Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 4, 1895, p. 5

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'f^^^^ff^ll^^- * ."V WINDSOR, JANUARY, 1895. DEAR FRIEND^ In Bidding adieu to the old year, which is good, and gone for- over,- wo aro Wt unJuindful of your past confidence in our ability to thbroughly exoCuto whatover we undertake. In spite of hard times, trade at Oak Hall last year wub phohomiually large. The great secret of our success .has been the combining of the greatest,, dements of style, durability and attractiveness at the lowest^POB- siblo cost for intrinsically good clothing. Terras cash, one price to all iimNAo iniftr^preHentation*. . We feel grateful*lor the confidence which1 tho community at, 'laf^o has pluced in us", and in future shall do our utmost to rotain this honorable poHitiou by Bcrietly adhering to those thorough busi ness principles which have actuated our ollbrta to please all. Yours truly, J. MOFFAT, Mgr., OAK; HALL, 13 Sandwich st., Windsor. A British &Mp Wrecked and licr Crow of Twenty-Six Men I'orltilu STORMS CONTINUE IN EUROPE MumeroM Wreck* hiiiI CiuujHlfi Occur In Grt llrltnln'autl ilroJund Ali- tl.or Urltlah Uout X.<.Ht~U*ufc Diilniig'fT I'm thrt <>(mLtf ' of the <J<mi)iietit, >. DR. R.B.P0TTS,B, A.,M. D. Imporial Bank Block, - (Ovor J. II. AlHnit' Hardware.) Night Calls at Office FIUDAY, JANUARY !, 1893, ^# TALK ^OF.THE TOWN ------ *y?m& pan* . Mackinaw noi A rubbcm $1.75 per ut Rraith'H. M.J. Wiglo it Co. aro diving bargains in *Mry dpurtmnt. ' Tno uUnting at On-rdoeru' brickyard pond [a at Uvor huat the^a dayw, - Saturday night and the thirty days n]o of 35/JiS overcoats i't Unit 11*11 cIo^ch,. , A fe/ raoro dayn and the grunt bargain Bale of ovorcoittu tov.$">Mi> at (Jal; Hull wiJI oIobj. -~ ..... ------...... OwintJ t.o ourjf i^tby no-minuiimi r.-i.ckt-- ijjlud from other ouuaoa, a uuinbar ol inter- rttiagitoms *ra again crowded eut tbia f*ok'. . ' ,. niH-Elmiv-Nay'lor-and-lliia-I?lo-niitton- gavo *' vory eujoyablo nutting party to^a.- number of yOuufi; ladies aittl gcnUomooSju' ^Nw Y8ar*o Eve. A liwitad | quantify of Rood dry stove wood will bo taken from Hub eoribora to the Piieis Pnitno who -wish to pny in that mminor. D. H, Torry will bo in Esbox next Tuo'a- day Ijo take I*hotOf*rnph urn} will romsin all week, _ My hast csibi ict Photon 81.50 to &2.00 per dozen. The liut ritou in connection with tho burial of UirJohu Thompson, lato Prsmiar of Cannda, wore performed ut Halifax yeiterdny, January 3rd. Mrs, T, II. DeC-w was l,At homo" to a number of tho youti^ rneudn of Air. '.Jurtd DoOewon Tueeday oyouintf. A yery n- joyablo time wan roportod by thoss who attflndoi. LOST On nomination night between Pook'H'Hnll and ray residence, a pair of ailvor-rimmod BpeiitaeloH in ' blaolt loatlior 'cane. Piudor will greatly oblige by rotuin-, ing to D, Whitney. Do not fail to atfond M.J. Wifilo & Co'o. grout nalo. A dinaount of '26% ou fine nhotfa and booti at Smith's Aro yotf troubled wifh a tired feeling? TryEuljay'H Liver Lozeuyen. " A little fivo your-oli aon of Mr. W. 1). Boattio, of this pluce, wan very ueriouHly injured'here on Wcduouday morning. Mr.. Dtmttio waa drawing aowna rofnoo from tho MtaUlo