Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 18, 1895, p. 2

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^ i.. . ; ' ^V-. i *TM / "*^* ^^- BK V vV_f! FRKK PRE8t '\ ' ~N -THH- ESSEX FREE PRESS MMlMWKVE .--.,^^- :E33S333z:, owr. Published Evoryl Friday Morning Vrmi tbo clllco hi tho Industrial Worka TftundiuK.rulboii/St. .Special attention in paid to tho publiju- ^ion of,-Mutter of looai importance, accur ate and re^ablu roportu ot Town, neighbor, m^ Township a nil County Council proceed- intifp Jooatind county murkat reporta, olo , tho Oftrofu. ami jtidioiouu mmmuornunt of Tub KtiKK i*uKMu, with reupuot to thuno and ' other curront iimtiurH of local importuned, has Kivou it a widonproud nrentitfo in tho centra of Kuaox couuiy,which in tooo^nlvMil ,ab ono of tho bunt agricultural dintriofcnin Ontaria. Tins Faun Fhuhh hi tho only medium eirouluiing thoroughly in tliin coutral portion of tho County, und in eon- Boquontiy,withoutiltHiht,thoonly thorough advortimug rmrnluni for biiwiiCHii people wishing to roach that ohi.nn olf eiiHtoinurH. OOUHKSX'ONDKNOK. Our oolm-nJtiKrT^fl^^ry^nuTi for tho eao^y^ji Jf^HHum 0f mattorn portalning puhlio wolhircu Able uorroHpondonlii in all tho iiurrouud. iug Jooiditiou furniuU reliable reporta of evoataof iiitoruHt, occiirriojim thoirtwviPAl Bphoron; and tho publiaher l at all timcb pleased to rooelvo mtorowtini; itomu ot aoww from any dmpQfiud to forward enntri- atiomi. (/ All communiuiLtianH ofVt private ana nnduutitil nature, uhouid be uo murkud tho outride of tho onvolopo. HUJIHCUIPTION I'UICJC. ^'ghQO J3"f annum, etnotly in advauoo, 1.&0 pJjtnum iMrfofc Ati .paid; Jina ulf ^rtaaru^mrtJ;3'cT[ at phut rate. _ ADVKIlTIIiKMKNlci. Transient hu*id and municipal adver tinoment*, nutioou, cto., charged at the rain of ton oentu pur line, for -linit iUHortinn, ami live oonta per lino for each imotu'fjuout; intmrtioii. All iiuoh VdvortiHcmuuU are moatunod by a noale ol twelve Iuioh to tho inch. Looal roadn*u and other nuticeu pub lifthojl amontj locul uuwh inatti-r churned at tho rate, of ton oimn pur ruiniiug lino for each maertion. All notice* or church or nr,cioty cn'er "tainmontH of any doHunption, at which an admiiwion foe in charged, are regarded 10. advortiKMinowtH, and full adverliniu^ nite charged iu all antsh caHuii, Notice* of ^uth- oriuj4 or muiithitfH mft for pncnuiary hciir.- iU or aid, will huchoorfully p.iblitihud U"c C^oliarffe. . 8p.jr.iilcontrL.ut u^s nn dy f*nr dinr !>toiMitandin^ advti. All U-fril or profe-d on . al oardii undtu* oiiu ineh, *).j p;l* .Liinum. Jon oa coMMrjienfj imuniinu. Tho ll,ni:i-: Pu^stt" Jon Hrmtm^ IK* avtiritMit in -inu.oi' tiK autvprvjid i:, of thoroughly 'ooriip..tout invchaiiH1-, and. tm/.-iiMl itUyniion H imi I to ili.-. bra.'oh" a; M. :n\ !.. . CJ i: : i'tslpt for tilO nMJiIULInu ul a.1. i.l.j ..* ui ijtiw.v -i.d Eino^I.oh Frintiim aro uucxoolUid. Stoam 'pow6r'proH&eji.,, A call uolicited. nOBINKHO 11K0U NATION II. All .lob FriotiiiK and TraiiMiont dvortiHinc accountf^ utriotly caah. dvorlsioiuu acoouutH ' with regulur atrouti aro Bottlod quarterly.