Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1878, p. 1

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11 8 V.rtnkc IV. No. i THiolo No. UA ACTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1870. V. v Lty! $ i ten in ie :ng / .ih fA\*. miiE \< ton FRSB PRESS Is Published EVERY TH'JnSO&Y NRRJJINC . : AT THS L" Free Press 1UEMIC1I. the :\ generally land best .Tk> In: Ivt.i J. "R-i-ivlrliri cr ' 1 l,<? leave to. announce to DUUUi-ia,...|ili;ili.w.UorA.(,lnn ,uiil tho j,ul,il0 ! ..., r,iu- that 1 h.ivo th' largest assorted stock of lialtsr's' i -------r : goo Is 111 tlio Villa ;o. vSilft'^SSivFresli Bread. ' r;:.m.;in.l "u in ci ::,* y o a. r.tui4 .;' ;l. " r; \?>5* <>>- vuvi..;:::n\j S"-lri a 1 V-TLLvoiUO :il* **! a :i:i:u t . . A. UbJ-aiV^isrti'JKi aUowo.l cm :Uvcr- A Iter;\sftiu^^V* *vt;iT.out s^xv-tul mMcuo?. . V:ou lu^rtea (lit lurOld, A"^l cU^r^oU ;'.ii eont-s tilhi linos anil an J under, $l per Buns, Cakesj, Rolls, Pastry ami Kruit Cakes in variety. Cakes from i> to 10c. per dozen. Fancy Cakes nwle. oti tho shortest possible notice at reasonable rate.% aud satisfaction they love little fluto whose music rung " ^v-V^-eiii s- ,t!oe, me osject ofwhloli j guaranteed. Grain Bread a specialty. HBpmi't'w' peoaniary or | N b All pojis are warranted '*lIf\orj"'nisuibojviMfor malcri ll U Uied. Also :l UrgO Stock re 1 "i mvorv ' Triv.e.t vtis-i or.terea. All aneiUhlui; rff2.!ereJ o,j.\rtvi-iy. KoiT^j of" Kir: Us Ueillii :ui.'::^-l rr?e", T. A. .1H.F. UOOEy: MarrinSes ami N a ah p nothing but the best of uialcri il i , of tirst-ciass family Sour always on | hand,, clreap -for ci*u only. The I patronage ol the public is respect- 1 fully solicited. Terms Cash. ; K-T.GALLOWAY. How prune we are to hide ami hoard < Knoll little token love has stored, To tvli iif liappv honr.i; | YVe lnyviside with-ti-nilcrenro A7 tattiToil hoolv, a carl of lmir, 'A bunch of failed llowcrs." Wliln doaJ.h has led with 'pnlsuK'ss hand ] i^ur darlings to tho silent land, Awhile wo sit bereft ; Hut time ^iv.'t on, and anon wo rir.e, IKir dead lain^ burietl from oiiroy,e3, . We t*tKer' hat is left. The V100V5 l-liey lovcil, tho song they The little So elieerfnlly of old ; The jnetures we h;ve eeti them paint, Tho lust plucked tlowcr, with odor .v fai'it, That fell from tingera cold. We nmootho and fold _\>ith reverent care, The robes they, living, used to wear ; Aiul-paiuful pulses stir. As o'er the pulses of mir dead With bitter pain of tears wo spread l*ale, purple lavender. Aud when we carac in after yeAra, With only tender April team On cheeks once wliite with earo To look on treasures jut away l>cspairing on.tiiat far-otT day, j A subtle scent is there. was n lovely uftenioon in thu last of May when ho left the littlo tilit- tinti of Myriok, mul ordering Imh luj;oago to be Kent on, Het out to walk tho 'in.ilo between ithe station and th'v villnge. Tlio : place \vi>3 lovely and tlie KLMtKon iiiiufo it' moiq no ; but Miirri- vialu only thought it wuh deucedly lonesome, mid that he should bo totiiu'nted with tho blues. r Ho Willkiul Oil, tukilta OlF till* hcadsof ilowoi'H with Iijh cane, and thinking ho would wod with ex pedition. 1 t'oultl ho not win Uio girl in u Ueforo they had reached tlio' fut'iii hoiiBo Bite hud decided that never was man bo-graceful and winning uh thisiuah j and whim he ahked peniiissfon to call on bet it- was 'granted him directly. lie went to the hotel in high spititH. " I'd tukn Iter if' she squinted twice ub bad," ho said to himself. ho calltd tliopnext day, lie inutlo casual inqiiiroa us to tho (propel ty of tlio rich Mihu Yale, and ho receiveJTjvury conlirniution bl what I ret on hud told hiiu. In u fortnigljt'H timo lioALad 5/.Vi.>'i CA np.<. >> I". I', s. ,ir,.1: C-jlt?s ; M.-:-.l . >r : an I ss^r^eius. I'^it--.; .:: Krj ieri.'i -s; t .- ., \r: -n l*tel5-.oc?