ESfc rls ^^ysrssai -" -^SPI >5h*l i.taO'j - m - i.-:- x. ~ i '--.!~--i.-- ] . t-.-. -. ~j - V'i -:'l'"- ' *r i-.'.... fe -i 'II I r~ h;^:"^rr^^^^r^**<:^jix.Tv \/- JJSSESTS-^ N 18781. | ( t: vut^s. A-.rhutu in Advance -\" t v V.' I . I- ; VO(! ' ,.., >>K". I-h !: IV no n \'X i'.i , VirV to tvcjn i v. it ho;;;. ..i'.i' 1 mi lit :','.;v :; > .Mayor .Heiii' t him lo tallow the .< peaeei'.hly i.'O l'.otlH' ll'.S' Wl'l1 d llis V. iliilii I'.l-Mi tl' Kaiiilall; X-uvv- & Co. Th. j tail' Mr. l/.;,7 'of tho l'Jth.uist., oon- I'ominunioai.iou, signed by eor:;o II indnll, as s-Vuii r tho ____jv.siiucsiiif* Council. SrirWAitrrcAVN, July 5, 1878. \ Tho (-oiineil met pijiiviualit to ad- j^itiuiicnt. Tiio lfooyoin tho chair. t! i liit.- ii :i , r I ,.n s' I t. iUvic to >iit;^-ciij;r y ?onr Suli.'-x'.'i ! tiiO Pi CO ITc^-. i - limi-of K ....lull, f Ah,,"1"',s u11 I"0*""1- i|ll> '" '. ,: : , I,. f-, ,, , - ,, , , ,,. uit'.s ul lust incutiiiL' wuru tin n r'uiul I P.m. :\....t 111.- l-.ll-l'tf! I '>-, .IcIiyiHS till" Mlll.-l.Wllt | iui;, ....^j,.,.,,,,,. * to !eav\e tin- i >' mhii'I niiifj tlio above (inn, made I ' ".v -Mr. .Lis. ..lassie, M.'l slitvt ^,-n-h. " Nuiioniil I'olioy" in tlio Hull in this Village, O'l till! I'Vl'llblg" of till! "iU 11 . a lassie .stated <- that 'flu ' ti-.l ll'V .'.; .i .\< IV A tin.; ; A.-.ji > en.': V';u 4 i-liv: us :. in 'i!.v -vt. 1 ;i !.;yt u.vk i!;o iciiiii-r >;:i;:ilii.v.'. on :;n'. i ; i^r,.' :M- ,\:, .-til*. ; ftir'ir i,-: ; ;i',: t. ,u.i fo'.l :v irw f, i ! u;s! -.-{< to thi- p'..-ii!i;i' .:.i'.-...' t; :, W-.'i, ',1 I'll \i';;',.'. il J'!.U-i', ;\1 iin-\i.'i:vcii; c riviyi t to ii.tvo, ni..i ; l! -.11.' l'i.,1 tlto.i;..,; :!.or j..;i-> M-;i."i'-'i to 1'1' tl o <'.li..!!. A: !'!']' r.u-.ii"!. .f M.nv. ' I i!ii' linn 11.-ii'l I'l'i'-.'ivi'il n lionus of u 1 i i|i!.'ii.tT of'n million 'loliam io ro- nu>\'i<- "rlu-ir tii:i.niif.ic!iiry to thf I S;:i f:'! Olll'v ul' tllO IlllMllhi-rs uf j t!;i: iinii .luiil ti:h-l him (Mr. Muusii'V J.liL.u' :| iM! IV. Willi I 111! r ,i o' ..). , ;. i- :. i iiiii.! -,:,v :i.:.shir. :U 1 hii i'lii! ' -.',," li: -^ :;s :i: ' -hi,.!. '.\-.<l-;v,-.i lo!-!-. s siir 1'ki: : :\ in i.e.'i til. :'.trr-'.".'.M'.r,' 'i;; 1 I O-.'lt tin' IT'OW J I'. tin- v.isiirr. i-ii'.rr.iii'i i- lltlrtilll" li w i 1 Illrs l his i-i' it i ;, :ir,J_ ' Uoy,.n. I' ll-' .-o-l-uv. I'll f c.-l:-.- I'l', . 1 ,.l- til. ri; ' -, rU-:,.;;iy i;.:vi'"t!h' :l!.o: ' 8a[ ;:;i;;:i C:-v: :.;y. in l 3>:.J:. ;;:. if tl.o 'i 1 iiito i.'VLi-y l:r.\o ,ly.d W,- -,:.i' r ' ;;:;-. wi'.i Ah, l,-:;w'..;.i o i::;..! hi ai'i'st iniiiicy hi) v i;o>., :i::il ^ilso that 'whilo tlioy in i!it':*.:\-- u't-r" i'1 ('-iii-iiln tlicy iliil wi-Il, hr.t j irow tiii-y lire oil' with tin* | o^; n !i-|- i f ;i inillioii lU'lliir;; limit ilhoy vvi'io. in ('ana<ia u'ithout it." f Air. Itituhilj in rrpiy siy.s':--'.' Wo i';i \ i r i\ r-iiyiil n' foiit_ of lioiius to iu.'uu',' lis to ui-.'vo 'to Hulyokc, "' '-' anil tin' !;ito linn has i-vorv iv.isun to lii'^'liul tliry lumhi haiiL'1' in ion. :* f* _ * llio!' ^'lll'tr.L'i" ot till! i hi fii'!:i, having .a iar^f lia^o in t'hn c-MojMiiy,- I fci-1 iiiti'ies'tml in .cuiiti'.-iUictin^ the m.'.ny ahuuril tihont tin,- uiiil ,i. to ,n ii .o to their -'. I A Ma vi !- Cio'i n ; ':' t-: . V' ^ t 11 < - 11 :U: IVl liavo luiuril the hist of la . I. ! ci'-;i plV-k rr ;;r. : c: 11, > t . ill :: to ,h Wm I;.,h to Ice.-.: tiliVir^ c:- Viii-l^a:- Coi;;::::;i viih c-: cia::;'.a 02 ;.ny;i.: Tvl'i.':! :;;*y tv.i:..- 'lir'.c^^- , . Ji\: ^cc^-t< i> E;:"by::h .".-. r.S. j-.-l tiii:;j:, i^rici :o ii Lr c-:-'i!i.ct:-i 1 v T ?e -!!-y t lu ll - in!'. _thi- tin Editorial STctcs. I'usli JiiT.s arc r.yin^'-in t>\n-hi\- I'l-iijiiirty to tho kti-n1 I 1.1. ;1T. _;0lHUTS: i , . ...1, j.; 'ifci'.U v/, one .to.'!; t :i ti:v:c ft 1 ;on;>' o: :>:.";.ii >< hi^ L.-C'n lits'ioyoj. ., lli-. ll-.;h-ii.'.s ha:; ]>.'i.-:i brought ,,ut ;.s tii.' l-ijrr.-icfv.ttiv.c':; :'.'r iii istllnTon. ..-"-, ' 'i'l'it- Xiiv llrimswiok (.'.ihint is mi iiTjuiiii; rt'ootistniftioii. .S irvcy- ijT'-'.i- S'i'\'m)Su!i has ro.