-' r- I ( < ^ 4- i -' T Y II J .... ^ 1 F' P j J> . "rf ;'- i -i ~r Tolsmt IT N. 3-Whole Xo. 160 J JAOTON,. ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1870. !#1.00 per auiium In Advance' 8 --f.--"-j- mHE ACTOX FREE PRB^S Is Published EVERT THURSDAY MORNINC, .^ i ' JLT T1IK Pre Press Building, Xgfcl tv> "the tost-GOici.e, A' CUOX BAKERY. I boa leave- to "annoimc* to the inhabitants of Acton and the pub'ic generally that I hive the largest auil bestassorted sufck of bukor's goods, m the Village. my l in:. T -x. *Ti ' - r ' [en; in le NG ties. Fresh. Bread. Buns, Cakes, TRir. One dollar a yeaFjTttrletly In 1 '.lwiuciv If oir-*ld 6vfjrol6rco months i oa.< dollar and .1 naif will bt\ cliare.0 1; or j *wo dollars lr.not ival.t I'll I Uic oJi'i.1 or Hie ^J-ear. Slujlir crvp'es tticeo cents.. No pauor will toe son: 10. any ivniou luuro aa om year" uni!=ild. liiTCi of v_yvEUrt>iNv. Kls\t cent* I Rolls, IVistrr and p^r lluefir rtr*t iniertlou. atul two cents' |>.'M!i>> t.'Z ? subsequent Insertion. -SUarl a H-eraseiuentii ol eight Sun's utut 41a ier,.$X for sure,? luserti-ons. lUwuess C-ird* of eight Uace-ncd uuder. $1 per maun. -V liberal discount :'.allo\red on adver-i llsecu.'uts iiui>r;il fur'exteuded periods. Alrerliseixcuti wisbout special m>iriio- Uous lu*ert<yl nil Sorblid. and clianjeo: accordingly. -Any Sn^el-vl Xot'.oe, the object of which 1* to procno-.* ne pecuniary beneilt of a>' tudlv.J aa.1 or e mutiny, 10 t>\> eonsiil- re-d an adverUteniout- TranslealadverU*eru:-ntRto oe pata for viieaorJeftJ. All adveiU&luc aecuauxs , reedered liaarurly.. Noiioj of Uirths MarrlRsos and I>et& iaer;ed fre.-. T. A. 4 H. P, MOOSE, Publishers A Vroyrielors- B USIXESS CA li DS. Fruit Cukes in Cukes from 5 to 10c. VI?- H. LOW RY, M. B., M. \V._ ,- l> s. Or.iduate of TrliiltJ C . i'-l MeaVT o! C-'Usbo of musicians 'n*l'5urse'on. O.tH-e ' a-.id Ke.idcu.v- li'.e'.r oc;-ipl*d l>y K. Lr.t. e, l-'l- ... groat variety, perlloio.il. Wedding and Fancy Cakes made on the shortest possible notice at reasonable r;iles, ami satisfaction U-ir:mteed. tirain Bread aspeci.rlly. N K All goods are warranted pure, as nothing htit llio host of taateciaj is used. AJsj a large stock . of first.Qi:ws family flour always on ! h:y.>d, ebeap for ca^h only. . The patronage ol the public is respect- , fully solicited. Terms, cash.1 1 li. I'. GAU.OW.VY. j -------------^----------:---------_i----__| ^7e5t End' Bookstore.': (.;i"i;lph, BOOKS & STATSOHERY 1 nu't my fivte lone yearn n^o- A being fiiir as Ve-.niH lint fho was wed ai.nl oliastean i.uowl And no word passed between ns I felt tliw pain of love's Uoen dart, And yet in> thought I liinU'd,- Hnt on. my palpitating heart ! Her imago was imprinted. ! \lvr laeo and I'mpera wove a spell5 j Whil'u her bright eyes wero beamihf, Which, to my thinking, would excel A Bruljitor'H vvilife^t dreamiii)*. I I eould m">t re;it, I lov'd lior so ! lint ntill I gavv no token; ['or vhu wan wed and ch: alio as snov^, Anil not u word Was spoken. And still! dared hef jjaxc. to matt, "And Ktill i lingered near her, Tor oli. it was 1.0 tempt itn; sweut To look at' and to hear her ! . Idler voice 'o mimical and low, * My bosom sadly lhittered, \a Hut she was wed and clia-td n> sni^f? And not a word was iftTer'd. / We parted and wo met again-1- ! She was a wife no longer T Time had not eancell'd my sweet pain, Hut ouly niado it stronLer : Aiul'frot-iy then 1 let her know llo'o' she my bosom h.muU'il, l'\>r aho was free and chaste as snow, Aiid 1 hpuke out mulaauted. _- And now, oh, joy ! we mated are lle'r eyes t\rc on the beaming They tell me of the lucky ! tar That rose on my. love-drcamin^.- Come joy, eeine sorrow,- weal or woe, No ill our hearts can sever, Tor .-he is wed and e'hnsl.a as snow, And she is/nmfe for ever. T DS. R. JI03B,0ff. Physt aia.s-j.'jion, Ac ;o: l:--.'.i vu.- i^oV l*C^. * '* Vo-i, *.s'viUr.^tn^:e o: Yo-.torla Clo?, C in.ili. Co:;>.;iliaU.in iiays Ta?i ti5" "'id t'Ti'ay*. r.-oiu .'.' ie. ru. t'H I '"!>.* liowcr street, ACtos. >f DnSVDSaSOX, Convey $ a^er, ac. ills*? Ai;cat C.i Life A.*4irvuc Co- Pe^^s, M'^-tp;*t:e> lic( !a :<*< )i ib'.tr ;-:ermi.. - Mouo j" la 4l*o i 1 oa \t iri^-tue security. OlS-'e In. JD. ULT4^0.\. kltarnev # *t-c-vxTj^r* ii'-i'.or la i/t:.iTi'"ery *.-. ' 5; ?-^'J >r'R>.