Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 8, 1895, p. 2

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r KF'P PR^Sto SSEX FRJEE PRESS .EI3C, OasTO*. iahcd Every Friday Morning From thocflloein tho Industrial Work* Jlulldini;, XulliobBt. Survivors Bitterly Accmo tin* Sfcam- j er'n Crow of KelllslniGX4. Special attention ia -paid to tho publiua- tloD of matter ol looal importance, iiuoiir- ftto and reUablo reports of Town, neighbor* 'ing Towutbip and County Ooutioil precunei* ine looal ind county market report*, uto,, the oarefu, and judiuioun muutiipimuiit of The Fbeb I'liKaa, with rowpuot to thuuo mid other current mattorn of looal jmportanoe, has givon it a widunproud prentice in Mm centre of Kbhox county,whloh in reoo^tiinHfJ as ono of tho hunt agricultural dhitrioU in Ontario. Tub Fines Phkhi in thu only medium oirouluting thoroughly in thin central portion of tho (Jaunty, aud )h doii- eequeutly.without doubt,tho only thorough ftdvectming medium for l>uwnon ponplo wiahiu^ to roach that ohihH of uimtomorB. -.' COimEHl'ONHKNOU. |.*^,6ur columiut uro r1wu.}h open for tlio pcaooahlo difuuHBion of multum portitluiniJ Do tho public welfare. oorroipoijdonttf in all tho Hiirrouud* . localities* furntah reliable roportu of evonU'of intoroat, oouurnn[>in thoir jio^. RtTuny (fijipoiui'l to forward contri Qtlonfl. , All oommuuiuationa of >t privito ami idUontial nature, iihould ho no uiiirlcul the ouuido of thu ouvolopo. HUimcnuu'ioN riuci:. Si 00 por annum, Htriclly in nlvaiioi". 1.50* per unnum if not no paid, ana uTT irrcar" aharaod at that rate. ADtfliU'riHKMKSrH. U.Vnnniont lagul and municipul dvcr linemen t, notiooj, tto., uhaifiod at tho rato of Ion onntH por hue, lor firm. lUHortion, and hvu oouU >'P',r bin1 foronoh uuoHocpiont xnturiion. All r.uoli "" aoTvortiBomuMta aro moiiMiiod by a annlo of twolvo hnuii to thu inch. Jjoaiil roudirii and otlior notices pub lmhod iimoiwj looal nown matter charged at the rato of ton conU pur running lino for ciiou imioruou, AUnotioeHof church or nooioty outer- taiumontH oE auy dononptiou, at whiun an admiBiQU foo m churned,aro rouardert uh TTtivortinnmontHh and lull iulvoimin ratcn charged in all wieh i-ilhou Noticon of ^uth- eriutfn or mnetiuun not -or p'i:uuiary benc- ilboraid, will by cheerfully p iDhnho'l f:-f of nhar^o. contract raton mudo for dinpla> .or standing advth. All U'jjai or profession- al cardti under ono inch, S3 par uunmn. JO OH COMMKTtCUL PUlMriXn, Tho Pnun Pukw .lob Printing J^e- nartmonfc is under tho BUporviaJou ot thoroughly oomputent mechanics, aud Bpeoiul attention ia paid to this Jiranoh of tho trade. Oar facility for tho oxcoution of. all kindu of Book and Fino Job Printing aro uuoxaollnrt. Stuam powor proflflCB. A call nolioitod. HtlHXKIsaB IlEatlWTIOSlB. All Job Printing and Tramm-nt AdvortininK accomUH, utnatly ctuli. Advortioiut; aunouutH^ with regular patrons aro Bottled quart orly. Sub* uoriptiona duo in advance -* No uubacriptiou to tho Fnisn Piikhb, or advortifcioment publmhed ia H.J columnH will bo diHContmuod until uil urroara are paid in full. v Chan^eu for adytirtisiomontH, to secure inaortion in tho curront lamio, miiMt hu handud in not later than noon of the Tues day prcaadingi aud nottco of huoIi iutunr!. od ohtingo ia required on Lliu Monday pru- ceding. Notice of diHcoutinu'Uioa of auvtn t-'ht mentH mu-ib bo^ivtm at loaat ouo wouk hi acivanoo uf tho intum in which thay itro dcHifi'd to hint appear, CARL HOFFMAN'S STATEMENT FMiliig Sinimku Ak-rlvlitK nt I^Wf>ntnrt llrlittt N >>f>xvM niiv (if tlin Cmtlilfl Kxuinliinil ut Uottur- ilnkn I'atp oftwo llliti- leurlun l'%irirr*. Tho SiLllni'H r the KIliw RHtorly Ac cused of Town:' 'Ice. t ADVKitTiaicnH, BubHrribL'rB and patronu qcnorttlly utu reqututed to read the above rouulatinnt- carefully, in ordor that coufiirfion wiho avoided, an they will *iu all caes Ul- adhon-d to. Addrt'HH all lo