-iigiicil, :;:: I i.4 micciIl-Jci! hy Mr. A'lams, >:'X.'-vld-aiuilami, who was sworn in :.;:cn iv;.i oo g;\ tn Llli-- 0 l':-Sl v.-;;h the- ;ty, ;\\A' ii.;' I. :..i --"t: ,'irt. ;iu iLts liii^i' r.o -his oiil-ic; fi/r i V'"o:,: cr a-.iVt.i- e i.-^L i_-i 0 ii:'-" v._i;i As i.ioii c -.1.0 lhll;-J thron-j. i :-. .S'. I'.ji-inf^ i-!.iu-rij.'t ;h i'i--'.:i_; t::c l'.A . i.-, \ t syin i.:lit': ~ tin'.-: c-C-fcrtKiu:-'.!, or inihuinary. A h:r,v of Jlr.C CVO'.Yil,; h.,-.V.',Vt H- - llL'- U". S! ll-tho-lll-i v - '. ' -r Jahil-s S:' ti !.;r, r j:n Ml-ilv, hi! 'U I'liii. II". I lions for tlio Gemini nke jihitto on tho 30tl t it .or rr.ii ii irticn .n wi'.L ;;oot=, yi < -.,-i'.i \\hiji: it is infill ii.f.tiihcr of Iks joiliMl. -Ill e: ni;U -;i" il;ri to *-.;! c j: ot l..;!f a '.-!.-r!.- :,il ri- in;;;., aril :he cuinpu'^ti -is now iti ;"..;S hhist. (ipinion is (livitlei) ns t i il:-j ri-sul- of .the contest, ' it si.-e:ns' iii'.tf.-uliahlo that Bismarck \fiii he ah'n to Jisponsa, with the i'.i-'. of the Xathlmal Liberals ia the new Parliament. . Movnl l_y Air. Liiul.iivy, Keefttidetl at tin-ll.y Mr. tiiuhiim, tluit- tlio. Kiiin of meeting ln-hl . $1 "' ho to jMobsix Muslmll. it Anthony for lahor Jono on lots 111 & 3- Oil tlio' 'Jill liiri! Ill' tll'H Township imiluv their siiperiniteiiil- -t-noe ;. also .^lLfiO to 10 tw\l Xixon forsei-viiin notices mhl nt.lcjulin"^ VoIih-h' Lisl./i t.'ourt byroi'il-oi; of the Jiiil^e. i tkii'rieil. ", Movoil by Mi. MelsiLi'i-J-, Hecon.l- eil l.y Air. Liinlsny, tiiat.l^:(l).liH he pahl to. A.lex. .Minn for four sheep iilul tvy.i latnhjj, hi'ing. t ivo-rliiiili of lln-ir vuliiu ;'nlbi) ."i> to Wn^. B>w- Ijian, heing^two-thii-.lsviblue uf four hinihs killeif by ih^'s, the oivner or ownein of which1 uro -iinktio ;vn. r.iniml. Movnl by Mr. (irnhilin, Nfe.'.iiilcil by Mr. S!ioi-tri!i'1, tit it, tlio .sitin ol ho p.till to Mr. (1 >ok for plank fui'ni.sheil by Iti ill for cnleertN ; a-lso bj |>aiil to Kiohiirii Ifow.son lour for'ietl hy lipll dir piiivorts in .lames II. Nix- oii's division. ' (.'.uTi.-d. j i\Iovt'ilhy .Mr. I/nfls.-iy^'-coinh',] i.y Mr. (i,--a!i..iii, that thij .sum of j >"i'.") l>u granted to repjii tile hill'on tHiij otili tine, (ippo.-iite I/jt 21 of this- Ti>wii'ihip,-.-iin.|; that '.7o!ui I.tiown altd John L.tnls.-iy he iipp;iintL'J c ijniiiissiotu-r.s to expend tiie Haine, .('.ijrrled. ' , jMovod by iMr. MeE iery, jiecoml I'd! hv M.r.'--lir:ili.inr, that tljn sum of pi I.oil be -ranted to T. Met.'jnre I'oij extra wotk done on lots Jo, 2" and L'.-s in tiie 0:h cm. Also $10 to I I'Veileriek N ear ! for n-movine stone and repiuiin-. bridge on lot :io;flili!i eon; C.u-rie.I. Moved by Mr. (.'Jrnliamy second- ei ;by M.r. Hlitirirccii, that tlm-sum ot"j<oi) be paid to John Briiin and .b,'seph(Tri:iibh', (.'ornmis.'doneM for thy jeivetion of a new hridgo. be tween lots r> X- G, 8th con; of this Township, Cirj'inl, Ti.i| council then adjoiirnod until l-'ridnv, OOih of Auirn-H t, 1S7.S. i ". J. MlrKKA\V'Uiuc. A .NillsiiiKU'. To the kiUlnr of llir.Frcr J'rnn.i, Di:AiiiSni,--l think Mr, Editor, you are not uwartV of t]i<: iioini; uild i-.ickiit la'tii at nijjlili .vhich wo' rcuj- llollt!) Of Mill StfCt'l liavo lo put lip with, or-1 urn btiro you would liavo luuiitioned it; in your pupor boforo thin. But I must my, tlm noisu whroll liWtih'etled mi lu.u-I'Yi- day iti^rltt, ubmit iiuy'tiiiiig J liavo 1 tiuiii, mid -I' would those yoiiii" men t) the Hnrim th'-y nroj use midnight, bout eard for iioiiio like to request play only on to, Tor J 'think, Mr ICIi.tor, !foi' too luiiount ol nlis.i tlicv ni.idt!, timy cich must havi! had sum.) A'f'.'M .'turit.-', wheth- i;r they fill tli'.'in iutcnxii'llv or not 1 him n it, at, jibu'ly to siy; [ hIioiiI.I ju lg-i tlley had thJ Jlontx iusi !e. I.iirjpt) that i-ho next trine. tlicuK young men are let no l.if.o at niijlit, tlioy will retire to a more congehi-al ;clim;i -(.ny . kmii.'