- of \lut;j ami L'liurci. Seaside Libraries, Lakeside Libraries, Fireside Libraries, -Boy's Libraries, ,' ' ..N. . Y- Libraries, And nil the Latest Xovols. !s];0,j: Sile'St asi.^rus. ITildroi. Jewel of a Girl, To^aEri ' lus?r3,rc, 2::, ! BESSIE WJEMTWORTH. " Aih] (io you are Bessie . Went", worth!' Raid my little mother, 'looking lovingly on the little crea tine she lfad just ndeased from het arms. You arel vvry welcome!, child. .' " As for my gnifF old father, h|e head and uigheil. jl l think he f.-lt ui^aplioilitetL Xuv<fr ; befuie hal tl-.'i e been ;i Wt-ntwortih | with ripplinji ii- U. V. ,nji':i nt-' w OUI.I blonde hail uti.il eyis violets. The uiH'nialy iivo hitn mi unpleasant Jt wus uitjrly nt vari all his- precoifeeitcd 9trts.Qeoritbwn. Provinsial Land Surveyor and Giril Engineer, Guelph.. . Or4ir,by mail promptly attra Jed to. *R OY.4LEXCHASSE T^L M.r. E. Ciars. ^ro;neio.r ___ -Ujs: coru -nnlious Holes c u:a.y. *icv>J c itumere; ti'ir i ^lurays s.ip,.u-d iruu ine ca bnia is vii nq I.-* Au.t cigars, itab'.'.rn aJ -.:<ntiv<; une l:i l!i'- n.'m Tii e c:i"S:-e- Kir-t-clus- Ho is-, part oT. 111: iL CI.AKK, Proprietor. npiIE ONTARIO H E.N'RY L. DRAKE, fI4C*tt*CE A6EXT. Cl'ELPH, A.gem for llie Mercantile and Waterloo. All ) Jilueis -Qtrasled to nls care will be t .UhfaUj- attended to. DSlce at Day's 1! >olciore, <?nelph. Orders by mall a I '.rextfti t:Ou--ipli or JX> in I'ostufflpe ACTOl.". Buy your H-.."..' . . ;,ii> 1 ini.-i.rio Sadilvrv, 'wiie: o y^'.i g'ii-Uie n-ortb of your money. I" j A splejiaiTiot of NKW ('i)I.LAK.S onTian I. . '.. - .rv." ~ - ? ~ -~ * J- A',!.7<artres interoli'ii: .to'; nr. chase Harness siioul-.l do >o at'otvee before tiiorus'.i commences iu ordei to secure a goo<l set. R. CREECH Acton, Jan. 7, 1S-7S. seemed to S"iisatiul). ancu wit I notions of whut every scion of lliu 'h-Ki- old family trie should be like. You onyht to be'brown f.s :i th '-yes l:!uck as slots, mid ur tin-color of Margaret's ! said hi-, .-hakiiii; his head still more de cisively. " 1 ;hn'i undi-rstiithl it I" Tii; color died out, oi l5i-s-.sie's b'ooniini; checks f >|--.m insti nt, and ther. 11: rtir-il blighter than :ev^r.' .' jiiy ti.otlii-r," she ^-liil-jjiiii a silvery-toned roiee. "You are liki; nobody I knew or saw," sharply was a Hioo-iisot dark, like the \V PATENTS for IXVEXTIO.Nrs exoelltlouly and properly ecurec InOm idi, th.'* Unite 1 Suites a.^d B'irop.. E-*t9nt giarante-d or no cliargp. Send - for printed l<truetton>> Acencyin oper - iUa> ten yarg- HENEV. GKIST. ; Ott^ifc-a, C:ina-la, ilec'ianlMt E.afrfneer, sloUeltor of Pa laats and Draughtsman. r OLIVER LOZIER, Plasterer, .Aoiia, ijat- Ev-rry deserlpilon of Pl4*t2rlng and Bongb-caBtln^ done on tie most reasonable terms, and satlsfac- on gaarunt^ed. _- R, t'H.VRLV CARTER, M Teacher o: i:ii:-l-_:a!-.. I'li'pils attended at -t if,;pre!'orred IVria'. iii-n re.-.iile:;co .n-^a Ui iV-*-- m Any, h; tf r :it .Y-.ri: foi l';il.lL;i J> can ma' us :h iot re'.-.nre 1:'w.- .ou. j..- -'nf- t--,,.i*" Men, wom-.-n, >><>: .:-. -a'iiVd-ver>wli"rel'i wo-kforus Mnr. i, f-ie'tim". C.-sV.y.o-.iUUi.Nolenjis free Cddre-s furs i Co., au^ast.-i MiJjie. "E>0.*SIX nOESE, Acton. JLV Close to tbe G. T. Railway Station. Kiceilent ^cco^lta'>Jatlon forttie travel ing public TH(J|S.. OASIPflEL'L, Propr. 9HI.VION HOTEL, Acton. iert Agaew, ProprieKir, Hie _ , ____A 1b nt^dfap in- lirst-clHss 1 BtyIe~"wUh new farniture. Commercial Travellers will and go-->d atcommoJiiUoc ant comiiaodloasTsampIe KoomB.,Kp<:c'!(il attintlon pall tdtb.<" wani oflhetravel- llnipnijlle, Barsupplled with tte taest Llquonand Cigars. GOoiSiattlDg and Attentive Hotlers. V- XJTTM. HEMSTRtET, LiicejiBed Auctioneer Kot th Countlerbr VVelllngton and 'tfal- on. urderi lrt at the Kbee I'rass Qaiie, Acto'b, or at my residence, In Koekvroid. wtlf be promptly attended to. X ermi reasonable. UJ } T O THE PUBLIC"! OF ALL NA- _ IIOSS * POLITIJCAL CREEDS. if yoo-TFant a good AUCTIONEER try CEORUE CI BBS, ncder<tand-his business. Jiufl *fe .Aid Add^s"jirusburg P.O. OTltE. :--' 'J: lue 6derigned beg leave to an nounce to Farmer*, and others engaged ,in batter atatln* wbo purpoi-e getting a; ew Cbum tna* they would consult' their owu Interests by 9rderlne one of A. Holmes' Improved Tabular Daub Ckiru.: t ana now ta-k'ng orders for ihem, bavin*purciias^dthe r'a'ebtrignt to manuCactur* and sell. They are wltbout-douijt'.be best in tbe market. Your patronage Is respeelfullv solicited. f;ireular* and tetlBtortJala free on atpll. atloo. Terrltor.