Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1878, p. 4

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.,*W*r'T' .^r.i^<^af,: THE FREE^P^ESS, ACTON, HELTON COUNTY, GOT., JULY 18, 1878. V S55 A tjltjltl.l IN A I>lti:AM. -m ^4-i-*M A* Uir oval face, her-eyolid* pah', -The utter sweetness <if her glance : T& dusky hair. wln>i' fragrait W-il. Hides md ho- dreadful countenance.: lUx ini"tU-wiU<e anas ai'nl ,-Ueayi Iire as t, Arc ;.!) i'.-r nc, who lo\:d her best. 11 is piopon-d in Indiana to I'lum^i' tin1 JAiai'iiii^o niM'viro sn flint, it will road. " Who dmo tuko this woinaui" iu il tlio In iiU'^i'ooin .shall i .Ul.sWel' " I thin U h k;,' tin- fountain's I nil, 1 ."\ ll'l !>, Vi In Sue pit-*' 1 Sua'. Lid dye* , Muim-eiiiy i'.i '.In' evening d'tiu. "'Ucs. A flower i"-. iu'li'i'i !.:ihii. Wlu.1,0 mcvubii; lovers lUiiU r.-l.uid iiiirliijlit "' ii.iiniiiil u ! \7 ,.,| ', Mr," 1 f-j> - ' iiri'.'oiia J ""' t" oioik ; " itir iirwr j'l'tn l Ill-lit.," Ho ll'S*. 11 iMIstOILIl'l'. ' ' l.M this Mill ill 11 !l,ll iiV.:tl IV .Ullil.ed ;l 1.IOV1 lii-.l tho 1t.1v ;uid lit of % '*v< '.* >MHM:: ^mm3 ="* yi -She *.pral;s-4rot. s.ti'.s not .t.lcTTt 1 Ij-lioV by. r.r.d britn: no vh.iiiiii'- - >",i :i'.;sh:nc to her forehead's "vv 11ito,- To steadfast looks no wider range. Aims for ::w ! she li.'t'S no; seem ' Is tut tin- pi-.aiitwi_of a .i;'c;iii). (l!i": yoamiriK lie art. that turns away To till? dear vision of the past, :, Feri-.ap? within some future day, --,' STie shall bo thine thine own at !t. TVtr-.ips Kv.e.-.tfi her own bright shy. \YV shall loe.eti-.or live and die. BOVT M.V\ LATE TO^ttjIfTi -Tie hc.irt of h With r?.v.ot ::ie is he.tu'.ing ro-sv iicht, - A::v lovely cyi As full !u>> s are nii'ainini; iad(:s if me.!;:': nvma -And while-, thy steps iiic 1*- * The circle pine and h;i. A te-..iter voice, half criev jSavS, *' Dc'.r't av late to-uici-. .!. The \vo:ld iu .which thou movest Is busy, and wide ; The world el her tl.oa lovest , Is at the ingle side ; . She waits for Uty ;var;n greitirg. Thy s-t'.iile is her delight ; Her gentle voice, e::;:-eatins. " - Sa\s, '-' De^i't stay"' The world, so .v!d, '. - __ Wiil srurn if thou !:-!! ; A ' J i:v love of one poor woiriati C>mlats xiixi shaiacj thcai lh. -Xhy children will cl:n round thef. Let fato be dark ^-r briizht. - ,At home ro'shaft will wound thee, Thcu " Don't it-y-pte to-n^h:." ;l"ioil inalf wan oj'ioi' nsl;i'il w li\ ho vli>l not. f^i-t iiuirrii'i'. j :;vit mi o.lo nuuliiiT., nml I linh to <io -.lor hir, yo so , miIi,- un, vf I didn't buy' her ;,hoo.s uml .sNyiiiii';: - ot iio'in . Now, i-l i Was to yo; ii.iurio.l. I'd liali to Imy dolii tin^s fur mv wjt'o, uii-I'fi<it 'ml i'l' t:iiiii; iu> shoos ,imi' storkilivs light ouior my uio nuuhloi-'s inoilt.'.' It was tin; Iivilii;ht 1k'iii:-,:ui<1 tlu'V vv.'iv i)>.n:i;ii-i;ir._i ovi-i fiio ^iiloMilk on .Mai:i_: sin i:. H.- \\;"as :h!.-fokoi- ut Xohlilllod. uplu.l. ' i s mill could o( sji.:ulT-rtr ho siiiiTicifTv sh'o H fl. Eh CD- ;a n- v.- o 14.0 fcli (^JASH FOB SKINS. , I am iiropnAvil to-pay tlio hi^lioHt; Tn ynaa ' T5t7"/^ flV ciinh liiioi' for (ill i.'liiHHH of Imiiil. rji.I %} CAJt.l.L&iJ ^-Wj/ vA " r^ ^ !2J I & < A Eor With a lleart. Tiie other /Called at tho : . a hi; of i2oe.r' C/t a bov goo looking 0"=si> fitriu rc.