Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1878, p. 3

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r'U f tJO" (RJ& IVctcn, fc!il? the at. ff1>!ic to |vk of [ES, &c. I st King IP. V>0. msr.T pghin hest notice^ "* o . i:h- if w\j "-"prie.or. lis. riii ?r> a i^r;^ AS-.".-,. r* :-f ::>.. i.j Jive ma I\I> SLE [r. i E^^u- "1 Co'y, ' ['TO^, :afee, I I, |^5*e'J. ly - ?i3micd 3m "I .8, :^? ! I "S - Iv/ 7 I *i /. bsI; THE FliEE PRESS, ACTOK, HALtON COUNTY, ONT., JULY 1.25* 1878. (.mvUTIiVVIi 1MI. TABl.t. Trains oavo Acton as folloWm I'.^lSO WEST. Night Expron - . . .1:113a.m. Tonwto m\il - . . I'. 10a.m. Way Ktprosa - . . l.RSp.m. KxprcM . - - . . 5. IT p.m. Gait r.iixc.t .- . ... '7 .-07* p.m. iioivu j:\st. Xicht Kxptvss - - - 3:3"> a.m. Gait mixed . . 9:4-a.m. Way Kxpresj . '. . 11:30 a.m! Wcilsra mvl . . %V17p,iu- I^o^ajiiiixo.l . .. .v DiSOp.t... Service in ihc MrlboiiiVt'ClmrcIi ever s^hvth, both m.iri Iiibjiu il t i-nlPK t 1C:~0 an I CmYUvk. r.-5rwMv,'Iv. Kkv tt. U-niB*, J'.isior. 1L0CAL MATTEBS. __ Circular Combs. Back' ComUs, Fine Combs. Vnse., Purses, Cold X Plito.l Jewellery--all Knuls of Watches Clock*, .Ifvie'U'ry ami Spectacles ro- t p-iired a", .~o. !ly::.!'.s Jewellery tor< hi. has-\ .-st u rat her tins. -i-.oo~c:va:i- at C. W. Hill's. '.i'sorijition paid yet } - ILmlua-K-S3 boat j-.ico to day. Q :oi: r.ittch in (.loorgetewn 3o-r.:or.-ov. t Puto-Paris (7rooa and Ileli /b.-rv.-.:'.T. K. Mi-Marvin-.. $100 :o ?o\> is tho odds in f-wr:c:".Ilaalan against Koss. Ice cryam at 0. \V. llill>. How cJq you bet on- tho quuit mutch ! Fly Killer. All kinds nt J. K. MeGarviti'ii Drag. Store. - Harvest hands nro rrcwying from $1.75 to $-.\50 per Jay iu this neighborhood. TlIK F/I.Y n?u'oiv A FitAlTD. Tho ^K-st Way to cat oil tlioa is to Kot sotno of Morrwwa Fly Paper onlv 'livo ceuti a slieot. " " _Hr. S. Li-mrio ^vll3 suiisti-uck on^ tlio 151th inst., v-Hili; Vnrkiiig for Mr. tSeo. Currie, Naj^agawey.-v. Four boys out boatridinjj yoa- tcrxlay aftrrnoon, accidentally upset the boat. They had a hard Btruxjjlo for shore. Tho waiting room of tho'Cuiuid Trunk Station llou^o tiaj liceii.^vhile- washed, and otherwise improved. It looks a'deal letter. Tho. friends jof Mr. Tho?, KieMin^ uill be tlad'to 1,-arn ho >.sj: ' ri-f.iriird -from tlabi'oraia. lie looks \>ol! and healthy. -'-10.iKi i.vward for any c.iso of wor:-.i:. in the imman system whore .1. K. M.:tjarvi:i's Worm l\>H-'.'.er.i wilTiu': ef fect a can.-. i:-Try t!iein.j| It. is Tlioro ia-'u lot of mouov boi on tlio Quoit match. -Mr. O. Black, Niiaiuijjiiwown, liVl two pigo killed by liyhtuing, on. tho lSst. V ! Would tuq'OuclnU 'Mercury plonso credit 'Ms-w'iUi locals thoy clip from this paper ? . ' . ' C. W. Iim'H Ice Cro.xm is highly rweomiuoiidud tor exoitable people. , Tlio female portion of thin vicinity.- aro now oh;;agod in picking and preserving Mspborrii!-.'. Tho crop. is not very larjjc thia Kcuaou, A tctviu of horsos, belonging to Mr. Ciroun, started from tllark'j Hotel, on Monday morning, and went to t'rowion'a C^rncrj in liftoen miimtes. Thoy had no driver. Two of^ho wagjoa Hpj'to were broken. .