yard, in a lioavy wiiyRon, whbn ihfl littlo fellow, who had Drawled on tho load, foil off, nd ono of tho wheels paBHod ovor ilia buck and bead, Several ribfi wbro brokon from tho baok, and tho ohild wan otborwiio sovorloy out and bruiBad. Or AtoKonzio howovor, looke for a rooovet'y* Tho Canada and Michigan Tilnuel Com- pany. will apply 3tt ooidion. of the Domta ion Parliamont for power, ah then; option, to oonatruet. a railway bridge aureus, or", a tuuunl under, tho rivor Detroit, at tho locality aS which they ars ulruudy eni- ppworadtbaondbract a tunnel. TlioVaiftS will not exoood S3 for fr'oiglH onrn'autl *>*ni>r niru, or fort? otmto nor nii;nnn^or,' a; t Vt i..r - .. ooiTj'.ruur. -i ura-viirid^,- , un! m-- i ,',irvnl* h^twoon tho pinra ou ivhi.:h tint drav7i* will root will.b'i not Jung, than 1,000* font. Tho "inhnrvala bdtweon tho other p,r will v iry hut nono will j^D loua than 500 feofi, and thu bflij;hl of tho arolnJH and of tlio bridge abnvo tho river will bo not lssn'Mian forcy- flvo tho nloar. ' ( lour cboioa or -15 and 20o. Dresf* Goodu for 10a y*t at Sraith'H. Ovor-CoatH, Htiitu fcw'eeda, fur oapBprobc, i^fthte furn, mantis alqtihu, ubawln,' drai^s- The Gluttlinm couuoil, before rotirinj; for 1895, paid oaoh of tho newnpapor ro. portorn.S10 for rftportJhg oounoil proceed- inRfi during tho year. Ciutha.u Moni'jj Hciroon. In thji lint of thoe reoeivinii oartifieatfla at Hid ^a cx* antii, aro found ths namcii of throe' pupils of our* High Hchoul viz, Minn Kerr, Aliua Pttlmorund P. Kellott, r MiiciiANica1 iNflTiTUTJ', Tbo next popular Friday" bvenin will bo ou tho llth inut.i wlion a oapvtfd proyramrno will bu carried" out, includi auhurt looturo by Mr, A. H. Clarke, luL.B., of Winduor ou "Kpitapbo-". Tho Halvation Army oificortpaud iioldiora htiro, intend ^ivinj,' an oyator tinppor in tho Dunntan BIo,ck, on Thursday gvoning Jan. 17, to ho'folldwcd by an ofTflcorn Jub- ilo), Prouooclu for bRnofit of offiaorii lioro who haj.'ull thoir clotluuu atoluiV h. Hhort timo-njjb. j Ij'Lrjwst distuiur. nnh* ovur $(va in Eaus: i'J-at Smitb'fl, Hoo ad, IIou.iF. to . Uj.nt.~Uu Talbot Bt. with fitahltr, liard and n,)ft witor, nood location. Apply at Btone'n ofllco, A totiin b<d^nijing to Mr. .), A. Hoso^nd (,ui) b:iii.'i);'ij^* to a ini'.a from Ocito, cm:* livun;:l uiil* ff::'.:> oi) X* w Y' rtj-'n D:iv l.-y a mad raoa through town, Both team* kept olosi to^ekhor and run for aboul two raileH Mp-Talbat fttiootJJofor*^ntopptng. o to''damaKa whatc-vor wao douft. " ^10", 12 and 15a priuta, your oboioo 8ctB par yard at Hraitli'a. 'Maniigor Mo (Tat aaya thoy hav unod no otlior moann of ndvertiiiinfi thoir 96.95 overcoat Balo but tho newHpapern of tho oouuty, and tho pooplo from evory town - tthip in Eqhcx flocked to Oak Hall to ua~ euro the barcaina .thoy offered, another proof of the advisability of uhIui* printuro' ink. ,. Arrau^moutH liuvo boon made by tho High sohool LitsTJiry Hocioty for the up- pearanco in Kahni, about tlia end of January, of Mian E, Paulino Johnston tho aolnburtod Indian poutcrm and rccitor, mid Mr. Owen Smiloy probably the boat ulucn- ti Cauada. T17u oxauc dato will bo announosd an goon ho poauiblo.. At tbei P. of I. couvontion hold hor laat wofll*. tho