^ Sub- riptionn duo in advance. Ko subscription to tho Funis Vhvmh, or dvortLinomont publiHhod in ita uolummt ill bo diBContiuuod until all arrearo arc aid in full. - Changed for adyirtiHomentH, to souure liportion in tho current iHHUo, muHt bu auded iu not later than noon of the Tuoh- ay preceding, ahcl notice of *uich intend d Qhauiiri la required on tlio Monday pre ceding. Notion of diHCoutmu'iucii of auveuiM- inonta mu=it bu ^ivn at leant ooo weok in tiQVancovuf the iatiiiu in whioh they aro deHirtjd to last appear. Remarkable CooIiipsm oi' tlio Antwerp rolsoiiftr at Utti' Tidiil. " " HER ANSWER TO THE JUDGE Nliq MiHt tlio ClloMOMt OutiHtUHilnir With ItoucJy Aiitweru That AKtonUli thi Court ^- lilliltod ' Airiihmt llnr U ' ?! Kkw YouicJOui. H. Tim Bim'H London eorroHpondcnt, MiyHr "All J'hirope li fol-- lowing with the keenest interent this. poWoiiIng trial at Antwerp, which o'.lly takoa rank iih one of the ptroiitoHt/i'iLmeH coloh^ or tlio century. Kvon Lho/hiKliHh preH printed verbatim roporljf of thn \v()iid{)rftiLfoiirday>ife.vani<uaLiriiiof Mini'. .T(jnlan\-, tiin an used 'wnnuui, and ail Kurnpn imnaiTollin^aC lior upli'inlidconr- uKh and mna/.ln^ ^ smiruuH buforo her nc- oiiHer.i. The cm^ HUKK4tu HH^Iitly the reat, llonlep^ridal at Kail Ulvnr, hut the ^Ih^-tUVfun-ncii In the procedure In the Belgian courtti, whieh follow Fruiinh methodH, yloldu ficonu after scone dramatic and thrillinn lieyoud anything hi Kii.^llnh or American jurisprudence. Ilmidors are familiar with, tlio izennrfil fnct.s-iu.thii caw. Orenpyinna hitrh P'^l- tlon in one of the iltst families of HoIkiiuii, Mine. Joiilaux la accused of 'killing hy polnon^lier Hl.stei*, undo and brother, In order to profit hy the liwurauct1 on their liven. The evidence of hortfuilt wbioh hrd coinu to lijjfht wim so itron^that the pub-, lie was convinced of her guilt in adyaiieu- of trial, and thf dctt-station of tlm erinic was no great that- it U mit too much to Hay that there was a general popuUr clamor Tor the woman's head. It, Im perhap-i the best tributetu her won derful (]u;dita-s to.say that when her four days1 duel for her life with the presiding maglHtratu was llnhdied on Saturday eveu- in^ there was <i strong reaction of pulil!f HenUnient in her favor. The trial will continue priduihly anolhnr ten days, l^ut it. is hardly possible t; exceed "the di\i marie interest of the lnii[r iii<|uisit,ion of the pri soner tit- Ilie hands (if the magistrate. The president of the eoilrt is ono of the Ueene^i JoiIlti". iti Hid/innij and he is merciless in the pur->uil -u uv)st danuiging and :-ig iiilltejn driaiU. Mine. Jiitiiaux, who;-.a woman of .*l years, sclf-poises^cd, c*.i.1 and iiudaiiiited, faced him thronglioiii uMth tlic air of an aecoseil tpieoit wh^ scuriii'd hi;r iiecii-<-r-. l-h'itlenee and in sin nai inn. often pn leiiti-d \\ i! h era It \' and crushing force t hai would luive over- ( r-ift,- -die par ried or even Mirned to ;mv un 'i\i\ , -i ni.'ule t lie urn-.; .t-toiueli;ig adiaii-.ons in a niu-i nn!' er-of fact iij-iiim-r. Twii d.i,1, s wen* '-pen!, in iUlrica! e in- (liiirie-, a--, to in-r -,'re;it llnniicial di'heul: ie<- whicli i '-ijnwi'd her ih -in-rate cmiijit ion a- ih*-' l i"l" eacli Ml pi" (,'.-, (I'ltli oceiK" o ]'! r\ tii'i t" hi. imi' l n v^rltf^ 'rii*) ltlvtliplaat) uf tlm Walt/ POPULAR: BtEW- DANCKS. ^3$$%$FE&'& iudjfinff froni tho jpoojr.'fldmiro^ it ha* THE, KAlSpR GAVOTtV AND frtE 'at prcHOntytlW^avott niiyliavo tot'olf6' BRUNSWICK THEin NAMES. , * Bocond.plaeo It hai"oiio advnntatfo _______ over tho gavotte, and that U n Biinplio- ,lty. It ia no much oanior to learn and ho..i ji.u.k I.. flm..