-pi# J L>y r.. f_,\\M. IT., H.i :.;o- of TrtutlJ | 1 'ut-i.tviiV- Ml III." 10.-U --1 West Bud Bookstore. \l ' GUELFH, BOSKS & STATIONERY fortnight? If he could Ongago him- i ofTered Imh Imiufund b self to her in that tiriin, ho could go back to tho city n-nil court her by letter Until tho day emtio. Th:> inurriugo intiHt bd before iiiid-Bum- nier, and then ho would go to Europe. Vea, vt^.would bo pleusant to handle that money of hers. Ho tiitlVnsitiiilly yvondtT whut kind of a woinaii would go with the money.- "Tli ns musing, lj'e walked on, tho Boft spring uir blowing on his face. lltod. How to Lo.-trii to Swim JS^l.OO per -annum in Advance ! Was,that a cry for help that he heard-^a er\> in a womans' voice I! evening in June as they went to ,- J - 1 . ' 11".i .' i ... i r k-*l. R. i^C^^S-"- ^ ire is '. i.a.-iir ol : i Physl v .-V.1- eoi-:. : V:.-:o-i:. ,- a,>s--| Seaside Libraries, ".' Lakeside Labraries, ^Fireside Libraries, . f.-om .i. r-i-'-"'.' i ' Boy's Libraries, N". Y. Libraries, --------- ---------------------- i iud oil the Latest Novels. V-r. ^.aJ?^vnl0"^., Silent d ff^e..aaircd.A jl of a C-irl, "Teuagr Pow-wet and freilf we gather tlicirt, i These frajjraut powers ; . now. every stein Is bare -of all its abloom. Tear-wet aud sweet we strewed them pore, To lend our relics s.-.cred, dear, Ti(e:r beautiful pertuuic. Their tcent abioes (>n books-and flute. On curl and iiuwer ; >.nil with its unite, Hut eloquent' appeal, It wins from tVs a d.-epcr sob l-'or oiir'lost itea'l - a sharper Thau wo are syout tii feVl. . ^ It whispers of the long r.^o. Its love, its aching Woe, j And buried sorvov.H stir ; And tiTifs like; shc.lofOld Uo!l down our chicks as we bchuld ' Our faded lavt-hiU-'r. ecu nccei Uy midsummer they w6uld bo .mar ried. 'j'": As tho days went by, Merrivak*: received so niutiy bills mid Htiehj urgent ones thut ho becanio im-^ patient. Why not be married at bncbl. Ho urged. They' loved each other they know tbuir own tainda Blinded Ab Mies- Yale was, she !o-itatcd at this, but ho pdrsiuted and of course succeeded. Ono hrob ! 0,-7- >mj,ll it: 1:1. ! R. \. PETHIE GOSDEHOUGHFORHS^. I rni-IE OMAUtO JL JSADDLiElRY, A. ;a?oisr. vonr 1 . - : a :! ir.. (in'apio worth I-irr>rs at t! i,. '.vii-'.-.e you get the r iu .ivey. idiot of NEW COLLAR oti pieii 1 , " J told you. old fellow, I nm ! cleaned out, broke, itsid u)>, spout I my \last penny, mid owejio end. I \Viiat v.x.i:!d ynu- iidviseJnie to do ? ! me u:i idea nt:d I will ac'.np./n j it. l'ii! at that pitch e-f misfortune ! will if I'd ill) uh} tiling. ;' ' I'i.i' M>.;.k.-r ]miisli1, niid looked at the eigar will aud i\ h'.cii w;ia hvi"e.ri-d ; ou.-iti Iv c.rvfd mouth piece. ; "'Anv thing but wmk, 'I siujinoj-e , that .mean?," said bis comp:inion 1 u lonne wasMiiieu.s I reton,:uid ,-t '2.VSi' L. U'EiiiE, pir'.'.P* joiore the rus't c :o =c-cure inter, it', ? in 'tuv- ^j:: 1 d') .-'?-al once ra.U'jr.cos in oniei ood .-it. I>. CRSECH' 7. IfTS. ; v.l.u v.itsttiirii ify-uicLably tlrtthtilas .'the liist hjic.iit'el", iilel ut a Ih'Kt : ghi:;ce se.-m'-d as lan'gu'id .".rol ob- I jeclleis-.- .But r. second I Ireton's 1: tl And jl- seemed to come from a I curvej ip] th^ roud just "ahead of of hiui. He quickened his step, and" the,' next moment revealed to him the cause of tho cry. He could hot help laughing, even while, ho has tened to the relief of tho woman who had uttered the cry. J He was now beside n stony pas ture which was thickly interspers ed with trees. A few rods from the road was a cedar tree, nt tho trunk of which was a heifer which rati about.the tree making frequent dives at it with her horns, and h1- tcgetlier manifesting a disposition more belligerent than playful.' . At the Gist glance this was all Merrivulo taw, and ho -wondered from whence tlio Ecreuin came. Just then the young cow made another dive at the tree ; und then there broke forth another shrill scream, and now tho young