo 510.22, a total of }2,0(ii.OO, (ia uRainat $1,861.17 in 19011. Tha Provineiul Treanuror receives 82011.37, The following are extractu from tho statement : No. Manicipalitierf, 23. Grorfu a to o u n t7j f'Toen, I TOtrrTr^. 3 ' , (i2tf_0 0 * '" 03...... 5'J 0B PiaburaoraentQ durioii tho year Bjputy..............88li Miss Askiu.......... 1U0 Mihh Goyle........."... 5 b;i U.Coyle.............. '2110 83 Wollo................ at* 00 8t. Louin............ Ml 75 Janitor.............. 35 00 -MiuoollaneouH, stationary, boild, telephouo, Ac l'J7 7B -----------Sl.lifttJ U ltobatu to MunieipfcluoH County ....91,(12(1 (10 Windoor .. 427 18 Walkatvulo 10 21 ^ ----------82,011 00 Jlobato to Prov. Trea7" WM 7 -----------52..127 M7 Si 013 -17 Not incomo of ItuniHtrar........S3,1 ill 5 t Amount paid mnuiuipalily ld'Xi, lil ,BlJi.17 No. Patontn 1 ( F-ta tliL'rt'from. .8 22 7") No.UeedH 1375 Foa% " .. 2 122 30 No. Mrrttf lOH'J Fees " .. l.R.W bo Di6Mortrt Hill Fuhh ,: . 60!) 'JO No. WilU (10 Fuch '* .. 12.1 75 No. Lr-uaea 2h0 Fees " .. 3110 7-"i AbHtraciH 4o.J Feo " .. 75li HO BoarUu-H 2U0 Fet-i " .. 1070 65 MochLioiiH 33 Keen ' .. 9 00 Other nihtru .i.t2 Fo<-a ' .. j'22 -J5 Ocbfi Bfrviue1*' ihcludmi! cui*"'h 'it oath ;>2U Fct") tli'iu-fi Jtu 24 5 70 Return of m.jrt^u^ch No. iioiT.nml I'tin^idcraliuM, 'J7 No. fe 1000 or tiiimr 712 To',,1 ^315 1)11 If, From Ol000i<i320ujau i i ,tj 1 JO * .tm, ij.n ii No. oviii- V-'OUO---- 12 " lid "o 00 Tolals........ 1,071 v ^L,111,11') 20 Tilt) liicr-a'ifj ov*r-i" laut yeai'ti reeuiptn i, duo tj diHcovery of natuiul Hl" i" tho county, anu^ttfl a coiiH'q'i-n^o, ihe lunu g of lands and och(:r tranaactio ia which a'e (in unpotiw to hu-ii'l'JHii AlLhm,;h tho nutut'cr of i^htrum n'n le^iniorod u l:aa than in 1H1I3, the amouut iw inireunod 1 y tbo ftct that many iiifl'nimantH covered lanti.i in differunt inunioipalitn'H an 1 more no in tho ciii.ii of ^ud luasus. Another roaMiin lor iii'r'(iiii im pnruhaHc of Urge tfiiotH ol hindn l>j JJutioit c t[ntahatH. Tho I'ioiifnr Hulldliiir ut tlui Donninlii'i- tl<m In London IttiriHMl, London, Out., Fob. l.~T|io pioncor of the iMethodWt, churches in this city, the-; Queen's avenue Methodist chinch, was burned to tho ground ou Saturday ni^ht, together wir-h thu UVulpy hull. It, w a tuyatcry how tho Arc aturtud, hut it ia eupposed to huvo been from tho funmceu In tho huhonuMit. Tho pipo oryan wjis tho flnost we>,t ot Toronto and was valued at 51-1,000. Thu lire pread ho rajildly that it was impo.slblo to Mivq anythiiiKi and hesides tho jiipo oivan, threu pianos, two class organs nnd ii nuinhur uf miiiicul instru ments helon^iiii: to the orchestra were ilo- Htroyud. A large croud witnessed tho destruction of thu building. Thu lire settles u iiumbci'o. questions which have been a .sort of disturhing ele ment in the church for a couple of years pa.st, tho principal one being that in re-' gard to thu rebuiTdTTrg7TvinnnL"largirnum- bbi! of the members of the < lunch claimed waa a pressing, necessity, but which wan Indefinitely postponed in deference to the wishes of Home of the wealthier mumho.'