~ide,:oe ;iint .told a sorrowful story :y:;t tin- 'ady of the Lousa wtis .:i\'- ^-tiiicv ia tbrowirig provisions into his tusket. Happc-ning to' ipok : into the front ya.rd ufter a few niitiulo.- .sh-3-suw the strange boy uiixiiit: up with her tjhreo or ohildreri, ami she calleij out : " Boy, what are yii>u doing hero >" " Feodiu'' uiilf-s.tmvi.-il c'uil 4ren 1" he proniptlyrrt-ylied. ', " But-thobo are iny cl-.ildren !" ^he inJTgnantly excLitnn_d. * Al^kes no liitTereuco to me !" than tee ki; i'M-i-unt. . tho .' _ ;i ' f'i loi',_;l lull you Sho ! tlolois-! ("liioo, will .yuii iii.u'i-_i 11.0 i" he oontiniioil. ; " Ho liiiiir, ' IVte. ' If yi',=<loii't I sj.nll t un-- i'l'iu':' do daik w'iilois oh viemiil 1 >." Pen dv eoioner .vill ifiuiil 1110 out 'nil', snt <>n 11:0 iiu' tii'v'h pl.'illf. Ult' .under do r.'M!S, iill' ilo wei;d:o;. wiil. he. ' lint 'follet dinl of n-In ok oil homt !"" "iVo-.i don't ne/iii 1".. ."I itoV' :"'lh-,i IVje its my duty to iimriv 'you i Sas^ DMr^l'r.vraos, llraldlags nit'1 s:ivi' yi-r, un' iiu M-i-ddiii' -is to a'.^ lit i:i ile fail." 'And thin T OUT E;ut iiGt'Destroyed. Having niivilfi arr niai'mcnts with" ^_ily, Mitchell, ~<>f MilViin, tor ni) uyeiu-y l'or,ll;u nlo 01 n;y 0'isj'.'.l h ui.js. lulled eVi's'iunl Ayers .ir For itss coring to Grey Hair j*ta' natural Vitulicv and Color, i . A dressing /liich i-i :,t . ence ag.-eea- bla, hcailhy, fiiij eflec'.u:'.! g^P^lbr presery- ' (Its % ^rcr-jcl ^ljariiij." Siiaoiiagr, Vv-viasaot,. Slttlaj, ;>s. 1 urn prdp.-uvU to 1'urniili any or the hviva, ut priuos tiel'y 00m- iietition.. cPlease cull ami see sun- l>fes of ruoiil lin^r, <ie.', utfl'oro pur ohusing elseiiheie, 3LIHD8 30 CHrJT PER FOOT. Kindly tliinkiiij; eustoiiiers for ('ifstr.ii-ir.siiiui iinpmjstill to merit 11 t-iir bluire of .your patronage.. . I am 1 espeitl'iirly votiis Tiitis; nr.B.v-i:. Agent. : 1 Simp at 1- 1! .11 hi'- ., : . ail I ' Shi-i'p .Skiim, ilelivuied at uiy Inniiury, l.aiiVi Luntliii>' coUbtnntly on liainl. -11 -1 y / - .1AMKS MUOHK. WB ivin: wi:AVif\j! All oriK'i'ii illtho Weavin^liiiopniinpt- iy atteiiilinl to. Special at tent urn paid to ('in-liet Weaving. MI!S. ^1. MeMUKJIIIdN, I0-'H - iiriii't'j,n:\y,Soi,,'.s CiiH^kiis'. ijItMn hi y/jii eini cntfiiKi' fin. $."1 in {'-' i>,'r "hy niiid-j iiy any worliii' of eKlier h 'x; rl'viht In ll'elr .own Inn .tit, I on. I'lift 11111 In-y nml nun pies Hvi rtlii?'i lr-e. Iiii|'io\(. pour si'ino lime ill. Ills Ail.lres.s SnMj.iN .V (Jo,, '.'ulllilliil, MlllliOO ... DANIEL F. BEATTY'S P2AHOS & OEGANS I'limrwH.iim.iii.MiiT'lBf'w.'ir------------ WIhIu'H |U) tlumlc tlio public for l))0 pulroiiiiKfilliey iiivuoimfiireil i)p- 0.1 hljn huruiofinlo. An hl fooolin anil mi^'H wur'" Jcntroy/vJ by lire, lie wonlil lie tlialiUfill Jl lllom iigalin-t wlioni ImlM'ld nnioi would lv(i til 111 ihu Uuli'H l ml iiliiniirt or Itioin, nml iiImi If tluiMo uUiohk iicei>u)ilB liavu In,"en I'pmli mil wmilil liiliiglliciH forwurJ . ,,.i,l hetlKv II" o.ila ulHi, Miy Dim )io TakeB Mlt opportunity of wnounc, STILLOA^7IlTOoaS7SJNIi5S? " '" '"! '" MERCHANT TAUOR, ROCKWOOD, BE ATT Y Ut^i X"v*!li ,-visf ! i,l'.