,"'"1 1 * 0 i\, ' 'I The Essex VOL JCI. No 2. N ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY. JANUARY 11, 1895. WHOLE No 624 Forsythe, Anderson & Co. fcflPx- - This week wo give you a Hew flGURES ELFORD., Sir. Thoma* Gatliulc in uolnt! buck lo Dakota in lh nprmtf. Mr. Jiuna Uauon oillad on old frinndii In Audordou lnt vrook. Mr. Androw Ohapmuu aaH boou improv ing bin farm huildinga lately. Mr. John Quooyho Iieu traded Ium butf- Uy horHu for a larger one with wlnuh ho intoudu aturtitig farming, , ^oltr,^QiroW Chapman hau about ten thouaaud tilo upon tha ground roiuly to put in tlit* pound. A maotiuj; will bk hold- boou to douido upon buying an ortfan for the olnirah. Mr. l'Vul, of Ebnox, IniH put a Kurn organ in the ohuroli on triul but tho general opinum jn that iih #ood an oryaii can ho purclimiLd from homo other couapuuy for Ion* money. The things you want may not be named here, but theae prices arc illuqfcrativo of many others all through our stocks : PureLmon Scotch Crash Towolinga, bordbrod, ut Puro Lmon Tom K Dumnalc .mcV Iluck regular pra*u> 12 jc, clearing out at So eaola The bosL mu*<1 wnlojju-V cotton ever sold in Eejsox at tlio pncoa special value - 5c a yard 36-in Apron Check liinghama now lOo <a yard Ladies' fine Paragon Knitted Yosts, shaped, at '25c oaoli Girls' Tweod Jackets cluurinR out at $1 OEXCxl Ladies' Mantles are selling rapidly at present pricos all now styles a nice lino nt $2B50 oaoL Whito vvqoI Blankets, good weigh t- and size $1.75 a pair Ladies' scmmloss black AVool IIoso long and Strong, at IQc a pair Men's grey vVool socks long legs and no seams, c3 px for 35o SOUTH GOSFIELD. John Malott, of Aruoi, whila auiutin^ hw it)in on tbo fifth aoneoBBion, on Janu- ary Jtli, in rolling uomo Iocs, had tlio nn- fnrtuue to havo hiu loft leg brokuu hetwoen th Iiueo aud unklo Buint* badly fractur ed, ho wilt bo ntiahlo for uomo time to at. toud to buMinoHii. Thomau," uon of Joliu Granger, while playing football, hud Iho nvmfonmo to lmvo hia kuoe badly nprained. At preaont ho ib unable to work. Mm. Gjjo. DreHBor wout to wmt fricnda in Whautloy, MUDBTONE. Mm II. G. Arnald, ji vvith flpent ic-lutivca in Mr and ton Now Yeiir'u hohdawi 10 Chatham. Mi, Krtd X'>Zed- .viHited h| pitrtntn in Cott/mi tbiH wcok. , Tho "(iiit" niovem mt to oluot a rou\o dii^not ttpUUlubJjme. Tin election in thiH towuuhip wau a hot ono, and vory clonoly contonted, but tbo old raitn' got then* ]uut tho iannJ! OIIKISMFIEIjD. Ur. 8. Wykii spent Tuea^ay i'^ ^paiu> Ington. Mm. J. Hobimou, and family, of Knsax, yiiitod thin wo#k ai Mrs. A. Wilaon'i, Mirni Nellio Kondriak vnntod Iior kiiitnr Mri. Win. ljinton a few day* )at wcok Quito a number of youn^ ludioM atlouciod tha i|uiltin^ at Mru. ,), Wiluon'ti on Turn- day. Mr. Hubert Daw uon Uah yono to work with Mr. Wilhutri Jjinton for ih noxt few raouthH. ,^ , Mrg. FuryiH, of th I'uqo, visited Imr mothnr MrH. E Kendnck, returiiitif; homo on Now Your'u Day. * , , Mr aud Mru E.E. Wimnor niitortiiinert about tlnrty of our yoiinu pooplo on Wed- noadiL) cvoniuf,' Ak unjoyablo timo wan Puiit l*v all. r Mi. J. IlyUnd'fi ftimily have romoved iht'ir boiiHi'ludd OontontH to thoir nrw