fUHi^nation of Mr. Peter Itiman, an a oandidato for the CoumAonn, wui no- 'coptod, aud'Mr. Clapp, of "Muidutouo wag ohoton in bio utoad, Oliver Roaumo, of Ad* dordon, ntill remaiuii the candidate for tho North ridiuq. Guino Warden Quallinn ban been in Col- ohobttti* South invuatigatinq tho lato illonal h*3tjng of deor roountly raported in Tbe Pubic Puiiun. Ho has srood* reason to ht- liovo that there in quito a rpRpeatable hurd utill noar Camp Palmor, whioh with a littlo prbtocfcion, wodld soon multiply in larjjo nurtiborH.""" Ovr coatti and Suita almoit givou away thoy aro go fihoap at Smith'*, Nw Year's Day paaaad off vory quietly in town. A plcauant fcima wau Hpont by tho lar^s number of jenttomou who acoept- od tbo flo'noral invitation of Che lad us of Ehhoi, for Now Year oallorH, . Somo evil dinposod portion, no doubt wialung to mar tbo pleasure of thooaoaulon, started a ro- port that, too much formoutod wino wau nerved at Home plaoen. After tko ntrictufit uquiry, wo fail to find that ferraoutod wino waa nerved in any oano whatorer. Ladies Mautloa ut half jirico at EJinlth'fi. 8oo ad. EvorybodvlikoH oandy. Nobody hJitu uauHoous pillu. Try ISuoljay'u Livor Tjazati* Card of TliaukM. I Hoalro to take tho proHimt opportunity of Hiiiooroly thunhinj; thu biti^onn and uloo- tora cf thu Town of JShhox for thooonfldonco ropoutid in me during tho paat two 'years in oloctuic m* by uoojumatiou to tlio roiipon- aiblo oiriou of Mayor, and I Hhall lookAiaclt ovor thin poriod with ploaiiuro in boin^ able to nay that I havo roooivod uothinfj but Jcinducau and oourtuayfrom oyury oitiaoti during that timo; And. 1 alno ^iouiro to thank the coitnoila, oT-tho pVtafc two'yoarn for'thoir ablo ftflttfut'" anso and hearty oo-iiporatiou in all mau* uroo designed to further and protect tbo interoatn of the town. I am Horry that the atato of my health aompola mo to ^ivo place, I sincorly hopo, to a more oorapotout man. 1 oau .unsure you that I will alwayi fcnko a (loop iutoruHt in tho pr.tipon(;y-'iLiid-^o:ir.*rat v/Mlfftra"Of"Ctvr~ town, . Now kind futiz*ii4, wiwliir.>,' you proupur- ity.atMl-a Uappy No*? Y-jar, with tho en- joymetit of orory other bb^in^, I arn Y)iirj tfinui-rnly, J a mi,-: 3 NaYLC(1. > ^NDON-.-Dac- a^.-^-l'lm British barque Ofwoo>vu,--wcockod in a Kalo at Holyhead ycatordny and v/itb lier porlrihttf btir entire crow of y) men. Tho Oh9oo wiw driven iwhoro buolc.of tho Holyhead broiikwater. IjUir Hl^nalb of, <UtrenH wore flrjifc heanT by tho conatKiuird nb -1 o'clock iu the morning. At that tlmo It waa pitch dark and (jreat wnvea worn WUHbhiK over tlio broiikwatur, fn itpltn tit tho danger of IiuiiiL; washed into tlio eii tlio guard proceeded along thobrmk- water, and having rlgtfnd up tho*rocket nDpurulUH htigan firing llfulhiea In tho direction of the wreck. Tho faint light of tho rocketa aoon dbwdnuod the fncfc that the vqhboI had broken in two amirtuhlpn and that tbo uwtinmaat hiul fallen, crutthlng the Mvoh out of Several of tho crow. HA fowfmrvivoi'H could bo fwoii dlngl-ig to each half of the vcwiul and their pltooua crloii for help could bo heard uhovo the roar of tho atorm. Aft^r many fnllure-i' tlio coastguard aueceodod in Hrlng a lino ovor tbo'wreek, but by that time alt on board had iwn*bjhod. A 11/uboat vululv tried again and apfain to approach' Mi i wreck. Not n veKtlgo of the bark can !