Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 4, 1895, p. 1

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? ' i j - .- i t+ VOL JL No 54. BBSEX. ONT.. FRIDAY. JANUAIlY 4, 1896. WHOLE N 523 "i. Forsythe, Anderson & Co. WISH A TOWN NOMINATIONS. TjO:EM--OF~CANI>II>ATIC* THE FIKIjD. -IN- Lively Nuiit lrtilni onJ &lvly Tim** \v ctiaOrdor. HAPPY NEW YEAR --< To all their Friends and Pat rons and invite them to par ticipate in the JANUABY BARGAINS -Which are being offered in all lines of winter goods, to clear them out before our annual stock-talcing, - In Uteae 'times when every one ia crying 'cheap, cheap/ or *sale, aalo/w it behooves the prudent buyerto accept .with caution nny extravagant state. meh^B-made by unscrupulous advertisers^ Um'yoiix own judgement, examine ai^d .com pare. We are glad to show goods and. quole_-pricear-"4ini leave the decision -to the pur- chaBer. Xbero VaH s goodly sized und good nattif d crowd at tlio uotnihation meeting life Id In Peak's hull on Monday raomisg at ten o'clock. Mr. John Walters, returning nffl oor called the mooting to order promptly at .the aropar hour md the following lint o* nominations was put in ; Candidal*. Moved by.' Hcoondod.' Jan. Haylor, T. H. DeCew. J. M. Hicks* Br. Jan, Brian, J. R. Laird, Jno. Worthiy. Jfl, A. Wnwur, C. II. Fuller, J. A- -Hio'kn. Dr. P. Dmvar, J. MoDougaU: W. Peu'dick." T. H.DoCew, W. II. KiUHill, W. Naybr. C. K. Naylor, W. H. ItuusolJ, W. Edgar, O. J. Thomas, C. E. Naylor, Dr. Dewar, K. C. Lowiw, C. Huberts, K. J. Wolfo W. J^ Johnston, Dr. Brios, J. S. Imird J.'E. Stono, W. D. iloamun, K. L. Park All the ubnva-iismed uandidftton, exeopt Din. Briou aifd'Duwar, bare rusigned. FOB KEKVii. J*. S. laird, J. B. Stone, W. D, Btamiu FORDEl'UTY-ItKEVE J G E Naylor . .Johu Worohiy FOR COUNCILLORS. swikd NO. i. ' U Al Johustou, Dr McKenzie A II 'Smith Gho Birth W H. KichardHOn C B Naylor M n Hall J MoMurray - S B Oruen J D Audorwon J S laird . Dr Erieu D'Whitney do do ^ do CK Naylor J A Diohol 0 M Johnston J 6 Laird . Dr Brion JA-Hoau_____Ghaftit-WtH . J c' J,ijd Af fears. Hull und Juhuttoii bays roBij;nnd ........ - WAIIP no. II, C J GurJner J K Stw;u . W Jj.u'1 ilujfKjn t7 A Du-ot I J A Jliokfc DrD.JV,*;u- A lit* moB "" . A T.u.i i.'|j * 0 J (ia.diu-r W 11 Kit.itifr'k.o ,by uoolatnatlou. Ho would always utimd by tb town't^Bt intoreHtH. Ho thought the affair a bad been oondtiotud vory uuocosh* fully during tbVpiiHt jenr, Itu bad nnjoy. od tb prooeodiDUB, and an there wer Hev< eral otbor npaber to follow,.hn rahrad by wlshiti^ all a Happy Nw Year. Tho obalnuan bera uunsiincud tbat tlu< tneinliorn of tho r*tiriuif couuail would bo culled upon, bo^iijninK with Ward No. K, and oallod upon them iu tbn lollowin^ oJ dor: uh.j, n.AwnitnHow W4U< abtmub. Mil. J>. WITN".Y wad prVisnnt und unuouuood tbntho hud bcou nominated luub yiur without bin Itnow)f)d(.;o( uud wart elected bioavsa bo did not tender biu rani^nat.iou 'early ouou^h. llo hud.'.pot dono a (jrdfcl donl individually, hh mombcro could not, but ovorythinK bad koon ooiiductod pleafiantly, and bo would like to bo nloctod imotbor your to look aftor tlio coming Mayor. ^Ivati to I mil bv ilnjir pcopojorn.. on tho lint Wiih ThM jlrat We are Strong In Men's and boys' Ready made Clothing just now. 