Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1878, p. 3

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.v,*.J;-ft_$.>.-v**-. r*-..-% - &c ~3*TE=r-^rsrx.-BsnirTm-l THE FREE PRESS, AGTON, 1IALTON "COUNW, ONI., JULY 18,H878, =m f:cn:><~ in the- >!t jt Cbonb cvrr <:'<!->- nt ic'-'H'.i it. .v-,-u^k. r. . Ui.v. K. H'-nii", ?';iMVn. E ^-l'hisitic.'ysj.liill in towti. Ice croiun at V. .W.Tlilt't?. loo cream isn't eo neglected ai U w.ia a month ,aj;. The ditleronoo between n 1>dv / 10 CAW MATTERS* -V '^j*1'^^;'*;^^ ^\"' ^ j and .a barn is that ?liin,:b >^t evening, lor tliu pur- -A lieavy thunder atorm lust evening. ' ' . . --Tho'post ofllco.sjtoro i:i Unlock- t.'il with rtveV^re-ens, "- --Thoro j\\M8" a mooting ttt As- I" 1 l';st< -i " i !"'>' -~^ K isi.U of Wsi.'Vs j;,vk. .W-wfUny Mid Sjh V.iiri-ri at t;c\ Hyndydrwdhiy Mure. l>i\isic-ti l\<mf.'jf?'vnt:>y. " _-tcc civalii :\t C. \Vvll>l!'s. - TsAlirmbscript!o.m>iud yet ? to the bain, A.-., o.o. Fly Killer. All kinds i\t .1. Iv. Mi'daiVltl'j OnlJJ StOl'O, Tiiotv is a lot' tf,f sttitns^t-a in town, vh-itini; their uiciiils, and re- .-: iiitia^ th. niselvcs generally. pu>je of or^^ an Orange Souhdy in towii. .- Somo.coinphunts avo lie'mg llt(uU> that tin- voting hnya m'o in tlio liabit of batliinj; in Morro\v' pond in daylight, ft.<yv yon had better. Htnp, , _ - . . or .a fr'fo liiK- to Milton may bo tho ro- AI.I.AN-S I'lA' TdUCK. The l.iith" | ? -TvcAA llyfio.s itevr m1vcvti?t> tiuni Fly Kiikr. kills all the- lliiwju.ft t." f F. very thins vrafe quiet in fhis VilLv:- on tho I-Mi. : . 'EIk wheat in tliis section of , li.c vvr.i:;rv Lvbivcl!. -Arv yon goin^to Coup's show, "j*a l".v.i':fh,.;u-\i S;-.iv;r>i.iy ! -Yeunor is wrong ognui j it C5 M.d Cher, ies iro ali llio j;. -The pr.icstirkrrs Gn-ca'ir. tin? :.-: at l.'. 1- .M.-rroWs l>r-.:^ Stor*. -Ai'hir.'s Fly^klck at J. F.. Mc; r.'.>\n in t-o i'ionrs. unly by J-, !:. Maini-yin, l'iu:<iist. Actim." -- It is nunorcil tluii Mot'mht'y i> tho rv.-:Vr:n ciUiiiila'.o -f"r ho!io;s ";vt th-.< noit clootion. Tho V'.<nsorv.itivoi h:\vo :u>: yet \vbisjuMcil ^^!\ll tlio-ir!iit:i:t - ?Ir. .1, IT. lr^.cin-.nfGijolph, !. rn-.orl'v v.V-t,.r o! t-ho l"i;!;:: fiir.^s. hasj d;.m'tj^t'-nv iwK-r on the l^l!i; --'- n'.o'.'.i; with tho V'.r.i,"..liau l'rc.*.< As'soo.inl' .' ;' , ..' i L ! on, boi-:\ visiting Prtivit, t.'hic".ci>, mill --Striwhovries^avo none: U.isp- " ', -K ' ."' A ho:it nveo hotwoon lrmiltm an.l C.n-.rt.noy i"or c-',."it'O a fide, hris b.\"a r,vr^'i.;o\ ;>,:. It will c.i'.\n\ ii;V l<o- m. lvvw:i tho las; of Svptotuhur .afi.l tho itr.rtia'e Un-.R MiTC. * W.h i't O"otobjr. ' .iu- hiyiac, 'borcT.: J. K. .\!ot:.-.rvin"s ' '.r your nrighbor r.r^-o. !..