rtn_- idenco on Tulbnt Ht!c**t lately piULlmuotl from Sir. Chun. Jhinn. lUtOOKEH i - Tto rovival tnootiniiB in the MtiMiodint churoli Rro being curnod tu by tho Kov. Mr, Shaiy with ug':oiib Mm. J, 13. Liudiiay, of En^ox, htiu roturn od honia afti r i>pt>uditi{; a fow diiVH with* iibr dfui^htoi, Hid. H. Brady. Mr W. Brookor and family lmv raturut od from tha otHt, \yhero th#y have beou for the punt two week a viaidtif frienda. I*'our of Mr John ArmaUoug'u faiaily arc dnwn witli typhoid fever Martha, tho fn.it ono tulcoii wah it, in Horao bottor, Vina in uot expaatod to get bofctor, Tho othery aro not hq Inn. CO IT AM. Mon'n and Bov's warm winter SBo oaoli Capn Mon's hc\y all-wool Ulsters high storm collars not tho half cotton lino for $S oaoh Young Mcn'ri iino Overcoata $4 oacla The greateot- lan^o and valuo in Youth's \ Mo'j a suith sliowu any where in Dig <<w nty, W'n will njot t and beat oil oon<petiti</h i* clothing. To see them is fo buy them; i-pocml lino of double breasted suits worth $10 for Our Mon's Yamaska long Bcofca are admitted equal to a shoomakor's $4.50 boot. Our pi ice * $3 a pair *Jtubbors, Rubber Hoots, Bubbera a/id Books and overnhoos ut rock-bofct6m pricos, Granby make, our epeoiaUy. All Furs cloaritigat coat. / Groceries always fresh. ^ ONT. HARROW. MiiR Edna BouRBoy kaa returned Won dy aftor Jinviug spout about two woolen vimtintf frionda aud rshitivoa in Ruthvon. Lhai. Awroy, atudontrat-Uw, of Ann Arbor Univorflity, Uich., who upont hia Xmfiitholidayu hero, returned on Friday luHt to hiB ntudian. Sptoial nrvicoR woro btcun in tho Motliodifit ohuruh on Sunday evoniufj and% aro boinc oontiuuod froxu ovomnj; to cvtn' log. Pastor in charge. (Jhnrlie Clark and Job. h. Wnhr in dulced in oyhtera on Thumday c\onin(.', on acootint of the snow having fallen, Ft the latter'o oipeimo, Miau M. Penny, for Boms y#ars ruilhu- or for tho Adamu nouBOrleffc for her homo in London on Tliuruday. Sho doea not return <ui fiho opeuu up for horself in bum. U08B after a ubort vacation at Merlin. Public school oponnd on Thumday last witb Mr. Poaro* an principal and Mioe ITamiBond, tho Bdcoud afiiutant teaobor on duty. Miss Jl. Munohy, tbo firit aa- niotant, did not arnv until Saturday evening. The R*v. Mr. Ay earn t eutortnined tha mouibori of the ofaoir, and troated thorn to ed oyster anpper on Thumday ovonin(( la*t. Tho gaoate report h-aviug had a pood time, Thoy aay that Ur. Htmben, tha loader o' tho ohoir, io quite a capable loader aloo at an oyotor rapper, bomi; aioond to nono in ge-ttin^avav with the toothsome- bivalye. 'J'. It. FJoud ia report ad ftjjIo*u aecond. Two lUDiawftys in town on Thtirnday liat Mr Gfiidrhild'u homo ran away wifh Mr (} himuelf m tho bupgy. Ilr Himply guided tho home, koopinc him in tho road and left him go. WUon the frink^ animal KOt tjred of ruuniDC, ho Iied tho bud and kept biro going until thoroughly tired and willing to utop, Tho unruly brute won5 through town vory fast goinf*, but oamo baoU completely trained* and willing to be vtoppod. ThflS,'H pcholarH of Trinity Uhurnh, North llnl^c, hffll rhiir annual ChriBtman ontcrtammeut u tin town hall, Cottam on Tiinf3ay nvoniijc of last week. Tbo ut toiidiuigo wuh vory lui'tft, tho hall boi iff billed to tho doors, nmny ntan(fint dnriug tho #ntiru rtuttonnj; o/^lho pro{*.