'We have an extra large stock of these, as explained in last week's issue, and if you are needing anything in this line will guarantee to befit Wind sor values and explain why we are able to do it. Come in and examine our stock. ... We still have a good range of Ladies'. Mantles, all prices, from. $2.60 up. These we are clearing, out at actual cost. "*' There are many things we can do better on than most dealers, through our special facilities for buying them cheap and the large quantities in which we bny. J S Laird ,1 rl AHirii" "J-: A Winr.'- r. J \ Xiivlt ' H ueOew G J Inoioim (J CraadWuiivt' 3 0 LevriH Dr Dwar K A Winner A Knm*i J E HtOHfi JS1 Laird irrrponi; \rartrep:dnor J l Pctora "" Moasr. DtiCeW, Jobuutou jmd -LawiH baro rem^pad. ^ T B Scott AEMrlua W C Slm^ J M Hi'cka " do . Vfm Naylor W D Boaruao .G.J Tbomai Willi) K0. III. J E 8tou Jag"MoMurruy J-WortUy J McDou^all' A E SlilUo CE Naylor J- McMurray .ST8baw J E fitono --Wrn Laiii^r . E.L Turk AEMHuo J E Btouc H Stucoy J McDoucul] ST Shaw Fred Hobinnon JR UcEwau Wm Niiylor Goo Licknittn J Wortloy J McMurray Mature. Be Milan, Lickman, Milno aud Naylor buve rengnol. V FOR SCHOOL TUUSTEE6. wAiii) no. r. Goo Burth J H Laird Dr Brion W G'W.ymD 0 II Bricksr W Rioba:rdson Mr. Barth hiv reiiiKuod.Joayiue Mr. Wy- raan elected by acclauatian. Wiim no. ii. W H RubhMI W H Ed(jar Win -Lmue Wm Roddick E J Lovolaco E A Wit-mer do J A Hicko . p J TboiaaH Mr. Roddick rflBictJfld, leaving Mr. Ru- tfoll olectod by nor ft lation. WAUIJ HO. in. W D Baamon J E Stone A E fclilua MJWifila WJDowar ST Hhaw Mlt.C. J. diUONKK had hian nfoinioillor in Ward No. II. for tho juiht, two yoaru, u.ud if tho oleotorti thought him worthy of u, ro-eleotiou, ha wan at thiir uorvioo. II* thanked tho pro- poiient of bimiame, und wit a utillo'pedy to il^bb in tho intcrenU] of tho to Kb. Mil. J. A. IIICKfl j Raid he had nujoyod tho proceodin^u of tbo pant your. Evorytbwn bad poiJKOd off iimootbly, and bo wan "in tho Hold a^ain. Ilud nlwayH taken an active part ita" tbo town's iutorRtQ( nd jicyjrJaarcl-ta-Cabk bin voto on ay quenlion. Ho dfefnot ex. piotavorybody'H approval ; active man al- wayn root tliiiapproval. Ho compared tbo Htutrmouto of the paol two yoara, ahowin|r tlioito of tho pawt year to bo tb* better Tbo watorworkft revenue oi^n bo inoraaaod for 1995. Ho unknd th oonftdonoe ot tho' HAjtnrs if tli>-y -igiin t-hfni^ht lnm worthy of it. . ._ Mt. imii'.M who -.viubt-d itll liw Iimip r w v'ry Hlfppy Now Year miiI rMimuliwI if 'h'-y with all imhfcpi.v iih lnmtiolf tlwy worn, quitr non- ^(inttid indf'ud. \]r, m*f>i\ii for bta #loo* ttou u.n, on bin yiinf icn.ird, wbil iti-v- of i\iv viM'i^ii' nf En**-* Cuuir*', ^i iihi tb(JuVbt> 1m nbould not bu u fMiidnlitU 'or i In ni'i>onrlty, hi id t but ho bad bad ituOitiL'ut bouoru. Hi* did net Hiitur. >ho fill i, k.ithoiij_f Ii i^nlicitt-u \>*. fijon<l, uiiiil Mr. N ' > b-r'w n uiLinilidii wm. l-nt^tUralrjod. Hi* waw ut>t ulh.^i'ibiir niticfird with |b luMtThounail. Did not: bmk nu\b<l) hboulil Nothing Mit li had fiecured, or red-to-tmcuro, for Enoox, need bo thp nl-^.i* tl'.f-;i >x- lUMfUif ftudV/WjiI tor thrir .oa>il, cii'Tl- > *iii vi a! oi ','ca\r v t j j -' tut! ior Mir rofbi'iu i;oiltt-i:r'. * M'l.I. M. tlJCK.H i.ii'j'jL'!'L f h" i r*.VH'U-. v. .- :iv(-./ a prutty yood acaount of tbo town'* aiftiri, Hobud-haen in tho couuoil for loveral yoaru, and had always act* for tho bent iutorentaof tho town, no wypn the fi^ld aRftin aud aaked tbonwpport of tbaoleolom, in*. t\ n. bcott ntid be inteudod to run a^ain. He humor.- ounly remarked ,tbftC^fl...