ommiic iliona to Publinhoi' thu Kh^ux Fiikk Pukhh, Kfittox, Out toNP^N, Fob, 2. It In iiiiderntood that tho oltU'ur't and crew oC dm (VaUiln wory oxumlncd yesterday by tho British coiimuI nt UotUrdiun. They'will leave the Hhipimd return forthwith to Aherdoen. Voveni, Hoffman utid KchU^ol deny em- plinUcully that tho Gmthle ronmlm'd h\u- nailing for twohourn nciiv the Hcenc of the eolllHlon. They .ay that had Mm donn im alio could have Havi-d many liven. UofT- man, who wuh one of the Mi-Ht to rtui^U Vie' KlboV deck after thu collision, dld^nnt hVI* tho Crathlo answer any of tlnyf'njo'HHh*- iiiihi. Ho noticed a atnall K^mor, appar ently thu ono that, fitruokXj70 lODai. tit nam- hiK away. As reurdi Jf0 iu-Jntvioi: n." the liduorfcrow IUin.min^iyf;. ..T Kol/..'d a life heltii'iHOon iij, I /^Jt on deck, hut usji-lnr demanded it.wijjifti^ tllIlt 1(j iHdoM.l lo tho crew, j^cfvn it up with the remnrlc, po jou \UU nave yonr^tdf,' hiU ho did hot, Tim crew did their hoi.t to keep tho pMHse ^crs out of the boats." IIofYmmin is ^ic/itlv embittered by (he low of \\\h \\ iff and child. lie taller con tinually about it mid in each interview mnken new chattel npiinst tho crew. "I wan born union;,' tin* Indian1* out we-*t," lie (.aid. "I have j;one through rou'^li times with my family there. Now it U all over with them and they have been Blicrillced by the cmelessuessof these men, I do not value my own life now; I can think only of my losi." lIolTinatmN des. cription of the final si'tlleinent-of the ithlp was vivid. "I could see her ninklntt rapidly iisi we pulled away in thu Mmill boat. Her bow went uj) sie,idil\ into (lie air. Tho deck #rcw .steeper imd I could ace tho poor wretches aboard her cliinbiii'; and cruwlinu towaid tho prow until sud denly all were engulfed." Vevera told a reporter last night: "Thoro waM a lot of ureen li imU in clrir^e or the lifoboati Thoy wen-so excited they did not know wliat they were about. Thev filled one boat and then ibcy dumped all the occiipantH into the water. Tlio ci *\v in our boat, wore very reluctant to .idrnt MIhh Uot'ckfi*. lloll'm aim and I (ha^,ed her in without any aid from the seamen " Vevera and J lull maun also at tacked Third OlHcor Stollbergand Kiist Ihi^iuuer XeusHall. They say that both acted Hel lishly after tho niHcuc and that Mullberi; made no effort to command tho boat, but gave tho whole responsibility to thu htoer- ngo punficiit;ei*i Uoethen, who bad been n cook on a French steamor. They apeak hlRhly ot Botithcn's coolness mid skill and give him tlio whole ciedit far managing tho boat. .__________________ Many more smack1* arrivetTat Ijoh estoIT last evening. Tliey brought no now1*. Others aro due to arrive to-day uud to morrow, Thu akipper of the smack Com petitor reports that he mw what ho HOW THE SAVED AHcTJREATED ------------{ A <'f>rrwK)itint)nut * < tin- Maw Vofk Sun *t"i 11 h if tlii Nlluhby 'l'iftitl\itiiit tlni SuVvlviirx lti'4nilv< il from\tli JittifllHh .lL>ni- of t\xc <'eiMpnny, V OA!V COPYRIGHTS. OX1TA1N A PATCNT? thought was a mail bag and tried to catch It with a boat book. Ho missed it, aud, knowing nothing of the collision, did not try for it again. Tlio Shipwrecked Mariners' Socioty lias Mint (i baiometer to hjkippd* Wright,of tho Wild Flower, and 10 to hi.s men aud the Mayor of Lowestoft has opened ufund for their benefit, ( A despatch from Vienna says that amomj tho Klbij'n passengor*; wore thu Guttmann brothers, directors of Vi steam mill company near Kasclian, Hungary. The Guttmanus had lied to escape arrest, for forgeries by which they defrauded the company and the 'presunt shnreholders'of 300,000 dorms. They aro said to have given assumed names at tlio steamship oil ice. A late despatch from Bremen says that tho oflieial inquiry as to thu wreck will 1 probably be held there. | The manager of the North German Lloyd's said ho had questioned the m.i- i jorily of