Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 18, 1895, p. 3

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,/..- ) ( . i j.a. Arbitration as a Mciliih of Bottlomoiit ' of International ])iH|mteH. MR. CREAMER AT WASHINGTON The I'onoo 1>)*< (fitter from throat lirit*'" Arrival to I'roaoiit u Memorial to )rrnl<let Clovelitnd Tim A- tlmi'of Tliuao Ci*uiiii'J*t ,*'- BMuV Kml Wur. Washington, Jan. U.~-The representa tive of tho arbitration movomrut.Iu Grout Britain, William Randall Creamer, M.P.,- is In Washington, mid xpcU to have au aUdhmeo with tho President to-morrow. Ifo will then prouonthlfJ momoriul, signed by IMS mouthers of Parliament, proposing arbitration an tho means of nettling all difference*); no matter how Itttlo or groafc they may be, between the United States, and Great Britain. Mr. Creamer reached :._WuKhhigtou Into ' """ on.Ifrlduy oviuilnfefunll trinco ho. him boon engaged Incalling upon bin friends hero. Ho wan here seven years ago, when tho drat movement wmibogun Looking to tho adoption of arbitration to nottlu all dl- pyte.H between tho two great KngllHh- apcaldng natloim of tho world. He has not yot fully matured hit plann for earry- v. lug out tho work which brings him do tho tTulted SuitoM and intends to confer"wlth his friends before talcing any- further Htopy toward tho accomplishment of his mission. uTho consummation of tlio present plan of arbitration," -Haiti -Mr. Crcamur, "would bo a great victory for peace and civiliza tion. It would be tho first link in tho chain of universal arbitration'and tho 'Kmml examp]u thus net by tho United Stato<t and Groat. Uritaln would noono* or later ho followed hy other countricH." MY. Creamer paid further that from a conversation he had with Lord Kosubory, British Minister of JVornign Altai w, just ' prior to his departuru for this country, ho felt certain that tho British Government would heartily co-oporato with tho United- Stilton In any plan looking to tho adoption of International arbitration and that It- would l6ok with favor on any steps which this country might tako In that direction. Ho expNtttacri tho utinn'Vkj'Ogrot that tho chances of Congress adopting the rcHolu- t-Ioji offered in tho Senate hy Mr. Allison and in the House by Mr. Lace'y, proposing arbitration between- tho two countries, seemed to bo small on account of the ap proaching end of tho session. H is Air. Creamer's intention to present each member of Conuress with a copy of tho nieworinl be will present to tho Pro- wident w Jnu lie obiuins his andicnee with that BILL COOL CAPTURED- Tim Ntitoil hi-. 'liircai-cr mid Dcuponuln In II < I<i I < or. t.,ut. AutL"Qi'K':-j[;r:,. ,S.M., Jan. Bill Cook, ! !>bi_*i, murderer .and all- ' ' round ilesjti n, 1 I, was ruptured near Fort CARRIED THE VAULT KEY* Th Myt*rx f w, Hi4tntfortI I.w Offlo Ho]ve<l by -I)totlv. """lliiAWTKOKD, Jun, *U. For Home time past*)Iarriy,Willctiii&'llardy, lawyers, law yer*, noticod phat their vault and con- touts of cash box had boou tampered with.* Thoy made every effort to ascertain how lfc,was but without miccopa. They llimlly placed thociLHo with the chief of police, who detailed policeman John Wallnco to llTVeutltfate, Wallnco took the caao in hand and for nomo woeks pant would nightly oiiUr Hardy, Wilkea & tttady*a office 4it ftlwut. 8 p. m. -and remain till about Ji a. irr. Up to Friday Wullaco wa not sUcceHHful In (cettlu^ 'ut tho troublo. Tlie conh In -the vault wan atlll tampered with, though no peruou waa ueeu at tho vault !FrUlny uljjtht Pollcoman Wttllae* doUr- mlnod to get at tho cano and at h[x p. m. locked hlinftolf up hi Hartly, Wtlken its Hardy'rt ofllco to remain all night, About seven p. m. ho hoard a nolso at tho door .eatoring the cellar under tho otilou. Tho lntru'lor opened thin door and proceeded la through tho collar to a trapdoor wldcii is in tho floor of Hardy, Wllktm 5s Hiiwly'H law oillue. After Home little time tho trap door (on which wa placed a broom no tliat" If tho trap door would he riilaud tho broom would fall and make a nolwo) was rained and the broom fell making a noise. Tho constable woa thus duly warned and pro- Nontly tho Intruder entered tho room whore waH^and mado for