<m>, mid ilnA \\W/,i}% to goawiy, not bouitf able to obtnui admiuBion. Financially it wan a HUCctMw, fjn^jaaaqh-a- sraall adrmisiou foa wuy ohar^d and tbo noholara Admitkod frao, tho procecdu amounted to about |38, Tho programme wan well received, ait wan at- teiiood by the rounds of appluuno and tho boarty lau(^rtor#thatr Rrectol many of tho BdlootionH. Tho parti performed by liha noholaru uhawqd direful training and re* floated much crodlt on Mirh Ada Stevens, or/janiifc, and Misi Gortia WifiloJ who had ohar^e of thoin. Air. Jomio White &ndhm brother Frank Wbito and Mr. Gaacoyna forformed thoir parks in their usual acoopt* ablo Htylo, Mum A. Jaokiou, MiuiK.Gan ooyne, Minn Stoveua nnd"Mr. Win. Jaoknou nro duiarvinc of apecml raoution. MiHi Jenuio Strachan of Ehiox uanR in her plfiai. ing fitylo and racoiyed hourly onooron. Mr. Dixon and Mr, Albert and Uihh Dixon far- nishud the instrumental miiHio. Ono of tbo moit Biicceiiful entertaiumauti aver held in Cottam wait brought to & oloaa by Hinging the national (latkom. . MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, Results of tha Contests in the County, NEW MEN KLHCTEI) rN SKV- (Krom Monday Ijvuniaif'd Kxtra ) Tho fight for tho Mayoralty of .tlio Town of Kiiuoi for IB'J.j, which huu buau oann'd oil for navftral wtjoltH, hna been, without doubt, tfic moftt liitoientinj* "iu the hiutory of thiH (own. Both pjrtuit to the contoet havo clitimed that th<j\ would htivo >t ma jnritv of the voten rtint Init unfottniiati'lv tho ralnpaynr havo docirbd that one Alay or would bo nufficiont for thin year. MoW'lhtt th. cent) Ht in tudud, it ih hop id tho [iooplo of J^nitx, muuy of ivliorn have p\en thonifiilvcH up tilmont wholly to the conioiit for auycrul v/vikn, will he ah)* lo go buck to \v( i k ay ui , with tho uiitinfae tiou of having donei their dutj' in thu in tcrentH of thfir candidate whother ho h u. been tho victot orlhe van?fiiuihd, Following i tho remit of^the poll in the NO. I, WARD. *OH MAIOK. Dr. Bnon...........'............... l'l Dr. Dcwar........................ IV wit (ouscir^fliiH. Jno. K Arnolds.....21 Jtt /Si a'J ft 1V0 JuIImh ry^oiu-___...70 fll fL 3j U 3*7 franmaB. Faortb....21 6'2 '2i HO '20 116 Edwin Thuit..........11 liii O'i 71 flft 181) TIiom l'.uNloy...... 1 -JtS 10 nt 10 lyi William PricM.......HI :il) (Wi lift 112 %'i Roh#rt F. H*.ymour..,.10 IH H lo IS hi Tho uwuucil for 1H9> wdl bo oompoeed an followu : Uo, A. Wiuteimuto, Ueevo, Wm- KIIih, Duputy Uunvu; K Iwin 1'lant, Wni. I*riuu an i JulniH Danrtm, Counaillora. M. Mfllrmi, Uoturnitj^ Ofnoor FECK' GREAT coimu\:h'\xr tiOlKvu- rait KltKVK. J*oIIlii|{ mibdlv nou. Total 13 3 Mimvufd IJiirtott..........131 H3 41 208 Wm. O.mpt (II..............17 G7 19 93 Mi - Winter SALE IS HOW j uiiv fin ]J irrett..............11/J i iuor,N< II I.OKH. Gonr^r Hindi............10 IH V, .111 \Valt jr i ujle.............. IiH dU '2'J <tf Tancred Caya.............. 72 ^1 40 Hi Lewi i Joiioh.............. 15 11 3(1 7"> UaniclKonnely............11C "xl .'JO 10.