. h te)c slreet wheri) no person resides) and thorn, wile u'way tho midnight .fiours, iind not coiiio whooping and yelling down, the sttilet Mmtui-'liing I poplc who wish to fi.tvc a i|"l let iilghtH rest. Votir.s Truly, A Mli.t, 'f'-1 ; It ins ii'itti u.''iitiry wa.s cjlubtvtl- 1 in I'ariy on Mmil iv. The glorious T.volt'di, was cehi- bral'-.l in Hamilton by lli.: appear- jinrre'of oiie.solitary drunk- in tiio [ioIicj court next, morning. . ',"Tiio Orange .ieuious'tr.itious al! o'Viil til-: (:.'.: i it'.vl living' IJjl Weft; ijuiet, exj.-pt at' Wi'iln.v, M: Hi ml, wliere the military'.were c iliiij out, -tinil ii'j.ii'lt ') > pir.-iJi.i-i injured. Tin: faihu'es iii' (finnihi for the lirat aix. iiioniha of ' l.rffrf are 917 against, l,2Jo ill til.: simc [leriod of ;1-S77. Tiio failures for tlio tii'diid lUiartcr of ,lS7rf liutnber 'Voting on tho by-law ruining i57Di')t)L'toi exhibition piu-[)0S'es tool: [dace at Toronto on the 1 Ifc'i inst.,. and! resulted in the tlefe it of the, by- In'.viby a m-.j >ri;:y of llil, the fig ures being. li^G for, and 01 li;. 1'assiiig through tlio \voo;h in Ivi- Iii'ikillon town.'iiiip, Out.,'if limn niimod Win. I'\ Mitchull, togetheir with'Mr. .Incolj'; Wynitc,mid hi* noil purtook of Homo wild p irsuipj.1 In losn than two hour.) from the titnii i>f (.'iiliiij,' it Mr, Mitcliell < 1 i<_ ' 1, liiiH'ering grujt tigotiy, mil Mr. Wyiiiio'u wilt- had u i.ticcensioii of Ijts, Init owing to tlii), prompt ad ministration -of roiiie.lie.'i hi) noon recovered. Mr. yJ. Wynne-was also ill great .clangor' for u nhort tiilio. Mr. JM.itohell w.i* thirty yearn of age, and frotif the county.of <h'cy- Hi! leave.') a wifo but no family. The Provisional ,(!.)tincil of the ( - Hiiity yf Duil'ei-iii asseinhled on 'fuesday ,ifterno-)u last, to cliscusH mttters iifieeting the proposed new -)tmty, uiitl to decidis.' if possible whether, the timo hid not'arrive 1 forgiving effect to the ActofPai- lhirnent by Hiiliiuittini; a f>y-hiw to complete its municipal organization; Tim Town Council of Ortiii';e. yillij ha.vo olFured (o erect, a court houH'i and -furiiish all neeemsary for tho tise of the c-jimty, to pay all exp "tises-iineiirred in pro. ciiring an Act of Parliament, ami to furnish tho ground Tree f ;'r tin; j""- ., *iEi:n:;r>. In A'ctici, on U'riliieid iy,. 17Ui jiifi?.. l.y the lls-v.- ll....\!YH;.-.r:i.;.!...M. X., ('. ,s.; K ilin i-ilei ^., of I'ori I'.-.v. ,-::i, Co. Ni.rf.ilk,-t .Sell.'.-, ilaligllter of t;. 1 T. -!., of Acton'.. ball i&t-G-BO.' HYND^T t V 11 E'fi-YS T 0 E E presents in r&%oi 'Circular. Gomte3 - j^n entire new stock. ha. JE3L A. 'S3 K^ Q AT E. A.^" H727DS' JfWSLtaRT store: Aoton, July Kith, 1X7S. , , ; <;:iiM-TiM \?i Tr.-iiim e.-i|i-e A'-t OOIXI, .Vig'it Tvcn" ii.-i - J'-,r >nt-> in^iI - . JI.1-,- jllii'.'e.iS . - i::-';-:;e.i- - - - ' <, lui'ed - - oo.'Nt .N'iu'iit K.-q.ri u '; ri 11 tiiiio.l I* iv i^iiroi1!. \V,:^t^.r:i iniil 1, .11 leu lliixed - i in; '. ;i a-, telle i:;i.;; l/' . {l. Hi.i.mJ 1. ,.,. .>..( / S'.ni. 7:07 p. in. .Ti.1-1 a. in. !I:'-1J a.m.i l.iiDO.-i.m,' -*3:17 p. in/ l:n> I'.m. Pi-ll'-g* M'jJUi^!!! I.'n the tlj-iehec IIouso of Assent- iily, yes'erday the Iiiii f tlltl llbul- ifio'n of the District Magistrates' U-nirt-i'-iiMs read a third lime au.-l pus-He.1, the O jvernmeiit being ;;us- . tallied, iii t-vo divisions, by- a, ma- has n- all diffkuit juri-ly of ttveli^y: f que.slion.s have b;:en disposed 'of. Tlic Eastern Question. Tho ; cjngress at ]! -rim for con sideration of 8 in Stefatio treaty Tliirtlerous Attack Xe'ar Xay- JitlL'f. Oil ill their- c-!i ;;:-o i.Li Si-Ic. o e i re'tii.jv-nli'i-oiii : u the iru.oit- ^f ' ;sa?ii : -'-2^3 - -v@$ j. tii- l.;f u Tiie i v::V::s ci;':: l':->^s:----?: i' t;;.n,s ;s.^ v--;e ;C-' r: :;-i Ui the, r.i ix r-icsxiinAL. ::,il ioo; -ol. tins (J. li l:-'--i Ul: :.v.i Lc s row. .-::; :;: ;i.e i:toiii- .te-k-LkiiTg ::;c:i h'-ir v.;.y either i^/Or-M,go, ti-.s pixc-.-ssi.iii of tvi-'c or li.::--' ,to r-iio-.v ;i.,:t ' :.r ll:L'--"l ti.ii : iH-eaehc-d lo n. ill the S;al';:- V :lu K C lied : p'e'.al Tiie-On ;Wit::' t>-xi Stca'iik', .at "-, jn hath -^ .\ 1o:37l^ lirlll'in Sh'J !j- a C'atliollr. I 'hie of tlji b-!dest"riUempta to eoioinit hitifder -was perpetrated j S::ur i-iy afternoon, between- four a. i ;"; . nn tiie highway, ' :: -rs,t-j-ght miles -.v.