- lltfATKIl ll'if.HI'N IllNulJIlli HAlt- I.llli tlltii 1 N lire tin- u eilesl liuii'il mid most pi-i-u-el lnsi 1 iijin-uis -ev.-r liefore mntim'uctiii'fil In tins or imy <t "1 r eniin- Ivy. 'i'^ie uorl.l Is Chwllelietil 111 e'|ll|l, t hellj. )i< st illseiuint- "Hit lerlil- evei he- f^'l'" give. ttooU' hultom pimie: prices! I111W lelllly to Ji> ,tl 'Is, ll'.'elllH, llllll Hie ll'll'l" III (join.Till.' All oiler. TIli'M' crle- lil'at-i'il III tlllll) 'Ills -.1 I'h'T I lull/) HI Oi'jtiuo Ij.ikci'l.iunt slill'IV-'il iiny>>'li,'ii', on live ' T lllllell ilays' tesl Jllul, Mi in v re- fiiinleil itn:l fivl-jlit eliiov-' pilil'linlli 'Vnyslllli .my way lli.salisfiietui y. Fully u'.iiT..iiloil ...i- sj.\ jain.s ni. stileilv ilrn'- elil-s. j;v io(Aiiit|HN.\HY Idlt'lCll \1, Ul--Vi>i:.\ I'- i;|v e 1. In (Mill 1 ell* Ncliunls, I . l.'oilir s. II ijlls. .Minlsier*'. Teiielois, i*ir., I'll .I.I-.I.-I- l> li.i\ f 1 li-in . lill-.illii'eil jit (uiee wlieie I 1 ii\'e n.) I'llelltH. Tlio.lsiillilj. nt.Vi in use. .New 1 llu-ii-;i ei( Ad vcrilsei (Cn'a- 1 >c.iii' Kilitiiiiii will! Mst il li-sUiiioiiliils, ii*.w I'l .uly. sell! ij-.'f*-. -J'ji'lll.ll.s)*.|./I Ii. IsVi. a,iil,,.-,, OANIEL F. BHAlTy, liliilttoii, New Jor.oy, t at tho old otanfl, wliii-e lin will lii'Kliul U> HipflilMoliI mir Intnirn, iunl, n tlincHiirc linrd, lie lias niiiilu the piiteK tosil|l thfiii. I.UOli III 4ll(C Ullll.'HI liiiniliRi' Whbijum, oojih'iIkK', wll)) Uprlr* sent. $?il,liil. Jli'Iliocllll Wlllit'lill, $100 to-jillC, llllwulis, $1110 id $110, , All wiio i'i htile a Wnft'Oii or Itiitfiiy. t IIickc liiten cull nml Ijlvo >tiur uruui'V ut once. I .Matorial audi "TTortoaaaBtip Guarantcod. ^iilililna n follow 1 ilOU.SK-HHOKIMJ A'SI'MC'IALTY New HIioih, U'iO BoIIIiikHIhiih. 10c. Klltliu llorhiti, f!!.l.(l, fnriidW hi oe". m f.ixi, foricttlnx Klioe.'-. t.nyJittrKlifnrr.f**)c. 10 $l.iK). " Cnul'ci'N Uio. toOOc. All litli/T Jotit.lnu III proportion. rJT These" ||ripea nre for C'uhIi oiify.* AH work Hie old iiite; Gunner iiarm-ulnrK ii^xt wpek. : A Vnur-j truly, ll-;i i JA1Ii:K ItVDIiR. w. SlOrJ ^A!;^r UiAO ivuir e vi-r / il 1 n seC- 1.1:: I'l lllsW,. i wni Jor=ev. . '. 1,1, .1 s: 1 iii il.vr t. ii>:.iin .I'.-.-s ,11 1 1'-' . Ill" , V,-,,shl I l'roII \. I1KU)1: illl'iS ilre-s > t \v KNOW THYSELF By rotdlng end practldni the InriiiQiable truths cotr lainid in ilio bcM mcdltai bru-k cYcr_iued._crtUlc4 a I* trcati of Exbau*itcd Vitality, rrcniaturo DccUao v&i^^wJJ or *7rayhair ^STtt^siJ^ to its original '-color, with thc'gloss and freshness n/",1 ybuth. Thin hair S3 tl:k'kened,rf\dl- ipg hair checked, and baldiieas ofton, though not always, cured b}' its nse. 2Cothing can restore Lie .hairs where the follicles are destroyed, or he said, as he brek? off another'. the glands atrophied and decayed ...