^ILtiofaotoi^'.tao- couzit of the town's flnancon wan explained by but nlootioH to tbo council last year, and that if he wan kept thorn a few more yeura byo, and bye the peoplo might not havo ru pay any moro taieo. H.s. wan thankful fo- paot favora, and avlted for a ronewnl of rh- confidence of thte leotorH of Wvrd Njd. III. iib. o. J. TnoM.u Bjiid that it loomed but a few weeks .a^o aincfl ho had utood on the nnaie platform in a iinr)i[ar pomtion, to nccount|fortbo affairn of 1893.' lie win tflarTto co an' much in terest taken io twn uffairs as .was mani- feokod by the lur^a' ttudienoe*^proacnt. It wm a difficult mal tar te lower tbo taxation of the town. Nearly all tb indobtodaono nt, tho prent wiu from uucoutroUubla de- voto'aguiiiHWbini. und ilioiiL'tiL ibovu, un grateful who woultl; be did ul kiiov why h wnu jjiven o much oppOHition, although it (jUiinod him better lo fi^lit for ihu huunr thiiu to be jiivon it without, a *ontent, .Wti not contented without a vny in publiu mat ti'rti, ntid thought it airinuoh a unan'n duty to ho intoreitod therein mh to uttetid Hun- day Hchool. Llo oxpeetad to hn elected und defied any pomoa IobIioW tiny extra- vafjan'oo wbilo ho had boon Hoove, aItboub many untruthn had beeii told about him uinco lie had boon out of tho counoil.. lie wuu for uc:oiiortiy iw ovory dopartmciit, and waul I favor any inoanura to reduce ta*a- tio"- Tlio Dr. related tl)o hiitory bf bfi eppoHod effortH tp Bocure vilhigo1 inoorpora- tion, and of biu election a^aiuut opposition nn-Reovo for 1881, 1885andl8HG anil claim- od tho history of Ebhcx Contro as bin owti- bintory. Hdeavbured~io-(i aabamcc] of. lie related tho removal of county building aM>tfttion in '84, aud uaid if had rocoived il)Q tmpport of the Village all that timo, could havo made Ibiv tho county town. IIo would huva offered a bouui of SuO.OOO iuHtoud of 525,000, and -<Ud not tbiuk tbi> county wOuld havo on. fiitcud paymuut of tlie wliolu uiim'. If any utnorjnan now hoforo tho puoplo couldbe hIi/vwi, to^liav* ni-t.'lu' the pernonal uqiific*u a"' had* niluo, hn ivould vMn for tlrat m-iii. lr- t-pei-t t vf.r^ I hui.tlrcd d.)liirii in owh, x. .if* -i i'i. of .)r; otue; Jia.l 'put.hfihod r jnap_ (,i tl t yi'fitQe i tid l( tbo county t>f X^hbox i' <Ut 'Joj'f.ii'o Qh htr und rj-J-di* p..p*r tn ttlo-1, u cip..iiiu fjoni bit* own pocket. Re had obtainod and paid from bio own pcohot, foi a ohartcr fot a railway 'from<Li'ako St-.C^rr to Lake Erio^^to paai HiroM|;b Kflflox, and that bad betn Hnorod' at, while it would huvo been tho mt&nd of Kivinf communication with all the leading' rail way ii of tbo country. Somtlind acouued him of building uncoeasary lidtwalki, bu t lot them allow' whore. H bad got lho Uigh" School. Exhibition Grouwdii, Baoe C.urirt and tbo roar rotd around the toll- iiJLt, all of which wcro|movotuenti to bi ontf;rprihc. Tin1 couTtoil bad oppOBot] tho but Ci* hnd'oil-iitnl it throuiili, audit hadoaved tnetowu tiiouMaudH of dellaro. Ho asked that lis bo given oredit for bio j^ood worku as Wdil as boiiit^ aliarfad with bad deodu. Had minuted to ^t the MecbanicR' Inuti- . tute aua bad aiven *25 tewatdit. Oud been aoDUned of extravagance m pnUIio affairo but thought itimaoflfiiblA for any couuoil to have boon worocoBomioal. He iloniad that be had left *.ny aoto in tbo Bank, or auy other debt, unp-^vidcd for. Lowor tax- ution is wanted; when he wan Itioyo IB or rutieh lia