-,: of 'K-ij' A-your," imin i iwiiif.l S ii.m-l K'-'iy, - a Vo'.uig i iei'o'!. v'.iile goitig -ihing tho road' ! with a Ino! of brie!;, p iss '.1 a man ;'i; i. i J.!i'ii.-:j AVhitc, a -Catholic who silt on the fence. Ke-Hv re- j 111 1!-k'-.l, "I'.MV,- .STIi'.i- p^-lKOTl 1 i.)k- |ing fi.r'you to ih.y." White re- : ::)ai I;-!,-'All right," n:ul name,! ,: (.vw two or three - persons. He i ihc'n ark'; 1 if it v.-ns Ii jultirn, police- 1 tiittt) i f -Sl^l.licnviiic'. Kelly' an j sv.-.i;-. J in tiie i.fiirmntive, when j W-J,it-. s-.ih" Oh.'l 'sliook hand-i to- - * :1 ia -;i;:i I v, ith him. ,1', is nil riidit, i:i er - 'an L-j l-u >S"S.<- ____,.. i .II..- iii ; A-.,. : it:.: oo.ti.o yi :,:.", v. 1. D:;s:;;r--;: byodi r.-gi:-;a, sonic %v;::!:g on; Sjwio of t:>i; T-'iiuIows of the hu'l Cera LiT.k-iii by t^o itic'rc-asiitg | cro'.vd, but hr-To:;J this r.o kitorfei" c-nco of any iiaportiiiice v.-ss here niaoe. 1 i.5 Or::;:;:nc:i rtmaii.e.ti close .v.'ichin tt..."i- Hal!,: US \\*':ii syor i.s? .!'_- i or-.l-r.s to th p-I'c-j t-j arre;.t any Orangemen v ho ve;i- '. ttiri-I to apt^-af o;i tiie street in: o.-'ceu Orar:i'tij;t-r:, in- ; on ;!.,-. as nlm: '];.]" i:i 'the- - Ci tir.:i?acti. n tooi: r-Sto.-k J-: j-; :ce est; t i rrt V. a:'._ 'ie.n entere 1 Futo c mvers i- .ioo. v. ith Ivelly, and finally remark .- I," As you are 'going to return, I will go do-vn wi:h you." Ho then go!, r.pion tin) of tho waggon an ' Tii,: t Iri on: '.he h- "fired' X :. tr,-.!:i d .olth : '.taon'tl n. . pror-e" :e;;-- r<u.i:nj- t arre3.CiJ.~~ , ceighb'ji-hood of the Oiii-og-, ^s {iv- much thr :-;ng, v.-;,.-!' ti: ivii.ig'c-n Oo.iivi the 5.">i-d a butts of -Shei ijro-,!;e and Hi v.-:;3 f.toi.p-ng -:'.j '--Ye J:inc;ivil,' a cioT-.l of/men and 'b.oy.? gathered ar.j-.iii-'l .iml oeg.i.n to stone the c.'.i-=>, some of the- ^ fjioashiog tiiioog'i the windows- j-.n-'l striicing Tiiis; ( -.iT(:il o iumjli .that thf".- ' ' nd pry- j'i--ii.y " Vim Plie.r' w hw. I-Gvolver, ruid with least l;ijovo:-fttion deliberaito- at l-d-'lly ,from; behiiid- ioke.1 ickJ. rin'l r^cluimt!'.!, '. il..: i'e\'ot i iac!v:i3 the the 1:11- 'IlC ft.l'.llil'.-C'f. volunteer;; tr.iirzle.s tif their nil '!' -" --iiitho'ig-i liic ; " en^sc-c-dtil'ln he- c;e::r for trefic. co.T.:i:i:;ei.l in a s nt c.l to >v an Is { the inemieitig crowd. This ciused i tl'? j theiu fo '."j.ih off', ami a fe-.y -"uiiots Jla;! ; 'vere iiied ;tfieiy ihen'i. ,S -ipe of | r , i them v/erri injure.], and it is report- I __P " led tijaf oiie boy is ];il!eii. ) and -a;ii;t:;i-y , Maj'er.-niri Jir.entre-.l are -gradr.- ;-.:n'T .the roadway 'iftly .seti.iin^ ihsv/ii again to their 'p, ! normal .condition, but brutal nt Iiiii to o! H'.r-i he ;a i tacks on Oriiigetneri -iind volunteers ire s.tiil comrooii. In OriliinttWll iiiii of tho' fcivii forces, i!:idr ai- c^-jieci;:lly a reign oi' terror st-ain oiieh ti:e"ir,u;ate.s bf-.'a!i food ail o;i(].-:ivors. to ci^ivt" re- i: cuts u.i-l'io ."c-ie ..HJistteces to exist by al-htccotiiits. 'The truth of th-e-attack on the voldutec-i's at tho Tmn-vrie's Juiwtion on. H itur- day night ha;-; not yet been-reaolied, the versi'.itis difT-n-ing acco;s(tiiig to the various sonrceb-from y/Iiich they. C sine. " I tf" T.-icgrams were ' sent by the Oraiig-.-mf r; to llieii' brethren in To" rc-n'o, Kih:.'-.:..-;!, and O-.lii'.va, ex- j , .,, .- . . | -t'--0 JiJiimp.nuiii r.V-r.s v,-:Jl .-id'ai:::.'u thf; .s:;'.;;;, end replies- I .it t .o io.i * a r- ' , probably adjourn on the lot-n., to "'rauSvcafi-ohVluh-^ t!ie ]st of Hnp. ^.OCO'uien. v.-cjet ready to leave j ty-iber for thecoruideration of the - trhefi -c-ar.fe'd,J|>m Otfuv.-a that J changes effected fi^'. the* treaty qL 3.000 \y?iu ]>i-r-^ai-sd" to come ufc 'pet lit;. A general election for the -once, aad'Lrqjc 'bther-places Is the j Asseiiibly is, ho'.vever, possible in. OB]e tfT-.-ct. <-" ', _i- ' viev.' of the nosossary . iitorations to -The in t-'-io constitution ol the thei> ,oG:u, S-.-l; vy.nyt! r .:-U-. r.'Z^t, J. .MrX'.'.