tho vault door. Junfc as ho waa reaching tho vault door Detective Wallaco collared him and after a abort struggle got tho haud- culVs placed on" him. Whun reachlu; the light it proved to ho ClmrleH KUiott, a lawyer; Tlie prisoner was conveyed to tho cells, Klliottaervcd his apprentlcoMhlp .with . Jlardy, Wilkes, Hardy, was in a law oUlee in Toronto for a whilo and aftur pasalng rotun]ial*heni last fall. During the tumfllo 'I'oliccfman Wallace hoard something fall on the Moor, but (lie room being loo dark to sou he muld not Ml wliat it. was. After locking the prisoner up be returned and found it was the vault key On the Horn-. The prisoner will also bo charged with housebreaking and larceny on December 17th and UK; and January 5th, ktho amounts being Ji>, .1:J,"> and fa ^v/.nrtfrtjyiitvi"Wu",i ^-fifpn Can be Vouchsd for Scstes of Hsck^lon People,______ Terrible Condition of; Johnlrviuo. r. FRIENDS EXPECTED [IIM TO DIE. Medical Men did not Under- Btaiid.X-IiH...On,Kw............... Piuiio'h Celery C'omin'Uud IVIiulo 'A Par "iinnut ('uie. COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. Tint I'rlHnners Jloiuleriilifttt imil Welter Will btiTrleJI Ht'Nexl Ahulzt-H.. St. TiinjrAfl, Jan. M. At Saturday's session of tbc Middh'iuareli ninider in vestigation the evidence-was mainly in reference to tho Insurance feature of the case, Patrick FiUpatriek and V)r. C. 10. Dun-' combe, of St. Thonuis, and Dr. Marlatt. of Aylnt* t', gave evVi on: as lo i .'endrrshntt's at rem pi to iii^ir'" 'be life nlVr ;*/.oai rii'k wlioho drinking habi: j raused aim to hi* reject"d l.y tlie coin ; -my.. ('. !',.ijcl,.e ti'-a iiierl !ii'-.>r:!:.. c !.c:ir^ Stam-Mi.. Mi,.:(,i't e'n'.'.y, Now Mexico, last i*i may iiighi, by Shu'rift Perry, of Chavey. county. Cook when ho found that escape wai. impotwihlo admitted his Iden tity and decided to return to Oklahoma without any formality. Perry spent over three woeka in tfie saddle with only a few truatcd aides accompanying him andtheao did not know tho true nature of his trip 'Jnto the western country. , Muskcjgkk, O. T., Jan. 14. Deputy- Hobbs, of Fort DIdge, wired to this place that Cook, French and Jlvo confederates wero riding up and down tho main stroeta nourishing their Winchestor.s, Doblw- asked for men to coma to Gibson to nsslot in driving tho bandits out. Tho deputy marshals called a- meeting nnd decided that it was too dangeroua to pursue tho Cook gang unless --larger rewards were offered. 'The bandits havo been in and about Fori- Gibson for mora thnn two and no effort has l)eon mado to capture them. The Forth Qmlth "and M'Uttkofii.e marshals havo been cognizant for more tlian ten days, it is aid, that tho Fort Smith court is trying to induce Cook and French to givu up and receive *a flvo years' eeutonce. Itradfortl, I'm,, Huh Doatruotlva rir, BnADFonp, Pa., Jan. H. Yesterday this city was visited by. a very destructive Are which started in the Sheehan houno t-0 Mechanic street. The weather wua in tensely cold and thu dromon wero greatly handicapped in fighting the flames.' Mary Callahan leaped from the necoud .story of tho Sheehan house and escaped with a broken ankle and arm. Alary Dorine also jumped but escaped injury. Mrs. Alc- Qulston residing over SmHsh's grocery rushed down tho stairs foMiiiu street with her clothing on flro. The flames were ex tinguished and she will recover For a time the btudnosa portion of the town was'threatened with destruction. Tho losa i.i eutimutod at $15u,000; partially Inaured. pii- ji.l up'.-i in: I1, j \\ . 11 '.fuel -I'll, j. wu'.eh Hjund on t\v>.'<- ' b:i'i, ;,:irc'.!a-,i."l flo the lite of the 'U! P: idt-f.!,jifd . t \w <v;n ". ' \r\ h,aii l)\ \'. eitc!' in .A HomnrkubI CUurga. CIIATTANOOO.A, Tenn., Jan. 14. Undor- 1'IiIk ended the csu for tint Cjovvu. Police Magistrate ' White asked tho prisoiKim^f+ln^uuijinyLhing-tuxiy.JjdliL, replied in tlio negative-and be committed' them for trial at the next assizes, Flro in Ilru<il*rIl Braceiikidok: Out., Jan. 14. Tho Rail way hotel was discovered uu flroyestor- diiy, Tho building was a. frame structure owned by Geo, Neil and occupied by Jit?. B. Brown. The lire originated in tho necoud storey and hud gained great head way before being discovered. The hi mates wore.,amused and escaped in.their night clothes. .The house and contents are a total loss. The fire spread south to an old building occupied by Win, Storey a1: a wheelwright's shop, which was partially destroyFd. Tin* Ions is estimated at about $2,000, partially covered by insurance.