- , r '. . piece cf cake. ' When I find n young'un-ciyin' for bread, and ready- to swpr that he hasn't tasted pie , for oyer a jear,.I'iu ijjoin1, to stop business and brace-him ^ip \- '-' Haven't you got a d:nn white waist which I could jeat 0:1 thii. .4irtv little boy f" She iooked up ard ds-wn to-set if-any canvassers for" th poo: Leathea^irere jb sight, and then she grabbed' tha broom and ran tin sympathetic bov cut .cf the yard. Dsiroit FrcelPr^*. . ' " A Kentncky innkeeper offers to entertain eloping c-e.upk-s at, Invli price. He can BtTord to,, .providet! iiie two La,ye iieen trnide one. A ^^festern man ihas invented &araeth5ng that beats'the ele]iLoae- He propose? to put--iu a'line 0:' women, it_v feet .ayiant, and com: rait the iiewsxo theilrst as a stcref. but such as remain can be -feared by this apclication, and stimulated 'utn activity, bo tnat'a new growth of hair Is.produced. Instead of fouling the hair trith a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will present the hair frSm triming gray or falling off, "ind consequently prevent b/ddncss. Tiie restoration of vitality it gives to. tlio s.j.Jp arrests, and prevents the Toiinatioa of dandruff, v.diieh is often so uncleanly and offensive. Free from' those deleterious sub stances' which make some prepara tions dangero-.iSj and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only bertc-St, but ec harm it. If waited--mlKlv for a UaER DRESSING, rotttng'ebe r .:: be found so desirable. Contain- i:;g neither oil nor dye, it loes not. soil white cambric, and \er lasts i"'iig on the hair, giving ;j r rich, Cibs=~ lustre, and a gratefu. perfume. Prepare-ri by Dr. J. C, Aycr' & Co.,' y^lctlcal anil Analytical Curat-*'-" . lOWELZ. M4SS i bolij r axl nr.uiitiiais' EVi(fr-aEE!. A gentlemen named Moie. pro posed by letter to a younsj,-lady who answered him with a glowing, description of the kist party, ernpht sizing the lasi line of her not(', " So 110 More at pref ent." A little girl was reproved for play ing out- doors with boys, and in- formed_that, being seven years old, she. was- "too big for that now.';' pat, with all imaginable iuiiocenc, _:she replied, " \Yhy, the bigger We grow the better we like "em," | On the top of Mealfourvouoie, a hiil in Inverness shire, Scotland, is -a. lake 10S feet Jong and IS feet :-wide, which never freezes arjd is nl- v.ay fuljf, without the ajijiearance of any regular supply. Near this lake ia another,.Loch Wain, which is covered with: iise till jho year foand. ] . . A-novel cure for hydrophobia is reported by a Nevr Marjipshiif paper, y/ says that wken Noal Hatciri a wealthy Nortliumberland farmer, had three" or four children },'it_te.n.~by a rabid dog many years ago, be immediately took tliei.i to Portland, embarked on a yessel.and jailing out a short distance, weight ed and sunk them into the sea, ke*-|> |ng them under water as long as it -a safe without drowning them. Though one ef the children bad all the symptoms of hydro phobic, they we;e a]'iurecL The editor's is a mo$t fascinating ^mploytncnt, does not require airy . prariona education or preparation, "and pays enormously. The princi pal occupation of leading editors is io re'eeirfc enormous bribes fui'Ieud- i ing articles j to attend theatres, con- j^rts aud other place3" of public resort, occupying the best places, oi course, nml to infoitn political leaders bow they should regulate affairs. A-ssistaut editors, and re porters, who are scarce at ;365 e. week, ^enrally work four hours a.-, day when they are not a- 1. r" " vaUn-i en'cct on the diircstivc liuijarrtuH away on vacations, have free passe ?,-' ^b<.o">.-wari.iuB. everywhere, and the pleasure of _ T _ .