-vi i. -In. A:;ton f iilitif, me/'- Wjiite re jumped off the '.vaggon, in his poeket, nod he fi-lds. The bu.ll/.'t jKis-it-il ; IjfLwofn^JCf.'lly'rt hi'iii nml ITo ly, and .strncl-ijtbo -centre of the left thighp^ji.issiiig down , towards tiie lower part of the knee. A u-dica.l mm -wjpi Kcnf, for anil rob -d the v-lrtiltid. t.wicr*, but the j On!! is some 'i.v-e inches or." move in ifie fijsli, and cannot bo extracted'- a:; yet. Kelly has no tisti.of his leg and lies in a critical- condition, lie state-; that ho had .nl-.vayfsi been on go'jtl- terms with White, iind did not ih'.jiim of hik;]) a (hisbif.lly .-tet. IVhite-has eacape'l' so far. - jrAi'AXi:^. July lo. It is reported bere tliis -evening that Wiito this- a'tornoon idiot. ;viiol*lir;r man named Ilobert Harvey while the latttir was trying to arrest iiiii). Jliiiviir keeps a small tavern on, the Ijoiiiubiry between the two coil n ties of'l lasting.'? and Lennox. The shot look effect in his breast. Too mu.derer is still nt large; but tho latest io'foric-ation 13 to tho ef fect that he has been .surrounded in a Irtish,'and that escape is almost impossible/. Ho is well armed and will doubtless defend himself. iiie worlr of the-enngress was great ly facilitated by the ni4|:Uigm'jnt in ids: before'-.and between 'England, and Russia, by wdiicli the conllict- jng views cf the two py.vers were largely adjusted. To w-hut extent Ihig'and and Austria hail an under standing is'well known, but the fact that tiie claims of Austria ii.ive be.en vc.vy generally supported by'.England ahd liavo been acceded to by the congress shows-that those- powers have not, in nn_y event, been playing at' crow purposes. Ger many ;tnd: Princ5 tlirou,'hi>rit :i[i: I'Mr to havo held a position' thor oughly impartial;-mid if they had any designs of their oNvn they weiu carefully masked. . Iu Asia, lii.issia gains tho covet ed Pitotim, ami with it Kiis iind Ar.Lih.iu ; and although the' confir mation of pLiissia in: tiro possession of tli-j li.-st-nanied place is coupled wrth restrictions which , render it valueless as an advance Kusuian otitpost. Tiie mere fact of possession as il gi-cat triumph in view, of the unconcealed hostility in Great Brit ain to the cession of tiie city fo Rus sia. The reluctance with which tiio -British Ministry ak-onted to tho proposition, when it was urged \ti extensive firo, supposed to be due to incendiarism, is raging throughout a large, distric: in the southern frontier of Thessuly. The harvest iu_ that region has been totally destroyed, and pile village partially burned. Tin j^r'oniised reforms' oil the island ot'-' I'uba have begun. :' Tiie still'r.ige lias been extended so. that .MTOV .1IAK5if;T.- I'lou*- ... ... Fall Wheat, ... Spring Wheat, Sprouted '-.Stiring Wheat iiirley ... \. (.'its '....... IV-ras ..... P. ttier ffr.-sli rslls) ll-.iUer ( :i!:.-l rolls) - .. ilo-'iit) (dark) E^'.l.tnew laid) l'etnluej, l;r l.:e Apples P'.rl.rig H-'.y, per .!). ". Tim )iiiy :;."i: 1., I 'e,v..-i- sue 1 .. ])::v i;,,l.;i:I . . _; j.i 11 0 '.lo t. 0 7o t, . 2 7.1 . O lis O 'J.'/ o :.-, 0 oil t-i o in o :iii i,, o ."t; ,o o,i to r. o.) ii i.> ti. o ! (I I'J t-.'O I-' 0 to ;,, ii ]n O OS ;,i o (i'.i " 0 i 1 to n !i-> o <;: to o <;."-> -1 < ) t-.. 1 -2r, 10 on t.i i-j -io _'3 to (l ti.i ;-; -Ji to o cio CaiiM' i:j:i,rir ;.ii.;:-ii:T3< it' f i/'/.- 1-ij.r.i: l;;::ss;Ki<fl)iMi. Oi.-i:r,i'i;, July IS, 1S7S. o -:, l.) o o- 0 !l."> to 0 its P'l'itr, per 10.1. . , i \\\\\U U', i'e;r husli Trea,l'.y,-ll 'do" " Soring '^, .'. *..... ' Ki Hatter", j.tT lln. I'etitocs p,'r,ln^ ' Ib.i's, per ewt Clav.iracL'.l ... Tiin-.tljy seed... lln every man 'who pays a tax of ,f.3 i p.j-'s may Vote. The island will 4je di vided into five provinces, with a governor in each, thus doing away witli many "useiet:i ofiiciald, . The rising of the' Dorlowpari tribe, in >Tow (:! dadnni.i is due to ofii'iices by a few of tins Commun istic; convicts against w'omen of that tribe. The governor of. New C.iladouiii infoi'tned the governmen'. by telegraph of the revolt of the native's^ and repjrti.'i that! he isj iiiaster-of the sit nation) , ' A' Canadian Turnituro .manufac ture at the Paris Exhibition is said to have dispiiyed a lot of Windsor chairs iind lockers in his sectioii, and they were c-jiistantly tilled with visitors ad'jiiiring- the Dominion show whife Iheri-ested. 