- The iiinv waterworks worked very Kivtia- factorily and was undoubtedly tbejneans pf preventing-a very disastrous lire. - A OiH'hfci Ifottil lluriitMl, Quebec, Jan. 14. -Yesterday a disastrous fire broke out in the large kitchen of tho Victoria hotel. 'Vho boardern, about "0 in nil, were asleep. Mr. Theo Ilamel, being almost overcome with smoke, woko up and gave the alarm, The fire brigade re sponded with alacrity and in a few minutes the interior was flooded and the fire ex- tinguiflhed. Mr. Benjamin Trudel waa abon on tho see no with his men. Tho boardorn and their effects were all saved and transferred comfortably to the Flor ence, Mr. TrudeTn hotel in St. JohiiHtrcot.' Tho Iofl-i will be $40,000. Tho bullcUngft 'wore inaured for ?CO,000 in five different companioH.' Most of the damage waa done by water. XVnut' Dtirlium-Pnt rH. BowMAKVlhLK, Ont., Jan. 14. The Pat rons, who wero greatly disappointed in not placing a candidate in the last Provin cial conteat in West Durham, havo de cided to entor tho federal race and havo picked on Mr. C. Jonas Thornton, of A .wonderful uion icnienficm IlrrknLoii Out. It 1!* full of. coinf.Jit, iiuHiirtitj;,- ind gbid ueleraii.: nt-WHfur the m'eK h.-j.i u oso whom pliysieimm ciina/.'t cine, Mr. rluhu Irvine, of Hetilutdrr, Gieiivill Co., Out., writt'H tot foUowti:-- ..'Tine*- >carn nco T I-tul a icvero uttadf of 'la grippe,' which left mo in a very wt-uh and debiliiattd coiditson. Tlio next ant- uruln. I had imolher uttKck which left mo io ti \*>ry bad state. My health was near ly wrtckud, I had no Htrenfith, and foil tired nil the time. 1 wh ho wcalt that my h j^t wou'd nou support my body, and I have often ft.llen to'(ho ground when try iu-j to^ to my w.urh both in tho field and in my b-irn, nd would bo compelled to lio wbTrever I had fallen, until I could mufltei- niilicient Hirngtb to rise. My appeiiLii u'tm <i!l 'on, and when I wrad't^rvr ro -nJ. ir -mi " .o ijam utr'i g'h, I,v>':'.i!il .-i.t'f.'r uui-' Ir.iiinry'ior honri. It H 'I'lucd '.;) Ji e \h'H .1 v yKc. r.t-i>, |y wrurvi:)!! o J-wl', ' " lUvi' d./l'.-rf;,!* .': \( no d' rivi'i.ny bpit/Ji -m'-li" a*. r ; "irn.-iM Mv i*j*ie/,Li*. th "U;)'i,'l.H'r |.'0)n'.j >< di.', ara' I V-li vll'i'Vfc f ' ' :rM i'FU'r ,I'"J 'i- Jf not tried yuv l'u,uo |.; uoiiiiioiai'^ I boticht Hi.x hottl'B aiid oan connoicntionH ;Jji:*jiL)LX1**'P*r*v,ad'mpre beiiefit fritil iVthun 1 evar nrenuied of; it wttn worth movo to ite than ono[ hundred dollim worth Of modicinD from tho doctors. I bp^an to impiovo in hoalth heforo I had finished tho flrnt hottle; and to-day I am completely rc-_ utorod to health. I onn do us i;ood a day'n work au I over could, can now oat any, kind of food without ixporiencing trouble afterward, and chu nloop aa well an wheu I waH a boy. ' I hn-ve not had to ubo nny of tlio Com pound for moulhu, wlich convinces me that tbt cure ii* pertnapont. I feci it mv diuy to let ev*ry mflwrer know whui Pai'ue'a Celery Compound ha* du for me and if HooniH impoBHibl" for mu to oay nil I uliould in itt favor. My wife who has been a Hiiffttrer for yoara with chro^io rheuma tisrn, wan greatly brntiitted by the ngn o' your medicine, ftid jtu thie ttalimcn ULinolicitod." Ti-altiH Ihnlctl in Know and Tolo- ffrapliic Oihiiiuniil^itt'iohipoiivyed, STORM /RAGES 'ESfiERYWHERE'" Htfrit Cr Trunin l'urIyil~ln Tront A I'lMit-at Know Covni'H t\\m City AH .llMullflit lCuhi uu<l TwOMAN'S AN l*TiatR-*-lNO 8.PY ^ WlU.lAMHVOU-r, Pa., Jan; *11. Truffle on tho Fall Brook Railroad waa completolj, puralyv-edyeMtorday hy snowulldes in t|i* mouutahi regioiia of Pino Crk. In on luHtan-CT>rnn^mtlr-fmlght truin wan burled out of alght hy an avulunehu and th craM narrowly eneapod injury. Greut-roclcu and toiuf of earth cjime down with tho snow and the traekn are buried at poluta man] foot drop. Between BlackwoIIh and Cam mel for a distance of llft^rm -milea th . track is almost, entirely covered and bun dreda of laburnum are working In the cfi'otf to open the road. Tho buried freight trail consisted of seventeen ears and it hud jun halted owing to a slide in front when mio ther avahinche c/mie and overwhelmed ll Two other freight I ruins are Htailed \h tweeii alirluH. 