pohilb;.!, out would not prouiuu irupoanibilitUM. Thuru wae a great U'uon- trollal I-j oxpondituro (inueud by d^bcnlu"^ tflbtH,w)H]o be had to paygB.Ofl- V<'r month in taxun for living In bitt houiiu, ho hud no Qomplnint hih)akD,u[] wa willing to h*r In* ubfirn of tli ptiblid burden ;* thiu w no umvd of duoryinfl the town uh it bad mtiob to nhow for itu d(bt. IIo lud iiuid n Jihlnu' Hot-iiilly or purronu], re^iirdmu bio opponent durih^ tho oarnpainu, hut wiHbfd ii uonduot the campatnu on purely triuui- oipal rocordn,' and miked uupport oti no ob'ior yroundn, An to Dr. nHpu'u foonomy, be Ihoiijjht tlmt--'(;i..ut.lri>rfun nr-vS--wan an DcQU^niii't ',vif wuh not in bin naturexTrbn Much; bn whh a piiNbor, and hud npnnt ninch of Iu'h timi and m uiey in public matturH, but wuu not un rooiinnimt, nor v*ir would be. Ho nccfpted Dr. IJiiHn'.i aballnn^e, and while all wi-rij Hahlo to err, bo tbunjjlit thorn wati .hoioo toiHtnnii't^- ment during tbn Dr'a timo. Ei'om IWtu 1887 tho town wan enjoying a hiiom, und many ru on wore earned av/uy. Thu Eair OrouudH hud been bought -for 84.SOU hut a uriorljvigo of tfl J100 exintcd. Monvy wuu miHi.'d to pay for tho groundh bm :lu- 81,000 waa uicd for.current expundiLuru, und tho mprtijago exuiitH yet, and tliiit w^ riinlly a deficit cauilod in Dr. Brit<riTH time Ho thought tbo oipens* inourrt-d in" Tlio o'oumy l)iu!dim;n agitation whh monoy too] iuhly cxpouded, IJo thought Dr. Urinn'ti action in publiabin^ a mi.p of tho location of th'o towu wan a liberal one,' but not entiroly. free froin Holfmh motivaa ut tbo Dr. was largely Iritoroatod i.: r/al flHtato ,. horo at that time. Ho referred to Dr. Brien'n proposal to have rained SoO.000 for a county bmldmc* bonan and thought it would liave lutt-n doubtful experiment, an that amount wan just about one-third of tbo anaoitaed valui of tho villftce at tliar'timo, ""H" did no' adluit Dr. Brifip aK totally rnnpnnoibic- .' . Mio prnfipority irj biu ttuifl, a tho towirv/n.'^ 'ii'joyinc a boom, which u'"nl'vuy. - '( ouijlfiil index-of true prnupcrcy. r. ih'<nt;h- "Lo ir.tuouK# in a'.ic-iiHr,'ifiit dijr TKEtfi oilfiHG a grtmiwt>itibt'\t.o aud out. -'i;:V' ' i .Your choice 6f Hundreds ?*: OVEfc \< AND i ULSTERS. Many them worth $10, $12,l| $14 and "$16. Your choice .while tliey.kat, ;S5,94, Wo know U'h ^r*>at naorifioo, but wo do it to mact illrgitimalo cempttitiou audi protect our cuotomorn. to tt-r/Mv.i'irciiiK; in yiduc i! property. uot ready lo>wor taxon, and in mifllouduiu to many jieoplo^. It'aJdcr'cauuos a hi(;hfcr tax to-bo-fm^rt^hiiTrotitityT Irl Windsor, bonture' doWt I hut had to be mot. He II0 mill,( Buf,icfld'End no floating dobt ex- Take Tea For instance. Weagot another large fihi^uent in lately of a special importation from Japan of this seanon's picking and be lieve it is the beet value for 25c per lb that can be had. Try it and report result Our Boots and shoes should be good value -we buy direct from the beat makers and aell at close mar gins. Largest stock inEsBex. At the cIopo of the nomination meeting, an adjournment wan wade to [isveb o'clock, p. to., and Mr. Walteri chonen cbairmuu. THE NIGHT MEETING. thought waterworku expinat might bt re duced 1200, but no moro. The publio gcbool doionad, ho thought, was too hiyh by 1500, aDd bopad it would bo ] next yur.