( .John IUdd . ...,.......7i Ti 17 111 1 h ThniTiaj...............1(4 \2 ,U\ *2\2 C'ny !., ICjuuedy, Kodd and TUoiiuh ohot- cd . ' CIO-aFICLO NORTH. i on nur.vi:. Mfijoritv for Dr. Briou............ I i on coLNCiu.oua. Goo. Burth...................... 70 . . . no T- A Kpgiy j.g.,1 i.i.ir ..... D. Wbitnty...................... /ill J. D Vtiriuraon...'......*....... .')f* ,NO. II WARD. ion aim on Dr fiiwiir........ . . : . 0 D . J* mi n.................... 1 iklajuuty lor Di. Djl. ^i..........o' roil LOLNCILLOIIH. Dr. rjttn.......................... UC C. J. Gardner.....................,. 09 T. A. UiokH........................ 80 A. Ramon.......................... 97 NO-III. WARD". rolling tmbdtv uon. Total 12 3 1 J. T.'Bk.wu..............G9 !)1 00 11 2hl Thu<i aioiria............07 25 -11 12 110 Majority' for Mr. Brown....*... llo FOIl l'l 1MI1Y MZUYK. Wni. Hclkie............02 75 01 S7 228 A, J. Scratch............G5 o 1 3S 29 IbG -----'-hi van HAVon. Dr. Dr. Brion.. Dowtir 01 J ii'. r i ^rrrrty-tvr^Skr-hMkrt:......... -12 j niriAArmw'-w: -i'.in,r...........Gl Hri 03 39 .33 I'd.............70 7J ."ii 2r> 227 Every Overcoat, every Suit! and every pnir of our pants ln| our Men's'and Boys' Clothing Department in included in thif Sale. You can now save froi one-third to op^hall from reg ular prices.V A chance you cannot afford to miss. it. ui Mi .. r 71 -lo 27 K-ro .81 \(i V 17 171 09 Hi 27 11 TO i m ' Kuv aii GESTO. Mra Rov. Moore has gone on a yiait her aifttor, Mm. Auelun, at Elmetead to . Majority for Brion.............. 7 FOIt COUNCILLOIWt. J. M, Hicko........................ 72 F. Kobinaon......................,- ^f' T. 11^ Bcott........................ 51 W.C. ->haw...............I........ 10 G. J. Thomaa...................... 9B i'on jiiUBTtna. W. D. Baamau..................... M.J. Wiglo........................ RECAPITULATION. ron MAYon. BIIIICN. DEWAU. No. I.Ward.......... 40 - -15 No. II. Ward.......... 45 9G No III. Wind ....... 71 Gi 82 59 aleotad. CAITLH nUNNlWOAT LA IIOR. The v*to on a proposition to ullow or not to allow oattTa to run at large, rosultod uo follows : tfa allow................53 GO 23 00 303 Not to allow............7C 5i 02 10 202 Majority to allow oattle to run.. 3 SANDWICH-WEST" 'lull HKEVK. rolling flubdlv nou. Totaj 1 t 3 4 5 Dufour..:...........27i0C 48 40 61 272 DumOior............70 55 08 -12 9-4 320 J. O- PEGK, M Wlnd^or'3 Loadlnc; Clothlor. Majority for Duroohar.......... 57 rod nKi*uTY-ni:i:vE. Ailairi................'37 30 30 30 -17 179 tJiau.'.............10111 01 S2 65 288 Clark ...v...-'........-i0 15 13 21 37 IH Mr. Jno. Horno and family, of Emex, vinitod their parenta bore oa Sunday. There wm a eurprlRa party at lira. Mo Gregor'a on Wadnoadny evening lout. , Tbo pnlliuc; on Monday rcoultad in tha rottiirn of Iftf* Barra't Roava.bya larga tua] jority. Thaold council have baon rotnrucd, wilh the excaption of Ur. Boylo who wntt unpplantad by Mr. ^Cflnnody. Rpcoohoa followad in the oyoninK with tho naual troat of oandiei, oto., whieh|the byu ou- j'oyed. Mra. Loivta RTcLachlun in on a visit, to her Rihter Mra. lloadlnuae of LAmiap.on Dan Johniion'o dray mure qofc tirod of Btanding atfcbe L. E. A D. R. R. otation, whilo