-^-Tlhro \yill bo a miMiiing of Oraiiijemeu and' Protostanti generally, at iVguJw's Hotel, on Friday ni^lit, to take into eomideratiiui tlio e.nabliili- meat <if an Iti-an^o-l.-.i.l.^j ;.. t!ii* Vil- l.i:<e., All, 1V.>:jj:-.i:i:j arj re.^.i.'.Ued to attend. Tlio (c-.i'.'ljih Iavinciblos, tho fat m.-.n'u Viu lull club ot <i!ielp!i, -Are yon'going to (Jeor^otown -K,:::.-' to ^,> :u:d c.--: m.-.rried. PJea-e ra.Trviw. :,. ee the Quoit Match ?- , S'VC 1:s :u>!:-'0 :) fue. A j-u-intcr wont !o soon inVac!.- " " J jvei ;!ii:i; ^^'J_'\ p )-.i:i,1m went to ll.imil- said.that another young ,itl>:l oll TlK,Jli,y to'play tho W.-e.-.d- pie lelor^iny to h;s Village Ss I i-.i^ht.i, tho fat men i.f that place. le- Tr -Putoher's t?z<.::>ini Fly Kil- Store, er s ,!au-.ite v Tho X,-.v MV!i:i!-ton IToirl, ' := t;-.:e'ph w-.l! b> oi e::e i ab >-.:": the 1st T::e i.irv-^t::^. ' i:i::i:v cr.-v; Ths next Sunday t).c t-j; -. -.e-.'t .e.-.j ; J[v il.iu_,'hter i j.:-!,- to.-::-... .'. with.a ..'. uV." . Mi. 1'. II. Stul'ov, who 'wtts r::.-.:'::ir.ij' prvtion -cf Tue !).-c,i I:r-.'.i^h!i weight is -Hi'. Tlu Wpea.l-' niil^htJ lj. A r.iih'O.vl mil nt^.nnbnat ox' i-ir. i.>: i"r >:u Wi'.erlio :\:i 1 I!-rb:i tj,- 1'or into, an.1 Vi.-t.->r.ia I'.ir!:, S_\irb>rV; ; H--:L;!i:^, LJ.!;e-i j!:i.-e on Thur<d:i,\% two ,V'ek> in Torou':.. at ;':,: Thcr>--j A.,i.,.,. f,._ -p:,., >r .:., _s. ,,,, n;.:i t^. lo.tiik- b.'tw.'en Waterloo , -, lt?arri\'ei in A.:toa at pj.:::c| I:i>t;:.:tt', for thj I'en.-tit of h'i.-i j L !:e!::i' , :. ^r^Uvir -yon- is\the 'tin 7:1 ',';-. 11 ;:i -fe) > at 'J.'t.t .i.:u.. wiOi J. ,K. M s . the tin't'o to "W.ish j Tho>- from A -Jo l an 1 return, sta.un "i.-ir-.-::i'j :':,e cctit Ti-let ] 1) nt fire iucli.b-1, i-i only 8.) cent . TINWARE! Who Want* Tinware? T. Stewart & Co AUTOKT, ONT, piTe are making f^iond3 lly'keeping n l.lMt-ol'185 stook ofull kiudd of Timvai-o of tlio . LATEST DESIGNS, tliob, for darability and boauty, wo DEI^y. COMPETITION. ; STOVES ALWAYS IN STOCK. | EAVjETUOUGIIING j n specialty. Produce t-ikon snmo as cisli. All worlc gtiiiranteco!. To Cleanse your Houses. tt GO TO- -J WALKER Ss OAM.BaryT ____ Who arej prepared to > And thoroughly Konovuto liou08 at tho vory lowest rutesj lb3m T. STEWART & '. The.P.erlind; lo::-: Fit v\:a.::;-s Aiw;. z A:-.- A u Jy ojr.cb:.K.i : " ti:e t:i;:es ar. ch-.vr; t.i-iac- ,. many t-i.u--. a -1- ina'i in tliii vicin'i'-y ivcsnt-: piny: tn Von ly.ojr.cb:.K.i :.).-.:jp hi": p"-.:.e- '........ ! " I. ' ! n ! Pr)t m -Bin 11 i; _-oui- -ieur.ii.i'i. II.i iiu -oj m.-u e.-ause J :n-~.y r' In t!i-.- city a^; their steani.-r "he still ' ti-k-'.-I. ,V'.'If " any. trip of the hj.u tln^.hlm'. during Lhe'-diy. - - / ' A ' b:i tbe m -. sZeZ^'Z^.*:A,t.u,vi!rr-as',l!,,['!-jf!f?1:-fui,w]iliivery Stable: ^. _ ; l.i!;s'.e.iy, an-iM reueut_or l.r.tra na,- j V I.--JJ Snul ;y cVeui: ."5:. J.b'|N.i^t . vkv : wno li ii. rei: 1 1 far m lily yc.ii-j p ist, ao,uit t'-vo :ni!.'