'I'liu olHeiala can not giv iliij' Ji^hirauceaM to'whcu the road will b opened. Not a train arrived or* dopartu from Mils city to-day. LKdiroiiN', ,hin. II. The British achoone Coorge Kilner, Captain Hces, from Si Johns, NiMvfounrllaud, Ditoerubur S, wblc' arrived licro yesterday In^t sails and wa obliged to jettison u por! ion of her carg on tlie voyage. MAimil), .Jan. 11. Telegraphic coin municatiou with France has Ihilmi stoppct nine days in consequence of tlie storms h the north of S[/a:n. The snowstorms, am gales colli iime, ... Vikn'na, ,Tan. II. The presuiit snow storjni is tlio heaviest that has visitei Vinrrna in a generation, excepting th fltorm of 18BI*. The utruut cleaning official havu at work .'1,800 Heavengurs, 27 plough and WlO carts. The trrfmway companlo havo li,5(M) hands and 71 plouglia employo in clearing" away the anew. Many conn try places am Isolated. Toiconto, Jan. 11. This in the secom tlmo during the present season that On tario has been visited by a terrific snow ntorm, win eh eiimoupou in frmn the Soutli The' first one u'us very much more hovol* than the present clown fall, but, fortunatel for Toi'ontoniansv jye only got tho oute nonliorn edge of it, the mala voluni moving alon^ eastward from the Gulf o Me j: ten ovr-ttrthe New Kuglund -States jie'M.upaffted by a gale of wind t-be yejocit; -of which bad been unprecedented in year's T'lia mild type of blizzard which rauei y> '-tt I'day a.Ho took itH rise in the Mimical Ciulf r. g-'Hti i.i'i.terhi'g In 'J juucsseo am iik'V j*,: u.f.lip' toward tlie lake rvgii) it -\\"i no iai luilf na:-t Kovt-n yesterda; utoruin ' wii.'u il. snow llj-riea began b as ;i", ih"7iitclvfi j u. tin; <:liy, and 'th (." in vyume, J rising tenipurature will hoou drive itnway leaving thu streets swimming in slush. ' .Street car truffle was very much demor ulized and althuugh the company brought all their appliances for nuch an omcrgonci into immediate use they hav>a baon unabh to do anything moro than keep open the leading lines. Tho attempt to keep tt tchodulod time was not at aUauccessful, hut by dropping nil trailers and doublmjj motorH a fair service was kept on. The company'h officials say that in addition ta the unow ploughs a force of about, JOO men wero engaged cleaning the curves and other point-s whoce delays were likely to leeur J____________ - IRISH M- P.'S MUST BE. SATISFIED. taker -J. G. Franklin, jr., was on triaF YclT OI T' , Tl OI here on ^ ^ .--,. ,r -rm(hia\nK amu- w?r}*' w,ho Ims ?cl'P.tJ tho^,^,dacy Mmnwk..irui ... two uegr uy>, ,lnctii.3.i am; >. liahmen -id of noi,i - at f - . police M--n,-eo :b'.-. ffriiukii-i. Kelief in Six Honm, TJintroflaing Kid- uey and Bladder dinfanea relieved in bix hoii^bV the "New Great South Amerioan Oaro." This now romtdy in a groat To and delight to phyaioianaon ao- l ite excceclinij prerhptnoua in roliev- ing pain in the bladdor, kidneva,1 buck and vory part of tho urinary pauimgoa in male or female. It rolievcs reton'tion ol! water and pain in pausing it atmnat immediately. Ifyou want quick relief and cure this ia your remody. Sold by John Thome Drug glBt. :i: p a.'ld i;u (ilj .(! i'1 l.-.kb' \\ l i tt,: 'L'imJKMou'. 'i'liu (-.^uj-.i I a : ft 1 er -.. . - sivp M '. . ru -' i h> MS . >. (. ie..i>' .i- ' i- a- ' .: '. i-. p. ill : :n Ftilo ' oici.