}- lr i-Ae. if iinufactur. d and cold by ^ jMm. Acton,* i,ut. :* . BBATTY'S PI AH & PARLOR ORG AN INSTKt*TOR MMHM OoQtatnlng the elements of moslc, with ea-f and proxrepalve exercises to porfeel- t&e player In the art of music ;elther piano urorjat) to wtolcfc if added over m 55 The utvdersigned bega leave to inform the people ol Acton and sur rounding neighborhood that he has procured, i magnificent iiEAJKBE. And i? prepared to attend a fid jcon- duct Funerals on the shorteBt notice and most moderate terms. Cash'.U., CajfrnA, Burial Jlobfg, And all .kinds of Funeral Furnish- ingB kfeptin utoek, arid supplied on the shortent notice. Hat Bands and Gloves supplied when required. v = JOHN SPEIGHT. iActon,Feh. 10, 1877. $66: .. week In >our own town S3 outfit Tree. Norlsrf. Mead- t U-you want: a badness at wlitcti persons of elt.ner sex can make Sreat pay ail the $' ".. work, write lor particulars Vj.II. 11AI^, LETT* Co., Portland Maine. V can buy first-cliisB Piasos and OiioANS cheaperof L)AN- IEL F. BE ATT Y, Washing __ ton, New Jersey, than any other manufacturer in -tho United Btates- Wby?. Because ^ie sells only for cash, takes no risks and has no book !acooun(,B. Every instrin ment is.f ully warranted for six years- as strie'tly first class, and are sent oh Ero.m 5 to 15 days' test trial, utao oruruouj. i .--- ...----- _ money rerlundrd and freight paid ^^^^^^^^^^^^^Oli^^ by him if they are usatis- factory. Send for Illustrated: Ad fgBIUBB (Catalogue ^1 tlon and el testimonials from h. patrons, Vnf wbomyouway know. Ad- SK S?BLyF: BEATTY , Wash- " \ our mnther mid they Were all rittvorths. She drew nearer, unci dropped her pretty, slender hand on his anii.. '"I'm so Sorry -iny looks don't please Unctel John .'"' she uiurmur- ed.- ;.; J - " What noiisenre ! \Vho raid you fLiJn't [.lease: nie ? You do. Rut you are not iiiiihe least like ' the j- Wentwoi ths. 'i - j lie kissed her with the air of a I man detei-jinTHgt to make the best I of the inevitable. Rut the .shadow did not have his face. A verv Krxuid mini wus my father proud ifAhifi honorable. c:d name ; proud AfVthe stuik from which, he had hjn-im-,' ; pruiid ev.-n of the little pl-culiarilie'H that distiiipiihhed the Wciitworths from the "-common I herd.". He could not take readilv | to his heart it 'degenerate scion of his race, / tho'.ijfli that .degeneracy went no further than a departure from the rule in the colour of the even and hair. So much for pre judice ! ."/ - We were all gathered on th^e ter race at the time, ns was out custom during the hot August evenings an I, looking down anto the garden, I caught a glimpse of Jack ^Tlium- tane's wideawaiko, hat among the rhododendrons. - Iran down to meet him, and bade him come up to th') house. : He followed me'rather reluctant ly. - Cousin Bessie was pleased with this addition to: bur party. Sim gave hioi her hand, and smiled such a' -welcome as no man living could liavq seen unmoved: I! .- Later, after the purple dusk had driven us into the parlor, which was. brilliant with light, I realized what a charming woman1-Bessie huil become. So modest, so self- conscious, so impulsive, I could not wonder, that Jack was quite enrap tured with her. She seemed hko_a new xevehition of womanhood, with her shy, artless ways and,pretty timidity. ' 1 . " What a -sweet littla creatine !" said mamma, xoUo voce. " There is nothing conventional or studied ubout her, I admiro her exceed ingly." My father, who was near enough to catch her remark, said, in his gruffest voice. " Appearances-are often deceitful, tuy dear. The girl is no,fool. &ed what a. desperate flirtation she is getting on 'with Jack already !" Cousin Bessie ivnd 'Jack were turning over a port-folia of engrav ing^ atvtbnt instant, iu a distant .alcove;5 and she was looking up to j tho handiomo face that bent over tho other half of tho hook. Kven nmmuia seemed a littlo shocked ut tho luring hrinhtiiesK of those glfhecs. _ " Poor, unsophisticated child !" said she. " \Ye must not-judgo her by the same ntunduvil that wo apply' to one of ourselVef. Sho does not know that she is guilty of any impropriety." - " Dosn'tJ she 1 I thought 11 girl who couhf- flirt must under.staiul tho right aiid \yrong of it. What say. jou, iiarguretl" . 