> from it tikwo i.l, went :vwd Fl-.i? c-itiiored at oA>^,- . . ... _t ~ Seiirf.; c i.-ner was d.-jorten. \ - -^ i'^'i*' "V^ down to X .r-.-al to 3,,-u I t!i.- day itli [laying purdhirod tb> Livory Stable XVxtiV-jw:::: i-.f ;o i aLiluo^s'Bt: ?A furmor ro- s t j dinner v. hen he di >.- .:; : -.^,ry i_,v,- .I- ; :^i. ren.ti: : b:^ ut c j .^^ ^.^ -^ ^ .^^ ' "' - * : " W hat," iu'-T.-ite.l,." havu yoa s'it t> i t- ui- 1 this year :"". -ttcr^s:.;.^; is -niy ,-r- -ei,1. bv the I _;<:IUi; r M vsv HupjiHed bv J T- y.-X W-?"--'" V'" l-K'^::= "'-y ^ K. Mc>.i:.rvin .v. o::..--ha-!f catrjo^up * -Yj-.i co from Act<-in to a friend, .Mr. pitr.iuder, who, lives and uw.i.-r a Sia--m-II i:f tuit neigii- b:i.-!i.)o 1. "Whilo er ijjiu^ a narrow b rani over a pi.i.-o of water near the mill .\Ir. liid^eway olipjj.-1, fell in, and at ouee sank in abeit te-i feet oi water. Mr. O.'traii.l.r juuip-.! in after him and made every puii'ob eii'.ri. to res.-ue him, but with iut'.-.v-ii!; when tha body wai, r.-eovered, life was found to h.s ex- JA IliNT. -.f "tar. who rr ~. The ?j-. t.aui-j :s { The de.-j.ue I,W\M-a wife "and V:u"',s ; seller, of Guelph, baa sent us c,ci of] t'nr-. -'---*> ' ^.ve.-al old. c.f^iiiry papers, ihefuding ' for. . ! tl:e L ,u 1j3 r'i.ti",- (iia^on- il'.r.i.d, f'.-.sid /":;.- ',, &c. Ati l.-rjjti rc:j ivej thoic. ::.-i'..v' p-r-ra rt-'S'-J'-ir'j'.-' eacht-J Eiison's. very, very, i very latent inveuti.'n is tho tasimetter, chil.lreii, e v.nfor'.ahly provided t '_________, . Til? E'lipcror his entire ly leo'jV'.jiv.l from hii wouuJs,but is still vory-fu-jtb'le. f > ' asid bminosi formerly owned by Mr. II. Adam", Wo are pre pare I to [urnUh First-CIas.s Rjxs at the Most i Reasonable Rates. ' Ohlors. from town nndoountry ntiendod to. ^All orders to bo left at WilHam Wulkor'a ruaidonce, John-Bt., Acton, ,! Walk'er & Camdrori ~_!l------ J ' ii .11 Acton, April 17,ilS7!i.-.-jm -e"cri?,E! PAR: AHEAD OF ALL CD#TITI0N dm ,'aS-rsat StLoois) -A^TD moR. w* W': TpMMS CASH, oral Commercial fligi always on hand. lj-&ai Tlio Mni'-'-.jrj Tini',i nnnonnee^ ft i to M .-row's Druj Store '--"[J' "-casuro pre^ure. Every young | th-it/tho rumors which have lately for a K-ic< S ttiner B jt, for ft our- ', I;d>' should wear uuc about her waist, been current in Etl ! an 1 to :th. of- i-inj rtuive-:, itr. It ujiki^ a riner arid 5 evidence, in a fititt for bt'eacU of .' ;..j;-;-h thai the Brick jjcaerally : promise. Kz. -ci'.-L Ouly lOcts. 1 " , : - . Cii-iiring out our cents' rstrtiw - # n^s.Iteady-mado (Tothin^, Kents fur-' this Viila/jJ -H-ho make a practice rf . nijhiii^s, II ij'j an-l 'aiiossj Carpet; . bithia- ia the mill pond erer'y .Suudav. anJ. iu fa=-- bi all iiuei of yoili, -Tiiiss^o-n baitonnoi '; ' U'rca* baV^auis will: be Kivca. Money ^jUj.3^-1 bajtpppoj.. . I weivant, money we must .have. .Now , \ r ,, , ; rsSi-our time ',:t c bi * pile of ^da ,:jr . vJy Uttlo ^(j. tUL^i, this viiligo jhare corameaeed the ', AnJtroa it Co. h rahhful exerfcisa of b3thinj at 5 ! o'clock in the aorciin::. i -^-ArtoD^'Division, S ma of Tem perance will cntsrtata an audience 'J. W. Hill's Ice Cream Purl with an 'Jpen IHyisiua next Tuesday 1-r is tte place whf-re you etm Ret ; evening, ia the Te upjrance Hall. the pure article either by the dish Keadiars, recitationi, dialogues, <ic, or quart. lj will form a pirt of the urooramiae. i . The saw mills- and shingle! KAsnioSAELE.