the ofl'ieeis and men hfived from the Elba and their stneemouts weie highly satisfactory. Tho evidence was unani mous that perfect discipline was main- ! of this money they liad to par tin ii tained aboard the Kibe. Serious blame resUd fionu-wheie, be added, bur lie had the utmost crmfidence in the skill and ex perience of the Elbe's olficci s. Nuv Yokic, Feb. L\~The following snm- niaiy of passengers and crew who were on tin* Elbe when hbe went down le- coiwd by e ible at thodlliceof the Xortb Geruuiti E!n>d line- Uahin, H(l; steeniyo, 110: crew, li'i; ^tewardcssLs,;!; mail < lerks, i; pilnt., 'J T >tal on Ijruiul ;Ot. Jvuouri *i le saved -in. Total loss :j."H. Kor a Rrninpc tniswer alnd un lioiiost opinion, wrlto m ll!NN *V- r<)..\vhn Inivo Imd iit'iirlvllfty venri' erpcrloaoo In tlio tmtenr, binuu i*t. Coinnuiiiu.i- tioimtitrictly cfailldcntliit, A Unndbnokot ln foraiutlqn eonpcrnniff Pateniti mul bow to <ib- tnt.i tliemai nt tr.cp. j\lso a < mat it;uQO[ niccii.iu- lcal and bUuntltlu bnnl.n sunt iili, I'ntcnt'i tiit.on I'n-Mi-.'li Mnim & Co, rccelvo (rpocliil tiotlrf in tins nelentitle Amnirnn. dtki lliim aru biouuht wiilely buiorotbo nnt<lle v/uli- 0t twit to tho tiue-mir. '1 hi i hnh mild pun t, ituuiid wo'iklv, eli-jjiuiri; inn rniti' liy 1 u tlm ::.rpont ci-i'iiUKi'in ot 'inv fifientun; woil' in tho world. Sit a veiir. Sui..i>l'j ci'inr-3 near jren. Hulllllnir I'Mltion, inosiLliiy, Vi.r,ua>e,tr. tm<il Cniiloa, 'i.'x-unta. t'jvery miinli.-p ronttuni In .ui- tliul lilatOH, in eolorii, mid pliotncrnplm of in- v iiounrH. v/itlj plniin, oniilillnn ni.ii-V' t> tlio qtten* (""ulpimuid oocurocnniiff . Addioni Mo" , ii fO *Jlu' Yoiii:. iiui Mi ().MnVAA "'M'niKt" Wlilcli Iw'H'opular. Thoro in a groat deal of indignation felt ngaitiHt truatfl Tho Sogac Trust, tho Stand ard Oil Trust, tho Welsh Tin Plato Trust, tho Engliim Salt Trust, and oth,or oombin- atiouB of tbo kind, aro vigorously do* iiouncod.aud it is a subjoot of controvorny \vbothor thoro aro morotrnnta iu Entjland than Araerioa, and whothor protootion or Iroo trade foutorn thorn. But thoro ii one form of truat againnt which no ono has anvthiug to nay. That is tho truat tho public ropoiioH in Hood's Saroapirillu. I'opMlur VSvot-ytvbok'o. Bogiuning with a umall loaal oalo in a re tail drug storo, the husiuoan of Hood's Sar- Baparilla ha(i*stoadiIy inaroaBod until thoro laeoarcoly avillagoor h&mlabtn thoUuitod Btntou whore it is unknown. To-day Hoods Baraapttrilla ntatuls at tho ,headJnJhQ_mo.4icino world, admired iu prosperity and onvlod in mferit by thoufi- adda of would-be comp^titors. It has a larger salu tlidu any otlior modioino beforo the Amorjoan public, and probably greator than all other etn'RaparilhiH and blood pur- ifiore comhinod. Such eucceea rrovoi merit, '> <i o tliicl; l>njmy Insani-. Nl.w VoKK, Keb '.i.- '1'lie hist chapter In itm eventful career of .Tuck IVmpsey, tho nine invincible middleweight pii^ilist, has been reatdied. He>-is now a physical and mental wreck, though his friends are tiy- m^'/.ealuiisly to conceal bis real condi tion Dr. Ward, o Couej Island, slates ill at the pugilist's mind is unbalanced, and lie can only hope to revive bis shut- feied faculties by'^ood medical treatment um! caieful nursing. The pby -ii( ian states tb it Henipsey is likely to do himsvlf irrn- parablc injury If loft alone. JIo defines the i ase as melancholia, superinduced by worriment and diink. Uempsuy is now confined to the homeof his brother Martin m Williamsburg. , AltlllHllllU l'l'MlL-luo'H l>('tt(l. AmwitA, Mo., Feb. 3.