.s of the congregation. The Iosh will lio fully $75,000, on which there lu, ko far nu knouu ut present, but $20,000 Insurance. her murlfl, M. Jacques VtinDen Kerchovo; nirodhlmii telop;rapli under yoHtorday's' I and her brother, H. Alfred Ahlay. Tbo dato: Premier Count Ito and Viacount [ convicted" woman wwj of mood nodal atiind- Hutmi, AflniHtor of Foreign Affiyirw, luut a j Intf and her trial hau excited wldHpruad Bocond interview with ChhiuV ptuico on voy yoaterday. Tho main object of tho meeting was tooxchango credentials Tho MinlHtory found the crodentiala of the en- voya to ho very imperfect and to louvo thorn ahdolutcly powering to conduct binding negotiations,. Tbuy refused at onco to continue negutiatioiiH and rcqueyb- ed tho envoys to-leiue tlio country iih noon aa possible. Tho envoys sailed tonlay on the Htuainer Owarunaru for NagnBiikl, where they will await the arrival of tho mini steamer for China. They will ho ac companied until rhey depart by tbo In- -apector-genurnl of police and several tin- aiHtiuit inapectors, who will prevent any Interest. O.tn, Wu11mc After the utouii. DmnoiT, Mich., l^flh. 4. Gon. Low Wal- lucea proposeH to nialco trouble fot Home body bocaiiHo bo was not compelled to pay duty at tho Detroit custom hoiuia ou n copy of'"Hon Ilur" which he bought on a train in Canada while on ills way to Detroit. Among a pile of book which thu train "butcher" threw down be.sUhw him ho found n paper eovured copy of his famous work which tho hoy ofTurud to ldm for twenty-five cents. As tho book cannot ho purchased in this country for lusi than {1.50 owing to the copyright, tho general Greatest Reduction Sale of the Year. 60 BojB\ftnd Youths' Overcoats at half price $G ilen'B OvercoatBfor $3 $7.50 Men's Overcoats for $3.75 $10 Men's Overcoats for $5.25 $15 Men's Overcoate for $7.60 hostilo demonstrations on thu'part oC tho i wi^ ruflled. Inspector J. D. Long went pooplu. -*** through tho .satchel of Gen. Wallace in tho "The parliamentary resolution to ap prove all war expenditures legardleaa of amount and date is prefaced with tlio de claration thai the o)>j u-ts of toe war have not been realized yet." The (.'i-ntral Xew^ correspondent iuWei- Ilai-Wci u-li'grapb'i iinrler the date of Feb. I via Talieii-Wan : The Chinese warships were much dam.iged in yesterday's fight. After the, I'aielu Ya.so forts.capitulated the Japanese tnrtnd the captured nuns against t lie Chint'M* u.irsliips, hit I inn them repeatedly and (urcing thepi to eb/mgo j their poMiious. wV vudent .snowhLurin in luborera in the m*w Weariiighouso plant, the afUMuiMiu of .Jim. Ul compelled thu / 'j'liey hail bcBn sent to the wafelmuso for Htatiou but passed tlio volume without asking for duty. Gen. Wallace announced his intention of talcing the matter to -WushiiiKimi. J To hays rhuXalt hough "Hen Ilur" has been translated Into almost every tonkin* he 1ms only n-ceii-ed 15 cent royalty I rum foreign publishers. Atidtlii't' Kutiil Kxplnulnn, lilt.UJiHif ic, Pa., Feb, *J. One mnn was blown to death and five hurioitsly Jiurtat the Westinghouso hdectrio U'uiksat Brin- lon. The name of the dead man is John Dugar, iil years old, single. All wero All Ladies' Mantles, Wraps and Jackets at exactly half price Mens'heavy Double-hrcasted Suits for $5.00 Men's regular $10 Suite for $7 Men's fine black Worsted Coats and Vesta $5,50 Boys' 2-picce Suits at $1.75, $2, $2.25 Men's all wool Pants 1.25 Men's Lumbermen's Socks and Rubbers for $2 Men's Eelt Boots for $2 Nrnrly Murdered nnd Tlmn Itobhod. Niagara Fai.i.s, Out., Feb.