- Tho High Sohool, ha uaid, it wai expiated noma yari ago, could Wa r-nn for about 9750 a year but it in only now being reduced to S1000. Ho was very uouoh dm aptjoiuted ut tbu rittult of tho flnanoiul de partment of tlio waterworks plant, which jit wao hoped would provi Bo|f-autaiBiDg. tiled. Now a floating dobt exiatad, and tvfic-u an much mouoy wan raided an whon h wan m power. Not a nkklo of dtbt bad bu incurred iu bio time wbiok tho poop]* had nt voted. Tb duly tv* paymonta mad*.on tn factory mortgago ware during hifl,time, and it was no fault of Wis that the town had lost monoy on th loan. The dobt bad mcretsodby Itapn aud bounds sioco bu loft ofile*. Tbo valuation had in creased in hi" Mme 160 par cent, and not tbo taxon wtro hifjh iu Dv, Brian's time, with nothing to show thorofor, and it wait sheer7Monsauoe for Dr. Brian to claim all tho credit for tbs prosperjty^ tune. Dr. Dowar road a rocapitutatioo of the oxpnMditnrn. of 1894, aud cbowod that more tkioij had beon collootod to Daa. lot laut, than iu any previous ysar at that dato, thauksto collector MoEwan's diligocco. The waterworko dopartmsnt is doing bet tor all tbo timo undsr tbo preRont good uuuagemont, and would cootinuo to im prove. It* found nobody to oenuro tho proueut ooaHcil, The town could not bo boomed, if deaired, at tho present time. Il'icardinK Dr. Brion'* railway, bonuses, that jjfliitleraan, would five away the en- tire town m bonus, but railways did not nlvfaji buildup a jdaob so much bu an* tioipattd. Ho cited tho case of Leaming ton, with two now railways and without a corresponding growth ; be thought ho bad dono moro for tho population of tho town than Dr. Brion. ' One Price for All. Prices in Plain Figures. ikrx&oreon. 1. *p ONT. Early-iu the bveniu& thd-rntepayors bo- ,;'ib II UKlh' i l h#ai iiin tb* prtfifupd diHcniB'on oi' ioi/n af; lire, Thefft wjhi a p >jd)> uprinP iur% id hi fiat- pinnent and ibry wore tbankfui 'or tho i? I'^riiHt FjhfiWii, Mr* V, nlfcei cajlid tho! to order at 7.80 o'clock, plk' awlied all tlte geutlflm*m who bud bcoo nnm inactidfor the offioft ut mayor to it tout on tho platform, as well an the Koevo and Deputy-Heave elooted by acclamation, viz,, MoeeriB. Laird aud UoDougall. Mr. dames Naylor. the votiriK Mayor' who has uot enjoyed good health for aquae time, was uuablo to be present, and Mr. Laird was ankod to address tho meoting. itn. i.aino, on coming forward tliankad the olootor* for bin return to the ofilao of Iloevo by nv olamutiou. Ho had been Iteove of Essex for the paut eight yearH, had always takou an iudeppudeut oourso and proponed to do soa(aint and to uot in bio judgment for the best interests of the town.. Ha read the treaeuror'H fiaanoial 'etateraout of tuenoys reonlvedand oxpeudoJ during tho year juat cloned, m oomparisoW with that of 1803' Iu nearly all of tko vsnouu dpartmouts the expwndituro has boon reload. Ha asked that tho campaign be conducted quietly and peaceably, and closed by wish- ins; nil (t vory happy and prosperous New Yoar. UU. W01>*UOA1CIj aio tkankod the electors for hisre-qloclioniutdP 'D tUe ortJ Thedobentnrodubt fpraide^allc8oatiiodai'10Jcr 00^ .*> *0; Popiilatio"b".^Md-alao yearly tax of ovor 910P. and uome of thos^ l11"*^ _!n0,,flnB^J|ind oniy 1(* per'cent mimt bo ronowed baforo they arc ktll paid tnr Tr..- :o7, ii ru, !i tivjvr, in b^Mfl" uh:.\) tlinji ". "ear it.!;". He wa-i^hi I to mm ilu- in mi t'ux liU> i '.jy I he In 1 jce* [irwinLt, Vlu hu.- I("M ii.-nitr.i.lo J hv Mtyor, aiid wfabed lo d .-oliii** rh;it boiiNr, but-wouM. offer him i-.