'Jam m in- rtey, per inn .1 OS to I 'J-.' (I SS to 0 i)-2 o :iz To o ;f i o oa to o -io o :,-> t.> o G-j in o'l t..i'J 6) (I iO in O 1 | o II to o n 0 i4.". 11 0 !'2 . -1 ,"il) ti) .") Oil 1 (HI to o fl'l 1 bo t6 'J Mo I.STEWfiBT&CO :; " '... , i ' \ "!- solicit s2)ecial attention; to- ' . " .' ipisliioaaTjls Lines. - n - : Our specialties aro Jli :ti;:iTi>ir <. .Folia Wi.tsia, iliinrt tin uio proposition, niien it was urged , uf.lCtln-,.i' has already sold every upon them, tire ft/Un.g J OIlc Qf ihetu to Jvaroocati- purehas- ou their part that they could 11>H do I U|M so without giving-Turkey guaraa tees of protetiilu far :Stronger than that affji'ded by the ' possession of Bitouui as a fortified jil ice... This led to the'negotiation of the truth with Turkey, in witlr the terms oi which England gets Cyprus co'nditiona!ly,aud guarantees' tho territorial integrity of * Asia Miner. Turkey, on Lei' part, gums, anteema tointrodjic:; reforms. ilr'ii-c in GuclnJi' A fire broke out Thursday ;night in tho billiard room at- taehedito thoj II >yid llotel, oectr- ipied byrJ. Kilp.itrick, tl,iul in n fo.w uiiijiitns the, structure, togethor with stables, to the west, occupied by Mr; Djver.ijix us a livery Hta- bl.A, iintl the Kiyul Until on tlio east, i-ero in flames. . The fire en gines ' were cpiickly' on the spot, bjit owing to- the inflammable na ture of the contents' of the building Hanlan, while practising on Sit- iicil-iy ill .his Elliott boat, the Col. Show, kept, too close'to r|lu shore an.l struck on a rock, damaging hi.f boat Klightly. It has since been re-' piiirt'd. A second rock, wis struck making (pule, a hole in thj) .bottom of the shell. Tlih boat has bet.yi re. ljuiretl, bill liu will in all probabil ity row tlio, coming nice- in his Swuddie boat. '} ' ' Eliza Mitriii thimpbell will apply tit next session of Doininion Par liament for a bill of divorce from her- husband Robert Campbell, of Whitby, similar to-the Hill passed in litis behalf by the.Senate in 187'!, for desertion, unci cruelty, mil the other causes eet forth In tho said Bilk This case excited grea.t inter est .throughout the country ubo.ut three years ago. A number of liquor detectives from B:antford tire reported to have ,r,-.-, i -i ~ been attacked while on a business icljoiuing, theilamesuniderapid pro- -.,,,, -n r, , , ,LL f visit to the village of Hootl-ind, on iTii'jro wtire between forty nml fifpy o'eaths from sunstroke at St./ Liuis Monday. Other cities in thf.'jStates also report a largo nnm- bur of fatal cases. Gi-cenvillo, S C, Julyl,3. Gov ernor Hampton has respited the n"gro Jeff Davis, tinker sontcnoo of death;.at iAbbeville \ Court House .ti juth Tjiirolina. 'I gress.- While tho, firo'was.- in pro gress, ono of the engines -.burst, ivqiidering it useless. Owiitgi'to a rain falling at .the-timo tho fire wiis get under in a short time., otherwise the loss would havo been very serious. Losses "and insur- .-urjcBS aro us foll^*j: Royiil Ilotel, lojisyi?2,06(>,i-n.siMH m.flo Scottish Cifimmercial Git(n|!I llu(l Standard CoiDpanies, J!ifii|d(ng owned by W'iiliama, who is in- Hlll'od. J." -Elilpklrick, billiard fufwiituro, loss 811,7OOjirisurod far Sl',000 in the Standard Company. Tho stables and'bill iaj'd hill build ing owned by li. B. WVjotl, ' loss SUOOO,-insured for i? POO in the Wellington]- Mutual. Jackson's loss on engine and shafting, 500, no iiutit'iinbu. D'jveratix's loss, 5100, no insii ranee. I'llO ( ii'ulcr, l:i'-e uf tV; Towinhli) nt IVjUei- ing, iii the t'o.nwy of JfaltYi, il,:ee::;c,l, who di.-d on oi-.ih.vit the '.Mtli day of .luiie, ,lii7S. :i;ii all others having'eliiias a.'iiint his estate, are hereby ii->'.i'iie.l to send to (linirg,' >S. < Ifjoiiwillie, of (h'or^-jtowa, in tit.: Comity of Hal too, the Solicitor of t!ie. Kvcators of the siiid dei'-eii'ied, on or before the First day of. Auga it i:e.