- i^-NVd Flanders, a man about t'urt) \ears ol age, wa> turnul>^-bi*ili'ii nnd rhiin^ to. have been'rubbed of t*-Wwhilu walking along Fierce avenue on the American side of tlio river. Flanders, it in said, bad got bold of tho money from the salo of a bouse and lot and had been drinking heavy through tho day. It, i.s said he had visited some dis reputable houses, and bud been followed from Zieget'.s saloon on Fierce avenue when he was pounced upon by three men and hit on tho head several times, tho le- suit of which aeveral ugly scalp wound.s. In the melee that followed one of Ida as- baihints must have usbd a knife as two of Flander.s' lingers were almost aovored. Flanders managed to make lii.s way to Dr. Talhots, who dressed bis wound.s and had the man sent to the Kmcr/eney Hospital. The doctor notilied the police who arrested three well-know u ehur.ieters named "Keddy" Winslow , Jim .Mc.dratli and (Je.o. Wiehj^on huspitiou. '1 hu former two have confessed to tbo jrime, one turning stale's e\ uleucu on the other but exonerating Wu'lil ironi having any connection with the .ilf.iir. JJart of the m uu-y lias l>'L-n re covered. Fl.uider-t is I; nig in u p.o arious condition at. iho Injspu.il. A llrtivo Kem'im by IMrrnwn. Mostui:al, Feb. 4. A 11 iv which brolce out in the pieLUru framuig esluhh^hment of Mr, T. llean, *7 iil. Auioiue street, although ( xtinguished by the brigade, was attended by a serious property loss and narrowly escaped being the cause" oL a tragedy. The llremcn at the risk ol their lives rescued from the top Hat ot I In* burn ing building Mrs. John .Martin, an aged and almost helpless lad\, Innu death. Tho lire htarLed m .Mr, Jiean'i store from suiiuj unknown cause, and (jiiieKlv spread to the lestmtant ot Mr. J, MrKule} and to Ida and Mr. Jnbn Maiirt's dwi-ilings above, '1 he firemen were (phi !%ly on the vein; but tlii- dailies spirad -u (|iiitkl\ lhai Mis. dart in'* e (ape \\:\, ( ut oil". Ill Mie lace .u.o.i-dii ami II im - tin-men in.idc rheir \'ny in tin' in L-nn[ i .^niied lady, nnd tho ii'n"ili'iM'\"l u hea t In-y again ap[ieared I r i^.. i, hi i1 in 11. *ii .inn- to *,ateti . liot h h -i mm-s on tin,'st ii et llal'wero gutted by n * **- fiUIlllAH FOE DTIS. Aia . llril'tui i ou Canada. V (HMmfHHh Uurr ih ! nurrah I lor-I^iTmond Dyefl, fio hontnl, fatitaud pure '. Ilnrr.ih for d>tn the lidi"H pn/.j| Grand coIoih that endure, Ko other imihe wit i them com;aret Nona used wMi m mtioh_cno ; They work with wondan tvorywhoro, They ouver tail to pl'n-T. Hurrah 1 lmrdh! for I>i wond Dyoi, A million voiced u (;; JjMio "Uuni^nd" 1 r ai I, so m y tl.'o 'w'no, To houHO vivfM j 1 msur. it brio i Xici'i in'iy tliu "I>inui')n Ut" 1 vt, iu 11 >w With i'iireiitin.i imwMi Xiotnj in-iy th y ttho v i.iuir i no'u uo* luT'thlu O^uada of our.< I't.it Km)ii< it 11 t;l :i i h Run Down. I'll.. l'i ;-i r\ h I. (Jn Thursday night I l-. < In- gioi ci \ .torn of Mr. (Jeurgo u.i-.-, W.il on siieet,was i nterul and a u 'I- 11u uit ny ol groceries and provisions i i ii N'\ui\il paities were suspected by ' u i l Coiisiable Douglas, who got. out a i i.th v\ ari'Jiut and the house opposite tbo '.i.-, Mihi'c, occiijncd by .Mrs. Nelson and -o i-, U iUiaui and 'J'hoinas Kelson and \\ Hi', Alexander Crnmuier, brother of Mrs. \" Kon, was Laurelled on Saturday, and a ->! ,.Jt load of butter, clause, bacon, pu k ( -.. tea i\\m\ oilier groceries wero tu'i-id thai bad been stolen Iroin Mr. .1..-- aad idi'iu.iluil b\ Mr. Stephens, Mr. Cia s' lon-uiati, In umlitiun, loriy )ards o lit niseis taiptl, Mi,Urn Mime mouths . fioiu Mr. (ieoi^vsniulrs livrn stable, \ ,1-, also luuiid. t'luuinier and Tboimis, \ 'lion, in tlie pivseiut: of a number of w i 'K'f.M s, acknowledges Imth the rob- b, i .e-. 'I'bo'i' are uuwm euttudy. Loudon \Viit*H I,flfmiit<u'. London, Feb. i. John M. Lord, tbo London Wtmt, ex-tax collector, charged willi einbo/7demont, ^h-aded guilty Lo Mm lour cii.irge'i preferred against, him, lie was then remanded to Thursday for seu- rence. A petition In hi.