\: lor ru-elet'tion n\i couocillor in War I :>! . III. MK, JOIIK LllKO a obairuau of the Publio Bobool Board explained fchut the 9G0O mentioned by Mr Thomas was ucedoil for tho new furniture and supplies, after the fire, wbiob de Mr ey ed the old building. utt. w, d, si:HUM suorekary of the Publio So tool Board, read a'stntemout of lb* school affairs for tho year juut closed. He said that the dearoane in the Lo^islative grant was due to a do- orsase in proporty. Borne peopl^ bad au- ou.flAd.biin of boioc "cranky,'BB'; \b bo was towu treAsnror and andfHfc^ reoi- ated the many diiiioaltiea nsoiriflBm look- tag itfrqr^ttio paymout of, bofls^BBBVover duo debentures,'ta., bi might be explained. H of tho town's exnauditu large for .that of the n nvy tbo oouucillors f their positions. H ha1 J for sohool trustee t< is iutbe fittldagain. Theobti2y,'(tt th woulcjoallfoufvra aiuco. He had spout 94G0O iu three yearn it. cu'rrHn*. x.irjttu-itP, attd encouraged the i jor nun n\ hif Khun")' on th ourwairtw as well u* the butter off iu the to^n, Hn had un icuch icupvot fijr the one as for the other. Hi Wax glad x\\ did not like him-. If- bie m a batter man, let tbos wbo J thought so vote for. him. -Thought hi muni f jnutly untitled to support, and wanted every voto he could got; ho oxpco'od to b olco- ted, and would keop his record as good as tho last, Tho Dr made a proposition to hie opponent to allow every man on tb list to vote. Uo wus friendly to all, and did not wish to take advantage of any toobiiioalitiBu,* ' DU. DKWAIl ' Oame buforo tho people to ask: their sup port and ooofidouea to be eluoied to the- positiou of Mayor of Ea**ox for 1895^ and (ally appreciated tho groat honor he was soliciting. It had b*en .said h, was not actuated by proper motiyau, but ha wiehod to deny any ouch imputation. Bte had be*n solicited by jmauy rite payers, and ered the field p'hiy when strongly urced H udd not believe) in ouo man b)t out, but saw no raaon not respond to the oholia- eivod. ' He was flax to see had aWgbv.toaome out, ice joiteu n|Ured good very.- ahicloUB to beep bimeelf: eajuslly bo.. If ourUil expenditure as Dr. Dewar ooutinuiug, said he had uiied nothing persouul in thiu oampaign, aud de nied emphatically all rumors that he bad done se. It bad been said ho wua in favor of raising High School salaries; he had no thing to do with tho High Sohool manjLge- meut, which was not;a faetor in this con test, and Lke counoil has not the slightest" powor in thomattbr:'thetrusUeHl.sreohoseu forthreo yoara, one each year, by- .'o town council, conuty council and pubho sohool board, and as tho counoil board ohooeea its trtintee without tbo Mayor's voto ho could no* ppmibly have anything to dp with it. Ho depi'toutod tbo illiberal rnligiouH criei that hmi beun BCt allojit iu which on frifar*; n array the "Preabytiirians aud Mothoiista on ag>iinst> the other. Ho did not'imppose the Pronbylurian ohur'oh was pa'rticularlv deeirona of Booing him ol ccted *h their candidate, uor the Methodist ouurch deuirous of electing Dr Brisn as thsiret. He ejavo tho people credit for too much good sonsa to take stock in such, ones. Ho aleo deuied tho r"umor that he stated bs wan getting tbo aristooratid vote, and Dr Brian the scrub vote. He did . not think thoro were any representatives of ttuoh two clauses in Fmtx. He respsotod tho woikiug uaan'H voto an much a* the em. ployor'a, aud sometimes more, as