-.rx. -v-A jnottio, ah hchulf. of tlinron-; Kio^ Sabbath wna hcM.l hi"'s grovo-j-oBtcrilny after- noun. Swiii^i. ami-otlmr ainiiHomonts' wi>fo itjilnlgoil iu, lU'lYeahmiMUs l'i'o- viiloil. ' On account of tlui rain tho nil- tlrosaj-s wtro jmstponotl, and tho Onnvil r.iljo.ivnit'd to 'MtC .-Armstroujj'ii Ijarn' where thoy onjoyod tliumsiilvui for n slwrt time. S The Equcsc.urriciilinii, Jfi\ Cnnjv'a now show, tho bpst ,' yritnesscil, will in I.oudon, July '18, lir^ntford, July 1<), .an,]. tluolpli. Saturday, July 'Ji>. This sfinw,' which travels uudcr tho jaw-brcaidng namo of " I' [iio-s?urrici:hira#" has little in common with tho circus, little, in common .with t!ie mo'oa^oi'ic, anit yet it combine-* tho last featnrcj of both,' run! t onV. TINWARE! WIio Man(st Tinware? - !'nw against the. wall * * "ot onb' entertaining, lint also in-: V.. o.Kv.-.-.. :-':oh ai^h' liir.o, at>,l then utter a ' s'.rnctivoff-animala aro its leapcrs end I ,-, / lS. 11:. ri.e - l}'.-.:te n r.'.;:isK-r of boys; Inivo b-. t~ wear::-..; " O-i;: ji' i.n--i Hia-. ' K:o- l-Jn"i >i::.-c-^'::o l-:h, =_ an^i Torontv^s ^jd-.y Lstr.issf. in 'u.r.-ato, o:>. Sa:?toiay, Tho groat Ini*!rua.tici:al Toni- yora::ce l^raor.-'Jtration on :;:e V'.r:::;*by at.\> -.rottttiU, ronits I'll to-'dav. J r.'.achino pr.s=cd t:;r.u^h so-aJa ' M:.n::ay. \\". -:io.V r if to.-, v have t:irc-" r^:y 'lie y-.-t ! !"" v>-.i-1, yoa may btt .i:ro the ir.oi c.' --I. ?.iW-o>nt for sr.n-strok wot loaf or h.-.-.i.lkeivhiv: in A hai'ia a bareback riders and doea it3 successful actor?. It h-.i p no objectionr.l fea- t::ro3. The man or woman who would not be a.<h:yno,li tn attend thf moit re V'-"<t.Y otVeCL'.'.r.l i<rovou',itiv... wlieioxi j iki,\l u;>oVa;-li?ed not he a.diajnod to at. a briok i:i tTio ha: i n:ctty .-.:r>' to tc:;d thiL\u"tortainnH'Ti't. hittlc cliil- -_ J ', can be taken to jit with g-"1 result-!, ' --r^: W. Hill's lo:v (.' Pur ! and had the ino;t re>pootab!o ['ortiou ,,f ' '.'is tl.e :>'.ioo wiiei'c you got-1 the e immunity wiohcl an e'nturtain- t!:o' pur-:1 ai'ticU' tii'.lnv :or i;t;:.rt. "or Iv iho di^h i At Wimblotc-:;. >.itur.lay; Li-.if. Woj-ton. of Halifax-; o.r.t.e in tifth t:t tlio i'tit-oj ^1 Wales J)li^fcol!l- 1V S';':!T,?1 l'i-ti:"b':b :"":" tV:r-nr.::aer t.^:;. They W(-:'d-ratUr tike rt Dr.t'.ir.-I than the other w.-.y. 4' - Ti:o be:-: show ever witne>5:-S;, f>V::u to bet;: i.i-.-.erph i:-.t: Sn i: *- ri^5 a : Oi'.e il.-iy laKt week, .ns John <."iii=h-.i!:awc.-i oatti:'^ hy on hisfatfior ;. :-. : .: \ c-.i.':t-':v,:AtiVi :>>:::, "' h-. m-o-.ab.-jamoc^.'.ifd ment invent o \ whore all oU-i-'.m o mid Ui-oct with positive houetit, Mr \V.. t". (\ia;i, the-originatoft of the V. nicicurri- culwth, cauhl not have more closely can- vilted th.'ir \vis]u;i. * It is tlio triumph of inventive Kj:ir,.u, of c.l.icjtiun fcivcr the brute creation. r j_____! Iho f.