-^Most any young Tajtaries in this Deighbo/-bood ' hiTe ' man can afford to,Wear *-cane. It IB quit work for a week <?r so. The hands ; n economical garmeut ; no buttons hive tteiTly all gone i.ito the ham-it ! C>:uc off, ho aeauii rippin;,', no rents fields. | occurring, no holes wearing through- J-onir; life to tlie iareaior of tho cane. feet th tt tho Toroiitu,. (Jr(;y und Bruce Railway Gonipiily woul.l bo unable to meet their July coupons, turn out tipj.i enquiry to bo correct. Fire in Ilramp/on, j About 10 o'elok last Thursday night tho Catholic .'Church in Brampton was discovered to bo on fire. The building wa3 not a very valuable one, and .\yj.h ao m destroy ed, as no water w-is in reach of it. Sjiuo very vuluublu pictures were consumed, nothing of much value being waved. Tin; fire, was no doubt the wort; of an iucendiav. warioH. All oarties in letted to tin's olfico oitber f.*r Suln-Jrijition, Adver^sin^ or Job .Work, prior to the Istof duly, will B:^ excitpnt-erit o\~=r tbeQnoit i match, which wid be pttcliod to-mor- ' '-- ~?100 tllat or-e of Allan's oblige by'settline; before the ".1st of . ,t.... - s......... u. ....... i . t-v ; r-r, r-rptr,- ' \ - \u h v ,m Fly Kritka will kill more fli'.-s than a August.! All a.-c mnts unpaid at-that row, tu <ic(>rzeto - ... ?,... "! .. ,.,. ream o! Morrow s I-ly Paper and otoo date, wdl be haule lover tor collection, e.-on, o. tt:s Villr-ge, und Mr. G. CioLs, j ijric.k j,^^ a whole season. ' T. AbUliitr; Mo )!{! . of Geor^et j^rx^~^~ j -Mix to a thin pasto, "add ono tca- 1 I spoonful of a i-rar and place -.vhcra flics Tt'BS. A. thickest. " Tubs for sale at -the'-Post Office S*o-q, , The longer it standi the stronger it A't'.on. They.-Tans may be exposed to b-t-cames. the t-ia .and v.-ea'ther- without; btiog j "" " ' J. C. ALLAN' i GO. daajac-.- I therebyj .;-- - ' , , , , ^ , ' -The'Ar'r.?, published at Lake Dt-n ___argt-a to .iounii its lormer size, -and th-j in-jon, oa Monday the tlflth inst.t ' . . . ' - uom the largest paner printed in tlie visible iu this section irora about a ,, . , ... ..,. *,, ,,. T ,,- , ! Pravmee for cl.O'J. Mr. v\ . J. \\at ouart'jr past four, p.m., t-o al o'clock, p.m Tl. i'X so-n-5 smoked "lass ready. ,.,,.,., ,. , , . , , .,, . ,. ? , ,- field, Peten< Co., his lately beer re tvill be a.-i eehpse of the sun by . j . ' .- < c-tilargt-d to doubli its former size, ^lutl ,- "-".! Province for SI.O'J. Mr. W. J. Wat 'bout six; . ^ for:ner,ly of the GueJph lt-.rc.hl, i j the editor, and great care is ilijplayed u the lociai and editorial columns. English Chareu, at Ccorgetov.