-..i by. Uv,!M, | ihoroforo willbo tliuiood iiioro tlmii tho tii iji.mch ihtiM'ripiini^oi'th.t iiw i tij 'gavotte.. IJufc excluttivo aocitifcy will uffooI tho gavotte. It ia moro difficult .toltiiirnj'ln other words, it required In- I Btnictlon7aiTd"thoTr a-httudsomu coutunio- Germany cla^'.H tho 1 irtbplaci of tho 'oddHgroatly to tho glorioH of thodatico, waltz, and Franco dooa too, ButFranco for it Is-ono that u*fl^H to 'bo well Uan no wu)/,zea lilto tlm MtnuiHH \valt?.en, gownod. Ifc ia compoaod of ouch atatoly, oo ono>o comparo with tlio waltz kiti^* dignifiod movomontu, thorofore rofiuir- of Viontlu- and indeed : of tho whole lug heavy broendoa and volvets to make wwdd. Kngland Hlowly followed tho -it an imposing aa poeaiblo. Thon whon Voad of normimy and Franco and tho tho gavotte fa finiahod the maidens In Waltx waa iritroducod dining tho early chiffon and mull can trip through tho part of the century. Of course nome Waltz and gavotte-Varsovienno. Tho approvod and lnmiy dianpproved, but it day may be near when it will bo con- (Inally became tho thing, and tho father eldorod very poor tasto tat a gentleman of tho proHont Tohann Straws played at to invito a- lady to accompany Win I through tho intricacioH of a etaWIy - 1 dimco who ia not harmoniously uttirod for the Hamo that in hor gown must ho attuned to tho different oYoliitioiiH^oE danco (ih to make tho artintic^ oftect lor- fect. Oh, art I aj-tl how many imhocili- tloH aro committed in thy, name 1 Tho profoseora concur in tho opinion that tho gavotto ia a littlo too nlow und Htatoly to provo a groat aucceau with tho majority. If wo,.mu.Bt havo any tiling of tho nature of "a^iiilulrjlle givo na u wnltz-qundrillo, haa alwayH "boon tho | cry, honco tho two-stop him boon intro duced und ia aura to bo tho rago. To a young poraon full of Hfo, with an ear porfoctly attuned to whutovor ia mnlodioiiH, tho strains- of a Strauss waltz aro dimply irronistiblo. She can no moro koop atill than a bird can holp ilying And when hor looa fortuimto 1 eiHtorfi. who havo boon forbidden this delightful rocroationjfloo her como from tho alluring mazes l a doliclouB walta, ihialiod with ploasuro but with nono of tlmt modesty and Bwcotneaqof donioanor gono, tnoy bogin to think something is this wAr.TZ. j wrong, nud maybo it ig not sound ns tho coronation of QjC^ti Victoria. Tho *omo people mako out. Tho young girl Rtrausa. waltiea nro ho beautiful and tho ' wlioao father's position makes it impos- waliz being the favorite-danro that ono "Wo for hor to take ho much aa a whirl is led to overlook entirely, tho many do , or two at' any privato entertainment ligh: nil polkap compijho'il Ijv tho Haino ' will tell you the-delight nho experienced niu?iriart Many who find tho waltx whon at hoarding Bchool in tho privacy iinp.^siblo to loam find aolace In a goodJ.0!1*01, room one ot the ^ills tftyjipx rmlicking polka. It is very entertain- ' to waltz. She had no idea it waa so iu- to watch the different" wayrf of dano- much fun and hqoii felt ahu had been do- i Like a Miradfe In'Verv Low Condition With Consumption Physicians Saici tSUo Was:. Saici Sno curable n- Wondorful Roaultc From TaUlr.*v, Hood's SaranparllLi. Ingtlu* ptdka. The dignifiod couplo prived of half tbo enjoynient of youth. ,di.lo through an ouie'tly an though they [ \Virlitho old of course there is a limit _y_LUe <;ti 'tlie'way to a funr.ral, tjudr ' uiiole m;it!!ii r i'\])rrrtbiii!r a quiet dis- (\.in for anything like enjoyment of tho i >i..nce. Then we havo the happy young J couple who !