~Ilud Ellis, a farmer and. Methodist preacher, living four inlluifrom this city, hocumehiiddoiily ins mo yesterday. H0 cut ins v, ife's mid hliot, hi.s litlle ^irl through Uiu head, killing lioth. Then goinv to a larm wheie lie formerly resided lie blew his own bruins out. He was a widower until a week ago when he married a widow named Rltkmiiu who also had a lirtla girl. Tho latter was anved by hying absent at school. Anollim* Ai-inttiiliui Story Dniklod. Const.vsnyorLn, Feb* a. The .story published In the Tvondon'Dully News on January Ud.totho effect that the Armenians In Tarsus had been l'orbiddmi to uho their cemetery on tho'groiind that they used it as a depot for anna ,ht oftlclally doLlured to he untrue. The story is t,aid to have hriiien from tbo pustmg nt a Tuaklsh K'mrd In a ruined building in tho cometory mippojod to he tho tomb ot Sardauupalus. Kturvliii; trr.lVuUiuit* Yanictok, SrD/t.Fib, 2. A pathetic ap peal for aid foy*lio1fdturvlnKuttlorH on tliq Siouj; rt(.evvation) iu tho tinorganlzod county of,(3ro^ovy,J been wont out. Six bundled and f\tiy /iimlHeu, t?omprlHlriflt 3,iM)0 persona, uro-Qttn^ry, aud women and- lihUilron uro goliu^ bjtrefootod. They have ttubtfiutod tbuy Car"on *>pil(4l corn, Ni:w YoitK, Feb. 4.~Tlm-a of tbv.Vscued pasuenger-i of the steamer J'Jllio colled upon the Hun's conospoudouA in London on Friday to emplu'dze^u t-nrtain feature of Hieir expi'iience of v.-niclilittle has been wild In the first telJrtiiK <>f iiui awful Mory of the dimmtof, - 'it in impossible to Ignore them- Hrj^,,,,.,^^ ulthourdi tliey form a terrjJj,V(. In'du t.ment m,'Jiinst tlio (innnaii WVehunt mnrine moiothan against the North Tier man Llo/d t.teanislnp com pany. Mr. llolVnmu's story Is the worst. Ill) nay ho enleied the boat' against the protesth of the crew, Ills wife handed him (heir boy, and then ho win about to iiNtfbit her iu when the order vwis giVen for the women ami * hi Id urn to go on t he star board side. She blindly nbeved although her husband called hor buck. Before he could mm n the chief cMt^liHcr npp* areil at the Hide of the host and shnired, "/iive me that child." The bnj put hi -, lninds to the miui mid the engineer dragged him out, although his farber tried to hold liini. HolVrnaii tlien at ti mptecl in tollnw t be boy, but the- engineer jumped into the place thu child had vjn uti'd, and at tbo same instant the bout was 1 luindn d. The bout qiih kly diifted p ist llie llrst lifeboat which bad capsi/t'd and lowhiih Miss Hum kcr v,us i bn^iiiir. Tlie fom pussi ngcjs be,.'>;t d the oUb r. and ei"W to pick her lip, but thev relus"d. Mr. lioll- maun and ntrofber piis^eii^i r muniiged to gi-t ludd of In r and ulti i infinite c\ rti.ui^ dniggfsl hi i " aboaul Then instead of shou iiik t he sl'^bte-t sv nipniliy for Ilnil- manu and his ;;rief n\er.lhe loss of his \\ lfe and child, the < In.-f i-nt'im er 1> waih d his failure to in lug -t p.iir ot cu!ls i ontai'i- ing wiluublc bullous '1 In nu^u,,!! of tbe stricken man m tilling tlie stoiy was stiong evidence of his incerit v, ami none could condemn him fur the bltterno-,s he expresserl toward Uie mini whom he accused of being "ihe cause of his ho> 'n death. Mi. Vevera corroborates HofTnian's story and describes bow, afte,i periul- i mi had repeatedly^ been refused tci ITliii in . n tor the bout, b(T jumped in from abi-e when it was launched and hud a *-e\t ie struggle with a member ot tlio cj-ew w im tried to put him ovcrhoaid. It was on*: when he told tho man that he would drag bun into the water l li if. lie desisted "l have giveji only a ban* outline of tlii* most serious fentuios of tlie clmi^t s," hays tho correspondent. "Tlie J'lnglish pre-ij does not hesitate to, say that 11 i > .simple fact that fifteen of the crew woroMLVid and only five passengeis const it utes a d.r k "b+uT-u pmr+ht~Kes'nHHi-^s(UAtUu:un^____, l'The rescued passengers bare <i'ul ] itl "of their tie.u mt m by the 1-aighsli iept - seiitutives ot the Xortb Herman Lloyd-. It isu matter of Keuumo public import- ance, however, that theso facts be made known as widely as possible. The German consul atLowustob clothed thu survivors as soon as they landed. When the British agcifltof tbo steamship company arrived he gave each passenger ?5. He brought them to London and asked them to go to a seennd-ehiss hotel with tho officers and crew. The passuuger.s refused to remain longer iu tin* \ icinity of ,tho men whom they denounce most bitterly as cowards. Quarters were therefore, provided at tlio Eustnn hotel. "The agent of tbo steamship company asked else was wanted be-ades pi- sage to America. 