-n will be :' To ori-T^-ian-JcaH. laid to-day at i o'clock p.m,, by Oerrge | y.'e ihall be glad at all t:mt!3 to ro- Elii'i-t, l^q., of Oliclph. The _Yer. | c:.:ve {^j 0f li,Cn.l news, accident-, or Archdeacon Me Murray l>. D. will j a:iJ. uth,JT iI;0ident which, may l;ci:> jireaeh a sermon af-propriate to the oc- teresting, 'either in^-tbo locality in ^jfcion. In the evening a garden party ; w;,-;ch it occurs, or iu tho country in aiTof the- but!ding ftitid will be held j generally. Matter of this kind may be at the parsonage. ' tent cs " J'rintera Copy," at.tbe rato of ----Tiie clearing sals is Ktill going one cent per ounce, if s.i> marked, and on. Beautiful Muslins for fte in I'dacU j not scaled, and Whites, Browns and \Vhite3_G,-e-ya PLvii Black anT White, J -in width.. :!y Magnificent Grci.adiaas for tic and Cc per'vard, worth '2o. Cott<ms 'for 3*j nov/rlrds. Millinery and Mantles for half price. - 2\'o.v is your time to make in >asy.i>y Saving it. MeLeod, Amlc-r- son & Co., Mammoth house, Ge-orgc- tOTJ. \ ' -i-Itls dangerous to drink/rhueli, V/ater this hot weather ; alcohol :u all its forms fhould be eschewc-d ; milk b^ets sick ness, owing to the heat, and sola watsr is fruitful of- dyspepsia; so say tho doi-tors. Printers' ink ppear.> to be about tbo only liquid ^vin'c-h is Dot tabooed, and, usod iu the thapc of an advertisement, is, do doubt, l>eae. ficiaL Avoid, then, thi eoul-dcstroy- * U>g bowl, tie stomach-corroding gla*s> the dyspepsia-dcvelo-jfn^; -dipoer, and advertise ! EuiTi:!'. ee by otn- ex- cIied^cs that.the merchants iu a great many of our country towns and villages are>aJoptnig tlieplah of selecting.good batter from inferior/ audj paying from oufi, t'.\o and tiiree centsit poiind mure for good grades. If ;t!:i.) plan were uui- verially followed,-.those.v.lio maitogood butter would be paid for their trouble and skill, while others would have to ctjme Up to t.he mark, or bo coutont to t.-ekeTcsa moaeyi ; Gents, we are doing the order ed clothing trade. \ Busy as ever hauda on full'thuo-^iui^lack time with trj. The rcaiou. why wo hnvji thu largest stock ; the nobbiest and .cheap est gooTfs ; lilting a"d cutting a 1 ; Workmanaln'p and trimmings not to be surpassed: inspection invited. Mc- Liod, Anderson & Co., Georgetown. N: OTICE, Customers will pleasT boar in mind that the B iroer S!iop is closed at twelve o'clojk. fin Saturday night and no shaviuy or other work w\\\ be done after that hour. Those indebted will p.vy up v;itlii)iit further nutieo.'. gi;u. b. li-;\'i;.\s. CArlAD3AM PA31710 -RA1LV/AY. To ai)itali'>t.s & Contractors. The Govcnitneiit of Canada will re ceive proposals- for constructing and working a line':of Railway extending from the Province of Ontario to the w'-ater.i of; the Pacific Ocean, the dis tance being about 2:030 miles. Memorandum of information for par- tics proposing'.