Dan utood watolrinc ib evolutioiiu of tbo local freight train, oa thb other aide of the depot, and bo quietly walking around ttho u\ off on a two miuuto gait for tha town. Afc tho atraol tha dray oolhdod with this c'nto p^at, and uan conaidmably wreaked. The old maro wan naught down towu not much tho woroo fpr her rnn, bi^t .tho wa^on, oh dear, it looked as if it had boon through a western oyolono. ' TVLBOT BT., MAIDSTONE." Una Laura Nodplap^oh ,of MillaMburjf, Ohio, U vmitin^ her Hiotor, Mra. R. Jonofi. Hifli Lottns Grunt roturnod o Wiudiior after npondin^ a week with bar parents. 1 SKoHiai aud Alirod. /It ifj tho duty of everyone, whotiher' at jtfoma or travelling lor ploaitnroor bufiinanu to equip himBoIf with ilia remedy which will kop vpatrnMlfbh and prevent UIuahb, mid oura nuqIi iIIm um are liable to oomo up on all m every day Ufa. Hood's Suraupar- lllV UoapH the blood pure and Una liable to absorb th jarmu of diflgato. Ur. W. OroB and Hon of Walkprvilla, pout Bnndoy lant with friend a and toI- ativaa bera. ' Mra.,^. H. Foraob; and daufhtair Vora, of Windsor, ipont Bnnday with Ura. R. .Ton on. Mr. Vsnotan, of Brautford, apont a fow dftVB horo an tha auOHt of Mr. W. Naobit. Mr. Gearco Bott, after aponuinc a fow monthu with friendi and relatives horo, re turned to hia homo in Bay Giy. Hq, will bo miHBod by the many friends ho made during bit atay, Alien La ura Kegel Hpaoh and Mia Viva Jones attended tho rnkortainraaut ai Woi- |y on \VodneBday night. MiBii Bnirna KUin gave a party for liar Euuday fiohool olaart on Saturday last and a very pl*mtmnt time wuh tipont. The Borofulcvua taint whioh may hava naon in your blod for ^naraJlJ,raay be tlior.- ouubly expelUd by Clvln Hood'ti Sarapar- ilia a trial. Total............ 105 204 Majority for Dr. Dewar..............39 THE NEW COUNCIL. Tho Town Council for 1805 will be oom- posed aa followH ; Mayor Dr. Dowar Roovo J. S. Laird, (acclamation.) -J Dopaty-Koavo J. McDonftall, (acclama tion.) Coaucilloro, No. I. Ward, Mosarb. Barth, Reno and Whifcnoy. . Oouncillorn, No. II.Ward, Moaarii. Pott* Raines and Hicka. CoonoillorB, No, III. Ward, -MeBurp. 'tlioiwt , IIioKm and llotjiigoi, PUBLIC SCIIOOL BOARD. Bchool Tru-itooH, No. I. \Said, Mejiri' E. J. Ijovdlan and Goo. Wyraau. Bobdol Tmataed, No. II. Wardt-Meoiira. Jno. LainR and W. H. Raaholl. Sobool Truutet+H No. Ill Ward, MoBDra.. Juo. Hopgood und W. D. Boaman. HIGH SCnOOL BOARD. The retiring members of tho lliuh Sahool Board this year are MeBara. Chiifl. Whito, appolntod by tbp town council, C. E. Navlor, appomtod by tbo county oouu- cil, and J. E. Stono, appointed by the pqb ho school board. They will probably ail bo roturnod. The proHont tnemWa aro Menarj!. T. II. DoCaw, chairuiani ID. A Wismor, aaoro bu.rj; W. II. Riclmrduoii, treasurer, and W. A. Gardaor. MAIDSTONE. > ran yiuKvn. rolling flttbiliv bob. Tota1 1 2 4 6 Gao. A. Wintorauto....40 74 Cfi 70 Cff 820 Fetor Corbet..........07 62 nt BG 87 240 Majority for Mr. Wintemuto ...... 80 (i ,h pitPbiy-nisuvrt. Wm.EIIlB..'.....;.,..fi7 71 17 fi8 03 205 Wm. Greonway......46-30 66 Hi 34 220 * Majority for Mr, E11U............ 7fl Majority for Pugtiau............ 