< scon and thoro \h no proapect of any. sui- vngo. 1'ho OuKun wum a bavk of l.IiiH) tojis. Slio arrived at Palmouth' on December Ifl from Taltal and had been ordered to Androsann. Jlejiorta of stormy Weather contlnii'1 to be received from nil parts of Europe*. Nunifroua amall wrecksand caaualtiea aro reported in-Great llrkaiu mid Ireland. Many Uvea were aaved by life-hoata. A severe gale la blowing on the .Baltic and 'navigation i^Hiispeuded at, Copenhagen. A heavy hiiow boa.falbih. In the_. North of Scotland und two railway trains have been blocked on theVrfiek.s. JloutH anil wcfi^Wge washed aahoro on tbti'Hhnre of Laic-zashiro Indicato thab tho' Hrltisli hani'iio Loweawater has been lost. She left G lira ton in tow on Decnmbor 21 with fifteen perstM.a aboard. The hawHor with wliieh sho was btdng towed parted in a gale and the tug took refugo at Llandudno ou December iili, aincu which time notliiiig Jias been heard of the Lowes- water. The gale of the Inst two days did cnorm- -otH diiinagtMiii t.lie mast.-, of North ('Vance,' Dclgi.uni and i fecmai^v. Seven large sail ing ve.sHuls were tiiwed into lJrein.;r-baven in a badly baUnvd eondiiion. Several cci.'LHters strunileil and sonic of tlio .mNiniuu aboard were lost. star i 1 lock Taking Sale. THIS MONTH wo will give tho Groatest-Bargains over offerpd ia-Ewex. Wo mean"to Turn Our Stock fnto Cash If oIoho prices will do It, Wo have cut prices to Costand.- Below 01> a Cl'ea*' niany lineH. To appreciate the great euta wo are giving'you mimt woe tho goodn. Values spoak lor themflelvea.' . All lines of I)re9H'(%flpdB from 25c per yd up, one-quarter off regular price. As a Hpferf*J.iriduceraent we offer our reg ular 35c Serpft* in all colors afc 23^e^U 'a job lot of heavy drees goodsj regular prices 15o and 20opeW&L-^QicaTo* 10c. i* A iioati. Appetite Alwayaaocompauiof* tlood heslth, and an Tibsmietrot-ftppotitoiu au indication of nome- thing wrong.' Tho uuivornal toBtimui y given by J,hojo who h#ya unod Ilooahj, Sarri. aparlll, aa to ita ni'oritu in rcaVoriug tn r< - atoriuK tho appetite, und ao a puriilor of tha blood, confititutwH the Htron^eat recom moudation that oun bo ur^ou for any raod- ioino. RlIKCMATIHM CcnillJ IN A BAY. Boutll Anioricau KheumatiumJCaro, for Ithoumat- iura Neural;.;ia, riidicaily Curoa in 1 to H dayn. Itn action upon tho Byntom ia ro- iTiiirkulilo and myHtoriouH, It rotnovoa at onco the ctiutio and the diHou.Be immediately '(imappeara. The Ihat done bene- litn. 75 centri. V-iMd by ,1, Thoruo, druR- glHl. LIGHT AND AIRY. Tho Allsomblo MUllonnlre. I am no vory, very rich it la a nulnnnco qnltn: It kcojjs mo jinxlotia all day lonif and wldn ' awako at nfirju,' ". " r Wy'bonda they aro BOttlany that It -inakea my Ihy'era aoro To out otr all tho couponn, wlilcb I deem dreadful boro. I have nix vlUan In tbo IiIUh and iioven by the aea. But they're no Joy, but ajtirra vat Ions ratlior. unto mo, For wlicn the summorHeaHon comeu I'm always full of woo, BccausQ I can't make up my mind to which of thorn ru'eo. I have a stablo full of rl^s and borBOR for eaeli