-io Tender will bo for warded on application as 'underneath. Kui.'ineo-.s' It-sports, map* of the coun try to he traversed, profiles' of the sur veyed lino, Hpaciiioatiomiof preliminary v/ork*, copies of the Act of tho Parlia ment of Gaiiada under which it is pro posed the Railway is to be constructed,': descriptions of ^licnatural features of tho conn-try rpaol its agricultural and mineral resources, and other informa tion, may lw seen on application at tliis Department, or to tho at the Canadian Government Oiiieos, 31 Queen Victoria street, E.G., BondOoi. ( J; E. ilcGiryi:), dniggibtJActon j J. E. M^cG.irviu,jUruagis.t,Acton. . Ottawa, May 20, 1878. . ' - -. ...--..-? - 1: . ' , fi Sealed Tenders, marked, "Toiidorn . JJ* for Pacific Railway," will bo received; addressed to the uuders'tgued, until the l3t day of December next.- . _ ' _ F. BRAUNj^Secretary, Pablic Works'DapK, Ottawa. 3.1t Ueb. IS MATTHEWS & NICKLT.N', John StfO'bi, Acton JPo3t.Of9.59i- Store ACTON". Sails Otoap.- WJInlo m>ney U S lurl tlget, It ahouili bo th-j) li.-st on-dderation of eveb persan wiiero tli'ey can secure tlio o<; vilu 3 f >r tti'ir money, in groceries, crockery glassware, wall piper, &3. i'oi-. olii;oiloi-o u tlie place. No. 1 Riunfl llori-inss for $1.50 per ualP'b.urel. " ! ' -I . .' ' No. 1 Split Herrings for 51,75 per half barrel. No. 1 Trout half barrel. Throo Patent"Pails for 50o Matciies per Box, Uc, Warranto 1. Good, for $2.00 per Tip 3o.3t 59 cszit Tea la. tho ilir^jt. WALL PAPERS 'PROM i cm. UP. And everything usuillv kept in a lirst-cl/isa (J.-ocery, cheap for cash or trade. f JAS. MATTHEWS. Acton, May-J. 187S. ';C T, HILL Is novf o3iring for sale in addition to Ins stock of , j * ^ - -. & &2a3,-v7\}?i 'llho following Goods ; S57ii.J3, Oralis SJjrjlns, j. 507ti9"3't32.53, " Snaths. &:. . jAl3*5"aspIoiidii.l lot of Uarpanters' Hand Saw'?, M9a.t Siwj, Klayaole Sav?3, Masons' Trowaia, ets... PAiHTi& PAmr OILS .( with the calobrated Rulbbar Paint Always in stock. ' ill will be sold low for cash. Coiili for Hides. GnA.RLEtJT.nfLL, Mill Street, Acton; - 'l Lb, 1878. A i *-n Galatea fctiipes; and -,Checks- handnome. Piain Cambrics in Blnckand Navy Blue, .-eal Biown arid Myrtle i Choice designs in Black and White s Prints, '. Another lk>t of Dress Linens. Very latest styles in English and American .Linen and Lace Set's, Cuffs and Collar*. Magnificent-Parisian Ties in Lice nD-ISUk. ! . Wst Stock of Fancy Ilosiery in the whole trade. ; ~ - ' _ Now .Goods always find their way to the Fashionable West Et!il lint, r^fiering our stock nlways attrac tive, and keeping us busy even m tl.'o dull season. I j Wie aro opening to.dayTO Cases ISeiv Goods thoroughly replenishing our stock, A. F shiOEiiblo Wes^EiJ Dress. Muri tie and .Milliiiiry Ei ablishment.. Guelpli 0. BIX'IIA.TI. id Dress. Muri- ablishment.. , duly 15; 1878., i.K PI w C6 V1 La.J"-W' Ogll and see our cheap DressSgfe Prints^and Cottons, Parasols, II Gloves and Ribbons sure ! to please,; : " OUjBF.U^.-/rE'ftS' Should be used in every famrilvit Try them. 1," #" Another car load of Is st^ W* if ^ %% s ^* w< ;-MrA mreceived, to be. rushed\o1& at afe bargain. %} 3{\ '.