man saw hotuetlnng like femihinedrnpery amoiio the tree branches. J " liy Jove ! Tho animal has i dreed a .woman \" exclaimed ilerri- i vale to himself. i And-then ho was over in the Ji he, j ul,j running towards tho fn an ex- tree. . I li did not take hitn many min utes to drive the cow away with iiis cane, and then lie looked up into the brancSies above him.. walk, they stopped at the house of the village minister, aud came oui man and wife. i " Now I can'touch some pf your money," thought' Merrivale as they strolled back. Ho was all devotion and atten tion, but as for his wife, she was a littlo frightened at what Hhe had done. ' ! As tHrey walked by the road that led by the depet tho road whet* A writer in an American pnper offers the following suggestions, by obedioncb to whicli the art of swim ming may bo readily acquired: When I waa a boy, I learned to swim by means of a swimming board. This is the safest method possible. If corks are used, they may Blip'from .around tho /breast down huneAtLi j the body, throwing the head below!the flurfaco; nnd'putr ting the wearer in danger of drown-' ing. Sotno country boya got two bladders, and 'fie thorn togetner with a short string, and uso them for supports. They aro tho -.most dangerous things possible fori boy to Lave. The board is perfectly, safe, and ono may learn toswjm in a very short timo by^using it. -It should be over four fecit long, over a foot wide, arid two inches thick, made of soft fwhito, pine or cedar. 'To use it, a boy wades into the water up to his shoulders, then, taking hold of the end of tb,e .board he pnsbea^ it before Lito towards the bank, and not into diteper. wat- er^springs forward with hitr feet, and throwsj himself flat upon the water. Thi^ movement eariits bim along a few feet. He then driiws upiboth his legs at the, same timo, keening the knees as far apart as possible, and then strike out with both feet, not straight backward, but sideways, just as a frog does. The strokeis made slowly, and is repeated again, drawing up the leg sloirly, and steadily. The board The Paris Steele has been' fined 10100, on the wit of the Prince Im perial, for the publication of a state ment charging an^appropriation pf jCrowp property by the late: Eifl-i peror. Juttono liundred years ago Meth odism was first introduced into Can ada. Twelve yearal previous a so ciety hud been IN ew. York by]3arbaranndHeckPhilipEmbnry. Tho Methodist Church of the Unit-- ed States duly celebrated their cen tenary in i860, and now it ib pro posed to hold a similar meeting, in Canada. We believa a project, is on foot in connection with the Methodist Episcopal Church, .'to have, a' niunBter centennial gather ing at Belleville some time in Aug ust or September. Action has already been.taken by the ses^eral Conferences, and it ib quite proba ble the idea will be carnefi icto practical effect. . v Care of Milk. I thought I'd surprise . you Mill i'O.-t ' tjh.vke CII.iUL,^S t'.ir.TEI of tie,- Pi-.noforte and Or^aa ,; .itink i :.:'i':.'.:r nwn rtsiUet-ce. T.rc.'-rr-d u-.mij i:i..derate. " I , lanc >me blonde face one the idea that something tiiiyht rouse him ; but ! ucli hope conceu- i . ." t dedarv, 1 don't believe 1 i could hav2 c'.itnbdd that tree '." he ! said, his words Hot a-irry plain for ih the tree parted "ito j,lar.-liin0 ,rayeJi Xii?e woman M1 T=':'oTii i.and i h:)ve no initti i-:tir.-.t tin/e.. These o-kf.iriw Now t:. mo term-.: rci-. - u =t.i il a 1:: c. OL.IT2IJ LOZlEIt.iMti-iterer^ "A:: >:i. .j.::. K - r y ! - s r. p- i->:i or tVr rn'ist r - i-->>tc '-rrru >, -iua satistae- i-l vn ^-jrirarit-Get. - ^^ ' K i> ^ SIN' II i> I'.S ii, .ictou. is- v< th >i. r.'llai way station, la: Ivh forth"travel- ^" Tortne rc-asonatile." T> THE PUBLIC OF ALL NA- Tjon.s a political, crkkiw. II yoa want a. %tK><l Al'CTIOSEEit try GEtrBGE GIBBS. He nnderntJtnJ"! hl buslnes. HuO aid.' Address muburz h.O. OT1CK I lie unlTKlsned b"Ei! leave-to an- 11tE Farmer., and otbei. <WV, d IS" Merrivale was faint indeed. Yes, CjXc.ctly anything bat work. I wasn't brought up to.that, id to tin- fur the o lily lingers must uji:.....I.