1 refused to vent tiro an opinion,. If I Jliul tny secret misgivings- iiny-^foolish heartiicho I meant to hide dny ^rouble, oven from my grtilf old fatljer. Jack's' (leiiieiinour pTUzled rile, however. r Wo were the next thing to engaged, and now ho.1 had do- fieited ine for another .with ns littlo wajninjf its well could be. What did it mean 1 With all his faults uiid he had plenty of them I had nover liffom thought him liekle, was tho love ho had profess ed for .11:0 all ,a delusion? There are riddles wo .cannot read," with all our cleverness and erudi tion.. Perhaps it is as well. Jack had scarcely a word or glance for me. lie seemed thor oughly devoted to his new iiciiuain- t-atice, and Bessie, more than once, appeared keenly tiiumphaiit when she turned her attention towards the corner nhero I sat,, neglected and alone. Did she know thatJack Wiia-iiiy lover, lin'd was she rejoicing, in having" won hlui 60 | easily fioui his iille.giii.iicu i The evening wore 011, and jt was nearly time. lor us to break up, 1 when,., finally,, Jack left, his now divinity (or a few 'moments, and sauntered up to me. " Your cousin is a charming girl, Margaret," said he. '^1 don't 10 member, when I have passed an' other such delightful evening." There was something in the tone vi'.h which he spok7;~th'at seemed to contradict his wordn, bitt I could not di'tine what it was. __" Wid J"0U come here to tell me so j" 1 naked, Kuie-ustieally. "Yon need not have taken tho trouble." Ho c.iuglit his breath quickly, and bending down, whispered 'in my ear " Roar wiith me, Margaret. I would not us!:1 it if it wero not right and besr." What jdidiljc mean! I tu'rnelon ,ilitn wttliii stare of surprise ;[ but he had swanig on his heel, afiiTtYias gliding hick to be once rtrovp iin " Bessie's smiles. Liter,-when my cousin and I had gone up stairs together, she snii to me, blushing painfully, I'm afraid you are displeased with me, Marginet '! you seem sj cold, so reserved, i Please tell-1110 if I have done iinythiug si wrong! I did not mean to, but then, I a.111 io ignorant of the world's way si, that Turn likely to fulldnto niaiW ". I don't knowiits value. But I prize it very highly," " Of courso." Who said " Good night," epiito abruptly'and wentlnlo her room, which adjoined mine, und closed (he door. Wb wero all seated at tho break- fast-tablo tho next morning,' when n,-.l"tttsr was brouglit in for mamtiiu. Sho apologized for opening :it, studied it carefully a few moments, then uttereda sudden exclamatiunr " How odd ! Perhaps 'you can ex plain it, Bessie. I'm utterly be- I a IL erroi-ffi" . T Siie threw, her arms around my neck, her tears flowing freely, but .somehow they failed to soften my heart to war.Is her. ; :- I have, no occasion to censuie you," I said, as gently as I could. " I did not kliow " She stammered, and brvke dowii in litter confusion. " What did you dink I" I quietly demanded.' " 1 don't know how to tell you," Speaking rapidly, with downeiist eyes and crimson cneeks. t" But I feared you might res'-nt the freedom with which I met Mr. Tlulrstane'H attention. But it is luy way 1 wart brought up to he civil und friendly with everybody." " I'm not his keeper. Pray don't make excuses to inc. Yrou can flirt with him to your heivn's content, and I shall not interfere." " I am gbid'yois^are not dictator ial. I doiit like people who are always finding fault with me, and laving. down ' " follow." . shall lay down your guidance. , " Thank-'yoti.- The tone-whs asCsoft as ever, hut I detected a serious twitching about the corners of that faultless, mouth. Not trusting myself to continue 1 the subject, I began nervously to detach the jewels I had worn with my usual costume, and replace them in their receptacles. Pres ently I became awaro that Bessie was watching me. ' " What iB it I" I said, sharply^ for I; could nover .enchi.ro being watched;, r " She shrugged her shoulders. " I was admiring your jewels that's' all. What a lovely orna ment! It nrtifit' havo cost a large J " "" rules for one to no rules for Bum pf money' - She picked up a pearl cross, and'l turned it, over and oyer in the glentning lampliolifc. Ifc was a unique trinket