\-t, their ironies, ad- ilrensei and de -eriptioa.s tho.Ifiill p:;r- of tlieir el,-iin>-:,_a of their n.'.C'itats mid the nitiire of the seeirritiL-s if airy,, lie). 1 byiheai. The said e.'.'eee.tor.s wiil iimnedi'a'.ely after the last lo.-iiiiaae I day, nrfiin-^dYo .lis- t.-i'oate t'ac a-i'-sis of the ?aM John Wat" .'I ia. .iin.jiig-.t tl..: jiirtie-t entitled there to, hiving ri'gtird only to the cJainn-of v.iiieh they shall"Ji.ivo.liijceiv.uil li-.tieL' in. .'iforesaid. " . ' "-- ! .This' nutiee bein^ tpVen iiador the provisions, of the Statute,-:.'."! Vie., can. 2% See. -21, the smld'e^toi- will not hi liable for the ntisjts fa* any part there if, so distribute.!, to any person of whose claim notice r.h.all not have been reeejveil a-, afored.iid, at t.lia time of s-.tch die.trib'ation. .JotiN" SHAW, . )' MK'iiAKI, LAMP,, ("tc.irgetown.. July Sth, 1S7S,- Kxectitors. 2..*lt AOTOST lis;- mun M.nn Street, Acton J. E. ;-.IjG irvin, dr'nggist^ Actoa I J- E M-jaai-vi'a, drutjtjisb, Actoa. j Saturday, when the License'Tnspt'c- tor drew liia revolver ami firtft}, the ball grazing tho leg of a tavern-keep er of Mjiinf Pleasant. This is the account of the nffiir as given at present;, but furtlor details may'bo looked for, as the ease is being tried ut Brunt ford. A, gold locket mysteriously din- appearad from the window of Mr. Lee's jowellry store, on Jmneg-St., Hamilton, on Monday listii |'A de tective wis sent for, Bill vvliilo ho rind tho others wero in tho middle bf ft profound invnstigatitni of tho case and its surroundings a motisa was seen deliberately en leavouritig to make off with a gold chain. The little pilferer's retreat htivin" been traced,tho.lost locket was foiiuil and restored to itsTbrmt r position. WM. LEITH ,; Would respectfully Call tho at-" . tontion of the public to bis immense stock of TIW'MTAUB,. s\ro.yss, &o.. ivliich he is now selling ' : Very-Cheap. striT S3 ads;, C33AP C23A? Sil>s \Tsi':r;lb3 7;rr Ca:. iLiien Contumns, wj are ofiering de~ cide.l bargains. Caihrriere Jackets, every price. .Corsets -Every sizo of our pojiular '.- Ailjistable Corset. Gents? Furnishing;, very attractive. .Millinery, lashiona'ide and cheap. Linens, Colion>, Iloaiery, Sheetings, 1'rhits, Qailta, AC * n Black Cas'nriieres Our stock )3 fully rts-iorted. Photographs, ;r . t. - = - - Photographs, Qhas. yr. Hill, F-IIOTOGPv iPHER, Wishcs'to annomice ito his custom ers'that he has added greatly to his- former facilities for taking Piotrres, and is n&w prepared to makePhotol- graphi! second to none in the.County and at, suit all. In Picture Fr.imes 1 keep a la'rgi and well selected stocky Also, . a great variety o/"Mouhlifigs of." tiip.- latest design, wdiicb will bo mailcr- to order on short notice. Give me - ; u- 3^-Gm CIIAS. W. llfLL, o* <* r' yn IniiJ2rllo3 r'^rtloniarlj- .Lilinl Fer. I - i j : W. Stewart & Co., ' "! . i:ELP2f. Ju,n2'4,'lS7S. ' , -N'EUr ADVEirriSEMEXTS. 0<ax Eis is rorx. 1 not immediately called for .and ex penses paid they will be sold. -' potitiilkcepcr. JOB IIIIXTIX ofallkiiuls neatly ia t p.i'otnatly executed at th liTiEi: PRESS QPFICE,- Xcll ttirfou Omrij .lltll Slrcrt. , BOW -FACTORY OI'EXED. The liiib'acriber, having purchased the Acton Plow Worts, is prepared to fur nish-Single anil Double Franib Iron' Plow.!,, as well as the B;>-;-i (iaug I'hw, which lias gained the reputation of being t!tc bestG-iiij; Plow made, at the usual ratoa. All repairs doiro on the shortest notice and at tho cheapest prices. 37-M f SYDXEV SiUTir. SlOKl1 HOitX BULL. R.-y'.il Bcauford," darti, imp.."Lrt<ly Barnes," sire, imp. "Royal Oxford Gwymio," will serve coivs on tho farm adjoining tho G. P. It., Acton; Torms. Pedigree Cows, ^7.00; Grade Cows, Sl.r>0, cash- 5-.0U, credit'. 40-Gm C. S. SMITn. Ilaving had. an experience) oi many yews, njl orders lor and Ba^7Qtro'ag,3iilla, will be filled on tho shortest notice, and in the best style. Be.sure and go to Leith if you wont good nexiDar-'ST^.^SLTES ......__..,.,. or a good job of Eavetroughitig ; dam" Ann/by r.itrUit [oi">], will scrv cows ot) the .premised of the umlorsigi]- d /iuriii.i? tho >,'.ison. 