*op. mal'they hop with such e* r'leut enjoyment that ono follows tii m uroyiiMl 'I'" v.ynti ^v-irhTm^rtivg- t which all are bound to repect, but it in a cade of noccHsily, find in accou.pauied Minn Jitvnntth IVyatt Toronto, Out. "Four yearn uro while In the eld country (KiiKlnnd), my datiijhtcr Himnah was flout aw ay from tlio ho.'ipltnl, us tlio doiaors thero eoul.l do nothing to holp her, and mild Hho would never be any hotter, Blio was la a very lew condition with consumptloa of the limu:i and bowels, nail weak action of the heart. Tlio trip ucroaa the water to UjU country Hopinnd to make hor fee! bistter for a while. Then sho hcj;an to rje^ worse, and for liwoel;:! slio.^ait lumtilo tn u'*:t off the bed. 8h"e gf*S\v wursejor live mouth.i iv.i! Lost tho Uso of Her Limbo and lower part ot body, mid If siio sat ui* h- bed had to he propped uo wltJi pillows. Sl.e. would ^oteu dayi without a movement of tV bowels. AH inedl^inoni'i'iiii'd to do hernocncHL She "would have spells wln-u her ]i):.irt v/euld palnlyr, and then, with tin- ont-iido deor open In mld-wluter, would f.unj; a v. ay, I'hyalJlaiw, after holding a consultation, -Said Sho Was Past All Holp and'wanted me to send ler to tin ' irome for Tncural)l(-'s,' I'.ut I f.ald ;i:i lon'c at I cotiidhold my hand up she .slumid net;, i, r-iitl ;-J.uiit tl:H time a kind neighbor Inaa.I ;. .ki dmo to jfiitaliottlo of iroud'.s !-;'ir.-ai>itrir.:i and try It. ~AVo did ho and she ha >'-n the mcflh li:-1 regularly. She l:ig"t!iu;; : tr.ia : \wd.::i an:".;. ;. H nut doors evi'ry day ; Ir Hi') I. >: tIiro;it..'ii'id no cou:'!i, ; 1 all rlyht again. Slie ] .n a 1., '. ! .itli i.:' AlJVKHTiaKllU, /- SubHc'rib.'rH and prrtronn -yeuorally are requeKted to road the above regulations QArofulIy, in ordfjr tlmt don fusion ma> bo aVuideil, hh they will in all catioa be adKored to. . Address all oonmunioutioua to ' IE. J. L'O VIS LACES. Publfshor tbo Cnact Funn PnKKii, Kfiiiox, Out CAN COPYRIGHTS. OBTAIN A PATKNT? For n Srompk answer nnu uft iioncht opinion, write to 1IINN it <;<>.. wlm havo tinii nearly ilfLyyoura' cxportcmco in rlut putont bnalnrm. Comiiuiinica. llnniiPtvliaMy rniilldmiLlal. A Ilinnlbnolcot' In- lorninnon roncurnmir PiiteniH ami liov/to nt>- lal-i ttjoiu flcnt rine. Al.tou riuulouueof mechnu- toil and ttutuntHid OnoKi punt in-o. Pntenta tarcn tiironch Miiim & Co, receive ttnccinl notice in tlio s*-icnililn Amorimii. ami tuns uro tiroinrlit wtiloly bororotlio putiliur/ith- Otic oort tn tho Invnnror. Tlil'i i>nlniiilie pn(nT, iur-Tlii) ..- eircuiiiriou or aevuciunniic wnrit i World. Bulldl ooptoa, tiifiil t... - -,-.-- ...... Iiouscu. with plana, cjiinbliti[r l)iiilr)ora to nlfiinrtlio lufOBt d"ultmHan(l Hucurocnntnicia, AcIdre.Hii JB9iied wnolrt v. elejiani i y illiiflt rntod. ban by laryost circulation of aity aciumtilc worlt In tho Sit n yciir. bimmlit coiuch nent frcn. dlnrf liiiitlou. lTiontlily, pUon yeiir.' Blnnlc ,*2ft cenu. \W\ixy numiiur conrnlna he:m- I rjlaton. in colon), and nlmtncrupbii of now riilldorutoBtfiiw itriici:i, AcIdre.Hii UUN J A- ro Nisw- voair. yi Huoaiway A ,cTrut" ivtilch lu I'opular. Xhoro ib a groat deal of indignation felt againat trunta Tho Sugar Truot, tho Stand- urd Oil Traot, tho Welsh Tin