* ' u,;,ini- Tluit tlio Ouvertinoant IntniKU to ^<it Im Good Faltli. Los'ppN, Jan. 11. Besides the naval ex penditures, tho freo broakfant tahlu and routine- matters, it ia aald the cabinet has reached a crlaiH in' regard to the Irish question. Mr. Juatin McCarthy ia said to havo mado it plain that the Irish mem bers must ho natiaflod that tho Govern ment intends to act in coodfuith and push tho Irish question into the foromoat- pos sible position, that they cannot much longer be.restrained by Idlo promised and that a definite atatcment of tho position of the cabinet must ho outlined in the Queen's apoceh. They are. aupported by Mr. Morley, Chief Secretary, by Sir Wil liam Vernon Harcourtandby George Otto Trovelyan, who aro represented as Iiifllut- ing upon the Irish demands being satlaflod, Tho Premier find Mr. Asqulth Imvo wup- port In the cabinet for a strong JSngluih aeaslon and tlio local reforms outlined in tho Newcastle dfldaration. The iii^jugree- mout us to the Irish question is said to be oa Herions us that over the naval estimatea nnd the budget. Thoro ia a general specu lation at tho clubs and popular reHortti au to the rosult-of the cabinet meeting, no inkling of which haa yet reached the nut- side public. J?UOBdri*AlUtt S'CA' Miri^roH lo- Hi* Ver frotn Ncrvou* llntt^luiU.., bl-x^lntikM nad <Jonrnl Mobility-riijilclHiiN and ITIany lt.ilii.dlra Iffnllfld lo Help Mer--*W From the Jt'arlM (Out) I to view. Bo tntny rouiarkahlo itoriei aro pub- lidhod oi paopltt who hava beii. ahnoufc brought bank to lifo, that the public might almost b oxouHod if fchoy wore u trifle skeptical. 8<* far, howove'r, thosfl rolat. inK to cur*t braudht about by tba uiio of Dr. William*' Piuk Pilhi am tionoornod fchoro appears to Wo no roimon .to doubt thoir entire truthfuliKiNH. Tho caoou re ported arc carofully invontifjatud and vouch ed for by nowMpapaVii thut would dinorodit ihuhiHfivii wero thy to O'.itort facta that can bo oasily investigated by imy^Qj thoir roadera, BnaidoH,Uiore aro but few ti-a in tlio Dominion whore this gratfd heid.-r of tho sick lias not mado itself felt, and the pcplo having proof of its virtuoii near at hom.i, are (Miito prapurod to aooupt the Htnternuhin inaikr'un'to thu ruiiults fol- lowitif* the noe of l'ink PilUi in other looul- itien. The Itovluw Iihh- heard of much Kood.'accomplhiiieilhy tho timely uao of Dr. Williiinin' Pink Pilln in tlna locality, but has ruooiitJy learned (if a eisio at Puriu Kta. tion which is pf Hnffioiont- importando to tfivo the full dotailit for tho bonoQt it may p.'ov.j to others. The cano alluded .to is that of Mrfl. E. II. Skinner, who iflTestonm. od hy a wide oircjo ol acquaintancoH, To a reproiiflntative of tho Hoviuw Mra. tikin- uor iiuid hIio juid tuuo n great imffercr. Her blood had bocomo thin and watery, bringing ulioat. a wcakuona amounting itlmoHt touoolUpHO. Thero wero numerous diatrodsing uyniptomti. nuoh aa dtzzinoflii, aovoro hoaduchoa, palpitatiou of the hoart. otc, "I have.booo ill," naid Mro. Bkinnor to tb'tf Rovinw,"for about nix yaam '*vy BmaWtvinfa. dj. a: "BohooUtSitfOp. m, O, Q. tttWf, fitor. . ,__,________ ,____ B. Naylor, flapftrintdl sat of taboo) Epwoi th IiougiiQ prayir moetl ' Xtuttday ovenlnK t* o'clock. titmo.-l *pjaj meMitlnBon Thuraduyovouinft. Cbokcit or Esar,A*i> I*ov. A,li,novrly, lp onmbfljil, at, . pulg., Bum. blviuunxvio* VJ*, JMitn*<*y T 7, o'clock, p m 8nnda*f ,'Boitttar+Cl(1n: iir. jMuitv Oburoh, North ItldM -Divlila Bervlcou a vory Hunlay at t) u. iu.; Bern- day Bohool at l.^fip, in. Tbo publto'iiro oor- vlially invited. FuBflnTTBUllN. W, M.Clouilnjf, Pan tor' Sf- vloaaon Rabbatb at 11 a. in. and 7-Be p. nj SuIm hath BelioolfttailMJp. Ui. 1'royor mi etliiR ao4 PaHtor'Hblblo olana on TuuHcfuy at7,^0 e. ,ia. BoolaJ Union on WodueuJav at H.ifip. Hki-vii' i}Hxiou, l(v.M, 1*. Campbell, fac tor. Kltrvlemi naoh Habhatli at ll a. in. mtuX 1 \f' in, 1'vn.yor )iifliitlii(f on Wo*ln<'8(l*y o-vonlnc u.fc H o'olouk. HoaU fru. All are oorulally wC connid, , Houih OA'L'iioivm. ifr. I), V. MoUoutuaim I'uiitnr, Hotrtot: ovary othr KiiuiUy ut&SO m.,yohoolatHi". m. ' HxhVAiioX Ahmy. T. II. Motiood, Ouptaln. Hulvatloii iiini'tlnUH on Wmliumday, Thurstlay and Hiitnhiy uvuiiiiiHH; J-'jreo and Kiib.v, Huturday evidn iiml 'i p in. yuuday; UoliuvHH uicotlngb for ohrliUliirai l-'i-nluy nvoiuua anil 11 u, ui. Bud- day; Knon Drill 7 u in, ovury Himriay. All aro wolooiuu. X LEGAL. Ii. PUTl&ItH XlarriHtor. Holloltor. NotOJ Tjuhllo Money to lOllll. Oil! oo otor r,i A.WIHMKB, Harri( rJt I'tibllo Ao. Money to loan. OWbmhS nh Olook, up-otalni, Ksho^, * -H Ht CMvAKKK, nARTLKT .V B.UITLKT, Harrtt l turn, etc. OfnatH, Mi'.dluiry Illoelt, \Vlndiio I'riVHto ftnwltl to Jnu I] A. IhCLAHKM, \t. \i. H; N. A. TUUTLKT. A. It. JlAltTIXT. Jl. A. HKNHV