'i'crms; to'iiir IJJO'ffi'CS. -( ,: ' ' . iFarm'srs, now is the time to inprove j'ciur stock The first prize brill, "Sir Wlli.imTemp'e-," HI, (8,'l)gotby "Sir William Temple,"[iJidi], dam Diana, hy r.cdiPrifiCiS [ii0-J g'. dam Annetta,: by tho Ct-uolpii Ltaivu. [Sf>0|,_ 4119 g. g. J. E. ilcGarvin, drug- 1st, Acton. '^A ^ .. ' ^^W wmm&*,-^ -p, W&vfiitt& 1slia$TiLM% " jH' I.."- i-h&ji^^B \& irKliiiwni-'^^ %^ * s;^ ST^ \'A 'P- -^ 1 done Produce Takesi ;n Exclmuijc. ; 'WM.;LEITlii Proprietor. ; Aoton/March.MO, 1ST7.1 -.iiii-Q ..i!/h.bred cow3, *^~54.00 Grade, $1.50. JOETj LESLIE,-, ii-3ui*| ,' Lot.Noi 5, cc>a 1, Erin. F.4R1IERS, STOP AXD SEE Ueturt- You t'urfbrr c. The A gricnhtiral Implement manu-- factured by the ' 2^rak.SS0ES,'^r NEWCASTLE, j "for sale by ELL SNYDER, AC-TON^ viz: Vvoo.'l's Iron llower, . Aki-iii Buci.'eve Slower, Conqueror Combined, Sharp's-Selt-Duraptng Rate, Xewcr-stle IfarVester. Uorso I'Wer [.PiU'e], Ur:iibCfusbers[geiared2 Ft raw Cutters, etc. Tiie above "cannot be surpassed by any other Machines made in the Dominion. Please o 11 and,examine "before purchasing elsewhere. .April -3, IS7S- ; -" 3m' ' 3,878. "Weekly Globe, Thn pttc-ress that hn^'atlan,leii the pnb' Ilcatlonnf TJIK >TF,f;KI.S' HLOuKUl the; y. ar iijjw fa>l draiviiiK (o li close, has fr - oiitstrl|)i>p-i liialof any ollicrvear since tin.- esiaOHslimenl of tile paper. ,rxoi- wittisiandli.^ tiie s'.-rio'un. oti.lnDfis . de pression ar.lllnimctal s.trin^ency exUlii g all over i-c American continent* tl eliculaiioii has been maiiualcea inroiifjtjou't I lift yrnr nt nn aviritg-o-lssiija eacli 'i-i'tilv of >rT,fjilo copi^ beir.g a oecici- "el mlvanco on' tho iiveijuge or any pre vious year. Ivnihusiasli.- frspresslons of . a]ii>t-ovi.P crime to llie iinblisliei-s frorrk"- every fltl-cclloii nf tiie new foi m of iii* l aper, of ii.s im-ebii.nical execution, of Ha." ftcitilirttl nml t'oplon* Illunlratton*. of *'ie vnrieu and interostiiiir.-'iTiHsir or -f Rdi'12 niatttT culled M-eekly-for Uieiiti- : *"i rmi'.inn and lii'-triiction and enl'jrLuia- ,ient or Its readcrf, and of Iho i-mall pi,ee alif.iit-1) it Is supplied annually Xo " llie.ptiblic' The -K:<:r:u>i>(cAi XoHcrs of PkUIc >Sfi aail llie SKWfhos or rnhmllaa Tii^vns. E^ill'flln^i.ancl.N-nlaral 'irener-jr Hint liiive ieni. sncti a clirum -... lli* .weekly fontKJils or the^pnper wiil bo contlintrd with fr fill cncrjiy under 1p# cure of able artists und cxpfcriencoif writers. .-'--. trricclf nrp.: r.s tliclor/mrat lndii'itry of mo- i cmtnion, nnil the Ilvn> bas's of our Nalioiial r.*rOHperltv-..wlll receive,-as lierniofoie, earnest and cor slant atten tion. .A. r.rclcslfistlcal InfrlllKcncc, Sdeix** "ioves iind laltiiarional .ltralrs win cn,tunc prorqluc-nt ineacU number. Tlio to C'orrcspoinI^Bl*. on every variety ot subjpeLt, whveh havo - ptoved so -vnlnable and Inf-erestipii to., crowds of,TCders, will be kept up avittf increased vigour. * j .- 1 Tlic Lilcrnr^und inflffes'DcimrtniFnf J unfertile careof specsaicomluctorB, wljlj- he fresh and racy. " n Scks from uti parts of the world' nr> os ti>e latest moment of ptiblicatiOD Parlla- menfary lie bales; Federal ami Provin cial market ami I-'lnancial flpports {'at liomf undiinrond and LettersofSprcinl Correspondents from nil points of Inter, est wITl be gathered with alb til"" Care and e'uertrv tint Ins kei't TBtGl*nr. - in intftront rank, or CaiiaUlan journals for thlrtytHve yenrs I'asl. - ., The aiuiiialsuliscrlption lo TnE W"Eirrc- t.y (ir.onn win renr>alnnsh<>tofr>re, only T\Vt> IMJbL.VKB PKIl ANSU.M, .sent I-'iiKB of I'ostaoe to a II. parts of Canada and tho United States, payable. - ln- varl-ihlv in ndvaiiep. A'lliN'IS '.WANTED.-'BEXD FOR Th.- W,Grt,icLVOr;orrK wltl'to s^nt free of post,'? y Post-offlee In lireat lirlt'ala loi S'iJKI iS slert liiiiucv crJc-r. bank .draft, reslstel'cd*. leiters.orby exiifss. nthur rtsS.- Onlers and UemittanCes to be aiidrcs: .' sed to the .' ""i . 'GLOBE 1'ItZMTlNG COMPA.KY, tToroot ' t ft. r ! bl >j :. -Bif w I -' ..'ll *ag^' ajMa^^saaar r - '- '*> *