Plato- Truut, tho Knqliuh Salt Trim I, and other corubiu- , ationu of tho kind, -aro vigorously da- BoaWod.and it ia a eubjoot gt controvoruy whether thero nro moro truuta in England than Amerioft, and whether protection 'or froo trade fontora them. But thero iq ono form of trnai Qgiaak which no one lm tuv<tidji^ro iiiw. i'lnt ib tho truat i public rop-jdOH in Hood'a Samup^rillu. ---------------------------------^ Heart Dfaoaab Relieved m 110-4liirtuton All ouflon of organio or nym|fcath'etio heart ditioano'rollovod iu 80 mi nut us and qulakly burod by Dr, Aguow'e Curo tor the Heart, Ooo done oouviuoeg. Bold by J. Thorne. ,l>ifBKgIet. - /i%..... Yivudtyr0fM%#9vyp*ut ICfani impure blood* ^ ovrwork or too .inuab.atmi* ou brain au^ body. Th^mily :W8.yto,qrlfl to fftfld'thf uHtrei on ^ure Wood- Tb,ouftndK o! \Xffl$b atxfflf ,th%t h,heat tyfMjtJ ptntfior, tha 1>^ n* ^oeio and itrenBth bailor u Hoo4> Sn^tpakrlll*. W bM done far other* ii will also do . for yom -Hood, Cnrofl, linv l ' i i,iiire-' , ' e t , ! , ! a'i n ii. it \c jt. m- i t i .. i : .* sonietinH'i ealmiy, nlnio-.l, inditiereut 'y, Kometimes with reurs ur with a drumatie luseimity that left the court in breathless vsWenco. It was in coimiiction^wdth tin ex amination regarding her brother's death that the prisoner created several thrilling Kceues, Marly iu the day, when close pressed by the inquisitor, Mine. Joniaux suddenly electrified tho court hy exclaim ing in an intense voice: UI have prayed, I have iui'dored (Jod to throw light up in this dark mystery, and He has answered nu*. A witness will com*, forth who will prove my innocence;." " But," retorted the president cynically, "Providence is not in possession of the papers and evidence in this1 ease. Who is tlii-^ wi! lie-,-,!'" u l-'iuil uiil," was the tort need ut.immV lirst spiteful and genuinely fi'ininiii'- reply. Anitihi'r uni.hnrst. followed some -ii". ge^tive (pH-stiniiT implying thai while her lint hiiiliand, Prof. Pubur, was still alive, <-.he u'lh enrrying on an intrigue with dnuiaux. her present husband, ami wa-> in fact Jus inUliv--'. This the prisoner vehc- mently dwiied, adding, that alio protested against Mirb innentloes frnin rlie prl'sitlent of the court. The president ili'opp(-d the subject and proceeded to rt*ad a letter, ad mittedly in ihe prisoner's, handwriting, in which slie related that she had buon bor rowing money frum-a-usurer. "^ Who is ih'at usurer r" itikeil tlio Pre sident. *' lie was ii man named Lcriut," replied tlie prisoti'M*. "Ah !" snapped the judge, " T^eriot. Yes, but Ii;;riot has len^ been dead at the date yon mwitiuii." Mine. .Joniaux had tripped dist ressingly. livery -head craned townrd . the <lo;;k in order not to miss a word of her explana tion. It came after a moineutary hesita tion. "Xo wonder I got mixed up among so many details.'* "On tho contsary," I'emarkod the pre sident, "i must compliment you upon yutir marvellous luempry.'" Many jpiestions were put, regarding Mine, Joniuux'K purchases of morphine a few days before her brother's death a year ago. Mme. Joniaux alleged that they wore for her own uso. She was addicted, who Hutd, to the morphine habit and -she had to the stage of being able to take six or oigut centigrammes at a doso. It waa true she had purchased a large quantity upon the eve o Alfred's death at several chomlsts, but simply because no ono cho- mist