tli'o settinR i of dead-gplii fronted with pearls that a.princeua might have convetod. M^y father- had piu'clinscrt it of a Florentine jeweller many years be fore. , " ~ . i, wildered. Here's a letter from jyour mother telling me not to look Tor you until next week. What does it niealii" Uessio hud just been saying frniething in n ldw" voice to Jack, who sat. beatdo her ; but at these abrupt words " of liiamma'a tho smile died suddenly away. "There ia nothing Ho very strange about it," said "she, after a brief sileu^e. '; j " I told you last night that I changed my mind quite suddenly, and Marled at . once.., That letter hud already been posted. I arriv ed a few hours in advanco of it.] That is. not remarkable, is- it T The mails me often delayed moio or less." - ' . " Oh, to be Buro !" and mamma seemed wholly satisfied with the explanation. ; ' Looking around at the instunfy I caught Jack's eye. There was something in its clem- depthh that puzzled me. Did-! ho distrust Bessie, and ilitbelieVe her story 1 If so, he took ii singular way of showing it. During tho day he was more attentive to -her than ever. It looked like a case of in fatuation at first sight. Even inainnia felt angry and worried. ' I don,t understand buch goings on," she said, disapprovingly. " Unless there is 11 change, I' shall f.el it my duty to remonstrate with -Bessie. As for Jack-------" "Well, what of Jack? Speak out;" For sho hod paused and glanced at mo half-wiatfully, hulf- pityingly. " 1 thought he knew better than to .be led into such folly. Ho ought to be ashamed of it." Apparently bo was not, for the scarcely left Bessie's side during all that day. Whilo" dressing for dinner, I made a discovery which startled me. . My pearl cross was gone. ! I could not find ii in my jewel-box, though I remembered perfectly having placed it there the night before ; nor was it ou thodressing table. Had it been stolen ? ; My loss troubled, nie greatly; undyet I determined not ta speak-] of it until I lnvd made a more' thorough search. After" all, my memory might be treacherous, and I had simply mislaid it. .One of ten falls into errors of that sort; Bessie was in the arawtrig room, singing a duet with Jack, when I went down stairs. She turned her head at the sound of my step, bo hind her, giving :iio a keen search ing glance, as if to allay some lurk ing doubt in her owndnind. , Apparei lly sho was satisfied with the result cf her scrutiny, for sho drew a quick breath of-relief, and took up the chorus of tho gay- little chanson she .was singiug. I leuued over her shoulder, and watched tho slender hands that slipped over the keys so gracefully. The glitter of 11 magnificent dia mond ring on one of her taper fingers instantly .attracted tny at tention. I gave j a start of recog nition. Jack saw it." , ' " Y*es, it is my ring, Margaret," he said. " How much handsomer it looks thuii it did when I it!!" ' ' Bessie Btoppol jilaying, ah ap pealing smileciirKngliertull red lips. " Mr. Thurstane has lent I it to mo uniil tomorrow," said.she, with charming lriinkness. " I jasKed him for it. I 'admire, it so jmuch fiat I had a great .desire to: wear it. I KUjipose you will say it \ras not a proper thing to'do; but there was no harm/in it, was there?" ,'I'looked ^dumbfounded ior, at least, this! is the way Irfelt. Was she so unsophisticated as she pre tended, or was her artlesaness the perfection of art? It wi^h a difficult question to answer, but I. had my cprivictious, and they were'strength : ened by a renfark Jack made to me later in the evening. " Your cousin sings gay little French airs, : Margaret^-' ho said, following mo to the balcony, where I stood gravely studying the stars. "Pretty well for an Illinois coun: try girl, isn't it?" " Nothing that Bessie may do can surprise aie now," I unawered, coldly.f. , - -.'..! ] " Or' mo, for that matterij She's | a tflerably fair intriguante. But even clever women of lior stamp overreach themselves sometimes;" Then he went his way, leaving me. to jionder upon his mystical words 5 pondjer I did until they bad buriipd^iheiaselvea into my very brain. But the riddle was noaror a solu tion than I imagined.