Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 18, 1895, p. 4

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.y.r \. > Win. GOSNEIX bustrcB to auummco to tha pooj 1 of Khiox ahd yioinity that liu liu purahaaod the ttroory and CrocKety Stock of^8erson Bros. And will plaoo a uaw tinna to koep on hand stock and con- FINE CROCKERY and GlUBWom, FRESH GROCERIES f'Uk'i TEAS, 8UDAR8, oto otc. Whiuli will ba wil 1 itt BOTTOM PKICES FOB CASH. Highest Market Prlo /or Butter and Eggs. The old Monde and patron* of thiu atora, uuii nil othoro ar cordially iuyitoU to call und nee Uu, Wm^Coi ^Joltto tJliorrin'H Drag Store. The Essex Free Press. TOIDAX JANUARY 1H. 1895, AS CLEAR AS MUD. IS TIIX DKCISION OF CAN ADA'S SUPRISftlKUOUUT. ProvluoluJ MVoliobltlou Deutad but Lara I Opinion lLuW In ttaubt. Tha nupromn Court of Canada, compria- intf Chiof Juntioo Stronur Juatiooii T oberau, Gwyuno, Bodgnwiclt and K.inu, in BDrtniou at Ottawa, en Tuenduy dcoidad that tho l'rovinciul Lo|>iHlaturo havo not tho powor to prohibit tho rotml nnla; rami nfaeture or impnrtiitinn nf in'axicMU'i. Tho quuatinia in thin mutter lefuriod to tlm anprome Court, wort* un follow i. J^irnt Huh f a L'ro.'ineial Lo^'ihlaturo powar to prohibit tno anio urlim th Pro vince of lutoue if ing llquora '> Tho Chiflf Juftico und Judge J-'oun.uir itc-A/tri-d yoc, aud Jndfii'H Gv.\ i'iir, Kftd?f wu I. <u J Kti K no, ho that iLd jutttiiuuuti ' i1 thd court rr by 3(o2. Sacand HaR tha IjUfiraturo uch juris diction ragnrdintt <uo portions of tbo Pro vmce an to which tha Canada Temperance aot ih not iu operation ? Tim court anawer- od thin qucatiou tho namo as the tlrat. Third-^Haa tho Provincial Laeialatura jurisdiction to prohibit tho manufacture of BMcU' liquors withiu tho Proviucu ? Tho court wad unaniosouu in unawering thus question in tho negative. Fouith Han tho Letfinlatnro juriadio" tion to prohibit tho importation of suolr llquoro into tho Provinco? Answered un- ammoimly in the negative I'lfth If the legialaturu ban not the jurisdiction to proUibit the nulow of mi eh hquorn, iiruHpuctive of quautititH, have they power to prohibit tho retail nalo ? Thin important question wan iuiHwerd in tho negative, tho Cliaf Jnatica and Jud^e Fouruier diuaouting. bioyontb Have tho Ontaiio Legiolature nrifldiction to onaat the local Option A.3t| ? Anwwer tho Chiof .Tuatico and Judj^e rournior^diBuoutinc Tho appoal of Huflon agaiuHb tho Locil Option by-law of South Norwich townehip was not huatained. Thin dacioian abould practically deolaro tho Local Option Aot of tho Ontario Legislature constitutional, but it will bo noticed that tho povontu in tho list of quootiono propounded, has rocoived tho annwor, no, tbuw declaring that tho iLofiinlaturo has uot tiuch powor. Theuo cofrfliottntf dooitiioonaio due to a chango m tho pornonnl of tho court. Tho quoations anowored by tho Suprema Court cover tho c&yo pretty fully, aud tho final docieion may bo oxpootod to aot *i,t roflt a controversy which, in quo form or anothor, has laated for many ye urn. A .history of the queution v/an giv*iv by Mr. J. J. Maolaron in an irtiolo pubtinliod in. tbo Vanfiuard oome tirao iro, Ho pointn cat that tho.B. N, A, aot docs not incut ion th prohibition of tbo liquor urufflo Among thaitubjeoto ftnaigned oithor ta tho Domin ion Parliament or to tho Provincial Iiogm- IfLturon. On tha one hand it waa aaid to belong to tho Dominion an a part of tbo * ovulation of trade and commerce; on tbo cthor hand, that it belonfjod to tho pro- vinocci uudr tbo hoad of tnumoipal law r Homo otheY branch of Prvinoial jariadta- Uon. Ltttw savral minor utrutfgUa the TaiidUy ot th V " . mi >',( i,vii prohibiliou pu>iwu>i by ih- houulututi Purli* moot in 1B78, wan attaoktd, and lb Bu- prama Court of Nova, Gaokla hald that it wan ultra viren. The Suprema Courl ( Canada ravortad the deoiion. aad tho t+- vral waa nuttained by tb frlvy Council. It In Btatcd that ih preu* question of ttie power of the Ontario Govaramaut to jftaal Local Optloo or Prohibition will b* oayrlad to tho Privy Coanuil. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. - / COrtJIf B8TH "NOBtU. \prv^-^* Ckb10 j,w,^2rH, 1805, Council mt ba par adjourutnatil,, uM tho msmborH preuvnb; rin'nUtoH o4---41m pr- vioiu mflotin^ read and on motion udopUd lltittVf) rupartud bottling with IJr, Brioti re vaceinatlon of lowmhip, at coat of polnta beini; $16,00, On motion approvud"3fr~~~ On motion cbeoka jisued for th* follow- iiif: Joitph Gaffnoii. for p'auki for oulyrt 11.00, Albsti Gvrard, rupairin^ brldgi $1.00 Jorry Klea, roi>yiiiiiy oulvert on Maidakobri road H.(K) Xitaaa Elford, ropair- WU anlv.rt ou Dtli con. 98,7'i. Jamea Liu- ton, ulaariuK tltnbor out *at Ituwh draiu oliarod to 8 1 ast 9. T. U. "2.50. John Ihirr, fj valuoof ahoup and tamiha killod by doi,'" Ul 1.00. C. Puquotto, vahmting uliocp 91.50. Jrry Kloo, bul. wUijohj tven tu Uotma aho* IJnd naik 1HB0 91,25, B*. Bwe*t, for Adam Campbell r* ataiuto labor paid into ooualy tranfiarar ?o 00. Wm, UcCf- fory, bal on l.'lth oon. drain for ordor com W'UOs'wva, nuuheu, for work nti Wicla 37.1 i, John WyytirH, for work on WIlo drain 9*20,00. C. K. Waldon, au r*-r acot. "3.68. T, W. Weyburn, for work dona on Snydur Branch drain for ordfr oom.tlOO.OO. C, E. Woldon, aa'riry a treauure 800,00. Clou. kal. uuUry 975 Janitor, bal aalary $12,00. ,Tno. Thorn. an, Halary an cnncillor 810,00; Jim. l^odd, salary 810,00, W. Boylo, aalary 810,00; T Caya aalar} 8J0,00; M. BarroH Halary an lieuvo 810,00, J<nnbpli Croopar, fixing and el muling utovo pipua und chimnoy 81,00; T. Caya, com. on work lot in '01 812,07; Johu Rodd, oom. ou worli iu '01 83,91; John Thoman, qom. on work in 'U-l 88,50; II, Bar rot, com. on work m '91 9*2,80; Chirk to wet tlo oleotion orponHoo and sopplica 988 0*5; floortary trflaauror of aohool'iiso. No 1 for uqo ofachool houuo for Provinoul Ijlootiou Juno 20 'ill 81.03, Walter JBpylo, lial oorn for '01 85,88, K. G. Swcot for repairing bnd'no and removing troo9'J,7j- E. J. L've- laco, for printing an par ncot. rondorud 8111 80; Jno. X'hoiuau, nxporifiea to AmhorHtburg re Ruydflr Branch dram 82,50; TIiqh. Brit ton, for Mra. Lair, churity 84,00; T. Cayu. for Mra. Lafrnmboie, charity S-^JO; Yoiif Olnon in full and oxtraa on aouth towulinn dram ?a0,00 THE ESSEX FREE PRgSS BHhTSH CABLB 1 mi No ScrloiH Diflcroiicos Huvo Ai-Ihoii Wjpflii ilip"rMh"t Cin-lo. 1895 V- LORDS THE VITAL QUESTION Kow to tin Al.out 'I'liln Oi lltmto MnlUf i* tll<t Only I'urt (if tlud ollny uu Wllluli All Aki Not A|r'<) -I'linnl Vt- Armenian t'miuiiltte*. 