-jBJ'R.KI'^.!a': iV .' . A ... - 1, . , 1 .,- *. J. v AXxii ctl. ^thea- company is contented by tho Boston Bullet In. SEU'V-I'UESERVATIO: l'ricc mily $ J. Sent by mU on receipt of price. I' crcaii 01 -cxuaui-ie" italitjr, Trcniaturo DccUao Nervous and Phy.-ical Debility, uiid tho emll coticora)tant Ilia unJ untold iniwics tliot rc:ul ihi-rcfrcra, atul contains more t!mri Worlirinalpro tcriptloni, ariy one of.wliicli Isurortli llioprlco b) lie book. liii book was-wriltciiby the moit c* tensive and probably the moft Bkilfulpracllloaci In America, to whom wus awarded a Rati] and jeii iillcil medal by the National Medical As.-ociailuii A l'amphlct,' Illustrated with the very flue* Istcel Kopravu'r*-4 . vl 1 of art and beauty rr.t j-iihe to aU. [send for it at. once.- AiMrcsi 1'1'AIK>DY MEU1CAI.*-.||^C| B tiich St.. Uoitea. Mat!.. I >1 I W bb id'JiiO )L . TKACIIEIIS: You can ^ easily 111C1 ease your inlary . by ilevot in*,: a very finall portiorr of (Our ioi-ut e time to my interest. 1 do not expert you to -canvass for my eolebr.iteii IJoatlj'k I'iaiKS aid Organs unless you tec fit to; lait theseryii'C 1 roomie of yon is l.oth pleasant nnd-pi ( iilal.le. hull par- liculur- dee.'-Aiiiiie.-s 1;>.\MEI. K. milAl'l'V, Wash ing to 11. r'. e.iv Jersey GRACE'S CELEBRATED gALVE A Sure Itsllcrrur tiie SulTcrrr. < ' ;rr.Li'.iitCD nv SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, -SO UAUKISON AVIIME, llUSTON, MAS.i. OR.-VCE'.S CKLKUKAVKI) .sAl.YE, Is a Vo'setable riepnratton, Invent*- i in the 17tli cnuny by Dr. \">'il- II tin (Jr.iC, -Suraeoll .In Kini; Jillili^' army. Tliroa^ii-us aVeiic>' (in ' i-uri-.! thoa-omils of t-l:e :n,i>t s,ores aiui v.-nuil(l~ Hint t'littleJ tile Skill of the Illo^t eniilli-li!'fieiaos of hi:, iliy.aiill wks roe; iT'ii-'t t/y all wbtlkuew liim .s a pub ic benefactor. \ . ' I'l'.iei; I'i Ci:.STS A BOS. dyer's;Cattiartic Pilis^ For the relief anil cifflp ol' ii!l licaii^etneiils. in llie fcti.aiaeli, liv. er, and Ajtjwy-U. Tlipy ara :i mild aperic r.r, and an ex.-elleiit j;ir.n- tiv-c. K'.iin^inne- ly t-cjfctablL'.'they cuntain jiq ni"i- eury or 1r.i1.crt1) v.l.ateve:-. ^LUeli -erior.a fickness find sjirTsriiifr is prevented liy '.lii'.ir timidjj uir; r.nd cvcay family Miauld 'lave tiiein on hand for liiLir protection end ,-elicf. ivlien leir-nVe-l. . I-ou^* e^peiicrjcc naa priiv-.*! them to he the safest, i-ii-.ef.t, and 'je.-t of all the I'lits with which tha market aUoiuifl-. Iiy their occa-ienal 115c, riie blood -i^ puri!ied, the lorruiJti'ins of the-Fyiteni cxr neiied, ob.-n^ietionfl removed, and 'Uie wliolo. uiaciijnery-of Iif* r*rstr,x-d to its hcalthv activ ity. Jntei-n.'i! organs whi'.'li l/c-iajiie elor'r^I and fciupai.-h arc cleansed by Aycr'x J'ilfa, and btiui'ilated into, action. Thus incipient disease Is ehanf-'ed Into health, the value of which chnnire,. when reckoned on the" vn-; muilitudes wiio.enjov it, can', hardly be coin, puteil. Tiieir bugaV-Cjatin'i- niafces ftliem to lake, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any leiif-th of time, so Ilia: Hiev me ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Al'.hotich i.enri'hin;*;, Lliey are mild, anO oi>er- ata without ili.