>Ih*wi:i5 ^r3 of T, Stewart & do ACTON, ONT. "Wo aro making friends Ivy' hooping n {ir^t-clitss Blook of nil Kinds of of tho LATEST DESIGN^/ ffhiuh, Tor ilutability ami bottuty.rto dkfv Competition; stoves always in.stock. KAVETllOUOHINa a specialty. . ' rroducfl tultoti s:inio as cash. At- work'gi)!ir:ititcul. -ll-.lm T. STLWART & CO.' To Cleanse yoUr HouseSj WALSEa'"&'OAMSBQ W- j- . - ' . Who tiro pi'cprttctl to < And tRorotiglily liunovulo hotisca lit tbo ppcy lowept rateo. Orders-from town nnd country nttmidcd to. All oi-dnra to bo left nt William Wulkui-'H rui(Juncp, .hAmut., Acton. ~ i AMoni Arrii iv, wMm' Wallcer &.Oamsron 64 MEM gqpMjgwiiiiMi i,inuj.jyyuiLa J^^f^T"^,1*^WVrff8; *Wf -J8 0? ALL eOMPETmOM ! ! ' Gail and 6^e oiir cheap Brasie% Prints find Cottons, Parasols,- | Gloves and Ribbons surs v .to please, '. -' ^ Livery Stable. Crc-ws.'nVCiirii'ir'.- Div.'S. of T. 'wore j in stalled o:i S.iiurtlo.y t.-veuih^ l.Vit, lr Uro. J..V. Secord, I), (i. \Y. I'., \\': i. Aull, l.W.V,. H: A. Will'. .Mi s i.V Aiild.-Wv A. i n. r.r v.:i.. U.'S. . i..... ..-, Ore^^iBitn, in L tie.r :r'.tn.;B ! w,>: -r-:- Ilu.-kwo.d to jU:-l,:>, '. .-.! i . Mif.i Cas.-it Wurd-cn, A. Ik S. J. f'li-w.toii; t: - ' Mrs. Mcl.asjWin. F. S. v . \\ re.. l'r-.:v.s.':i, Chap. lt.Carruil. L'. a!.-" Ad-lit; I'rrwr-ui, A.C. W. J. .M..-l.a->v,hlu., I. ,S. .l.dyi.tMsi-holiii, .). S. At .the cv-:U:b.ii.i:i ul the ceronvmies, ro-. .^.oor.i a:in-jui!Ci;-l * > the Divi^i^.n Il.iv-.ins^pnrqlia eJ tho I.ivpry Stable an-I bu-ine4> Tofraorly owned by Mr.-K. Aifim-i', \to tiro pre- " pared to furnish First-rlass Ri-s at (he Mosl Itcasonabla Itatcs. .. -. to the [^re-sure oi busiueii^, .- f::aa:-i:i.n: sa; ! U~ ;\:\ ~:.l hi!n iu. tV.l- 'cksir-ju the iiiitits of 1'. v!.\v. 1'.', par- 1:!" r:.Y tis:-:- rr its Fiy.'Pa;-; Tno 0::oit r z. w .'. r. S. A F TERMS CASH, flood Cummerclal Uigs iit;v.iys an hnn-.l. . MATlTJE'-VSiXlCKLIN, -fi-Gmi j John Streot, Acton 4 { rvr-n Mr. .;- rv little n'r.-ucy. "Mv'll'.- ).:,! .'; Co." M-::dy j;.!io;:I.;r!y as the meetings v,ere iii-i-1 'V-; !-Sat::f.!:.y nights, and ho had beeu c impoi'-.l l'i ten-i--r-"tho re-iiquati-ui ~ of i::s c;-:i::a. :-;o;i.- 'J'!,-.- i'!v:s:.-i:i -On Frid-iv cveainz ia^f, the | r.ud liasH^n, tho former he B-m-i tras o:;t s-r7natT:n: I . avit-c-1 in tli3 -Icu.';, v.'.i.-r^- ice J J-ptaf, el tiiuir roVret that Cr o. >L-.'or 1 found V PostOJIoeSfore . ACTON. While money Is "so_ iiir-t to gel, it sliDali bj the first cSni-Ic'r.ition of each person whore lliey can secure the'i>u v i!'i'> rr L'i -ti- money, in "groceries, crocKery i':iss,.vai,o, wall ro, an 1 after an earnest appeal p-iper, ate. Too i'ost ot'lioo Store is t ntee-sary t- resign, and after c.i'er- n^.