one. Yet though thoy'ro all of blooded otock my , horuou I miiiit alum, Bocaubo when I'd no drivlntr In my aulky or my brftlco I cannot neom to choouo tho ono 'twould nlun.HO mo beat to talso. Upou tho Wdtor 'tlu tho nanio. I'vo cnift of ov- ery kind, From (Unifies up to Hieameru awlft that k-uvt- , all elao-behind, And yot I never vcntiro out njiou U:'* aouml vj ilea , Becauso my mind and I do not boom able to acrco. Now wealth la vory lovoly, and taero'u mtieb that It will buy, But'tis a Dorry burden to a follow ouch an I, For JtiHt tho thliiR-Inood tbo moat |?cld Iu1[jh .mo not to Ilnd, . Aiid that, au ;you may mieua, in brief, 'a a U nu and a table mind. Harnnr'w Haaar. AN.ARDljnATlON TRKATY. An Kh'tINJi M. I'.^CiMuru-- to AnwrlraTo I'r- ;>sit lin .'.(l.t i--.Vi. J.ondox, l>c(i;.':1'-'U"iIlijn.u ItaiidalCrwv- mer, ItatHcttl member of Parliament for Shorcditch will aall for Now York on tho atoamahip Toutonic on Wednesday. Ao delicate of the KiipfHah advocjitos of Intcr- "nati'onal arbitratlb'n ho will talco K*ith lilm an address signed by 35-t members of tho Britlnh Parliament in favor of tho pro posed treaty of arbitration between Eng land and tho United Statea. Mr. Croanucraaya that tho signatures to tlio nddreaa were confined piirpo.soly to members of Parliament not offlclally con nected with tho Government. Among them aro moat of tbo Liberala, tho Irian. members and many Conaorvativo and Unionists. Mr. Creamer will deliver ft copy of the addrosa to President Cleveland and every member of Uongn:ns. The Daily News says editorially:. "Tho example which tho proposed treaty of ar bitration would net can hardly ho ovor1-. estimated. If it lasted a quarter ofa cen tury it would pro"babIy 'last forover. Wo cannot concolvo any reason, n^ninsb au eiiual'interebt on the part of both powers." TerrlUlo Holilcuuiit In Or<ij;on. . ABmAKD,!.;Oro., Dec. 81. Advices havo been received from Klamath, Fulls, Oro,, of a horrible accidont atjsilver Lalco, Lako county, Oregon, caused by tho overturn ing of a lamp at a gathering of peoplo ou Christmas eve, when over-10 Uvea were loat* and 10 persona badly injured, flvo of whom will probably die. The foHtival tool: placo in a hall ovor Chriatman Bros.' storo. Many children woro present with their parents and relatives, and were having a good time nnd onjoying what Santa Claua hud brought them. Someone attempted to got where he could tioo and henr. bettor by jumping upon a bench in tho mlddlo Of tho hall. In doing so Ids beat! struck a lamp hanging from tlio celling, causing thu coiil oil to run out, and it immediately cftiiftht llro.' While men tried to Jake the lamp down It waa tipped so badly that tho oil ran out on tho floor. A terrible act followed. The pooplo were compelled to ruu through tho flu-men in order to reach thu door, and in the panic and fire many were killed and injured...,, Radios' Goats- Wo aro bound not to.cairy Ono ovor,, and " offer tlio balimco of our sloclc ut about half price Koguiur 5 Coatw for S2 50, $7 foi* $8,75, ' 8 for .i".25f 10 for 5.50, $i3'for $7f JIG 'or H.25W Unr.itoolc ia gotttng low in above, but what wo Imvg aro tho latest and oyory ono now goods. > . *, , . FOR MEM AND BOY3 Wu havo bad oxtrA good nucc/aa in tho^o portionate reductions. '- Boots aad -SSaoqs - Those we alao 'ancriiicc on to nlako room (or now spring goods. Wo carry tho boat lines made; 25 percent on all fino linoa of LauioV or Gonta' Shooa,.from #1.25.por pair up. Oiir pocial lino men's Ibn^ Boots, guaranteed watornroof, aeo thorn. 