'Ihey replied that il Would be a gre'it f,u or If they c on Id hn\e a clean shin, .socks, etc., lo put on beloro tliey reached America. The agent tin u doled out >."> more to each of the three sengers. The survivors elected to sail on t lie Uniliria. A reporter n ho beard what wa*. being done for the passengers was un kind enough to say some hind things io the steamship a^ent before tlie .suruuns left for Jjiv'eiponl, wi'b .t lie lesiilt thn: each receh ml a third pound, but out )\VII faie to J/i\ ei pool, w hich is il t bird i la s Thev took with them a letter lo t he l n Hard ohlee at Li\erpool from thengen / requesting t Imt he supply them w ith a 10 boiih, the lowest saloon rate to New Voik. Th.s is cheaper Aluui-^ho Lire which Imd been p lid on the Elbe. The agent vis good enoii'^ti ro add : " We slmll i- gai d a as a favor if you will give ihem I lie best. berths available at tho price." When they reach New York, if they are ivuiid miciil in Li'vt rpuol and icfrain hom ijiuii ; fees and indulging iu (.\tras on ihe I', i- lu'ia, each 'man will be able to luij one square" ___, 1 iiK'iit of tli WrciJi"."" " London', 1"i b." 1. Tho sk'pper of the hin ilL I) -It a which arrived u Jjowe^-tcd I yesteria'. saw a small and a Ionian b uli in d irk i lot In s fl ailing in the .Noimi J-i sl aboui lnrty miles southeast o I lau, i , port. (), Ih dvippt r**- who cairn in -, t lay pa-v^d dooi-^, immtuio , bo.v< s. Mv lile1 oars and thri e lifeti I,ink ^ ha\e li"eu picked up on the Sufi. coast. - . .1 id ' .1! ' Mutibi'd lliu Son and Sui<.)(lmj( Ni.w YoitK, Feb.-I. What may pi o,ve a double Lrai-,ed>, u murder aud iihiiiMdo. lui])peued at li'JS Third struct, when l)a\id Salliver stabbed his ^T-year-okl hoa \S il- luuu In tho breast w'ith u sword cane an 1 then jumped off the roof, killing hlim '. in.stantly. Tho Hon is suffering a serious wound and was taken to tlio Jlelle- vuo hospital, whore ho may die. The father had been drinking. . Oittton Idl Undor Au-chI. London, Fob. *(. The Srur publishos a Honolulu dospaich under date of January 10 which says: All of tho loaders of the re\olthavo been captuied tincTuro being court-mart hilled. Three of them pleaded guilty of uitfh trtiiwon, Quuun LI1 hn>> also lioen arrested, cliai^ed with complic ity,with tlie insurgents. The government is rigorously piainuilning martial law. iCllltul In ii Jtnilway H'ruolc. Prrt'blitJltO, Feb. '1. A wreck occurred on ibo baliliuoro & Ohio Kallroad at Woodell. An -easthound train jumped the truck, ami outerniK a siding crashed ARE THE PATRONS A6KNT8! An Important I'olnt I(nUil Id th SontU I'erth, Kleoilon Trtul. ' MiTOluai,, Out.,' Fobf JJ.r-The trial of the South Perth cloctloii portion against John McNeill was continued yeaterdy beforo Judges Burton Aud Ofder. Lloforo procoedinn with tho taking of further evi dence, their Lordships gp-vo thoirjdeclaloo in thu tatiu of Alex.Binclalr, dlBmlsglng the ciiso. Judge Outer hold that It was necci*- sury that a voter Hhouhl know tbo date from which hl nlinonce from tho rldlntf eounteil to render him liable to a cbnrgo ofhavhig voted, knowing he bad a rl^ht to vote. Judgment on thjs point Waa dlsmLssi'd, Tlielr Lordahip.s rufndned from diHciiHwinK the* _queHtlou an to whothor Khiohiir'H membership In tho O,P. A. enn- Htltuted him an agent of McNeill, The wetter puit of thu day whs taken up In tho consideration ot cusuh whore non-ronldtints had votetl, tlio elmrgoH being that tho pevHoiw voted, knowing that they bad not tbo light to veto. None of tlio