-t ) ch.iho.e tlte rii;o?,t of rncet:i>>;, in l;:-- "or.'.or t> tmit iiim better, aske-l him t<> Jr..--. .Ni.-^ou re--'iishicr the: rrnticr, r.nd -consent to wliom w-.;,,tr_l_ i,:a -,.,; -n:lt;.,:1, yr0_ SpJc ir.l Ir: liar- t':r.::kol the D:v:=i-)-i j'-ir tlic-o manifes- .-.riirantf.-T.!.-n.I t'tio-us of fricmiM.ip, and rdhidin.s !iii fr::i i:t Ha'dt- to ihe'in^ny happy cv-.-niurs pp-.-nt and \-.tu:'. ct-oj::: - was :-"-~ -T-a'- v.orh (;camjdi%he-l by tin An j Break^-i'sCitio.di.-.n I lentv.rr.-.r v.;:l ! T, ;.-.n l!-sr-Gt i^A- tnat lie i:i:ty am-ng tin; I5rotherhoo.l, i-ai-1 that- he couM not liohl the ollioo. hinder. - I C->J" r -jr ;a.-^ at vr.- L>r;v Store. iijc cartoon repros^nts --i.cft.rr:- :r.~ c-tit n "K" r.::r.grr.-.r.. v.:i > :,?. - At the Tn--nt;t;^ of t'to; Dirco- ; t-:-s nft'ieTi-vaHhip -,t K-p^hi.; Ao. I r!ea:;! S-o.-:-;t;.-, h-.-I.l ::: M i* la's ill.-:. S.:-.ri-. ,:v.i, o:i_ >af :ir lay kst. j it" fr.:.!;y ur:: if.I to 1, ,!-,t th" f.-.l! ;:::- nl th * ;-;_] f:i? t"::-:ir.aijihritiJa t: ;.-; 7,--r,-::^ir. s coouo.->i " -, , . . i7-'.arr,-Mr. .r>j.m Mar: av to r.-'JVoirr. .,.:.,, fr*:n lh., .v..c. *.v-,rtu; iir.':o k-.:;ua:i ry.-iefn - re .1. )'.'. M.-Girrin's W'-rm Powders v.-ill :; : ef fect a e^re. Try them. .', ""-J-' '"' ,j "! -". I to (". storks .: I.'iv 'lfJ'!i, Oat., ftfttr toi'.ifrg ?. tl;o <;>.n r.rA v.-..-t:ijjf wtth' bjiij-o * ::~ 1 '. 0 '"r * > I n " ? -y ' ^ 4 " -f 7 -*r -- i ' " 'i1. i ' f ;.v-: rrirr-'/ir of the d:i7-.-reiit ctm';at.i,i. iacla ii-^5 so.-ne of the b-st ' .-Vmen'e-fia l.-racl; hive iirarleii the contraet to Uit-'Oniirio Cetncnt, raansfftcttirc'l -by ^do_iiTi. Gowlr & M'jire, Liinchouss. Tai= sj>-;-ks well for the Ontario Ce- ' neat. r.=. it was a test of quality and not <Tp.-iee. Th^ c"jr.tract<.r.- vrill re.. q":::e 3 j:at =:.r thoj.3ir.d barrelr in.con; struct:!;" their water works. Ii:rald. -r^-The clearing sale is-still poin^ on; Be-atrtiful Muslins- for Cc in -JSIicl: .;;d Whiter, Jirovonr- a:;<! "\Vhit^'.=,fireys i' Bla-ek sn<! White, ^ in wi-'ilh. M:;z::::!e-.-nt (Trens<:i::es for ;">c sjjd Ce p.'/r vr.rd, wortii 05. Cotton? for .J; 'v.pv.ards. MilJicLiy. and M^itles for k*i; t ric---=. Xovs1 il", votir time to make x:::-..:;ey by Savrr;- it* McU"hl, An.k-r- E';o ti Cu-i ManiMiotii oref- t-j-.v.".. ; " " - ' .--Ice Cream at C; W. II Hi'a. -A "iff - . ttrhbiri!. lir -\Va Tub" for !-a!e :i' th-;Post (J-ih.-.j.. S-ori ..Uma^-;.I there! - for bara-rais'ng aceident?. Tlie la'.t one we have h'--aril about, occurred to Mr. Mc- Kersio, of JC.