25. por aont. moauH a-pair of 4 for b\ No troublo to show'goods, don't be afraid,to ask to boo what you want, purchasing or not. Cut prices' spot cash. Hr OraSi.i r'a WHIT1MEY.' BLOOJv, '.ESSEX *..a;jns,i^trjumiiim,aAtoJ:.fcti.>j.j-:uaimutn-u.-!<mKisjjrirr-*"^"-ai **/ u-\-tm iti nUKETJ Wheat rod por bushel .. ..3 Wheat, whito ... * Corn .... Oatft Timothy Seed .... Clover Seod .... A.laiko- ----- Hay pe-r ton............ beef per cwt........ - Pork......J-............ '} h, Rt c!ouring.prIabBforoM*"h, afcll. Cn'i.. . . ^"" ^ Liver LoxongoB aro ploauaht to. aionb id action, > (' ;' Is it df..;g-jr-'ii i --, jii L.:ioti iiii\i \l.'ijl')t>d orimpuro blood, it ui ,iy due :o idiould not .bu ailcwijd to ooutinna, %i* ia itii ddhiliry rh'u Ny.itmn in ctmoclitlly finblo to Kuriouu at tiLoha of illucss. Hoori'o SHi'Httparilla in tho remt'dy fnr such a oondition, and bIwo for ",th.t waknf which prevails atthcuhnnrQ of.auaaon, olimute or lifo. Hood'fi pillo ar6 -il\ v^otlkbloV^' oMrfc- :S$jy P*mW'\M(iw tu* iost .'Ingrorfif^tB. tjoifutu'.-. - *' liJrtoljay'u IJivor Jjo/,un(,'uh |do uot -purg's orctlpa liko pillt Thoy sim-dy adtuat nat. lira ia>li3 produotton of uuuodHury bilo to promotoja htalthful habit of tlio oKbn o di^Mitioe. t i ' Hor AllHtuIce. "That waa an awful mistake Muda^ ah(?- -,,J "Sho fiat and talked for 0 miuutOB to a cluster of chrysanthemums, thinking it - waa ono of tho gueutn." Chicago Into* Ocoan. : . "' -' Tho One Ma Know. " * "What can you toll mo about Tyro?" asked tho toucher of tho Sunday bc1i06 class. *iMino^B a pnoumatic," piped a smalJ boy Avbo^ownod a bicycle, and'tlio teach* tit collapflod. Dotroit Froo Preaar Aii Importation. Toodlo I don't boo. .why you should envy Nibbles.. Ho's in "bod with a cold, Noodlo Ah, but'hotpaugbtifc in Lca* lioii. Chicago Record. Floodu in Colombia. New OnLEANSj Dec. 31. Capt. Mathl- Bon, of the Norwegln stoamor. Yiimcri, fron) Santa Maria, United States of Colom bia, reports that fearful rains havo fallon on tho coast of Colombia. Tho village of Maira, flvo miles south of Santa Maria, was washed away by heavy floods-and about SO persouK woro drowned. In Santa Sarin betwedn 40 and 50 houRoa were "de stroyed and. a lame number drmmgedVby tho flood. .The railroad tracks and h ridges 'on tho Santa Maria road loading outf tp Hlo l"rid havo been washod away and it will rcquiro six months labor to rebuild tho road. - ___________________ Tlia JOe^t-AA IttigimUnrv Soorot Hoclotlov. ^Vu.MIKnTOK'. Vino., ai 'nil** /l.-*-.... nf the JJU* 0, ItUOllH.! .i . ... L.U tho KnlKhtfl of lJyth,-u, ,r.,vs or .Sons of Temperance wis read ,.i nil tho churched yesterday; The mh.-.tunee of the decree is that member* of die societies ;will exconimunicnh'd, but. will ho deprived of tneir right of recutying Bjicra- montsof tbocHurch. 