-..-. .... ... .^ for not Ije soiled,"' holiling u]i a small ^^^yo^%\"^^. "ami-us-for'working li" male by,tln:'i;i.tu " W.Oil'rU. t.o\s/ an J n\ Is f ,,...'- ii i , . t . - ' " AMeliow can.t bo expected to rwoik with what.he hasn't cot," in- terrupled_ Ireton. " Exacjly," ltiugV.ed Mcnivule, " and ^stated concisely. And us I have lio moii'-y and no credit, and w-on'tf work, 1 suppose I may rimke up my miud to go to the poor bouse', und on a sunny day sit on a wooden bt'iini-und bitioke plug to bacco , Ugh !"'..- " Marry money," fcuggested Ire- ton. "Exactly what I've been trying to do ; but all the girls und all the mothers tight shy of me. They j want to marry money, too." Ireton remained silent a few minutes,; then he said : " 1 believe I can put you in the way of a good thing, if you are willing to go into the country as early an this, and do vour best to she paused and looked down the! way with some sentimental remark.' " I'll wager a thousand dollare- tbat is Ireton t Let us go to meet him." In a moment .the three had met. Ireton said he had run down for a breath of fresh air, and to see how Merrivalo win getting on. Then ilerrivalo turned and presented Ireton to his wife, and added : " I'did not tell you I,was en gaged to Miss Yale, give you a little know. I-.eton's face told notbiag of hut.he thought. While tho three stood talking, a fourth person came along the road from the station^a young girl, idressed simply in a linen travelling suit. She was quite iyar the trio before any one noticed lipr, and then it was Mrs. MerrivalS who cried : " Well I declare if ?wo ain't go ing (o meet everybu ly Ii.ere! There's my ' niece Agnes just came buck from Philadelphia. Just, like her to wulk, though rich enough to buy nil the: .teams :\i i.wn." .Mr*. Mciriv.ili. v.-,i.-i \i-vv prtiit'd of her niece.. Li the next live minutes she had disclosed how rich the young girl. was. And as she was 'talked on, a cold chill begun to ci'-ep down Men ivale's buck. Good heavens 1 had be mudo such Merrivalo had lirat met his brjde-Jl j k"eel)S tho nend ubovo water- When ' the leg-stroke has been learned, one baud is taken from the board and the stroke learned, or the chin, may be rested on the board while the stroke is taken with both hands. This is a very good plan, as it com pels the swimmer, to keep his bauds under the water which he should al- waysdo. By and by the board may be pushed ahead, and tho young swim mer may swim after it, always | keeping it within reach.' . When a number of boys.go to swim,, they should always have two or three of these bdai-ds1 with them for uso in case of any accident. A creamery company publish the following rules for the guidance of their patrons, who furnish milk to the company" : ' V 'RULES'. 1. Never, under any circum stances put a pail of milk "into your can before straining. One pail of unstrained milk may spoil a whole can of milk or cream with which it comes in contact/ In the name of decency, wo beg of every patron to-be paiticular about milt'ing and County Council.' Mii/ro.N, J uly 6th, ] f 78.. The Cooncil met at !