-in, on Monday 15th insf"..' on the_far:r> of Mr.. John H-jnntett. It' np2>eari-t!iat while raising th.e plate to iti position they let ^0 toa so'm, thus allov-'hii); it t-T fall bach, strihirj',' Mr. M'cK-Viieon tiio hea-lj, r.nd !e j cr.usin" per;o^-5 inj-irie.^. I.>r. j MeCulhmch, of ItoeVtvro-, 1, wa-j i:n:nc-.liately Me'jfc for^ who dressed the wotrn J". Mr. Me.Kcr.-iie-' 13 pro^'resjin^'jjiv-TiLably. Use T. E. >IcGarvin 8 Fly .Sticker,\ It is tlio host. ,0 cents a sdiee NOTICE. All parties indebted to tliis oinee c^thi-r" for S.ib-eription, Advert:.;in^ or Jo:i Wori, prior f*t'ee 1st of July, will obk-.; oUiin,' rboforu tlie'lst nf Au^'o.-t. A'l aeo r.ipts uu;iai.l at t'nat .- collection. T. . "V iYZl\]fyC Ciutomers will jde'r-se bear in mnj.-:i tha*. the l.irbur .Shop, is closed rfi o'clock' on Saturday- n'^ht fiiuT no :;".iiviiig oro'.'uer work will be doue after that hour. Tho~c indfditel will ideiie pay up without further notice. <;K!.). . I.MVJINS. CA.HA3JAW PAG1F1C RAILWAY. To Capitalists & Contractors. 'i 7>Ir. B. Williams, lias a^ain Grocer Any gnanttt-y of-fruits iri their F'.-a.on, Ilro-'J.herries, Cherries, kc. .&c.s als., ^00 1 IJ-.itter and otrier jtroduee, aT- iou^iit! ami sold at Seeord'H '-iobhy: opttnedhisfa-tory.inGIenwmiams.and "j_I an;.,.-ai- like to fnry my Ton i m Fri-iay noon the bell comtnenced ..-Tiajrint: once more to.;the joy of the in- hbitatjti. ilr. iVijliajna relumes per- iniaeht operations in the hosiery busi- i)-es oti Tuesday, and we hope hia .career this tii.T3 miy he long an-1 iWo.iperrju.-. His retiumpti'j,:! of bLtj.iue. an! the opening of said"fa:to.-y '13 hailed with tleiight by nsAny'. villagers, wii'o .ire Btjireely able to earn a living in any ct'aer capacity. -Vt. . GurrtS, tro aTOrd'oinitb'c^ordcfi'i ed clotbinjf teatiW Bu*y, i&\ ever f fcinla.r.)!! full time Willi ii>. The reason; why we have the lare^st'stock ; the nobbiest-and cheap at f-'eeord^ Nohby Groeery.'for they al-- ways have, the to be had, and be- sidbi theyialoraVs .have it mr in lieai caddies, hohiiiig one, two, three five pounds eae!i', and dou'-t tntlt-c anv charge for tiie' cii'I.lie?.: I. liho' tiling.? that I have u, e.-.t or diinh, done up iisst, cleairaniV tidy. , T'lioy say inor.ey is searcj), hilt you would not ihitik ko if 3-0:1 ^aw the way tbfCV arc rushint; out goods doW/i at Secoriis Nobby Grocery, and it io no wondiel-f ir they aro selling 20 .pounds of peedle-'r, rai.-.ins and J8 pounds of ci-'rVants fof,ji dojlar. Jient tidlet Soap -10 coatc p-^rdoz. Pipkloq-at' lo contn |>er bo,vtle. I'lour at ^.'.(io jier 100 lbs, and nearly everything else in the eatilo .t"zor,d=r; Jittin* and cutting a J; proportian. M'orkniansliip a:i'i tri:nmiiv;8 not'to" lie j !