- Bessie and I went up stairs at a later hour than usual that night. I; noticed; an indefiuabje change in tho girl when Wo wero alone to gether. Sho looked sullen and in solent ; and after lingering long enough"to takeTa hurried survey of my apartment, 'ns if she were niuk- ing a Bocret inventory of what was in it, ftho passed on to her-own room. Her sin'gularrdemeanor made me nervous; it would bu impossible to tell why I" did not feel like sleep ing after she left mo, and so, ex tinguishing my lamp, I lay down- uiion the bed without undressing. Some hours wore on. At last I"; heard a plaintive cry, like a /whip- poorwill's directly underneath my- window. But something told me no bird had uttered it. Was it a signal ? Breathless I waited. Not long. A door creaked soft ly Bessie's door. Did I see a- da-rk slfadow. flit nojselessly- out upon the landing, or was it imdgin- ation? I stolo- softly out of bed. My door was certainly ujar. Filled with misgivings, I ran to the wifidow and looked out. There was n^ moon, but tho stars shone brightly in the purple arch above; and by their glow I saw three or four fjpajcti:al-lookiag figures steil over the liivn and stealthily ap proach t!ie house. "A moment's delay, ut.d then a a window.sash went up softly. I should not hayedieitrd it at all if my senses had. ]not been ; preter- liatu.rally sharpenefl. For a few seconds afterwards I struggled, with; an inclination, to faint; then strength, and courage camo back again. ;'"' " Scarcely kuowing what I did, I caught up the lamp, lighted it, and rushed out- upon tho landing, shrieking ut the top of my voice, " Theves ! robbers ! help !" A species of niad'nesss seemed to-] possess me. The dark tigureB I had seen had, I was sure, entered the dining-room, where in a con venient closet, the family plate.was . " Nevei!" , he interrupted, gathers ing mo close. " Silly .little goose, did you third: I could ever find any Jutnes E. O'Hnr.a, (frolored), has been . nominated for Congress by the Republicans of the second die- other woina&i half so precious 3 But j trict North C'-iroline, which is I was compelled to "play my part. I strongly Republican. Who would have believed mo if I hud declared the truth at once? And I was not thoroughly convinc ed myself. I wanted time and .op-, po.rtnhity to test my suspicions." We now hd leisure ,to look around us. Three of theiburghirs wine lying on the floor; Weurely bound. One had;escaped, and;the false Bessie wijflihim." ,1 may as y^ell \etate here that the ring and qrosa-"wero eventually reepvered ; Mirft'not until several months after the events of that never-to-be-forgotten night. I. The true j Bessie Wentworth' "came to us therensiiing wek. Papa was greatly.pli^ased with her. She had the real Wentworth hair and ey;es, and he could not have picked a flaw with her if-he had tried. She ' cmained until after Jack and I were married ; and I" never had occasion to mentally ask.:myself, as I had done during the thirty-six hours', sojournt o her counterfeit, whether she was a sinner or a saint. '"...- Nothing Mean About ifpij|n " What do yon charge foirfbo'jird ?" asked a tall Green Mountain f boy, as he walked up to tho.bat of. o preserve thejeace, second-rate hotel in Now" York. " What do you ask a weelc'-foi' board and lodging?" '. " Five dollars. " " Five dollars ! that's too-much; . The English-speaking squatterain' the towiisbil>-of Tnche, in Manitoba which was set aside for the pur- - poses of French Canadian repatria tion, are lesisting the settle-ment of French Canadian rnrni'grants. The trouble with tramps , at Council Bluffs, Iowa, continues* .. PayfTes numbering -50 each, Ixiard- r.(/ a. freight train at Dillon" on Wednesday night, and the -follow ing morning ut Atlantic. Armed sr{uad3 of citizens in both cases compelled thern io Jeiye the train; ' The accoufnt of the recent dis turbances at lngersoll have been grossly exaggerated. The facts of the stabbing' case on Dominion ,' Day are, in the main,," true enough, but tho war of races which was..--' alleged to be immiuebt, the orders issued to the negroes 0 leave- town by Saturday, and subsequent sen sational reports are very wide pf the, titith. Such disturbances eta have occurred Lave been the work of a smali body of menibeps.of tho rowdy class, and the respectable citizens havo entirely held aloof from any display of hostility toT ; wards the colored ' people, or at most-have merely endeavoured ,tJ ; ii ft MB A telegram ftnn Chicago:statoa that there, hufe been published a challenge frojfif the owners pf the yacht Ina to the owners of the but 1 s'pose you allow' for thetimes i FraUe> proposing to sail three races, kept in a small sjife. 