&, o'clttk.aV m., in .accordance with notices for -, special meeting isned_ by order Ot the Warden. , ' = The Warden'in-tlie-'ci^iif. , Membe.s present- M^p.isrs Clay, . Lyon, Foster, McKenzie McEnery, ^IcGarviti, Ramsey and .Yottn,?.' .' / Sir. Eamsey*. moved, teedpded a by Mr. Lyon, that the corporation of the County of .Halton have al ways adhered, and now adhere, to tbe fcrms of the contract between the corporation and ;G. Blain, for the building and completion of the new Jail, 4ind making alterations . and additions to the/Court House at-Milton, and . the corporation I have always refused, end sow re-- fuse,; to^ submit the question of Wha.t is " extra work," in the per formance of the said contract, to arbitration, and the corporation has not authorized the reference- of ibis question to arbitration, 1jtit have , always been ready and-'willing;to""" join in all sueh acts af might "be neceasiiVy to obtain the decision ml .' the architect named: in tbe said contraction the Question .of what wotfe^a -aictra .Trorltj and to- act) / Upon hi< cartifioaAo ttxcicof, anil ay L S. refer the valuation of such exti-a.^ workj or of work omitted, tq arbi tration, in pursuance of-the terras, of the contract and >j>eci6cations.; : but the corporaftidn ;have_-always ,-.% disputed, and mw dispute,\ any extra work claimed "by the said" G. Blain to be extra work, utiles? it is allowed and decided, to be extria of \improperly straining-bis milk, 2. Cans containing milk aboqld never "be kept in a milking ba.-ulwork by the architect, and they during the night. .The scent of I have always refused, and" now re- the stable (however well kept) wtll'ifuse to submit this question to iTrl Scribbliuss and Clippings. Fii WW 53! cation. .-,-,, . edand old b/ 33-8 m. The undersigned begs leave to inform the people ol Acton and sur rounding neighborhood that he has procured a magnificent UEaKSE. And is prepared to attend and con duct Funerals on the shorteetnotice and most moderate terms.. . Casket*, CoJ/ini, Burial Robes] And all .kinds of Funeral Furnish ings kepi in stock, and supplied on the shortest notice. ? Hat Bands and Gloves supplied when required. JOHN SPEIGHT. Acton, Feb. 10, 1877. '" ' a -wotc In your own town V> outfit free. Norlslc. ecl- r, If you want ft liu-lnc-ss at wfdcli piirsonnof T'ltnersex can m. ilco great, pay ail .tlio time they worlc, write for na>-tlcilars to H. IUtr I.ETTA Uo./l'ortlantl Maine..' Acton, v.nt. I' BE4TTT'^ ; piAHJF^RLO^OgGAN v^ Jain a girl, who has'a' fortune a comfortable1 bundled thousand, if there's a penny." ' _ Merrivulo .stopped' puffing his can buy first'-c'asB -Piano* and Ottoffss cheaper of CAN- IEL P. BEATTY, Washing ___ tOi, New Jersey, than any other mat)uf'acturer in the United States- Why? -Because he jaelU " ' ' -'-- and has . ______ strn- trient is fully warranted forsixyearo " " " ' sent j'-Ji'nada foronly fifty ennt Ui- ikZ*J&a VA3^.w.^W.|rnW, KewJe^y BB.VTi'V;Vr'asiii:>tftcn.i.'e.- Jer.ty.. - only for cash,Wilkes no risks ani no book accounts. Every in trient is fully warranted forsix; as" strictly-first claeb, and are senj, o'n from 5 to 15 days' test, trial, mon3y refundrVl- and freight paid both ways" by;him if fb'-y are usatis- factory. .Send for Illustrated An vemtiseb (Catalogue Edition), and ead testimoniols froni bis pn^rons, some of whom you may know. Ad- DANllCL I'VBEATTY Wabh cigar. _ ; " Whore is it 1" " D'oWn at Myrick a bit of a town in the mountains of Western Jersey.- Tuko my word for it, there's a prize there, so far as greenbacks are concerned." . " Name and age 1" said Merri vale. j . i ..(...- age un known." - ' ._ ('You ore not hoaxing mo 1" . " TJpon my word, no. The wo- mon and tho money are there." Merrivalo rose slowly to his feet and tqik up his hat; *' I am going .down to My tick. How long a time will it bo neces sary to woo and win this hundred thotfsand dollursl" S "Haven't an ideaj. With "your face and figure, I'-should Buy u month would be onfplo timo." .. Was there any BurcuBm in Ire- ton's words? If theie was, ,it was nit disceruable, arid tho man hud been sincere in his advictand with his infortjution. Merrivalo was as good as his word.. In an hour's' time ho waa 'in tlio Ivain y<"o to Myrick." Jt the branches, and looked down at him. He saw a/plain face, with a squint eye- a faca that must have looked on life forty years or more. " How awfully ugly V' thought Merrivale. ; " Your c:me lias done