\ow is. tho . ti'nft -to . wash f-.riia-.i.e.l: inspection invited. Mc-j vitlj j;,K_ McGarvii/a live cent Toilet Leo4, Anderson it Co., Georgetown.. | Soar. I ' ' * J, E. ^IcUiu-viu/dr-ii^-igt,\fiiop. J; j, ^ 4.,&uv\/i',<lnizii,t, Acton, TiiCiGover'nTnen4. of Canada will re-, eeive proposals for eonstnicting and worltino a line of Railway extending from the Province of Ontario to the waters of the Pacific Ocean, the dis tance being-about JtiOfj juries. ' Mc-nioraiirfnni'of information fir par- ties' propojnnp; to Tender will_ ho. fur- warded'"^n .njiydioatioii' as Underneath. EutMiiee-.4' Reports,-maps of the civun- try to be travcraed, ijrofilei of theikur- veyed line, ST"eeificatians of prolmiinary work.s; coph>3 of the Act 0/ the.J'arlia- ment of Canada under which it is pro posed the Ka:Iway-;is.toT>o consfructeJlTi deseriptioii.s of tlii natural features of the. cotihtry nni.lj its (toricultriral ami miperab -resoitrcl;.s,- and ftlieir,informa-! tion, mhv liaseen on application at this Department, or to the Kiigiiieei--iii-<.!|ii<fE at the rViiiadian (jovcrnment Odicc3, 3f Queen Victoria efreet, h. Li,, 'London. -=h Realed Tenders, njar'ccd, "Tenders, for Pacific Railway,S-will be* Teccivcdj 'addressed to tho uiidersi^'nod, until the 1st day Of December next. ,' ' ' V. IlPiAUX, Secretary, \ ' Tuhlic Works .liiipt., O'ttaw.i. OttaVrt, May.20, IS7o! *)-4t T ashes' ' si'h.iVy ' k.vts trie place. No. ] Ruind ilorrin^s [or ?1.'30 per half barrel. --. No. 1 Split ITorrings for 51.75, per ha-f barrel. -No. 1 Trvi: .-half birred. Three I'.iioiu Pai-.s; f.,r oOe. .Matches per il.ox, Ue. W.irr.inie I Good. for ?2,00 per Tii 33t SO cant, tea In tho lliT'&l. WMjh PAPPUS FltGM 4 ex.;. UP. And everything usually kept in a first-class 'Jrocery, cheap for cash or trado. Jl I J AS., MATTHEWS. Acton, Jlay! ]', l'S-78. t C, T. HILL Is now ollering for ralb in nidditloti to his stock of T ^roosries, : :' Orooksrsf -' The' following Goods : ; 3a7 rVs33t St:vr' Fpr^3/Grass :557^^3, Oriilj 357-^33, ' SC7':h0 St3I133, Snattia. S;:. Cleaned, 3yed and ialtcrcil to the pre sent hi-diion, -' t- , MR.S's -\V'\L THOMPSON, -13r3m . fr-Bower Slicet, AcroK. Peb, 19th, 187ii,~ A-lso'.a Hplerrdid lot of C-arponters' Hand Sav/3, Moat SiW3, Olleyholo Sawa,- M-asbnii' Tro\Velsf . . 1 etc.-", ' ' ?mn ^ pmutjjls with the cte'.ebratoil - Rubber Paint Always in stock.- . JCST'AlliWill be sold low for cash.- ash for Hides. ; . ;cilArvLEsT. HILt,, ^ft *? ' % Galatea Stripes hnd Checks lianclsorr.o. Plain Cambrics in FJlaek and Navy Blue, f-'oftl Ifrorrhhind Myrllo Choice designs in Black and Whito Prints, f ' Another -l>ot.of Dress Linens. . .Very latest iftyles in Ei:glislfi and .American l.ineii. and Uti'co Rets, Cull's and Collar*. ! ; | Magnificent Parisian Tics in.Lico nnd Silk. ', Eest Stock of Fancy Hosiery in the whole trade. ' ! Now Goods always find their way to tho Risbionablft West E:><1 tint, rondoring our stock alwa,ys attrac tive!