^turbanap \o '.he conalitutioa oJ diet or occupation. i-'ull directions are plv^n on the.wrapper to each box, how to use tliein as a Familv rlo-sfc, and lor tiie following complaints, winch these i'Utf raoidly-cure :, l-'or By!ioiii.i or Imll-reutlon, X.\%\. Ii'*.>nc,i, I.aniruor, and-3Los of Aii>ii<-. titc, Uiey siionld be taken moderately to unisulate tfee stomach, and restore its healthy tone and ai'tion. - ' For liver (oniiilaint and lt3 Ynrioim ynilitoin-., Billon. Heaiiachc, tileli fZfiuIuchc, Jaundice or T^rei-n WUU- ms, Itlliucu ttollc and Stilious S'e- ver, tiiey should! be fiidiciou-^lv taken for each case, to enn'-ect tiie di.*eftcd action, or remove the ob.-.triiclions which cause it. i; or ISynciitj-ry or IKurrlieca, but one niilddo-e is generally relpiirtd. For ?tii<-u:ii.itiui:i, <Ci<mt, C! ravel, fntiiiloiion ofilm BB-ai^, I;ln iu Trie *ii!e. AcU, anil JL^nni., thev bliould lie co:)tiniioii-ly takeri, as reipiiied, to cIiiiiiko tl.e di-ea-cd anion of the MBlem. With fitch chnc^e tiio^.e eompLiintii dfsapiicar.' For ZSroi;-y; and ISropnicaP Hiroil. litcjt, tl.ey i-ii.."jpl he tiilicii in lurpcj and fre- iiiieiit.i-t.j.-es to produce trie eiTect of ,31 drastic > ' ' ' . ' I-*.:- Kuiiir**i.Mtoia, a larce ilose Fhould bo j'.lten, as it producer tiie dfslrcA effect b fynipat'ny. , - . As a Iihinrr Till, t'i!:e one or two I'UU to pivaur.ic diee.-tion.and relieve the.stomach. An (K-ea-ional dose stimulates .lie stomach .un! "jowills, restores Hie uppetite,-'and invitor- afc- tiie svstoni. Hence it is often ailvanta- -' - ' hti. ihflt ' itl* reno- G&.K'E'SCF.UBIitTCD HALVE' CFJitFS ri.E..*i v.-iiv.viis, iiii.y.n.v i.imiis. salt iiiii:i:m, i-ini.m.viNs, smu; isiikast, .s-'Uil f.ll..>. ii 1 i-i >il'i::. \s,;- wor.;;s,rA i.i.i .-k>,-oa i.n nUrtOJ CIlAi'J'llIi HANDS,, CNTiins, rin.'ixs, ^OAl-T>-1, S lltl.-i, \ ci.'-mis,. wiioniis, tirisos, siii.Mit.ns, nsTims, wkn.s, trir>, I'li.i-is a 1: , .-' Kur.cici.vs, ll'-NI<iSs, SI'UVINS, ' IKIII.s, lint:', ;tx"rs wiiin.ows WA11TS, .'lll.IJpTi:itS, TAN / 1'Uiruis, -. ciiys, .- sci'itvy,! ITi-H, IsonOWI'ti NAII.l, MVITI.C KAHlf, Mi-.suruu>-klka iimis, sriiiiiii STINGS, And alt cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally, Fors ile by all '.lrug^ints. ijrocerK. anil at all c iiuifysliiresiiiroii^l-.iiulitu)' IjaJ- tail B:at -s ami British. Provinces. Prlpo ij> mall.-;jcent* J? . Pl H0T0akh:pnKRS_ should for- ward" me their address if they wish'to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange for' Photographing. Ad dress DANIEL F. BEATTy, ^yash . ington, New Jersey. **'.' . OB&AMT 'fhereisnomnnufacturerofPianof and. Organs iti this or any other country who has re'Ceivrd as runny unsolicited indorserracnts as hap Mr. Bentfy. From everyLStnte and Ter ritory comes the same veidlct. ' 1'he.y are the best in the world." Illustrated Advertiser, (OUndi't'Ue E lit Ton-) Tree. Address DANIEi, lliEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. VtTANTfcE-*. '"J Ladies anA gentlemen to learn Tele graph Operating for- otiices opening in tlii; Dominion'. .Stamp for 'answer. . Address MANAu'r.K, Box L'.'i.), Toronto; TO KISI>ESS MEX.-Ifyou wnnt Uilltieails. Stale n ,<-111 s. l.el- ter-heaiis, Mnvcloiies, Me-rriuitlle i'i Int lng,oe;iiiy ki Ti'i,'lone 111 lliISl!llf5st.V]|., scml 5 our nrile'is In llie hUKE PltK^.