good1 per- vioVi^for once," i-aid a thin treble voice, from the tree. " If you will | aujiwful mistake ? go back to thq road, I'll; get out of this cedar arid thank-you." Merrivale walked away, looking discretely on the ground, while the_ rescued damsel clambered down I much slower than she. had gone up. As he walked, Merrivale Saw'a handkerchief on the gVound. He picked it up, tamed it over in his /liatids, and read, in u corner " Agnes Yale." At that his heart gave a grea* bound, and'his sany Jruid nearly deserted him. " This is luck !" be tlioulit. " I'll pitch in now in good earnest. Hut what a squint ! No wonder that, with nil her fortune, she isn't married yet." - In a moment the lady joined him, ! e helped hfr over tho fence, and then he said extending the handkerchief : " Is this yours t". . " Yes, thank you anil one of ir.y best" ones," looking at rtjcritic- ally. Merrivalo winced la little. "I have only two of this kind and I should have hated to lone one." .She put it into her;pocket and Merrivale,asked :- ' . " And you are Misa Agnes Yale?" . " YeB, I' niri, and I'm tremen dously obliged to you, I knew that heifer was cross as blazes, but I thought I'd got across thojield be fore'she would see mo. If it hadn't been for yon, Mr. " The young roan took off his hat, and said, " Merrivnlo," i anil re mained uncovered for several min utes as'he walked by her side. '" IfTTit hadn't been for you, Mr. Merrivale, I'm "sure I reck "in I might have/stayed in that cedar all night." " I'm Btiro T can't be thankful enough that 1 happened along,*' was tho response. Merrivalii-bad had much practice in drawing-rooms,1 in playing the aereeable, and be rarely failed there'. - .. j Agnca Yalp,.though shrewd and quick witted enough about tho usual affairs of life, was.deceived by this man,I and no wonder. Typhus is raging at Sydney, Aus-: tralia, attributed to bad water and bad drainage. 3V.r. J. Treble,- of, Exeter, Oat-j has a cow which has produced iri seven days 17.V pounds of butter. Melbourne was visited by a-sev-l ere storm in the middle of June; [The river .overflowed, the streets; [of tie city were flooded, and con-' I bidi ruble damage to shipping was occasioned. At Wisbi'w, in Scotland, the celebration of the -Twelfth was ath tided with ro much, disprder thai the military had to called out. Sane fifty persons were injured in the melee, that fallowed. ' ;;. He walked on in silence now by bis wild's side, wltilo Ireton and the young Miss Agues.Yule follow ed, chattering easily. In half an hour more he learned that it was his wife's i)iecn who was the! " rich Agnes Yale," and that theyiWero very much attached to each -cjtiter, etc., etc., but: he heard nothing more.- - i Later, ho discovered that the sum of his [wife's lortuuo was live hundred dollars, in 'the village bauk. The next day ho got possession pf that live hundtetl dollui'K, and left on imperative and sudden busi ness for New York. He left the city in a steamer which Bailed for. Liverpool that day. I Ireton had not known of the ex istence of more than ono jAgnes" Yule. 'Ho re|)roached himself for ib-K. Meniyifle's sake, for thu half- jesting words ho hud uttered. Perhaps it was acquaintance with Miss Yale that mode him shako off his indolence. Any way; it is true that from that day he ex erted himself ^n his profession, and was s?on known as a " rising young lawyer," and when he married Miss Yale he did not marry for money. Tie story of Merrivale's mar riage got abroad, and hijj old ac quaintance told each other over their wine and cigars, thut it served hitri right " it was good enough for him." ' *' I did afraid, dear wife, that while I am gone, absence willf con quer love." " 0 dear, never !" The longei you stay away tho more i will like you." The boy at Sunday fchool; when asked who made, the'beautiful, sur rounding hills, replied that lie. did not