elinrgoH worosiiHlallied. Tliuroarorcaldimt in the riding a largo number of Germans- who, I hough they have lived hi tho coun try and voted fur yearn, have never been niituiali/ed and much time wan taken upon the examination of Uiesoallou voters, Judgment was not given hi any of those cases. Tho T/iflHt important point ralmsd wa,s one by Mr. Osier, wdio held that all m>m- bursottho Put runs of Industry in Ihoricb ing were agents of .McNeill, the Patron candidate. Mr, Osier hold that Unco momhc'i s of tho Pntrou'LAHsoehitlon wore required to support the nominee of the order each and every member becuinu an agent of Uie candidate Mr. Ayleswarth dissented from this view and pointed out that as ii mutter of fact members of tbo order had voted against thn association candidate. The ease was argued at groat length and judgment was reserved. Theio were origin illy ~.r>'i charges against Mr. McNeill, but many of these were abandoned. Tlie (use will lie finished to-day, PROPOSED TRUNK LINE- in.oijioivar of o height train,fitaudlng taere. Ed. Roblmsun, of Gleuwood, liag- r piai'.ov in the employ oi" tho 'llm fiovt'i-i.iui til s.lUI !. bn la iiUin^ AM tn lliu SrlH-llie. Lonpov, Yt-U '.I Ytsterdaj's develop ment I'h.ivn caused cit> circles toeagi'rly discus, the proposed new Canadian trunk i .ii I way. Chas. N. Armstrong issm>d a jtroof prospectui of tlie At hint ie unci Lake Supi nor railway. This prospect us slates Kohms<m, Kleming in: Co aie authorized to issue J.TjOO.OOO Hist mortgage, four per eent., twenty \ear sterling bonds at DO, being part of the authorized issue of four millions sleriinu; Mr. Armstrong is now seeking Lo get, tins amount undei written 111 the Loudon stock i\:hnn^e; Thw pros pectus fin-i h'Til'1"' ,-*' l'-'t the (invi'i iiineut of the DiJininiori of ('.inada has a^ri-ud to iiSMimc Ihe payment of the entire mtciesfc upon these bonds dining their t Went y j ears currency and that thu coupons will bo endoised net ovdingiy. 'J'his'si'ems to imply that tlut govern ment lias eontriuntc-d this amounr in sup- jiort of the scheme. It Is believed hero that tlie (JoviTiiim nt has nierely agreed for a casji equivalent Io soU"nVl rt\ this extent. Senators Thibauiknu and IJes Jardincs are among tlicCaiiaclian directors as is also the name of Andrew l'\ CJault, of tlio Hank of Montreal. Hut Mr. (lault tide^raphs that he. has withdrawn, from all asbocijition with the boanl of throe- tors The bonds aro intended to purchase and consolidate into a trunk line four roads under t(instruction connecting Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec, as well as making a thorough routo from Snult Ste Mario to Paspobliuvuith that place as the Atlantic port for the shortest, route to Europe. Tho London and County Hanking Co. and tho Royal bank of Scotland are named in tho prospectuh. There is no mention of "the Hank of British North Ameiiea. Sir Mftcltiv/I*s lattlu Tom*. MoN"n;i:AL, Feb. :J. Sir Mackenzie Howell aniveil here from Toronto mid spent tlibday in conference with tlie local Conservative leaders and with a number of [iioiniru ut manufacturers d be nosing the plans for the forthcoming elections. It is understood that thu majority of tho local Conservatives are in favor of an early election, Tho Premier, accompanied by lus private secretary, left for f^'ehec at night. Tlie object, of [lis present tour, wlide stated to be for c hango and recrea tion, is generally believed to be with tlie object of personally gu.unng tho party feeling in regaul to the elec lions. \ Sin) Cumi of liiMinity. Tokon ro, Feb. U. Mrs. Annie Whit ta ker is n rauntf maniac at polite headquar- tei.s, and her live thildreuare at the JIcuiso of ProMiieuce. Her husband, it is said, has loll her, and she is comparatively des titute. She and her eliildiou the young est only two months ohl, have been cared for during the past few dajs at tlie House of Piovidence, lmt