'I'll* OHulnutor of the ,'mr.f>iiHir" )>nd. . Council Blufi'b, Ta. ,IVu. 81. ,JIrs. Amelia J. Bloomor died hero yesterday. Shb was ono of .the, earliest' udvora'nes of. flroHM reform for women ami her public nso of the stylo aho advocated caused it to bo called tho Bloomer .costume. Khu waa 77 year old. " Vikxn\; Dec. 31. IaiuiioI 'Pasha,Kori of Irani Piiiiliu.'griuidsou of MeliomotAll, and ex-Khedive of Kgypt, iH-dying in Cou aitutti.lnnnln ' ' . Ullttou ........ tildes ......... uJhickc-ns per lh...... Buttt-r ...... Lard ....... I'jtitia, por do-/, ...... I'otntot-B, per hnsbel Onion a A.ppIoa 'L'urnif ft Currota Beotti Parsnips Turlceya por lb....... Puckii ....... .. Holery per doz .......... Cabbago ...........;/ HVlVam XVullcer Ac Sonv .(Inikol lie No. 1 Rye, nor buahal .... ' ' .OittH ----- Tho above pricoR uro paid by, U, W 8onn, WalltervilU', Out. f) t00 to fi ft':drtio5 BO 1 1)0 to 4 90 -1 50 to'5 00 i no 15 8 64 to 75 to 25 to" 7 to I! lfi 10 18 15 80 -.10" 20 SO 25- 30 8 7 od 25 -s- weeper Are seasonable goods now and can be bought cheap at* , nionny Thrown Away at 1'nnnmn. Tho great Bo LcsBops Panama ditch Is a melancholy wroclc. The wharves^aro fall ing Into tho water and, acres of machinery Hardware, Essex:. THE AMERICAN HOTEL * . ,. i ., ~ i- -r ,- i Eaflox, - Ontario. : ' are rusting to diRsolutlon. On tho Inth- Y^ o. iiUOK;" PRGPBiBTOlt, HAS. SKEW mus are nearly 1,000 milea of Hte'ol track - J . thorouRhly polntod und ropInnialiAdt h locwmotlvoa and thousands of dump- wbnowfuralturo by tho proiiont proprietor. wOialf hlddon iu tho tropical ' ' lai*oh w in connection. ventry-six great steftm HhovelH | I,'irt"--CIu8B Aooomodatlon Guayjtptood. ' y sido in tho excavation buried t vegetation, so that only tho u;aau\b nrms stand ijp above tho green. While 200. locomotives have boon housed, it is.estimated.that nine-tenths of the mil lions squandered on this prodigioua entor- prjsadtt going to waste. * Much of tho oxca- vated land has boon waahod back Into its original place arid the great scar on the face of tho" Panama isthmus is rapidly falling from view. Useful ViuomiK.. Three homing pigeons l*tlonging to,'a LUiltido fancier brought uowa of a struiidod limit,. , Nurrowly T'ltciipoil Croiuutlon. X*ONDONx Dec, 20. A frame house belong ing to Air. Andrew Hayes,, on. Colborne strent, near Cheapside was almost oom- ;* tu- IM- !.", li'l-l XMAS GOODS. Alai-goaHHortraout! of Chrint- mas GonilH just reooiyod afc ' tho Esuox a n- v ( I'^j.t'iif.d nutferi'dh^.^ tL.jiy irm i. t, , '--\- .*',- i COMPOUND. Araoout dlec<jvory by an old pbyBlolan. KyooeoafuUv used Monthly ^l/ 'ihauMMU o/. UuiU*. la tU(i only porfoctly _ Biifo ttUtlroIlnb^oiiiodlolno dls- oovurod. Itowaro of un[>riuelplti4 druelflt wlio offer Jnforlor modlolno* In jilaoo of this. Ankfor Caok'M Cttttttn Hoot Caunuiuni.lalo tionuttli- tuie.ov IuoloBOtttudflcoiitBiu.poJtuBo Inlottor und wo wllUobd.'nealod, by rntunttnaU. ^tillHealad pitrtlouluru la plaid onvolopo, to laAlmt only, 1) stands. AUdroag The CuoU Cowpatty, ,. . ' Wlniifor, Out, Ciwiftdn. ^Jpld in I^Niex by all dtufenhitu. .' ',.".- l.ittliui.nkl Novelbic?. White-Metal"Goods. DoIIm, Toys* efco. Alburns, Photo Frames, Xmap Cards, etc. s^- r: A ESSEX,-r 'l/'Al ^ ^^^^i^^.i^L: 78 59099853

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