0f> course that was what .the burglars were after. '~~ ' ;.' Down stairs: 1 rushed two at a time, and bouiided into the: dining- room. A dark-lautern was flash ing its streams of light across the apartment. Right in its' glow istpod the Biife.i with two rburglara leaning over it. in the expectant attitudes from!which they had been aroused by the sound of my cries. .They seemed undecided whether to (J remain or fly. Another shrill -scream broke from me at the startling sight. In an instant I was surrounded, and:] a cold rim of steel touched my fore head, while a low re-sol if to voice Bessie's voice ; I kuew it instantly, in spite of the excitement and terror of my 'situation said in my ear, "Silence! If you. make unT other outcry, I'll, put a bullet through your brain !", ;- I felt -fi.ightened, bewildered. Wlmtdiiipper.td afterwards is not very . clear to my mind. I only- know that- there was a sudijen crashing of glass, a glare of light, curses, shots, gtpaus, and the, room was full of policemen, and a des perate struggle going on. 1 woke up presently, as if out of a lethargy, to find myself iu Juck'a arms. , "Look up, darling*" lie was saying. " Yrou aire safe negvj and all is over." f' : " Oh, Jack, Jsick !" I cried, " it is all so terrible1. Where is Bessie? Did Ii really see hci4 here with those njw ful men 1"" " '.BeSsie was an imposter," he answered, quite savagely. " She is no moro coiisiu than I am.' It was all.a part of the plot to rbb 'tho.house.. She knew of the an ticipated visit somehdw these des perate characters manage to hear everything and took your cousin's place. But I suspecteilt her from tho first I'd seen that face before, truth to tell and shrewdly guess- I am .absent -from dinner arid supper, " Certainly ; thirSy-seven and a half cents each.1' Here the cpnversationended, and the Yankee' took up his quarters for two weeks. During this time ho lodged and breakfasted at the, hotel, but dhi not take either -din ner or suppejr, saying his business detained hinj in another portion of the town. J A,t the expiration of two weeks he again walked to the bar, and sajd: S'pose we settle , that account l'm.vgoing in a few minntesi? Tile landlord banded hiin his bill: " Two weeks' board at five dol lars ten dollars." 1 -" Here, stranger," said \ the Yankee," '-' this's wrong you've not deducted the time T wis absent from dfnner and supper-i-l^'dfeys, two meals per day: 28 meals.at SJ^ cents each |oufve not got the fifty c^nts that-is due to me, I'll, take a drink and the balance in cigars. . --".-. Clippings. ing why she was here, I had the policemen ready.! " : - " But how did you know the house whs to be robbed to-night 7' He smiled. " Have yon forgotten, the ;dia- mond ring 1. Bessie os alio styled herself, meant to make sure of it, and so borrowed it for a few hours. .The infeience was' -plain the at tempt was to bo made tonight, and she thought, doubtlessly, to keep the ring,- and say nothing About it to her confederates." " And my pearl cross,! j'ack !" u sudden light breaking in upon my mind. - ' ~ j "What J" ho demandedt-sbiirply. - " You are not the onlyi loser 1" that's ail. It "all seems' so strange, so incomprehensible.! iMy" mind will .not be clear agaiii for..a month."- The Menporiites sowed eighteen thousand acres in Manitoba this year. The richest bachelor in America," is said to.be Peter Goelet, of New York, his |v.operty being estimated at'$10,000,000. ': 0'Dell,for embezzling $200 from the' Grand Trunk Railway was,- sentenced, at Stratfori on Thursday to two years iu the Penitentiary. A by-law granting.4,000 in aid of the Whitby and Bobcaygeon ex tension railway waiJ carried at Dunsford'vill'e on Thursday by a good ] majority. The class juries.at the Paris Ex hibition have reported to the group .juries. The Americans received a gteater number, of awards in pro- ^portion to thoir exhibitB than any other nation: ',. Probably: the oldest married cpiiple in' America arel Mrv~ and Mrs. Robinson, of Mountain City, wbo have lived together eighty- two years. | They