would havo Kold her tho strong doso to which alio was accustomed. Without a- moment's'warning, tbo President in his sternest mummr turned upon the woman In the dock and exclaimed m a torrifylntc voice: "At thU very time, woman, you were promiBlug to pay your creditor*!, in a few clays. You wore oviden fly {orje'casUug Alfred's death and the gain of the inaur- a-o-. / *4 (;.., no,1 n p i , mil in n voice IthHU wltl- v -I* ' ! rt-an ex- nectlng my h.uibfiudN ^.daiy aid other rocelpts. Had Ibaen guUty,ovunld I havo glveu tlm< natne and addreua of the chemiHtiiP' Kvon tho president waa driven t'ooK- claim, "Madamo, youjtre unvoratnfloaa' for a reply," and MMriran-tw.M'il woman loa- provodtlie-ocCfuiloii by rHtoriitnrj.^IvHWfc . need defend myself, I am Jtlone bere'beforo njy^Judgtia. I deepjydpnjcro theso ami events and the bloli wTnchthey put on niy, name. - - V/ r j \i>' a'"ure. giving a irv*\i of .symjiathy. uh* ' :'. th'iuf d y-' 1-r -athh '-.- from tho . i:.,'* wi.irl. But of courno the polka ia not and nevor will bo tho favorite tho waltz ia. In Toronto and Montreal wjiorovor yon go tho two-step ht,, dancod, and lioro laat weolc ono of tho clubs gayu a waltz reception at which tho two step .was danced exclusively. Ono of tho danc ing musters asserted that anything sug gestive of a waltz waa sure to prove n Huocesu "Then why not a achottUch?" said a protty uirl; "it's nothing but a waltz dressed iu n now gown." "Yes, but tho gown is out of date," gracefully responded tho professor. It ia not fliifo to predict, however, for society ia ho j variable "that it ma)' tako up many a d.uiee that the nf alters any aro no good; time will toll. 1 Two now dances in which society is l very inuoh interested aro tbo Kaiser gavotto and tin) Brunswick. The Kaiser gavotto is tho work of u German pro- ; fesser and ih - named for Emperor William. It so delighted him that ho 'ordorod j,t danced at tho court.balls, Tho revorencG, to royalty which" is Clio crowning touch of this atatoly danco . P.. ^airsa^a^-i^'i ' ^fc 9\ ^r/}:- \i,%i i Si *s line Isgnlnln"! i :' "!' im: 1' -K ; '-. tool: Hoon's ;->.:r ,..,/: .n .. . . t for her.. We regard Ii> r i >:; .'. , of a miracle." "U*. Vvatt, i'J \" :.*.:: Kiruet. rarlcd-ilc*f Toronto, Ontailo. K, V.. Tf *"'"' " ddo Uw-Uo 1700(1'!- iiarsap::- rllla, dkf uut n-:... . *ca to bey i.ny oila" Hood's PIII3 aro purely vei;i't'ililu and perfectly harmless. Bold by all druggists. li5c. Woodslee Still Ahead, TI1E TWO-STEP. by all sorts of longingn to follow in tho foothtopa of youth. "Onco I could danco as easily us theno fair girln and oiu joyed it equally as well." said u matron whose ombonpoint renders tho pleasure!] of the danco impossible,- and- sho un consciously kept time with hor little was simply irresistible to tho ovor .,,,-, , ,,, . , weening vanity of tho man. The .foot aa the danoers whirled by. And a gavotte and gavotto-quadrillo must ^ay-han-ed man was heard to obnorvo not ho confounded. Tho gavotte-quad- rillo is neither a- ronnd^danco nor n quadrille,but soraothingliko the minuet. It begins with a low obeiflancc to the emperor and ompress, and nlhoonda with one, and when tho' figures aro once started they aro continuous, making a graceful maze of stately daucea bewild ering to gazo upon. Now wo eeo tho rosette figuro, and while wo aro admir ing the samo another as charming ap pears tho