1895 1895 Council tlion adjounnid hidm die. ,1. A Com.rrcn, (!lf*rk. -llnrrtTimoq In Kansas -i-ttt*-lJ-i>ViH-4-t**t-<Llf" k'-T-HMttt-'! \i H th r i Ainerieuu ltoviow a gloomy accouut of th- conditioa of tho farmer! iu that utato. Ho Bays that tho total indohtodueau m tin. Btuto, including farm and lot mon^a^oH municipal and ruilway bonds, is over 8780, 000,000, or $1100 for ovary man, Woman and child m KatiBiio. Tha farm mortgago* a loce avorago uhout 9C00 per family. Id ore than tec tlioanaud furmera ore annualh turnoloutof their linmcs by tho foro- oloBuro of mortuayoa. "A fow years at;o an avcrago horHo would bo toourity forflfu to Hovonty-flve dollarg, but to day it would require eight hornoH to fioooro un equal amount " A rii-in ol'Goveinor Lowolliu^'f acquiintauca recently took twenty two uv ru; horaoH to markot aud Hold the lot for 82*20 After tho freight had boon paid thuru roiuamoa fix dollars and fifty oontn It cotitn tifty conta porbuahol to ramo wheat bu' the farmer 13 obliged to null it for forty Thin picture of hfw in KantuH, n funinho 1 byitHown Oovornor, m rather utartling Tlio Govoruor of KanRaii thmka that tho trouble iu duo to-tho want of a larcjor aup pl> of tho circulating mediun:. Tbo rem edy which ho atUoeaUn in froo mlyor and unlimited coinage. Thoro in no doubt tha' cheap money would holp the Kannaa Jarmor if ho coald fiet tho muu who holds hi>i mortgage to accept tho depreciated silver at ltd face value in paymout of prmcipul and intoroyt of tho raortgauo. This nchemo might not remove thedapreuuion, but would transfers it to now partioa. The Dolinoutor for Febuary ih tho Mid winter Kumber, and tho contoutu bpar on' tho proraiaoof thopubhoherthat thomug. astine for 189/> will bo more intorouting than ovor. In the front of the book in tho now DelinoatorMaroh,byMonroIi. Roaenfold, wMoU iu immoDBoly oflteotivo and mire to become popular. Thore in an illustrated jirtiolo on church fain full of praotioal nog goRtioua, and auothor deicriptivo of a pie- tureuquo Flag Fcto, cuitablo for a Wuah- ington'a Birthflay ontortainmoat atnohoolB AoadomieB. T'hev* m a good night drill, alto for children un4 two delightful enter- tammouta for their ttldara, oallad a flowDr J^omdon, Jan. 14 Tho proeuodlnKi of tlio Cnhiuob Council which wiw held limb week, and about whosu dellhorafionH thoro huu hoctiKO much Hpnculatlon, wnro by no mwinh an vitally Important iw wan Htip- pOHtid. TIia council Ihij/uu with tho ar rangement of tho Parliamentary work of tho coming kckiIou, tlio sequence of the mo.istiriM to In* liui-odiued, unci tho man ner hi which they should h prcsoiiti'd. ThoMo quoatioiiH hehiK decided tho mm- atruotiou of tho Quueu'a Spooch waa takou >Up and thaquntlou aXltaiiHfcWoly duhatod. Thfwtu toplcn couHtttuU'd nil of the mattora dtBoUsaed by tho council that were of pub lic interest- Tha rumor* which have been widely circulated of grave rilHimiuIotiu over tbo quoutionuaa to the udvlntihlllty of un early diasolutlon In view of tho PurllumQii- tary tiHuaUoii and tlio order In which bllln ahoul(1 lw iutfodiioed aie utterly without foundation and the utorhw that furious dlfforuncoH havo urlnon botweon Lord RoMoliory und Sir William Ihucourt are exactly tho vovorHi) of tho truth. All of tlm well-Informed adherents of tlio uiIiiIh- try know that tlio cabinet is united and in thorough accord in to tho policy to bo purimed, though the mlnlHtera have not yot decided upon tho lino of Pnrlhuueu- tary tuctlcH, u hlch will yh'lll flic best ic- Blllts In minor mattcrw the Cabinet are united, but the lending and delicate qucMtiou how to moutlon tho House of Lords in the Speech from tho Throno was keenly de bated in the council and the vniious pro positions Hubmitt i il were exhaustively discuHned. If tho ommstoti of any icfti- ence to the lloiiiie of Loiuk ftoiu the Queen'u Speech could tlnvart tho maclii- nutiuna of the Opposition, who aie trying to force the Guvernment into declaring thcpisclvcs upon thi-t qiidhtion oarli iu tho session,the matter v, ould bo glad ly