-, nnfi keeping lis busy even in the dull season. ' We are opening to-day 10- Cases New Goods thoroughly replenishing our stock, A. O. ni'CHAlI. F MiioFblo ,Vpst En.I Drpu, llaiv tie aud Millinery lCstnlili-Iunent. Guedpli, July-IJ, 1678. &-a PI O ^ E-fl 5-a( ^ -i U&J 1/1 B-i o rH 0 0 Oi- t t O -J bA I 1 B W aqunrc ana, are pro- r'"T L,i,rrriTTr?-Tar*T*'*v'"-T,'* i by tlio prcan anal ho ni A R|if>IS pcoploftfl tho most be.iutirul uud r IH(uvC> Bwcotosttoned-PLinos-overinanU-- fneturett Bent on test trlnl and " In tho wc " " ' - AMD pronounced tho bost In thowodd.. Eoatiy'3 una celebrated Uoid*?n Tongue Parlor'-Orsan-i. Any nxanufacttiror clirmca&ed tt cqualthem. Thoy p*>s?osb ;x>w _______ 4<:a ivun tit ir.k;u*.v^ h4.t- -u.j A.nMnAB3C .manufacttirqr_ cliallcarjcd to_ w.:'.axju^ttUUSJUUSKn rr, depth, brilHcr.L-y r.n^-sym- %Jiff A S (US R EV i^eii"ff^ TVS "pathetic dcltca- W rtO II u i^^ _y* *^y C>V ^cxnulBitcly i -----------------L - ' 'f'-"^*' q. Tlio bellows capaflty i:i- so >rt l.i roq-ilrovl-with the feet to Biipplyail the air ntetssiry. llt'st made end nest' elfffant casca in thfl n: r.rket. All r.olld v/ood omr.- tnents, Every in..,trnii^ciit I,ully v.-nTrrhr.ted fcr s.ix day dro...__________. ------.__^ _ , .......---- New Jci-rtcy,' United Slates of A:iu.Tica. i EAS Should be used in e^ery family. Try thm. I Another: car load of l received, to be ruistted biff at ^. bargain.^ J; v ' Busy, Busy in the IBiMQi DEPIBTiraT 1 Stiil they come for our: stylish fitting Garments, ies' and Ge^ts^i " fey^O Hats and Caps. New styles selling* verjf cheap, ' v -V- ^our influence and patronage soriched for the" success of this jrreat cash-sysitiixi. ._ ' i , * Acton, June lith, 1S7S. IWm SUMMER JBCIJlIP ;-lA.T -THE- 3STBW BRICK STORE, I ' . FREICH MlLLfflEES s. i AlsOj a splendid Stock vof Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, lonsisting' pf. black ; and color ed Silks, Cashmeres and Fsto-qy Drbss Goods.' , Kid Glove^ran the, new shades (1, 2 and 3 buttons), lisle. Thread Gloves,-/ Parasols, Sunshades, . Iiac/ Goods;.Trimmings andvFringes;- Prints, Corhtrices, Musliiis, Grey Binens, White and Grey : Cottons. " A I S: dL<arrnnrr?d by iw ct that but llttloqu" _...)plyail the air nee issiry. Ut>st made cud mest eU*pant casca in thfl n: r.rket. All r.olld v.'ood omr.- acrits. Every in..,imntcnt I.ully v.-nTrrhr.ted fcr s.ix cars z.n riti^Hy first plasH.jrind on 1mm 5 to 15 .ays'* ti'Et trial. Iilur-tratod K<-,vs;<r.T,cr st-ut free Ad- res DANIEJi K. BKAT-TY, \tas!iin-tou, icw Jd-Hcy.'