last night tbe woman became so desperate that she had to bo placid iu custody. Shu did not leeogni/.e her own baby when if was shown to her to day, and would probably have killed it had she been given a chance. Dropped l>mul llefon) tlio Altar. Ol'T wva Keb. 2 John Ncveau, of d'atlnem, chopped dead in Liu: ba silica yesliiday. Ho was about t7) ye.irs of aKe. Yesterday the liist Friday of the month and 'unco the sacnuriLut was exposed iu Ihe church, it is i bo habit of Catholic* to visit on such oc c siun.s and pray iiefene tlie sacrament. '1 here were about half ,\ dozen wurship- per.s in tho church w lien N'eveau entered, lit: went to kneel iu the ai.slo just liesido tlio first pew and fell foiwarc! t>n his side. New l'OHt Oillco Innpflfltor. Ottawa, Fob. 'J. Henry Merrick, of Merriekville, has been appointed pout olnce inspector for Ontario, to suoc:eed F. H. llarwick, Toronto. Mr. Merrick was foniierly a member of th Legislative As sembly lor Ontario, and is high up in tho couueifs of tlie Orange order. His family ha-, resided for many yearn in Merriek ville and lie is well known in that locality. Tim ii'JW Inspector will in a'l probability have liin headquarters at Kingston. Ktniictli HcHHoy'H llody ICeeovoied. Tiiouoi.P, Out., Fcli, fl. Tho body ot Mr. JiuuiH+h Jles.ey who was drowned in Mor- uttnn on Monday nitflit last was recovered by Ui\er Saunders, oi tliis town. Tho re mains were brought to Undertaker Wil liams' establishment here and thou taken to his home in Merritton from which placo the funeral will be held to-morrow, Tho dc(iea-ed \Uis a mill wright ami boss ear- Doiuinlou man, wuh Instantly UUlud. A ItfltMi <'imuirvtitlv ltontuiiu. 'London, F<lb. *l, IL S. Nallov-Loland iims ryytgnod hhi smain thollouso of Com mon. Ho Ik a Conservative dndJYopro- enied Colchoytor, In IHSti he married .(im Jano Ohamherlain, ditu^hter of H. S, Chamberlain, of Cleveland, U.S. i> ' ' a /' i^iv,i4&!t Cotton Mill Company of Merritton. J'lio AiiiffAi'" Will Traved Tln'nuirh Cimiulu. Calcutta, Feb, li. Tho latest ml vices 'received bore from Ca'bVd nay that the 'Auu-er of Afghanistan hit'* dofWlloly do- olliud to visit Kughitul during the ^rlug if I hlitheiilth continues good. He prunoNCHto go via Vokoliitina uud the (J. I*. K. .L Hood's Cured After Others Failjsd^ ESSEX Scrofula In tho Nock-2iinchea Cono Koji/. All flnngorvllli Maine. " 0.1. Hood & Co., lowail, Masn.: "Oonllomon: h- In favor of Hoort'a HnrsuparUU. Tor live years IhavohcontrbubUid >vlth aetorul.i bi ruy'mclt, ami throat. Several kinds of tnedUdnea which I tried did not do mo any o.Qotl, an : v, hen I com menced to take Hood's .Sar.ap'ulll.i there wcro l.u-[;e, buiicheu on my neck r.o aoro tha1; I could "'- - -"-?* Cures not,hear tlio slightest toudi. ^Vhuii 1 hid taken 'iio Lottie of tills medicine,'tho itoiriieu bad 1'me, aid befoul I had finished tho second tho liuneiies had entirely disappeared." ih-ANcuis A t v. oon, S,uij;i-r\illo, Malno. !s. !' II joitdi-cajo toUko Hood's Bal*Viap;v- i I'll (-i imi i.e iiKiiiceel to buy any other. Hoo-Tri f^.l'o 'mo (omtt|i.itlou by re^tor- i:i * tMe, ,<i i r uitu: iicuouui LUuubmuut.irycanaL in Aid t<> lEouuty. "Pcr^>iui Iroubiod with any of those hltin ili.e-'OH'ti wliich cjfun mar thd' finest i-omplrctioi h and dmfiijurc the most, com"* lv feature ii. uk-1i aft pimplen, blotoiioH, tub role*, etc, ^erorally jtidulg-t in many ox- pMinne ta h fora fih"d'ni* anyjhin^ to HUit their particular e imo. mid \\v> have known insuv to eivc tip tlio uflempt to pcrmaii- i iitly cine tl e i unr>>iii(* tic ubto In look- uil,' iiv.r the tunny pr-*paration i for lieiinti- f> ing iind cltnru g the cumpleJLion, in tbo dr \n st red, we uro informed by Mr. G. A Kberiin that LliLt'o in nothing, bettor for thin puipoiie, nor ban thoro in bin experi ence, been any treatment equal to the use nf I'jHuljuy'a Liver Loyongea. Thoir cow Htaut utie, ono