l^tioi ed, but tho majority of t liu Cabinet, in \ lew Df tho official utteruncuH of Lbrd Hosihcry and Mr. Campbell-Il.uiiiovman upon the ubject, are of tho opinion tluit the Cov- amment-wero alroudy committed to a de claration and must open Parliament with a formal announcement of their policy in regard to the Upper House, Loul Hnse- bory-Iin,l Prof. J tines llivie nit* lo sptak 'it the Univeisul bulliaue ( oii^n t-> at C ardilT <m .Januiuy IS, v. In n n is uudei- stood that the I'limui \m11 tin* Kxouitive Commitli'c of the N'.umo.d Ubei'iil Federation a full sraii incur ofihe CovLrni tent's proyinnnni' in n L'n.d to the liouso cf IjunU Tin ( in-Tie u i 1 jti'M - ivnnls wind uji it, ,t '-inn w il M I lie p.i-. sil^c (." a if ( 'lit '>'i f n 'n *i _ ' n' i- Lords* declarations of the Lu ds cunler- onco The annual report of the National Li- boral Feileration was given our, on Satur day. It ( on tain a this statement n garding the issuts in the nevt election, "Unless a bill ho parsed before thu ^eneial election abolmhing plural voting and shortening tho period of qualification to throe months, reverses await the Liberals m tho election which is to determino whether the Lords ihn.ll longer o\cubic tho Commons " In- regaul to dissolution the leading momhers of the Liberal party recu^nl^u tho fact that tiro certnlnlty f>f the Goveru- uient'H position may prccipirutc its fall within u foitni^l't after tin* resumption of the session of the House. The Ministerial whips it poii Lliat unording ti> tlanio.t reliable mfoi mation obtainable the Gov ernment's majority oi! 10 in tho House depends upon the ndhesion ot I Ik lt,ulu al wing to the Ministry, the full \ote of the McCarthyites and tho abstention of tlio trom voting with the Con- aTMitives. t-still, "the Govirnmeufc are confident that they will he able to hold 3iit uiitiF the iniiin meiisiuesaud it popuhur hndgot are introduced, and thene arc ro lled upon to gain auflicicnt adhcronta to onalde them to pull through. Sir William Harcourt expects that the ^howTh^jjfn HUbstantial surplus will enable theuoVeTnmont to hhape tho bud get so that it will appeal successfully to the people in tho next election, find it is believed by tho Libonil lenders that thoir internal discords will not pio\ent the AIc- Carthyites from meeting in Parliament with a united front. Mr. Henlj\ "hen the party moots in February, will resume bin fight over tho constitution of the liish Committee for tho session, hoping to overthrow the vote of last. March, when Arthm O'Connor and Klmence O'DrisrnH w'elo ejected from tho "onimitteo at tho meeting of tho conunitteo m Dublin. The report of tlio committeo enquiring into ihu Anncniau atrocities h, not c\pect>- Bd to bu rendeied for wcveral mouths Tho Jlmrict. in which tho atrocitiow aro ulloged to have been committed it* now covered with deep snow, and tho temperature la almost unbearable to poraous not accus tomed to tho climate. Tho British Consul at ICrzoroum 1ms imggo.stcd tho advlsiv- Mllty of a preliminary enquiry ut that place for tho purpoHO of hearing tho testi mony of refugees and othor wltnosaca, ;\ Hh a view of expudltlnp; tho work of tho committee. Several of tho London daily uthvHpapers who havo Kent or are about to lend apodal corretipondontn to Armenia, liave been advised that tho -Porto will not allow roproaentatlvoa of tho piens to We Start the Nbw Vear .. . WITH A Great Stock Reduction Sale. Bargains in every department. Gome early and aocure first choice. TERMS CASH. Handsome Parlor Clocks Free. Yours for Bargains, 1 f f ^sPC^Sy ^^^L>,^^^flf'(^^^l| s G-oing* Out of Business insriE acz* Hi^xr, -THE- Will dispose of hi^ entire Stock~dft31ot'hs and. Men's FurnishingT^rcrods-a-t-costj..