*' 8i|| -^V;^t il r, Busy m[the^ % 1L0RII0 DE^flllENT * Stiil they come for our stylish! I! fitting* Garments. * Ladies' and Gents' \ rs: W'SH Hats ^.nd Caps. Hew styled sellmg' very cheap. ^ur influence and patronag-e^ solicited for the success of this great cash systeriajf Acton, Juno 1 lib, 1878 * - . - J- C. HURSTS '-------------===2=S=KS-HHS' O F\ ' NEW BHIGK STORED; -OF- H I mi m * m B-fl UJ rH f^ . CD 8- O BEATTY'SSS! IC5 Hcnttj-'fl Ptanort; pnind, * -"la.ire nnd uprli;iit, drj_pro- inounccj l;y li:t^rc I MANTLES SjBOSfOMES. Also, a splendid Stocl^ of !Staple and /Fanc|y Dry Qoods consisting- of black and color- . ed Silks, G?ash meres' and Fahe^ Dress Goods. Kid Gloves, ^i the new shades (1, 21 and buttons}; Lisle -Thread Gloves5/ Parasols, Sunshades,, Lace IllGroods, Trimming's and Frin^es.^ WASHSMQTOMj,g^d^ COttOHS. ^ctn, :'nd;hcon^i' *> rctlnii ever ia- yrrgSiiiL^^^'.-uira vented that cr;;truri bo dLsarnmrrt-d'hyv^o. Tlio bcliuwa c.i*;Urclry"i8 "rS t^ZW .^i ^ & H . Tj*^^*^ 'AM . bgroat t:rat bat llttfjc-KortHrcQ'Urodv.nth tho^ot to i^JtA ^ iiaSiia ttS i Wii3Ii ) BUPl -.-..- . - - - - - elcpantcnsCs-ta tbo n.:rkct.. Ail eolM wood otTio- mbnia. ?vcry inr.:rniii'jut rully-i/arrjntrd for.clx I i yeard as :rtrlct!v flr/.t cl.isi, -nr.u 03 I'rom 5 to 15- } i fiays'tc / cays'tesi triil, niu^rranut Niv'-"^"' it .-ert free. IAd- -' dress DiVN'lin. 1>V UtiAVTYi V.'aiib:n=t6a. Jiew .Iorey. UpUod rjiatcn cf America.! | . ". . . '!^^im^^By9Jtlo,^^m^:l^]oths- Pi^gonals, r ngusn, Scotch jiikI Giuiadiais'-. ^fHopuKlcai-aiMirtlcula... ________ ______,___ In.itrumcufs bcfuif prJniciloiTtK ccnHlr.o! 'ii,.., lleattycelebratcd Pianos nml'orraaa, and part leu- 1 WOO .IS- bUlI> J\lAL>ili lO- ORDER 4 M) A' lar^y^:^ompnrtlc3]nlho^Vc . " . ^ v^ lviv j-JXV, -ii.^YX/ IX.... A' TO.V lEOSTHiYSALL, The Aeton monthly sale will bo hold at Aguow.'s Hotel, on Fair Day, EXPRESS! Thursday, 4tti - July. I -SfCa. if AS. 3tTB2T5 -Hi? All kinds of Stock, Inijilomonta,. &c. will be sold by piying 50 eta a-pieco'. Sale'atl2o'ic!bck.. TERMS.-^Ten months' crodit on approved joint notes. ^, All oatrios mast bo made to Mr. Jan. Eydor, See. ing made-nrwhgements with.thej ii. 'p. R. is ndiT prepared to j i -. ,- carry any l-i TEAS- A SPCIALTr. -:. \ ,. JAMES SXMOy, iirTotiirniiij* tlxanks ^o,;iiis -U numerous friends and customers fdr the very {?i>er'al support":-accorded to Sum since he coiiiiticfe^d jbusinjcss in Acton, >y >;ild remind thein that n^y.eif, lieibre in the iiisibiy of Canada Ayere such ixir-^ yains -ort' in A<rlon. The Gobds have been ' bought for Cash and will he so'd at a, small Ud- I33:PI?S3,3 AND FBEI'3i3JTJ':vancc l,n G0Sh , , I ",' !: ' " ' j Delivered at Acton station, at i YBRY CHKAP11ATE$,i - V?- i iMKUtB SYMON. Pwduoe of all kin fc taken in ex jhatfgo ,at\bo Bighost tnTTket j)rioe - - i",- 3SMSMBEII Tfifi PLACE i- 1 t -. w^HSJiiraBaLAastionspr.' .you goo is, a, ho is sure to deliver! THE XB W liRICK STOEE---MAIN S^.; ACTO N. ' ; lu-fli'-u- ! # *3ojH'Acton, April I0tb,lS?ti. " . ,. i'v Bs sure and seo thit Burns ojrries 11 4-V. 3&SSB5 1 &S. -nuujmij-J-Wii.;!.1.1)!!"

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