know, as his pnrerits'bad only moved into"town the day before. When Mrs. Dom Dodro's popsy- wopsy begins to cry, the nurse remarks: "Now does ze eetle Louis Maria' Philippe Giuseppe* Alcantara Gustav Miguel Puiphaol Gabriel Gonzaga want a tasto of ze soothing Hyrup ]" ]pr. Dow, one pf thei defeated candidates for the local;representty tiou of Yotk, N.B., has tiled a pro test against tire election of,the members returned on the gfcuid of bribery and corruption, ' " Neyer marry for wealth," says a contemporary, " rememlijr that it is just ua easy to love a girl who has a brick house with a mansard roof and silver-plated door-bell, as one who hasn't anything but an au burn head anil amiable disposi-- lion.!' An agricultural labouror named Wafkins, his wife, and three child ren have been murdered,v.-tth re volting accessories, at Lingibby, near Newport, Wales. A Spanish sailor on a tramp, arrested at New* port, is believed to be the murderer, and his object plunder. i The Orange Sentinel says if the Grand Lodgesof the Order should decide to unfurl their banneie -in Montreal next lith, the Orangmen will rally in sufficient numbers^ to demand full and complete protect ion at the hands of the properly constituted authorities./ _. In the Moncton "murder case the Grand Jury at ' Dotchoster, NiB,, have returned " true bills" for, tho murder of: Tiniothy lie Cai'tujt ngainst Martha, Elizi,, aiid Harry Osborne, and against, John Osb6rne ag'an accessory after >the fact. The trial of the jn-JBoiiers opened Friday mortung. ' ;^ j . A yery unsatisfactory state of affairs appears to prevail in MeSci- cp. The Treasury is empty, a fam ine provaiU) in the States of Soridra} and Sinaloa, the Unpaid Govern ment officials i are becoming dis- cbn tented, and' fears ofcoming dis- turbantos continue and have a do- jlresaing effect on trade. Mudi ex citement prevails in consequence of tho\recent raid,by General Muc-' kenzie across tho Bio Grande, and injure the milk and spoil the nice flavor fresh butter should have., An open Bhed -a little distance from your barn, your wood-shed or your kitchen is the only proper [place for keeping milk over nigh^'. SUGGESTIONS. 1. Insist that your milking ,-be done in a cleanly manner. Too much pains cannot be taken in thi particular. Carelessness here will entail a great loss on the; manufac turer, and insult the consumer. 2. Bed your cows with, sawdust, if possible; it will keep your cows clean and the stable tidy. 3., Do not, under any circurfl- etanoe leiiyo your pails and. strainer at the barn over nigkb. Please carry thenvto tbe house arid insist that they'be properly washed both morning and evening. Much de pends on this. . 4. Use only tin pails for milk ing- 5. The tin strainer pails ar3 the best fur straining milk. Same dairymen, use strainer pails and also a clotb atre.tched ovee tbe can i thus straiuing the milk twice. We advise this double straining of milk.. / Jj costs' youJ but littlo trouble while it will greatly adl to; the value of the butter and cheese-' from your milk. Glove flirtatious. The English girls have improved \rbitration. And the corporation repudiate/" tbe notice -from the said .George-'^ u}Vn to them, appointing apVrtirbi- . tr-itur on the matter-: in dispute be- tween them and the said G.TB!ainF antt they refuse to act 'upon.'it^ or ' to tppoint an arbitrator thereon. A nd: the corporation repudiato-. and revoke .any action (if 'any:)- whic.1! may i^ive been taken bj the Warc'ert of the Connty of Halton in pursuance "of the said'riotigei' or- any acis of proceedings thereojj, pr tho appointment of any arbit^rEory. or u-mp it "i. _ , And .thny revnire any arbitratori oruuipifd wbo.may bavo been ,ap-.L pointed, to stay and desist ironr" any further acts or proceedings la the matter. And it is resolved that'the cor poration seal shall he attached L92 three copies of this resolution.,; properly verit'ie-d and that e^o copy shall be servedfcB. the said G. Bluing; and one on each arbitrator who ia^l professing to act. in. the loaiitec oJT auca raference. (Sigiied( Matji.vW CLHJiasTs, -, (LB.) ,s"-. Warden! ' -, - \7iu JPastos,, '-. ; " '" Oerk..