star. leard that .when ho heard tho music be waa -simply compelled to join tho danco/a nud usually danced till he could dance no longer. NocoHHary TIujiuh. Man wants but littlo hero below in his living rooms, according to William Morris, poet and artist. Hero is his list of necessary furnishings: "First, a book-case with a groat many books in went. Tho lady daintily lifts hor skirt with tho loft hand, and clasping tho uDurmjk..tJ^o;,lomr:. mnutha of this in quiry I luivo bftptt, in'tnii aolltudo of my; col), wept tiiiiniot blood,-aDdI would not :w1h1i for the fcreitfce** of my enemies one tithe- 6/ the -toi(tu,re I havoeridured." . tt Is uo. JtpiidW1- that Kuropo maj-vel* ling ut the'fortitudo, enduninoer and clerornoasof thin woman, wlios* qualities' it; next, a tablo that will keep steady While trying to dccido#| when you writo or' work at- it. Then which is tho most pleasing tho gavotto" aoveral chairs that you can inovo and a balanco takes place and [ sofa that you can sit or lie.upon. Next, forgotten* in watching this now inovo- | a cupboard with drawers; next, nnleaa tho book enso and cupboard bo very boimtifiU with painting or carving you will want pictures or engravings, such as you can afford- not stop-gaps, but real works of art on tho wall, or olso tho wall itsolf tnustbo ornamented with oomo beautiful or restful pattern; and liiat. a vnso or two of 'flowers. This ia all \yo shall want, ospecially if tho floor ho good; if not as, by tho way^in a modern houso it is pretty auro' not to bo I admit'that a small carpot that can ho bundled out of tho way in two'min utes will bo useful, and wo must also talco caro that it bo beautiful." My JLii<ly*ti Flowers, _ Tho wise virgin,' in chosing her flowor, consiilorn hor general' stylo, both of ap- * ' " ' . .'lr . . ' . _ , . i T Of A b.uM Ce;roi-a n<,t,|L..b'tii.i?* ju Jul earth for a briii ponod, Hho ahouit' cbooflo wbituroHou-r-uotcrtifiny ones, butpjarly white onos of,tho sort that novor opon vory fully. Of course; brilliant reo" ones belong by full IM^-p-ftTA!. A.Vftrrj8. lonth'Ui- '"h baud wiKi hn " light, htdd High ovor tho bo.'Ldr-bnlauceis. No de al .-riptiou will adoquatoly express how charming certain flguros of tho diinuo am when pnrticipatod in by young, peo ple who combino a aortnin graoo and elegance in their bearingrWh'ioh'U Vory hard-for oomo to acquire. ' , , , , _. , . ,, ,. . , . J'ho simple gavotto is a round dtoco Hglit diviuo to tho utafcMyJWy. .uggestiyo of .tbo vatsoyWne, but' with ' ^ "^ *v* >i osaefcinsf in thrir moro ppa9ib,Uitlofor,tbo dancer' fyHor .^^enta. '^\i^9^9^ .ita new name, Who does not r&n. ' ^rty f^h. flwaot.una dainty, to xv*w b^rtbehaugbtyU-itlaklckof it^\va^ i *^ e^eotlypw * . ' Hovlunnoas^pliaiii^by'samo oftitbo' *-PflW.M -W ow, W*J T?Z& miBohitiMoving girh of long aga. O* ?^%^^^f v T^ c*>n9 tho aauy must' b* Vety%eatly tha^^^ pbJc e^tora. v . ito.iiittW otfpw&nUidtb^ sw*et tod woma^y girl Hat nt Sri of every de^crip'iou chenpei Uiati uiiy otbci; place in tlio county of IHhsex. Noth ing but G E N U IN E_STOC Kl lined, and (irntchiRfi workmuu- ship. Ak fnlt lino of Whips, IlIankots^KcruoH, liu^s and Ilanio Ooodu ol all description. WRIGHT G. SMITH, BOUTH WOODSL^K. . KURSERYMAN, RUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY Peach, Pear, Pluu, Apple and Quinoo Trees, Roses, Evorgroons, Borry Busheo, Raapborry, Blackberry