100 jroncocNOirxona. Paro............;...40 105 30 -11108 330 Lanloia............32 73 75 60 02 337 Lifruuboiae./........38101 34 HI 71 208 Brodenok............ GO GO 01 32 35 2C7 Thu Qnit three aro elected. Following ia tho result of the elections in other municipalities, from which we have boon unublo to obtain tho figures by divi b.oqb. ROCHESTER. Bovo : -/t) A Daziol, IffG', A W Cohoe, 135, R Knmtor. 09. Dopnty Reova: Jaa. Byrue, 183; E. Hodrick, 00. CouncillorB: F Syl- voater, 215; J ADowbirat, 202; C Simon, 121, W Miller, 101; A Robinson, CI! W Mc- riLnuusr WLbT 11, lvo^-,} x Bucliftmiii. CnunLiHorfl J H Afuiho Thoi Dnns- more, Wm. DalQlm^h and Win. budjaui. TILBURY VILLAGE. Rai vc W C Crawford, (annlamation) Coanoillon J AMaroband, R MoWellette, O A Powell and J Sloau. KINGSVILLE. Roovo Jawoo Brown 03; 0 J Ballard, 40. Councillors Alox Wifjle 168; D McKay, 1C3; Elilm Boratoli, 180. Soheol TrMfltaoB-B Foster, J,. H. Smart and J Cooper. GOSFIKLD SOUTH. Reovo C G Fox, 127 majority over A. Peteraon. DepUty-Raevo R Bbanlta, 125 majority ove^E Rodjjero, Oounolllora und P Ortoa. COLOOESTER SOUTik BELLE RI'VER. Heave M L Menard, 58, II J^ouaueau, 40; F Bawvo, 14*. r t ' Connoillon N Obava- Iior, 70; L Lavoia, 70; H Taylor, 68; JL Roiiume, G7. Tho firat four eUctad, ANDERDON. _Reeva O Roaume, by 01 majority over T*B Whito. CouucillorK W Borrowmon, P Coyl and C 3 Benctcau. TILRURYNOHTH. Roovo Kilph Mathoia. Depu*y-Roov Camullc Roburt. Counoillora Danphoufle, Alphonao Groh- loaand Hamual Ouollettu. "LEAMINGTON. Mayor J E J*bb* noH, 87; F C Quallinn, 85; .Dr. Hutfbaa, 67 Rcove G F Cronk, JC0. . Doputy-Roave .Wm McSweon-facol'tion) * Councillor* E 0 Conluon, W D Coi, H Chambarlain, H Branton, C Coaltio and C OurHa. AMHER8TBURG. Mayor-Simon Fraaoif, 222; J G Mullen, 205." Raevo ,T A Auld, (acclamation.) DopHty.Roflvo J, W.BtokGO.127, ' . Ji Counoillora D Ireland* J A ITattau, F O Bortraud, G V Wileoi, A Ba>tien, i. Ryan, T Lukaa, H Clay and F J Malonoy. MERSEA. Ronva E Sovafcft, lifl.' Deputy-Rfceve To be cboBen by couuoil. Cnuncillorp O MiMn, R Munaiy, James Drummond and Jauiea Selkirk. Reeve MiloBPattcu)'200. Doputy-Roeve W Forrifli 135. Counoillora Jaa Bralfc, 231; J Moliaan, 20C; R Howie, 176; K Ben- hl, 72. if^ UiBSti. Raaume, Bratb aud MoLaan are looted, Eshox County lLaw Society, At a meeting of the ajuooiatloa held at ita library iti Windoor on Tu#aday, the following flontlemeu wero oleotad offioara for 189S. Praa., Franoie CJIeavy; Vico Prati., A. H^ Clarke; Seoy., A. Phi.Panet; Traau., J. L. Murphy; audiiora, M. J. O'Oonno* aa^ J* Sale; truBteea, Moflara. U. T. W. Ellia, S- White, R. F, Suthorlaud, A. U. -Bartlefefc, D. Uoajrajl; J. Ed. O'Connor, Mahlon Cowan, E..A. Wismer, aud A. Sfc G> Ellla, A yoto of tbanlf waa alno unanlttonaly tendered to the retlrta* preaident, Hia Hon*r, Judge MoHukIi. w Eaeljay'a Livor Lozenge* are pleasant to take. Thty are laxativ* but Btroug^ben. ittg. -' Do you feel tho woakueBa of u^e ? Soma man dia at an n$a at which otbarR aro yountf. Take JUioljay'a XilVSr I*oaenefl. Do yon knew why you teel tired ? Itfaj bilionsucBS. Tuko Eaeljay'e Liver Xiozan- fieB. They will put new tone in yon. n