- -We-wanii .to .close out rapidly. It is our intention to leave Essex and the - present prices asked for our goods will make them go. We welcome "all comers. ' Don't wait till you need the goods. You will not make money faster than lay ing in a supply for future use from our stock now. CASH ONLY CASH 1$. B.-Ail outstanding accounts must be seUled at. once. - "- W, J. DEW A Dimstaxi Block, Essex. NEW ADVERTISEMENT! Camp into Tn:n premises of tut. un1. dmiiiflnoil, lot 'JO, con. in, ColchouttT North, on Duo. 1, a medium nlzod rod cow Ownor In roquoatocl to prove proDorty, pay charcOH and >rf fako hur away. Doc 89, '04. / ESTRA Y. LINUB DOAN, KlfordP.O. -NOTICE. nalo have decided to institute an In dope in dent enquiry. In thowo clrcumatanceB tho final reportH may bo expected to bo varied and conflicting. frv Ar y* uMbjwk t* fliok beadattha ? So wwr othar^ bfor tb*y tuod 13aoljay'a tiv#r liOWB^aa, 1h*y willouro you. 26ot*. M. X WifiU A 0<v *x* giving bargain* in ry dfur*mni. V I^MkUoaalioMaHHith'iu party and a Valeutine Mauquerado. Alrw. OarrloM. Knupp writes of laundry Work I accompany the fiommittoo, und thesi-jour- , ^ t , j y (nai havo decided to hiHtltuto nn indoneu- ftH un omployraoqt for wonuon, and Aiu Tying Gruwold doBonbaa a Rirl'a li!o aud work at tha university of Witonam. Soma .il Wr (vtloiMivf f'lvnn* for the* Gerpnnn nrf jlio %n in t-rap.' *m i ti.nut paparu, a^nl nrv/ dciu!-;ini ar iliuatratod aud doaonbqd in "Vocatian iron work. Xho sixth papi'r on th* klndtir^artan lntroluot-a n*mn faacin atint; work for IHU* hando. For tho hotutr- wife thore ib aoasoaable oookcry, hint* on Havinfrurtaand lha oontinuatioki of the *vtiolnon the Horn*. Thu chapter on Mm ; Qui.iuc, dan. 14. The iN/Oulcoid b'U wan killed iu tho Loglalntivo Council onSntur- , day nl^ht, Jin tho Lower House Mr. i Ance made & heavy churjio againat tho LogisIntive^CouucH but tbo majority o'f the ILowor IIouso went nguhiat hi to. Ac 9 o'clock lu tho waning LIbUto*aanfc-Go- vernor Chaplciiu prorognod thu nreaeat [joglslul ure. Hiw Honor w&i nttondtJ Ham Mr. ,,,.,. v ,. Willi the UBti&l military honors tr.*tm6ntoftli.oy*atid,ir. wdl b of.r^hlAm, entortained about forty jour- vaWo to all who read ib Jf it* jprooapU ara followed; tho flowr-lov#r will find aoma- thing of mterfc in floe*! work for mid winUr, tb< * tatla G#aip iu enWlajm iog m yr, and th* nawot b*aka mn ri- vUe4. Tha f*noy w^ik d*p*r4tDBt ! uya*'uUy attracfeit* (n ti^ui MMub*r. und nullata ut dinner nudtwveral spaechea wero tunde. A. Wlnnir-a Mfa nfu!eU In At. >ttl &T. l^TDL. Jan. Kr-Qeo. Htowu, aged 89 year*, of winning, Man , took nitric acid at th Cupltal hotel her Ut night muj Wilt dU A railroad tleket frosa Winnl- pB U* Kan*a Gitywa* fottfld in .Jiia tbara ai p*pra on ot>obtig, hair tin , Poo>ft,bwiMip tW, a gold wi?h and a NOTICE IB HEUKBY GIVKN THAT 1 liftvo liiipouudd om tbo north nsnt qti&rUr of lot No. 8, in the 7th con. oi tha Townaalid of Gob acid North, Itt tlm County of KaiieK. I nbep. Two of tb ihft*p ar a Red oweu, vrltih blaok fttHOH, riGhtfiiriiiilitiLbdaplcHBBin apllt pfcr. Ono owo In ag4( with whito foo, rinK la ridht ar. Vonrtb i a ram lamb with buck fttae. without other diutluijulahlng tan.vk*. j BAMUHLABn, OP FARMS IN aiuidtttonound Colchoiitor North. UNJ>RB ANli HY VlttTUE OF THE POW- orn of nalo contained in two lnUonturoii