- offlen. Satisfactionitmirnnteed, jPnEH f Any person who tBI muki rcttS- and forward me a list 01 the lyaiues of reliu'oie persons ol lliiiiue- (/jiiiiiitniici who vi?-li to proi un rn in- srr'.'.iiient, eiilii-r.I'iuno 01 organ, I vv11 ] use my best endeavors tei sell tliern one, and for every IMitno I succi eilin sollinc toC'eii list within ore;, ear, 1 willcredit tliern with Jin, and Tor every Wrcanja, to lie applied on payment of either n Pin ho or 1 irpai-; and wlien it amo-. nts lo n sum in indent to pay fi ran lustrinii nt soJeetocal t 'C- linvcKi v bolcsalc iirlre, J \Tll)lmin:(i|atel.i shiji lliciiislrum.'tii, freoi orafterany ar* ianl I s crcilite-d 1 he ba'nnce mn.v be pwid mo in cash nml I will t!i"ii shlp-thcpi the instrument.. I'I ey neednot be Known In tlicmnltor, mid will he doinKt hell fi'lcds a real ser vice, ns I shall make special oners to theni.ficllinp'a npprior Instrument for from onr-liair Iwo-lliirils wiinl Is ordinarily asked by aaeiits. i'l ease send me'a Iisi at once nndnfier yotihnvi' matfe tnoulrv yon can ailil to It. Ai/dresf PANIELFiBEATTiT \Vasiilng(0n,New Jersey. TOST A8M7ED, A splendid lot of Kpriog Boots Ss Shoes. AT T1JK*W- CENTRAL BOOT & SHOE STORE. Call ascl czcainc them beforo , ! buyiafj clscTrhe'rc. ing to tho public that his stock coiibiBtjng of English, Kcotcb and Canadian TWEEP3, OliOTHSi, AND__WOR^TBD 0OQDJ3. In nctv comploU, Un >3 proporpij to njftrte up in tho LATEST STYLEB, And flood WorifBi'iPabip, ,| - 1 I . ! ' -rn 1 THE ACTON : r \ '{ S&tiefacticn Gawanteed, A Call Ik Solicited. JOHN NELSON Uotjkwood. March 20.1877 ,38-3m NEW DOMINION ' BOOT & SHOE STORE ; Opposite Aghew' Hotel, Main . iitrcet, Acton, / A0T3N PLAEOG SV1IILS D. W. CAMPBELL, Prop, . THE GEBAT OF HUftiAN CAUSE MISERY We have reoenl'y puhl|sned p in w edi tion of I>r. 'nlvcrvTirs tiolelirated K- Hnj: on the. railieai and pennnneni cure (wnhout m< (licine)of Nerveiis Pebiiity,' Mcnt al nnd Physical Incapacity,Impedi ments ib 31urringe, etc., resnlting-fiom excesses. Price, tn nse.-ileel onvelorc,only OCents or two postage stamps The celebrated authoriin this ndrnlr- nhip Essay clearly demonstrates, from thirty yennrrsuccessful iirnctiee, th.*t alarinlpg coiiseijupMces may be radically cured without the dangerous use of inters mil medicine or the application of the knife* i>o!niing out a mode of euro at once simple, corlalu and oflectunl. by ineann r.f whicli every matier what his condition mny be, may cure h!rucelf cheaply, privately and radically. This 1 ectnie should b*. in (lie bniids of every youth nndeverj-iaa'n In the hand, 'TIIE C'L'LVKUWEIX IIEDK'Al CO., r Having purchased the aboye najned establishment, I jin prepar.ed to manu facture SASH, DQOES, MOULDINGS, &e All kiuda^of . i LAN IN Promptly attended to. D. \Y. CAMPBELL. Acton, Dec. 4th, 1877, ~ :. ?2-3m EPFS' COCOA^. IiJimso.-"By a thorough knowledgd ThrundcrTiencrnn old retircTphysicianhaving of the natural laws which govern the ieenpern?ienently cured of the much a"""1"-1 j;------ operations of digestion and nutrition,' connrapdon by a simple remedy. ----------- 1 o all who desire it, he .will sead a copy of . scription used, free of charge, with di Epps has'provided our breakfast tables' ions for preparing and using PostOfflee'llox-158(1 41 Ann St.. New York. 4-ly CO., ?ri^tical Chebiat^ LOWELL. MA.M.