C WAI/rKItfi.'L.L.Ti C'oiniHtlrir ut Inw-; with Atliinnon OoniiruKH Ht. wet.t Uutroit, Mioh. (OhuikUkm cluiuiH acainht puinonn United Rtnton qollortod.) , lttifuruucoiu i'liifn/i'i'JJiitiU, Kwtox.Ont, Mi. Puturn, I-'k', lliirrl.itiir, to., Hiihox, Out l^.A. Wifiinor, Kwj., HiLiili,tf;r. ale,, 10 i.nriKiy u AHnlKhW ill tho HllOX, Out. \ .: W1EDICAL. J It F.N, M. I)., X,, ll. ti. l\ ,t fl., Klwitau, Momljcr t'olluco of I'hVfilolium nr.d Bur- , Out. Graduate or New York.. PiiHt Qrnil- oito Miwllcid Hchool. Ail oiilJn promptlyat- tj.ided to. Alfio npecfid uttentlon eiven to iliiioanvn of the luiiRti, throat, uobo, yo am] 0ar. Oilleo ovor J.rlen A: Co'h. Drntf Htorfl, and all oallH, ni/j)it vr day, Iit tlmro. Tolephoao ia connection. N, li.-~Oniisultntion roomii (-roundl 11 Dor nnd 11 rat Hat above. JTUtS. DEWAIt &.McKEN2IJ5. and you Can form arudea of>hat I uffer- ao TWm^uilivJrnUy0' MeiniJ; CoUouo^yC od during that timtf.-Vl'bn(l'tli'*'WBe"Rlifl' '"'^""V" HilirCfionib nt- Itoalilnncc, Talho1 . Tu rttVi 'ii-hti .-'v In 1Vaimj'|vii(iI u. CoNNiilAoViLUi, Pa., Jan. "14.' A torriuo blizzard struck the north end of Fwyotto county and continues with lnotouring fury. Snow Is falling in blinding aheetu nnd drifting badly. Tho mercury-foil from 20 degrees abuvo to tho xoro-mark within two hours. In the mountains ast tho ntorm ia even worse and la blockade the railway cnioiCii. A Keiitucliv Plimtomenoit. Elva, Ky., Jan. 14. When peoplo In 'thtp locality arono on .Saturday they found tbo ground covered with two inches of white anew, covered with a yellow tinted fttuff that could ho gathered In handful**;' It turned water Inky black wheu handed, Thoro io no explanation of the pheno menon and An analysis ban boon taken. Cut Uli.tWtl>'s Throut, ' CiiiOApo, Jam 14. Jacob'Mil lor, a'fUral*: ture polfahor, cut hiu wifo'a throat from ,'<a>to.carwh;h a rnswr on Saturday., lis. then wont to tho factory where ho waa employed and hhot James Oleander, tho , foreman, inflicting a l%ht wound.- Miller woh arretted. * AJ-'URHfiiiiror Triiln Hold Up. ; Otti/mwa, la., Jan. M. Pnsaehger tr>lii No. 4 orr tho Burliritftoir* road wtalie'l'd up u tteilf this city by nituiked-men. Tho ex- 1^<jLp}V-J*JUsvhi};ora were bound and gagged *""*' ""fpio car robbod of wjvoral thou- Aw. > 'IlAvrLT"N,V" I- >.'*' of an acrlnii (or dama^Lii foi. iIl'U* .'.a!i ocrved ou tho Spectator Printing- Company yentorday by Caracalicn, CahlU It Rohh, aollcltors for tho Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Rail way Company. Tho iillegetl libel waa contained In an editorial inioatThura- diiy'H. Issue of the Spectator, In which it wan stated-the roiul waa cheap and nasty, that tho road wn being constructed cheaply .and waa as cropked as a ram'a horn, etc. The amount oC damages claim ed In not ntatod in tho notice, but It fa said tho railway company will, ask for $100,000. A O, T. It. ICuulnoer flulold, John Forreat, a G, T. R. engineer, roaldlng at Ti Catbarino streot, this city, nhot himsolfdoad with a revolver on Saturday night. The deed waa committed tn tho hall of bUlibuso and is Hiiid to havo boon caused by domes tic troublo. :-----------,----------------. . ,\ F**II From u Church Stenple. iJai-ivax, Jan. U. X man narnnd Bol- foiitalno fell from thu ateoplo ou tho now church' at Kast Chear.ctlcook, - ITallfax coiinty, and, was Instantly klllod. (Tho height from which thu man fell was be tween fifty and sixty feet, "."-'.'" ICIIled by I'uUluir Xc. Ottawa, Jim. 14, Tho Italian, Ghda, wIioho Hknll waa. hrokou with a fall of ice from tho Dominion hall, on SparKa street, on Saturday, died yeeterdny morning In the Water street hospital, _- Hyuffn inTirnHr' ^ft'mf-i t of'nome :-\;^TTent pbymoiuuK, but " AlTliiTntrAny >i#nr-fic. I'niay'aay i.hit** dur- ui1-; the fiix voarn I wuh ll! I Wan tr^utaxl by tniir different' doc'.or.r in I^(autford -<r\n fiu' li Pi/ri*.'twfi thoy vocm-al iot -to t<, 'vbl*. to '(. ui jtbiDf'toi me. Wheii th- p:v -de.' in" I ' sd I irit.ii many d fi>r hK v\ h>[\ tidv*r- , 'd rioafld oi. hut with iv le 'I ir reeuK'B ..d thio, you wih icudiiy uudurataod, cunt a great deal of monoy, and aa I derived no bonoflt, it is not to bo worjdorod that I