-* behalf has been .titled. K is said that some of thu moat prumiiKMii people of London'West, includ ing the reeve, liavo piomised to sign. A l-'ariiier'H Mai row I^nnjie, JSlUNlTonn, Feb. 4. When crooalnof Colboruu htreet ut tho corner of George s:reet yesterday Walter Ciumlngbam, far- .ner, W'hn struck and Unoel.od down by a' .nilley. Furcuuatuly tho motor wiw ro \- -iHL'd in good time, and beyond a Blink ing up by thuauddon fall. Mv.'Cumilutf 1i;j.iu escaped wltboub injury,, Japanese lLccL to remain inactive and thus thus frustiated the Japanese plans to bring on a general naval engagement. Tho Japani*se .still hold tliu eutralicu to tho h.irboi*. A 1 i'lit ntl News despatch sent from Ilal- Cliang -on, Friday says tlinfc Viceroy LIu- Knng-Ti has an iverl at New Cln\ ang and will assume hp.'eine coitunaiul of tho ('liinebe opei.J ions in Maneiiuria. Gon. Not'./u, i in- .I.ipiiiu'sij coinmaiider. expects to be at lacked iu d iy or to-morrow. His sjiies repnrr i n ir ttieru are about fifty thousainl t'ai'i ie troops in the neighbor- book ot Yiiuu, Ko'.v mid New Chwung. ^ | A Central News despatch from Cbee- Foo says ; '"'I'iio Ja[i.inese ha\o captured the iHland ot Line; Kiiog-Tun, the last htronghold ol the Chinese at Wei-Hai-Woi. The.bombardment was terrillc and lusted for hours. The Chinese answered it with unuH-nal spirit, but many of tholr gunu were disabled early in the engagement. To ward the close of thu bombardment six Japane.se ships landed marines who cap tured the batteries. The lighting waa he\eioand many wero killed and wounded on each side " As this despatch ia sent the two fleets are hotly engaged. *** DEPORTED THE SCHOOLMASTER. How tlio I.llicrty-Iaiilng I'euplo of tha Itejiultllt: liiiit l-'oiolifiium. St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 4. A special to tliu Pioneer Press Irom Grand Forks, N. 1)., says : Karly in December the Minto School Hoard engaged Prof, Alex. .\IoCon- nell, of Toronto, as principal of tbo Public schools. "When he arrived to take charge of the hcIiooIh he applied to County Su perint undent Woods for thu required cer- tdleauoji of examination. Tho superin tendent declined to grant tho certificate on tho ground that bis employment was an infraction of thu A Hun Contract Jjuhor Law. McConncU subsequently took n State examination and received a state certificate, but a protest was made J)y Miuto.people and tho matter was referred to tho authorities at. "Washington. On Wednesday McCoumdl was arrested by Immigrant. In.speUor Uej'ford on a war rant issued by the Secretary of the Trea sury requiring ;t,hc deportation of tho school teacher to tbo country whence he came, and he was sent, across the C uindiau boi der lino. Tho alTnir has caused iituio a eoiiiinotion at Minio. KILLED DY A FALL. A 'I nrontn >Iuu JIm'ti With n I jitnl A<tI- di'iit lu N-h- Vorlt. Ni.w YoKK, Feb. -I. Finanuel Samiud, who is in the real estate bu-iness in'I'd miito. met a fa'al aeeulent \\ lillo \ isit iijg the family of his father-in law, 'Morris .Jacobs. After dinner lie was walking up and down tho hallway oj' the tliiid Hour where the Jacobs' family live, enjoying a ciu'.ir. Thu window opening on tho air shattwas open, and in some way that it has been impossible to learn Mr. Samuel fell through to the bottom, lie sustained a compound fracture of tho skull. Dr. Charles Good was summoned; but ho foliud the case hopeless. Mr. Suumel dint at six o'clock. Ho was in good circumstances. I'ltrm I'roduclH limine vlxt WIIhoii Hill. IlrrrAl.o, Feb. Tlio customs receipts at the port of Bull'nlo for .January, 18!H, u'ete but C I iJW'l; for January of this year thev were ^(ill.Ji'J!'), an increase of $i;t,-l(i'3. ' In almost every instaiu-o where the duty 1ms heen diminished the import a! ions ha\o nearly doubled airtl in so.me cases they have incpMised to even a larger oxteut. This is especially true with Canadian bar ley and foreign fahiics. .Barley is now bwiK ahlppt-d hero in Iminense quantitlcH. Other Ganiidiun farm productH since tbo new lav* went, into effect have found a de mand in Buffalo markets. Live stock, in- eluding slieep, lambs, cattle and some horse,, contribute to tho Influx of taxable goods from across tho border. Ctrl) Kltoilrx Suoi'ti It). lidXDON, Feb. 4. Mr. Cecil Miotics, tbo .render of Capo Colony, was sworn In as i member of tho Queen's Privy Council at 'Khorue yesterday. Mr. Rhodes alter- wanls took lunch with the Queen, and a sbdrt. time later went on board tho stenumr Athuim on his return to the Cape Colony. certain east nigs. The articles wanted were in u barrel which had formerly con tained wood alcohol, and during tho, .purjod It had b^en heated up gas genei*- ated. The men knocked in the bead and and one lighted a match to look for tbo eastings. A terrific explosion followed. The men standing abmt thu ban el wore vKriick by the iron mis i rs a td t'uir cloth ing M-urohed b> the 1 1 nliii^ ll.i^li.l Ai niM i miu'it Sclwiiui .1 iiMipixl On. Lovdon', Feb. Tlio leading papers di-.( itss the Atlantic and Lake Superior railway scheme. The Clirouiclo says it deserves the eoiulemnatioii o[ all those who know the facts" regarding the an nuity and of the whole scheme. Tho Fin ancial News says tho acheinu is already condemned by tho former history of Mr. C. N. Armstrong and the Montreal and Sorel line. It adds : "With the Canadian Pacific doing badly and the Grand Trunk trembling ou tbo brink of insolvency Eng lish investors aro not likely to put their money Into a competing road." Mr. Arm strong himself sayn that these newspaper sLatemeutu are mudeiulingand inaccurate, lie declares that he will publish tbo real facta shortly. \\ anted nt Montrimt. CoNCOttp, X. II., Feb. 4. Geo. Pare, alias Rowland, was discharged from state prison here September 10 after serving flvo years for burglary in Cheshire county. Pare was wanted by Montreal officers to answer a charge of burglary. It was tho officers' intention to take him to Canada on tho completion "of 'his sentence but for some unaccountable reason the papers did not arrive in su.isoti and Pare dis ippenr- ed. Concord olllcers located him in--Man chester where bo was living under the name of Howard, lie was arrested and brought; hero yesterday and will bo hold awaiting extradition pupeis. An Aruarlu Itmtuiucti, Bu'i'AI.o, Feb. 4. The village of Arcade- Is much Hurried over thu elopement oi Mi.ss Nellie Knight, daughter ot a promi nent lawyer of Arcade, and Albeit Kent, a dashing young Canadian commercial traveller. Thu couple are now supposed to bo at the homcoC Kt m's patents in Can ada. The young lady's parents opposed the match, but. love laughs at locksmiths, iLiidvsci/.;ng an occasion when tho young lady was at homo alone, the homeo (time with a last team and cutter, bundled the juung; lady and her trunk into a.sleigh and got away be fun* thu family returned Shirbs and Drawers { off regular prices Grey Cottons 1 yard wide Grey Cotton for 4c yard Heavy yard wide Grey Cotton for Gc yard Fine Dondndale Bleached Cotton for 10c yard------- Beautiful new Prints at 5c and 7c yard Special sale of Dress Goods now going on See the new Solid Oak Furniture we are giving away. -x W. C. T. U. To (Im -Tli-'inury if Cliui l-n I. Ni:\V