_Uiiltcfl teiatc3 of A:n_erica.__j_ ORBAHS. RE&tTY^HOSV The:public arc particularly cautioned Jitainstbouna i instruments'ivhlch'nro being palmed orf as genuine' - JDc-atty celebrated Pianos nnd Orp-aiw. and part leu- ; Iarly rcom. parties in tho.West and fcouth-West,-where this df;tostablo trickery baa been extensively prac-'1 tlscd ^n the reputation I havejiained; nlsooewarocf-! anouvmous circulars ;wrUh falso fiuotntlons from i Certain trntfejoamnlH. Write for crplnirntloib Sentl i foulioatty'a Illustrated lUano &nd On^in Advertiser/ contalnbif? teattihonialH froni-TiiIllionaires, bankers* merchants, lawyers, clergymen, and thousands or purchasers throURhout the length and breadth of tlio laud, with tull particnlara or the treat Piano and- OrRRQ' -war acalust-hich prices. KowBpnper free. laud, with tull particnlara or the treat Piano and- DrRan' ww ncamst-htah prices. KowBpnper free Address JJANIRLF, BEATTY, WaUnn:tou, Kew JcrMpy, United Slntca oiAmhrica. A1 'i': aiO'NTMiiYiSAI/E. -f- The Acton' irioirlhly sale will he. held at Agnuw'a Hotel" on Fair Pay, ra l "~'fi A 3 rf Thui?sda7, 4tfc- July. .^S. SAB.BVR^B.] f. ... ... the CJ.- T. It. is wort prepared to ' carry any " All' W if if s of'Stock, Invplcm'ehts, <ce.- Will bo sold by payiuy Ml) cts a-pieeo. ;SalG at 1-2 o'clock. " TERMS: Ton months' credit on approved joint notes . All entries must ho made to MrlJas. Ryder, See. ' '\VM, HEMSTEEBT, Auctioneer.- j vou i5-tf | thoui 12XPSS33 AND FREIGHT iDelivered at Aeto'n station^, at YERY GH^BAP RATis, .;. Uea:ly-Madfi Oloiljflng-, Black find B!ife fyaad- eloths, Dlitgonals, English, Scotch and ^aaadian Tweetls. SUITS MADE TO OEDEB,' AU}J A- PE.RFE0T FIT GTJAUANTEED,- OK $9 SALE,--. A full assoi-'i mem of Gents' Fur iiisiiiiigs, 'W'Uiitf j Dress Shirts, Co!iars; Cuffs, Tiei, e(e. A snlch.'id. Stock of Ohoicc Fa'mil j Gf'oceries, . '" "'v.'..-{J ';'JAMES S-YMON", in returning ,Hianks -to: his nfuine'ro'as frieniis and'custome/^-for the vey fihera! Support.'.ac'conle;!' <o; liin> smce.-iie coniinencefj; business in Acton, Vvonld?eii>ind (hem (irat never before in the Isistory o%'Canada were such bar- gain^ offered in Acton. The G"ontM. hnvG bc'eW. bought ibr Cash and will be sold atja srriallad- tane^ on cost, ' -.' ^. %, !; MESiSYiViON/; Troduoe of all kinds ttksn i,h orshanga at the'.hij;hest nr.rket price. f I5a sure and see that Hums ctrries. '; ' H2I&E2&IBBB* TSS PL'AQE i 3|S| -she is-euro to driver, ?HE XEW BliiaK^TORE^MAJKST,, U ; A"ctoji,-'April lOtli, 1^73?" ACi'JX-. :* : * mm p^^i^^i^.mmii^liu>duju~^^>j^,>' t.|ti" inn.'iLliJfrj;')' '^iijj|8Uiii>>ii>iiiWiil>w<Mtii ----------.------.. . ' -f -i I'.n

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