- Os motion tbe "Ccntfcil adjefisroi ed till one o'clock p.m. T-tie CounciJ; risatueu* at ooa o.clock '-v ' " - The Warderi in the chair. Members |n-esent^ :Messrs. Clay^. I upon the-language of the handkerchief by devising a very copious vocabulary of the gloves, which for the benefit of the Ameri can- women.we beg to ' pirate' from an English' contemporary. It runs thus: Drop a glove Crurhple the gloves in the ligh.t hand: .- J ' Half unglove the .left hand' In-. difference. Tap the left shonlder with the gloves Follow me. Tap the chin with the gloves I Ioyo'longer. '. Turn the gloves inside out 1 hate you. --..'. Fold tbe gloves neatlyi I should like to ;be with you. - '..- > Put.on tbe left glove, leaving'sthe thumb uncovered-^Do you loVe me ? Drop both gloes= I lofye youj jthe fan and j Lyon, Foster* MoKeuzie, AleEoury. vising a very.) Ramsey, Ribinson and Young. - ---------'"if i Twirl theygloves round the fin- ^ers-^-Bo careful;. wo are watched. Slap tlio buck of the hand with the gloves: I am Vexed. Tike a glove in each hand. and. -separate tho hands furious. Mr. Robinson moved, seconded;' by Mr-Young, that this Cjuric-il, being desirous of proceeding to an ei-jrly and eqiiita'ble seUlotneat with.; jjr. Q. Blain, the contractor fiir tho Jail and Court House, it is resolv ed that Messrs Lyon, Cla_t, Mc- Garvin, .McKlenzio and .Foster-be appointed a committee, with power to. fttpilitdte tlie decision ot, tho architect upon the questions t6 ba decided by him^ ai^id tfeat it ba re- coriimendiidj tli'at Mr. Blafitaud'the architectdb-JHleet and cojisiJer the- several items.- in Mr, -Blain's ac count for extra work*, and that tk* contractor shall be allowed full op portunity of making explanations' and adducing evideiico in proof of his account and .argument of. his ; t claims, and that the architect, on dler. A Chinese newspaper, has.entered upon its 'two thousandth volume. le(^ \ It has lost all its original subacrib- ers. ' '. ". '^Vhat will you be helped to in the way of eatly vegetables ?" said McDonald .to a ..lady customer, ." Lettuce, pray."' McDonald look ed tsharply at the lady, and conelnd- ed;>he; was a ;lay preacher, till she pointed to the lettuce basket. - Philosophers say that dosing tbe eyes makes thet hearing more acute. Clergyrrjen, however," should speak louder. It looks rather auspicious to see half-the congregation Bitting with closed eyes, in order that thhy I hearing and considering such proofs and arguments, shall make his final report, two day'siaotica. of .the meeting to be given to tho,Warden Carried. ' '_ By permission, Mr. "Blain, coii- ; tractor, 6poka in support of his - claim. On motion the Council adjouru- r Wa Eastos, , ,/' 'Clerk. The painter's overcoat A eel-fish man The fisb ped-" Cheated men^baYe Ic/rig-mem- >?J.^ the belief obtains favour--' that | may the more .distinctly hear^th'e.j [.Mackenzie; acted on a wide com : " "'~r " strttction df his orilers with the ob a border war for air ject of i n^xation purposes. J r Rprmort-eapocially aslmany of them fail to open their eyes . when the contribution plato is shoved under their nose. ones. A;Mr. Cobb recently mjairied V "Miss Webb. He knew tji'stt they were meant to be joined as soon as he spid er, / - ' | , A bashful yohng manl-Rpplied: ta/: bis village paper for iuform.itioa' an the importaut subject. |v.-" Itoft- to win a woman's love." Tk% reply was, " Kiss the bibr, pe' th .cat, ani ji-ty strict titteriti>>a tc- ths1. old lady." : : . ';" ':i 5fej^-ahrJ3iba fPBgw'wwffHWlwpw f ^fl^SS^SSSSSSHaiSiSSSSS?1

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