and ,Curront Buabon. All flrafc^Iafls titook. Save agents' t Big Profits ! and writo for prioofl. Wo will oboar^' fullj answer you by roturn mail. ,'/ : ^ f ESSEX and Has Ami Recotved " T?jo FJnost and Best flssorlmentof Boots and Shoes In Essex, Grreat Value iu Mcnrs Shoes and Oxfortrs, Ladies'and Cliildron's Shncs and Oyfordsi The Q-hcapoBt in the Lunch Call and Ectarnlno and bo Con vinced for yoursolvos. J as- Douglas, Nlgti ol the Coition ltr>ov, Whitneu Block - Pssftx ,1831 TnE riVATOn 1895. Country Gentleman! TIIF, liKST OF TIIK AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES DEVOTKI) TO Farm Crops and Processos, Horticulturo & Fruit-growing Live-Stock and Dairying. While it also inchidi-u nil minor fK*rnLrt- tnentfi of rum I m'rr-Kt, mieli an Poultry Yard, Kntomolntiy, I^r-n lteepioK, Grreu. hoaho end Grui,i-iy, Voternrir* ItepbuH, Fin in QuOHtitaiH und Aiihwr-rn, Kirc-aide Ibudii.'.', UomiMx JCc-nnnn and a fiini* mary of the ni'wr. i.r the wt'r k Itu mar- Iu r. ropnrtt! aie 'Tu u-nndly e.rnplt t>sund n(i ' M"]ir ,--Ji (,i 1 l.n en.I n, :n tTJ.) .\iU.' -; !(l 0f fhe mo t mi| 'iitu t i i -v| iji[ 'tioim ^-lioii V> hnv i.ud wlien ti< i )). It ! l.beraMy il- lt;fifr'.i.:t d uinl c/u iai ir-nr.- ri-i|ii:{ir tiiat- (it ihari tv,.v l>r tri*r . '[Uf subscription pr.c- in if2 fiO p.T ;,fciir, b jt w.t olt'ur a j'poc- inl rt ducti'in mi n. tlLl'!! ['; '.'i ' "I ier; P -1 10 15 1 ,0 :^;i hf-Ci ipt U II -, (m !' i Kix HUbPcriptioiiH Ton Hubaonptiona CS'To /ill now aubscribers fur 1895, pay ing in advance abw, w will need the paper weekly, from our receipt of the remittance to Jan. 1, 1805. without charge. Hpouiirjon copied free, Addroan LUTHEtt, TUCKER & SON, w York, , an Look Out For Cohl Wentlior bnt ride iiihide of the Electric Lighted and Steam Ucuted VeHtibuIe Apartment iraina of tbo CliH*aFo,Milwjiuker;t St. Paul Rail- - way and yon will he as unrm, comfortable tuid ohobrful iih in your own library or bou doir. To travel butwtcn (Jhieiipn, St. l^aul and Minneapolis, or lin'wtiiii Chicago, Ouiaho and Sioux (lity, in ihct-o hixurouH- * ly nppomted traiiei, ie ii Mipi-"mo Hnttfao tion; and, iih tho hnrrewh'ir niieient udvor- tiaeineut used tn read, '-ft. fin liter piU'tie- tllarn moo Hniall billn." Hinall bil!n (and ar^'o ones, too), will bo accepted for pannage and oloepiufj oar ticketn For detailed in formation uddreya A. J. Taylor, Canadian FuBBeu^pr Agent, Toronto, Ont ' , A Boon to IIorHOmen. Ono boLtlo of Enfjlifib Spuvin Liniment completely ro moved a ourb from -my Iioreo. l^tako1 ' pteiiHuro in rocominondinji tho romoJy, as it aatn with myHterioun promptnofm in tho removal from Iiothgh of hard, Hc't or oal- loiiRcd Iumpti, blood epavin, HpHutH, curba, .aweony, wtiiloy and sprninon. (rco. Dobb * . armer, Markham, Out. Sold by John Thorno, Ota^iat. Splendid Appte Trees, .* i i fc^^^^r;1'"-' ' '-,^^->\^ ^.igftgwifoj^^U very poolvthM $12 -- PERIOD: - 2. .Jl 1 fflECSft^i-STFRIENO -J-.- I.". I. I 1.^-........... ,, . !__........ ..... Western "" Advertiser lO-PftRn Wooldy-OH Colimin^ O2srrj^r^i.oo >"0W t- D-i. .i * ! Ti balanco of the Vo-jr Free ! Leading Weekly of the West! NothluK Hotter. Vow at Good. LARGE PRIZE LIST. HANDSOME PREMIUM. r GOOD XNDUOKMENTfl TO AOENNB. For ABBti' T*rm'Di-flt*.vaaiJ *S" mmm: wi LONl>ON4 o$a&* '^.i.' ' vt. ...'-"> 'A A- A.

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