or two ,utttr every meal, hi ems U purify the blood and build up tho uh'hiHyBtoni. Tby nru hold at 2/30. n box iii 5 hnxon for 31.00." A Comfort uoilictluirv. Wlion heaUb m fur yoncm comitimption, thon mineti.uo only ciiiio and comfort can bo htlh" 1 r- ,i 'liouso of Scott's Emul* Hum, Wh'ttib u-inoh batter iu>o tako thin m time to pavo your hoaUlu Buy Your itarness , - OF . . South jfVootfsIe, ooo- koni: iiur xnn EJ is est Stock Us^d ! And made up ia tho beat manner. stock of team and Light ONE PRICE TO ALL. Wright Gr. Smith, Qqoksq H vFoK^es NURSEItYMAISi, P RUTHVEW, ESSEX COUNTY Peach, Pear, Plum, Apple and QiiiDco, TrecH, Hones, EvorfireosB, Berry Bunhoa, Bauphorry, Blackberry and Currant Buahoa. All firut-oliitiG rjtook. Savo'agontH, Big Profits and-writo for pnooH. -Wo will oboor- tuMy anhwor you by roturn mail. Splendid Apple Trees, Al m every respect;, $12 - PER 100 - $12, Has Just Received The Finest and best Assortment of Boots and Shoes In Essex, Great Value in Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shnei and Oxfords. Tho ChcapoHt tin the Laud. Call and Eqamlno and bo Con vinced for yourselves- das. Dougleis^, Sltrn Al ib fJoldoti llo<n, Whitnev Block Fs-iay j The OtfLTivATon tOQC Country Gentleman! TEIK BKST Or THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES DI'iVOTKDTO Farm Crops and Processes. Horticulture & Fruit-growing Live-Stock and Dairying, While it ii'iin. iiitjlurt>s all minor dnnurt. iiirntn of liiml infi-n-ht,, mu< h an Poultry Yard, Entomology, Bee he-cpn (,'. Gri'en- linu.o mid Clr.irtiy, Yi.tLrinur, KopbeH, rtm Qiu'stii'iiM unt] Anfwji_rj, FimucIo 'lb ailing, Dfiuc-t c Kr<iuMfi7\ imd a mm- mary c,t (li*. 11(>\- 1c Itu mar. In t icport" ii'i. m uHimlU i-o-npft'i n imd niurh uin-uuoii in piud to tho. proi*pootHof ihijjwopi, m throuint'- hid t upon ono of tlio mo t irnportiiM ciT al * - -i ^ben to buy and when to ntII. jt in hheirdly II* luHtratcil and oootai'in mora joitdiu-* mat ter than over before. Tho nubul ription pricti in fe'J SO por ycur, hut we olfcr a Bpeo iul reduction in our : ' 'CLUB BATES FOB 1HI3. TiVo flul^pripiionHTTTii oiitiToujittuijC )~9~i" Bix RuhnoripiintiH . . ' 10 Ton mibaonptiona " 15 iS^To albnew ntrlwaribTTH fui' 189.1, pay- in cr in tidvanco now, wo will non<\ tlio paper wooltly, from our receipt oT tho ruuiittanco to Jan. 1. 18n.f), without ehartiQ, Specimen copioH free. Adelrom LUTHER, TUCKER & SON, - A * YorU, LuCe LHornrylNCiVH, An old- ruHhioufji] Hem ntory full of inter ORt mill inlveiiluri'. uutli a Ptrnnj; lovo motive, ih himin b> W'. Cla-k Huwoll in tho January Cosmopolitan ' Ounht" hud- coccIh Fiouuu, Gome, Lan :t und other eli3- tin^uiHhcd wri-crn with an liiHialmlnit of tho "Crc'it 1'unnioiiH of Hi--io,y" f,oriOH, wliich ban boon uppean i^ in Tho CoH'no- politan AdiscuHuiou i- iimii->o| by Mr, Kdward liok'n artiel on " I'Im Y i imf Mun and Tho Cliumh," vhici will rot huuid tonn of ink l)L'fcj[o it ih Hiubd. Ju -t pro- oedinjj thu turnouH Ohiitt; h'h deuih Iio pre pared nu article; for Thn Cot-mnpo'itiin on Pasteur, to bo publ'sdied tiil.r I'lttteur'H Jeuth. Bui Charcot luui ilio-l firm, nud ho with ihd eoiiHi-nt of Cliuicot'H .cxcoiitorH, tlio article in ^ivon now. Tho pioneut i'laatvieal Hphhoii in New York'* ih critio- ully oon-Uibnil by Mr. .l"'mon S. Motealfo, otbtor of Lift*, and there uro morum by Totirgoo. Howcll-i, i,nid tho fuiriPin Prenoh writer Piuucam Ooppco. FOR TWENTY-FIVE Y^ARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOR'SBESTFRIEND Largest saue in Canada. Western Advertiser IG-I'nKo Wtiekly CG Ooluraiu. < Now to December IH,lfat)5. Balance of the Year Free t Leading Weekly of ihe West! Nothing Better. I\w ub Oood. LARGE PRIZE LIST, HANDSOME PREMIUM. 0O0 INDUCEMENTS 1'0 A0EKNS. Tor 'AcenU' Tertotf, oto., a.ddreaa Advertiser Printing Go, mt*ilte'Vin'Vrj=*i 16376

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