quito often the employer of labor bad ^muuioipal axes to firiud. Ho obaraotirixsd as false aud unfair the statomoat that be had boon brooiiht out by a ohquo, ho bad been soli. oiicd by & number of tbo most rospeotable gentlemeu in town, and it elected he was free aud eutrammeled of any clique iu> fluent. U<% oharaoteriiced the story o! a oauounboingheldinhiH office, to tun a councillor 1895, ae a tissue of fahehoeds from -faeghilng to end. He claimed bo wss not uorratefui toDr.Belen, as their former relatione bad been purely of a bueinoss oharao'fcftr. If elecWd hn promlsea to faithr ^ally an4 elficiancly^ iiaobarge the duties ot F 5'E t J -r*> V J * ira. o. k. naV^Ji, on being called, did not douiro to vicy anj tiling in roforenoo to the Mayoralty oon- to^t, but wished to oxphun a fow matters1 ,iu connection with tbo High SubooL Actions of the board had bon criticised and white they did not claim perfection, if wistakon had boon made they had hei'n .mistake of judgment without any inten tion of wrongdoing. He explained that tho publication of a lluanaial statement ox High sohool affairs bad uot inkon place | with the town's htatement bocause it had' uob beou oustamary, and was not thought of, and stated that tbo public sohool ooard had published a statement with that of the town treasurer witnout authority of tke counoil board. Hu then road a sum marized otfttomout ot Hih saheal payment. uad showed that for every $1,00 this town, paya to the oupport Of tlis High School,; more thanflS.OO aro reeoirod from souroes, Th^^-rtrtioial Jpolioy of the Board must1' such as to keep the sohool iu a poni-" tiou that euob a ratio can bo maintained.'} Ho showed, by oompanson, the lu^h'poai-' tion of the Bsfiex school with that of neigh* boring high sakoola,and oxplaiues that the p.ulancs of tbo prinsip&I and assistants bad beou raised to koen them m tho school,. I tbu,! it micfht comtiquo to maintain its u:andui'd, v,hich d (J]fir. 'r of Luaobfri al ways imperilled. Tho Esuex sohooL Mr*',;| Njylor auia, had pauy uifllcuHien to ooxi-ii tend with, a [ireut portion o( population Doing Fremdi Canadian, and another great-' portion colored, neither of these contribute any pupils to the school, conaomjer.fclyj ihk ratio of county papils iu smaller, thau that ot soma other ootintiea, and the j towu ratio coaaequoutly higher. Tbia school in one of the only ten schools in \-: Ontariodeing fourth firm work, and the - tencherB were efjual in" every respect te> - tlion of Windsor, Chatham or ftidgtowiir Oaly Ave High sohoola or Oollegiato Insti tuted in Ontario showH an g^eod a reoorl and noue hot to re He showed that the re cent raiso in salaries to the assistants coat tbo town about 30,00 and if any ratepayer' wafl diasatiauod with the extra cost to binv-;' self ou that account, he would pay the e*-, tra tax to such ratepayers, Th* town grant to the High Bojiool baa boon rednoed from 'I $1,800 to 1,000 in a very few 'years, .and'(.;;1 if they could gas alouij with, less in 189^ V tbs Board would do so. He closed by wish-:^!. in^ all a Happy ;Ntt^; Year. ' -fM At this 'juuoturo pfr Dowar roie *nd '^j aaid .that aa ^ the. hour was getting J late, it being after elevn o*clook, he would";.y makoa motion hsaitiua: the time of the re-. mining ajseakers, of whom there were tivA ' " " " ' ^ Continued on eighth pace. -'#' r'>v- 1 V, t^>.

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