YoKK, Foby-f^-Ihuohl FredM'iek cables troiu Loudon to lIu J T;m.'s: "A curious, loot noLo tor cuirent history i. furnished by tho fact that on the anniver- htirv o( the execution ^of Cnur.os I. the iioliee tliit>*ar fur the ("list liiuo allowed funi'i'.il w i-'.it lis to bo pi need on his statute at Trafalgar Square. A requiem hervico nt tlio ritualistic St. Mar^aiet. Pat tons drew a crowded gathering of well dressed people, among whom were mem- bom lu kilts and tho Stuart tartan. T.ibvrutor DirtH'torn to bo Arrntml, London, Feb. l.-SmnmoiiH have been issued for Francis M. Coldwells, member of Farliameiit for Xorth Lambeth ; Henry Urauvillo Wright, the solieiior, w ho is now in prison for forgery in connection witli the Liberator Uuihling Society frauds; Messr.s. Dibbley and Uroek, direo- tur.soL' the society; and Air, Theobald, the auditor of the coiuern, All are accused oi conspiracy and lrnud. Ko Hope for tint Cliluovu. SHRDOYGAN, Wis., Fob. 4. Tho steamer Ludingfon arrived at. this port eovore with ico after u dangerouH and fruiUess search for tho wrecked ut earner Chit om Captain Henry Brines of the Ludiugton luis now ahandoaed hope of seeing hi.s brother who commanded tbo Chicora. I.ilinrilt Mmiiborit SimihiIoiohI, LONDON, Fob. 4. An urgent Liberal whip has been issued. It sitmnion? t e niembera for four .to-morrow al'tormam when quehtiniiHof privilego are likely fo be raided taking precedence over the ad dress, and important divisions are ex- peclcd. _______________ Dlio I^iqiiot-Trnillic'. It in Bnpportou* by two of the strongest tondane'es in humi\i nature animal up. potito and lo\o of money. It dcflen login- lata'tfi; id bribcu jnriep; it breaks through th* flimay cobwebs of muuioipal lawn; it diotatos politioiil platfcrmB; it trampN bn dor divtn hoof tho holy Sabbath and tho law of God; it grown rich on the hard-eurn- ou wtit;od of poverty; it futlona on tho in up derol bqiiIb of men; audio itnatatoly pulucoi or 1 Hinging iu Uu filthy den, it luuglm at tho broken homo, tocoru at the widoWiT tears, an_d mocks tho orphan'*! cry for broad. Ir, Htuutu the non'ajuud heart, and ralm tho mother of lYtt* lo^C. ' tt,"'leads tbo blcomiKg diiugbter through the dim ulluy to tlie hauntfi of mn. It trauoforms the fa'-tiuTa leving tondcrneHH into beuhtly cruoltv u-id murderous hate. It cbauguH tli i unce loved and loving hi ide into -the dr ulging el^vo of the ch nnkiiril'a hut It aim In the liunband to tho drunluird'H hope- lous doom, and dra^ethe orphaned babe BWty trjm homo and fnendtt, and cahtn it lot j tlio putrid ftretim of crime,' to flout on do \nwurd into worno than death. Tlius do 1 it nwoup the hibiIo of' chilclln.od'a mil nv i&m, it dimh lbe Un-tor of itmhitioa iu t n- 0)0 of youth, an t unlearn with foul din. fplicu of the hoary look1! of igd. K<lucnMoii vs. Crime. The Literary Digeiit eayH: At tho Socio- logioal Conureha recently held in Paria, tho eminent t-oicntiBt, Sir John Lubbock, road a pai or on tho effect of education on crime Catholic Abstinence HocIetteN. Tho St. John, N. Hhf Globe, nayH, Among tboGiitboIio total ahatinonco nooiotie of tho city aud vioiuity no grander rBUlts have been achieved than by tho Father Matbki w Anaooiatiou. Tho maetinga tro hld in St. Malaohi'e Hull ovory Monday oveniug aud arrangementH aro boinc; mudo to make tho room more uttractivo during thewinUr. Tha raemborhhip iu now on tho increinn and it in oxpectod ro long tlio aiiDOCiatiuii, uuder thu able (fuiditueo of tlnir untiring flpirituul director, Rov. T, Cauey, will attain its old tiaio huccobs. TUoro ih no moru