are 103 andU02 years old .'respectively. Steamboat competition is brisk on Lake .Ontario this seasQn, so much so that passenger faredi.haTi'e been reduced to a minimum. ; The rate between Kingston and Toronto and return is only 6 50 for| first- class passage. The Keely Motqr Company has finally wound up its affairs. It has spent over 150,000 for abso lutely nothing. Its 20,000 shares, ,, which havo frequently tiold at the ' rate of 300 each, $100' being pur, are not now worth a cent a dozen. The h.eiU.of the sun at Wigan, in England, latek- caused the railsr on tho London and ^North-western R-iilway to twist in thefoi-m of the letter. S. JAt ono poiut the rails and. sleept-rs were moved bodily more than sion of the] each fifteen miles to windward, the" owners of tke winning.yacht io take both boats. The 6wner3 of tho Frolic now come forward wittf a proposal to the effect that the owners of the Frolic wilLback her 'against the Ina for a stake of ;?5,- 00Q a side, three races of fifteen miles to' windward and return, it toss to decide the choice of weather- for the first trial; the winner ol the fires race to choose weather for' the second, and the winner of two of the' races to . take the money. '-' The Ina came originally from To ronto, and is consideied the smart est yacht on the lakes. It 4s said that the Custom's officers in New Brunswick and Prince Edward .Island find it necia-: sary to exercise extra' vigilenee at present to prevent the manipuhv- tion of smuggling . ventures. A week or two ago tho schooner Arrow &rrived in the Gulf of St. Lawrence from Bonne Biy, with a cargo offish, which had cleared for Georgetown, P. E. I. ' In=te-d of .making direct for Georgetown the Arrow sailed arorrod tke north point of the Island and came ddwu past Ricriibucto and Shediac, and -then crossed to Charlottetown. There is a suspicion in tho, official mind that she prated with a con siderable quantity of lirpior on the north shore .of New iBruDswiek,' but where or by what crooked de vices i? not cpmniunicated to the public. Tho Arrow has been in, Moneton more than once, and waa- fecognized by a New Brunswick Custom's officer a few days ago as ^ soon* as seen. Iv. is stated Uiafc vigorous measures will be taken to stump o it smuggling wherever it' appears or wherever it is expected to rear its head.. two fife't by tho ; eacpau- .nietul , .- The 1*1, phone' has lately been suciessfull/ use.d in France to com municate" between a vessel being lowed and, the ono towing. The mm. - , , . J wire was' ,'carried, along one of the A brief sileneo fell between ur, ' hawsers, a ad circuit was completed and thefi I said, " Jack] Jiwk, for givo me;for doubting yon ! usee it] 'all eleiu'ly now. ,Yourf' allejiiince never wavered^ i . : "t through tile cpjiper on the bottoms of the shins and tho water. Con versation tinctly. pfaa ctrritd oa very dis- .' .' " , , Tlie raining fararite-A good u:b- brella that belongs to another man. ; Every body seems to think him self a moral linlf-hushei to measure the world's frailties. Elopement, marriage, twins, and divorce have happened sto an Indi ana.girl within a year. -" Time and tide wait.for no irwa," which is prodf positive that time find tide 'are .not feiiiales. It is suid that eating onions will prevent the lips from chapping. Most girls prefer the chaps. . The boy who undertook to ride a horse radish ?s now practicing o'a a saddle of mutton' The man wv.o dreamt he dnfolt in marbldbiills, woke up to 6ihI phat the clothes Iliad been'pulled [bjff. frpm him by liis wife. i When Vtnnie R-'aii) sings sho ought to make enough music for* whole camp meetinc; as it take* twenty quires to make a ream. - " The lnou^lr-^of the An izon*,'" said a prof f'ssor olgen^rap!i7 ia- . St. Louis female seiuititi-y.-' iV^ke bi^est niouth in the woild-4prcF- sent eonip.itiy always esceuAed;', "Habit"'is hard_to ovcreorafl. If yon take off the fi'-st -etter, jfc ^i^es riot change " a hit." If voii tukfc off anotlier, you atirl haT3 a " l|t" left. If you "take off still another!, tho whole of ^ if remains. If ^rou take off am ther,' it is no* ' t" totally tiseO up. All f whittll goes to shojw th-**, it yon; wish ta be rid of a" h'ibit,nyoem t thrVr it oft' altogether. V r-.'Sssa W^iyL^. ' llU.lUJlll^!llJ^g>^ tM ssK*ssa^ssa!^'~"---