\}Xr. . a". job a>L2 av.tii, pc""ia^p3 EViiaywiniao .....physician having :n dreaded dUcaao , is anxious to di __ r 1" t: a--_^- r j.u ^_' , ukc itauwn 10 ins icuow-buncrcrs the means of by ft careful application of the fine u - To all who desire it, he .will send a copy of properties of well aolected cocoa, Mr. he prescription used, freeof charge,withdirec- Eiips has'prnvided our breakfast tables. '55 for preparing and using the same-, which will _l A 1 '! 1. 1 . n ' 11 efound a,sure cure for Consitmutiim, JBron- witli a dehcately flavored beverage %i(is, Catarrh. Asthma ' which may save us miuy heary doet(.ir3^ " "" bill*. It is by the jtidjcious use of shelf articles of diet that a cnnnti.tutipn-niay begradttally built up itntilstrougtnoligh , to resist every tendency to ilrscaae. 1 Jlundreda of subtle maladies are Moating -around' us ready to attack wherever there is ajweakpriint. We may escapp- many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselveB woll fortified with pure blood and a jn-rvr perly nourished frame." 6Vn7 Service. Gazefle. Sold only in \> ickets labeled - "Ja-mks Kits & Co., Homoeopathic Qhemist, 4%, Threadneedle Strett, and 170, Piccadilly, London." SPECIAL ATTENTJ01T OIVE.JT TO O^C335aED .VpRK. CRAINE & SON . ; ..- A ctonj March 20, 1878. : KSNNEY & SON Wiidi to cull the attention of the In- hnbilants of Uio Village of Actori and vicinity to their immense stock of j SOOTS, BS0S3 ft OBOOBEIEp. Comprising all thoIatnst styles in J5oot6 und Shoes. | ! ( TilereJ Work receive*ourppecihl attention, Kcpairipg prorpptly " tettded to. WiJr Grocery . Department Is well supplied with Toas, Sugars, Fruits,-Biscuits, Tobaccos, Soaps, Coffee^, &c, &c ploaso call and examine Our Stock, 1 i KJ5NNJ3Y & SUJn Aoiton, Dee. 12 1877. , ._ ._ m !87B. SPRING OPENING. 1871 a w w Has now in Stock a large npl well (isaorted lot of DRY" GOODS, GROGERIBS,- CRDCKBRY, GLASSWARE, &c. Which ho will sell Cheap for Cash. ' < HADE CLOTHING a specialty. A large assortment of Pelt and straw Hats for Spring wear. I N. The highest cosh price paid for'Produce of all kinds. ?. Acton, March ]4, 1^78. 37-3m , mm mm 2> SPRING SUITS! oarri-s with stwnp<, pay po*tae, J.P.HQuntain, i Ogdeuabnrs, Box 5339. '.N.Yf . All tl^e latest patterns of SCOTCH, ENGLISH ANO CANADIAN in the market. Suits made to Order, from $8f up A splendi^L selectiWJp|, SPRIN%_HATS I Fuiriines of Gentsi Purnishing^ Ai^Oottoijs, Shirtings :and Ducks at the I East End Clothing Store. J, is the BEST NEWSPAPER Published ia ffaltoa County! ^ l v'. $1 Ol^LY |$ Per year, in advance. "J- -V To Merphants and other EuslceeB Men in r ::-x:"/;"--: " Acton, as well as tb.roiigbout the County, th Free press is as? invaluable Advertising Medium. ij* - /- Our Unrivalled FaclUtiflfi for ExiBautlng 11 kinds ot BOOK JOB POINTING y r' Eaabl* us to turn out wwk aqual fe^BytbiPg done in the cjtw^ i As April J>)1S7S, FYFE & Mc^AB. T. A.&H.P. MOORE^ _-1 -- j-. Puljlisliers and Proprietor!. j ,. : u> vi>-tj , .< xiSsgl^&i&W

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