ugrueablo plaao for yountj men to pu.au au ovaning than in tlio auaoai-. ution room, whorm thoir literary unl mu sical tastse can bo cultivated, ua a well up. pointed library and gaacH of variouukiudu are among the attraulioiiH. Tho aufiocia- tion ih deHeiving of onoonra^emont and eiipport. An iicuvo eocioty ontfagLd in tho samo work an tha F. M. A. ia tho St. Potor'u bo- ciety.of Portland, which has afurgo mutn< boiwhip. Ito uimu nnd objuctn aro not only to prornoto ti.taJ ubHfcinouoo, but to provide a fund for tho relief of molt and dUablod izn-inbura. It also payn a death buuolH (or which a email iUiHem>niont 18 mudo. The BtiMety h very much oticoilmgod by tho rovertnd rector of tho parish, who httH granted them u, room iu Lh baBomout of tho church, which will bo painted and fit- ' tod up for tLo winter mowtinca, Liko St. ( Peter'a nooiuty ot old, which exiHted in tho*"' parish youia ago, mulor tho ublo u.dmuiia. tralion of Father Miehaud, tbo sooioty has alar/(o Htff of lady momboro whe take a peek I intorcst in itti work. A Dniicermiif AirchUt Ai-re^tuil. HOMTE, Fob, -i. Tho pollco havoarrowted ftavnglio CappollI, adahffotoa1* auiircbhit, and two of hl frlettdH. L t'nppelli'H fJlUHH \VII 1(U DdHtt'OJ fll. ' UociiKSTKi:, Feb, The Pliounht Ghwii ...... , . . WorkHiit Mon.ibi wore dtsfcriyj'd by flro . lodgings lltoTTUilnd Hovernl homhfiund an. yohtordiiy. U^ *!so.000. The worka oni- infernal machine loaded with powder and -doved live liuudred people, bulJoUauda parcelo revolutionary Diana. ingly in'eioiiting. They aro flubetantially aa followa : Since the Act of 1870, tho numbor of obilben in Fnu'linh nchoohi inciouHed fiom !,."*( 0 000 to 5,000.000, and tho number of poranno in priunn had fullan from 12,000 to 6,00\ The yearly nvernKfl of poruonu Bont- nsotl to penal f-ervitudo for tbo wornt orimeu him dedhicd from 0,000 to 800, will'" juvenile offend era havo failon from 11 OfO to /i.COO. Sir John Lubbock noon^in tfc -e ilitireR a coulirmntinn of Victor nu- go'auaying, that 'ho whoopunoa uchool elouisKapr-BTn,' " To Clear 'M'lie Completion. in Ki g and. Sir .Tohu'a figurofrare oxeeod-1* "Of itlfcliuoiiBeD with whidi "ttl'o'humau Jt dooil Appetlfe. AlwayniL^ompHnion good health, and nn absence of nppetito id an indication nf Bomothmg wronc. Tho univcrHal teati- niony niveu by Ihono who have u*ed Hood.B Bareapardlu, ur to its meritR in roBtoring the uppotitc, aud an a purlflor of th* blood, comtifcntoB tho tunngsufc reooramfindatiou tba* oa,n bo tir.jocl for auy mediaine. family m efllioted none reaitit moro menu- ur for trcatm-ut than Hltin duiordcira of a chronic nature. Prolonged practical ex perience and oarefuj otudy of individual oaiioy lias noon deanmd ueotiflnury by ' med ical oxperte to deal Hatisfu'etorily with pimplcfl, blotcbovvuHioIoa, paatnliu, tuber- clcn, etc., n,to. . *'\ Hpcoifla remody remedy however for all curable (orins of km dit-euBou," wo aro,informed by Mr. G. A. bhorriu, "fleomw to huvo been dluooverd in Keljuy'H Livor Lossengoa." Many of bin cuhtnmoiH, uh well ua thoHo of otlier drugglHtH, have found tbo continued uuo of tJiof.0 LozenueB rid them of ovory ourublt (uolaf dihfignromout, affcfcr yatira of ex perimenting with|other remedies, Eneljiiy'B LonongOR ouro ull draniiemeuToT tho til. toutivw Myiitpm and and purify the blood, and tlmfl jjiit at tlio loot ut tho evil. ,They nro t,ol i at 2fii. a best or 5 boxes for $1,00. * Hood'H P.llu oaro all Itve^/ilU, bilHoag", iiess, jaUnuice, iudiWBtioi), 'Mlbk 'headw)|it h* 25 ceuti. ' l t n iiS'r, :&m m^m^^^'^ M^^^^^i^a^ .^/ RiUtfrtw. 874 3279