wa^ complotely difcoouragod. I found myaolf ooDtiaunlly growing "weakor, anil hardly able to go about, and had almost given up all hope of becoming bettor, And yot one navor wholly deHpairn, for Booing Dr. Wil- lmmn' Pink-JMIU so Qtrongly recommended in thn prcaa t doterminod to try thorn, and you can Hro by my condition today bow' much rounon I havo _to ho thankful that I did no. I had not bion taking Pink Pillfl Iomk trbpn for tho firut time in ix yoara, I feund myadf Improviug. Gradually th tioublos that had my lifo miserable disappeared, new blood appeared to bo couroint; throo^h my veino, aud I am again a healthy woman, and have no heaitation in Haying that I ueliovo I owe not only my rooovory but my lifo to Dr. Williams' Pink Pillfl." Mra, Skinner naid her bUBbaud was aliojinuch run dovrn with hard work, but after usitig'[PJok Pdln foelo like a new m*n. The statements rnndo by Mm. Skin ner prova th uucquidled merit of Dr. Williams' Fink Pi-K und as there are thousand!! of women throughout tho coun try HiaularJy troubled, hor story of ronewed hialtb will point to them the romedy wbiah will provo equally liTiouciounin theitfaases. Dr. Willitmn* Pink Pille aro oppaciully val uable to woraen. Thoy build up tho blood, restore thu nervii, and cmdipato thouo troubles whioh muko tho lives of so many women, old andyoung, u burden, Dizzi- nem*, palpitation of tho hoart, nervous headache nnd not\ona prostration speedily yield to this wonderful medicine. They aro tiho a specific in casoa of locomotor at* am, partial paralynij, Ht. Vitus' dance, aoiatica, neuralgia, rhonmatism, tho after eff-cta of Ju grippe, etc. In mm thoy affect a radioal cure in nil eaiou uriumg from St.Efibt. G. MolfUNssti:. ;,1. U. C. M., Follow Trinity dodical Oolleij-j Graduate Trinity University. Itonlduncc; Tidbo*, Ktroot, v,-. , Oftlcfthour.i-8 tenn, n:.,i to3BtfdOtoBi>. ta* '.Olio-ln i-mnriiM 11a i(, bl.:clt (jronn-i Moot, noxt (o 'L/iijriic' iM'uif *-i,ore ' ' \/if,li oifloo uil't riinl- -]l IH'fj, . ....... Onluid loft :l TIm'iL* e"i .Iruu ..inro1 will b prol;i')Mr ,Mf UiJt-d I , HP. MARTIN..D. D. S., L. D. B. Gradual* --ui-DttBtiflbryr-Rqyiil'CoHBge of Doiital HnrReone, Ontario, and Unlvoralty of ToroiIgM Obarflon.modor&to. OlUoo, ovor Orion AjtSTi 'drug Btoro. 18-ly /" NTOW is tho besi timo in ymn* lifci tci buy furnifcure, It will pay you to (r.-t maniFal, yoan/j man, and emu andsfifi tbo fii-e ansorlud. fifcoe/c of fur- uilui'O at....... WAREROOMS, ESSEX. Pricos'lowqi* than imywlicio olso, for quality. Neatly -&11 rrjade' at oar own factory, and fine y finished. All goida dbHvorod froo of obargo; N(i Hf>vrtilKn Itl;;ht*i Wilt Arlin. London, Jr/a. 1.. dent Ole'.ol.tnd'a prnp.isidou in favor tf binning T.hc Nechui* Isiaut' to Great Britain ! mental worry, eYcrvroi.lf, or excoHhOs of any foi ti cubic Huvtinn, tlio Mornintf Pout will : MU^iro. ' Thoy m so.d ouH m ton's, tho any 10-dav : i tion of ,ioverei.i nBlitt will arise in regard tr^* ^ark *"d wiaPpu.r rrintod m "d iaU> veterKnary. H. ItlcnAItUUON, Vetorhmry Bur- . noon, Oraduuto or tho Ontario Votor- luary ColIj;o, Toronto, trontu all dlBOfiaen ol domontlciited anhnalu, Toloplmno In connec tion. Uontiatry a npoblalty. Houtdonoo, fonr doom south of Griiit Mill OflQoo iu postoflleo building; Iuftroaary dirootly opponite. W. BAKER. rpHEo1doGfc buninoBfi iu town/ KHtahllshe X IH1Q. Firnt-clatiB brond and enkoK oral klndit. WoddiDg oalion a apoolallty. Grooone firovinlone, flour, food, salt and pnrk. Con (aft- lonory, oroohdry.RlauBware. Ganuoil fruits and vogotabloBof all kindn. Goods prbmptly ie llvoroatorill imrtnof tho town. J, M. ruCKH ioi-tr SOCIETIES f O. O..P.