of raortgiico which wlU'bo produoud at tiran of aalo, thoro will ho offer ml for nalo at public auction at tlio At or tic on Hotel, hi tho Town of Htiijov, on Saturday, January 19, 1894, At ]2 o'cloolt noon, tho -following vory valuable farm proportion, viz: FIUBT Tn tho Towunhlp of Mairtntone, in tho Oounty of I^bbox, borne eompoaod ot tbo oiiut half of lot No. 27, In tbo 4th oon. of aaid town ship. Bftvo uud exoopt flvo aoton thoroof oft tho north-oest com or of said lot convoyed to ono D. HI Van Alton, and that poitloti thereof oouvoyod to tho (Tdmula Southern Hallway Company for right of way, oontalnlag by adraoauuromout Qi aoreu more orloao. Aliout 75 aoroa of thin proporty la oloarAd anl lu (i KOoiTntatnof cuHlvnclbn and tho balanoo itt undortitood tob* woll tlmbarad; thoro In unilor- Htood to bo t aood youiii: orchard on the plao. altto a good houuo und Iitriio iramo bum and erana^y; uood fonawu; tho lituatlou la in a most dflilrabl* taalfthboirhood, on n-uood void, about 3 mlloiirryom tho thrivtue Town of Ebuox. hJ i I'Mj-In tin 1.j i ,iu oi . J- i, ,Ui Nonh, ii1 {he 0.untvf Mi ' nti)Ob id, of tho .'*ot half of th*> w^ut butf of lot> No. 1^ goutb ot tha Maiden, o*eipUn 4 rur#H obhl oii tho uosrth*e*t earner, oontalnlofl by admaaiturfrmout <a aeyei mor# or lew. '" About sc acreg of this property \h ol-^rod, balwnoa culled btub; ihero In uudrrntood to be ou thtfTrot)btrtva two-Htory fi-atu kouw", Uhtfi hn.)tix anil abott |ofldfQo and Binall orohi.rd. Thin proporty ! aIo in kn wXoallaut Ul(tHbor ^ - . w hood, Wimrabout i mils frara tho Villai6f Witotm#iBt of inapotor* Ocato and fimllaa from' tha Town of-Kasax Jft'v t d the glvlnU of dlreotloaa With iraliMOM to i5?'/ diipoaal of tba attld tiUU. ' fj "^....." "" TKBM8 OF EUUD.-V,a w aat **iifc nf- flcent to knaks tap on a-third of tha pvranaaa NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 Im tntt Mmxa ov TMOMAa'Ilioita, oir *rK Tow* oi-Eawx, Guocau. i NOTICE IB HEItKBY GIVEN Vil\1 ThH uliove namail Thoman flicks has uiuda *n awduntdnt to w* uudai. tho provlilotpa of Chaptar Ut, R. B. O., 1&&7, and ataaaudtnoHtQ ttinr' to, of all hU tate and effoota id fcraKt for th ba&ant of UU r*dltpra. A wetln(,f tbtcTAdltOrt ot th* nldThewtta HJaks ii hoby eotiVanatt aud will bo heU at tb* law offln- Of K.A Wluuwr. in tha Tow of Ki*X, in tha Couritv of Eun^toti* 9&th day of Juary,-ieoa,at iliohour of two o'clock in the " " '" ....... and tha . All oraditors of tha iid Tbcmaa Hloks ar hereby required to' Ala their fdalmi with me, propaH/va^lnoAV aa dlraotad by theatatufiatfdn that babalf.OO.OI bafora tha dv of aoch maot- (n, aftar wblo^ AU I abajl proea#d ta dlatrtb- nto tha aatA-aaaata. faavlDK rtcard auoh oJaJmaanIihan-fiaratoUcaof,sad I ahall not b raapooafbljr.tat too- ataxia of tha aald aaUla or tar part tbafaof, to any parua or poraon; wboaai)aJmovoto(^,anaSl aot faa Immo fllad DaAad at a# iWaWttiday of -Jannarv. 1BBS. monay wlthlu tvo waeaVtrou aha day ory.aJi bstirtoeoa tarrc* tobaaradapon at ftlma of aala. - ^V Thaaatamatnai'ka>ariadon ay of aalaip anlt purohaaa*. V Vot all farther partloaiajitij|J. * " ' OlBSOK.MAB'n wto.v ^ gogj AOSBOBKK, ' ttawilanw. Oat Vatoavx. i9 I * A ' F. S ADAMS HAS PLACED Prices . away down 'a/rr ON - Fa/rm, Harness, Truok Harness AMD ' , Heavy Harness Or EVERY DESCRIPTION. A largo ook and it naunt nnd poo mo^ - fforo buying iscrwhoi'o in the Horia urnlshing Una. s /irp^li'fla*^ v .*"- iA'. \ A i * ,V. ft>- mA^* jiixvX3M3W +.;i&lttu>;

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