^KNTEItPR1813 Lodco" No ti* It mootsovory Thuruday, oveniug at 7.S0 iu Oddfollown Hall, in third NtoroyDunHtai) Block VlsltluRmomhorsufotbor lodtiipwlll rooelvee jratomsl woloomo. J. JOHNHTON. N; G.. OHKTRAr, ENOAMPMKNT.No.80. meetsttiu Oddfollowa'HalhDunstan'n Blooli, ou tho firet % .ud third Taosduy Inouoh month. Visitors eo* aiallyroofiivod. Momhornof suhordiiiatfl lodtfei In tun jurliKllotlon, juvltod to join. O. HAKNAN. Q. T G. V, HIIiL, Q. B. 88HX OEKTItB LODGK, No. 10, A. O. U.W Moots socondatidfoukth Mondays la each month,in tlio Oddfollow's Hall, at 8 p. m. ViBltlnff brothren will bo givon a fratorual wl- oorao, JOHN IjAING, Maator Workman Q. H. PTJIiLBK, Kooordor. _ ; ' FIRE"BBIGADE,-Thq Flro Brlfiado moete flucond Wodueflday oveiilnjf ovory month; at8 p. ra, ia tho council oh author. All flrpmailrv roquoatod to attend. J. MoMUIUlAY. Ohlof J. | F. MCQUEEN, Sorotory. COURT IlOYAIi, NO. 313, I. O. P. , , Muatnsooond and fourth Tuosday'siu oaoW month in l, O, O. F.,Uall at 8 o'olook p. ra- ' Visiting brothorn will be givon a fraUrnaf wel come. E MoCaunland. O. Ii., W. O. Shaw. Qeoy. M. J. Wiglo, C. P. U. O. It. UNDERTAKING AND, EMBALMING A Prices tight' downclbau. inbotb linca. Kindly call and see for yourself. J. A. HICKS ^8SM. ; '-, gard toNcckar Ii-hmd, Nevertholon-i it ia not easy to you Jiowantation can bo acquired on. umiwral landing ground, and uhio bo free from fureitjn cowtrol-rnt itnyruto to the, extent that the cablo could not'he cut In tlio event of war. Such iv difficulty, however la certainly rojnotc." Premier Crlipif JDttufflitttr Hlurrlnd. Naples, Jan. 11. Tho.oivil marriage of Premier CriHpi'H daughter and Prince LlngualOhiHO took pinch yesterday. A con gratulatory deaputch waa. rooolvod from King Humbert, Tho Qiieon, tho JPrlnco of Naples and many ambaflHadorrt and minis' torn sent presontd. The syndic of Roudo gave a gilt bronze lnlc utaud which won a prlxo at tho.Chicago fair, . . Ilui'oourt Aixre^u With Iflu t'oll^urtieil, LoNlooK, Jan. ll. Tho Dally JSTowu de nies tho truth of tlio report that Sir Wil liam' Hatcourt disagrees*' with his col- Icftgiioij oh tho subjaot of naval expendi ture. !/.. .,,_ t __,..;.---------_----- t, 1VIH .Aiitmjfo|K-ttrfrtk*irrtHfi(ttt:lH. The Hepubllcan momberHof UreSonate Finance Committee decided yeatflrdjiy to antagonl'/.o any ex- t^nrtijd reorcanlKatlou of the currency sys- fco'm-at thiiiHe>.sion, Coatly VenUoM.' 1 KxBTW'OW*.! Jau,^-!. Game vVnrdonOHl, pf Kxoter, hftdChiw.Swallo?,1 of Wowlhanyboforo Chas. 'Snell, J. !., of thlfi place and had him dded*3fl' and Id at 50 ceutn a box or ylx boxbu for S2.J50, aud may be had of druggiBtu pi- diruin by mud from Dr. WUMami' 'MihIioiqa Co;m- pany,Brpokv(llo, Ont., or Sahqn&cttdy, NY.' to Loan lAIID aud loan aqente '- WA/V-. %A^b> On good prodaotivp Ferm Propoj^ty at GJ.tS: 6 pen oent.^traight. No Valuation Tee&* Ipf* OouYDyanoing Dono up lu NeofBtylo Fire and Lif nsurance. A. E. LOVELACE, : fca^pfflon: Whitnoy Blook,, upstairs FRANK MoOLOBKEY. MalditOflt, thir*y- Boyenjeaj-n' pjtpoi^lqaoo as jw >uot/on4oi- in tho County mi Besex, $a.\ea qonanotf a promptly i.n J on Taotabla unni 'Partlaa'diBlrln^ to axjthodate for a lalo can aavc,tbofiutolyc * drl ?e by oalllntf at the PnEB Fbiobb ofhoo. Wo hovaaxiajijotl witnMr. ModlMkoy atidwill.flx the dati for gales by telegraphntlraly free of, all oi*rga loth* mnm nol^lag the tmltij ^ Ad- drww_Fj^k_MoOloBkey,Ml,ditOB^ gWfla.Ont. ". ,i.j .,i--".^--*r"-f-f'"'<{i.t'(iii-..-.'. I i^K.mCE J. THOMAS, Oonvoyuuoer, Coia-, \y mh-moiu-r, in HlfjhC'ouri of Jautloe; duala*? 'U lU'OlEuUiiu and MartcffRO/i, Monoy to loata at tho louufit ruto of iiittivmt. d'arinv boajtkt imUaia. luauiauoo titkoci Ju tlio moatrlia'pla comprnloi. Drawing nl deeds, mnrtflogeu and luniof' o, dp.\4la1ty. OJinr^ii. inodAritEa and all jHnluetB fircmiJtly attoudd to.* Call at'th* Ooutrar Telonhono office; E8BatOeDtrt. Sff-ly .. MARRIAGE LICENSES. inn' XUBKAMAN, laauor of Mandate Iiioonflre. InaurancB aipao* Nlghfc Offloo at)-Dwelllqtf.. , '" ' Tr ' ^_____________ ; /I'AIiBOT^TKKliir.-^BgX. .DAlUtKTT. iusuflr otManlMge^loensM, ComnilBslpnorla 0.J..otc. Qotto, Ont. MABltlAOIil LIctmBoa or Weddlntf Kings dm ,, bo prooured atiS, ti. I'ark'B, tho diil W- llablo Jowollor, Sanox, Qnfc, LAND SURVEYOR; TAMKB S. IiAIRX), Provincial Land fiturwro* <J aud County Kuglueer,; Enaex Contro, Out Offloo, DBOatan BldoE, ppatalra. ' :.' ARCHITECTS* yojin a, mavoocb:, ;-..-._. AKOH1TBCT. &e.. .' Iloom 10 and 11, Fleming Buildlntf,' . Whadiw, Out f'Pboao,Qli>. ' . , OHDERTAKINC HPIiTTBtMER, tJndertakwi' and JPuraJtuw Dealer. Cofflna, home aDdlaotorT.paade. rom * to *2a . Mopreijor; Oat?"1'. %" "'iVH^ 'j'i^i'.V'.iv: 17 4964

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